Reference code: GB-0033-DCD
Title: Durham Cathedral Archive: Medieval Seals
Dates of creation: 11th - 18th centuries
Extent: Seals normally attached to documents, throughout collection
Held by: Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections
The documents to which the seals in this catalogue are attached, formed the title deeds and other muniments of the Benedictine monastery at Durham, and the private collection of the Rev. William Greenwell.
The monastic charters were originally preserved in the old treasury of the monastery situated under the dormitory at the north end of the crypt, the entrance being at the north end of the west cloister. Towards the middle of the last century they
were found to be perishing from damp and were removed from their ancient resting place and placed in a closet in the old library of the dean and chapter, the former refectory of the convent. The Rev. William Greenwell was appointed librarian of the
cathedral in the year 1863. They then came under the direct control of one who well knew their great value. He found them in much disorder, piled carelessly away without any method so that they were quite inaccessible for reference, many seals had
been irreparably damaged and some of the documents lost. He resolved to have them properly housed and arranged. At his suggestion the then dean and chapter of Durham caused the ruinous chapel of St Helen above the great gateway of the monastery to
be repaired and fitted with suitable presses and drawers for their reception. This chapel, so renovated, is now known as the treasury of the dean and chapter. The work was done from the plans and under the superintendence of Dr Greenwell who, upon
its completion, put the documents in their proper places, arranging them in their various classes.
This was the classification used in the original catalogue made by the monks and known as the Repertorium into which the royal, papal and episcopal charters were copied, as well as those relating to the property of the convent. The charters of
the sacrist, almoner and hostiller and those of the priory of Finchale were in separate catalogues.
There are also preserved in the treasury a number of deeds of the family of Claxton deposited, with the prior, for safe custody. Dr Greenwell's charters were arranged in parcels, marked with the letters of the alphabet; the contents of each
parcel being numbered consecutively.
Whilst these muniments were yet in the old treasury of the monks, the Rev. Joseph Stevenson began a catalogue of those not in the Repertorium, or the other catalogues; this he did not finish. It therefore fell to Dr Greenwell, when he had
arranged the documents, to complete the work. This he did, making at the same time descriptive notes, on slips, of the seals attached to them. It is upon these notes that the present catalogue is based. The slip catalogue was not prepared with any
intention of publication and Dr Greenwell only gave his consent to its use, by the present writer, on condition that he should examine again all important seals, or those about which there could be a possibility of error. This, so far as possible,
has been done; the descriptions have been amplified and in many cases re-written. The present writer is therefore alone responsible for the work as now printed. It should be noted that the catalogue does not contain a description of every seal in
the treasury; it omits as of no interest, either artistic or historic, those of a common type. Possibly a few worthy of record have been missed, some of these, that the writer found by chance, are contained in the supplement nos. 3745-3755.
Early history of seals
The documents range in date from the last quarter of the eleventh to the middle of the sixteenth centuries. During this period sealing, either by affixture or by suspension, was the ordinary process of authenticating documents and of closing them
so that their contents might be kept private. Both these uses of seals come down from remote antiquity.
To trace this in any detail would take us too far afield, it must suffice to say that the use of seals, both for authenticating and closing, descends, in unbroken succession, from the cylindrical seals of Assyria and Babylon and the cone-shaped
ones of Persia and the Sassanians, through the scarabs of the Egyptians and Etruscans, to Greece. There in the earliest ages the scarab and scaraboid forms were used, but by the fourth century B.C. the Greeks had evolved from them the beautiful
works of art, engraved on thin slices of precious stones or pebbles, cut to fit the bezel of a finger ring, known to us as engraved gems. In this form, either from Greece or Asia Minor, the seal passed to the Romans with whom the impression of the
signet (signum) was an essential part of the authentication of a document, but the signatures of the parties to the deed were also required and these eventually superseded the use of the signet for this purpose, though it continued to be used for
closing or securing a document. In the dark ages, owing to the increase of illiteracy, a mark attested by witnesses was affixed in place of the signature and a cross, being easily made, was its most usual shape. The Frankish kings of the Merovingian
race, in addition to the cross or sometimes a monogram, affixed a signet to their acts, thus forming the connecting link between the use of the signet by the Romans and its revival as a seal in mediaeval times. They used a signet of rude and
barbarous design showing a full faced bust of the king surrounded by lettering giving his name and title. When the Carolingian kings succeeded to power they subscribed with a plain cross but used a new type of seal made from the impressions of an
ancient engraved gem and without a surrounding legend.
Charlemagne introduced a monogram of his name made round a cross and sealed with an engraved gem of the head of Marcus Aurelius with the legend in form of a prayer Charlemagne introduced a monogram of his name made round a cross and sealed with
an engraved gem of the head of Marcus Aurelius with the legend in form of a prayer
He used another seal for judicial purposes, also an engraved gem representing Serapis, but without a legend. His
successors used similar gems, with monogram subscription, until the emperor Otto I (962-973) changed the motive by using a portrait bust of himself holding the imperial insignia and surrounded with a legend giving his name and title. The next change
was made on his fifth seal by the emperor Otto II (996) who first used the type known later as the seal of majesty; it depicts the emperor robed and crowned, seated on his throne holding a cross sceptre in his right hand and an orb in his left, the
legend giving his name and title. His successor Henry II used a like seal. Henry I (1031-1060) of France, following this example, used a very similar seal; but all had only a single face. It has been necessary to trace, thus briefly, the use of
seals from Roman times through those used by the emperors and the Frankish kings because in England we have no evidence of their use before the time of Edward the Confessor. Two earlier seals, one attributed to Offa, king of Mercia (790) and the
other to Edgar, King of England (959), catalogued by Douët D'Arcq, have been conclusively shown by Mr W.H. Stevenson to be forgeries. With St Edward (1043-66) begins the history of English seals. His first seal, used c.1053, shows the king, robed
and crowned, seated on his throne holding the royal insignia, the surrounding legend giving his name and title. The design is evidently derived from that of the emperors or of Henry I of France, for with both Edward had considerable connection.
Unlike its prototypes Edward's seal was a pendant seal, having two faces, an obverse and a reverse. This appears to be his own invention, probably suggested by the double-faced papal bull. William the Conqueror adopted the type of majesty for the
obverse of his seal, but on the reverse he had the happy inspiration of representing himself, on horseback and fully armed, as Duke of Normandy. This two-faced type, with the needful changes in costume and armour remains, through all the
vicissitudes of the royal titles and possessions, that used by all our sovereigns from the Conquest to the present time. The double-faced type was not adopted by the kings of France till Louis VII (1137-80) who, being duke of Aquitaine in right of
his wife Eleanor, used the type of majesty on the obverse, and the equestrian type as duke on the reverse.
The emperors did not adopt the style till Sigismund (1433). Such a briefest outline is the history of seals before the foundation of the Benedictine house at Durham, by bishop William of St Calais, 1083. Before this time the possession of seals
was confined to the King and the higher ranks of the nobles and clergy, but by the end of the eleventh century their use had become more general until, by the thirteenth century, almost everybody possessed one, even down to the humble peasant,
artificer and tradesman for, by then, sealing was practically the only method used in England for authenticating documents.
The use by private persons of a notarial act drawn up by a notary public, attested by him and authenticated by his mark, was never very general in England. There are a few charters thus authenticated at Durham dating from 1321 - 1420, all of them
deeds of the Archbishops of York (see also
Proc. Soc. Ant. Newcastle , 3 ser. VII, p.56).
Persons who did not possess seals, or had not them to hand when needed, used those of people of importance, or well known official seals. The attestation clause always mentions such usage. Sometimes for the greater authentication of a document a
public and official seal is used in addition to the grantor's private one. So William of Durham, sheriff and alderman of London, uses in addition to his own seal, that of the mayoralty of London for its greater security and witness (
majorem securitatem et testimonium).
The study of seals
The earliest mediaeval seals are roughly engraved and barbarous in design; there is little improvement till the coming of the thirteenth century brings with it a new art plain, and unpretentious, firm of line, natural and restrained in expression
but full of grace and charm, proportion and form are its distinctive qualities. With the advent of the fourteenth century comes an increase of decoration, the simplicity of the earlier art gives place to a more elaborate, possibly a more superficial
style. This was the period of elaborate architectural sculpture shown on the seals in canopied niches with crockets and finials and all the rich tracery of fine tabernacle work. Some of the seals of this period have a fineness of detail and beauty
of decoration unsurpassed in any other art. The next period carries the decorative tendency to greater excess and elements of decay appear. then comes the Renascence and the Reformation, we pass from the traditions of mediaeval art, classical
influence predominates, and the art of the mediaeval seal engravers is lost.
Small signets take the place of seals, the wheel has gone full circle and in the sixteenth century we return to the signet ring as used by the Romans and the Carolingian kings. From the artistic side they have no interest. But the study of seals
is not only nor mainly the study of the evolution and decay of an art, they are something more than interesting and beautiful works of art; they are original and dated monuments, an integral part of the document they authenticate and inseparable
from it. They are of a definite date and of known locality, a personal and prized possession of their owner; made under his direction, a portrait of himself as he most wished to be depicted, reflecting his culture, his tastes and sometimes even his
playful fancies.
In short, the study of seals is a legitimate, useful and interesting branch of archaeology, it is one of the smaller studies auxiliary to history, serving, so to speak as a beautiful, though at times rather frivolous, handmaiden to the stately
lady whom the Greeks called Clio. For the study of genealogy, armorials and the history of costume their help is invaluable for on them we can follow almost from year to year the vagaries of 'that deformed thief fashion'. In episcopal vestments and
ornaments we can trace the gradual evolution of the mitre and crosier, the varying shapes and embroidery of the chasuble and amice, the use and abandonment of the rationale, the form of the maniple and the other mass vestments, whilst the dress worn
by the clergy, whether regulars or seculars, can be clearly seen in the many seals of abbots, priors, archdeacons and others. For the early details of knightly armour there is no better guide; on the fine series of equestrian seals the knight
appears completely armed as he went to battle or, later, with his crested heaume, his emblasoned shield, surcoat and horse trappings, as he flashed through the lists at the stately and brilliant ceremonial of the tournament. For such details seals
are more to be trusted than other authorities such as miniatures, painted glass, or monumental effigies. These are all apt to be of a set pattern and fashioned in the regular attitudes demanded by custom, they have not the life and variety shown on
the seals, they are not of such definite date nor have they the personality of the seal.
From seals too we can best realise the beauty of the art of the early heralds. Their certainty of date and ownership is an invaluable help to the study of its growth and varying styles of ornament. On them also we can trace the various
differences used by members of the same family, or learn the alliances and feudal connections of different families. They form indeed, apart from the few early blasoned rolls of arms, almost the only original guide to its study; it is to the greater
knowledge of seals gathered in recent years that we owe the restoration of this beautiful little art to its former high standing, and its cleansing from the foolish imaginings of the Tudor and Stuart heralds.
For the every day dress of the man in the street they are also useful for on them he is shown labouring at the work he has laboured to do under the sun, with his proper tools and utensils. The housewife shows her distaff; the lady of high degree
pictures herself in her ceremonial gown or clothed in armorial robes blasoned with her husband's and her father's arms, or again in hunting dress goes hawking, her 'Fawcun gentil' on her wrist. For the student of mediaeval architecture they can also
be of use; the many pictures of towns, churches, castles, and monasteries, are conventional and lack perspective but they can give hints, which, in the absence of other knowledge, are of great value. They can also be used profitably for studying the
shape and build of ancient ships, their sails, their rigging and fighting arrangements. The historian working upon the documents will also find a knowledge of seals helpful; to be able to distinguish between an authentic or a forged seal will help
to decide the authenticity or otherwise of a charter, he will also find that the seal may help to interpret a document, it may supplement the deed by giving the grantor's name in full which the document only gives as an initial, or it may give
fuller details of the parties' titles and fiefs.
The seal matrix
The word 'seal' is more properly used to denote the die or matrix by which an impression is made in relief upon wax or some other ductile material. It is, however, loosely used to denote both the die and impression; it is in the latter sense that
it is generally used in this paper. The seal matrix consists normally of a deeply incised central design surrounded by a border upon which the letters forming the legend are engraved. The greater number of the seals at Durham are made from the
impression of a metal matrix. These were commonly of bronze or of an alloy called latten, the higher ranks used silver and lead was often the metal used by poorer people. Matrices of jet, ivory and hard stone are occasionally, but rarely, met with,
whilst impressions from ancient or mediaeval engraved gems are fairly common. The metal matrix had usually a ridge across the back for holding it whilst sealing, and also a hole or ring through the ridge for suspending it. Some have the backs very
beautifully chased.
These seals were carefully guarded and great care was taken to prevent loss or breakage or their fraudulent use by unauthorised persons. The seals of civil and religious corporations were the subject of stringent regulations for their care and
use. The Statute of Carlisle (1306) enacted that every abbey must have a common seal which was to be kept in the custody of the prior and four of the most worthy and discreet men of the house so that the abbot may not establish anything for himself.
At Newburgh priory the common seal was to be kept under four keys, three of which were to be in the custody of three of the oldest and wisest brethren, whilst the prior kept the fourth; documents were only to be sealed with it in the presence and
with the consent of the whole convent in chapter assembled. This was the general rule for the keeping and use of seals of monasteries and similar common seals.
The Statute merchant seals of the towns were to be kept locked in a box under the seals of the mayor and two constables. Many other similar regulations might be given but these are sufficient to show how carefully seals were guarded. They were
made by goldsmiths of whose work or names little appears to have survived though they must have been masters of their art. The name of only one of them, and the costs of some of the seals of the priors of Durham appear in the account rolls (
Durham account rolls , S.S. 100, p. 539; p. 631. The bursar's roll of 1456-7 accounts for 21s. 8d. paid to Joss, the goldsmith, for making the seals of prior John Burnaby (1446- 56))
When for any reason a seal ceased to be valid it was customary either to break it into pieces or to deface it. The seals of the bishops of Durham were broken for it is recorded in the 'Ornamenta Willelmi episcopi primi' that 'Audita morte istius,
statim fracta fuerunt ejus sigilla et sancto Cuthberto oblata', a similar statement is made about those of many of his successors.
The further fate of the four seals of bishop Richard of Bury is known to us; we are told that, after they had been broken and offered as an oblation to St Cuthbert, Richard of Wolveston the feretrar, made from them a silver gilt chalice, for the
altar of St John Baptist, upon which was inscribed:
Hic ciphus insignis fit Praesulis ex tetra signis
Ri. Dunelmensis quarti, natu Byriensis.
Likewise the seals of bishop Thomas of Hatfield were, after being broken and offered, made into a silver gilt image of the bishop which was hung at the head of the shrine of St Cuthbert, upon it was inscribed: 'John Alvervilla monachus capiendo
sigilla ex Hatfeld Thomae sic disponit bene pro me'. Similarly the seals of the abbots of St Albans were recorded to have been broken 'on the day of his (ie the abbot's) burial it [the great seal] must be brought out before all the people, after
high mass to be broken with a hammer' (see
Wills and Inventories, p. 1; 26; 37). The comparative rarity of mediaeval matrices shows that the innumerable ones belonging to private persons must also have been usually destroyed.
Material and colour of the seal
The only material which need concern us here is beeswax, for it is of wax that all the seals at Durham are made, though they vary greatly in composition, thickness and colour. There are numerous entries in the Durham account rolls for wax and
other materials for sealing. In 1330 the bursar pays 12d. for 'terbentyn' for making wax for the seal of the lord prior; in 1336 the same official pays 20d. for 'gumme' (? resin) for making green wax; in 1300-1 3s. is paid for 3lbs. of 'gumme' and
1/2lb. of vermilion; whilst in 1386 2s. is paid for 1lb. of 'vergresse' (verdigris). There are also entries in which green wax is purchased apparently ready prepared for sealing. In 1336 42s. is paid to the under sheriff of York for it and in the
four years 1375-78, 13s. 4d. is paid each year to the sheriff of Northumberland for 'le Grenwax'; from which it seems as if this material was a government monopoly at that time. Payments for red wax are also numerous, a typical one is in 1356- 7
when the 'wardrobe' accounts for 2s. spent on 1lb. of red wax for the prior's seal (
Durham account rolls , pp. 518, 533, 503, 575).
The earliest seals are of natural coloured wax apparently mixed with a chalky material which makes them friable and easily broken, they are usually varnished over to preserve them. This is the colour and material used in the great seals of the
kings of the Norman race, at Durham. With the accession of the house of Anjou there is a change; different types of documents are differently sealed as though the royal chancery was becoming more organised. The charter of Henry II to the monks of
Durham 'de omnibus terris et libertatibus', given at York, is sealed with reddy brown wax fastened to the document by a number of thin unplaited cords of bobbin. Another charter of the great Angevin, of less importance also given at York to the
Durham monks, is sealed with white varnished wax attached by a double strip of parchment. A third document of this king, of the nature of a letter patent, though not so called, is written on a narrow strip of a parchment and the seal of white wax
attached by a strip partially cut off the document itself. Richard Coeur de Lion is the first, at Durham, to use green wax for sealing. His successors John and Henry III use green wax, attached by cords of woven silk of different colours, to their
formal charters and seals of light brown wax, attached to the documents by strips partially cut off it, to letters patent.
Edward I continues this style of sealing which is also followed by succeeding kings to Henry VI after whom at Durham, green wax disappears and brown only is used, sometimes almost white, sometimes of a deep rich colour. Except for privy seals and
signets (of which later) no red wax is used for the royal seals at Durham.
The episcopal seals of the bishops of Durham give much the same colour results; from Flambard (1099) to Puiset (1153) natural coloured wax, covered with brown varnish, is used. Puiset first uses green but most of his are still of natural wax but
unvarnished. Richard Marsh (1217) is the first to use red, and his immediate successors use brown, green and red, apparently indiscriminately, though green predominates. The beautiful late thirteenth century seals of Bek, and the fourteenth century
ones of Beaumont, Bury and Hatfield, are mostly of red wax of a very fine, hard nature. The chancery seals of the bishopric, except Hatfield's which is red, are nearly always brown, the earlier ones are of a light shade and have a considerable
mixture of chalky material and are in consequence very friable; the later ones are of a deep rich tone of brown, or, more rarely, dark green. In the fifteenth century some seals are impressed on a thin facing of red or other coloured wax placed in a
naturally coloured cup giving a pretty effect. This fashion is well represented in the seals of Berwickshire and on a very beautiful deed of the seals of the Elvet family. It does not, however, seem that the colour of the wax used had any
significance, it appears to have been largely a matter of fashion or individual taste and convenience.
The only evidence of method in the use of colours apparent in the seals at Durham is the above mentioned use by the royal chancery of green for formal charters, brown for less formal documents, and of red for privy seals and signets.
Shape and size of seals
There are two typical shapes of mediaeval seals; the round used by laymen of all ranks, and the oval used by ladies and ecclesiastics, but to this last there are many exceptions. No symbolic meaning attaches to this shape, it was used because the
artist found it the most convenient to contain the standing figures used both by ladies and by the clergy. Some of the episcopal seals of the eleventh and twelfth centuries, which depict only a demi figure of the bishop, are round and so are many of
the seals of ladies which do not show a standing figure of their owner; examples of these are in the catalogue.
The earlier ecclesiastical seals are nearly a true oval, but this gradually becomes elongated until it assumes the beautiful pointed oval form of the fourteenth century, which returns to the truer oval shape in the sixteenth. Other shapes, more
or less rare, are sometimes found such as shield shaped, hexagonal, octagonal, lozenge shaped, quatrefoiled and square. Examples of each of these are to be found in the catalogue chiefly in small seals and signets.
The thickness varies greatly, the earlier seals are rather thick, flat on the face and the back spherical, in an attempt to secure permanence by bulk. A seal of the chapter of York is like an egg cut in half along its longer axis and measures 30
millimetres through. With the use of harder better mixed material they became thinner and the use of a counterseal did away with the rounded backs. Some of the hard red wax seals of the fourteenth century are less than a millimetre in thickness. The
earliest of the royal seals were from 70 to 80 mm. in diameter; succeeding sovereigns gradually increased the size until in the second seal of Elizabeth they reached the unwieldy size of 140mm.
The equestrian seals of the nobles followed the same course until, towards the end of the thirteenth century, the use of armorial seals caused a diminution in size, the end of the fifteenth century brought the general use of small signets,
usually worn in a finger ring, of only from 13 to 20mm. in diameter and so in size returning to the style of the Romans and of the Carolingian kings.
Speaking generally the size of the seal indicated the importance of its owner; thus the royal seals were larger than those of the nobles and they again than those of the gentry. Episcopal seals were larger than those of archdeacons or other
officials, whilst those of abbots and priors were larger than those of their obedientiaries. The seals of sons were smaller than those of their fathers. Thus the seal of prince Edward measures 80mm. in diameter whilst that of his father Henry III
measures 98mm; the seal of Patrick, son of Patrick Earl of Dunbar is of 55mm., his father's being 72mm. It was considered one of the proofs of the treasonable aspirations of Earl Thomas of Lancaster that he used a great seal (122mm.) larger than
that of the king (98mm.).
Methods of attachment and protection
Great care was used in fastening seals to documents so that they could not easily be lost or wilfully detached. A charter without its seal was invalid and a detached seal might be, and indeed sometimes was, used upon a forged charter. The
earliest mediaeval seals were affixed to the face of the document, the wax was rivetted through a cross shaped incision cut in the parchment and the device impressed on the face but this method was too early to be represented in this catalogue.
Before the date of the foundation of the convent of Durham sealing by suspension had become general so the earliest seals there are fastened by partly cutting off a strip of the parchment, from the lower edge of the document, upon which the seal
was fixed. Seals of the early bishop's to the time of Hugh Puiset are fastened to this strip through their shorter axis, and the early round seals horizontally, so that they appear upright when reading the document.
Another method, which came into general use nearly as early, was to cut an incision in the fold of the parchment at the foot of the deed, to pass a narrow strip of parchment or leather through this, then to affix the seal upon the two loose ends.
Both these methods were used all through the period covered by this catalogue and by either it was possible to fix several seals to one deed.
The number of seals fastened to one charter was sometimes considerable, at Durham the greatest number I have found is thirty eight which are affixed, at right angles to the script, by strips partially cut off. These strips, both the single and
double, were also sometimes used to write the names of the sealers upon above the place where their seals were placed. From about the end of the twelfth century silk and wool cords of various colours were used by the higher ranks for their more
important charters. These cords are either loose from the skein, or woven into round cords of varying thickness or in ribbon form; cords of different colours were often plaited together producing very pleasing effects.
The royal seals, at Durham, from William Rufus to Stephen, are all attached either by single or double strips of parchment. In the earlier examples these strips are passed diagonally through the seal. Henry II is the first whose seals are
attached by woven cords, which are used by his successors, generally red and green plaited together, to important charters sealed with green wax, to the documents of less importance (letters patent) the seals of whitey-brown wax are invariably
attached by a single strip of the parchment.
The great seals in chancery of the palatinate of Durham are also usually attached by finely woven cords of silk (usually of one colour only: the later seals of the archbishops of York are attached by cords of two colours, blue and green, red and
blue, or purple and green). In many of the private charters this care of beauty as well as safety is evidenced; a deed of William fitz William dated 1386 has the armorial seal impressed on a facing of red contained in a cup of natural wax and
attached by a finely woven ribbon of lustrous light blue silk, 9mm. wide. The Elvet deed, before mentioned, has the seals on a facing of black in beds of white wax attached by woven round silk cords of black and white plaited together; it is a noble
deed beautifully written and the seals are intentionally used to embellish it further.
It should here be said that when there are numerous seals to one document they were attached according to the precedence of the parties, usually the most important is placed at the bottom left hand corner of the document, the other parties of
lesser degree follow in order to the right hand corner. Sometimes the most important is placed in the middle, the others arranged on either side in their due order of importance and various means were adopted for this purpose. The earlier suspended
seals were often thick masses of wax convex on its face so leaving a cup-shaped impression on the wax, the edges of which stood above the central device. This type ceased after the early twelfth century, probably because the surrounding legend was
difficult to cut or to read when impressed. Another way was to impress the seal on a layer of coloured wax enclosed in a cup of hard natural wax, the sides of which were thick, and rose well above the impression - walling it in as it were.
There are no seals at Durham contained in boxes except some of the fifteenth century Italian ones, which are enclosed in boxes of iron or of wood the exact shape of the seal they contain; judging by the Durham seals this method does not seem to
have been used in this country in mediaeval times. Seals were also occasionally sewn up in bags of silk, canvas or parchment, or wrapped in cotton wool. There are examples of each in the treasury, but the effect was disastrous as the seals so
treated have entirely perished, nothing but a few broken fragments remaining. Signets of the fifteenth century and later were surrounded by a twisted straw or by threads of silk or cord to prevent them being rubbed by the folding of the document. So
far as the Durham collection is concerned, all these methods are exceptional; by far the greater number of the seals there are unprotected in any way, except by the careful folding of the documents and their storage in properly made presses and
drawers. In our temperate climate other protection was not so needful as in warmer countries.
Types of seals
Royal seals
The type of seal used in the royal chancery, and known as the king's seal (sigillum regis) or the seal of majesty (sigillum majestatis) and later, upon the introduction of the 'small seals', as the 'great seal' had become established on the seal
of William the Conqueror. Thenceforward, though the costume and armour change with the changing fashions, the legends alter with the alterations of the sovereigns' titles and dominions, the type remains the same; on the obverse the king robed and
crowned seated in majesty upon his throne; on the reverse on horseback, fully armed as leader of his army.
There is a splendid series of these seals in our English kings at Durham, from William Rufus to Charles I, as well as many of the kings of Scotland from Edgar II to James I. They make a valuable commentary upon our national history, greater from
the greater trueness to life and larger size than the aid that can be derived from coins or medals. As the royal administration became more centralised and complex, more than one seal was found to be necessary, especially for the exchequer, during
the frequent absences of the king with his chancellor and seal.
We therefore find that by the time of Henry II there was a seal for exchequer business, kept in the exchequer and distinct from that which accompanied the king in his journeyings. This was at first probably a duplicate of the great seal though
possibly smaller, but by the time of Henry III, a special exchequer seal had developed distinct in motive and in legend from the great seal. The earliest perfect example of this type is no. 3029 in this catalogue. It is there used by Edward I but
there can be small doubt that it is the same seal that Henry III used, with the legend only altered. This can be seen by comparing the equestrian figure on the obverse with the same on the great seal of Henry III (no. 3025), they are almost
identical. It is also very similar to the figure of Edward himself on his seal as prince during his father's lifetime. The shield of arms on the reverse is typically of mid-thirteenth century date and is practically the same as the reverse of prince
Edward's seal. It was this type which all the later exchequer seals followed.
The next of the royal seals to come into use was the privy seal that is the secret (secretum) or private seal of the king. This instrument originated for use in the king's household when the personal attendance of the chancellor, with the great
seal, upon the king had become difficult if not impossible. It became the seal of the 'Wardrobe' kept in the custody of the wardrobe clerks. There was soon (c.1350) an office of the privy seal, forming a new department of state, its keeper
eventually becoming an important minister. There is only one example of this type in the catalogue and that as late as Henry VI but it had come into use certainly by the time of John, possibly even earlier. It should be noted that John, when Earl of
Mortain, used a counterseal which from its legend - SECRETUM JOHANNIS - may well have been used as his later privy seal of which there is no known example, nor is there an impression extant of that of Henry III. Its motive is however known, for,
when in 1242 Henry was about to go into Gascony, he ordered that, during his absence, 'The king's writs ... shall be sealed with the seal which was formerly at the exchequer ... Writs of the exchequer shall be sealed in the meanwhile with a certain
privy seal of the king with a shield of the king's arms and with the circumscription of the exchequer seal'. This seems to mean a seal similar to, if not identical with, the reverse of no. 3029.
The difficulty of identifying it with this is the legend and the size; even if one reads the word 'circumscription' to mean circumference one has still to face the difficulty of its large size, three inches compared with the one inch diameter of
the privy seal of Edward I.
It can only definitely be said that Henry III possessed a privy seal and that it was charged with a shield of his arms. This was the motive of that of Edward I and, arguing from the similarity of his great seals to those of his father, it does
not seem probable that any great change in style would be made by Edward for his privy seal. From his time, at least, the type was settled; it is that of a single faced seal charged with an armorial shield, the legend stating it to be the secretum
of the king.
These seals seem first to have been affixed to a strip cut off the document as pendent seals in which case a narrower strip was also sometimes cut off by which the folded document could be secured. This strip was possibly sealed with a small
signet to secure it but of this no proof remains. By later custom the privy seal was used itself to close the document, being affixed on the outside of the folded paper - 'en placard'. By this method a strip of paper was passed through two incisions
cut in the folded document and the loose ends fastened beneath the wax, so that the letter could only be opened by either breaking the wax or cutting the strip at the back. The letter of Henry VI at the treasury is so secured by his privy seal. By
the time of Edward III the privy seal had become a public administrative office and ceased to be available for the use of the court. A new private seal then came into use called a signet; it was smaller than the privy seal but, like it, armorial in
motive. The earliest royal signet at present known to me is that of Richard II but they were probably in use much earlier than this.
In France as early as 1312 Philip the Fair used one called 'notre plus secret signet'. They were used to close folded documents in the same manner as the privy seal described above. Other types of royal seals contained in the catalogue do not
require more comment than has already been made in the notes. It is sufficient here to name the seal of Edward I for Scotland, the seals of the courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas, for the palatinate of Durham
vacante, for the duchy of Lancaster and the seal of Henry VIII 'ad causas ecclesiasticas'.
Ecclesiastical seals
Only the higher ranks of the clergy used seals in the eleventh and twelfth centuries; it was not until well into the thirteenth century that they were used by them generally. The legatine constitutions of Otto issued 1237 no doubt caused a great
increase in their use; the part concerning the use of seals by the clergy is of considerable interest for the history of this type, and reads as follows:
Since there is no employment of notaries in England, in consequence of which it is very necessary to have recourse to authentic seals, we decree, in order that there may easily be plenty of them, that not only archbishops and bishops, but also
their officials, shall have a seal; also abbots, priors, deans, archdeacons and their officials, rural deans, and chapters of cathedral churches, and all other colleges, and convents, together with their rulers or severally according to their custom
or statute. To ensure, further, the variety of each of the aforesaid, let each several person have as his seal the name, say, of the dignity, office or college, and also the proper name of such as enjoy the honour of the dignity or perpetual office,
engraved with clear marks and characters: and so shall they have an authentic seal. Lastly, those who shall undertake temporal office, such as rural deans and officials, shall when their office is over, resign their seal, which should have only the
name (of the office) engraved upon it, forthwith and without delay to him of whom they hold the office. We verily charge that diligent care be taken of the custody of seals; to wit, that each single person shall take care of his seal by himself or
commit it to the keeping of one person only in whose faith he trusts; who also shall swear to guard it faithfully and grant it to no one for sealing anything, nor even he himself shall seal with it anything from which prejudice may be engendered to
anyone, without that his principal shall read it beforehand and inspect it carefully and so order it to be sealed. In making use of the seal, there shall be faithful and prudent precaution - and fraudulent persons may be utterly denied. At the
beginning, also, or at the end of each authentic writing we ordain that the sufficient date of date time and place be inserted.
Ecclesiastical seals, broadly speaking, are all of the same general type and follow similar lines of development. The earliest are round, depicting only a demi figure of their owner (of these there is none at Durham) but by the eleventh century
they were usually an elongated oval, which gradually assumed the graceful narrow pointed shape, this, in the sixteenth century Renascence seals, returned again to the early oval form. The most important section of ecclesiastical seals is that of
bishops, generally known as their seals of dignity; they show the bishop standing blessing and holding his crosier, vested in full pontificalia. The history of episcopal vestments could almost be written from a study of these seals. They represent
the bishop as he himself wished to be shown, in his most solemn moments, and faithfully reproduce his ceremonial vestments.
In the notes to the long series of the seals of the bishops of Durham I have pointed out the changes in the vestments and noted the gradual change in the motive of their seals. They begin with the unadorned seal of Ranulph and his successors to
the beginning of the thirteenth century, then they change gradually by the addition of canopies, flanking saints, architectural niches with tabernacle work and armorial shields until, by the middle of the fourteenth century, the patron saints of the
church are predominant whilst the bishop, kneeling beneath adores them. Sometimes the bishop's shield of arms represents the kneeling figure. The 'ad causas' or business seals of the bishops are of the same type as the seal of dignity, though of
considerably less size, and follow in the main the motive and development of that seal. They were in use from the beginning of the thirteenth till towards the end of the sixteenth century. At Durham the first is that of Richard of Bury, the latest
that of Robert Neville.
The bishops of Durham, as lords palatine, had a chancellor and chancery of their own where their writs and charters were sealed with their great seals in the same way as royal writs were sealed. Their type is the same as that of their royal
prototype though they are of smaller size as befits the lesser potentate; on the obverse the lord bishop is seated upon his throne in full pontificalia; on the reverse he is on horseback armed cap-a-pie as the military leading of the men of the
palatinate. They begin with the episcopate of Hatfield (1345) and continue till Tunstall (1559), the last preserved in the treasury, with which alone this catalogue deals. I have annotated them fully in the notes upon each seal and, as they are
adequately illustrated, it seems needless to write more upon them here.
The seals of the officials of the bishop are also a pointed oval in shape and being used by inferior dignitaries are smaller again than the ad causas seals. They are alike in type, representing stories from the Bible, or Our Lady and the Christ
child, or the great Durham saints Cuthbert and Oswald. The legend states the office or official for which the seal was made, or by whom it was used. Seals of archdeacons and their officials follow generally the same type and range in size from 38 to
70mm. along their longer axis. The earliest at Durham is that of Hugh Sotevagina on which he is depicted robed and seated bearing a rod in one hand and the textus in the other.
The later seals follow almost exactly the line of development that we have already noted for the seals of dignity of the bishops, though armorial shields do not appear upon the Durham series till that of Neville. There are a few of them which,
leaving the beaten track, show a more original design; those of William of Beverley, Alan of Lynn, and of the officiality of the archdeacon of Durham are instances in point.
The numerous seals of canons and the lesser clergy generally are almost impossible to classify, they vary as greatly as do the seals of laymen, their only outstanding characteristic is that they are usually oval in shape and the motive most often
a religious one. The seals of hospitals, colleges and collegiate churches, as a rule, represent their patron saint or founder, the legend giving their name and dedication.
The Statute of Carlisle (1306) before mentioned, made it compulsory for every abbey to have a common seal, but many of them had seals long before that date. That of Durham priory, the oldest in the catalogue, dates probably, before the foundation
of the Benedictine house there, and there are numerous eleventh and twelfth century monastic seals comprised in it. Monastic seals do not, as a rule, follow the regular development in motive that has been noted on episcopal and other individual
ecclesiastical seals. Just as the popes used always the dull and barbarous device representing SS Peter and Paul on their bulls, so we find many convents, either from pride in their antiquity or from that conservatism and dislike of change innate in
all corporate bodies, using the same seal from early times all through their history. The simple cross paty of St Cuthbert, with the very early legend, was so used by the great house of Durham; the equally great house of St Albans used a rude and
archaic figure of the protomartyr. The crudely designed seated figure of Our Lady used by the Austin canons of Guisborough also clearly dates back to the time of their foundation.
This type of seal does not conform so invariably to the oval shape, many of them are round. Nor are their motives greatly varied, they depict usually the patron saint or saints of the convent. There are the fine series of the Cistercians and
Austin canons representing Our Lady with the Christ child of which the best known and most beautiful are those of Merton priory and Oseney abbey; or the earlier Benedictine ones of Lindores and Kelso. There are St Peter and St Paul of Brinkburn, St
Mary and St Oswin of Tynemouth, St Agatha of Easby, St Mary Magdalen of Lanercost, St Nicholas of Drax, St Bartholomew and St Guthlac of Croyland, St Edmund of Edmundsbury, St John of Helaugh, St German of Selby and many others. Some, such as that
of Evesham, represent legends of their foundation, whilst another series uses for seal a representation of their church, like those of St Andrew's priory. The vested arm of the abbot holding his crosier in his hand, issuing from the side of the
seal, is a not uncommon motive. The seals of abbots and priors are similar to those of bishops; they are of about the same size and shape. The earlier ones represent their owner in monastic dress standing, full face, with the textus in his hands,
or, if he be a mitred abbot or prior, he stands arrayed in full pontificalia. The decoration of the seal, such as the introduction of saints, architectural niches and armorials, follows the same line of development we have already traced on those of
bishops and archdeacons. There are also certain seals common to the abbot and the convent but they do not differ, except in the legend, from the general type.
Equestrian seals
The earliest seals of laymen were of well defined type called equestrian, they show their owner, in full armour, mounted on his war horse as he went to battle. They date from the later half of the eleventh century and no doubt derived their
motive from the reverse of the royal seals, indeed, the only two of this early date at Durham are those of William Rufus and Duncan II.
This type in the twelfth century was of considerable size, those of Alan and Conan of Brittany are larger than the contemporary royal great seals. The tendency was to lessen this inconvenient size; and during the thirteenth century the average is
from 55 to 65mm. in diameter. One delightful example of the type (1270) has a diameter of only 22mm.; one of the mid fourteenth century date is 26mm, but these are exceptions, by far the greater number are considerably larger. There is only once
exception to the round form at Durham, that namely of William Thorp, which is oval, the result from the artistic standpoint is not pleasing. Those of early date are rough in execution, rude and archaic in design, but as time passes they become more
natural and the type clearer. The knight is clothed to his knees in a hauberk of mail, he wears a pointed helmet with nasal and bears on his left arm a long kite shaped shield, with rounded top and pointed base, showing the inside; in his right hand
he brandishes a long and heavy sword, or sometimes the greater nobles bear a lance with pennon, or are shown on one side of the seal with a sword, on the other with a spear.
Towards the middle of the twelfth century the helmet becomes more rounded and the shield shorter, concave in shape, often with a central boss from which bars radiate to the constructional border, it is usually held, suspended by a strap so that
it appears in profile. It is in the last half of this century that armorials first appear on shields. The early years of the thirteenth century bring great changes; then comes the great cylindrical war helm, flat topped and visored; over the mail
hauberk a loose and flowing surcoat is worn, at first undecorated but very soon embroidered with armorials. The shield is smaller and held almost full-faced thus allowing its armorial changes to be better seen; the horse receives housings, plain and
loose flowing, but soon also covered with armorials and sometimes taking the form of a stiff and heavy caparison. In the early fourteenth century the loose armorial surcoat gives place to the tight fitting short skirted jupon, and crests become the
ordinary adornment of the conical shaped heaume which is protected at the back by dagged edge mantling and often surrounded by a crest coronet or wreath. These fashions can best be seen, in the Durham collection, on the reverse of the royal great
seals or on the like seals of the lords palatine of Durham. Except for these two classes equestrian seals ceased to be used towards the end of the fourteenth century, they then gave place almost entirely to the smaller armorial seals.
From the artistic side the best period for this type, as for others, is the later thirteenth and early fourteenth centuries; then the rider and his horse are real and life like - a warrior and a war horse ready for battle or for the mimic warfare
of the tourney; later the treatment becomes artificial - lay figures clothed in ceremonial costume, thus their historic and artistic interest passes.
Armorial seals
The motive of this type is a shield of arms and its accessories. There are some seals armorial in spirit, but, as they do not display a shield of arms, they cannot be placed in this section. Some interesting examples depict badges, canting or
other, which later, formed the armorial bearings of their owners. The earliest shield of arms appears on the equestrian type shortly after the middle of the twelfth century and armorial seals soon followed. It is this type that is of importance to
the genealogist historian or herald, and not less so to those who delight in the beautiful mediaeval art of heraldry. Not only does it share with other types a comparative certainty of origin and date, but the devices show their owners' arms as they
themselves used them and desired them to be represented, they give the differences used by cadet branches. Their impalements, quarterings and groupings show family relationships and alliances; the charges on the shield often tell of blood connection
or feudal dependence. For the herald, from their personal character and known date, they are the earliest and most authentic source for the forms of shields, charges, crests, helmets, with their mantling and supporters, and all that goes to make a
complete amorial achievement. For the artist they are original monuments upon which can be seen at first hand the finest work of the mediaeval engraver unsurpassed in its fineness and beauty of detail by any other form of mediaeval art.
In the notes to the catalogue I have, where possible, blasoned the arms and spoken of any peculiarities of the armorials; here I propose to trace the development of the type leaving out of account the details of the blason. The conclusions are
based entirely on seals in the catalogue and for the most part on those illustrated. The collection is large and varied and covers many centuries, it may therefore be taken to represent the general evolution of the type, at least in England. It is,
of course, not possible to arrange them, as it were, in watertight compartments, there is very considerable overlapping amongst the various styles and some persist right through the period, but none the less they fall into clearly defined groups and
a regular development can be traced.
I. The earliest form ranges in date from c.1160 to 1200, the seals are circular in shape and rather large in size, measuring from 65 to 76mm. in diameter. The field is plain and almost entirely
filled by an upright pear, or heart shaped shield.
II. From c.1200-1230 the seals become rather smaller in size, from about 40 to 45mm., the field remains plain and the shield upright but its form is modified; it still shows the convex top but the sides have lost the rounded form and become
straighter. In these years also the seal itself takes the form of a shield, it is a rather exceptional type but examples are to be found till towards the end of the century and later.
III. The middle thirteenth century seals are of much the same size as the previous group, the field is still free from ornament but the shields become more triangular with straight top and sides, the upper corners only being rounded; in some
examples the top is slightly concave and in others they are quite triangular. By the middle of the century the corners have become angular, the top straight with the sides slightly convex; this shield is known as heater shaped. This is the beautiful
form typical of the late thirteenth and the whole of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries; it is the prevalence of this shape which causes the charges of our English armorials to be so often three in number arranged two above and one beneath.
Whilst this graceful shape predominates, another form, with straight top and side and rounded, or with an ogee shaped curve in base, is also used from about the middle of the fourteenth century; shields of this form are always placed upright on the
seal. They did not, I think, represent the shield actually used but were so drawn by the engraver in order to get more room for his design and so display the armorials better. This can be seen by comparing the small heater shaped shields borne by
Edward Baliol, and bishops Hatfield, Fordham and Langley, with the broad based shields on their privy seals.
IV. From about the last quarter of the thirteenth century the seals become smaller, from 20 to 30mm. The gracefully moulded heater shape predominates but the taste for decoration becomes apparent. The hitherto empty space between the shield
and the bordering legend is filled with foliage, tracery or small lacertine beasts the beginnings of the later heraldic supporters. Early in the fourteenth century the shield sometimes hangs from the branches of a tree with tracery, foliage, or
small creatures at each side. Other examples of similar date show the shield in a border of fine tracery more or less elaborate or placed within the spandrils or lobes of geometrical figures, trefoils, quatrefoils, sexfoils and the like, sometimes
of singularly beautiful design. All these various forms of decoration run parallel with each other and last well into the fifteenth century.
V. From the latter part of the twelfth century some helmets were surmounted by fan shaped decorations of the nature of crests. There is also an example of a more developed type in the dragon on the cylindrical helm on the reverse of the seal
of Roger de Quincey c.1235. The use of crests, however, did not become general until the introduction of the conical helm early in the fourteenth century. At first they were the personal choice of the wearer and varied with his taste; it was not
until later that they became hereditary and of heraldic importance. The earliest I have noted on an armorial seal in this catalogue is that of Roger Mauduit c.1332. This has the early fan shaped crest with the mantling of the helm floating and scarf
shaped. The style develops rapidly and from this date onwards to the end of the fifteenth century there is a series of examples. The type is well defined, the shield is placed couche, that is lying on its dexter side, the conical helm, with its
mantling, becoming more ornate as the type develops and often embroidered with heraldic charges, rests on the upper corner of the shield. The crest surmounts the helm, rising from a coronet, a cap of maintenance or a crest wreath. Sometimes, though
rarely, the helm is omitted and the crest placed on a cap of estate or coronet on the top of the upright shield. The field is usually beautifully diapered with fine tracery or foliage or the whole design contained within elaborate geometrical
panels. The type reached its perfection about the end of the fourteenth and early fifteenth centuries, after which the design becomes poor and the ornament overdone and meaningless.
VI. From the end of the thirteenth century, as we have seen, the shield was often shown hanging from a tree with lacertine creatures creeping round its sides, or small beasts, or even angels, in the spaces of the surrounding tracery, evidently
so placed to fill a void. When the type of seal with shield couche and with the crested helm resting upon its upper corner came into favour the space left on each side was larger and so the supporters, as they came to be called, increased in size
and importance. The design of the seal required that they should hold up the helm rather than the shield and this the earliest supporters always do. It is from about the beginning of the fifteenth century, and lasting until the end of the mediaeval
period, that the final and most elaborate type of armorial seal appears. Upon it is shown the owner's full armorial achievement of shield, mantled helm, crest and supporters. Beginning much earlier than this final type, and running parallel with it,
is a form of seal on which the upright shield is held by a single supporter placed behind it. These are of many and diverse varieties, angels, birds, animals, savage men and armed knights, but neither these nor the double supporters, at first, had
any heraldic significance. They seem to have been chosen arbitrarily or it was left to the fancy of the engraver to ornament the seal as he thought best.
It was not till well into the sixteenth century that supporters became hereditary and therefore of armorial importance. This type is rare on seals and there is only one in the treasury showing such true heraldic supporters; a seal noteworthy
for the fanciful cartouche shaped shield upon which the royal arms are displayed (plate H, no. 13). Of the later type of armorial seals there is only one illustrated at Durham showing the quartered shield surrounded by the Garter, it is of unusually
large size and is I think an exception, for by the end of the fifteenth century the civil wars had made an end of the old feudal nobility and so of the heraldic pomp of their seals. They gave place to small signets (of which later), usually deeply
impressed on roughly shaped lumps of red wax, of little interest either to the artist or herald.
Counter seals
The use of pendent seals early suggested the idea of an impression upon the back of the wax. This acted as a guard to the seal (as some of the legends state), preventing its removal by slicing away from wax behind; it also made forgery more
difficult. These seals were not used by the commonalty but only by the higher ranks both lay and clerical and even they do not use them regularly, there are many examples of the same person sealing with or without a counterseal, or even using it as
a seal proper. I have not been able to trace any method in this irregularity.
Besides this use for security, counter seals brought in the element of personal authentication, the seal proper of the persons using them having passed into the keeping of a clerk or chancellor, in other words the idea of a private seal is
present in their use. They also provided a place where their owner could represent himself under another aspect. This was the purpose to which, as we have seen, the Conqueror put the reverse of his seal. The greater nobles followed the royal
There is an interesting example in the catalogue on which Conan, Duke of Brittany and Earl of Richmond, represents himself on the seal as duke and on the counter seal as earl. The great seals of the bishops of Durham also illustrate this use,
their counter seals representing the temporal lords palatine. These royal and quasi-royal counter seals are the same size as the seal itself and it is usual to describe such seals as having an obverse and a reverse rather than as a seal and
counterseal. Counter seals, properly called so, are smaller than the seal and came into use early in the twelfth century. They are called secreta in the catalogue, but it would have been better to have used the more general term to prevent confusion
with the true secretum or privy seal. There is, however, much confusion between the use of the two and in any case, as said above, the idea of the secret seal is present in the counter seal. Engraved gems were their first form and continued to be
used for the purpose all through the period by both clergy and laity.
From about the end of the twelfth century episcopal counter seals take the shape, in miniature, of the seal, their motive being nearly always the patron saints of bishop or church with the owner or his shield beneath. The motive of others than
the episcopal is often armorial, representing a plain shield of their owners' arms usually smaller than the seal itself. Their use dies out about the end of the fifteenth century though occasionally small signets are used for the purposes after that
date. It should also be noted that many seals have the marks of finger prints impressed on the back, sometimes one only placed at the centre or on the upper part, sometimes three imprinted with care down the centre. These marks are so evidently
intentional that we must conclude that they were placed there as a guard to the seal, in other words as counter seals.
Secret or privy seals
These, like counterseals, were never in common use but were confined to those whose seals had come, more or less, under the control of an administrative office and were therefore not available for the private use of their owner; as their name
denotes they are secret, the opposite to public seals. As I have said above, it is difficult to separate this type from the counterseal. The earlier secreta of which examples have come down to us are used as counterseals; but there can be little
doubt that they would be in regular use by their owners for closing missive letters and private correspondence; the fact that they had to be broken in order to open the document would account for their non-survival in that form. By the early
thirteenth century the royal chamber had evolved a secretum with an armorial motive used as a seal and never as a counter seal and it is this type which one usually refers to as privy seals. The royal example was followed by other great dignitaries
and in this catalogue there is a very interesting series of the type used by the bishops of Durham from Hatfield (1345) to Dudley (1476). There are also examples of the royal Scottish privy seals used by David II and Edward Baliol.
This is the name by which small personal seals, made to fit a finger ring or to be otherwise carried on the person, are known. They came into use about the beginning of the fifteenth century and were generally used for closing missive letters,
the introduction of the more fragile material of paper in place of parchment no doubt also contributed to their use. When used for closing, the document was folded, a strip of paper was then passed through two incisions cut through the document and
the loose ends secured into the wax of the signet, which was usually placed in the centre of a cross of wax. The letter was then folded again, so as to cover and protect the device, the address placed on the outside and it would probably again be
secured by a strip of silk tied round it. These signets are often protected by a folded straw or piece of silk laid round them so that they should not be destroyed by the paper, when folded, rubbing off the wax. They are also used for authentication
instead of the seal proper and sometimes as a counter seal.
When used as seals pendent we find them impressed on unshapen lumps of red wax as though they were a mere survival of an ancient custom as indeed they were, for, by the sixteenth century, signature of documents with a signet added was rapidly
replacing the old method of sealing in the presence of witnesses.
They are of small size from 13 to 20mm. in diameter and of many shapes, round, oval, hexagonal, pentagonal, square and quatrefoiled, amongst others even more fanciful. The device upon them is often a part of the armorials of their owner, his
crest, his initials or merely a fanciful or pretty device chosen arbitrarily. Speaking generally, they are not of much interest.
Engraved gems
The use of gems engraved in intaglio for seals goes back, as we have seen, to the early age of Greek civilisation, they were the forerunners of the mediaeval seal. It is therefore not surprising that we often meet with impressions evidently made
by such gems amidst the rich display of chivalry, armoury, architectural tracery and ecclesiastical art of the mediaeval seals. They represent subjects of Greek and Latin mythology or portrait busts of Roman emperors, ladies and senators. Their use
was general and, though perhaps more favoured by ecclesiastics than by any other class of the community, a glance through the great numbers contained in the catalogue will show how wide spread was their use, especially for privy seals (secreta) and
as counter seals. There are, however, numerous examples of their use as seals. Not only were they used in this way as the sole motive of the design but they are sometimes to be met with ornamenting the field of the seal, the chief design of which is
mediaeval. Their so general use and the fact that the most educated class of the community used them most, leads one to believe that the value of the gems and of the work upon them, as well as the classical beauty of the devices, must have appealed
to their owners. They were also valued for the curative or magical virtues, to prevent illness or protect from evil influences, then commonly ascribed to them.
Impressions made from these gems can easily be known not only from their classical design and motive but from their fine finish and the clean hard impression they leave on the wax, showing that the device has been cut in a material harder than
metal. It was customary to place the gem in a mediaeval setting of metal upon which the surrounding legend was engraved, the mark of this jointure can be seen upon the wax. The men of the middle ages had small or no knowledge of classical history
so, with a naivete peculiarly mediaeval, many of the mythological subjects engraved on these intaglios or the portrait busts they portray are taken for the great figures or events of the Christian faith. Thus Pallas Athene with Niké on her right
hand is invoked for Our Lady (AVE MARIA GRACIA PENA). Thalia, the comic muse, comes under the same invocation (1175). Niké herself, the winged figure of Victory, is an angel messenger (SUM NUNCIUS XTI). The beautiful head of Jupiter Serapis, whose
face has so gracious and benign an expression that it has been considered to be the original from which the traditional head of Our Lord was derived, formed the judicial seal of Charlemagne; though without legend he doubtless used it for that of
Christ; just as his first seal of the head of Marcus Aurelius also represented our Lord. So a prior of Tynemouth uses the bust of a Roman emperor for the same Divine Person (no. 3552). The 'father of gods and men' under his aspect of the Thunderer
was chosen by the monks of Durham for the head of St Oswald the king (CAPUT SANCTI OSWALDI REGIS). More strangely archbishop Roger of Pont l'Evêque typifies the Holy Trinity, on his counter seal, by the triple-faced Bacchic mask of Greek comedy, one
of his successors, archbishop Walter Giffard, uses an intaglio of the heads of Marcus Aurelius and Plato to represent the apostles St Peter and St Paul, who are also invoked in the legend surrounding a gem of a Janus like head of a bearded and
shaven face joined at the back and facing different ways (PETER & PAWIL PRAI FOR MI SAWL).
But whilst there are many of these attributions the greater number of gems are simply used as seals or counter seals and called secretum or sigillum. There are at Durham a few gems of mediaeval engraving representing Christian motives which
deserve notice. Typical of these are the Holy Lamb engraved on jasper used by a bishop of Whithorn and the flight into Egypt used as a counter seal by Robert fitz Roger. An example of a portrait bust is used by Thomas of Southwark.
Seals of ladies
The use of seals by ladies of the higher ranks dates from the beginning of the twelfth century. The type is pointed oval in shape and represents the owner, in her robes of ceremony standing either full or three quarter face, holding in her hand a
flower, a fleur de lys, or later, a bird, the field of the seal being at first quite plain. The type is not well represented in the catalogue but there is one which I think is the earliest known lady's seal, namely that of Maud, queen of King Henry
I, who died in 1118. Its evolution is on the same lines as the like shaped episcopal seals of dignity, decoration appears on each side of the figure, canopies with their side shafts are added until, by a gradual process, the fifteenth century seals
present the lady standing in an elaborate architectural niche surrounded by fine tabernacle work upon which are armorial shields. Shields of arms are first used upon these seals about the middle of the thirteenth century when the owner is usually
represented holding a shield in each hand, one that of her husband, the other that of her father, and often in robes also embroidered with armorials. The seals of this date are amongst the most graceful and beautiful of all.
Parallel with these pointed oval seals there runs a circular equestrian type which depicts the owner in hunting costume, seated side saddle, with a hawk on her wrist, and often accompanied by a hound. This style is rare and is not found after the
thirteenth century, nor is there an example of it in the catalogue. Another type of seal with an armorial motive comes into use about mid fourteenth century. Leaving the pointed oval form with its 'counterfeit presentment' of their gracefully robed
figures some ladies adopted a small circular armorial seal. They had no shields of their own to display so they grouped in one composition two or more shields of arms representing their own and their husbands' families. It is an interesting type
useful to the herald or the genealogist tracing family histories.
By the beginning of the fifteenth century the small signets then coming into fashion began also to be used by women; they are of the same type as those used by men. Such were the seals known specifically as ladies'; but there are many which,
except for the legend, are not to be distinguished from those used by men. Thus Mabel Grenville uses a noble seal of the Holy Lamb, Maud d'Audre a distaff and spindle, Cecily Heworth a cross formed of lions, Wimarc Papedie the canting device of a
popinjay. These devices are placed either on an oval or round seal, which ever best suits the design. Whilst women of high degree thus used motives so various, those of the lower ranks used seals either round or oval bearing crescents, birds, stars,
flowers, crosses, hearts, clasped hands or other fanciful designs chosen as their fancy or caprice directed.
Miscellaneous devices
The type of seals we have so far been considering fall, in the main, into two divisions; they either bear a personal representation of their owner, or else they symbolise him by means of his shield of arms. There are a great number of seals which
come under neither of these heads, the devices having no relation to him who uses them except that they are his choice. These various devices begin with the earliest seals and run parallel with the other types right through the period. Their use is
by no means confined to people of little importance. A Brus uses a nobly designed fleur de lys, an Escolland a spread eagle, a Crevecoeur a solitary lion, in each case it is the legend by which alone we can tell whose seal it is. Dragons of the
prime, strange legendary beasts were, especially in early seals, much used. They are often presented with such intense imaginative power that one is tempted to believe that such primeval monsters actually roamed the forests of mediaeval England in
all their fearful symmetry. Beasts of more certain origin are common; lions, bears, boars, wolves, deer, squirrels, hares, rabbits, dogs, monkeys, apes, in short, almost every animal known to men, in those days, is represented, the fiercer of them
standing solitary in savage strength, or like the lion, who was fabled to sleep with his eyes open, asleep in deceptive quietness. The more familar are in their natural habitat or engaged in some characteristic action, thus the stag ranges the
forest at speed, the squirrel cracks a nut or sits in a tree's branches, the monkey scratches himself, the dog, is generally curled up asleep resting from the chase. Birds are even more general; legend supplies the harpy and the pelican always
represented tearing its breast and feeding its young with its own blood - the great symbol of the Atonement. Birds of prey, such as the eagle, falcon and hawk, the last often shown upon his quarry tearing it, are depicted; as well as ravens, herons,
owls, doves and even the homely goose and barn door cock are not forgotten. Fishes are not uncommon, the salmon often appears, a herring is used by one of that name, whilst Simon Fishburn presents a number of fish in a burn.
The playful irony of the mediaeval spirit is well illustrated on some of these seals. The hunted becomes the hunter. A hare or rabbit mounted on a hound and blowing a horn cheers his fellows on to the chase - So Hou, So Hou! Hawking is
caricatured by showing an ape riding on an ass, with an owl perched on his paw. Their love of the unusual or grotesque is also shown in many examples of strange misshapen monsters. Whilst the world of living nature contributes to these devices,
other natural objects are not less largely used. There is the sun 'in his splendour', the crescent moon and the stars either singly or in clusters. Trees and flowers of many varieties are common, often used in playful allusion to the name of the
owner as the trees of Orchard, the pear tree of Pirie, the hawthorn bush of Hawthorn, the quickset shrub of Quixwode or often, as in the many beautiful forms of the fleur de lys, telling only of the artist's desire for beauty. Men typify their
office or their work by their devices. So the sheriff marks his dignified office by a castle, upon which is his personal shield or badge; if he holds the same office in Durham, being an officer of the bishop, he uses a mitre. The important post of
forester is symbolised by a hunter with his horn and dog or else by a single horn. The brewer brews at the vat, the butler runs with his cup, the leech mixes his drugs, the archer bears his long bow. The craftsman shows his tools as the hammer and
pincers or horse shoe of the marshal, the miller's pick, the butcher's axe, the scissors of the tailor or the candles of the chandler. Canting devices abound, many of which, when later placed on shields, become armorial bearings. Thus Robert Corbet
uses a corbie crow, Leo Heriz a hedgehog (O.F. heris), Jordan Heron a nobly designed heron, Walter of the monastery (de Monasteriis; O.F. Moustier), a family known later as Musters, actually depicts a monastery on his seals; a charge his descendents
placed on their shield. Orde shows that he comes from a famous salmon river (Tweed) when he seals with a salmon; the field of Thomas Muscamp's fine seal is strewn with flies (muscarum campus), Roger Merlay picturesquely uses a bush on which
blackbirds (merles) are perched, Eustace de Vesci has a vetch plant, Cornhill a sheaf of corn, Branxton uses a pair of horse branks, Brand a sheathed sword, Coxside a cock, and finally, not to extend the list unduly, Capo a skewered capon.
There are many examples of the clearly defined marks used by merchants upon their merchandise and here placed on their seals. Sometimes no device but the man's name appears, or even the marks of his teeth bitten into the wax. In this section
should also be noted the broken knives attached in place of seals to the deeds of Robert of St Martin, and of the chapel of Lowick.
The legends
This is the name by which the inscription, usually placed round the border of the seal, is known. Except in rare instances this begins at the upper part of the seal and goes round it from right to left, the top of the letters facing outwards. The
beginning is marked by a cross paty or sometimes by a fleur de lys, a cinquefoil, or a crescent. In very rare instances there is a legend round the edge of the seal, occasionally it is continued in the field and sometimes there are two lines of
legend going round the border. Their consideration divides itself into two parts, namely, the type of letter used and the matter they contain.
The lettering, if the impression is good, is clear and easy to read; at least until the advent of the small close type of black letter which is sometimes almost unreadable. There are not many abbreviations or conjoint letters used and the few
there are are not difficult to make out. This clearness was of course needful as they were meant to be understood by all; not only by lawyers or learned clerks. For the various changes in the types of letters the seals of the bishops of Durham have
been used; they can be dated fairly closely and also form a long consecutive series, the legends on the seals of other types follow the same general course of development. The types are as follows:
I. Roman capitals from the earliest to
about the last quarter of the twelfth century when uncial letters gradually come in and the type changes to
II. A rude form of Lombardic which lasts only for a short time at the beginning of the thirteenth century and soon gives place to
III. The beautifully formed Gothic majuscule, usually called Lombardic, the typical letter of the later thirteenth and the first half of the fourteenth centuries; towards the end of this period the letter becomes smaller and changes to
IV. The type called black letter but a clear and legible form, this is replaced in the fifteenth century by the close, very illegible letter the despair of most readers. At the beginning of the sixteenth century the style changes greatly and
reverts to
V. Roman capitals of the beautiful form known as capitals of the renascence.
The legends on the earlier seals whether royal, ecclesiastical, or lay, are always in Latin and on the first named that language is used during our whole period. On royal seals it is nearly similar all through. The name is in the nominative,
the legend of the obverse giving the King's English titles, that of the reverse his continental fiefs altered as occasion required. The ecclesiastical give the name of the owner and his title, usually beginning with sigillum followed by the name in
the genitive but sometimes, especially in the thirteenth century, sigillum is omitted and the name given in the nominative. The earlier seals of laymen follow the same style, sometimes they give only the owner's name, sometimes they add his
parentage and titles, occasionally they are more emphatic as on the seal of Edgar, son of Earl Gospatrick, HOC EST SIGILLUM EDGARI FILII GOSPATRICII COMITIS. The most common formula right through the period is for the legend to begin with sigillum
followed by the name in the genitive and the titles, if any. Occasionally in the fourteenth century and later such legends are in French, but this formula is not found in English. When, in the late thirteenth century, seals came to be used by all
sorts and conditions of men the legends, as well as the devices, are more diverse and fanciful. Sometimes they allude to the emblems they surround, sometimes they give expression to a pious wish or sometimes they are merely pretty jingling mottoes.
Latin is used all through the series, but from the fourteenth century French and English are quite common, especially on the more fanciful seals. A few examples of each of these might be interesting: an eagle - SPIRITUS UBI VULT SPIRAT, OR IN
Legends in French of this type are rare, I have noted only one in the catalogue - LA GRACE JESU EST VIESU - but those in the vernacular are more common - HELPE MODER OR MARIE; PETER & PAWIL PRAI FOR MY SAWL; MARIE HELPE ELLINGHAM; GO TO GOD
LIVE. Others refer to the device they surround; thus a dog asleep - ICI GIST CORBIN LE BON; a hawk tearing a bird - ALAS JE SUI PRIS; a squirrel - SO WILL I; an ape - HAYLE APE HAYL; a hare on a dog's back - ALONE I RIDE A REVERE, or SOHO ROBIN.
The legends of counter seals and privy seals, which, as they are so often used interchangeably, are better considered under one head, either state the nature of the seal or refer to the device upon it. In the first style the legend almost always
begins with the word Secretum with the name following in the genitive thus - SECRETUM JOHANNIS; SECRETUM ROBERTI DE BRUS; SIGILL SECRETI DAVID; SIGNUM SECRETI WILLELMI; or else they omit the owner's name only stating the reason for their use thus -
often in Latin rhyming hexameter verse called Leonine, thus round St Cuthbert - PRESUL CUTHBERTE REGNUM SUPER ETHERA PER TE; or St Cuthbert and St Oswald - HOC ONUS UT SIT HONOS TIBI LARGIOR HOS Q' PATRONOS; or Our Lady with Christ - HEC SCULPTURA
SONAT FINIS No PUGNA CORONAT; or SS. Peter and Paul - PROTEGE PETRE PETO WILLELMUM PAULE FAVETO. This type of legend is not confined to the counter seals but is often found on seals themselves, thus round the ash tree device of Roger of Esh is -
FRAXINE SUB FRONDE ROGERI CARMINA CONDE. Round an antique gem Richard of Eryum places - SUB PRESENTE NOTA RICARDUS FERT SUA VOTA. Signets do not, as a rule, have legends or mottoes, but there are a few examples of the latter, thus bishop Neville's
armorial signet has around it his 'word' - 'en grace affie'. The mottoes of the Percies are often on their signets as 'je espoyr'; 'esperance' or 'toutloyal'; other examples have 'Tout passe'; 'aude, vide, tace'; 'offrance'; 'tynt, tynt', or others
merely the initials of the owner's names. Others have a flower or star like device with a letter on each petal, thus bishop Langley's has his name 'langley' and so also has that of Peter Mauley 'mauli', another similarly bears the Holy Name
'emanuel'. It will be seen that none of these is a true legend such as are on seals, they are rather mottoes or 'words' some of which, like the 'Esperance' of Percy, came to be an essential part of the armorial achievement.
Forged seals
False seals authenticating forged charters are occasionally met with and the art seems not to have been unknown even to the religious of Durham. There are in the treasury a series of forged documents purporting to be the foundation charters of
bishop William of St Calais and those in confirmation of William the Conqueror and of archbishops Lanfranc of Canterbury and Thomas of York. The seals of bishop William are undoubtedly forgeries, those attached to the charters of the archbishops are
now destroyed whilst to the four charters of King William only a portion of one now remains, but that shows it to be part of the great seal of Henry II. Two methods of falsification are therefore illustrated by these deeds, firstly, that of making a
false matrix for use on a forged document, and secondly, using a genuine seal which was not, however, what it purported to be, to a false deed (no. 1495 below is suspect, apparently a thirteenth cnetury charter to which a seal no earlier than the
fourteenth century is attached). We find references to both these methods in the patent rolls. Thomas of Pirecote was pardoned for removing the impression of the seal of the late King from a recognisance and illegally attaching it to another bond,
for which he had been convicted. John of Berneville received a pardon for counterfeiting the privy seal of the late King and also that used by the present King; whilst John of Redinges also charged with counterfeiting the king's privy seal was
convicted and hanged.
Greenwell and Blair recorded 3755 different designs of seals in their catalogue. This figure included 132 seals whose designs are found only on the Greenwell deeds in the Durham County Record Office. It also included 8 post-Dissolution designs.
Some of the catalogued designs have multiple impressions, as recorded in their catalogue. Some new designs have been identified since and have been added to this online catalogue, and additional impressions identified have also been added to the
online edition. As at 23 December 2015, the current total of medieval seal impressions in the archive is 6850, which figure will grow as work proceeds on the comprehensive cataloguing of the archive.
Permission to make any published use of material from the collection must be sought in advance from Durham Cathedral Library ( The Library will assist where possible with identifying copyright owners, but
responsibility for ensuring copyright clearance rests with the user of the material.
Private SealsA
Aaron of York: see 799
Abbot, Geoffrey: see 3480
GB Seal no.1 1262
Abbatis, Reynerus
Styled a merchant of Florence.
Seal and secretum.
Size: 22 mm.Size: Secretum: 16 mm.
Seal design: Seal: Round, armorial, a bend fretty between two cotises.Secretum: round, antique gem, Cupid on a sea horse
Inscription: ✠ ...LLVM · RINIERI · DE · LABATES'RINIERI : ✠ : CONTRA
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3778
Digitised version GB Seal no.2 1390
Abell, Robert
Incumbent of the chapel of Low Heworth, 1395 (S.D. II, 83, note a).
Size: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem, female bust. Legend very indistinct. Used by him but not his own seal.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.60
GB Seal no.3 n.d.
Abraham, Hugh son of
Abraham and his son, Hugh, are called men of the prior in 'Attestaciones Testium', 1228 (FPD 252). This deed is printed in the same vol., p.218; for its nature see ibid., preface,
Size: 38 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Pont.8
GB Seal no.4 1305
Abraham, Thomas
Size: 25 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, elongated star
Inscription: S' THOME ABRAHAM
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Sacr.10
GB Seal no.5 n.d.
Absolon, Matilda daughter of
She is styled the daughter of Absolon the saddler of Durham.
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a heron-like bird preening itself.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Sacr.14
GB Seal no.6 n.d.
Absolon, Henry son of
Styled son of Absolon the baker of Elvet.
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, naked figure
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL SECRETI
Seal attached to document reference: 3.17.Spec.6
GB Seal no.7 n.d.
Absolon, William son of
He styles himself William of Coldingham.
The foundation charter of the chapel of St Andrew on the new bridge (Elvet) at Durham. He founds the chapel for the soul of Arnold, prior of Coldingham, 'domini mei'. (See S.D., iv., 56).
The same man as 8; he is styled in document 2307
William of Coldingham. Roger of London (no. 1631) was his brother. The charters endow, with his lands in "Elvethalgh", the chapel in honour of St Andrew which he has built upon the new bridge towards "Elvethalgh", for the health of his own soul and
that of Arnold, late prior of Coldingham, his lord. Date middle of twelfth century. Roger, prior of Durham, 1137-1149.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a chalice
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2307
GB Seal no.8 n.d.
Absolon, William son of
Same man as 7.
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys
Inscription: .... WLVISST ..
Seal attached to document reference: 2.11.Spec.28
GB Seal no.8(i) 1355
Acley, Gilbert son of Gilbert of
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, St Catherine with her wheel, a kneeling figure at her feet
Seal attached to document reference: 3.11.Spec.25
GB Seal no.9 n.d.
Acclum, Johanna of
Acklam, near Thornaby, in Cleveland. For family see Guisborough Chartulary passim (S.S., 86 and 89). Printed FPD, 154n
Size: 22 x 35 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL : IOHANNE : DE : ACCLVM
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2057
Digitised version GB Seal no.10 n.d.
Achard, William son of
Concerning land in Stamford; Peter, styled priory of St Michael's of Stamford, is among the witnesses, see 3644.
Size: 51 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a covered vase with handles
Seal attached to document reference: 1.4.Ebor.4
Digitised version GB Seal no.11 n.d.
Achard, Hellas
son of William, son of
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys
Seal attached to document reference: 1.4.Ebor.5
GB Seal no.12 n.d.
Achard, William son of William, son of
Size: 38 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys expanding at top
Inscription: ✠ S'...
Seal attached to document reference: 1.4.Ebor.18a
GB Seal no.13 n.d.
Acle, Alice daughter of Thomas of
Styles herself Alice of Wudum
Now Aycliffe, about five miles north of Darlington. Thomas of Acley was lord of Woodham (FPD, 160n; S.D., III, 325, 332).
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL ALICIE : DE ACLE
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Sacr.37
GB Seal no.14 1329
Acley, John of
Styled son of Walter, late farmer (firmarius) of the manor of "Akley" (Aycliffe), clerk to John of Darlington.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a branch with three leaves
Inscription: .RIVES
Seal attached to document reference: 3.11.Spec.11
GB Seal no.15 n.d.
Acley, Gilbert of
No. 10 is printed F.P.D., 161a.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eagle with raised wings
Seal attached to document reference: 3.11.Spec.6 & 10 (the latter printed FPD, 161n)
Digitised version GB Seal no.16 n.d.
Acle, Madonius of
Styles himself Madonius of 'Sculacle' - now School Aycliffe
Size: 35 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.11.Spec.33
GB Seal no.17 n.d.
Acle, Madonius of
Styles himself Madonius of 'Sculacle' - now School Aycliffe.
The document names Haymericus, archdeacon of Durham (Emery Tailboys L.N., III, 302) and Philip of Ulcotes, then guardian of the bishopric. This would be during the vacancy after the death of Philip of Poitou (H.D. I, 190n).
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eagle with head reversed.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.11.Spec.4 Printed FPD, 161n.
GB Seal no.18 n.d.
Acle, Nicolas of
Size: 35 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a crescent with three dots above and a floriated design below
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL ...COLAI.DE AC... ✠
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Pont.8
GB Seal no.19 n.d.
Acle, Thomas parson of
Size: 51 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Pointed oval, an eagle standing with raised wings
Seal attached to document reference: 2.12.Spec.6 Printed S.D., III, 274; see also FPD, 248
Digitised version GB Seal no.20 1260
Acle, Walter of
Styled Walter, son of John, brother of Nicolas
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eagle
Inscription: ✠ S' WALTERI D' ACLEY
Seal attached to document reference: 3.11.Spec.9
GB Seal no.21 1304
Acle, Walter of
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, the Holy Lamb
Inscription: ✠ ECCE AGNVS DEI
Seal attached to document reference: 4.11.Spec.5
GB Seal no.22 1 July 1349
Acle, William son of Eustace of
Styled also William of the Newhouses of Acley.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, St Andrew standing with his cross in front of his face, floriated ground
Seal attached to document reference: 3.11.Spec.16, 28
GB Seal no.23 18 Jan 1342
Acton, John of
Styled John, son of John of Acton of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a merchant's mark on a shield, in base of shield an acorn.
Inscription: ✠ ... N : DE : HACTON
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3457
Digitised version GB Seal no.24 25 Sept. 1334
Acton, Richard of
Used on a deed of Thomas of Carliol of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, as counter seal to the common seal of that city. See A.A., 3rd ser., VI, pl. XI, 4 and note, ibid., p.166. He was mayor of Newcastle-upon-Tyne in 1333 (R.W., II, 79).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a lion rampant on a field powdered with acorns.
Inscription: ✶ S' RICARDI D' ACETVN
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Spec.116
GB Seal no.25 1332
Acton, Richard of
Used by 'Richard of Aketon, merchant of Newcastle-upon-Tyne'.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Same seal as No.24
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5061
GB Seal no.26 1334
Acton, William of
Bailiff of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1336, and in succeeding years; mayor 1346 and later; Member of Parliament for the town, 1346 and later. Upon device of seal, see A.A, 3rd ser. I, 121.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a cross between four lions passant
Inscription: ✶ S' : WILELMI:D':A...TVN
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4760
GB Seal no.27 1342
Acton, William of
See A.A., 3rd ser., VI, pl. VIII, 4
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a cross between four lions rampant within a circle
Inscription: ✶ S' WILLELMI DE ACTVN
Seal attached to document reference: [G], B.68 & 69
GB Seal no.28 26 Sept. 1341
Acybis, John of
Used by Thomas of Seton. Query Y of inscription?
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial a cross of Toulouse (?) within an engrailed border
Inscription: ✶ S' . JOHANNIS . DE . ACY . IST
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5081
Digitised version GB Seal no.29 n.d.
Styled Adam, clerk of Wolsingham
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem head of Pallas
Inscription: Legend illegible
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Finc.4
GB Seal no.30 n.d.
Styled Adam, canon of Holy Cross
cf. 3747. Time of Algar, prior of Durham, 1109-1137. This is the common seal of Harold's college of secular canons founded 1060; see 3745
Size: 51 mm.
Seal design: Round, two angels holding a Greek cross
Seal attached to document reference: 1.4.Ebor.27
GB Seal no.31 n.d.
Sheriff of Northumberland
N.C.H., II, 12
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a bust full face
Inscription: SIGIL...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6895
GB Seal no.32 n.d.
Styled Adhoc, formerly wife of Walter Albus, baker
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys
Inscription: ✠ SIGILLVM ADOC
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2306
GB Seal no.33 n.d.
Agnes, daughter of William
Styled Agnes, daughter of William, son of Patrick, and wife of Nicholas Lamb.
Grant to Thomas, Lord of Dilston; Walter of Cambo, knight, then sheriff of Northumberland. See N.C.H. x, p. 244.
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an elongated star of eight rays with thick rounded ends
Inscription: ✠ S' ANGNETIS FIL WILL.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5370
GB Seal no.34 1338
Agnes, William son of
Agreement with William of Hexham, cellarer of Durham; see Durham Acct. Rolls, pp.35 and 527 (S.S. 99 and 100).
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a dove displayed
Seal attached to document reference: 4.15.Spec.26
GB Seal no.35 n.d.
Alan, Bertram son of
He was the son of Alan Fery, and his wife Emma daughter of Thomas son of William of Herrington. See 36 (same man).
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a floriated device
Seal attached to document reference: 2.14.Spec.30 & 33
cf. 975
Digitised version GB Seal no.36 n.d.
Alan, Bertram son of
The same man as 35. He was the son of Alan of Ferry, brother of the prior, (? Bertram, 1188-1208) and Emma, daughter of Thomas son of William of Herrington. cf. 976
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, floriated device similar to No. 35
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.126
GB Seal no.37
Alan: See No. 113
GB Seal no.38 1238
Albertini, Bosculus
Styled a citizen and merchant of Lens
Attached to this deed are two other seals:-
1. Oval, 22 x 16 mm, a sealed figure with right hand out-stretched, on the label to which this seal is attached is the name Robert Pentecuchi.
2. Oval, 22 x 19 mm, an indistinct device, ✠ SIGILL SECRETI; on the label is the name Jordan de Sca. Brigida.
The document names his companions Lambertini Guidi and William Benaki also citizens and merchants of Lens.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, three trees
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XIX.34
GB Seal no.39 1303/4
1. Used by Peter of Trillesden
2. Used by Agnes his wife
Size: 1. 35 x 22 mm.Size: 2. 16 mm.
Seal design: 1. Oval, a pelican in her piety2. Round, a squirrel
Inscription: 1. ✠ S' MAGISTRI · ALBERTI2. ✶ I CRAKE NOTIS
Seal attached to document reference: 4.12.Spec.13 & 14
GB Seal no.40 n.d.
Albini, Nigel of
He was the younger brother of William d'Aubigny, first earl of Arundel. He had the lands of Robert Mowbray, earl of Northumberland, and his son, Roger, assumed the name of Mowbray. See also S.D., III, 344 and for charter ibid., 395.
For "Nigel of Albini" read Niel d'Albini. Daubeney is the modern form of the name and indicates the correct form of the surname of the earls of Arundel. For account of the family see
The Complete Peerage by G.E.C., ed. V. Gibbs, I, 233. Aubigny is near Coutances in the department of La Manche. No. 23 is printed FPD 151n.
Size: 60 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight with shield and sword
Seal attached to document reference: 1.12.Spec.23, 24, 26, 29*
Digitised version GB Seal no.41 1298
Alburwick, John of
Second seal used by Johanna, wife of John of Alburwick
Size: 1. 29 x 22 mm.Size: 2. 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: 1. Oval, a kneeling figure praying to one standing. In traceried panel2. Oval, a lion fighting a dragon
Inscription: 1. SIGILL IOHAN ... DE · LIL ... O ...2. ✠ LEO PVGNAT CVM DRAGONE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2065
GB Seal no.42 1292
Alburwick, Robert of
[Official of the bishop of Durham]
Styled Master Robert of Alburwick (Abberwick in Northumberland), official of Lord Bishop of Durham (Bek).
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, St. Andrew on his cross, beneath a monk praying
Inscription: S' ROBERTI : DE : AL..BVRWYK:CLI..CI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4119 (fragment), Misc.Ch. 4826
Digitised version GB Seal no.43 1360-1362
Alburwick, Robert of
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, kneeling figure praying to Our Lady who holds Christ in her arms.
Inscription: Legend illegible
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2071; 2.11.Spec.24
GB Seal no.44 1306
Aldwood, Adam of
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an eagle displayed, a cinquefoil over each wing and above it a lion passant
Inscription: Legend very indistinct
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3375, 3505
Digitised version GB Seal no.45 n.d.
Aldwood, John of
See P.F., 121.
On 3.6.Spec.39 he uses a different seal, also used by John or Margaret Seton on 1.7.Spec.35.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, to hands joined together, a quatrefoil on each side
Inscription: Legend very indistinct
Seal attached to document reference: 1.7.Spec.17
GB Seal no.46 n.d.
Styled Isabella, called 'of Torello' wife of Alexander
Size: 1. 32 mm.Size: 2. 29 x 25 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, two birds seated on a fleur-de-lys2. Oval, the Holy Lamb
Seal attached to document reference: 2.17.Spec.29
GB Seal no.47 1231
Alexander, Geoffrey son of
Size: 35 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL GAL...IL ALEXAN..
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Finc.26
GB Seal no.48 1343
Alman, William
Styled collector of the Easter offerings (quadragesimalia) for the archdeacon of Nothumberland.
Size: 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, Esculapius (?)
Inscription: Legend illegible
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3822*
GB Seal no.49 1349-1372
Alman, William
Styled William Alman of Durham, clerk. In C.R. 31, p. 113, he is called of Elvet.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a chevron, between three lion's heads, three fleurs-de-lys
Seal attached to document reference: 2.16.Spec.19; 4.16.Spec.67, 140; 1.17.Spec.3, 4, 9, 12; Misc.Ch.1901, 1907
GB Seal no.50 n.d.
Alman, William, Margaret wife of
To charter 2.16.Spec.19, 1371, this seal is used by Hugh Makson of Newcastle-upon-Tyne (R.W. I, 180).
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a standing figure
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1901
GB Seal no.51 1350
Alman, Simon
Brother of William (no. 49). He is frequently mentioned in
Durham Account Rolls he possessed houses at the end of the new bridge (Elvet), Durham and a meadow in Elvet which he had obtained from the prior (op. cit. 441, 442, 443). In 1349 this seal is used by John Alman.
Size: -
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a fess, between four (undecipherable) three and one, three roundels.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.17.Spec.7, 16
GB Seal no.52 1355
Alman, Simon
Used by Simon Alman
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, two crosses crosslet saltireways joining in one at base
Inscription: ✠ S' SIMON DE OBERTDEN
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.138
GB Seal no.53 1324
Alnatheby, John of
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, two clasped hands, above them a branch of six flowers.
Inscription: Legend almost destroyed, only a few letters legible
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3938
GB Seal no.54 1336
Alnwick, John of
Used by John of Alnwick, burgess of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and in 1330 by William Syre of Jarrow, burgess of Newcastle.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a merchant's mark, a molet at each side
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4629; 1.4.Spec.6
Digitised version GB Seal no.55 1288
Alnwick, Peter of
Probably a seal of Vesci, the device being canting.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a bird among vetch plants with pods
Inscription: S'... Legend destroyed
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3413
GB Seal no.56 n.d.
d'Haultrive, Godfrey
Styled rector of the church of Lekynfield
For the arms of this family see A.A., 3rd ser., III, 257.
Size: 35 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, male figure holding an object in front of him
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Finc.6 (& 5, very worn)
GB Seal no.57 n.d.
Altis, Teghia of
Styled merchant of the Society of the Bardi in Florence
One of the association of Florentine nobles known as 'Societies of the Tower'. (See Villani's
History of Florence , vol. II, 78 and 79).
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a female figure
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.III.32
GB Seal no.58 n.d.
Alverton, Hugh of
Now Northallerton. Printed FPD, 204n. 2 is the seal of Hamo de la Mare, nephew of Hugh of Alverton
Size: 1. 29 x 22 mm.Size: 2. 22 x 16 mm.
Seal design: 1. Oval, antique gem, figure in front of a tree2. Oval, antique gem, man on horseback
Inscription: 1. ✠ SIGILL HVGOIS DE ALVIRTONA2. Legend illegible
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Ebor.8
GB Seal no.59 1354
Alverton, John of
Used by John of Alverton, carpenter. See H.S., 202, 203, 218 for accounts paid to him for repairs by the bailiff of Auckland. Styled (C.R. 31, p. 114) of Auckland, wright to the Bishop. He was the master carpenter who carried out Hatfield's
alterations to Bishop Bek's Hall. In 1380 a John of Alverton, probably the same man, was appointed janitor of the manor of Alverton (C.R. 32, p.264).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a saltire; shield within traceried panel
Inscription: S' HEN .... ND
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1856
GB Seal no.60 1285
Alverton, Philip of
In 1287 he was rector of Walkington near Howden (H.D. III, 479).
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a horseman attacking a dragon with his spear
Seal attached to document reference: 6.3.Elemos.18; Misc.Ch. 3978
GB Seal no.61 1343
Alverton, William of
Styled vicar of Akley
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Pointed oval, Our Lord on the cross, Our Lady and St. John on either side. Beneath a half figure praying
Inscription: TE CRVCEM ... CLICI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4074, 4075, 5041, 4564, 4991
Digitised version GB Seal no.62 n.d.
Alverton, Thomas of
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a head with mark on forehead, above it a hand blessing
Inscription: Legend illegible
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5034
GB Seal no.62(i) n.d.
Alwent, John
Rector of Winslow
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4926
GB Seal no.63 1287
Amicius, Bonus
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, tonsured figure standing in front of female figure, between them a scroll 'MARIA'
Inscription: BONI AMICI · CLICI · NOTAR...
Seal attached to document reference: 3.12.Spec.6; 3.2.Finc.31a, 31b
GB Seal no.64 1230
Amundeville, Emma of
For family see S.D., III, 270. Emma, with her brothers John and Thomas of Amundeville, grant to the almoner of Durham the right to grind at their mill of Hilton without multure.
Seal design: Seal destroyed
Seal attached to document reference: 6.3.Elemos.10
GB Seal no.65 n.d.
Amundeville, John of
Printed FPD, 57n. Charter No. 4 refers to land in Hilton. The date of charter 36 is early thirteenth century among the witnesses being Hemeric, archidiaconus and Adam de Gesemue.
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight with round topped helmet, sword and shield held close to body
Seal attached to document reference: 6.3.Elemos.4; 1.11.Spec.36
Digitised version GB Seal no.66 1312; 1322
Amundeville, John of
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a naked male figure standing with extended arm
Seal attached to document reference: 3.14.Spec.2, 3, 29
GB Seal no.67 n.d.
Amundeville, Ralph of
See A.A., 3rd ser., VI, pl. VIII, 2. This charter is printed FPD, 197n. The early shape of shield with straight top and rounded corners would date the seal rather early in the thirteenth century. The charges are the same as appear later on the
shield of William of Wessington (no. 2609). It is also interesting to note that the lion passant of Robert of Amundeville (no. 68) is very similar to the lion of Walter of Wessington (no. 2607). Whether there was any family connection to account for
this similarity I cannot say.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, two bars and in chief three molets
Inscription: ✠ S' · RADVLFI · D · MVNDEVIL
Seal attached to document reference: 1.16.Spec.54
GB Seal no.68 n.d.
Amundeville, Robert of
Jenyn's roll blasons for 'Robert de Amondeville de Wotton en Wardale' vair three pales gules. Charter No. 11 is printed FPD, 181n. "Heremic", archdeacon of Durham and Carlisle, is the first witness, he was appointed to Carlisle in 1196 (L.N. III,
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion passant
Seal attached to document reference: 2.11.Spec.11; 3.14.Spec.1
GB Seal no.69
Amundeville, Robert of
Same seal as No. 68
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion passant
Seal attached to document reference: [G] A45, 45*, 45(·)
GB Seal no.70 n.d.
Amundeville, Robert of
He is styled lord of Hilton son and heir of Thomas of Hilton.
Size: 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Shield shaped, charged with a cross paty a molet in the dexter chief
Inscription: ✶ S' ROB'TI DE MVNDEVILE
Seal attached to document reference: 6.3.Elemos.9
Digitised version GB Seal no.71 n.d.
Amundeville, Thomas of
A very rudely executed seal. Charter No. 3 is printed FPD, 159n. Date late twelfth century, William, archdeacon of Durham, is the first witness he appears as holding that office in 1174 (L.N. III, 302).
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight with round topped helmet and shield
Seal attached to document reference: 3.11.Spec.3, 3*; 6.3.Elemos.1
GB Seal no.72 n.d.
Amundeston, Ilgerus of
Now Amerston near Hartlepool.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, floriated cross device
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 42; 1.1.Finc.1
GB Seal no.73 n.d.
Amundeston, Itaria of
She is styled the wife of William of Hawthorn. They grant land in "Aymundeston" to Ralph, prior of Finchale (c.1233-40) see
Priory of Finchale , pp.125-126.
Size: 35 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a bird flying
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 47; 1.1.Finc.4
GB Seal no.74 1320
An...., Bartol of
Used by Cristiana daughter of William le Charecter
See A.A. 3rd ser. XX, p.118 no. 145, for a different description of this seal
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a fess
Inscription: ✶ SIGILLVM · BARTOLI · DE · AN....
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5783
GB Seal no.75 1281
Anagnia, Giffridus of
Styled papal chaplain.
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, figure seated at desk holding a scroll in his right hand on it GAR (?). A crescent and star in front of his head
Inscription: ... AVDIEN ... IA:AO... AD.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5167
GB Seal no.76 n.d.
Anger, Robert son of Robert son of
Styled son of Robert son of Anger of Lee gallico (?) The charter grants land there to the monks of Durham at Lytham.
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a starlike device of eight rays
Inscription: ✠ S' ROB... ANGER
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Ebor.42, 43
GB Seal no.77 n.d.
Angerton, Robert of
Counter seal on back of common seal of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
See A.A., 3rd ser., VI, pl. XI, 3. He was mayor of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1363-1364 (R.W., I, 427).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a chevron three ... above shield a merchant's mark
Inscription: S' ROB' RTI D' ANGERTONE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6882
GB Seal no.78 1375; 1383
Annesley, Thomas of
Second seal used by Juliana, his wife
See Surtees Soc.9, CXXXVI, for charter confirming him in the office of forester of Rainton. Willement's roll of Richard II blasons for 'John de Annesleye' paly of six silver and azure a baston gules.
Size: 1. 25 mm.Size: 2. 13 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, armorial, paly of six over all a bend2. Signet, antique gem, male head
Inscription: 1. ✠ S' THOME ... ESLEY...2. ⊕ TOVT ⊕ PASSE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1887 (1383); 2.3.Sacr.7 (1375)
GB Seal no.79 1359
Anstan, William of
Used by Margaret of Egglesclyf
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, two hands crossed at the wrist
Inscription: ✶ S' WILLI DE ANSTAN
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5606
GB Seal no.80 1340
Anvil, William of
Used by Alan of Ulkeston, executor of the will of William of Duxfield
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a pelican in her piety
Inscription: ✠ S' WILLMI DE ANVIL
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3599
GB Seal no.81 1325
Appelby, Edmund
Styled Edmund, son of Sir Henry of Appelby
Azure six martlets gold is blasoned for 'Sr. Henry de Appelby' in the first Dunstable roll (1279). In the roll of Richard II 'Edmond' bears the same and in Powell's roll of Edward III 'Sir Edmund' bears fourteen martlets.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, six martlets, shield in a traceried panel
Inscription: ✶ S' EDMVNDI · DE · APPILBI
Seal attached to document reference: 3.4.Ebor.3
Digitised version GB Seal no.82 1361; 1365
Appelby, John of
Glover blasons for Appelby silver on a bend sable three bezants.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, the Annunciation. Gabriel kneeling on one knee holds a scroll upon which is AVE. Between the figures is a pot with a lily in it, all under a traceried canopy. Beneath is a shield bearing on a bend
engrailed three ...(?), and supported by sinister, a squirrel, dexter, a lion (?)
Inscription: S' IOHANNIS · DE · APPLEBY
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4468 (1365); Misc.Ch. 5110g (1361)
Digitised version GB Seal no.83 1388
Appleby, John of
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, hunter on horseback, with dog, chasing deer
Inscription: Legend illegible
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Sacr.5, 13
GB Seal no.84 n.d.
Appleby, Nicholas of
Size: 25 x - mm.
Seal design: Oval (broken), antique gem, male figure within a traceried border
Inscription: ✶ S' N... DE ... I
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3504 (fragment); 4126k
GB Seal no.85 1355-1373
Appelby, William of
Used by Hugh of Fletham, clerk
One of the parish churches of Appleby is dedicated to St. Laurence
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, St. Laurence holding a girdiron in his right and book in his left hand, within a traceried panel
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3406, 3463, 3524, 3726, 3818, 3830, 3890, 4115b, 4356, 3490, 4100g, 4168, 4216, 4252, 4336, 4507, 4656, 4772, 4854, 4946, 5051, 5023, 5051k, 5086
GB Seal no.86 1365
Appelby, Thomas of
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three snakes curled impaling three eels (?). Shield in a traceried panel
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Spec.48; 1.2.Sacr.5a
Digitised version GB Seal no.87 1317
Appleton, William of
Glover blasons for Appleton gold a chevron sable between three apples vert
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron cotised between three apples; in rich tracery. In the compartments of the tracery are a crescent, a star (?), a Catherine wheel, and a chess rook
Inscription: ✶ SIGILLVM




Seal attached to document reference: 1.10.Spec.70
Digitised version GB Seal no.88 1370
Archer, Robert
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron between three arrow heads
Inscription: ✶ ... O ... ER
Seal attached to document reference: [G] D61
GB Seal no.89 n.d.
Aristotil, Gilbert
See R.N.D., app., 140. The legend on seal there given differs from this and refers to the design on the seal 'Ipse Gilbertus sedens scribens'.
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Gilbert sitting at his desk, a cross in front of his face
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Spec.23
GB Seal no.89(i) n.d.
Arlame, Helen sister of Master Hugh of
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3480
GB Seal no.90 n.d.
Armiger, Emma
Used by Emma, wife of Thomas Armiger of Corbridge
Size: 38 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a star of six rays
Inscription: ✶ S' EME . ARMIG
Seal attached to document reference: [G] B32
GB Seal no.91 1307
Styled vicar of Middleham
Size: 32 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, two male heads facing each other, a cross and star added

Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5356
Digitised version GB Seal no.92 n.d.
Artifex, Agnes
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a beautiful conventional leaf
Seal attached to document reference: 1.8.Spec.11
GB Seal no.93 26 Nov. 1462
Ascheley, Thomas
Size: 13 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal signet, a fleur-de-lys on dexter side F on sinister 'a' within a corded border
Seal attached to document reference: 3.4.Spec.26
GB Seal no.94 1321
Ask, Conan of
Second seal used by Emma, his wife. 1. Not his own seal; for arms of Aske, see No. 95.
Size: 1. 16 mm.Size: 2. 19 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, armorial, an indented chief.2. Round, armorial, a lion rampant.
Inscription: 1. Legend illegible
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4017
GB Seal no.95 1388
Ask, John of
See A.A., 3rd ser., vol. III, p. 271. His I.P.M. taken at Sedgefield 29 July, 1359 (C.R. 45, p. 154).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three bars
Inscription: ✶ Sigillvm : ioh.. : de : ask
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXVIII.9
GB Seal no.96 1353
Ask, Richard of
His I.P.M. taken at Durham, 4 January 1368/69.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three bars; shield hangs from a tree upon which a bird sits
Inscription: Sigillvm : ricardi : de : aske
Seal attached to document reference: 4.9.Spec.5, 6
Digitised version GB Seal no.97 1428
Aslakley, Alice
For family see S.D. III, 199 et seq. Now Aislaby in the parish of Egglesciff. She is styled widow of John Aslakby. Her I.P.M. was taken at Durham, 22 August 1429 (C.R. 45, p. 155).
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal signet, a bird between a branch and a leaf
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1740, 1743
GB Seal no.98 1341
Aslakby, John of
Styled lord of Egglescliff and son of William of Aslakby, knight (C.R. 31, p.42). His I.P.M. was taken at Sadberge, 9 September 1363 (C.R. 45, p.154). See also R.P.D. II, 1238 et seq.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, in a traceried panel, Our Lady and Christ standing, a saint on each side and beneath a half figure praying
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3821
Digitised version GB Seal no.99 1428
Aslakby, John
I.P.M. at Durham, 28 November 1432 (C.R. 45, p.155).
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Oblong signet, antique gem (?), an animal with young (? stag)
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1744
GB Seal no.99(i) n.d.
Aslakby, Roger of
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4776
GB Seal no.100 1447
Aslakby, Thomas
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, a quatrefoil, a letter in the centre and others on each leaf
Seal attached to document reference: 1.9.Spec.43
GB Seal no.101 1382
Aspour, Stephen
Used by Stephen, son of John Aspour, but not his seal
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a voided molet
Inscription: ✶ SIGILLVM ...
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Sacr.12
GB Seal no.102 n.d.
Audre, Matilda
Styled Matilda, wife of William of Mordon
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a distaff and spindle at sinister a crescent, at dexter a star
Inscription: ✠ S' MATILDIS DAVDRE
Seal attached to document reference: 3.15.Spec.4
Digitised version GB Seal no.103 n.d.
Audre, Roger of
These seals are all used by the same man. No. 105 is to a deed concerning the tithes of the mill of Ancroft. He held a moiety of the mills of Ancroft, Felkindon and Allerden in right of his wife Wimarc Papedie (seal no. 1935). See R.N.D., p.217.
For an account of the family of Papedie see
Ber. Nat. Club Trans. , 1876-78, p. 480. No. 106 is to a grant by Roger and his wife Wimarc to the prior and convent of Durham ad fabricam ecclesiae totam terram meam de Emotehill. They were lords of the manor of
Beautrove (now Butterby) near Croxdale on the Wear. See S.D. IV, pt. 2, p.109. Charter no. 18 is printed ibid. note c.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a pear-shaped shield a chalice
Inscription: ✶ SIGILLVM : ROGERI : DE : AVDRE
Seal attached to document reference: 2.14.Spec.18; 4.16.Spec.124
GB Seal no.104 n.d.
Audre, Roger of
See A.A., 3rd ser., vol VI, pl. IX, 4. (applies to this seal, not 103 as it states)
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chalice
Seal attached to document reference: 2.6.Spec.19
GB Seal no.105 n.d.
Audre, Roger of
Printed R.N.D., app., 130
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, armorial, a chalice
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Spec.62
GB Seal no.106 n.d.
Audre, Roger of
Size: 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, female head
Seal attached to document reference: 4.3.Sacr.7
GB Seal no.107 n.d.
Audre, Walter of
See A.A., 3rd ser., vol. VI, pl. VIII, 3. He was brother to Roger (F.P.D., 109n).
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, three cups
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Sacr.4; 1.1.Finc.26a & b, 27
GB Seal no.108 n.d.
Audre, Walter of
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Same seal as No. 107.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] A37, 38
GB Seal no.109 1292
Hall, John of the
Used by John de Maydiston, cf. 1737
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, demi figure of St. John Baptist holding Holy Lamb, within a circle. Beneath a demi tonsured figure praying.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4563
GB Seal no.110 n.d.
Hall, Richard son of Emma of the
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, floriated cross device
Inscription: ✠ S' RICARD FIL EMME
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Finc.7
GB Seal no.111 n.d.
Aunby, Remiguis of
Styled in the document 'Remigius Houservant'. See also
The History of Hemingbrough , p.128, note 15.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion walking
Seal attached to document reference: 4.3.Ebor.12
GB Seal no.112 1324
Styled 'Angerus dictus Frere de Rypon'
For another seal see Misc.Ch. 4135
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eagle displayed
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4096, 4555, 4639
GB Seal no.113 1320; 1340
Goldsmith, Alan
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a floriated cross with a bird on each side
Inscription: ✠ S' ALANI AVRIFABRI
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.151(1340); 2.17.Spec.44 (1320)
GB Seal no.114 1335
Goldsmith, John
cf. 1088
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion asleep
Inscription: ✶ ICI - DORT LE LIOVN : FORT
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4936
GB Seal no.115 n.d.
Goldsmith, Thomas
2. Used by Odiemia, his wife. 3. Used by Hugh, his son.
Size: 1. 38 x 22 mm.Size: 2. 35 x 22 mm.Size: 3. 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: 1. Oval, a heron2. Oval, a conventional flower device3. Oval, a conventional flower device
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2239
GB Seal no.116 n.d.
Aylward, Adam son of
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, pretty floriated device
Inscription: SIGILL : AD... ERLINGT...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1617
GB Seal no.117 1322
Ayremynne, William of
He was presented by Edward II, during the vacancy of the see, to the church of Whitburn (R.P.D., I, 182). By bishop Richard of Kellawe in 1316 to the church of Wearmouth (R.P.D., II, 807), and was a proxy, appointed by bishop Kellawe to attend
parliament in his stead (R.P.D., I, 301, 384, 435). He was bishop of Norwich, 1325-1336.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, antique gem, a bearded figure riding on a lion and holding the lower jaw of the lion's open mouth.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4474
GB Seal no.117(i) 1350/1
Azuli, William of
Used by Alan of Ulkeston, chaplain
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3599
118: B...R...: see no. 492
GB Seal no.119 1336
Babthorp, John of
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, device undecipherable
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Ebor.17
GB Seal no.120 n.d.
Babthorpe, Ralph of
Charter and seal printed P.F., 48. The legend which is round this seal, completed, reads HUNDESLIE, now Hunsley, a hamlet in the parish of Rowley, Yorks. For account of the family of Babthorpe see Raine's
History of Hemingbrough , p. 172 et seq.
Size: 41 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL : RADVLFI · DE ...NDESIE
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Finc.23
GB Seal no.121 n.d.
Babthorp, Ralph of
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Signet, round, very indistinct and poor impression, undecipherable
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXV, 168
GB Seal no.122 n.d.
Babthorp, Robert
See V.Y., 102 and 598. R.P.D., II, 1189. The device is two interlooped crescents, that is charges taken from the shield of Babthorpe blasoned sable a chevron gold between three crescents silver (or ermine).
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Signet, octagonal, a geometrical device and 'babthorpe

'. Seal is surrounded by a twisted straw.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXV, 28, 29
GB Seal no.123 1343
Backworth, Bartholomew of
The charter names Waleran of Lumley, then bailiff of Gateshead (see no. 1675).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, on a shield a device resembling a merchant's mark
Inscription: S' BARTH · DE · BACWORTHE
Seal attached to document reference: 3.3.Spec.33, 33*
Digitised version GB Seal no.124 n.d.
Backworth, Serlo
Styled Serlo, son of Edulfus of Backworth
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys
Inscription: ... M ...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5887
GB Seal no.125 1382
Bacon, John
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a stringed horn, on the dexter a crescent, on the sinister a star
Inscription: Legend very indistinct
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Sacr.24
GB Seal no.126 1301
Baldok, Robert of
In 1309 he was rector of Whickham (R.P.D., I, 509); in 1311 canon of Chester-le-Street (ibid., 55). Bishop of Norwich, 1325, and chancellor of Edward II. He was captured with Edward and the younger Despenser at Neath abbey and died of
ill-treatment in Newgate, 1327. (
Political History of England , III, 301).
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Hexagonal, an oak tree between a male and female bust
Inscription: ✶ ENVS ...IE SEIT HONIE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4010*
GB Seal no.127 1308; 1338
Baldok, Robert of
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, demi figures of Our Lady and Christ, beneath a demi figure praying
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3871 (1308); Misc.Ch. 4820 (1338)
Digitised version GB Seal no.128 1313
Baldok, Richard of
Richard is styled clerk and procurator for Robert of Baldok. The village of Baldock is in Hertfordshire.
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, an oak tree with acorns, two birds sitting on top branches, in spandrels of the enclosing quatrefoil are the evangelistic symbols. At the beginning of the legend is a hand raised in
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4010
Digitised version GB Seal no.129 1309
Baldok, Richard of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Quatrefoil shape, a tree upon which sit two birds back to back.
Inscription: ✶RICI · SIGNV · C...C : LIGNV
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4697
GB Seal no.130 n.d.
Baldwin, Hugh of
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, four fleurs-de-lys
Inscription: ✠ ... HVGONIS BALDEWEN
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2309
GB Seal no.131 1272
Balliol, Sir Alexander of
For Balliol pedigree, see N.C.H., VI, 72. This seal is engraved, ibid., p.48, No. 9.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, an orle
Inscription: ✠ SIG ...NDRI ... DE BAILL...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6909
GB Seal no.132 n.d.
Balliol, Eustace of
Engraved S.D., seals VII, 5.
Size: 67 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight with drawn sword, flat-topped helmet, and shield with boss and escarbuncle, pointed spur and triangular stirrup-iron.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Spec.7, 7*; Misc.Ch. 5888
GB Seal no.133 n.d.
Balliol, John of
Engraved N.C.H., VI, p.48, No.5.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian knight, holding sword in right hand and on left arm shield, shewing inside.
Inscription: ... IL ...NNIS : DE ...AL...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6909*
134: Balliol, John, King of Scots. Great seal. See 3081 below
135: Balliol, Edward, King of Scots. Privy seal. See 3084
GB Seal no.136 n.d.
Balliol, Hugh of
Engraved N.C.H., VI, p.48, No.3.
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial on a pear-shaped shield on orle.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Spec.9
Digitised version GB Seal no.137 n.d.
Balliol, Hugh of
Engraved S.D., seals, VII. 9.
Size: 57 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight in chain mail with sword drawn, flat-topped helmet and shield bearing an orle.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Spec.8; Misc.Ch. 5885, 5886, 6905
GB Seal no.138 n.d.
Balliol, Hugh of
Engraved N.C.H., VI, 36.
Size: 63 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight with sword drawn, round-topped helmet, and shield with spike, held close to breast.
Inscription: S... GONI ...LLOLIO
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 345
GB Seal no.139 1355
Bamburgh, John of [?]
Archdeacon of Northumberland in 1362 (L.N. III, 306).
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady seated holding Christ on the dexter, on the sinister a bishop seated, blessing, holding a crosier in his left hand. Beneath a demi figure praying.
Inscription: VOS · SCI · DEI · SI...TIS · AMICI · MEI .
Seal attached to document reference: 4.3.Spec.8
cf. with 2516
GB Seal no.140 1356; 1360
Bamburgh, John of
Used by John of Bamburgh, clerk. Archdeacon of Northumberland in 1362 (L.N. III, 306).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, female figure standing, holding a cap in her right hand. Behind a conventional branch.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.5.Spec.27 (1356); Misc.Ch. 6525 (1360); Loc.XXXVII:68 (1368)
GB Seal no.141 1359
Bamburgh, John of
Used by John of Bamburgh, clerk. Archdeacon of Northumberland in 1362 (L.N. III, 306).
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, standing figure, holding crosier in right hand. An animal jumping towards him on left side, a plant on each side. Beneath a demi figure praying.
Inscription: Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6524
GB Seal no.142 1378
Bamburgh, John of
Used by John of Bamburgh, clerk
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a crowned head within a traceried border.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.135
GB Seal no.143 1332
Bamburgh, Thomas of
Styled Thomas of Bamburgh, clerk
He was a clerk in chancery and vicar of Embleton. (N.C.H., I, 215).
Size: 32 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, figure, holding a double-thonged whip.
Inscription: ...LMV . THOME . DE . BAVMEBVRGH . CLER
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 227
GB Seal no.144 n.d.
Bamburgh, William of
Styled William, son and heir of Thomas of Bamburgh
Printed R.N.D., app. 134
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a monster with a man's head, a bird's body and feet, and a lion's tail.
Inscription: ✠ S' WILL'M' BAVM...
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Spec.35
Digitised version GB Seal no.145 n.d.
Banastre, Adam of
He was a vassal of Thomas, earl of Lancaster. In 1315 he raised the earl's Lancashire vassals in revolt, hoping to gain King Edward's favour by troubling the turbulent earl. The revolt was quickly subdued, and Adam was taken in his house and
beheaded. (Baine's
History of Lancashire , I, 83;
The Political History of England , III, 267).
Size: 35 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, probably an antique gem, but device undecipherable.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.4.Ebor.27
GB Seal no.146 n.d.
Banastre, Margaret
Styled, formerly wife of Richard Fitz Roger and (in No. 4) the Lady Margaret Banastre
She was daughter and heiress of Dunstan Banastre, of an important Lancashire family, and married Richard Fitz Roger, lord of Wood Plumpton, in Lancashire. He (circa 1200) gave all his land at Lithum to the monks of Durham. A charter c.1200/1
describes the land at Lithum as having been given to Richard Fitz Roger by King John, when earl of Mortain, to be conferred on the monks of Durham (Baine's
Lancashire , II, 491, 503; Nicholson and Burn's
Westmoreland , I 626).
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an eagle standing with wings raised and head turned back
Seal attached to document reference: 3.4.Ebor.1
GB Seal no.147 1339
Barbotti, Raynuchi
Styled a merchant of Siena
To this deed the seals of some citizens of London have been appended, of these only one is left: oval, 19 x 16 mm, antique gem, a male head, . HOME . DE ... RAV...
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Heater shaped, armorial, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' RANVCCI S:BARBOTI·
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4301
Digitised version GB Seal no.148 1263; 1265
Barbotti, Renardi
Styled a merchant of Siena
Misc.Ch. 4128b has an indistinguishable round secretum.
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, four escallops, arranged in cross, within a quatrefoil panel, beneath three fleur-de-lys within a trefoil. On each side a cherub.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4109f (1265); Misc.Ch. 4128b (1263)
Digitised version GB Seal no.149 1338
Barbour, John
Used by Margaret, widow of John Barbour of Durham. This seems to be a Wycliffe seal.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron between three crosses paty.
Inscription: SIGILLVM WILLI DE ...
Seal attached to document reference: 3.15.Spec.48
GB Seal no.150 n.d.
Bardolf, Thomas
For early armorial seals of Bardolf see
The Guisboro' Chartulary .
Size: 29 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, two heads facing each other.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL · TOME BARDOLF
Seal attached to document reference: 6.3.Elemos.7
GB Seal no.151 n.d.
Bardolf, Agatha
Styled Agatha, formerly wife of Thomas Bardolf.
Size: 38 x 35 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a crescent enclosing a rayed star.
Seal attached to document reference: 6.3.Elemos.8
Barnard Castle (see Castle Bernard, 553 et post)
GB Seal no.152 n.d.
Barneby, Alfred of
He was the husband of Juliane Ulcotes, see no. 2501. In the I.P.M. of Philip of Ulcotes he is called Alured of Barneby. See also FPD 105 and 106 notes.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-le-lys (very rude).
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Spec.17; 1.3.Spec.36; Misc.Ch. 2095
GB Seal no.153 1282
Barne, John
Styled son of Hugh Barne of Whitburn.
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Lozenge-shaped, a lion rampant above its head

Inscription: S' IOHIS · BARYN · DE WITEBM
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6449, 6450
Digitised version GB Seal no.154 n.d.
Barne, John
Styled John, son of Hugh Barn of 'Qwhitberin'
Size: -
Seal design: Similar seal to 153, but lion turned the other way and no letter above its head.
Inscription: S' IOHIS BARN D' W...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6451
GB Seal no.155 1407
Barneby, William of
Used by John Raper of Durham
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a chevron (undecipherable).
Inscription: ✶ S' WILLI DE BARNEBY
Seal attached to document reference: 4.17.Spec.28
GB Seal no.156 n.d.
Bart, Alice
Styled formerly wife of Stephen of Heselden
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a floriated cross.
Inscription: ✠ S' ALISCIE · D · RAHT:
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Sacr.11
GB Seal no.157 1356
Barthen, John of
Used by John, son of John of Barthen, clerk
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Hexagonal, armorial, a goat (?) rampant.
Inscription: Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.4.Spec.44
GB Seal no.158 1291
Styled 'magister'
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, indistinct, looks like an animal (rabbit?) with star in front.
Inscription: · BARTHOLOME...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3814
GB Seal no.159 1463
Barton, Conan
Size: 16 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal signet, armorial, fretty and a fess
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Spec.62
GB Seal no.160 1482
Barton, Robert
Styled Robert Barton of Cassop
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Signet, a boar's head and above it 'Zb'
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5811
GB Seal no.161 1279
Barun, Peter
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys
Inscription: ✠ S' PETRI BARVN
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Ebor.21
GB Seal no.162 1322
Baseby, Robert
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion passant.
Inscription: ✶ S' ROBERTI CR...E
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1539, 1540
GB Seal no.163 n.d.
Basing, John
He is styled knight. Signet is affixed to a letter to the prior of Durham.
Size: 16 x 13 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal signet, an eagle standing with wings raised, a device (?) behind its head.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXV, 12
GB Seal no.164 1367
Basingham, William
Styled William of Basingham, rector of the church of 'Eggisklef'
In 1356 he was steward of the bishop of Durham (H.D. I, 381).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron between three crosses patonce. A lacertine beast on either side of shield.
Inscription: ✶ SIGI... WILLI · DE · BASINGHAM
Seal attached to document reference: Hess.80
GB Seal no.165 n.d.
Casse, Agnes
Styled Agnes, daughter of Alan Kasse of 'Moreslawe'
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a starlike device of four long and four shorter rays.
Inscription: ✠ S' AGNETIS · FILIE · ALLAI
Seal attached to document reference: 4.17.Spec.14
Digitised version GB Seal no.166 n.d.
Basset, Reginald
Printed FPD, 196n.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a floriated device.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1667; 1.2.Elemos.10
GB Seal no.167 1310
Basset, William
See P.A., 3rd ser., IV, 114 and plate facing p.89. He was justice of assize for Durham, II bishop Richard of Bury (1344) and an additional justice for Durham and Sadbergh in I bishop Hatfield (1345). (C.R. 31, pp.50 and 114). In 1338 he is
justice of the king's court at York (
Guisboro' Chartulary I, 171;). He was of the family of Hillmorton, Warkwickshire (see Dugdale's
Warwickshire , p. 1004). In 14 Edward III he had a grant of free warren in his manor of
South Duffield (
History of Hemingbrough , 215). This deed is printed A.A. 1st ser. II, 279 - in it he is styled knight and lord of Offerton.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, within a foliage pattern, a shield bearing two bars and in chief three wreaths.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] C.4, 6
GB Seal no.168 1417
Batun, Matilda
Used by John Densham of York, chaplain, and Richard Knapton, vicar of Dalton-le-Dale, executors of the will of John Sheffield citizen of York. No. 2 is apparently a Conyer's seal.
Size: 1. 13 mm.Size: 2. 13 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, a female figure holding a bird.2. Round, a maunch within a floriated border.
Inscription: 1. ✠ S' MATILD DE BATVN
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Sacr.39; Misc.Ch. 2578
GB Seal no.169 1381
Batey, William
Used by William Baty, vicar of Pittington (cf. 3370 and Misc.Ch. 1871)
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a saltire and a chief, a fleur-de-lys for difference (?).
Inscription: ✠ SIGILLV ...
Seal attached to document reference: 1.8.Spec.14
GB Seal no.170 1369
Beaufowe, Ralph
Used by Thomas of Claxton; for nature of charter, see S.D., III, 142. The same seal is used by Ralph Beaufewe of Hawthorn to a bond of 1373 to Sir William Claxton, and also to a grant to William Menevill.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a tree of five branches.

Seal attached to document reference: Hess.67; Misc.Ch. 6141, 6143
GB Seal no.171 n.d.
Bec, Henry
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eagle standing with raised wings.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL · HENRICI · BEC ✶
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Elemos.1
GB Seal no.172 1324-1333
Beckingham, John of
Used by John of Beckingham, rector of Bliburgh. This and the four following seals are all used by the same man. Beckingham is in Notts., a few miles west of Gainsborough. Blyburgh is in Lincolnshire about three miles south of Kirton Lindsey, the
church there was one of the possessions of the convent of Durham. (FPD, LXXXIV). See also
Percy Chartulary , 203 et passim.
Size: 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady standing holding Christ on His cross in front of her. On dexter side St. John Baptist, on sinister a bishop. Beneath a demi figure praying.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4078c, 4404, 4925, 4750, 5081f
GB Seal no.173 1315-1319
Beckingham, John of
For another seal of John of Beckingham, see Misc.Ch. 5081n
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, head of St. John Baptist, a leaf above it.
Inscription: ✶ CAPVD IOHIS IN DISCO .
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3819, 4062n, 4595, 5040
GB Seal no.174 1324
Beckingham, John of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a heart from which issue two flowers, diapered background.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3811, 4078b
Digitised version GB Seal no.175 1321-1322
Beckingham, John of
[same seal as 176]
Size: 10 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a heart from which issue four flowers, on each side a bird facing towards it.
Inscription: :✶ MON:QVER ... EN . GARDE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3711, 3892; 4044a
GB Seal no.176 1323
Beckingham, John of
[same seal as 175]
Size: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, two birds seated on a plant facing each other.
Inscription: ... ONH VERA
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3393
GB Seal no.177 n.d.
Bedale, Thomas of
Used by Thomas of Birdene (c.1394).
Size: 22 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, St. Catherine standing to whom a figure on the left is praying.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 314
GB Seal no.178 1428; 1442
Bedford, William
Styled William Bedford of Elvet
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal signet, a birch rod.
Inscription: Bedford
Seal attached to document reference: 2.8.Spec.8, 14, 15 (1428); 4.16.Spec.26 (1442)
GB Seal no.179 n.d.
Bedlington, Robert of
Printed R.N.D., app., 143.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a round-headed beast with a floriated tail.
Inscription: ✠ SILLV : RODBERTI : DE : WINTONIA :
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Spec.8
GB Seal no.180 n.d.
Behil, Gilbert
Styled Gilbert of Beyl
Printed R.N.D., app., 119.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a round-topped shield between two crescents.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Spec.18, 19
Digitised version GB Seal no.181 1475-1481
Bell, Edmund
Styled Edmund Bell, clerk
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round, a bell within a beaded circle, upon a label over it EDMVNDE.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.9.Spec.85; 4.11.Spec.39; 1.18.Spec.18, 19; 4.18.Spec.61, 63, 64; 1.2. Hess.52; 3.15.Spec.30
GB Seal no.182 1476
Bell, Robert
Used by Robert Bell and Alice his wife.
Size: 1. 19 x 16 mm.Size: 2. 10 mm.
Seal design: 1. Octagonal, a figure and the Holy Lamb.2. Round, armorial, a saltire between, on the dexter a crescent, on the sinister a star. Within a corded border.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5365
GB Seal no.183 1357; 1380
Bellasis, John of
Used by John of Bellasis.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, an eagle displayed, a fleur-de-lys on each wing, and one or two on the body.
Inscription: S' IO HAN NIS BEL AS IS (only distinguishable thus on 4a
Seal attached to document reference: 2.10.Spec.4a & b; Misc.Ch. 6518, 6519, 6520, 6521, 6522; 4.9.Spec.32; Ibid.7
Digitised version GB Seal no.184 1404-1414
Bellasis, John of
Glover blasons the arms silver a chevron gules between three fleurs-de-lis azure.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Quatrefoil shape, armorial, a chevron between three fleur-de-lys. Above and on each side of shield a quatrefoil leaf.
Inscription: ĀMVR ∵ VĀIN

∵ CV

Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1928; 4.2.Sacr.31; 3.5.Elemos.5
Digitised version GB Seal no.185 n.d.
Bellasis, Juliana
Styled Juliana, formerly wife of German of Bellasis
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a floriated device.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Sacr.6
GB Seal no.186 n.d.
Bellasis, Sybill
Styled Sybill, daughter of German (of Bellasis)
Size: 38 x 1 in . mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILLVM ⋮ SIBILLE ⋮
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Sacr.3
GB Seal no.187 1411
Bellasis, Robert
Styled Robert of Bellasis, son and heir of John of Bellasis, senior
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal, a crown with R.B.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.4
GB Seal no.188 1279
Bellasis, William of
Styled William son of Adam of Belasis. This is Bellasis a township in the parish of Eastrington near Howden, Yorkshire. The charter is a licence from prior Richard and the convent of Durham to the parishioners of Eastrington to erect an oratory
at Bellasis in that parish.
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a pelican in her piety.
Inscription: ✠ S' WILLELMI DE BELASYS:
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Ebor.21
GB Seal no.189 1316
Bellasis, William of
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a leaf (?) within a square formed by the ears of four running hares.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.9.Spec.43; Misc.Ch. 6495
Digitised version GB Seal no.190 1320
Bellardi, John
Styled a merchant of Lucca
An association of the merchants of Lucca was called the Society of the Bellardi (R.P.D., I, 647), which John calls himself here..
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chief fretty. The shield is placed in a lozenge within a quatrefoil in the quarters of which are the evangelistic symbols (?).
Inscription: ✶S' IOHIS BELLARDI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4083, 5039
Digitised version GB Seal no.191 1343
Bellerby, John of
Cellarer of Guisborough
Styled cellarer of 'Gyseburn' (Guisborough).
Size: 32 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a lion; on setting of gem dexter a fox, sinister a cock (?)
Inscription: ...LEO: .TĀ: IOH . ENER
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3805
GB Seal no.192 c. 1181-1187
Belmeis, William
Styled William of Belm, canon of St Paul's, London
The document is a grant from William of Belmeis to the Chapter of St Paul's, London, of his church of St Pancras.
Size: 44 mm.
Seal design: Round, the Holy Lamb
Inscription: ... LLVM WI...
Seal attached to document reference: [G] B5
GB Seal no.193 1328-1336
Belton, Henry
Styled a citizen of York
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a bend between two molets; a small cross above the shield.
Inscription: ✶ S' HENRICI DE BELTON
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Ebor.10; 4.1.Sacr.10; Misc.Ch. 4899
GB Seal no.194 n.d.
Belver, Richard of
Size: 25 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the Holy Lamb.
Inscription: ✠ ECCE AGNVS DEI
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Ebor.29
GB Seal no.195 1309-1310
Belver, Robert of
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a bird seated on a tree, beneath a fish in vesica.
Inscription: S' ROB...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3430
GB Seal no.196 1290
Belvizoni, Reynerus
Styled a merchant of Florence
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, armorial, shield hanging from a tree and charged with a goat (?) leaping impaling checky.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4027
Digitised version GB Seal no.197 1306
Bene, Isabella of
Size: 35 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an elongated star
Inscription: ✠ S' ISABELE BENE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2436
GB Seal no.198 1310
Benested, John of
In the Falkirk roll (1298) Sir John Benestede bears, ... a cross 'patee et botonee' silver.
Size: 10 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, within a six-foil panel a shield charged with two bars gemell.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4911
Digitised version GB Seal no.199 1310
Benested, John of
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, within a six-foiled panel a lion walking in front of a tree.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4911*
GB Seal no.200 n.d.
Benett, Dionisia
Styled Dionisia Benett of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a female figure standing holding a fleur-de-lys in her left hand, the right hand is against her breast. In the right background two stalked leaves.
Inscription: ✶ S' DIONISIE BENET
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6932
Digitised version GB Seal no.201 1320
Benet, John
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, squirrel sitting, holding a nut.
Inscription: ✶ S' IOHIS BENET
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1541, 1543, 1568, 1572, 1537, 1633
GB Seal no.202 n.d.
Benet, John
Styled John Benet of Darlington
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a squirrel.
Inscription: ✠ S IOHIS BENET
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1570, 1634, 1635
GB Seal no.203 1316-1321
Benet, John
Styled John, son of William, son of Benedict of Darlington
I.P.M. taken at Darlington, 6 August 1341 (C.R., 45). See also L.D., 189, 274 and note.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a squirrel sitting and cracking a nut.
Inscription: ✶ I CRAKE NOTIS HER
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1511, 1563, 1566, 1571, 1632
Digitised version GB Seal no.204 1321
Benet, John
Used by John, son of William, son of Benedict of Darlington.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a tree upon which a bird is seated, on each side is a head, beneath it a fox.
Inscription: Legend very indistinct.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1565
GB Seal no.205 n.d.
Benet, Robert
For nature of this character see FPD, 155n.
Size: 44 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight with sword and shield bearing a cross within a border of roundels.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.3.Ebor.21, 2d, 5
Digitised version GB Seal no.206 n.d.
Benet, Robert
Refers to Bliburgh in Nottinghamshire. In charter 4.3.Ebor.8, Simon de Crevecouer calls him 'my knight' (miles meus) (see no. 739).
Size: 54 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight with sword and shield bearing a border of roundels and a cross (?).
Seal attached to document reference: 4.3.Ebor.2b, 2c
Digitised version GB Seal no.207 1324
Benet, William
Used by William, son of Benet of Darlington.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, the Holy Lamb.
Inscription: ✠ ECCE AGNVS DEI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1636
GB Seal no.208 n.d.
Benet, William
Styled William, son of Robert Benett
Printed FPD, 55n.
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eagle with head turned back and wings raised, standing on a floriated conventional branch.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.11.Spec.22, 23
GB Seal no.209 1348
Benet, Simon
Used by Simon, son of John Benet of Darlington, and also by Matilda, widow of Hugh de Burdon and then wife of Robert Faber. He was son of John (No. 203) and aged 21 at his father's I.P.M., in 1341. See also 2572
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a crowned female figure [St Margaret] standing upon a dragon which she spears with a cross-topped spear. On dexter side W.
Inscription: Legend very indistinct.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.10.Spec.34; ibid.48, 55
GB Seal no.210 n.d.
Benpenne, Henry
Styled Henry Benpeine, son of Thomas of 'Raton rawe'
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' HENRICI BEN · PENNE
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Elemos.16
GB Seal no.211 1258
Benton, John
Styled John, son of Thomas of Little Benton
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the Holy Lamb.
Inscription: ✠ S' IOHANNIS D' BENTVN
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Spec.22
GB Seal no.212 1246
Benton, John of
Printed FPD, 104n.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a bird standing upon a branch.
Inscription: ✠ IONES : D' BENTVN
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Spec.29
Digitised version GB Seal no.213 1346
Benton, Agnes
Styled Agnes, who was the wife of Ralph of Benton
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a female figure standing, holding a staff in her right hand and a bird on her left wrist. A dog leaps up to her in front. Background floriated.
Inscription: ✶ LA DA MOI SELE · EST .. ON LEAL
Seal attached to document reference: 1.4.Spec.109
Digitised version GB Seal no.214 1456
Berehalgh, John
Styled John Berehalgh of Durham, clerk
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round, a bear, with I above it.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.17.Spec.9
GB Seal no.215 1442
Berehalgh, John
In Jenyn's Ordinary Richard Berehalgh bears three bears passant sable muzzled gold. He was a notary public in 1446; he received 2s. for sealing a provocacio for the sub-prior and chapter of Durham, the office of prior being vacant (
Durham Account Rolls , III, 631).
Size: 10 mm.
Seal design: Signet, round, a quatrefoil leaf with circular centre upon which (undecipherable).
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.26
GB Seal no.216 1327-1342
Bergh, Alexander
Guisboro' Chartulary , I, 86, note 4 and ibid. II, p. lvi. In 1311 he was appointed seneschal and bailiff of Howden by bishop Kellawe (R.P.D. I, 19). In 1325 he was keeper of Scarborough castle (
Percy Chartulary , 158 and note).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a bend cotised three roundels.
Inscription: ✶ S' :ALEXANDRI:DE:BERGH
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3458, 3487, 3522, 3659, 3696, 3664, 3754, 4035, 4508, 4039n, 4044b, 4102, 4113, 4136o, 4472, 4715, 4715*, 4792, 5051, 5094
Digitised version GB Seal no.217 1314-1317
Bergh, William
Styled William of Bergh, executor of the will of William of Pickering, dean of St. Peter's. York
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady crowned standing with Christ in her arms. A figure kneels to them over whose head is a fleur-de-lys. Two stars in background.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3591, 4127, 5073, 5083
Digitised version GB Seal no.218 1219
Berlai, Henry of
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, undecipherable.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Sacr.41; Misc.Ch. 2547
GB Seal no.219 n.d.
Bermeton, Nicholas
Styled Nicolas, son of Richard of Bermeton
Size: 32 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, undecipherable.
Inscription: S NICHOLAI D...
Seal attached to document reference: 3.10.Spec.66
GB Seal no.220 n.d.
Styled Bernard the miller
For Bernard the champion (pugilis) see
Medieval legal records , ed. Hunniset & Post, p.33 and paper by W. Brown in
Yorks. Archaeologist Journal , XXIII, p. 312.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a hand issuing from the left and holding a war hammer. On each side a square object like a cushion.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Elemos.7; 3.1.Ebor.5
Digitised version GB Seal no.221 n.d.
Bernard the miller, Robert son of
Son of Bernard the miller (220 above).
Size: 38 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a floriated fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Elemos.9
GB Seal no.222 n.d.
Bertford, John of
Styled dominus in the document; which is his admission to the chapel of Hilton.
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the Holy Lamb, a cross crosslet behind its head.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.4.Spec.22
GB Seal no.223 1321
Beruight, Alexander of
Size: -
Seal design: Round, broken, armorial, on a bend three eagles, shield within a traceried panel.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4917
GB Seal no.224 1465
Bertram, Robert
Styled Robert Bertram, clerk
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal, a monkey sitting, an object in front of it.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1729
GB Seal no.225 1346
Bertram, Robert
See A.A., 3rd ser., VI 182. Blasoned gold an orle azure, differenced from the arms of Baliol by change of colour. He held the barony of Bothal in chief (
Testa de Neville , 392). See also H.N. II, ii, 125; A.A. 2 ser. III, 75.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a shield couche an orle, above the shield a helmet, with mantling, surrounded by a crest of an animal's head (fawn?).
Inscription: S' ROB ERTI BERT RAM
Seal attached to document reference: [G] B39
GB Seal no.226 n.d.
Bertram, Roger
Styled Lord of Mitford
Styled lord Mitford, which barony he held in chief (
Testa de Neville 392). The blason is gules crusilly and an orle gold deriving from the Baliol shield. See also N.H., II, ii, 39.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, powdered with crosses an orle.
Inscription: ✶ S' · ROGERI · BERTRAM
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5227
Digitised version GB Seal no.227 n.d.
Bertram, Roger
See A.A., 3rd ser., VI, 182. Same man as no. 226.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight in mail and sleeveless surcoat, sword in right hand and on left arm a shield powdered with crosses crosslet and charged with an orle. The horse trappings bear the same
Inscription: ✠ S' ROGERI B...DNI D' MIDFORD
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Spec.25
GB Seal no.228 n.d.
Bertram, Roger
Printed FPD, 156n.
Size: 44 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight with round-topped shield.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.12.Spec.13
GB Seal no.229 1291
Besepol, Robert of
Styled executor of the will of master Roger of Hartburn.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of eight points.
Inscription: S' ROBTI · DE · BESEPVL
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3814
GB Seal no.230 1339
Bet, Adam
Seal is used by Adam Bet of Durham and also by Robert of Fery, merchant. In 1316, Adam is styled dominus and capelianus (RPD II, 1297).
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a lion passant, beneath a man's head between two fleur-de-lys in quatrefoiled panel.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILLVM ... HER CLICI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc. 1889, 1892
GB Seal no.231 n.d.
Bethum, Thomas of
He held the third part of knight's fee in Warton (Lancashire) of the earl of Lincoln and died c.1248 (Victoria History of Lancashire, VII, 172 notes et seq.). See also Cal. I.P.M., I Henry III, no. 143.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a bird standing.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.4.Ebor.12
GB Seal no.232 n.d.
Bethum, Ralph of
Son and heir of Thomas (no. 231) died c. 1253. He married Amuria, daughter and co-heir of Richard fitz Roger (see no. 2110 and note).
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a bird
Inscription: ✠ ...
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.4.Ebor.1
GB Seal no.233 n.d.
Beverley, Thomas of
Appended to a charter of 'Tannok de Ponte' in the place where Beverley's seal should be.
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, St. Andrew on his cross with a bird on each side and a fleur-de-lys below.
Inscription: Legend destroyed.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2304
GB Seal no.234 n.d.
Beverley, Thomas
Styled an executor of the will of Robert called 'Cocus' of Elvet
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, figure kneeling in prayer, above him a hand in benediction, before him a crescent, behind a star.
Inscription: ✠ S' THOME DE BEVERLEY
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2438; 4.16.Spec.132
GB Seal no.235 n.d.
Beverley, Patrick
Styled Patrick, son of Thomas of Beverley
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a naked figure seated.
Inscription: Legend very indistinct.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.1
GB Seal no.236 1360
Bickerton, Richard of
Styled Sir Richard of Bykerton, sub-prior (of Durham)
He was still sub-prior 1326/63 (
Durham Account Rolls I 177).
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a female figure, with nimbus, standing, holding a cup in left hand, the right hand placed on breast. Background of foliage.
Inscription: ✶ SCA MARIA ...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6525
GB Seal no.237 1295
Bidick, William
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a rabbit riding on an ass and holding a falcon on his foot.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4030
Digitised version GB Seal no.238 n.d.
Bidick, Peter
Styled Peter, son of Walter of Bydic
A pedigree of the family is given, H.D., III, app. The document names Walter of Whitby, then master of the house of Kepier, and William of Newbottle, then steward of the same.
Size: 38 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a star-like flower.
Inscription: ✠ S PETRI ... WALTERI
Seal attached to document reference: 4.14.Spec.23
GB Seal no.239 1322; 1351
Bille, John
I.P.M. taken at Durham, 16 January 1356/7 (C.R., 45). See also R.P.D., II, 1207.
Size: 19 x 13 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an eagle standing with raised wings and head turned back, beneath a scroll with inscription.
Inscription: Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.13.Spec.2, 3; 4.13.Spec.52, 59; 4.15.Spec.54
GB Seal no.239(i) n.d.
Billingham, Alan of
Seal attached to document reference: 1.9.Spec.37
GB Seal no.240 n.d.
Billingham, Adam of
Used by Adam of Billingham, clerk, in 1353, and by himself and others up to 1388.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, in centre A.B. Surrounded by compartments, in the first one is our Lord on the Cross, in the second the Holy Lamb, in the third a bird, in the fourth a figure praying.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.6.Spec.37, 41; 4.15.Spec.18, 20; 4.16.Spec.31; 1.2.Sacr.13; Misc.Ch. 1902, 2319, 3634, 4052e (fragment), 6761
GB Seal no.241 1219
Billingham, Geoffrey of
See S.D., III, 144, and IV, 139.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a cross moline voided.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL GALFRIDI ...ONIS
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Pont.8
GB Seal no.242 n.d.
Billingham, Geoffrey
Styled Geoffrey, son of Odo of Billingham
Size: 38 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' GALFDI DE BILLINGHA.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.9.Spec.8
Digitised version GB Seal no.243 n.d.
Billingham, Henry of
Same man as no. 241. Billingham is in South Durham near Stockton on Tees. The document names Sir Richard of Claxton then vicar of Billingham.
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a pelican in her piety.
Inscription: ✠ S' HENRICI · DE · BILLIGHAM
Seal attached to document reference: 3.9.Spec.22
GB Seal no.244 1344
Billingham, John of
Styled John of Billingham, a merchant of 'Hertlepool'
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a merchant's mark on a shield and the letters IB.
Inscription: S' IOAN · DE .. BILLINGHAM
Seal attached to document reference: 1.10.Spec.35
Digitised version GB Seal no.245 n.d.
Billingham, John of
Styled John, son of Geoffrey of Billingham
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady seated holding Christ on her knee.
Inscription: ✠ S' IOHIS · DE · BILLIGHAM
Seal attached to document reference: 1.9.Spec.17
GB Seal no.246 n.d.
Billingham, John of
Styled John, son of Agnes of Billingham
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL · IOHIS· FIL· ANGNE
Seal attached to document reference: 1.9.Spec.14
GB Seal no.247 1349
Billingham, Peter of
Styled John, son of Peter of 'Skyppewyth'
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, two birds back to back, with heads turned to a plant placed between them.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.9.Spec.18
GB Seal no.248 1441
Billingham, Richard of
Styled son and heir of John Tailour of Billingham.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a grotesque beast within a traceried panel.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.9.Spec.3, 4
GB Seal no.249 1219
Billingham, Roger of
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILLVM · ROGERI
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Pont.8
GB Seal no.250 1447
Billingham, Thomas of
Styled 'armiger'.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a lion rampant, a foliage border.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.9.Spec.42
GB Seal no.251 1421
Billingham, Thomas of
Size: 16 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Signet, an ostrich feather, an ermine spot (?) to left of it.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.8.Spec.29
GB Seal no.252 1340
Billingham, Walter of
Styled Walter, son of Adam of Gilling of Billingham
Grant to Roger of Blakiston of all his lands in Billingham. The deed is dated at London.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron between three women's heads draped.
Inscription: ✶ S' * WALTERI * DE * BELINGHAM.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.9.Spec.24, 27
Digitised version GB Seal no.253 1285
Billingham, William of
Size: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a key with .. on each side of it.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1198
GB Seal no.254 1296
Billingham, William of
Size: 35 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6798, 6799
GB Seal no.255 Date, time of Bertram the prior (1188-1208).
Billingham, William of
Used by William, styled son of Colewis of Billingham and '.ethesent' his wife.
Size: 1. 38 mm.Size: 2. 44 x 32 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, a bee (?)2. Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: 1. SIGI .. FIL COLEWIS2. ✠ SIGILLVM ...SANT
Seal attached to document reference: 1.9.Spec.16
GB Seal no.256 n.d.
Billisburg, Adam of
Size: 41 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a crescent enclosing a star.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL · ADE FIL MATHEI
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.4.Ebor.45, 46
GB Seal no.257 1430-1446
Binchester, John
Styled John Bynchester, chaplain
In 1446 he received 6d from the feretrar of Durham for carrying the banner of St Cuthbert (Durham Account Rolls, II, 473). Binchester is about two miles north of Bishop Auckland.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Signet, round, an eagle standing with wings spread and holding a pen in beak. Above it 'Bynchester'.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.7.Spec.24, 25; 2.8.Spec.30, 32; 2.9.Spec.5, 6; 4.10.Spec.4; 2.18.Spec.5; 2.13.Spec.46, 48, 49; 4.15.Spec.48; 1.16.Spec.37; Misc.Ch. 1814, 1819, 1833, 1855, 1857, 1867, 1873, 1925, 2016
GB Seal no.258 1386
Bingham, Thomas of
Styled Thomas of Byngham, son of Sir William of Byngham, rector of Byngham
The arms appear to be derived from the shield of Ros of Hamlake. Bingham is in Nottinghamshire a few miles east of Nottingham, in which district the Ros family held various manors (Thoroton's
History of Nottingham I, 272). Willement's roll of Richard II, blasons for Richard of Byngham, gold on a fess gules three bougets silver.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a shield, handing on a tree, bearing on a fess three bougets, a molet in dexter chief.
Inscription: Sig : thome : de : byngham :
Seal attached to document reference: 3.5.Ebor.14
GB Seal no.259 1398
Bingham, Edmund of
Styled son of Sir Willam of Byngham, knight
Styled clerk. He was rector of Woodhill.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a fess three bougets 'b' above shield.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.5.Ebor.15, 16
GB Seal no.260 1392
Bingham, Johanna of
Styled late wife of Richard of Bingham, knight
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Hexagonal signet, letter B.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.5.Ebor.17
GB Seal no.261 1410
Binole, Lambert of
Used by John of Dalton
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, two bars.
Inscription: ✠ S' LVMBERTI · DE · BINOLE
Seal attached to document reference: 4.18.Spec.86
GB Seal no.262 1281
Birland, Thomas
Styled rector of Brantingham
Brantingham is in Yorkshire a few miles west of Hull, it formed part of the ancient possessions of the church of Durham.
Size: 44 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval, three niches, with a church above, in centre niche Our Lady with Christ, in dexter St. Michael slaying the dragon, in sinister a bishop standing, holding crosier in left hand, the right raised in
benediction. Beneath is demi figure praying.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4248
Digitised version GB Seal no.263 1338
Birtley, John of
Styled lord of Birtley. In 1345 William, son of John of Birtley, has seisin of his manors of Birtley and 'Asksheles' and his lands at Gateshead, Whickham and Lumley (C.R. 31, p. 51). I.P.M. at Durham, 10 November 1343 (C.R., 45). See also S.D.,
II, 189.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a tree within a traceried compartment.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.3.Spec.1
GB Seal no.264 1362
Birtley, John of
These seals are here used by William Gewe and Alice his wife.
Size: 1.22 mm.Size: 2. 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, armorial, a tree erased, shield within a traceried compartment.2. Oval, bust of man with uplifted hands, a small cross in front of his face.
Inscription: 1. S' IOHIS DE · BIR TELEY.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 91
GB Seal no.265 1319
Birtley, John of
Styled John, son of Thomas of Birtley
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a tree erased over all on a fess three molets (?)
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6577
GB Seal no.266 1383
Birteley, Thomas of
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, device like two flags crossed in saltire.
Inscription: ✶ S' THOME Ψ DV ...IS
Seal attached to document reference: [G] C52
GB Seal no.267 n.d.
Birteley, William of
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] D7
GB Seal no.268 n.d.
Biscopham, Richard of
Now Bispham on the coast of Lancashire, a little north of Blackpool.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of six points.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL RICA... ECO
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.4.Ebor.11
GB Seal no.269 1227
Biscopton, Roger of
Styled Roger, son of Galfrid of Biscoptun
See FPD, 164n, and P.F., 58, 59. Now Bishopton in Stockton ward, Durham. The device of the seal is allusive to the name of the place.
Size: 41 mm.
Seal design: Round, a mitred head of a bishop
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Finc.2
GB Seal no.270 n.d.
Biscopton, Geoffrey of
Styled Galfrid, son of 'Unfrida' of Biscopton
Size: 44 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Finc.1
GB Seal no.271 1233
Biscopton, Roger of
Size: 41 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys in seed.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Finc.3
GB Seal no.272 1339
Bishopton, Simon of
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, St. Catherine standing holding wheel in her left hand, a palm branch at her left side.
Inscription: ✶ SANCTA CATERINA
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4667
GB Seal no.272(i) 1339
Bishopton, Walter of
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4667
GB Seal no.273 1380
Bishopdale, Catherine of
Used by Catherine, widow of John of Bishopdale.
Size: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, figure of Victory.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Spec.9
GB Seal no.274 1273
Blacden, William of
Size: 10 mm.
Seal design: Signet, round, a heart within a corded circular border and five sixfoils.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6144
GB Seal no.275 1330
Blacktoft, John
Styled John, son of William of Blaketoft
In the East Riding, on the Ouse, a little east of Howden.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star.
Inscription: ✶ S' IOHIS D' BLAKTOFT
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1842, 1988; 1.2.Sacr.4
GB Seal no.276 1330-1353
Blacktoft, William of
Described as chaplain; vicar of Berwick on Tweed.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a cross engrailed five pierced molets. A lizard shaped beast on each side of shield.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3651, 3832, 3835, 3998, 4669, 4856
Digitised version GB Seal no.277 1349
Blacktoft, William of
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, quarterly I and IV, checky; II and III, a tower.
Inscription: ✶ S' ...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4709
GB Seal no.278 1315
Blagris, Thomas
Styled Thomas, called 'Blagris' of Durham
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eight rayed star.
Inscription: ✠ S' THOME BLAGRIS
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Sacr.31, 32
GB Seal no.279 1292-1294
Blagris, Thomas of
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of six long and six short rays.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Sacr.30; Misc.Ch. 1961; Misc.Ch. 1985
GB Seal no.280 1342
Blagris, William of
Printed FPD, 202n.
Size: 29 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Hexagonal, a demi figure with nimbus, left hand holds a book to his breast, right hand raised in benediction. Beneath a figure praying.
Inscription: ✶ S' WILLI DE ...INI CAPLLI
Seal attached to document reference: 2.14.Spec.35; Misc.Ch. 4134, 4794, 5012
GB Seal no.280(i) n.d.
Blake Street in York, Robert of, glazier
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3801
GB Seal no.280(ii) n.d.
Blakiston, Ralph of
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4528
GB Seal no.281 1329
Blakiston, Roger of
Size: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, the head of an emporer.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5025
GB Seal no.282 1376
Blakiston, Roger of
Used by William of Blakiston. For pedigree see S.D., III, 162. The arms, which are allusive to their manor of Coxhoe, are blasoned by Glover silver two bars and in chief three cocks gules. See also V.D., 18 et seq.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, two bars and in chief three cocks, within a traceried compartment.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] C16, 17
GB Seal no.283 1331-1342
Blakiston, Roger of
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, antique gem, figure on horseback, a serpent beneath the horse.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.9.Spec.25, 29; Misc.Ch. 3437, 3519, 3570, 3572, 3698, 3845, 4023c, 4412, 4566, 4616, 4753, 4930b, 5081h; Loc.XXVIII.9(11)
Digitised version GB Seal no.284 1348-1358
Blakiston, Roger of
In 1345 he was a justice of assize for Durham and Sadberge (C.R. 31, p. 146).
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, shield, within a triangular traceried panel, bears two bars and in chief three cocks.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3422, 3632, 3727, 3789, 3834, 3937, 3977, 4044c, 4044d, 4121d, 4464, 4681, 4722, 4895
Digitised version GB Seal no.285 1396
Blakiston, William of
I.P.M. taken at Durham 1418 (C.R. 45, p. 167).
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, R with foliage around it, surrounded by two circles, the outer one beaded, between which the legend runs.
Inscription: ✶ r... robert ...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2118
GB Seal no.286 1383
Blakiston, William of
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round, signet, W within a circle
Seal attached to document reference: 2.5.Ebor.11b
GB Seal no.287 n.d.
Blaogir, Robert
Used by Robert, son of Richard of Hessewell
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of eight thick and eight thin rays.
Inscription: ✠ S' ROBERTI:BLAOGIR
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Finc.6
GB Seal no.288 n.d.
Blesensis, Richard
Styled Richard Blesensis of 'Klichenelei'
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a falcon preying upon another bird.
Seal attached to document reference: 5.4.Elemos.1
GB Seal no.289 n.d.
Bliburgh, Geoffrey of
Styled son of Robert of Bliburgh
In the diocese of Lincoln.
Size: 41 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL .. LFRIDI:DE BLIBR'G
Seal attached to document reference: 4.3.Ebor.13
GB Seal no.290 n.d.
Bliburgh, Martin of
Styled Martin, son of Robert of Bliburg
Size: 44 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a conventional device.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.3.Ebor.7
GB Seal no.291 1302
Blithe, William of
Styled William of Blyth, son of Adam of Newerke
Blyth in Nottinghamshire.
Size: -
Seal design: A fragment only, apparently oval and device a star.
Inscription: ... DE BLITH ✠
Seal attached to document reference: 1.16.Spec.28
GB Seal no.292 n.d.
Blyth, William of
Used by William, son of Adam of Newerk. Blyth in Nottinghamshire.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of sixteen rays.
Inscription: S' WILLELMIS D' BLIDA
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Sacr.10
GB Seal no.293 1303
Blyth, William of
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of seven rays.
Inscription: ✠ S' WILLELMI D' BLITHE
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Sacr.11
GB Seal no.294 1332
Blythe, William of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a conventional cross-shaped device within a quatrefoil.
Inscription: ✠ S' WIL... DE BLYTHA
Seal attached to document reference: 3.3.Spec.20
GB Seal no.295 n.d.
Blokeley, William of
Styled parson of the church of 'Billington'.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a crescent enclosing a star.
Inscription: .. LL:WILLI:DE:BLOKLE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 374
GB Seal no.296 n.d.
Blunde, Rosamund
Styled Rosamund of Spen, formerly wife of Sir John of Egleston, knight
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a bend between two roses.
Inscription: ✠ S' ROSAMVN DE BLVNDE
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Ebor.30
GB Seal no.297 1379
Blunt(?), Thomas of
Used by Joan, daughter of William of Whitprays.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron between three boars' heads (?).
Inscription: ✶ Sigillum ♠ thome ♠ blun [?]
Seal attached to document reference: 2.6.Spec.74
GB Seal no.298 1448
Boet, Richard de le
The seal is used by Thomas Bradbery, master or warden (magister sive custos) of the monks of Wearmouth.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a cross crosslet within a quatrefoil.
Inscription: ✶ S' RICARDI DE LE BOET
Seal attached to document reference: 3.4.Spec.7
Digitised version GB Seal no.299 1339-1382
Boys, Robert of
Used by William of Farnham and others, it was originally the seal of Robert, son of John of Boys of Hessewell. The arms, which are blasoned by Glover, silver on oak tree vert, are probably canting. See R.P.D. II, 1290 and S.D., I 19.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, an oak tree with acorns, over all a fess.
Inscription: ✶ S' ROBERTI DE BOYS
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1818, 2349, 3676, 3718, 3756, 4100e, 4044, 6156, 4970, 6762, 5051
Digitised version GB Seal no.300 1316
Boys, Thomas of
Size: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a naked figure with fawn.
Inscription: ✶ LAVS AMI SALTRVI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6155
GB Seal no.301 n.d.
Bois, Walter del
cf. 2765
Size: 44 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Sacr.12; Misc.Ch. 727
GB Seal no.302 n.d.
Boldon, Robert of
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 5.4.Elemos.2
GB Seal no.303 1250
Bollesdon, Ralph of
Now Bowsden in Northumberland, about eight miles north of Wooler.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' · RADVLFI D':BOLLISDV
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Spec.53, 54
GB Seal no.304 n.d.
Bollesdon, Thomas of
Printed R.N.D., app., 136.
Size: 57 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a man walking holding bow in hand ready to shoot.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Spec.43
Digitised version GB Seal no.305 n.d.
Bollesdon, Thomas of
Printed R.N.D., app., 136.
Size: 57 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval, armorial, six lozenges.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Spec.44, 45
Digitised version GB Seal no.306 1307
Bolton, Alan
Styled rector of the church of 'Ellewyk'
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a tree upon which are two birds seated back to back. At foot a lion asleep and a rabbit opposite looking at him.
Inscription: ✠ S' ALANI DE BOLTOVN CLI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4267
GB Seal no.307 1363
Bolton, John of
Jenyn's Ordinary blasons for Robert of Bolton, silver on a chevron gules three leopards gold. This seal is engraved S.D., seals, pl. II, No. 26.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a chevron three lions passant.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5075
GB Seal no.308 1350
Bolton, Richard of
Used by Christina, daughter of Richard of Garmundsway and widow of Richard of Bolton.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a chevron, between three voided cinquefoils, a ... between two molets.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2318
GB Seal no.309 1405
Bolton, Robert of
Placed where the seal of Robert of Bolton, canon of Howden, should be.
Size: 10 mm.
Seal design: Round, antique gem, a male head.
Inscription: TYNT TYNT.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Ebor.50
GB Seal no.310 1318
Bolton, Simon of
Used by William Metinge of Botlesfeld.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, the Holy Lamb.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2462
GB Seal no.310(i) n.d.
Bolton, William of
Chaplain, steward of Sherburn Hospital/
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3956
GB Seal no.311 1336
Bolum, Richard of, pelterer
Used by Richard of Bolum, skinner. For another seal of 1325, see Misc.Ch. 3732
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, Our Lady standing with Christ in her arms. A figure in front praying, in background a plant with three flowers.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.16.Spec.11
GB Seal no.312 1265
Bonaventura, Hugolini
Styled a merchant of Siena
Size: 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, figure standing, with satchell over shoulder, holding a staff in left hand and a shield in right bearing on a bend three birds.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3866, 4109f
Digitised version GB Seal no.313 1266
Bonaventura, Ugolinus
Styled a merchant of Siena
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, Our Lord on the Cross, at each side a demi figure praying.
Inscription: ✠ ISTOTEM ... OREL ... EMATO.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3901
GB Seal no.314 1349
Boner, John
The seal is broken and only the shield left. It is used by John Boner, coroner of the ward of Easington.
Size: -
Seal design: Armorial, a chevron between three wolves' (?) heads raised.
Inscription: S' ......
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXVIII.2
Digitised version GB Seal no.315 n.d.
Boneville, Thomas of
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, St. Michael slaying the dragon.
Inscription: ✠ S THOME DE BONEVILE
Seal attached to document reference: 4.12.Spec.16
GB Seal no.316 1299
Bonkill, Alexander of
cf. 2766
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three buckles.
Inscription: S ... ANDRI DE BONK..
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6589
GB Seal no.317 1320
Styled a merchant of Florence
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a branch bearing a pear and two leaves in a decorated panel.
Inscription: ✠ S':BON SENOV ORE:IA COBI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4137
GB Seal no.318 1310
Borley, Alice of
Used by Alice, wife of Thomas Sclater.
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a long eight rayed star.
Inscription: ✠ S' ALICIE BORLEI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1967, 1986
GB Seal no.319 n.d.
Bost, Walter
Styled a burgess of Oxford
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Shield-shaped, a wolf (?) rampant.
Inscription: ✶ S' WALTERI BOST
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Ebor.22, 23
Digitised version GB Seal no.320 1445
Boswell, John
Styled kinsman and heir of Thomas Holden, deceased.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Signet, armorial, three roundels each charged with (undecipherable).
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Spec.45, 46
GB Seal no.321 1424
Bothe, William of the
Clerk for the receipt of recognizances [under Statute Merchant] at York
Size: 16 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Signet, octagonal, armorial, a stalked trefoil, above it 'ales' beneath 'on', within a corded border.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6722
GB Seal no.322 n.d.
Botild, Richard
Size: 1. 44 x 35 mm.
Seal design: 1. Oval, a rich fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.3.Elemos.3
GB Seal no.322(i) n.d.
Botild, Joetta (wife of Richard above)
Size: 2. 44 x 32 mm.
Seal design: 2. Oval, a floriated device.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.3.Elemos.3
GB Seal no.323 1336
Bower, Gilbert
Used by William, son of Gilbert the Bower of Elvet.
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a cross bow with roundel above and one on each side of handle.
Inscription: ✠ S' GIBT:BOVMAKER
Seal attached to document reference: 3.3.Spec.2, 8
GB Seal no.324 1320
Bowes, Adam of
Date 1320-1347 For pedigree see V.D., 36 et seq.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a fess, between three crosses moline, three crosses fitchy. A lacertine beast on each side of shield.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3541, 3598, 3661, 3729, 3739, 3844, 4560, 4600, 4026, 4996, 4028b, 4078d, 4527, 4672, 4844, 4858, 4959e, 4930e, 5051a, 5069, 5068e; 2.14.Spec.35
Digitised version GB Seal no.325 1313-1314
Bowes, Adam of
His seal as sheriff.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a mitre.
Inscription: B:O:W:S:
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3497, 4039a
Digitised version GB Seal no.326 1315
Bowes, Adam of
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, one beast, a dragon (?) on top of another beast, a flower in front.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3842
GB Seal no.327 1311
Bowes, Adam of
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion asleep, within a traceried border (two interlaced squares).
Inscription: ... E ..GETE..
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5019g, 3635, 4044e, 4742, 4766
GB Seal no.328 1398
Bowes, John
Styled John del Bowes, son and heir of John del Bowes of Durham
Size: 10 mm.
Seal design: Round, both device and legend undecipherable.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Sacr.17, 22
GB Seal no.329 1358-1363
Bowes, John
Styled John del Bowes of Durham
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a goat passant.
Inscription: S' IOHANNIS DE BOVS
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3783; 1.3.Sacr.20
GB Seal no.330 1347
Bowes, Robert of
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, ermine three long bows paleways.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.3.Pont.10
GB Seal no.331 1430
Bowes, William
Styled William 'del Bowes, chivaler'
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Signet, octagonal, a bird, some lettering at sides very indistinct.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.18.Spec.1, 2, 3
GB Seal no.332 1408
Bowman, Margaret
Size: 13 x 6 mm.
Seal design: Signet, octagonal, device like a merchant's mark within a corded border.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Sacr.5j
GB Seal no.333 1409
Bowman, Margaret
Used by her but not her seal.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round, St. John Baptist holding the Holy Lamb.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Sacr.23
GB Seal no.334 1356
Boylant, Robert of
Used by William, son and heir of John Barthew, and John Barthew, clerk, his brother.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a cross between two molets in chief and two crescents in base, three quatrefoils on each side of shield.
Inscription: ✶ S' ROBERTI DE BOYLANT
Seal attached to document reference: 1.4.Spec.44, 68
GB Seal no.335 1437
Boynton, Christopher
A goat's head was the family crest.
Size: 10 mm.
Seal design: Signet, octagonal, a goat's head with a letter on each side (?) 'B'
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6002
GB Seal no.336 n.d.
Boynton, Ingram of
The document names Joan his wife. Willement's roll of Richard II blasons this shield gold a fess between three crescents gules, for Thomas of Boynton. See A.A., 3rd ser., III, 256, and for pedigree, V.Y., 8. Printed FPD, 154n.
Size: 44 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a fess between three crescents with a label of three points.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1056
GB Seal no.337 1399
Boynton, Thomas of
2. Used by his son Henry.
Size: 1. 10 mm.Size: 2. 5 mm.
Seal design: 1. Signet, three crescents back to back, each enclosing 'B'.2. Signet, a trefoil leaf.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4425
GB Seal no.338 n.d.
Boynton, William of
Styled son of Ingram of Boynton; William of Acklam was his uncle. Both printed FPD, 155n.
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a bare-headed man with dress to his knees, holding a chalice, cord round his waist.
Inscription: ✠ S' :WILLELM:DE:BOVINTV
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2061, 2062
Digitised version GB Seal no.339 1331-1333
Boynton, William of
Styled brother of master Thomas of Boynton.
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a king seated holding a sword in right hand and a separate in left. On the sinister side a figure kneels and prays to him.
Inscription: S' SHO ...IM
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4381, 6051, 5006
Boys: see 299 - 300
GB Seal no.340 n.d.
Braban, John of
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, armorial, a pair of scissors (?).
Seal attached to document reference: 4.3.Elemos.9
GB Seal no.341 n.d.
Braban, John of
Size: 35 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a pair of scissors.
Inscription: ✠ S' IOHANIS DE BRABAN
Seal attached to document reference: 4.3.Elemos.11
GB Seal no.342 1358
Braban, John
Used by John of Bellasis.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, an eagle displayed, a fleur-de-lys on each wing.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.9.Spec.77
GB Seal no.343 1402
Braban, William
Used by William, son of John Randolf of Durham.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial (undecipherable)
Inscription: ✶ Wilelmi ★ braban
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1930
GB Seal no.344 n.d.
Brewer, Eustace
Styled Eustace of Fery, called the brewer
Depicts Eustace brewing at his mash tub. The charter is printed FPD, 65n.
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, figure wearing a long gown with hood thrown back, mashing at a high tub with six girths.
Inscription: ✠ S' EVSTACII . BRECIATOR
Seal attached to document reference: 4.12.Spec.3
Digitised version GB Seal no.345 n.d.
Bradbery, Adam
Styled Adam, son of Geoffrey of 'Bradberi'
Bradbury in Durham, near Sedgefield.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Elemos.5
GB Seal no.346 n.d.
Bradbery, Christiana
Styled Cristiana, formerly wife of Adam, son of Geoffrey of Bradbery
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eight rayed star
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Elemos.7
GB Seal no.347 n.d.
Bradbery, Geoffrey of
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a floriated device.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Elemos.1
GB Seal no.348 n.d.
Bradbery, Walter
Styled Walter, son of Walter of Durham
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a cross (16 x 19 mm).
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Elemos.12
GB Seal no.349 n.d.
Bradbery, Walter of
Same person as No. 348.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a Greek cross.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Elemos.11
GB Seal no.350 n.d.
Bradbery, Walter of
Same person as No. 348.
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a Greek cross.
Inscription: Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Elemos.8
GB Seal no.351 1214x1233
Bradbery, William of
Styled William, son of Adam of Bradbery
Date is time for Ralph, Prior of Durham (1214-1233). See FPD, 62n.
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the moon and seven stars.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.11.Spec.7, 8; 2.1.Elemos.9
Digitised version GB Seal no.352 1315
Bradey, Eleanor
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an elongated star
Inscription: ✠ S... ENE BRADIE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2206
GB Seal no.353 n.d.
Brady, John, junior
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eight rayed star.
Inscription: ✠ S' IOHIS ... BRADE
Seal attached to document reference: 3.18.Spec.1
GB Seal no.354 1312
Bradey, John
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a hawk on glove.
Inscription: Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.18.Spec.3
GB Seal no.355 n.d.
Brady, Walter
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' WALTERI BRADEY
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2441
GB Seal no.356 n.d.
Bradey, William
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of eight rays.
Inscription: ✠ S' WILELMI BRADEI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2210
GB Seal no.357 1313
Brady, Guy
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a chalice.
Inscription: S WIDO CAPELANI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2211
GB Seal no.358 n.d.
Brady, Wydo
Styled Wydo Bradey, son of William Bradey, chaplain of Durham
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a chalice above it a hand in act of benediction.
Inscription: ✠ S' DOMINI · VDONI · BRADI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1893
GB Seal no.359 n.d.
Bradley, Joulain of
Styled Joulain, son of Adam of Bradeley
Printed FPD, 179n.
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a pelican in her piety.
Inscription: ✠ S'IOLAIN · DE · BRADELEY
Seal attached to document reference: 4.5.Spec.4
GB Seal no.360 n.d.
Bradley, Joulain of
Printed FPD 179n.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a full-faced woman's head.
Inscription: ✠ IE SVI SEEL DAMOR LE...
Seal attached to document reference: 4.5.Spec.3
GB Seal no.361 n.d.
Bradley, William of
Printed P.F., 55.
Size: 51 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion standing on a dragon
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 362; 1.1.Finc.22
GB Seal no.362 1342
Brafferton, William of
Apparently used by William of Brafferton, vicar of Billingham
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, St. Andrew on his cross.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.9.Spec.18
Digitised version GB Seal no.363 n.d.
Brai, Hugh of
Size: -
Seal design: Round, imperfect, equestrian, knight with sword, and shield held close to body.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] B65*
GB Seal no.363(i) n.d.
Brak, William, of Auckland
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4013*
GB Seal no.364 1392
Brakenbury, Cecilia of
Used by Thomas of Brakenbury or Alan of Cotesford ?
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, armorial, a lion rampant. Above the shield a human face.
Inscription: S' CECILIE · DE · BRAKINBER
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2326
GB Seal no.365 1353
Brakenbury, Cecilia of
Used by Cecilia, who was the wife of Peter of Brakenbury. I.P.M. at Durham, 6 May 1370 (C.R., 45).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a cross.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5572
GB Seal no.366 1340
Brakenbury, Peter of
I.P.M. at Durham, 19 March 1348/49 (C.R., 45). For pedigree see S.D., IV, 19. Glover blasons for Brakenbury of Durham gold fretty sable and also silver three chevrons braced sable, this last shield is the one given in the Visitations.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a bend. A lacertine beast on each side of shield.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6212
GB Seal no.367 1372
Brakenbury, Thomas of
Used by Thomas of Brackenbury, or Alan of Cotesford.
Size: 22 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady standing, a figure kneels to her.
Inscription: Legend undecipherable.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2326
GB Seal no.368 1252
Brakenbury, William of
Size: 32 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a falcon standing, below it a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.14.Spec.41
GB Seal no.369 n.d.
Brand, Aubrey
Styled Lady Aubrea, formerly wife of Jacob, son of Brand of Lincoln
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL ALBE . VXSORIS IAC .
Seal attached to document reference: 3.3.Ebor.15
GB Seal no.370 1306
Brand, Peter
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a molet of six points.
Inscription: ✶ S' PETRI BRAND
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Spec.20
GB Seal no.371 n.d.
Brand, Walter
Styled Walter Brand, son of Jacob Brand of Lincoln
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a sheathed sword.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILLVM:WALTERI ...ND
Seal attached to document reference: 3.3.Ebor.13
GB Seal no.372 1556
Brandling, Sir Robert
For pedigree, see S.D., II. 90.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Hexagonal, a tree trunk with leaves at side and (?) flames coming out of the top.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6106
GB Seal no.373 1267
Brandon, Peter of
Used by Peter of Brandon, constable of Durham. He was also rector of Long Newton (FPD, 200a).
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a tonsured head in profile.
Inscription: ✠ SIGNVM:FERO:FIDEI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4015
Digitised version GB Seal no.374 1260
Brandon, Peter of
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the keys of St. Peter.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.14.Spec.36
Digitised version GB Seal no.375 1289-1300
Brandon, Reginald of
Styled Reginald of Brandon, canon of the church of St. Paul, London
He held the prebend of Sneating in St Paul's, London, c.1279-1305. In 1315 he was prebendary of Greencroft in the church of Lanchester (R.P.D., 1086).
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a lion walking, tail ending in a floriated device.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4036, 4887, 5111
GB Seal no.376 n.d.
Brandon, Eustace of
Styled Eustace, son of Robert of Brandon
Size: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, St. Michael slaying the dragon.
Inscription: Legend effaced.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.5.Elemos.4
GB Seal no.377 1364
Brandon, Hugh of
Used by Johanna, widow of John of Whelpdale.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial shield, in traceried panel, bearing on a bend three cinquefoils (?)
Inscription: Sigillum hugonis brandone
Seal attached to document reference: 1.16.Spec.8
GB Seal no.378 1364
Brandon, Hugh of
Used by John of Fencotes on his acquittance.
Size: -
Seal design: Same seal as No. 377.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3772
GB Seal no.379 n.d.
Branxton, Agnes
Styled Agnes, daughter of Margaret of Bollesdon
Branxton in Northumberland, a few miles north-west of Wooler.
Size: 38 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a crescent enclosing a star.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILLV · AGNETIS
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Spec.51
GB Seal no.380 n.d.
Branxton, Alexander of
Styled Alexander, son of Ralph of Branxton
Printed R.N.D., app., 140, No. 786.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eagle, above it the end of the legend cut upside down.
Inscription: (the following is cut reversed) SIGILVMALESANDRBRN + KESTVN
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Spec.6
GB Seal no.381 n.d.
Branxton, Christiana of
Styled Christiana, formerly wife of John, marshall of Branxton
Printed R.N.D., app., 139, No. 781.
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a flowered crosslike device.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Spec.10
GB Seal no.382 n.d.
Branxton, Dolfin of
1. Used by Dolfin, husband of Matilda of Branxton. 2.Used by Roger, husband of Amabil of Branxton. For nature of charter see R.N.D., app., 139.
Size: 1. 38 mm.Size: 2. 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, a fleur-de-lys.2. Oval, a fleur-de-lys
Inscription: 1. ...LL DOL:FIN DE...2. ✠ S' R... ALANI·
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Spec.11
GB Seal no.383 n.d.
Branxton, John of
Styled John 'Marescallus' of Brankeston
This charter of the family of Branxton printed R.N.D., app., 139, No. 780.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, an ornate fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Spec.12, 7, 11
GB Seal no.384 n.d.
Branxton, Christiana of
Styled Christiana, wife of John 'Marescallus' of Branxton, and daughter of Theobald of Branxton
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a plain fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: Legend (letters reversed): ✠ SIGILL CRISTIAN DE BRAN.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Spec.12, 7, 8
GB Seal no.385 n.d.
Branxton, Matilda of
Styled Matilda, daughter of Theobald of Branxton
Size: 44 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys reversed.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Spec.12, 8, 9
GB Seal no.386 n.d.
Branxton, Amabile of
Styled Amabile, daughter of Theobald of Branxton
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a rude floriated design.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILLVM' AMABILE
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Spec.12, 9, 11
GB Seal no.387 n.d.
Branxton, Ralph of
Printed R.N.D., app., 137, No. 772.
Size: 44 mm.
Seal design: Round, a pair of branks.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Spec.50
GB Seal no.388 n.d.
Branxton, Ralph of
Printed R.N.D., app., 138, No. 773.
Size: 44 mm.
Seal design: Round, a pair of branks reversed.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Spec.49; 1.2.Spec.5
GB Seal no.389 n.d.
Branxton, William of
Printed R.N.D., app., 138, No. 774.
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a pair of branks between a crescent and a star.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Spec.46, 47, 48
Digitised version GB Seal no.390 1344
Bredekirk, John of
Now Bradkirk in the hundred of Amounderness, Lancashire. (VCH: Lancashire, VII, 156 and note).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three bars within a border engrailed.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.4.Ebor.40
Digitised version GB Seal no.391 1284
Brempton, Adam of
Styled Adam of Brempton, vicar of Auckland
He was the official of bishop Bek in 1285. See no. 3173 where this gem is used as secretum to the seal of the officiality (now missing).
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a naked figure wearing a helmet, spear and shield lying at his feet.
Inscription: ✠ S' ADE DE BREMPTONE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3427
GB Seal no.392 n.d.
Brenner, Robert
Styled Robert Brenner of Whittonstall
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion's face.
Inscription: ✶ CREDE MICHI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5500
GB Seal no.393 1370
Bre.tor, Thomas of
Used by Robert of Fenrother.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a fleur-de-lys, a cross with two streamers above the shield.
Inscription: ✠ S' THOMAES BRE·TOR
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5594a, 5594c
GB Seal no.394 1382
Brette, Thomas of
Used by Thomas of Walworth, minor.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a pale, in dexter chief a boar's head; shield hangs from a tree.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.16.Spec.23
GB Seal no.395 1339
Bridlington, Adam of
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, Our Lady crowned and Christ standing, a figure praying to them. Background diapered with flowers.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3611
Digitised version GB Seal no.396 n.d.
Brinkelawe, John of
Styled John of Brinkelawe of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Used by Dionysia, wife of John of Brinklawe.
Size: 2. 16 mm.Size: 2.22 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, antique gem, a male head.2. Round, Our Lady and Christ seated, in a cusped and traceried panel.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Spec.108
GB Seal no.397 n.d.
Britanny, Alan, Earl of
Earl of Brittany and 4th earl of Richmond (1137), founder of Jervaulx abbey; died 30 March 1146 (O.B., III, 106).
Size: 86 mm.
Seal design: Obverse: round, equestrian, knight with long shield and sword. Peaked helment with nasal, trellised armour and embroidered saddle cloth.
Reverse: equestrian, knight with long concave shield and spear with
pennon, trellised armour and peaked helmet with nasal piece.
Inscription: Obverse: ✠ S' ...NGLIIE ET BRITANNE Reverse: ✠ ALANI · VERAMVCI...
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Ebor.12
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.398 n.d.
Britanny, Conan, Duke of
Succeeded as 5th earl of Richmond, 1146, duke of Brittany, 1156, married Margaret, sister of Malcolm IV, King of Scotland, died 1171 (O.B., III, 107).
Size: 89 mm.
Seal design: Obverse: round, equestrian, knight with peaked helmet and nasal piece and tunic of trellised armour to knees, holding a heavy sword with straight quillons, and ruond pommel, shield, with straight top rounded off,
shews inside only. Horse has an embroidered saddle cloth.
Reverse: equestrian, knight with spear and concave shield. Peaked helmet with nasal piece and tunic slit to knees.
Inscription: Obverse: ✠ SIGILLVM C ...ICHEMVNDIE Reverse: ✠ SIGILLVM CO · AN DV ...RITANNIE
Seal attached to document reference: 3.3.Ebor.43
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.399 n.d.
Britle, Nicholas of
Size: 25 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval, figure under canopy holding two keys in left hand, and in right .. (?)
Inscription: S' NICHOL ... BRIT..
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Spec.51b
GB Seal no.400 1266
Britling, Gilbert of
Styled a citizen of York
Size: 25 x19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, two clasped hands.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Sacr.3
GB Seal no.401 1282
Britling, Gilbert of
Size: 22 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a bird holding a branch in its beak and with its head turned back.
Inscription: ✠ S' GILB'TI BRITLING
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Sacr.4
GB Seal no.402 n.d.
Brito, William
Printed FPD, 148n and 149n.
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a quadriga.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.10.Spec.30, 38
GB Seal no.403 n.d.
Brito, William
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a male head.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc. 6509
GB Seal no.404 1297
Drokensford, John of
See also 814, and Raine's
History of Hemingbrough , p. 50.
Size: -
Seal design: Oval, ..., antique gem (?), a lion standing on a bull.
Inscription: ... LVM: .... BROK...
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Ebor.26
GB Seal no.405 1293
Brocksfield, Alexander of
Broxfield, in the parish of Embleton; Alexander was chief customary tenant in Newton-by-the=Sea (N.C.H., II, 85n). This charter is printed, ibid., 233n.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, the Holy Lamb.
Inscription: ✠ S' ALEXANDRI D' BROCKESF..
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Spec.21
GB Seal no.406 1278
Brocksfield, Philip of
Printed N.C.H., II, 232n.
Size: 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a naked figure standing holding in right hand (?)
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Spec.22
GB Seal no.407 1313
Brome, Avicia of
Styled Amicia, who was the wife of Peter of the Brome
Size: 25 x19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a star of eight points.
Inscription: S' AVICIE D' BRVMV.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.17.Spec.14
GB Seal no.408 1333
Brome, John of the, of Newcastle
Size: 19 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a crowned female figure holding in her left hand a circle enclosing a cross.
Inscription: IEO SVI · I · PV · HEIRI ·
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3459, 3715, 4718
GB Seal no.409 n.d.
Brome, Peter of the
2. Used by Amicia, wife of Peter.
Size: 1.22 mm.Size: 2. 25 x 16 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, a star of eight points.2. Oval, an elongated star of eight points.
Inscription: 1. ✠ S' PETRI BROME2. ✠ S' ALICIE D'GERN..
Seal attached to document reference: 2.17.Spec.10, 28
GB Seal no.410 1281
Brome, Simon of the
Used by Simon of the Brome
Size: 38 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a bird (heron?) standing.
Inscription: ✠ S' A....ERER
Seal attached to document reference: 4.15.Spec.31
GB Seal no.411 n.d.
Broom, Gilbert of
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a pelican in her piety.
Inscription: ✠ S GILEBERTI DE BRVN
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.113
GB Seal no.412 1305
Broom, Walter of the
Styled Walter, called 'del Brome'.
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a pelican in her piety.
Inscription: S' WALTERI D' BRVN
Seal attached to document reference: 2.6.Spec.35; 1.7.Spec.13
GB Seal no.413 1335
Broune, Matilda of
Styled Matilda, daughter of Walter of Broune
Walter is styled of the street of St Giles' in Durham.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, an anvil with hammer above.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.15.Spec.11
GB Seal no.414 1326
Broune, Thomas
Styled 'de l'ostel nostre seigneur le Roi'.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, charges undecipherable, the shield is placed within a square and that within a quatrefoil in the compartments of which are the evangelistic symbols.
Inscription: ✠ S ...ONE ✠ ER · VR
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4759
GB Seal no.415 1504
Brown, John, junior
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Signet, round, within a corded border a cock in front of him 'B'.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXVIII.10
GB Seal no.416 n.d.
Brown, Robert
Styled Robert Brun of Norham
Printed R.N.D., app., 132, No. 745. He was proctor of Norham; see R.N.D., 261n.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a bird standing with raised wings.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Spec.39
GB Seal no.417 1425
Brown, Thomas
Styled of 'Elyngeham'.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round,

Inscription: ✠ S' ANROST · FALST X
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Spec.16
GB Seal no.418 1219
Brun, Richard
1 & 2 are the same seal.
Size: 1. 29 x 25 mm.Size: 1. 29 x 25 mm.
Seal design: 1. Oval, a bull walking.2. Oval, antique gem, a lion walking.
Inscription: 1. .... ILL . RICARDI:BRVN2. ....LL RICARDI:BRV..
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Pont.8
GB Seal no.419 1298
Brumpton, William of
Size: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a male head.
Inscription: ✶ S' WILLI DE BR..
Seal attached to document reference: 1.9.Spec.20
GB Seal no.420 n.d.
Bruncoste, Alan
No. 29 is printed S.D., II, 363; No. 34 is printed FPD, 72n.
Size: 35 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.5.Spec.29, 34
GB Seal no.421 1307
Bruninghill, John of
Styled rector of the church of the Blessed Mary, Oxford
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a kneeling figure, above him the Holy Lamb, before him a shield with a heron like bird upon it, above shield is a crown.
Inscription: S' MAG .... OH ... DE ... NIGHIL
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Ebor.41
GB Seal no.422 1342
Bruninghill, John of
See S.D., I, 199. Probably a Redman seal.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a bend three lozenges, over all a label of five points.
Inscription: ✠ S' NORMANNI DE...
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Sacr.19
GB Seal no.423 1240
Bruninghill, Roger of
Styled Roger, son of Alan of Bruninghill
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a crescent, above it a star with six wavy rays.
Inscription: ✠ S' ROGERI · DE · BRVNINGHILL
Seal attached to document reference: 3.13.Spec.32
GB Seal no.424 1289
Bruninghill, William of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: (Broken), antique gem, a cock.
Inscription: ✶ SEC .... DE BRVNIGHIL
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4109e
GB Seal no.425 n.d.
Bruntoft, Agnes of
Styled Agnes, daughter of Walter Mumpere of Bruntoft
Bruntoft is near Hartlepool in the parish of Elwick (S.D., III, 88).
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a crescent, above it a star with five wavy rays.
Inscription: ✠ S' AGNETIS ...TE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 158
GB Seal no.426 1338
Bruntoft, Anastasia of
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a rabbit sitting.
Inscription: ✶ SOHOV ROBE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4277
GB Seal no.427 1311-1316
Bruntoft, Andrew of
He was mayor of Hartlepool in 1315 (S.D., III, 106 and note). Also used, in 1315/6, by Nicolas, the son of Andrew.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a falcon seated upon a gloved hand.
Inscription: ✶ S' ANDRE DE BRVNTOFT
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3730, 4654, 5076, 5076*
GB Seal no.428 1343
Bruntoft, Cuthbert of
Used by Cuthbert, son of William of Bruntoft.
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a male head.
Inscription: Legend very indistinct: * IOE ...
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.80, 82
GB Seal no.429 1352
Bruntoft, John of
Used by John, styled Lord of Bruntoft.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, an oak tree with beast at foot.
Inscription: Legend effaced.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.8.Spec.22
GB Seal no.430 n.d.
Bruntoft, Philip of
Styled Lord of Bruntoft
See S.D., III, 88.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Elemos.4
GB Seal no.431 1268
Bruntoft, Philip of
Styled lord of Bruntoft, son and heir of the lord Robert of Bruntoft. Engraved S.D. seals, pl. II, No. 33.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a lion rampant.
Inscription: ✠ S' · PHILIPI · DE BRVNTOFT ·
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6114, 6118; 4.1.Elemos.1, 13; 5.1.Elemos.1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 24, 24*, 26, 32
GB Seal no.432 n.d.
Bruntoft, Philip of
A smaller and ruder seal than No. 431.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a lion rampant.
Inscription: ✠ S' FILIPI DE BRVNTOFT
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Elemos.5, 6, 7, 10
GB Seal no.433 n.d.
Bruntoft, Ranulph of
Styled Ranulph, chaplain, son of Bertram of Bruntoft.
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a stag, with his head turned back, standing admidst conventional foliage.
Inscription: ✠ S' RANVLFI:DE B'NTOFT
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 92, 130
GB Seal no.434 1315
Bruntoft, Simon of
Styled Simon, son of Alexander of Bruntoft
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a pelican in her piety.
Inscription: .... RVT ..
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 161, 175
GB Seal no.435 1367
Bruntoft, Simon of
Size: 25 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a pelican in her piety.
Inscription: ✠ S' SIMONIS DE BRVNTOF
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6122
GB Seal no.436 n.d.
Bruntoft, Simon of
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: SIGILL SIMON ....R
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Finc.4
GB Seal no.437 1310-1313
Bruntoft, Simon
Styled Simon, son of Alexander of Bruntoft
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a pelican in her piety.
Inscription: ✠ S' SIMONIS D' BRVT...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 161, 175, 6123
GB Seal no.438 n.d.
Bruntoft, Stephen of
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a winged monster.
Seal attached to document reference: 5.1.Elemos.16, 18
GB Seal no.439 n.d.
Bruntoft, Walter of
Styled Walter, son of Stephen of Bruntoft
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a rude flower like device.
Inscription: S' WALT'I ... STEF...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 177
GB Seal no.440 1354
Bruntoft, Walter of
Styled Walter, son of John of Bruntoft
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Hexagonal, a bird within a six pointed star around which are the letters:
Inscription: ✶ LELSV
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 99
GB Seal no.441 1342
Brus, Eda
Used by John, son and heir of John Benet of Darlington.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a hawk standing upon a round object.
Inscription: ✠ S' EDE BRVS DE D....
Seal attached to document reference: 3.10.Spec.35
GB Seal no.442 n.d.
Brus, Peter of
See S.D., III, 94, 100 and note; also R.P.D., III, 47. See also Guisboro' Chartulary passim (S.S., nos 86, 89). Glover's roll of Henry III blasons this shield, silver a lion rampant azure.
Size: 67 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight in chain mail and circular flat topped helmet, sword in hand and on left arm a shield bearing a lion rampant.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.8.Spec.4
Digitised version GB Seal no.443 n.d.
Brus, Robert of
Printed P.F., 134; also S.D., III, 388. The shield is blasoned in Guillim's roll and Jenyn's Ordinary, gold a saltire gules on a chief gules a leopard gold.
Size: 60 mm.Size: Secretum: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, shield heart shaped, bearing a saltire and on a chief a leopardSecretum: round, armorial, the charges are the same as on the principal seal.
Inscription: .... E..Secretum: ✠ SECRETVM · ROBERTI · DE · BRVS
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Finc.52
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.444 n.d.
Brus, Robert of
Printed FPD, 138n.
Size: 57 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys upon the lower stem of which a bird is seated pecking at the seeds.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILLVM · ROBERT ..E BRVES
Seal attached to document reference: 4.8.Spec.1
GB Seal no.445 n.d.
Brus, Robert of
Printed FPD, 131n.
Size: 57; Secretum:22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys, a dot on either side of the stem.
Secretum, round, a pretty floriated cruciform device.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.8.Spec.9
Digitised version GB Seal no.446 n.d.
Brus, William of
Printed FPD, 138n.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion walking.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.8.Spec.2
GB Seal no.447 1344-1348
Bryan, John
Styled clerk and notary public.
Size: 22 mmSize: Secretum: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, Our Lady holding a cross within a circle, St. John Baptist holding the Holy Lamb within a circle. A demi figure praying. A flower between the figures.Secretum: round, a geometrical device with a small cinquefoil at the centre.
Inscription: ✶ ANGILVS BAPTISTA X . I .. TAKATINSecretum: ... CE D . PA . A . CT . I . H ....
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4215, 4044f, 4247, 4374
Digitised version GB Seal no.447(i) n.d.
Buche or Buthe, Roger
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4731
GB Seal no.448 n.d.
Bugthorp, Hameline of
Husband of Margery of Ulcotes (see no. 2502).
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Spec.17
GB Seal no.449 1352
Bugthorp, William of
Used by William, son and heir of William of Bugthorp.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, St. John Baptist's head in a dish.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1858
GB Seal no.450 1432
Bukley, Richard
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round, a plant with large flower (lily?)
Inscription: MARIA ... ES MEA
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6443
GB Seal no.451 1439
Bukley, Richard
Used by Richard Bukley, clerk. The seal of Skelton, see Misc.Ch. 1885.
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Signet, armorial, a fess engrailed between three molets.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1721
GB Seal no.452 n.d.
Bule, Ranulf
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a crescent enclosing a star with wavy rays.
Inscription: ✠ S' RANVLFI BVLE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2461
GB Seal no.453 1474
Bulmer, Alice
Styled widow, sister and heiress of John Herrington, chaplain.
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Signet, octagonal, a stalked cinquefoil.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Spec.112
GB Seal no.454 1400
Bulmer, Ralph of
Seal 2. probably used by George, younger son of Ralph Bulmer.
Seal 3. used by Agnes, wife of Ralph Bulmer.
For pedigree see V.Y., 198; S.D., I, 79, and for his connection with Simonside, S.D., II, 104. The shield is blasoned for Sir Ralph
Bulmer, gules billety and a lion rampant gold (Parl. Roll, Ed. II). From the third seal attached to this charter it would seem that his wife Agnes was a daughter of the house of Conyers.
Size: 1. 38 mm.Size: 2. 13 mm.Size: 3. 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, armorial, billetty and a lion rampant.2. Signet, octagonal, a bull, the background billetty, surrounded by a corded border.3. Signet, oblong, a maunch with 'Johan (?) conyers' and a spray.
Inscription: ✶ Sigillvm : radulphe : de : bulmer :

Seal attached to document reference: 2.5.Spec.5
Digitised version GB Seal no.455 1485-1486
Bulmer, Ralph of
Styled Ralph Bulmer, knight, son and heir of William Bulmer, late of Wilton, knight
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a lion rampant, in an orle of six billets; on each side of shield is a branch and above it 'enbonn'.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.5.Spec.1, 2, 3; 1.5.Spec.33
GB Seal no.456 1442
Bulmer, Ralph of
Styled Lord of Wilton
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Signet, octagonal, a bull in front of a tree and above it 'abnoint'.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Spec.39, 40
GB Seal no.457 1486
Bulmer, Robert
Styled son and heir of William Bulmer, knight
Size: 10 mm.
Seal design: Signet, octagonal, 'ihc' with some letters beneath, all in a corded border.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.5.Spec.4
GB Seal no.458 1511
Bulmer, William
Styled William Bulmer, of Hartlepool, esquire
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Signet, round, a winged monster with tail ending in a serpent's head.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.6.Spec.25; 2.10.Spec.35
GB Seal no.459 1490
Bulmer, William
Used by William Bulmer of Wilton, junior, armiger, son and heir of the late Ralph Bulmer, knight. On 2.4.Spec.24, this seal is used by W. Raket and is probably his. cf. 2055. The same seal is used by John Raket, no. 2055.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a stag, at speed, in front of a tree. Inscription above it.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Spec.36, 37
GB Seal no.460 1497-1521
Bulmer, Sir William
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Signet, a 'Gothic' shield shaped seal charged with a bull standing.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.10.Spec.22, 1.5.Spec.42
GB Seal no.461 1362-1363
Burdon, Alice of
Styled sister and one of the heirs of John of Burdon. Burdon is north east of Darlington in the parish of Haughton le Skerne.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three (undecipherable).
Inscription: Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 312, 313, 6215
GB Seal no.462 n.d.
Burdon, Aline of
Styled Aline, formerly wife of Roger, son of Acaris of Burdon
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eagle with raised wings, in front of it a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.10.Spec.26
GB Seal no.463 1348
Burdon, Cecilia of
Used by Cecilia, widow of Alexander of Burdon.
Size: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady standing with Christ in her arms and a figure kneeling to them.
Inscription: ✶ S' ROBERTI DE BVR .. CLERICI
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Spec.12
GB Seal no.464 1326
Burdon, Gilbert of
Styled Gilbert of Burdon, vicar of Bedlington
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady standing, holding Christ, a figure kneeling prays to them.
Inscription: ✶ S' GILBERTI DE BVRTEN
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Spec.15
GB Seal no.465 1380
Burdon, Gilbert of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a 'bourdon' paleways between four molets.
Inscription: ✶ R .... (Very indistinct).
Seal attached to document reference: 3.10.Spec.47; 4.10.Spec.20
GB Seal no.466 1359
Burdon, Agnes of
For nature of charter see S.D., III, 343.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a stag's head cabossed, a cross between the horns.
Inscription: S'I .. ADIDE .. BATIMRY
Seal attached to document reference: 6.1.Elemos.20
GB Seal no.467 1345
Burdon, Hugh of
Styled Hugh, son of Gilbert of Burdon
For other seals used by him, see 3.10.Spec.50, 53, 54, 56.
See S.D., III, 343.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a falcon on a hare.
Inscription: ✶ SOHOV SOHOV
Seal attached to document reference: 3.10.Spec.52
GB Seal no.468 1338-1344
Burdon, Hugh
I.P.M., 2 November 1349 (C.R., 45).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, three 'bourdons' paleways, the background powdered with crosses crosslet.
Inscription: ✶ S' · HVGONIS:BVRDOVN:
Seal attached to document reference: 3.10.Spec.29; Misc.Ch. 1978, 6095
Digitised version GB Seal no.469 1360
Burdon, John
Styled John of Burdon, forester of the park of Auckland
The colours of the Burdon arms are usually azure with golden charges; see Glover's, Jenyn's and Military rolls.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, two 'bourdons' saltireways.
Inscription: ✠ sigillvm : johannis : bordon
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXVIII.2
Digitised version GB Seal no.470 n.d.
Burdon, John of
With the consent of his wife, Petronille, he grants to God and St Cuthbert and to St Godric and the hermitage at Finchale, lands in the town of Burdon.
Size: 51 x 38 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an eagle displayed.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 332; 1.1.Finc.17
GB Seal no.471 1348
Burdon, Robert of
Used by Robert, son and heir of Alexander of 'Byrden'.
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a male bust.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.3.Spec.13
GB Seal no.472 1331
Burdon, Roger of
Used by Roger, son of William, lord of Burden. See S.D., III, 343.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a saltire between four escallops (?)
Inscription: ✶ S' ... DE BARDVN
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 308
GB Seal no.473 n.d.
Burdon, Roger of
Styled Roger, son of Acharis
Styled son of Akary.
Size: 41 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight in helmet with knob and nasal piece and sword in hand.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.10.Spec.13
GB Seal no.474 n.d.
Burdon, Roger
Styled Roger, son of Acaris of Burdon, or on one occasion, of Tunstall
Nos. 1 and 3 are printed FPD, 45n; Nos. 2, 4, 9-12, ibid., 147n et seq.
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion walking.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.10.Spec.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12
GB Seal no.475 n.d.
Burdon, Roger of
Styled Roger son of Akaris of Burdon.
Printed FPD, 149n.
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a beast with long snout and floriated tail.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.10.Spec.6, 8
GB Seal no.476 n.d.
Burdon, Roger of
Styled Roger, son of Roger of Burdon
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eagle with wings raised and head turned back.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.10.Spec.11
GB Seal no.477 n.d.
Burdon, Roger of
Same man as 476. Printed FPD, 149n.
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.10.Spec.14
Digitised version GB Seal no.478 n.d.
Burdon, Roger of
Printed P.F., 78 and 79.
Size: 44 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight, with sword and shield, peaked helmet with nasal.
Inscription: SIGILLVM ROGERI ...V
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Finc.19
Digitised version GB Seal no.479 1356
Burdon, Thomas of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a lion rampant.
Inscription: Legend undecipherable.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 414
GB Seal no.480 n.d.
Burdon, William of
Used by William Burdon of Haswell.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a molet between three martlets. cf. 1257.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Finc.30, 32
GB Seal no.481 n.d.
Burdon, William of
Styled William of Burdon, son of Roger of Biscoptun
The second seal used by the emperor Charles the Great, was a very similar gem, both in size and general appearance (
Les Sceaux , Lecoy de la Marche, p.22).
Size: 32 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, head of Jupiter Serapis.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2332
Digitised version GB Seal no.482 n.d.
Bure, Walter of the
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eight pointed star
Inscription: ✠ S' WALTER DEL BVR
Seal attached to document reference: Hess.99
GB Seal no.483 1180
Burel, Hugh
See P.F., 3; and S.D., I, 97.
Size: 35 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an animal running with head turned back and open mouth.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL ... H ... BVREL
Seal attached to document reference: 3.6.Spec.28, 29
GB Seal no.484 n.d.
Burel, Roger
Printed P.F., 56, 57.
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a saltire between four cinquefoils.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.3.Finc.17
GB Seal no.485 1303
Burges, Andrew
He is styled chaplain of the church of St Mary of Wearmouth.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a grotesque beast standing between two plants and with a star above its head.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3864
GB Seal no.486
Duplicate entry for next, not used.
GB Seal no.487 n.d.
Burges, Andrew
One of the parochial chaplains of St Mary's, Wearmouth
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a squirrel cracking a nut.
Inscription: Legend very indistinct.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2336
GB Seal no.488 n.d.
Burges, Walter
Styled chaplain.
Size: 32 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a king seated on a throne holding a sceptre in his right hand. Beneath a demi figure praying.
Inscription: DIA .. E PRIS WALTONA . PCEM
Seal attached to document reference: 3.16.Spec.31
GB Seal no.488(i) n.d.
Burgh, William of, clerk
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3757
GB Seal no.488(ii) n.d.
Burghard, Gilbert
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4677
GB Seal no.489 1310
Burley, Alice
Styled Alice, wife of Thomas Sclater
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an eight rayed star.
Inscription: ✠ S ALICIE BORLEI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1967, 1986
GB Seal no.490 1353
Burton, John of
Used by Nicholas of Bishopton, vicar of the church of St Oswald, near Durham.
Size: 25 x 38 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady standing with Christ on her left arm.
Inscription: ✠ S' IOHANNIS DE BVRTVN
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2400
Digitised version GB Seal no.490(i) n.d.
Burton, John of
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4873
GB Seal no.491 n.d.
Burton, Nicholas of
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a standing figure.
Inscription: Legend destroyed.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3508, 3879, 3888
GB Seal no.491(i) n.d.
Burton, Richard of
Chaplain, celebrating at Harraton
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5110d
492: Burton, Robert, styled Archdeacon of Northumberland, precentor of Lincoln and rector of Bliburgh, see 3278.
GB Seal no.493 n.d.
Burton, Roger of
See N.C.H., II, 275 and note.
Size: 35 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a winged monster with twisted tail.
Inscription: .... PC ...IT . NOBIS . GRA..
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Spec.25
Digitised version GB Seal no.494 1334
Burton, Thomas of
Styled one of the executors of Robert of Pickering, dean of St Peter's York.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, two bars between five 'burrs', three in chief and two in base.
Inscription: ✶ S' THO .. DE BVR...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4113
GB Seal no.495 1308
Butcher, Bona of
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a star of four rays with stalked flower between them.
Inscription: ✠ S' BON FILII ADE BVCHER
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2002
GB Seal no.496 n.d.
Butler, Adam the
Styled Adam, son of Richard the butler of Warton
Warton on the Ribble in the hundred of Amounderness, in the county of Lancaster.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL ADE LE BVTE
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.4.Ebor.31
GB Seal no.497 n.d.
Butler, Edmund
A 14th century seal attached to three deeds of early date, all granting lands to the almoner of Durham (note by W.G.).
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a chief indented three covered cups. Crest, upon a barred helmet with mantling, a plume. A spray upon each side of helmet.
Seal attached to document reference: 6.1.Elemos.14, 15; 3.2.Elemos.3; 1.4.Elemos.1, 15
Digitised version GB Seal no.498 n.d.
Butler, Eustace
Styled Eustace, son of Richard the butler of Warton
In Lancashire; this and the following charters refer to the cell at Lytham.
Size: 51 mm.
Seal design: Round, a figure in a short dress standing, holding cap in right hand, left on his waist.
Inscription: SIGILL EVSTACII ...VN
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.4.Ebor.50; 4.2.4.Ebor.8
GB Seal no.499 n.d.
Butler, Quenilda
Styled Quenilda, wife of Roger the butler, in 1.2.4.Ebor.II she is called lady of Warton
She was the daughter of Hugh, son of Acard Bussel. For account of the manor and this family see VCH: Lancaster, VII, 171 and notes.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a broad leaved fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.4.Ebor.33
GB Seal no.500 n.d.
Butler, Richard
Styled Richard the butler, son of Quenilda of Warton
Also styled Lord of 'Brethirton'.
Size: 41 mm.
Seal design: Round, male figure walking holding a covered cup in right hand, left akimbo.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.4.Ebor.27, 52; 2.2.4.Ebor.38, 48
Digitised version GB Seal no.501 n.d.
Butler, Roger
See no. 1070. He was the husband of Quenilda.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion standing, with floriated tail.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL ... CERNE
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.4.Ebor.47
GB Seal no.502 n.d.
Butler, Sigharit
Styled Sigharit, daughter of Roger of Warton
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL · SIHERIT:
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.4.Ebor.45, 53
GB Seal no.503 n.d.
Butler, Stephen
Styled Stephen, called the butler of Darlington
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a cup.
Inscription: ✠ S · STEPHI · PINCERNE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1613
GB Seal no.504 n.d.
Butler, Stephen
Styled Stephen the butler of Warton
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.4.Ebor.36, 42
GB Seal no.505 n.d.
Butler, Stephen
Size: 35 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a cup.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.4.Ebor.33
GB Seal no.506 1268
Butler, William
Styled William, son of Amory the butler
The seal is in a bag of red cloth upon which a cross is marked in yellow silk.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a covered cup.
Inscription: ✠ S' WILLI · LE B·TILER
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Ebor.24
GB Seal no.507 n.d.
Butler, William
Size: 44 mm.
Seal design: Round, a male figure holding a covered cup in his left hand and a staff with a fleur-de-lys at top in his right hand.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.4.Ebor.5; 2.2.4.Ebor.66
GB Seal no.508 1349
Butterwick, Isolda
Used by Isolda, who was the wife of Roger of Butterwyk. Butterwick, in Durham, about two miles N.E. of Sedgefield.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a fleur-de-lys within a border.
Inscription: Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.9.Spec.5
GB Seal no.509 1320-1337
Butterwick, Roger of
I.P.M., 25 July 1356 (C.R., 45). See also seal of Peter of Kellaw.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a monkey carrying an owl and riding upon an ass.
Inscription: Inner legend: ✶ HER ... APEVLES
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4024; 1.9.Spec.4
GB Seal no.510 n.d.
Butterwick, Roland of
Size: 1. 22 x 22 mm.Size: 2. 41 x 29 mm.
Seal design: 1. Oval, a fleur-de-lys.2. Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Elemos.19
GB Seal no.511 1380
Byllom, John of
cf. 2142
Used by Hugh Hawkyne of Newcastle upon Tyne.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, Our Lady, with Christ, standing, a figure kneels and prays to them, in front of Our Lady's face is a shield with cross and two streamers above it.
Inscription: ✶ S' johannis de byllom
Seal attached to document reference: 1.12.Spec,17, 18
GB Seal no.512 n.d.
Byron, Richard
In the roll of Richard II Richard Byron bears silver three bastons gules.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, bendy of six.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.3.Sacr.10
Digitised version GB Seal no.513 1340
Bywell, John of
Styled John, son of Robert of Bywell
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, an anchor.
Inscription: ✶ S' IOHIS DE BIWELLEE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5360
GB Seal no.514 n.d.
Bywell, William of
Styled deacon.
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, figure wearing a helmet, sitting with shield at side and holding a winged Victory with wreath in his hand.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Spec.10
CGB Seal no.515 n.d.
Caen, Walter of
See S.D., II, 340; charter printed FPD, 47n.
Size: 41 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight with round topped helmet, sword in hand and shield held close to body.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.11.Spec.5
Digitised version GB Seal no.516 n.d.
Cadenai, Richard
Styled Richard of Kadenay, rector of the church of Wellton
Welton, in Yorkshire, near Howden. The church was dedicated to St Helen.
Size: (?) x 22 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem, a standing naked figure.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL MAGI ... DE CAT...
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.27
GB Seal no.517 1241
Caldwell, William of
Styled William, son of Gerard of Caldwell
Printed P.F., 108.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of six rays.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Finc.13
GB Seal no.518 1334
Calne, Robert of
Styled bishop of Durham's receiver in Durham Castle.
Styled collector of the bishop of Durham.
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, Our Lady and Christ seated, beneath them a figure praying.
Inscription: SIGILL ROB.R.. DE ...LM
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4342
GB Seal no.519 1409
Caluner(?), John of
cf 2101
Seals used by Thomas Robinson of Billingham and his wife.
Size: 1.22 mm.Size: 2.22 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, armorial, a fess between three covered cups, above shield the letters 'ha'2. Round, a tonsured head, a chalice in front of face with a hand above it, blessing.
Inscription: 2. ✠ S' . IO . S:CA . LVN . ER
Seal attached to document reference: 1.9.Spec.38
GB Seal no.520 1252-1262
Cambi, Ruckus
Styled a merchant of Florence.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a cross of Toulouse.
Secretum: antique gem, a figure with a cornucopia.
Secretum: Legend effaced.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3778, 4099
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.521 n.d.
Came..., John of
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron between three voided molets.
Inscription: Sigillvm : johannis : de : came...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 7075
GB Seal no.522 n.d.
Camera, Ambrose
Styled Ambrose, son of Walter Camera
He held Easington in the North Riding of Yorkshire (
Kirkby's Inquest , 237). He witnesses numerous charters in the
Guisbro' Chartulary where he is styled dominus and in one case miles.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 6.3.Elemos.13
GB Seal no.523 1215
Camera, Cecilia
Styled Cecilia, wife of Laurence Camera
In Charter 3.1.Sacr.17, she is styled daughter of Gilbert of Heworth. See FPD, 162n.
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a conventional device with fleur-de-lys on the top.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILLV · CECILIA D' HEW
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Sacr.6
GB Seal no.524 n.d.
Camera, Laurence
Size: 44 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, the head of Hercules, above the head a fleur-de-lys, below it a lacertine beast.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Sacr.4
GB Seal no.525 n.d.
Chambers, William
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Sacr.13
GB Seal no.526 n.d.
Camhou, William of
In Misc. Charter, no. 6917, 1289, he is styled sir (dominus) William son of Sir Walter of Camhowe, clerk (now Cambo, Northumberland). See H.N., I, ii, 284. Seal engraved A.A., 3rd ser., VI, pl. 10, No. 13.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a cross five crosses paty, in the first quarter a crescent, in the second a molet.
Inscription: ✶ S':WILLI:DE:CAMHOV
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6911
GB Seal no.527 n.d.
Canterbury, Stephen of
Printed FPD, 148n.
Size: 29 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem a figure on horseback turning and shooting behind him, beneath him a serpent.
Inscription: ✠ AVE · MARIA · GRACIA · PLENA
Seal attached to document reference: 3.10.Spec.21
GB Seal no.528 1306
Carlebery, William of
He is styled chaplain of Hewerton (?). See also no. 1457.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion rampant.
Inscription: ✠ S' W. CLI. D' CARLEBERI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3807
GB Seal no.529 1294
Carliol, Hugh of
Used by Hugh of Carliol, executor of the will of Thomas of Carliol.
Size: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a naked figure standing.
Inscription: ✠ FRA ... GE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4043
GB Seal no.530 1386-1430
Carliol, Hugh of
Used also by Thomas Carliol, heir of Ralph Basset.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a chevron between three birds three (?) ...; a lacertine beast at each side of shield.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.8.Spec.29; Misc.Ch. 1765
GB Seal no.531 1298
Carleol, Hugh of
Styled Hugh of Karleol, burgess of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
He was mayor of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1296, and earlier, and was one of the burgesses sent to the parliament of 1295 (R.W., I, 2 and 421).
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, antique gem, male head wearing a helmet.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4714, 4795
GB Seal no.532 1287
Carleol, John of
Styled John of Carleol, perpetual vicar of Friskney
Now Friskney in Lincolnshire, a few miles N.E. of Boston.
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, John Baptist standing and a figure kneeling to him.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.3.Ebor.8, 17
GB Seal no.533 1426-1428
Carleol, Thomas
Styled Thomas Karlile, heir of Ralph Basset
Size: 1. 10 mm.Size: 2. 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: 1. Signet, round, a fleur-de-lys.2. Signet, oval,

Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1694, 1695
GB Seal no.534 1433
Carlton, John
Used by John Carlton, subcollector. He is styled John Carleton, sub-collector of the procurations of the lord John de Olizis, nuncio of the Apostolic See - 'Sigillum quo utor in hac parte'.
Size: 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady standing with Christ on her arm, to whom a figure is praying. The Virgin holds a lily in her left hand.
Inscription: ✶ S... thome


Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4367
Digitised version GB Seal no.535 1329
Carleton, John of
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a tree in which is a nest with bird feeding its young. On dexter side a thick capital I, on sinister a reversed capital D.
Inscription: ✶ : IOHANNES : EST : NOMEN : EIVS :
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4009
GB Seal no.536 n.d.
Butcher, Gilbert
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a chopping knife.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.14.Spec.36
Digitised version GB Seal no.537 1294
Butcher, Robert
Used by Alice daughter of Gilbert Pyle, formerly butcher of Durham.
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a heron.
Inscription: ✠ S' . ROBERTI . CARNIFEX
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2020
GB Seal no.538 1343
Carrowe, John of
Engraved S.D., seals, pl. X, No. 16.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a mill-rind cross; shield couchée surmounted by helmet and fan-shaped crest.
Inscription: S' IOHIS DE...
Seal attached to document reference: 4.3.Pont.12
GB Seal no.539 1369
Carrowe, John of
He is styled lord of Seton and son of John of Carew whose I.P.M. was taken 1337. Now Seaton Carew, Co Durham. I.P.M. taken there, 20 September 1379. (C.R., 45, p.174). See S.D., III, 131. The seal is engraved A.A., 3rd ser., VI, pl. X, No. 6.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a mill-rind cross, shield within a circular cusped panel.
Inscription: .igillvm . . de . carrow
Seal attached to document reference: [G] A54
GB Seal no.540 1369
Carrowe, John of
The same seal as no. 539.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a mill-rind cross.
Inscription: ✶ Sigillvm . iohannis . d . carrow
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 458
GB Seal no.541 n.d.
Carter, Hugh
Styled Hugh, called Carter
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eight rayed star.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2438
GB Seal no.542 n.d.
Cass, Alan
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys
Inscription: ✠ SIGILLVM · ALANI · CAS
Seal attached to document reference: 1.7.Spec.4
GB Seal no.542A n.d.
Cass, Agnes
daughter of Alan
See FPD, 128n. For charters concerning Aldin Grange see S.D., IV, 105n.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of eight points having eight smaller ones between them.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.7.Spec.5
GB Seal no.543 n.d.
Cass, Agnes
daughter of Alan
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a similar seal to no. 542A but a little smaller.
Inscription: ✠ S' · AGNETIS · FILIE · ALANI:CAS
Seal attached to document reference: 4.7.Spec.12
GB Seal no.543A n.d.
Cass, Cecilia
daughter of Alan. Styled daughter of Alan Cass of Seham
Size: 22 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.7.Spec.10
GB Seal no.544 1282
Cass, Cecilia
Styled Cecilia, who was the wife of Walter Cass of Morislawe
Same seal as 549 (3), with altered legend.
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an eight rayed star.
Inscription: ✠ S' SISILIE CAIS
Seal attached to document reference: 4.7.Spec.16; Misc.Ch. 5592, 5593
GB Seal no.545 n.d.
Cass, Agnes, daughterof Walter
Styled Agnes, daughter of Walter Cass and Cicily of Morislau.
Styled Agnes, daughter of Walter and Cecilia Casse, of Moreslaw (Moorsley). Her brother Jordan's seal is also appended see no. 548.
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' AGNETE · CHAS MOR'L
Seal attached to document reference: 4.7.Spec.13
GB Seal no.546 n.d.
Cass, Agnes
daughter of Alan. Styled Agnes, daughter of Alan Kasse of Morislaw. cf 165
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a flower.
Inscription: ✠ S' AGNETIS . FILIE ALAI
Seal attached to document reference: 4.7.Spec.14
GB Seal no.547 n.d.
Cass, Eda
daughter of Alan
Styled wife of Robert son of Reynold of Seaton.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' EDE FILIE ALANI CA..
Seal attached to document reference: 1.7.Spec.7
GB Seal no.548 n.d.
Cass, Jordan
Styled Jordan, son of Walter Casse of Moreslaw and Cecilia his wife
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of eight thick rounded rays and eight thinner ones.
Inscription: ✠ S':IVRDANI:CASE
Seal attached to document reference: 4.7.Spec.11, 17
GB Seal no.549 1279
Cass, Walter of
Size: 1. 35 mm.Size: 2.22 mm.Size: 3. 38 x 22 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, a floriated star of eight rays.2. Round, a star of eight points.3. Oval, a star of eight rays.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.7.Spec.10 (1 &3); Misc.Ch. 5591 (1 & 2)
GB Seal no.550 1432
Castell, Robert
Styled Robert Castell of Gateshead, son and heir of Isabella, daughter and heir of William Redhoch, blood relation and heir of Adam of the Redhoch.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, indistinct and quite undecipherable.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6092
GB Seal no.551 1337
Castell, Robert of
Styled Robert of Castell, burgess of Newcastle
He was bailiff of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1338-39 (R.W., I, 101, 104).
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a merchant's mark in a traceried panel.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3478
Digitised version GB Seal no.552 1308
Barnard Castle, Alice of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion sleeping at the foot of a tree in which is a squirrel.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1619
GB Seal no.553 1283
Barnard Castle, Hugh of
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion rampant.
Inscription: Legend undecipherable.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4274
GB Seal no.554 1385
Barnard Castle, John of
He was rector of Gateshead (R.W. I, 166).
Size: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a male head.
Inscription: Legend undecipherable.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3982
GB Seal no.555 1304
Barnard Castle, John of
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a star of fourteen points.
Inscription: ✠ S' IOH' D' CASTRO B'NARD
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1875
GB Seal no.556 1349-1353
Barnard Castle, John
Styled Sir John of Barnard Castle, perpetual chaplain of the chapel of St. Andrew on the end of the New Bridge, Durham.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion asleep within a circle of leaves.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.11.Spec.43; 4.18.Spec.30
GB Seal no.557 1355
Barnard Castle, Richard of
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a stag (?). Shield hangs from tree within a traceried panel.
Inscription: S' ricardi de castro bernardi
Seal attached to document reference: 4.18.Spec.11
GB Seal no.558 1376
Barnard Castle, Richard of
He was archdeacon of Northumberland; for his archidiaconal seal see 3.1.Arch.Northd.10, 1362. See no. also no. 3274.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, Our Lady, holding Christ, seated under a canopy. Beneath a shield charged with a stag.
Inscription: S' ric : de : cast : ro bernardi : cli
Seal attached to document reference: 3.14.Spec.22, 23
GB Seal no.559 1312
Cathden, Geoffrey of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a gloved hand holding a falcon, below its head a six rayed star.
Inscription: ✶ S' GALFRIDI DE C...NE
Seal attached to document reference: 3.18.Spec.3
GB Seal no.560 n.d.
Cathforth, Adam of
Styled Adam, son of Sweyn of Chatforth, now Catforth, Lancashire.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a bird standing with raised wings.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL AD...
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.4.Ebor.24
GB Seal no.561 1431
Catlinson, Richard
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three leopards; the shield hangs from a tree, on a label surrounding it is the legend.
Inscription: S : ricardi catlingsone
Seal attached to document reference: Hess.91; 1.2.Finc.39
Digitised version GB Seal no.562 1414
Catlinson, Richard
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, the letter reversed capital D.
Inscription: XY MYA . R . I . A.

Seal attached to document reference: Hess.92
GB Seal no.563 1455
Catterick, John
Styled 'armiger'
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, a cat standing on a helmet, floriated background.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.18.Spec.37, 38
GB Seal no.564 1382
Catterick, Roger of
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Signet, letters R and reversed capital D, with a crown above them, all within a beaded circle.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Sacr.3
GB Seal no.565 1372-1373
Catterick, Roger of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a lion rampant.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3479, 4028d, 4930m
GB Seal no.566 1398-1407
Cavce, Adam of
This seal is used by Thomas of Mapperly, senior of Nottingham.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a bend between six crosses paty, three cinquefoils.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.5.Ebor.19, 20
Digitised version GB Seal no.567 n.d.
Caugi, Adam of
He was the son of Ralph de Caugy and Mabel de Grenville (N.C.H., II, 272). The deed is printed, ibid., 273n and also FPD, 103n.
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the Holy Lamb.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Spec.18
GB Seal no.568 n.d.
Caugi, Ralph of
Used by Ralph 'de Calgi' of Ellingham. See N.C.H., II, 228 and note. The seal is engraved on plate facing p.268, No. 4.
Size: 44 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a bird (dove?) with wings displayed and a nimbus round head.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Spec.2
GB Seal no.569 n.d.
Caugi, Ralph of
See N.C.H., II 273n, 274n; the seal is engraved on plate facing p.268, ibid., No. 2. No. 12 charter is printed FPD, 102n.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a bareheaded figure on horseback holding a falcon on his left hand, to which he looks back.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILLVM · RADVLFI · DE · KAGI
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Spec.11, 12
Digitised version GB Seal no.570 n.d.
Caugi, Ralph of
See N.C.H., II, 228n. The charter and seal are engraved on plate facing 228, ibid.
Size: 41 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a man fighting a dragon.
Inscription: FRANGE ... LEGE SECRETA
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Spec.1
GB Seal no.571 1455
Caunce, John
Date 1455-1456. Used by John Caunce of Gateshead, yeoman.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three slipped quatrefoils a molet in chief. The shield is surmounted by a helmet upon which, as crest, is a trefoil.
Inscription: Gavther hanlok
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6094, 6876
GB Seal no.572 1318-1319
Cave, Thomas of
Styled sub-collector.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, our Lord, holding a cross with banner, standing and thrusting the kneeling Thomas's hand into his side, above Thomas is a crescent.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4343, 4973
Digitised version GB Seal no.573 1295
Cave, Robert of
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady, holding orb and Christ under a canopy. Beneath is a figure praying and holding a book, behind his shoulder is a bird above him 'RBE CAVE'.
Inscription: OIHV . NVTRIX . ROB'TE SIS... TVTRI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3613
GB Seal no.574 1380
Cecil, Thomas
Used by 'Thomas Cecyll', perpetual vicar of Estrynton.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, female figure holding cross and subduing the dragon.
Inscription: S' Thome de hoveden
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Ebor.22, 23, 25
GB Seal no.575 n.d.
Ceuloth, Ralph
Styled Ralph Ceuloth of Darlington
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a male head.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1622
GB Seal no.576 1177
Chaux, Hugh of
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a beast passant.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.3.Ebor.15
Digitised version GB Seal no.577 1338
Chapman, Adam
Styled of the street of St Giles, Durham. Emma of Bolam was his wife.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a flower of eight petals.
Inscription: Legend undecipherable.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.14.Spec.58
GB Seal no.578 1344-1345
Chernoke, John of
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, Our Lady and Christ seated within a traceried compartment. Beneath is a figure praying.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3403, 4471, 4571
Digitised version GB Seal no.579 1318
Chester, Robert of
Styled the dyer (tinctor) of Durham. His wife's seal is attached, but it is not decipherable.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, John Baptist's head in a charger.
Inscription: ✠ CAPVT IOHIS IN D'CO
Seal attached to document reference: 4.18.Spec.20
GB Seal no.580 1464
Chester, John
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Signet, round, an eagle with spread wings.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Spec.41
GB Seal no.581 1398
Chester, John
The device represents St Catherine, a wheel in her left, and a sword in her right hand. Used by Margaret Barbour and others.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a standing female figure [St Catherine], holding a wheel in her left hand. On dexter side an arrow point downwards.
Inscription: ✶ S' IOHIS DE CHESTIR
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6538, 6539, 6540
GB Seal no.582 1390
Chester, John
Styled John of Chester, clerk, chaplain of St. Margaret's, Durham
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a goose with head turned back, within a traceried panel.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2278, 2279
GB Seal no.583 1393
Chester, John of
The same seal is used by John Fullour (1.5.Spec.18, 1389).
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round, a chalice between 'I' and ✠. Above the chalice and surrounding it is a delicate foliated pattern.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Spec.13
GB Seal no.584 n.d.
Chester, Ralph, earl of
An early seal of Ralph of Blondeville, earl of Chester, 1181-1232. His later arms are depicted by Matthew Paris, azure three sheaves gold, and are also blasoned in the roll of Henry III. For seals of the earls of Chester see the
Archaeological Journal , vol. V.
Size: 70 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a wolf(?) passant.
Inscription: Legend destroyed.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] B9
Digitised version GB Seal no.585 1373
Chesterfield, Richard of
cf 3341
Styled canon of the church of St Mary, Lincoln. He was appointed by the king, 12 May 1363, and had collation 24 June 1363. (L.N., II, 194).
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, Our Lady and Christ seated. On each side is a turret out of the upper part of which a head appears and below an angel looks out of an opening. Beneath a lion appears, out of an arch.
Inscription: S' ricardi chesterfeld
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5017
Digitised version GB Seal no.586 n.d.
Cheswick, William of
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion passant.
Inscription: ...LI . D' . CESWY.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Sacr.7
GB Seal no.587 n.d.
Cheverun, Emma
Styled Emma, called Cheverun of Seton near Seaham
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a star
Inscription: ✠ S' EMME CHEVERVN
Seal attached to document reference: [G] A51
GB Seal no.588 n.d.
Child, Thomas
Styled Thomas Child of Oxford and Cecilia his wife
Size: 1. 25 mm.Size: 2. 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, a crescent enclosing a star.2. Oval, an ornate fleur-le-lys.
Inscription: 1. ✠ S' THOMAS ...2. S' CECILIE ...
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Ebor.21
GB Seal no.589 n.d.
Chilton, Alan of
Near Ferryhill, Durham.
Size: 51 x 38 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a lion passant.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.4.Elemos.1a
GB Seal no.590 1371
Chilton, Hugh
Styled rector of the church of Kymblesworth
Size: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a winged Victory holding a wreath.
Inscription: ✶ SVM · NVNCIVS · XTI .
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Elemos.11
GB Seal no.591 1316
Chilton, John of
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a merchant's mark on a shield.
Inscription: ... DE CHILTO.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3686
Digitised version GB Seal no.592 n.d.
Chilton, John of
Styled John of Chilton, Lord of Heley
See S.D., III. 290. The charter is printed FPD, 171n.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eagle displayed.
Inscription: Legend undecipherable.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.6.Spec.56
GB Seal no.593 n.d.
Chilton, Richard of
Styled son of Sir John of Chilton
Printed FPD, 171n.
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a half draped female figure.
Inscription: ✠ S' RICARDI · DE · CHILTON
Seal attached to document reference: 4.12.Spec.6
GB Seal no.594 n.d.
Chilton, Richard of
For nature of these charters see S.D., III, 290, note L.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion standing upon a dragon.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.12.Spec.17, 21
Digitised version GB Seal no.595 1306
Chilton, Richard of
Size: 25 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a beast with floriated tail.
Inscription: ✶ S' RICARDI D' CHILT'
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Sacr.34
GB Seal no.596 1304
Chilton, Thomas of
(2) used by Katherine, wife of Thomas of Chilton.
Size: 1. 16 mm.Size: 2. 16 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, a spray of three branches. 2. Round, a female head with head dress(?)
Inscription: 1. ✶ S' THOME D' CHILT..2. Legend indistinct.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.13.Spec.11
GB Seal no.597 1351
Circy, Walter, son of John
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, Our Lady standing. holding Christ. Floriated background.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5777, 5787, 6178
GB Seal no.598 1282
Clarissimi, Allo
Styled merchant of Florence
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a bird within a geometrical device
There is a smaller reverse with a similar legend.
Inscription: ALLV .. CLARISSIM .
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4320
GB Seal no.599 1311
Clarissimi, Matthew
Styled a merchant of Florence
In R.P.D., I, 90. Matthew Clarissimi and his companions are styled merchants of the society of Peruchia.
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, armorial, three swords bendways. The shield hangs from a tree.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4048
Digitised version GB Seal no.600 1402
Claxton, Constance of
Styled Constance who was the wife of Thomas of Claxton. For pedigree of Claxton lords of Horden see S.D., I, 28 and N.C.H., Vi, 193.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a stag.
Inscription: Legend undecipherable.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.18.Spec.17
GB Seal no.601 1431
Claxton, Elizabeth of
Used by Elizabeth, widow of Sir William Claxton, knight, in transactions with her son Robert Claxton.
Size: 16 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal signet, 'RI' above a voided molet. All in a corded border.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6724, 6725
GB Seal no.602 1385
Claxton, Isabella of
Used by Isabella, widow of Sir William Claxton, knight.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round, a ram, on a label 'SO WILL I'.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6253
GB Seal no.603 1412
Claxton, Isabella of
Used by Isabella, widow of Sir William Claxton, knight, and daughter and heir of William Meneville.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Signet, octagonal, a heart with a rose upon it surrounded by a corded border upon which are six roses.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6967
GB Seal no.604 1430
Claxton, John
Size: 16 x 13 mm.
Seal design: Oblong, 'W' with device
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Sacr.3
GB Seal no.605 1374-1387
Claxton, John of
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Signet, round, a hedgehog, beneath it a tree-like device.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 444, 4803a, 6255
GB Seal no.606 n.d.
Claxton, Jordan of
Printed P.F., 123.
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a stag at rest.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Finc.13*
GB Seal no.607 1518
Claxton, John
Styled John Claxton, clerk, son and heir of John Claxton of 'Aldparke'
For pedigree see S.D., III, 299.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Signet, round, a hedgehog within a corded border.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1689, 1690, 1691
GB Seal no.608 n.d.
Claxton, Leo
Styled 'Leonie de Claxton'
The hedgehog is a canting device alluding to Heris. The charter is printed FPD, 26n; see also S.D., III, 142 and note. He was sheriff of Durham circa 1200 (H.D., I, 231, 231n).
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a hedgehog beneath it a flower.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.8.Spec.42
Digitised version GB Seal no.609 1325
Claxton, Leo
Styled Leo, son and heir of Roger of Claxton
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, no impression.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 441
GB Seal no.609(i) 1336
Claxton, Leo of
Seal attached to document reference: 3.9.Spec.83
GB Seal no.610 1286
Claxton, Richard of
Styled brother Richard of Claxton, sometime prior of Durham. cf 3434.
He was prior of Durham 1272-1285. For his seal as prior see no. 3433.
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a figure standing by a horse.
Inscription: ✠ HEC ... FLOS.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4872
GB Seal no.611 1474
Claxton, Robert
Styled Robert Claxton, knight, Lord of Horden and Haswell
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three hedgehogs.
Inscription: Sigillvm Ψ roberti Ψ claxton Ψ
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Finc.53
Digitised version GB Seal no.612 1448
Claxton, Robert
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a fess between three hedgehogs.
Inscription: No legend.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 502
GB Seal no.613 1482
Claxton, Robert
1. Used by Robert Claxton, knight. 2. Used by Ralph Claxton, 'hys cossyng'. He was Richard III's standard bearer and was killed at Bosworth field (S.D., III, 299).
Size: 1. 13 mm.Size: 2. 10 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, a wolf's head, above it 'rb'.2. Round, a wolf(?), in front of it a three stemmed plant.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5811
GB Seal no.614 1450
Claxton, Robert
Size: 10 mm.
Seal design: Signet, round, a voided molet of five points, letters (?) between the points.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.13.Spec.38
GB Seal no.615 1310
Claxton, Roger of
Styled Roger Hess (Heris), Lord of Claxton
He and his five sons, Leo, John, Michael, William and Robert were ordered to appear before bishop Richard of Kellawe, 1312. (R.P.D., I, 127, 128).
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a stag's head.
Inscription: ✶ T:MIE TE DEVM
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 453
GB Seal no.616 1449
Claxton, Thomas
Size: 13 x 6 mm.
Seal design: Signet,

with crown above.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.18.Spec.15
GB Seal no.617 1386
Claxton, Thomas of
(1) used by Thomas of Claxton and (2) used by Beatrice his wife.
Size: 1. 13 mm.Size: 2. 13 mm.
Seal design: 1. Signet, round,

and capital reversed D, above the letters a crown, beneath them a hexfoil.2. Signet, round, I.B. with a crown above them.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.15.Spec,15; 1.16.Spec.34; 1.3.Sacr.14, 15; Misc.Ch. 1484, 5444, 6273, 6321, 6322, 6708, 6969
GB Seal no.618 1421
Claxton, Thomas of
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Signet,

within a quatrefoil.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.8.Spec.29
GB Seal no.619 1453
Claxton, Thomas of
Size: 10 mm.
Seal design: Signet, round,

with leaves at each side, all within a corded circle.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.8.Spec.27
GB Seal no.620 1378
Claxton, Thomas of
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Signet, round,

within a circle.
Seal attached to document reference: [G]
GB Seal no.621 1399
Claxton, Thomas of
Size: 10 mm.
Seal design: Signet, round,
* t * C * within a beaded circle
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6733
GB Seal no.622 1442
Claxton, Thomas
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Signet, octagonal, an eagle standing with raised wings.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.26
GB Seal no.623 1457
Claxton, Thomas
Styled armiger; late of Old Park.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Signet, round, a cinquefoil.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.18.Spec.16
GB Seal no.624 1349
Claxton, William of
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, very poor impression, probably an antique gem.
Inscription: ✶ S' WILLI...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6389
GB Seal no.625 1374-1412
Claxton, William of
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Signet, round, a hedgehog. W beneath it and a stalked quatrefoil on either side.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 443, 2414, 5156, 5444, 4799, 6111, 6404; Hess.90, 93
GB Seal no.626 1412
Claxton, William
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal, a flower.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6714
GB Seal no.627 1374-1379
Claxton, William of
Glover blasons for Sir Ralph Claxton gules a fess between three hedgehogs silver. The crest is taken from the arms of the Lords of Tynedale.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial a fess between three hedgehogs. The shield is couchée and surmounted by a helmet with mantling and a sheaf as crest.
Inscription: S' : Willelmi de : claxton
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 180, 445, 446, 1657, 3680, 5804, 6251, 7075e
Digitised version GB Seal no.628 1469
Claxton, William of
He was the third son of Thomas Claxton of Old Park and constable of Brancepeth under Ralph, Earl of Westmoreland. He died 1496 (S.D., III, 79).
Size: 10 mm.
Seal design: Signet, round, a hedgehog within a corded border.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.9.Spec.23
Claxton, William see 877
GB Seal no.629 n.d.
Claymund, Lucia
Used by Doncia Claymund, formerly wife of Reginald of Lafford.
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a pelican in her piety.
Inscription: ✠ S' LVCIE CLEIMVN:DE S' BOT'
Seal attached to document reference: 3.3.Ebor.2
GB Seal no.630 n.d.
Clayport, Gilbert of
Styled son of Nicholas of Clayport (Durham), clerk.
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Elemos.9
GB Seal no.631 n.d.
Cleasby, Robert of
Cleasby on the Tees, a few miles S.W. of Darlington.
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady, seated, holding Christ.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5992, 5993
GB Seal no.632 1313
Clement, William
Styled William, son of John, son of Peter of Hartlepool, Lord of Bruntoft
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, three bells arranged trefoil form, their clappers joining at centre.
Inscription: ✠ S':WILLELMI:CLEMET:
Seal attached to document reference: 6.1.Elemos.23
GB Seal no.633 n.d.
Clergenet, Robert
Used by Robert Clerrgenet, 'generosus', of Durham.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Signet, an eagle with raised wings standing on a branch and holding a lizard in its beak.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXXVII:36
GB Seal no.634 1483
Clerk, John
cf 2056
Used by John Clerk of Wolviston.
Size: 10 mm.
Seal design: Signet, a helmet surmounted by a fleur-de-lys, lettering at either side ... alt ...
Seal attached to document reference: 4.9.Spec.62
GB Seal no.635 1490
Clerk, Thomas
Used by Thomas Clerk, chaplain, son and heir of John Clerk, lately of Bishop Middleham.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Signet, round, a rabbit sitting upright, in front of its face, t reversed capital D, an acorn behind its head.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.19.Spec.4, 5
GB Seal no.635A n.d.
Cleseby, Thomas
Glover's Ordinary blasons for Sir Robert Cleseby, co. York, gules two bendlets silver and a canton ermine.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, two bends, a quarter in chief.
Inscription: Sigill thome de clesebi
Seal attached to document reference: [G] K28
GB Seal no.636 n.d.
Cletlum, Adam of
He is referred to as Adam, son of Walter of Cletlum, a place in South Durham about 5 miles NE of Barnard Castle. See also FPD, 52.
Size: 32 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the Holy Lamb.
Inscription: S' ADE:FILII:WALTERI:
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2058
GB Seal no.637 1281
Clifford, John of
Styled an executor of the will of Simon of Fishburn, lord of that place.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eagle with wings raised and head turned back.
Inscription: ✠ S':IOHANNIS DE CL'FORT
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3556
GB Seal no.638 1344
Clifford, John of
See N.C.H., II, 240, 241
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three eagles displayed.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Spec.27, 28; Misc.Ch. 5165
GB Seal no.639 1328
Clifford, Richard of
See S.D., seals, pl. 10, no. 25. Glover's ordinary blasons No. 638 gold three eagles displayed gules for Clifford. The arms with the fess do not appear in the rolls for Clifford, but Glover blasons it silver a fess between three eagles displayed
gules for Ellingham, their manor.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a fess between three eagles displayed. A flower on each side of shield.
Inscription: ✶ S' RICARDI:DE:CLIFFORD:
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4105
GB Seal no.640 n.d.
Clifford, Robert of
See N.C.H., II, 237 and note.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three eagles displayed.
Inscription: ... ROBERTI:DE:CLIF...
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Spec.24
GB Seal no.641 n.d.
Clifford, Thomas Lord
Size: -
Seal design: Signet, very imperfect and undecipherable.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXV.134
GB Seal no.642 1258
Clifton, Henry of
Clifton in the hundred of Amounderness and county of Lancaster. For an account of this family and their manors of Clifton and Westley (at which last place this deed is dated) see VCH: Lancaster, VII, p.161 and p.174.
Seal design: Seal very imperfect, armorial, a bend indented.
Inscription: ....NRIC ....
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.4.Ebor.36
GB Seal no.643 1421
Cloes, William
Used by John Whitton of Durham and Richard Lornby.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a saltire with O in chief and W in base.
Inscription: ✶ S' WILLELMI ✶ CLOES
Seal attached to document reference: 3.16.Spec.50, 52; 4.17.Spec.54
GB Seal no.644 n.d.
Cloucroft, Occola of
Cloucroft was near St Helens Auckland, but is now lost.
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ SIG ... ENO.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.3.Finc.5
GB Seal no.645 1432
Clyderhowe, Hugh
Styled of Kingston-upon-Hull.
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal, signet, a heart from the top of which hang two quatrefoils, a device above it, all in a corded border.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Spec.80, 110
GB Seal no.646 1315
Clyderow, Agnes of
Used by Agnes of Clyderow, widow of Walter, son of Stephen of Bruntoft.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round, a hare seated.
Inscription: SOHOV SOHOV
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 171
GB Seal no.647 1431
Clyderhow, Henry
Brother of Richard, nos 648 and 649.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round, signet, antique gem, a female head.
Inscription: ..n ... derob
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Spec.78
GB Seal no.648 1402
Clyderow, Richard
He was a burgess of Newcastle (R.W. I, 235). In April, 1425, the bishop of Durham excommunicated some persons unknown for theft from Richard's house in Newcastle. He must have been a wealthy man judging from the booty they secured (R.W., I, 274).
His wife was the lady Margery of Longforth (seal no. 1540) and in a deed of hers (1.1.Spec.72) he is styled armiger. His executors were his brother Henry Cliderow (no. 647) and John Lasci (no. 1555).
Size: 10 mm.
Seal design: Round, signet, a goemetrical device.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Spec.88
GB Seal no.649 1431
Clyderhowe, Richard
Used by Richard Clyderhowe 'sigillum quod ad manus tunc habui'.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, an owl standing, head turned, on wing two crosses crosslet.
Inscription: ✶ SIGILLV IOHIS....
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Spec.71
GB Seal no.650 1293
Clyff, Alexander of
See Raine's
History of Hemingbrough , p.249, and for pedigree of the family ibid., p.257.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round, a hawk on a bird.
Inscription: ALLAS IE ....RIS
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Ebor.30
GB Seal no.651 1291
Clyvedon, Hugh of
yvedon, now Cleadon.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion passant.
Inscription: ✶ S' HVGONIS DE CLIFD'
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6609
GB Seal no.652 1308
Clyvedon, Hugh of
See R.W., I, p. 14.
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an eight rayed star.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6873
GB Seal no.653 1219
Cnoit, William
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a crescent enclosing a star, beneath it ..
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Pont.8
GB Seal no.654 1243
Cnut, John
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a floriated device.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.10.Spec.19, 20
GB Seal no.655 1376
Cnut, Nicholas
The differenced shield of Errington. He was of Kepwick, Yorks. In 1316 Ingleram Knout was lord of 'Keppewyk' (
Kirkby's Inquest , 322). In 1376 he is styled son of Ingleram Knout and of 'Kepewyk near Upsale' in the county of York, he disposes of his rights in 'Synlawes and Little Newton upon Edyn', in Scotland (Cal. Doc. Scot.
IV, 282).
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three bars and in chief three roundels. Shield in a traceried sixfoil compartment.
Inscription: ... LLVM ...OLAI KNOWT
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Ebor.2*
GB Seal no.656 n.d.
Coc, Cecilia
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1580
GB Seal no.657 1347
Cockayne, John
Styled sheriff of Lancaster and bailiff of Amunderness. The arms are blasoned in Richard II roll for John Cockayne, silver three cocks gules.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three cocks.
Inscription: SIGILLV ... COKAYN
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.4.Ebor.87
GB Seal no.658 n.d.
He was bishop Puiset's chief cook, see S.D., III, 287, 288 and note. Charter 39 is printed FPD, 178n; No. 15 is printed FPD, 168n.
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a winged beast walking.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL . MONACHI . COCI:
Seal attached to document reference: 1.11.Spec.39; 2.12.Spec.15
Digitised version GB Seal no.659 n.d.
Cocus, Robert
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a heron-like bird.
Inscription: ✠ S' ROBERTI COCVS
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2438
GB Seal no.660 1397-1406
Coken, John
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Signet, round, a cock, above it the letters I C all within a corded border.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1701, 2525
GB Seal no.661 n.d.
Coken, Petronilla of
cf 1990
Styled daughter of 'Osmund del Redhowe'. She was the wife of Reynold Pinchard. Cocken is on the Wear opposite Finchale priory. See P.F., 87, 89 and 117.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a floriated device.
Inscription: ✠ S' PERVNEL D' CHOKIN
Seal attached to document reference: 3.6.Spec.20*, 21; Misc.Ch. 541, 546; 2.1.Finc.4, 12
GB Seal no.662 n.d.
Coken, Stephen of
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of six large and six small rays.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILLV STE...
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Finc.50
GB Seal no.663 n.d.
Coken, Stephen
Styled Stephen, son of Ralph of Coken
Printed P.F., 90.
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, salmon with hook and line attached.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Finc.18
GB Seal no.664 1397
Cokyn, John of
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Signet, round, a cock, above it I.C. All in a beaded border.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1701
GB Seal no.665 1309-1314
Coldingham, Thomas
Styled Thomas of Coldingham, burgess of Berwick-upon-Tweed
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a cross crosslet within a quatrefoil.
Inscription: S' THOME · DE COLDIGHAM
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3512, 4101, 4120, 4132, 3567, 4938
GB Seal no.666 1271-1281
Coldingham, Thomas, son of Robert
See Raine's
History of Hemingbrough , pp. 199 and 200.
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a crescent enclosing a star.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Ebor.1, 2, 4, 5, 11
GB Seal no.667 n.d.
Collan, Alice
The legend is cut with the letters reversed.
Wife of Roger (no. 668) the charter refers to land in Warton, Lancashire.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a Greek cross.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL ALICIE ...
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.4.Ebor.17
GB Seal no.668 n.d.
Collan, Roger
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, crescent enclosing a star.
Inscription: :S:ROGERI:KOILAN
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.4.Ebor.15
GB Seal no.669 n.d.
Collan, Roger
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: Legend effaced.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.4.Ebor.16
GB Seal no.670 1343
Colley, Roger, son of Gilbert of
Lord of the manor of Rilley near Durham. See S.D., IV, 103, and for pedigree ibid., I, p. 198.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a ship.
Inscription: ✠ ... IVESV
Seal attached to document reference: 3.14.Spec.12, 13, 14
GB Seal no.671 1369
Colonia, Jacob of
Attached to a deed of William Pymond of Durham and Margaret his wife. The Colonias were merchants of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. See A.A., 3rd ser., VI, pl. XI, No. 7.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron between three trefoils.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.15.Spec.13
GB Seal no.672 1316
Colter, John
Styled John, son of John Colter of Durham.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of eight points.
Inscription: S' IOHANNIS COLT.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.16.Spec.1
GB Seal no.673 1293
Colville, William of
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eight rayed star.
Inscription: ✠ S' . WILELMI COLVIL
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1932
GB Seal no.674 1243
Colville, William of
Styled Sir William Colevill, constable of Norham. For note on Colville armorials see
Yorkshire Archaeological Journal , XXII, p.138. See R.N.D., app., 133. The blason is gold a fess between three mill rind crosses gules.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial a fess between three mill-rind crosses.
Inscription: ✶ S' ... COLEVILE
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Spec.16
Digitised version GB Seal no.675 1371-1372
Commonhouse, William of
Styled son of Alan of Commonhouse of Durham. To a charter 2.2.Elemos.6, he uses another seal not his own.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a chevron between three quatrefoils, three trefoils. A chief with a floriated pattern upon it. The shield is within a circular traceried compartment and that is within a border of floriated
Inscription: There is no legend.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Elemos.7, 9, 10
Digitised version GB Seal no.676 1330
Concoreto, Ycherius of
cf 3695
See no. 3695.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a bend a boar's head.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4257
Digitised version GB Seal no.677 n.d.
Coniscliff, Adam of
Coniscliffe is on the north bank of the Tees, about four miles west of Darlington.
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an elongated star.
Inscription: ✠ S' ADE DE · CONESCLF
Seal attached to document reference: 5.2.Elemos.12
GB Seal no.678 n.d.
Coniscliff, Eda of
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an elongated ornate star.
Inscription: S' EDA · DE · CONESCLF
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1557
GB Seal no.679 n.d.
Coniscliff, William of
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 509
GB Seal no.680 n.d.
Conyers, Geoffrey
For pedigree of family see S.D., III, 247. For Geoffrey see ibid., III, 245 and note.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a maunch.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Finc.6, 7, 8
GB Seal no.681 1400
Conyers, John
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Signet, octagonal, a maunch charged with a ring, below the maunch a spray.
Inscription: iohan conyers
Seal attached to document reference: 2.5.Spec.5
GB Seal no.682 1378
Conyers, John
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a maunch. Shield in an ornate traceried panel.
Inscription: O S' IOHANNIS O... CONYERS
Seal attached to document reference: 4.3.Pont.13
GB Seal no.683 n.d.
Conyers, Roger of
See S.D., seals, pl. VI, No. 11.
Size: 44 mm.
Seal design: Round, arm and hand with maunch, field powdered with crosses crosslet.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILLVM ROGERI DE C...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 366
GB Seal no.684 1337
Conyers, Robert
The Parliamentary roll of Edward II blasons for Sir John Conyers azure a maunch gold, Sir Robert reverses the colours and both have the hand depicted - 'e ove la meyn'. In the roll of Richard II Robert Conyers bears azure a maunch gold with a
ring sable upon it. In Jenyn's Ordinary Robert Conyers bears the sleeve ermine.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a maunch. Shield hanging from a tree.
Inscription: Sigi ... roberti ...yers
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6880
Digitised version GB Seal no.685 1358
Conyers, Robert of
Used by Robert of 'Cogyners'.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chief indented.
Inscription: Legend undecipherable.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5506
GB Seal no.686 1420
Conyers, Robert
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a maunch. Shield hangs from a tree with two branches.
Inscription: Sigillum:roberti:conyers
Seal attached to document reference: 3.10.Spec.23, 24
Digitised version GB Seal no.687 n.d.
Conyers, Roger of
No. 2 charter is printed FPD, 157n; see also ibid., 156n. Charters Nos. 4 and 19 are printed S.D., III, 394.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, an arm with a maunch on it.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL ... ERS
Seal attached to document reference: 1.11.Spec.4; 1.12.Spec.2; 2.1.Ebor.19
Digitised version
Conyers, Sibilla, wife of Roger Conyers of Wynyard, knight: see 2055
GB Seal no.688 n.d.
Copeland, Richard of
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' RIC ... CHOVLAND
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2304, 2305
GB Seal no.689 n.d.
Copsi, Accarisius son of
Printed FPD, 146n.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, imperfect, equestrian, knight wearing conical helmet and bearing a round topped shield. Secretum: round, floriated device, only a fragment remains.
Inscription: .. ILLVM ...
Seal attached to document reference: 3.10.Spec.49
GB Seal no.690 c. 1196
Corbet, Robert
Robert Corbet grants to the prior and convent of Durham his church of Hunstanworth and twenty acres of land for the soul of Hugh, bishop of Durham. Hunstanworth is on the Derwent about twelve miles south of Hexham. Date c.1196.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a corbie crow.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL · ROBERTI · CORBET
Seal attached to document reference: 2.7.Spec.6
Digitised version GB Seal no.691 n.d.
Corbridge, Cecilia daughter of Adam of
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a six rayed star.
Inscription: ... LIE FIL ADE
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Elemos.8
GB Seal no.692 1386
Corbridge, Hugh of
Used by John del Riddyng of Edmundbyers.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a fess between three birds(?), in chief and in base a quatrefoil.
Inscription: ✠ s hvgonis de corbrige
Seal attached to document reference: 4.5.Spec.21, 32
GB Seal no.693 1339
Corbridge, Hugh
Styled vicar of Pittington
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, St. Andrew on his cross, beneath a demi figure praying on each side of cross, stars with flowers.
Inscription: S' HVG... CORBRIGE
Seal attached to document reference: 1.8.Spec.19
GB Seal no.694 1311
Corbridge, John of
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Shield shaped, a stag's head cabossed, a cross between the horns, in chief - 'CLSV'
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 245
GB Seal no.695 1370
Corbridge, John forester of
Size: 1. 25 mm.Size: 2.22 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, armorial, on a fess three hunting horns and a label of three points, the shield is couchée and surmounted by helmet with crest of a griffin's head out of a coronet.2. Round, armorial, a chevron between three birds.
Inscription: 1. * Sigillvm x Johannis x de x Corebrige2. ✶ S' IOHIS FIL GAV... CLIY
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 469, 470
Digitised version GB Seal no.696 1279
Cornere, William
Styled 'magister' William de la Cornere, chaplain to our lord the Pope, rector of the church of Skipwith
He was precentor of York in 1283 (Le Neve's
Fasti , III, 154). Nominated bishop of Salisbury by the pope 1288, consecrated 1289, and died 1291 (ibid., II, 598). The legend of St. Martin is also depicted on the common seal of Dover.
Size: 35 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, St. Martin on horseback dividing his cloak with the beggar. Below the horse a crescent enclosing a star, above his head a star.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Archiep.41
Digitised version GB Seal no.697 n.d.
Cornfed, William
Size: 25 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a sheaf of corn.
Inscription: ✠ S' WILELMI CORNFED
Seal attached to document reference: 2.6.Spec.28
GB Seal no.698 1233x1244
Cornhill, William of
Thomas, prior of Durham, is among the witnesses (Thomas of Melsonby, prior 1233-44).
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a sheaf of corn.
Inscription: ✠ S' WILEL DE CORNALE
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Spec.69
Digitised version GB Seal no.699 1349
Cotgrave, John of
Used by John Plumer of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a merchant's mark on a shield(?)
Inscription: ✠ S' IOHAN COTGRAVE
Seal attached to document reference: 3.18.Spec.20
GB Seal no.700 1332
Cottingham, Robert, son of Nicholas of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a heart from which issue three trefoils (plate VIII).
Inscription: ✶S' ROB...TI FIL NICHOLAI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3829
Digitised version GB Seal no.701 1402
Cottingham, William of
Used by William of Cotyngham, clerk, of Durham.
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Signet, oval, Our Lady standing holding Christ in her arms.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1717
GB Seal no.702 1334
Cotum, John of
See S.D., II, 363 and FPD, 179n and 180n. Another seal is on 1.9.Spec.33
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady and Christ, half length. Below on dexter side St. Catherine, on sinister St. Michael and dragon. Beneath a monk praying.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.13.Spec.42; 1.14.Spec.15; 2.16.Spec.7; 4.5.Spec.16; Misc.Ch. 2128
GB Seal no.703 1243
Cotum, Thomas of
Size: 35 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL TOME D' COTV
Seal attached to document reference: 3.10.Spec.19, 32
GB Seal no.703(i)
Counte, Roger called Le, rector of Longnewton
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4771f (very imperfect)
GB Seal no.704 1363
Couis, Hugh called
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, St. Catherine standing holding wheel to her breast with her right hand, in her left hand a sword pointing downwards, all within a traceried panel.
Inscription: SIG... H . GON ... KATOR✠
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXVIII.9, 12
GB Seal no.705 1279
Coupman, Thomas son of Henry
Styled Thomas, son of Henry Coupeman of 'Gykeliswyk' in Craven
Size: 38 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a lion passant.
Inscription: ...COO..
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Finc.11
GB Seal no.706 1317
Courtfed, John
Styled son and heir of John Courtefed of the 'Burnehowses'.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a floriated device.
Inscription: ✶ S' IOHIS · FILII · IOHIS · COVRTFED
Seal attached to document reference: 3.3.Sacr.6
GB Seal no.707 1353
Couseby, John of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a cross indented with a baston over all. (There is an undecipherable charge in each quarter).
Inscription: ...E COVSEBY
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXVIII.2
GB Seal no.708 n.d.
Coventre, Thomas
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Signet, round, a talbot sitting, in front an undecipherable object.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXV.4
GB Seal no.709 1349
Cowgate, Thomas of
Styled Thomas, son and heir of William of Cowgate, burgess of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a merchant's mark.
Inscription: ✶ S' · THOME DE COVGATE
Seal attached to document reference: 3.3.Spec.34
Digitised version GB Seal no.710 1377
Cowherd, Roger
He was keeper of Beaurepaire (S.D., II, 374).
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, R, on the dexter a molet, on the sinister an ear of barley(?)
Seal attached to document reference: 1.7.Spec.30, 31
GB Seal no.711 1377
Cowherd, Roger
The same seal is used by William of Graystanes (4.7.Spec.19; 3.14.Spec.25).
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, Our Lady seated holding Christ, beneath a half figure praying.
Inscription: helpe moder : of : mercy
Seal attached to document reference: 1.7.Spec.26, 27
GB Seal no.712 1446
Cowherd, William
Size: 10 mm.
Seal design: Signet, round, a cock, in front 'I', behind a branch(?)
Seal attached to document reference: 1.7.Spec.38
GB Seal no.713 1302
Cowton, Helias, canon of Southwell
He was a canon of Southwell, admitted to the prebend of Norwell Overhall, 5 May 1293 (Le Neve's
Fasti , III, 437).
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a naked figure holding ...(?)
Inscription: VERITAS · IN · ME · EST
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4922
GB Seal no.714 1392
Cowton, William of, monk of Durham
In Yorkshire, about eight miles north of Northallerton.
Size: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, bust of a man with hands in act of prayer, a cross in front of face.
Inscription: Legend very indistinct.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Spec.26
GB Seal no.715 1316
Cowton, William of, monk of Durham
This and the next seal are used by William of Cowton, styled a monk of Durham.
Size: 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a demi figure with nimbus, in the act of blessing and holding a book to his breast in left hand. Beneath a demi figure praying.
Inscription: Legend very indistinct.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.VI.10f
GB Seal no.716 1316
Cowton, William of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a tree at the foot of which are two animals lying asleep.
Inscription: Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.VI.10g
GB Seal no.717 1325
Cowton, William of
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a human head on legs
Inscription: ✶ CA · O
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4076b
GB Seal no.718 1293-1299
Coxhoe, Richard of
Coxhoe in Durham, about five miles S.E. of Durham city.
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a boar
Inscription: : X : DIVES . DVRVS
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3484, 3486, 3863, 4076, 4726, 4798
GB Seal no.719 n.d.
Coxhoe, Robert of
Size: 25 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' ROB...
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Finc.31
GB Seal no.720 n.d.
Coxhoe, William of
Styled William, son of Ralph of 'Cokeshow', junior
Size: - in. x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an egale with wings expanded and head turned back.
Inscription: ...L ... WLI : IVN ...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1614
GB Seal no.721 1270
Coxhoe, Gilbert of
Styled William, son of Henry of 'Kokeshow'
Size: 35 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an eagle with wings raised and head turned back.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.14.Spec.2, 7
GB Seal no.722 1363
Coxside, Henry of
Used by William, son of Thomas o' the hall, of Whitby, late a burgess of Durham.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a cock within a triangular traceried panel.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.14.Spec.66
GB Seal no.723 1337-1341
Coxside, Robert of
Styled Robert of Coxsyde, merchant of Durham
This should hardly be described as armorial, it appears to be a sham coat.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron between, in dexter chief a leaf, in sinister a cock and in base 'R'.
Inscription: ✠ S' ROB'TI DE COKSIDE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4542, 5367
Digitised version GB Seal no.724 1346
Coxside, Robert of
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron between two cocks in chief, and in base a ram's head. All in a traceried panel.
Inscription: .. GILLV ROBTI . DE:COXSIDE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6693
GB Seal no.725 n.d.
Coxside, Thomas of
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron between two cocks in chief, and in base a leaf (?)
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1958
Digitised version GB Seal no.726 1350
Coxside, Thomas of
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron between three cocks in chief and a leaf in base. Shield in a traceried panel.
Seal attached to document reference: [G]
GB Seal no.727 1312
Crakehall, Richard of
Size: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, demi figure of Our Lady and Christ. Beneath a demi figure praying.
Inscription: Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5004
GB Seal no.728 1313
Crakehall, Richard of
Date 1313-1315
Size: 19 x 6 mm.
Seal design: Oval, grotesque monster walking.
Inscription: S' RIC

Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3784, 4039i, 4680, 4771e, 4930h
GB Seal no.729 n.d.
Cranevew, John of
Used by Helewise, wife of William of Rule.
Size: 25 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the Holy Lamb.
Inscription: S' IOHIS:DE CRANVEW...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1606
GB Seal no.730 1349
Crathorne, Roger of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a bird with a conventional branch behind it.
Inscription: ✶ S' · ROGERI · D' · CRATHOR'
Seal attached to document reference: 4.18.Spec.31
GB Seal no.731 1253
Craven, Alice of
Styled Alice, daughter of Adam of Craven
Size: 35 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a floriated fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' ALICIE D:CRAVEN
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.154
GB Seal no.732 1308
Craw, Avice
Styled Avice, widow of Richard Crawe of Gateshead
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of four large and four smaller rays.
Inscription: S' AVI ..E . CRA..
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Spec.29
GB Seal no.733 n.d.
Craw, Richard
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fish.
Inscription: ✶ S' RECARD CRAW
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Spec.30
GB Seal no.734 n.d.
Craw, Richard
Used by Richard called Crawe of Gateshead and his wife Alice.
Size: 1. 32 x 19 mm.Size: 2. 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: 1. Oval, a crescent with a star above it.2. Oval, a floriated device.
Inscription: 1. ✶ S' RECARD CRAW2. ALISIE:CRAV
Seal attached to document reference: 3.3.Spec.18
GB Seal no.735 1438
Crawforth, Robert
He also uses a smaller seal, 3/8 in., with the same device and with a branch on each side of it (1.1.Spec.92, 1438).
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round, a merchant's mark.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Spec.91
GB Seal no.736 1292
Cremona, John of
Styled John of Cremona, procurator of Giffridus de Vezano, papal nuncio
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, head and bust, with a star on right.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5058
Digitised version GB Seal no.737 1329/30
Crepping, John of
Styled brother John of Creppyng, Terrar of the church of Durham
For his account roll see
Durham account rolls . For his biography, see HDST p. 113, and a note on his grave cover ibid. p. 123.
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, female figure seated on a dragon to whom a figure kneels and prays, a scroll issues from his mouth with a legend upon it.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.4.Spec.16
GB Seal no.738 n.d.
Cresswell, Robert of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, poor impression, charges undecipherable.
Inscription: ✶ S' ROBERTI · D' CRESWEL:
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 7075, 7076
GB Seal no.739 n.d.
Creveceur, Simon of
He confirms the gift of a moiety of the church of Blyburgh, made by Robertus Benedictus miles meus (no. 206).
Size: 41 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion(?) standing.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.3.Ebor.8
Digitised version GB Seal no.740 1315
Croke, Peter of the
Size: 22 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an eagle displayed.
Inscription: ✶ S' · PETRI · D' CROKE
Seal attached to document reference: 2.6.Spec.32; 1.7.Spec.46
GB Seal no.741 1316
Croke, Alice
She was the widow of Peter del Croke (no. 740).
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, two hands crossed within a geometrical device.
Inscription: Legend very indistinct.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.6.Spec.34
GB Seal no.742 1323
Crossgate, Eudes of
I.P.M. taken at Durham, 29 February 1355/6 (C.R., 45).
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady and Christ seated, beneath a figure prays to them.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4766*
Digitised version GB Seal no.742(i)
Croxstall [Croxdale], William of, chaplain
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3884
GB Seal no.743 1398-1405
Cruce, Adam of
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a bend between six crosses three voided molets.
Inscription: ✶ SIGILLVM · ADE · DE · CRVCE
Seal attached to document reference: 2.5.Ebor.19, 20
GB Seal no.744 1332
Cruer, Edmund
He was vicar of Northallerton in 1332. He had formerly been rector of Sigston. In 1335 he was vicar of Haltwhistle (Ingledew,
History of Northallerton, p.172).
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a trefoil panel, the compartments containing the Holy Lamb, an eagle, and John Baptist's head in a charger.
Inscription: ✶ GREET MOY:EN:BONE · FOY
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Ebor.26
Digitised version GB Seal no.744(i)
Cruell, Edmund, clerk
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3989, 4276
GB Seal no.745 1281-1284
Cucho, Capo de
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a capon transfixed by a lance.
Inscription: ✠ S' IOHANNIS CDAPYN
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Finc.30a, b, c
Digitised version GB Seal no.746 1285
Cucho, Capo de
Styled Capo de Monte Cucho
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a capon transfixed by a lance.
Inscription: ✠ S' IO · N .. CAPVN
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Finc.30d
GB Seal no.747 1287
Cucho, Obertino de Monte
Styled procurator of Peter de Monte Cuco, formerly rector of Middleham
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eagle displayed.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Finc.31a
GB Seal no.748 n.d.
Cumba, Ralph of
He is styled brother of William the chaplain, parson of Bruntoft.
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an eagle standing.
Inscription: ✠ S' . RADVLFI · DE CVBE
Seal attached to document reference: 5.1.Elemos.16
GB Seal no.749 n.d.
Cumin, William
He was son of Richard Cumin who was nephew of that William Cumin who violently usurped the see of Durham and held the castle for four years. He became earl of Buchan by his marriage with Marjory, countess of Burchan, his second wife. He died
1233. This charter is witnessed by his eldest son, Richard, who inherited the paternal estates in Northumberland and Scotland. (Douglas,
Peerage of Scotland , I, 161).
Size: 54 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight with sword and shield.
Inscription: Legend destroyed.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Sacr.8
GB Seal no.750 n.d.
Cumin, John
He was grandson of William (no. 749) and is usually known as Red John Cumin. In this charter he confirms the grant of a stone of wax to the church of Durham made by Sir William Cumin 'my predecessor'. He died about 1273. Blasoned in Guillim's
roll gules three sheaves gold; for Sir John Comyn see A.A., 3rd ser., VI, pl. IX, No. 10.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three sheaves.
Inscription: ✠ S' . DOMINI IO ...IS . CVMIN
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Sacr.15
GB Seal no.751 n.d.
Wolviston, Henry of
See 2689
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL HENRICI D
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Pont.8
GB Seal no.752 1343
Cuteler, Robert the
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a lion(?)
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.167
GB Seal no.753 n.d.
Styled the chaplain, son and heir of Guy of Elvet, the baker
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a floriated device.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.155
GB Seal no.754 n.d.
Cyflingere, Otelyn
Attached to a lease from Robert of Wales to Hugh of Sadelynstanes.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a fess three...
Seal attached to document reference: [G] B47
Digitised version DGB Seal no.755 n.d.
Dalden, Jordan of
For pedigree see S.D., I, 6.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, antique gem, a figure on horseback attacking a beast like a dragon.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.8.Spec.37
GB Seal no.756 1337
Dalden, Jordan of
Jenyn's roll blasons for 'Monsr. Jordan de Daldene' silver a cross paty gules 'et quatre papingayes' - but are they not rather daws in canting allusion to the name? His I.P.M. was taken at Durham 15 December 1348 (C.R., 45).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a cross paty between four birds. Shield suspended from a tree.
Inscription: sigillv : iordani . de . dalden
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6880
Digitised version GB Seal no.757 1365
Dalden, Robert of
See S.D., seals, X, No. 24, where the birds are omitted in error. His I.P.M. was taken at Durham 24 September, 1369 (C.R., 45).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a cross paty between four birds.
Inscription: ✠ S' ROBERTI:DE:DALDEN
Seal attached to document reference: 3.14.Spec.18, 19, 20, 21
GB Seal no.758 1350
Dalden, William of
He held Dalden of Henry, Lord Percy. I.P.M. taken at Durham, 24 September 1369 (C.R., 45). This charter names his wife Alina (Helen in another deed), kinswoman and heir of Philip de la Ley.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial a fess between three birds, the shield is borne upon the breast of a displayed eagle.
Inscription: Legend effaced.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.6.Spec.70, 71
GB Seal no.759 1403
Dale, John of
Styled attorney of sir Ralph, Earl of Westmorland.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, antique gem, a female head.
Inscription: Legend very indistinct.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4185
GB Seal no.760 1456
Dale, Thomas
Styled of Durham, the charter is a grant of his land in the North Bailey, Durham.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Signet, round, a stag leaping, above it a flower, below an oak branch.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.16.Spec.39
GB Seal no.761 1273
Dalton, Adam
Styled official of the Lord Prior of Durham
Size: 22 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a lion rampant.
Inscription: X S' ADE · D' · DALTONA
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4200/4
Digitised version GB Seal no.762 1310
Dalton, John of
Styled John of Dalton, vicar of 'Pydyngtone'
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a tonsured head in profile.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4910
GB Seal no.763 1389
Dalton, John of
Used by John of Dalton, webster.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a bird, like a goose, with head reverted.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc. 1.2.Sacr.5e
GB Seal no.763A 1415
Dalton, John of
The blason is silver three lozenges gules each charged with a silver saltire - deriving from the saltire of Neville (A.A., 3rd ser., VI, pl. XI; No. 8).
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three lozenges, each charged with a saltire. The shield is couchée and is surmounted by a helmet with the crest of a ram's head.
Inscription: sigill johnnis : dalton

Seal attached to document reference: [G] C37*
GB Seal no.763(i)
Dalton, Ralph of
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4789
GB Seal no.764 1376
Dalton, Richard of
Used by William of Stanhope of Durham.
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a merchant's mark within a geometrical device.
Inscription: S' RICARDI DALTON
Seal attached to document reference: 2.15.Spec.7, 8
Digitised version GB Seal no.764a 1416
Dalton, William of
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Signet, oval, a garb (?) within a dotted border.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] C39*
GB Seal no.765 1457
Styled prior of the cell of Lithum
The seal is that 'quo utor in dicta cella de Letham'.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Signet, round, 'W', with a branch at each side and 'dalton' above it.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XVI.10
GB Seal no.766 1442
Danby, Robert
Size: 10 mm.
Seal design: Signet, round, a voided molet.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.26
GB Seal no.766(i) 1442
Darcy, Robert
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4679
GB Seal no.767 n.d.
Darell, Marmaduke
Azure a fess indented of five fusils gold, a border gold charged with roundels gules is one of the quarterings of Dawnay of Sessay in V.Y. 80. It is there attributed to Percy in error as on page 82 the seal in the text is described as appended to
an undated deed of Marmaduke Darell. He seems later to have adopted the arms azure a lion silver crowned gold as blasoned in Glover. His seal of 1364 shows the lion debruised by a baston. The indented fess is derived from the early 'fesse engrele'
of the Percys. Sir Guy Dawnay married the heiress of Darell and quartered both the above shields for that alliance.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a fess indented of five fusils within a border charged with roundels.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Elemos.11
Digitised version GB Seal no.768 n.d.
Darell, Marmaduke
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, arms as on No. 767.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Ebor.6
GB Seal no.769 n.d.
Darrayns, Guy
Size: 44 x 35 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a male bearded head.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5537
GB Seal no.770 1299
Darrayns, Guy
For pedigree see N.C.H., VI, 187. See also A.A., 3rd ser., vol VI, 183 and plate II. The purport of these charters is given N.C.H., VI, 188 and 189 and notes.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on an orle six escallops, on each side and above shield is a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 480, 5538, 6595, 6914b, 6914*, 6917, 6918, 6919, 6922, 6929
Digitised version GB Seal no.771 1293
Darrayns, Hugh
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a six leaved flower
Inscription: S' HVGONS DAR..NE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6931
GB Seal no.772 n.d.
Darrayns, Isolda
Styled Isolda, who was the wife of Roger Darreyns
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a standing female figure in long dress, a falcon on her left wrist, a dop leaps up to her.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILLVM: ...E:D · LSET
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5494, 5494*, 6925
GB Seal no.773 n.d.
Darrayns, Milo
Styled 'Milo de Quictunstal'
Was he not the man of Bernard of Arrenes, who calls him in charter 6995* 'homo meus?' (note by W.G.).
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6906, 6907
Digitised version GB Seal no.774 1328
Darrays, Jacob
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a chevron between three chaplets three fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✶ S' IACOB:IMART . DARRAY
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4512
Digitised version GB Seal no.775 1376-1380
Daunc, Richard
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a bend barry within a border engrailed.
Inscription: ✶ S...VM RICARDI DAVNC
Seal attached to document reference: 3.16.Spec.30; 2.17.Spec.8
GB Seal no.776 1301-1305
Daunce, William
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a pelican in her piety.
Inscription: ✶ S' WILL . DAVNCE
Seal attached to document reference: 3.14.Spec.34, 37, 39; 1.15.Spec.39
GB Seal no.777 n.d.
David, Walter, son of
Styled Walter, son of David the dyer of Darlington
Size: 25 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a griffin passant.
Inscription: ✠ S' WALTERI FILI DAVI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1612
GB Seal no.778 1309
David, Emma, daughter of
Styled Emma wife of John son of Richard Smith of Bruntoft
Used by Emma, wife of John, son of Richard, the smith, of Bruntoft.
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a floriated device.
Inscription: EMME ... FIL DA...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6125
GB Seal no.779 n.d.
David, William son of
Styled William, son of David, a citizen of York
Size: 41 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an ornate fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Sacr.34; Misc.Ch. 2581
GB Seal no.780 1328
Delesalle, John
Used by Robert of Elvet, clerk.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a wolf rampant.
Inscription: ✶ S' IOHIS DELESALLE
Seal attached to document reference: 3.17.Spec.31
GB Seal no.781 1287
Delaval, Hugh
See N.C.H., vol. IX, 165.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, ermine, two bars, over all a bend.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1469
GB Seal no.782 1332-1341
Denton, John of
Styled John of Denton, mayor of the town of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
A.A., 3rd ser., vol. VI, plate XI, No. 6. For account of his tragic fate see A.A. 3rd ser., V, p.7 et seq.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a bend engrailed between six leaves(?)
Inscription: ✶ S' IOHANNIS D' DENTVN
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Spec.43; 1.1.Spec.103
GB Seal no.782(i)
Denton, John of, chaplain
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4679
GB Seal no.783 1338-1340
Denum, Edmund
Styled Edmund, son of William of Denum
I.P.M. at Durham 27 June 1351 (C.R., 45, p.182). Pedigree, H.N., II, ii, 15.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a fess between three mells. A stalked quatrefoil, above and at each side of shield. All in a traceried panel.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4748, 4749, 6364, 7032; Hess.55
Digitised version GB Seal no.784 1324
Denum, John of
I.P.M. at Durham, 3 November 1326 (C.R., 45, p.180). Printed FPD, 119n.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, on a bend three popinjays. Shield in a traceried panel.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Spec.44
Digitised version GB Seal no.784(i) 1306
Denum, John of
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3944
GB Seal no.785 1342-1347
Denum, William of
I.P.M. at Durham, 21 September 1350 (C.R., 45, p.181). See also A.A. 1st ser. II, 94 and note; H.N., II, ii, 15.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three mells, a molet on each side of shield.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3475, 3498, 3516, 3525, 3584, 4121k, 4503, 5996, 4480. 4494, 4503, 4645, 4698, 4706, 4735, 4736, 4837, 4838, 5081k, 5381; Hess.56
Digitised version GB Seal no.786 1304-1307
Denum, William of
This and no. 787 are the same man. He was the brother of John (no. 784) whom he succeeded (see C.R. 45, p.180).
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, two grotesque monsters and a tree.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4047, 4051c, 4126f, 4136c, 4836, 5051g
GB Seal no.787 1316
Denum, William of
Date 1316-1331
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, antique gem, a lion standing in plain traceried panel.
Inscription: ✶ EN CEST
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3373, 3455, 3506, 3531, 3532, 3575, 3578, 3600, 3623, 3769, 3962, 3967, 4088e, 4115i, 4439, 4443, 4458, 4659, 4818, 4834, 4835, 5010
GB Seal no.788 1391
Derby, John of
Styled Sir John of Derby, dean of the collegiate church of Chester-le-Street.
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Signet, octagonal, monogram of letters 'ID' with crown above.
Inscription: Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXXVII.77
GB Seal no.789 1376
Derby, John of
Styled archdeacon of Northumberland cf 3276
He was presented by the king, 3 December 1370 (Le Neve's Fasti, III, 306). For his seal as archdeacon see below, no. 3276. He was also a canon of York and held the prebend of Driffield (Le Neve's
Fasti , III, 182). Glover blasons for 'Derby' silver a chevron between three sheaves sable.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron between three sheaves. The shield hangs from a tree. All in a fine cusped and traceried panel.
Inscription: sigillv . johannis .
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Arch.North.15
GB Seal no.790 1219
Derby, Thomas of
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a deer running.
Inscription: ✠ S' ... TH... REBI:
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Pont.8
GB Seal no.791 n.d.
Derlington, Adam of
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a beautiful floriated device.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL AD... DERLINT.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1617
GB Seal no.792 1310
Derlington, Adam of
Used by Adam of Darlington. For another seal used by him, see Misc.Ch. 4933. cf 2226
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a stag running, above it a star, beneath it a crescent, all in a hexagonal panel.
Inscription: S' WILL... DE SETONII..
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3703
Digitised version GB Seal no.793 n.d.
Derlington, Alice of
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a star of fourteen rays.
Inscription: ✠ S' ALICIE VXORIS:ROB'
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.144; 2.17.Spec.2
GB Seal no.794 1380
Derlington, John of
Styled John of Derlington, canon in the collegiate church of Lanchester and prebendary of the prebend of Esh
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a cross five eagles displayed.
Inscription: ✶ sigillv : iohis : de : Darlington :
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3809
Digitised version GB Seal no.795 1312-1316
Derlington, Robert of
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, female head.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3687, 4923
GB Seal no.796 n.d.
Derlington, Simon son of Emma of
Size: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Shield-shaped seal, a human head with an animal's feet and tail.
Inscription: ✶ IE SVY DE GYSE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1628
Digitised version GB Seal no.797 n.d.
Derlington, William of
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a pelican in her piety.
Seal attached to document reference: 6.2.Elemos.5
Digitised version GB Seal no.798 n.d.
Derlington, William of
Used by William, son of Benedict of Darlington and Cecilia his wife, widow of Lawrence of Ketton.
Size: 1. 32 x 19; mm.Size: 2. 25 mm.
Seal design: 1. Oval, a floriated device with a bird on each side standing back to back, heads facing.2. Round, a bird.
Inscription: 1. ✠ S' WILLI DE DERLINGTVN2. ✠ S' CISCIL DE TVRI · S
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.145
GB Seal no.799 1307
Aaron of York
Part of the deed to which it is attached is in Hebrew.
Attached to a deed of Deulecres and Jornin, sons of Jose of Kent
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round, (?) antique gem, a head.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4455
GB Seal no.800 n.d.
Deynte, Roger (of Wolviston)
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a floriated device.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL · ROGERI · DAINTE
Seal attached to document reference: 3.9.Spec.8
GB Seal no.801 1390
D'ion, Bartholomew of
Used by John of Byngley and others.
Size: 22 x - in. mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a seated naked male figure (? Hercules).
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 353
GB Seal no.802 1371
Docheville, William of
Used by Walter of Hesilden, burgess of Gateshead.
Size: 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady seated, holding Christ, a praying figure in front. All in a rich canopy. cf 1291
Inscription: s' : willelmi . de . dochevile
Seal attached to document reference: 1.4.Spec.75, 76, 77
GB Seal no.803 1335
Dolfanby, Hugh of
Used by Hugh, son of John of Dolfanby and Alice, daughter of Adam of Newhouse.
Size: 1.19 mm.Size: 2.22 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, a dove flying, within a geometrical figure.2. Round, a geometrical device.
Inscription: 1. S. IOHANNE2. ✶ DEI SCI · ELI... SVM.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 389
GB Seal no.804 1422-1430
Doncaster, William
Dean of the collegiate church of Auckland in 1436. See Inq. ad quod damnum held at Durham, 23 April 1436 (C.R., 45, p.186).
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a tonsured bust, on each side a cinquefoil.
Inscription: Legend indistinct. - S. luce archidiaōi de corabada
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2016; 2.8.Spec.30, 32, 34; 1.13.Spec.7, 8, 12
GB Seal no.804A 1316
Donyngton, Henry of
Styled Sir Henry of Donyngton, rector of the church of the Blessed Mary in the South Bailey, Durham
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion fighting with a dragon.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Archiep.23
GB Seal no.805 1285
Donington, Thomas of
Used by Thomas of Donington, clerk
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a lion passant.
Inscription: S' WILLI
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Finc.30d
GB Seal no.806 1344
Douthorpe, John of
Size: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a standing figure.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3734
GB Seal no.807 1345
Dovedale, John of
Used by three tenants to an agreement between the convent of Durham and the men of Elvet.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a bird in the centre of an ornate panel in the compartments of which are the evangelistic symbols.
Inscription: ✶ S' IOHIS · DE · DOVYEDALE
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.47
GB Seal no.808 1389
Dowdale, John
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a goose with head turned back.
Inscription: ✶ ICESTOYS ... EST DE AMOVR LEL
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Sacr.5e
GB Seal no.809 1335
Drayton, Ralph of
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady standing with Christ. St. Peter stands in front. Beneath is a half figure praying.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4107
GB Seal no.810 1263
Dreng, Thomas
Size: 32 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a star of eight large and eight small rays.
Inscription: ✠ ... DR..G
Seal attached to document reference: 4.12.Spec.18
GB Seal no.811 n.d.
Dreng, Cecilia
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the Holy Lamb.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6491
GB Seal no.812 1358
Drewet, Henry
Styled chaplain.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, the letter 'h' at centre, around it in four circular compartments four lions sleeping.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.10.Spec.74
GB Seal no.813 1270
Driffield, Ralph of
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, two lions rampant, back to back, their heads consisting of a human head horned and bearded.
Inscription: ✠ S' RADVLFI D' DRIFFIELD :
Seal attached to document reference: 1.14.Spec.7
Digitised version GB Seal no.814 1298
Drokensford, John
Styled rector of the church of Hemmingburgh. cf 404
See Raine's
History of Hemingbrough , 50-51.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a lion attacking a bull.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Ebor.26
GB Seal no.815 1314
Dryng, Thomas, son of Richard
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a seated figure holding a scroll to whom another figure kneels.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1588
GB Seal no.815(i)
Dugelby, William, advocate of the court of York
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4575
GB Seal no.816 n.d.
Dune, William
Styled William Dune, son of the late Ambrose of Alton.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' WILLM DE ...
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Finc.8
GB Seal no.817 1329
Dunnington, Henry of
Used by Henry of Dunington, sometime rector of the church of the Blessed Mary in the South Bailey, Durham. Same man as no. 804A.
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a seated figure holding Victory.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL SECRETI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3551
GB Seal no.818 1320-1328
Durham, Eudes of
He is styled one of the executors of sir John Lisle, knight.
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady and Christ seated; beneath a cowled bust.
Inscription: SIGILLVM . EVDONIS ... DV ... LI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4682, 4789
GB Seal no.818(i) 1320-1328
Durham, Henry of
See A.A. 3rd ser. xx, 137, no. 249
Seal attached to document reference: 1.10.Spec.17
GB Seal no.819 n.d.
Durham, John of
Used by John of Durham, clerk.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal, Our Lady seated holding Christ, beneath a half figure praying.
Inscription: Legend very indistinct.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1980
GB Seal no.820 1383-1386
Durham, John of
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady standing holding Christ in the dexter canopy, in the sinister St. Cuthbert, blessing, holding crosier in right, and St. Oswald's head in left hand. Beneath a half figure praying.
Inscription: Long and very indistinct legend.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1903, 1908
Digitised version GB Seal no.820A 1313
Durham, John of
Used by John, son of John of Durham.
Size: 22 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, armorial, impaled, dexter a lion rampant, sinister three water bougets paleways. The shield hangs from a tree and is surrounded by a foliage border with a lacertine beast on each side.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] D38*
GB Seal no.821 n.d.
Durham, Jolanus of
Styled a citizen of London
See Cal. I.P.M., I Henry III.
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a male head laureated.
Seal attached to document reference: 6.1.Elemos.10
Digitised version GB Seal no.822 n.d.
Durham, Reginald of
Styled 'merchant'.
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a head.
Inscription: ✠ SEEL ICI MODENDINA ...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2390
GB Seal no.823 1351
Durham, Simon of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, Our Lady standing holding Christ, on each side at her feet a lily.
Inscription: ✶ AVE MARIA GRACIA
Seal attached to document reference: 2.16.Spec.14
GB Seal no.824 n.d.
Durham, William of
Styled William, son of Luce of Durham, a citizen of London. He was alderman of Bread Street Ward in the city of London in 1276 (Cal. of Letter Books of London, A., p.9) and was sheriff of the city in 1281 (ibid. p.196); he was dead in 1284
(ibid., p.83). The common seal of the city of London is attached.
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Heater shaped, armorial, a crescent enclosing a star.
Inscription: ✶ S' WILLI · DE DVNNOME:
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5574
GB Seal no.825 1444
Durham, William
Styled vicar of Berwick-upon-Tweed
Size: 16 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal signet, a crowned W, a leaf on each side.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1862
GB Seal no.826 1446
Durham, William of
Used by Thomas Bradbery, styled master or warden of the cell of Wearmouth, it is described as 'sigillum quo utor in officio custodis dictae cellae'. The seal is much earlier than the deed. Used by John Hagirston and Thomas Bradbery, master of
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a figure standing with shield(?).
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XVI.6a; 2.13.Spec.44
GB Seal no.827 n.d.
Durham, William of
Styled William son of Thomas Lewin burgess of Durham
Styled William, son of Thomas Lewyn, burgess of Durham.
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a merchant's mark, on the dexter a star, on the sinister a crescent.
Inscription: ✠ S' . WILLI:DE:DVNELMO
Seal attached to document reference: 2.11.Spec.27, 31, 35
Digitised version GB Seal no.828 1347
Duxfield, John of
Styled of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a cross placed on a star, two streamers from stem.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1465
EGB Seal no.829 1285
York, Edmund of
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, male head facing to right.
Inscription: S' ED... DI DE...
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Finc.30d
GB Seal no.830 1336
York, Roger of
Used by Roger of York and Christiana his wife.
Size: 1.19 mm.Size: 2.19 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, a lion asleep.2. Round, a heart with two quatrefoils above it.
Inscription: 1. ✶ ICI DORT LE LIVN FORT2. ✶ IESVS
Seal attached to document reference: 1.16.Spec.60
GB Seal no.831 1350
York, Roger of
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, St. John Baptist standing, holding the Holy Lamb.
Inscription: ✶ ECCE AGNVS DEI GV'
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4065
GB Seal no.832 n.d.
Church, Margaret
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a conventional flower.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.17
GB Seal no.833 n.d.
Church, Adam son of Margaret
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eight rayed star.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.16
GB Seal no.834 1292
Ecclesia, William son of Margaret de
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a conventional flower.
Inscription: S' WILLELMI · IL · MATD..
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.143, 147
GB Seal no.835 1229
Eden, Alice of
Size: 35 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.17.Spec.7
GB Seal no.836 1229
Eden, Alice of
Styled Alice of Eden, formerly wife of Robert of Hoton
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' :ALICIE:D' · HEDEN
Seal attached to document reference: 3.17.Spec.8
GB Seal no.837 1219
Eden, Eustace of
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a goose preening its back.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Pont.8
GB Seal no.838 n.d.
Eden, Eustace of
Styled Eustace of Eden
See S.D., I, 41 and note. The charter is printed FPD, 135n.
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eagle displayed.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL ROGERI FILII...
Seal attached to document reference: 3.8.Spec.12
GB Seal no.839 n.d.
Eden, Gilbert of
Styled Gilbert, son of Eustace of Newbigging
Printed FPD, 135n.
Size: 41 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the Holy Lamb.
Inscription: S':GILBERTI D':EDEN
Seal attached to document reference: 3.8.Spec.19
GB Seal no.840 n.d.
Eden, John of
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a chalice.
Inscription: ✠ S' IOHN · EDEN · CAPELLANI
Seal attached to document reference: 4.14.Spec.15
Digitised version GB Seal no.841 n.d.
Edlingham, Walter of
See N.C.H., VII, 101 and note. No. B35 is printed ibid., note 5.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, two shields placed side by side, the dexter bears a lion rampant, the sinister (undecipherable). Between the points of the two shields is a crescent reversed and enclosing a star.
Inscription: ✠ S' DNI · WALTI · DE EDELINGHAM
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1468, 5770; [G B35]
Digitised version GB Seal no.842 n.d.
Edmansley, William of
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a crescent with three stars above it and one below.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 481
GB Seal no.843 1318
Edmansley, John of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, five heads facing outwards, the centre one facing front.
Inscription: CAPITA...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4458
GB Seal no.844 n.d.
Edward, Waldeve son of
See N.C.H., VII, 146n.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eight rayed star or flower.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Spec.3, 4
GB Seal no.845 1293
Egger, Alice
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a star of eight rays.
Inscription: ✠ S' ALICIE EGGER
Seal attached to document reference: 6.5.Elemos.7
GB Seal no.846 n.d.
Egger, Thomas
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of eight rays.
Inscription: ✠ S' TOME FIL WILLM EGER
Seal attached to document reference: 6.5.Elemos.6
GB Seal no.847 1265
Egglescliff, John of
Styled Sir John of Egglesclive, justice of the Lord Bishop
He is called seneschal of bishop Walter in 1260 and sheriff in 4.5.Spec.1. See also FPD, 179 and 184.
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, Victory standing on a globe.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Elemos.26; 4.5.Spec.8; 1.5.Finc.16
GB Seal no.848 1361
Egglescliff, Richard of
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, in a hexfoiled compartment a standing figure holds a crown over the head of a kneeling figure. On the dexter side is a shield charged with a bend, on the sinister is the forepart of a horse.
Inscription: Legend very obscure.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2035
GB Seal no.849 1358
Egglescliff, Richard of
Styled kinsman and heir of William of Egglescliff. The subject is Mary Magdalene with the box of ointment; for purport of charter see S.D., III, 56.
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, female figure standing, holds out a bottle to a male figure kneeling in front of her. Behind the figures is a tree.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5604, 5605
Digitised version GB Seal no.850 1438
Eland, John
Used by him.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a cross engrailed between four fleurs-de-lys(?)
Inscription: ... ILLV IOHIS .. RET ..
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Spec.75, 76, 89
GB Seal no.851 1474
Eldon, Jacob
Styled one of the foresters or guards of the park of Wolsingham
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round, signet, antique gem, a griffin.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXVIII.3
GB Seal no.852 1427
Elianore, John
Styled John Elianore of Monk Hesilden
Size: 19 x 13 mm.
Seal design: On a shield-shaped seal, a stag's head with a cross above it and a twig beneath with the letters 'CLTS'.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.8.Spec.26
GB Seal no.852(i)
Ellerker, Nicholas of, burgess of Newcastle
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4064
GB Seal no.853 1273
Elm, Geoffrey of
Styled rector of the church of St. Nicholas in Durham
Size: 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a demi bishop standing in a canopied niche holding crosier in left hand and blessing with his right. Beneath is a demi figure praying.
Inscription: S' GALFRIDI · DE · ELM CLICI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3387, 4340
Digitised version GB Seal no.854 n.d.
Elmeden, Eda wife of Adam of
Styled widow of Adam of Elmden of the street of St Giles, Durham.
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a heron.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.14.Spec.32
GB Seal no.855 1393
Elmeden, John of
Elmdene, now Embleton, is near Sedgefield, Durham. For pedigree of family see S.D. III, 55. Their arms are blasoned in Jenyn's roll of Edward III, silver on a bend sable three crescents silver. In another deed he is styled 'of Hartlepool'.
Size: 1.22 mm.Size: 2. 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, armorial, on a fess three bezants(?) between four (?)2. Signet, cross-shaped, on a bend three crescents, in sinister chief a ring.
Inscription: 1. Legend effaced.2. ✠ ✠ ✠ ✠ (in place of legend).
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.61; 4.16.Spec.137
GB Seal no.856 1403
Elmeden, John of
Used by John of Elmeden, son and heir of William of Elmeden.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, in a hexfoiled panel a shield bearing pale indented.
Inscription: S' IOHANNIS DE ... EL
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1716
GB Seal no.856(i) 1335-1346
Elmeden, John of
Seal design: Oval. St Laurence and his gridiron
Seal attached to document reference: 1.9.Spec.30, 31, 32
GB Seal no.857 1256
Elmeden, Jordan of
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion passant to left.
Inscription: ✠ S':IORDANI · FILI RADVLF
Seal attached to document reference: [G] D6*
GB Seal no.858 1291
Elmeden, Neil son of Adam of
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' NEL · FILII · ADE ✠
Seal attached to document reference: 3.14.Spec.55
GB Seal no.859 1232
Elmeden, Neil son of Adam of
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a star of eight rays, four large and four small.
Inscription: ✠ S':NIGILL FIL ADE:
Seal attached to document reference: 3.14.Spec.56; 4.14.Spec.28; 1.15.Spec.43, 37
GB Seal no.860 1302
Elmeden, Neil son of Adam of
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of eight points.
Inscription: ✠ S' NIGILL . FIL' AD' D' HEMEDEN
Seal attached to document reference: 3.14.Spec.43, 57
GB Seal no.861 1275-1276
Elmeden, Robert of
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Elemos.15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21
GB Seal no.862 n.d.
Elmeden, Robert of
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the Holy Lamb.
Inscription: ✠ S' ROBERTI DE HELMEDN
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Elemos.15*
GB Seal no.863 1404
Elmeden, Thomas of
I.P.M. taken at Durham, 24 August 1416 (C.R., 45).
For another seal, see Misc.Ch. 6034, and another, 1.14.Spec.18
Size: 16 x 13 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal signet, a crescent enclosing
t. Floriated background and corded border.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1708
GB Seal no.864 n.d.
Elmeden, William son of Jordan of
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a hawk standing upon a gloved hand.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] D17
GB Seal no.865 1391
Elmeden, William of
He was chancellor to bishop Fordham and constable of Durham castle (H.D., II, 390). For pedigree see S.D., III, 55. His I.P.M. was taken at Durham, 10 May 1400 (C.R., 45).
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Signet, a crowned W within a crescent, a spray on each side of it.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.14.Spec.17
GB Seal no.867 1442
Elmeden, William
Styled Lord of Trillesden, same man as no. 866
For another seal, see 4.13.Spec.62a
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, a crescent enclosing a star, above which is a crowned W; on dexter side of star is a small escallop(?)
Seal attached to document reference: 4.13.Spec.32
GB Seal no.868 1403
Elmeden, William son of Thomas of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a device resembling a merchant's mark.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1715
GB Seal no.869 n.d.
Elmeden, William of
The seal is imperfect, but it seems more likely that it is the signet of Sir William Eure. It is affixed to a letter from Sir William Eure and Sir William Elmeden to the prior of Durham.
Size: -
Seal design: Signet, a quatrefoil, each leaf a trefoil.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXV.7
GB Seal no.870 n.d.
Elmeden, William of
Size: 10 mm.
Seal design: Signet, a crescent enclosing a ...
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXV.7
GB Seal no.871 1418
Elstob, William
Used by William Elstob of Foxden. For pedigree see S.D., III, 47. The same seal is attached to 2.13.Spec.26, dated 18 April 1447, and is there used by John Elstobe, son and heir of William Elstobe of Foxden. Their arms as recorded at the
Visitation of 1575 are party gules and vert a fleur-de-lys silver (V.D.). The Elizabethan rolls give apparently earlier canting arms, gules three eel-spears with handles and a chief silver (41 Surtees Society publ., XIX).
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a mitred figure standing blessing and holding a cross in his left hand. On the dexter side is a plant with two buds.
Inscription: Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.13.Spec.25
GB Seal no.872 1447
Elstob, William
Styled William Elstobe, son and heir of John Elstobe, son and heir of William Elstobe of Foxden.
Probably not his own seal. also used by his father John Elstob. Also used by John Jakson in 1437, 2.13.Spec.47
Size: -
Seal design: Oval signet, a crowned W.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.13.Spec.26, 41, 42, 43, 45
GB Seal no.873 n.d.
Elstob, John
Styled John, son of William of Helstob
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ... IOHAN ... DE ELS...
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Elemos.20
GB Seal no.873(i) 1447
Elstob, John, chaplain
Seal design: Round signet, a crowned I
Seal attached to document reference: 2.13.Spec. 26, 41, 43
GB Seal no.874 1404
Elvet, (family of). See 3267
This 'noble deed beautifully written' founds a chantry to St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist, in the church of St. Oswald, Durham (S.D., IV, 81). See no. 3267 and note 16.
3. is the signet of Gilbert of Elvet, it is also
attached to 2.11.Spec.30 and 3.15.Spec.21 and 22.
Size: 1. 60 x 35 mm.Size: 2. 29 mm.Size: 3. 13 mm.
Seal design: 1. Oval, Our Lady and Christ seated under a rich canopy. Our Lady holds a lily in her left hand. Beneath is a figure praying. 2. Round, an angel holding a shield in front charged with a saltire with a molet for difference, the field of shield is diapered. 3. Signet, round, a six rayed star with the letters 'el el el' between the points.
Inscription: 1. sigillv : ricard : de : elvet archidiaconi : leycestr.2. s : iohannis : elvet : clerici
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.34
GB Seal no.875 1404
Elvet, Gilbert of
Brother of Richard and John. This signet is no. 3 attached to no. 874.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Signet, round, a wavy star. (same as (3) of previous)
Seal attached to document reference: 2.11.Spec.30; 4.16.Spec.34; 3.15.Spec.21, 22
GB Seal no.876 1386
Elvet, Gilbert of
He was son and heir of John (no. 877).
Size: 10 x 6 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, male head facing to left.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4821
GB Seal no.877 1375
Elvet, John of [styled clerk], or William Claxton
He was attorney general to bishop Thomas of Hatfield (H.D. I, 381).
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, male head facing to right.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6319
Digitised version GB Seal no.878 n.d.
Elvet, Nicolas of
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL NICOL...O
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Pont.8
GB Seal no.879 1349
Elvet, Robert of
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, antique gem, a bifrontal head.
Inscription: ... ROBERTI DE ELVET
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.163
GB Seal no.880 n.d.
Elvet, Guy
Styled 'Wydo pistor de Elveta'
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of eight long and eight shorter rays.
Inscription: ✠ S' WYDONIS DE ELVETA
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.109
Digitised version GB Seal no.881 n.d.
Elwick, Henry son of Watling of
The Elwick opposite to Holy Island.
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a crescent enclosing a star.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Spec.58
GB Seal no.882 n.d.
Elwick, John of
Near Hartlepool.
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a crescent and six rayed star.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Spec.61
GB Seal no.883 1286
Elwick, John of
Styled John of Pytingdon, son of Thomas of Elwick
Size: 29 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a pelican in her piety.
Inscription: ✠ S' IOH' DE ELIWIC.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.7.Spec.17
GB Seal no.884 1348
Elwick, Robert of, clerk
A very roughly carved seal. The arms are probably false. See also 951
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a lion rampant.
Inscription: ✶ IOME : CIOV : ME
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXVIII.9(6)
GB Seal no.885 1230
Elwick, Stephan of
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eagle, with raised wings, facing to left.
Seal attached to document reference: 6.3.Elemos.11, 12
GB Seal no.886
Number not used
GB Seal no.887 1336
Elwick, William
Styled William of Ellewick, vicar of the church of Norham
See Misc.Ch. 3454, 4129 for another seal.
Size: 19 x 13 mm.
Seal design: Shield shaped, a water fowl with two crosses above it.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3441
Digitised version GB Seal no.888 1342
Emeldon, John
Styled John of Emildon of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Date 1342-1343
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a quatrefoiled leaf with stalk within a geometrical device
Inscription: S' IOHAN · EM ELD OVN
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3417, 3540, 3590, 4800
GB Seal no.889 1318-1320
Emeldon, Richard of
Styled mayor of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Used in 1318 as a counterseal to the municipal seal. See R.W.,
Men of Mark , II, 180, and A.A., 3rd ser., vol. I, p.60 et seq.
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a radiated youth's head facing to right.
Inscription: Legend nearly obliterated. SIGGILVM PERFECTI AMORIS
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Spec.105; Misc.Ch. 4273
GB Seal no.890 1329
Emeldon, Richard of
Used by him.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a sleeping lion.
Inscription: ✶ CI DORT LE ...N FORT
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4386
Digitised version GB Seal no.891 1422
Emery, Thomas of
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round, a heart from which issue two branches. A crowned

above it.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1722; 5.2.Elemos.21, 22
GB Seal no.892 n.d.
Emma, Richard son of.
Styled Richard, son of Emma 'de aula in subteriori Hessewell'
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a floriated device.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Finc.7
GB Seal no.892(i)
Engayne, David
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3624, 4553
GB Seal no.893 1325-1328
Engolisma [Angoulême ?], Hugh of
cf 3686a. Not Hugh's seal, but the one numbered 3574 below, here used by Stephen de Oustwick, sacrist of St Mary's York, as collector of Hugh's procurations as papal nuncio.
Size: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a four-horsed chariot. A star above the horses' heads.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4822, 4855
GB Seal no.894 1256
Epplingden, Alexander of
Styled Alexander of Kellawe
See A.A., 3rd ser., vol. VI, pl. VIII, no. 6.
Size: 35 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] D6
GB Seal no.895 n.d.
Epplingden, Iseult of
Styled Ysolda of Aplingdene
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eagle(?) with wings raised.
Inscription: ✠ S' YSEWDE . DE KELLAWE
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Sacr.37; Misc.Ch. 2517
GB Seal no.896 n.d.
Epplingden, Ralph of
See S.D., I, 217, 296.
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chief (?).
Inscription: ✠ SI ... APPLINDENE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 47; 1.1.Finc.4
Digitised version GB Seal no.897 n.d.
Epplingden, Roger of
Size: 44 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight in trellised armour, helmet with nasal, sword in right hand and in left a heater-shaped shield held close to body.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.7.Spec.13
Digitised version GB Seal no.898 n.d.
Epplingden, Roger of
Printed FPD, 124n.
Size: 44 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight in chain mail, conical helmet and drawn sword and shield with boss.
Inscription: Legend obliterated.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.7.Spec.15, 16
GB Seal no.899 1382
Ereby, Thomas of
Ireby, close to Appleton Wiske, on the Tees. Used by Thomas of Ereby of Appleton-super-Wysk.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three molets.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.11.Spec.15
GB Seal no.900 n.d.
Ernald, William son of
This seal has now perished (1911).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a beast walking to right.
Inscription: Legend destroyed.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Finc.48
GB Seal no.900(i)
Eryum, Joan widow of John of
Seal attached to document reference: 3.9.Spec.34
GB Seal no.900(ii)
Eryum, John son of Adam of
Seal attached to document reference: 3.9.Spec.33
GB Seal no.901 1303
Eryum, Richard of
Now Eryholme, on the Tees, south of Hurworth. Seals 901 and 904 are used by the same man. He was a man of considerable importance in the Palatinate during the episcopates of Bishops Kellawe and Beaumont. In 1311 he is appointed to a prebend in
the collegiate chuch of Lanchester and in the same year proctor to attend parliament in place of the bishop. In 1315 he is named as rector of the church of St. Nicholas in Durham. In 1316 he is styled professor of civil law, in 1338 (3.9.Spec.37) he
is styled canon of St. Peter's, York and a commissary of bishop Beaumont (R.P.D., passim).
Size: 16 x 13 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a female head.
Inscription: ✶ AW...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3557, 4028f, 4138h
GB Seal no.902 1312
Eryum, Richard of
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, our Lord on the cross, to whom a figure kneels.
Inscription: CRVX . SCA . DEI .
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4077b
GB Seal no.903 1305
Eryum, Richard of
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady and Christ standing, a figure kneels to them, a star above his head.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4115h
GB Seal no.904 1316-1325
Eryum, Richard of
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique (?medieval) gem, a male head with curling hair and no beard.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3885, 3885x; 3.6.Pont.8, 9
Digitised version GB Seal no.905 1338
Eryum, Thomas
Styles Richard of Eryum his brother.
Same seal as 2686. For another seal see 3.9.Spec.33, 35; and another 3.9.Spec.37a
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, antique gem, a male head.
Inscription: X SEEL DE GV . SE SVA PELE
Seal attached to document reference: 3.9.Spec.37b
GB Seal no.906 1309
Eryum, William of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, antique gem, a male head.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4435
GB Seal no.907 1265
Escolland, Emery
Styled Emericus Escouland
Barons of the palatinate seated at Dalden soon after the Conquest. Surtees considers that they later assumed the local name (S.D., I, 4). Emery Escolland was son of Geoffrey (4.1.Elemos.6).
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a naked figure, leaning on a pillar, facing to the left with right arm stretched out.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Elemos.12
GB Seal no.908 n.d.
Escolland, Geoffrey of
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys between two birds, back to back, but with heads turned back.
Inscription: ... FRIDI . ESCOVLAND
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5884
GB Seal no.909 n.d.
Escolland, Geoffrey of
Size: 51 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion facing to right.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5578
GB Seal no.910 n.d.
Escolland, Hawis
Styled the lady Hawys, wife of Sir Walter of Hadham, and niece of Sir Philip of Ulcotes
Size: 25 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an eagle(?) displayed.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL HAWYS ... CHOVLANT
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Spec.19
GB Seal no.911 1155
Escolland, Ellis of
Printed FPD, 121n. See also Cal. I.P.M.. II, Edward I, n. 394.
Size: 44 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight with conical helmet, sword and kite-shaped shield, with border.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.8.Spec.34
Digitised version GB Seal no.912 1329
Escolland, Hugh of
2. Is the seal of Thomas of Urpeth.
Size: 1.19 mm.Size: 2. 16 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, a hare riding upon a hound.2. Round, a cock.
Inscription: 1. ✶ S...2. ✶ ...
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Elemos.1a
GB Seal no.913 n.d.
Escolland, Jordan of
In 3.7.Spec.15, he is styled son of Helias Escolland (FPD, 124n).
Size: 44 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eagle displayed.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Elemos.10; 5.2.Elemos.1
Digitised version GB Seal no.914 1285
Escrick, Peter of
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an eight rayed star.
Inscription: ✶ S' PETRI D' ESKERICK
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Finc.30d
GB Seal no.915 n.d.
Esh, Ralph
Styled 'Radulphus de Esse' butcher
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a pelican in her piety, with nest in a tree.
Seal attached to document reference: 5.2.Elemos.8
GB Seal no.916 1342
Esh, Roger of
Used by Roger of Esh, knight.
Size: 10 x 6 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a drum-shaped vessel out of which issue two flowers. A pair of scales above it.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.14.Spec.35
GB Seal no.917 1338-1346
Esh, Roger of
See S.D., II, 335. His I.P.M. was taken at Durham 13 April 1355. The punning legend on this seal is very delightful: it may be freely translated 'Under the bough of ash I confirm the words (or deeds) of Roger'.
Size: 22 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, armorial, a lion rampant over all a bend. The shield hangs from a tree (ash) and has two molets at each side of it.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3705, 3843, 3852, 4100i, 4708, 4774
Digitised version GB Seal no.918 1322-1346
Esh, Simon of
He held high temporal office in the palatinate under bishop Richard of Bury, escheator 1333, sheriff 1334, and again in 1339 (H.D., I, 364). His I.P.M. was taken at Durham, 6 April 1360 (C.R., 45). The seal is very interesting, and the legend
unusual, it is composed as the legend tells of the shields of lords by whose patronage Simon hoped to reach renown. It is, unfortunately, not possible now to identify the owners of the four shields.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, four egg-shaped shields arranged crossways; (1) a checky; (2) an eagle displayed; (3) a bend embattled; (4) three bars.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3377, 3766, 4020, 4621, 5798; 2.14.Spec.35; 3.4.Elemos.3; 3.2.Elemos.10; [G] C18
Digitised version GB Seal no.919 1344
Esh, Thomas son of Roger of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Same seal as No. 918.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 542; 2.1.Finc.27; 4.16.Spec.40, 47
GB Seal no.920 n.d.
Esh, Thomas of
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a tree (?ash).
Inscription: ... E . DE HE...
Seal attached to document reference: [G] A41
GB Seal no.921 n.d.
Esh, William
Styled William of Esche, butcher, of Durham
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a stag standing facing to right.
Inscription: ✠ S' WILELMI DE HESS
Seal attached to document reference: 2.11.Spec.50
GB Seal no.922 1200
Eston, Matthew of
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a crab(?)
Inscription: ✠ SECRETVM MATHEI
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Ebor.10
GB Seal no.923 n.d.
Esweillechen, William of
See Raine's
History of Hemingbrough , 214, where this seal is engraved. The charter is printed, ibid., 395.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, an animal (?hare) running to the right.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Ebor.34
GB Seal no.924 1356
Esshet, Edmund of
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a cross between four (undecipherable).
Seal attached to document reference: 1.10.Spec.37
GB Seal no.925 1352
Used by John of Rouclif, clerk.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a plant.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5008
GB Seal no.926 n.d.
Etheredstre, Stephan son of John of
Size: -
Seal design: There is now no seal attached to this charter.
Seal attached to document reference: 6.3.Elemos.3
GB Seal no.927 1407
Etton, John
Styled sheriff of York: his official seal.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a tower, on sinister side a lion(?) seated, on dexter as undecipherable object.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XIX.53
GB Seal no.928 n.d.
Eudo, Robert son of.
Styled Robert called Warde, son of Eudo of Quessigton
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a helmet with a fan-shaped crest.
Inscription: ✶ S' ROBTI FIL EVDONIS
Seal attached to document reference: 3.9.Spec.59
Digitised version GB Seal no.929 1273
Eure, Hugh of
Styled Hugh of Eure, knight, one of the executors of the will of Sir John of Balliol
A pedigree of Eure of Witton is given, H.D., III, app.; see also V.Y., 607-617 and N.C.H., v. 25. Hugh of Eure lived at Eure, co. Bucks. In 1290 Edward I confirmed Stokesley and Ingoldby to him. He died in 1295. See A.A., 3rd ser., vol. VI,
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, quarterly, a bend.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL : HVGONIS : D' . EVRE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3585, 4463
GB Seal no.930 1317
Eure, John of
He was sheriff of Yorkshire 1309-11, took part in the wars in Scotland, and died in 1326/27.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, quarterly, on a bend three escallops.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3905, 4022, 4238
Digitised version GB Seal no.931 1373-1404
Eure, Ralph
Styled (in C55) 'avunculus et propinquor amiciis Roberti filii et herediis Marmaduci de Lumley'
He was sheriff of Northumberland, 1389, and again in 1397 and of Yorkshire in 1391 and 1395. In 1410 he had licence from bishop Langley to fortify his house of Witton. His I.P.M. was taken at Darlington, 7 September 1422.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, quarterly, on a bend three escallops. The shield is suspended from a tree.
Inscription: sigillv : radvlphi : de cvre

Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.110; Misc.Ch. 2415, 7078; [G] C55
GB Seal no.932 1415
Eure, Ralph of
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, quarterly, on a bend three escallops. The shield hangs from a tree.
Inscription: sigillvm : radvlphi : de : evre

Seal attached to document reference: [G] C36, 37, 38, 39
GB Seal no.933 1367
Eure, Robert
Styled Robert, son of John of Eure, knight
I.P.M. taken at Durham 21 May 1369 (C.R., 45).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, quarterly, a bend. The shield hangs from a tree.
Inscription: sigillvm : roberti : d'evre
Seal attached to document reference: [G] C53, 54
GB Seal no.933(i) 1450
Eure, Robert, esq
Seal attached to document reference: 3.13.Spec.38
GB Seal no.934 1420
Eure, Ralph of
He grants a chantry in his chapel of 'Lezingby' (Lazenby in Cleveland).
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Signet, round, a heart surrounded by a corded border.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3855; Loc.XXV.139
GB Seal no.935 1424
Eure, William and Robert of
Used by William of Eure, knight, and Robert of Eure, armiger. Sheriff of Yorkshire in 1445. He was at the battle of Agincourt with his father-in-law, Henry, Lord Fitzhugh; died 1466/67. Robert was his brother; he died circa 1480.
Size: 1. 13 mm.Size: 2. 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: 1. Signet, round, an escallop, with a trefoil on each side, surrounded by a beaded border.2. Signet, octagonal, a bird with wings raised, seated on a branch with legend above.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 184, 2467, 6720, 6720*
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.936 n.d.
Eure, William of
Size: 10 mm.
Seal design: Signet, a quatrefoil.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXV.7
GB Seal no.937 1265
Evesham, Hugh of
He was a distinguished clerk, scholar and physician, a man of European fame. He was rector of Welton and in 1272 was appointed by the prior and convent of Durham rector of Hemingbrough. In 1275 he was archdeacon of Worcester. In 1279 he was canon
of York holding the prebend of Bugthorpe. In 1280 he was presented to the living of Spofforth by queen Eleanor. In 1280/81 he was invited to Rome by pope Martin IV, who made his cardinal priest of San Lorenzo in Lucina; he died of the plague at Rome
in 1287 (See Raine's
History of Hemingbrough , p. 47 and Le Neve's
Fasti , III, passim; Cal. Pap. I, 495;
Trésor de Chronologie , p.2234).
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady, seated, holding Christ. Beneath a half figure praying.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Ebor.34
GB Seal no.937(i)
Evenwood, Hugh of
Seal attached to document reference: Mic.Ch. 3808
GB Seal no.938 n.d.
Eynsham, John of
Styled John of Eynisham 'sclater de Oxon'
Size: 22 x 13 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a bird holding a spray.
Inscription: ✶ S' IOHIS DE EYNESHA.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Ebor.20
GB Seal no.939 n.d.
Eynsham, John of
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a beast.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Ebor.26
GB Seal no.940 n.d.
Eyton, Ralph of
Size: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the coronation of the virgin.
Inscription: ✶ S':RADVL ... DE ...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4771b
FGB Seal no.941 n.d.
Faber, Walter of
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a star. cf 1444
Seal attached to document reference: 3.14.Spec.32
GB Seal no.942 n.d.
Fabian, Matilda
Styled Matilda, widow of Gilbert Fabian of 'Wictonstalle'
See N.C.H., VI, 185.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, male head.
Inscription: ✶ SIGILLVM . SECRETI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6959
Fader, William son of Ralph: see 1504
GB Seal no.943 n.d.
Faderles, Ralph
See FPD, 76.
Size: 41 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL RA... ADERLES
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Ebor.1
GB Seal no.944 n.d.
Faderles, Matilda of
She is styled late wife of Richard Faderles.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.116
GB Seal no.945 1501
Fairfax, Guy
Styled 'custos' of the manor of Westhall
Pedigree V.Y., 96.
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Oval signet, a hedgehog.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XVIII.67
GB Seal no.946 1383
Fairfax, John
Styled parson of the church of 'Prestcotes of Rodington'
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Oval signet, a voided cinquefoil, the letters P, E, on two of its leaves.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.5.Ebor.12
GB Seal no.947 n.d.
Fairfax, William
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a stag(?)
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL:WILEL... FAIR:FAX
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Sacr.17; Misc.Ch. 2555
GB Seal no.948 1365
Fallsno, Alan of
Used by John of Alverton, carpenter.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a saltire in chief a bird.
Inscription: S' ALANI DE FALLSNO
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2226, 1856
Digitised version GB Seal no.949 1322
Farnacres, Henry
Styled Henry of Farnacres of Gateshead
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial (charges obliterated).
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Spec.32
GB Seal no.950 1341
Farnacres, John of
Used by Walter of Ludworth. I.P.M. at Durham, 9 June 1348 (C.R., 45). See also S.D., II, 243.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three crescents.
Inscription: ✶ S'IOHIS D' · FARNACRIS
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 7009
GB Seal no.951 1348-1370
Farnham, William of
In 4.2.Ebor.22, he is styled official of the bishop of Durham. See also no. 3186a. See 299 for another seal used by him. On Misc.Ch. 3642 used by Robert of Elwick, clerk. P.F., passim. The subject is the Annunciation.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a figure holding in left hand a cross with streamers and right hand raised in benediction, to whom a kneeling female figure holds up a vase, filled with flowers. Beneath is a figure praying. All within
beautiful tracery.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.5.Spec.22, 23; Misc.Ch. 3514, 3561, 3604, 3667, 3642, 3707, 3742, 3770, 3896, 3919, 3935, 4000, 4039c, 4039d, 4039e, 4044h, 4051e, 4076c, 4115f, 4115g, 4488, 4501, 4526, 4589, 4591, 4634, 4962, 4970h,
Digitised version GB Seal no.952 1362
Farnham, William of
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a seated figure.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4076a
GB Seal no.953 1243
Fat, William
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a crescent with a star above it.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.10.Spec.19, 32
GB Seal no.954 1370
Fawdon, Robert of
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a pair of shears in an engrailed border.
Inscription: SIGIL...TI:CISSORIS
Seal attached to document reference: 3.10.Spec.67
Digitised version GB Seal no.955 1315
Fawdon, Aline of
Styled Aline, who was the wife of Nicholas of Fawdon of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
This deed is quoted R.W., I, 35. The name of Nicholas Fawdon's widow should be Aline and the release is to Lawrence of Durham (Laurentio de Dunelmo burgensi Novi Castri).
Size: 38 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a crescent with a star above it.
Inscription: ✶ S' ALIMA · DE · FAVDON
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Spec.106
GB Seal no.955(i)
Fauleys, Geoffrey of
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3768
GB Seal no.956 1364
Faumer, William of
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a bend between a molet and a roundel.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.8.Spec.30
GB Seal no.957 1387-1388
Fausyde, Adam of
The seal is used by Matilda, widow of Richard of Heworth, John of Middlemerrington and John of Appleby, chaplain. See A.A., 3rd ser., VI, 111.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, on a shield a device of the nature of a merchant's mark.
Inscription: S' AD E · DE FAV SYD
Seal attached to document reference: 3.11.Spec.23; 2.13.Spec.17; 1.15.Spec.26
Digitised version GB Seal no.958 1375
Fayt, John
See R.W., I, 197. The arms are apparently false.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, within a cusped panel a shield charged with, in chief a cross crosslet fitchy between two voided lozenges, in base three quatrefoils.
Inscription: S' AW · L · I · DE WA.. L · P
Seal attached to document reference: [G] B33
Digitised version GB Seal no.959 1345
Felton, William of
See N.C.H., VII, 121; S.D., II, 285; and A.A., 3rd ser., VI, 111 for bason.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, two lions passant in a tressure flory counterflory. On dexter side of shield a fleur-de-lys, on the sinister a molet.
Inscription: S' WILELMI D' FELTON
Seal attached to document reference: 1.6.Spec.52
Digitised version GB Seal no.960 n.d.
Felton, Isabella wife of William of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, Our Lady standing holding Christ, a kneeling figure praying to them.
Inscription: Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.6.Spec.52
GB Seal no.961 1365
Fencotes, John of
Seal engraved A.A., 3rd ser., VI, pl. X, No. 14. See also N.C.H., IV, 30.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a chevron engrailed three voided cinquefoils. The shield hangs from a tree.
Inscription: sigillvm : johis : de : fencotes
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3682, 3857
GB Seal no.962 1365
Fencotes, John of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a quatrefoil leaf.
Inscription: Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3576
GB Seal no.963 1366
Fencotes, John of
Used by John of Fencotes.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three crescents between seven crosses crosslet fitchy, three, three, and one.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3447
Digitised version GB Seal no.964 1364
Fencotes, John of
Used by John of Fencotes.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a bend ... (undecipherable).
Inscription: sigillvm hugonis · d' .. an · one
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3772
Digitised version GB Seal no.965 1337
Fencotes, John of
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a seated figure blessing.
Inscription: Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5068g
GB Seal no.966 1348
Fening, Gilbert
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, antique gem, a bearded head with fillet.
Inscription: ✶ S' GILBTI FENING
Seal attached to document reference: 4.3.Spec.2
GB Seal no.967 1370
Fenrother, Robert of
Fenrother is near Morpeth, Northumberland.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion asleep on a background of six leaves in an ornate sexfoiled panel.
Inscription: No legend.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5594b
GB Seal no.968 1381
Fenrother, Robert of
He is styled Robert de Fenrother of Pittington. This shield is very indistinct and doubtful, it has the appearance of false arms.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, armorial, barry of ten, an orle at centre, two trefoils at each side of shield.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.8.Spec.13
GB Seal no.969 1518
Fenwick, Alice
Styled 'Alicia Fenwyke', formerly wife of Robert Fenwyke of Durham
Size: 16 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Oval signet, a fleur-de-lys with a crown above it.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1713
GB Seal no.970 n.d.
Fenwick, Eustace
Styled Eustace, son of Eustace of 'Fennewyk'
On the mainland opposite Holy Island.
Size: 35 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a lion walking to right.
Inscription: ✠ S' EVSTAC FENW...
Seal attached to document reference: 4.3.Sacr.11
GB Seal no.971 1356
Fenwick, Thomas of
The usual shield of Fenwick, silver three martlets gules on a chief gules three martlets silver, is first blasoned in the 'Powell' roll and Jenyn's Ordinary, both temp. Edward III. The shield on this seal is an interesting mode of differencing;
except for this seal it is unknown.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three roundels each charged with three birds.
Inscription: S' THOME · DE FENWYK.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.4.Spec.17
Digitised version GB Seal no.972 1219
Feritate, Hugh of
He was parson of the church of Staindrop, the charter refers to the foundation of the chapel of St. Catherine in Hilton. Hugh occurs frequently as a witness to the charters of bishop Hugh Pudsey and of Henry Pudsey his brother. (P.F. and FPD,
passim). The device is a curious adaptation of the lions to the form of the swastika or fylfot-cross of which other varieties are the three human legs forming the badge of the Isle of Man, and the similar device, but with the Gorgon's head in the
centre, of Sicily. The fylfot form of cross, probably in its origin a symbol of the sun, was used by Hindoos as the sign of Vishnu.
Size: 41 mm.
Seal design: Round, four lions joined in one head.
Seal attached to document reference: 6.3.Elemos.17
GB Seal no.973 n.d.
Ferlington, Simon of
Styled archdeacon of Durham
See also 3256. He was parson of Howden, circa 1220-1224 (2.1.Arcip.6, FPD, 254) and chancellor under bishop Richard of Marisco (H.D., 239).
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem (very indistinct).
Inscription: S' SI · ONIS D' FERLINTONA
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Arch.Dun.17
GB Seal no.974 1354
Fery, Alice
Styled wife of Richard of Fery
For nature of deed see S.D., III, 285.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a pelican in her piety.
Inscription: Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.12.Spec.12
GB Seal no.975 n.d.
Fery, Bertram son of Alan of.
Styled son of Alan, brother of the prior
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, an elaborate floriated device. cf 35
Seal attached to document reference: 2.14.Spec.30, 33
GB Seal no.976 n.d.
Fery, Bertram son of Alan of
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys. cf 36.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.126
GB Seal no.977 n.d.
Fery, Emma daughter of Thomas of
Size: 41 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys, with a cross on the top.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.14.Spec.29, 32; 4.16.Spec.120, 128, 161, 127
Fery, Eustace of: see 344.
GB Seal no.978 n.d.
Fery, Geoffrey of
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a crescent enclosing a star.
Inscription: ... GALF.. DE .. ESCA...
Seal attached to document reference: 3.9.Spec.25
GB Seal no.979 n.d.
Fery, Gilbert of
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an eagle with raised wings.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.12.Spec.8
GB Seal no.980 n.d.
Fery, Henry of
Parson of Heighington.
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a naked figure sitting, a bird on his extended right hand.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Elemos.7
GB Seal no.981 n.d.
Fery, John
Styled John, son and heir of Johanna, daughter and heiress of Roger of Fery.
It is not his own seal.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a lion rampant.
Inscription: Imperfect, legend destroyed.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.12.Spec.25
GB Seal no.982 1358
Fery, John son of Simon of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a griffin.
Inscription: Legend very indistinct, illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.12.Spec.7
GB Seal no.983 n.d.
Fery, Matilda
Styled Matilda, formerly wife of Alan of Merrington
See S.D., III, 285. The charter is printed FPD, 171n.
Size: 41 mm.
Seal design: Round, a boar's head raised.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.12.Spec.27
Digitised version GB Seal no.984 n.d.
Fery, Robert of
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of six rays.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL ROBERTI FIL T...
Seal attached to document reference: 4.12.Spec.9
GB Seal no.985 1293
Fery, Roger of
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of eight large and eight smaller rays.
Inscription: ... GERI · DE · FER ·
Seal attached to document reference: 2.17.Spec.34
GB Seal no.986 n.d.
Fery, Roger of
Printed FPD, 170n. The boar probably represents the famous 'brawn of Brancepeth' which Roger slew by strategy: for the story see S.D., III, 284.
Size: 41 mm.
Seal design: Round, a boar walking.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.12.Spec.1
Digitised version GB Seal no.987 1458
Fery, Thomas
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, an eagle displayed, above it 'midelh..'
Seal attached to document reference: 1.13.Spec.20, 24
GB Seal no.988 1354
Fery, Thomas son of Richard of
Used by Thomas, but not his own seal.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, charges obliterated, shield couchée and surmounted by helmet with crest of a bird's head.
Inscription: SIGILL BEPTO .. DIDE ...
Seal attached to document reference: 4.12.Spec.19
GB Seal no.989 1460
Fery, Thomas
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, very indistinct and undecipherable.
Inscription: dominn ...
Seal attached to document reference: 1.13.Spec.24, 25, 27
GB Seal no.990 1450
Fery, Thomas
Size: 10 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, a cock, before it 'I'
Seal attached to document reference: 3.13.Spec.13
GB Seal no.991 1219
Fery, Walter of
Printed FPD, 218.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Pont.8
GB Seal no.992 1369
Filsdrot (?), William
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial on a bend three ...(?), a label of five points.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5594d
Digitised version GB Seal no.993 1281
Fishburn, Gilbert
Styled Gilbert of 'Fisscheburn', chaplain, executor of the will of Simon of 'Fisscheburn'
Fishburn is about two miles N. of Sedgefield, Durham.
Size: 35 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a pelican in her piety.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3556
GB Seal no.994 1302
Fishburn, Peter of
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, an ape sitting scratching himself and putting something into his mouth.
Inscription: ✶ HAYL APE HAYL
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3436 (fragment) 3858, 4849, 4971
Digitised version GB Seal no.995 n.d.
Fishburn, Ranulph of
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.18.Spec.12
GB Seal no.996 1184
Fishburn, Ranulph of
For account of family and nature of charter see S.D., III, 50.
Size: 41 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight in hauberk, round topped helmet, sword in hand, and kite-shaped shield.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.8.Spec.41
GB Seal no.997 1259
Fishburn, Simon of
He was son of Ranulph (996), the charter mentions his brothers Robert and Ranulph and his sister Meliora. It will be noted that the device on his seal forms a complete pun on his name.
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a 'burn' in which four fish swim.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.8.Spec.38, 40
Digitised version GB Seal no.998 1317
Fishburn, Stephan of
Used by Emma of Burden, widow of Stephen of Fishburn.
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a pelican in her piety.
Inscription: ✠ S' STEFANI FIL PETRI
Seal attached to document reference: 4.10.Spec.7
GB Seal no.999 1286-1291
Fishburn, Thomas of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a hawk upon a hare.
Inscription: ✶ FAHCVN GENTIL ·
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4306, 4727, 4993
Digitised version GB Seal no.1000 1294
Fishburn, Thomas of
Not his own seal. From early times the eagle has been used by the Christian church as the symbol of St. John the Evangelist. Its origin is probably to be found in common with the symbols of the three other evangelists in the vision of St. John
(Rev., IV, 6 and 7) and in that of Ezekiel 'in the land of the Chaldeans by the river Chebar' (Ezekiel, I, 3-10).
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eagle standing with wings raised and head turned back.
Inscription: ✠ AQVILA IOHANNIS
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3414
GB Seal no.1001 1296-1311
Fishburn, Thomas of
Size: 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a wreathed female head.
Inscription: ✶ S' ONIS ESE · TIC · NERERE · VTERIS
Seal attached to document reference: 1.9.Spec.20, Misc.Ch. 3610, 5042
GB Seal no.1001(i) 1295
Fishburn, Thomas of, Theobald cousin and servant of
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4115o
GB Seal no.1001(ii) 1405
Fishburn, William of, keeper of chantry of SS John Baptist and Evangelist in St Oswald's church, Durham. Same seal as next.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.11.Spec.30
GB Seal no.1001(iii) 1424
Fishburn, William of, chaplain of chantry of SS John Baptist and Evangelist in St Oswald's church, Durham. Same seal as previous.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Spec.7, 8
GB Seal no.1002 n.d.
Fitzrobert, John
See N.C.H., V, 25. The seal is engraved (No. 3) on plate facing p. 24, ibid. The blason of the shield is quarterly gold and gules a bend sable. For note upon its origin see A.A., 3rd ser., VI, p.183.
Size: 1. 70 mm.Size: 2. 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, equestrian, knight sword in hand, shield suspended from neck, charged with quarterly a bend.2. Secretum, oval, antique gem, the flight into Egypt.
Inscription: 1. ✠ S ...NIS ⋮ F... OBERTI2. ✠ SIGILLVM SECRETI
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Spec.51
Digitised version GB Seal no.1003 n.d.
Fitzroger, Robert
See N.C.H., V, 24, 25 and note. The seal is engraved (Nos. 1 and 2) on plate facing p.24, ibid.
Size: 73 mm.Size: Secretum: 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight sword in hand and shield bearing quarterly a bend.Secretum: oval, antique gem, the flight into Egypt.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Spec.50; 2.4.Spec.8; 4.3.Sacr.3; Misc.Ch. 1481
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.1004 1303
Fitzroger, Robert
Printed FPD, 113n.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, quarterly a bend.
Inscription: S' ROBERTI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 461
Digitised version GB Seal no.1004A n.d.
Fitzwalter, Robert
He was descended from Robert, 5th son of Richard fitzGilbert son of Gilbert of Clare (
Historic Peerage , 199). His arms are derived and differenced from those of Clare, gules three chevrons gold, and are blasoned gold a fess between three chevrons gules, they first appear in the roll of the battle of
Falkirk (1298). He was grandson of that Robert Fitz Walter 'marshall of the army of God and of Holy Church', the chief of the Magna Carta barons. He succeeded his father in 1257 at the age of ten and was summoned to parliament from 1295 to 1325, in
which latter year he died.
Size: 70 mm.Size: Secretum: 32 mm.
Seal design: Obverse, round, equestrian, knight in surcoat, with shield and sword, shield and horse trappings charged with a fess between two chevrons.Secretum: round, armorial, a fess between two chevrons.
Inscription: Legend destroyed.Secretum: ✠ SECRETVM : ROBERTI : FILII : WALTERI
Seal attached to document reference: [G] B11
GB Seal no.1005 1355
Fletham, Hugh of
Size: 16 x 13 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, horned head of Jupiter Ammon. See also 85.
Inscription: ✶ FRANGE LEGE TEGE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4239
GB Seal no.1006 n.d.
Flur, Adam
Styled a citizen of York
Now Kirkby Fleetham a new miles W. of Northallerton, Yorkshire.
Size: 32 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a female figure seated, veil over her head.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Sacr.19, 26
GB Seal no.1007 n.d.
Flur, Sibilla wife of Adam
Size: 38 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Sacr.22
Digitised version GB Seal no.1008 n.d.
Folettby, Nicholas of
Stephen of Hoton uses the same seal (5.4.Elemos.1). Foletby was one of the bishop's knights' fees in Lincolnshire (R.P.D., 262). This charter is printed FPD, 113n.
Size: 41 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 5.3.Elemos.1a
GB Seal no.1009 n.d.
Folettby, William of
Printed FPD, 195n.
Size: 54 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight with sword and shield with boss.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Elemos.6
GB Seal no.1010 n.d.
Font, Richard at the
Styled Richard 'dictus ad fontem'
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, bird standing on a conventional branch.
Inscription: ✠ S' RICARDI D' FONTE
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Sacr.5
GB Seal no.1011 1295
Forester, Robert
Styled Robert, son of John the forester of Hemingburgh
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion asleep.
Inscription: ✶ WARE ME ... ET
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Ebor.22
GB Seal no.1012 1265
Forset, Geoffrey of
Forsett in Richmondshire. He was a canon of the church of Howden.
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, demi figure of Our Lady seated and holding Christ. Beneath a demi figure praying.
Inscription: ✠ S' GALFRIDI · DE:FORSET
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Ebor.34
GB Seal no.1013 1519
Forster, John
Styled 'chaplain'
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, monogram F.F. and a label with inscription(?) upon it, above label a star.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1723
Digitised version
1014: Forester. See No. 695, Seal No. 2 there described is used by Constance, wife of John the forester of Corbridge, and widow of Thomas of Tyndale (Misc.Ch. 5255).
GB Seal no.1015 n.d.
Forster, Robert the
The device refers to his office of forester.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a stag's head.
Inscription: S' ROBERTI · LE FORSTER
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1585
GB Seal no.1016 1447
Fossour, John
See S.D., I, 65.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, an animal (lion?) asleep at the foot of a tree. All in a geometrical device.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Sacr.38
GB Seal no.1017 n.d.
Frankeley, William
Styled William, called 'Frankeley de Witton'
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a hunting horn.
Inscription: ✠ SIG:WILL DE...
Seal attached to document reference: 2.6.Spec.38
GB Seal no.1018 n.d.
Frekelton, Adam and Sweyn of
Used by Adam, son of Osbert of Freckleton and 'Suanus frater meus'. Adam of Freckleton was living in 1297. For account of Freckleton and of the family of that name see VCH: Lancaster, VII, 167, et seq. and notes. Frekelton was a manor in
Lancashire in which the Durham cell of Lytham was situated.
Size: 1. 32 mm.Size: 2. 32 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, a device like a vase with handles.2. Round, a cross-like device.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.4.Ebor.33, 43
GB Seal no.1019 n.d.
Frekelton, Gilbert of
Styled Gilbert, son of Roger of Freckelton
Size: -
Seal design: Oval, broken, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: S' GILBERTI ...
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.4.Ebor.7
GB Seal no.1020 n.d.
Frekelton, Richard of
Styled Richard, son of Walthef of Frekelton. Same person and similar seal to next.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a flower with leaves.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.4.Ebor.36, 38
GB Seal no.1021 n.d.
Frekelton, Richard of
Styled Richard, son of Walthef of Frekelton. Same person and similar seal to next.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a leaf-like device.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.4.Ebor.35, 39, 40
GB Seal no.1022 n.d.
Frekelton, Richard of
Styled Richard, son of Roger, Lord of Frekelton
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.4.Ebor.12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 30
GB Seal no.1023 n.d.
Frekelton, Richard of
Styled Richard, son of Roger, Lord of Frekelton
Size: 38 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the point of a spear or halbert.
Inscription: ✠:S':RICI.. DE FREKEL
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.4.Ebor.8, 9, 10, 11
GB Seal no.1024 n.d.
Frekelton, Robert of
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a flower-like device.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL ROBERTI
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.4.Ebor.22, 23
GB Seal no.1025 n.d.
Frekelton, Hawise of
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL HAVISIE ✠
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.4.Ebor.21
GB Seal no.1026 n.d.
Frekelton, Eva of
Styled Eva, 'vidua de Frekelton'
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a floriated device.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL · EVE VIDVE
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.4.Ebor.24
GB Seal no.1027 1270
Freman, Roger
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an animal (?indistinct).
Inscription: ✠ S' ROGERI FREMAN
Seal attached to document reference: 1.14.Spec.7
GB Seal no.1027(i)
Freman, Thomas, of Cold Hesledon
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4784
Frere, Aunger, of Ripon: see 112
GB Seal no.1028 1246
Frosterley, Richard
Styled Richard at the bridge of Frosterley. cf 2017
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, two fleur-de-lys, one above the other, a star on each side.
Inscription: ✠ S' RICARDI ...TE
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Sacr.7*
Fulford, Robert of: see 1035
GB Seal no.1029 n.d.
Fulford, William of
Near Witton Gilbert, Durham. See also no. 1035 which should have followed this number.
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an eight rayed star.
Seal attached to document reference: 5.3.Elemos.7
GB Seal no.1030 1389
Fullour, John
Used by John Fullour.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a crowned figure seated, holding wheel(?) in left hand and a sword downwards by right side (St. Catherine).
Inscription: Sce thome de Sce...
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Spec.7, 17
GB Seal no.1031 1376-1380
Fullour, John
Styled 'chaplain'
In 1380 he is styled rector scolarum, Durham. See
Rites , p. 91 and note.
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, figure seated in act of benediction, holding ...(?) on knees with left hand.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.15.Spec.7, 8; Misc.Ch. 2036
Digitised version GB Seal no.1032 1389
Fullour, John
Same man as nos. 1030 and 1031. To Misc. Charter no. 6274 (1389) he uses a pentagonal signet 13mm., a heart from which issue two stalked quatrefoils in a corded border. The signet with the chalice is used by John of Chester, chaplain
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, a chalice between
l c a branch above it, all within a corded circle.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Spec.18
GB Seal no.1033 1375
Fulmard, Thomas
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a bend three crescents(?)
Inscription: ✶ THOMAS FVLMAR DE ...
Seal attached to document reference: 4.3.Spec.13
GB Seal no.1034 1412
Fulmard, Margaret
Used by Margaret, widow of John Fulmard of Durham.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a fess engrailed three molets, a label of three points.
Inscription: . ROBTI DE SAR ...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5881
GB Seal no.1035 1260
Fulford, Robert of
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a griffin(?), two uncertain objects beneath it.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL ROB...
Seal attached to document reference: [G] D107
GB Seal no.1036 n.d.
Fulthorp, Geoffrey of
Fulthorp in Grindon parish, Stockton ward, co. Durham.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Sacr.21
GB Seal no.1037 1373-1379
Fulthorp, Roger of
See also 2671. S.D., III, 76 and for pedigree, ibid. 126.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, a crowned R beneath it.
Inscription: fulthorp
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3714, 4382, 6702
GB Seal no.1038 1362-1378
Fulthorp, Roger of
The blason is silver a mill-rind cross sable; it is so blasoned in Jenyn's Ordinary temp. Edward III and in the roll of Richard II. It is probably derived from the similar cross borne by bishop Antony Bek. Carrowe (nos 538 to 540), Kilkenny (no
1505) and Ludworth (no 1646) are other families of the palatinate who bear the same device.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a mill-rind cross.
Inscription: ✶Sigillvm : Rogeri : d : fulthorp :
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2133, 2135, 3452, 4062d, 4392, 5461
Digitised version GB Seal no.1039 1353
Fulthorp, Roger of
Date 1353-1360
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a mill-rind cross. The shield is couchée and surmounted by a helmet with bird crest.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.9.Spc.76; Misc.Ch. 3518, 3652, 3788, 3861, 3886, 3902, 3898, 4411, 4670, 4720, 4959c, 4970l (seal missing 1984)
GB Seal no.1040 1434
Fulthorp, Thomas
Size: 10 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal signet,

Inscription: ✶ ten ...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6294
GB Seal no.1041 1397
Fulthorpe, Sir William of
Size: 10 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal signet, W
Inscription: fulthorp (letters reversed)
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6968
GB Seal no.1042 1290
Funstanton, Ranulph of
Seal design: A star of eight points (very imperfect).
Inscription: ... AN ...
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Spec.45
GGB Seal no.1043 1358
Galon, Hugh
Styled son of Hugh Galon
His mother was Lucy, third sister and co-heiress of Edmund of Denum. For nature of deed see S.D., I, 20. The seal is engraved A.A., 3rd ser., VI, pl. X, no. 11.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron between three crosses paty.
Inscription: ✶ Sigillum : hugonis : de : galon
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6160, 6161
GB Seal no.1044 1343
Galway, Richard
Styled of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
He was a merchant of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. M.P., for the town in 1340, mayor in 1343-44, collector of customs in 1348 (R.W., I).
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a ... (undecipherable).
Inscription: ✶ S' RICARDI:DE:GA...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4232
GB Seal no.1045 1363
Galway, Robert of
For nature of deed see S.D., I, 20.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a tree in a triangle within foliage.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6162, 6163
Digitised version GB Seal no.1046 1364
Galway, Robert of
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a stag.
Inscription: ✶ ALAS EDOVLC
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6164
GB Seal no.1047 n.d.
Gamel, William son of.
Styled William, son of Gamel the smith of 'Auclenlt'
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eight rayed star.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.15.Spec.38
Ganio: see 1062
GB Seal no.1048 c. 1260
Garcen, John
Styled John, son and heir of Thomas Garcenn
Among the witnesses is Sir John of 'Egglesclive', then sheriff, this dates it circa. 1260.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' IOHANNIS GARSCVN
Seal attached to document reference: 3.3.Sacr.9
GB Seal no.1048(i)
Garnett, Richard, vicar of Middleton
Seal attached to document reference: 3.12.Spec.24
GB Seal no.1049 n.d.
Garton, John of
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star.
Inscription: ✶ S' IOHANIS · DE GARTVN
Seal attached to document reference: 3.9.Spec.51
GB Seal no.1050 n.d.
Garton, Nicholas of
The device alludes to the legend of the stag with a crucifix between its horns which appeared to St. Hubert, the patron saint of hunters. A similar legend is also told of St. Eustace. See also nos 694, 1419a.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a stag's head cabossed, a cross between the horns.
Inscription: ✶ TIME TE DEVM
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6962
GB Seal no.1051 1382
Garton, Robert of
Size: 10 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal signet, an eagle with wings raised, a label above with inscription (illegible).
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 7036
GB Seal no.1052 1329
Gategang, Alan
Styled Alan Gategang, son and heir of Gilbert Gategang of Gateshead
For pedigree see S.D., II, 116. He is styled Lord of Pipewellgate. I.P.M. taken at Durham 6 March 1350.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eagle displayed.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL . ALANI . GATGANG
Seal attached to document reference: 3.3.Spec.3
GB Seal no.1053 1348
Gategang, Henry
He was rector of Belton in Lincolnshire in 1375. In charter 3.8.spec.19, he is styled seneschal of the Lord Prior of Durham (FPD, 135n).
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, demi figure, with tonsured head, and hands raised in prayer.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4062h, 4666
GB Seal no.1054 1349
Gategang, Henry
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, St. Michael standing on the dragon, a lion on either side. All in a quatrefoil panel.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXVIII.2
GB Seal no.1055 1318
Gategang, Nicholas
This seal is the same as used by Henry Gategang, no. 1053. Nicholas was constable of Durham castle in 1318. He was rector of Ryton 1334-42 (S.D., II, 116). Temporal chancellor to bishop Beaumont (H.D., I, 345n). In 5 bishop Richard of Bury, he is
a justice of the lord bishop (FPD, 110n).
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, demi figure with tonsured head and hands raised in prayer.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3542, 4265
GB Seal no.1056 1387-1397
Gategang, William
Styled William, son of Alan Gategang
For nature of this charter see S.D., II, 116n. The blason of this shield is not known. Surtees gives the family a chevron between three goats' heads, I am unable to trace this shield. It is given in Glover's Ordinary for 'Gatpath' and similar
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a chevron three ...(?)
Inscription: S :: Willmi :: gategang
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Spec.10; 4.3.Spec.19, 20,21; Misc.Ch. 407
Digitised version GB Seal no.1057 1334-1336
Gateshead, Adam of
The seal is armorial in style but the charges are not borne on a shield; the goats' heads are probably allusive to the name. He is styled 'clericus' in the deed.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, on a chevron, between three goats' heads couped, three stalked trefoils.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3655, 3995, 4763, 4902, 4988
GB Seal no.1058 n.d.
Gateshead, Adam son of Edmund of
The gate's head alluding to the name. See A.A. 3rd ser. XVI, p. 97 on the name of Gateshead.
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a tower.
Inscription: Legend obliterated.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1886
GB Seal no.1059 1366
Gaugy, William
Styled William, son and heir of Isolda Gaugy of Hebburn, next Monkton
See S.D., II, 74.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a cup with a star(?) at either side.
Inscription: SIGILLVM ...
Seal attached to document reference: 1.4.Spec.56, 57
GB Seal no.1060 1376-1380
Gauns, Richard
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a bend three crescents, a border engrailed.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.16.Spec.30; 2.17.Spec.8
Digitised version GB Seal no.1061 n.d.
Gaunter, John le
Styled John, called 'le gaunter' chaplain of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
The device alludes to his name 'the glover' though this is scarcely an appellation one would expect to be applied to a chaplain.
Size: 25 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a glove.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.3.Spec.26
Digitised version GB Seal no.1062 1309-1317
Ganio, Richard of
Son of Henry de Ganio and notary public in the diocese of Coventry and Lichfield (R.P.D., I and II, passim).
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, demi figure of Our Lady with Christ, a crescent and star in the background, in the angles of the tracery R DE GANIO.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3777, 3827, 3988, 5068; Loc.XXVIII.2
Digitised version GB Seal no.1062(i)
Gem, John, of Stockton
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3986
GB Seal no.1063 n.d.
Geoffrey, Alice
Styled Alice, daughter of Geoffrey 'tinctoris'
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an eight rayed star.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1911
GB Seal no.1064 n.d.
Geoffrey, Geoffrey son of
S.D., I, 24. See also nos 1708-11 in this catalogue. Printed FPD, 146n.
Size: 1. 44 mm.Size: Secretum. 29 x 25 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, armorial, a fess between three popinjays.Secretum. oval, antique gem, two hands joined over II with a wreath half round it.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.10.Spec.13
Digitised version GB Seal no.1065 n.d.
Geoffrey, Marmaduke son of
Printed FPD, 146n. He is styled knight and was the son of Geoffrey fitzGeoffrey (no 1064). See S.D., I, 24.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a dog's head.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.10.Spec.12
Digitised version GB Seal no.1066 n.d.
Geoffrey, William son of
Styled William, clerk of Bolton in Westmoreland
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a lion rampant.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Elemos.8
Digitised version GB Seal no.1067 n.d.
German, Sybil
Styled daughter of German of Bellasis
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILLVM : SIBILLE :
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Sacr.3
Digitised version GB Seal no.1068 n.d.
German, Agnes
Styled daughter of German of Bellasis
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a star.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Sacr.2
GB Seal no.1069 n.d.
Gernet, Robert
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a bird like a hawk.
Inscription: ✶ S' ROBERTI GERNET
Seal attached to document reference: [G] A52
GB Seal no.1070 n.d.
Gernet, Roger
He held his land (in Lancashire) in chief of the king by forest service he was forester in Lancaster forest and held 'Laylondeschyre' of the earl Ferrers by like-service. Hence the device on his seal. See Cal. I.P.M., I Henry, III, no. 252, and
ibid., 124. He was the husband of Quenilda one of the daughters and coheiresses of Richard fitz Roger, Lord of Woodplumpton. See seals nos 146, 499, 2077, 2078 and 2110 in this catalogue.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a figure riding on horseback, blowing a horn.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL ... ROGERI:GERNET
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.4.Ebor.4
Digitised version GB Seal no.1071 1248
Gernon, Thomas
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a man's head, wearing a hood.
Inscription: ✠ S':THOME:GERNVN
Seal attached to document reference: 3.15.Spec.6
Digitised version GB Seal no.1072 1361
Gewe, William
Size: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, bust of man, hands raised in prayer, a cross in front of face.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 164
GB Seal no.1073 1239
Styled rector of the church of All Saints, York
He is most probably Gilbert of Barton, rector of All Saints, Pavement, York, instituted 1238. The patronage of this church was in the gift of the prior and convent of Durham (Drake's
Eboracum , 294).
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a male head. cf 3372
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Sacr.2(6)
GB Seal no.1074 n.d.
Gilbert, Geoffrey son of
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL · GALFRIDI · F · GILBTI
Seal attached to document reference: 3.9.Spec.8
GB Seal no.1075 1341
Gilbert, William son of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, two demi figures embracing, beneath a heart from which issue two flowers.
Inscription: ✶ S' WILLI DE ... IR ... N
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.40, 47
GB Seal no.1076 1303-1304
Girardi, Brachius
Styled a merchant of Florence
Possibly Hercules capturing the Erymanthian boar.
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a naked figure to whom a pig-like animal leaps up.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3999, 4427, 4633
Digitised version GB Seal no.1077 n.d.
Glover, John the
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion.
Inscription: ✶ SVM LEO FORTIS
Seal attached to document reference: [G] B57
GB Seal no.1078 1340
Goddard, William
Styled chaplain at the altar of St. Nicholas in the church of Norham
Size: 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lord on the cross, the Virgin and St. John at either side.
Inscription: ✶ IESVS NAXERENVS
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Spec.40
GB Seal no.1079 n.d.
Godfrey, Robert
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a six-foiled flower.
Inscription: ✠ S' ROBERTI GODFRAI
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Spec.23
GB Seal no.1080 1341
Godibour, Thomas
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a molet in base and in dexter chief, device obliterated; cross paty above shield (appears to be a false shield).
Inscription: ✠ S' THOMA GOEDIBVR
Seal attached to document reference: 4.3.Spec.24
GB Seal no.1081 n.d.
Styled Godwin 'dives' citizen of Lincoln
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eagle, with wings spread.
Inscription: Legend obliterated.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.3.Ebor.4
GB Seal no.1082 n.d.
Godric, Geoffrey
Styled Geoffrey 'le carboner' of West Regington
Printed FPD, 19n.
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a bird with raised wings standing on a conventional branch.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.7.Spec.42; 2.13.Spec.10
Digitised version GB Seal no.1083 1315
Godric, Robert son of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a male head (medieval).
Inscription: ✶ S' ROBTI FIL GODRICI
Seal attached to document reference: [G] B38
GB Seal no.1084 n.d.
Goldewyne, Robert son of
Size: 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem(?), a head(?)
Inscription: Legend entirely obliterated.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Spec.12
GB Seal no.1085 n.d.
Goillard, Robert
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion standing.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] B17
GB Seal no.1086 1332
Goldin, Robert
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eight rayed star.
Inscription: S' ROBERTI GOLDIN
Seal attached to document reference: 5.2.Elemos.13a
GB Seal no.1087 1362
Goldsmith, John
For other Goldsmith's, see nos 113-115. Used by John Goldsmith.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a merchant's mark(?)
Inscription: ✠ S' WILLI:E ... RERE
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Sacr.3a
GB Seal no.1088 1335
Goldsmith, John
Styled the goldsmith of Durham
cf 114. On Misc.Ch. 4058 the same seal is labelled as that of Cecilia de Hornby (1375 below), and John uses a similar seal with the lion within a cusped quatrefoil
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion asleep.
Inscription: ✶ ICI · DORT LE LIOVN:FORT .
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4936
GB Seal no.1089 1352
Goldsmith, John
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, an animal standing in front of a tree.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2004
GB Seal no.1090 1303
Gosforth, William of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eagle on a sheep tearing it.
Inscription: ✶ S' WILLI DE GOSFORTHE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4886
Digitised version GB Seal no.1091 n.d.
Goswick, Eustace of
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, an escallop shell.
Inscription: ✠ SV ...ACI DE BO...IC
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Spec.23
GB Seal no.1092 1322
Goswick, Roger of
This is the seal of William of Twysill. cf 2478.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a merchant's mark.
Inscription: ✶ S' ROGERI DE GOSEWYK
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3724, 4473, 4690; Loc.XXVIII.8
Digitised version GB Seal no.1093 1319
Goswick, Walter of
See R.N.D., 182.
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a merchant's mark.
Inscription: ✠ S' Ψ WALTERIE Ψ DE Ψ GOSWIC Ψ
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4552, 4732, 4814
Digitised version GB Seal no.1094 1370
Goswick, Walter of
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, St Michael slaying the dragon, and St Catherine crowned and holding sword and wheel.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5235
GB Seal no.1095 1410
Gourlay, Richard of
His father William held the manor of Pontop (H.S., 115). See also S.D., II, 350. He was aged 30 in 1395 when his father's I.P.M. was taken at Durham.
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal signet, a lion(?) in front of a tree, in a corded border.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 7011*
GB Seal no.1096 1335
Goushill, Richard
Styled Richard of Goushill, mason (cementarius)
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a saltire(?)
Inscription: ✶ S' RICARDI DE GOVSHYL
Seal attached to document reference: 5.5.Elemos.4, 5, 7, 8; 2.3.Spec.20
GB Seal no.1097 1482
Gower, Thomas
Styled Thomas Gower of Elton, son and heir of Laurence Gower
To charters 3.11.Spec.47, 49, he uses a signet, octagonal, 13mm. Inscription 'ihc'. See S.D., III, 209
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, three staves or maces.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.11.Spec.48
GB Seal no.1097(i)
Gracias, William
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4965, 5052
GB Seal no.1098 1286
Graham, David of
Scottish Armorial Seals , no. 1120. See P.F., 84.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, powdered with crosses paty fitchy, three escallops.
Inscription: ... DAVID DE GRA...
Seal attached to document reference: 3.3.Finc.23
Digitised version GB Seal no.1099 n.d.
Granville, Mabel of
Printed N.C.H., II, 270-1 notes. The seal is engraved, ibid., plate facing page 268.
Size: 60 mm.
Seal design: Round, the Holy Lamb, with nimbus.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Spec, 8, 9
Digitised version GB Seal no.1100 n.d.
Granville, Mabel of
Printed FPD, 101n.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, the Holy Lamb.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Spec.10
GB Seal no.1101 n.d.
Granville, Nicholas
See FPD, 99n, also N.C.H., II, 226n. The seal is engraved, ibid., plate facing page 12. See also A.A., 3rd ser. I, 38 and 113.
Size: 51 x 35 mm.
Seal design: Oval, animal galloping, tail between legs and rising above its back.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Spec.7
GB Seal no.1102 n.d.
Granville, William of
Printed FPD, 104n. The seal is engraved N.C.H., II, 266.
Size: 54 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Spec.32
Digitised version GB Seal no.1103 1347
Gras, Matilda
Used by Matilda, who was the wife of William Gracias of Claypath in Durham.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, St Catherine's wheel.
Inscription: ✶ PRIVE SV
Seal attached to document reference: 1.15.Spec.33
GB Seal no.1104 1343-1344
Gras, Roger
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a cup with star above, within a geometrical device.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.14.Spec.60, 61, 63
GB Seal no.1105 n.d.
Graunsard, John of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, very indistinct, possibly the head of an animal.
Inscription: .... SGR ....
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5780
GB Seal no.1106 n.d.
Gray, Adam
Size: 22 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a floriated device.
Inscription: ✶ S' ADE GRAI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 370*
GB Seal no.1107 1470
Gray, John
Styled 'of Kylay, gentylman'
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round, a merchant's mark/
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5188
GB Seal no.1108 1353
Gray, John
Used by John of Laysyngby and Thomas of Levesham.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a lion rampant within a border engrailed.
Inscription: ✶ SIG..LVM IOHIS · GRAY
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 450, 6138
GB Seal no.1109 1504
Gray, Robert
Styled merchant of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Oval signet, an eagle displayed.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.4.Spec.94, 97
GB Seal no.1110 n.d.
Gray, Roger
Styled son and heir of William Gray of Durham
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eight-rayed star.
Inscription: ✠ S' ROGERI FIL WILL GRAI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2030
GB Seal no.1111 1449
Gray, Thomas
Styled son and heir of Thomas Gray of Lowlyn
Size: 10 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, a sitting hound.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Spec.32
GB Seal no.1112 1346
Gray, Thomas
See R.N.D., 326
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight with sword and shield bearing, in an engrailed border, a lion rampant. Helmet surmounted by ram's head crest.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.14.Spec.17
Digitised version GB Seal no.1113 1407
Gray, Thomas
Styled Thomas Gray of Heton, knight, lord of Werk
The blason is gules a lion rampant and a broder engrailed silver. The crest is the same as appears above the shield at Lumley Castle and on seal no. 1112. The scaling ladder crest used in modern times has no early authority. It probably
originated as a canting badge and is used as a crest in error.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, in a border engrailed a lion rampant. Shield surmounted by helmet with crest of a ram's head.
Inscription: Sigillvm Ψ thome Ψ gray Ψ Ψ
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3785
Digitised version GB Seal no.1114 1317
Gray, William
Styled butcher of Durham
For another seal, see Misc.Ch. 3704
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, on a shield the head of an ox, above the shield an axe falling.
Inscription: S' WILLMI GRAY
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2028, 2024
GB Seal no.1115 1317
Graystanes, Thomas of
See H.S., 244. For pedigree S.D., III, 274 and IV, 24. I.P.M. at Durham, 14 May 1362.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a rabbit.
Inscription: ✶ S' THOME DE GRAISTAI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5987
Digitised version GB Seal no.1116 1246
Graystanes, William of
The letters of the legend are cut in reverse.
Size: 41 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a sword with a bird on each side.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL . WILL... GRATAS
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Sacr.7*
GB Seal no.1117 1379
Graystanes, William of, chaplain
The same seal is used by Roger Cowherd, no. 711.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, Our Lady seated holding Christ; beneath a demi figure praying.
Inscription: helpe : moder : of : mercy :
Seal attached to document reference: 3.14.Spec.25; 4.7.Spec.19
GB Seal no.1118 1376
Graystanes, William of, chaplain
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, Our Lady and Christ seated, a kneeling figure prays to them.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.14.Spec.18; 1.7.Spec.33
Digitised version GB Seal no.1118(i) 1380
Graystanes, William of, chaplain
For another seal see 4.3.Spec.12, 14, and another, 1.8.Spec.14. Seal 1539 is also used by him, not William of Lanchester.
GB Seal no.1119 1378
Whitby, William of
Styled William of Whitby, chaplain
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady in glory, beneath a half figure praying (see also no. 1507).
Inscription: RESPICE TECTA LEG...
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.135
GB Seal no.1120 1300
Greystock, John of
See H.N., II, ii, 373. The blason is gules three cushions silver so blasoned for him in Charles roll temp. Edward I. He sealed the baron's letter to the pope (1301) with a shield of arms bearing three cushions. He was lord of Greystock in
Cumberland and of Morpeth in Northumberland, the latter in right of his mother Mary, daughter and co-heir of Roger of Merlay. He died childless in 1305.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three cushions, the shield hangs from a tree, with a lacertine beast on each side.
Inscription: ✶ S ... IOHANNIS ...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 511
Digitised version GB Seal no.1121 1312-1317
Greystock, William
Styled rector of the church of the Blessed Mary in the North Bailey, Durham
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a hare riding on a dog and blowing a horn.
Inscription: ✶ I RIDE ALONE A REVERE ...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4416, 5055, 5841, 6024; 1.1.Arch.23
Digitised version GB Seal no.1122 1311-1337
Greathead, Robert of
In 1317 he was seneschal of the Lord Prior of Durham (S.D., III, 297, note d).
Size: 22 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, two figures of saints of St Paul with sword and St Michael slaying the dragon, above them a demi figure of Our Lady with Christ, beneath them a demi figure praying.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3385, 3396, 3443, 3444, 3636, 3824, 4532, 4104, 4116, 4930i, 4986, 5051b
Digitised version GB Seal no.1123 1358
Greathead, Thomas
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a chevron, between three birds, three ...(?)
Inscription: ✶ Sigillvm .... gretheved ...
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXXVII.6
Digitised version GB Seal no.1124 1270
Greathead, William
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, the Holy Lamb
Inscription: ✠ ..RETHEVD ✠: S' WIL CLICI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4089
GB Seal no.1125 n.d.
Green, Gilbert of the
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys
Inscription: ✠ S' GLBERTI D' GRENE
Seal attached to document reference: 3.9.Spec.94
GB Seal no.1126 1420
Greenwell, Lawrence
Not his own seal.
Size: 16 x 13 mm.
Seal design: Oval, St John Baptist holding the Holy Lamb.
Inscription: .. IOH ....
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Sacr.7†(h)
GB Seal no.1127 n.d.
Greenwell, Roger of
For pedigree of Greenwell of Ford and Lancaster see S.D., II, 318.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial .... (obliterated)
Inscription: .... WEL.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] A13
GB Seal no.1128 n.d.
Gregory, Roger son of
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys
Inscription: ✠ S · ROGERI ... GREGOR'
Seal attached to document reference: 1.9.Spec.21
GB Seal no.1129 n.d.
Grene, Waldeve of
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a floriated device
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL . ALDE ..: L...RI .E
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Pont.8
GB Seal no.1130 1375
Gretham, Cecilia of
Used by Cecilia, who was the wife of Thomas of Gretham. See FPD, 31, et seq.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, the flight into Egypt; beneath a demi figure praying.
Inscription: ✠ S .....SCO MAR
Seal attached to document reference: 1.10.Spec.71
GB Seal no.1131 1388
Gretham, Cecilia of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a double-headed eagle displayed within a ring upon which are eight roundels.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.10.Spec.89
GB Seal no.1132 n.d.
Gretham, John of
See FPD, 28 and note.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a griffin walking, with head turned back.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILLVM · IOHIS · DE · GRETH
Seal attached to document reference: 1.10.Spec.46
GB Seal no.1133 1380-1396
Gretham, Thomas
Styled rector of the church of Ryton
cf 1893. St Catherine was honoured as the patron saint of learning, theology and education generally. She was martyred at Alexandria by order of the emperor Maximin (307). The legend relates that she was condemned to be torn to pieces by four
wheels armed with spikes revolving in different ways, she was miraculously delivered from this death by fire from heaven and was afterwards scourged and beheaded. In medieval art she is represented accompanied by a wheel and usually with a sword in
one hand and a book or palm branch in the other.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, St Catherine standing, holding her wheel in left hand, sword by right side, under a heavy flat-topped canopy.
Inscription: Sigill thome de gretham
Seal attached to document reference: 3.17.Spec.32; 4.16.Spec.59, 133
GB Seal no.1134 1339
Grethswid, Petronilla
Used by Robert of Malton, an executor of the will of Richard of Eryholme
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a fret.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4863
Digitised version GB Seal no.1135 n.d.
Gretton, William
Rector of the church of Siggeston
Sigston near Northallerton. The town was held by the bishop of Durham, in chief, of the king. The rectory belonged to the prior and convent of Durham.
Size: 22 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady and Christ seated under a canopy, on their right is St Peter holding the keys, on their left St Paul holding a sword, beneath a demi figure praying.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Ebor.30
Digitised version GB Seal no.1136 1372
Gretwiche, Roger
Styled Roger, son and heir of Roger of Gretwiche of Durham
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a female figure, with bird's head standing, holding in right hand ...(?), left akimbo, a figure kneels and prays for her.
Inscription: M PIOGLAR ... MARRY
Seal attached to document reference: 2.16.Spec.18
GB Seal no.1137 1337
Gretwych, Robert
Styled a merchant of Durham
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a merchant's mark.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5367
GB Seal no.1138 1177
Grimsby, Walter of
Styled sheriff of Lincoln
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, undecipherable.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.3.Ebor.15
GB Seal no.1139 1301
Grimthorpe, Ralph of
Sir Ralph fitzWilliam, son of William fitzRalph Lord of Grimthorpe in Yorkshire. He was a great warrior and filled high offices in the North in the reigns of the first two Edwards, he died in 1316. He was at the siege of Caerlaverock Castle in
1301; in the poem called after that castle he bore a shield different from that of Valence- 'Car en leiu des merlos mettiot Trois chapeaus de rosis vermeilles', that is he bore barry silver and azure, three chaplets gules. His descendents succeeded
to the estates of the lords of Greystock and assumed that name but retained their own arms, hence these arms are sometimes erroneously attributed to Greystock. The arms of Greystock are as on seal no. 1121.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, barry of twelve three chaplets. The shield hangs from a tree and has a lacertine beast on each side.
Inscription: .... ADVLFI ....
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 510
GB Seal no.1140 1321
Grundewell, William
Styled executor of the will of Sir Henry of Blundeston, formerly archdeacon
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady seated holding Christ, beneath is a demi figure praying.
Inscription: ...ESTO...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4743, 5024
GB Seal no.1141 1303
Gubyon, Hugh
He was Lord of Tudhoe in the palatinate and owned land at Fery and Merrington (S.D., III, 297). The blason is barry silver and gules a label of five points azure (A.A., 3rd ser., VI, 113).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, barry and a label of five points.
Inscription: ✶ S' HVGONIS GVBIVN
Seal attached to document reference: 4.12.Spec.17; 3.13.Spec.29
Digitised version GB Seal no.1142 1309
Gubyon, John
Size: -
Seal design: Only an undecipherable fragment left.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.13.Spec.37
GB Seal no.1143 1289
Guer, Walter
Size: 25 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a falcon upon a smaller bird.
Inscription: ✠ C .... AMORIS
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Finc.9
GB Seal no.1144 n.d.
Gunwarton, Eva of
N.C.H., IV, 320.
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a cross and floriated device.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL EVE · DE · GVNEWARTV
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Finc.56
Digitised version GB Seal no.1145 n.d.
Gunwarton, Peter
Styled son of Ralph of Gunwarton
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5144
GB Seal no.1146 n.d.
Used by Guy the smith of Darlington.
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eagle standing with raised wings and head turned back.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1621
GB Seal no.1147 1283
Guydichio, Hugh
Styled a merchant of Lucca
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a fess, a rose on either side and above the shield.
Inscription: ✠ S' GV ...CIONE:DIRI . .TARDO
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4109c
Digitised version GB Seal no.1148 n.d.
Gyk, John
Used by John Gyk, chaplain, son and heir of Patrick Gyk of Durham.
Size: 10 mm.
Seal design: Round, a bird on an oak branch.
Inscription: ✶ S' ELIAS CHEVALER
Seal attached to document reference: 1.17.Spec.15
1149: Gylet, John of. See John of Egglesclif. 4.5.Spec.8. Printed FPD, 180n. See also S.D., II, 363. He was sheriff temp. bishop Robert Stichill, see also no. 847, who was the same man.
HGB Seal no.1150 1424
Hadham, John
Styled John Hadham, armiger, of County Durham
See S.D., I, 273.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a quatrefoil leaf with device and crescent upon it.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Elemos.16
GB Seal no.1151 n.d.
Haget, Ralph
Printed FPD, 136, note 2. He was sheriff of Durham in the episcopacy of bishop Hugh Pudsey (FPD, passim; H.D., I, 223n).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight with sword and shield.
Inscription: ..E..CE COMIT
Seal attached to document reference: 3.7.Spec.7
GB Seal no.1152 n.d.
Haggerston, Hugh
Styled son of John of 'Hagardeston'
Pedigree R.N.D., 224.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a cinquefoil.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Spec.52
Digitised version GB Seal no.1153 1482
Haggerstone, John
Styled John Hagirston, chaplain
See S.D., II, 74. He is mentioned FPD, 144n.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, a heart from which issue three quatrefoil flowers.
Inscription: avde vide tace
Seal attached to document reference: 1.4.Spec.69
GB Seal no.1154 1451-1457
Haggerstone, John, chaplain
For other seals, se 4.9.Spec.28; 3.9.Spec.85; 1.13.Spec.24a, 24c, and one used by him, no 826.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, a quatrefoil with rays at centre, on each leaf letters
Inscription: Emanuel
Seal attached to document reference: 2.15.Spec.20, 1.1.Spec.19, 3.13.Spec.16, 17
Digitised version GB Seal no.1155 1459
Thornburgh, Thomas, of Elvet
Probably the Dionysiac bull, he is sometimes shown standing upon a thyrsus to indicate his character. See 2417.
Size: 16 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a bull butting.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.13.Spec.27
GB Seal no.1156 n.d.
Haggerstone, Robert of
I.P.M. at Norham, 22 December 1398 (C.R., 45).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a hawk on a bird.
Inscription: ✠ S' . R.... DE HARGARSTON
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Spec.23
GB Seal no.1157 1394
Hagthorpe, John of
See Raine's
History of Hemingbrough , 189. There is a pedigree of the family, ibid., p.190. Used by John of Hagthorpe, clerk. I.P.M. at Chester-le-Street, 10 August 1411 (C.R., 45).
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a voided molet of five points.
Inscription: Legend not decipherable.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.17.Spec.11
GB Seal no.1158 1430
Hagthorp, William
Styled 'armiger' of Durham
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Oval signet, a crescent with a star above it.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.18.Spec.4
GB Seal no.1159 1418
Hagthorp, William of
Pedigree S.D., II, 284.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, W with a crown above.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5507
GB Seal no.1159(i) 1363
Hakthorp, John of, clerk
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4100d
GB Seal no.1160 n.d.
Haldan, Eustace son of
Printed R.N.D., app. 134, No. 762.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a floriated fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ... EVSTACI FILII · H...
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Spec.1
GB Seal no.1161 1316
Haldan, John
Used by John of Ponteland. He was sheriff of Durham temp. bishop Walter of Kirkham (H.D., I, 259n).
Size: 22 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a standing figure.
Inscription: ✶ S' IOHIS HALDAN
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Arch.Dun.21
GB Seal no.1162 1269
Haldan, Ralph son of.
Styled 'of Hertlepool'
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a monster with a human head, wings and a floriated tail.
Inscription: ✠ S' RADVLFI FIL HALDAN
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Sacr.4, 5
GB Seal no.1163 1344-1366
Haliden, John of
4.3.Spec.13; Misc.Ch. 3440, 3477, 3481, 3491, 3649, 3660, 3694, 4039, 4228, 4228*, 4044, 4088b, 4428*, 4453, 4930k - date 1344-1364
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a chevron, between three birds, three boars' heads couped, shield surmounted by helmet with boar's head crest and mantling powdered with (?)ragged staffs. The field of seal powdered with
slipped trefoils.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.16.Spec.29; 4.3.Spec.13; Misc.Ch. 3440, 3477, 3481, 3491, 3558, 3649, 3660, 3694, 4039f, 4428, 4044l, 4088b, 4428*, 4453, 4729, 4928, 4930k
Digitised version GB Seal no.1164 1384
Haliden, Robert of
Used by William of Graystanes, chaplain.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, demi figure of Our Lady seated, with Christ, beneath on sinister St Cuthbert, on dexter St Oswald, both standing; below a demi figure praying.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.13.Spec.13
GB Seal no.1165 1345
Haliday, Alan
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a rabbit sitting at the centre of a quatrefoil leaf.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.47
GB Seal no.1166 1325
Haliwell, Robert
Styled of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
He was mayor of Newcastle-upon-Tyne in 1339 and 1342. Member of Parliament in 1339 (R.W., I, passim).
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a merchant's mark.
Inscription: S' ROBERTI:D' · HALIVEL

Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Spec.41; 3.3.Spec.19
GB Seal no.1167 1372
Halknape, John of
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, two birds, with human heads, back to back, but with heads turned towards each other.
Inscription: ....LMI DE · M....
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5059
GB Seal no.1168 1423
Hall, Robert
Used by Robert Berehalgh of Durham.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three houses (halls).
Inscription: S roberti


Seal attached to document reference: 4.17.Spec.12, 13, 17
Digitised version
1169: Roger of Ire, see 3339, No. 1.
GB Seal no.1170 1349
Hall, Thomas
Styled Thomas o' the hall, of Durham, merchant
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a merchant's mark.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.14.Spec.64, 67
Digitised version GB Seal no.1171 1380
Hall, William of
Used by Sir Thomas of Kellow, vicar of Heighington.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron between three stags' heads.
Inscription: ✶ s' wilelmi · de · holle
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Sacr.9
Digitised version GB Seal no.1172 1363
Hall, William
Used by William, son of Thomas o' the hall of Whitby, late burgess of Durham.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a cock(?)
Inscription: ✶ S' HEN ....
Seal attached to document reference: 3.14.Spec.66
GB Seal no.1173 1397
Hallune, John of
Used by Robert Galeway, chaplain.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a head, a chalice in front, a hand in benediction over it.
Inscription: ....OHIS DE HALVNNE
Seal attached to document reference: 3.4.Elemos.9
GB Seal no.1174 n.d.
Hameldon, Henry of
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a stag.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.14.Spec.6
GB Seal no.1175 n.d.
Hameldon, John of
Possibly Thalia, the muse of comedy, fitting a mask on one of her votaries.
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, two female figures; one of them is kneeling on one knee in front of the other, who is fitting a mask on to her.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.14.Spec.5
Digitised version GB Seal no.1176 1206
Hameldon, John of
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a figure riding on an ox.
Inscription: ✠ S' IOHIS DE HAMILDVNE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6512
GB Seal no.1177 n.d.
Hamo, Osmund son of
FPD, 125n and S.D., I, 243 and 297.
Size: 60 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight in chain mail, with sword and shield with boss.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.7.Spec.17, 19
Digitised version GB Seal no.1178 n.d.
Hamo, Philip son of
Printed FPD, 18n and 126n. See also S.D., I, 243 and 296. In 3.7.Spec., no. 20, he is styled sheriff of Durham.
Size: 54 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight in helmet with nasal, and sword and shield, with border.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.7.Spec.9, 18
Digitised version GB Seal no.1179 1454
Hamsterley, John
Styled of Brancepeth, son of John of Hamsterley, brother of John Hamsterley of Fishburn
See FPD, 144n, No. 2.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round, a stag at speed.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.10.Spec.36, 37, Loose seal
GB Seal no.1180 1425
Hamsterley, John
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Oval, four quatrefoiled flowers surrounding the letters I.H., all in a dotted border.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXXVII.37
GB Seal no.1181 n.d.
Hamsterley, William of
S.D., I, 128, 286.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, device and legend undecipherable.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.106
GB Seal no.1181(i) n.d.
Hanlaxby, John of
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4930d (imperfect, indistinct)
GB Seal no.1182 1455
Hanlok, Walter of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three stemmed quatrefoils, a molet in chief. Shield surmounted by helmet with a trefoil as crest.
Inscription: Gavther hanlok
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6094, 6876
GB Seal no.1183 n.d.
Hansard, Gilbert of
S.D., III, 316 and 318. In Glover's roll of Henry III, Gilbert Hansard bears 'goules a trois estoiles d'argent'.
Size: 54 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight with sword and shield with boss (very imperfect).
Inscription: .... EB....
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Ebor.15
GB Seal no.1184 n.d.
Hansard, Gilbert
See N.C.H., VIII, 335.
Size: 54 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chief over all a bend.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.11.Spec.16
Digitised version GB Seal no.1185 n.d.
Hansard, Gilbert son of Gilbert
Size: 54 x 29(?) mm.
Seal design: Oval, a round-headed beast.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL ..... AN.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Ebor.29
GB Seal no.1186 1247
Hansard, John
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three knives(?).
Seal attached to document reference: 2.10.Spec.9; 1.3.Ebor.30
Digitised version GB Seal no.1186(i) 1247
Hanslap, Robert of, vicar of Middleham
Seal attached to document reference: 3.12.Spec.23
GB Seal no.1187 1303
Hapton, William of
Size: 22 x19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a figure wearing a cope, kneeling and holding a cup in his hand, above a bird (eagle or dove), below an animal (lion?).
Inscription: ✶ S' .... WILI HAPTON
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3626
GB Seal no.1188 1317
Harcla, Michael
Styled 'clerk'
He was an official of Richmond and in 1311 was collated to a prebend in the church of Lanchester (R.P.D., I, 27, 28).
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, equestrian, knight with spear and shield bearing three .... (undecipherable). The horse trappings also blasoned with the .... (undecipherable).
Inscription: ....ICHAELIS:DE HARTL...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4599
Digitised version GB Seal no.1189 1363
Hardeshull, Edmund of
Used by John, son of William of Charleton.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fess between six martlets within a border engrailed.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2348; 3.2.Sacr.9a
GB Seal no.1190 n.d.
Karlawe, Simon of
cf 1456
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a female head.
Inscription: ✠ S' SIMONIS:DE:KARLAWE
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Elemos.3A
GB Seal no.1191 1273
Harlow, Nicholas of
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a crescent with a star above.
Inscription: ✠ S' NICOLAI DE HIRLAWE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2101
GB Seal no.1192 1521
Hare, Nicholas
Styled 'of Norwich, gentylman'
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, an eagle.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] D100
GB Seal no.1193 1362
Harley, Walter of
Used by William de Warthecopp, vicar of Bedlington. The roll of Edward II blasons 'Sire Richard de Harlee' of Shropshire 'de or a une bende e ii cotyes de sable'.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a bend cotised a molet, on each side of shield a trefoil and above it a leaf.
Inscription: ✶ S' :WATERLI:DE:HARLEIE

Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3709, 3795, 3889, 3927, 3931, 3963, 4040, 4052f, 4643
Digitised version GB Seal no.1194 1341
Harpin, John
Son and heir of Richard Harpin (no. 1195). I.P.M. taken at Durham, 21 September 1349.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, an eagle displayed.
Inscription: ✶ HEC EST AQVILA
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 7009
GB Seal no.1195 n.d.
Harpin, Richard
Styled 'of Thornelawe'
He was Lord of Thornley (S.D., I, 84).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, an eagle displayed.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Spec.24
Digitised version GB Seal no.1196 n.d.
Hartlepool, John of
Styled son of Peter of Hartlepool
S.D., III, 8, ibid. 106, note 1.
Size: 25 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the Holy Lamb
Inscription: ✠ S' IOHANNIS:FIL:PETRI
Seal attached to document reference: 5.1.Elemos.21, 22
GB Seal no.1197 n.d.
Hartlepool, John of
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a floriated fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Elemos.18
GB Seal no.1198 n.d.
Hartlepool, Peter of
Styled Peter, son of Nicholas, son of Lambert of 'Hertinpolle'
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, the Holy Lamb.
Inscription: ✠ SI.... AMBIERTI ...
Seal attached to document reference: [G] C50
GB Seal no.1199 n.d.
Hartlepool, Walter of
Styled Walter, son of William, son of Hugh of Hartlepool
Size: 44 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fish.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.4.Elemos.2
GB Seal no.1200 n.d.
Hartlepool, William son of Gilbert of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a tree with a squirrel in it, at the foot a stag on one side and two dogs on the other.
Inscription: ✶ S' WILLI FIL GILBERTI
Seal attached to document reference: 4.8.Spec.26
GB Seal no.1201 1313
Hartlepool, William of
Styled William, son of John, son of Peter of Hartlepool, Lord of Bruntoft
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, three bells arranged in trefoil, within a trefoiled panel cusped with fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' WILLELMI:D...ET:
Seal attached to document reference: 5.1.Elemos.23
GB Seal no.1201(i)
Hartlepool, Amy, widow of Geoffrey
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3723
GB Seal no.1201(ii)
Hartlepool, Thomas, son of Geoffrey
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3723
GB Seal no.1201(iii)
Hartlepool, Thomas, son of Geoffrey
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3499
GB Seal no.1202 n.d.
Hathimet, Robert
Styled Robert Hathymeth and Alice his wife, daughter of Elyce Paynchante
Size: 1. 29 mm.Size: 2. -
Seal design: 1. Round, a grotesque bird.2. Oval, a bird with wings raised.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.17.Spec.43
GB Seal no.1203 n.d.
Hauberger, Lucas
Styled clerk, of the church of St Nicholas, Drax, in Yorkshire, a few miles W. of Howden. 'Hugh le Hawberger' is a witness to numerous charters in the
Guisborough Chartulary . The winged ox has from early Christian times been the symbol of St Luke the Evangelist (cf 1000).
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a winged ox standing, below three pinnacles, upon a scroll inscribed LVCAS; beneath is a figure praying.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Ebor.10
Digitised version GB Seal no.1204 n.d.
Hauberger, Stephan the
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a lion walking.
Inscription: ✶ SVM LEO FORTIS
Seal attached to document reference: 3.3.Elemos.2
Digitised version GB Seal no.1205 1312
Hawkeslaw, John of
Styled one of the executors of John Schirelok.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three crosses crosslet in chief a hawk.
Inscription: ✶ S' IOHIS D' HAVKESLAVE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4972
GB Seal no.1206 1320
Haukyn, Hugh
Used by Hugh Haukyn, burgess of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron, between, in chief two roundels and in base an arch, a chief checky.
Inscription: ✠ S' WILEL .... ARCLEY
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4133
GB Seal no.1207 1334
Haukyn, Hugh
Bailiff of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1330-31 (R.W., I, 424). He held the manor of Greystanes in the palatinate (H.S., 7). See also FPD, 159 note 2. The seal is engraved A.A., 3rd ser. VI, pl. x, no. 22.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a chevron between three hawks, a label of three points. A lacertine beast on each side of shield.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4109a
GB Seal no.1208 n.d.
Haville, Matilda of
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a female figure standing, her right hand raised, her left on hip.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] B16
Digitised version GB Seal no.1209 1307
Havering, Richard of
Archbishop-elect of Dublin
Styled elect of Dublin (electus Dublinensis). He was precentor of St Patrick's Dublin, and was elected archbishop and confirmed by king and pope but was never consecrated. He resigned after four years and was made a canon of Lincoln and held the
prebend of Ailesbury (Cotton's
Fasti Ecclesiae Hibernicae , II, p.13). In 1321 he was archdeacon of Chester (L.N. II, 96).
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion rampant with label of three points on shoulder.
Inscription: ✶ SIGILL ....RDI: DE ...ERINGGE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3467
Digitised version GB Seal no.1210 1293-1306
Haverington, John of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion rampant within a geometrical device.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3381, 3751, 4126d, 4543, 4970a, 5110a
GB Seal no.1211 1380
Haverington, Nicholas
Styled sheriff of Lancaster
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, white wax, armorial, two bends.
Inscription: ✶ SIGILLVM ... DE ... HE....VN
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.4.Ebor.80
GB Seal no.1211a n.d.
Hawe, William
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, white, Our Lady and Christ.
Inscription: ✠ S WILLELMI · HAVVE
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Ebor.9, 13
GB Seal no.1212 n.d.
Hawick, Adam of
The seal is in a cloth cover.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a floriated device like a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.11.Spec.42
Digitised version GB Seal no.1213 1385
Hawick, Hugh of
Used by John Cuteller of Durham
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, white, the Annunciation, within a pointed quatrefoil.
Inscription: sigillv hugonis de awyc
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Sacr.34, 37; Misc.Ch. 2193, 2358
Digitised version GB Seal no.1214 n.d.
Hawick, Walter of
S.D., I, 36.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, red wax, armorial on a bend ...(?)
Inscription: ✶ sigillum walt... havwyk
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6144
GB Seal no.1215 1343
Hawthorn, John of
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion rampant.
Inscription: ✶ S' IOHIS D' HAVTHORN
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5785
GB Seal no.1216 n.d.
Hawthorn, Simon of
No. 45 is printed FPD, 122, note 1, No. 53, ibid. 123n, and see also ibid. page 17 and note.
Size: 41 mm.
Seal design: Round, brown wax, a hawthorn tree.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.8.Spec.45, 53
Digitised version GB Seal no.1217 n.d.
Hawthorn, William of
S.D., I, 15.
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, yellow wax, a floriated device.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 45, 46, 47, 5784; 1.1.Finc.2, 3, 4
GB Seal no.1218 1377
Hay, Agnes
Styled Agnes, who was the wife of William del Hay
She held land at Wolviston of the Prior of Durham (FPD, 34 and note).
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a heart out of which issues a quatrefoil flower on which stands an eagle with head turned back, in field four quatrefoils.
Inscription: Legend obliterated.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.9.Spec.36
GB Seal no.1219 1316-1323
Hay, John del
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Seal shield shaped, a dog ridden by a hare, a bird stand on dog's head and above 'SOHOV'.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.9.Spec.6, 12a, 12b, 28; 3.9.Spec.62, 78; 1.10.Spec.84; Misc.Ch. 82, 6494, 6496
Digitised version GB Seal no.1220 n.d.
Hay, John del
Styled John del Hay, son and heir of William del Hay of Wolveston, and Agnes his wife
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, two birds standing face to face.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 83
GB Seal no.1221 1398-1403
Hay, Peter del
Styled Peter del Hay of Spaldington, guardian of the heirs of Thomas of Claxton
He was steward of the bishop's manor of Howden, time of bishop Skirlawe.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal signet, an escallop shell.
Inscription: sig petri : d : hay :
Seal attached to document reference: 5.4.Elemos.6; Misc.Ch. 6541*, 6542
GB Seal no.1222 1318
Hay, Thomas de la
Styled of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, two heads, male and female, face to face, between them a tree in which a squirrel sits.
Inscription: IE SVY SEL BO...IEL
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Spec.105
GB Seal no.1223 1404
Hayden, Alan of
This and the three following seals are used by the same man.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, a cinquefoil within a corded border with five cinquefoils on it.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Sacr.32
GB Seal no.1224 1387
Hayden, Alan of
Used by Alan of Hayden, chaplain. He was chaplain of the chantry of the Blessed Mary in the church of St Oswald, Durham.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, ...(?) within a border engrailed, the shield hangs from a tree.
Inscription: : memento : finis :
Seal attached to document reference: 2.17.Spec.37
GB Seal no.1225 1419
Hayden, Alan of
Used by him. The charter founding the chantry of St Catherine in the church of St Mary in the North Bailey, Durham (S.D., IV, 43).
Size: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady seated, holding Christ, beneath them a demi figure praying.
Inscription: Legend obliterated.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.16.Spec.44, 4.2.Sacr.26
GB Seal no.1226 1389
Hayden, Alan of
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a Greek cross.
Inscription: ✠ S' OL O..VER
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.59, 133
GB Seal no.1227 1419
Hayrome, Elen
Styled widow of William Hayrome of Durham, smith
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a horse shoe
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2542, 2543
GB Seal no.1228 1438
Hayton, John
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal signet, a double-headed eagle displayed.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6003, 6004, 6005
GB Seal no.1229 1370
Hayton, John
Styled vicar of Alverton
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, red, armorial, a lion passant.
Inscription: ✶ SIGILL:IOHANNIS .... AYTONE
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Ebor.30
Digitised version GB Seal no.1230 1286
Hebburn, John
Styled Lord of Hybburne
Hebburn, near Chillingham, Northumberland, the deed is dated at 'Chevelingham'.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion fighting a dragon.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4551
GB Seal no.1231 1380
Hebborn, Robert
Used by Catherine, who was the wife of John of Bisschopdale.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a merchant's mark on a shield.
Inscription: ✶ S' ROBERTI HEBBORN
Seal attached to document reference: 3.16.Spec.6, 6*
GB Seal no.1232 1219
Hebburn, Ralph of
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Pont.8
GB Seal no.1233 n.d.
Hebberne, Simon of
Size: 35 x 22? mm.
Seal design: Oval, very imperfect, a crescent with a star below it.
Inscription: ✠ S' SIMONIS ... BIRNE
Seal attached to document reference: 1.4.Spec.108
GB Seal no.1234 1318
Hebburn, William of
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a man on horseback, below him a dog.
Inscription: .. GILLVM SECRE..
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3907
GB Seal no.1235 1309
Hebburn, William
Styled son of Roger of Hebburn
Date 1309-1313
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, Pallas seated, holding Victory(?) on her right palm, leaning left arm on a shield.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3384, 3928; 1.3.Spec.31
GB Seal no.1236 1308
Hecham, Hugh of
For another seal, see Misc.Ch. 3617. This seal is on the back of the common seal of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. A merchant of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, he was bailiff for several years between 1322-1333, mayor 1334-35 and member of parliament 1334 (R.W., I,
passim). I.P.M. taken at Newcastle, 5 April 1339. The seal is engraved A.A., 3rd ser., VI, pl. XI, no. 2.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron between three ... with three wreaths.
Inscription: ✶ S' HVGONIS DE · HECHAM
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6614
GB Seal no.1237 1292-1298
Hecham, Roger
Styled 'of Newcastle-upon-Tyne'
A merchant of Newcastle-upon-Tyne and bailiff in 1319 (R.W., I).
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady seated holding Christ. Below a figure praying to them.
Inscription: S' ROGERI D' HECHAM
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6914, 6921
GB Seal no.1238 1480
Heddle, Thomas
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, a six-foiled flower within a geometrical device of two interlaced triangles.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6729
GB Seal no.1239 1348-1357
Hedworth, John of
Used by Richard, son of John of Hetheworth in 1357. He held Southwick of the Prior of Durham in 1351. I.P.M. taken at Durham, 22 December 1399. See also S.D., II, 184. The blason of this shield is unknown; the later arms of the family were,
silver an escucheon sable within an orle of eight cinquefoils gules, the arms of Darcy which they assumed on their marriage with the heiress of that family from whom they got Harraton.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a bend three quatrefoils.
Inscription: ✶ S' . IHOHANNIS . D' . HETHWORTH
Seal attached to document reference: 3.5.Spec.1, 2; Misc.Ch. 6331, 6332
Digitised version GB Seal no.1240 1219
Hedworth, Patrick of
This may equally well belong to Patrick of Wolviston.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL . PATRICII ....
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Pont.8
GB Seal no.1241 1538
Hedworth, Sir Ralph
No. 2 is the signet of Antony Hedworth.
Size: 1. 16 mm.Size: 2. 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round signet, a cinquefoil.2. Oblong signet, the letters A.H.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Spec.43
GB Seal no.1242 n.d.
Hedworth, Simon of
Printed FPD, 115, note 1. See also S.D., II, 80.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Spec.30
Digitised version
Heighington, Robert of: see 1764
GB Seal no.1243 n.d.
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a male head.
Seal attached to document reference: 5.2.Elemos.11
GB Seal no.1244 1268
Helm, Geoffrey
Styled Sir Geoffrey of Helm, rector of the church of St Nicholas, Durham
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, demi bishop blessing, holding crosier in left hand, above and beneath him a church. Below a demi figure praying. (same seal as 853)
Inscription: S' GALFRIDI DE ...
Seal attached to document reference: 3.17.Spec.18
GB Seal no.1245 1382
Helm, William of
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, St Michael slaying the dragon.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 7036
GB Seal no.1246 1320
Helmsley, Robert of
In 1312 he received a grant of the land called 'Lyndesyde' in Holy Island (R.P.D., II, 1177, and IV, 348). I.P.M. taken at Holy Island, 5 February 1344-45 (C.R., 45).
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, red, armorial a fess between three leaves.
Inscription: S ... RO·ERTI HELM...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4554
GB Seal no.1247 1321-1339
Helton, Richard of
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, two heads face to face within a geometrical device.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3691; 1.16.Spec.52
GB Seal no.1248 n.d.
Helyas, Conan son of
Size: 1. 51 mm.Size: Secretum:22 x 16 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, green, equestrian, knight with sword and shield, in round-topped helmet with nasal.Secretum: oval, antique gem, a figure standing.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] B34
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.1249 1386
Hen, John
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a bird with wings spread holding scroll in beak on which SIGILL IOHIS HEN ·
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Sacr.4d
GB Seal no.1250 1378-1380
Henley, John
Styled parson of the church of Sedgefield
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a border eight roundels, above shield Our Lady holding Christ.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.10.Spec.5; Loc.XXVIII.2
Digitised version GB Seal no.1251 1489
Henryson, William of
For another seal see 2.10.Spec.25
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, an eagle standing, behind is a scroll upon which 'helbi' (?)
Seal attached to document reference: 2.10.Spec.23
GB Seal no.1252 1334
Heppiscotes, Alan of
In 1341 he is styled canon of 'Alba Lands' (R.P.D., III, 116). In 1343 canon of Alnwick (ibid. 133). In 1339 he is instituted to the church of Bolam, vacant through the death of the last rector, Henry 'de Reymys' (ibid., 232).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial (undecipherable).
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Spec.5
GB Seal no.1253 1323-1339
Heppiscotes, Thomas of
He occurs as one of the justices of bishop Richard of Bury (H.D., I, 298n). Used by Thomas of Heppiscotes, rector of Morpeth.
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, half figure of Our Lady with Christ, below two half figures, the dexter St Catherine(?), the sinister a bishop. Below again a half figure praying.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3461, 3579, 3776, 3792, 3893, 3959, 4039h, 4114f, 4686, 4970i
GB Seal no.1254 1482
Herbotill, John
His seal as sheriff, see also No. 1272. He is styled 'John Herbotill de Harope armiger'. For account of the Harbottle arms see A.A., 3rd ser., I., 22. This seal is engraved N.C.H., IX, plate facing p.272, no.5. See also note on seal of Robert
Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newc. , 3rd ser. VI, p. 84.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a castle gateway, within the gateway a ...(?); on its sinister side 'h' abon', on its dexter 'droit'.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Spec.10, 11, 12, 13
Digitised version GB Seal no.1255 n.d.
Herdwick, Alice of
Styled Alice of Herdwic, late wife of Walter of Mainsford
See S.D., III, 17, 33.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Elemos.18
GB Seal no.1256 1267
Herdwick, Peter of
Styled son of Peter, lord of 'Herdewyk'.
Size: 35 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a winged beast, head turned back and with a floriated tail.
Inscription: ✠ S' PETRI DE:HERDHVYC
Seal attached to document reference: 3.4.Elemos.5
Digitised version GB Seal no.1256(i) 1240
Herewes, Hugh of
Styled nephew of John de Rom, formerly vicar of Heighington
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a crescent enclosing a star
Inscription: ✠ S·HVGONIS DE hEREWES
Seal attached to document reference: 4.12.Spec.4
GB Seal no.1257 n.d.
Herle, Richard of
Attached to deeds of William of Burdon and his wife Ada, and occupying the place of the wife's seal. cf 480.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a molet between three martlets.
Inscription: S' RICARDI DE HERLE X
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Finc.30, 32
GB Seal no.1258 n.d.
Herle, Thomas of
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: Legend effaced.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] D117
GB Seal no.1259 1310
Herle, Walter of
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a floriated device like a merchant's mark.
Inscription: ✠ S' WALTERI HERL
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4839
GB Seal no.1260 1312
Herle, Walter of
Used by Walter of Herle
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion rampant.
Inscription: ✶ S' NICHOL .. ELER D NOVI CAST
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4114b
GB Seal no.1261 1334
Herle, William of
He was of the 'five Northumbrians who were judges under the three Edwards' (A.A. 3rd ser., I, 94 and note). In 8 Edward III, he dates from Herle and on the endorsement is styled Lord of Herle. The seal is engraved S.D., seals, XI, no. 34, and in
A.A., 2nd ser. I, 65. Glover blasons the shield gules a fess gold between three shovellers silver. Powell's roll of Edward III blasons for Sir Robert Herle gules a chevron between three shovellers silver.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a fess between three birds, above shield a crescent and on each side two stars.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3684, 4663; [G] B56
Digitised version GB Seal no.1262 1306-1318
Herle, William of
For another seal, see Misc.Ch. 3851
Size: 19 x 13 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a goat standing, with head turned back, in front of a tree.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3906, 4126c, 4492, 4823, 5054, 5081a, 5081g
Digitised version GB Seal no.1263 n.d.
Herlesey, William of
Printed FPD, 181, note 1.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight with sword and shield.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.11.Spec.12
GB Seal no.1264 1462
Herdgill, Roland
Styled dean of the collegiate church of Darlington
Size: 10 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, a star and letter T.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6033
GB Seal no.1265 1239
Herewes, Hugh of
Styled grandson of Sir John of Rorn, formerly vicar of 'Heryngton'
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a crescent on its side enclosing a star.
Inscription: S' HVGONIS:DE · HEREWES
Seal attached to document reference: 2.12.Spec.4
GB Seal no.1266 1333
Hering, William
Styled of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, brown, a herring between a cross and a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' WILLI HERING
Seal attached to document reference: 2.17.Spec.25
Digitised version GB Seal no.1267 1381
Herlethorp, William of
Used by Thomas West, chaplain.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three birds, shield hangs from a tree.
Inscription: sigillvm : willmi : de : herlethorp
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Ebor.2*
GB Seal no.1268 1317
Hernby, John
Styled bursar of Durham
His account rolls for 1308-9 and 1316-17 are printed in
Durham account rolls , II, pp.506 and 513. Herneby (now Harmby) is near Leyburn, Yorkshire.
Size: 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lord on the cross, on one side St John, on the other Mary Magdalene; below a half figure praying.
Inscription: ✶ S' IOHANNIS DE HERNBI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3828
GB Seal no.1269 1338
Herneby, Thomas of
Used by Thomas of Herneby.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a fess between three birds.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Sacr.5
GB Seal no.1270 1375
Heron, Gilbert
Used by Sir John Heron, knight. See R.N.D., 304. The fess was the difference afterwards used by the Herons of Meldon.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a fess between three herons, shield hangs from a tree.
Inscription: sigillv : giberti : heroun
Seal attached to document reference: 4.3.Sacr.8; 3.4.Elemos.2; Misc.Ch. 6295
Digitised version GB Seal no.1271 1294
Heron, Gilbert
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a dog standing in front of a tree.
Inscription: ✶ S' G.. B.....RYN
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1463
GB Seal no.1272 1357
Heron, John
His seal as sheriff of Northumberland.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a castle gateway.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4209
GB Seal no.1273 1363
Heron, John
Styled John Heron, knight, late sheriff of Northumberland
This shield is blasoned for him in the roll of Richard II, gules a chevron between three herons silver. The chevron was the difference afterwards used by the Bockenfield branch of the family.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron between three herons.
Inscription: ...GILLVM ... HER...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6007
GB Seal no.1274 n.d.
Heron, Jordan
Printed FPD, 168n, and S.D., III, 287.
Size: 44 mm.
Seal design: Round, a beast passant.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.12.Spec.13
Digitised version GB Seal no.1275 n.d.
Heron, Jordan
Printed FPD, 169n. The seal is engraved A.A., 3rd ser., vol VI, pl. VIII, No. 1.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, green, a heron standing with right leg raised.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.12.Spec.11, 12
GB Seal no.1276 n.d.
Heron, Jordan
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, green, a heron standing, both feet on the ground.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.12.Spec.21a
Digitised version GB Seal no.1277 n.d.
Heron, Ralph
Printed FPD, 168n, and S.D., III, 287.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a heron standing.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.12.Spec.10
Digitised version GB Seal no.1278 1261
Heron, Walter
Size: -
Seal design: Seal greatly destroyed, a cup(?).
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Elemos.3
GB Seal no.1279 1347
Heron, William
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three herons, a voided sexfoil above and two on each side of shield.
Inscription: ✶ SIGILLVM ...
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXVIII.9
GB Seal no.1280 1359
Heron, William
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three herons.
Inscription: sigillv . willelmi . heroun
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1464
Digitised version GB Seal no.1281 1294
Heron, William
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a heron, a device like a flower in front of its neck.
Inscription: ✶ S' WILLEL ...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1463
GB Seal no.1281(i)
Herpeswell, Thomas of
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4900
GB Seal no.1282 1307
Herr.., William of
Attached to an acquittance of Paul of Derlington.
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, green, antique gem, Victory
Inscription: ✠ S' WILLELMI DE HERREN(?)
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3897
GB Seal no.1283 1225
Herrington, Emma
Styled Emma, daughter of Thomas, son of William, late wife of Alan (of Fery), brother of the prior
Printed FPD, 201n.
Size: 41 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a floriated device.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.14.Spec.29, 32; 4.16.Spec.120, 127, 128, 161
GB Seal no.1284 n.d.
Herrington, Robert
son of Thomas of
See S.D., I, 181. This charter is printed FPD, 202n.
Size: 44 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight with sword and shield.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.14.Spec.34
GB Seal no.1285 1260-1291
Herrington, Thomas of
Charters Nos. 19 and 36 are printed FPD, 200n. No. 23 is printed ibid., 202n. See also H.S., 157.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight with sword and shield.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.14.Spec.19, 20, 23, 36; Misc.Ch. 1827
GB Seal no.1286 1348
Hert, Robert of
Styled chaplain, son and heir of Roger of Hert
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a bearded head.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.18.Spec.92
Digitised version GB Seal no.1287 1317
Hert, Walter of
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, two heads face to face, between them a perch upon which is a bird.
Inscription: ✶ LOVE ME A ...
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.158
GB Seal no.1288 n.d.
Heselden, Gilbert of
In Easington ward, parish of Dalton le Dale, co. Durham.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion standing.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] A21
GB Seal no.1289 n.d.
Heselden, Gilbert of
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a bird-like beast.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL GILBERT ...
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Pont.8
GB Seal no.1290 n.d.
Heselden, Robert of
Styled Robert, son of Gilbert of Norton
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eight rayed star.
Inscription: ✠ S' ROBERTI DE HESLD
Seal attached to document reference: 2.8.Spec.36
GB Seal no.1291 1371
Heselden, Walter of
cf 802. Used by Walter of Hesilden, burgess of Gateshead.
Size: 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady seated holding Christ, a figure praying to them, all in a rich canopy.
Inscription: s : willelmi . de ... hevile
Seal attached to document reference: 1.4.Spec.75, 76, 77
GB Seal no.1292 n.d.
Heselrigg, Donald of
Styled Donald of Hesilrigge, son and heir of Robert of Hesilrigge of Raynton and of Christina, his wife.
See N.C.H., VII, 395. The blason is silver a chevron between three hazel leaves vert.
Size: 16 x 13 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal signet, armorial, a chevron between three hazel leaves.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.7.Spec.22, 23
GB Seal no.1293 1341
Heslerton, John
Styled rector of the church of 'Patryk Brompton', one of the executors of Lord Geoffrey le Scrop, knight
The Yorkshire family of Heslarton bear, in the roll of Edward II, 'de goules a vj lioncels de argent coronez de or'.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a hare at the foot of a tree, above it the Holy Lamb.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3746
Digitised version GB Seal no.1294 1303-1313
Heslerton, Roger of
He was a canon of Howden in 1316. A classical design adopted as a type of Christian martyrdom.
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a naked helmeted figure striking with a sword at a draped kneeling female figure, whom he holds by the arm.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3833, 4028g, 4725, 4930a; Loc.XXVIII.2
Digitised version GB Seal no.1295 1335-1338
Heslerton, Roger
Styled master Roger of Heslerton, rector of the church of Thorp, juxta Newark, one of the executors of the will of master Roger of Heslerton, senior
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, demi figure of Our Lady with Christ.
Inscription: S' ROG DE HESL' TVN
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3650; 4081; 4490; 5028
GB Seal no.1296 1302
Heslerton, Roger of
Same man as no. 1294. He is styled magister in this charter. Heslerton is in the East Riding of York, between Malton and Scarborough.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a hazle bush with two nuts on it and three birds sitting on the branches.
Inscription: ✶ S' ROGERI D' HESLTON
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3836, 3917
GB Seal no.1297 1316
Heslerton, Roger
Styled rector of the church of 'Kymmelesworth'
Kimblesworth, Co. Durham.
Size: 16 x 13 mm.
Seal design: Shield-shaped, a hawk upon a bird.
Inscription: ALAS IE SV . PRIS
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Archiep.23
GB Seal no.1298 1370
Heslington, William of
This charter is dated from Thirsk. Heslington is in Yorkshire, a little south of York.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron between three birds.
Inscription: sigillvm x willi x de x h.....ton
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 399
GB Seal no.1299 n.d.
Hesswell, Christiana
Styled wife of Thomas of Hesswell
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a naked figure standing with arm on an altar.
Inscription: Legend effaced.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Finc.34
GB Seal no.1300 1334
Hesswell, Johanna
Styled Johanna, who was the wife of William of Haswell
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a tonsured head, hands raised in prayer, above a hand blessing.
Inscription: CAPVD ... ERVI DEI
Seal attached to document reference: Hess.9
GB Seal no.1301 1391
Hesswell, Nicholas
Styled vicar of the church of Norham
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, a geometrical device.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4051g, 4295
GB Seal no.1302 1377-1380
Hesswell, Reginald of
Used by William of Hesswell, chaplain.
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a crowned figure standing. to whom a figure kneels who has five roses above his head; a richly decorated canopy.
Seal attached to document reference: 5.3.Elemos.20; 2.17.Spec.16
GB Seal no.1302(i) 1342
Hesswell, Reginald of
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3957
GB Seal no.1303 n.d.
Hesswell, Richard of
Printed P.F., 12.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a floriated device.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.6.Spec.27
GB Seal no.1304 1317
Hesswell, Thomas
Styled rector of the church of Sedgefield
In 5 bishop Richard of Bury (1338) he was master of the hospital of St Mary Magdalene, Sherburn (C.R., 31, p.108).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Hexagonal, a rabbit seated among stalked quatrefoils, in the cuspings the evangelistic symbols.
Inscription: ✶ SIGILLVM:THOME:H....ELL
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3589
Digitised version GB Seal no.1305 n.d.
Hesswell, Walter of
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eight rayed star.
Seal attached to document reference: Hess.102
GB Seal no.1306 n.d.
Hesswell, William of
S.D., I, 17, 18.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight in long hauberk, with sword and shield.
Inscription: ✠ ... ELMI D' HESEWEL
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Finc.16
GB Seal no.1307 1314
Hessay, John of
Size: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a pair of scissors.
Inscription: ✶ S' IOHIS DE HESSAY
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5581
GB Seal no.1308 1273
Hestelbyre, William
Styled collector of the tenths of our lord the King
In 1275 he was the official of Walter Giffard, archbishop of York (Giffard's
Register , p.271, no.837). In this charter he is styled 'W. de Hesterlbire' (? Heytesbury, Wilts.).
Size: 22 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a double-headed eagle displayed.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4200/1, 4200/2, 4200/3, 4272 (reverse)
GB Seal no.1309 n.d.
Heton, John
Styled son and heir of Richard and Alice his wife of 'Heton, juxta Rokesbur'
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a mell or hammer.
Inscription: ✠ S' IOHANNIS DE HETVN
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Elemos.9
GB Seal no.1310 1372
Heton, John of
Styled chaplain.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, Our Lady, holding a lily in her right hand, standing with Christ on her left arm, a kneeling figure prays to them. All in a cusped circle.
Inscription: s' . dni.. johannis . de . heton .
Seal attached to document reference: 3.10.Spec.64
GB Seal no.1311 n.d.
Heton, Johanna wife of Richard of.
Styled of 'Heton, juxta Brudeford' (near Thirsk)
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a bird standing.
Inscription: ✠ SIG IOHANNE NORVI
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Elemos.12
GB Seal no.1312 n.d.
Heton, Richard
Styled Richard of Heton, juxta Rokesbur, and Alice his wife.
Size: 1. 25 mm.Size: 2. 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, a falcon upon a bird.2. Oval, a star of eight rays.
Inscription: 1. ✠ S' RICARDI ....TVN2. S' ALICI ...HETV .
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Elemos.7
GB Seal no.1313 1236
Heton, William
Styled 'miles'
R.N.D., 326. This charter is printed, ibid., app. 134, No. 764. Representing the god Abraxas whose figure expresses the union of various attributes. He is represented with the head of a cock, sacred to the sun or sometimes with a lion's head, the
type of Mithras, he has a human body and serpents' legs, the symbols of the good genius, he bears a scourge in his hand, the Egyptian symbol of lordship and sometimes a shield on his arm to denote that he is the guardian of the faithful. (See, King,
Antique Gems , p.347).
Size: 35 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a Gnostic figure ending in two serpents, with arms outstretched.
Inscription: ..IGIL:.... DE HET..
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Spec.30
GB Seal no.1314 n.d.
Heton, William of
Styled Sir William of Heton, son of Roger. This is Heaton in Lonsdale. See VCH: Lancaster, VII, 108 and 109 and notes.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, green, armorial, a cross of four interlaced bastons.
Inscription: ✠ S' GILL W D' HET
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.4.Ebor.17, 18
GB Seal no.1315 n.d.
Hett, Alienor of
She was the wife of Walter of Hett (FPD, 67n). See also, ibid., 172n.
Size: 38 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a figure apparently crowned, wearing a robe and with arms akimbo.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.13.Spec.27, 31, 33
GB Seal no.1316 n.d.
Hett, Henry
Styled son of William of Hett
Size: 38 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' HENRICI DE HET
Seal attached to document reference: 4.13.Spec.45
GB Seal no.1317 n.d.
Hett, Hugh
Styled son of Walter of Hett
Printed FPD, 174n.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of sixteen rays.
Inscription: SIGILLVM ...
Seal attached to document reference: 4.13.Spec.19
GB Seal no.1318 n.d.
Hett, Richard
Styled Richard of Mainsford of Hett. cf 1690
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, the Holy Lamb.
Inscription: ✠ S' RICARDI DE HET
Seal attached to document reference: 4.13.Spec.46
GB Seal no.1319 1210-1227
Hett, Walter of
Charter no. 18* is printed FPD, 174n; no. 38 is printed, ibid., 175n.
Size: 44 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a harpy.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.13.Spec.7; 4.13.Spec.18*, 38
Digitised version GB Seal no.1320 n.d.
Hett, Walter of
Charter no. 17 is printed FPD, 174n; no. 28 is printed 173n.
Size: 44 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a harpy.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.13.Spec.11, 11*; 4.13.Spec.14, 17, 26, 28, 29
GB Seal no.1321 n.d.
Hett, Walter of
Printed FPD, 174n.
Size: 41 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a harpy.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL WA...RI DE HETE
Seal attached to document reference: 4.13.Spec.30
GB Seal no.1322 1332
Hett, William of
See S.D., III, 286 and FPD, 70.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a tree between a male and female bust, each facing the tree, a lion asleep at the foot of the tree and a squirrel seated on the top.
Inscription: ANIS VNE SVDEV
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2112 (seal now missing)
This seal was noted as missing by M.G.S., February 1982
Digitised version GB Seal no.1323 n.d.
Hett, William of
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a conventional flower
Inscription: S' WILL... DE HET
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2111
GB Seal no.1324 n.d.
Hetton, Geoffrey of
Printed FPD, 123n.
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a conventional branch.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.8.Spec.47; 1.2.Finc.67
GB Seal no.1325 1187
Hetton, Bertram
Styled Bertram of Heppeden and called 'miles' by pope Celestine
See S.D., I, 213, and P.F., 10 and 11.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eight rayed star.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.6.Spec.44; 1.7.Spec.2; 3.7.Spec.2; 1.1.Finc.9, 10, 12; 4.1.Finc.33, 43, 34; 4.2.Elemos.1b
Digitised version GB Seal no.1326 n.d.
Heworth, Cecilia
Styled Cecilia, daughter of Gilbert of Heworth, late wife of Lawrence de Camera
See FPD, 162n. Gilbert of Heworth witnesses a charter of bishop Antony Bek in 1291 and is styled 'knight' (R.P.D., II, 1188).
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, four lions passant forming a cross, their necks united in one head at the centre.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Sacr.17, 18; 2.3.Sacr.8
Digitised version GB Seal no.1327 1376-1387
Heworth, Johanna of
Used by Johanna, wife of Thomas son of Richard of Heworth of Acley and by Adam of Neusom.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a boar's head on a raised quatrefoil, three shields, each charged with three molets between the words of the legend.
Inscription: FIAT:FIAT:AMEN
Seal attached to document reference: 4.11.Spec.13, 22
GB Seal no.1328 1386
Heworth, John
Styled burgess of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
He was bailiff of Newcastle-upon-Tyne in 1382 (R.W., I, 198).
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a merchant's mark on a shield.
Inscription: S' IOHANNIS ✶ HEWORTH
Seal attached to document reference: 4.11.Spec.3, 8
GB Seal no.1328(i)
Heworth, Richard
Seal attached to document reference: 4.11.Spec.4, 7, 16
GB Seal no.1329 1348
Heworth, Roger of
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a male head.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Spec.45
GB Seal no.1330 1348
Heworth, Roger of
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a male head.
Inscription: IEO SVY SE.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.3.Spec.24; 4.3.Spec.28
GB Seal no.1331 1445
Heyworth, John
Styled John Heyworth, armiger, son and heir of John Willy, citizen of London
See S.D., II, 74.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, an eagle standing with wings raised and head turned back.
Inscription: Legend undecipherable.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.4.Spec.63
Digitised version GB Seal no.1332 n.d.
Hexham, Serlo of
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1528
GB Seal no.1333 1369
Hexham, William of
Styled of the street of St Giles, Durham. His wife was Cecily.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a pot in which is a long stalked flower of three heads, on each side is a head facing the flower. All in a pointed sexfoil in the spandrils of which are the letters SVYLEL.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1681
GB Seal no.1334 1323
Hexham, William of
See N.C.H., III, 138n.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, Our Lady standing, to whom William prays, behind her R:
Inscription: AVE:GRA · PLENA · DNS · TEC .
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4596
GB Seal no.1335 1336
Hexham, William of
Styled 'Willelmus de Hexttildesham tutor heredum Hugonis de Quessington'. Eider ducks in older days known in the north as the birds of St Cuthbert. When he went to live on Farne Island he is said to have tamed these birds and to have worked
miracles on their behalf (see Raine's
St Cuthbert , pp.22 and 194). In the roll of bursar of Durham abbey for 1380-81, 12d. is paid to a painter of Newcastle for painting one of St Cuthbert's birds (unius volucris Sci Cuthberti) to serve as a pattern for
the reredos (le Rerdos); this is known as the Neville screen (See
Durham Account Rolls , 103 Surtees Soc. publ., p.591; and
Rites of Durham , 107 Surtees Soc. publ., p.5 & p.198).
Size: 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, St Cuthbert standing, holding St Oswald's head on his breast with right hand and his crosier in his left hand; a figure kneels to him; in the field three ducks among trefoiled plants.
Seal attached to document reference: 5.2.Elemos.3
Digitised version GB Seal no.1336 1466
Highfield, William of
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Signet, round, an acorn.
Inscription: Legend undecipherable.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Spec.50, 51
GB Seal no.1337 1374
Hill, Roger of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion rampant.
Inscription: SVM LEO F...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6698
GB Seal no.1338 1417
Hill, Thomas of
Styled 'Thomas de Hill de Cawe deputatus et ordinatus per Robertum de Hilton vicecomitem Ebor'.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a stag, above its back a dog(?)
Inscription: Legend effaced.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4222
GB Seal no.1339 1380
Hill, William of
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, red, armorial, a chevron between three bucks' heads.
Inscription: ✶ s' wilelmi . de . hille
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Sacr.9
GB Seal no.1340 n.d.
Hilton, Alexander of
For Hilton pedigree see S.D., II, 26; this charter is printed, ibid., 25. See also A.A., 3rd ser., I, 121.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a demi lion passant.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.4.Spec.2
Digitised version GB Seal no.1341 1338
Hilton, Alexander of
Lord of Hilton, served in the Scottish wars of Edward III with Ralph, Lord Nevill; summoned to parliament 1332-35, died 1361. The shield, silver two bars azure, is blasoned for him as 'Le Baron de Hylton' in Jenyn's roll of Edward III. (See also
A.A., 3rd ser., I, passim).
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, two bars.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.4.Spec.16
Digitised version GB Seal no.1342 1366
Hilton, John of
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady, crowned, seated holding Christ. Beneath a half figure praying.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 58
GB Seal no.1343 1403
Hilton, John of
Used by John of Hilton of Durham and Emma his wife.
Size: 1.19 mm.Size: 2.19 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, a hawk killing a bird.2. Round, a hare riding on a dog and blowing a horn.
Inscription: 1. ✶ ALAS IE SVS . PRIS2. ✶ SOHOV ROBIN
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2402 (now detached), 2403, 2427
GB Seal no.1344 1321
Hilton, Robert of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, two bars and a label of three points.
Inscription: ... ROBERTI DE · H...
Seal attached to document reference: 3.4.Spec.15
Digitised version GB Seal no.1345 1367
Hilton, Robert of
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, the shield and crest effaced, above the shield on dexter two wheels one above the other, on sinister a wheel and beneath it a star.
Inscription: ... ROB .. TI · DE: HILTO..
Seal attached to document reference: 3.4.Spec.17
GB Seal no.1346 n.d.
Hilton, Robert of
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, two bars.
Inscription: ✠ S' .. OBERTI:DE:HILTON
Seal attached to document reference: 1.16.Spec.55
Digitised version GB Seal no.1347 1439
Hilton, Robert of
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, but shield gone, crest the head of Moses horned, field powdered with flowers.
Inscription: sigill * de


Seal attached to document reference: 3.4.Spec.19
GB Seal no.1348 n.d.
Hilton, William of
Used by William of Hilton
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion rampant within a geometrical device.
Inscription: ✶ S' IOHIS DE DA ...IGTON .
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1548
GB Seal no.1349 1450
Hilton, William Baron of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, head of Moses with six horns, in a corded border.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.4.Spec.6
Digitised version GB Seal no.1350 1503
Hilton, William of
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, the head of Moses horned.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.4.Spec.10
GB Seal no.1351 1414-1433
Hilton, William of
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, two bars, the shield a bouche, hangs from a tree, on each side is a coney back to back, their heads turned back.
Inscription: sigillum willelmi hiltoun
Seal attached to document reference: 3.4.Spec.18, 20
Digitised version GB Seal no.1352 1389
Hilton, William of
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, two bars, shield is in front of a tree.
Inscription: ... ille ... .
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4513
GB Seal no.1353 1393
Hilton, William Lord of
Size: 10 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, three letters (?) surrounded by a corded circle upon which five voided cinquefoils are placed.
Seal attached to document reference: [G]
GB Seal no.1354 n.d.
Hindeley, Sybil of
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: S':SIBILE DE HINDEL
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6928
GB Seal no.1354(i) n.d.
Hinderwell, John
Son and heir of Ralph of Whitby
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5139
GB Seal no.1355 1324
Hirlaw, John of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, green, antique gem, Jupiter(?) seated, a figure standing before him.
Inscription: ✶ · SIGILL VER · TEGENS
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3915
Digitised version GB Seal no.1356 1311
Hirlaw, John of
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Hexagonal, a male head.
Inscription: Legend obliterated.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3492, 4114c
GB Seal no.1357 1332
Hirlaw, John of
Styled vicar of St Nicholas, Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Date 1332-40
Size: 22 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady, with Christ, standing among plants.
Inscription: ✶ S' · IOHIS · DE · HIRLAWE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3493, 4092, 4199, 4227, 4315, 4631, 4767, 4808
GB Seal no.1358 1272
Hirlaw, Nicholas of
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a crescent with a star above it.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2101
GB Seal no.1358(i) 1318
Ho, Thomas de, vicar of Bishopton
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4712
GB Seal no.1359 1428
Holden, Thomas
Styled 'armiger'
See S.D., II, p.74.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal, an escallop within a loop of ribbon.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.8.Spec.10, 11, 12; Misc.Ch. 1739
Digitised version GB Seal no.1360 1445
Holden, Elizabeth
Styled late wife of Thomas Holden, armiger.
Size: 10 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, a stork with wings raised and spread.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Spec.47, 48
GB Seal no.1361 n.d.
Holinside, Richard of
See S.D., II, 250.
Size: 38 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.3.Sacr.7
GB Seal no.1362 n.d.
Holinside, Richard of
Size: 29 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, two oxen.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.6.Spec.3, 4; 4.1.Finc.50
GB Seal no.1363 n.d.
Holinside, Thomas
Styled Thomas, son of Richard of 'Holynesyde'
Size: 29 x 25 mm.
Seal design: The same seal as No. 1362, but with gem reset and a different legend.
Inscription: ... E HOLLINSIDE
Seal attached to document reference: 3.3.Sacr.11
GB Seal no.1364 1354
Holland, Robert of
See S.D., I, 26. This and the next seal appear to be those of Robert, second Lord Holland, who was summoned to parliament, 1342-72, and died in 1373. The shield is blasoned for Sir Robert in the roll of Edward II de azure, flurette de argent a un
lupard rampaund de argent.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, powdered with fleur-de-lys, a leopard rampant.
Inscription: ✶ S ....M ROBERTI DE HOLAND
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5768, 5774
Digitised version GB Seal no.1365 1341
Holland, Robert of
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, powdered with fleur-le-lys, a leopard rampant, shield couchée surmounted by helmet and mantling, with crest of a (?) (destroyed).
Inscription: .... . DE .... D ✶
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6265
GB Seal no.1366 1340-1343
Holland, Thomas of
He was the second son of Robert, first Lord Holland, and married Joan, 'the fair maid of Kent', who, after his death, married Edward the Black Prince. He was a founder of the Garter (1348), was summoned to parliament, 1353-57. In 1360 he was
summoned to parliament as Earl of Kent, and died in that year (O.B., 276: Historic Peerage, 254). His arms are blasoned in the Calais roll.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, powdered with fleur-de-lys, a leopard rampant, shield couchée surmounted by helmet with crest, a bush of feathers.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6263, 6266
Digitised version GB Seal no.1367 1367
Holland, Robert of
This imperfect deed is probably one of Thomas's brother Robert. This seal, though used by Thomas of Holland, appears to the the seal of his father Robert; unfortunately the legend is destroyed. The blason is Holland impaling de la Zouche, gules
besanty. Robert, first Lord of Holland, married Maud, daughter and coheir of Alan Lord Zouche of Ashby, whose arms are blasoned in the Falkirk roll de gulez, besante d'or, at Caerlaverock the poet says, he 'tresor signesioit ke fust brisans, sa
rouge baniere o besans'.
Size: 32 (?) mm.
Seal design: Round, very imperfect, armorial, powdered with fleur-de-lys, a leopard rampant, impaling ten roundels (4, 3, 2, 1), surrounding shield are four roundels each charged with the Holland arms.
Inscription: .... DIS ....
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5768*
Digitised version
1368: Holland, Thomas Earl of Kent: see Kent
GB Seal no.1368A 1345
Holme, Richard of
Styled son of Thomas of Holme, executor of the will of Richard of Holme.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, on shield, in dexter chief a cinquefoil, in sinister h, in base a molet, and a device forming the monogram R.H.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3955
Digitised version GB Seal no.1369 1332-1341
Holme, Thomas of the
Styled a merchant of Beverley
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, on a shield a merchant's mark.
Inscription: ✶ PRIVE SVE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4465, 4479, 4511, 5080
GB Seal no.1370 1421
Hoperton, William
Used by William Hoperton and others.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, antique gem, a naked male figure standing in front of a horse.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2077, 2078
GB Seal no.1371 1334
Holum, Agnes
Holum (now Hulam) near Castle Eden, Durham.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a falcon on a gloved hand, on dexter a fleur-de-lys, on sinister a quatrefoil.
Inscription: ✠ S' AGNETIS · DE · HOLM
Seal attached to document reference: 4.14.Spec.11
Digitised version GB Seal no.1372 1307
Holum, Elena
Styled widow of John of Hynton, knight, son of John of Hynton (in Cambridgeshire)
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a floriated device.
Inscription: ✶ S' ELENA ✶ DE · HOLVM ✠
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6232, 6233, 6234
GB Seal no.1373 n.d.
Holum, John of
See S.D., I, 57. This charter is printed FPD, 22n.
Size: 38 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, slightly dished, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.7.Spec.6
Digitised version GB Seal no.1374 n.d.
Holum, Thomas of
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, the Holy Lamb.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.8.Spec.24
Horden: see Geoffrey.
GB Seal no.1375 1335
Hornby, Cecilia of
On 4936 this is labelled as the seal of John Goldsmith (1088 above) and Cecilia uses another similar seal with foliage above the lion.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion asleep.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4058, 4936
GB Seal no.1376 n.d.
Hornby, John of
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a male head with long curling hair.
Inscription: ✠ S' IOHANNIS D' HORNEB
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5462
GB Seal no.1377 1420
Horneby, Robert
Size: 16 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Oval signet, antique gem, a lamb within a border of leaves.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6718
GB Seal no.1378 1343
Horneby, William of
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a bird within a geometrical device.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.14.Spec.62
GB Seal no.1379 1307
Hornc.., William of
Used by Paul of Darlington, chaplain.
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, Victory.
Inscription: ✠ S' WILLELMI DE HORNC
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3897
GB Seal no.1380 n.d.
Horner, Ralph
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a stringed horn.
Inscription: ✠ S' RADVLFI HORNER
Seal attached to document reference: 3.18.Spec.7
GB Seal no.1381 n.d.
Horton, Walran of
Styled Waleran, son of Robert, son of John, son of Odard the sheriff
He died on St Bartholomew's day, 41 Henry III (24 August 1257). When the Normans were deprived of their lands in Normandy, he gave his land there to his eldest son Walran and 'as an Englishman should, kept himself to his land in Northumberland
where he lived peaceably till his death' (Cal. I.P.M., I Henry III, no.392). Seal is engraved A.A., 3rd ser. VI, pl. IX, No. 2. See also N.C.H., IX, 245.
Size: 32 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Shield-shaped, armorial, barry, a bend (?charged or more likely ermine).
Seal attached to document reference: [G] ...
1382: now see 497
GB Seal no.1383 1225
Hotun, Alan of
See P.F., 97 et seq.
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a floriated device.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.8.Spec.10
GB Seal no.1384 n.d.
Hotun, Alan of
Size: 35 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Finc.65; Misc.Ch. 6285
GB Seal no.1385 n.d.
Hotun, Eva of
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ SIG ... EVE · DE H....
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6283
GB Seal no.1386 n.d.
Hotun, Henry of
Printed FPD, 136, note 3.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.7.Spec.4
GB Seal no.1387 1304
Hotun, John of
Used by Richard of Hoton, clerk.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a fess between three pierced molets.
Inscription: IOH DE HOTONNE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3566
Digitised version GB Seal no.1388 1305
Hotun, Richard of
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a monkey cracking a nut.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4088f
Digitised version GB Seal no.1389 1305-1310
Hoton, Richard of
Styled 'clerk'.
See Misc.Ch. 4460 for a different seal of 1311 and Misc.Ch. 3713 and 4612 for another of 1308.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a bend, between two martlets, three escallops.
Inscription: ✶ S' RICARDI DE HOTVN
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4430, 4850, 5118 (no longer there), 4970o
Digitised version GB Seal no.1390 1311-1353
Hotun, Richard of
Used by William of Hilton in 1353
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a fess impaling a lion rampant.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4840; 4.9.Spec.75
GB Seal no.1390(i)
Hoton, Robert of
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4130
GB Seal no.1391 n.d.
Hoton, Stephan of
Used by Stephen, son of Walter of Hoton.
Size: 41 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: S .... ROBERTI:POND · MATILDI · VXOR ....
Seal attached to document reference: 3.4.Elemos.1
GB Seal no.1392 1437
Hoton, William, of Hardwick
Prior Wessington, appoints William, seneschal of the manors of the convent.
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal signet, an eagle with raised wings, in front of it the letters 'fl'.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2363
GB Seal no.1393 1322
Hoton, William of
Used by John de Holyf, miller of Prudhoe.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a figure apparently chopping up a pig.
Inscription: ✶ S' WILLELMI DE HOTONE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3954
GB Seal no.1394 n.d.
Hoton, Guy of
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eagle displayed.
Inscription: ✠ SIG .... WIDONIS DE HOTONA
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5731
GB Seal no.1394(i) n.d.
Housynghoure, Thomas de
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4826
GB Seal no.1395 1380
Hoveden, Thomas of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a figure holding a ...(?) and subduing the dragon.
Inscription: s' thome de hoveden
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Ebor.22, 23, 25
GB Seal no.1396 n.d.
Hoveden, William of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a figure holding a ...(?) and subduing the dragon.
Inscription: ✠ ... WILL FILII WILL...
Seal attached to document reference: 3.5.Elemos.7
GB Seal no.1397 Before 1210
Hoveton, Stephan of
Styled Stephan, clerk, son of Thomas of Hoveton
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, green, a floriated fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Finc.2
GB Seal no.1398 n.d.
Howburn, Alice of
Styled Alice, daughter of Roger 'piteman' of Howburn
Printed R.N.D., app., 116, no. 668.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Spec.34
GB Seal no.1399 n.d.
Howburn, David of
Printed R.N.D., app., 115, no. 662.
Size: 38 x 35 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a lion passant.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Spec.33
GB Seal no.1400 n.d.
Howburn, Jacob of
Printed R.N.D., app., 115, no 663.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a horse shoe enclosing a dot.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Spec.26; 2.1.Spec.23a, 24
GB Seal no.1401 n.d.
Howburn, Jacob of
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a horse shoe.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Spec.22, 23, 30
Digitised version GB Seal no.1402 n.d.
Howburn, Jacob of
Styled Jacob, the third of Howburn, Lord of that town
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eagle.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Spec.25
GB Seal no.1403 n.d.
Howburn, Walter of
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a crescent with a star above it.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Spec.35p; Misc.Ch. 5982
Digitised version GB Seal no.1404(i) n.d.
Howden, John [son of] Peter of
Rector of a moiety of Hutton Bushel
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5014
GB Seal no.1404 n.d.
Howden, Adam son of William of
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, white, arm and hand with bird upon it.
Inscription: ✠ AMII SAVE
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Ebor.24
GB Seal no.1405 1393
Howden, Robert of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a female bust with hands raised in prayer beneath a bird; branching quatrefoils in background.
Inscription: Legend obliterated.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.8.Spec.8
GB Seal no.1406 1236
Howden, Robert son of Gilbert of
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, white, a bird standing with wings raised and head turned back.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Ebor.8
GB Seal no.1407 1380
Howden, Thomas of
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, red, a figure (? St Michael) standing, holding cross in left hand and subduing a dragon.
Inscription: s' thome de hoveden
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Ebor.22, 23, 25
GB Seal no.1408 n.d.
Howden, William of
He was parson of the church of Broxholme and in 1311 was appointed to hold the court of the bishop of Durham in the county of Lincoln (R.P.D., I, 43, 203).
Size: -
Seal design: Oval, imperfect, a seated figure.
Inscription: ✠ S' WILLEL...
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Ebor.9
GB Seal no.1409 1357-1362
Howden, William of
The device is St Margaret overcoming the dragon.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a crowned figure standing on a dragon, holding a book(?) (St Margaret) in right hand and a cross in left.
Inscription: s willelmi de : hoveden
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4442*; 4.1.Ebor.6
Digitised version GB Seal no.1410 n.d.
Howden, William of
Size: 38 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a male and female head, one radiated, the other with a crescent (Apollo and Diana).
Seal attached to document reference: 2.6.Spec.13; 1.3.Elemos.1
Digitised version GB Seal no.1411 1476
Hudspeth, Andrew of
To the same deed two signets are attached: 1. Round, 13, three horse-shoes in trefoil form.
2. Round, 13, a crescent enclosing a star.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, the letter

floriated and within a beaded circle.
Inscription: ::
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2093
GB Seal no.1412 n.d.
Styled Hugh, called the carter, an executor of the will of Robert, the cook of Elvet
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eight rayed star.
Inscription: ✠ S' HVGONIS DEW ....RD
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2438
GB Seal no.1413 n.d.
Hugo, Guido
Styled a merchant of Florence
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a wyvern.
Inscription: Legend obliterated.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3418
Digitised version GB Seal no.1414 1230-1240
Styled Hugh the merchant and Matilda of 'Scyneclif' his wife
Nos. 3 and 4 are the seals of their two daughters.
Size: 1. 35 mm.Size: 2. 38 x 22 mm.Size: 3. 38 x 22 mm.Size: 4. 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, a crescent with a star above it. 2. Oval, a star-like device.3. Oval, a fleur-de-lys.4. Oval, an eagle with wings raised.
Seal attached to document reference: 5.2.Elemos.18
GB Seal no.1415 1349
Used by Hugh, called the carpenter of 'Pypewellgate'.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, Our Lady and Christ standing.
Inscription: ✠ AVE MARIA ORA PLENA
Seal attached to document reference: 3.3.Spec.23
GB Seal no.1416 1254
Humez, Thomas of
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eagle displayed.
Inscription: ✠ SI ... HVMAVS
Seal attached to document reference: 2.11.Spec.20
GB Seal no.1417 n.d.
Humez, Robert of
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a grotesque winged monster.
Inscription: ✠ S' ROBERTI HVMMACE ·
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Spec.47
GB Seal no.1418 1219
Humphrey, Gilbert son of
Size: 44 mm.
Seal design: Round, a cross patonce.
Inscription: ✠ .. GILL ....VS FILIVS HVM..IDI
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Pont.8
GB Seal no.1419 n.d.
Hundgate, Roger of
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a geometrical device.
Inscription: ✠ S' ROGERI FIL RICARDI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1617
GB Seal no.1419A n.d.
Huntercomb, Walter of
Size: -
Seal design: Round, imperfect, a stag's head cabossed, a cross between the horns.
Inscription: ....ILLV VAL' ON...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 14
GB Seal no.1420 n.d.
Huntingdon, David, Earl of
He was brother of Alexander I, King of Scotland, he was created Earl of Huntingdon and Northampton before 1111. He succeeded to the throne of Scotland as David I in 1124 and died 1153 (O.B., II, 220). Charters printed R.N.D., App., p.23.
Size: 70 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight in mail hauberk with lance, pennon and shield, the inside only seen.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 759, 762
Digitised version GB Seal no.1421 1577
Huntingdon, Henry, Earl of
Henry Hastings son of Francis, Earl of Huntingdon, he succeeded to the earldom in 1560, married Catherine, daughter of John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland, in 1553, died 1595 (O.B., II, 235,
Historic Peerage , 263). Lord President of the North in 1572.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, quarterly of four grand quarters.
I :Quarterly
1. [Silver] a maunch [sable] (Hastings).
2. Party [gold and sable] a saltire engrailed and countercoloured (Pole).
3. [Silver] a
fess indented of three fusils [gold] (Montagu).
4. [Gold] an eagle displayed [vert] (Monthermer).
II : Quarterly
1. France and England quarterly a label of three points (Clarence).
2. [Gules] a saltire [silver] a label of three
points (Neville).
3. [Azure] powdered with fleur-de-lys a leopard rampant [silver] (Holland).
4. England a border [silver] (Edmund of Woodstock).
III : Quarterly
1. [Gules] a fess between six crosses crosslet [gold]
2. Checky [gold and azure] a chevron [ermine] (Newburgh).
3. [Sable] two bars and in chief three roundels [silver] (Hungerford).
4. [Silver] a griffin [gules] (Botreaux).
IV : Quarterly
1. Quarterly [silver and
gules] a fret [gold] in the gules over all a baston [sable] (Despencer).
2. [Gold] three chevrons [gules] (Clare).
3. Paly wavy [gold and gules] (Moleyns).
4. [Silver] two bars and in chief three roundels [gules] (Moels).
The shield
is surmounted by an earl's coronet and is surrounded by the garter with motto.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.12.Pont.21
Digitised version GB Seal no.1421(i) n.d.
Hunwick, Richad of
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5093
GB Seal no.1422 1324
Hurthworth, John of, or Nesbit, John of
Now Hurworth on the Tees near Darlington. Printed FPD, 160n; S.D., III, 413.
Size: 19 x 13 mm.
Seal design: Shield shaped, a lion rampant.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.12.Spec.20
GB Seal no.1423 1313
Hurthworth, Thomas
Styled notary public and official of the archdeacon of Northumberland
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, St Catherine, standing holding her wheel, a figure prays to her.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Spec.40
Digitised version GB Seal no.1424 n.d.
Hurthworth, Walter of
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an eagle with raised wings and head turned back.
Inscription: ✠ S' WALTERI D' HWRHWRTH.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.12.Spec.5
GB Seal no.1425 n.d.
Hurthworth, Walter of
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an eagle with raised wings and head turned back.
Inscription: ✠ S' :WALTERI ...RHT.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2136
GB Seal no.1426 n.d.
Hutting, Simon son of
Size: 41 x ? mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect, an eagle with raised wings and head turned back.
Inscription: ✠ S' SIMONIS ...G
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Sacr.10
IGB Seal no.1427 1506
Ilderton, Thomas
The seal is of early fifteenth century date. For account of the family see A.A., 3rd ser., VII, p.102. The blason is silver three water bougets sable (Jenyn's roll temp. Ed. III).
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three water bougets, the shield is couchée and is surmounted by helmet with crest of a beast's head.
Inscription: s . thome = d' ilderton
Seal attached to document reference: [G] B60
Digitised version GB Seal no.1428 n.d.
Ilderton, Thomas
The arms are derived from those of Ros of Wark under whom the Ildertons held (A.A. 3rd ser. III, 226).
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Signet, a water bouget.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] D122
GB Seal no.1429 1356
Ilkeston, William of
Styled parson of Stowe
In Derbyshire. Mitres, except in the arms of bishoprics, are a very unusual charge. Papworth gives them only as the canting arms of Miterton. The blason of this shield is unknown.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three mitres.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4871
Digitised version GB Seal no.1430 1295
Ingeram, Adam son of.
Styled son of Ingeram the baker
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a floriated cross.
Inscription: S' ADE FL HINGERAM
Seal attached to document reference: 4.18.Spec.19
GB Seal no.1431 1369
Ingelby, John
Styled vicar of Bywell St Peter
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial a fess between three rings.
Inscription: Legend undecipherable.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.3.Sacr.32c
GB Seal no.1432 1525
Ingilby, William
Styled 'armiger de Ripley'
See Pedigree V.Y., 282.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Square signet, a boar's head, with illegible inscription.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.10.Spec.61, 62
GB Seal no.1433 1348
Ingleby, Thomas of
I am unable to trace or blason this shield, it does not appear in any of the rolls or ordinaries of arms.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a cross engrailed within a border charged with eleven escallops. The shield is in a geometrical device in the four corners of which are the evangelistic symbols.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3483, 3526, 3577, 3662, 3677, 3848, 3881, 3913, 3920, 3930, 3972, 4051, 4076, 4438, 4592, 4757, 5051e (fragment), 5997, 4846, 4930
Digitised version GB Seal no.1434 1360-1373
Ingleby, Thomas of
The blason is sable a star silver, the shield is blasoned in Glover's and Jenyn's rolls but without the border which is here a mark of cadency. His I.P.M. was taken at Sadberge, 2 January 1380-81. For pedigree see V.Y., 282, and also S.D., III,
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a star of six points within a border.
Inscription: sigillv : thome : de : ingleby
Seal attached to document reference: Misc. 3386, 3587, 3872, 5068l, 3669, 4413, 4535, 4536, 4848, 5019d, 5068i, 5110l, 5112
Digitised version GB Seal no.1435 n.d.
Ingeniator, Richard
Styled Richard 'ingeniator' of the bishop of Durham
He was bishop Puiset's architect and it was under his superintendence that many of the bishop's chief buildings, including the Galilee at Durham, were erected (see address on Durham Cathedral church, by Wm. Greenwell). This charter is printed
FPD, 140n.
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an eagle displayed.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.9.Spec.11
GB Seal no.1436 n.d.
Ingeniator, Richard
This charter is printed FPD, 141n; it is also printed S.D., III, 149. The wolf device probably refers to the manor of Wolviston.
Size: 38 x 13 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a wolf walking with tail turned over back.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.9.Spec.12
GB Seal no.1437 1348
Insula, William de
Styled master of Farne (See No. 1615)
See R.N.D., 243.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a human head.
Inscription: Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4097
GB Seal no.1438 1390
Ion, Bartholomew
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a naked male figure seated.
Inscription: S' BARTHOLOMEI D' ION
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 353
GB Seal no.1439 1372
Ireland, Thomas
Styled perpetual vicar of the church of Ellingham
cf 2164. Used by him but not his own seal. I have been unable to find out to whom this shield belongs or how it should be blasoned. He does not appear in the list of vicars of Edlingham given in N.C.H., II, 284. A Richard of Ireland was vicar of
Embleton, 1371-1394 (N.C.H., II, 64, printed N.C.H. VII, 214, n.2).
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three lions rampant within a border charged with roundels. Above shield a lion passant, on each side a long tailed bird with head turned back.
Inscription: SIGILLVM ...VS ...ONIS : ✶ :
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Spec.24
Digitised version GB Seal no.1440 n.d.
Ivestan, Robert of
Styled son of Richard of Ivestan
See S.D., II, 351.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, green wax, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.3.Sacr.8
GB Seal no.1441 n.d.
Ivestan, Robert of
Near Lanchester, Durham. See S.D., II, 352.
Size: 51 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.6.Spec.5
Digitised version GB Seal no.1442 1285
Ivor, Robert of
Styled procurator of the church of Driffield
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three pales.
Inscription: S' ROBERTI DE ....
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Finc.30d
JGB Seal no.1443 1315
Jacob, Walter son of.
Styled Walter, son of Jacob the smith of the street of St. Giles, Durham
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' WALTERI FIL IACOBI
Seal attached to document reference: 1.15.Spec.7
GB Seal no.1444 n.d.
Jacob, Walter son of
cf 941. Same man as no. 1443.
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an eight rayed star.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.14.Spec.32
GB Seal no.1445 1291
Jafford, W.... of
Yafforth, near Northallerton, Yorkshire. He was vicar in the church of York and dean of the Christianity of York, 1289.
Size: 25 x 19 mm.Size: Secretum: 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect, a figure praying.Secretum: armorial, an eagle displayed, three rings above it.
Inscription: S' W....E... IAFFORD
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3699
Digitised version GB Seal no.1446 1343
Jerusalem, Hospital of St John of
Size: -
Seal design: Seal very imperfect, armorial, two bends and in chief .... Secretum,[ ] , a bearded head.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] C29
GB Seal no.1447 n.d.
Jeterel, Helena
Styled late wife of John the mason of Gateshead
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an eight rayed star.
Inscription: ✠ S' ELENE IETEREL
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Spec.22
GB Seal no.1448 n.d.
Jeterel, Emma
Styled daughter of John the mason of Gateshead
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a flower-like device.
Inscription: ✠ S' EMME · IETEREL
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Spec.21
GB Seal no.1449 1255
Jovanelli, Renaldus
Styled a merchant of Siena
Size: 1. 32 x 19 mm.Size: 2. 16 mm.
Seal design: 1. Oval, an eagle, with nimbus.2. Secretum, round, armorial, charges obliterated.
Inscription: 1. ✠ S' RE.... IOVANELLI2. Legend indistinct.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3699
GB Seal no.1450 n.d.
John, Walter son of
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.13.Spec.3; Misc.Ch. 5257
GB Seal no.1451 1375
Jolby, Richard of
For another seal see 2.13.Spec.62.
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a horseman and dog hunting deer.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6785
GB Seal no.1452 n.d.
Jordan, Richard son of.
Styled Richard, son of Jordan, formerly constable of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a hawk upon a rabbit.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6608
GB Seal no.1453 1292
Juvenis, Thomas
Styled Thomas, called 'le Juvene', burgess of Berwick
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a saddle with stirrup.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Sacr.25, 27
Digitised version GB Seal no.1454 1282
Juvenis, Thomas
Gilbert Britling, citizen of York, to Thomas, his brother, called 'Juvenis'.
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, two birds seated on a tree and pecking at the fruit.
Inscription: ✶ S' THOME LE IOVENE
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Sacr.4
GB Seal no.1455 1328
Junetui (?), John
Styled a merchant of Florence
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a monster, within tracery.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILLVM

Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3562
Digitised version KGB Seal no.1456 n.d.
Karlawe, Simon of
cf 1190
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a female head.
Inscription: ✠ S' SIMONIS:DE:KARLAWE
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Elemos.3a
GB Seal no.1457 1243
Karleberi, Walter of
A manor belonging to the bishop of Durham, situated on the Tees a few miles west of Darlington. In 1313 Richard fitzMarmaduke held it in chief of the bishop (FPD, II, 246. See also S.D., III, 384).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of four large and four small points.
Inscription: ✠ S':WALTERI D':KARLEBERI
Seal attached to document reference: 3.10.Spec.19, 32
GB Seal no.1458 1403
Kay, Thomas
Styled 'chaplain'
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a female head in a traceried panel.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Sacr.5(7); 2.8.Spec.28
GB Seal no.1459 1280
Kayville, Isolda
Styled formerly wife of Robert Thorney, knight
Caville near Howden, Yorkshire.
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a crowned figure seated, holding orb in right hand and palm branch in left, below is a figure praying.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Ebor.28
GB Seal no.1460 1344
Kele, Robert of
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion's head in a geometrical device.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4148
GB Seal no.1461 n.d.
Kelgrimsher, Beatrice of
Styled Beatrice, daughter of Adam of Kelgrimshur
Now Kellamergh in Amounderness, Lancashire. It was part of the grant made by John, when earl of Mortain, to Richard fitz Roger, lord of Woodplumpton (VCH: Lancaster, VII, 159-161 and notes).
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of eighteen round ended rays.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.4.Ebor.20, 21
GB Seal no.1462 1325
Kelgrimesurgh, Adam of
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion's head in a geometrical device.
Inscription: The seal of William his son has been appended but has gone to decay.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.4.Ebor.25
GB Seal no.1463 n.d.
Kelgrimesharg, William of
Used by William, son of Alexander of Kelfgrimesharg.
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a cross-like device.
Inscription: ✠ S'. ROB'TI D' SVARTB..
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.4.Ebor.23
GB Seal no.1464 n.d.
Kelgrimisarth, Robert of
Used by Robert, son of Richard of Kelgrimisarthe.
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a plant in flower (very rude).
Inscription: ✠ S' ROB DE KELGRIM...
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.4.Ebor.14, 19
GB Seal no.1465 n.d.
Kelgrimisarth, Richard of
Size: 29 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a star-like device.
Inscription: ✠ S' RICARDI DE K....
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.4.Ebor.16
GB Seal no.1466 1330
Kellawe, Cecilia
Styled Cecilia, who was the wife of Patrick of Kellawe
See A.A., 2nd ser., III, 84, also S.D., I, ii, 64.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a stag at speed.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5785
GB Seal no.1467 1336
Kellawe, Cecilia of
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, armorial, a lion rampant, above the shield a female head.
Inscription: S' ... (remainder of legend illegible).
Seal attached to document reference: [G] D49
Digitised version GB Seal no.1467(i)
Kellawe, Christiana of
Seal attached to document reference: 4.13.Spec.23, 41
GB Seal no.1468 1303
Kellawe, Emeric of
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Shield-shaped, indeterminate charges.
Inscription: Legend obliterated.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] D14
GB Seal no.1469 1284
Kellawe, Henry
Styled Henry, son of Alexander of Kellawe
See S.D., IV, ii, 162, note.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion rampant.
Inscription: ✠ S':HENRICI · FILI · ALSAND'
Seal attached to document reference: 2.16.Spec.1; 1.2.Finc.5
GB Seal no.1470 1366-1370
Kellawe, Isabella of
Styled Isabella of Kellawe formerly wife of William son of William of Kellawe, clerk. She was daughter and heiress of Sir Robert Darreyns, knight, of Whittonstall.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a lion rampant (very rude).
Inscription: ✶ IOV :CO · OV ...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6939, 6940; 2.16.Spec.37
GB Seal no.1471 n.d.
Kellawe, Isabel
Styled Ysabel of Kellawe, who was the wife of John, son of Peter of Hartlepool
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a hexfoil.
Inscription: ✠ S' IABE D KELL..
Seal attached to document reference: 4.8.Spec.25
GB Seal no.1471A n.d.
Kellawe, Isolda of
Styled Ysolda of Aplingdene
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a bird about to fly.
Inscription: ✠ S' · YSEWDE · DE · KELLAWE
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Sacr.37; Misc.Ch. 2157
GB Seal no.1471(i) n.d.
Kellawe, John of
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3640 (very indistinct)
GB Seal no.1472 n.d.
Kellawe, John son of Lawrence of
Called also Laurence of Seton.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a lion rampant(?)
Inscription: ...NNIS FIL LAVR DE ✶ KELL..
Seal attached to document reference: [G] D54
GB Seal no.1473 n.d.
Kellawe, Matilda
Styled Matilda of Kellawe, widow of Thomas, clerk of Kellawe
Size: 35 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Pointed oval, a crescent with a wavy star above and beneath a (?).
Inscription: ✠ S' MATILDIS D' KELLAW
Seal attached to document reference: [G] D9
GB Seal no.1474 n.d.
Kellawe, Mermedonia of
Styled widow of Alexander of Kellawe
See S.D., IV, ii 162 note.
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a floriated device.
Inscription: ...ERMDON ...E KELL...
Seal attached to document reference: 2.16.Spec.2
GB Seal no.1475 n.d.
Kellawe, Nicholas of
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Pointed oval, an eight rayed star.
Inscription: S' NICOLAI KELLA...
Seal attached to document reference: [G] D16
GB Seal no.1476 1350
Kellawe, Nicholas of
Styled son of William of Kellawe
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, undecipherable, very poor impression.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6247*
GB Seal no.1477 1313
Kellawe, Patrick of
He was bishop Richard of Kellawe's brother, a soldier and a man of note in the palatinate (R.P.D., passim, and, S.D., I, 64). The blason of the arms is unknown.
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Shield-shaped, a lion rampant.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] D38, 39
Digitised version GB Seal no.1478 1292-1295
Kellawe, Peter of
He was rector of Sedgefield in 1311 (R.P.D., I, 98).
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, an ape, with an owl seated on its right paw, riding on an ass.
Inscription: Outer Legend: ✶ S' PETRI · DE · KELLAWE · CLICI

Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3549, 3658, 3947, 4847, 4924, 5110o
Digitised version GB Seal no.1478A 1295-1301
Kellawe, Peter of
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem, a helmeted figure, holding a spear in right hand, crowned by a winged Victory.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4044m, 4121h, 4556, 4557
Digitised version GB Seal no.1479 1320
Kellawe, Richard of
I.P.M. taken 7 June 1344 (C.R., 45).
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a lion rampant.
Inscription: ✶ S' RICARDI D' KELLAV
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5782, 5783 (seal now missing)
GB Seal no.1480 1316
Kellawe, Richard of
Styled Richard, son of Alan of Kellawe, burgess of Durham
See charter from bishop Kellawe in 1312, granting him land in Durham and Plawsworth (R.P.D., II, 1151).
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion asleep.
Inscription: ✶ WARE ME HO MAN
Seal attached to document reference: 2.6.Spec.36
GB Seal no.1481 1386
Kellawe, Robert of
Styled Robert of Kellawe of Great Lumley
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, an escucheon within an orle of five ...(?)
Inscription: S' ROB.... KELLAV.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] D62, 63, 64, 65
Digitised version GB Seal no.1482 1256
Kellawe, Thomas of
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Pointed oval, a crescent with a star above.
Inscription: ✠ S' TOME DE CELLAV
Seal attached to document reference: [G] D6, 12
GB Seal no.1483 1315
Kellawe, William of
Used by William of Kellawe.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, antique gem, Jupiter seated holding eagle.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILLVM · IAC ...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4168x
GB Seal no.1484 n.d.
Kellawe, William of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, green, a lion asleep on leaves, in a border of foliage.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2114*
GB Seal no.1485 1315
Kellawe, William of
Used by William of Kellawe of 'Thornelaw'.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion standing on a dragon.
Inscription: CVM ....
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4956
GB Seal no.1486 1310
Kellawe, William of
See action against him for trespass in 1318 (R.P.D., IV, 159).
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal, St Catherine standing, a figure kneels to her.
Inscription: ... VIN ... MORE ESTO...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4088g
GB Seal no.1487 1331-1341
Kellawe, William of
He was sequestrator general for the diocese of Durham in 1311, constable of Durham castle in 1312, official of the bishop and had custody of the priory of Durham during vacancy in 1313 (R.P.D., passim). For another seal see Misc.Ch. 3423 and
Size: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lord in glory.
Inscription: ✶ S' WILLELMI DE KELLAV ·:·
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3434, 3582, 3583, 3630, 3639, 3924, 3990, 4001, 4437, 4076l, 4077d, 4115k, 4288, 4437, 4476, 4489, 4525, 4539, 4588, 4637, 4710, 4801, 4843, 4959f, 5068k, 4970f, 5081b
GB Seal no.1488 1285
Kendal, Hugh of
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, brown, a male head.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3560, 4062e
Digitised version GB Seal no.1489 1386
Kent, Thomas of Holand Earl of
The blason is gules three leopards gold and a border silver. He was the eldest son of Thomas the first Holland, earl of Kent, and of his wife, Joan, the daughter and eventual heiress of Edmund of Woodstock, earl of Kent, a younger son of Edward
I, and his wife Margaret, the daughter and heiress of John, first lord Wake. Joan afterwards became the wife of the Black Prince and mother of Richard II. Thomas Holland was, therefore, half brother to King Richard. He gave up his paternal arms,
depicted on seal no. 1366 and assumed those here shown in right of his wife. The White Hind supporter is said to have been the badge of his mother and is similar to the favourite White Hart badge of King Richard. He was earl marshal of England,
married Alice fitz Alan, and died in 1397. He is styled 'conte de Kent and seignueur de Warke'.
Size: 51 mm.
Seal design: Round, a hind with crown round neck lying in front of a tree, and round its neck hanging by a guige a shield bearing England within a border.
Inscription: sigillvm thome de holand comitis kancie
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Ebor.2; 3.5.Ebor.10
Digitised version GB Seal no.1489(i) n.d.
Ker, Robert
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4824
GB Seal no.1490 n.d.
Kernet, Roger
Styled Roger, son of William Kernette
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a pelican in her piety.
Inscription: ✠ S' ROGERI · KERNET
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXXVII.65
GB Seal no.1491 n.d.
Kerrok, Alice
Styled Alice, widow of Roger Kerrock, burgess of Gateshead
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eight rayed star.
Inscription: ✠ ...
Seal attached to document reference: 3.3.Spec.9
GB Seal no.1492 n.d.
Kerrok, Richard
Styled Richard, son and heir of Roger Kerrock burgess of Gateshead
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of eight branching rays.
Inscription: ✠ S' RICARDI KEROC
Seal attached to document reference: 3.3.Spec.13
Digitised version GB Seal no.1493 1217
Ketton, Amabile of
See S.D., III, 330; the charter is printed FPD, 158n.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a standing lion, with a griffin's head.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.12.Spec.14
Digitised version GB Seal no.1494 n.d.
Ketton, John of
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a branching device.
Inscription: ✠ S' IOHIS FL IOHIS · DE KECT
Seal attached to document reference: 1.12.Spec.16; 1.1.Elemos.5
Digitised version GB Seal no.1495 n.d.
Ketton, John of
The seal is attached to a document of the 13th century granting land to the almoner of Durham by John, son of John of Ketton. The seal is of later date than the charter. See FPD, 61, note 1, and ibid., p.59 and note.
Size: 38 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, Our Lady and Christ each seated in a niche, beneath each in a niche a man wearing cap and carrying in his hand ..., and a female figure.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Elemos.2
Digitised version GB Seal no.1496 n.d.
Ketton, John of
For nature of charter see S.D., III, 274.
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a branching floriated device.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILLVM . IOHAN . DE . KETTVN
Seal attached to document reference: 2.12.Spec.8; 4.15.Spec.5
Digitised version GB Seal no.1497 n.d.
Ketton, William of
The seal is not his and is much later than the date of the deed, which is c.1200, granting land to the monks of Finchale.
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, St John Baptist standing holding, in his left hand, the Holy Lamb within a circle.
Inscription: S' ROBERTI DE ...TONE
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Finc.11
GB Seal no.1498 n.d.
Ketton, William of
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILLVM · WILL · D' KETVN
Seal attached to document reference: 1.12.Spec.15
GB Seal no.1499 1336
Keverthorp, Stephen of
No. 1 used by Stephen of Keverthorpe, an executor of the will of Robert of Ripplyngham, late chancellor of the church of St Peter, York.
No. 2 - each petal of the rose forms the face of a man.
Size: 1.19 mm.Size: 2.22 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, red, armorial, a fess between three crosses crosslet.2. Imperfect, a rose on the reverse of it is another impression of no. 1.
Inscription: 2. 'sigillvm commvne pro execvtione testamenti predicti'.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3586
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.1500 n.d.
Kibblesworth, John
Styled John, son of Geoffrey of Kyblisworth
He was heir male of Roger of Kibblesworth (no. 1502). See S.D., III, 205, and II, 216.
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: S' IOHANIS DE KEBLIS..
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Finc.74
GB Seal no.1501 n.d.
Kibblesworth, Richard of
This seal is engraved A.A., 3rd ser., VI, pl. IX, no. 5.
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, four batons in pale.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILLVM RICARDI ...AI.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.6.Spec.17
GB Seal no.1502 1180
Kibblesworth, Roger of
He is a frequent witness to the charters of bishop Hugh Pudsey, and ranks as a baron of the palatinate. This charter is printed FPD, 142n. The land is given 'per baculum in manu prioris'; do the batons on the shield of Richard (no. 1501) refer to
this method of giving seisin?
Size: 57 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight in mail, helmet with nasal, and shield with border and escarbuncle, his spear carried behind.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.6.Spec.16, 18
Digitised version GB Seal no.1503 n.d.
Kilkenny, William of
For charter no. 9 see S.D., II, 229, where there is a pedigree of the family. His I.P.M. was taken 17 April 1340 (C.R., 45).
Size: 44 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, half figures of Our Lady and Christ, beneath them a boat in which are two nimbed figures, one at each end, facing each other.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.11.Spec.31; 1.6.Elemos.8, 9; 6.3.Elemos.16
Digitised version GB Seal no.1504 1308
Fader, William son of Ralph, of Urpeth
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an elongated star of eight points, two large and six small.
Inscription: S' WIL . FIL .. ADULPPHI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 7014
GB Seal no.1505 1317
Kilkenny, William
Styled William of Kyrkenny, 'miles'
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a mill-rind cross voided.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL WIL....I DE KILKENI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5987
Digitised version GB Seal no.1506 1331
Killerby, William
Styled proctor for William of Denum
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a chevron, between three stalked quatrefoils, two dolphins.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4446
Digitised version GB Seal no.1507 1379
Killerby, John of
Killerby near Darlington. John was son and heir of Roger of Killerby whose I.P.M. was taken at Durham, 18 November 1359 (C.R., 45, p. 224). See also H.S., 23 and 148.
Size: 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, Our Lord in majesty, on each side a kneeling figure. Beneath a half figure praying. Background powdered with roses and fleurs-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Sacr.4
Digitised version GB Seal no.1508 1419
Killinghall, John of
He died 21 February 1442. I.P.M. taken March 1442 (C.R., 44); for account of the family see A.A., 2nd ser., II, 69, also S.D., III, 222.
Size: 16 x 13 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal signet, a boar's head couped between three sets of ∴, two above and one below.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2043
Digitised version GB Seal no.1509 1376
Killinghall, John of
I.P.M. taken at Durham October 1416 (C.R., 44).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, (?) a fess.
Inscription: SIGILLVM IOHANNIS ....
Seal attached to document reference: 3.16.Spec.28
GB Seal no.1509(i) 1373
Killinghall, John of
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4890
GB Seal no.1510 1501
Killinghall, Robert
Styled Robert Kelyngall of Mydylton George, son and executor of John Kelyngall, his father
He was presented by his father to the portionary rectory of Middleton St. George.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, a heart from which issue three quatrefoils, on dexter side 'r' on sinister 'R'.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.8.Spec.12a
GB Seal no.1511 1556
Killingworth, John
Used by John Kyllyngworth of Kyllyngworth in 1556, but it is a fourteenth century seal. For account of this family see A.A., 3rd ser., II, 10, and VI, 118. The seal is engraved A.A., 3rd ser., vol VI, plate x, no. 12; the charges appear to
connect this shield with the Grey series illustrated in the same volume, plate facing p.114.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, two bars and in chief three voided cinquefoils.
Inscription: ....ngworth
Seal attached to document reference: [G] B61
GB Seal no.1511(i) n.d.
Killinghall, William of
Seal attached to document reference: 2.9.Spec.23
GB Seal no.1512 1291
Kilvington, Robert
Styled Robert of Kilvington 'custos' of the house of Farne
The inset is not upright, the upper part should be the straight edge on the right side. Printed R.N.D., app. 128.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Oblong, name in traceried panel.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4655
Digitised version GB Seal no.1513 1312
Kingston, Roger of
Styled burgess of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
See R.W., I, 29.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, an ape holding an owl, rides upon an ass, all in a geometrical device.
Inscription: S' ROGER' D' KINGESTON
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Spec.60
GB Seal no.1514 n.d.
Kirkby, Gilbert of
Styled Gilbert, son of Iuonis of Kyrkeby
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a bow and arrow.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] B15
GB Seal no.1514(i) n.d.
Kirkby, Adam of
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5030
GB Seal no.1515 1306
Kirkby, John of
He was rector of 'Quitingham' in 1313 (R.P.D., II, 1217). This is an interesting example of a canting device.
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, a church with spire, on the top of it is an eagle, below it an animal(?)
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4078
GB Seal no.1516 n.d.
Kirkby, Margaret of
Styled formerly wife of Richard 'Westmonastir'
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a bird standing, head reverted, holding a branch in beak.
Inscription: ✶ S' MARGARETE D' KYRKEBY Ψ
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Ebor.29
Digitised version GB Seal no.1517 1310
Kirkby, Thomas of
Styled Thomas, son of Cecilia of Penreth, merchant
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, an ancient ship, a beast's head at prow and stern.
Inscription: ✠ S' THOME DE KIRKEBI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4773
Digitised version GB Seal no.1518 1387
Kirkby, William of
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a tree with a lion asleep at foot, a squirrel above, a grotesque beast on either side.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.7.Spec.15
GB Seal no.1518(i) 1371
Kirkby, William of
Vicar of Branxton
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3993
GB Seal no.1519 1304
Kirkham, Richard of
Size: 16 x 13 mm.
Seal design: Shield-shaped, a lion rampant.
Inscription: ✶ SVM LEO FORTIS
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3533, 4088d, 4580
GB Seal no.1520 1300
Kirkham, Richard of
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion rampant in a quatrefoiled panel.
Inscription: S' RIC' D' K
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Sacr.33, 36; Misc.Ch. 2580
Digitised version GB Seal no.1521 1276
Kirkham, Robert of
Styled commissary of the bishop of Durham
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, two keys saltire ways, with a fleur-de-lys in each quarter.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Spec.15
Digitised version GB Seal no.1521(i)
Kirkham, Hugh of
Proctor in the court of York
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3428, 4028i
GB Seal no.1522 1269
Kirkhaugh, William of
Styled William, son of John of Kirkehalg
Northumberland, on the South Tyne near Alston.
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, five knobs in circle (rude work).
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5258
GB Seal no.1523 1315
Kirkton, Henry of
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a monster with human head, two feet and a tail like a squirrel's.
Inscription: ✶ CREDE FERE KENTI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4225
Digitised version GB Seal no.1524 1417
Knapton, Richard
Used by Richard Knapton, vicar of Dalton in le Dale, one of the executors of John Sheffeld, citizen and pelterer of York.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, a maunch.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Sacr.39
GB Seal no.1525 1336
Kneton, Alexander of
Styled Alexander, son of William of Kneton
In the parish of Middleton Tyas, near Catterick, Yorkshire.
See FPD, 60, 61.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a grotesque beast.
Inscription: Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.11.Spec.5
GB Seal no.1526 1288
Kneton, Alexander of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eagle displayed.
Inscription: ✠ S' ALEXANDRI:DE:KNETON:
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5110h
GB Seal no.1527 1311
Knycheby, William
Styled William, son of Hugh of Knycheleye
See S.D., II, 296 and 387.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, two busts facing each other, below them two clasped hands.

Seal attached to document reference: 2.6.Spec.63
GB Seal no.1528 1239
Kokerbel, Agnes
Styled Agnes, wife of Nicholas of Hingernan
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL:AGNET KOK
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Sacr.5
GB Seal no.1529 1384
Krygildykes, Alan of
Used by him.
Size: 10 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, armorial, a heart.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.13.Spec.12, 13
LGB Seal no.1530 n.d.
Lackenby, Hugh of
Robert de Witchester, then sheriff of Northumberland, is one of the witnesses.
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an eagle displayed.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL HVGON ...NEB
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Spec.30
GB Seal no.1531 n.d.
Lafford, Reginald of
Styled Reginald of Lafford
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of eight points.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.3.Ebor.16, 19
GB Seal no.1532 1308
Lamb, Andrew
Styled 'Andreas Lamb de Whiteby'
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lamb, above it a knife.
Inscription: ✠ S' ANDREE LAMBE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5242
Digitised version GB Seal no.1533 1421
Lambton, William
Styled William Lambton of Lambton
He was lord of Lambton and 18 years of age in 1369/70 when the I.P.M. was taken on his brother whose heir he was (C.R., 45). He was commissioner of array for Easington and Chester wards and died in 1430. I.P.M. taken at Durham, 8 January 1430-31
(C.R., 45). See also S.D., II, 174 and V.D., 205-207.
Size: 16 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal signet, a ram's head.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.8.Spec.21
GB Seal no.1534 1452
Lambton, Thomas
Styled 'armiger'
Lord of Lambton to which he succeeded as heir to his brother in 1442. He was commissioner of array for Chester and Easington wards and died in 1473. I.P.M. taken at Chester-le-Street, 20 October, 1473 (C.R., 45).
Size: 14 x 13 mm.
Seal design: Signet, a ram's head, above it a pierced cinquefoil.
GB Seal no.1535 1392
Lamley, Emma of
Used by Emma of Lamley, daughter and heiress of Elizabeth, who was the wife of John of Lamley of the town of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, on a shield in chief the letters W.O.
Inscription: ✶ S' WILLEM D' OSB
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6624
GB Seal no.1536 1284
Lancaster, Philippa of
She was one of the four daughters and coheirs of Hugh Bolbec, married Roger of Lancaster and died c.1294 (N.C.H., VI, 224). She bears in her right hand her husband's shield, silver two bars gules on a quarter gules a golden leopard, he was the
bastard brother of William of Lancaster, the third baron by tenure, and died 1290 (
Historic Peerage , 277). In her left hand she bears her father's shield vert a lion rampant ermine (or silver).
Size: -
Seal design: Oval, imperfect, a female figure standing, holding a shield in each hand, the dexter barry on a canton a lion passant, the sinister a lion rampant.
Inscription: S' PHI...PE .... LONGOA..
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4582
Digitised version GB Seal no.1537 1298
Lancaster, Thomas Earl of
Succeeded his father, Edmund 'Crouchback', the second son of Henry III, in 1296. He led the rebel lords at Boroughbridge where he was taken prisoner and beheaded beneath the walls of his castle at Pontefract (
Historic Peerage , 277; O.B., II, 310). See also 3070
Size: -
Seal design: Seal, imperfect, armorial, three leopards and a label of three points of France.
Inscription: Legend destroyed.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] D48
GB Seal no.1538 1354
Lanchester, Walter of
Date 1354-57
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, St Catherine standing, to whom a kneeling figure holds a flower.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3420, 3603, 4109b, 4699, 4716, 4023
GB Seal no.1539 1380
Greystanes, William of, chaplain
This is not his own seal (see no. 1581). Possibly a Vipont, Lowther or Musgrave seal, but there is no legend to further identify it.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, six rings. The shield is couchée and surmounted by a helmet from which issue two horns with two interlaced rings on their tips.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6057; 4.16.Spec.135
Digitised version GB Seal no.1539(i)
Lanchester, William of
Styled William of Laugchestre, vicar of St Oswald's, Durham
For another seal used by him see Misc.Ch. 6057
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.59, 133
GB Seal no.1540 1431
Langforth, Margery of
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval signet, 'L' between two flowers.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Spec.74
GB Seal no.1541 1390
Langhe, Ludolf of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, a merchant's mark.
Inscription: S' LVDOLF DE LANGHE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 353
GB Seal no.1542 1385
Langley, William of
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, Our Lord on the cross, with the Virgin and St John.
Inscription: GOD HELP YE POPE
Seal attached to document reference: 4.15.Spec.7
GB Seal no.1543 1292-1308
Langton, Alan of
He was a burgess of Newcastle-upon-Tyne and became Lord of Wynyard in the palatinate in right of his wife Katherine, daughter of Sir John Lisle, in 1305 (R.W., I, 10). For pedigree see S.D., III, 79.
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem, Pallas.
Inscription: ✠ S' ALANI DE LANGTVNE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6614, 6873
GB Seal no.1544 1308
Langton, Catherine of
Used by Catherine, wife of Alan of Langton (1543).
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady seated holding Christ. Beneath a figure prays to them.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6614
GB Seal no.1545 1421-1436
Langton, Thomas
Styled 'of Wynyard'
I.P.M. taken at Durham 29 July 1437 (C.R., 45), when Sibyl, then aged 7, is his next heir.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round, signet, a molet of six points within two branches.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.8.Spec.21; Misc.Ch. 6001
GB Seal no.1546 1362
Langton, Geoffrey of
For another seal, see Misc.Ch. 4100h
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, antique gem, a female figure seated.
Inscription: S' GALFRIDI D...ON
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3415, 5051f
GB Seal no.1547 1328
Langton, John of
Styled John of Langton, executor of the will of Walter of Langeton, late bishop of Coventry and Lichfield
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, a tonsured head, a star in front and behind it.
Inscription: IOHANNIS · DE · LAN..ON:CLI..
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5998
GB Seal no.1548 1439
Langton, Sibilla
Used by John Drawley, vicar of Grindon, an executor of Thomas Langton. She was the wife of Thomas Langton (no. 1545). Her I.P.M. was taken at Durham, 7 December 1439, when Sibyl, her niece, then aged 10, was her next heir (see also S.D., III,
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round, a woman's head with head dress.
Inscription: s de langton
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6005*
GB Seal no.1549 1412
Langton, Thomas of
The same man as no. 1545.
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal signet, armorial, very indistinct.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6446
GB Seal no.1550 1435
Langton, Thomas of
The same man as no. 1545, for blason of shield see A.A., 3rd ser., vol VI, p.119 and note.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion rampant, the shield hangs from a tree.
Inscription: s thome de langton
Seal attached to document reference: 4.9.Spec.23
GB Seal no.1551 1361
Langton, William of
Styled 'curiae Ebor, advocatus'
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem, head and bust.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3488, 4028k, 3515, 3689, 3695, 3749, 3837, 3933, 3966, 3969, 3991, 4039k, 4121a, 4675, 4747, 4930f, 4970n, 4771c, 4851, 4733, 4741, 4997, 5068a, 4136a, 4136b, 4370, 4614
Digitised version GB Seal no.1551(i)
Lanom, John of
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4067
GB Seal no.1552 1232
Lard, William
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a bend cotised.
Inscription: S' GVI... LA...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4123
Digitised version GB Seal no.1553 n.d.
Lascelles, Emma of
She calls Bernard the miller (no. 220) 'my late husband'.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lis.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL EME DE L...IS
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Elemos.10
GB Seal no.1554 n.d.
Lascelles, William
Styled William of Lascelles of Sadberi
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a falcon on a hand.
Inscription: ✠ S' WILLI DE LASSELES
Seal attached to document reference: 3.10.Spec.73
GB Seal no.1555 1431
Lascy, John
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal signet, a heart from which issues a plant with two flowers in a corded border.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Spec.78
GB Seal no.1556 1310
Lathum, John of
Styled a merchant of Beverley
For another seal used by him, see Misc.Ch. 4737, and another, Misc.Ch. 3887, 4034, 4073, 4897
Size: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, a merchant's mark.
Inscription: ✶ S' IOHANNIS DE LAVVM
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4817, 4827
GB Seal no.1557 1260
Latimer, William
He was summoned to parliament as 'Willielmo le Latimer seniori' from 1299 to 1395; he was called 'the Rich'. His arms are blasoned in the Caerlaverock Poem and the 'Falkirk' roll gules a cross paty gold they are probably derived from the cross of
Vesci. He was a great soldier and one of the great men of his day. Sheriff of Yorkshire in 1253, governor of York and Pickering castles in 1254. He accompanied prince Edward to the Holy Land and died at a great age in 1305 (
Historic Peerage , 280, Whitaker's
Richmondshire , II, 79). The seal is engraved A.A., 3rd ser., VI, pl. IX, no. 11.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, imperfect, armorial, a cross patonce, shield in a foliage border.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Spec.5
GB Seal no.1558 1369
Latimer, William
Styled William Latymer, son of John Latymer of Tyverington
Now Terrington a few miles west of Malton, Yorkshire.
Size: 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady holding Christ, and St John the Baptist holding Holy Lamb, standing facing each other, a rose between them.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 349
GB Seal no.1559 n.d.
Laton, Gilbert of
See S.D., III, 37, and for pedigree, ibid., I, 215.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a mill-rind cross
Inscription: ✠ S' GILBERTI DE LATVN
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Finc.7
GB Seal no.1560 n.d.
Laton, Gilbert of
Blasoned for William Laton in the roll of Richard II, gold a mill rind cross gules.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a mill-rind cross.
Inscription: ✠ S' GILBERTI DE LATON
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5570
GB Seal no.1561 1357
Laton, Richard of
Date 1357-58
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion rampant.
Inscription: ✶ SVM LEO FORTIS
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5459, 7006
GB Seal no.1562 1358
Laton, Richard of
1. Used by Richard of Laton. 2. Used by Margaret, daughter of Simon of Esh, late wife of John of Yeland. He was the son of Cecilia and her first husband Thomas of Laton, she afterwards married Peter of Brackenbury, and is spoken of in this
charter as his widow.
Size: 1. 16 mm.Size: 2.19 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, armorial, very indistinct.2. Round, a cross.
Inscription: 2. Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5506
GB Seal no.1563 1477
Laton, Robert
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, a stalked trefoil.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.17.Spec.6
GB Seal no.1564 n.d.
Laton, Robert
Styled sheriff of Durham
He was sheriff and escheator, 1 bishop Fordham (1381). His shield blasoned in the roll of Richard II was silver a fess between six crosses crosslet fitchy sable a silver cinquefoil on the fess.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a mitre, R beneath it.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] D75
GB Seal no.1565 n.d.
Laton, Simon of
In 1261 Walter Heyrun calls 'Simon de Laton filius Dni. Ranulph de Layton cognatus meus' (note by W.G.).
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an eagle with raised wings.
Inscription: ✠ S' SIMONIS D' LATVN
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Elemos.4
GB Seal no.1566 1220
Laton, William of
His arms are blasoned in the roll of Richard II, see note 259. For nature of charter see S.D., I, 213.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a cross moline voided.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Finc.41; 3.7.Spec.5
Digitised version GB Seal no.1567 1268
Laton, William of
Styled William, son of Gilbert of Laton, knight
Printed FPD, 188n.
Size: 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem, Mercury.
Inscription: ✠ AMIE AMEZ...
Seal attached to document reference: 2.6.Spec.62
GB Seal no.1568 1303
Lawrence, Imania daughter of
Styled daughter of Lawrence del Orchard
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, three plants.
Inscription: S' IMAN · FILE LAVREN
Seal attached to document reference: 2.16.Spec.35, 40
GB Seal no.1569 1370
Lawrence, John son of
See A.A., 2nd ser., vol. I, p.64.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron between three martlets
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 469
Digitised version GB Seal no.1569(i)
Layker, Robert
Chaplain of the altar of St Mary in Darlington church
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3494, 4852 (two different seals)
GB Seal no.1570 1364
Laysingby, Thomas
Styled proctor of the prior and convent of 'Giseburn' (Guisborough)
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal, the martyrdom of St Thomas a Beckett.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3608, 4051k
Digitised version GB Seal no.1571 1375
Laysynby, William
Styled William Laysingby of Gisburn, rector of the church of Holteby
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a trefoiled plant.
Inscription: Legend obliterated.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Sacr.(2)5
Le Counte, see Counte
GB Seal no.1572 n.d.
Leicester, Robert Earl of
He was the second son of Robert de Beaumont, first earl of Leicester, and succeeded as second earl 1118, he died 1168 (O.B., II, 336).
Size: 70 mm.
Seal design: Round, white, very imperfect, equestrian, knight with kite-shaped shield.
Inscription: ....OM ....ES ...
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Ebor.13
GB Seal no.1573 1333
Leicester, Richard
Styled a merchant of York
Size: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Shield-shaped, letters R, I.
Inscription: S' RIC DE LEYCES...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4777
GB Seal no.1573A 1375
Leleman, Robert
Used by Robert Leleman of Tynemouth.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron and chief. Shield in panel, in the corners of which are the letters C, A, V, P.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.3.Sacr.7*
GB Seal no.1574 1456
Leeke, Alice
Styled Alice, wife of Rowland Leeke of Ferlington in Yorkshire
Size: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem, a lion.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.17.Spec.40, 41
GB Seal no.1575 n.d.
Leke, Roger of
Styled Roger, son of Theobald of Leke
Size: 41 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, white, a floriated device.
Inscription: ✠ S' ROGERI FIL TEBAVDI
Seal attached to document reference: 3.3.Ebor.14
GB Seal no.1576 n.d.
Leke, Theobald of
Styled Theobald of Leke
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, white, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.3.Ebor.12
GB Seal no.1577 n.d.
Leker, William
Styled William, called 'Leker' of Howden
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a heron.
Inscription: ✶ S' WILELMI · LEKER
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Ebor.10, 14
GB Seal no.1578 n.d.
Lesewyse, Thomas
Used by Thomas Lesewyse, apothecary of Oxford.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a cross paty.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Ebor.27
GB Seal no.1579 n.d.
Lesewis, Alice
Styled Alice, who was the wife of Thomas Lesewis of Oxford
Size: 29 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady seated, holding Christ.
Inscription: ✶ S' ALICIE DE ORLIENS
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Ebor.50
GB Seal no.1580 n.d.
Lethum, Quenilda
Styled Quenilda, daughter of Richard fitz Roger
See nos. 146, 499, 1070 and 2110 and note. She was the fourth daughter of Richard fitz Roger, lord of Woodplumpton and his wife Margery Banastre, and married for her second husband Roger Gernet, the chief forester of Lancashire. He is styled
Roger the butler of Warton in Charter 2.2.4.Ebor.33. For pedigree see
Victoria History of Lancaster , I, 368.
Size: 41 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.4.Ebor.6
GB Seal no.1581 1375
Lethom, John of
Used by John of Lethom, chaplain, not his own seal (see no. 1539).
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, six rings, shield couchée and surmounted by helmet with two horns on the tips of which are two interlaced rings.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.7.Spec.19; 1.4.Spec.18
1582: See 2111
GB Seal no.1583 1316
Levesham, Geoffrey of
He was parson of Hilton in 1313 (R.P.D., II, 912).
Size: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, a bird seated on a tree at the bottom of which is a lion sleeping, in the dexter background is a mill-rind cross, in the sinister a male head.
Inscription: L E V I .... A.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Archiep.23
GB Seal no.1584 1316-1324
Levesham, Thomas of
Misc.Ch. 4044 has the same gem reset and legend reads: ✠ S' THOME DE LEVESHAM CLKI: He was executor of Thomas (no. 1586) in 1315 (R.P.D., II, 750).
Size: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem, a warrior (?Mars) wearing a helmet, holding spear in right hand and shield on left arm.
Inscription: ✶ S' :THOME:DE:LEVESHAM
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3874, 3958, 4016, 4045, 4044n, 4242, 4638‡, 4857, 4930c, 4939, 5015d
Digitised version GB Seal no.1585 n.d.
Levesham, Thomas of
Used by Thomas, son and heir of Thomas of 'Levysham'.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a lion rampant and a border engrailed.
Inscription: ✶ S' ...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6138
GB Seal no.1586 1309
Levesham, Thomas of
He was rector of Stanhope (1310) and master of Greatham Hospital; in 1311 he was keeper of the spiritualities of Alvertonshire (R.P.D., passim).
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, laureated male head.
Inscription: ✠ S' TOME D' LEFVESHAM
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3502
Digitised version GB Seal no.1587 1294
Levington, John of
Styled a burgess of Elvet
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of eight points.
Inscription: ✠ S' IOHANIS D' :LEVINTVN
Seal attached to document reference: 1.17.Spec.21; 2.17.Spec.30
GB Seal no.1588 1256
Levingthorpe, William of
Size: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, device obliterated.
Inscription: S' WIL ... EVI · GT .
Seal attached to document reference: 3.11.Spec.19
GB Seal no.1589 1331
Levre, Nicholas le
Used by John Alman of Darlington.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three leverets.
Inscription: ✠ S' NICHOLAI LE LEVRE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1549
GB Seal no.1590 1282
Lewin, Thomas son of
By this charter Thomas, son of Lewin, burgess of Durham, Emmas his wife, and William their son founded the chapel of St James on the new bridge at Durham (Elvet) (S.D., IV, 56; R.P.D., II, 833, 871, 1173).
Size: 1. 38 x 25 mm.Size: 2. 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: 1. Oval, the Holy Lamb.2. Oval, a pelican in her piety.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.11.Spec.27; 2.18.Spec.11
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.1591 n.d.
Lewin, Walton son of.
Styled son of Lefwine of Durham
Size: 44 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lis.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Sacr.35
Digitised version GB Seal no.1591A 1351
Leye, Alice de
Date 1351-66
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a triple towered castle between six martlets.
Inscription: : S' ALICIE DE LA LEY'
Seal attached to document reference: 1.13.Spec.1, 4; 2.13.Spec.5; 4.9.Spec.14, 16; 4.13.Spec.51; 4.11.Spec.2; 4.2.Sacr.13
Digitised version GB Seal no.1592 n.d.
Leye, Gilbert de
The ancient lords of Witton, they also held Stanley, Beamish and Tanfield in the time of bishop Pudsey (S.D., II, 352, 368-70; FPD 186 note 1). Printed FPD, 188n.
Size: 44 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion passant, head turned back and tail floriated.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.6.Spec.54, 61, 68; 5.3.Elemos.1; 4.6.Elemos.8
Digitised version GB Seal no.1593 n.d.
Leye, Philip de of
He was the son of Gilbert and lived in the early 13th century. Printed FPD, 188n.
Size: 51 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a fess embattled between six birds, and a border.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.6.Spec.55, 55x; 5.3.Elemos.5, 8a, 8b; 4.6.Elemos 3; Misc.Ch. 5275
Digitised version GB Seal no.1594 n.d.
Leyburne, Idene of
The shield, blasoned in the Caerlaverock poem and other rolls, is azure six lions rampant silver. She was one of the two daughters of Robert de Vipont, her sister Isabel married Roger son and heir of Roger de Clifford; Idonea married Roger de
Leyburne whose I.P.M. was taken 13 March 1283-84 (I.P.M., 12 Ed. I, No. 17). She was alive on 6 April 1301, when she paid a fine to marry whom she would. (Rot. Finium 29 Ed. I, No. 12).
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, brown, armorial, six lions rampant, the shield hangs from a tree, on the branches of which at each side sits a bird. Below shield is an animal running.
Inscription: ✶ LA ...
Seal attached to document reference: [G] B12
GB Seal no.1595 n.d.
Lexham, Thomas of
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a horse tied up by the reins to a ring.
Inscription: ✠ LOIATI RODSINI
Seal attached to document reference: [G] D106
GB Seal no.1596 1483
Lilburn, Richard
Used by Richard Lylborne (1) and Isabelle his wife (2). H.D., III, 342 and V.D., 215.
Size: 1. 13 mm.Size: 2. 13 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round signet, an eagle standing, wings raised, 'l' in front of it.2. Round signet, a cock and letters G, N, T, E.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.4.Spec.115, 116, 117, 118
GB Seal no.1597 n.d.
Lindsey, Bartholomew of
Styled Bartholomew of 'Lindesei', attorney of Jollan, citizen of London
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, two birds, back to back, a bush between them to which they turn their heads to peck.
Seal attached to document reference: 6.1.Elemos.11
GB Seal no.1598 n.d.
Linton, John of
Styled John, son of William 'qui loco cognominis dicitur' Wilkes of Linton
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a crescent and star.
Inscription: ✠ S' IOHIS FIL WILLI
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Ebor.15
GB Seal no.1599 n.d.
Linton, William
Styled William of Linton 'qui loco cognominis dicitur Wilkes'
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of eight rays.
Inscription: ✠ S' WILKES D' LINTON
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Ebor.5
GB Seal no.1600 n.d.
Linton, William of
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion.
Inscription: ..LLI · DE LINTVN
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Ebor.1
GB Seal no.1601 1303
Lisle, Adam de
Used by Adam de Insula, one of the parochial chaplains of St Mary's, Wearmouth.
Size: -
Seal design: Very imperfect, antique gem (?), a head.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3864
GB Seal no.1602 1492
Lisle, Humphrey
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval signet, antique gem, a head with diadem on.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.5.Spec.7
GB Seal no.1603 1291
Lisle, John de
Size: 16 x 13 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem, a naked figure seated, an object (?) in front.
Inscription: ✶ IE · SV · SEL · D' · AM · LEL
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3559, 4624, 4662
GB Seal no.1604 1311-1319
Lisle, John de
Styled master John 'de Insula', clerk
He is named from Holy Island. In 1315, certain persons are excommunicated for robbing John's houses there. He was rector of Boldon and Bolam, prebendary in the churches of Auckland and Darlington, professor of civil law and bishop Kellawe's
official in the city and diocese of Durham (R.P.D., I and II, passim).
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, demi figure of bishop (St Cuthbert) holding head of St Oswald in right and crosier in left hand.
Inscription: ✠




Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Pont.5*; Misc.Ch. 3546
GB Seal no.1605 1326
Lisle, John de
Styled John, son of John 'de Insula'
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of eight rays.
Inscription: ✶ S' IOHIS D' INSVLA
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1981
GB Seal no.1606 1332
Lisle, John de
Styled John 'de Insula', one of the heirs of Margaret of Howden (same man as no. 1605)
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eagle standing with wings raised.
Inscription: ✶ S' IOHIS DE INSVLA
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1988; Loc.XXXVII.67
Digitised version GB Seal no.1607 n.d.
Lisle, John de
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eagle standing on a branch with wings raised.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2114*
GB Seal no.1608 n.d.
Lisle, Reginald de
FPD, 3n.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a raised circular device within a running foliage border.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Spec.24
GB Seal no.1609 1303
Lisle, Thomas de
Styled vicar of Grendon
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, Our Lady seated, holding Christ in her arms.
Inscription: ✶ S' · TH' DE INSVLA PRESBITERI:A
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3411
Digitised version GB Seal no.1610 1460
Lisle, Robert de
Styled Robert de Insula of Woodburn
For account of this family see H.N., I, II, 174; N.C.H., VII, 256 and S.D., III, 43. For arms see A.A., 3rd ser., III, 262.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a lion rampant.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL ... DE INS...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1460
GB Seal no.1611 n.d.
Lisle, Robert de
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a lion rampant.
Inscription: ✠ S' · ROBERTI · DE · INSVLA
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Spec.11
Digitised version GB Seal no.1612 1325
Lisle, Walter de
Styled Walter 'de Insula', knight
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron between three ivy leaves slipped.
Inscription: ✠ S' WALTERI DE INSVLA
Seal attached to document reference: 4.5.Spec.2, 14, 15
GB Seal no.1613 n.d.
Lisle, Walter de
Printed FPD, 3n.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion rampant.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Spec.39
GB Seal no.1614 n.d.
Lisle, Thomas de
Printed FPD, 3n.
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL TOME DE LIL
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Spec.40
GB Seal no.1615 1348
Lisle, William de
Styled master of the house of Farne (see no. 1437)
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, St Michael slaying the dragon, below a half figure praying.
Inscription: ✶ S'-WILLELMI-DE-INSVLA
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4811
GB Seal no.1616 1246
Lithum, Adam
Styled Adam, son of Roger, presbyter of Lithum
Now Lytham in the hundred of Amounderness and county of Lancaster. For an account of the manor see
Victoria History of Lancaster VII, 214, and of the priory, ibid., II, 107.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, white, an eight-rayed star.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL · ADE· DE:LITHVM
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Ebor.7
GB Seal no.1617 1359
Lithum, John of
Used by John of Lithum, chaplain.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a bend three lions passant.
Inscription: Legend obliterated.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6334
GB Seal no.1618 1361
Littester, Robert
Styled Robert Littester of Elvet
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, on shield a fess between three R's, a merchant's mark above shield
Seal attached to document reference: 1.17.Spec.32
GB Seal no.1618(i)
Littlebury, Robert de
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4647
GB Seal no.1619 1310
Littylred, Walter
Size: 32 x ? mm.
Seal design: Oval, green, imperfect, a star of eight points.
Inscription: ....I . LITT..RED
Seal attached to document reference: 5.4.Elemos.4
GB Seal no.1620 1331-1334
Lobarsana, John
Styled John Lobarsana, procurator of Peter Vaurell
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eagle displayed.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Archiep.9; Misc.Ch. 5384*
Digitised version GB Seal no.1621 1360
Loc(?)..., Stephen
Used by William, son of Ralph of Hesswell.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three leopards' heads (?)
Inscription: ✶ S' ST..NI LOC...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 7008
GB Seal no.1622 n.d.
Lomb, Nicholas
Styled by Nicholas Lomb and Agnes, daughter of William, son of Patrick, his wife.
Size: 1. 35 x 25 mm.Size: 2. 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: 1. Oval, a star of eight rays.2. Oval, half figure of Our Lady with Christ. Below a half figure praying.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5370
GB Seal no.1623 n.d.
Londe, John
Styled rector of the church of All Saints Pavement in York
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a monogram in a geometrical device.
Inscription: Legend almost destroyed.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3793
GB Seal no.1624 n.d.
London, Alan of
Styled Alan of London and Emma his wife. Emma's seal only: as widow of Robert de Mauley, 2.10.Spec.34
Size: 1. 29 mm.Size: 2. 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, an eagle displayed.2. Oval, a falcon seated on hand, a branching device above and below it.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.10.Spec.33
GB Seal no.1625 n.d.
London, Helias son of Torald of.
Styled Helias, son of Torald of 'Novo Castello'
S.D., II, 393 and also ibid., p.82, and FPD, 112n et seq.
Size: 44 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an eagle displayed.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Spec.3
Digitised version GB Seal no.1626 n.d.
London, Helias son of Torald of.
Styled Helias son of Torald of 'Novo Castello'; in 4* he is styled son of Torald of London
Size: 51 x 35 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a floriated device.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Spec.4, 4*, 5a, 5b
GB Seal no.1627 n.d.
London, Helias of
Size: 22 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a lion passant.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILLV ...LDI ...VNDONIS
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Spec.6
GB Seal no.1628 1271
London, John of
Styled canon of Howden
Size: 35 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the Last Supper, our Lord with St John leaning on his breast, and two other disciples. Below a half figure praying.
Inscription: ... CHRISTI · CENA · CHRISTI KARISSIM ...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4094
Digitised version GB Seal no.1629 n.d.
London, Nicholas son of Torald of.
Styled Nicholas son of Torald, and in no. 11 son of Torald of London
FPD, 113n.
Size: 44 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Spec.7, 11
GB Seal no.1630 n.d.
London, Torald of
Printed FPD, 112n, see also 106n.
Size: 41 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a lion passant.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Spec.2
Digitised version GB Seal no.1631 n.d.
London, William son of Roger of
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star like device in a triangle.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2310
Digitised version GB Seal no.1632 n.d.
Long, Richard of
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' RICARDI LONGA
Seal attached to document reference: 3.3.Spec.15
GB Seal no.1633 1328
Loterell, John
Styled bursar of Durham
Size: 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady and Christ standing, on their right side St Oswald stands, on their left St Cuthbert, all in canopied niches. Below them a figure is praying.
Inscription: Legend almost obliterated.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4014
GB Seal no.1634 1309
Lowther, Adam
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem, a figure with two goats.
Inscription: ✶ S' ADE DE LOV... NOTARII
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3939
GB Seal no.1634A 1327
Lowther, John of
Styled rector of the church of Symondburn
The blason is gold six rings sable derived feudally from the arms of Vipont, lords of Westmorland.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, six rings and a label of three points; on dexter St Michael, bearing shield charged with a cross, slaying the dragon.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3688, 4500, 4739, 4963
Digitised version GB Seal no.1635 1383
Lucas, Robert
Styled Robert Lucas, senior, chaplain
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, bishop standing holding crosier, and blessing a figure who kneels to him.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.9.Spec.57
Digitised version GB Seal no.1636 1383
Lucas, Robert
Used by Robert Lucas, junior, chaplain.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a fess ...(?) tow martlets in chief.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.9.Spec.57
GB Seal no.1637 1339
Lucas, Robert
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a hawk killing a bird.
Inscription: ✶ ALAS IE SV PRIS Ψ
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4667
GB Seal no.1638 1337
Lucas, Robert
Styled Robert Lucas of Norton
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a bend indented(?), the shield is in a border of foliage.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4109d
GB Seal no.1639 1268
Lucasius (?),
Styled 'mercator Lucanensis'
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a winged bull standing on a scroll inscribed LVCAS.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL LVCHES ...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4033
GB Seal no.1640 1322
Luceby, Diota
Size: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, a squirrel sitting on a tree, at the foot of which is a lion asleep.
Inscription: ✶ I NOTIS CRAK . ON LYOVN BAK
Seal attached to document reference: 2.11.Spec.38
Digitised version GB Seal no.1641 1317
Luceby, Thomas or Diota
One of the seals attached to a deed of Thomas of Luceby and Diota his wife, probably his; the other has a pelican in her piety.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, two hands crossed at the wrists in front of a flowering plant.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.11.Spec.37
GB Seal no.1642 1309-1312
Luceby, Henry of
He was rector of Wooler in 1311 and in 1313 was appointed rector of Bliburgh (R.P.D., I, 77 and 255).
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, a figure standing, in front of a tree, with right hand raised holding a cross, a female figure kneels to him (The Annunciation). Below a half figure is praying with a flower on each side of
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3747, 4085
Digitised version GB Seal no.1643 n.d.
Ludworth, Walter
Styled Walter of 'Ludewrchia', knight
See S.D., I, ii, 123. Charter is printed FPD, 130n.
Size: 51 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight in mail hauberk and helmet with nasal, shield with spiked boss.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.8.Spec.3
GB Seal no.1644 1250
Ludworth, Walter of
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a floriated device.
Inscription: ....ALTERI D' LVDE...
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Finc.18
GB Seal no.1645 1209
Ludworth, William of
Printed FPD, 131n.
Size: 51 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight in mail hauberk and helmet with nasal and shield charged with a cross flory.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.8.Spec.6, 7
Digitised version GB Seal no.1646 n.d.
Ludworth, Thomas of
Used by Isabella, wife of Thomas of Riggesby.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a fess indented, on a canton a mill-rind cross.
Inscription: ✶ S' THOME X DE X LVDEWORTH
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6168
GB Seal no.1647 1310
Ludworth, William of
Size: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Shield-shaped, a crow(?)
Inscription: ✶ S' WILELMI D' LVDI..
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3884
GB Seal no.1648 1360
Ludworth, William of
He was son and heir of Walter of Ludworth, whose I.P.M. was taken at Durham, 14 May 1347.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a fess indented on a canton a cross patonce.
Inscription: SIG ... DE LVDEWORTH
Seal attached to document reference: [G] A36
Digitised version GB Seal no.1649 1360
Ludworth, William of
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a fess indented, on a canton a cross.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5320
GB Seal no.1650 n.d.
Lumbart, Thomas
Styled of Durham
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a branch with flower at top, a bird on each side pecks at it.
Inscription: ✠ S' TOME LVMBERT
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2018
GB Seal no.1650(i) 1320
Lumbard, William, of Beverley
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4041
GB Seal no.1651 n.d.
Lumley, Alan
Styled Alan of Lumley, the cook
Printed P.F., 115.
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Finc.2
GB Seal no.1652 1389
Lumley, Alianor
Styled Alianor, wife of Ralph Lumley, knight
She was the daughter of John, Lord Neville of Raby, and sister of Ralph, first Earl of Westmorland.
Size: 10 x 6 mm.
Seal design: Quadrangular signet, St Christopher bearing the child Christ.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Spec.8, 15, 16
GB Seal no.1653 n.d.
Lumley, Emery of
He witnesses charter 3.2.Finc.14, printed P.F., 113, as Emericus, son of Henry of Lumley.
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Lozenge-shaped, a bird, above its head and behind it a branch.
Inscription: ✠ S' HEMERI D ... LEI
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Finc.18
GB Seal no.1654 1418
Lumley, George
Styled George Lumley, brother of John Lumley, knight
S.D., II, 162.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, a pierced cinquefoil, above it a label with legend 'envie'.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Spec.29
GB Seal no.1655 1477
Lumley, George
Styled knight
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a popinjay, behind it an oak leaf, a scroll bears an illegible legend.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 534; 2.1.Finc.72
Digitised version GB Seal no.1656 1256
Lumley, Giliana of
Styled Giliana of Lumley, formerly wife of Gilbert 'dispencer'
Size: 38 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an eagle displayed.
Inscription: ...ILLIANE E' LV...
Seal attached to document reference: 2.11.Spec.45
GB Seal no.1657 1353
Lumley, John of
The blason is silver a fess gules between three popinjays. For note on the arms of Lumley see A.A., 3rd ser. III, 246, and vol. VI, 91.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a fess between three popinjays.
Inscription: SIGILLVM IOH...S DE LVM...
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Spec.24
Digitised version GB Seal no.1658 1415
Lumley, John of
Size: 70 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a fess between three popinjays. The shield is couchée and is surmounted by a helmet upon which stands a popinjay as crest.
Inscription: . sigillvm:johis...
Seal attached to document reference: [G] C36, C37, C38, C39
GB Seal no.1659 1418
Lumley, John of
See FPD, 117n.
Size: 41 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a fess between three popinjays, shield is couchée surmounted by helmet upon which is a popinjay as crest.
Inscription: . sigillvm : johis : de : lumley : militis
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Spec.27
Digitised version GB Seal no.1660 1527
Lumley, John Lord
Summoned to parliament 1514, died 1544, when George, his son and heir having been attainted in 1537 the barony became extinct (
Historic Peerage , 304).
Size: 54 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a fess between three popinjays, shield surmounted by helmet with two crests, a popinjay facing a pelican in her piety.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.6.Spec.26
GB Seal no.1661 1343
Lumley, Marmaduke of
This is the earliest and so far as I know the only appearance of these arms, sometimes called the 'ancient' arms of Lumley. In 1365 (no. 1662) he seals with a fess between three popinjays the arms of Thweng of Kilton, derived from his mother,
Lucy, eldest daughter and coheir of Marmaduke Thweng of Kilton.
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, armorial, six popinjays.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6267
Digitised version GB Seal no.1662 1363
Lumley, Marmaduke of
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a fess between three popinjays, shield surmounted by a helmet with cap of maintenance and two horns with a popinjay between them for crest.
Inscription: a marmaduci

de lumley

Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Spec.22, 23; Misc.Ch. 6270
Digitised version GB Seal no.1663 1418
Lumley, Marmaduke of
See FPD, 117n. He was bishop of Carlisle 1430, translated to Lincoln 1450, was high treasurer of England, 1446 and died 18 December 1451.
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Oval signet, letter M in foliage.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Spec.31
GB Seal no.1664 n.d.
Lumley, Matthew of
Printed P.F., III, see also ibid., p.77.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, Matthew on horseback in civil dress, carrying a popinjay on his right hand to which he looks back.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5301; 3.2.Finc.3; 4.3.Finc.1
Digitised version GB Seal no.1665 1351
Lumley, Matillis of
Used by Matillis, who was the wife of William of Lumley.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eagle displayed.
Inscription: ✶ S' IOHANNIS
Seal attached to document reference: 4.14.Spec.42; 1.15.Spec.6
GB Seal no.1666 1388
Lumley, Ralph of
He was the builder of Lumley Castle, see A.A., 3rd ser., VI, 91.
Size: 10 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, a popinjay between the letters R and L.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Spec.9, 15, 16; 2.5.Ebor.11b
GB Seal no.1667 1388
Lumley, Ralph of
He was the builder of Lumley Castle, see A.A., 3rd ser. VI, 91.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a fess between three popinjays, the shield is couchée and surmounted by a helmet with cap of maintenance, from which issue two horns upon the tips of which is a popinjay.
Inscription: s radulphi : de : lumleye :
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Spec.9, 15, 16
Digitised version GB Seal no.1668 1389
Lumley, Ralph of
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Pentagonal signet, a heart from which issue two stalked quatrefoils.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Spec.8
GB Seal no.1669 1393
Lumley, Ralph of
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a fess between three popinjays, the shield is couchée and surmounted by a helmet with cap of maintenance, from which issue two horns, on the tips of which is a popinjay.
Inscription: s radulphi de lumley
Seal attached to document reference: [G] C19
GB Seal no.1670 n.d.
Lumley, Robert of
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal signet, popinjay standing with branch in front, on a scroll behind it 'offrance'.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] C45, C47, C48
GB Seal no.1671 1355
Lumley, Thomas of
Styled chaplain
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a figure seated, in front a stag and above a dog.
Inscription: S ... DE LOMLEYE
Seal attached to document reference: 2.15.Spec.3
GB Seal no.1672 1381
Lumley, Thomas of
Styled chaplain
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, on a shield

Inscription: s thome · de · lumley
Seal attached to document reference: 1.15.Spec.20, 25
GB Seal no.1673 1368
Lumley, Thomas of
This differenced Lumley shield does not appear in the rolls of arms. The usual difference was to place molets on the fess. In the roll of Edward II Sir Robert Lumley charges the fess with iii moles de sable, in the roll of Richard II, Marmaduke
charges it with three pierced molets gules.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a fess between three popinjays, in an engrailed border.
Inscription: .... M THOME · DE · LVMLE ·
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Spec.25
GB Seal no.1674 1437
Lumley, Thomas of
Styled Thomas Lumley, knight, Lord of Lumley, chief forester of the forests of the Lord Bishop of Durham in Weardale
Summoned to parliament in 1461.
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal signet, a popinjay.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXVIII.3
GB Seal no.1675 1334
Lumley, Waleran of
Styled a merchant of Newcastle
He was bailiff of Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1330-33 and mayor in 1339.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, an inescutcheon over all in a bend, three voided cinquefoils.
Inscription: S' WALERANI DE LV · IE
Seal attached to document reference: 3.9.Spec.44, 47; Misc.Ch. 537, 4109a, 5610; 2.1.Finc.39, 40
GB Seal no.1676 c. 1235x1245
Lumley, William of
The chalice on this shield is interesting and seems to be adopted from that of Audre. William Lumley married the daughter and co- heir of Walter of Audre (S.D., II, 162). The date of these charters is c.1235-45. John of Rumsey 'then steward' is
among the witnesses, he was steward under bishops Poore and Farnham. See also
Ber. Nat. Club. Trans. , 1876-1878, p.481.
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chalice.
Inscription: ✠ S' ... WILL ....MELEY
Seal attached to document reference: 1.8.Spec.30; Misc.Ch. 933
GB Seal no.1677 1418
Lumley, William of
Styled William of Lumley, brother of John Lumley, knight
FPD, 117n.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, a stalked cinquefoil in a looped circle.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Spec.28
Digitised version GB Seal no.1678 1379
Lumley, William of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron and in chief two roundels.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.15.Spec.20, 21
GB Seal no.1679 1330
Lundy, Alexander of
Used by Eustace, son of Robert of Brandon.
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, St Peter standing holding keys in his right hand and a ...(?) in his left. On his right is an armorial shield, three lozenges on his left one bearing paly a bend. Beneath is a figure praying.
Inscription: ✠ S' ALEXANDRI:DE:LVNDY.:
Seal attached to document reference: 4.5.Elemos.5, 6
Digitised version GB Seal no.1680 1348
Luscebery, Richard
Used by brother John of Wirksall, canon and cellarer of the house of Guisborough.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, Our Lady and Christ standing, a figure prays to them, holding up a stem with two flowers on it.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3761
Digitised version GB Seal no.1681 1320
Luteryngton, Henry
Styled Sir Henry of Luteryngton, vicar of Middleham
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion asleep, within a traceried panel.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4118
GB Seal no.1682 n.d.
Lutmay, Alice
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an elongated star.
Inscription: ✠ S' ALICIE LVTMAI
Seal attached to document reference: 4.14.Spec.39
GB Seal no.1683 n.d.
Lunevile, Matildis of
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL MATIL... ELWILE
Seal attached to document reference: 1.10.Spec.59
GB Seal no.1684 1432
Lyes, Thomas
See Visits. Linc., App. II, p.209. Also no. 3186B below.
Size: 10 x 6 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem, a naked figure.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6444
GB Seal no.1685 n.d.
Lythepole, William of
Used by William, son of William of Lythepole.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a lion rampant over all on a bend three (?)
Inscription: IES .. DE LAMI...
Seal attached to document reference: [G] D109
MGB Seal no.1686 n.d.
Main, Ralph fitz
Lord of the barony of Ditchburn, Northumberland, and living about the middle of the twelfth century (N.C.H., II, 292, this charter is printed ibid., note 3).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a boar.
Inscription: ....AIN
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Spec.26
GB Seal no.1687 n.d.
Mainsforth, Peter
Styled Peter son of Robert of 'Meinesforde'
He was the son of Robert of Mainsford who, in 'Boldon Buke', holds part of that town by free service (S.D., III, 17: 25 Surtees Society publ., p.12).
Size: 44 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a beast, like a wolf.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.6.Elemos.5
Digitised version GB Seal no.1688 n.d.
Mainsford, Peter
Styled Peter, son of Peter, son of Robert of 'Meinesford'
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a heron-like bird.
Inscription: ✠ ... L PETRI · DE ...NES ...
Seal attached to document reference: 2.6.Elemos.4
GB Seal no.1689 1324-1333
Mainsford, Peter of
He was sequestrator general of the bishop of Durham (R.P.D., III, 85, 497).
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, Our Lady and Christ standing, a figure prays to them. The background is flowered and there is a tree by the side of the praying figure.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3780, 4278
Digitised version GB Seal no.1690 n.d.
Mainsforth, Richard of
cf 1318
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, an animal (? lion or boar).
Inscription: S' RICARD...
Seal attached to document reference: 4.13.Spec.46
GB Seal no.1691 n.d.
Mainsford, Walter of
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Elemos.17
Digitised version GB Seal no.1692 n.d.
Mainsford, Walter of
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ SI...
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Elemos.15
GB Seal no.1693 1323
Makepais, John
Styled John Makpays, son and heir of William Makpays of Claxton
S.D., III, 142.
Size: 29 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a griffin passant.
Inscription: ✠ S' IOHANNIS · MAKEPAIS
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 449
Digitised version GB Seal no.1694 n.d.
Malbisse, Richard
Guisborough Chartulary , p.60, note 3 (89 Surtees Society publ.).
Size: 63 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian knight in circular helmet, with nasal, and trellised mail bearing a small shield with border and cross and sword in hand.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Sacr.4
Digitised version GB Seal no.1695 1291
Malefat, Richard
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the Holy Lamb.
Inscription: ✠ S' RICARDI · MALEFET
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1966
GB Seal no.1696 n.d.
Malteby, Agnes of
Pedigree V.Y., 551.
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a long star of eight rays.
Inscription: ✠ S' · AGNETIS D' MALTEBI
Seal attached to document reference: 3.10.Spec.31
GB Seal no.1697 1399
Man, John
Used by John Man, a burgess of Hartlepool; probably a sham shield.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three birds in bend.
Inscription: ✶ S' IAN · F · IANS
Seal attached to document reference: 4.8.Spec.34
GB Seal no.1698 1331-1347
Manners, Robert de
Styled Robert de Maners, sheriff of Norham. In no. 41 he is called knight, Lord of Berryndon (Berrington)
Pedigree R.N.D., 211. His I.P.M. was taken at Norham 10 March 1355. The blason is gold two bars azure and a chief gules, probably derived feudally from the bars of the Muscamps, lords of Wooler. (A.A., 3rd series, III, 27; ibid., VI, 32).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, two bars and a chief.
Inscription: S' ROBERTI · DE · MANERS
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Pont.9; 3.1.Spec.41, 42
Digitised version GB Seal no.1699 1328
Mantolio, Peter de
Used by Thomas of Boynton, proctor of the church of Durham.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a cross with circle at intersection, in quarters: I. and IV. a fleur-de-lys; II. and III. a leopard's face(?)
Inscription: ✶ S' PETRI DE MAN · TOLIO
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4764
Digitised version GB Seal no.1700 1490
Mappas, John
Styled John Mappas, son and heir of John Mappas merchant of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal signet, five ivy leaves.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.10.Spec.60, 61, 62, 63
Digitised version GB Seal no.1701 1416
Mapperley, Thomas
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, a crowned heart.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4806
GB Seal no.1702 n.d.
Mara, John de la
Size: 51 mm.
Seal design: Round, a large ornate fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Finc.5
Digitised version GB Seal no.1703 1336
Marini, Nicholas
He is styled merchant of the Society of the Bardi, a citizen and merchant of Florence (R.P.D., III, 491).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a bend indented.
Inscription: ... NIC · OLAI LEP...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3771
Digitised version GB Seal no.1704 n.d.
of the Marsh, Richard
Lords of the manor of Rilley, near Durham.
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a star of eight points.
Inscription: ✠ S' RICARDI DE MARISCO
Seal attached to document reference: 3.14.Spec.11
GB Seal no.1705 n.d.
of the Marsh, Simon
He was rector of Long Newton.
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a floriated device.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.14.Spec.10
Digitised version GB Seal no.1706 n.d.
of the Marsh, Thomas
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.14.Spec.9
Digitised version GB Seal no.1707 n.d.
of the Marsh, William
Styled son and heir of Richard of the Marsh
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a lion
Inscription: ✠ S' WILL DE MARISCHO
Seal attached to document reference: 3.14.Spec.8
GB Seal no.1708 1227
Marmaduke, (of Thweng)
S.D.I., 24. This seal is engraved A.A., 3rd ser., VI, pl. IX, no. 7; for blason and note on arms see ibid., vol. III, 246. See also nos. 1064 and 1065 in this catalogue and Guisborough Chartulary 98n (89 Surtees Society publ.).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a fess between three popinjays.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL MARMEDVC DE ... EN · RE
Seal attached to document reference: [G] B37
GB Seal no.1709 n.d.
Marmaduke, John fitz
Styled John, son of Marmaduke, knight
He sealed the baron's letter to the pope (1301) with the same seal. It is engraved
The Ancestor , vol. 7, plate facing p. 108, no. 95. He was at the seige of Caerlaverock castle, where he was considered 'prince e duc', with his banner of 'la fesse e li trois papegai'. He died in 1312 at St John's
Town (Perth), of which place he was governor. See letter from the bishop of Tusculum the pope's penancer regarding the treatment of his body by his executors (R.P.D., II, 1149).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fess between three popinjays.
Inscription: ✠ ∽ CREDE ∽ MICHI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6377
Digitised version GB Seal no.1710 1318
Marmaduke, Richard
Size: 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a double headed eagle displayed in a border of running foliage.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4086, 4399, 4912
Digitised version GB Seal no.1711 1316
Marmaduke, Richard
Styled Richard, son of John, son of Marmaduke
He was seneschal of bishop Beaumont (H.D.; I, 345) and was killed (1318) on the old bridge at Durham by his kinsman Robert Neville.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a fess between three popinjays.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3736
GB Seal no.1712 n.d.
Marshall, Hugh
Styled Hugh Marescal of Wolveston
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.9.Spec.68
GB Seal no.1713 1361
Marshall, John
He was rector of Rothbury (note by W.G.), the seal is engraved S.S., pl. XI, no. 27.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a cross. Above the shield a pelican in her piety, the nest placed in a tree.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3952, 4509, 4957
Digitised version GB Seal no.1714 1321
Marshall, John
Styled John, son of Henry of Marshall of Elvet
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a bird sitting on a sprig of oak.
Inscription: ✶ ....LEL .
Seal attached to document reference: 1.19.Spec.13
GB Seal no.1715 1323
Marshall, John
Same man as no. 1714.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a pelican in her piety.
Inscription: Legend very indistinct.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.19.Spec.14
GB Seal no.1716 1351
Marshall, Richard
Styled Richard Marshall of Het
Probably a son of Richard 'Marescallus' of Kellawe to whom Prior Hugh (of Derlington) gave land in Het. Prior Richard (of Claxton) grants to the same Richard 'Marescallus' land in Het. Richard's seal is imperfect; a star of eight large and eight
smaller rays - S' RIC...
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three horseshoes.
Inscription: Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.18.Spec.53
GB Seal no.1717 n.d.
Marshall, William
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a crescent enclosing a star.
Inscription: ✠ S' WILEL .. MARSCALDI
Seal attached to document reference: 3.9.Spec.40
GB Seal no.1718 n.d.
Marshall, William
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' WILELMI · MARISCALI
Seal attached to document reference: 3.9.Spec.39
GB Seal no.1719 1300
Martel, Philip
Styled Philip called 'Martel', professor of civil law
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal, two heads facing each other, the sinister one has an arm which holds out to the other a ...(?) Above is a squirrel, below, a dog.
Inscription: AM ...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5019c
GB Seal no.1720 1336
Used by Elena, daughter and heiress of Alan of Wilmington and late wife of Gilbert the Bower of Pipewellgate. The legend of St Martin of Tours; cf no. 696 in this catalogue.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a figure riding turns in the saddle and holds cloak in left hand, having a sword in right, to a smaller naked figure who follows.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.3.Spec.1, 6, 7
Digitised version GB Seal no.1721 n.d.
Styled Massa, formerly wife of Thomas of Galilea
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a star of four thick and four thin rays.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILLVM MASE
Seal attached to document reference: 5.3.Elemos.3c
GB Seal no.1722 n.d.
Masculus, William
R.N.D., 78. See ibid., app. 120, no. 687 for charter.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a falcon with jesses.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Spec.54
Digitised version GB Seal no.1723 1396
Massam, William of
Styled William of Massam, clerk of the sacrist of Durham
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, Our Lady seated holding Christ, a figure prays to them.
Inscription: ....ITI . SILL RAM SER...
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Sacr.13, 28
Digitised version GB Seal no.1724 1359-1397
Masham, Robert of
Styled Robert of Masham of Durham
See C.R., 45, pp. 236, 239.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron between three 'mashers'.
Inscription: ✶ SIGILLVM


Seal attached to document reference: 4.9.Spec.12*; 4.18.Spec.30; 3.2.Sacr.26, 9g; 4.2.Sacr.6; Misc.Ch. 1963, 1964, 1991, 6334
GB Seal no.1725 1473
Massy, Henry
Styled Henry Massy, keeper of the park of Frankleyn, with Midelwood and Ryton
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, a stag kneeling.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXVIII.3
GB Seal no.1726 1501
Mathewson, George
Styled George Mathewson, bailiff of Tweedmouth
Size: 10 mm.
Seal design: Signet, antique gem, three cupids joined in one head, a heart below.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXVIII.9g
GB Seal no.1727 1292
Matilda, William
Styled William son of Matilda 'de Ecclesia'
Size: 25 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a star.
Inscription: S' WILELMI FIL · MATD'
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.143, 147
GB Seal no.1728 n.d.
Mauduit, Alienor
Styled Alienor, wife of Roger Mauduit and widow of the Earl of Angus
For note on this seal see Proc. Soc. Antiq., 3rd ser., IV, p. 89.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, four shields arranged in cross. 1. A cinquefoil within an orle of eight crosses. 2. A fess between three popinjays. 3. Three chevrons and a label of three points. 4. Ermine, two bars.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] B53
Digitised version GB Seal no.1729 n.d.
Mauduit, Roger
The blason is ermine two bars gules. For pedigree see N.C.H., VII, 338, this seal is engraved ibid., 336.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, ermine two bars, the shield is couchée and surmounted by a helmet with a bush of feathers for crest.
Inscription: S' ROGERI MAVDVYT · CII
Seal attached to document reference: [G] B53
Digitised version GB Seal no.1730 n.d.
Mauf, Hugh
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' · HVGONIS ·:· MAVFE:
Seal attached to document reference: 3.10.Spec.15
GB Seal no.1731 n.d.
Mauley, Peter de
Styled Lord of Mulgrave.
The seal is affixed to the face of the deed and is surrounded by a twisted straw. See
Historic Peerage (Ed. Courthope) 318.
Size: 10 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, a voided cinquefoil on each leaf a letter forming 'mauli'.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXV.140
Digitised version GB Seal no.1732 1279
Maunsel, Hugh
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, green, a flying bird.
Inscription: ✠ S' HVGONIS MAVNSEL
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Sacr.2(8)
GB Seal no.1733 1272
Maunsel, Hugh
Size: -
Seal design: Oval, imperfect, a crescent between two stars.
Inscription: ✠ S' HVG... AVNSEL
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Sacr.2(7)
GB Seal no.1734 1279
Maunsel, John
Styled rector of the church of Holteby
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, green, a bird with branch in mouth.
Inscription: ✠ S' IOHIS MAV... D' HOLTBI
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Sacr.2(8)
GB Seal no.1735 1291
Maunsel, John
Same man as no. 1732.
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, green, St Michael slaying the dragon.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Sacr.2(9)
GB Seal no.1736 1279
Maunsel, Robert
Used by Robert Justise.
Size: 25 x 13 mm.
Seal design: Oval, green, a bird walking with branch in its mouth.
Inscription: ✠ S' ROBERTI MAVNSEL
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Sacr.2(8)
GB Seal no.1736(i)
Maunslot, Henry de
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4864
GB Seal no.1737 1292
Maydiston, John of
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, half figure of St John the Baptist holding the Holy Lamb. Beneath a half figure praying. cf 109.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4563
GB Seal no.1738 1421
Mayhu, William
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal signet, W a trefoil on each side of it and above it 'mayhu'.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.8.Spec.21
GB Seal no.1739 1442
Maynsford, William
Used by him.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a griffin.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.26
GB Seal no.1740 1341
Meburne, Richard of
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, a crowned figure (St Michael) standing on a dragon into whose mouth he thrusts a spear with cross at top. A kneeling figure prays.
Inscription: S' RICARDI · DE · ME · VRNE:CLICI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 7009
GB Seal no.1740(i)
Meburne, William of
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5030
GB Seal no.1741 n.d.
Medmesley, William of
Styled William son of William, the hunter
See N.C.H., VI, 181.
Size: 44 mm.
Seal design: Round, a hunting horn with strap.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Elemos.3
Digitised version GB Seal no.1741(i) n.d.
Medmisley, Nicholas of, miller
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4909
GB Seal no.1742 n.d.
Meldred, Robert fitz
See S.D., IV, 157 and
The Ancestor , VI, 197. He was grandson of Dolfin son of Uchtred who was given Staindrop by prior Algar in 1131 (FPD, XIX). He married Isabel de Neville, the daughter and heiress of Geoffrey de Neville and his wife,
the heiress of Bertram de Bulmer. Their son took the name of Neville but retained the saltire of his father, Robert fitz Meldred. The blason is gules a saltire silver. For note on this shield see A.A., 3rd ser., vol. III, 235. For Neville seals see
nos 1872-77 in this catalogue.
Size: 60 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a saltire.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.11.Spec.47; 2.11.Spec.1, 2, 3, 15, 17; 1.16.Spec.42, 43
Digitised version GB Seal no.1742(i) n.d.
Meldred, Gilbert fitz
See A.A. 3rd series XX, p. 181 and
Antiquaries Journal , II, pp.213-5.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.11.Spec.15, 16, 18, 19; 2.11.Spec.9
GB Seal no.1742(ii) n.d.
Meldred, Robert fitz
See A.A. 3rd series XX, p. 181 and
Antiquaries Journal , II, pp.213-5.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.11.Spec.47
GB Seal no.1743 n.d.
Menetorp, Jordan of
Styled knight
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eagle standing with wings raised and head turned back.
Inscription: ... IORD...
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Ebor.24
GB Seal no.1744 1298-1307
Menil, Henry de
Styled clerk
For note on Menil pedigree see Guisborough Chartulary 78n (Surtees Society 89).
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, gem (medieval?), a griffin, right foot raised and left resting on a human head.
Inscription: ✶ DANGENRIENCIS
Seal attached to document reference: 1.9.Spec.20; Misc.Ch. 3394, 3470, 3392, 3614, 5019i, 5051h, 4076l, 4088m, 4959d, 5019l
Digitised version GB Seal no.1744(i) 1310
Menil, Simon de, executor of Henry
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3397
GB Seal no.1745 n.d.
Menille, Nicholas de of
Used by Nicholas, son of John de Menille of Hilton.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a cross like device, letters 'ihc' below.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] A55
GB Seal no.1746 1559
Mennell, Robert
Size: 16 x 13 mm.
Seal design: Oval signet, antique gem, a woman's head draped.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXIX.57
Digitised version
Menville, Agnes de: see 1750
GB Seal no.1747 1339
Menville, John de
His seal as sheriff of Durham.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a mitre rising from a coronet, below it the letters '· I · M'
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 7079
Digitised version GB Seal no.1748 1334-1366
Menville, John de
Styled John, son of Adam de Menville, and Agnes his wife.
S.D.; I, 28; N.C.H., VI, 192.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a cross engrailed.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Finc.19; 1.2.Finc.20; Hess.71; Misc.Ch. 6180, 6181, 6942, 6943
GB Seal no.1749 1354
Menville, John de
Used by John de Menville, but not his seal.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three leopards' heads(?)
Inscription: Legend obliterated.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6179
GB Seal no.1750 n.d.
Menville, Agnes de
She was the wife of John de Menville (no. 1748). Her I.P.M. was taken at Durham, 19 April 1361 (C.R., 45). Seal used by John de Menville, Misc.Ch. 3945
Size: 19 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, a woman's head in a cusped panel.
Inscription: Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6179
GB Seal no.1751 1355
Menvil, John de
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal signet, armorial, a cross patonce.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4970g
GB Seal no.1752 1333-1355
Menvil, John de
Size: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, the head of Our Lord.
Inscription: Legend obliterated.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4387; Hess.72
GB Seal no.1753 1399
Menvill, Ralph of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Hexagonal, armorial, a lion rampant.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6054
Digitised version GB Seal no.1754 1384-1404
Menvill, Thomas of
He was the second son of John de Menville and his wife Agnes.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a cross engrailed within a border engrailed.
Inscription: Sigill



Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5154, 5157; 3.18.Spec.15, 18
Digitised version GB Seal no.1755 1357
Menville, William de of
He was the eldest son of John de Menville and his wife Agnes, and was 21 years of age at her death in 1361. His I.P.M. was taken at Durham, 9 August 1372 (C.R., 45). This seal is engraved, A.A., 3rd ser., vol. VI, pl. X, no. 3.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a cross engrailed. Shield within a cusped panel.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] A48, B46, C1
GB Seal no.1756 1313
Menyll, Simon
Styled executor of his brother Henry Menyll
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a hawk on a bird.
Inscription: ✶ ALLAS IE SV PRIS
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3875
GB Seal no.1757 1320
Merle, Hugh
Styled Hugh Merle, proctor of the Lord Bertram, cardinal deacon of St Mary in Aquinas, rector of the church of Brantingham
Cardinal Bertrand de Montfavence, 1316-43 (
Trésor , p.2258).
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a bend, between six merles, three rings.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4108
Digitised version GB Seal no.1758 n.d.
Merley, Roger de
Styled Roger de 'Merlai', son of Ranulf de Merlai
H.N., II, ii, 375. For note on the arms of Merley see A.A., 3rd ser., vol. VI, pp. 33 and 86.
Size: 44 mm.
Seal design: Round, a conventional tree upon which brids (? merles) are sitting.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Spec.34
GB Seal no.1759 n.d.
Merley, Roger de
Styled 'Roger de Merlay, tercius'
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three birds (? merles) paleways.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Spec.38
Digitised version GB Seal no.1760 n.d.
Merle, Richard of
Used by William of Burdon.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star with a bird on each side of it.
Inscription: S' RICARDI DE MERL..
Seal attached to document reference: Hess.44
GB Seal no.1761 1371
Merley, William de
S.D., II, 256.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron between three birds (? merles).
Inscription: ✶ S' WILLI DE · M...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5303
GB Seal no.1762 n.d.
Merrington, Alan of
S.D., III, 279. For charters relating to Merrington see FPD, 68n to 70n.
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a griffin walking.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Pont.8
GB Seal no.1763 n.d.
Merrington, Henry of
Used by Henry of Wolveston who is probably the same person.
Size: 51 x 35 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an ornate fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Pont.8
GB Seal no.1764 n.d.
Heighington, Robert of
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ... IDMBRIT...
Seal attached to document reference: 2.13.Spec.8
GB Seal no.1765 n.d.
Merrington, Walter son of John of
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.4.Spec.33
Digitised version GB Seal no.1766 n.d.
Merrington, Robert of
Styled Robert son of Michael of Merrington
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a crescent reversed, a star above and a wavy star below.
Inscription: ✠ S' ROBERTI FIL:MICAEL
Seal attached to document reference: 2.13.Spec.22
GB Seal no.1766(i) n.d.
Merrington, Thomas of, cook
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5104
GB Seal no.1767 1381
Merrington, Walter of
Used by Walter, brother and heir of John of Merrington, chaplain. For other seals, see 2.13.Spec.32, 70, 3.13.Spec.46
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron between three eagles' heads(?)
Seal attached to document reference: 4.11.Spec.14
GB Seal no.1768 1376
Merrington, William of
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron between three eagles' heads rased.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2126, 2127
GB Seal no.1769 n.d.
Merrington, William of
Size: 35 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' WIL'LMI DE MERITONA
Seal attached to document reference: 2.13.Spec.4
GB Seal no.1770 n.d.
Merton, Richard of
Styled Richard Lord of Great Merton, son and heir of Sir William, son of Adam of the same place
Richard was son of William (no. 1771). The place is now Great Marton near Blackpool, Lancashire.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star.
Inscription: ✠ S' RICARDI:FIL'WILL'
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Ebor.23; 2.2.4.Ebor.35
GB Seal no.1771 n.d.
Merton, William
Styled William son of Adam, son of Matthew Lord of Great Merton
Size: -
Seal design: Oval, a fragment only remains, a figure standing holding a book (?)
Inscription: ... AR ...
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Ebor.22
GB Seal no.1772 n.d.
Merton, William of
Same man as no. 1771.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ... DE MERTON
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.4.Ebor.32
GB Seal no.1773 1276
Merwc, William of
He was one of the three commissioners of the bishop of Durham appointed to enquire into a dispute between the prior and convent of Durham and the master and brethren of Bolton (note by W.G.).
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady and Christ, below them St Michael slaying the dragon and a figure praying.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Spec.15
Digitised version GB Seal no.1774 n.d.
Messenger, Geoffrey
Styled of Billingham
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eight rayed star.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.9.Spec.3
GB Seal no.1775 n.d.
Metham, Thomas of
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem, a bird.
Inscription: THOME DE METH..
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Ebor.4
GB Seal no.1776 1362
Metham, Thomas of
Styled knight
For pedigree see V.Y., 252, and for note on arms A.A., 3rd ser., III, 270. The crest given in the heralds' visitations is a bull's head, barry silver and azure.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a bull's head on helmet.
Inscription: METHAM
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Ebor.6
Digitised version GB Seal no.1777 1265
Methelton, John of
Styled master John of Methelton, canon of Howdon
Size: 44 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an eagle with nimbus, standing with wings raised and head turned back, holding a scroll on which are the letters I · PE · V:
Inscription: ADIVVET ... V IOHES DE...
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Ebor.34
GB Seal no.1778 1293
Mickley, Richard of
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a rabbit.
Inscription: ✶ S' RIC' D' MICLEY
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6930
GB Seal no.1779 1464
Middelham, John
Styled Prior of Holy Island
R.N.D., 182. For arms see A.A., 3rd ser., VI, 121.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eagle standing with raised wings, in front of it a branch, on a scroll over the eagle 'midelhm'.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5185
GB Seal no.1780 1339
Middleham, John of
Used by John of Midelham, tailor. For another seal used by him, see 2279.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a male head.
Inscription: ✶ CAPVD SERVI DEI ✠:
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2478
GB Seal no.1781 1333
Middelham, Robert of
Styled bursar of Durham
Size: 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, a male bust.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4117
GB Seal no.1782 1317
Middleton, Gilbert of
The stag's head in the quarter is probably derived from the arms of Haughton (N.C.H., X, p. 327). S.D., I, XXXIX, and N.C.H., IX, 103. He was the famous freebooter, this deed is a receipt for two marks received by him at the hands of William de
Denum of the commonalty of the bishopric of Durham to ensure it against damage by him, or his men, or any other. Dated at Mitford. It appears to be blackmail. (Note W.G.).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, quarterly, a stag's head in the first quarter.
Inscription: ✶ S' GILBERTI DE MEDELTV.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5053
GB Seal no.1783 1317
Middleton, Gilbert of
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, quarterly, in the first quarter a stag's head.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4049
Digitised version GB Seal no.1784 n.d.
Middleton, Hugh of
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a horse shoe (?)
Inscription: Legend obliterated.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Elemos.3
GB Seal no.1785 1479
Middleton, John of
There is a cross patonce in the 1st and 4th quarters of the quarterly shields. This charge is probably derived from the similar cross of Vesci, the overlords of Bruton and Preston, purchased by Richard Middleton and his son before 1275 (N.C.H. X,
p. 327). For note on arms of Middleton see A.A., 3rd ser. I, 125, 126. The seal of Sir John Strivelyn is no. 2333 in this catalogue.
Size: 1. 44 mm.Size: Secretum: 16 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, armorial, quarterly, 1 and 4 quarterly, 2 and 3 crusilly three covered cups. The mantled helmet is surmounted by a savage man holding a cup. Legend is on a scroll surrounding seal.Secretum: a double headed eagle displayed.
Inscription: 1. le . Seel . de . Sir . John . Middelton . chlr . p . de ...
Seal attached to document reference: 1.6.Spec.43
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.1786 1446
Middleton, John
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal signet, a vase out of which a flower grows, around it 'middelton'.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.6.Spec.36
GB Seal no.1787 1446
Middleton, John
The charges are, I think, crusilly, three covered cups and the crest a covered cup between two horns, not a fleur de lys.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, charges very indistinct, shield couchée surmounted by a full-faced helmet, on which is crest of a fleur-de-lys between two horns.
Inscription: IOH IE...
Seal attached to document reference: 1.6.Spec.36
Digitised version GB Seal no.1788 1265
Middleton, Richard
Styled Sir Richard of Myldenton, canon of Howden
See the
History of Hemingbrough , edited by Jas. Raine, p.47.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round, antique gem, a male head.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Ebor.34
GB Seal no.1789 1334
Middelton, Roger of
Used by Roger of Middelton, an executor of Robert of Pykeringe, dean of York.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, the coronation of the Virgin, beneath demi-figure of Roger, praying.
Inscription: Legend obliterated.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4113
Digitised version GB Seal no.1790 n.d.
Millum, Avice of
Wife of William of Millum (1792)
She was one of the daughters and coheiresses of Richard fitz Roger, Lord of Woodplumpton. See nos. 146, 499, 2110, 2077, 2078, in this catalogue, and
Victoria History of Lancaster , I, 368.
Size: 29 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an eagle displayed.
Inscription: ✠ MVNIO SECRETA
Seal attached to document reference: 3.4.Ebor.4; 3.2.4.Ebor.3
GB Seal no.1791 n.d.
Millum, Avice of
Styled daughter of Richard fitz Roger, same lady as no. 1790
For a seal of Avice, daughter of Roger son of Richard, widow, see 4.2.4.Ebor.6
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, white, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILLVM AVICE
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.4.Ebor.3
GB Seal no.1792 n.d.
Millum, William of
Husband of Avice one of the daughters and co-heiresses of Richard fitz Roger (see no. 1790).
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a bird.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Ebor.32; 3.4.Ebor.4; 3.2.4.Ebor.3; 4.2.4.Ebor.20
GB Seal no.1793 1341
Milneburne, Hugh of
Styled chaplain
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, Our Lady standing holding Christ, a lily behind her and in front a figure praying over whose head is a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ ROG... MATER TVA
Seal attached to document reference: 1.16.Spec.33
GB Seal no.1794 n.d.
Milneburn, Robert of
Styled burgess of the city of Durham
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: S' RO... BVR
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXXVII.53
GB Seal no.1795 n.d.
Milneburn, William of
Styled William, son of Alan of Milneburn
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a cross paty.
Inscription: ... ALA...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5273
GB Seal no.1796 n.d.
Milnum, William of
This is the same man as no. 1792.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a cinquefoil.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.4.Ebor.59
GB Seal no.1797 1294
Milo, Henry son of
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a bird standing.
Inscription: ✠ S' HENRICI FIL'MILON
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Ebor.33
GB Seal no.1798 1294
Milo, Richard son of
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a flower.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Ebor.33
GB Seal no.1799 n.d.
Milo, Roger son of
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the Holy Lamb.
Inscription: Legend obliterated.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Ebor.32
GB Seal no.1800 n.d.
Minsterton, Robert of
Printed P.F., 141.
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' ROBERTI · D' MINSTERT
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.118; 1.5.Finc.2
GB Seal no.1801 1367
Mitford, John of
Used by John of Mitford, vicar of 'Heghynton'.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a male and female head on each side of a heart from which issues a flower.
Inscription: LEL SVY
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Sacr.13
GB Seal no.1802 n.d.
Mody, Henry
Styled Henry called 'Mody' of Durham
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a pelican in her piety.
Inscription: ✠ S' HENRICI · MODI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2457
GB Seal no.1803 1394
Monboucher, Bertram de
See A.A., 3rd ser. I, pp. 80, 122.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three pots in a border bezanty.
Inscription: ✶ s bertram : de : mountburocher
Seal attached to document reference: 2.16.Spec.32, 33
Digitised version GB Seal no.1804 1287
Monte Cuco, Obertini de
Styled proctor of master Peter de Monte Cuco once rector of the church of Middleham in the diocese of Durham
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eagle displayed.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.12.Spec.6; 3.2.Finc.31a, 31b
Digitised version GB Seal no.1805 1282
Monte Cuco, Peter de
Styled late parson of the church of 'Midhelm' (Middleham)
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an eagle standing with raised wings.
Inscription: ... PETRI:DE:MONTE CVC...
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Finc.28a
GB Seal no.1806 1304
Monte Martini, Matilda de
Used by Matilda de Monte Martini 'nomini Odardi filii mei'. She was the wife of Matthew de Monte Martini, knight (Cal. Pap., II, 34).
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, barry of twelve, the shield is borne upon the breast of an eagle displayed.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4046a, 4865
Digitised version GB Seal no.1807 1307
Monte Martini, Odard de
He was a canon of Besancon of London, and of Chichester, and clerk to queen Margaret, the second wife of Edward I (Cal. Pap., II, 23 and 34; L.N., II, 439).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, barry of ten, the shield is borne upon the breast of an eagle displayed.
Inscription: ✠ S' ODON · CANONICI · BISVNT
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4740
Digitised version GB Seal no.1808 n.d.
Moorsley, Adam son of Ilbert of.
Styled Adam, Lord of Morslawe and in charter no. 9, Adam son of Ilbert the mason
S.D., I, 211, 306. Charter no. 9 is printed FPD, 126n, the date is about the middle of twelfth century. S.D., I, 306, and FPD, 126, note 1.
Size: 54 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight wearing a quilted (?) hauberk with fixed hood and conical pointed helmet, bearing a sword and a kite shaped shield with spike.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.7.Spec.7, 9, 15, 20
Digitised version GB Seal no.1809 n.d.
Moorsley, Helias of
Printed S.D., I, 211 and FPD, 127n. Date before 1188. A very similar seal to no. 2185 in this catalogue.
Size: 41 mm.
Seal design: Round, a monster with two horns, wings and a floriated tail.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.7.Spec.1
GB Seal no.1810 n.d.
Moorsley, Ralph of
Styled Ralph of 'Pytyngton'
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the Holy Lamb.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.7.Spec.18
GB Seal no.1811 n.d.
Mora, Simon de
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL SIMON ...RT
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Finc.4
GB Seal no.1811(i) n.d.
Mora, Thomas de
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4826 (very indistinct)
GB Seal no.1812 n.d.
More, Gamel de la
Used by 'Gamel de Mora' and Margaret his wife.
Size: 1. 32 x 29 mm.Size: 2. 32 x 25 mm.
Seal design: 1. Oval, a fleur-de-lys.2. Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 411
GB Seal no.1813 1438
Moore, Thomas
Styled 'Thomas de la Moore, armiger'
Size: 10 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, a sheaf (?) upon a helmet.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6058
Digitised version GB Seal no.1814 n.d.
Mordon, William of
Styled William of Mordon and Matildis his wife
S.D., III, 44. Printed FPD, 76n.
Size: 1. 32 x 22 mm.Size: 2. 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: 1. Oval, an eagle with wings raised and head turned back.2. Oval, a distaff and spindle.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.15.Spec.4
GB Seal no.1815 1315
Mordon, William of
Used by Peter son of John of Holome.
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a pelican in her piety.
Inscription: ✠ S' WILLI DE MORDVN
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6236
GB Seal no.1816 n.d.
Morley, Robert de of
Robert, second Lord Morley, he was summoned to Parliament from 1317 to 1357, he married Hawise, sister and heiress of John, Lord Marshall, and died 1360. The blason is silver a lion rampant sable crowned gold. (See roll of the battle of
Boroughbridge, 1322, and roll of knights at the siege of Calais, 1345-48).
Size: -
Seal design: Fragment only, armorial, a lion rampant.
Inscription: ... E ...
Seal attached to document reference: [G] D104
GB Seal no.1817 1363
Morley, William de
Styled 'William de Morlee, marshal of Ireland'
Son of Robert (no. 1816), he was summoned to Parliament from 1364 to 1378 and died in the latter year. His shield is blasoned for him as 'Le sieur de Morley' in the roll of Richard II, Silver a lion rampant sable crowned gold.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, imperfect, armorial, a lion rampant, crowned, the shield is couchée and surmounted by a helmet upon which for crest is a hound's(?) head.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] D103
GB Seal no.1818 n.d.
Morlaw, Hugh of
Styled Hugh of Wytton late son of Robert Morlau
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' HVGONIS FIL ROB'TI . MORLA .
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Sacr.34
GB Seal no.1819 1312
Morpeth, Adam of
Styled Adam of Morpeth, clerk
Official of the archdeacon of Durham (R.P.D., I, 137). The device consists of the evangelistic symbols.
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, an eagle displayed on breast a human head, on dexter wing a bull's head, on sinister a lion's head(?).
Inscription: Legend imperfect and illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4091
Digitised version GB Seal no.1820 1344
Morpeth, John of
Used by Thomas of Furness (?).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron between three roundels.
Inscription: ✶ S' IOHIS DE MORPETH
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Sacr.3b
GB Seal no.1821 1405
Morpeth, John of
Used by various people at Acley (Aycliffe).
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three cinquefoils.
Inscription: ✶ S' IOHIS DE MORPAD
Seal attached to document reference: 4.11.Spec.11, 45, 46, 47
GB Seal no.1822 1362
Morpeth, Robert of
Styled Robert, son and heir of John of Morpeth
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a stag's head, on dexter side a crescent, on sinister a star.
Inscription: ✠ TIME TE DEVM
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1848
GB Seal no.1823 1289
Morpeth, Richard of
Used by 'R. de Morpath', official of the archdeacon of Durham and collector of the twentieths of the King. He is named Richard in 5.2.Elemos.2.
Size: 22 x ? mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, imperfect, antique gem a naked figure.
Inscription: ✶ A... AGLA...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4363
GB Seal no.1824 1298
Morpeth, Richard of
Used by him, same man as no. 1823.
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem, a cock standing on ...(?) in front another bird on a ...(?).
Inscription: ✠ ALIVA ... EMVN QVERA
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4804, 5015a
Digitised version GB Seal no.1825 n.d.
Morpeth, Robert of
Styled Robert son of Roger of 'Morpath'
Size: 25 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a flower device.
Inscription: ... ROB ... FIL · ROG
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Spec.37
GB Seal no.1826 1311
Morpeth, Robert of
Styled Robert of Morpeth, shoemaker
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of eight rays.
Inscription: ✠ S' ...BER ...RPAT
Seal attached to document reference: 2.17.Spec.35
GB Seal no.1827 1245
Morpeth, Sybil of
See N.C.H., VI, 186 and note.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6926*
GB Seal no.1828 1365
Morpeth, Thomas of
He was vicar of Merrington from circa 1350 to 1377 (S.D., III, 283). For another seal, see Misc.Ch. 3571
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, an animal, a goat(?)
Inscription: ...SD . RON...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3424, 4076b
GB Seal no.1829 n.d.
Morton, Hugh of
Styled Hugh of Morton and Margaret, daughter of Richard fitz Roger, his wife
Victoria History of Lancashire , I, 368 and III, 47, 53. His wife was one of the daughters and coheiresses of Richard fitz Roger, Lord of Woodplumpton. See also nos. 146, 499, 2077, 2078, 2110 in this catalogue.
Size: 1. 35 mm.Size: 2. 51 x 29 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, an eagle displayed.2. Oval, a female figure standing, holding a flower in her right hand.
Inscription: 1. ✠ SIGILL HVGONIS · D...2. ...RGARE ... HVGON...
Seal attached to document reference: 3.4.Ebor.6; 4.2.4.Ebor.7
GB Seal no.1830 1319
Morton, John of
Styled John of Morton of Darlington
Used by John Morton, styled of Darlington. His name is from Morton about two miles east of Darlington. At Hatfield's Survey he held the vill by military service (S.S. 22, p. 197). He also held Cockerton, a mile west of Darlington, by like service
(ibid, p. 14). S.D., III, 269.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a fess between six molets. cf 3755
Inscription: ✶ S' IOHIS DE MORTVN
Seal attached to document reference: 3.10.Spec.25
Digitised version GB Seal no.1831 1279
Morton, Jordan of
S.D., III, 55.
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Egg shaped, a floriated device.
Inscription: ✠ S' IORDANI D' WESTMORT'
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5579
GB Seal no.1832 1307
Morton, Thomas son of Peter of.
Styled son of Peter of Morton
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of eight rays.
Inscription: ✠ S' TOME FILI PETRI

Seal attached to document reference: [G] C40
GB Seal no.1832(i) 1312
Morton, Thomas of
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4671
GB Seal no.1833 n.d.
Morton, Walter of
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 5.3.Elemos.2b
GB Seal no.1834 n.d.
Morwic, Ernald de
N.C.H., V, 350. For charters see ibid., 346n. Glover's ordinary blasons for Morwick gules a saltire vair silver and sable.
Size: 1. 51 mm.Size: 2.19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, equestrian, knight, wearing haulberk and circular helmet with sword and kite shaped shield.Secretum: rounded oval, antique gem, bust of Diana.
Inscription: 1. ✠ SIGILLVM ERNALDI DE MORE..Secretum: ✠ I. ⋀I⋀RE :: V⋀⋀
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Spec.4
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.1835 1304
Motherby, Roger of
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a head covered with a cowl, within a geometrical device, letters 'RC ... OY' at the angles.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3951
GB Seal no.1836 1348-1366
Mowbray, John de
See V.Y., 282. The blason given there for Mowbray of Colton is gules a lion rampant silver within a border engrailed gold. See also Test. Ebor. I, 158n (2 Surtees Society publ.).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a lion rampant within a border engrailed.
Inscription: ✶ S' · IOHIS FILI · WILLI · MOVBRAY
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3419, 3421, 3433, 3445, 3453, 3554, 3641, 3663, 3675, 3712, 3748, 3758, 3759, 3760, 3773, 3870, 3994, 4052a, 4077f, 4062g, 4115n, 4138g, 4413, 4518, 4519, 4520, 4586, 4893, 4959a, 4970p,
Digitised version GB Seal no.1837 n.d.
Mowbray, Roger de
Son of 'Niel d'Albini', he assumed the name of Mowbray and was living 1145. See no. 40 in this catalogue for his father's seal.
Size: 79 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight in hauberk and helmet, with sword and shield with boss. His helmet has a coronet of fleur-de-lys round it, his hauberk and shield are also covered with fleurs-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Ebor.3, 4; 4.3.Ebor.1b
Digitised version GB Seal no.1838 n.d.
Mowbray, Roger de
Styled Roger 'de Molberio'
Same man as no. 1837.
Size: 67 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight in mail hauberk and conical pointed helmet, bearing a sword and shield showing the inside.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILLVM:ROG · R · DE MVLBRA
Seal attached to document reference: 4.3.Ebor.1a
Digitised version GB Seal no.1839 n.d.
Mowbray, Roger de
Same man as no. 1837.
Size: 76 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight in helmet with nasal and with shield and sword.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.3.Ebor.1c
GB Seal no.1840 1175
Mowbray, Roger de
Same man as no. 1837.
Size: 76 mm.
Seal design: Rounded, equestrian, knight with sword and shield, with boss; his hauberk and shield strewn with fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL ...GERI DE MOLBRAI
Seal attached to document reference: [G] B2, B3
GB Seal no.1841 1501
Mountforth, William
Styled 'custos janitoris' of the manor of 'Alverton'
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Oval signet, armorial, a cross crosslet.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 59
Digitised version GB Seal no.1842 1242
Moyses, Thomas
Is this the man, probably a master mason, who has cut his name on the base of one of the buttresses of the Nine Altars at Durham 'Hanc petram posuit Thomas Moyses', the charter is about the right date? (note by W.G.).
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, green, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' THOME MOISES

Seal attached to document reference: 1.19.Spec.11
GB Seal no.1843 1339
Muhaud, William
Used by Robert, son of John Boys of Hesswell and on counterpart by Agnes wife of John of Menville.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a lion rampant.
Inscription: S' WILLMI · MVHAVD
Seal attached to document reference: Hess.66
Digitised version GB Seal no.1843A n.d.
Multon, Ralph de
S.D., II, 372.
Size: 35 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem, the head of Jupiter Serapis.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL RADVLFI ...LTVN
Seal attached to document reference: 5.3.Elemos.3a
GB Seal no.1844 n.d.
Multon, Ralph de
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight with sword and shield.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL ...ID . MVLTVNE
Seal attached to document reference: 5.3.Elemos.6; 4.10.Spec.11
GB Seal no.1845 1312
Mundi, John
Styled of Durham
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of eight points.
Inscription: ✶ S' IOHANNIS · MVNDI
Seal attached to document reference: 3.14.Spec.30
GB Seal no.1846 n.d.
Munpere, Agnes
Styled Agnes, daughter of the late Walter Munpere of Bruntoft
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a crescent with a star above and a molet below.
Inscription: ✠ S' AGNETIS ...TERI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 158
GB Seal no.1847 n.d.
Munpere, Matillis
Styled Matillis, daughter of Walter Munpere
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: S' MAT...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6117
GB Seal no.1848 n.d.
Muscamp, Robert de
Styled 'Robertus de Muscampis miles'
R.N.D., 266. He died 1249 (
Historic Peerage 343). The blason in Glover's ordinary is gold three bars gules but this seal shows very distinctly three bars and a chief. Printed R.N.D., app. 136, no 767.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, imperfect, armorial, three bars and a chief.
Inscription: ✠ SIG... SCAMP:
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Spec.36
Digitised version GB Seal no.1849 n.d.
Muscamp, Robert son of Robert de
See A.A., 3rd ser. III, 289. The charter is printed R.N.D., app. 137, no. 771; the seal is engraved A.A., 3rd ser. VI. pl. VIII, no. 5.
Size: 54 mm.
Seal design: Round, almost obliterated, apparently equestrian.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Spec.6
GB Seal no.1850 n.d.
Muscamp, Thomas de
Printed R.N.D., app. 136, no. 767.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a circular geometrical wheel like device.
Inscription: Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Spec.57
GB Seal no.1851 n.d.
Muscamp, Thomas de
See A.A., 3rd ser. III, 289. The charter is printed R.N.D., app. 137, no.771; the seal is engraved A.A., 3rd ser. VI, pl. VIII, no. 5.
Size: 60 mm.
Seal design: Round, seven flies.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Spec.56
GB Seal no.1852 n.d.
Musters, Emma
Styled Emma, wife of Geoffrey of Bradbery
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Elemos.2
GB Seal no.1853 n.d.
Musters, Nicholas
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem, a naked figure standing with shield on left arm.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Elemos.11, 12, 20; 1.2.Elemos.13
GB Seal no.1854 n.d.
Musters, Robert (de Monasteriis)
Same as next seal. The family of Musters (de Monasteriis) held Stanley, Crook hall and lands in Witton, under the de la Leys (S.D., II, 228, 368, 370). In 3.10.Spec.21, Robert is styled seneschal of the prior (of Durham). the name is from the
Norman-French 'mustier' a minster or church. Fantosme calls Warkworth chruch 'le mustier Saint-Laurenz' (11 Surt. Soc. publ., p.78).
Size: 41 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a heater shaped shield, a minster.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Elemos.11, 12; 5.3.Elemos.4p
GB Seal no.1855 n.d.
Musters, Robert
Same seal as previous.
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a minster.
Seal attached to document reference: 5.3.Elemos.4
GB Seal no.1856 n.d.
Musters, Robert
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Rounded, antique (?medieval) gem, a woman's bust.
Inscription: ✠ S' ROBTI D' MONASTERIIS
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Elemos.13
Digitised version GB Seal no.1857 n.d.
Musters, Walter
Size: 1. 38 mm.Size: Secretum:19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, a minster.Secretum: antique gem, a lion.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Elemos.15, 17
Digitised version GB Seal no.1858 n.d.
Musters, Walter
Size: 41 mm.
Seal design: Round, a minster.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Elemos.16, 19
Digitised version
1859: actually under 1861
GB Seal no.1860 n.d.
Musters, William
Styled son of Robert Musters
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a heron standing.
Inscription: ✠ S:WILLI:DE MVSTS
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Elemos.14
GB Seal no.1861 n.d.
Musters, William
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Elemos.11, 12; 1.2.Elemos.13; 5.3.Elemos.4; 4.3.Elemos.6
GB Seal no.1862 n.d.
Musters, William
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem, a figure on a horse galloping.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Elemos.22, 23; 3.1.Elemos.1; 1.1.Finc.4
GB Seal no.1863 1296
Musters, Philip (or William)
Agreement between William and Philip de Musters.
Size: -
Seal design: A fragment only, a squirrel(?)
Inscription: ...STER ✶
Seal attached to document reference: [G] A50
NGB Seal no.1864 1330
Nassington, John of
Styled John of Nassigton, clerk
He was commissary general of the official of the bishop of Durham, and in 1313 was collated to the archdeaconry of Northumberland (R.P.D., I, 185, 303). This charter is printed P.F., 27, and the seal is engraved there.
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, armorial, a cross crosslet with a cross patonce in each quarter; above shield is an eagle with raised wings, beneath it half figure of an angel, a lacertine beast on each side of it.
Inscription: ✶ · RV ... TVR ... ITVR ... LICA . DEI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5771
Digitised version GB Seal no.1865 1316-1321
Nassington, Roger of
He was rector of Ford (R.P.D., II, 789, 823).
Size: 22 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a bishop standing blessing, a figure kneels to him.
Inscription: Legend obliterated.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4304, 4405, 4929, 4769
GB Seal no.1866 1334
Nassington, Philip of
Styled 'advocatus' of the court of York
Size: 22 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a pelican in her piety.
Inscription: ✶ S' PHIL... I D' NASSIGTVN
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3916
GB Seal no.1867 1356
Nerston, John of
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, charges obliterated, in base a pierced cinquefoil.
Inscription: ✶ S' IOHIS D' NERSTVN
Seal attached to document reference: 4.5.Spec.27
GB Seal no.1868 n.d.
Nesbit, Thomas of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion sleeping, above it a bunch of grapes(?) on each side of which is an animal standing on its hind legs.
Inscription: ✶ S' THOME DE NESBITE
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXXVII.104
GB Seal no.1869 1295
Nesbit, Thomas of
Size: -
Seal design: Imperfect, antique gem, a figure standing in front of a tree, from which an animal hangs.
Inscription: S' THO...
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXXVII.75
GB Seal no.1870 1312
Nesbit, Agnes of
Styled Agnes who was the wife of Thomas of East Nesbit
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of eight thick and eight thin rays.
Inscription: ✠ S' AGNETE DE NESBIT
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Pont.50
GB Seal no.1871 1476
Netheron, Robert of
Size: 1. 10 mm.Size: 2. 13 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round signet, a trefoil.2. Round signet, a crescent enclosing a star.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2093
Neusom, Adam of: see 1327
GB Seal no.1872 1254
Neville, Geoffrey de
Pedigree S.D., IV, 158. He was brother to Robert Neville, Lord of Raby and died 1285. The shield is an interesting example of early differencing, it is not blasoned in the rolls but the blason is probably gules crusilly fitchy and a saltire
Size: 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Shield shaped, crusilly fitchy, a saltire.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.11.Spec.20
Digitised version GB Seal no.1872(i) 1371
Neville, Alexander
Archdeacon of Durham (personal seal)
SBM No. 12089; described A.A. 3rd series XXI, p.39, no. 551, where it is misidentified
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Archid.Dunelm.12a
GB Seal no.1872(ii)
Neville, John de
See A.A. 3rd series XXI, p.41, no. 564.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5970
GB Seal no.1872(iii)
Neville, John de
See A.A. 3rd series XXI, p.42, no. 565.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5971
GB Seal no.1872(iv)
Neville, John Duke of Northumberland and Earl of Montagu
See A.A. 3rd series XXI, p.42, no. 569.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5261*
GB Seal no.1872(v) 1466
Neville, John de
See A.A. 3rd series XXI, p.42, no. 568.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.13.Spec.21
GB Seal no.1872(vi)
Neville, Humphrey
Seal attached to document reference: 2.9.Spec.14
GB Seal no.1873 1377
Neville, John de
Styled John de Neville, Lord of Raby
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, 'b' surrounded by three crowns.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] D72
Digitised version GB Seal no.1874 1381-1384
Neville, John de
He was summoned to Parliament from 1368 to 1388 (
Historic Peerage , 346) and died at Newcastle-upon-Tyne in 1389. His tomb is in Durham Cathedral Church. For note on Neville arms see A.A., 3rd ser., III, 236.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a saltire. The shield is couchée and is surmounted by a helmet with crest of a bull's head. On each side of the helmet 'b'.
Inscription: s : iohis : de neville domini de rabi
Seal attached to document reference: 3.10.Spec.40, 41 [G] D76, D77; 2.5.Ebor.11a; 4.5.Ebor.15,16.
Digitised version GB Seal no.1875 1551
Nevill, Lancelot
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, a man's head.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] C35
GB Seal no.1875(i) 1338
Neville, Ralph de, of Cleatham
Seal attached to document reference: 1.9.Spec.7
GB Seal no.1875(ii) 1364
Neville, Ralph de
See A.A. 3rd series XXI, p.43, no. 573.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.11.Spec.49a, 49b, 49c, 51; Misc.Ch. 7163
GB Seal no.1875(iii) 1402-1422
Neville, Ralph de, Earl of Westmorland
See A.A. 3rd series XXI, p.44, no. 577.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Spec.38, 81
GB Seal no.1875(iv) 1437-1447
Neville, Ralph de, 2nd Earl of Westmorland
See A.A. 3rd series XXI, p.44, no. 578.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.13.Spec.21, 24
GB Seal no.1875(v) 1317-1318
Neville, Robert de, son and heir of Rannulph
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, similar to 1876
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3448, 3563, 3731, 4111
GB Seal no.1876 1254
Neville, Robert de
He was son of Robert Neville, Lord of Raby and died 1271 in the lifetime of his father. The method of differencing his shield and that of his uncle (no. 1872) is to be noted. His father's arms are blasoned in Glover's roll of Henry III, 'de
goules ou ung saltier d'argent'.
Size: 1. 35 mm.Size: Secretum: 25 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, armorial, a saltire and a label of five points.Secretum: round, antique gem, a figure, with spear and shield, galloping on horseback.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.11.Spec.18
Digitised version GB Seal no.1877 1437
Neville, Thomas de
Brother of Ralph, 2nd Earl of Westmorland
For a signet of his, see 3.13.Spec.48 (dated 1450). See S.D., IV, 159.
Size: 1. 51 mm.Size: Secretum: 13 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, imperfect, armorial, a saltire charged with a cinquefoil for difference. The shield is couchée and surmounted by a helmet with mantling and crest, on a wreath a bull's head with a cinquefoil for
difference.Secretum: round, a bird on the branch of a tree.
Inscription: 1. Siggilvm Thome neville . militisSecretum: Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.13.Spec.21
Digitised version GB Seal no.1878 1352
Newbigging, Agnes
Used by Agnes, widow of William son of John of Newbigging. (See no. 2191).
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a fess between three roundels.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4754
Digitised version GB Seal no.1879 1415
Newburgh, John of
Styled vicar of the church of Middleham
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a bend three birds.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.17.Spec.26, 27
GB Seal no.1880 n.d.
Newland, William
Styled William, son of Sybil of Newland
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a bird with raised wings.
Inscription: ✠ SIGNA F... DEI · ME... DEI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5495
1881: Newsom, Adam of, see 1327
GB Seal no.1882 1304
Newton, Henry of
Styled Henry of Newton, burgess of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
He was bailiff of Newcastle-upon-Tyne in 1312 and later (R.W., I, passim).
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion rampant.
Inscription: ✠ SVM LEO FORTIS
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Spec.83
GB Seal no.1883 1382
Newton, James of
Used by James of Newton, mason.
Size: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem, an animal like a rat, below it a wreath.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Sacr.3e
GB Seal no.1884 1414
Newton, John
Styled John Newton, clerk
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eagle standing with wings spread.
Inscription: Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6038; [G] D111
GB Seal no.1885 n.d.
Newton, John of
Used by William Marshall of New Elvet.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a heart from which issues three trefoils.
Inscription: ✠ S' IOHIS DE NEVTO.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.17.Spec.29
Digitised version GB Seal no.1886 1382
Newton, John of
Used by John of Newton, tailor.
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, a half figure praying, above is a hand blessing.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Sacr.3e
GB Seal no.1887 1265
Newton, John of
Used by John of Newton and others, canons of Howden.
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, St John Baptist standing holding in his left hand the Holy Lamb within a circle, and in his right ...
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Ebor.34
GB Seal no.1888 1431
Newton, Robert
Styled Robert Newton of Kingston-upon-Hull
Size: 16 x 13 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal, on a shield a bend between R and a molet, a cross crosslet above the shield. (A merchant's mark).
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Spec.95
GB Seal no.1889 1357-1358
Newton, Simon of
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, red, a geometrical device within tracery.
Inscription: ✶ sigillvm:simonis:de neuton clici
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4942, 5376, 5839
Digitised version GB Seal no.1890 n.d.
Newton, Thomas of
Printed P.F., 110.
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, white, the Holy Lamb.
Inscription: S' THOME DN ..ENE . TONA
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5540; 3.1.Finc.28a
GB Seal no.1891 1270
Styled Nicholas the mercer
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an elongated star.
Inscription: S' NICHOLAI:SCT
Seal attached to document reference: 1.14.Spec.7
Nicholas, Daniel son of: see 2499 (1)
GB Seal no.1892 1316
Nicol, Isabel of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a male and female head facing each other.
Inscription: ✠ S' ISEBEL DE NICOL
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Spec.86
GB Seal no.1893 n.d.
Nichol, Peter
Used by Thomas of Gretham.
Size: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, an eagle displayed.
Inscription: ✶ S' PETRI .. CHOLE
Seal attached to document reference: 1.10.Spec.75
GB Seal no.1894 n.d.
Niger, Robert
Styled Robert, son of Henry, bailiff of Durham
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a floriated device.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Sacr.1; 5.3.Elemos.2b
GB Seal no.1895 n.d.
Niger, Simon
Styled Symon, son of Symon Niger
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a crescent enclosing a star.
Seal attached to document reference: 6.5.Elemos.11
GB Seal no.1896 1304
Noreys, Henry
Styled Henry Noreys of 'Holiheyland'
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✶ S' HENRICI FIL ALICI'
Seal attached to document reference: 4.3.Sacr.12
GB Seal no.1897 n.d.
Norham, Richard proctor of
Seal is apparently that of Richard, styled late proctor of Norham.
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a pelican in her piety, the nest is in a tree.
Inscription: ...NVMPA SIONIS IHV·
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Spec.23
GB Seal no.1898 1362
Normanton, Roger of
Size: 1.22 mm.Size: 2.22 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, a squirrel.2. Round, a woman standing holding a cup in her left hand.
Inscription: 1. ✶ S' ...2. ✶ SCA MARIA REGINA ...
Seal attached to document reference: 3.15.Spec.10, 11
GB Seal no.1899 n.d.
Norrold, Robert of
Used by Robert, son of Henry Norrold of 'Wilebi'.
Size: 44 mm.
Seal design: Round, white, a lion standing.
Inscription: ✠ SIG ... DE ...EBI
Seal attached to document reference: 1.4.Ebor.18d
GB Seal no.1900 n.d.
Northumberland, Henry Earl of.
Styled Henry the Earl, son of the King of Scotland
He was the son of David I, King of Scotland, and was created Earl of Northumberland 1139 and died 1152 (O.B., II, 643). Charters printed R.N.D. App., pp.24, 25.
Size: 73 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight in mail hauberk, conical pointed helmet with sword and kite shaped concave shield.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 751, 752, 753, 754, 755, 756; 1.12.Spec.22; 4.2.Spec.46
Digitised version GB Seal no.1901 n.d.
Northumberland, Henry Earl of
Styled Henry, by the grace of God, Earl, son of David, King of Scots
Size: -
Seal design: A fragment only, similar to no. 1900 but smaller.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 757
GB Seal no.1902 1291
Norton, Alexander of
Used by William de Haya or William son of William of Kirkharle. Norton in Stockton ward, Co Durham.
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, half figures of Our Lady and Christ, seated, below a demi figure prays to them.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.9.Spec.9, 10
GB Seal no.1903 n.d.
Norton, German of
Styled German of Norton
For another seal, see 3.9.Spec.69, 71
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a hand issuing from the sinister side holds a bunch of flowers, on each side a bird is seated with head turned back.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILLVM · GERMANI
Seal attached to document reference: 1.4.Elemos.4
Digitised version GB Seal no.1904 1364-1374
Norton, John of
Styled advocate of the court of York
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, St Catherine standing, to whom a figure prays, above him a plant of three flowers.
Inscription: Legend obliterated.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3398, 3618, 3674, 3786, 3941, 4088l, 4138e
GB Seal no.1905 n.d.
Nottingham, Hugh of
Styled Hugh son of William of Nottingham formerly burgess of Stamford
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a flower like device of two leaves.
Inscription: ✠ S' HVGO... ILL D' NOTING
Seal attached to document reference: 1.4.Ebor.18b
GB Seal no.1906 n.d.
Nottingham, Robert of
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 6.3.Elemos.14
GB Seal no.1907 1330
Nottingham, Robert of
He was one of the barons of the Exchequer in 1329.
Size: 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem, a man's head wearing a diadem.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3472, 3473, 3873, 4084
Digitised version GB Seal no.1908 n.d.
Nottingham, William of
He calls Thomas of Amunderville his lord (domini mei). This charter was executed at the same time as that of Thomas of Amundeville (6.3.Elemos.1) no. 71 in this catalogue, it is written in the same hand, has the same cord to which the seal is
appended and is witnessed by the same persons (note by W.G.).
Size: 41 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion walking.
Seal attached to document reference: 6.3.Elemos.2, 5
Digitised version GB Seal no.1909 1323
Nova Haya, Thomas de
In 1312 he was presented to a prebend in the church of Lanchester (R.P.D., I, 173 and note). The seal shows four knights in mail, two with drawn swords, attacking St Thomas, who kneels in front of an altar (St Benedict's), in front of him a
tonsured priest holding a (?) in left hand, raises a cross in his right. Above in a quatrefoil is a winged eagle.
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the martyrdom of St Thomas a Becket.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4905
Digitised version GB Seal no.1910 n.d.
Nunwyk, Robert of
Styled Robert son of Roger of 'Nonewyk'
Pedigree V.Y., 156. The arms are there blasoned sable an eagle displayed gold.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, an eagle displayed.
Inscription: Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Sacr.20
GB Seal no.1911 n.d.
Nunwyk, Roger of
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an eagle standing with raised wings.
Inscription: ✠ S' ROGERI DE NVNEVIC
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Sacr.14
GB Seal no.1912 n.d.
Nutselys, Agnes of
Styled Agnes of Nutselys, widow of William Mawer of 'Plangswhort'
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of eight rays.
Inscription: ✠ S' ANGNET D' NVTSEL
Seal attached to document reference: [G] C57
OGB Seal no.1913 1370
Occelay, John
Styled John Occelay of Tweedmouth
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three molets.
Inscription: ...IO OCCE...
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Spec.31
GB Seal no.1914 n.d.
Odo, Henry son of.
Styled Henry, son of Odo the mason and Juetta his mother
Size: 1. 32 mm.Size: 1. 32 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, the Holy Lamb.2. Oval, a pelican in her piety.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Elemos.19
GB Seal no.1915 n.d.
Odo, William son of.
Styled William the goldsmith, son of Odo
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a bird walking with raised wings.
Inscription: ✠ S' WILLI FILI ODONIS
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.150; 2.17.Spec.42; 3.17.Spec.9
GB Seal no.1916 1390
Ogle, Margaret of
Styled Margareta of Oggell, Lady of 'Herdewik'
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a bird standing with head turned back.
Inscription: ✶ NI ... . IA . N...
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Spec.19, 20
GB Seal no.1917 1437
Ogle, Robert
Styled Robert Ogle, knight, sheriff, and constable of Norham
Pedigree H.N., I, ii, 380, 387. Note on arms A.A., 3rd ser. III, 246.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, quaterly I and IV a fess between three crescents, II and III an orle. The shield is couchée and surmounted by a helmet with an animal's head as crest.
Inscription: sigill . roberti de:ogle:milit
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXVIII.9(3)
Digitised version GB Seal no.1918 1360
Ogle, Robert of
A similar seal is engraved A.A., 3rd ser., VI, pl. X, no. 4.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a fess between three crescents the shield is couchée and surmounted by a helmet from which rises, for crest, a bush of feathers. The arms appear also on the mantling of the helmet which is
supported by two beasts one on each side.
Inscription: s robert de oggle
Seal attached to document reference: [G] D68
Digitised version GB Seal no.1918(i)
Old Durham, William of
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4692
GB Seal no.1919 1303
Orchard, Imania
Styled Imania, daughter of Lawrence of the Orchard
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, three trees (an orchard).
Inscription: ✠ S' IMAIN FILE LAVREN
Seal attached to document reference: 2.16.Spec.35, 40
Digitised version GB Seal no.1920 1360-1373
Orchard, William
Styled William Orchard, collector of the tenths of our Lord the King
The device is canting - an orchard.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three trees; the shield hangs from a tree.
Inscription: s x willelmi



Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1709, 4201, 4615, 5100, 5100*
Digitised version GB Seal no.1921 n.d.
Orde, Adam of
R.N.D., 248. This charter is printed ibid., app. 134, no. 759.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a floriated device.
Inscription: S' ADE:DE ORD
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Spec.12
GB Seal no.1922 n.d.
Orde, Henry of
For pedigree see R.N.D., 248. The charters are printed ibid., app. 132. The badge probably refers to their origin on the banks of the Tweed.
Size: 38 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, a salmon.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Spec.4, 5, 6, 6*, 7, 8, 10
Digitised version GB Seal no.1923 n.d.
Orde, Peter of
Styled Peter, son of Henry of Orde
He was the son of Henry of Orde (no. 1922). This charter is printed R.N.D., app. 134, no. 760.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a bird standing.
Inscription: ✠ S' PETRI:DE:ORDE
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Spec.11
GB Seal no.1924 n.d.
Orde, William of
Styled William, son of Walter of Orde
Charter is printed R.N.D., app. 120, no. 690.
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a horse shoe, enclosing a dot.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Spec.2, 3
Digitised version GB Seal no.1925 n.d.
Ordwy, William son of
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a floriated device.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1869, 1882
GB Seal no.1926 1260
Orrebi, Thomas de of
He was the second son of Herbert de Orrebi of Gausworth, Cheshire. The blason is ermine two chevrons and a canton gules. His uncle, Philip de Orrebi, justice of Cheshire, 1209-28, seals with ermine three chevrons (gules) on a canton (gules) a
lion passant (gold) (18 Harleian Society publ., 188; Ormerod's
History of Cheshire , III, 289). The Orrebis of Dalby after the marriage with the heiress of Strange adopted their arms so in the roll of Edward II. Sir John Orrebi bears gules two lions passant silver and a label.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, ermine, two chevrons, and a canton.
Inscription: ✠ S' THOME:DE:ORREBI
Seal attached to document reference: [G] D107
Digitised version GB Seal no.1927 1275
Osbert, Anabella
Styled Anabella, widow of Walter, son of Osbert, merchant of Old Elvet
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a heron.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.130
GB Seal no.1928 n.d.
Osgelaini (?), Adam of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a pierced molet.
Inscription: ✶ S' ADAM · OSGELAIMA
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 7075
GB Seal no.1929 1279
Oty, Roger
Styled Roger Oty of 'Grenehayk'
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, green, a crescent enclosing a star.
Inscription: ✠ S' ROGERI OTI
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Ebor.21
GB Seal no.1929(i) 1279
Oty, John, of 'Grenehayk'
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4250
GB Seal no.1929(ii)
Oter, Alice, widow of Ranulf, of Darlington
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4648 (fragmentary)
GB Seal no.1929(iii)
Ousethorpe, Richard of
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4250
PGB Seal no.1930 1261
Page, William
Styled of 'Burdun dune'
Size: 38 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' · WILLI:PAGE:D'.BVRD'
Seal attached to document reference: 3.10.Spec.57
Digitised version GB Seal no.1931 1366-1368
Page, Robert
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a bend between three crosses fitchy and three crosses within crescents.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Sacr.22; 4.15.Spec.21, 35
Digitised version GB Seal no.1932 1430
Palman, John
Styled chaplain
Size: 19 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, standing figure of St Catherine, crowned and holding her wheel.
Inscription: ✶ ... ATERINA
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2406
GB Seal no.1933 1372-1373
Palmer, William
Styled rector of the church of 'Hadelegh'
Papworth blasons for Palmer of Gloucestershire silver on a chief sable three cinquefoils silver. The quartering I am unable to trace or to blason.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, red, armorial, quarterly I and IV on a chief three cinquefoils, II, two saltires in chief and two in base, III, two saltires in chief and one in base.
Inscription: ✶ sigillv : dni : willelmi : palmer
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3665, 5142
GB Seal no.1934 n.d.
Papedi, Matilda
Styled the Lady Matilda de Leye in widowhood
This charter is printed R.N.D., app. 130, no. 735. See also FPD, 221, 222, and
Berwick Nat. Club Trans. , 1876-78, p.480.
Size: 38 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a lion and bird back to back, their heads turned towards each other.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Spec.63
GB Seal no.1935 n.d.
Papedi, Wimarc
Styled the Lady Wimarc Papedi, formerly wife of Roger of Audre
Printed R.N.D., app. 130, no. 739. See also FPD, 177n, and
Berwick Nat. Club Trans. , 1876-78, p. 481.
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a bird, like a parret, with a conventional branch above it.
Inscription: ...LL WIMARC PAPEDI
Seal attached to document reference: 4.3.Sacr.9
GB Seal no.1936 1320
Park, John
Styled John, son of Sir (dominus) John 'de Parco'
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a hawk upon a bird.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.9.Spec.52
GB Seal no.1937 1323
Park, Richard
Styled Richard 'de Parco' Lord of 'Blayckeston'
They were the ancient lords of Blakiston which they held by grant from the prior and convent of Durham (S.D., III, 159). Sir Geoffrey de Parke of Fulthorpe was among the knights of the palatine at the battle of Lewes, 1264 (H.S., XV). In Jenyn's
ordinary 'Richard del Parke' bears sable an eagle displayed within a border silver.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a hazle bush on which a squirrel sits, at the foot is a lion.
Inscription: ✶ S' RICARDI DE PARCO
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5609
GB Seal no.1938 n.d.
Taylor, Roger
Styled Roger, son of Roger the tailor (parmentarius)
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, green, a crescent and a star above it.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.18.Spec.13
GB Seal no.1939 1263
Paris, Adam of
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a figure wearing a long robe, apparently feeding a stork.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILLV ...E DE PARIS
Seal attached to document reference: 4.12.Spec.18
Digitised version GB Seal no.1940 1419
Parnes, Adam de
Used by Agnes of 'Thirne' daughter and heir of William Langley, son and heir of Roger Lucianson of Durham.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, seven martlets on a quarter a molet, the shield is surmounted by a helmet upon which is a molet for crest.
Inscription: ADAM DE PARNES
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2041, 2042
Digitised version GB Seal no.1941 1329
Parvyng, Robert
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion asleep, within a traceried panel.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4683
GB Seal no.1942 1333-1339
Parvyng, Robert
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, antique (?) gem, a lion with an eagle's head seated, and holding a male head in its fore legs.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4088c, 4462
Digitised version GB Seal no.1943 n.d.
Passavant, John
FPD, 16, 218.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ SI ...NIS : PAS..VANT
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Pont.8
GB Seal no.1944 n.d.
Passur, Hugh
Styled Hugh, son of Walter Passur of Billingham
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL · HVGONIS · PASVR
Seal attached to document reference: 1.9.Spec.15
GB Seal no.1945 1335
Paternoster, John
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a plant.
Inscription: ✶ S' IOHIS PAT'NOST
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5319
GB Seal no.1946 n.d.
Styled Patrick of High Elvet, formerly contable (prepositus)
See FPD, 198n, 199n.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a crescent enclosing a star.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.16.Spec.55
GB Seal no.1947 n.d.
Styled Sir Patrick, vicar of St Oswald's and evidently dean of Christianity of Durham
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a chalice. cf 3316
Inscription: ...PAT' DECANI DVNE...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2304
GB Seal no.1948 n.d.
Paxton, William
Styled William, son of Robert of Paxton
Size: 25 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a pelican in her piety.
Inscription: ✠ S' WILLELMI PAXTVN
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Spec.28
Digitised version GB Seal no.1948(i) n.d.
Paxton, William, chaplain
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4693
GB Seal no.1949 1345
Paytenyntok, John
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a falcon seated upon a hand.
Inscription: Legend obliterated.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Spec.23; 3.3.Spec.31
GB Seal no.1950 1313
Peblis, Emma of
Styled Emma, daughter of Hugh of 'Peblis', late burgess of St Giles.
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an elongated star of eight rays.
Inscription: ✶ S' EMME ...LIS

Seal attached to document reference: 3.17.Spec.10
GB Seal no.1951 n.d.
Pechegambun, Ralph
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Elemos.9
GB Seal no.1952 1386
Pedwardine, Walter of
Styled knight (miles)
This shield is first blasoned in Charles's roll (c.1285) for 'Wat d' Pedwerdin' gules two lions passant gold. It is also blasoned in the roll of Richard II for 'Monsr. Waut. Pedwardyn'.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, two lions passant.
Inscription: s : walteri : de pedwardin:
Seal attached to document reference: 2.5.Ebor.17
Digitised version GB Seal no.1953 1361
Pelegrini, Hugo
Styled Hugo Pelegrini, treasurer of Lichfield and nuncio of the Apostolic See in England
In March, 1332, he had provision, at the King's request of a prebend in the church of Lanchester, in the diocese of Durham (Cal. Pap. II, 373). In November 1348 he had provision of the treasurership of Lichfield void by the death of Gaucelin,
cardinal bishop of Albano (Cal. Pap. III, 277; L.N. I, 582). In 1349 he is styled D.C.L. and papal nuncio (Cal. Pap. III, 40). In 1369 he held the prebend of Stoke in Lincoln (L.N. I, 582).
The arms of Pelegrin given by Woodward (
Heraldry, British and Foreign , I, 391), is the canting shield azure a pilgrim's staff in bend between three escallops gold.
Size: 54 x ? mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect, the pope, wearing the triple crown, seated, holding key in his right hand and book in left; on the sinister is a figure kneeling to him; below is a shield of arms bearing three bars
Inscription: Legend destroyed.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4980
Digitised version GB Seal no.1954 1330
Pelegrini, Raymund of
In 1347-48 he is styled nuncio of the lord pope in England (Durham Account Rolls, 100 Surt. Soc. publ., p.547).
He was a brother of Hugh above, (Cal. Pap. III, 632). A canon of St Omer, had the prebend of Driffield in York in 1329 (L.N. III, 182). In 1329 he was beneficed in France and rector of Atherton in the diocese of Winchester (Arreton in the Isle of
Wight), (Cal. Pap. II, 301). He was afterwards rector of Crondall, Hants., which he exchanged for Harrow (Middlesex) in 1352-53 (Hennessy, 205). In Sept., 1331, he had provision of a canonry and prebend in Wells (ibid, 328); 1337 canon of London
(prebend of Caddington Major) (L.N. II, 369); 1344 papal nuncio (Cal. Pap. III, 5); 1350 had provision of a canonry and prebend in Salisbury (ibid, 316, 414); 1359 archdeacon of Saint-Cere in Cahors (ibid, 632). He was also canon and prebendary of
and in Dublin, Lincoln and Shaftesbury (Hennessy, XXV).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three bars gemell.
Inscription: S' R PE LE . R IN I CLI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4257
Digitised version GB Seal no.1955 n.d.
Pelhou, Walter of
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL ... PELHOU
Seal attached to document reference: 6.5.Elemos.15
GB Seal no.1955(i) n.d.
Pelhowe, John
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4562
GB Seal no.1956 1271
Pennebrikit, Thomas
Size: 35 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a cross.
Inscription: ✠ S' THOME ... HIT
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1610
GB Seal no.1957 1315
Penreth, Alice of
Used by Alice, daughter of Thomas of Penreth.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, IHC with star and crescent.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.11.Spec.41
Digitised version GB Seal no.1958 1356
Penreth, Agnes wife of Thomas of, of Preston
See A.A., 3rd ser., I, 95, 132, for a Thomas of Penrith, priest.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a cross between in chief two molets, in base two crescents.
Inscription: S' ROBERTI DE PE..R..T.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.4.Spec.68
Digitised version GB Seal no.1959 n.d.
Percy, Alienor de
Countess of Northumberland
The seal is surrounded by a twisted straw. She was the daughter of Ralph Neville, the first Earl of Westmoreland, and was the widow of Richard, Lord Despencer, when she married Henry Percy, the second Earl of Northumberland; she died in 1463
(O.B., 648, Fonblanque's
Annals of the House of Percy ). For the crescent badge and motto see A.A., 2nd ser., IV, 179).
Size: 10 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, a crescent enclosing a spray with flowers, 'esperance' on the crescent.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXV.144
Digitised version GB Seal no.1960 1334
Percy, Henry de
He was the second Lord Percy of Alnwick, son of Henry, the first Lord and his wife Eleanor, daughter of John fitz Alan, styled Earl of Arundel. He succeeded his father in 1315, died 1353, and was buried at Alnwick Abbey (
Annals of the House of Percy ; A.A., 2nd ser., IV, 171). The blason of the shield is gold a lion rampant azure. A shield first borne by his father. It is blasoned in the roll of the battle of Falkirk (1298), in the
poem of the siege of Caerlaverock (1300), and appears on the seal and counterseal of Henry Percy attached to the baron's letter to the pope (1301) (The Ancestor, VI, 196). This seal is very similar in style and design to that of his brother-in-law
and feudal lord, Richard, Earl of Arundel (ibid., VI, 194). It seems probable that he assumed these arms in place of the ancient Percy arms of the indented fess on his marriage with Eleanor fitz Alan, and that they are therefore derived feudally
from the Arundel lion; which itself comes from the D'Albinis, earls of Arundel, who possibly used it in allusion to their descent from Adeliza, queen of Henry I. Its adoption by Henry Percy might still therefore allude to his descent from Josceline
of Louvain and the dukes of Brabant, whose shield, in armorial times, was sable a lion rampant gold. The lion shield is carved for him on the octagon towers at Alnwick and on the Neville tomb in Durham abbey church. He still used the indented fess,
a counter-seal of 1317 engraved in Annals of the House of Percy (seals no. 12) bearing these ancient arms, with two lions as supporters and legend SIGILL .. CRETI.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a lion rampant, a lacertine beast on each side of shield.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1473
Digitised version GB Seal no.1961 1347
Percy, Henry de
Styled 'seigneur de Alnewyk'
This charter is printed R.N.D., app. 143, no. 793. This is another seal of the second Lord Percy of Alnwick. The mantling shows their ancient arms of the indented fess. This is the first appearance of the Percy crest of the standing lion.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, shield couchée bearing a lion rampant, and surmounted by helmet upon which on a cap of maintenance is the crest of a lion standing.
Inscription: SIG... D' PERCY SENIOR'
Seal attached to document reference: 4.3.Sacr.17a
GB Seal no.1962 1363
Percy, Henry de
Styled Henry de Percy 'le filz'
He succeeded as fourth Lord Percy of Alnwick, 1368, was created Earl of Northumberland 1377, died 1407, and was buried in York minster (O.B., II, 645, Historic Peerage, 379). This seal is the one used by him in the lifetime of his father. His
shield is carved over the gateways of Lumley and Cockermouth Castles. This charter is printed R.N.D., app. 123, no. 701.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a lion rampant and a label of three points. The shield is held by a lion's paw issuing out of clouds.
Inscription: s : henrici : de : p....n::
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Spec.7
Digitised version GB Seal no.1963 1388-1400
Percy, Henry de
Styled Earl of Northumberland and Lord of Cockermouth
The seal of Henry the fourth Lord Percy of Alnwick after his creation as Earl of Northumberland, and after his marriage with Maud, the heiress of the Lucys, Lords of Cockermouth in 1384. The shield of arms bears Percy (modern) quartering Lucy.
The settlement by which it was made obligatory for the Earl's descendents to quarter the arms of Lucy is given A.A., 2nd ser., IV, 174. He himself would quarter the shield as Lord of Cockermouth in right of his wife. This shield is blasoned for him
in the roll of Richard II. This seal is engraved S.D. Seals VIII, no. 1. See also R.N.D., app. 142, no 792.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a man in armour with bare head, standing on a lion, holds in his right hand a spear with pennon upon which is a crescent, his left hand rests upon a shield of arms in front of him, charged quarterly, I and
IV a lion rampant, II and III three lucies.
Inscription: s . henrici de : perci . comitis . northumbrie . et . dni. de cokirmouth .
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Ebor.44, 46, 53; 1.1.Spec.54, 57
Digitised version GB Seal no.1964 1416
Percy, Henry de of
He succeeded as second Earl of Northumberland, 1414; was killed at the battle of St Albans, and buried in the abbey church there in 1455. This is the first Percy seal upon which supporters appear, though the two lions at either side of his
father, Hotspur's, seal (A.A., 2nd ser., IV, 183) approach that style. It will be noted that here they support the helmet and not the shield. The absence of any crest wreath is also to be noted. This seal is engraved S.D., seals, VIII, no. 2. See
also A.A., 2nd ser., IV, 184. His signet is no. 1966 in this catalogue. See also R.N.D., app. 143, nos. 795-798.
Size: 63 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, shield of arms couchée bearing quarterly, I and IV a lion rampant, II and III three lucies, the shield is surmounted by a helmet, with mantling, upon which, on a cap of maintenance, stands the
lion crest. The helmet is supported by two lions, one on either side.
Inscription: ✠ sigillvm :+: henrici :+;: percy :+: comitis : northumbr : t : dui :+: honoris :+: de :+: cohiremouth
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Spec.49; 3.1.Reg.II; 4.3.Sacr.17b; Misc.Ch. 476
Digitised version GB Seal no.1965 1446
Percy, Henry de
Styled knight, eldest son of Henry, Earl of Northumberland.
The seal is named, that of our office of warden of the East Marches. Afterwards third Earl of Northumberland. This seal is used in the lifetime of his father and is his official seal as Lord Warden of the East Marches. It is engraved S.D., seals,
VIII, no. 11.
Size: 63 mm.
Seal design: Round, very imperfect, a lion, seated, holds by his right paw a banner of arms blasoned quarterly Percy and Lucy and a label of three points.
Inscription: S...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5114
Digitised version GB Seal no.1966 n.d.
Percy, Henry de
Styled Earl of Northumberland and Lord of the Honour of Cockermouth
The signet of Henry, second Earl of Northumberland. It is similar in style to his wife's signet, no. 1959.
Size: 10 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, a lion seated, with crescent round his neck, above is the legend 'Le espoyr'
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXV.155, 160, 164, 165, 165*
Digitised version GB Seal no.1967 n.d.
Percy, Henry de
Size: -
Seal design: Signet, very imperfect, a sexfoil.
Seal attached to document reference: Losc.XXV.147
GB Seal no.1968 1461
Percy, Henry de
Styled Earl of Northumberland and warden of the East Marches
The signet of Henry, third Earl of Northumberland. It is similar to the lion, on the gate tower of Warkworth castle, which bears a crescent round its neck inscribed 'Esperance'. This charter is printed R.N.D., v, note.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, a lion seated in a crescent, around it 'esperance' (very poor impression).
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Sacr.8
GB Seal no.1968a 1482
Percy, Henry de
The deed bears the Earl's signature. The seal and counterseal of Henry, fourth Earl of Northumberland, 1470-1489.
Size: Secretum:19 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, very imperfect, armorial, apparently quarterly Percy and Lucy, with helmet and lion crest and two lions as supporters.Secretum: round, a lion seated with his tail twisted over his back, around him 'perance'.
Inscription: 1. Legend destroyed.
Seal attached to document reference: [G]
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.1969 1515
Percy, Henry de
The seal is impressed on paper laid over the wax. Henry, fifth Earl of Northumberland (1489-1527). The end of this letter to the Prior of Durham is quoted A.A., 2nd ser., IV, 201 and a facsimilie given ibid., plate facing p.200. The Earl's badge
of a locket appears between each letter of the legend on the seal.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion rampant.
Inscription: TOVT LOYAL (a fetterlock between each letter)
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXV.151
GB Seal no.1969A 1576
Percy, Henry de
The deed bears the Earl's signature. The seal of Henry, eighth Earl of Northumberland (1572-1585). It is not an armorial seal and is very indistinct.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, within a circle upon which is an illegible legend, a lion rampant.
Seal attached to document reference: [G]
Digitised version GB Seal no.1970 n.d.
Percy, Henry de
Same man as no. 1960.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, imperfect, armorial, a lion rampant, the shield hangs from a tree upon which a bird is seated. A small animal in the spandrils of the tracery supports the shield on each side.
Seal attached to document reference: [G]...
Digitised version GB Seal no.1970A n.d.
Percy, William de
William, Lord Percy, who died 1245. The seal shows apparently only three indents, but it may be that the first one on either side of the shield is dimidiated to get five in; it is engraved S.D., seals, VII, no. 3. See also A.A., 3rd ser., III,
Size: 44 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight, in mail, surcoat and cylindrical helmet, bearing a sword and a shield of arms hanging from his neck by a strap, charged with a fess indented of three fusils.
Inscription: SIGIL... WILLELMI · DE · P·RCY
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Finc.12
Digitised version GB Seal no.1971 1371
Perre, John
Styled son and heir of John Perre, of Hebburn
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, two figures standing facing each other.
Inscription: ✶ SIGILLVM ...
Seal attached to document reference: 1.4.Spec.78, 79
GB Seal no.1972 1376
Person, Richard
Styled son of John Person of Fery
FPD, 65 and 80.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a merchant's mark, a bird on dexter and on sinister on a shield of arms three birds.
Inscription: LE SELE DE ... LELE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2054
Digitised version GB Seal no.1973 1322
Peruch.., Boniface de
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a spray of ivy within tracery.
Inscription: SIGILLVM X B ... DE X PERVT..
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6023
GB Seal no.1974 n.d.
Pese, Walter
Styled Walter the cook, son of Adam Pese of Durham
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an elongated star.
Inscription: ✠ S' WALTERI:PESE
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Elemos.15
GB Seal no.1975 n.d.
Pese, John
Styled John the clerk, son of Roger Peys of Burdon
Size: 35 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a pelican in her piety.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.10.Spec.16, 18
GB Seal no.1976 n.d.
Pesehale, Robert of
He is styled Robert of Pesehale of Tweedmouth. The charter is printed R.N.D., app., 120, no. 686. In ibid., no. 688, his wife is called the lady Susanna.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a pea plant with pods.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Spec.37*
GB Seal no.1977 1252
Pessun, William
Size: 29 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem, a figure with a dog behind, striking with a dagger at another figure who kneels in front of an altar.
Inscription: ✶ S' WILELMI.PEYSSVN
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Spec.21
Digitised version GB Seal no.1978 n.d.
Peter, Absolon son of
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a floriated fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ SI... LON FILII ...S:
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Pont.8
GB Seal no.1978a n.d.
Peter, John son of
Used by William, son of Peter of Walworth.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a dog biting at his tail.
Inscription: ✶ S' IOHIS FILII PETRI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1597
GB Seal no.1978b 1313
Peter (of Hartlepool)
Styled William, son of John, son of Peter of Hartlepool, Lord of Bruntoft
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, green, three bells in a trefoil cusped panel.
Inscription: ✠ S' WILLELMI:... ET..
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 148
GB Seal no.1979 1275
Peter, John son of.
Styled John, son of Peter of Hartlepool
Size: 25 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the Holy Lamb.
Inscription: ✠ S' IOHANNIS:FIL:PETRI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 89, 143
GB Seal no.1980 1386
Peter, Stephen son of
Used by Thomas of Lumley, chaplain.
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a pelican in her piety.
Inscription: ✠ S' STEFANI · FILI · PETRI
Seal attached to document reference: 1.15.Spec.15, 16
GB Seal no.1981 n.d.
Peter (the goldsmith)
One of the witnesses to this deed is 'Magister Ricardus de Farinham, tunc architector novae fabricae Dunelm' (the nine altars).
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' PTRI AVRIFABR
Seal attached to document reference: 2.18.Spec.7
GB Seal no.1982 n.d.
Piburne, Warine
Size: 38 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' WARINI D PIBVRNE
Seal attached to document reference: 2.11.Spec.9*
GB Seal no.1983 n.d.
Pirie, Ralph de
Size: 51 mm.
Seal design: Round, a pear tree with leaves and fruit.
Inscription: ✠ SIG ... ADVLFI DE PIRIA
Seal attached to document reference: [G] B14
Digitised version GB Seal no.1984 n.d.
Phitun, John
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, armorial, undecipherable.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL ... FITH ..
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.4.Ebor.15
GB Seal no.1985 1475
Pickering, John
Used by John 'Pykryng', clerk.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, an eagle displayed, on a scroll beneath janet.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.18.Spec.18, 19; 4.18.Spec.63
GB Seal no.1986 1291-1299
Pickering, John of
He is styled clerk and commissary of 'dominus Giffridus de Vezano', who, in charter Misc.Ch. 5105 (no. 2541 in this catalogue) is styled chamberlain to the Lord Legate. In 1312 a John of Pickering was vicar of Ponteland.
Size: 22 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a figure praying, above a hand blessing.
Inscription: S' IOHIS DE PYK'R CLKI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4436, 4644
GB Seal no.1987 1291
Pickering, John of
He was vicar of the collegiate church of Norton and was recently dead in 1314 (R.P.D., 622).
Size: 22 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a falcon standing on a gloved hand.
Inscription: ✶ CRE .. DE SALVTIS
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4056, 4279, 4376, 4601
GB Seal no.1988 1360-1362
Pickering, Robert of
Appended to a receipt of John of Fencotes and to a deed of Robert of Middleton. This is an unknown shield for Pickering and I am unable to blason it.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a bend three lions passant.
Inscription: S' ROB' DE PIKERING
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2070, 4051f
GB Seal no.1989 n.d.
Pidele, Helias de
Pidele is in Worcestershire.
Size: 51 mm.
Seal design: Round, white, equestrian, knight in trellised mail, and conical pointed helmet with nasal, holding spear with pennon and shield with boos and bars radiating from the centre. He wears a long prick
Seal attached to document reference: 1.4.Ebor.25
Digitised version GB Seal no.1990 n.d.
Pinchard, Petronilla
Styled Petronilla, wife of Reginald Pinchard of 'Coken' cf 661
P.F., 80.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a cross, the limbs ending in fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' PERVNEL D' CHOKIN
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Finc.4, 12
GB Seal no.1991 n.d.
Pinchard, Reginald
Used by Reginald Pinchard of 'Coken' and Petronilla, his wife. P.F., 87, no. XCVI.
Size: 1. 29 mm.Size: 2. 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, a fleur-de-lys.2. Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Finc.4, 16
GB Seal no.1992 1270
Pinkney, Adam
Styled Adam of 'Pinken', canon of Ripon. cf 2090
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, two figures standing in niches; that on the right a bishop holding a crosier, that on the left a saint, with a nimbus. Beneath is a figure praying.
Inscription: S' ADE DE' PICCNIOP...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4089
GB Seal no.1993 n.d.
Pinzun, Hugh son of
He is styled Hugh, son of Pinzun the steward (dapifer). Hugh, son of Pincun, witnesses two charters of bishop William de St Barbara (1143-52), printed FPD, LXIV, LXV. See also Guisborough Chartulary, p.184 and note (86 Surt. Soc. publ.).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian knight in mail, wearing a conical helmet and with spear and shield.
Inscription: ...VNE
Seal attached to document reference: 3.3.Ebor.31
GB Seal no.1994 n.d.
Pinzun, Hugh son of
This is not his seal (perhaps it is the seal of Revesby Abbey). In
Scenes and Characters of the Middle Ages , by E.L. Cutts, p.17, there is an engraving of a group of Cistercian monks reproduced from a MS, in the British Museum (Vitellius A, 13), who have their hands hidden in long
sleeves and crossed like this figure.
Size: 57 x 41 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a tonsured monk, seated, in cloak with long sleeves covering his hands which are crossed on his knees, to him another figure bends in supplication.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.3.Ebor.31*
Digitised version GB Seal no.1995 n.d.
Pistor, Roger
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, white, an elongated star of eight points.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL ROGE... PISTORIS
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Sacr.6; Misc.Ch. 2552
GB Seal no.1996 1341
Used by William, son of Henry of Hett. The seal is much earlier in date than the document to which it is attached.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, green, a cross paty.
Inscription: ✠ S' STVRCI PISSTORIS
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1846
GB Seal no.1997 1219
Pittington, Alan of
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion passant.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Pont.8
GB Seal no.1998 1237
Pittington, Alice
Styled Alice, formerly wife of Alan of Pittington, in widowhood
S.D., I, 113.
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of eight wavy rays.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.8.Spec.5, 6, 7
GB Seal no.1999 n.d.
Pittington, Beatrice
Styled Beatrice, who was the wife of Peter of Pitindon, in widowhood
S.D., I, 113.
Size: -
Seal design: Very imperfect, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ... BEA...
Seal attached to document reference: 1.8.Spec.10
GB Seal no.2000 n.d.
Pittington, William of
Styled son of Alan of Pitingdon
Charter printed FPD, 129n.
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, an ornate fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.8.Spec.4
GB Seal no.2001 n.d.
Plumer, John
Styled son of John 'le Plumer', of Durham
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a conventional branch.
Inscription: ✠ S' IOHS FIL IOHS PLVMER
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2017
GB Seal no.2002 1371
Plumer, John
Styled John Plummer of York, relative and heir of John Plummer, late burgess of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
R.W., I, 164.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a circular device, quite obliterated.
Inscription: ✶ S' IOHANNIS PLVME · D' BEVERI'
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6775
GB Seal no.2003 1384
Plumpton, John of
Used by John Plumpton of Durham.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, in a shield shaped panel a shield of arms bearing a wolf(?) passant.
Inscription: sigill ricardi de ...
Seal attached to document reference: 1.16.Spec.5, 4
GB Seal no.2003(i)
Pocklington, Robert of
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4816
GB Seal no.2004 1348
Pole, William de la
Styled William de la Pole, senior, knight (miles)
The famous merchant of Kingston-upon-Hull, at which town these charters are dated. His son Michael was Lord Chancellor of England (1383-86), and was created Earl of Suffolk in 1385. William's I.P.M. was taken at Durham, 23 September 1366 (C.R.,
45). The blason of the shield is azure a fess between three leopards' faces gold. It is so blasoned for Michael de la Pole in the roll of Richard II.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a fess between three leopard's heads.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.16.Spec.22; 2.2.Elemos.16
Digitised version GB Seal no.2005 1311
Pole, Johanna del
Styled Johanna del Pole, widow of Thomas the mason of Elvet
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, undecipherable.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Elemos.2
GB Seal no.2006 1439
Pollou, David
Used by Robert Wade, chaplain, son and heir of Margaret Wade.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a fess two saltires. cf 2448
Inscription: S DAVID ✶ POLLOV
Seal attached to document reference: 4.10.Spec.2
Digitised version GB Seal no.2007 1309-1319
Pollou, John of
Size: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem, a winged horse (Pegasus).
Inscription: ✠ S' IOHIS DE POLLOV
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3425, 4031, 5015b
Digitised version GB Seal no.2008 1312
Polhou, John of
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, St Catherine standing, a figure prays to her.
Inscription: ✠ S' IOHANNIS DE POLLOW ✶
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3717
GB Seal no.2009 1343-1346
Polhou, John of
Styled rector of Bolton Percy, commissary of the archdeacon of the East Riding and receiver of the treasury (receptor scaccarii) of Thomas, bishop of Durham
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, Our Lady and Christ seated, a tree is in front of them and beyond it John kneeling prays to them.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4052b, 4163, 4204
Digitised version GB Seal no.2010 1315
Pollou, John of
Used by John of Pollou.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron, on a chief a lion passant.
Inscription: ...FIE DE PETPOLIE..
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4728
GB Seal no.2011 1496
Pollou, Thomas
Used by him; it is also used by John of Wadeley in 1397 (1.17.Spec.49).
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron between, in dexter chief a saltire, in sinister ...(?), and in base a molet(?), all in a border.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.17.Spec.52
Digitised version GB Seal no.2012 n.d.
Ponder, Robert
Size: 41 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ ...L ROBERTI:POND . MATILDI' . VXOR-
Seal attached to document reference: 3.4.Elemos.1
GB Seal no.2013 1300
Ponsonby, Alexander of
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, red, St Michael slaying the dragon; he carries a shield of arms, charged with a cross patonce.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3752, 3485
Digitised version GB Seal no.2014 n.d.
Ponte, Alice de
Styled Alice, daughter of William 'de Ponte' of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
FPD, 6, note.
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a star-like device.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Spec.43; 3.3.Spec.16, 17
GB Seal no.2015 n.d.
Ponte, Agnes de
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a bird like a heron.
Inscription: S' AGNETIS DE PONTE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2049
GB Seal no.2016 n.d.
Ponte, William de
Styled chaplain
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a cross, voided in the angles are the letters DEVS.
Inscription: ✠ S' WILELMI DE PONTE
Seal attached to document reference: 3.18.Spec.10
Digitised version GB Seal no.2017 1246
Pontem, Ricardus ad
Styled 'Ricardus ad Pontem' of Frosterley
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, two fleur-de-lys, one above the other, two stars between them. cf 1028
Inscription: ✠ S' RICARDI D...TE
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Sacr.7*
GB Seal no.2018 1322
Pontefract, John of
Styled one of the executors of Walter of Gosewyke
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a device like a merchant's mark.
Inscription: ✶ S' IOHIS D' PONTEFRACTO
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3724, 4473; Loc.XXVIII.8
GB Seal no.2019 1399
Pontefract, William of
Styled William of 'Pountfragt', citizen and draper of York
His wife's seal on the same document is round,19, a lion asleep on a quatrefoil leaf: ✶ S'RAR...
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, a merchant's mark in a corded border, a cross with streamers, a star on right and W beneath.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6875
Digitised version GB Seal no.2020 1392
Popham, John of
Styled knight
He was a nephew of bishop Thomas of Hatfield, from whom he received numerous grants of wardships and marriages. In 1380 he was appointed chief forester of Weardale and supervisor of the parks of Evenwood and Auckland (C.R., 32, p.294). The stag's
head may refer to his office of forester; it is taken from his shield which bore silver a fess gules in chief two bucks' heads cabossed gold (Jenyn's Roll).
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, a stag's head, M between the horns, below them 'lnne ihc'.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6706
Digitised version GB Seal no.2021 1316
Portington, Nicholas of
This is not his own seal; for the arms of the family see next seal, no. 2022 and for pedigree V.Y., 561.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a saltire, the shield is couchée and is surmounted by helmet with mantling, upon which is a fan-shaped crest.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4250
Digitised version GB Seal no.2022 1406
Portington, Thomas of
The blason is gules on a bend silver three Cornish choughs. The charter concerns the church of Eastrington, which, as well as Portington, is near the bishop of Durham's manor of Howden in Yorkshire.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a bend three birds.
Inscription: ...INGTON
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Ebor.27*
GB Seal no.2023 1311
Poterel, Richard
Used by Adam of Thorp.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, on a shield a device of a star and letter R.
Inscription: S' RI CA RD IP OT ER EL
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3401
Digitised version GB Seal no.2024 n.d.
Pothou, John of
Used by John of Pothou and Rosamund his wife, heiress of Sir John of Egelston and the lady Rosamund, his wife. See also no. 2283 in this catalogue. In 1349 he is styled of Wolviston (C.R., 31, p.154). In the charter the Lady Rosamund is styled of
Size: 1. 41 x 25 mm.Size: 2. 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: 1. Oval, a hawk on a patridge.2. Oval, two hands clasped.
Inscription: 1. ✠ S' IOHANNIS DE POTHOWE2. ✠ IE SV SELE .. LEL
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Ebor.7
Digitised version GB Seal no.2025 1357
Pothou, William of
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a cross patonce.
Inscription: ✶ S' WILLELMI DE POTHOV
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6517
Digitised version GB Seal no.2026 1353
Potter, John
Used by John Potter of Durham, burgess of the old burgh of Durham.
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an eagle displayed.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.18.Spec.34
2027: Incorrect duplicate entry for 2023.
GB Seal no.2028 1325
Poyntour, William & John
No. 1 used by William Poyntour of Oxford, chaplain, and no. 2 by John, his brother.
Size: 1. 13 mm.Size: 2.19 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, armorial, a bend between a cross-crosslet and a woman's head in chief, in base a bird, three cinquefoils on the bend.2. Round, a lion in a geometrical device.
Inscription: 1. 'MITA' with quatrefoils between each letter2. ...NEPO...
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Ebor.16
Digitised version GB Seal no.2028(i)
Power, John
Seal attached to document reference: 4.11.Spec.25, 26
Digitised version GB Seal no.2029 1394
Prentyse, William
Styled of Durham
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a horse shoe and hammer.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.15.Spec.37
GB Seal no.2030 1320
Preston, Eudes
Size: -
Seal design: Round, very imperfect, armorial, undecipherable.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] A49
GB Seal no.2031 1438
Preston, Robert
Styled Robert Preston, forester of the park of Gateshead and guard of the tower in the same place. He was also coroner of Easington ward
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal signet, a goat with branch above it.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXVIII3
GB Seal no.2032 n.d.
Prigod, William
Size: 41 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an elongated star.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.9.Spec.67
GB Seal no.2033 n.d.
Puignant, Alan
No. 1 used by Alan Puignant and No. 2 by Alice, his wife.
Size: 1. 32 mm.Size: 2. 38 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, an eagle standing with conventional branch behind.2. Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 5.3.Elemos.10, 11
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.2034 n.d.
Pulain, Alice
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' :ALICIE PVLAIN:
Seal attached to document reference: 4.9.Spec.7
Digitised version GB Seal no.2035 1302
Punchard, John
Styled John, son of William Punchard of Oxford
Size: 25 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✶ s' iohis punchard
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Ebor.7a
GB Seal no.2036 1312
Punchard, John
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a monkey holding a nut in his left hand and scratching his back with his right.
Inscription: ✶ HEYL HEYL HEYL
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Ebor.7b, 7c
Digitised version GB Seal no.2036(i)
Punder, John, of Old Durham
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4692
2037: Pundsonby, Alexander of, see 2013
GB Seal no.2038 1281
Pydi, Hugh
Styled Hugh Pydi, mason
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a heron.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.6.Spec.7
GB Seal no.2039 1459
Pygot, Geoffrey
He was Sir Geoffrey Pigott, knight, Lord of Clotheram; his wife was Margaret, daughter and co-heiress of William Siwardby, Lord of Siwardby. (For pedigree see Plantagenet-Harrison's
History of Yorkshire , 519). This deed is the foundation charter of a chantry in the church of Siggeston by Elizabeth Siwardby, Geoffrey Pigott, John Vavasour, and Margaret, daughter of William and Elizabeth Siwardby.
See also nos. 2368, 2369, and 2572.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, a hawk with wings raised standing on a bird.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Ebor.32
Digitised version GB Seal no.2040 n.d.
Pyle, Cristiana
Styled Cristiana, widow of Robert Schokis, daughter of Gilbert Pyle
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a star of eight points.
Inscription: ✠ S' CRISTIANE PIL
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2021, 2022
GB Seal no.2041 n.d.
Puiset, Henry de
He was one of the sons of Hugh de Puiset, bishop of Durham (1153-1195). See P.F., X, and note; also ibid., p.6, where this seal is engraved, and charter 1.2.Finc.1, is printed. For note on this surname see
The Complete Peerage , by G.E.C., edited by Vicary Gibbs, vol. III, app. C, page 604. Note 174. For pedigree of Puiset see Stubbs
Historical Introductions to the Rolls Series , ed.
Hassall, p.211.
Size: 51 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight in mail hauberk, wearing a round topped helmet; sword in hand and shield showing a floriated boss and a border. Beneath the horse is a dog running.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.6.Spec.13, 13*; 1.7.Spec.1; 3.1.Finc.21, 22; 4.1.Finc.1, 2 36; 1.2.Finc.1; 2.2.Finc.16
Digitised version QGB Seal no.2042 n.d.
Queldrik, John of
A roughly executed seal, probably home-made.
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a very curious nondescript beast.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Ebor.18
GB Seal no.2043 1306
Querindon, Gilbert of
Quarrington in the parish of Kelloe.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of eight points.
Inscription: ✠ S' GILB'TI D' QVERIN
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1881
GB Seal no.2044 1299
Querindon, Hugh
Styled Hugh of Queryngton, burgess of Durham
Charter providing a second chaplain for the altar of St Mary the Virgin, in the church of St Nicholas, Durham, for the welfare of his own soul and that of his late wife Mariota (S.D., IV, ii, 48).
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem, a standing female figure.
Inscription: ✠ S' HVGONIS · DE · QVERINDVN
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2365; 5.2.Elemos.2
GB Seal no.2045 n.d.
Quincy, Roger de
Styled Earl of Winchester, constable of Scotland
He was the second son of Seiher de Quincy, first Earl of Winchester. He succeeded as second Earl of Winchester in 1235 and was constable of Scotland in 1235 in right of his first wife, a daughter and co-heiress of Alan, Lord of Galloway; he died
1264 (O.B., III 694). The shield is blasoned for him in Glover's roll of Henry III 'de goules a six mascles d'orvoydes du champ'. The dragon which on the obverse appears below the horse, on the reverse becomes a crest, a very early example of this
adornment. The reverse probably refers to an incident in his own or his father's life, who died in the Holy Land. It is similar to the seal of Hugh Neville, reproduced in the margin.
Size: 76 mm.
Seal design: Round, imperfect: obverse, equestrian, Roger in mail and loose surcoat, wearing a cylindrical helmet and carrying a shield of arms, six false lozenges, the trappings of his horse bear the same charges, beneath
the horse is a dragon. Reverse: Roger fighting a lion, on foot, in chain mail, loose surcoat, cylindrical helmet with dragon crest and bearing a shield of arms charged with six false lozenges (5 visible).
Inscription: Obverse: SIGILLV ... E:QVINC...
Reverse: ... SCOCIE
Seal attached to document reference: [G] B10
Digitised versionDigitised version RGB Seal no.2046 1302
Raby, Thomas of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a human head, with hand held in front of face.
Inscription: ✶ S' THOME DE RABI:
Seal attached to document reference: 3.14.Spec.31
GB Seal no.2047 1322
Raby, Thomas of
Charter granting a tenement to Sir John of Pollow, clerk. In 1315 Thomas was denounced as excommunicate (R.P.D., II, 740); see also S.D., IV, 39.
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, St Catherine standing, on dexter side RA, on sinister BI.
Inscription: S' THOME DE RABIE...
Seal attached to document reference: 3.16.Spec.2
Digitised version GB Seal no.2048 1146
Styled son of Ranulf, bishop of Durham, parson of Midelham
Styled son of Ranulf Flambard (1099-1128). The seal of bishop William of Sainte-Barbe is appended to charter no. 1. See also
Ancestor , XII, p. 53.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a winged griffin.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILLVM RADVL..
Seal attached to document reference: 3.12.Spec.1, 2
Digitised version GB Seal no.2049 n.d.
Styled Ralph the chaplain, vicar of the church of St Oswald of Elvet
Size: 35 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, St Michael killing the dragon.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.24
Digitised version GB Seal no.2050 1280
Styled Ralph the chaplain, rector of the church of the blessed Virgin Mary in the South Bailey, Durham
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a conventional branch.
Inscription: ✠ S' RADVLFI · CAP'LANI
Seal attached to document reference: 2.16.Spec.3
GB Seal no.2051 n.d.
Ralph, Isabella daughter of
Styled Isabella, daughter of Ralph the vintner of Durham
Size: 38 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an elongated star of eight points.
Inscription: ✶ S' ISABIE FIL'E RAD'FI WINT
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2230
GB Seal no.2052 n.d.
Rae, Matilda
Styled wife of William Bradey and daughter of William Ra
Size: 35 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a crescent between two stars.
Inscription: ✠ S' MATILDE RAE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1894
GB Seal no.2053 1437-1462
Raket, William
He is styled clerk and also gentleman (generosus). In 1406 he was clerk of the treasury to the bishop of Durham
In 1426 he was appointed attorney-general to Bishop Langley (C.R., 33, p.162).
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal signet, a stag standing, a fish below it.
Inscription: deo gras
Seal attached to document reference: 3.4.Spec.26; 1.9.Spec.49; Misc.Ch. 1979; Loc.XXVIII.3
GB Seal no.2054 1440
Raket, William
Styled 'of Durham'
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal signet, a stag standing, an animal (? a dog) below it.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1679
GB Seal no.2055 1490
Raket, John
In 1500 he was appointed by Bishop Fox, keeper of the bishop's fishponds of 'Beaumondlough' and 'Wydoplylough'; in 1501 he was a justice of the peace for Durham (C.R., 36, app. I, pp.34, 37).
This seal is also used by William Bulmer of Wylton, jun., armiger, son and heir of Ralph Bulmer, knight (1.5.Spec.36-7).
That on 3.9.Spec.84 and 4.9.Spec etc is actually a different seal (the version referred to above with an undecipherable scroll), used by Sibilla Conyers and/or William Steyr of Norton - cf 459.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, a stag bounding past a tree. Over the back of the stag on a scroll is an undecipherable word.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Spec.24; 3.9.Spec.84; 4.9.Spec.33, 33*, 34, 35; 1.5.Spec.36, 37
Digitised version GB Seal no.2056 1446
Raket, Richard
Also used - 4.9.Spec.62 - date 1483, by John Clerk of Wolviston
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, a helmet with a fleur-de-lys crest.
Inscription: en hien vult
Seal attached to document reference: 4.9.Spec.62; Misc.Ch. 1814, 1819, 1823, 1833
Digitised version GB Seal no.2057 1292
Randolf, Thomas
Styled one of the executors of the will of the Lady 'Derreworgulle' of 'Gallugtha', formerly the Lady of Balliol
Grandson of Thomas fitz Randolph (see note 172a), and died about 1294. M.A.S. 2250. The comrade in arms and nephew of King Robert the Bruce. He was afterwards created Earl of Moray and was regent of Scotland after Bruce's death. The blason is
silver three cushions (or pillows, 'oreillers', Froissart calls them) gules. On his seal in 1314 the royal tressure of Scotland surrounds the cushions (see Laing's
Scottish Seals , I, nos. 688, 690).
She was the daughter of Alan, Lord of Galloway and wife of John Balliol. Her seal is described Laing's
Scottish Seals Supplement no. 71, and it is engraved ibid., plate V, fig. 1.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three cushions or pillows.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILLVM T...OLF
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4826 (seal now largely perished)
GB Seal no.2058 n.d.
Ranulph, William
Styled son of Ranulph of 'Yuckeflet'
Now Yokefleet on the Ouse in the East Riding, an estate which came into the possession of Finchale priory by the gift of Henry de Puiset (P.F., 40 et seq).
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a crescent reversed, over a star.
Inscription: ✠ S' WILLI F.. RANVLFI
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Finc.21
GB Seal no.2059 1388
Rat...(?), William of
Used by William Emeryson.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron between three stags' heads.
Inscription: S' WILELMI DE RAT...
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Sacr.7†g
GB Seal no.2060 n.d.
Raven, Roger son of
The seal is covered in cloth. The seal is used by Matillis, daughter of Alan, son of Thomas of Egglesclif. This charter mentions 'Roger my husband', whose seal this probably is.
Size: 35 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a leaf (?)
Seal attached to document reference: 3.7.Spec.11
Digitised version GB Seal no.2061 n.d.
Reading, Gilbert of
Charter 1.16.Spec.54, names him as owner of land in the North Bailey, Durham (FPD, 197n).
Size: 44 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a helmet with a small banner for crest.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2433
Digitised version GB Seal no.2061A n.d.
Reading, Richard of
Styled son and heir of William of Redinges and Agnes called 'Ra' wife of the said William
Styled daughter of William and Agnes his wife, and sister of Richard
Styled son and heir of William, called 'Small', and of the above Emma
Size: 1. 29 mm.Size: 2. 32 x 22 mm.Size: 3. 25 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, a star of eight large and eight smaller rays.2. Oval, a fleur-de-lys.3. Round, a star of eight points.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2029
GB Seal no.2062 n.d.
Reading, Roger of
Styled Roger of Newton, son of Roger of 'Redingys'
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an eagle with raised wings.
Inscription: ✠ S' ROGERI · DE · REDINGES
Seal attached to document reference: 6.1.Elemos.8
GB Seal no.2063 n.d.
Reading, William of
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a male head, Hercules(?)
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Sacr.1
Digitised version
2064: see 2103
GB Seal no.2065 1390
Redhead, Richard
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round, on a shield a device like a merchant's mark, in dexter chief a cinquefoil, in sinister 'R', in base a molet.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6440
GB Seal no.2066 n.d.
Redhead, William
Styled William, called Redhed of Darlington
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a pelican in her piety.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1603
GB Seal no.2067 n.d.
Styled the mercer of Durham
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.14.Spec.36
GB Seal no.2068 n.d.
Reynold, Matilda daughter of
Size: -
Seal design: Oval, a star of eight points.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXXVIII.20
GB Seal no.2069 1255
Reinerius, Matthew
Styled a merchant of Siena
Size: 1. 25 mm.Size: Secretum:19 mm.
Seal design: 1. Oval, imperfect, armorial, an eagle displayed, dimidated by barry of ten.Secretum: round, the same shield of arms.
Inscription: 1. ...NERII DICTV...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3609
Digitised version GB Seal no.2070 1174
Reinger, Ralph son of
Styled Ralph, son of Ralph, son of Reinger
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion passant.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] B13
GB Seal no.2071 1338
Reyton, Adam of
Used by Adam Champman.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a floriated star.
Inscription: ✶ S' ADE DE REYTON
Seal attached to document reference: 3.14.Spec.58
GB Seal no.2072 1341
Ribbeton, William of
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem, a lion walking; above it 'RIBE', below it 'TOVN'.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3702, 3782, 4138f, 4674, 4719, 4761, 4970b
Digitised version GB Seal no.2073 1331
Ribbeton, William of
Styled 'medicus'
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect, a figure kneeling to a seated figure.
Inscription: Legend obliterated.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4283
2073A; Richard Fitz Roger, see 2110, 2111.
GB Seal no.2074 n.d.
Richard, Geoffrey fitz
Of the family of the ancient lords of Horden, owners of Silksworth (S.D., 243, and app. 296, where these charters are printed; see also FPD, 18).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight with sword and shield, in round topped helmet and mail hauberk.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.7.Spec.22, 23
GB Seal no.2075 n.d.
Richard, Geoffrey fitz
Same man as no. 2074.
Size: 51 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight in mail hauberk, cylindrical helmet, with nasal; and sword and shield.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.7.Spec.21
GB Seal no.2076 n.d.
Richard, Matilda daughter of
Styled daughter of Richard of the street of St Mary Magdalene, Durham
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a star of eight points.
Inscription: S' MATILL.. FILE RICARD'
Seal attached to document reference: 6.4.Elemos.14
GB Seal no.2077 n.d.
Richard, Quenilda daughter of
Styled daughter of Richard fitz Roger
She was one of the daughters and co-heiresses of Richard fitz Roger, Lord of Woodplumpton, and wife of Roger Gernet or Roger the butler as he is called in 2.2.4.Ebor.33, in which charter Quenilda is styled the Lady of Warton (see no. 499 in this
catalogue); she died childless in 1252 (Baines,
Lancashire , II, 491, 503,
Victoria History of Lancaster , III, 53). See Cal. I.P.M., Henry III, i, no. 253. Robert of Stockport and sir Ralph Bethum are his heirs. For her mother's seal
see no. 146 and for her father's nos. 2110 and 2111 in this catalogue.
Size: 41 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.4.Ebor.67
GB Seal no.2078 n.d.
Richard, Amiria daughter of
Another of the daughters and co-heiresses of Richard fitz Roger and wife of Thomas of Betham (Nicolson and Burn's
Westmorland , I, 626; Baines,
Lancashire , II, 491;
Victoria History of Lancaster , III, 53).
Size: 44 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a demi-figure of our Lady with Christ, beneath is a praying figure.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.4.Ebor.6
GB Seal no.2079 n.d.
Richard, William son of
Styled son of Richard, son of Guy, of the old town of Durham
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a pair of shears.
Inscription: ✠ S' WILLI FIL RICARDI
Seal attached to document reference: 6.1.Elemos.1a, 2a, 4a
GB Seal no.2080 n.d.
Styled formerly proctor of Norham
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a pelican in her piety.
Inscription: ....V · PA.. STONISI...
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Spec.23
GB Seal no.2081 n.d.
Styled formerly chaplain of Jarrow, vicar of the church of Billingham
Size: 29 x 25 (?) mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, imperfect, a lion standing.
Inscription: ...GILLVM RIC...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 67
GB Seal no.2082 1322
Richmond, Earl of
Styled John de Bretagne, Earl of Richmond
Son of John de Dreux, Earl of Richmond and Duke of Brittany. He succeeded as Earl of Richmond, 1306 and died 1334 (O.B., III, 113). At Falkirk he was in 'la iij bataille; c'est la bataille le Roy' in the roll he is called 'Sire John de
Bretaigne', and his shield is blasoned 'eschekere d'or et d'azure on le cantell d'ermyne on la bordure de gulez poudre ou leopauds d'or'. He was also at Caerlaverock where he bore a beautiful banner: 'De or e de asur eschequere, A rouge ourle o
jaunes lupars, De ermine estoit la quart pars'.
This seal shows a very interesting compound shield of arms before the method of quartering had been invented. The gold and azure checkers are for Dreux; the ermine quarter for Brittany. The shield originally borne by Peter de Dreux, duke of
Brittany and Earl of Richmond (1213-35) in right of his wife Alice, daughter of Constance, duchess of Brittany and countess of Richmond. To this shield his son, John de Dreux I, added a border gules (Grimaldi's Roll), and the same shield was carried
by his son, John de Dreux II, and to it his son (the seal in the text) added the leopards of England to show that he was the royal blood, his mother being Beatrice, daughter of Henry III. We have therefore on this one seal charges representing the
armorials of Dreux, Brittany, Richmond and England.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, checky and a border charged with leopards, and a quarter of Brittany (ermine).
Inscription: S' IOH... ANN... IE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4768
Digitised version GB Seal no.2083 1356
Richmond, Peter of
It is used by John Murrok of Durham. I am unable to blason it. In 24 Ed.III (1350) an inquisition was held before Peter of Richmond and others, 'justices' (Plantagenet Harrison's
Yorkshire , 52).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron between three birds, on the chevron three crosses paty fitchy.
Inscription: ✶ S' PETRI DE RICHEMVND
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.2
GB Seal no.2084 1362
Richmond, Thomas of
Used by John of Aske. This shield appears to be derived from that of Fitzalan of Richmond, who bore barry gold and gules. Papworth gives the same shield also for Richmond. A similar shield was borne by Aske. (A.A., 3rd ser., III, 271 and
Plantagenet Harrison's
Yorkshire , pp. 46, 51).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, barry of six, a stag's head on a quarter.
Inscription: ★ s ★ tho ★ de ★ richemunde ★
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXVIII.9 (14)
Digitised version GB Seal no.2085 1230
Riddell, Jordan of
R.N.D., 324, 325, note. These charters are printed ibid., p.131; app. 743, 744. The seal is engraved A.A., 3rd ser., VI, pl. IX, no. 6.
Size: 41 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, barry wavy and a chief.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Spec.37, 38
Ridding, John del: see 692
GB Seal no.2086 n.d.
Riggesby, Thomas of
Used by him, but not his own seal.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a bend three (?)
Inscription: Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6168
GB Seal no.2087 n.d.
Rigton, William of
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an elongated star.
Inscription: ✠ S' WILELMI DE RIGTON
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Ebor.11, 12
GB Seal no.2088 n.d.
Rikelot, Robert
Styled son of Robert Rikelot (of Billingham)
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a bird, like a heron, standing.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.9.Spec.35
GB Seal no.2089 n.d.
Rinole, Lucas (?) de
Used by John Dalton.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, two bars.
Inscription: ✠ S' LVCA ...I · DE · RINOLE
Seal attached to document reference: 4.18.Spec.86
GB Seal no.2090 1270
Ripon, Adam
Styled Adam of 'Pinkeni', canon of Ripon
See Archbishop Giffard's Register, 180 (109 Surt. Soc. publ.).
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, two figures each under a canopy, the dexter, a bishop with crosier; the sinister, a saint with nimbus; Adam prays to them. cf 1992.
Inscription: S' ADE D'RIPONIO P...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4089
GB Seal no.2091 n.d.
Ripon, William of
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem, a winged serpentine beast.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5296x
GB Seal no.2092 1357
Ripon, William of
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a fess engrailed, three leopards' heads.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6549
GB Seal no.2093 1219
Ripon, William of
Size: 29 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem, Victory crowning a seated figure.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Pont.8; Misc.Ch. 2310
GB Seal no.2094 1319
Ripplingham, Robert of
Styled chancellor of the church of St Peter, York
In the East Riding, near Beverley. He was canon of York, prebendary of Botevant, 1297 (L.N., III, 176; see also ibid. 164). Chancellor of St Peter's, York, c.1315- 18 (Cal. Pat. Rolls, 1313-17 and 1317-1321).
Size: 29 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Round oval, antique gem, a horseman fighting a dragon, behind him a head.
Inscription: ✠ SISTE QVS NICTAS...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3794, 4587, 4628, 4952, 4985, 4998
Digitised version GB Seal no.2095 n.d.
Ripplingham, John of
Styled John son of Gervase of Ripplingham
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the Holy Lamb.
Inscription: ...OHIS:DE RIPLINGHA.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Ebor.6
GB Seal no.2096 n.d.
Rise, Family of
1. Styled Cecilia, formerly wife of Roger de Ris.
2. Styled William, son of Roger of Ris.
3. Styled Margaret, wife of William de Rise.
Size: 1. 25 mm.Size: 2. 34 x 22 mm.Size: 3. 22 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, a cross.2. Oval, a plant with flowers.3. Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: 1. ✠ S' :CISCILIE:D'PL'2. ✠ S' · WILL FIL · ROGI · DE LE:RIS3. ✠ S' . MARGTE · V' WILLI
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.4.Ebor.27, 28, 29
GB Seal no.2097 n.d.
Robert, Gamel son of
Used (1) by Gamel, son of Robert, and Beatrice his wife, of 'Auclent'. Printed FPD, 168n.
Size: 1. 32 mm.Size: 2. 32 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, a fleur-de-lys.2. Round, a crescent enclosing a star.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.12.Spec.22
GB Seal no.2098 1289
Robert, William son of
Styled William, son of Robert 'del Schelis'.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, an axe; A beneath the blade.
Inscription: ✠ S' WILI:FILII · R ..ERTI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1486
GB Seal no.2099 1312
Styled vicar of the church of St Oswald, Durham
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion's head, in a quatrefoil.
Inscription: ✶ S' ROB'TI VICAR
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5055
GB Seal no.2100 1314
Styled chaplain of Beaurepaire (Bearpark)
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem, a female figure holding a mirror in front of another female who is plaiting her hair (the toilet of Venus?). cf 3362
Inscription: ...NATA · EI · SVA ✠ DEV . TI...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4088a, 5110e
Digitised version GB Seal no.2100(i) 1314
Robert, porter of Bamburgh Castle
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3409
GB Seal no.2101 1409
Robinson, Thomas
(2) is used by Emma his wife.
Size: 1. 22 mm.Size: 2.22 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, armorial, a fess between three covered cups, above the shield: 'h

'. cf 5192. Round, a head facing to right, a chalice in front of face, above a hand blessing.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.9.Spec.38
GB Seal no.2102 1311-1312
Rocca, John de
Styled proctor of the court of Rome
In 1342 Laurence de Rocca was appointed, by the Bishop of Durham, proctor to act for him at Rome.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a tower.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3841
Digitised version GB Seal no.2103 1404
Roderici, John
These seals are appended to a grant from William of Lanchester, vicar of St Oswald's and Alan of Hayden, chaplain. They are not their own seals.
Size: 1. 16 mm.Size: 2. 13 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, armorial, a star (? the sun).2. Round signet, a cinquefoil.
Inscription: 1. ✠ S' IOHIS RODERICI
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Sacr.32
Digitised version GB Seal no.2104 1335
Rodes, Matilda
Styled Matilda who was the wife of William Rodes of Barnard Castle
Size: 25 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a lion walking.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1582, 1583
GB Seal no.2105 1447-1449
Rodes, Robert
This is Rodes's signet. The counterpart of this deed with seal of Claxton is no. 616 in this catalogue. He was a merchant of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. M.P. for the town in eight parliaments between 1427-42, seneschal to the Prior of Durham in 1447,
and had a house at Durham in the South Bailey close to the Water Gate which Bishop Neville allowed him to annex to his house. He died 20 April 1474 (R.W., I, 367).
Size: 10 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, a bird, with letters '.. EN'
Seal attached to document reference: 2.18.Spec.15, 19, 20; 1.9.Spec.43
GB Seal no.2106 n.d.
Roger, Adam son of.
Styled chaplain of 'Lithum'
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, an ornate star.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL A.. FILI S RITI
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.4.Ebor.29
GB Seal no.2107 n.d.
Roger, Alan son of.
Styled of East Merrington
Size: 35 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' ALANI FILII ROG'RI
Seal attached to document reference: 2.13.Spec.2
GB Seal no.2108 n.d.
Roger, Gilbert son of.
Styled the tailor of Elvet
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of twelve rays.
Inscription: ✠ S' GILB'TI FIL ROG' SISSORI
Seal attached to document reference: 1.19.Spec.11
GB Seal no.2109 1266
Roger, Ralph fitz
See N.C.H., II, 276, and A.A., 3rd ser., VI, 112 and note.
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, armorial, vair, on a chief a cross patonce.
Inscription: ...LLVM RADVLIFI ...
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Spec.20
Digitised version GB Seal no.2110 n.d.
Roger, Richard fitz
By this charter, Margaret, Quenilda and Amiria, daughters of Richard fitz Roger, Lord of Woodplumpton, and founder of Lytham priory, confirm the grant made, 'a venerabili domino nostro et patri Ricardo filio Rogeri', to the church of Durham. (See
also seals nos. 146, 499, 1295, 2077, 2078 and 2110 in this catalogue). The charter says that 'because we have not our own seals we have affixed to this charter the seal of William, son of Swayn, seneschal of our father'.
Size: -
Seal design: Only a fragment now left.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.4.Ebor.61
GB Seal no.2111 n.d.
Roger, Richard fitz
The seal is covered with red cloth. The same man as no. 2110.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eagle displayed.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Ebor.2; 2.2.4.Ebor.57, 58
GB Seal no.2112 n.d.
Roger, William son of
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a bird with head reverted.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Sacr.16
GB Seal no.2113 1243
Roger, William son of
Styled William of the bakehouse (de pistrina).
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a crescent enclosing a star.
Inscription: ✠ S' WILLI FILII ROGERI
Seal attached to document reference: 3.10.Spec.19
GB Seal no.2114 1290
Roke, Guido de la
Styled a merchant of 'Rabustans' (?)
Size: 19 x 13 mm.
Seal design: Shield shaped, armorial, three chess rooks.
Inscription: ✶ ... VI · DE · LA · ROQVA
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3690
Digitised version GB Seal no.2115 n.d.
Romundebi, John of
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Ebor.6
Digitised version GB Seal no.2116 1277
Roseles, John de
His wife was Beatrice, co-heiress of Morwick, the other co-heiresses married Lumley and Bulmer. This charter is a release from Sir John de Roseles and Beatrice his wife to Sir Roger Lumley and Sibilla his wife, of their inheritance in Morwick.
See also note on the family in Guisborough Chartulary, 176n and 178n (80 Surt. Soc. publ.). They held under Bruce, and the lion on his shield is probably derived from the well-known lion of Bruce.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion rampant.
Inscription: ✠ S' IOHIS DE ROSELIS
Seal attached to document reference: [G] A20
GB Seal no.2117 1270
Roseles, John de
This charter is printed FPD, 179n.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a lion rampant.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Spec.21
Digitised version GB Seal no.2118 1436
Rose, William
Styled William Rose of Stockton
Size: 10 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal signet, eagle standing with wings raised. In front of it 'l r'.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6008
GB Seal no.2119 1318
Ros, William of
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a male and female head facing each other, a plant between them.
Inscription: S' WILLE . MI ROS
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 100*
GB Seal no.2120 n.d.
Rotese, Simon
Styled an executor of the will of Robert called the cook of Elvet, Durham
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Lozenge shaped seal, a dog(?) in front of a tree.
Inscription: ✠ S' SIMONIS DE ROTESE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2438
GB Seal no.2121 1270-1271
Rotherfeld, William
Styled William of Rotherfeld, collector of the tenths of our lord the King
See Archbishop Giffard's Register, 46, 220 (109 Surt. Soc. publ.). For another seal (fragmentary), see Misc.Ch. 4272
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, two birds, back to back, a branch with fleur-de-lys on the top between them.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5102, 5108
Digitised version GB Seal no.2122 1310
Rothley, Adam of
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, a male bust.
Inscription: ✶ IE:SVS:SIGNE:PRIVE:A:· ELVV:C...NDE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4121l
GB Seal no.2123 n.d.
Rothley, Adam of
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a male head facing to right within a traceried panel.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4121m
GB Seal no.2123A 1357
Roughside, Hugh of
Size: -
Seal design: Rounded oval, imperfect, Our Lady standing holding Christ. On either side and at her feet ... (?)
Inscription: ... RACIA:
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1460
GB Seal no.2124 1317
Routhbery, Richard
Styled Richard of Routhbery, knight, Lord of 'Crokisdale' (Croxdale)
He was son and heir of Walter of Routhbery, no. 2125 (R.P.D., I, 56), the earliest (1291) owner on record of Croxdale (S.D., IV, 113; H.D., II, 419).
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem, a standing male figure, Mercury (?)
Inscription: ✶ IE · SVI · SEEL · DE AMVR · LEEL
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.123
Digitised version GB Seal no.2125 1286
Routhbery, Walter
Styled Lord of 'Crokesdal' (Croxdale)
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round, a dog's head.
Inscription: Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.125
GB Seal no.2126 n.d.
Rotomago, Alan de
Rheims. See R.N.D., app. 144, nos 801-803.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Spec.4, 6, 7
GB Seal no.2127 n.d.
Rougemont, Gilbert de
Styled Gilbert son of Ralph de 'Rugemund'
This charter is printed FPD, 179n.
Size: 35 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a bird, like a parrot, with head turned back.
Inscription: ✠ SI:GILEBERTI D':RVGEM
Seal attached to document reference: 4.5.Spec.1
GB Seal no.2128 n.d.
Rougemont, Ralph de
This charter is printed FPD, 180n. He was the father of Gilbert (no. 2127).
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Elemos.7a
Digitised version GB Seal no.2129 1382
Roughead, John
I.P.M. taken at Durham, 13 October 1421 (C.R., 45, p. 257).
Size: 19 x 13 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a lion passant.
Inscription: ✠ S' · SECRETI:MEI
Seal attached to document reference: 4.5.Spec.12, 13
GB Seal no.2130 1343
Rouley, Henry of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a monster, the hinder part a lion-like beast, the forepart a bearded human face.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4700
Digitised version GB Seal no.2131 1335
Rous, Matilda
Styled Matilda, who was the wife of William Rous of Barnard Castle
Size: 25 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a lion walking.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1582, 1583
GB Seal no.2132 n.d.
Rudes, Cecilia
Styled Cecilia, formerly wife of John Ruddis of 'Segfeld'
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a floriated device.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Finc.6
GB Seal no.2133 n.d.
Rudes, John of
See P.F., 125.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a cross, limbs ending in trefoils.
Inscription: ✠ S' IOHIS DE RVDES
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Finc.5
GB Seal no.2134 1300
Ruffoli, Giovanni de
Styled a merchant of Florence
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, two angels supporting between them a circular panel on which is a cross of two interlacing bastons.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4110
Digitised version GB Seal no.2135 n.d.
Rule, William of
Used by William of Rule.
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✶ SIGILLVM HEN...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1606
GB Seal no.2136 n.d.
Rungeton, Amabilla of
Used by Amabilla, who was the wife of John of Rungeton. He was son and heir of John of Rungeton, whose wife was Alice, daughter of William Musters (2.1.Elemos.24).
Size: 25 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, armorial, a chief.
Inscription: ... HAN...
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Elemos.26
GB Seal no.2137 n.d.
Rungeton, Neil of
The blason is unknown. He was Lord of the manor of Rounton in Cleveland, and was alive in the year 1230 (S.D., I, 102, note b and ibid., 217, note c).
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, armorial, a bend and a label of five points, a woman's bust above the shield.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.8.Spec.24
Digitised version GB Seal no.2138 n.d.
Rungton, Neil of
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Finc.1
GB Seal no.2139 1310
Rustwini, Giovanni
Styled a merchant of Florence of the company of the Perucchi.
The name in the document appears to be 'Rustwinus'.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a branch bearing a bear and two leaves.
Inscription: ✶ SIGILL:GIOVANNI:R..
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3552
Digitised version GB Seal no.2140 1470
Rydale, John of
Used by 'John Gray de Kylay, gentillman'. He says that, because he has not his own seal ready to hand, he uses that of John Rydale of Holy Island.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, a merchant's mark.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5188, 5190
GB Seal no.2141 1418
Ryhale, Thomas of
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal, a quatrefoil with a letter on each leaf 'A M G R'.
Inscription: s:thome:de:ryhale:
Seal attached to document reference: 3.18.Spec.17
Digitised version GB Seal no.2142 1380
Ryllum (?), John of
Used by Hugh Haukyn, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, Our Lady with Christ standing, a figure prays to them above whose head is a shield with a merchant's mark on it. cf 511
Inscription: ✶ S' IOHANNIS DE RYLLVM
Seal attached to document reference: 1.12.Spec.17, 18
Digitised version GB Seal no.2143 1373-1389
Sadbergh, John of
Used by him, and the same seal is used by Ralph Lumley, knight.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, a heart, from which two quatrefoil flowers rise, surrounded by a garland of quatrefoiled flowers.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Spec.18; Misc.Ch. 1845, 6144
Digitised version GB Seal no.2144 1380-1389
Sadbergh, John of
I.P.M. taken at Sadberge, 7 May 1400 (C.R., 45, p.264). See also S.D., III, 265.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a bend three molets (?)
Inscription: ✶ sigillum : iohanis : d' : sadbergh :
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2037; 1.5.Spec.7
GB Seal no.2145 n.d.
Sadbergh, John of
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal signet, a wheel of six spokes within a corded border.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6275
GB Seal no.2146 1349-1355
Saddlynstanes, Hugh of
He was M.P. for Newcastle-upon-Tyne in 1341 (R.W., I, 108). Both this seal and the next are attached to receipts for pension. The blason of neither of them is known. No. 2146 is engraved A.A., 3rd ser., VI, pl. X, no. 18.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a cross voided between four fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3389, 3399, 3410, 3616, 3700, 3846, 3868, 3869, 3910, 3984, 4959f, 4561, 4625, 4642, 4745, 4866, 4410, 4126g, 5068c (seal missing in 1985), 5110f, 5110k
GB Seal no.2147 1360-1361
Saddlynstanes, Hugh of
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron between three lions' heads, rased, and crowned.
Inscription: ✶ s' x hugonis x de x sadelyngstanes
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3738, 5068d
Digitised version GB Seal no.2148 1369
Sadler, Robert
Used to a deed of Robert Sadler and his wife Matilda.
Size: 1. 16 mm.Size: 2. 25 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, a female figure standing, a plant on each side of her.2. Round, armorial, a fess between three R, a cross rising from the shield.
Inscription: 1. Legend illegible.2. S' ROBERTVS:LIB.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2321
GB Seal no.2149 1382
Sadler, John of
Size: 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, St Catherine standing. John kneeling, prays to her.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.5.Spec.11, 13
Digitised version GB Seal no.2150 1382
Sadler, John of
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem, a flower.
Inscription: ✠ S' · SECRETI · MEI
Seal attached to document reference: 4.5.Spec.12
GB Seal no.2151 1148
Saint Martin, Robert de
Seal design: A broken knife with horn handle is attached by a knotted strip of vellum.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.3.Ebor.4
Digitised version GB Seal no.2152 n.d.
Saint Martin, Roger de
Size: 57 mm.
Seal design: Round, imperfect, equestrian, knight with sword and shield.
Inscription: Legend destroyed.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.3.Ebor.3
GB Seal no.2153 n.d.
Saint Martin, Roger de
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a leaf, on each side a crescent with a star above it.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.3.Ebor.6
Digitised version GB Seal no.2154 1270
Saint Mary, John de
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, half figure of our Lady with Christ, below them, beneath a church-like canopy is a figure praying.
Inscription: S' IOH'IS · DE · SANCTA MARIA...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4194
Digitised version GB Seal no.2155 n.d.
Saint Patrick, Henry de
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect, a bird (? eagle) displayed.
Inscription: ... DE SCO PATRICIO
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2100
GB Seal no.2156 1339
Saint Paul, John de
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a dog asleep within an elaborate traceried circle.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Ebor.20, 31
Digitised version GB Seal no.2157 1270
Saint Quintin, Bonetus de
Styled Bonetus de St Quintin, collector of the tenths of our Lord the King
See Cal. Pap., I, 493, 495. See Archbishop Giffard's Register, p. 220, no. 721, where he is styled clerk of the King (102 Surt. Soc. publ.).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, ✠B.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5102, 5108
Digitised version GB Seal no.2158 1311-1319
Saint Quintin, John de
The blason is gold a chevron gules and a chief vair (A.A., 3rd ser., III, 253). The device above the shield is allusive to the bearer's Christian name and is not a crest. For crest see the visitations (V.Y., 169); see also R.P.D., 220, 308.
Size: 29 x ? mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, armorial, a chevron and a chief vair. Above the shield is St John Baptist's head in a charger.
Inscription: ✶ . S' . IOHIS:DE:SCO:QVINTINO
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3569, 3619, 4138k, 4930l, 4898, 4969
Digitised version GB Seal no.2158(i)
Saleby, Geoffrey de, surgeon
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3804
GB Seal no.2159 1336
Salesbyre, Walter of
Styled perpetual chaplain of the altar of the Blessed Mary in the church of St Margaret's, Durham
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, Our Lady, with Christ, standing, a lily behind her. Beneath Walter kneels to her.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3657
GB Seal no.2160 n.d.
Salinarius, Walter
Styled Walter Salinarius.
The charter is endorsed 'carta Walteri nepotis Iohis Archidiacon'.
Size: 41 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Finc.11
GB Seal no.2161 1328
Salle, John de la
Used by Robert of Elvet, clerk.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion passant.
Inscription: ✶ S' IOHIS DE LE SALLE
Seal attached to document reference: 3.17.Spec.31
GB Seal no.2162 n.d.
Salter, Alexander
Styled Alexander, son of Robert the salter of Durham
The seal probably represents a fish swimming in the sea.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fish above three wavy lines.
Inscription: ✠ S' ALEXAND' SALT
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Sacr.1
Digitised version GB Seal no.2163 n.d.
Saltwaller, William the
Styled William, son of John 'le Saltwaller' of Warton
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.4.Ebor.9, 10, 11
GB Seal no.2164 1370
Salamon, Peter
See no. 1439 where this seal is used by Thomas of Ireland. It is here used either by William of Graystanes or John of Lytham.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three lions rampant within a border charged with roundels.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Spec.24; 4.8.Spec.12
GB Seal no.2165 1529
Salvayn, Thomas
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, a covered cup.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Ebor.46
GB Seal no.2165(i)
Sampson, Henry
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4328 (fragmentary)
GB Seal no.2166 1276
Sampson, Maurice
Styled a commissary of the bishop of Durham
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a cross above a scroll, 'IHC' below.
Inscription: ✶ IN ... AMOR MEV
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Spec.15
GB Seal no.2167 n.d.
Santon, Guy of
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a lion-like beast walking.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL:WIDONIS DE SAN...
Seal attached to document reference: 5.2.Elemos.17
GB Seal no.2168 n.d.
Santon, Marjory of
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem (?), a griffin.
Inscription: ✠ S' MARIORE DE SAMTVN
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2440
GB Seal no.2169 1317
Sapy, Robert de
The blason is silver on a bend azure cotised gules, three eagles displayed gold (A.A., 3rd ser., VI, p.127, and ibid., plate X, no. 23). He was guardian of the temporalities of the see of Durham.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a bend cotised three eagles displayed.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4238
Digitised version GB Seal no.2170 1316
Sartin, Alice
Styled Alice, who was the wife of John Sartin
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an elongated star.
Inscription: ✠ S' ALIC SARTIN
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Sacr.36
GB Seal no.2171 1302
Sartrin, William de la
Size: 25 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a pair of scissors.
Inscription: ✠ S' WILELMI D' SARTR'
Seal attached to document reference: 3.14.Spec.42
Digitised version GB Seal no.2172 1246
Savener, John
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of six rays.
Inscription: ✠ S' IOHANNIS · SAVNER · D'LITHVM
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Ebor.7; 2.2.4.Ebor.22
GB Seal no.2173 1268
Savis (?), Henry
Styled 'magister', collector of the tenths of our Lord the King, granted by the province of York
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a tree, upon which is a bird, a lion leaps up to the tree.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4174
Digitised version GB Seal no.2174 1305
Scaleby, William
Styled chaplain of Herrington
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a stag's head with a cross paty between the horns.
Inscription: ✶ CAPVD SERVI DEI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4434
GB Seal no.2175 1322-1332
Scardeburgh, Richard of
Now Scarborough.
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique (?) gem, the head of a black person, around it '✶ HARFORD ✶ (?)
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3431, 3500, 3653, 3860, 4061, 4115c, 4496, 4501, 3849, 3948, 4496, 4959g, 5074j
Digitised version GB Seal no.2176 1311
Scaresbec, Gilbert of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a stag's head cabossed.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] A53
GB Seal no.2177 n.d.
Scayf, Nicholas
He is styled of Moreslawe (Moorsley) and held land there which he granted to the prior and convent of Durham (S.D., I, 212).
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a heron.
Inscription: ✶ S':NICHOLAI · SCAIF
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5588, 5589; 4.7.Spec.3*, 4
Digitised version GB Seal no.2178 n.d.
Scayf, Nicholas
Size: 38 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the Holy Lamb.
Inscription: ✠ S' NICHOLAI SCAYF
Seal attached to document reference: 4.7.Spec.2, 3
GB Seal no.2179 n.d.
Scayf, Nicholas
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a griffin.
Inscription: ✠ S' NICHOLAI . SCAIF
Seal attached to document reference: 4.7.Spec.1*; Misc.Ch. 2131
GB Seal no.2180 n.d.
Scayf, Geoffrey
See S.D., I, 212.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a crescent enclosing a star of eight rays.
Inscription: ✠ S' GALFRIDI · SCAF · D' MORISLAV
Seal attached to document reference: 4.7.Spec.5
GB Seal no.2181 1381
Schefeld, John
Styled a burgess of York
Probably a false shield of arms. It appears to be an early example of the use of a shield belonging to a well-known family used by one of the same name but unconnected by blood. It is probably the shield of the baronial family of Sheffield gules
a fess between three sheaves gold.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a fess between three sheaves (?), above the shield is a cross with streamers.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Sacr.2(10)
Digitised version GB Seal no.2182 n.d.
Schepe, Henry son of Ralph.
Styled Henry, son and heir of the late Ralph Schepe, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, the Holy Lamb.
Inscription: S' HENR' FIL' RADI SCHEPE
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Spec.38
GB Seal no.2183 1316
Schipton, John of
Size: 22 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem, a monster.
Inscription: ✠ FRANGE ✶ LEGE ✶ TEGE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3859, 4038, 4046d, 4705, 4665
Digitised version GB Seal no.2184 n.d.
School Aycliffe, Agnes of
Styled Agnes who was the wife of Walter le Especer
Size: 35 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a star.
Inscription: ✠ S' ANGNETIS D' SCVLKLY
Seal attached to document reference: 4.7.Spec.8
School Aycliffe, Madonius of: see 16 & 17
GB Seal no.2185 n.d.
Schurveton, Thomas of
Now Sheraton near Castle Eden. This charter is printed FPD, 125n; see also S.D., I, 54. Compare with seal no. 1809.
Size: 41 mm.
Seal design: Round, a monster with two horns, wings and a floriated tail.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.7.Spec.24
Digitised version GB Seal no.2186 n.d.
Schurveton, John of
He was a juror in a suit between Robert, prior of Finchale and Robert de 'Bornegil'.
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a man walking holding a spear in his right hand.
Inscription: ✠ S' IOHANNIS ... II WALTERI
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Finc.18
GB Seal no.2187 1377
Schurton, William of
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a heart upon the centre of a flower of five petals.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Sacr.23
GB Seal no.2188 1338-1369
Scot, William son of Adam
To no. 5594 it is used by Robert of Fenrother. The seal is engraved S.S., XI, 30. The blason is not known.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a bend three cinquefoils; a label of five points.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXVIII.9(13); Misc.Ch. 5594
GB Seal no.2189 1328
Scot, Iseud
Styled Iseud Scot, daughter of John Scot of the Westgate, Newcastle-upon-Tyne
John Scot was mayor of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1301-2, member of Parliament for the town in 1298 and later (R.W., I, passim).
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Round oval, antique gem, a male head.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Spec.36
GB Seal no.2190 1368
Scot, Richard
Styled son of Richard Scot of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
He was bailiff of Newcastle-upon-Tyne in 1334 and in several later years (R.W., I, passim).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a bend three crosses moline, over all a label of three points.
Inscription: ✶ S' RICARDI ✶ SCOT
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6167
Digitised version GB Seal no.2191 1360-1362
Scoves (?)
Is Descoves D'Écus ? Used by ? William Sawyer and by Isabel widow of John Godeshoue (or else John Prentiz of Cornsay) See also no. 1878.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a fess between three roundels.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Sacr.3b, 4a; 3.3.Sacr.19*
GB Seal no.2192 n.d.
Scolaster, John
Styled John, son of Walter Scolaster
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a pelican in her piety.
Inscription: ✠ S' IOHIS:SCHOLASTER
Seal attached to document reference: 3.14.Spec.33
GB Seal no.2193 n.d.
Scremerston, William of
R.N.D., 78 and 236.
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a wolf-like beast with a long tail.
Inscription: ✠ S' WILI:DE:S... RS...
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Spec.23
GB Seal no.2194 1326
Scrensfeld, Adam of
Size: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, St Michael slaying the dragon.
Inscription: S' ADE DE SCRANCEF
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1850
GB Seal no.2195 n.d.
Scrope, Lord
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, armorial (?), a bend. Very indistinct impression.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXV.154
GB Seal no.2196 n.d.
Scrope, Geoffrey le
The blason is azure a bend gold (see
The Ancestor , no 1, 167: A.A., 3rd ser., III, 244). He was the son of Sir William le Scrope of Bolton, bailiff of Richmondshire and was chief justice of the King's bench (
Peerage , 429;
Ancestor , no. 4, p. 173).
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a bend.
Inscription: S' GALFRIDI:DE SCRO..
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5118
Digitised version GB Seal no.2197 1311
Scrope, Geoffrey le
Used by him but not his own seal.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a saltire between four martlets.
Inscription: L' SCE.. SL · E
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4694
Digitised version GB Seal no.2198 1300
Scrope, Henry le
Used by him.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion asleep at the foot of a tree.
Inscription: ✶ PENSET DE ... YEIE DEW..
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4668
Digitised version GB Seal no.2199 1341
Scrope, Henry le
Styled Henry le Scrop, knight, son of Sir Geoffrey le Scrop, knight
The first Lord Scrope of Masham summoned to parliament from 1350 to 1391, in which year he died, aged 76 (
Historic Peerage , 429). He was son and heir of Geoffrey le Scrope, the chief justice (no. 2196). The interesting crest forms a play upon on the name which means the crab, one of those nicknames the Normans delighted
in giving to each other (Ancestor, no. 4, 173). For their usual crest of a bush of feathers, see A.A., 3rd ser., III, 245.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, shield of arms, couchée, a bend and a label of three points. The shield is surmounted by a full faced crowned helmet, from which issue the two nippers of a crab. On the dexter side of helmet is a
hand holding a spear with a pennon.
Inscription: ... E ... CRO.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3746
Digitised version GB Seal no.2200 1307-1333
Scrope, Henry le
He was the son of Sir William le Scrope of Bolton, and was successively justice of the common pleas, chief justice of the King's bench and in 1333 chief baron of the exchequer. He was summoned to Parliament from 1312 to 1336, in which year he
died (
Historic Peerage , 428). The shield is blasoned for him in the roll of Edward II and in the 'Nativity' roll de azure a une bende de or en la bende un lion passanz de pourpre. For note on this shield see A.A., 3rd ser.,
III, 244.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a bend a lion passant.
Inscription: ✠ S' HENRICI - ✠ LE:SCROP ✠
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4028l, 4028m, 4510, 4927, 5016 (fragment)
Digitised version GB Seal no.2201 1383
Scrope, Richard le
The first Lord Scrope of Bolton, he was summoned to parliament from 1371 to 1402, and died, aged 75, in 1403 (
Historic Peerage , 428). It was he who challenged Sir Robert Grosvenor's right also to use an azure shield with a golden bend, a challenge which gave rise to the prolonged trial, before a court of chivalry, of Scrope
v. Grosvenor; for a critical account of this trial see
Ancestor , no. 1, 167. The trial was printed by Sir W. Harris Nicolas in 1832. Sir Richard was a great statesman and soldier. It is said he was fortunate enought
to fight both at Crecy, Neville's Cross and Calais. He was treasurer and steward of the King's household and twice chancellor of England (
Ancestor , no. 1, 167 and ibid., no. 4, 173).
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a bend.
Inscription: S:RICARDI LE S..
Seal attached to document reference: 3.5.Ebor.12
Digitised version GB Seal no.2202 n.d.
Scrutevill, Richard of
In 1356 Thomas of Scruteville owned a moiety of Kibblesworth (C.R., 45, p. 259). See also S.D., II, 216; V.D., 280; and R.N.D., app. 133, no. 753.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion passant.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Spec.20
Digitised version GB Seal no.2203 n.d.
Sedgefield, Elias of
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' ELIE:DE:SEG...D
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2305
GB Seal no.2204 n.d.
Sedgefield, John son of Gilbert of
Size: 32 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the Holy Lamb.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXXVII.88
GB Seal no.2205 n.d.
Sedgefield, Peter
Styled parson of Seggefeld
He was rector of Sedgefield in 1168 (S.D., III, 32).
Size: 29 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a double headed eagle displayed.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.6.Spec.23
GB Seal no.2206 1373
Segbroke, Richard
Styled 'custos' of the house of Farne
See R.N.D., app. 128. In 1383 he was keeper of St Cuthbert's shrine at Durham (Durham Account Rolls, II - 100 Surt. Soc. publ.). For another very indistinct seal, see Misc.Ch. 4398.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a device (?) supported by two kneeling angels, above it ...(?), beneath it ...(?)
Inscription: ..CHARD...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3471, 4013, 4440
Digitised version GB Seal no.2207 n.d.
Seham, Cecilia daughter of Alan of
See 543A.
Size: 44 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.7.Spec.10
GB Seal no.2208 1333
Seham, John of
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a heart from which issue two flowers between a male and female head.
Inscription: ✶ IE SV SEL DE AMVR LEL
Seal attached to document reference: Misc,4784
Digitised version GB Seal no.2209 1327
Seham, John of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron between four (undecipherable).
Inscription: S' NE... HD..
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5089
GB Seal no.2210 1304
Seleby, Thomas of
Used by Thomas.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a tree, at the foot of which on the dexter is a lion asleep, on the sinister is a rabbit; a squirrel is among the branches.
Inscription: Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4537
Digitised version GB Seal no.2211 1304-1305
Selby, Thomas of
Size: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem, a naked figure holding ...(?)
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3390, 4126h
GB Seal no.2212 1303
Selby, Thomas of
Styled notary public
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round, a head, in a geometrical device. Some illegible letters.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4138m
GB Seal no.2213 1314
Seler, Walter called the
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a leopard's face between three molets.
Inscription: ✶ PRIVE S · E · OY · CON ·
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3670
GB Seal no.2214 n.d.
Saddler, Robert
Styled Robert of Lychefeld, saddler and burgess of Durham
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion rampant.
Inscription: ✶ S' ROB'TI LE SELELER
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Sacr.12; 4.2.Sacr.15
GB Seal no.2215 1308
Semer, Roger
Styled 'le Semer' of Oxford
Size: 22 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a lion.
Inscription: ✶ SVM LEO FORTIS
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Ebor.10
GB Seal no.2216 1290
Serbeliani, Francis de
Styled clerk of J., cardinal bishop of Tusculanum and commissary of Giffridus de Vizano, nuncio of the apostolic see
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, half figure of our Lady with Christ. Beneath, Francis, kneeling, prays to them.
Inscription: S' FRA.. ISCI CLI D' S...ELIAN .
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3813, 4228
Digitised version GB Seal no.2217 n.d.
Sesse, Reynold
Size: 1. 38 x 19 mm.Size: 2. 35 x 19 mm.
Seal design: 1. Oval, a fleur-de-lys.2. Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 6.1.Elemos.1
GB Seal no.2218 1300
Sessinghoppe, Adam of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a tree between two heads.
Inscription: ✠ S' ADE D' SISIGHOP
Seal attached to document reference: 2.16.Spec.6
GB Seal no.2219 n.d.
Seton, Adam of
S.D., I, ii, 42. Charter is printed FPD, 134n; see also ibid., 131n, and Guisborough Chartulary, 329n, 320n (89 Surt. Soc. publ.).
Size: 41 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight in mail hauberk and cylindrical helmet; with sword and heater-shaped shield.
Inscription: ✠ S' ...M ADE DE SETVNE
Seal attached to document reference: 3.8.Spec.11
GB Seal no.2220 n.d.
Seton, Adam son of William of.
Styled son of William of Seton Carew
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a floriated star-like device.
Inscription: ✠ S' ADE FL' WILL' D' SET
Seal attached to document reference: 4.9.Spec.52
GB Seal no.2221 n.d.
Seton, Geoffrey
Styled son of Jordan of Seton
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.7.Spec.6
GB Seal no.2222 1342-1348
Seton, John
Styled clerk
In 1315 he was chamberlain of Durham (R.P.D., II, 699).
Size: 22 x 13 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, Our Lady seated with Christ in her arms. Below a half figure prays to them.
Inscription: S' IOHIS DE SETON
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3521, 3774, 3816, 3976, 3980, 4077c, 4121b, 4138d, 4309, 4676, 4867, 4918 (fragment)
GB Seal no.2223 1370
Seton, John of
Used by John of Seton, but not his own seal. Powell's roll of Edward III blasons for Sir John Seton gules a bend silver between six martlets gold.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a fess embattled.
Inscription: S' IOLI DE ...
Seal attached to document reference: 1.4.Spec.73
GB Seal no.2224 1334-1357
Seton, Thomas
Styled knight
He was Lord of Worsall and Preston-on-Tees. His I.P.M. was taken at Durham 10 August 1359 (C.R., 45, p. 259). See also S.D., III, 188, 189 note and 190. The blason of his shield is unknown.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a fess between three birds and a border engrailed.
Inscription: ✶ SIGILL I-I THOME · DE · SETHONE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3432, 3528, 3547, 3568, 3620, 3631, 3692, 3763, 3764, 3775, 3895, 4006, 3914, 3950, 3975, 4028, 4046b, 4046c, 4062b, 4062c, 4076n, 4136e, 4452, 4583, 4661, 4696, 4919, 4919*, 4970k, 4987, 5081c, 5081d,
Digitised version GB Seal no.2225 1339
Seton, Thomas of
Used by him, but not his own seal. For other seals used by Thomas of Seton, see 28 above, and Misc.Ch. 4046h, 4658, 5019c.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a heart from which spring five quatrefoils, within a geometrical device, six letters in the angles.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3432x, 4076m
Digitised version GB Seal no.2226 1310
Seton, William of
Used by Adam of Darlington.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a stag at speed, a star above and a crescent below. cf 792.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3703
GB Seal no.2227 1334
Settrington, Alan of
Styled clerk of the diocese of York
See Cal. Pap., II, 265. The charter is an acquittance for his labours for the church of Durham in the Roman Courts.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, vair.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3595
GB Seal no.2228 n.d.
Sewy, John
Styled John, son and heir of John Sewy in Horsemonger Street, Oxford
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a shield of arms (charges obliterated) in a lozenge-shaped panel.
Inscription: SIGILL IOHIS SEW...
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Ebor.34
GB Seal no.2229 1383
Shadforth, John
Styled John, son of William Schaldforth of Durham, monk of Durham
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, Our Lady and Christ in a niche, in another St Cuthbert blessing and holding St Oswald's head to his breast in his left hand. Beneath is a half figure of a monk praying.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1903
GB Seal no.2230 1322
Shafto, William of
Styled an executor of Walter of 'Gosewyke'
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a tree, a beast to right and dragon to left.
Inscription: ✶ S' WILLI D' SCHAFTHOW
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3724, 4473; Loc.XXVIII.23(8)
Digitised version GB Seal no.2231 1369
Sharplow, William of
Used by Sir William Claxton.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three molets.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 458
GB Seal no.2232 1296-1307
Sheffeld, John of
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion passant.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3545, 3668, 3800, 4970e
GB Seal no.2233 n.d.
Sherburn, Agnes of
Styled Agnes, daughter of William of Syreburn, formerly wife of Robert of Rumesye
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an eagle, with wings raised.
Inscription: ✠ S' ANGETIS D' SIREBVRNE
Seal attached to document reference: 6.1.Elemos.9; [G] D20
GB Seal no.2234 n.d.
Sherburn, Alan of
See FPD, 25n.
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Lozenge-shaped, a lion passant.
Inscription: ✶ S' ALANI DE SIRBVR
Seal attached to document reference: 3.9.Spec.79
GB Seal no.2235 1263
Sherburn, John of
Used by John of Schyreburn.
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a lion passant.
Inscription: ... IOHAN ... BRENT...
Seal attached to document reference: 4.12.Spec.18
GB Seal no.2236 n.d.
Sherburn, Richard of
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, Mercury.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Sacr.1; 2.3.Elemos.15, 17; 4.3.Elemos.7
GB Seal no.2237 n.d.
Sherburn, Robert of
Styled Robert of Sireburn and Eufemia his wife
Size: 1. 32 x 19 mm.Size: 2. 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: 1. Oval, a pelican in her piety.2. Oval, a conventional branch.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.9.Spec.27
GB Seal no.2238 n.d.
Shields, William
Styled William, son of 'Robert del Schelis'
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a chopping axe. 'A' below the blade.
Inscription: ✠ S' WILI · FILII · ROBE · TI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1486
GB Seal no.2239 n.d.
Shincliff, Matilda
Styled Hugh the marshal (marescallus) and Matilda of 'Scyneclyf', his wife
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an eight rayed star.
Inscription: ✠ S':MATILDE:DE:SINCLIF
Seal attached to document reference: 5.2.Elemos.18
GB Seal no.2239(i)
Shincliffe, Alan
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3814 (imperfect)
GB Seal no.2239(ii)
Shincliffe, William of
Chaplain of St Katherine's chapel, Beaurepaire
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3450
GB Seal no.2240 1310
Shirlok, John
Styled John 'Schyrlae' of Wolveston
See FPD, 21. In 4.12.Spec.11 he is styled seneschal of the prior of Durham.
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a bird flying.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.8.Spec.18, 20
GB Seal no.2241 1298-1311
Shirlok, John
Styled John, son of John Schirelock of Castle Eden
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a dog sleeping.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.9.Spec.19, 20; Misc.Ch. 4695
Digitised version GB Seal no.2242 1346
Shirlock, Cecilia
Styled Cecilia, who was the wife of John of Shirlock
See FPD, 21.
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, a lion passant.
Inscription: · ✠ · TIME:DEVM:ET:FAC:BONA
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4972; 3.8.Spec.23; 3.9.Spec.28, 29 (fragmentary) 32; 3.9.Spec.41, 42
Digitised version GB Seal no.2243 1326-1332
Shirwood, Richard of
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, an eagle displayed, on its breast a shield of arms, a quatrefoil between three crosses; a lion's head on dexter of shield, a bull's head on sinister. Above shield IOH, beneath it MA.
Inscription: ...NEDIO ..O . RI . SO...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3865, 4106
Digitised version GB Seal no.2244 1324
Shirwood, William
Styled a merchant of Ripon
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, the head of a bishop wearing a mitre.
Inscription: ✶ S' WILLI DE S...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4096, 4555, 4639, 4948 (?)
GB Seal no.2245 1325
Shirwood, John
Styled John, son of William of Shirewode, merchant of Ripon
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a merchant's mark on a shield.
Inscription: S' IOHS DE SHYRWOD
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3656
Digitised version GB Seal no.2246 n.d.
Short, Agnes
Styled daughter of Robert Scort of 'Pydyngton'
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✶ S' AGNETE SCORT
Seal attached to document reference: 1.8.Spec.8
GB Seal no.2247 n.d.
Short, Juliana
Styled daughter of Robert Scort of 'Pydyngton'
Size: 35 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' IVLIANE SCHORT
Seal attached to document reference: 1.8.Spec.8
GB Seal no.2248 n.d.
Short, Juliana & Agnes
Styled daughters of Robert Schort of 'Pytington'
Size: 1. 35 x 19 mm.Size: 2. 35 x 19 mm.
Seal design: 1. Oval, a heron.2. Oval, a hawk upon another bird.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.8.Spec.15
GB Seal no.2249 n.d.
Shotton, Cecilia
Styled Cecilia, of Thorpthewles, daughter and heir of Walter of Shotton
Size: 38 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a plant.
Inscription: ✠ S' SISILE FILE WALTR' D' S · SOTT
Seal attached to document reference: 2.10.Spec.18; 1.5.Finc.17
Digitised version GB Seal no.2249A 1325
Silksworth, William of
Used by William of Silksworth. See N.C.H., VI, 191.
Size: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, armorial, a lion rampant crowned. Above the shield is an eagle displayed, on whose breast is a man's face; on dexter wing is a bull's head (?), on sinister is a lion's head (?). All in a quatrefoil
panel in the spandrils of which are the letters 'MMTI'.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6597
Digitised version GB Seal no.2250 n.d.
Simon, Helias son of.
Styled Helias, son of Simon, the butcher, of Durham
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a lion fighting a dragon.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.160
Digitised version GB Seal no.2251 1297
Simonetti, Gerard
Styled a merchant of Florence
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, armorial, a chief fretty, a wyvern on either side of shield.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3862
Digitised version
2252: see 312
GB Seal no.2253 1492
Singylton, Humphrey
Used by Sir Humphrey Singylton, parson of the church of 'Bottall', in the county of Northumberland.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round, a merchant's mark, a cross with streamers.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.5.Spec.7
GB Seal no.2254 n.d.
Sire, John
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a crescent with a star above it.
Inscription: ✶ S' IOHIS SIRE DE IARY
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Spec.25
GB Seal no.2255 1350
Sire, William
Styled of Gateshead
S.D., II, 115.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a kail pot on three legs.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Spec.3, 4, 6, 7, 17, 45; 4.3.Spec.4, 9, 16; 1.4.Spec.14
GB Seal no.2256 1354
Skelton, Nicholas of
The seal is engraved A.A., 3rd ser., VI, pl. X, no. 15.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a fess engrailed between three molets.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1885
GB Seal no.2257 1439
Skelton (?)
Used by Richard Bukley, clerk.
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Oval signet, armorial, a fess engrailed between three molets.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1721
GB Seal no.2258 n.d.
Skelton, Walter of
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of eight long and eight short rays.
Inscription: ✠ S' WAL ... SCHELT..
Seal attached to document reference: 3.17.Spec.12
GB Seal no.2259 1335
Skillington, John of
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a losenge charged with, on a bend three ...(?)
Inscription: ✶ S' IOHIS · DE · SCKYLINGTONE ·
Seal attached to document reference: Hess.62
Digitised version GB Seal no.2260 1338
Slade, Alice del
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a star.
Inscription: ✠ S' ALICIE DEL SLADE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2541
GB Seal no.2261 1316
Slater, Thomas
Styled Thomas Sclater, and Alice his wife
Size: 1. 32 x 19 mm.Size: 2. 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: 1. Oval, a plant with pods on it.2. Oval, a star of eight rays.
Inscription: 1. ✠ S' TOME SCLATER2. ✠ S' ALICIE BVRLY
Seal attached to document reference: 4.15.Spec.11, 12
GB Seal no.2262 n.d.
Slaveley, William
Styled Lord of 'Selaveley'
N.C.H., VI, 348-351.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eagle displayed.
Inscription: S' · WILLI · D' · SLAVELY
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1486
GB Seal no.2262(i) n.d.
Sleght, Alan
Citizen of York
Seal design: Lamb and flag.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3903, 4114a, 4484, 4486, 4602
GB Seal no.2262(ii) n.d.
Sleght, John
Rector of Richmond
Seal design: Lamb and flag.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3891
GB Seal no.2263 1384
Smith, Thomas
Used by Thomas Smith of Bolam and Emma his wife.
Size: 1.19 mm.Size: 2. 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, N with crown above it, on a shield.2. Octagonal signet, St Catherine holding wheel in her left and a palm branch in her right hand.
Inscription: 1. MARIE:HELP:EL'IGHAM
Seal attached to document reference: 2.13.Spec.15
Digitised version GB Seal no.2264 1214
Smithetun, Agatha
Styled Agatha, formerly wife of Gikell of Smithetun
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a crescent reversed and with three dots over it.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.12.Spec.16
GB Seal no.2265 n.d.
Smithetun, Gikell of
FPD, 168, 169 and S.D., III, 288 and note n.
Size: 1. 44 mm.Size: Secretum:22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, equestrian, knight in hauberk, circular helmet with nasal, bearing sword and shield.Secretum: oval, antique gem, a figure holding spear in right hand, and in left ... (?)
Seal attached to document reference: 2.12.Spec.14
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.2266 1285
Smitheton, John
Styled John 'dictus de Smytheton'
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, John the Baptist's head on a charger. Above is a hand pointing downwards.
Inscription: S' IOHIS:DE:SMETON
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1198
Digitised version GB Seal no.2267 1341
Smithton, John of
Used 1. by John of 'Smethton', and 2. by Katherine, his wife.
Size: 1. 16 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, a dog asleep surrounded by four lions' heads (?), in a quatrefoiled panel.2. The Holy Lamb.
Inscription: 1. ✶ PENSET DE · I PARNISV . I2· ECCE AGNV . DEI
Seal attached to document reference: 1.16.Spec.12, 13
GB Seal no.2268 1335
Snoweshull, Richard
Styled Richard of Snoweshull, receiver of the Lord William, archbishop of York
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, Our Lady and Christ seated; beneath a half figure prays to them.
Inscription: S' RICAR.. DE SNOV...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4441
GB Seal no.2269 1352
Sokpeth, Thomas of, or Plumber, John
This seal is used by Thomas, or John, but it is not his own seal. It is also used by Thomas of Tudhoe, no. 2470. He was the son of Robert of Sokpeth, the bishop of Durham's receiver general for Norham in 1311 and in 1314 one of the keepers of
Norham castle. In 1350 Thomas held Hobberlaw by the service of a quarter of a knight's fee (A.A., 3rd ser., V, pp. 23, 27). The seal is very interesting, but it is difficult to explain it satisfactorily. It was probably a seal lying in an attorney's
office and is used by several people, but in no place by its original owner. It appears likely, judging from similar seals, that it belonged originally to a lady. The latter part of the legend is practically illegible and gives no help. The shields
appear to be (1) Clifford, (2) Seagrave, (3) ...(?), (4) Vipont.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, four shields of arms arranged crosswise: (1) checky a fess, (2) a lion rampant, (3) a bend between six fleur-de-lys, (4) six rings. There are two letters between each shield: CI IO IL VE.
Inscription: CLIFFARDE · CIA SEGRAVE .. TOVT ... H · L .. ER ...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6874
Printed and discussed in: Bruce McAndrew,
“The Dictionary of British Arms: a practical application”,
The Scottish Genealogist (September 2015, Vol. LXII No.3), p.83-90.
Digitised version GB Seal no.2270 n.d.
Somerset, William of
Size: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem, a female head.
Inscription: ✠ S' WILLI DE ...TE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4931
GB Seal no.2271 1340
Somerville, Philip de
The blason is azure crusilly fitchy and three eagles displayed gold (A.A., 3rd ser., VI, 129). He was the son of Robert de Somerville, and his wife Isabel one of the daughters and co-heirs of Roger de Merlay, Lord of Morpeth. He succeeded in the
lordship of Whichnoure, co. Stafford, as heir to his brother Roger in 1336, and died 1355. (Banks,
Baronies in Fee , I 399, H.N., II, i, 315).
Size: 41 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, powdered with crosses, crosslet fitchy, three eagles displayed. The shield hangs from a tree and there is a lacertine beast on each side of it.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Pont.13
Digitised version GB Seal no.2272 1326
Somerville, Roger de
Styled sheriff of York
This is his seal as sheriff. He was the second son of Robert de Somerville and Isabel his wife (note 38), and died in 1336. For his arms see A.A., 3rd ser., VI, 129. They are the arms of his maternal grandfather, Roger de Merlay, whose name he
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a tower, between the two turrets a shield of arms, charged with (?) beneath R.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4114d
Digitised version GB Seal no.2273 1314
Sorliens, Alice de
Styled Alice, who was the wife of Thomas Lesewis of Oxford
Size: 29 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady with Christ.
Inscription: ✶ S' ALICIE D' SORLIENS
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Ebor.50
GB Seal no.2274 1477
Sotheran, Robert
Styled chaplain
For another seal, see 2.9.Spec.23
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round, a heart out of which issue three quatrefoils.
Inscription: audi vide tace
Seal attached to document reference: 1.18.Spec.8, 10
GB Seal no.2275 1443
Sotheran, Robert
Same man as no. 2274.
Size: 10 x 6 mm.
Seal design: Oval, R with 'sotheron' around it.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.18.Spec.85
GB Seal no.2276 1289
Southwerk, Thomas
Styled Thomas 'de Suwerk', clerk
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, a tonsured head, under a canopy.
Inscription: ✠ S' THOME ...THWERK CLICI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4100m
Digitised version GB Seal no.2277 1219
Southwick, William of
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a standing naked figure.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Pont.8
GB Seal no.2278 n.d.
Spain, Gilbert of
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Finc.56a
GB Seal no.2279 1340
Spalding, Ralph of
Used by John Midelham of Durham, tailor.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a pair of scissors, with three crosses around them.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Spec.36
Digitised version GB Seal no.2280 1287
Spark, Thomas
S.D., II, 116 note.
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a chalice.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Spec.33, 34, 35
Digitised version GB Seal no.2281 1313
Sparme, Ralph
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a dog walking, a lion's (?) head above.
Inscription: ✶ IE VOVS D VOVS
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4080
GB Seal no.2282 1333
Spelder, William
Used by John Whelpdale of Durham.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a pale, crest a ... (?)
Inscription: ✠ S' WILLELMI · SPELDER
Seal attached to document reference: 4.5.Spec.5
GB Seal no.2283 n.d.
Spen, Rosamund of
Styled Rosamund of Spen, formerly wife of Sir John de Egleston, knight
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a bend between two roses.
Inscription: ✠ S' ROSAMVNDE BLVNDE
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Ebor.30
GB Seal no.2283(i) n.d.
Spencer, William le
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4778
GB Seal no.2284 1290
Spicer, Robert
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a pelican in her piety.
Inscription: ✠ S' ROBERTI SPI ...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2311
GB Seal no.2285 1252-1256
Spine (?), Manetti
Styled a merchant of Florence
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion walking in front of a tree.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4099, 5007
Digitised version GB Seal no.2286 1270
Spring, Henry
Styled Henry Spring, one of the executors of Sir John de Baliol
The family were the ancient lords of Houghton-le-Spring (S.D., I, 145). This seal is engraved A.A., 3rd ser., VI, 183. His arms, azure an orle silver are emblasoned ibid., plate 2, facing p. 100. See pedigree in Plantagenet Harrison's
History of Yorkshire , p. 378. The shield is clearly differenced from that of Baliol.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight in mail and surcoat, cylindrical helmet, with sword and shield.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4089, 4463
GB Seal no.2287 1352
Stafford, Richard of
A juror to enquire about property in Claypath, Durham.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron between two ...(?), in chief, and a ...(?) in base, a border engrailed.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1958
Digitised version GB Seal no.2288 1316
Staindrop, Nicholas of
Used by Nicholas of Stayndrop, clerk, and Emma, his wife.
Size: 1.22 mm.Size: 2. 25 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, a star of eight points.2. Round, a bird.
Inscription: 1. ✶ S' NICH'I D' STANDROP2. ✠ SIGILL EME · DE LABVRN
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1989
GB Seal no.2289 1386
Staindrop, Richard of
Styled chaplain
Size: 10 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, armorial, a cross between four molets, above shield 'R:S'.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2039
GB Seal no.2290 n.d.
Stanbrig, Henry of
Styled 'H. de Stanbr' vices agens Dni. Dunelm. H capell. de Aldeniston'
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a standing figure, right hand raised and left holding a cross headed staff.
Inscription: ... GO ... BRIGA
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 50
GB Seal no.2291 1263
Stangrave, Peter of
Styled Peter of Stayngrave, 'procurator magistri Pontii Nicholai praepositi Montis Cursii, domini Papae capellani ac nuncii'
See Archbishop Giffard's Register, 43n and 175 (109 Surt. Soc. publ.).
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, half figure of Our Lady with Christ beneath a canopy. Beneath a figure prays to them.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4010
GB Seal no.2292 1323-1332
Stanes, Simon of
For another seal, see Misc.Ch. 5066
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, antique gem, a griffin (?), very poor impression.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3408, 4881
GB Seal no.2292(i)
Stanes, William of
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4618 (imperfect), 4876 (fragment)
GB Seal no.2293 1348
Staneley, Robert of
Styled a pelterer of York
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, Our Lady standing with Christ; a king crowned and holding a sceptre stands beside them. Beneath a half figure prays to them.
Inscription: ✶ PER MALA REX MIE ... RICO V'GO IVV...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3877 & 4955
Digitised version GB Seal no.2294 1339-1340
Staneley, Robert of
Same man as no. 2293.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a sheaf within a traceried panel.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3527, 4390
Digitised version GB Seal no.2295 1361
Stanhope, John of
Styled burgess of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
He was bailiff of Newcastle-upon-Tyne for several years between 1361-1376, and M.P. for the town 1360-61 (R.W., I, passim).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, quarterly I and IV ermine, II and III four rings.
Inscription: ✶ sigillum:johis:de:stanhop
Seal attached to document reference: 1.7.Spec.23, 25
GB Seal no.2296 n.d.
Stanhope, Michael of
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of ten rays.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2003
GB Seal no.2297 1420
Stanhope, Robert
Used by Robert Stanhope, chaplain. The seal shows the four knights in civil dress, the foremost plunges a dagger into Thomas's head who kneels in front of an altar, a priest, bearing a cross aloft in his left hand, with his right endeavours to
turn aside the dagger. Compare with seal no. 1909.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, the martyrdom of St Thomas a Becket.
Inscription: Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.17.Spec.22, 23
Digitised version GB Seal no.2298 1294
Stanhope, W. of
Used by W. of Stanhope, chaplain, official of the archdeacon of Northumberland.
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, a female head.
Inscription: ✠ S . W.. APEL...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4145; ?4.3.Sacr.13
GB Seal no.2299 n.d.
Stanley, Matilda of
Styled widow of William of Stanlaw
FPD, 177n.
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a griffin.
Inscription: ✠ S' MATILDE DE STANLAW
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2110
GB Seal no.2300 n.d.
Stanley, William of
Charter printed FPD, 176n. The stag's head device is taken from the well-known stags' heads on the bend of the Stanleys of Cheshire. They were hereditary foresters of Wirral through marriage with the heiress of Barnville. The stags' heads on
their shield probably refer to this office.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a stag's head.
Inscription: ✠ S' WILELMI . DE STANLAWE
Seal attached to document reference: 4.13.Spec.25
Digitised version GB Seal no.2301 1321
Stanlawe, Richard of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a quatrefoil.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] C42
GB Seal no.2302 1318
Stanlawe, Richard of
Styled sheriff of Durham
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a king's head crowned.
Inscription: · ✠ · ✠ · R ♠ ·· ♠ · ♠
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4687
GB Seal no.2303 n.d.
Stanton, Thomas of
Styled son of Thomas of Stanton, formerly burgess of Mitford, chaplain
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady standing holding Christ. Thomas prays to them.
Inscription: ...PIA DE... DICTV VIRGO MA...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5278
GB Seal no.2303(i) n.d.
Stanton, John of
Proctor of the court of York
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4572
GB Seal no.2304 1322
Stapelton, John of
Styled an executor of the will of Sir Gilbert of Stapleton, clerk
He was Lord of Melsonby and third son of Sir Miles Stapleton. Gilbert was his uncle and master of the hospital of St Leonard, York (
Yorks. Arch. Journal , VIII, 99, 109). For armorials see A.A., 3rd ser., III, 249.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a lion rampant, a bend over all.
Inscription: Legend destroyed.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4153
GB Seal no.2305 1343
Stapelton, John of
The same man as 2304.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, ermine a lion rampant and a border engrailed.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4172
Digitised version GB Seal no.2306 1375
Stapelton, John of
I have been unable to identify this man. The 'staples' projecting from the edges of the shield form a curious canting device. The seal is used by Peter Greathead, chamberlain of Berwick on Tweed
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a lion rampant and a border engrailed. Staples project from the edges of the shield.
Inscription: IANE CVIR

Seal attached to document reference: 2.15.Spec.25
Digitised version GB Seal no.2307 1451
Stapelton, John
Size: 10 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal signet, an eagle with wings raised.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.15.Spec.20
GB Seal no.2308 1310
Stapelton, Simon son of Robert of
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a winged monster with a stag's head, a bird's body, webbed feet, and long tail.
Inscription: ✶ PREVCSVC PO · CONV
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1656
GB Seal no.2309 1322
Stapelton, William of
Styled rector of the church of 'Skyrpenbeck', an executor of the will of Sir Gilbert of Stapleton, clerk
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, Our Lady standing, holding Christ, to whom William prays.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4153
GB Seal no.2310 n.d.
Staynton, Floria of
Styled Floria, daughter of William, son of Roger of Staynton
Size: 35 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a lion passant.
Inscription: ✠ S' FLORIE DE STAINTON
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Finc.14
GB Seal no.2311 1377-1389
Steel, William
Used by Ralph Steel, clerk, and John Watson of Hesilden.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron between three bells (?)
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.59, 89, 133
Digitised version GB Seal no.2312 1317
Steingrene, Thomas of, and Topcliffe, Nicholas of
Styled rector of the church of 'Rosington' [Rossington], and vicar of Topcliffe respectively, subcollectors of the procurations of Cardinals Gauscelin and Luke
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, St. Peter standing holding a key in right hand and a book in left (imperfect).
Inscription: ✶ S' TET... CARD
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5065
Digitised version GB Seal no.2313 n.d.
Steill, John
Styled 'magister' of the church of St Mary in the South Bailey
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron between three birds, ... on the chevron
Seal attached to document reference: 2.18.Spec.21, 22
GB Seal no.2314 n.d.
Styled Sir Stephen, chaplain
Size: 22 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a priest standing in front of an altar upon which is a chalice.
Inscription: S' ...PHA ... CAPELLA ...
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Spec.23
Digitised version GB Seal no.2315 n.d.
Stere, Cuthbert
Used by him.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a merchant's mark on a shield.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.10.Spec.38
GB Seal no.2316 1504
Steyr, John
Used by John Steyr of Norton, son and heir of William Steyr of Norton.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, antique gem, three Cupids joined in one head. A heart beneath them.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.9.Spec.36
Digitised version GB Seal no.2317 1274
Stikkelau, Richard
Styled perpetual vicar of 'Eddelyngham'
Size: 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem, a winged Cupid, holding out a cup to a bird seated on a pillar, his bow rests at the foot of the pillar.
Inscription: ✶ AVE:MARIA:GRACIA:PLEN .
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Spec.7
GB Seal no.2318 n.d.
Stirk, Adam
Used by 1. Adam Styrke, and 2. by Matilda, his wife.
Size: 1.22 mm.Size: 2. 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, an eight rayed star.2. Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: 1. ✠ S' ADE STIRKE2. ✠ S' MATILDE COLIBER
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1960
GB Seal no.2319 n.d.
Stiward, Gilbert
Styled Gilbert, son and heir of William called Styward of Durham
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of eight rays.
Inscription: ✠ S' GILB'TI STIWARD
Seal attached to document reference: 1.19.Spec.10
GB Seal no.2320 1339
Stobbes, Robert of the
Used by 'Robert del Stobbes'.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a male and female head, between them a tree on which a bird is seated.
Inscription: ✶ LOVE ME AND LIVE
Seal attached to document reference: 4.9.Spec.1
GB Seal no.2321 1490
Stokdale, Oliver
Used by 1. Oliver Stokdale; 2. by William Stokdale 'generosus'; 3. by Sibyl his wife, daughter and co-heiress of William Whelpdale.
Size: 1. 16 mm.Size: 2. 13 mm.Size: 3. 16 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, a stag galloping past a tree.2. Round, three candlesticks (?).3. Round, a tun with a bird seated on it.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.18.Spec.33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.2321A 1294
Stoksfeld, John of
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a tree with a dog on one side and a stag on the other.
Inscription: Legend obliterated.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6948
Digitised version GB Seal no.2322 n.d.
Stockport, Matilda & Robert of
1. used by Matilda of Stockport, and 2. by Robert, her son and heir. Robert was Lord of Stockport and other manors in Cheshire which he held by knight service under Despenser and Massy. For his seal see no. 2323. His wife Matilda was one of the
daughters and coheiresses of Richard fitz Roger, Lord of Woodplumpton (no. 2110). Robert's I.P.M. was taken the Saturday after the Annunciation, 32 Henry III (1247) when Robert his son, then of full age was found his heir (Cal. of Inq. Post Mort. I,
p. 30). For account of the lords of Stockport see Ormerod's
Cheshire III, 383 et seq.
Size: 1. 35 x 22 mm.Size: 2. 22 mm.
Seal design: 1. Oval, a cinquefoil. 2. Round, a flower.
Inscription: 1. ✠ SIGILL MATILDIS D' STOKCPORT2. ✠ SI...
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.4.Ebor.1
GB Seal no.2323 n.d.
Stockport, Robert of
Used by 1. Robert of Stockport, and 2. by Matilda, his wife.
Size: 1. 54 mm.Size: 2. 19 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, equestrian, knight in mail hauberk and conical helmet with nasal, bearing sword and shield with boss.2. Round, four indentations, probably teeth marks.
Inscription: 1. ✠ SIGILL ROBERTI . DE STO....RT
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.4.Ebor.60
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.2324 n.d.
Stockport, Robert of
This shield is differenced and derived feudally from that of his overlord Sir Hamon de Massy, Lord of Dunham, whose arms as blasoned in Planche's roll were bendy of lozenges conjoined gold and gules, a lion rampant sable. Later the lords of
Stockport bore azure crusilly and three lozenges gold so blasoned in Glover's Ordinary and for John of Waren, Lord of Stockport, in Charles's roll. Sir Nicholas of Etton, Lord of Stockport, in right of his wife Joan, eldest coheiress of Richard of
Stockport, sealed with crusilly fitchy and three lozenges (Ormerod's
Cheshire , III, 386, note q). See also
Ancestor , X, p.85.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three lozenges.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL ....ORT
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.4.Ebor.5
Digitised version GB Seal no.2325 1260
Stockport, Robert of
He was son of Robert (1) and Matilda his wife. He differenced the early shield by adding three more lozenges. The colours would probably be azure and gold.
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Shield-shaped, armorial six lozenges.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] D107
Digitised version GB Seal no.2326 1329
Stockton, John of
Used by him.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a falcon on a gloved hand.
Inscription: ✶ S' GILL · TI · ONI · OVRCI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3671
GB Seal no.2327 1348
Stockton, John of
Vicar-general of the bishop of Durham and collector of the procurations of Anibald of Tusculum (Annibale de Ceccano) and Stephen, cardinal of SS John and Paul. This is the seal he uses in that office.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, two cardinals' hats, one above the other.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4178, 4791
Digitised version GB Seal no.2327(i)
Stockton, Nicholas of
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5062
GB Seal no.2328 n.d.
Stokesley, Gerard of
Styled Girardus, parson of Stokesley
Size: 41 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an eagle head turned back.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Sacr.13
Digitised version GB Seal no.2329 n.d.
Stokesley, Gerard of
Same man as no. 2328.
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an eagle with raised wings.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Sacr.18
Digitised version GB Seal no.2330 n.d.
Strecton, Thomas of
He was the husband of Elizabeth of Ulcotes, one of the daughters and co-heiresses of Philip of Ulcotes. This charter is printed FPD, 105n. See also no. 2500.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, undecipherable.
Inscription: ...ART ...
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Spec.34
GB Seal no.2331 1270
Streget, William
Used by William Streget, chaplain.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, charges effaced and undecipherable.
Inscription: x S' IOHANNIS ... YHEY
Seal attached to document reference: 1.15.Spec.19
GB Seal no.2332 1364
Strother, Henry
Styled sheriff of Northumberland; his seal as sheriff
See H.N., II, i, 254. For armorials see A.A., 3rd ser., VI, pp. 129, 175.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a castle of three towers, in the centre a shield of arms on a bend three eagles displayed.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4182
Digitised version
2333: Strivelyn, John de. See no. 2334 (see also A.A., 3rd ser., I, p. 95 et seq).
GB Seal no.2334 1361
Strivelyn, John de
The same man as no. 2333. To a deed dated 10 March 13 Elizabeth (1570) Robert Middleton of Belsay uses a signet, oval 7/8 in., red wax, a covered cup (Sir A.E. Middleton's muniments, Belsay Castle).
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, powdered with crosses crosslet fitchy, three covered cups. The shield is couchée and from a full-faced coroneted helmet surmounting it rise two horns holding between them a covered
Inscription: S' · IOHIS · DE STREVELYN
Seal attached to document reference: 1.6.Spec.45, 48, 50, 53, 54, 56x
Digitised version GB Seal no.2335 n.d.
Strivelyn, Jacoba de
Used by the Lady Jacoba, wife of John of Strivelyn. She was the third and youngest daughter of Richard Emeldon (A.A., 3rd ser., I, 94).
Size: 29 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an eagle displayed.
Inscription: ... STRYVELYN
Seal attached to document reference: 1.6.Spec.48
GB Seal no.2336 1318
Stuteville, John de
The blason is barry silver and gules a lion rampant sable. This seal is engraved A.A., 3rd ser., VI, pl. X, no. 20. See also ibid., p. 130; and N.C.H., VI, 191 and note.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, barry of fifteen, a lion rampant.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 254
GB Seal no.2337 n.d.
Swayn, Agnes
Styled Agnes, wife of Symon, son of Swayn of Gigleswick
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ...AGW · RELLI...
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Finc.15*
GB Seal no.2338 n.d.
Swayn, Simon
Styled Simon, son of Swayn of 'Gykiliswyk'
Size: 25 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a stag at speed.
Inscription: SIMON .. FILI SVE...
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Finc.15
GB Seal no.2339 1260
Suche, Alan la
Styled justice of Chester
Alan, Lord Zouche of Ashby, son of Roger la Zouche. He married Helen, daughter and coheiress of Roger de Quincy, Earl of Winchester. He was one of the King's justices; constable of the Tower of London, and died 1269 (
Historical Peerage, 524; Plantagenet Harrison's
Yorkshire, 7; Banks's
Baronies in Fee, I, 469). His shield blasoned in Walford's roll (Henry III) was gules
besanty. In St George's roll another Alan bears gules besanty and a fess ermine. For the many and diverse shields borne by this family see Foster's
Feudal Coats of Arms, p. 268.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, antique gem, a male and female head in profile, the male radiated.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL ALA... A SVCHE
Seal attached to document reference: [G] D107
Digitised version GB Seal no.2339(i) 1260
Sunderland, Adam of
A parochial chaplain of St Mary's Wearmouth
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3864
GB Seal no.2340 1292
Surreys, John le
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a gateway with door and three towers.
Inscription: Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4563
Digitised version GB Seal no.2341 1332
Surtees, Joscelin
Brother of Sir Thomas Surtees of Dinsdale, whose executor he was in 1345 (S.D., III, 234).
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem, a male head.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.3.Spec.21
GB Seal no.2342 n.d.
Surtees, Ralph
See S.D., III, 234. The charter is printed and seal engraved ibid., p. 393. The salmon badge probably refers to their origin on the banks of Tees. The date of seal is between 1174-80.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a salmon.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.11.Spec.7; 2.1.Ebor.14
Digitised version GB Seal no.2343 n.d.
Surtees, Ranulph
Charter printed and seal engraved S.D., III, 393. In the charter he is styled 'Rann de Dyttneshal'.
Size: 51 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight in mail hauberk with hood, conical-pointed helmet with nasal, bearing sword and shield with radiating boss.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Ebor.15, 16, 17
Digitised version GB Seal no.2344 1253
Surtees, Ralph
See S.D., III, 234.
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a griffin.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.11.Spec.8
Digitised version GB Seal no.2345 n.d.
Surtees, Richard
Charter is printed and seal engraved S.D., III, 394.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight in mail and cylindrical helmet, and with sword and shield.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.11.Spec.1; 3.1.Sacr.15
Digitised version GB Seal no.2346 1301-1342
Surtees, Thomas
He was seneschal under bishop Bury and died 1345 (S.D., III, 234). The blason is ermine on a quarter gules an orle silver. The quarter bears the arms of Baliol. The arms are blasoned for him in Jenyn's roll (Edward II) d'ermyne a une quatr. de
goules et une escucheon voydee d'argent.
Size: 22 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, armorial, ermine on a quarter an orle.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4079, 4032, 4660, 4673, 3510, 3750, 3779, 4079, 4660, 4673, 4883, 3803; 4.3.Pont.7
Digitised version GB Seal no.2346A 1325
Surtees, Thomas
Size: 22 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, armorial (not ermine), on a quarter an orle.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3894, 4115a, 4281, 4585
Digitised version GB Seal no.2347 1357
Surtees, Thomas
Son and heir of no. 2346. He was Sheriff of Northumberland in 1373 and died 1379 (S.D., III, 234).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, ermine, on a quarter an orle.
Inscription: SIGILL THOME ... TEYS
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2000
GB Seal no.2348 1359-1377
Surtees, Thomas
Same man as no. 2347. This seal though appended to documents later in date than the previous one is evidently, from the label of cadency, an earlier seal made in the lifetime of his father.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, ermine on a quarter an orle, a label of three points.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.10.Spec.75; 1.14.Spec.21
Digitised version GB Seal no.2349 1409
Surtees, Sir Thomas
He was Sheriff of Northumberland in 1422 and died in 1435 (S.D., III, 234).
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal signet, 'S' and two ermine spots within it.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6712
Digitised version GB Seal no.2350 1500
Surtees, Thomas
Styled Thomas Surtees of 'Dedynsale', senior
He succeeded to Dinsdale 1480 and died about 1507 (S.D., III, 234).
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, an ermine spot between the letters st.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.10.Spec.58, 59, 60
Digitised version GB Seal no.2351 1500
Surtees, Thomas
Styled Thomas Surtees of 'Dedynsale', junior, son and heir of the above Thomas (no. 2350)
Son and heir of the preceding, succeeded his father 1507, and died without issue 1510 (S.D., III, 234).
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round signet,

Seal attached to document reference: 3.10.Spec.58
Digitised version GB Seal no.2352 1281-1290
Suthayk, Gilbert of
In Misc.Ch. 3596 described as the seal of the commissary of the official of the bishop of Durham
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a figure standing in front of an oak tree, a dog at the bottom of the tree.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3596, 4396, 4451, 4577, 3601, 3556; 4.3.Sacr.34
Digitised version GB Seal no.2353 1295
Suthwerk, Thomas of
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, a lion asleep at the foot of a tree, upon which is a bird.
Inscription: ✶ PENSET DE LIPAR ... SVCI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4684
Digitised version
2354: Suthwerk, Thomas of; see no. 2276.
GB Seal no.2355 1293
Suthwerk, Thomas of
Size: 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, a male bust tonsured, a cross in front.
Inscription: ✶ S' THOME DE SV....E CLICI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4730
Digitised version GB Seal no.2355(i) 1330
Suthwerk, Thomas of
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3743 (very indistinct, with secretum)
GB Seal no.2355(ii) 1331
Suthwerk, Thomas of
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3856
GB Seal no.2355(iii) 1327
Suthwerk, Thomas of
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3507
GB Seal no.2356 1447
Sutton, Alice
Size: 10 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, a bird, above it a molet.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 250
GB Seal no.2357 1462
Sutton, Richard
Styled 'armiger'
The blason is silver a quarter sable (Glover's Ordinary). The arms first appear in Charles's roll of Henry III for 'Jamus d'Sottone le fitz' ermine a canton sable. The charter is endorsed in the handwriting of archbishop Kempe 'istud scriptu
sigillatu fuit in prescencia mea'. The seal is surrounded by a twisted straw.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a canton.
Inscription: sigillum ricardi sutton
Seal attached to document reference: 3.5.Ebor.19
Digitised version GB Seal no.2358 1462
Sutton, Robert
Styled son of Richard Sutton (no. 2357)
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, an eagle with raised wings.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.5.Ebor.20
GB Seal no.2359 1462
Sutton, William
Styled rector of Aram; the seal is surrounded by a twisted straw
Now Averham, near Newark-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire. In 1645 Robert Sutton was created Baron Lexinton of Aram, Co. Notts. (
Historic Peerage , 285). See also Thoroton's
Nottinghamshire , III, pp. 106-110.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, an undecipherable device.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.5.Ebor.21
Digitised version GB Seal no.2360 1294
Swagun, Alice
Styled Alice, daughter of Robert Palter, who was the wife of Elyas Swagun
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' ALICIE V ..RIS HELIE
Seal attached to document reference: 4.14.Spec.1
GB Seal no.2361 1334
Swan, Thomas
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star.
Inscription: ✠ S. THOME SWAN
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Elemos.11
GB Seal no.2362 1317
Swinburne, Adam of
The blason is silver on a cross gules five sheaves gold (Glover's Ordinary). The sheaves are possibly derived from those of the ancient lords of Tyndale (Cumin, no. 750 in this catalogue). See also A.A., 3rd ser., III, p. 264, and ibid., vol. VI,
p. 130.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a cross five sheaves. On each side and above the shield is a boar's head.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4581
Digitised version GB Seal no.2363 1312
Swinburne, John of
Styled Knight
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a cross five sheaves.
Inscription: ✠ S' IOHIS DE SWY...RNE
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Spec.66
Digitised version GB Seal no.2364 n.d.
Swyneford, John of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem, a lion.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3430
GB Seal no.2364(i) n.d.
Swynton, Alexander of
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4904
GB Seal no.2365 1341
Swynyngthwayt, Thomas of
Styled rector of the church of Hawkeswell, an executor of the will of Sir Geoffrey le Scrop, knight
From the bend on his shield he was probably a Scrope.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a kneeling figure, holding a shield of arms, on a bend.
Inscription: ✶ S ... OME · DE .... NITHAYT
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3746
Digitised version GB Seal no.2366 1309
Syde, Henry
Styled Henry del Syde of 'Aynewyke'
Charter printed N.C.H., X, 91n.
Size: 25 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a griffin (?)
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1456
Digitised version GB Seal no.2367 n.d.
Syrith, Walter son of
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' ...D
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Finc.2
GB Seal no.2368 1459
Sywardby, Elizabeth
Styled Elizabeth, late wife of William Sywardby, armiger
See no. 2039.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, Pegasus (?)
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Ebor.32
GB Seal no.2369 1459
Sywardby, Margaret
Styled daughter of William and Elizabeth Sywardby
She was the wife of Sir Geoffrey Pigott. See no. 2039.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, a unicorn's head.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Ebor.32
Digitised version TGB Seal no.2370 1428
Tailboys, Walter
He is styled 'of Golthawe armiger', and the deed is dated at 'Hesgille'. See H.N., I, ii, 6 and 61; C.R., 33, p. 128. I.P.M. taken at Houghton-le-Spring 15 January 1444-45 (C.R., 44, p. 513). The device on the signet is one of the charges borne
in chief on the shield of arms of the family, which is blasoned in the roll of Richard II, silver a saltire gules on a chief gules three escallops silver.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, an escallop in a corded circle.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 504
GB Seal no.2371 1391
Taillour, John
He is styled of Newton. The seal is used by various persons in Appleby.
Size: 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem, a man on horseback, with a dog.
Inscription: ✶ I· R · AMVR DE ... IGV'
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Sacr.5h, 5m, 13
Digitised version GB Seal no.2372 1383
Talbot, Richard
He is styled chaplain
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, antique gem, a male head.
Inscription: Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2522
GB Seal no.2373 1438
Talbot, William
The deed refers to a house in Pilgrim Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
Size: 16 x 13 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal signet, a merchant's marks on a shield.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Spec.92
Digitised version GB Seal no.2374 1343-1346
Tanfield, Richard of
Appended to receipts for pension.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, St Catherine on dexter, a bishop blessing on sinister, both under canopies. Between the canopies is a shield of arms, a cross paty. Beneath is a figure praying.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3400, 3456, 3509, 3530, 3606, 3612, 3822, 4391, 4530, 4640, 5068b
Digitised version GB Seal no.2375 1295-1306
Tang, Andrew of
He was a public notary. In 1312 bishop Richard of Kellawe describes him as 'our clerk and notary public' (R.P.D., I, 247). he calls himself 'Andreas quondam Guilielmi de Tang, clericus, Eboracensis diocesis, sacrosanctae sedis apostolica publicus
auctoritate notarius' (R.P.D., I, passim). In 1299 he receives a pension of thirty-three shillings and fourpence from Durham monastery (Durham Account Rolls, 502; 100 Surt. Soc. publ.). Seals no. 2375 and 2379 are his own, the former used from 1295
to 1303, the latter with the device of his name saint, Saint Andrew, from 1303 to 1312. Nos. 2376, 2377 and 2378 are probably not his own seals.
Size: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, a female head with head-dress.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3456, 3465, 3633, 3838, 3929, 3942, 3996, 4028o, 4046e, 4062m, 4076d, 4088h, 4088l, 4579, 4771d, 4970d
Digitised version GB Seal no.2376 1292
Tang, Andrew
Styled Andrew of Tang, public notary
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a dog walking in front of a tree.
Inscription: ✶ IE VOYS . AV . BOYS
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4136g
GB Seal no.2377 1293
Tang, Andrew of
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a male and female figure holding hands, their right hands jointly hold a flower.
Inscription: ✠ S' ...DL CESC... SO..E
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3647
Digitised version GB Seal no.2378 1292
Tang, Andrew of
Size: 25 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a head held up by two hands, above it a crescent enclosing a star.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4126e
GB Seal no.2379 1303-1312
Tang, Andrew of
Date 1312
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, St Andrew on his cross.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3573 (fragments), 3597, 3625, 4028p, 4534, 4915, 4076f
Digitised version
2380: see 2381
GB Seal no.2381 1321-1331
Tange, Robert
Styled rector of the church of 'Fobbinge' in the diocese of London
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, on the dexter St Michael, bearing a shield of arms, a plain cross, and driving a spear into the dragon's mouth. On the sinister St Catherine, sword in right hand, wheel in left.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3839, 3961, 4002, 4077a, 4115m, 4138c, 4433, 4521, 4533, 4916, 4995
Digitised version GB Seal no.2382 1321
Tange, Robert of
Same man as no. 2381.
Size: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, a man's head tonsured and with long curling hair.
Inscription: SIGILLVM ...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3555, 3767, 3981, 4121c, 4138l, 5081e, 5110b
Digitised version GB Seal no.2383 1294
Tanner, Adam
Styled Adam the tanner, called of Wardley, and Cecilia his wife
Size: 1.22 mm.Size: 2. 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, a star of eight rays.2. Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: 1. ✠ S' ADE TANNER2. ✠ S' ISABELLE FIL:ADE
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Sacr.44
GB Seal no.2384 1265
Tanner, Alan
Size: 25 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a bird.
Inscription: ✠ S' ALANI LE TANVE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6375
GB Seal no.2385 n.d.
Tarlton (?), Isabella of
Size: 38 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the Holy Lamb.
Inscription: ✠ S' ISABELLE D'...RELTO.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6675
GB Seal no.2386 1317
Tarril, William
Used by Juliana of Hesswell.
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a pelican in her piety.
Inscription: ✠ S' WILELMI TARRIL
Seal attached to document reference: 2.17.Spec.26
GB Seal no.2387 1420
Tart, William
In 13 bishop Langley (1419) he was rector of the church of Whyham (?Whickham) (C.R., 33, p. 205).
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Oval signet, antique gem, a bear (?)
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6718
GB Seal no.2388 1301
Tateshale, Robert of
Styled Robert, son of Sir Robert of Tateshale, knight
Lord of Buckenham in Norfolk and Tatteshall, co. Lincoln. He succeeded his father in 1298 being then 24 years of age; he died in 1303 (
Historic Peerage , ed. Courthorpe, 471). The shield is blasoned checky gold and gules a chief ermine and a label azure. It is blasoned for him in the roll of the battle of Falkirk (1298) as 'le fitz', eschekere d'or et
de gules od le chief d'ermin ou ung lambel de azure. He sealed the baron's letter to the pope in 1301 with a seal bearing the same shield of arms (
The Ancestor , no. 7, p. 249). He was present at the siege of
Caerlaverock (1301) when his banner bore the same charges but without the label: 'De or e de rouge exchequere, Au chef de ermine outreement'. On his claim (as lord of Buckenham and senior co-heir of D'Aubigny) to the office of chief butler see
The King's Serjeants and Officers of State , p. 156.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, checky a chief ermine, a label of three points.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.3.Ebor.35, 36
Digitised version GB Seal no.2389 1360
Taylor, William
Styled William, son and heir of John Taylor of Norton
The same seal is used by Robert Lucas, no. 1635.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a bishop standing, holding a crosier in his left hand and blessing William who kneels in front of him.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 86
Digitised version GB Seal no.2390 1397
Tempest, Richard
Styled knight
See Whitaker's
Deanery of Craven , passim (Pedigree, p.80). The blason of the shield is silver a bend between six birds (?storm finches) sable. For note on arms see A.A., 3rd ser., III, 269.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a bend between six storm finches; the same bird as crest on a cap of maintenance surmounting the helmet.
Inscription: sigill ricardi...pest
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4679
Digitised version GB Seal no.2391 1441
Tempest, Roger
Styled Roger Tempest of Broghton, armiger
See V.Y., 293.
Size: 10 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, antique gem, a bearded head.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6009
GB Seal no.2392 1439
Tempest, Roger
Same man as no. 2391.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, an eagle, standing with raised wings.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6056
GB Seal no.2393 1439
Tempest, Rowland
See V.D., 299. The device is partly composed of a charge taken from their shield of arms. The seal is applied to the face of the deed.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal signet, a crescent enclosing a storm finch.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6884
Digitised version GB Seal no.2394 1291
Tenelby, Robert of
According to the legend, St Helena, the mother of Constantine the Great, warned in a vision, journeyed to Jerusalem in 326 and there discovered the Cross, with the superscription and nails still attached, upon which our Lord suffered, together
with the two other crosses upon which the two thieves were crucified. For full account of this legend see
The Saints in Christian Art , vol. II, by Mrs Arthur Bell.
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, St Helen standing crowned and holding in her right hand, in front of her breast, a Greek cross. On each side of her the words SCA HELENA.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3496
Digitised version GB Seal no.2395 1310
Terry, Nicholas
Used by Nicholas Terry, chaplain, son of Gervase Terry of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. See R.W., I, 19.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Hexagonal signet, a human head.
Inscription: ✶ SEO · T CVSLE
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Spec.65, 67
2396: see 2494
GB Seal no.2396(i)
Tesdale, Alan of
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3904 (very indistinct)
GB Seal no.2397 1380
Tesdale, Hugh of
Size: 22 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, St Peter, standing.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6306, 6307, 6308
GB Seal no.2398 1352-1355
Tesdale, Hugh of
He is styled clerk
There appear to have been several men of this name living about this time. In 1313 bishop Richard of Kellawe granted an indulgence of 40 days for the souls of Hugh of Teesdale, Eva his wife and their children, buried in the cemetery of the
Blessed Mary at Middleton-in-Teesdale (R.P.D., I, 469). In 12 bishop Richard of Bury (1346) a writ of diem clausit extremum was issued on the death of Hugh of Teesdale (C.R., 31, p. 107). In 4 and 5 bishop Thomas of Hatfield (1349-50) inquests post
mortem were held on three men of the same name (C.R., 45, p. 267).
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a quatrefoil, 'h' at centre and around it (1) demi-figure of Our Lady with Christ, (2) and eagle, (3) demi-figure praying, (4) the Holy Lamb.
Inscription: ..SVP · TESDAL · CLAVIS MATER ET · GO ·· IS ·
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3534, 3735, 3883, 3946, 4970c, 4417
Digitised version GB Seal no.2399 1364
Tesdale, Thomas of
Used by Thomas, son of Hugh of Tesdale.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a merchant's mark.
Inscription: ✠ S' THOMAES · W
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6249*
GB Seal no.2400 n.d.
Testard, John
Styled of 'Cletlam'
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a hand holding an axe.
Inscription: S' IOHIS:TESTARD
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2064
GB Seal no.2401 n.d.
Textor, Matilda
She is styled daughter of John Tixtor, a name equivalent to weaver.
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a floriated device.
Inscription: ✠ S' · MATILD' : TIXTORIS
Seal attached to document reference: 5.2.Elemos.19
GB Seal no.2402 1245
Thanet, William of
This seal is affixed to a deed of agreement dating from after May 1244 (2 Innocent IV) between the monasteries of Durham and Evesham.
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, head of Jupiter Scrapis.
Inscription: ✠ S' MAG' RI WILLI DE TANET
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Ebor.26a
Digitised version GB Seal no.2403 n.d.
Thew, Hugh
No. 1 is used by Hugh Train and no. 2 by Dionysia his wife. The deed concerns All Saints, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Henry Eschot is named mayor (1286-90).
Size: 1. 29 x 19 mm.Size: 2. 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: 1. Oval, a floriated device.2. Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: 1. ✠ S' HVG . THEV ✶2. ✠ S' DION · THEV
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Spec.104
GB Seal no.2404 n.d.
Thirsk, Agnes daughter of Vincent of
She is styled daughter of Vincent of Thirsk in widowhood. Her husband was Walter, son of Elwald.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of eight rays.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Elemos.4
GB Seal no.2404(i) n.d.
Thirsk, John of
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4514
GB Seal no.2405 n.d.
Thirsk, Richard
Styled Richard of 'Tresc'
This family owned land at Heton near Thirsk. There are charters among the almoner's deeds from various members of the family (W.G.). This charter is printed R.N.D., app. 115, no. 666.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eagle standing with raised wings.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Spec.31
GB Seal no.2406 n.d.
Thirsk, Walter
Styled Walter, son of Gilbert, son of Vincent of 'Tresc'
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL: W...ERI · COCI
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Elemos.3
GB Seal no.2407 1302
Thokerington, Thomas & Herteweyton, Adam
They are monks of Newminster, acting for the abbot & convent as collectors of a subsidy. The deeds are receipts to the convent of Durham for papal tithes from their churches and temporalities.
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, Our Lady crowned and seated on a throne with the child Christ. Beneath Thomas prays to them.
Inscription: ✶ ORARE ... VIRGO MARIA
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4334, 5064
Digitised version GB Seal no.2408 1243
Thomas the chaplain
Used by William, son of Helias of Burdon.
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a figure apparently vested in amice, chasuble, and alb with maniple over left wrist, holding up both hands.
Inscription: S':TOME:CAPLLI:DE:O ✶
Seal attached to document reference: 3.10.Spec.19
Digitised version GB Seal no.2409 1241
Styled Thomas, the chaplain, rector of the church of St Mary in the South Bailey, Durham
Concerning Thomas's rights of flesh and fish in the convent on certain days (W.G.).
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a hand blessing.
Inscription: ✠ BENEDIC...S · DEVS
Seal attached to document reference: 2.16.Spec.15; 14 Greg.IX, Pope
Digitised version GB Seal no.2410 n.d.
Thomas, Adam
Styled Adam, the goldsmith, son of Thomas the goldsmith
His brother Walter is named; their father Thomas was constable (praepositus) of Elvet (see no. 2412).
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, an animal's head.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL · ADE · AVRIFAB
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.107
GB Seal no.2411 1229
Thomas, Emma daughter of
Styled Emma, daughter of Thomas, son of William, in her widowhood
In charter no. 4.16.Spec.126, Bertram, son of Alan, calls her the lady Emma, my mother.
Size: 38 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a floriated device, with cross.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.120, 128
GB Seal no.2412 n.d.
Thomas, Ralph son of
Brother of Adam the goldsmith (aurifaber) and Walter the smith (faber), sons of Thomas the goldsmith, formerly constable (praepositus) of Elvet (see no. 2140).
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a conventional plant, in flower.
Inscription: SIGILL · RAD'FI · FILII · THOME
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.107; Misc.Ch. 2303, 6782
GB Seal no.2413 n.d.
Thomas, Robert son of
See FPD, 122n, where this charter is printed.
Size: 44 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight in mail hauberk, with mail coif and cylindrical helmet, and bearing shield and sword.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.8.Spec.23; 2.8.Spec.46
Digitised version GB Seal no.2414 n.d.
Thomas, Walter son of
Styled Walter the smith, son of Thomas the goldsmith
See nos. 2410, 2412.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.107
GB Seal no.2415 1292
Thomas, William son of
Styled William, son of Thomas the butcher, son of Lewin of Durham
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a merchant's mark.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2027
GB Seal no.2416 1414
Thoralby, John of
Styled clerk
Thoralby: in the North Riding of Yorkshire. Uses the symbols of the four evangelists.
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, an eagle displayed, on the breast a man's head, on right wing the head of an ox, on left wing a lion's head.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] D111; Misc.Ch. 6038
Digitised version GB Seal no.2417 1442-1457
Thornburgh, Thomas
See Nicolson and Burn's
History of Westmorland and Cumberland , I, 117. For account of township see N.C.H., X, 306-332. for other seals, see 2.13.Spec.44, 50.
Size: 16 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem, a bull, butting.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.13.Spec.27; Misc.Ch. 1855, 1867, 1873; 4.16.Spec.26
Digitised version GB Seal no.2418 1327
Thornhill, Brian of
He was son of John of Thornhill who was dead 15 Edward II (1321) (see Kirkby's Inquest, 40 Surt. Soc. publ., pp. 225n and 229). Thornhill is in the Wapentake of Agbrigg, Yorkshire; Pedigree, 36 Surt. Soc. publ., p. 308.
Size: 22 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, a tree, on one side of it a figure in long dress, a bird in the branches.
Inscription: ✶ S' BRIANI DE THORNHIL
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Ebor.54
Digitised version GB Seal no.2419 n.d.
Thornton, Richard
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem, a draped female figure.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.10.Spec.17, 27
Digitised version GB Seal no.2419A 1439
Thornton, Roger
Styled Roger Thornton of Nether Witton, super aquam, armiger
Son of the famous Roger Thornton of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. He died 1483 (see R.W., I, 385).
Size: 44 mm.
Seal design: Round, imperfect, armorial, a chevron and an indented chief. The shield is couchée and is surmounted by a helmet with a crest of ...(?), behind which is a fan-shaped adornment.
Inscription: .. ..llu rogeri ...
Seal attached to document reference: [G] uncatalogued
Digitised version GB Seal no.2420 1263-1265
Thorp, Alan
Styled Alan, late clerk of 'Schirburn'
This family were the ancient lords of Thorp (now Thorpthewles), near Stockton, their lands disappeared in a 'cloud of religious donations' like these and following charters (S.D., III, 80). Charter no. 19 is printed P.F., 143.
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a kneeling figure, above him a crescent enclosing a star.
Inscription: ✠ S' · ALANI:DE:THORP ·
Seal attached to document reference: 1.14.Spec.10; 1.5.Finc.19; Misc.Ch. 6412
Digitised version GB Seal no.2421 n.d.
Thorp, Geoffrey of
Styled son of John of Thorp
See S.D., III, 80.
Size: 32 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem, a griffin.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Finc.3, 7
GB Seal no.2422 n.d.
Thorp, John of
Styled son of Geoffrey of Torp
Printed S.D., III, 80.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL · IOANIS DE TORP
Seal attached to document reference: 2.10.Spec.16, 22*; 1.5.Finc.4, 13, 25, 26
GB Seal no.2423 n.d.
Thorp, John of
Duplicate charter to no. 2422 (16) but with a different seal appended.
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem, two horses galloping (?), very poor impression.
Inscription: Legend effaced.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.10.Spec.16
GB Seal no.2424 1281
Thorp, Katherine of
Styled wife of Peter of Thorp, clerk
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an eight rayed star.
Inscription: S' CATE ...ORP
Seal attached to document reference: [G] D114
GB Seal no.2425 n.d.
Thorp, Matilda of
Size: 51 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] A60, 61
GB Seal no.2426 1281
Thorp, Peter of
Used by Joulanus of Bradley (?) See no. 2424.
Size: 1. 35 x 22 mm.Size: 2.19 mm.
Seal design: 1. Oval, a pelican in her piety.2. Round, a full-faced bust.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] D114
GB Seal no.2427 n.d.
Thorp, Richard of
Styled Richard, son of Gamel of Thorpe
Size: -
Seal design: Oval, undecipherable, very poor and imperfect impression.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.4.Ebor.51, 4.2.4.Ebor.5
GB Seal no.2428 n.d.
Thorp, Walter of
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star.
Inscription: ✠ S' WALTERI DE THORP
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Sacr.21
GB Seal no.2429 n.d.
Thorp, William of
See FPD, 131, note I. This charter is printed ibid., 134n. In it he calls Robert de Brus 'dominus meus'. Seals nos. 2429 to 2433 are all different seals used by him.
Size: 44 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a wolf (?) with tail twisted over back.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.8.Spec.17
Digitised version GB Seal no.2430 n.d.
Thorp, William of
These three charters are printed FPD, 133n and 134n.
Size: 51 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight in mail hauberk, pointed conical helmet, with shield and sword.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.8.Spec.1, 6, 7
Digitised version GB Seal no.2431 n.d.
Thorp, William of
Printed FPD, 132n.
Size: 44 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight in mail hauberk and coif, cylindrical helmet, with shield and sword.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.8.Spec.4
GB Seal no.2432 n.d.
Thorp, William of
Printed FPD, 132n.
Size: 44 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight in mail hauberk and conical helmet and with sword and shield.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILLV ... D · TVRP
Seal attached to document reference: 3.8.Spec.2
GB Seal no.2433 n.d.
Thorp, W[illiam] of
Printed FPD, 132n. This shape is most unusual in equestrian seals.
Size: 54 x 38 mm.
Seal design: Pointed oval, equestrian, knight in trellised hauberk, conical pointed helmet and shield and spear.
Inscription: ✠ SIGIL ... V... TVRP
Seal attached to document reference: 3.8.Spec.5
Digitised version GB Seal no.2434 n.d.
Thorp, William of
Styled William, son of John of Thorp, Lord of Thorp
Printed PF, 144-5. He was of the Thorp Thewles family.
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eagle with wings extended.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Finc.14, 15
GB Seal no.2435 1291
Thorsby, Peter of
Styled master of the hospital of 'Kyppycher' (Kepier)
In 1315 he is called receiver of bishop Anthony Bek (R.P.D., 1097). In 1281 he was collector of the tenths in the bishopric of Durham (Cal. Finc. Rolls, I).
Size: -
Seal design: Round, imperfect, antique gem, two birds (?)
Inscription: ✠ FRAGE:LEGE:TEGE:
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3637
GB Seal no.2436 1345
Thropton, John of
Styled an executor of the will of William of Midleton
In 11 bishop Richard of Bury (1344) he is styled coroner and of the bishop's council (C.R., 31, p. 105).
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a fesse, in chief two lions' heads raised.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4570; Loc.XXVIII.2
Digitised version GB Seal no.2437 1325
Thursby, Walter
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, a lion passant.
Inscription: No legend.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1629
GB Seal no.2438 n.d.
Thurstanton, Alice of
She is styled wife of Thomas of Boneville. For his seal see no. 315. Thurstanton now Thrislington near Ferryhill.
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Pointed oval, a bird with head turned back and holding a branch in its beak.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.12.Spec.16
Digitised version GB Seal no.2439 1309
Thurstanton, Bernard of
S.D., III, 16; FPD, 67n where this charter is printed and R.P.D., 1282, where a charter is printed from bishop Richard of Kellawe granting him land in Newton. His I.P.M. was taken 2 October 1340 (C.R., 45, p. 266).
Size: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, a flat fish (?), or a cross with a bush behind
Inscription: ✶ NOTARY NE NOT
Seal attached to document reference: 4.12.Spec.11
Digitised version GB Seal no.2440 1263
Thurstanton, Nicholas of
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an eagle with wings raised.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.12.Spec.18
GB Seal no.2441 n.d.
Thurstanton, Peter of of
Styled Peter the chaplain, son of Roger of Thurstanton
S.D., I, 76.
Size: -
Seal design: Rounded oval, very imperfect, antique gem.
Inscription: ...GERO
Seal attached to document reference: 1.14.Spec.16
GB Seal no.2442 1263
Thurstanton, Roger
Styled Roger, son of William of Thurstanton
S.D., III, 16; and FPD, 66n.
Size: 38 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Pointed oval, the Holy Lamb.
Inscription: ✠ S':ROGERI · FILII · WILEL'I
Seal attached to document reference: 4.12.Spec.18
GB Seal no.2443 1343
Thweng, Thomas of
Used by Thomas of Thweng, clerk. In 11 bishop Richard of Bury (1344) he is called parson of the church of Lytham (C.R., 31, p. 107).
Size: -
Seal design: Round, imperfect, Our Lady, seated holding Christ, below on dexter St Peter holding key, on sinister St Paul holding a sword. Beneath Thomas prays to them.
Inscription: Legend destroyed.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6267
GB Seal no.2444 1339
Tiddeswell, John of
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, an ornate cross within a geometrical device.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Ebor.20, 31
Digitised version GB Seal no.2445 1382
Tilliol, Peter
He was the eldest son of Robert de Tilliol, of a famous Cumberland family, and aged eleven at his father's death in 1367. He was three times sheriff of Cumberland (
List of Sheriffs , Record Office, no. IX), and escheator both for Cumberland and Northumberland. He was the last of his race (his eldest son being a lunatic and dying a minor, C.R., 33, p. 144), and died at a great age
in 1435 (C.R., 45, p. 217). His wife was Elizabeth, daughter and heiress of William of Laton in whose right he held the manors of Hetton and Witton Gilbert and land in Hawthorn and Moorsley (C.R., 33, p. 204 and 45, p. 271). For account of the
family see
Ancestor , no. 4, p. 88. The blason of the shield is gules a lion rampant silver and a baston azure. It is so blasoned for his father, Robert, in Powell's roll of Edward III, and for Sir Peter in Jenyn's
roll of the same reign.
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, armorial, a lion rampant and a baston. The shield is suspended from a tree.
Inscription: sigillum petri tilliol
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 7084
Digitised version GB Seal no.2445A 1183
Tilliol, Simon de
Appended to a charter of Race Engaine's granting the land called 'Racebi' at Kelloe to the hospital for lepers at 'Syreburn' (Sherburn). Son of Peter de Tilliol. He succeeded his father in 1183 and died 1201 (
The Ancestor , no. 4, p. 90).
Size: 54 mm.
Seal design: Round, yellow, equestrian, knight in mail and peaked helmet, sword in hand, shield with spiked boss and a border.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILLVM SIMON ....E ...IOL
Seal attached to document reference: Uncatalogued
GB Seal no.2446 1462
Tillyall, William
This charter is printed and the seal engraved P.F., 94.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, 'W'., a spray on each side of it and above it dallon.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Finc.70
GB Seal no.2447 1396
Toller, William
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a salmon swimming in water.
Inscription: ✶ S VILHELM TOJAR
Seal attached to document reference: 1.4.Spec.53, 55
Digitised version GB Seal no.2448 1439
Tollay, David
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a fess two saltires.
Inscription: S' DAVID ✶ TOLLAY
Seal attached to document reference: 4.10.Spec.2
Digitised version GB Seal no.2449 1262
Tolly, Robert
Styled son of Thomas Tollay of Old Elvet
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a floriated device.
Inscription: S' ROBERTI ...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1909
GB Seal no.2450 1296
Tonnoc, Thomas
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, two hands placed saltire ways, a fleur-de-lys above them.
Inscription: ✠ S' TOME TONNOC
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2350
GB Seal no.2451 1367
Topclyffe, Robert
Styled executor of the will of Lucy, late wife of Thomas of Seton, knight, and proctor of Alice del Croke, executor of the said Lucy
He was bailiff of the forest of Alnwick (H.N., vol. II, part iii, 364).
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron between two hunting horns in chief and a molet in base.
Inscription: ✶ sigillum . roberti : topeclif
Seal attached to document reference: 5.3.Elemos.3d
Digitised version GB Seal no.2452 1311
Topcliffe, Nicholas of
Used by Nicholas of Topcliffe. He is styled collector. See 2312
Size: 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, half figure of Our Lady with Christ, beneath a shield of arms, bearing a lion rampant, a quatrefoil on each side of shield.
Inscription: ...VTVM NICH...E REGE TV'T..
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4190
Digitised version GB Seal no.2453 1320
Torald, Thomas
Used by Thomas Daulyn, merchant of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. He was bailiff of Newcastle-upon-Tyne in 1321 and later; collector of the customs on wines, between Newcastle and Berwick in 1323, and M.P. for Newcastle in 1328 (R.W., I, passim). In 1369 a
grant of land was made for the sustenance of a chaplain to say masses, in the church of St Nicholas, for the souls of Thomas and William Torald, etc (R.W., I, 176). The I.P.M. of Thomas Torald was taken 14 February 1333-34 (C.R., 45, p. 266).
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a merchant's mark.
Inscription: S' THOME · TORALD
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3744, 4721
Digitised version GB Seal no.2454 1316
Torout, Thomas
Used by Thomas Daulyn (same man as no. 2453).
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Hexagonal, a merchant's mark.
Inscription: ✠ S' TOMAS TOROVT
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3686
Digitised version GB Seal no.2455 1321
Touchet, John
Used by Gilbert de Brun.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, ermine a saltire.
Inscription: ✶ S' IOHANIS TOUCHET
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3679
Digitised version GB Seal no.2456 1348
Tours, Thomas
Styled Thomas Toures of Brafferton
Near Aycliffe, Durham. See S.D., III, 328. For another (indistinct) seal, see 3.11.Spec.17, 18
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three towers(?)
Inscription: ✶ S' THO .. TOURYS
Seal attached to document reference: 3.10.Spec.37
GB Seal no.2457 1338-1346
Touthorpe, John of
Size: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem, a standing figure (very indistinct).
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3466, 3853, 3971, 4046f, 4052d, 4869
GB Seal no.2458 1285
Trailly, Walter de
Styled Lord of Gy
The blason is gold a cross between four martlets gules (St George's and Charles's rolls of Henry III). I.P.M. 21 November 1289 (Cal. I.P.M. II, no. 791).
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a cross between four martlets.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] C65
GB Seal no.2459 1306
Travers, William
Styled chaplain
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a crescent enclosing a star.
Inscription: ✶ S' WILLI ·

Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4088k
GB Seal no.2460 1294
Travers, William
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of eight points.
Inscription: ✶ S' ...I TRAV...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4062k, 4717
GB Seal no.2461 1337
Trikyngham, Roger of
Styled son of William of Trikyngham
Trikingham - In Lincolnshire.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a bend engrailed between ...(?)
Inscription: · S' ROGERI DE ...HAM
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5295
GB Seal no.2462 1304
Trillesden, Peter of
Used by Peter of Trillesden and Agnes his wife. S.D., I, 76. See also H.S., 150.
Size: 1. 16 mm.Size: 2. 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, a squirrel sitting. cf. 392. Oval, a pelican in her piety.
Inscription: 1. I CRAKE NOTIS2. ✠ S' ANGISTRI · ALBERTI:
Seal attached to document reference: 4.12.Spec.13, 14
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.2463 1254
Trillesden, Peter
Styled Lord of Trillesden
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion passant (poor and imperfect).
Inscription: ✠ S' ...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6411
GB Seal no.2464 1254
Trillesden, Peter of
Used by Peter, son of Peter, Lord of Trillesden.
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a crescent with a star above it, very indistinct.
Inscription: Legend destroyed.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6411
GB Seal no.2465 1254-1263
Trillesden, Richard
Styled Richard, Lord of Trillesden, son of Peter of Trillesden
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S':RICARDI D' TRILLISDE
Seal attached to document reference: 1.14.Spec.1, 3, 11, 12; Misc.Ch. 6411, 6413
GB Seal no.2466 1308
Trimdon, Nicholas of
For his wife's seal (Bona Pyle) see catalogue no. 495.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star.
Inscription: ✠ S' NICOLAI · E TR...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2002
GB Seal no.2467 1594
Trollope, Francis
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, a ram (?)
Seal attached to document reference: [G] D102
GB Seal no.2468 1502-1523
Trotter, John
Styled son and heir of Robert Trotter and Johanna his wife
Size: 16 x 13 mm.
Seal design: Square signet, a merchant's mark. For another seal, see 3.13.Spec.50, 51
Seal attached to document reference: 2.13.Spec.37, 39
Digitised version GB Seal no.2469 1305
Tudhow, Hugh of
Styled Hugh of Tudhow, son of Roger of Wyndleston
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a lion passant.
Inscription: ✠ S' HVGONIS D' TVDHOW
Seal attached to document reference: 4.12.Spec.20
GB Seal no.2470 1352-1385
Tudhow, Thomas of
Used by Thomas of Tudhow, burgess of Durham. The same seal is used by Thomas of Sokpeth, see no. 2269. In 1376 Thomas of Tudhow is called “flesshewer of Durham” (C.R., 32, p. 298).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, four shields of arms arranged crossways. (1) Checky a fess, (2) a lion rampant, (3) a bend between six fleur-de-lys, (4) six rings 3, 1, 1. Between the shields are the letters CL IO IL VE.
Inscription: CLIFFARDE · CIA SEGRAVE .. TOVT .. H · L .. ER ..
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1860, 1860*, 2038, 6874
GB Seal no.2471 1339
Tughale, Robert of
In this charter he is styled chamberlain (camerarius) of the town of Berwick-upon-Tweed. In 1343 he was appointed by bishop Richard of Bury, with others, to take the assizes of oyer and terminer for Norhamshire (C.R., 31, p. 60). In 1343 he was
an executor of the will of Thomas of Bamburgh, late parson of the church of Emeldon (Embleton) (C.R., 43, p. 107). He held half a knight's fee in Rock of Henry de Percy (F.A., 68). The blason of his shield of arms is unknown. This seal is engraved
A.A., 3rd ser., VI, p. X, no. 21.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, ermine, on a fess three martlets.
Inscription: ✶ S' ROBERTI:DE:TVGHALE ➙
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3645
GB Seal no.2472 1274
Turner, Matilda
Styled widow of Alan the Turnur
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a crescent and star.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] A9
GB Seal no.2473 n.d.
Turstane, Idoin daughter of.
Styled Idonia, late wife of Walter the smith
Size: 38 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' · IDOIN FILE SVRSTAN
Seal attached to document reference: 3.9.Spec.23
GB Seal no.2474 1219
Turstain, William
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL WILAM GN TVR ...N
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Pont.8
GB Seal no.2475 n.d.
Tweedmouth, Mabel of
Styled Mabel, daughter of Eustace, son of Albert
This charter is printed R.N.D., app. 120, no. 688; see also ibid., p. 78.
Size: 41 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Spec.54*, 55
Digitised version GB Seal no.2476 1314-1319
Twyford, William of
Tweedmouth - In Lincolnshire.
Size: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, Our Lady standing with Christ, a figure kneels to them.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3706, 4757*, 4757†, 4775
Digitised version GB Seal no.2477 1344
Twysill, William of
By this charter he founds a chantry at the altar of St Nicholas in the church of Norham. He was master of the school of Norham in 1348. See R.N.D., 261, no. II, and also ibid., p. 314.
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, armorial, a fess and a border charged with roundels.
Inscription: ...LLELMI DE WEST
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Spec.40
GB Seal no.2478 1322
Twysill, William of
Styled one of the executors of Walter of Goswick
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a castle, between a fleur-de-lys and a star.
Inscription: ✶ ✠ S' ✠ II DEI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3724, 4473, 4690; Loc.XXVIII.8
GB Seal no.2479 1348-1353
Twysiltone, Adam of
Styled advocate of the court of York
Size: 22 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, Christ, holding a cross, delivering two kneeling figures from the jaws of Hell. Beneath, a dog asleep.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3823, 4138a, 4138b
Digitised version GB Seal no.2480 n.d.
Tyeis, Oger of
He resigns the chapel of Ancroft. He is called Oger in the deed and on his seal, but Roger on the endorsement. The date is between 1233-44. In Misc.Ch.1101 he is styled constable of Norham (see no. 2844). See also R.N.D., p. 215, note b.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, two birds facing each other, a cross between them and a branch behind each.
Inscription: OGERI DE EIITT · ACO
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Spec.66
GB Seal no.2481 1314
Tymparon, Robert of
Styled clerk
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, antique gem, a griffin.
Inscription: Legend destroyed.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXVIII.9(5)
GB Seal no.2482 n.d.
Tyndale, Constance of
In Misc.Ch.472, 1356, she is styled 'Custance qe feust la femme Thomas de Tyndale'. See also N.C.H., X, 92, 93, and ibid., pedigree, 252.
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Oval signet, antique gem, an ox.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.19.Spec.2
Digitised version GB Seal no.2483 n.d.
Tyndale, Constance of
Size: 16 x 13 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a stag galloping.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.19.Spec.3
GB Seal no.2484 1418
Tyndale, John
See pedigree, N.C.H., X, 252.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, an eagle standing with wings raised. Over it on a label, 'Sta...'
Seal attached to document reference: 2.13.Spec.64
GB Seal no.2484(i) 1417
Tyndale, Peter
Seal attached to document reference: 2.13.Spec.63
GB Seal no.2485 1286-1301
Tyndale, Thomas of
He is styled burgess of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. He was bailiff of the town for several years between 1301-21. Collector of the customs upon wine 1307-08 (R.W., I, passim). This seal is engraved A.A., 3rd ser., vol. VI, pl. X, no. 17.
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Shield-shaped, armorial, a double-headed eagle displayed.
Inscription: ✠ S' THOME DE TYNDALE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4785, 4961
GB Seal no.2486 1418
Tyndale, Thomas
Used by Thomas Tynedale to a grant of land in Kirk Merrington, as is another seal on 2.13.Spec.63.
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal signet, an animal's (?wolf) head raised and crowned.
Inscription: hn... et loyall
Seal attached to document reference: 2.13.Spec.64
Digitised version GB Seal no.2487 1375
Tyndale, Walter of
Used by Walter of Tynedale, Lord of 'Devilleston', but not his own seal. See N.C.H., vol. X, p. 252.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three voided molets.
Inscription: No legend.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5263
GB Seal no.2488 1376
Tyndale, Walter of
Used by Walter of Tyndale, Lord of 'Divilston'.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a voided hexfoil in a geometrical device.
Inscription: ✶ SIGILLVM ... NAT..
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6574
GB Seal no.2489 1366
Tyndale, Walter
Styled Walter of Tyndale, Lord of 'Devilleston', not his own seal
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three birds.
Inscription: ...ERI DE ...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6676
GB Seal no.2490 1376
Tyndale, Walter of
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a shield of arms within a hexfoil panel, charges obliterated.
Inscription: ✶ S' · DE TYN ... IVN
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1459
GB Seal no.2491 1269
Tyndale, William of
Styled William, son of John of Kirkhalgh
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a circular device of raised knobs or pellets.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5258
GB Seal no.2492 1351
Tyndale, William of
See N.C.H., vol. X, pl. 251. In Powell's roll of Edward III the shield is blasoned silver on a fess sable three sheaves gold.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a fess three sheaves.
Inscription: ...IGILLV ...ELMI ...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6549
GB Seal no.2493 1357
Tyndale, William of
Styled knight (miles)
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a fess three sheaves.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 468, 5261
GB Seal no.2494 1320-1326
Tyringham, John of
He is styled an executor of the will of Henry of 'Bluntesden', late archdeacon of Dorset.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, half figure of St John Baptist holding the Holy Lamb, in a circle, a plant on each side.
Inscription: ✶ IE SV SEL DE · TOVS PARS:LEL
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3397, 3548, 3719, 3964, 3791, 4021, 4128c, 4652, 4738, 4743, 4810, 4944, 4949, 4968, 4974, 5024
Digitised version GB Seal no.2495 n.d.
Tywe, John
Styled John Tywe, burgess of Durham
He gives 6d to St Cuthbert for the new building (Nine Altars) of the church of Durham, for the soul of his wife Emma.
Size: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem, a male figure.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Sacr.2; 5.2.Elemos.5
UGB Seal no.2496 n.d.
Uchtred, Richard son of
Size: 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, very poor impression. Device undecipherable.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.4.Ebor.4
GB Seal no.2497 n.d.
Uchtred, Simon
Styled Simon, son of 'Uchtred the fullour' and Agnes his wife
Size: 1. 35 mm.Size: 2. 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, an eagle displayed.2. Oval, an eagle with raised wings.
Seal attached to document reference: 6.5.Elemos.9
GB Seal no.2498 n.d.
Ulcotes, Alice de
Ulcotes now Oldcoates near Blyth, Nottingham. She is styled 'Alicia de Ulcotes', one of the heirs of Philip de Ulcotes. She married - de Stirap.
Size: 38 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an eagle with raised wings.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL ALI... DE STIRAP
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2098
Digitised version GB Seal no.2499 n.d.
Ulecotes, Constance de of
She was one of the five sisters and co-heiresses of Philip de Ulcotes. Seal no. 1 is used by her husband, Daniel fitz Nicholas, and seal no. 2 is her own. See FPD, 105n.
Size: 1. 6 x 25 mm.Size: 2. 25 x ? mm.
Seal design: 1. Rounded oval, antique gem, a draped figure crowned by Victory.2. Rounded oval, imperfect, antique gem, Juno, with peacock, and another figure.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Spec.37
Digitised version GB Seal no.2500 n.d.
Ulecotes, Elizabeth de
One of the five sisters and co-heiresses of Philip de Ulcotes and the wife of Thomas of Strecton (?Stratton) (see no. 2330 in this catalogue). Charter no. 34 is printed FPD, 105n.
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.

Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Spec.34; Misc.Ch. 2007
GB Seal no.2501 n.d.
Ulecotes, Juliana de
One of the five sisters and co-heiresses of Philip de Ulcotes and the wife of Alured fitz Reginald (de Barneby) whose seal is no. 152. Charter no. 36 is printed FPD, 106n.
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of eight rays.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL IVLIANE FIL' CER · R ·
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Spec.17; 1.3.Spec.36; Misc.Ch. 2095
GB Seal no.2502 n.d.
Ulecotes, Margery de
One of the five sisters and co-heiresses of Philip de Ulcotes and the wife of Hamelin de Bugthorp. See FPD, 106n. Her husband's seal is no. 448.
Size: 35 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a grotesque monster.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Spec.13, 17; 1.3.Spec.33; Misc.Ch. 2096
Digitised version GB Seal no.2503 n.d.
Ulecotes, Philip de
He held West Matfen and Nafferton by serjeanty (Testa de Nevill). He was sheriff of Northumberland in 16 and 17 John (1214-16) and again 1 to 4 Henry III (1216-20); he was appointed seneschal of Poitou, 16 Sept. 1220 (Cal.Pat.Rolls, 1216-25, pp.
249, 252); he was reported to be dead 30 Oct. 1220 (ibid. p. 269). This charter is printed FPD, 106n. For particulars of his five sisters and co-heiresses see 88 Surt. Soc. publ., p. 187, note 1.
Size: 44 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, paly of thirteen and a border charged with roundels.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.6.Spec.19
Digitised version GB Seal no.2504 1349
Ulkyston, Alan of
Used by Alan of Ulkyston, chaplain. See Misc.Ch. 3599 for another seal used by him.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a lion rampant.
Inscription: S' ROB...R . DW . IN
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.166
GB Seal no.2505 1387
Ullesby, Thomas
Styled clerk
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, engraved gem, a tonsured head (?medieval).
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6547
Digitised version GB Seal no.2506 1335-1354
Ulrame, Robert of
Styled Sir Robert of Ulrame, chaplain, one of the executors of the will of Roger of Heslarton, senior, clerk
Ulrame - In Holderness (see 49 Surt. Soc. publ., p. 372).
Size: 16 x 13 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, St Catherine standing holding her wheel.
Inscription: ✶ SCA KATERINA ORA P ME
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3460, 3574, 3631, 3650, 3755, 3495, 3762, 3762x, 4081, 4082, 4100k, 4490, 4491, 4861, 4954, 4953
GB Seal no.2507 n.d.
Umfraville, Richard de
See H.N., II, i, 6. This seal is engraved A.A., 3rd ser., vol VI, po. VIII, no. 7. For note on Umfraville arms see ibid., p. 176, note 131, also p. 186. See also plate facing p. 132 in same volume.
Size: -
Seal design: Round, imperfect, a large cinquefoil.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Spec.25
GB Seal no.2508 1368
Umfraville, Robert de
Seal engraved A.A., 3rd ser., VI, pl. X, no. 9. See also references in note 76. His I.P.M. was taken at Durham 10 October 1379 (C.R., 45, p. 272).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, crusilly paty and a cinquefoil over all a baston.
Inscription: ✶ S' · ROBERTI · DE · VMFRANVILL
Seal attached to document reference: 4.3.Pont.9
Digitised version GB Seal no.2509 1372
Umfraville, Robert de
Styled sheriff of Northumberland
The seal of his office as sheriff of Northumberland.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a castle with three towers and a cinquefoil in the gateway.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Sacr.19
Digitised version GB Seal no.2510 n.d.
Umfraville, Robert de
Styled Lord of Kyme
Size: -
Seal design: A fragment only remains, a cinquefoil.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.V.47
GB Seal no.2511 1373
Umfraville, Thomas de
Seal engraved A.A., 3rd ser., VI, pl. X, no. 10. See also references in note 76. His I.P.M. was taken at Durham 10 June 1387 (C.R., 45, p. 273).
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, crusilly and a cinquefoil, over all a bend engrailed, the field of the shield is beautifully diapered.
Inscription: ✶ SIGILL · THOME · VNFRAVILLE ·
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5480, 7047/1
Digitised version GB Seal no.2512 n.d.
Umfraville, Thomas de
Styled sheriff of Durham
The seal of his office as sheriff of Durham, compare seal no. 325, plate 4.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a coronetted mitre, beneath it 'R'.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6704
Digitised version GB Seal no.2513 1315
Undermaster, John
Styled son of Margaret Vndermaister
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of eight points with smaller ones between.
Inscription: ✠ S' IOHIS VNDERMA...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1983
GB Seal no.2514 1324
Upsetlington, William of
Upsetlington - Now Ladykirk on the Tweed. For account of the town see Berwickshire Nat. Club Trans., 1890-91, p. 370. The seal is used by William of Twysill, an executor of Walter of Goswick. See also no. 2478.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a double-headed eagle displayed.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4638*, 4638†
Digitised version GB Seal no.2515 n.d.
Urpeth, Marjory of
Used by 2. Adam, son of Edmund of Gateshead and 1. by 'Marier' his wife. Probably the device (2) represents the Gate's head
Size: 1. 38 x 22 mm.Size: 2. 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: 1. Oval, an ornate fleur-de-lys.2. Rounded oval, a tower.
Inscription: 1. ✠ S' MARIORIE D':WRPET2. Legend obliterated.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1886
Urpeth, Thomas of: see 912(2)
GB Seal no.2516 1355
Usworth, Robert of (? cf 139)
He is styled 'chaplain' in 4.3.Spec.4 (FPD, 4n). For another seal, see 1.9.Spec.34, and another 3.11.Spec.26 and another 4.13.Spec.57.
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, Our Lady with Christ seated in a canopied niche, in another a bishop seated holding crosier in his left hand and blessing with his right. Beneath a half figure, tonsured, is praying.
Inscription: VOS · SCI · DEI · SITIS · AMICI · MEI
Seal attached to document reference: 4.3.Spec.8
Digitised version GB Seal no.2517 1310
Usworth, William
Styled a burgess of Durham
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion standing on a dragon.
Inscription: ✠ S' WILLI DE OSEVORH
Seal attached to document reference: 1.19.Spec.15
GB Seal no.2518 1340
Utlage (?), William of
Used by Robert of Durham, merchant.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a lion rampant.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Spec.52
Digitised version VGB Seal no.2519 n.d.
Valoris, Taldus
Styled Taldus Valoris, a merchant of the society of the Bardi of Florence
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, an eagle displayed, above the shield is a wyvern and on each side a lion rampant.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.III.32
Digitised version GB Seal no.2520 n.d.
Valoynes, Hugh de
Styled Hugh, called Valoynes of West Moreton
Jordan of Escolland granted the manor of West Moreton to Roger de Valoynes in free marriage with his daughter Margery (S.D., III, 55). For purport of this and the following four charters nos. 2521-2524, see S.D., III, 56.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion rampant.
Inscription: ✠ S' HVGONIS DE VA...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5291
GB Seal no.2521 1314
Valoynes, John de
Styled son of Roger de Valoynes, Hugh (2520) is called his eldest son
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a lion rampant.
Inscription: ✠ S' IOHIS DE WALOYNES
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5293, 5580
GB Seal no.2522 1313
Valoynes, John de
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a floriated device.
Inscription: ... N ... (Legend obliterated).
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5583
GB Seal no.2523 n.d.
Valoynes, John de
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a hare riding on a dog.
Inscription: ✠ ALONE I RIDE A RIVER
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5294
Digitised version GB Seal no.2524 1317
Valoynes, John de
Compare with seal no. 1326.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, three animals (?hares) joined into one head.
Inscription: S' IOHIS DE VAL...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5584
Digitised version GB Seal no.2525 n.d.
Vatem, Dionisia
Styled Dionisia, who was the wife of Robert the painter of Durham
Size: 41 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a star in a hexfoil.
Inscription: ✠ S' · DIONISIE::VATEME
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5241
GB Seal no.2526 1321-1338
Vaurell, Peter
Styled rector of Brantingham
Brantingham - Near Howden in Yorkshire, part of the ancient possessions of St Cuthbert. In 1458 the church was appropriated to the prior and convent of Durham (H.D., III).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, the Holy Lamb in a circle within a traceried quatrefoil in the cuspings of which are fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3593, 3388, 3426, 3503, 3544, 3771, 3701, 3787, 3850, 3909, 3965, 4037, 4063, 5043, 5071, 5079, 4498, 4499, 4896, 4982, 4982*
Digitised version GB Seal no.2527 1362
Vaux, Adam de
Used by him, but not his own seal. See N.C.H., IV, 199, and for pedigree, ibid., p. 202; also ibid., X, 381n.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a bend three lions passant.
Inscription: S' ROB...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6946
GB Seal no.2528 1256
Vaux, Agnes de
She is styled widow of Peter de Vaux, knight (his second wife). The charter is dated from Aydon Castle, Michaelmas, 1256; for its purport, see N.C.H., IV, 200.
Size: -
Seal design: Oval, very imperfect, and a poor impression, appears to be an antique gem.
Inscription: ... VALLIB...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2288; 6.5.Elemos.4
GB Seal no.2529 n.d.
Vaux, John de
See N.C.H., IV, 200. Charter printed R.N.D., app. 41, no. 174.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a bend.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.3.Sacr.2; Misc.Ch. 716
Digitised version GB Seal no.2530 1349
Vaux, John son of Adam de
See N.C.H., IV, 202.
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Hexagonal signet, a cross patonce.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5879
GB Seal no.2531 n.d.
Vaux, Peter de
Styled knight
See N.C.H., IV, 199, pedigree, ibid., 202, and for purport of this charter, ibid., 200.
Size: 38 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, armorial (charges obliterated).
Seal attached to document reference: 6.5.Elemos.2
GB Seal no.2532 n.d.
Vaux, Peter de
Styled rector of the church of Crathorne and proctor of Agnes, formerly wife of Sir Peter de Vaux, knight, 'my father'
He was the son of Sir Peter de Vaux, knight (no. 2531), rector of Crathorne 1233-38. For purport of charter see N.C.H., IV, 200, and notes 6 and 9.
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem, a griffin.
Inscription: ...TRI .. VALLIB..
Seal attached to document reference: 6.5.Elemos.5
GB Seal no.2533 n.d.
Vaux, William de
See R.N.D., app. 41, no. 173.
Size: 1. 60 mm.Size: Secretum: 32 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, a dragon standing on the back of a bird-like monster.Secretum: round, a dragon.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 714
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.2534 n.d.
Vaux, William de
Same man as no. 2533. Charter printed R.N.D., app. 41, no. 172.
Size: 60 mm.
Seal design: Round, a winged dragon standing on another monster.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.3.Sacr.1
GB Seal no.2535 1321-1340
Vaux, William de
He is styled clerk
Used by him but not his own seal.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a male head.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3405, 3565, 3581, 3900, 4003, 4069, 4762, 5081o
Digitised version GB Seal no.2536 1260
Venables, Roger of
For account of this man and his family see Ormerod's
History of Cheshire , vol. III, p. 103, and pedigree, p. 106. Their shield of arms blasoned for Sir Hugh Venables in Powell's roll of Edward III was azure two bars silver.
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a draped figure holding a bunch of grapes.
Inscription: ✶ S' ROGERI:DE:VENABLIS
Seal attached to document reference: [G] D107
GB Seal no.2537 n.d.
Vesci, Agnes de
Styled the lady Agnes de Vescy
She was the second wife of William de Vescy who died in 1253, and was the daughter of William de Ferrers, Earl of Derby. The obverse of the seal shows her clothed in a robe embroidered with the cross patonce of her husband and wearing an outer
cloak lined with the vair of Ferrers. In her right hand she holds a shield of arms Vescy (gules) a cross patonce (silver); on her sinister side is another shield of arms vairy (gold and gules) for Ferrers. The reverse shows a tree from which hang
three shields of arms - the fourth is destroyed. In chief is the cross patonce of Vescy, in base is the shield of arms of Ranulf de Blundeville, Earl of Chester (azure) three sheaves (gold). Her paternal grandmother was Agnes, sister and co-heir of
this Earl. The shield on the sinister is that of William Marshall, Earl of Pembroke - her mother was Sibyl, daughter of William Marshall - it is blasoned party gold and vert a lion rampant gules. (T.A., I, 404; O.B., I, 548). This charter is printed
R.N.D., app. 123, no. 700.
Size: 63 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Obverse, oval, imperfect, a female figure standing under a canopy holding in her right hand a shield of arms charged with a cross patonce; in her left hand she holds, in front of her dress, a cross patonce with a
long lower limb, her cloak is lined with vair and on her sinister side is a shield of arms, vair.
Reverse, a tree from which is suspended a shield of arms, a cross patonce, below it another shield bearing three sheaves; on the sinister is a
shield of arms, a lion rampant; the shield on the dexter side is destroyed, it would probably be vair.
Inscription: Obverse: ... ·:· DC ... (legend destroyed) Reverse: ....NT:P...
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Spec.5
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.2538 1326
Vescy, John
Styled John Vescy of Gateshead
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a grotesque beast.
Inscription: ✶ IE SVY NVL TEL
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Spec.40, 42
GB Seal no.2539 n.d.
Vesci, William de
Son of Eustace fitz John and Beatrice de Vescy (T.A., I, 402). The device is canting. Charter printed FPD, 101n.
Size: 60 mm.
Seal design: Round, three vetch plants with pods.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Spec.3
Digitised version GB Seal no.2540 n.d.
Vesci, William de
He was son and heir of Eustace and Agnes de Vescy. He died 1253. The blason is gules a cross patonce silver. (See A.A., 3rd ser., III, 237, 238; ibid., VI, 44; and T.A., I, 390). This charter is printed R.N.D., app. 122, no. 698.
Size: 51 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a cross patonce.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL ... DE V..CY
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Spec.2
Digitised version GB Seal no.2540A 1268
Vezano, Gifridus de
Styled chamberlain of the Lord Legate
See no. 3726. In 1282 he was canon of Cambrai and papal nuncio in England (Cal. Pap. I, 467), he is also styled clerk of the papal camera and papal chaplain (ibid, 475, 493). In 1291 he was papal legate to England (ibid, 556). He was bishop of
Parma, 1299-1300 (Gams, 745). For a third seal not represented here, see SBM 18, 220/21.
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, half figure of Our Lady with Christ. Below a half figure praying.
Inscription: ✠ S' GIFREDI D' VEZANO [C]AN LEOD
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5105
Digitised version GB Seal no.2540A(i)
Vezano, Gifridus de (similar to 2540A)
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4704
GB Seal no.2541 1290
Vezano, Gifridus de
Styled papal nuncio
SBM 18, 222
Size: 38 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, half figure of our Lady with Christ, seated, with two angels censing. Below 'Gifridus' kneeling, prays.
Inscription: S'GIFREDI D..NO C ... CAMERACEN ...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 709, 5032
Digitised version GB Seal no.2542 n.d.
Vipont, John de
I am unable to identify him. The difference he uses on his shield of arms (the engrailed border) was afterwards used by the Blenkinsopps of Cumberland and by John Cromwell who married the heiress of Robert de Vipont.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, six rings and a border engrailed. The shield is couchée and surmounted by helmet facing to the sinister. There is no crest on mantling.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6677
Digitised version GB Seal no.2543 1347
Vipont, Robert de
He was son and heir of Nicholas de Vipont and his wife Eleanor of Moresby; he died before 1350 (H.N., III, ii, 27; Jefferson's
Leath Ward , 113). The blason of the shield of arms is gold six rings gules and is so blasoned for him in Powell's roll of Edward III. In D'Anisy's
Chartres Normand , pl. XIII, a Vipont
seal of early 13th century date shows nine rings, 3, 3, 2, 1, legend S' IVONIS DE VETERIPONTE. See also A.A., 3rd ser., III, p. 237.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, six rings. The shield is couchée and surmounted by helmet with crest like a tree (?)
Inscription: ..BERTI DE VEPVNT
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5254
GB Seal no.2544 n.d.
Vipont, William de
See H.N., III, ii, 26. Charter is printed R.N.D., app. 36, no. 155.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion passant.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 718, 728
WGB Seal no.2545 n.d.
Waddeley, Christina of
Used by Christina, wife of Patrick of Waddeley.
Size: 38 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ... DE LE...
Seal attached to document reference: [G] C41
GB Seal no.2546 1316
Wake, John
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a merchant's mark on a shield.
Inscription: S' IOAN DE . WAEC ✶
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3686
GB Seal no.2547 1318
Wake, Thomas
Styled 'seigneur de Lidel et de Cotyngham'. He was one of the great men of his day, summoned to parliament 1317-48, married Blanche, daughter of Henry, Earl of Lancaster and sister-in-law of Henry, the third Lord Percy of Alnwick. He died in
1349. (
Historic Peerage , ed. Courthope, p. 494). This shield of arms is blasoned for him in Jenyn's roll of Edward III as 'Le Sire de Wake' - gold two bars gules and in chief three roundels gules. See also A.A., 2nd ser.,
XIV, 289.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, two bars and in chief three roundels.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Ebor.3
Digitised version GB Seal no.2548 1357
Wakerfeld, Thomas of
Wakerfeld - Now Wackerfield near Staindrop, Durham. I.P.M. taken at Darlington, 13 May 1400 (C.R., 45, p. 278).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, at centre N in a circle above, half figure of our Lady with Christ, on the dexter side the Holy Lamb, on the sinister an eagle, below a half figure praying, each in a compartment of the
Inscription: Legend obliterated.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.136
GB Seal no.2549 n.d.
Walberd, Osbert son of Robert
Size: 57 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight in trellised hauberk wearing a conical helmet with nasal, with sword and shield having a central spiked boss.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.4.Ebor.19, 20
Digitised version GB Seal no.2550 1385
Walby, Hugh of
Used by John Cuteler.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, the Annunciation.
Inscription: sigillum hugonis de walby
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Sacr.34, 37
Digitised version GB Seal no.2551 1166
Waldeve, Earl.
Styled Waldeve the Earl, son of Gospatric the Earl
N.C.H., VII, 104. In charter no. 787 he is styled son of Gospatric, the Earl.
Size: 70 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight in mail hauberk wearing a pointed conical helmet with nasal, sword and shield, hanging round his neck, having a border and a central boss.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 788, 787
Digitised version GB Seal no.2552 n.d.
Waldeve, John son of
See N.C.H., VII, pl. facing p. 96; and A.A., 3rd ser., VI, pl. IX, no. 1.
Size: 51 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a lion. Round the shield are three ears of rye.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Spec.5
GB Seal no.2552A n.d.
Waldeve, son of Edward
See N.C.H., VII, 94 and plate facing p. 96.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a flower of eight petals.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Spec.3
GB Seal no.2553 n.d.
Waldeve, Robert son of
Used by Robert son of Waldeve 'de pistrino'.
Size: 38 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady and Christ seated, to whom a praying figure holds up a candle(?)
Inscription: ✠ SIGNO S...
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Elemos.20
Digitised version GB Seal no.2554 1348
Wales, Robert of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, two male heads facing each other, between them a heart from which issues a plant.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] B50, 51
GB Seal no.2555 n.d.
Walkeline, Matilda daughter of
She was the wife of Simon of Hawthorn, knight (FPD, 17). This charter is printed ibid., note 1.
Size: -
Seal design: Seal not appended to this charter.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.8.Spec.48
GB Seal no.2555(i)
Walker, John, of Settle
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4679
GB Seal no.2556 1394
Walkington, Thomas
Styled master Thomas of Walkyngton, 'decretorum doctor Dni Papae capellanus et ipsius Sacri Palacii causarum auditor'
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, Our Lady with Christ, seated in a canopied niche.
Inscription: sigillu : thome : de : walkyngton
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.X.42
Digitised version GB Seal no.2557 n.d.
Wales, Henry
Printed P.F., 105.
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem, a crested serpent.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL : HENRICI WAL...
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Finc.10
Digitised version GB Seal no.2558 n.d.
Wales, Henry
Printed P.F., 106.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Finc.14, 15
GB Seal no.2559 1380
Wallworth, Peter of
Wallworth - A village about five miles N.W. of Darlington. For pedigree see A.A., 2nd ser., II, 74. See also
The History of Hemingbrough , ed. by Canon Raine, p. 56.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron engrailed between three ...(?)
Inscription: s : petri : walworthe :
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1931, 2134
Digitised version
2560: Wallworth, Thomas; See no. 534 and 394. He was rector of Hemingbrough 1375, vicar-general of the diocese of York, 1389 (History of Hemingbrough, pp. 56 and 57).
GB Seal no.2560(i) 1376
Wallworth, Thomas
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6648
GB Seal no.2561 1383
Wallworth, Thomas
Used by Thomas of Bamburgh, clerk. Thomas Walworth was the son of William Walworth and Olive his wife. I.P.M. of latter was taken at Darlington, 1359. Thomas, then aged 21, is her son and next heir (C.R., 45, p. 276; A.A., 2nd ser., II, 74). The
blason of the shield of arms is unknown, but Glover's ordinary gives for Sir William Walworth, the famous Lord Mayor of London, who was of this family, the similar shield gules a bend engrailed silver between two sheaves gold.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron engrailed between three sheaves.
Inscription: sigill thome walworth
Seal attached to document reference: 2.17.Spec.4
GB Seal no.2562 n.d.
Wallworth, William
Styled son of Peter of Wallworth
This and the two next seals are used by the same man. He was rector of Houghton-le-Skerne. His will is dated 17 May, 1401 (Test. Ebor., I, 278).
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a head, within a geometrical device.
Inscription: Illegible letters round device.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1533, 1534
GB Seal no.2563 n.d.
Wallworth, William of
Used by William son of Peter of Wallworth.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, two hands clasping within a geometrical device.
Inscription: LEGE TEGE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1591, 1593, 1595
Digitised version GB Seal no.2564 n.d.
Wallworth, William of
Styled William son of Peter of Wallworth
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, 'I H C' with device within a triangle and square interlaced.
Inscription: SALVATOR
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1601
GB Seal no.2565 1334
Wallworth, William of
Used by William of Wallworth seneschal of the prior and convent of Durham. I.P.M. taken 1341 (C.R., 45, p. 275). He was sheriff of Durham in 1338. The blason or owner of this shield of arms is unknown.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three crescents and a quarter ermine.
Inscription: S' ... CETON
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3489
Digitised version GB Seal no.2566 n.d.
Walmeden, Adam of
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem (very indistinct impression).
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Spec.19
GB Seal no.2567 1274
Walter, Robert
Styled Robert son of Walter the miller
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a star-like device.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.15.Spec.28
GB Seal no.2568 1315
Walter, Thomas son of
Styled son and heir of Walter son of James the smith, of the street of St Giles in Durham
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of eight rays.
Inscription: ✠ S' TOME ... TERE
Seal attached to document reference: 1.15.Spec.8
GB Seal no.2569 n.d.
Walter, Richard
Styled Richard, son of Walter, son of Osbert, merchant of Old Elvet
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, an ornate fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.129
GB Seal no.2570 1254
Waltham, Robert of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a bare headed figure holding a sword in his right hand.
Inscription: ✠ S' ROBERTI D..AL ..TAM
Seal attached to document reference: 2.11.Spec.20
Digitised version GB Seal no.2571 1310
Waltham, Roger of
Styled Roger of Waltham, clerk
He was rector of Egglescliffe and Long Newton in 1314. he had a dispensation from pope Benedict XI permitting him to hold in plurality prebends in the churches of London, Auckland, Darlington and Chester-le-Street (R.P.D., 523 and ibid.,
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a lion sleeping at the foot of a tree, in beautiful tracery.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL · ROGERI :DE: . ALTH... LICI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3439
Digitised version GB Seal no.2572 1341
Ward, John
Used by Simon son of John Benet of Darlington.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a dog asleep.
Inscription: ✶ S' IOHIS WARDE
Seal attached to document reference: 3.10.Spec.33, 36
GB Seal no.2572A 1459
Used by Elisabeth, late wife of William Wardby, armiger, Geoffrey Pigott, Margaret, daughter of William and Elisabeth Siwardby, Ranulph Pigott, and John Vavasour. See nos. 2039, 2368 and 2369.
Size: 1. 16 mm.Size: 2. 16 mm.Size: 3. 13 mm.Size: 4. 13 mm.Size: 6. 13 mm.Size: 5. 10 mm.
Seal design: 1. A round signet, a winged lion (?)2. Round signet, a hawk upon a bird.3. Round signet, undecipherable.4. Round signet, a unicorn's head, raised.5. Round signet, an escallop.6. Round signet,

Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Ebor.32
Digitised versionDigitised versionDigitised versionDigitised version
Warde, Robert: see 928
GB Seal no.2573 1354
Warthecoppe (Warcop), William of
Vicar of Darlington.
For another seal used by him, see 1193, above.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a stag.
Inscription: ✶ PRIVE SMIV
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3753, 3883, 4417, 4529, 5081l
Digitised version GB Seal no.2574 1346
Warien (?), Robert of
Appended to a lease, from the sacrist, of land in 'Bellasyse', near Durham.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron between three molets.
Inscription: ✠ S' ROBIN D' W . RIEN
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Sacr.5
GB Seal no.2575 1316
Warle, Ingelardus de
Used by 'Ingelardus de Warle', clerk.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a cross with four lions heads upon it. In the first quarter a hand blessing, in the second a leopard, in the third a tower, in the fourth a man's head.
Inscription: ✶ SECRE... BELA ...RLE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4028(q)
Digitised version GB Seal no.2576 n.d.
Warnham, Thomas of
Used by Thomas of Warneham, knight. Warnham - Now Waren near Bamburgh. By this charter he gives an acre of his land at Bamburgh to St Cuthbert, for his own soul and that of Hawis his wife. See N.C.H., I, 213 for pedigree. This charter is printed
R.N.D., app. 125, no. 710.
Size: -
Seal design: Seal very imperfect and device undecipherable.
Inscription: ...E DE W...
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Spec.13
GB Seal no.2577 1310
Warshopp, Ralph of
Used by Ralph. See R.P.D., vol. II, p. 1030.
Size: 19 x 13 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an eagle displayed.
Inscription: ✶ ACVLA IOHANNIS
Seal attached to document reference: 4.14.Spec.3, 9
GB Seal no.2578 1317
Warshopp, Alice of
Styled Alice, daughter of Ralph of Warshopp of Durham
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion fighting a dragon.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.14.Spec.21
GB Seal no.2579 n.d.
Warton, Adam of
Styled son of Gilbert of Warton
Warton - In Lancashire on the Ribble in the hundred of Amounderness (
Victoria History of Lancaster , VII, 171).
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of ten rays.
Inscription: · ADE FILI ...
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.4.Ebor.30
GB Seal no.2580 n.d.
Warton, Avice
Styled formerly wife of John, son of Alice of Warton
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a cross paty.
Inscription: ✠ S' · AVICIE ..
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.4.Ebor.12
2581: Warton, Eustace of: See no. 498.
GB Seal no.2582 n.d.
Warton, John of
Styled son of Alice of Warton
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of eight rays.
Inscription: ✠ 'S IOHIS · FIL · ALICIE
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.4.Ebor.44; 2.2.4.Ebor.15
GB Seal no.2583 n.d.
Warton, Matilda of
Styled Matilda, daughter of Robert son of 'Worennus' (?) of Warton
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a crescent enclosing a star.
Inscription: ✠ S' MA... D' . WARTON
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.4.Ebor.54
GB Seal no.2584 n.d.
Warton, Roger of
Styled Roger of Warton and his wife Quenilda, daughter of Stephan the butler
See no. 501 where he is styled Roger the butler and no. 1070 where he is styled Roger Gernet. For Quenilda - see no. 499.
Size: 1. 25 mm.Size: 2. 25 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, a Greek cross.2. Round, a star of ten rays.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.4.Ebor.34
2584A: Warton, Sigharit of, see 502
GB Seal no.2585 n.d.
Warum, Adam of
Charter printed P.F., 44.
Size: 44 x 38 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a hand holding a pen (?) a floriated device on each side of it.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Finc.9
Digitised version GB Seal no.2586 n.d.
Warum, Adam of
Compare with seal of the chapter of Hemingbrough engraved in
The History of Hemingbrough , p. 69. Charter no. 11 is printed P.F., 42; see also ibid., p. XV.
Size: -
Seal design: Oval, imperfect, a boy kneeling in front of a man who is whipping him on the shoulders.
Inscription: ..ADE ... WAR..
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Finc.11b, 9b
Digitised version GB Seal no.2587 n.d.
Warum, Catherine of
Styled daughter of William of Warum and wife of Henry of 'Yrtona'
This and the next seal have exactly the same device upon them, the legend distinguishes one sister's seal from the other.
Size: 44 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a floriated device like a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL CATE ... D GARVM
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Finc.18
GB Seal no.2588 n.d.
Warum, Matilda of
Styled sister of Catherine and daughter of William of Warum
The seal is same as no. 2587 but with altered legend.
Size: 44 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a floriated device like a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Finc.18
GB Seal no.2589 n.d.
Warum, William of
Printed P.F., 40.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a male bust, a star on each side.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Finc.7
Digitised version GB Seal no.2590 n.d.
Wastehose, Alan
The History of Hemingborough , p. 214, where the seal is engraved and ibid., p. 394, where this charter is printed.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a stocking (hose), with ornamented top.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Ebor.33
Digitised version GB Seal no.2591 n.d.
Watewang, Matilda
Styled daughter of Henry Watewang
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of eight rays.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.117
GB Seal no.2592 n.d.
Watling, Henry son of.
Styled of Elwick
R.N.D., app. 129, no. 731.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a crescent and a star above it.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Spec.58
GB Seal no.2593 1300
Wauwayn, John
Styled clerk
In 7 bishop Bury (1340) he is styled master and parson of the church of Brancepeth (C.R., 31, p. 109).
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: round, a trefoil, a crown, the Holy Lamb and an eagle.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3697
GB Seal no.2594 1338
Wauwayn, John
Same man as no. 2593.
Size: 32 x ? mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, imperfect, antique gem a male head.
Inscription: : X : O... QVO DIV...E . EI DVO
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4638
Digitised version GB Seal no.2595 1219
Wearmouth, Peter of
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a water beetle (?)
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL ...ETRI:DE · WERMV..
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Pont.8
GB Seal no.2596 1219
Wearmouth, Walkelin of
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fish.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Pont.8
GB Seal no.2597 1311
Wederhall, Robert of
Styled chaplain
Size: 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem, two figures, each holding a spear, standing by a trophy, a shield is at the feet of one of them.
Inscription: X M... TA ... SV ...EO
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4885
Digitised version GB Seal no.2598 1333
Welbery, William of
Used by Lucy, daughter of Robert of Hesswell.
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, Our Lady standing, a kneeling figure prays to her.
Inscription: ✶ S' WILLI · DE WELBERI · CAPLLI
Seal attached to document reference: Hess.6, 7, 8, 48, 49, 51
GB Seal no.2599 1321
Welefed, Thomas of
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a winged griffin.
Inscription: ...STIS ...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4243
Digitised version GB Seal no.2600 1342
Welton, Simon of
Used 1. by Odard of Ridley and 2. by Alice his wife. The third of the name, see A.A., 3rd ser., VIII, p. 15 and note. The blason is silver a cinquefoil gules on a chief gules a demi lion rampant gold (Glover's Ordinary). The cinquefoil is derived
feudally from that of the Umfravilles who were the overlords of Welton (N.C.H., X, 327).
Size: 1.22 mm.Size: 2.19 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, armorial, a cinquefoil on a chief a demi-lion rampant.2. Round, a female head.
Inscription: 1. ✶ S' SIMONIS DE WELTVNE2. Legend obliterated.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6175, 6176
Digitised version GB Seal no.2601 1337-1361
Welletone, William of
Styled clerk of the diocese of York
He was vicar of Darlington (Longstaffe's
History of Darlington , 205).
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, St Andrew on his cross, on his right a crowned female figure standing on the dragon (St Margaret), on his left St Catherine with her wheel. Below a half figure praying.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3383, 3404, 3476, 3482, 3553, 3721, 3728, 3831, 3985, 4062i, 4524, 3438, 3511, 3628, 3644, 3673, 3983, 3985, 4007, 4046h, 4046i, 4052h, 4100f, 4115d, 4115e, 4121e, 4121f, 4136c, 4630, 4657, 4713, 4884
(fragment), 4310, 4497, 4524, 4584, 4046k, 4862, 4877, 4889, 5019a, 5019h, 5110f, 5110m
Digitised version GB Seal no.2602 1349
Weltdene, William
Styled vicar of Brankstone
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a hawk on a bird.
Inscription: ✶ ALAS IE SV PRIE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3646
GB Seal no.2603 n.d.
Werc, William of
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a monster with eagle's head, lion's body, and dragon's wings.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.7.Spec.1
Digitised version GB Seal no.2604 1358
Westley, William of
Styled clerk
He is mentioned H.S., 239, 241.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a bend three ...(?)
Inscription: ... WILLELMI ... STELE..
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2010
GB Seal no.2605 1372
Wessington, Roger of
Used by John of Hardwyk. See S.D., II, 40. The blason of the shield of arms is unknown.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial on a bend, between eight billets, three swans.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] A17
GB Seal no.2606 1341
Wessington, Roger of
I.P.M. at Durham, 6 May 1370 (C.R., 45, p. 277).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a bend, between nine billets, three swans.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5084
Digitised version GB Seal no.2607 n.d.
Wessington, Walter of
This document dates from before 1212 (see N.C.H.) This charter is printed N.C.H., X, 237n.
Size: 60 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion passant.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1472
Digitised version GB Seal no.2608 1318
Wessington, Walter of
Styled knight (miles)
The blason is gules a lion rampant silver over all a bend gobony azure and silver, his shield of arms is so blasoned in Jenyn's Ordinary, temp. Ed. III.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a lion rampant, over all a bend.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4265
GB Seal no.2609 1376
Wessington, William of
Styled knight (chivaler)
S.D., II, 40. This shield of arms is blasoned in Jenyn's roll (Ed. III) 'Monsr. William de Wessyngton, de gules a deux barrz et 3 molettz d'argent au chief'. The seal is engraved A.A., 3rd ser., VI, pl. X, no. 16.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, two bars and in chief three molets.
Inscription: s : willi : de : wessington
Seal attached to document reference: [G] C16, 17
GB Seal no.2609(i) 1382
Wessington, William of
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, armorial, a lion rampant, over all a bend, crest an oak tree.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 7084
GB Seal no.2610 n.d.
Weston, John of
Styled burgess of Oxford
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, the Holy Lamb.
Inscription: ✠ S' IOHIS DE WESTON
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Ebor.25
GB Seal no.2611 1405
Weston, Thomas of
For his seal as archdeacon of Durham, see no. 3260. Used by master Thomas of Weston, canon of Howden. He was dead before 1411. In that year John Hardgill, chaplain, and others are executors of the will of master Thomas of Weston, clerk (C.R., 33,
p. 94). cf also 3260.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a saltire formed of six interlacing bastons, the shield hangs from the branches of a tree.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Ebor.50
Digitised version GB Seal no.2612 1376-1387
Whalton, Robert of
He was owner of the manor of Croxdale (C.R., 32, p. 299). In 1359 he was appointed receiver of the exchequer of Brittany by Sir Robert Herle the guardian of Brittany. In 1362 he was appointed, also by Sir Robert Herle, seneschal of Barnard
Castle. The blason of his shield of arms is unknown, but it is possibly derived from that of Sir Robert Herle a fess between three shovellers (see A.A., 3rd ser., VI, 116).
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a chevron three birds.
Inscription: ✶ sigillum roberti de whalton
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2218; 2.15.Spec.7, 8
Digitised version GB Seal no.2613 1339
Whalton, William of
Used by William of Whalton, collector. For another imperfect seal of his, see Misc.Ch. 4945
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, a draped female figure standing holding in her left hand a vase, in her right ...(?) A kneeling figure prays to her.
Inscription: Legend blurred and illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4812
Digitised version GB Seal no.2614 1331
Whalton, William of
Same man as no. 2613.
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, half figure of Our Lady seated, holding Christ. Below a half figure prays to them.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5088
GB Seal no.2615 1474
Whalp, Isabella
Used by Isabella, late wife of Edmund Whalp of Hartlepool.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, a stag lying at the foot of a tree, upon one of the branches of which is a scroll inscribed, 'engrace...' (?)
Seal attached to document reference: 4.17.Spec.44, 45
Digitised version GB Seal no.2616 1439
Wharrom, Robert
Used by Robert Wharrom of Durham, son and heir of William Wharrom.
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Oblong octagonal signet, a merchant's mark upon a shield.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.18.Spec.29
Digitised version GB Seal no.2617 n.d.
Wharton, John of
History of Cumberland and Westmorland , I, 378 (Nicolson and Burn).
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, a falcon.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXV.35
GB Seal no.2618 1482
Whelpdale, William
Used by William Whelpdale of Durham.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, three maces.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.18.Spec.23, 43; 4.18.Spec.59
Digitised version GB Seal no.2619 1316
Whelpington, Hugh of
Used by Hugh, rector of Whelpington.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, two birds, a lion above.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Arch.Dunelm.21
GB Seal no.2620 1446
Whelpington, Robert of
A merchant of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, mayor in 1435 and for several later years; M.P. in 1413. In 1438 he is styled knight (R.W., I, passim).
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, a hexfoil, with a letter upon each leaf and a lion at the centre.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6727
Digitised version GB Seal no.2621 1346
Whetlaw, Christina of
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a dog in front of a tree.
Inscription: ✶ IE SEV...
Seal attached to document reference: 4.14.Spec.41
GB Seal no.2622 1347
Whetlawe, Christina of
Used by Christina, daughter of Cecely, daughter of Peter of Wetelawe.
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, a church with spire.
Inscription: Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.14.Spec.40
GB Seal no.2623 1367
Whetlawe, Christina of
Same person as no. 2622.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a male head with a crescent behind.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.14.Spec.31
GB Seal no.2624 1367
Whetlawe, Christina of
Same person as no. 2622.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a cross device in a triangle - resembling a merchant's mark in design.
Inscription: Legend obliterated.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.14.Spec.18
GB Seal no.2625 1346
Whetlawe, Christina of
Same person as no. 2622.
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, Our Lady with the Christ child in her arms.
Inscription: ✶ AVE MARIA GRACIA
Seal attached to document reference: 4.14.Spec.38
GB Seal no.2626 n.d.
Whetlawe, Hugh of
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, device and legend obliterated.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.14.Spec.19
GB Seal no.2627 1325
Whetlawe, Isabella of
Used by Isabella, widow of Peter of Whetlaw.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a rose (?)
Seal attached to document reference: 4.14.Spec.30
GB Seal no.2628 1325
Whetlawe, Isabella of
Same person as no. 2627.
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, a female head in a traceried panel.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.14.Spec.35
GB Seal no.2629 1320
Whetlawe, Walter of
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a pelican in her piety.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.14.Spec.17
GB Seal no.2630 1304
Whetlawe, William of
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, as star like device of wheat ears.
Inscription: ✶S':WILELI D':WETELAV
Seal attached to document reference: 4.12.Spec.2; 4.14.Spec.2, 7
Digitised version GB Seal no.2631 1303
Whetlawe, Peter of
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.14.Spec.33; 1.15.Spec.34
GB Seal no.2632 1313
Whetlawe, Agnes
Styled Agnes, daughter of William of Wetelawe
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a star like device.
Inscription: ✠ S' AGNETIS D' WETELAV
Seal attached to document reference: 4.14.Spec.8
GB Seal no.2633 1312
Whetley, William of
Seal engraved A.A., 3rd ser., VI, pl. IX, no. 24.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three ears of wheat.
Inscription: :✶:S.. WIL...M:DE:WHETLEYE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3979
GB Seal no.2634 n.d.
Whickham, Adam of
Used by Adam, son and heir of Simon of 'Qwickhame', burgess of Gateshead.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys, on the dexter side a crescent, on the sinister a star.
Inscription: ✠ S' ... INSTVN
Seal attached to document reference: 3.3.Spec.30
GB Seal no.2635 1325-1332
Whickham, William
Styled William of Qwickham, formerly master of the hospital of the Blessed Thomas the Martyr of Bolton
He was rector of Staindrop in 1325 and commissary to bishop Beaumont. See also N.C.H., VII, 209 and 216.
Size: 22 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem, a bacchante.
Inscription: · V · M · FRANGE · LEGE:·VE · TEGIT:IPSE:TEGE:
Seal attached to document reference: 3.6.Pont.8, 9; Misc.Ch. 3741
Digitised version GB Seal no.2636 1306
Whitby, Hugh of
Used 1. by Hugh of Whitby and 2. by Juliana his wife. In 1313 bishop Richard of Kellawe granted the wardship of the heir and lands of John de Dautre to Hugh and his wife Juliana (R.P.D., 1244). The bishop also requests the abbot and convent of
Whitby to show favour to Hugh, whom he calls our well beloved household servant (dilectus domicellus) (ibid., IV, 422).
Size: 1. 25 x 19 mm.Size: 2. 16 mm.
Seal design: 1. Shield shaped, a man walking, behind him a tree of two branches with a squirrel upon it.2. Round, a boar's head (?)
Seal attached to document reference: [G] D43
GB Seal no.2637 1294
Whitby, Robert of
Used 1. by Robert of Whitby and 2. by Agnes his wife.
Size: 1. 32 x 22 mm.Size: 2. 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: 1. Oval, a ship, an anchor below it.2. Oval, a star-like device.
Seal attached to document reference: 5.2.Elemos.14
Whitby, William of, chaplain: see 1119
GB Seal no.2638 1380
White, Leticia
Used by Catherine who was the wife of John of Bishopdale.
Size: 19 x 13 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem, a winged (?) figure, draped and wearing a helmet and holding a staff in right hand.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Spec.9
Digitised version GB Seal no.2639 1387
Whitehead, William
Styled William, son of William Whitehead, burgess of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a double headed eagle displayed.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.7.Spec.33
GB Seal no.2640 n.d.
Whithill, Walter of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a flower in pot between two birds.
Inscription: ✶ S' WALTERI D' WITEHYLL
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 15
GB Seal no.2641 n.d.
Whittington, Henry of
Styled Henry, son of William, son of Swayn parson of Whittington
Charter 3.2.4.Ebor.2 mentions Henry, son of Henry, late parson of 'Quittington', Lord of Carleton (? in Lancashire).
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a lion passant, in front a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.4.Ebor.16
GB Seal no.2642 n.d.
Whittonstall, Agnes of
Styled daughter of Serlo of 'Quietunstall'
See N.C.H., VI, 182 and note 3.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6912
Whittonstall, Milo of: See 773.
GB Seal no.2644 n.d.
Whittonstall, Robert of
Styled son of Fabian of 'Quictunstal'
Size: -
Seal design: Oval(?) very poor and imperfect impression, not decipherable.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6927
GB Seal no.2644A 1240
Whitewell, Sibyl daughter of Roger of
Whitwell, near Sherburn, Durham. The charter names her sister Mariota, wife of Robert de Clifford (N.C.H., II, 229). She fills in a blank in this pedigree.
Size: 44 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' SIBILLE ... WITEWEL
Seal attached to document reference: Sherburn Hospital deeds, 1/9.
GB Seal no.2644A(i)
Whitwell, Ralph of
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3686
GB Seal no.2645 1366
Whitworth, John of
Styled son of Thomas of Whiteworth, Lord of Whiteworth
He held Whitworth, Durham, by knight service (H.S., 34). He was 13 years old at the I.P.M. of his brother, Alexander, taken at Auckland, 10 November 1355 (C.R., 45, p. 276). In 1373 he accompanied Henry, Lord Percy, to the wars beyond the sea
(C.R., 32, p. 299). See also S.D., III, 291. For another seal, see 3.13.Spec.28.
Size: 25 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, a lion rampant.
Inscription: .. IOHIS ...
Seal attached to document reference: 3.13.Spec.20
GB Seal no.2646 1302
Whitworth, Robert
Styled son of Jordan of 'Quiteworth'
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star(?) very poor impression and undecipherable.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.93
GB Seal no.2647 1342
Whitworth, Thomas of
Son of Alexander of Whitworth, and aged 21 at his father's I.P.M., 11 September 1335. His father then held the manors of Whitworth and Woodham, the latter of the prior of Durham (C.R., 45, p. 275). The blason of his shield of arms is unknown.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a cinquefoil.
Inscription: ✠ S' THOME DE WITWORTH
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Sacr.19
Digitised version GB Seal no.2648 n.d.
Whitworth, Thomas of
Styled son of Thomas of Wodum
For grant of the manor of Woodham to Thomas of Whitworth, see S.D., III, 418. See also ibid., p. 332.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eagle with raised wings.
Inscription: ✠ S':TOME D':WITEWRE
Seal attached to document reference: 2.12.Spec.2
GB Seal no.2649 1415
Whytton, John of
In 1433 Amy, widow of Thomas Adamson, and daughter of John of Whitton, grants lands, etc, to Thomas Kirkman (C.R., 33, p. 145).
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a merchant's mark on a shield.
Inscription: S' IOHANNIS ...TON
Seal attached to document reference: 4.17.Spec.4, 14
Digitised version GB Seal no.2650 1313-1317
Whytton, Margery of
The same seal is appended to Misc.Ch. 4143, by the sacrist of St Mary's, York (see 3591). For Whitton, see S.D., III, 83.
Size: 16 x 13 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem, a bearded head, around it, on the medieval setting, are four popinjays, between the two upper birds 'M'.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4029, 4128a, 4825
Digitised version GB Seal no.2651 1466
Widdrington, Gerard
Styled knight (miles)
Pedigree H.N., II, ii, 230, also A.A., 2nd ser., III, 189. The shield of arms is first blasoned in Powell's roll of Edward III for 'S' Gerard of Wyd' (eryngton) quarterly silver and gules a bend sable. For note on arms see A.A., 3rd ser., III,
260 and ibid., VI, p. 184 and pl. facing p. 112.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, quarterly a baston, the shield in couche and surmounted by a helmet upon which is a crest of a bull's head and neck powdered with pellets.
Inscription: s' gerardi de wodderyngton
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6584
Digitised version GB Seal no.2651(i) 1466
Widdrington, Henry of [Wedrington]
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4824
GB Seal no.2652 1357
Widdrington, Roger of
Engraved A.A., 3rd ser., VI, 184.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, quarterly a baston
Seal attached to document reference: [G] A48, B46, C1
GB Seal no.2653 1369
Widdrington, Roger of
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, quarterly a baston, the shield is couche and surmounted by a helmet upon which is the crest of a bull's head.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] B44, B66
GB Seal no.2654 1357
Widdrington, Roger of
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, quarterly a baston.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6674, 6947
Digitised version GB Seal no.2655 1363
Wild, Robert
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a stag baited by a dog.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] C51
GB Seal no.2656 n.d.
Styled William, son of Thomas, the chaplain
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a winged figure.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.18.Spec.6
GB Seal no.2657 n.d.
Styled William, the mason of Durham
Printed P.F., 79.
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ...VM WILEL...
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Finc.20
GB Seal no.2658 1325
Styled rector of the church of St Mary in the North Bailey, Durham. cf 3364.
Size: 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem, a gnostic device.
Inscription: ✶ C...E ...IPA .. S .. CI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4198
GB Seal no.2659 1283
William, Emma daughter of
Styled Emma, daughter of William, son of Anne of Old Durham
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' EMME FILIE WILELMI
Seal attached to document reference: 4.14.Spec.12
GB Seal no.2660 1292
William, Thomas son of.
Styled Thomas Blagris
See nos. 278, 279 in this catalogue.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of six large and six small rays.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1961, 1985
GB Seal no.2661 n.d.
William, Thomas son of
Styled Thomas, son of William the tailor
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a star of eight rays.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.114
GB Seal no.2662 1386
William, William fitz
Styled knight (miles)
The blason is lozengy silver and gules. See A.A., 3rd ser., III, 240. The seal is of yellow wax with a thin layer of red upon which is the impression. It is attached to the deed by a piece of light blue woven silk about an inch wide.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, lozengy.
Inscription: s : willi : fitz : willi : militis
Seal attached to document reference: 3.5.Ebor.11
Digitised version GB Seal no.2663 n.d.
Willoughby, John
John, third Lord Willoughby of Eresby, succeeded 1350, died 1372 (
Historic Peerage , ed. Courthope, 510). For note on the arms of Willoughby see A.A., 3rd ser., III, 241. The blason of this shield of arms is gules a mill-rind cross silver.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a mill-rind cross.
Inscription: s' : johannis : de : wylvgbbi
Seal attached to document reference: 2.5.Ebor.8
Digitised version GB Seal no.2664 1382
Willoughby, Robert
The armorials of Robert, son of John, the fourth Lord Willoughby of Eresby; he succeeded 1376 and died 1396 (
Historic Peerage , ed. Courthope, 510). The blason is I and IV sable a cross engrailed gold (Ufford), II and III gules a mill-rind cross silver (Bek). The crest is a Soldan's head sable with hair and crown of gold.
Note the absence of crest wreath and how the helmet terminates in a point upon which the crest is fixed. For crest see Garter plate of Robert's son William (
Stall plates of Knights of the Garter ). (See also A.A., 3rd
ser., III, 241).
Size: 44 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, quarterly, I and IV a cross engrailed, II and III a mill-rind cross. The shield is couchée and is surmounted by crest of a crowned and bearded Soldan's head. The helmet is supported by a seated
lion on either side. Behind them on each side is a tree.
Inscription: s ✶ roberti wilughby : domini : d : eresby
Seal attached to document reference: 2.5.Ebor.7, 8
Digitised version GB Seal no.2665 1400
Willoughby, Thomas
Styled Thomas of Wilughby, knight, son of the Lord of Wilughby
A younger son of Robert, Lord Willoughby (no. 2664), by his second wife Elizabeth, widow of John Nevill, Lord Latimer. He was ancestor of the Lords Willoughby of Broke. (Banks,
Baronies in Fee , I, 462;
Historic Peerage , ed. Courthope, 512).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, quarterly, I and IV a cross engrailed, II and III a mill-rind cross, a ring at centre of shield for difference.
Inscription: s : thome : de : wilughby : dni : ...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4906
Digitised version GB Seal no.2666 n.d.
Wilton, Alan of
Printed P.F., 159. See also Guisborough Chartulary, I, 68, note (86 Surt. Soc. publ.).
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eagle with raised wings.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL ... N ... NA
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Finc.36
GB Seal no.2667 n.d.
Winchester, Ranulph of
Styled son of Alice of Wincestre
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an eagle with raised wings.
Inscription: ✠ S' RANVLFI D' WINCETER
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.156
GB Seal no.2668 n.d.
Winchelsea, Robert of
Styled burgess of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Size: 32 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a floriated device.
Inscription: S' ROBERTI · D' VVNCHILSE
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Spec.63, 68
GB Seal no.2669 n.d.
Windegate, Roger of
Size: -
Seal design: Very imperfect and device undecipherable.
Inscription: ✠ SIG ... ATE
Seal attached to document reference: 2.8.Spec.5
GB Seal no.2670 1448
Windelston, John
Styled son and heir of John Wyndleston and Cecilia his wife
Windelston - A village about four miles S.E. of Bishop Auckland.
Size: 13 x 6 mm.
Seal design: Oval signet, I crowned.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.13.Spec.34, 40
GB Seal no.2671 1360
Windesale, John of
Attached to deeds of Roger of Fulthorpe.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron between three roundels, three martlets on the chevron.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 80, 81, 3451, 3520, 4421; 1.9.Spec.23
GB Seal no.2672 n.d.
Winequick, Matilda of
Styled daughter of Robert, son of Raynward, formerly wife of William of 'Wynequic'
Size: 41 mm.
Seal design: Round, an ornate fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.4.Ebor.34
GB Seal no.2673 n.d.
Wint (?), Isabella
Styled daughter of Ralph the vintner of Durham
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a star of eight rays.
Inscription: ✶ S' ISAB'E FIL'E RAD' FI WINT
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2230
GB Seal no.2674 1385
Winton, Alan of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a saltire.
Inscription: ✶ S' ALANI DE WYNTON
Seal attached to document reference: 1.17.Spec.48, 50
GB Seal no.2675 1308
Wintringham, William of
Wintringham - On the Humber in north Lincolnshire. For another, indistinct seal, see Misc.Ch. 4071.
Size: 22 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a centaur before him a figure with lyre.
Inscription: ✶ S' W...NTRINGHAM:CL'ICI .
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3607
Digitised version GB Seal no.2676 n.d.
Wisebech, W[alter] of
This charter is endorsed 'inquisitio facta per Willelmum de Wysebech clericum ... de ecclesia de Brantingham' and is addressed to W. Archbishop of York, Walter Gray, archbishop of York , 1216-55. 'Magister W. de Wisebeach' is a witness to one of
his charters printed in the Guisborough Chartulary II, 193 (89 Surt. Soc. publ.). He also witnesses as master Walter of Wisebech (SS 56, 129, 132, 141n, 279). He was archdeacon of the East Riding, 1218-1227.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, imperfect, a floriated device.
Inscription: ..W ... DE:W...
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Ebor.18
GB Seal no.2677 1439
Witham, Thomas
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal signet, antique gem, a kneeling figure.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXVIII.3
GB Seal no.2678 1282
Withychon, Hugh
Seal of Hugh Withychon of the Society Ricardi of Lucca. It is attached to an acquittance of Capo de Monte Cucho.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a fess. The shield is in a sex-foil compartment.
Inscription: ... VIDI ECIONE:DIRICCIAN ...
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Finc.30a
Digitised version GB Seal no.2679 1337-1343
Wirkesworth, William of
Styled collector
N.C.H., III, 65. He was bailiff of Hexham, 1331, and rector of Slaitburn, co. Yorks.
Size: 1. 25 x 19 mm.Size: Secretum: 13 mm.
Seal design: 1. Rounded oval, St Andrew on his cross.Secretum: round, a star within a crescent.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4192, 4515, 4584, 4213, 4237, 4515, 5091
Digitised version GB Seal no.2680 1360
Wirkesworth, William of
Size: 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, a standing figure holding a book in his right hand and a key in his left (? St Peter). Secretum the same as no. 2679.
Inscription: Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4813, 4921, 5037
Digitised version GB Seal no.2681 n.d.
Witton, Hugh of
Styled Hugh of Witton, son of Robert Morlau
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Sacr.34
GB Seal no.2682 1283
Witton, Richard of
Rector of Sowerby
Used by him.
Size: -
Seal design: Round, imperfect, armorial, three piles over all, a bend.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4613
Digitised version GB Seal no.2683 n.d.
Wolviston, Athelot of
Styled Athelot, elder daughter of Roger, the clerk of Wolviston
Wolviston - Near Stockton-on-Tees. See S.D., III, 149.
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' ATHELOT FIL'E ROGERI
Seal attached to document reference: 3.9.Spec.49
GB Seal no.2684 n.d.
Wolviston, Bertram of
Used by Bertram, son of Henry of Wolviston. Printed FPD, 32n.
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a bird standing, a spray behind it.
Inscription: S' ... STAN...
Seal attached to document reference: 3.9.Spec.24
GB Seal no.2685 n.d.
Wolviston, Bertram of
Styled son of Henry of Wolviston
See FPD, 27. Charter no. 73 is printed ibid., note 2. Charter no. 79, ibid., 32, note 1. He held his lands of the prior of Durham by military service.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, two lions rampant, a cross between them.
Inscription: ✠ S':BERTRAI:D' · WLFISTV
Seal attached to document reference: 3.9.Spec.19, 46; 4.9.Spec.73; 1.10.Spec.79
Digitised version GB Seal no.2686 1334
Wolviston, Gilbert of
Used by Gilbert, son and heir of Robert the smith of Wolviston.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a bearded head (same as 905).
Inscription: ✶ SEEL DEGVISES YAES...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 129
Digitised version GB Seal no.2687 n.d.
Wolviston, Henry of
He was the father of Bertram of Wolviston (no. 2685).
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.9.Spec.50
GB Seal no.2688 n.d.
Wolviston, Henry of
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.9.Spec.3
GB Seal no.2689 n.d.
Wolviston, Henry of
3.9.Spec.2 - Printed FPD, 143n.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Pont.8, 12, 19; 3.9.Spec.2, 4
GB Seal no.2690 n.d.
Wolviston, Hugh
Styled the marshal (marescallius) of Wolviston
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a star of eight rays.
Inscription: ..VGONIS D' W.LIS...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6528
GB Seal no.2691 1305
Wolviston, John of
Styled John of Wolviston, son and heir of Adam of Bereforth
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a floriated star-like device.
Inscription: S' IOHIS F' AD' COLTM
Seal attached to document reference: 4.9.Spec.65
GB Seal no.2692 1312
Wolviston, John of
Styled son of Roger of Wolviston, heir of John Schirelok
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, device resembling a merchant's mark.
Inscription: ✶ S' IOHIS DE WOLLIST'
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4972
Digitised version GB Seal no.2693 1346
Wolviston, John of
For another seal, see 3.9.Spec.53
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round, a hawk upon a bird.
Inscription: ✶ ALLAS IE SV PRIS
Seal attached to document reference: 3.9.Spec.54, 55, 56
Digitised version GB Seal no.2694 1296
Wolviston, John of
Styled son of Bertram of Wolviston (no. 2685)
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a star-like device.
Inscription: ✠ S' IOHS FIL' BERTRAM
Seal attached to document reference: 3.9.Spec.45
GB Seal no.2695 1219
Wolviston, Laurence of
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a heron.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL:LAVRENCII:DE:W...
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Pont.8
Wolviston, Patrick of: see 1240
GB Seal no.2696 1378
Wolviston, Richard of
Styled chaplain
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, Our Lady standing with the Christ child in her arms; in front stands a figure holding a cross (John Baptist), behind a figure holding a branch.
Inscription: Legend obliterated.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.5.Spec.24
GB Seal no.2697 n.d.
Wolviston, Robert of
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.9.Spec.48
GB Seal no.2698 1316
Wolviston, Robert of
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a ship.
Inscription: S' STEVEN ... EDOREN
Seal attached to document reference: 1.10.Spec.27
Digitised version GB Seal no.2699 n.d.
Wolviston, Roger of
Styled Roger, son of Gregory of Wolviston
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.9.Spec.5
Digitised version GB Seal no.2699(i)
Wolviston, Roger of
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4972
GB Seal no.2700 n.d.
Wolviston, Roger of
Same man as no. 2699.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' · ROGERI · F · GREGOR'
Seal attached to document reference: 3.9.Spec.18, 21
GB Seal no.2701 1296
Wolviston, Roger of
Styled Roger, son of Roger of Wolviston
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a star-like device.
Inscription: ✠ S' ROGERI MVSHET
Seal attached to document reference: 3.9.Spec.10, 50
GB Seal no.2702 n.d.
Wolviston, Walter of
Styled son of Thomas of Wolviston
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.9.Spec.7
GB Seal no.2703 n.d.
Wolviston, Walter of
Styled son of Thomas of Wolviston
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' WALTERI ... TOME
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6510
GB Seal no.2704 n.d.
Wolviston, William of
Styled son of John of Wolviston
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ... · WILL · FILII · IO...
Seal attached to document reference: 3.9.Spec.9
GB Seal no.2705 n.d.
Wolviston, William of
Styled son of 'Jonecti' of Wolviston
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of eight rays.
Inscription: Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.9.Spec.67
GB Seal no.2706 n.d.
Wolviston, William of
Printed FPD, 143n.
Size: 22 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, divided into two parts by two thin lines, in the upper part a bird and three stars, in the lower a grotesque beast.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.9.Spec.1
Digitised version GB Seal no.2707 1282
Woodhall, Robert of
Styled son of Richard of the Woodhall
See FPD, 205, note 2. For charters nos 8 and 9 see ibid., p. 206, notes. For an account of Woodhall, see
The History of Hemingbrough , p. 198.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of eight points.
Inscription: ✶ S' ROBTI FIL RICARDI
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Ebor.7, 8, 9
GB Seal no.2708 1377
Woodhall, William of
Styled William, son of Walter, son of Roger of Wodehall
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a male and female head, a flower, springing out of a heart, between them.
Inscription: ✶ LOVE ME AND I S' E V'
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Ebor.12
GB Seal no.2709 n.d.
Woodingfeld, John of
In the parish of Brancepeth. This charter is printed FPD, 181, note.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a stag at speed.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL IO..IS D' WDIGFE
Seal attached to document reference: 2.11.Spec.14
Digitised version GB Seal no.2710 n.d.
Woodsend, William of
Styled William, son of Uchtred of Wudsende
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] D112
GB Seal no.2711 n.d.
Woodsend, William of
Same man and seal as no. 2710. In Misc.Ch. 5469 he is styled son of Uchtred of Woodsend (no. 2712).
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2328, 2458, 6469, 6886
GB Seal no.2712 n.d.
Woodsend, Uchtred of
See P.F., 77.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.3.Finc.2
GB Seal no.2713 1492
Wright, William
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, circular device divided into four quarters, a device in each.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.3.Sacr.30
Digitised version GB Seal no.2714 n.d.
Writhorpe, Peter of
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] B19
GB Seal no.2715 1431
Wyclif, John
Styled prior of the cell of St Leonard, near Stamford
Size: 10 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, an eagle with raised wings above it 'wyclif'.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3605, 6847
Digitised version GB Seal no.2716 1415
Wycliffe, Robert of
Styled clerk
In 5 bishop Skirlaw (1393) he is styled constable of Durham and receiver general of the bishop of Durham (C.R., 33, p. 85). The shield of arms is blasoned in Jenyn's ordinary temp. Edward III, silver a chevron sable between three crosses crosslet
gules. For later arms see V.Y., p. 377.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial a chevron between three crosses crosslet.
Inscription: sigillu roberti de wycliffe.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] C36, 37, 38, 39
GB Seal no.2716(i)
Wyld, William
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3708
GB Seal no.2717 1284
Wynterse, Reginald of
Charter no. 4 is printed P.F., 59.
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a pelican in her piety.
Inscription: ✠ PELICANS DI COR... PVLL · CRCV ...
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Finc.4
GB Seal no.2718 1296
Whythton, Roger of
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem, a head with two faces.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3840
Digitised version YGB Seal no.2719 1289
Yarm, Bartholomew of
Styled clerk
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a man wearing hat and long dress holding a bottle in his hand and standing in front of a table(?) (probably mixing medicine).
Inscription: · S · T · BARTHOLOMEI · MED
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4062l
Digitised version GB Seal no.2720 1292
Yarm, Bartholomew of
Styled medicus
Same man as no. 2719.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a hand holding a bottle, a crescent on one side of it, a star on the other.
Inscription: ✠ S' MAGIS... HOLOME · D · IAR
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4028h
Digitised version GB Seal no.2721 1326
Yarwell, Ralph of
Styled clerk
For another seal, see Misc.Ch. 3501
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion asleep at the foot of a tree upon which a squirrel and a bird sit.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3974
Digitised version GB Seal no.2722 n.d.
Yekemond, Geoffrey
Size: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, antique gem, a vase with flowers.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Sacr.23
GB Seal no.2723 1310
Yekemond, William
Styled William, called 'Yekemond' of the North Bailey, Durham, an executor of the will of John Craupall
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion asleep at the foot of a tree.
Inscription: ✶ S' WILLI · YEKEMVND
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3704
GB Seal no.2724 n.d.
Yeland, Adam of
Pedigree, S.D., I, 273.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, very imperfect, equestrian, knight wearing mail hauberk, in cylindrical helmet and with sword and shield.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILLVM ADE...
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Sacr.14
GB Seal no.2725 1358
Yeland, Margaret of
Used by Margaret, daughter of Simon of Esh, and late wife of John of Yeland.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, two hands crossed.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5506
GB Seal no.2726 n.d.
Yeland, William of
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, two bars and in chief two molets.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] D113
GB Seal no.2727 1329-1346
Yeland, William of
Engraved A.A., 3rd ser., VI, pl. X, no. 2.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, two bars and in chief two molets.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Elemos.3, 4, 5
GB Seal no.2728 n.d.
Yoel, John
Styled John Yoel of 'Brekenholm', near Hemingbrough
Brekenholm - Now Brackenholme. For account of this place see
The History of Hemingbrough , p. 165.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a male head.
Inscription: ✶ CREDE CAPVD
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Ebor.21
Digitised version
York: see Eboracum
GB Seal no.2729 n.d.
Yuckfleet, William of
Styled William, son of Ranulph of Yuckfleet
Yokefleet - In the East Riding of Yorkshire. For charters relating to it see P.F., pp. 40-53.
Size: 25 x ? mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect, a reversed crescent over a star.
Inscription: ✠ S' WILLI... RANVLFI
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Finc.21
Scottish Private SealsAGB Seal no.2730 n.d.
Adam, John son of
He held two bovates of land in Ayton Superior (
Priory of Coldingham , p. x, SS 12). This charter is printed R.N.D. app. 50, no. 226.
Size: 25 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a lion walking to left.
Inscription: ✶ S' IOHIS FIL ADE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1128
GB Seal no.2731 n.d.
Adam, Margaret daughter of
Styled Margaret, daughter of Adam, one of the heirs of Christiana, wife of Patrick, son of Thomas, and formerly wife of Constantine (of Coldingham)
Printed R.N.D., app. 61, no 312.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 926
GB Seal no.2732 n.d.
Alan, the carpenter, family of
No. 1 the seal of Amabilla, wife of Alan the carpenter. No. 2 the seal of Alan. No. 3 the seal of Geoffrey his son. No. 4 the seal of William his son. Printed R.N.D., app. 57, no. 275.
Size: 1. 29 mm.Size: 2. 29 mm.Size: 3. 29 mm.Size: 4. 29 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, a cross paty between four roundels.2. Round, a crescent with a cross above it.3. Round, a flower-like device.4. Round, a flower-like device.
Inscription: 1. ✠ S' MABIL. : DVN2. ✠ S' ...NI CAPENT..3. ✠ S' GALFRIDI:FIL ALNI4. ✠ S' WILL...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 942
GB Seal no.2733 1418
Albany, Robert Stewart, Duke of
The seal is affixed, in red wax, to the face of the deed. He is styled Duke of Albany, Earl of Fife and of Menteith, and governor of the kingdom of Scotland. The charter is printed R.N.D., app. 34, no. 146. The seal is the same as in A.S.S. I, p.
130, no.788. He was the third son of Robert II, King of Scotland, and his wife Elizabeth More, born circa 1339, Earl of Menteith in right of his wife Margaret, countess of Menteith, Earl of Fife, as heir to his brother's wife Isabel, countess of
Fife, created Duke of Albany 1398, the first appearance of the ducal rank in Scotland. he was made regent of Scotland in 1389 and died at Stirling 1419. For account of his life see P.S., I, 56. The blason of the shield of arms is I and IV gold a
lion rampant gules (earldom of Fife) II and III gold a fess checky azure and argent and a label (Stewart). The first appearance of this well known Scottish shield is on the seal of Alan Fitzwalter appended to a charter of 1190 in favour of the abbey
of Melrose. The unusual form of the crest wreath repeating the checkers of the fess on the shield is noticeable.
Size: 51 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, quarterly, I and IV a lion rampant; II and III a fess checky and a label of five points. The shield is couchée and is surmounted by a helmet upon which, on a wreath checky, is the crest of a
boar's head between two trees. Supporters: two sitting lions.
Inscription: ... menten ...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 790
Digitised version GB Seal no.2734 1198
Aldcambus, Edward of
Printed R.N.D. app. 42, no. 177. The seal is no. 31, p. 8 in A.S.S. II. Oldcambus is near Cocksburnpath, Berwickshire; for account of the ancient church of St Helen there see
Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland , vol. III, 296.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a beautiful leaf.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL EEDVARTDI DE ALDCAM BVS in field of the seal.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 836, 5924
Digitised version GB Seal no.2735 n.d.
Aldcambus, Nicholas son of Thomas of
Styled Nicholas, son of Thomas of Aldcambus
Printed R.N.D., app. 43, no. 178.
Size: 38 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Pointed oval, three fleur-de-lys placed one above the other.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5925
Digitised version GB Seal no.2736 n.d.
Aldehamestock, Richard
Styled Richard, son of Reginald of Aldehamestock
Printed R.N.D., app. 45, no. 189.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, five stars.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 962
GB Seal no.2737 n.d.
Aldengrave, Adam, son of Ylif of
Printed R.N.D. app. 46, no. 197. Aldengrave is now Auchencraw, about four and a half miles S.W. of Coldingham; see
Coldingham Parish and Priory , by A. Thomson, p. 153.
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a bird (?eagle) standing with head turned back.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL .. E...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 884
GB Seal no.2738 n.d.
Aldengrave, Michael of
Styled Michael of Aldengrave, son of Edward
Printed R.N.D., app. 45, no. 191. This seal is no. 33, p. 8, A.S.S. II.
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4927
GB Seal no.2739 1279
Aldengrave, Robert, son of Matthew of
Printed R.N.D. app. 113, no. 653.
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eagle standing with raised wings.
Inscription: ... BERTI FILII MATHEI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5929
GB Seal no.2740 1275
Aldengrave, Thomas
Styled Thomas, son of Robert, son of Matthew of 'Aldengrave'
Printed R.N.D., app. 46, no. 196. This seal is no. 34, p. 8, A.S.S. II.
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a cross with crutch ends between four eight-foiled flowers and one at the intersection.
Inscription: ✠ S' THOME FILII · ROBERTI ·:·
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5928
Digitised version GB Seal no.2741 1415
Angus and Mar, Margaret, Countess of
Styled Countess of Angus and Mar
This charter is printed R.N.D. app. 35, no. 151. The seal is no. 792, p. 131, A.S.S. I. See also
Priory of Coldingham , p. 88 (SS 12). The dexter shield of arms is blasoned azure a bend between six crosses crosslet fitchy gold for Mar, Earl of Mar. The sinister is blasoned gold a fess checky azure and silver over
all on a bend sable three buckles gold for Stewart of Bonkill. Sir John Stewart, second son of Alexander, high steward of Scotland, married Margaret, daughter and heiress of Sir Alexander Bonkyl of Bonkyl in Berwickshire. He differenced his fess
checky by adding to his shield a bend of the arms of Bonkyl. Margaret, Countess of Angus and Mar, was daughter and eventual heiress of Thomas, second Earl of Angus, she married Thomas, thirteenth Earl of Mar (P.S. I, p. 64; II, p. 201; M.A.S., nos
2559, 2560). The birds holding the shield straps in their beaks are curious and I think unique as supporters.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, Margaret standing under a canopy supporting by each hand a shield of arms, upon each of which a bird is standing holding the strap of shield in its beak. The dexter shield bears a bend between six crosses
crosslet fitchy, the sinister bears a fess checky surmounted by a bend charged with three buckles.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 653
Digitised version GB Seal no.2742 1429-1431
Atkinson, Thomas
Styled Thomas 'Atkynson of Bonkyll'
Printed R.N.D. app. 110, no. 639. This seal is no. 53, p. 11, A.S.S. II; M.A.S. 51. The shield is that of Bonkyll differenced.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a chevron engrailed three buckles.
Inscription: s' thome filius ade
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 888, 1260, 1270
Digitised version GB Seal no.2743 n.d.
Aukerston, John of
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a hawk upon a bird, tearing it.
Inscription: S' IOH... DE HAVKERST
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1128
GB Seal no.2744 n.d.
Ayton, Adam of
Styled Adam, son of John of Ayton
Printed R.N.D. app. 65, no. 339.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eight-foiled flower within a quatrefoil.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL ADE · DE AITVN
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 861
GB Seal no.2745 1331
Ayton, Adam of
Styled Adam, son of William of Upper Ayton ('superior')
The seal is no. 60, p. 12, A.S.S. II. Another charter of his is printed R.N.D. app. 50, no. 226.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' ADE DE A..VN
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5922, 909
GB Seal no.2746 1276
Ayton, Alice of
Styled Alice, late wife of Robert, son of Maurice of Upper (Superior) Ayton
R.N.D. app. 48, no. 212. The seal is no. 61, p. 12, A.S.S. II.
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a crescent betweent two stars.
Inscription: ✠ S' ALICIA VX PATRICI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 905
Digitised version GB Seal no.2747 n.d.
Ayton, Elias of
In charter no. 893 he is called 'clerk'. R.N.D. app. 48, no. 217. Seal is no. 58, p. 12, A.S.S. II.
Size: 22 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an eagle displayed.
Inscription: ..GILL · HELIE · D.. VER EITVNE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 892, 893
Digitised version GB Seal no.2748 1239
Ayton, John of
Styled John, son of Elias of Ayton, one of the four good men of the court of the prior of Coldingham
One of the seals appended R.N.D. app. 56, no. 271.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 852, 5935
GB Seal no.2749 n.d.
Ayton, Maurice of
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a hand blessing.
Inscription: ... IS ...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5935
GB Seal no.2750 1247
Ayton, Mariota of
Styled daughter of Maurice of Ayton and wife of John of 'Jeddwere'. (See 2862)
Printed R.N.D. app. 49, no. 220.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' . MARIOTE DE AITVN
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 899
GB Seal no.2751 n.d.
Ayton, Sybil
Styled daughter of Maurice of Eyton
R.N.D. app. 47, no. 210.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a floriated device.
Inscription: ✠ S' SIBILIE DE AITVN
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 894, 900, 912
GB Seal no.2752 n.d.
Ayton, Stephen of
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a floriated device.
Inscription: ✠
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1037
GB Seal no.2753 n.d.
Ayton, Waldeve of
R.N.D. app. 49, no. 225; M.A.S. no. 58.
Size: -
Seal design: Oval, imperfect, armorial, an eagle displayed.
Inscription: Legend destroyed.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 904
GB Seal no.2754 n.d.
Ayton, William of
The same seal as no. 63, p. 13, A.S.S. II.
Size: -
Seal design: Very imperfect and undecipherable.
Inscription: ... ELMI D...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1128
BGB Seal no.2755 n.d.
Baddeby, Simon of
He was coroner circa 1261 (R.N.D. app. 74, no. 399). There were various persons of this name connected with Coldingham. John of 'Baddeby' held land at Flemington of the prior; Nicholas of 'Badby' held under the prior at Oldcambus. William of
'Baddeby' was constable of Berwick 1261 (
Priory of Coldingham passim, SS 12). Sir Peter of Mordington granted him lands in Lamberton (c.1270); see facsimile of charter, B.N.C., 1896-98; p. 334.
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the Annunciation.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1128
GB Seal no.2756 1434
Bell, Adam
R.N.D. app. 63, no. 327. This seal is no. 89, p. 17, A.S.S. II.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron charged with a molet, between three birds.
Inscription: ✠ s' ✠ ✠ adam ✠ ✠ belle ✠
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 989
Digitised version GB Seal no.2757 1427
Bell, Robert
A.S.S. II, p. 17, no. 87; M.A.S. 146.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial a chevron between three molets.
Inscription: S ROBERT · BEL
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1268
Digitised version GB Seal no.2758 1430
Bell, Robert
A.S.S. II, p. 17, no. 88; M.A.S. 147.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three bells.
Inscription: s

roberti bele
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1058
Digitised version GB Seal no.2759 n.d.
Beniston, Bertram of
Styled a monk of Coldingham
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1131
GB Seal no.2760 n.d.
Styled clerk of the bishop
Size: 51 x 35 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a lion walking.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1226
GB Seal no.2761 1285
Billingham, William of
A.S.S. II, p. 18, no. 93.
Size: 25 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a key, three dots on each side of it.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1198
GB Seal no.2762 1296
Billingham, William of
R.N.D. p. 59, no. 301.
Size: 35 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6798, 6799
GB Seal no.2763 1288
Biset, Baldred
Styled 'Baldrd Bysiht' official of St Andrews (see also 2763A and 3004)
A.S.S. II, p. 18, no. 98. The family of Biset were lords of the manor of Upsetlington (Ladykirk) in 11th and 12th centuries, B.N.C. 1890-91, p. 370.
Size: 22 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Shield shaped, a fleur-de-lys, a cinquefoil on each side. Beneath it the letter B lying on its back.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL ...LDRIDI BISET
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3543
Digitised version GB Seal no.2763A 1291-1293
Biset, Baldred
Styled rector of the church of Kinghorn (see also 3004)
Size: 29 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval, Our Lord in Glory, seated under a canopy and blessing. Around him the evangelistic symbols. Beneath Baldred prays.
Inscription: S' BA...E BYSET
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3987, 4028a
GB Seal no.2764 1326
Blackburn, William of
No. 1 the seal of William, son of Patrick of Blakeburn; nos 2 and 3 used by Eda, his wife, and Christina, his daughter. R.N.D. p.77, no. 424.
Size: 1.19 mm.Size: 2.19 mm.Size: 3.19 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, undecipherable.2. Round, a dove with an olive branch in its mouth.3. Round, a dove with an olive branch in its mouth.
Inscription: 1. ✠ S' WILL... DE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1231
GB Seal no.2765 n.d.
Bois, Walter del
Charter no. 727 printed R.N.D. p. 39, no. 166; Charter no. 12 printed ibid. p. 40, no. 167. A.S.S. II, p. 20, no. 109.
Size: 44 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys. cf 301.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 727; 1.1.Sacr.12
GB Seal no.2766 1299
Bonkil, Alexander of
Now Bunkle in Berwickshire. He was Lord of Bonkil and of Uvedale in Cumberland. Margaret, his daughter and heiress, married Sir John Stewart (note 10) (P.S. I, p. 64). The shield of arms is blasoned sable three buckles gold (N.H. I, 402). He was
dead before 27 April, 1300, when an inquisition on his lands in Cumberland was held at Carlisle (C.D.S. II, 1135). His wife was Christina (ibid. 1139). M.A.S. 197.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three buckles. cf 306.
Inscription: S ... ANDRI DE BONK..
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6589
GB Seal no.2767 n.d.
Bonkil, Randolf of
R.N.D. app. 40, p. 168; A.S.S. II, p. 21, no. 119. He lived temp. John and Henry III. In 1212 he was excused from an assize in Cumberland because he was with the King of Scotland (C.D.S. I, 542). In 1216 his manor of Uvedale was seized by the
King and restored 1217-18 (C.D.S. I, 643, 693).
Size: 44 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight in mail hauberk and surcoat, helmet with nasal and mail coif, and bearing a sword and kite-shaped shield.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 720, 721
Digitised version GB Seal no.2768 1331
Bonkil, Walter of
Used by John Pysre, son of Walter of 'Bonkylle' burgess of Berwick-upon-Tweed. R.N.D. app. 78, no. 433; M.A.S. 198.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, two keys, back to back, in base a molet.
Inscription: ✠ S' WALTERI F' WILLELMI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1039
Digitised version
2769: was Bowmaker, Ralph of: see 2953
GB Seal no.2770 n.d.
Brewer, Haldane
R.N.D. app. 56, no. 269.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a beer(?) jug with handles.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL HALDANI BRAC .
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1044
GB Seal no.2771 1285
Brechin, John
A.S.S. II, p. 23, no. 132.
Size: 25 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fish with hook below it.
Inscription: ✶ S' IOHIS BRICVN
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1198
GB Seal no.2772 n.d.
Burnvill, Robert of
Used by Ralph, son of Elwald. R.N.D. app. 55, no. 264. He states that because he has no seal ('sigillum non habui') he has caused to be appended the seals of the prior (Simon) and of the sheriff, Robert of Burnvill. Simon was prior of Coldingham
c.1190 (SS 12, p. XVI).
Size: 44 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight in mail hauberk, sword in hand and shield on left arm (very indistinct).
Inscription: Legend destroyed.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 965
CGB Seal no.2773 1246
Candela, Alanus de
He is styled 'Alanus de Candela'. R.N.D. app. 71, no. 379.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a candle.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 947
GB Seal no.2774 n.d.
Cantor, Eda
Styled Eda, daughter of Adam, son of Gospatrick of Little Ryston
R.N.D. app. 74, no. 399. William of Baddeby, then constable of Berwick, is among the witnesses. He was constable in 1261 (SS 12, p. I). He also held the office in 1258 (R.N.D. app. 48, no. 215).
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILLVM : ADE CANTOR
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 918, 919
GB Seal no.2775 1253
Cantor, William
Styled William, son of Cantor of Berwick
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a floriated device.
Inscription: ✠ S' WILELMI CANTVR
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 945a, 945b
GB Seal no.2776 1254-1258
Chauncun, Elias
R.N.D. app. 48, nos 214 and 215.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, crescent enclosing a star.
Inscription: ✠ S' HELIE:CHAVNSVN
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 895, 896
GB Seal no.2777 1279
Camera, Adam de
Styled 'Adam de Camera'
R.N.D. app. 50, no. 229. William of Baddeby was then seneschal of Coldingham (1279).
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a crescent.
Inscription: ✠ S' ADE FIL GREGOR'
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 907
GB Seal no.2778 1429-1434
Chirnside, John of
See R.N.D. app. 110, nos 638, 639, and M.A.S. 418. The blason of the shield of arms is given in Papworth's
British Armorials as silver three moors' heads sable; he gives no reference. Chirnside is in Berwickshire about eight miles west of Berwick.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three moor's heads raised a molet in dexter chief.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 888, 943, 989, 1058, 1145, 1437, 6803
GB Seal no.2779 n.d.
Chirnside, Mariota of
See no. 2962 for her son's seal. R.N.D. app. 71, no. 378. Where she is styled 'Mariota de Chinoreside', late wife of Richard of Renington.
Size: 35 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a tree.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5980
Digitised version GB Seal no.2780 1433
Chisholm, Muriel
Styled 'Muriella de Cheshelme', daughter and heiress of the late 'Johis de Cheshelm'. 'Alex. de Suthyrlan de Duflroies' is named her husband (see 2995)
R.N.D. app. 68, no. 361; A.S.S. II, p. 36, no. 208; M.A.S. 422. The blason of the dexter shield of arms is gules three crosses crosslet fitchy gold in chief three molets gold a shield composed of the crosses of Cheyne and the molets of
Sutherland. Nicol Sutherland of Torboll, second son of Kenneth, Earl of Sutherland, married the heiress of Cheyne of Duffus. The sinister shield is that of Chisholm brought to Sutherland of Duffus by the marriage with this lady. The blason is azure
a boar's head raised gold. These two shields were afterwards formed into one as used by the lords Duffus, gules a boar's head raised between three molets and three crosses crosslet gold. Later they were borne quarterly I and IV Sutherland, II
Cheyne, III Chisholm (N.H. I, 254 and II, 19).
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three crosses crosslet fitchy in chief three molets, impaling a boar's head raised.
Inscription: s' murielle de ✠✠✠ cheshelme
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1108
Digitised version GB Seal no.2781 n.d.
Cissor, Augustine
R.N.D. app. 76, no. 416.
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a pelican in her piety.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1147, 1257
GB Seal no.2782 n.d.
Cissor, Richard
He is styled son of Henry Cissor of Durham, Bertram of Reston is styled his Lord
Size: 44 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1299, 1258
GB Seal no.2783 1326
Cogane, Anabilla
R.N.D. app. 58, no. 287.
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a pair of shears.
Inscription: S' ANABILE CO...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 920
GB Seal no.2784 1326
Coldingham, Adam of
Styled Adam, son of Thomas Stut of Coldingham, chaplain
R.N.D. app. 59, no. 303, and ibid., p. 77, no. 421. A.S.S. II, p. 38, no. 218.
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady standing with the Christ Child in her arms. Adam, kneeling, prays to them.
Inscription: ✶ S' ADE D' COLDINGH' CAPL'
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5939, 5951
Digitised version GB Seal no.2785 n.d.
Coldingham, Adam, son of Philip of
Styled son of Philip of Coldingham
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, seven stars.
Inscription: ✠ S' ADE FILII FILIPI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1022
GB Seal no.2786 n.d.
Coldingham, Christiana of
Styled Christiana, late wife of Constantine of Coldingham
R.N.D. app. 61, no. 311.
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5941
Digitised version GB Seal no.2787 n.d.
Coldingham, Christiana of
Used by Christiana, wife of Patrick, son of Thomas, and formerly wife of Constantine (see 2786). R.N.D. app. 61, no. 312.
Size: 35 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an eagle with raised wings.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 926
GB Seal no.2788 n.d.
Coldingham, Mabel, daughter of Constantine of
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL ..ILIE CON..FILIE...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1249
GB Seal no.2789 n.d.
Coldingham, Mabel, daughter of Constantine of
R.N.D. app. 61, no. 314.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' MA...E FILIE CONSTANTIN
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 916, 929
2789A: Coldingham, William of: see 7.
GB Seal no.2790 n.d.
Coleman, Peter
Styled son of Patrick Coleman of 'Raynigton' (see 2964)
R.N.D. app. 70, no. 376.
Size: 41 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' PETR' · FIL:PATR' DE RAYNGT
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5976
GB Seal no.2791 n.d.
Cook, Bertram, son of Robert the
R.N.D. app. 71, no. 380.
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a crescent above it a star.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 935, 5973, 5981
GB Seal no.2792 1426
Cranston, William of
This seal is affixed to the label inscribed 'pro Willelmo de Aldyneraw'. R.N.D. app. 108, no. 622; M.A.S. 522. The blason of the shield of arms is gules three cranes silver. On 9 November 1450, he had warrant of safe conduct abroad with William,
Earl of Douglas (C.D.S. IV, 1229). In 1451 he was one of the conservators of the truce then made between England and Scotland (ibid., 1239).
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three cranes.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1057
Digitised version GB Seal no.2793 1426
Crook, William of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three crooks.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1057
GB Seal no.2794 n.d.
Cumin, John
R.N.D. app. 42, no. 176; M.A.S. 588. He was Sir John Cumin of Kilbride, son of Sir William and nephew of Walter, Earl of Menteith (P.S. I, 161; A.S.S. II, p. 44, no. 257). The blason is gules three sheaves of cummin gold (N.H. I, 367). (See also
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three sheaves (of cummin).
Inscription: ✠ S' DOMINI . IO...IS CVMIN
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Sacr.15
Digitised version GB Seal no.2795 n.d.
Cumin, William
R.N.D. app. 42, no. 175; A.S.S. II, p. 44, no. 256; P.S. I, 161; see also no. 749.
Size: -
Seal design: Round, imperfect, equestrian, knight with sword and shield.
Inscription: Legend destroyed.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Sacr.8
DGB Seal no.2796 1406
Douglas, Archibald, Earl of
R.N.D. app. 34, no. 148; A.S.S. I, p. 46, no. 245; M.A.S. 667. The seal is that of Archibald fourth Earl of Douglas, Lord of Galloway, and first Duke of Touraine (P.S. I, p. 426). The blason of the shield of arms is I and IV azure a human heart
gules on a chief azure three molets silver (Douglas), II and III azure a lion rampant silver crowned gold (Galloway), so blasoned in Jenyn's Ordinary for 'Alaine Sire de Galaway'. (For account of Douglas Arms see
Heraldry in Relation to Scottish History and Art , by Sir Jas. Balfour Paul, p. 70 and passim; and
The House of Douglas by Maxwell).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, quarterly, I and IV, a human heart on a chief three molets, II and III, a lion rampant crowned. Supporters: two savage men with foliage behind them.
Inscription: ✠ sigillum





et dni

Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 782
Digitised version GB Seal no.2797 1413-1414
Douglas, Archibald, Earl of
R.N.D. app. 35, no. 149; A.S.S. I, p. 45, no. 242; M.A.S. 668. A later seal of Archibald, fourth Earl of Douglas. The blason is I Douglas as before, II Galloway as before, III azure three molets silver for Murray of Bothwell (this Earl's mother
was Jean, daughter and heiress of Thomas Murray, Lord of Bothwell), IV silver a saltire and a chief gules for the lordship of Annandale.
Size: 49 mm.
Seal design: Round, a savage man holding a club upright in his right hand from which is suspended a shield of arms, quarterly, I, a human heart on a chief three molets; II, a lion rampant crowned; III, three molets; IV, a
saltire and a chief. In his left hand the savage man holds a full faced helmet which is surmounted by the crest of a bush of feathers. Above and below the shield and above the helmet is a monogram MAR (Maria).
Inscription: s archebaldi · comitis · de · douglas domini galwydie · t · ballis · anandie
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 783, 784
Digitised version GB Seal no.2798 1344
Douglas, William of
Lord of Dalkeith and Liddesdale and eldest son of Sir James Douglas 'de Laudon'. His descendents were earls of Morton. The blason of the shield is silver on a chief gules two molets silver. The crest is a boar between two clefts of an oak tree.
The seal of his father, Sir James Douglas of Dalkeith, is no. 262, p. 49, A.S.S. I. See N.H. I, 76; P.S.II, p. 264; and M.A.S. 724. The earliest armorial Douglas seal appears to be that attached to a deed among the Selby charters calendared in
The Genealogist , vol. VIII, n.s., p. 21. The date of the charter is c.1280, the seal is therefore that of William Douglas, Lord of Douglas, named 'le Hardi'. It bears on a heater shaped shield a man's head couped at
the neck and either bare-headed or else wearing a close fitting cap. ✠ S' WILL'I DE DVGLAS. For note on the charges in chief see
Complete Peerage by G.E.C., ed Vicary Gibbs, IV, p. 433, note d. See also Cal. Doc. Scot.
II, no. 909.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a chief two molets. The shield is couchée and is supported by two savage men and surmounted by a helmet upon which is a crest of a boar with a tree behind him.
Inscription: ...IGILLV . WILELMI · DE · DOV...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3435
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.2799 1427
Douglas, William
Styled Earl of Angus, Lord of Liddesdale
R.N.D. app. 35, no. 152, and app. 98, no. 559. A.S.S. II, no. 284; M.A.S. 679. The seal of William, second Earl of Angus (P.S. I, 433). The blason is I and IV Galloway (?) as before; II and III Douglas as before. The shield borne in pretence I
cannot explain satisfactorily.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a shield of arms, quarterly, I and IV, a lion rampant; II and III, a human heart on a chief three molets. On an escucheon of pretence a bend charged with three molets.
Inscription: s wilelmi de douglas
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 795, 1168, 1230
Digitised version GB Seal no.2800 1429
Douglas, William
R.N.D. app. 36, no. 154; A.S.S. II, p. 49, no. 285; M.A.S. 680. Same man as no. 2799.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a shield of arms, quarterly, I and IV, a lion rampant; II and III, a human heart on a chief three molets. On an escutcheon of pretence a bend charged with three molets. In base a cross
Inscription: s wilelmi douglas comitis de angus
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 796
Digitised version GB Seal no.2801 n.d.
Dreng, Patrick
R.N.D. app. 71, no. 382; A.S.S. II, p. 51, no. 297.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eagle, seated on a branch with wings spread and head turned back.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 597
Digitised version GB Seal no.2802 n.d.
Dunbar, Gospatrick, Earl of.
Styled brother of Dolfin
R.N.D. app. 25, no. 111; A.S.S. II, p. 52, no. 306. The seal of Gospatric II. This charter is reproduced in facsimilie, N.C.H. VII, pl. facing p.40. See also ibid., p. 35 et seq., and pedigree of the 'House of Gospatrick', ibid., p. 104.
Size: 44 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight in mail hauberk, spear over right shoulder (imperfect and indistinct).
Inscription: ...LLV ...TRIS DO
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 778
GB Seal no.2803 n.d.
Dunbar, Gospatrick Earl of.
Styled the Earl (comes), brother of Dolfin
R.N.D. app. 25, no. 112 (777), ibid. app. 26, no. 113 (779); A.S.S. II, p. 53, nos 307, 308. The seal and secretum are engraved N.C.H. VII, pl. facing p. 40, nos 2 and 3. See also ibid., p. 43 et seq., and pedigree as note 59.
Size: 51 mm.Size: Secretum: 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian knight in conical helmet carrying sword and bearing a kite shaped shield with central boss and border.Secretum: oval, antique gem, a figure milking a goat.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 777, 779
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.2804 n.d.
Dunbar, Patrick, Earl of.
Styled Patrick, Earl of Dunbar, son of Waldeve
R.N.D. app. 26, 27. This is the first seal of Patrick I, Earl of Dunbar. His second seal is no. 2805, N.C.H. VII, p. 47 et seq, and for seal ibid., p. 55, and M.A.S. 778. See also
The Complete Peerage by G.E.C., ed. V. Gibbs, IV, p.503 et seq.
Size: 67 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight in trellised hauberk, circular helmet with nasal, bearing a sword with incised blade and a shield of arms charged with a lion rampant.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILLV COMI .. PATRIC ...VMBAR
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 763, 764, 766
Digitised version GB Seal no.2805 n.d.
Dunbar, Patrick, Earl of
The second seal of Patrick I, Earl of Dunbar, N.C.H. VII, p. 55. It is engraved no. 5 pl. facing p. 56 ibid. See also A.S.S. p. 53, no. 283 and M.A.S. 779.
Size: 1. 70 mm.Size: Secretum: 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, equestrian, knight in trellised hauberk and hood, circular helmet with nasal, bearing in right hand a sword with incised blade and a shield of arms charged with a lion rampant, suspended round his neck
by the strap.Secretum: oval, antique gem, a female head.
Seal attached to document reference: 1. Misc.Ch. 743, 744, 765, 767
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.2806 1231
Dunbar, Patrick, son of Patrick, Earl of
R.N.D. app. 28, 29; A.S.S. II, p. 54, no. 311. The seal he uses in the lifetime of his father Patrick I (nos. 2804, 2805), N.C.H. VII, 63. Engraved ibid., no. 8, pl. facing p. 56, M.A.S. 780.
Size: 54 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight in mail hauberk and cylindrical helmet, carrying sword in right hand and on his left arm a plain shield (not charged).
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 733, 734x, 735, 736, 739, 741, 742
Digitised version GB Seal no.2807 n.d.
Dunbar, Patrick, Earl of.
Styled Patrick the Earl, son of Patrick the Earl
No. 1, the horse gallops to the dexter, its trappings are not blasoned. R.N.D. app. 31; A.S.S. I, p. 53, no. 284; N.C.H. VII, 63. Engraved ibid., no. 9, pl. facing p. 56. In this seal the horse gallops to the dexter, which is most unusual. It may
have been so engraved to distinguish this seal from the one he used during the lifetime of his father. The lion is very roughly drawn and is cramped into the dexter side of the shield probably so that it could be better seen. The shield of arms is
blasoned for him in Walford's roll of Henry III, 'Le Countee Patrick, gules un leon rampant d'argent'.
Size: 1. 67 mm.Size: Secretum:22 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, equestrian, knight in mail and surcoat, cylindrical helmet from which two small flags issue, carrying sword in right hand and on his left arm a shield of arms charged with a lion rampant.Secretum: round, antique gem, a warrior.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 745, 746
Digitised version GB Seal no.2808 n.d.
Dunbar, Patrick, Earl of
R.N.D. app. 31, 32; A.S.S. I, nos 286, 287. The first seal of Patrick III, Earl of Dunbar. N.C.H. VII, p. 68. Engraved ibid., no. 10, pl. facing p. 72. Also engraved Liber de Melros, pl. XIII, no. 3. M.A.S. 782, 783.
Size: 1. 70 mm.Size: Secretum: 29 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, equestrian, knight in mail and surcoat, cylindrical helmet with a crescent enclosing a cross above it, carrying sword and a shield of arms charged with a lion rampant.Secretum: round, armorial, a lion rampant.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 772, 773
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.2809 1279
Dunbar, Patrick, Earl of
The second seal of Patrick III, Earl of Dunbar. A.S.S. I, p. 54, no. 289; N.C.H. VII, p. 68. Engraved ibid., no. 11, pl. facing p. 72. M.A.S. 784.
Size: 57 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight in mail and surcoat, cylindrical helmet with crescent above it, sword in right hand and a shield of arms charged with a lion rampant on his left arm and suspended round his neck by the
strap. The horse trappings are checky.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 774, 775
Digitised version GB Seal no.2810 1261
Dunbar, Patrick, Earl of
R.N.D. app. 101, no. 580; A.S.S. II, p. 55, no. 314; M.A.S. 785.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a lion rampant within an orle of cinquefoils.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 661, 776
Digitised version GB Seal no.2811 1331
Dunbar, Patrick of
Styled Patrick of Dunbar, son of the Lord Alexander, son of the Earl of Dunbar
R.N.D. app. 78, no. 433. He was grandson of Patrick III, Earl of Dunbar, and died in the isle of Candy in 1356. N.C.H. VII; pedigree p. 104.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, antique gem, undecipherable.
Inscription: ... PA...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1038
GB Seal no.2812 n.d.
Dunbar, Waldeve, Earl of.
Styled Waldeve the Earl, son of Gospatrick the Earl
R.N.D. app. 26, no. 115; A.S.S. II, p. 54, no. 310; N.C.H. VII, 46. Charter and seal engraved ibid., pl. facing p. 48. The D in Walgdevi is reversed in the legend. See also 2771 in this index.
Size: 70 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight in trellised mail and conical helmet with nasal, carrying sword and a shield with border and central boss.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 788
Digitised version GB Seal no.2813 n.d.
Dunbar, William, son of Patrick, Earl of
R.N.D. app. 30, nos. 133, 134; A.S.S. II p. 54, nos. 312, 313. He was the second son of Patrick I, Earl of Dunbar, and died 1253. N.C.H. VII, p. 54, and note 4, ibid. The seal and secretum are engraved ibid., nos. 6 and 7, pl. facing p. 56.
Size: 1. 41 mm.Size: Secretum: 29 x 25 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, a lion fighting a dragon.Secretum: oval, antique gem, a horseman riding over a prostrate figure.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 785, 786
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.2814 1367
Dunbar, Patrick (Earl of March)
R.N.D. app. 33, no. 142; M.A.S. 791, 792; A.S.S. II, p. 55, nos. 315, 316. The seal of Patrick V, Earl of Dunbar and March; 1309-68. N.C.H. VII, 92 et seq., and pedigree, ibid., p. 104. The seal and its reverse are engraved A.S.S. II,
frontispiece, and N.C.H. VII, pl. facing p. 72, nos. 13 and 14. The shield of arms is blasoned for him in roll Ed. III (Coll. Top. et Gen. II, 320). 'Le conte Patrik de Dunbarre porte de goules a un leon rampant de argent ove la bordure d'argent
poudre de roses'. This shield first appears for his father (Patrick IV) in the roll of the battle of Falkirk (1298) 'Le Counte Patrick (de Dunbar, conte de la Marche) porte de gulez ou ung leon d'argent on le bordure d'argent de roses'. In the poem
of the siege of Caerlaverock, at which siege both he and his father were present, the arms are described:
'Cele au Conte de Laonis
Rouge o un blane lyoun conois
E blanche en estoit le ourleure
A roses de l'enchampeure
Patrik de
Dunbar, fiz le Conte
Ne la portoit par nul aconte
Fors de une label de inde diverse'.
The Earl of Lothian bore red with a white lion and the border was white with roses of the field on it, Patrick of Dunbar, son of the Count, bore the
shield different in no way except for a blue label. The roses are possibly 'fraises' from the shield of Fraser; his mother being Cecily, a daughter of the house of Fraser. He is the first of his race to be called earl of March (see
Complete Peerage , ut supra, IV, p. 506).
Size: 63 mm.
Seal design: Obverse: round, equestrian, knight in mail and surcoat, visored tilting helm with crest of a horse's head, sword in right hand, and on his left arm a small heater shaped shield of arms charged with a lion
rampant, within a border charged with roses. The same charges appear on his surcoat and on the horse trappings.
Reverse: round, within a circular panel of six cuspings, a shield of arms bearing a lion rampant within a border charged with eleven
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 792
Digitised versionDigitised version EGB Seal no.2815 n.d.
Eccles, John of
Size: 17 mm.
Seal design: Round, an animal.
Inscription: ✠ S' IOH... CLIS
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1128
GB Seal no.2816 1178
Edgar son of Gospatrick
A.S.S. II, p. 54, no. 309. He was the second son of Earl Gospatrick II, N.C.H. VII, 43, and pedigree, ibid., 104. The charter is printed ibid., 144, note 1.
Size: 63 mm.
Seal design: Round, a dragon.Secretum: mark of an impression but no device. On the upper edge of reverse is the small impression of a gem, Cupid and flowers.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Spec.1
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.2817 n.d.
Edgar, Patrick, son of
He was son of Edgar (no. 2816), and living at Caistron in 1185. N.C.H. VII, pedigree, p. 104. This charter is printed ibid., 145, note. Seal is engraved ibid., pl. facing p. 96. A.S.S. II, p. 133, no. 808.
Size: 63 mm.
Seal design: Round, a wyvern.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILLV ...CII FIL ..GARI
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Spec.2
Digitised version GB Seal no.2818 n.d.
Edington, Adam of
R.N.D. app. 60, no. 308; A.S.S. II, p. 57, no. 331. Edington is on the Whitadder a few miles west of Berwick.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a chief ...(?)
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL · ADE · DE · EDINGTVIN
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1042
GB Seal no.2819 1430-1434
Edington, Richard of
R.N.D. app. 63, no. 327; A.S.S. II, p. 57, no. 333; M.A.S. 842.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron between three birds.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 888, 989, 1058
Digitised version GB Seal no.2820 1441
Edward, George
R.N.D. app. 50, no. 231; A.S.S. II, p. 58, no. 334.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron between two molets in chief and an oak leaf and buckle in base. A voided cinquefoil on the chevron.
Inscription: s georgii edwardi
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 879
Digitised version GB Seal no.2821 1444-1458
Eicht, Robert 109, nos. 633, 637; A.S.S. II, p. 58, no. 336; M.A.S. 844.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a chief two voided cinquefoils.
Inscription: s roberti eicht
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 708, 1172, 1274, 1274x
Digitised version GB Seal no.2822 1357
Ellon, Robert of
R.N.D. app. 102, no. 589; A.S.S. II, p. 58, no. 337; M.A.S.847
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a lion rampant over all a bend, a molet in sinister chief.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 659
Digitised version GB Seal no.2823 n.d.
Elwald, Ralph, son of
R.N.D. app. 55, no. 265.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a floriated cross-like device.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 853, 854
GB Seal no.2824 n.d.
Esseby, Clarebaldus de
R.N.D. app. 37, no. 158.
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ...LL CLARE...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 731
FGB Seal no.2825 n.d.
Faber, Elias
R.N.D. app. 62, no. 323.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a hammer and a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL HELIE FILII ...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1012
Digitised version GB Seal no.2826 1326
Fausyde, Roger of
Appended to a charter of Anabilla Cogane (see 2783), she says that her own seal not being known she uses that of Roger of Fausyde. Fausyde - In East Lothian. Roger had a grant of the lands of Fauside from Robert the Bruce (N.H. I, 218). A seal of
Nicholas of Fauside bears the device of a tree with four branches (C.D.S. II, app. III, i, no. 2). The blason of this shield of arms is unknown. M.A.S. 909.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial a swan within a border engrailed.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 885
Digitised version GB Seal no.2827 1426
Forman (or Norman?), Adam
R.N.D. app. 110, no. 638; M.A.S. 954. The blason of the shield of arms is unknown.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron between three fish paleways.
Inscription: S' ADE NORMAN
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6809
GB Seal no.2828 n.d.
Fraunceys, Adam
R.N.D. app. 56, no. 271. Adam Frauncey, one of the sureties. He held land of the prior of Coldingham in Ayton (S.S. 12, p. 241).
Size: 19 x 13 mm.
Seal design: Pear shaped, a hand blessing.
Inscription: ✠ DEVM · TIME ·
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5935
GB Seal no.2829 n.d.
Fraunceys, Margaret
Styled widow, daughter of Adam Fraunceys
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' MERGRETE SICLIN
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5940
GB Seal no.2830 n.d.
Fraunceys, Richard
Styled Richard, called Frauncays of Upper Ayton
R.N.D. app. 50, no. 227; A.S.S. II, p. 65, no. 385. In the 'Rentale Antiquum' of the priors of Coldingham he held six bovates of land in Upper Ayton value 40s per year (S.S. 12, p. xc).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion rampant, within a quatrefoil.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1118, 1128
GB Seal no.2831 1295
Fraser, William
A.S.S. II, p. 66, no. 387, where this seal is engraved; M.A.S. 996. He is styled in this charter chamberlain ('camerarius'); of the Lord W. Bishop of St Andrew's, that is William Fraser, bishop of the See 1279 to 1298, of whom he was doubtless a
kinsman. The bishop bore on his shield of arms six fraises (see seal in this catalogue post). On his homage deed 1296, he is styled son of the late Sir Alexander Fraser (C.D.S. II, 760). This seal is an interesting and curious method of differencing
and is armorial in its conception though lacking the shield. The blason of the Frasers canting shield was azure three 'fraises' silver (N.H. I, 379).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a label of three points, each charged with two fraises.
Inscription: ✠ S' WILELMI FRASER
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5035
Digitised version GB Seal no.2832 n.d.
Frebern, Solomon
Styled of Lamberton
R.N.D. app. 67, no. 351.
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an eagle with wings spread.
Inscription: ✠ S' SALAMOIS ...ADE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1149
GB Seal no.2833 n.d.
Frebern, Walter
R.N.D. app. 67, no. 352.
Size: -
Seal design: Fragment only, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ SIL...N
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1155
GGB Seal no.2834 n.d.
Gaune, Robert
Styled Robert, called the almoner ('dictus elemosinarius') of Coldingham
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a bird.
Inscription: · ROB · GAVNE ·
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1023
GB Seal no.2835 n.d.
Gerard, Elias, son of
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 926
GB Seal no.2836 n.d.
Gocelin, Laurence
Styled Lawrence, son of William, son of Gocelin of 'Berewic'
R.N.D. app. 70, no. 372; A.S.S. II, p. 71, no. 419
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a crescent with a star above it.
Inscription: ✠ S' LAVRENCI GOSELIN
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5966, 5967
GB Seal no.2837 n.d.
Golin, John
Styled son of John of 'Steveniston' (see 2994)
R.N.D. app. 78, no. 427; A.S.S. II, p. 71 no. 420.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a crescent above it a large star.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1027, 1028, 1033, 1034, 1035
Digitised version GB Seal no.2838 n.d.
Golin, William of
R.N.D. app. 67, no. 355.
Size: 29 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a helmeted head.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 835
GB Seal no.2839 1431
Graham, George
Styled George 'Gram'
R.N.D. app. 110, no. 639; M.A.S. 1132. The Graham arms are blasoned silver on a chief sable three escallops gold. The shield of arms on this seal is differenced by the fess checky possibly azure and silver for Stewart of Strathern. A.S.S. II, p.
75, no. 443, where the legend is wrong.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a fess checky on a chief three escallops(?)
Inscription: a georgii le grahame
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 888
Digitised version GB Seal no.2840 1439
Gray, Robert
R.N.D. app. 63, no. 328; A.S.S. II, p. 76, no. 455; M.A.S. 1160. This seal is appended to a resignation by John Hale of Leith, who states that, because he has no seal at present he has procured that of the honourable man ('honorabilis viri'),
Robert Gray of Leith, master of the mint (?) ('magister monetae'), and burgess of Edinburgh, which he has placed on this charter. The blason is unknown.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a bend a molet. The shield is couchée and is surmounted by a helmet with crest of a boar's head.
Inscription: sigillum roberti gray (on a scroll)
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1045
Digitised version GB Seal no.2841 n.d.
Gunilda, John son of.
Styled John, son of Gunilda, daughter of 'Aelwoldi et Aeldrithae'
R.N.D. app. 61, no. 319. Temp. Arnold the prior, (c.1200) who is among the sureties.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL IOHIS FI...VNILD
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1040
HGB Seal no.2842 1304
Haliman, Robert
A.S.S. II, p. 9, no. 36; M.A.S. 1194. The blason is unknown.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three piles surmounted by a bend. Above the shield is a star, a cinquefoil and a crescent. At each side are two molets.
Inscription: ✠ S' ROBERTI HALIMAN
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1170
Digitised version GB Seal no.2843 1274
Hatteley, William of
Styled son of Robert of Hatteley
See R.N.C. 1894-96, p. 122.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a bird flying.
Inscription: ✠ S' WILELMI D HATLEY
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1100
GB Seal no.2844 n.d.
Hatteley, Robert of
Styled 'Robertus de Hatteleye'
R.N.D. app. 65, no. 342; A.S.S. II, p. 80, no. 476. In 1296 Alexander of Hateleye, seals with a boar's head erect (C.D.S. II, app. III, no. 104).
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a bird standing with wings spread.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1101
GB Seal no.2845 1366
Hepburn, Patrick
Styled the Lord Patrick of 'Hepborne', knight
R.N.D. app. 70, no. 374; A.S.S. I, p. 75, no. 427; M.A.S. 1307. The shield is differenced from that of Hepburn, Lords of Hales (in East Lothian), by the engrailed border. For blason see next.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a shield of arms, within an ornate quatrefoiled panel, charged with a chevron within a border engrailed, a rose between two lions rampant, facing each other, on the chevron.
Inscription: ...RICII X DE H..BOR...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1279
GB Seal no.2846 1450
Hepburn, Patrick
Styled Lord of Hales
R.N.D. app. 63, no. 329; A.S.S. II, p. 83, no. 491; M.A.S. 1308. The blason is gules on a chevron silver a rose between two lions rampant, facing each other. The suggestion of Nisbet (N.H. I, 153) that this shield is derived from that of the
Earls of Dunbar seems highly probable. If so it is a very interesting mode of differencing arms of feudal derivation. This shield with a crosier behind is carved on the walls of St Leonard's college, St Andrew's, being that of its co-founder, John
Hepburn, prior of St Andrew's, 1482-1522.
Size: 37 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial on a chevron a rose between two lions rampant, facing each other. The shield is couchée and is surmounted by a helmet upon which is the crest of a camel's head (?) with bridle, collar and bells.
Supporters: two lions rampant.
Inscription: s patricii hepburn dni de halis (on a label)
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 988
Digitised version GB Seal no.2847 n.d.
Hopper, John
Used by John Hopper. R.N.D. app. 57, no. 283.
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a plant with leaves and flowers.
Inscription: ✶ S' IOHIS LE SPENSER
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1046
GB Seal no.2848 1290
Hopper, Patrick
Styled son of Robert (no. 2849)
R.N.D. app. 58, nos. 284, 286.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star.
Inscription: ✠ S' PATRICI HOPPER
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 914, 915, 932
GB Seal no.2849 1291
Hopper, Robert
R.N.D. app. 58, no. 286.
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a crescent with a star above it.
Inscription: ✠ S' ROB' HOPPER
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 914, 915
GB Seal no.2850 1442
Home, Alexander
Styled 'of that ilk', knight
R.N.D. app. 99; A.S.S. II, p. 85, no. 507; M.A.S. 1374. The shield of arms is that of Sir Alexander Home, of Home, who died 1456 (P.S. I, p. 732). It is blasoned I and IV vert a lion rampant silver (Home), II and III silver three popinjays
(Pepdie). The shield of Home is derived from that of the Earls of Dunbar, the green of the field being supposed to refer to their lordship of Greenlaw. The family of Home is derived from Patrick, Lord of Greenlaw, second son of Gospatrick III, Earl
of Lothian (N.C.H. VII, pedigree facing p. 104). The II and III quarters came by the marriage of Sir Thomas Home, grandfather of this Alexander, with Nicola, the heiress of the Pepdies (or Papedy), lords of the barony of Dunglass, they are probably
canting in their origin. See also B.N.C. 1876-78, p. 480 et seq., and for Dungalls ibid., p. 410, and N.H. I, 349; M.A.S. 1369.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, quarterly, I and IV, a lion rampant; II and III, three popinjays. The shield is couchée and is surmounted by a helmet upon which is the crest of a fawn's(?) head. The field of the seal is
Inscription: s 0 alexandri de 0 home
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 655, 657, 658, 660, 1103, 1145, 6803
Digitised version GB Seal no.2851 1424-1426
Home, David
Styled 'David de Hume de Wetherburne'
R.N.D. app. 104, no. 596; A.S.S. II, p. 85, no. 505; M.A.S. 1369. He was the second son of Sir Thomas Home, of Home, and his wife, Nicola Pepdie, and ancestor of the Homes of Wedderburne (near Duns, Berwickshire), which barony he received by
grant from Archibald, Earl of Douglas (1413) (P.S. II, 173). The blason is vert a lion rampant silver.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a lion rampant.
Inscription: S' DAVID DE HOME
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 876, 1057
Digitised version GB Seal no.2852 n.d.
Home, David
R.N.D. app. 99, no. 506; A.S.S. II, p. 85, no. 504. This seal is used by 'Alexander de Home scutifer'. It is a slightly different seal from the preceding one.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a lion rampant.
Inscription: S · DAVID DE HOME:
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1233
Digitised version GB Seal no.2853 1437-1443
Home, David (of Wedderburn)
R.N.D. app. 99; A.S.S. II, p. 85, no. 506; M.A.S. 1373. This is a later seal of Sir David Home of Wedderburn (no. 2851).
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a lion rampant. The shield is couchée and is surmounted by a helmet, with mantling and wreath, upon which is the crest, the head of a fawn(?) The helmet is supported by two popinjays.
Inscription: sigillum david hume
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 656, 870, 1145, 1269, 1087, 6803
Digitised version GB Seal no.2854 n.d.
Home, David (of Wedderburn)
There is no date to this charter, but from its style this is the signet either of Sir David Home of Wedderburn, who was killed at Flodden, or else of his second son who succeeded him.
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal signet, a fawn's head.
Inscription: davidde home
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1094
Digitised version GB Seal no.2855 1430
Home, Patrick
R.N.D. app. 110, no. 638; M.A.S. 1371. He was one of the jurors and is styled 'Paton Home'. Probably it is the seal of Patrick, third son of Sir Thomas Home and Nicola Pepdie, and younger brother of David Home of Wedderburn (P.S. I, 732).
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a lion rampant.
Inscription: s patricii de home
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1058
GB Seal no.2856 n.d.
Howburn, John of
R.N.D. app. 58, no. 294.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1132, 1134
GB Seal no.2857 n.d.
Howburn, John of
R.N.D. app. 58, no. 295.
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a floriated device.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1133
GB Seal no.2858 n.d.
Howburn, Matthew of
R.N.D. app. 59, no. 296.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1135
GB Seal no.2859 n.d.
Humphrey, Juliana daughter of
Styled Juliana, daughter of Humphrey the smith of Aldene
R.N.D. app. 61, no. 318.
Size: 38 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL IVLIAN ...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1043
GB Seal no.2860 n.d.
Hunsingore, John of
The reference on slip is omitted, and I am unable to trace it.
Size: ? mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a female figure, standing, holds a small figure in right hand and in left a shield which rests on the ground.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL ...NGO..
Seal attached to document reference: Misc. Ch. 979
2861: Huntingdon, David Earl of, see 1420.
JGB Seal no.2862 1247
Jedworth, John
Styled 'John of Jeddewrre' (see no. 2750)
R.N.D. app. 49 no. 220.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 899
GB Seal no.2863 n.d.
John the baker (pistor)
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a crescent with a star above it.
Inscription: ... IOH'S E IOH'S PISTO
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1150
KGB Seal no.2864 1304
Kilpin, Robert of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of six points.
Inscription: ✠ S' ROB' DE KYLPIN
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1170
LGB Seal no.2865 1336
Lamberton, Robert
Styled Robert of Lamberton, son and heir of William of Lamberton
R.N.D. app. 50, no. 230; A.S.S. II, p.99, no. 593. Lamberton is three miles north of Berwick.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a stag's head cabossed, a cross between the horns, on dexter side a crescent and fleur-de-lys, on sinister a star and a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 913
GB Seal no.2866 1439
Laur... (?), John of
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chalice.
Inscription: ✠ S' IOHANES:DE:LAVRV...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 870, 1269
Digitised version GB Seal no.2867 n.d.
Lauerd, Robert
R.N.D. app. 76, no. 418. He says he has procured and affixed to this charter the seals of the Lord Adam de Goly, then archdeacon of Lothian, and of Master Nicholas of St Andrew's then official of the archdeacon. This seal is affixed to charter
no. 1128 and appears to be that of Robert Luard of Aldergray.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a crescent with a star above it.
Inscription: ...RTI ...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1128, 1232
GB Seal no.2868 n.d.
Lestalrig, Edward of
Styled Edward, son of Peter de Lestailrig, 'baro Regis Sociae'
R.N.D. app. 40, no. 170; A.S.S. II, p. 104, no. 623.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a beast passant.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 723
GB Seal no.2869 n.d.
Lestalrig, Edward of
R.N.D. app. 41, no. 171; A.S.S. I, p. 87, no. 500. The subject is Samson rending the young lion (Judges, XIV 5 and 6).
Size: 57 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a naked figure with long hair kneeling on the back of a beast (?lion) and holding it by the jaws. Field of seal powdered with crosses.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 725
Digitised version GB Seal no.2870 n.d.
Leuedyman, Hugh
No. 1, the seal of Hugh Leuedyman of 'Lagethorpe' and No. 2, the seal of Eva his wife, styled daughter of William, son of Gocelin of Berwick (see 2836). R.N.D. app. 70, no. 373. The date is c.1245 temp. Richard, prior of Coldingham.
Size: 1. 35 mm.Size: 2. 41 x 25 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, a star.2. Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: 1. ✠ S' HVGONIS:DE . DNA':2. ✠ S' HEEVI FILIE WLLELMI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1009, 5968, 5969
Digitised version GB Seal no.2871 n.d.
Lindsay, Walter
Styled of 'Erchendune' (now Earlston)
R.N.D. app. 39, no. 164. He was Lord of Ercildon (Earlston) and of Crawford, in Lanarkshire, the eldest son of William of Lindsay, and was living in the latter part of the 12th century (P.S. I, 371). The name is supposed to be derived from the
manor of Lindsay in Essex.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a man on horseback on long robe, carrying a falcon on his wrist.
Inscription: SI... ERI DE LIND...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 726
GB Seal no.2872 n.d.
Lindsay, Walter of
A.S.S. II, p. 105, no. 629. The same man as no. 2871.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eagle standing with raised wings and holding a flower in its beak. Above the tail A.
Inscription: ✠ ...INNDISEI FILII WILL
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5943
GB Seal no.2873 n.d.
Lindsay, William of
R.N.D. app. 39, no. 165; A.S.S. I, p. 87, no. 503. The seal of William (brother of the above Walter) the third of Earlston and Crawford (P.S. as above).
Size: 44 mm.
Seal design: Round, a man on horseback in long cloak looking round at a falcon, with long jesses, which he carries on his wrist.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 713
Digitised version GB Seal no.2874 n.d.
Long, Patrick
Styled Patrick son of Patrick Long of West Reston
R.N.D. app. 76, no. 412.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a cross formed of five roses. The letters N.G. in the field of seal.
Inscription: ✠ S... FILII PATRICI LA
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5949
GB Seal no.2875 n.d.
Lowlinn, William of
R.N.D. app. 61, no. 315.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ SIG... LELMI DE LOVLINNE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1041
GB Seal no.2876 n.d.
Lumley, William of
R.N.D. app. 62, no. 321; M.A.S. 1753. It is a similar seal to that of Roger of Audre no. 103. See B.N.C. 1876-78, p. 481.
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a cup.
Inscription: ✠ S... ILL ...ELEYE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 933
GB Seal no.2877 1438
Lumsden, Alexander of
R.N.D. app. 110, no. 625; M.A.S. 1760. Lumsden is in Berwickshire a few miles north of Coldingham. The arms of the family of Lumsden of that Ilk given by Nisbet are azure a chevron between three molets gold, on the chevron a buckle azure. This
and the following armorial seals are appended to various Inquisitions and Retours. They all appear to be the differenced shields of cadets of the house. I am unable to identify the various men or to blason their arms.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a bend three molets.
Inscription: s alexandri de ...isdene
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1288
Digitised version GB Seal no.2878 1438-1459
Lumsden, Gilbert of
R.N.D. app. 108, 109; M.A.S. 1761; A.S.S. II, p. 57, no. 332.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a bend three molets, a bugle horn in the sinister chief.
Inscription: s gilberti de lommisden
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5942, 1172, 1288
Digitised version GB Seal no.2879 1430
Lumsden, Gilbert of
R.N.D. app. 110, no. 638; A.S.S. II, p. 112, no. 669; M.A.S. 1757.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a bend sinister engrailed between three molets.
Inscription: s:gilberti:de lummisden:
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1058
Digitised version GB Seal no.2880 n.d.
Lumsden, Gilbert of
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Shield shaped seal, a bird standing between a crescent and a star.
Inscription: S' GILBERTI DE LV...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1128
GB Seal no.2881 1325
Lumsden, Roger of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a hawk upon a bird, tearing it.
Inscription: ✶ S' ROGER DE LVMISDEN
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 920, 998, 1167
GB Seal no.2882 1426-1432
Lumsden, Thomas of
R.N.D. app. 109, no. 628; A.S.S. II, p. 112, no. 670; M.A.S. 1756.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a bend two molets.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1058, 1184, 6802
Digitised version GB Seal no.2883 n.d.
Lumsden, William of
R.N.D. app. 50, no. 271.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a hawk upon a ...
Inscription: ...GIL ... (seal greatly destroyed).
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5935
GB Seal no.2884 1425-1434
Manderston, John of
R.N.D. app. 108, no. 621; ibid., app. 63, no. 327; A.S.S. II, p. 115, no. 688; M.A.S. 1856. Manderston is in Berwickshire, a little east of Duns. Probably he was a Papedy and adopted the territorial surname. See B.N.C. 1876-78, p. 487.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron between three birds (popinjays).
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 989, 1058, 1143, 1184, 1161
Digitised version MGB Seal no.2885 1410
Manderston, John of
R.N.D. app. 104, no. 593; M.A.S. 1855.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron between three birds (popinjays).
Inscription: ✠ s ✠ ihonhanis + de mandri
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1253
Digitised version GB Seal no.2886 1367
March & Moray, Agnes, Countess of
The famous Black Agnes of Dunbar. She was the daughter and eventual heiress of Sir Thomas Randolph (nephew of Robert the Bruce), first Earl of Moray and Regent of Scotland after Bruce's death. She married Patrick, Earl of Dunbar and March, who,
in her right, became Earl of Moray (P.S. II, 251, 252, and N.C.H. VII, p. 104). The grouping of shields in the seals of ladies was very fashionable about this time, compare with this the seal of Alienore, Countess of Angus, and that of Margaret
Umfraville (
Proceedings Society of Antiq. of Newcastle , 3rd ser., IV, 89). M.A.S. 2257.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, four shields of arms arranged crosswise, the points to the centre, a crown with cinquefoil between each shield. I. A lion rampant within the Scottish tressure (Scotland). II. Three cushions
within the Scottish tressure (Randolph). III. A lion rampant in a border charged with eight roses, a label (?) (March?). IV. A lion rampant in a border charged with eight roses (Dunbar).
Inscription: ...GNETIS:COTTISSE:MAR...ET:MOR...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 792, 793
Digitised version GB Seal no.2887 1255
Marshal, Gregory
Styled Gregory, son of Marshal ('marescallus') of Aldengray
R.N.D. app. 46, no. 200.
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of eight rays, four thick and four thin.
Inscription: ✠ S' GREGORII:MARSCAL
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 881
GB Seal no.2888 n.d.
Marshal, Gregory
Styled 'Gregoius Marescallus de Coldingham'
R.N.D. app. 57, no. 277.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a horse shoe with hammer and pineers.
Inscription: ..IGILL GREG...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 927
Digitised version GB Seal no.2889 1328
Mason, William
Styled burgess of Berwick
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a merchant's mark.
Inscription: S' WILLEMI MASOVN
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 984
GB Seal no.2890 n.d.
Melestane, Randolph, son of Acolf of
Melestane - Now Mellerstain in the parish of Earlston, Berwickshire.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys, a star on each side.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1104
GB Seal no.2891 n.d.
Merington, Austen
Styled son of Hawise of Merington
R.N.D. app. 62, no. 322.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of eight points.
Inscription: S' AVSTENI D' MERIGTO.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1127
GB Seal no.2892 n.d.
Moises, Angerus, son of
R.N.D., app. 58, no. 290.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1129
GB Seal no.2893 n.d.
Moray, John
Styled son and heir of the Lord Malcolm of Moray (de Moravia)
A.S.S. I, p. 102, no. 606.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a bull standing, above it a star.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 770
Digitised version GB Seal no.2894 n.d.
Mordington, William of
R.N.D. app. 37, no. 160. He was living temp. Alexander II (1214-49). Mordington is about 3 miles north-west of Berwick. There is an account of the manor in B.N.C. 1896-98, p. 317 et seq. In 1248 he was one of the Scottish knights appointed to
enquire into the observance of the laws and customs of the merchants of the kingdoms (C.D.S. I, 1749).
Size: 51 mm.
Seal design: Round, equestrian, knight in mail hauberk and pointed helmet with nasal, sword in hand and plain shield.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 780
GB Seal no.2895 n.d.
Mordington, William of
Attached to a charter of Angerus, son of Moises (no. 2892). R.N.D. app. 58, no. 290.
Size: -
Seal design: Round, very imperfect, equestrian.
Inscription: Legend destroyed.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1129
GB Seal no.2896 1246
Mordington, William of
R.N.D. app. 47, no. 211; M.A.S. 2021.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a bend sinister.
Inscription: ✠ S' WILELM... MORDINTVN
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 902
Digitised version NGB Seal no.2897 1364
Nesbit, Patrick of
R.N.D. app. 109; M.A.S. 2117. Nesbit is in Berwickshire, near Duns (B.N.C. 1892-93, p. 50).
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three human heads. The shield is couchée and surmounted by a helmet upon which is the crest of a ...(?)
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 922
Digitised version GB Seal no.2898 1426-1444
Nesbit, Patrick of
R.N.D. app. 109, no. 633; M.A.S. 2118.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three human heads.
Inscription: S' · PATRICII DE NESBIT
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 708, 6809
Digitised version GB Seal no.2899 n.d.
Newbigging, Elizabeth
Styled wife of William of Scremerston (see 2986)
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a cross-like device.
Inscription: ✠ S' EL' FIL' EVST' DE NEBIG.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5978, 5979
Digitised version GB Seal no.2900 n.d.
Newbigging, Eustace of
R.N.D. app. 65, no. 341.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a salmon paleways.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 982
Digitised version GB Seal no.2901 n.d.
Newbigging, Eustace of
R.N.D. app. 69, no. 368.
Size: 32 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a horse trampling on a lacertine beast.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5964
GB Seal no.2902 n.d.
Nobilis, Ralph
Styled 'Dominus'
R.N.D. app. 67, no. 350.
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a standing female figure.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5944
Norman, Adam: see 2827
2903: Northumberland, Henry, Earl of, see 1900
OGB Seal no.2904 n.d.
Olifard, Walter
R.N.D. app. 37, no. 159. He was justiciar of Scotland temp. king Alexander II and died in 1242. B.N.C. 1876-78, p. 483; C.D.S. I, 1041.
Size: Secretum: 29 mm.
Seal design: Seal decayed (1913). Secretum, round, a crescent enclosing a star.
Inscription: Secretum: SIGILL WALTERI OLIFARD
Seal attached to document reference: Misc. 732.
PGB Seal no.2905 n.d.
Patrick, Adam son of
Styled Adam, son of Patrick the marshall
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL ADE FILII PA...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 859
GB Seal no.2906 n.d.
Pauper, Roger
Styled Roger, surnamed Pauper
R.N.D. app. 47, no. 219.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 898
GB Seal no.2907 n.d.
Paxton, David of
R.N.D. app. 68, no. 357; A.S.S. II, p. 134, no. 809. Paxton is on the north bank of Tweed, three miles west of Berwick.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, an eagle displayed.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1107
Digitised version GB Seal no.2908 n.d.
Paxton, David of
R.N.D. app. 46, no. 198.
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a salmon paleways.
Inscription: ✠ SIG... AXTVN
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 983
GB Seal no.2909 1426-1431
Paxton, John of
R.N.D. app. 110, no. 648; A.S.S. II, p. 134, no. 810; M.A.S. 2192. The blason of this shield is unknown.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a cross between four branches (?)
Inscription: ✶ s iohannis de paxton
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 888, 1058, 6809
Digitised version GB Seal no.2910 n.d.
Paxton, Mariota of
Styled Maria, daughter of David of Paxton
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a long star of six points.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 848, 1263
GB Seal no.2911 n.d.
Paxton, Nicholas
Size: 22 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, two birds back to back, a plant between them.
Inscription: ... NICHO... ASTO.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1128
GB Seal no.2912 n.d.
Paxton, Robert of
Size: 44 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys between a crescent and a star.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 845
GB Seal no.2913 n.d.
Paxton, William of
Styled son of Eda of Paxton
Size: 41 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a crescent enclosing a star.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1263
GB Seal no.2914 n.d.
Philip, Ralph, son of
R.N.D. app. 59, no. 299.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a floriated device.
Inscription: ✠ S' RADVL... ILII PHILIPPI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1136
GB Seal no.2915 n.d.
Plume, Richard
Styled Richard Ploume of Coldingham
R.N.D. app. 58, no. 288.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of twelve rays.
Inscription: ✶ S' RICARDI PLVMBE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 931
GB Seal no.2916 n.d.
Plume, John
In charter 1137 he is styled son and heir of Richard Plume of Coldingham (2915).
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of eight rays.
Inscription: ✠ S' IOHIS PLVMBE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 931, 1137
GB Seal no.2917 1246-1248
Prendergast, Adam
Styled Lord of Prendergest
R.N.D. app. 63, no. 330; A.S.S. II, p. 135, no. 820. Prendergast is near Ayton in Berwickshire. There is a short notice of the family in B.N.C., 1885-86, p. 416.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion(?) passant.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 858, 867, 902
GB Seal no.2918 n.d.
Prendergast, Adam of
Same man as no. 2917. R.N.D. app. 74, no. 210; A.S.S. II, p. 135, no. 819.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion passant.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 894, 900
GB Seal no.2919 1275
Prendergast, Henry of
Styled Henry of Prendergast, knight, son of Adam of Prendergast
R.N.D. app. 70, no. 370; and ibid., 97, no. 547; A.S.S. II, p. 135, no. 822; M.A.S. 2201. The blason of the arms is unknown.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, ermine three bars on a canton a crescent.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1005, 1236
GB Seal no.2920 1325
Prendergast, Henry of
Styled knight (miles)
Date 1325/6 This shield of arms is blasoned in Jenyn's Ordinary temp. Ed. III for 'Robert Prendergerste gules a bend between two cotises silver'. A.S.S. II, p. 135, no. 823; M.A.S. 2202. There are numerous notices of him and his father Adam in
C.D.S. III, passim.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a bend cotised.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1167
GB Seal no.2921 1362
Prendergast, Henry
Used by Henry, son and heir of Adam of Prendergest.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a crowned figure standing holding a cross in left hand and a book in right. A figure kneeling prays to him.
Inscription: ✶ IE SVIE LE SALE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 887
GB Seal no.2922 n.d.
Prendergast, Henry of
R.N.D. app. 64, no. 333.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 864, 868
GB Seal no.2923 n.d.
Prendergast, Laurence of
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a crescent enclosing a star.
Inscription: ✠ S' LAVREN...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 960
GB Seal no.2924 n.d.
Prendergast, Patrick of
Styled son of Waldeve of Prendergest, burgess of Berwick
R.N.D. app. 64, no. 332.
Size: 32 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 863
GB Seal no.2925 n.d.
Prendergast, Richard of
Styled son of Elyas of Prendergast
R.N.D. app. 49, no. 124.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' RICARDI FILII ELIE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 908, 1000
GB Seal no.2926 n.d.
Prendergast, Robert of
Date circa 1239 (Anketin, prior of Coldingham).
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of eight points.
Inscription: ✠ S' ROBERTI . . E PNDER . E..
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5962
GB Seal no.2927 n.d.
Prendergast, Robert of
R.N.D. app. 64, no. 336.
Size: 38 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 865
GB Seal no.2928 n.d.
Prendergast, Robert of
R.N.D. app. 64, no. 335.
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an elongated fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: SIGILL · ROB... PRENDG..
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 860
GB Seal no.2929 n.d.
Prendergast, Simon of
Styled son of Elyas of Prendergest
R.N.D. app. 49, no. 222.
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5965
GB Seal no.2930 n.d.
Prendergast, Simon of
Styled son of Elyas of Prendergast
R.N.D. app. 49, no. 223.
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 906
GB Seal no.2931 n.d.
Prendergast, Walter of
Styled brother of Simon (no. 2930)
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of eight points.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 906
GB Seal no.2932 n.d.
Prendergast, Richard
Brother of Walter and Simon (nos. 2930, 2931)
The seal is the same as Walter's with the legend altered. The charter states that Richard, our elder brother, has affixed his seal along with ours 'cum sigillis nostris sigillum Ricardi fratris nostri senioris est appensum'.
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of eight points.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 906
GB Seal no.2933 1248
Prendergast, Walter of
The same man as no. 2931.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' WALTERI DE PRENDERGEST in field of seal.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 999
Digitised version GB Seal no.2934 n.d.
Preston, Richard
Styled Richard, son of Robert, son of Matthew of 'Aldengrawe'
R.N.D. app. 45, no. 195.
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a floriated device.
Inscription: ✠ S' RICARD' PRESTO.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 882
GB Seal no.2935 1283
Purroc, John
Styled John, called 'Purroc', son of William Scot of Coldingham
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an anvil with a hammer above it.
Inscription: S' IOANNES:PVRROC
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1119
Digitised version GB Seal no.2936 n.d.
Purroc, Robert
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a floriated device.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1121
Digitised version GB Seal no.2937 n.d.
Purroc, Walter
Styled Walter 'Purroke', son of 'Robert Purroc'
R.N.D. app. 47.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a bird walking with raised wings and holding a branch in beak.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1120, 1121, 1123
GB Seal no.2938 1259
Purroc, Walter
Styled son of Robert Purrock of Ayton, same man as no. 2937
R.N.D. app. 47.
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, five rosettes arranged crossways.
Inscription: ✠ S' WALTERI PVRHOC
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1122
Digitised version GB Seal no.2939 n.d.
Purroc, Walter
Styled son and heir of Robert Purroke (same man as nos 2937 & 2938)
R.N.D. app. 47.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a cinquefoil.
Inscription: ✶ S' WALTER:PVRROC ✠
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1124, 1125, 1126
Digitised version GB Seal no.2940 1410
Purvas, Thomas
R.N.D. app. 104, no. 593; A.S.S. II, p. 137, no. 828; M.A.S. 2223. In 1400/1 he is styled 'armiger' (S.S. 12, p. 93). The blason of the arms is unknown. For the arms of Purves see N.H. I, 209.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, on a bend three molets, in the sinister chief a molet.
Inscription: S X THOME:PVRVAS
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1253
Digitised version QGB Seal no.2941 n.d.
Quickswood, David, son of Arnold of.
Styled son of Arnold of 'Quikeswode'
For this and the following charters see R.N.D. app. 43 and 53. Temp. Arnold the prior of Coldingham early 13th century. The device is canting a 'quickset' tree. Richard of Quixwood, grandson of this David, was prior of Coldingham (1315-22) (
Coldingham Parish and Priory , G.A. Thomson, 121). Quixwood is on the western boundary of the parish of Coldingham, about 2 miles south-west of Grant's House.
Size: 44 mm.
Seal design: Round, a thorn tree.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 936, 939, 995, 1145, 1148, 1153, 5923, 5930
Digitised version GB Seal no.2942 n.d.
Quickswood, David of
Ada his wife is named in no. 948.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a shrub with leaves and flowers.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 948, 1006, 5931, 5932, 5933, 5934
Digitised version GB Seal no.2943 n.d.
Quickswood, David of
Temp. Thomas of Melsonby, prior of Coldingham (1215-18).
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a thorn tree.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL DD' DE WICCSWO
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 938, 1002, 1008
Digitised version GB Seal no.2944 n.d.
Quickswood, David of
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a thorn tree.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 937
Digitised version GB Seal no.2945 n.d.
Quickswood, David of
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a floriated device.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 886
Digitised version GB Seal no.2946 1246
Quickswood, Patrick
Styled son of Thomas, son of David of 'Quixwod'
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a pelican in her piety.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1031
GB Seal no.2947 n.d.
Quickswood, Thomas of
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL ... FI...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 897, 1007
GB Seal no.2948 n.d.
Quickswood, Thomas
Styled son of David of 'Quikswde'
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, six roses in a circle round a larger one.
Inscription: S' · T...E DE QVIXWODE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1013
GB Seal no.2949 n.d.
Quickswood, Thomas of
Styled son of David of 'Quickiswod'
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' TOME FILI DAVID
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1157
GB Seal no.2950 n.d.
Quickswood, Thomas of
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a plant.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1158
GB Seal no.2951 1345
Quiltenes, Thomas of (cf 3644)
Canon of Holyrood, Edinburgh.
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lord on the cross, above, a hand blessing on the dexter side, a dove descending on the sinister. On each side is a figure kneeling with hands raised in prayer. Above the dexter figure is AVE, above the
sinister REX.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Spec.23; 3.3.Spec.31
Digitised versionDigitised version RGB Seal no.2952 1325
Ralph, Patrick, son of William, son of
No. 1 the seal of Patrick, son of William, son of Ralph; no. 2 that of Agnes his wife.
Size: 1. 16 mm.Size: 2. 13 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, imperfect, a bird(?)2. Round, in a lozenge, a floriated cross.
Inscription: 1. ... DE ... TO...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1167
GB Seal no.2953 1326
Ralph, William son of
Styled William son of Ralph, formerly serjeant of Coldinghamshire.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, a horn hanging from an oak branch.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6801
Digitised version GB Seal no.2954 1326
? William the miller (1); ? John the miller of Eyemouth (2)
See also no. 2953.
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: 1. Oval, antique gem, a male bearded head.2. A swan pluming its feathers.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6801
GB Seal no.2955 1239
Ralph, Roger son of.
Styled bailiff ('praepositus') of Coldingham
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a floriated device.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 852
Digitised version GB Seal no.2956 n.d.
Styled the bailiff ('praepositus')
R.N.D. app. 50, no. 271. One of the sureties whose seals are attached.
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an animal.
Inscription: Seal greatly decayed.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5935
GB Seal no.2957 1280
Styled (in Misc. Ch. 996) Ralph of Coldingham called the usher ('hostiarius'). In 928 he is styled 'nuncius' and son of Alan the grange keeper ('grangiarius') of Coldingham
In the ancient rental of the priory of Coldingham 'Radulphus Nuncius' holds a toft on the moor of Coldingham (S.S. p. 12, p. xcvii). The seal attached to charter no. 996 is slightly different from the others. The pelican is on the sinister side;
on the others it is on the dexter. The size of seal is also a slightly larger oval, 33 x 19 mm.
Size: 25 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a pelican in her piety.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc,880, 924, 928, 996
GB Seal no.2958 n.d.
Randolph, Thomas son of
He was one of the chief barons of Scotland in the reign of Alexander II, died 1262, and was buried at Melrose (P.S. II, 249). In 1280 this gem was used as a secretum by his grandson, Sir Thomas Randolph (no. 2960) (A.S.S. I, p. 114, no. 689).
Size: 16 x 13 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a man on horseback.
Inscription: ✠ MILITO · PVGNO · TEGO
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1177
GB Seal no.2959 1233
Randolph, Thomas son of
No. 2 used by Juliana his wife. She was buried at Melrose in the same year as her husband (P.S. II, 249).
Size: 1.22 x 16 mm.Size: 2.22 x19 mm.
Seal design: 1. Oval, antique gem, a horseman riding over a prostrate figure.2. Oval, antique gem, a standing female figure.
Inscription: 1. ✠ MILITO PVGNO TEGO2. ✠ MISERERE ...G ...EVS
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5959
2960 is a duplicate entry for 2057
GB Seal no.2961 n.d.
Renington, Nicholas of
Styled son of Thomas, son of Duncan of Renington
R.N.D. app. 71, no. 385.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of seven rays.
Inscription: ✠ S' NIC:F' TH F' DVN' DE REGT'
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 964
GB Seal no.2962 n.d.
Renington, Patrick son of Richard of
See no. 2779.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a quatrefoil.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5980
GB Seal no.2963 n.d.
Renington, Patrick of
Styled Patrick, son of Elias Dunning of Renington
R.N.D. app. 70, no. 376*.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a cross.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 949
GB Seal no.2964 n.d.
Renington, Robert son of Patrick of
R.N.D. app. 70, no. 376. See also no. 2790.
Size: 41 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an inverted crescent, above it a molet, beneath it a star.
Inscription: ✠ S' ROB' FIL' PATR' DE RAYNGT
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 970
GB Seal no.2965 1429
Renton, John of
One of the jurors whose seals are attached to this charter. R.N.D. app. 108, no. 626; M.A.S. 2270. The charges on the shield of arms suggest a connection with the family of Bonkil (nos 2766-68). Renton is in the western part of the parish of
Coldingham, about a mile north of Grant's House.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron between three buckles.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 943
GB Seal no.2966 1430-1431
Renton, John of
R.N.D. app. 110, nos. 638 and 639; A.S.S. II, p. 139, no. 842; M.A.S. 2271. One of the jurors whose seals are attached to these perambulations. Nisbet gives for Renton of Billie (in Berwickshire about two miles north of Chirnside) azure a lion
rampnt silver within an orle engrailed silver and a border silver (N.H. I, 178). They held their lands under the Dunbars, Earls of March, from whose shield this is doubtless derived. The buckle probably from the shield of Bonkil.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a lion rampant, a buckle(?) on his shoulder.
Inscription: s' iohannis

de rentoun

Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 888, 1058
Digitised version GB Seal no.2967 1337
Ridell, William
Styled Lord of Flemington
R.N.D. app. 66, no. 347. Flemington is in Berwickshire.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, a nondescript beast like a stag.
Inscription: ✠ CREDE MICHI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1102
GB Seal no.2968 n.d.
Riston, Adam
Styled Adam, son of Gospatrick of Little Riston ('Parva Ristona')
R.N.D. app. 73. Now Reston in Berwickshire, about 2 miles north-west of Ayton.
Size: 44 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an eagle displayed.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 842, 844, 866, 5658
GB Seal no.2969 n.d.
Riston, Adam of
R.N.D. app. 73.
Size: 44 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an eagle displayed.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILLVM ADE · DE · RISTVN
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 843
Digitised version GB Seal no.2970 1239
Riston, Bertram of
R.N.D. app. 74. He is styled in charter no. 802 son of Adam of 'Minori Ristona', and in charter no. 5952, son of Adam, son of Gospatrick of Parva Ristona.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 852, 862, 5952, 5953, 5955
GB Seal no.2971 n.d.
Riston, Bertram of
R.N.D. app. 74.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' BERTRAM DE RISTVN
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1229, 5954, 5956
GB Seal no.2972 1272-1281
Riston, John of
Styled son of Bertram of East Riston
R.N.D. app. 75. This is his later seal used after 1272. For his earlier one see next seal.
Size: 41 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a plant with leaves and flowers.
Inscription: ✠ S' IOHANNIS DE RISTVN
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1110, 1111, 1113, 1114, 1116, 1117
Digitised version GB Seal no.2973 1254-1266
Riston, John of
R.N.D. app. 75, nos. 405-8.
Size: 41 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a plant with leaves and flowers.
Inscription: ✠ S' IOHANNIS DE RISTVN
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1112, 1115
GB Seal no.2974 n.d.
Riston, Patrick
Styled Patrick, son of Patrick, late servant of West Reston
R.N.D. app. 76, no. 413.
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a quatrefoiled flower.
Inscription: ✠ S' PATR' FIL' PATR' D' RYSTO'
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5950
GB Seal no.2975 n.d.
Riston, Robert son of Reginald of
R.N.D. app. 72, no. 389
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5945, 5946, 5947, 5948
Digitised version GB Seal no.2976 1281
Riston, Robert
Styled Robert, son of John, son of Bertram of East Riston
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a crescent with a cross above it and a star below.
Inscription: ✠ S' ROB' FIL' IOHIS LAVERD
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1116
GB Seal no.2977 n.d.
Riston, Roger son of Adam of
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star.
Inscription: ✠ S' ROGERI FILI · ADE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 840
GB Seal no.2978 n.d.
Riston, Waldeve son of Uchtred of
R.N.D. app. 76, no. 416. A.S.S. II, p. 162, no. 972.
Size: 38 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1139
Digitised version GB Seal no.2979 1242
Riston, William son of Waldeve of
R.N.D. app. 76, no. 417.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' WILLM FILI:WALDEF
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 838
GB Seal no.2980 n.d.
Riston, William son of Robert of
R.N.D. app. 76, no. 419.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a crescent enclosing a star.
Inscription: ✠ S' WILLI:FLI · ROB
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 841
GB Seal no.2981 n.d.
Robert, Thomas son of
Styled Thomas, son of Robert, late seneschal of Coldingham
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, a crescent enclosing a star.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 837
GB Seal no.2982 1423
Ros, Robert
R.N.D. app. 68, no. 359; A.S.S. II, p. 141, no. 858; M.A.S. 2314. He is styled Lord of 'Cragy' and the charter is dated at Perth. The family was a cadet branch of the family of Ros, Lords of Hamlake, the blason of the shield of arms is gold a
fess checky silver and sable between three water bougets sable (N.H. I, p. 407). For note on the arms of Ros, see A.A. 3rd ser., III, 277.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a fess, checky, between three water bougets.
Inscription: S ROBERTVS ROSE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 877, 1109
Digitised version GB Seal no.2983 n.d.
Routhbiry, Gilbert of
Styled Gilbert, son of William, son of Haldane of 'Routhebyry'
R.N.D. app. 62, no. 320
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL GILBERTI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1003
SGB Seal no.2984 n.d.
Scremerston, William of
Styled William, son of Robert of Scremerston
R.N.D. app. 69, no. 366.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a cinquefoil.
Inscription: ✠ S':WILELMI · DE · SCREMERT ·
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5961
GB Seal no.2985 1246
Scremerston, William of
R.N.D. app. 47, no. 210. He is one of the witnesses to this charter, and is styled 'dominus'. The legend is similar to that used on the privy seal of King Alexander III which reads ESTO PRVDENS VT SERPENS SIMPLEX SICUT COLVMBA. The seal of
William is an excellent example of the adaptation of the design on an ancient gem to Christian use.
Size: 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a winged serpent(?)
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 902
Digitised version GB Seal no.2986 n.d.
Scremerston, William of
For his wife's seal see no. 2899. R.N.D. app. 71, no. 386.
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' WILLI DE : SCREMST
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5978, 5979
GB Seal no.2987 n.d.
Scremerston, William of
Styled 'my heir', by William, son of Robert of Scremerston (no. 2984)
R.N.D. app. 69, no. 367.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, five stars arranged crossways.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc. (?)
GB Seal no.2988 n.d.
Simon, Thomas son of
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a crescent with a star above it.
Inscription: ✠ S' T...NIS
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 839
GB Seal no.2989 n.d.
Simpring, Walter of
No. 1 the seal of Walter of Simpring; no. 2 that of Cecilia his wife. R.N.D. app. 58, no. 291. The date is c.1272-76. For an account of this place see B.N.C., 1876-78, p. 294. Cecilia - In R.N.D. app. 58, no. 292, she is called daughter of
Marjorie Rede.
Size: 1. 25 mm.Size: 2. 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: 1. Round, a star of six rays.2. Oval, a floriated device.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1138
GB Seal no.2990 1285
Smeton, John of
Styled John called ('dictus') of Smytheton
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, John Baptist's head in a charger, above it a hand blessing.
Inscription: S' IOHIS:DE:SMETON
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1198
Digitised version GB Seal no.2991 1426-1444
Spens, Hugh of
R.N.D. app. 109, no. 633; A.S.S. II, p. 151, no. 913; also ibid. I, p. 124, no. 753; M.A.S. 2513. Glover's Ordinary blasons a similar shield to this for Sir Thomas Speys 'de Essex' temp. Ed. I silver on a chief indented gold three martlets
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, fretty on a chief indented three pierced cinquefoils.
Inscription: S' HVGONIS DE SPENS:
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 708, 888, 1058, 1184
GB Seal no.2992 1434-1444
Spens, John of
R.N.D. app. 63, no. 327; M.A.S. 2514.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, fretty on a chief three pierced cinquefoils.
Inscription: s' iohannis de spens
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 989, 708
Digitised version GB Seal no.2993 n.d.
Stampard, Stephen
Styled Stephan, called Stampard, son and heir of Will. Stamparde of Coldingham
R.N.D. app. 57, no. 282.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a star of eight points.
Inscription: ✠ S' STFANI:STAMPART
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 990, 991
GB Seal no.2994 n.d.
Stevenston, John of
Styled John of 'Stevenston' son of Archibald of Golin (see 2817)
R.N.D. app. 77, no. 426. The date is c.1240.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1028, 1033
Digitised version GB Seal no.2995 1433
Sutherland, Alexander
Styled of 'Dufhous' (see 2780)
R.N.D. app. 68, no. 361; A.S.S. II, p. 158, no. 947; M.A.S. 2746. For blason, etc, see note 41.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three crosses crosslet fitchy and in chief three molets.
Inscription: s alexandri sudrlade
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1108
Digitised version GB Seal no.2996 n.d.
Swinewood, Ralph of
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a beast passant.
Inscription: ✠ S' RADVLFI D'...E
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1128
GB Seal no.2997 1290
Swinewood, Simon
Styled son of William of 'Swinewde'
R.N.D. app. 58, no. 284. He was one of the sureties for Patrick Hopper.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a crescent with a small cross below it.
Inscription: ✠ S' SIMONIS FIL WILL
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 932
GB Seal no.2998 1282
Swinewood, Simon of
R.N.D. app. 77, no. 422.
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a floriated device.
Inscription: ✠ S' SYMON DE SWYNEWOD
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1140
GB Seal no.2999 n.d.
Swinton, Alan
Styled Alan of Upper ('Superior') Swynton
R.N.D. app. 78, no. 429. For an account of the Swintons of that ilk and of Sir Alan of Swinton see B.N.C. 1876-78, p. 328. Nisbet blasons their shield of arms sable a chevron between three boars' heads rased silver. The device on this seal is
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a boar.
Inscription: ✠ S' ALANI D' SCVINT'
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1036
Digitised version GB Seal no.3000 1271
Swinton, William son of Beatrice of.
Styled of 'Ester Swynton'
R.N.D. app. 78, no 430.
Size: 27 mm.
Seal design: Round, a flower of six petals.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1029, 1030
TGB Seal no.3001 n.d.
Thomas, Simon son of
See R.N.D. app. 49, no. 221; ibid. app. 71 no. 384; and ibid. app. 45, no. 194.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, a floriated device.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 910, 977, 5926
GB Seal no.3002 n.d.
Styled 'longus'
R.N.D. app. 38, no. 162; A.S.S. II, p. 111, no. 663. See note by Laing. See also
Proceedings of the Socy. of Ant. of Scotland , VIII, 365, and H.D. I, p. 172.
Size: 44 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Thor seated in long robe holding sword diagonally across his body, his right hand grasping the hilt, his left hand the blade.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 722, 730
Digitised version U
3002A: Upsetlington, William of, see 2514
3002B: Waldeve, John son of, and Waldeve, son of Edward, see 2552, 2552A
GB Seal no.3003 n.d.
Styled Walter, son of Robert, late parson of Edenham
R.N.D. app. 46, no. 199.
Size: 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a seated figure(?)
Inscription: ✠ FRANGE LEGE TEGE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 883
Digitised version GB Seal no.3004 1291
Wedderburn, Baldred
Styled rector of the church of Kinghorn. Probably the same man as nos. 2763 and 2763A
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, demi figure of Our Lady with Christ. Beneath, Baldred, kneeling, prays to them.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3429
GB Seal no.3005 1364
Wedderburn, John of
R.N.D. app. 108, no. 620; M.A.S. 2853. He is one of the jurors in this inquisition. Wedderburn is in Berwickshire near Duns. Nisbet blasons the arms silver a chevron between three roses gules. The engrailing of the chevron on this shield would
probably be to difference a cadet branch of the family.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron engrailed between three voided cinquefoils.
Inscription: ✠ S' IO... WEDIRBVRN ·.·
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 922
GB Seal no.3006 1431
Wedderburn, William of
R.N.D. app. 110, no. 639; M.A.S. 2854. He was one of the jurors in this perambulation of Brokholes (in the west of Coldingham parish near Grant's House).
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron engrailed between three molets.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 888
GB Seal no.3007 1415
Whitlaw, James of
N.H. blasons the arms of Whitlaw of that ilk sable a chevron gold between three boars' heads silver.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron between three boar's heads raised.
Inscription: ✠ S:IACOBI DE WHITLAV
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1276
Digitised version GB Seal no.3008 1430
Whitlaw, John of
R.N.D. app. 100, no. 638; M.A.S. 2883. The seal is amongst those appended to the perambulation of the lands of Adam Foreman.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron between three boars' heads raised.
Inscription: s:iohannis de quhytlaw
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1058
GB Seal no.3009 n.d.
Whitlaw, Nicholas of
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a flower of six petals.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1276x
GB Seal no.3010 1249
Styled vicar of 'Aldcambus'
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a fleur-de-lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' WILL...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1146
GB Seal no.3011 n.d.
Styled 'procurator'
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an eagle devouring a lamb.
Inscription: S' ...G ...TOR
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1128
GB Seal no.3012 1285
Wiseman, Adam
Styled Adam, called 'Wyseman' of Coldingham
This seal has now perished (1913). R.N.D. app. 54, no. 262.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, a Greek cross, between in the upper quarters two crescents and in the lower two stars.
Inscription: ...SMAN
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5938
English Royal SealsGB Seal no.3013 1096
William II
1087-1100. The design is stiff and archaic and the execution poor. The costume, however, both on the obverse and reverse, can be clearly see; it corresponds in general to the civil and military dress depicted on the Bayeux tapestry. The king's
hauberk is composed of rings of metal sewn on to a coat of leather or some other padded material. The shape of the shield with its constructional border and the pennon of three tails on the spear are like those shown on the tapestry borne by the
knights at the seige of Dinan. The throne, with its pediment, but without back or sides, resembles that on which Harold is shown seated after being crowned. As on his father's seal, William holds a sword in his right hand in place of the sceptre
held by Edward the Confessor and Harold on their seals. This is used on the obverse of the great seals until the second seal of Henry III (no. 3026), when the sceptre again appears. The King's helmet is lower and more rounded than the usual Norman
type. The sixfoiled flower at each side of the throne is probably used to distinguish clearly and easily the seal from that of the Conqueror, and is interesting as an early use of the later heraldic badge. The words dei gracia are used for the first
time on the great seals. The title duke of Normandy does not appear in the legend, as the duchy was held by William's elder brother, Robert, till his death in 1134, though he had mortgaged it to William in 1096 in order to provide funds for the
Crusade. William retained the duchy till his death in 1100, and he may have used a second seal in his later years with the title dux Normannorum on the reverse, but no example of this seal is now known (see W.G.S., p. 8). The legend is in Roman
capitals with the letters C and E in Lombardies. (W.G.S., nos 15 and 16). For note on four forged charters of William the Conqueror see FPD LXVI, et seq.
Size: 83 mm.
Seal design: Round, white wax.
Obverse: William wearing a crown with 4 crowns round it and with chin strap, seated on a throne, holding a sword upright in his right hand and in his left an orb surmounted by a cross, the
upper limbs ending in crosses crosslet. Over a tight fitting tunic he wears a loose sleeveless mantle fastened at the breast. In the field of seal, at each side is a sixfoiled flower within a circle.
Reverse: equestrian, William in ringed
hauberk and conical helmet carrying in his right hand a spear with pennon of three tails and bearing on his left arm a pear-shaped shield showing the inside with constructional border.
Inscription: Obverse: ✠ WILLELMVS D-I GRA REX ANGLORV
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Reg.4, 8; Misc.Ch. 558*, 973
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3014 1100
Henry I
Size: -
Seal design: (First Seal) (This is spurious, see Chaplais, EHR, 1960)
Round, very imperfect, light brown wax.
Obverse: Henry, seated on throne, wearing a crown with three fleur-de-lys rising from it and with chin
strap, holding a sword upright in his right hand and in his left an orb surmounted by a cross the upper limbs of which are paty. Over a tunic with tight fitting sleeves he wears a mantle, with embroidered border, which flows over the sides of the
throne and is fastened in front.
Reverse: equestrian, Henry in hauberk of ringed mail and low conical helmet carrying in his right hand a spear with pennon of three tails charged with a cross paty and bearing on his left arm a pear-shaped shield
showing the inside.
Inscription: Obverse: ✠ H... GLORVM
Reverse: ✠ HENRIC ...
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Reg.6, 11, 14
GB Seal no.3015 1103
Henry I
Size: 79 mm.
Seal design: (Second Seal)
Round, very imperfect, light brown wax.
Obverse: Henry enthroned as on first seal but with the mantle fastened on his right shoulder and his sword inclined towards his head and the cross
paty, above the orb, surmounted by a dove.
Reverse: equestrian, as on first seal but with inside border of shield with nail heads.
Inscription: Obverse: ✠ HENRICVS DEI GRACIA R.. ANGLORVM
Reverse: ✠ HEN... ORVM
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Reg.6, 7, 17
GB Seal no.3016 1109-1114
Henry I
Size: 79 mm.
Seal design: (Third Seal)
Round, very imperfect, light brown wax.
Obverse: Henry enthroned as on second seal but the sword is inclined nearer his head and the dove on the cross is on the border of the
Reverse: equestrian as on second seal with the position of the horse slightly altered and with three roundels on the pennon in addition to the cross paty.
Inscription: Obverse: ✠ [HENRICVS DEI GRACIA REX] AN[GLORVM]
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Reg.1, 5; 3.1.Reg.8
GB Seal no.3017 1106-1125
Henry I
1100-35. These seals are similar in general design and in costume to that of William II. There is no perfect example of the first two extant and few known impressions of the third. Why Henry used so many different seals it is impossible to say;
the first three seem to have been in use from 1100 to 1106. In this latter year the battle of Tinchebrai was fought, Duke Robert taken prisoner, and Henry assumed the title Duke of Normandy. The fourth seal was engraved probably immediately after
that event. The cross and roundels depicted on the pennon of Henry's lance (no. 3016) are a foreshadowing of armorial devices. The fourth seal is the first of the royal seals in which the king as knight brandishes a sword instead of carrying a
spear. The style of lettering of the legend is the same as on the seal of William II. (W.G.S., nos. 17-24).
Seal design: (Fourth Seal)
Obverse: Henry enthroned, similar in design to his second and third seals but with the sword deeply grooved, the cross above the orb of a more pronounced paty type and the dove upon it well
within the field of seal, there is also an eightfoiled flower on each side of the king and the border of the legend is composed of a series of dots.
Reverse: equestrian, Henry in ringed mail hauberk, composed of large rings, and low conical
helmet, carrying in his right hand a sword and on his left arm a pear-shaped shield, showing the inside with border of nail heads.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Reg.8, 9; 1.2.Reg.11
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3018 1110-1118
Mathildis (Maud)
The daughter of Malcolm Canmore and St Margaret, whom Henry I married in 1100 and who died in 1118. It was this marriage which so delighted the English people and gave rise to the nicknames Godric and Godgifu, given to Henry and Maud by the
Norman courtiers. Charter no. 13 is witnessed by, among others, 'Willelmus filius meus et David comes'. This was William the Atheling who, through the folly of a drunken pilot, was drowned with his companions in the wreck of the White Ship in 1120.
David was Earl of Huntingdon, who succeeded as King of Scotland in 1124 (no. 1420 in this catalogue). The design of the seal is freer and more graceful than those of William or Henry; the folds of the mantle fall gracefully over the feet and it
gives one generally the impression of a more life-like portraiture than previous seals. The legend is still mainly in Roman capitals, but later styles are creeping in; the M in sigillum is Lombardic, the h in Mathildis is of the Gothic miniscule
type, both E and C are Lombardics. (L.S.S., vol. II, no. 1).
Size: 79 x 57 mm.
Seal design: Oval, white wax.
The queen standing crowned, wearing a long robe embroidered down the front and falling in voluminous folds over her feet; above this is a sleeveless mantle with embroidered border, draped
over her head, fastened at the throat by a brooch and falling in folds over her arms. She holds in her right hand a sceptre surmounted by a dove, and in her left an orb surmounted by a cross paty.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Spec.23*; 1.3.Ebor.13
Digitised version GB Seal no.3019 1135-1139
1135-54. The stiff archaic design of the earlier seals still continues and the execution particularly of no. 3020 is even ruder than those of Henry I. The royal robes remain much the same, but the crown has now three fleurs-de-lys rising from its
edge. The armour on the reverse has undergone considerable change. The hauberk is now of chain mail and has a hood covering the head, over which is a conical helm. The kite-shaped Norman shield with a rounded top, held at the left side has been
displaced by a shorter convex shield held in front of the body. The lettering on the legend remains of the same type as that on the seals of Henry I. On the reverse of the second seal the King reverts to the older weapon, the lance. No. 3019 was
probably used before Stephen's defeat and imprisonment after the battle of Lincoln in February 1141. No. 3020 probably after his restoration to the throne in December of the same year (W.G.S., nos. 25-28). Upon Stephen's change of seal see
Geoffrey de Mandeville , by J.H. Round, pp.50, 51; where the author shows that Stephen's second seal was in use before the battle of Lincoln, the change being probably made in 1139 and consequent upon the arrest of the
chancellor, Roger le Poer, and his mighty kinsmen, in June of that year.
Size: 79 mm.
Seal design: (First Seal)
Round, light brown wax.
Obverse: Stephen seated on throne, wearing a crown with three fleur-de-lys rising from it, holding sword in right hand and in his left an orb surmounted by a cross
paty upon which a dove stands. He wears a tight fitting tunic with belt, and above it a mantle with embroidered border fastened on the right shoulder and flowing in folds over the sides of the throne.
Reverse: equestrian, the king in mail
hauberk and hood, pointed helmet with two ribands flying behind. He carries in his right hand a deeply grooved sword and, on his left arm, he holds in front of his body a convex pear-shaped shield with plain surface. He wears plain prick
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Reg.13, 14
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3020 1153
Size: 89(?) mm.
Seal design: (Second Seal)
Round, very imperfect, light brown wax.
Obverse: similar in design to his first seal, but the figure is much taller and thinner and the head smaller. The dove above the cross and orb is
larger and in the field of the seal to the dexter side of the king's head is a seven-leaved flower.
Reverse: equestrian, like the first seal, but the king bears a lance with pennon of two tails charged with a cross paty. His shield is more
angular at the top and the ribands behind the helmet are joined together and end in a circular knob.
Inscription: Obverse: ✠ S... Reverse: ✠ S...
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Reg.2b, 16; 1.4.Ebor.3
GB Seal no.3021 n.d.
Henry II
1154-89. There is no example in the treasury of Henry's first seal used in the earlier years of his reign. The design of both has only minor points of difference from those of Stephen. The helm is more pointed than Stephen's, and the shield, for
the first time shown suspended round the neck, also like the helmet, reverts to the earlier Norman type. The legend is of Roman capitals except the initial letter h, which is Lombardic. On the reverse appear the feudal titles of Henry's continental
empire. He was Duke of Normandy, in his mother's right; Count of Anjou in that of his father Count Geoffrey; and Duke of Aquitaine in right of his wife Eleanor, (W.G.S., nos. 32 and 33).
Size: 92 mm.
Seal design: (Second Seal)
Round, yellow wax.
Obverse: Henry enthroned, similar in style and design to Stephen's second seal (no. 3020). There is no flower in field.
Reverse: equestrian, the king in mail hauberk
and hood, with conical pointed helmet, sword in right hand, pear-shaped shield on left arm showing the inside.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Reg.15; 3.1.Reg.1, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10; 1.2.Reg.12; 1.3.Finc.1
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3022 n.d.
Richard I
1189-99. This seal was used in the first two years of Richard's reign. Wyon (W.G.S. 20) states that it was lost when Richard's vice-chancellor, Roger Malchael, was drowned off Cyprus, but it was recovered and used until 1198. For the first time,
in the great seals, armorial charges appear on the shield; a ramping lion facing to the sinister is seen on the dexter side of the convex shield. It has been thought that another lion facing this was on the sinister side of the shield, but this is
unlikely; it is more probable that a single ramping lion was the charge and that the engraver has placed it on the dexter side, so that it may be more visible. It was on Richard's second seal, used after his return from captivity, of which there is
here no example, that, in the great seals, the three leopards of England are first used; it was on this seal also that a fan-like ornament with a lion on it adorned Richard's helmet in the manner of a crest. (W.G.S., nos. 35 and 36). Upon Richard's
change of seal see
Feudal England , by J.H. Round, p. 539.
Size: 98 mm.
Seal design: (First Seal)
Round, green wax.
Obverse: Richard seated on throne, wearing crown with three fleur-de-lys. He is clothed in tunic, dalmatic and loose mantle flowing over his shoulders fastened by cords over
the breast. He holds a deeply grooved sword upright in his right hand, and in his left an orb, from which rises an elongated fleur-de-lys upon which is a cross paty. On each side of his head is a crescent with a six-rayed star above it. On each side
of the throne is a graceful curved flower.
Reverse: equestrian, Richard in mail hauberk with hood and round topped conical helmet. He bears in his right hand a heavy grooved sword and on his left arm, suspended round his neck by a strap, he
carries, in front of his body, a concave shield with nearly straight top and a spiked central boss and charged on the dexter side with a lion rampant.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Reg.14; 2.2.Finc.14
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3023 n.d.
John (when Earl of Mortain)
The seal of Henry the Second's youngest son John, as Earl of Mortain and Lord of Ireland; the latter dignity he received in 1177. John was created Earl of Mortain in Normandy in August 1189: he is styled in the charte Johannes comes Moriton. The
document cannot be before 1189, although the seal is earlier. See also Ferrer (ed.)
Lancs. pipe rolls and early charters , p.349, which dates this to 1189-1194 while John was lord of Lancaster. It is remarkable as being the earliest known appearance of the leopards of England; their use on the second
seal of Richard is later than this. The charter is a licence to Richard fitz Roger (militi meo) to grant two carucates of land in Lytham to a religious house (see
Victoria History of Lancaster , vol. VII, p. 214, note,
and also nos. 2110 and 2111 in this catalogue).
Size: 1. 60; 2.22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Round, light brown wax.
1. Obverse: equestrian, the earl in mail and surcoat fastened by a girdle round the waist and with long flowing skirts, and round topped helmet with nasal. Sword in right hand and in
left a convex shield charged with three leopards.
2. Secretum: Oval, antique gem, a male head.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Ebor.20
GB Seal no.3024 n.d.
1199-1216. This seal is similar in general style and design to the second seal of Richard. The legend is noteworthy, as in it for the first time the style Rex Angliae is used in place of the earlier Rex Anglorum; in it also the title dominus
Hiberniae first appears, this continued to be used by John's successors until Henry VIII, who altered the title to rex Hiberniae. This is the first of the royal seals in which a surcoat is worn over the mail. The lettering of the legend shows a
decided tendency towards the mail. The lettering of the legend shows a decided tendency towards the Gothic majuscule (Lombardic) especially in the closed E, the C and X; the letters M and N, however, Roman capitals. (W.G.S. 39 and 40).
Size: 98 mm.
Seal design: Round, green wax.
Obverse: John seated on throne with cushion on it. The king is crowned and clothed in like fashion to Richard. He holds a broad heavy sword in his right hand and in his left an orb with
fleur-de-lys and cross as before.
Reverse: equestrian, the king in mail with surcoat, mail hood and circular flat topped helm. He carries a sword in his right hand, his shield on left arm suspended round his neck by a strap, is held in front of
his body, is slightly convex and has the top corners rounded off, it is charged with the three leopards of England.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Reg.19, 22, 23, 24; 2.2.Finc.15
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3025 n.d.
Henry III
1216-1272. For the first three years of Henry's reign the seal of William, the Earl Marshal, was used in place of the great seal; for the form of attestation clause used, see Campbell's
Lives of the Lord Chancellors , I, p. 129, quoted by Wyon (W.G.S., p. 22, note). Henry's first seal began to be used in 1219; an entry in the Close Rolls (3 Henry III) states 'hic incipit sigillum regis currere'. This
seal shows a considerable advance both in design and execution over its predecessors; the archaic stiffness of the earlier seals has gone and in its place has come greater freedom and naturalness; the figures are bolder and more life-like and the
treatment of the drapery on the obverse is quite admirable. The tendency towards greater ornamental detail is shown in the leopard's heads on the sides of the throne and in the crouching lions on which the king's feet rest. In this seal the visored
type of helm with a coronet first appears. The lettering of the legend is still Roman capitals and Lombardics mixed. Henry's second seal (no. 3026) was used from 1259, the date of that treaty of Paris by which Henry renounced his claims to the duchy
of Normandy and to Anjou, Maine, Touraine and Poitou; the new seal omits the feudal titles of these continental dominions, retaining only that of Aquitaine. The sword borne on the obverse on his first seal and by his predecessors, has been exchanged
for a sceptre, and the tendency, noted in the previous seal, towards greater ornamental detail has become more prounounced, the architectural decorations of the throne, with its supporting lions, being very elaborate. The lettering now definitely
forsakes Roman capitals and all are of the beautiful Gothic majuscule (Lombardic) type, a style to be used for more than the next hundred years. A third seal of Henry's, not here represented, is described by Wyon (W.G.S., p. 23 and figs. 45 and 46,
and nos. 41-44).
Size: 98 mm.
Seal design: (First Seal)
Round, green wax.
Obverse: Henry on his throne, crowned and vested like his predecessors. In his right hand he holds a sword longer and thinner than before, in his left he holds the orb from
which rises a long floriated stem with a cross at the top. The throne is cushioned, is ornamented with foliage and a leopard's head is on either side of the lower part. The king's feet rest on two crouching leopards.
Reverse: equestrian, Henry
in mail with surcoat. His closed helm, with transverse slit and hinged flap, is surmounted by a coronet. He carries in his right hand a sword longer and thinner than previously. His shield, charged with the leopards of England is rather concave and
has the upper corners slightly rounded off.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Reg.1, 2, 5, 7, 13
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3026 1265-1270
Henry III
Size: 95 mm.
Seal design: (Second Seal)
Round, green wax.
Obverse: Henry, crowned and vested, seated on his throne, holding in his right hand a long sceptre surmounted by a dove and in his left an orb from which rises a straight
stem with a cross on the top. His feet rest on two crouching leopards. The throne is highly enriched with carving and a lion rampant is at either side of the lower part.
Reverse: equestrian, Henry armed and helmed as on his first seal. The
shield has not the corners rounded off and is more triangular in shape.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Reg.6; 1.2.Reg.9
GB Seal no.3027 1272-1307
Edward I
The obverse of this seal is the same design as the preceding one, but the reverse shows a striking advance in the ease and grace of posture of the horse and its rider, which are both beautifully proportioned. The simplicity and naturalness of the
thirteenth century art of seal engraving, depending more on strength of line than elaborateness of ornament, seems, in this beautiful seal, to have reached its greatest perfection. Edward II (no. 3030) and the first seal of Edward III (not here
represented) used the same seal with trifling alterations in the field to distinguish one from the other. It is the first of the great seals in which the horse is housed in armorial trappings. (W.G.S., 47 and 48).
Size: 98 mm.
Seal design: Round, green wax.
Obverse: Edward enthroned, the design is practically the same as the second seal of Henry III (no. 3026).
Reverse: equestrian, horse galloping. Edward in chain mail, loose surcoat,
visored and crowned helm, sword with fleur-de-lys pommel in right hand and on left arm a heater-shaped shield charged with the leopards of England. The horse wears trappings also emblasoned with the arms of England.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Reg.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 12, 14, 22, 22*; 1.3.Reg.6, 8b, 1
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3028 1298
Edward I
This seal should, perhaps, have been placed among the royal Scottish seals later in this catalogue, but, for comparison, I have thought it better to include it here. It was used after the abdication of John Baliol in 1296 until the accession of
Robert Brus in 1306. The obverse is similar in general treatment to Edward's English seal. The reverse bears only a shield of arms; this is so perfectly proportioned and so beautifully designed that I think it may be considered to represent the high
water mark of English heraldic art; for simplicity and beauty it has not been surpassed. I have completed the legend from an example given in
The History of Scottish Seals , by Dr. de Gray Birch, vol. I, p. 38. It is nos. 5 and 6 in Laing's Scottish seals, vol. II, and is illustrated on plate XXXII, nos 3 and 4 in De Gray Birch's book, quoted above.
Size: 83 mm.
Seal design: (Scottish Seal)
Round, imperfect, green wax.
Obverse: Edward seated in majesty, robed and crowned. In his right hand he holds a sceptre with floriated top and his left hand is on his breast. The throne is
similar in design to preceeding seal but not so elaborate and the lions leaping up the sides are omitted.
Reverse: armorial, three leopards of England.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 992
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3029 n.d.
Edward I
The seal of the royal court of the Exchequer, a similar seal to this (rather smaller than the great seal) was used by succeeding sovereigns with the needful alterations of names and armorials.
Size: 76 mm.
Seal design: (Seal of the Treasury)
Round, dark green wax.
Obverse: equestrian, similar to the great seal (3027) except that the horse is not caparisoned.
Reverse: armorial, three leopards of England.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Reg.9
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3029(i) n.d.
Edward I or II
Seal for bishopric of Durham
sede vacante
Size: 63 mm.
Seal design: Round, natural wax.
Obverse: equestrian.
Reverse: armorial.
Inscription: Obverse: ✠E...CIA REX ANGLIE DOMINVS H...DVX ..VITANIE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 7282
GB Seal no.3030 1307-1327
Edward II
This is exactly the same seal as that of Edward I (no. 3027) with the castles added in the field of the obverse as a difference. They are derived from the castle on the shield of Castile, the arms of his mother, Eleanor of Castile. (W.G.S., nos.
49 and 50).
Size: 98 mm.
Seal design: Round, green wax.
Obverse: Edward seated on his throne, exactly the same design as that of Edward I (3027) with the addition of a castle, in the field, at each side of the throne.
Reverse: exactly the
same as that of Edward I (3027).
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Reg.1, 2, 3, 4, 4*; 2.12.Pont.7
GB Seal no.3030(i) n.d.
Edward II (Privy seal)
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, red wax.
Three leopards, a fleur de lis at each side of the shield
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5382
GB Seal no.3030(ii) 1342
Edward III (Second seal of absence)
This seal was used during Edward's various absences in France between 1340 and 1360
Size: 114 mm.
Seal design: Round, green wax.
Obverse: Edward robed and crowned holding sceptre in right hand and orb with cross in left, seated on a throne with panelled back and canopy of Gothic tracery. On each side is a niche in
which hangs a shield of arms France (ancient) and England quarterly; above each of these niches is a half length figure of a man at arms. On each side of the throne is a sitting lion
Reverse: equestrian, Edward in skirted armorial jupon over
mail, visored helm with cap of maintenance and lion crest. Sword in hand fastened by chain to his breast. His horse covered with armorial trappings, gallops to the sinister over hilly ground. His shield, jupon and horse caparison bears the arms as
on the obverse. The legend begins with the hand of god blessing, and is the same as the obverse
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5498
GB Seal no.3031 1366
Edward III
The first seal of the third Edward, used only for a few months in 1327, was the same as that used by his father (no. 3030), with the addition of a fleur-de-lys above each of the castles on the field of the obverse; this differencing mark is
derived from the shield of France through his mother, Isabella of France. The first use of the royal lilies of France on an English royal seal. The seal here described is an example of the eight different ones used by this monarch. A full account of
his numerous seals with dates of user and reasons for the various alterations will be found in Wyon's
Great Seals . It was on Edward's third seal used from February to June, 1340, that the title
rex Franciae and the quartered arms of France (ancient) and England first appear. This third
seal is also noteworthy because on it the king first uses the lion crest of England, and the tight fitting armorial jupon displaces the loose flowing surcoat of earlier seals; it is on this seal also that the throne is first furnished with a canopy.
The fourth seal here described and illustrated was used from 1341 to 1360, and again from 1370 to 1372. Just as the seals of Henry III (no. 3026) and Edward I (no. 3027) may be taken as typical in their severe simplicity of line and grace of design,
of thirteenth century art, so this and the succeeding seal are typical of the art of the fourteenth century, relying less for their effect on grace and simplicity than on decoration and elaborateness of architectural ornament. The canopies,
crocketted finials and carved niches of the Decorated style of architecture being faithfully reproduced by the art of the seal engraver. This is the last of the royal seals on which the legend is in Lombardic letters; on Edward's fifth seal (no.
3746), usually styled the 'Bretigny' seal, the legend is in Gothic miniscule or black letter, the type of letter used on all succeeding royal seals until Henry VIII. (W.G.S., nos 61 and 62).
Size: 114 mm.
Seal design: (Fourth Seal)
Round, light brown wax.
Obverse: Edward crowned and vested, holding in his right hand a long sceptre ending in an elaborately decorated ornament, and in his left an orb surmounted by a cross
crosslet. The king is seated on a throne the back of which is divided into seven lancet-shaped panels each decorated with tracery and two corner niches similarly treated, above him is a canopy of seven pointed gables each divided by tracery into
trefoil headed panels and surmounted by crocketted pinnacles. In the centre, supported by two crocketted flying buttresses, is a hexagonal tower the top turreted and machicolated. From each of the corner niches a crocketted flying buttress passes
through a side panel to a buttress of three offsets. The side panels are trefoil-headed below the flying buttress and battlemented above and on the battlements a knight, leaning on his elbow, overlooks each. In each of these panels, supported by its
strap from a hook, hangs a shield of arms charged quarterly, France (ancient) and England. On each side of the king, seated on the step of the throne, is a sitting lion guardant.
Reverse: equestrian, Edward on a galloping horse. He wears a
hauberk of mail above which is a tight fitting jupon, the loose skirts of which flow over the back of the saddle. A large helm with closed visor covers his head and rests on his shoulders. It is surmounted by a cap of maintenance upon which stands
the crowned lion crest of England. He carries in his right hand a long grooved sword, with round pommel and bent quillons; it is also attached to his right breast by a chain. On his left arm he bears a heater-shaped shield. The horse is fully
caparisoned. Jupon, shield and horse trappings each bear the arms of France (ancient) and England quarterly. In the border between the point of the sword and the crest is the Hand of God pointing upwards issuing from clouds and blessing.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Reg.2b, 5a, 5b, 8a, 8b; 1.4.Reg.8, 9, 18; 2.4.Pont.13; 4.1.Sacr.2; 4.3.Sacr.19; Misc.Ch. 1483
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3031(i) 1373
Edward III (lands beyond the Tweed)
Similar seals to this were used by the first two Edwards (see B.M. seal catalogue, nos. 750/54)
Size: 76 mm.
Seal design: Round, brown wax.
Obverse: within a cusped sixfoiled panel diapered with foliage, a shield of arms, England (three leopards), a wyvern is at each side of shield.
Reverse: in a like panel, a bear standing
in front of a tree
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 969
For Edward III, see also 3745 and 3746
GB Seal no.3032 1377-1399
Richard II
This with altered legend, 'Ricardus' for 'Edwardus', is exactly the same seal as the fifth or 'Bretigny' seal of Edward III. It was so called from the peace of Bretigny in 1360 by which Edward III renounced the title, King of France; this
necessitated a new seal, which was used from 1360 to 1369. In June 1369, Edward resumed the title, and the same seal with the legend altered was used by him from 1372 till his death in 1377. This seal shares with no. 3031 the claim to be considered
the finest of the Gothic royal seals, the beautiful tabernacle work and ordered detail of the obverse, together with the splendour of the armorials and armour on the reverse are unsurpassed in the seal engraver's art. It must have been admired by
its users, as besides being used by Edward III and Richard II it was used by Henry IV (no. 3033) till 1408, also with the needful alteration of name and alternately with the latter monarch's golden seal (no. 3037) until the end of Henry VI reign in
1461, quite a century of use. (W.G.S., nos. 71 and 72).
Size: 117 mm.
Seal design: Round, green wax.
Obverse: Richard crowned and vested seated on a canopied throne, holding in his right hand a sceptre ending in a decorated ornament (? a reliquary) and in his left an orb from which rises a
cross crosslet. The centre canopy is of three arches above which is elaborate tracery and in the centre Our Lady, crowned, with Christ on her knee. On each side of the king is a smaller niche with crocketted pinnacles, in the dexter niche is Our
Lady standing crowned, holding in her right hand a sceptre and on her left arm the child Christ, in the sinister is St George standing with a shield of arms, charged with a plain cross, on his left arm. Beyond these is a larger niche on each side
supported by a carved bracket in which is a tree with a bird in the branches and a hound (? greyhound) crouched at the foot, a shield of arms bearing France (ancient) and England quarterly, hangs from the branches; outside of these, on each side, is
a projecting cornice, with a canopy above, on it stands a man at arms holding a mace in his right hand.
Reverse: equestrian, Richard on horseback galloping to the sinister. He wears a mail hauberk over which is a tight fitting jupon. A large war
helm with closed visor covers his head and rests upon his shoulders, it is surmounted hby a cap of maintenance upon which is the crowned lion crest. In his right hadn he brandishes a long grooved sword with a round pommel and short straight
quillons, and attached to his right side by a chain, on his left arm he bears a small heater-shaped shield. The horse has a fan-shaped crest and is fully caparisoned. Shield, upon and horse trappings are emblasoned France (ancient) and England
(quarterly). The inside of the border is beautifully cusped with tracery in teh spandrils. In the border between the sword point and the crest is the Hand of God blessing.
Inscription: Obverse: Ricardus : dei : gracia : rex : francie : et anglie : et : dns : hibernie
Reverse: Ricardus : dei : gratia : rex : francie : et anglie : et dn̄s : hibernie
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Reg.1, 2; 3.4.Reg.7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 17*; Misc.Ch. 1355
GB Seal no.3033 1406
Henry IV
Size: -
Seal design: (First Seal)
This seal is the same in every respect, both obverse and reverse, as the preceding one no. 3032 except that in the legend 'Ricardus' is altered to 'Henricus'.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Reg.1, 3; 2.5.Reg.7; 2.12.Pont.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3034 n.d.
Henry IV
The attestation clause is 'don souz notre signet a notre palays de Westm, le XXII jour de Juyll'. The signet was the more personal or private seal of the sovereign.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: (Signet)
Round, red wax, armorial, France (modern) and England, quarterly (now perished, 1914).
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXV.166
GB Seal no.3035 n.d.
Joan of Naverre, (Queen of Henry IV)
She was the daughter of Charles II, King of Navarre, and widow of John, Duke of Brittany, when Henry IV married her as his second wife in 1403. The device is a leopard of England and below it possibly (it is not clear) a piece of the chain of
Navarre. The seal is surrounded, for protection, by a twisted straw.
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Signet, oval, a lion passant beneath and above it a (undecipherable).
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXV.102
Digitised version GB Seal no.3036 n.d.
Henry (V), Prince of Wales
On this, his personal seal, Prince Henry omits the quarter for France; it is differenced by a label (silver) of three points. Edward the Black Prince was the first Prince of Wales to use a silver label. Edward II and Edward III coloured it
Size: -
Seal design: Signet, very imperfect, armorial, England and a label of (?) three points.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXV.118
GB Seal no.3037 1413-1422
Henry V
This magnificent seal represents the finest work of the fifteenth century goldsmith's art. It was originally made for Henry IV, and used by him from 1408 till his death; it was used by Henry V (as here) and by Henry VI during his first reign. If,
as noted above, the seals of Henry III (3026) and Edward I (3027) are typical of the finest thirteenth century art and Edward III fourth seal (3031) and the 'Bretigny' seal (3032) of fourteenth century decorated work, this may be taken as the finest
example of early fifteenth century Perpendicular art. The ornament and symbolism are perhaps a little overdone, but the beauty of its general effect is obvious. The cuspings of the border and the scroll decoration on the field of the reverse add
much to the richness of the design. Wyon (
Great Seals ) considers, with much reason, that the abundant symbolism on the obverse was meant to point back to the claim of Henry IV to the throne on account of his decent from Henry III through Edmund Crouchback.
Henry III had greatly venerated the English royal saints, Edward and Edmund, and had named his sons after them, and Edward I had carried their banners in his wars alongside of his own royal banner. It seems probable that the figures of these saints,
with their shields of arms are meant to refer to this, and thus to show Henry's claim to the throne by 'right line of blood'. It was on this seal (1408) that, for the first time, the lilies of France are reduced to three. (W.G.S., nos 75 and
Size: 124 mm.
Seal design: (Golden Seal)
Round, dark green wax.
Obverse: Henry, crowned, robed and enthroned, holding, in right hand, a sceptre with fleur-de-lys, in his left an orb from which proceeds a cross crosslet with long
stem; above the king is a triple canopy, with crocketted pinnacles, divided into three niches in each is a demi figure, the centre one, Our Lady holding Christ, on her right is a crowned and sceptred king, on her left a martyr with palm branch. The
king's feet rest upon a pedestal divided into three panels in each of which is a shield of arms, the centre one bears three ostrich feathers (sable three ostrich feathers silver) for the principality of Wales; the dexter one a lion rampant in a
border charged with roundels (silver a lion rampant gules crowned gold in a border sable bezanty) for the duchy of Cornwall; the sinister three sheaves (azure three sheaves gold) for the earldom of Chester. The outer field of the seal is divided
into twelve canopied niches, six on each side arranged in two rows of three each. The uppermost niche, nearest the king on the dexter, contains the figure of the Archangel Michael bearing a shield charged with a plain cross on his left arm and with
his right thrusting a spear down the throat of a dragon upon which he tramples. The corresponding niche on the sinister holds the figure of St George in full armour a shield bearing a plain cross on his left arm, sword hanging by his side and with
his right hand spearing a dragon which he holds down with his right foot upon its neck. Beyond St Michael, on the dexter, is an angel standing and holding in front of him the shield of arms attributed to Edward the Confessor (azure a cross patonce
between five birds gold) similarly on the sinister of St George an angel holds the shield attributed to St Edmund the king (azure three crowns gold). Below St Michael immediately on the king's right is the crowned and sceptred figure of King Edward
the Confessor and in the corresponding niche, on the left side, is the similar figure of St Edmund, king and martyr. Beyond the two kings on each side is a demi figure of a man at arms, he on the dexter holds a banner of arms, quarterly France
(modern) and England, the one on the sinister holds the royal banner of England. In the four outermost niches are the symbols of the four evangelists, on the dexter the eagle of St John and below it the winged lion of St Mark, on the sinister the
angel of St Matthew and beneath the winged ox of St Luke.
Reverse: Henry on horseback galloping to the sinister. He wears plate armour and a tight fitting short skirted jupon, his helmet is visored and mantled and above it, on a cap of
maintenance, stands the crowned lion crest of England. His sword, brandished in his right hand, is short and broad and attached to his right breast by a chain. He carries a small heater-shaped shield on his left arm bearing the arms of France
(modern) and England, quarterly, the same arms being emblasoned on his jupon. The horse is fully caparisoned wears a chaufron and on its head also appears the crowned lion crest, the caparison are emblasoned England and France (modern), quarterly,
reversing the marshalling on the shield bv placing England in quarters one and four. The inner edge of the border is beautifully cusped and the background of the seal diapered with a floral pattern.
Inscription: Obverse: Henricus . dei . gra . rex . anglie . et . francie . et . dn̄s . hibernie .
Reverse: Henricus . dei . gracia . rex . anglie . et . francie . et . dominus . hibernie
Seal attached to document reference: 2.5.Reg.1, 6
For Henry V, see also 3043
GB Seal no.3038 1425
Henry V
Used by Henry VI. The duchy of Lancaster became one of the royal titles upon the accession of Henry IV to the throne. His father, John of Gaunt's first wife was Blanche, daughter and heiress of Henry, first Duke of Lancaster. John of Gaunt
succeeded as Earl of Lancaster, in her right, in 1361, and was created Duke of Lancaster in 1362. The first holder of the earldom was Edmund Crouchback (so called not because of any personal deformity, but from a cross worn on his back in token of a
crusading vow), second son of Henry III, who was created Earl of Lancaster in 1267 (see his seal no. 3069). His shield bore the royal leopards of England differenced by a label of France (azure with golden lilies on the points). This shield, so
differenced, was used by his descendants as the shield of Lancaster. The origin of the ostrich feather badge is doubtful, but it was used by Edward III, by his queen and by all their sons; it may possibly have been originally a badge of queen
Philippa and be connected with Hainault; used in canting allusion to the county of Ostrevant from which the eldest son of the count of Holland and Hainault took his title. See
Memorials of the Order of the Garter by G.F. Beltz, p.338.. The will of the Black Prince mentions his shield 'pur la paix de nos bages dex plumes d'ostruce'. (See also nos. 3043 and 3066 below).
Size: 73 mm.
Seal design: (Seal for Duchy of Lancaster)
Round, red wax, armorial, England with a label of three points of France. The shield is couchée and surmounted by a mantled war helm upon which, on a cap of maintenance, stands
the royal lion crest. On each side of the shield is an ostrich feather with a scroll on the pen. The field is diapered with a floriated pattern.
Inscription: ... dei : gra : rex : angli : et : heredis regni : franc : dni : hi... ... lanc...
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Finc.16
Digitised version GB Seal no.3039 n.d.
Katherine, Queen of Henry V
She was the daughter of Charles VI of France and married Henry V in 1420 in accordance with the treaty of Troyes. She is here styled queen dowager and uses a lozenge-shaped shield with a lily of France upon it. This form of shield came into use,
for armorials, in the early part of the fourteenth century, and was not by any means confined in its use to widows and spinsters, as is the modern custom. For instances of arms borne upon lozenges and roundels see
Heraldry for Craftsmen and Designers by W. St John Hope, p. 120, et seq.
Size: 10 x 6 mm.
Seal design: Signet, in red wax, lozenge shaped, a fleur-de-lys. The seal is protected by a twisted straw.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXV.103
Digitised version GB Seal no.3040 n.d.
Henry VI
For accounts of Henry's numerous great seals, see Wyon. This seal is W.G.S., nos. 79 and 80.
Size: -
Seal design: (Silver Seal)
This is the same seal as nos. 3032 and 3033; the legend is the same as no. 3033 (first seal of Henry IV). A small quatrefoil between the cuspings below the horse distinguishes it from the
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Reg.2; 2.5.Reg.2, 3; 3.5.Reg.1, 2, 3, 6
GB Seal no.3041 n.d.
Henry VI (Privy Seal)
Size: 60 mm.
Seal design: Round, very imperfect, red wax, armorial, France (modern) and England, quarterly.
Inscription: A fleur de lys: secretum ...
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXV.99
GB Seal no.3041(i) n.d.
Henry VI (signet)
Seal attached to document reference: 1.8.Pont.17*
GB Seal no.3041(ii) n.d.
Henry VI
Seal design: (Sign manual)
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5388
GB Seal no.3042 n.d.
Edward IV
Size: -
Seal design: The king's sign manual.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXV.87; Misc.Ch. 1060
Digitised version GB Seal no.3043 1414
Henry V
Henry, first Duke of Lancaster, received power in 1351 to have a chancery in his county of Lancaster, and to issue writs therefrom under his own seal; he also received all the 'jura regalia' of a county Palatine. In 1377 John of Gaunt was granted
the same rights for his lifetime, and in 1396 the rights were extended and settled in perpetuity on the Dukes of Lancaster. (See also no. 3038).
Size: 89 mm.
Seal design: (Seal for the County Palatine of Lancaster)
Round, light brown wax.
Obverse: equestrian, Henry on horseback galloping to the sinister, armed like no. 3037 but with the label of Lancaster differencing
shield and trappings, jupon and crest.
Reverse: armorial, England with a label of three points of France, above the shield is the royal crown and on each side of it an ostrich feather with the pen passing through a scroll, field diapered with
floriated pattern.
Inscription: Obverse: ...nrici : dei gracia : regis : anglie : ... hibernie ... com : palitinum lancastrie
Reverse: Sig : Henrici : dei : gracia : regis : anglie et francie : dni hibernie
Seal attached to document reference: 1.4.Reg.11
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3044 n.d.
Henry VI
The bishops of Durham as earls palatine had a chancery of their own from which they issued writs under their great seals in Chancery (see post, under Ecclesiastical Seals). During a vacancy of the see the king appointed a guardian of the
temporalities and used a great seal of his own. This seal is probably the one used by the guardian Richard Neville, Earl of Salisbury, during the vacancy of the see between the death of bishop Langley, 20 November 1437, and the appointment of bishop
Neville, who received the temporalities 8 April 1438.
Size: 67 mm.
Seal design: (Seal for the Bishopric of Durham 'sede vacante')
Round, dark green wax.
Obverse: armorial, France (modern) and England, quarterly, the shield is in a beautifully cusped quatrefoil with diapered
Reverse: equestrian, Henry in plate armour and close fitting jupon with long hanging sleeves, sword in right hand and shield of arms upon his left arm, visored helm with crowned lion crest upon a cap of maintenance. The horse is
fully caparisoned. The shield, jupon and horse trappers are emblasoned with France (modern) and England, quarterly. On the field of the seal beneath the king's sword arm is a shield of arms charged with a plain cross between four lions rampant for
the bishopric of Durham. The field of the shield is diapered with a branch like pattern.
Inscription: Obverse:

Sigill x Henrici x dei x gra . regis x angl x i x franc x t x dni x hibn̄ x p x eptū x
dunolm x sede x vacante x
Reverse: S x Henrici dei gra reg angl' t franc' t dni hibn̄ pro eptū dunolm sede vacante
Seal attached to document reference: From a cast, the die of which is in the British Museum.
GB Seal no.3045 1461-1483
Edward IV
This seal is evidently based upon the 'Bretigny' seal before noted (nos. 3032 and 3033). The obverse with a younger, clean-shaven figure of the king is inferior both in design and execution to that seal. The reverse is considerably altered as
armour of plate had made great advances since the days of Edward III. This seal depicts the fourth Edward in full panoply of plate as worn in the latter part of the fifteenth century. According to Wyon, it was only used for a few months during 1461.
(W.G.S., 81 and 82). His second seal (3046) was used till the close of his first reign in 1471. The example in the Treasury of Durham is very imperfect, and I have completed the description from the engraving given by Wyon. It is chiefly notable for
the badges on the field of the reverse - the roses and the suns of York. Edward adopted the sun badge after the battle of Mortimer's Cross (2 February 1461), where it is related he saw 'Three glorious suns, each one a perfect sun', which suddenly
rushed together and formed one. He looked upon this vision as a favourable omen and thenceforward the 'sun in its splendour' was his favourite badge. The opening lines of Shakespeare's
Richard III refer to this. During his two reigns Edward used three other seals, not here represented. For full account of them see Wyon (W.G.S., nos. 83 and 84).
Size: 108 mm.
Seal design: (First Seal)
Round, white wax.
Obverse: Edward, crowned and vested, enthroned, holding in his right hand a sceptre with dove at the top, in his left an orb from which rises a cross crosslet. The centre
canopy of the throne is triple arched and is elaborately decorated with pinnacles and crocketts and in the middle directly above the king is a crowned figure apparently blessing. In a small niche to the dexter of the king is Our Lady standing,
crowned, holding the child Christ on her left arm, in the corresponding niche on the sinister is the armed figure of St George, sword in right hand and on his left arm a shield of arms bearing a plain cross. Beyond these, on each side, is a larger
niche pinnacled and crocketted in each of which is a tree, with a bird in the branches, and with a shield of arms, France (modern) and England, quarterly, hanging from it. At the foot of each tree a lion crouches. On a projecting cornice at each
side and beyond these niches is the demi figure of a man at arms holding a mace in his right hand.
Reverse: equestrian, the king in complete plate armour and tight fitting jupon. Large helm with projecting chin piece and upon it, on a cap of
maintenance, the crowned lion crest. He brandishes a heavy sword and slightly bent quillons and round pommel in his right hand and on his left arm bears a shield of arms with rounded base and held so as to show the whole shield. The horse has a
ridged chaufron, broad flat reins and a large sized bit, the folds of its trappings are very voluminous. Shield, jupon and horse trappers are emblasoned France (modern) and England, quarterly. The saddle has a piece projecting at the side in front
to protect the thighs. The inner edge of the border is surrounded by a series of very plain cuspings.
Inscription: Obverse: Edwardus : dei : gracia : rex : francie : et : anglie : et : dn̄s : hibernie
Reverse: Edwardus : dei : gracia : rex : francie : et : anglie : et : dns : hibernie
Seal attached to document reference: 4.5.Reg.1
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3046 1464
Edward IV
Size: 108 mm.
Seal design: (Second Seal)
Round, dark brown wax, very imperfect.
Obverse: similar in general design to Edward's first seal, but much finer and bolder in design. The chief points of difference are (1) the centre
canopy has three niches, in the centre one is a demi figure of Christ holding a cross in his left hand and his right blessing, the dexter niche contains a demi figure of an archbishop that on the sinister a similar figure of a king crowned and
holding a sceptre; (2) the side canopies are higher and extend to the edge of the seal; (3) the men at arms bearing maces also stand under canopies instead of plains roofs as in the previous seal; (4) round the outer border of the seal is a moulding
decorated with small roses.
Reverse: equestrian, the arms and armour very similar to the first seal. The horse's fore hoofs come through the border of the legend and the field of the seal is beautifully diapered with heraldic roses set in
quatrefoils with 'suns in splendour' between them.
Inscription: Obverse: [Edwardus : dei : grā : rex : anglie] : t : francie : t dn̄s : hibnie
Reverse: [Edwar]dus : dei : gracia : rex : [anglie : et : francie : et dominus : hibernie :]
Seal attached to document reference: 4.5.Reg.4*
GB Seal no.3047 1465
Edward IV
Size: 76 mm.
Seal design: (Treasury Seal)
Round, brown wax.
Obverse: equestrian, very similar to great seal except that field of seal is plain and that the horse's neck is covered with ridged plates of armour instead of the
emblasoned trappings being carried over it. The king's helmet has a slit for the eyes and has not the projecting chin piece of the great seals.
Reverse: armorial, France (ancient) and England, quarterly, a castle above and at each side of the
Inscription: Obverse: Edward': dei : gra rex anglie : et : francie : et : ...nie
Reverse: Sigillum de scaccario domini regis
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XIX.57
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3048 1462
Edward IV
The seal of the court of Common Pleas (pro brevibus coram justiciariis) of which there are a series, not here represented, similar in general design from the time of Henry VI. Though I know of no examples earlier than Henry VI, both benches had
seals temp. Edward III and probably earlier (Rymer's
Foedera (ed. Cayley), III, p. 868). The court of the King's Bench (pro brevibus coram nobis) used a similar series from about the same time. The example in the Treasury is much broken. (See no. 3056).
Size: 70 mm.
Seal design: (Seal 'ad brevia in banco')
Round, very imperfect, brown wax.
Obverse: the king seated on his throne, robed and crowned, fleur-de-lys sceptre in right hand, orb with cross in left.
Reverse: armorial,
France (ancient) and England, quarterly.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.5.Reg.2
GB Seal no.3048A 1484
Edward IV
The great seal for the palatinate of Durham (sede vacante) under Edward IV, see note 3044. 15b is a licence from John (Sherwood) bishop elect of Durham, to the monks of Durham to elect a prior after the death of Robert Ebchester, while the other
two concern the appointment of a keeper of the priory during the vacancy. He uses this seal (15a(ii)) 'quia sigillum nostrum magnum nondum habemus ad huc factum sigillum Dni Edwardi quarti regis Angliae in cancellaria nostra Dunelm, ex antiquo
remanent[em] presentibus apposuimus [June 25] anno Pontificatus nostro primo'. The other two read 'magnum sigillum nostrum'
Size: 79 mm.
Seal design: (Seal in Chancery for the Palatinate of Durham 'sede vacante')
Round, light brown wax.
Obverse: equestrian, Edward armed as on great seal (no. 3045). The field of seal is diapered with a floriated pattern
and the horse is represented galloping over a grass field.
Reverse: bishop, enthroned and vested, blessing and holding his pastoral staff in his left hand. On the dexter is a man at arms; standing in front of him is a shield of arms bearing a
cross and saltire. On the sinister is St George and the dragon. Beneath the bishop is a shield of arms, a cross between four lions rampant.
Inscription: Obverse: x Edwardus x dei x gracia x rex x anglie x et x francie x dominus x hibernie
Reverse: sigillum x epatus x dunelm ... x sede x eiusdm x vacante ..
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XVI.15a(i), 15a(ii), 15b
For Edward IV, see also 3042
GB Seal no.3049 1483
Richard III
This, with the needful alteration of name, is the same as the third great seal of Edward IV, used by him from 1471-80. It is plainer in design than the preceding seals and is generally feeble and poor looking, particularly on the reverse. This
was the first great seal (Edward's) on which the horse is represented as galloping over solid ground, but why the ground should represent a rabbit warren is not clear. (W.G.S., 91 and 92).
Size: 114 mm.
Seal design: Round, white wax.
Obverse: Richard, vested and crowned, with an open arched crown, seated on his throne, on each side of which is a seated lion. The king holds in his right hand a sceptre with dove, and in
his left an orb surmounted by a cross crosslet with a long stem. Above him is a triple round arched canopy of tabernacle work and in the plain background, above his crown, is an heraldic rose. In the background below the king's feet is, on the
dexter a rose, on the sinister a 'sun in splendour'. On each side of the throne is a plain canopied niche with rather flat leaden roof in each of which is a shield of arms, France (modern) and England, quarterly, the dexter shield has a 'sun in
splendour' just above it and above the sun a rose whilst above the sinister shield is 'the sun in splendour' alone. Beneath each shield both these badges are repeated. Outside these niches are two towers upon each of which stands a man at arms
holding a standard. Between each of the words of the legend is an heraldic rose.
Reverse: equestrian, Richard in armour of plate and tight fitting jupon. His head is surmounted by a cap of maintenance encircled by a crown and with the lion crest
above. The shield on his left arm has a rounded base, the armorials on it, on his jupon and the horse's trappings are quarterly, France (modern) and England. The field of the seal is strewn with roses and 'suns of splendour'. The horse is galloping
over a rabbit warren, one or two rabbits appearing beneath him. On the horse's head is a plume of four ostrich feathers.
Inscription: Obverse: ✠ Ricardus . dei . gracia . rex . anglie et francie . et . dominus . hibernie .
Reverse: ✠ Ricardus . dei . gracia . rex . anglie . et . francie . et . domunis . hibernie
Seal attached to document reference: 3.4.Reg.15; 3.5.Reg.13; 3.12.Pont.4
GB Seal no.3050 1485-1509
Henry VII
1485-1509. This seal is much bolder and richer in design than no. 3049. The reverse is interesting because of the change of armour it depicts. The king now wears the open type of helmet known as a salade, the tight fitting jupon of the preceding
seals gives place to a looser coat, with open sleeves, flying back from the waist, the shield itself has become more rounded and slightly concave. (W.G.S., 93 and 94).
Size: 108 mm.
Seal design: Round, light brown wax.
Obverse: Henry vested and crowned, seated on his throne beneath a triple arched gothic canopy. He holds a sceptre, with reliquary at the top, in his right hand, and in his left an orb
with a long stemmed cross crosslet. On each side of the king is a niche with double arched canopy above, surmounted by tabernacle work with crocketted finials. In each niche, above a sitting lion, is a shield of arms, quarterly, France (modern) and
England. Beyond these niches on each side is a bracket, with crocketted finials above, upon each of which stands a man-at-arms bearing a mace. Below the king's feet at each side is a rose with branch.
Reverse: equestrian, the king in plate
armour and surcoat, with sleeves open below the elbow, flying open below the waist. On his head is a salade above which on a cap of estate stands the lion crest. His shield is rounded at the base and appears to be slightly concave. The surcoat,
shield and horse trappings bear the arms quarterly, France (modern) and England. The chaufron on the horse's head bears a cross of St George and on his head is a plume of feathers. The horse is galloping over a rabbit warren. The field of the seal
is diapered in a lozenge pattern with roses between and fleur-de-lys at the intersections. The outside border of the seal is ornamented with small roses.
Inscription: Obverse:
: Henricus : dei : gra : rex : anglie : t . francie : t : dominus : hibernie :
Reverse: ✠ Henricus










Seal attached to document reference: 3.5.Reg.9, 14; 2.12.Pont.8
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3051 1494
Henry VII
See note re no. 3048. The chief point of interest in this seal is the introduction of two collared greyhounds, as supporters, on the reverse. This was a favourite badge of Henry VII and was probably adopted by him as a memorial of his mother,
Margaret Beaufort. The greyhound was used by him as the sinister supporter of the royal shield, the dexter being the red dragon of Wales. The silver-collared greyhound was also used as a supporter by Henry VIII and Mary.
Size: 67 mm.
Seal design: (Seal 'ad brevia in banco')
Round, brown wax.
Obverse: Henry vested, crowned and seated on a throne which is without a back. He holds, in his right hand, a sceptre with fleur-de-lys, in his left, an orb
with cross. The field is diapered with lozenges, with fleur-de-lys at the intersections and enclosing roses.
Reverse: armorial, France (ancient) and England quarterly. Supporters: two collared greyhounds.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Ebor.43
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3052 n.d.
Henry VIII
Size: -
Seal design: The king's sign manual.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXV.100
Digitised version GB Seal no.3053 1509
Henry VIII
W.G.S., nos. 97 and 98.
Size: -
Seal design: (First Seal)
This seal is exactly the same as that of Henry VII (no. 3050) except that on the reverse in the field of the seal, just above the horse's hind quarter, is a lion rampant and in front of its head
a fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.5.Reg.15
GB Seal no.3054 1509-47
Henry VIII
This, the last of the Gothic great seals, already has traces of the style of the renaissance, the garters round the shields and the Roman letters in the legend show this tendency. A debased style of Gothic remains in the canopy, tracery and
pinnacles of the throne. It is the first seal on which the title 'Fidei Defensor' is used (conferred by Pope Leo X in 1521). It is also the first on which a number is used to distinguish Henry from his predecessors. On the reverse the change in the
style of armour is very marked. The lion crest has gone and is replaced by a large plume of nodding feathers over an open helmet. The surcoat also has disappeared and a skirt of fluted armour is added. The horse is no longer covered with
loose-flowing armorial trappings, but is housed in a stiff caparison diapered in a lozenge pattern enclosing roses. In place of armorials is a large double rose, alluding to Henry's descent from both York and Lancaster. The greyhound of the
Beauforts was the favourite badge of his father (see previous note). (W.G.S., 99 and 100). Henry's third seal, not here represented, was distinctly renaissance in type. In it the title, 'Supreme Head on Earth of the Church in England and Ireland',
was first used, and the title, 'Dominus Hibernias' was changed to 'Rex Hiberniae' (W.G.S., 101 and 102).
Size: 114 mm.
Seal design: (Second Seal)
Round, wax.
Obverse: Henry enthroned, robed in a mantle with ermine cape, wearing a closed crown, and holding in his right hand a long sceptre and in his left an orb with cross. Above the
throne is a triple canopy of pointed arches, the sides of the throne are continued outwards like wings, traceried and with crocketted edges and tops. Beyond the throne, on each side, is a shield of arms, quarterly, France and England, each shield is
surrounded by the Garter with its motto and above each is a closed crown. Running behind the throne and between it and the legend is a pattern composed of roses and fleur-de-lys alternately. The letter N in the legend is reversed
Reverse: equestrian, Henry in plate armour, the shoulder pieces with high passegardes, the skirt of fluted armour; he wears no surcoat. His open helmet is ornamented with a number of large feathers hanging down. The horse is in a
stiff housing diapered with fleur-de-lys set in lozenges and charged with double heraldic roses in place of arms. His head is decorated with a plume of feathers and the chaufron has a spike in front. The small shield bears France and England,
quarterly. In the field, above the horse's hind quarter is a large heraldic double rose and beneath the horse is a collared greyhound. Round the inside of the legend runs a device of roses and fleur-de-lys alternating.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.5.Reg.18, 19
GB Seal no.3055 1540
Henry VIII
Size: (?) 63 mm.
Seal design: (Seal for Court of Augmentations)
Round, imperfect, light brown wax.
Obverse: similar to previous seal (no. 3054) except that the throne has a central canopy only and the shield on the dexter of throne is
apparently St George's cross.
Reverse: equestrian, it is much blurred and details difficult to make out, the horse trappings are more flowing than those on no. 3054, and the letters .H R appear in field above the horse's hind
Inscription: Obverse: Legend illegible.
Reverse: Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6631
GB Seal no.3056 1542
Henry VIII
Seal of the court of Common Pleas (see also nos. 3048 and 3051). This seal is similar in type to the third great seal of Henry, made probably because of Henry's change of title and alluded to in note 32. Like the great seal it is distinctly
renaissance in style and is noteworthy for the cartouche, ensigned with an arched and closed crown, bearing the royal arms. The crowned lion supporter on the dexter is also to be noted.
Size: 92 mm.
Seal design: (Seal 'ad brevia in banco')
Round, dark brown wax.
Obverse: Henry, crowned, and in mantle with ermine cape, seated on a throne of renaissance style with flattened oval canopy. His right hand is clenched
and seems to be empty, his left holds the orb with cross. The field is diapered with roses set in lozenges.
Reverse: armorial, a gothic shaped cartouche charged with the armorials of France and England, quarterly. Above the cartouche is a closed
and arched crown, is supported by a lion on the dexter, and a collared greyhound on the sinister side.
Inner legend: (on a scroll) SIGILLVM . PRO . BREVIBVS . CORAM . IVSTICIARIIS .
Seal attached to document reference: -
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3057 1547
Edward VI
This fine renaissance seal, unfortunately, very imperfect, though used by Edward VI, is that of Henry VIII, described as 'sigillum nostrum quo ad causas ecclesiasticas utimus'. It typifies the great claims of Henry in church and state; upon him,
in the form of a dove, descends the Holy Spirit. Justice is on his right hand and on his left (?) Mercy. On his right the princes of the church kneel to him and on his left the princes of the world. The design of the seal is finely conceived.
Size: 114 mm.
Seal design: (Seal 'ad causas ecclesiasticas')
Round, red wax.
Henry enthroned, robed and crowned, holding sword in right hand and orb with cross in left. Above the canopy of the throne is a dove descending. Beneath
on the pediment is the royal shield France and England, quarterly, ensigned with a closed crown and surrounded by the Garter with motto. At the dexter in an upper compartment is a woman's figure holding scales (Justice), the figure is very
imperfect. Beneath her are four kneeling figures, two archbishops with crosses and two bishops with crosiers. On the sinister in the upper compartment is the figure of a woman holding a ... Beneath her are five crowned figures kneeling.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.5.Reg.5
Digitised version GB Seal no.3058 1555
Mary I
1553-1558. This seal is poor and undistinguished in design. The castles on the saddle cloth from the shield of Castile and the pomegranates from that of Grenada, refer to Mary's mother, Catherine of Arragon. (W.G.S., 107 and 108). For Mary's
second seal used after her marriage with Philip of Spain in 1554 see W.G.S., p. 74.
Size: 117 mm.
Seal design: Round, light brown wax.
Obverse: Mary, robed and crowned, seated on a plain straight-backed throne with simple canopy. She holds in her right hand a sceptre and in her left an orb. In the field to the dexter
of the throne is a cartouche bearing the arms France and England, quarterly, ensigned with a crown, and in the same position on the sinister is a large heraldic double rose also surmounted by a crown.
Reverse: equestrian, the queen on horseback
walking to the sinister. She wears a small crown and wears a tight bodice, with sleeves hanging open from the elbow, and a wide loose skirt. A square saddle cloth hangs low down and is diapered with a lozenge pattern in which is alternately a castle
and a pomegranate. In the field in front of the horse is a flowering rose bush and above its hind quarter is a large fleur-de-lys surmounted by a closed crown. In the exergue: 'TEMPORIS FILIA VERITAS'
Seal attached to document reference: 4.5.Reg.6
GB Seal no.3059 n.d.
Elizabeth I
1558-1603. This seal, poorly designed and a bad impression on inferior wax, calls for no comment. The motto on the pediment of the throne refers to the religious persecutions of the previous reign. This seal was used from 1558 to 1587. (W.G.S.,
111 and 112). After 1587 Elizabeth used a much larger seal (146 mm diam.) of considerably finer design. (See Wyon, p. 77).
Size: 121 mm.
Seal design: (First Seal)
Round, dark brown wax.
Obverse: Elizabeth, robed and crowned, seated on a large cushioned throne with heavy rounded canopy, supported by two pillars, from which fall two fringed curtains. The
queen holds a sceptre in her right hand and her left supports an orb with cross. On each side of the throne, in the field, is a shield of arms, France and England quarterly, each shield is surrounded by the Garter with its motto and is surmounted by
a closed crown. On the pediment of the throne is the motto 'PVLCHRVM PRO PATRIA PATI'.
Reverse: equestrian, the queen on horseback walking to the left, she holsd the light reins in her right hand and in her left a sceptre. She wears a close
fitting bodice with loose skirts over which is a tight fitting robe, fastened at the waist by a girdle with long flowing tasselled ends, which also has flowing sleeves and skirts. The saddle cloth is square and ornamented with a border and diaper
pattern. In the field, both in front and behind the horse, is a branch of a rose bush with flowers and leaves. Above the horse on the dexter is a crowned fleur-de-lys and on the sinister is a crowned heraldic rose.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.5.Reg.10, 11
GB Seal no.3060 1588
Elizabeth I
Now almost entirely perished (1914). The oval shape, used both by ladies and ecclesiastics and for the same reason, is to be noted. The seal differs greatly from the seal used for the same business by Henry VIII (no. 3057).
Size: 86 x 57 mm.
Seal design: (Seal 'ad causas eccleciasticas')
Oval, imperfect, red wax, armorial, cartouche-shaped shield, France and England, quarterly, dexter supporter a lion.
Inscription: ... CA... ECCLESIAST...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2517
GB Seal no.3061 n.d.
James I
This poor and inartistic seal is interesting as being the first upon which the arms of Scotland and Ireland appear and also for the change in the king's titles consequent upon the union of the two kingdoms. The banners attributed to Cadwallader
(azure a cross partly fitchy silver) and to Edward the Confessor (azure a cross patonce between five martlets gold) evidently are intended to typify James's descent from the earlier kings.
Size: 146 mm.
Seal design: (First Seal)
Round, white wax.
Obverse: James, crowned and enthroned, wearing a pleated ruff round his neck and vested in the robes and collar of the Garter. He holds a sceptre in his right hand and an
orb with cross in his left. The throne has a flat back with fringed and tasselled canopy over which is a winged cherub. The ornamental sides of the throne are supported by pillars one at each side. Beyond that on the dexter is a crowned seated lion
supporting a banner blasoned with a cross paty fitchy (the arms ascribed to Cadwallader) and beyond the sinister pillar is a seated unicorn bearing a banner blasoned with a cross paty between five birds (the shield ascribed to Edward Confessor)
above these on each side is a shield of arms ensigned with a closed and arched crown and surrounded by the Garter with motto. The shields bear: I and IV quarterly, 1 and 4 France, 2 and 3 England, II Scotland, III Ireland.
Reverse: equestrian,
James in fluted armour with skirt, open helmet surmounted by an arched crown upon which is the lion crest, a plume of ostrich feathers hangs down behind his head. He brandishes a sword in his right hand and on his left arm is a shield of arms
blasoned as on the obverse. The horse wears a stiff, rather small caparison not blasoned armorially, its head and neck are protected by plate armour and a plume of feathers is on its head. In the field behind the horse is a large heraldic rose
ensigned with an imperial crown, beneath this is the harp of Ireland surmounted by a smaller crown and in front of the horse is a fleur-de-lys also ensigned by a small crown. The horse gallops over a field in which flowers are growing, and a
collared greyhound runs by its side.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.5.Reg.13
GB Seal no.3062 1634
Charles I
A very poor seal and a badly blurred impression. The design is meagre and inartistic in the extreme. This is the same seal as 3063, and is that of the Durham Court of Pleas, described in the documents as 'sigillum Com' Palatini Dunelm' ad brevia
in eodem Com' sigilland' deputat'' See
Archaelogia , 77, p.176 where it is described from the original matrix but miscalled a Chancery seal.
Size: 63 mm.
Seal design: (Seal for the Palatinate of Durham)
Round, brown wax.
Obverse: the bishop robed and enthroned, beneath the throne a shield of arms bearing a cross between four lions rampant. The impression is much
blurred and the design is very poor.
Reverse: Charles on a galloping horse, his sword upraised in his right hand, his helmet ornamented with a large plume of feathers.
Inscription: Obverse: Legend illegible. Reverse: Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2518
GB Seal no.3063 n.d.
Charles I
Same seal as 3062.
Size: 63 mm.
Seal design: (Seal for the Palatinate of Durham)
Round, brown wax.
Obverse: a figure (? the king) seated on a throne holding a book to his breast with both hands, beneath is a shield of arms bearing a cross between
four lions rampant. The field of seal is diapered.
Reverse: equestrian, Charles on horseback galloping to the dexter, wearing armour with skirt and helmet with flowing plume of feathers, sword in right hand, horse in caparisons.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 7048
GB Seal no.3064 1672
Charles II
Used during the vacancy of the see between the death of bishop Cosin (15 January 1671/72) and the succession of bishop Nathaniel Crewe at the end of 1674. Described in the document as 'deputed for the sealing of writs in the County [Palatine]'
but may in fact be an all-purpose
sede vacante seal.
Size: 102 mm.
Seal design: (Seal for the Bishopric of Durham)
Round, brown wax.
Obverse: armorial, a plain cross between four lions rampant, above it an episcopal mitre.
Reverse: armorial, grand quarters I and IV quarterly,
France and England, II Scotland, III Ireland. The shield is surrounded by Garter with motto, and above it is a closed imperial crown.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6898
GB Seal no.3064(i) n.d.
Charles II
Seal design: (Second seal)
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5838, 7097
GB Seal no.3064(ii) n.d.
Charles II
Seal design: (Fourth seal)
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5836, 5837, 6904
English PrincesGB Seal no.3065 n.d.
Beaufort, Henry of
He was the second of the three sons of John of Gaunt and Katherine Swynford. In 1396 John and Katherine were married and in 1397 their sons (the Beauforts) were declared legitimate by Richard II, this declaration was confirmed in 1407 by their
half-brother Henry IV. Henry Beaufort was dean of Wells in 1397, bishop of Lincoln 1398, bishop of Winchester 1405 till his death in 1447, cardinal 1427, and three times lord chancellor under Henry IV and Henry V. There appears to be no historical
truth in the tragic circumstances of his death as related by Shakespeare (Henry VI, pt. II, III, iii). Before their legitimation in 1397 the Beauforts bore a shield compounded from the first quarter of their fathers arms (England) using the livery
colours of Lancaster for the colours of the field, namely, Party silver and azure on a bend gules three leopards of England, a label of three points of France (Willement's Roll of Richard II), this shield Cardinal Beaufort differenced by adding a
silver crescent; after they were legitimised they bore France and England, quarterly, within a border compony silver and azure. Henry using the same mark of difference.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, armorial, France (modern) and England, quarterly, within a border; the shield is ensigned by a cardinal's hat.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXV.78
Digitised version GB Seal no.3066 1413
Bedford, John Duke of
John of Lancaster, third son of Henry IV, born 1389, died 1435, and was 'worthily interred in Notre Dame church at Rouen at the north side of the high altar'. He was warden of the East Marches and captain of Berwick, 1403-14 (living much at
Warkworth) constable of England 1403, created duke of Bedford and earl of Richmond 1414, Regent of France and Protector and Defender of England 1422-35. The seal is a beautiful example of the engraver's art of the early fifteenth century. The label
of Brittany is for the earldom of Richmond, the label of France is his ancestral label of Lancaster. For the ostrich feathers see no. 3038.
Size: 57 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, France (modern) and England, quarterly, a label of five points, the first two of Brittany (ermine), the last three of France (fleur-de-lys). The shield is couchée and is surmounted by a closed
helm, with mantling, above which, on a cap of estate, is the crowned lion crest of England with a label as on the arms round his neck. On either side of the shield is an ostrich feather each of which is bound round with a scroll upon which is the
word sobereine. The field of the seal is beautifully diapered.
Inscription: sigillum · iohannis

filii · henrici



Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Spec.56
Digitised version GB Seal no.3067 n.d.
Bedford, John, Duke of
This and the next number are used by the same man as no. 3066. The supporters of his shield were two eagles and he uses one of them as his private signet in the prevailing fashion of using apart of one's armorial bearings for that purpose.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, an eagle with raised wings within two ostrich feathers all in a corded circle.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXV.107, 108, 109, 110
GB Seal no.3068 n.d.
Bedford, John, Duke of
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, undecipherable.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXV.113, 114
GB Seal no.3069 1284
Lancaster, Edmund, Earl of
The second son of Henry III, created Earl of Leicester 1265, of Lancaster 1267, died 1296. He was called 'Crouchback' from the cross he wore on his back in fulfillment of a crusading vow. He was a Crusader from May 1271 to December 1272. His
shield, blasoned in 'Grimaldi's roll' (Coll. Top. et Gen. II, 320) was 'de goules ove trois leopards passantz d'or et lambel daz ure florete dor'.
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, imperfect, three lions passant joined in one head.
Inscription: Legend destroyed.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Finc.10a
Digitised version GB Seal no.3070 n.d.
Lancaster, Thomas
Earl of
Son of Edmund (no. 3069). He was born about the year 1278, and was Earl of many counties, Lancaster, Leicester, Derby, Salisbury and Lincoln and Lord of the honour of Hinckley. He led the barons of Edward II against that king's favourites, Piers
Gaveston and the Despencers. He was beheaded in front of his castle of Pontefract, with every mark of disgrace, after the battle of Boroughbridge in 1322. His banner blasoned in the poem of the siege of Caerlaverock was 'De Engleterre au label de
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, England (three leopards) with a label of three points of France (fleur-de-lys). See also 1537.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6379
GB Seal no.3071 1358
Lancaster, Henry
Duke of
He was styled 'of Grosmont' and was son of Henry, brother of Thomas (no. 3070). He was born about 1299 and succeeded his father as fourth Earl of Lancaster in 1345. He was created Duke of Lancaster in 1352 and died 1361. With the exception of the
Black Prince who was made Duke of Cornwall, he was the first to bear the title of Duke in England.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round, red wax, armorial, England (three leopards) with a label of three points of France (fleur-de-lys). The shield is surmounted by a cap of maintenance upon which stands the lion crest of England.
Inscription: SIGIL ... RICI ...VCIS LANCASTR'
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Finc.10
Digitised version GB Seal no.3072 1372
Lancaster, John
Duke of. Styled 'dei gra rex Castelle et Legionis dux Lancastrie'
John of Gaunt ('old John of Gaunt time honoured Lancaster') was the fourth son of Edward III. He married, first, Blanche, daughter and heiress of Henry, first Duke of Lancaster, and succeeded to the earldom, in her right, in 1361. He was made
Duke of Lancaster in 1362. He married, secondly, Constance, daughter and co-heiress of Pedro, King of Castile, in whose right he claimed that kingdom and was styled King of Castile and Leon, 1372-1388. His third wife was Katherine, widow of Sir Hugh
Swynford and daughter of Sir Payne Roet, Guienne king-at-arms. He died 1399. His arms blasoned in Willement's Roll of Richard II for 'Le duc John de Lancastre' were quarterly, France (ancient) and England over all a label ermine. He appears to have
adopted this label (of Brittany for Richmond) in place of the label of France, used previously by the house of Lancaster, probably because he bore already on his shield the arms of France. As titular King of Castile and Leon he impaled the arms of
that kingdom with his own. N.B. the seal engraved
Priory of Finchale p.162is no. 3066 above, not this one as there suggested.
Size: -
Seal design: Seal now perished (1914).
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Finc.11
Digitised version
Scottish Royal SealsGB Seal no.3073 1094
Duncan II
1094. Very archaic in design and rude in execution. The seal has only the one face and does not give the type of majesty as on the English seals of same date. Seal is no. 1 A.S.S., vol. I, it is illustrated plate p. 97, B.S.S., vol. I. The
charter is printed R.N.D. app. I, no. 1.
Size: 54 mm.
Seal design: Round, light brown wax, equestrian, the king in mail hauberk, with conical peaked helmet and nasal, kite-shaped shield showing inside and carrying a spear with pennon of two tails.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL ...TORVM
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 554
Digitised version GB Seal no.3074 1098-1107
The design is even ruder and more archaic than Duncan's. The type is changed from equestrian to that of majesty and is in general not unlike the seal of Edward the Confessor. The same title is used 'basileus' in place of 'rex'. See A.S.S. I, no.
2; B.S.S., I, p. 99. Edgar's charters are printed R.N.D. app. I, nos III-VIII; Hutchinson's
History of Durham , vol. I, p. 170n. Charter Misc.Ch. 560 is a forged charter and seal (W.G.).
Size: 63 mm.
Seal design: Round, yellow wax, the king seated on a stool with claw feet, crowned and robed, holding in his right hand a sceptre with fleur-de-lys, and in his left hand a sword grasped in the middle, the pommel resting on
his knee.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 556, 557, 558
GB Seal no.3074A
Mathildis (Maud): See no. 3018.
GB Seal no.3075 1107-1124
Alexander I
This is the first of the Scottish royal seals to conform to the modern type. The king in majesty, as lawgiver, on the obverse; as military leader on the reverse. It is very similar in style to the seal of William Rufus. It is also the first to
use the style 'deo rectore rex'. See A.S.S., I, nos 3 and 4; B.S.S., I, pp 103 and 105. Charters printed R.N.D., app. 3, nos IX-XI.
Size: 70 mm.
Seal design: Round, yellow wax.
Obverse: the king robed and enthroned wearing a close fitting cap and holding a sword in his right hand and in his left an orb with cross. In the field, below each hand, is a
Reverse: equestrian, the king in a ringed mail hauberk and conical pointed helmet with nasal, with kite-shaped shield showing the inside and carrying a spear with pennon of three tails.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 561, 562, 563
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3076 1124-1153
David I
A.S.S., I, nos 5 and 6. Charters printed R.N.D. app. I, XII-XXVI.
Size: 70 mm.
Seal design: Round, brown wax.
The obverse and reverse of this seal are exactly the same as that of Alexander I (no. 3075) with DAVID substituted for ALEXANDER in the legend.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 564, 565, 567, 568, 570, 572, 573, 575
GB Seal no.3077 1153-1165
Malcolm IV
A.S.S. I, nos 7 and 8. Charters printed R.N.D. app. XXVII-XXXII.
Size: 70 mm.
Seal design: Round, yellow wax.
The obverse and reverse of this seal are exactly the same as that of Alexander I and David I (nos. 3075 and 3076) with the name altered to MALCOLVM.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 576, 577, 578, 580, 581
GB Seal no.3078 1165-1214
William the Lion
This seal shows a distinct advance in design over the earlier seals. The figures of horse and rider are more natural and better proportioned. The long kite-shaped shield has given place to a smaller convex shield. Generally the seal is similar to
the first seal of Stephen (no. 3019). It has been conjectured that William's name of 'The Lion' was derived from his use of that beast on his shield. His contemporaries, Richard Coeur de Lion and John Lackland, both used armorials on their shield,
and it is quite possible that William did. It is, however, unfortunate that his seal affords no evidence of his having done so. See A.S.S., I, nos 9 and 10; B.S.S. pp. 107 and 109. Charters printed R.N.D., app. XXXIII-LIX.
Size: 76 mm.
Seal design: Round, green wax (590 and 600), all others natural wax.
Obverse: the king robed, crowned and enthroned, holding a sword in his right hand and in his left an orb with cross.
Reverse: equestrian, the king
in mail hauberk with hood, conical pointed helmet with nasal, concave shield, with central boss, slung round his neck, bearing in his right hand a spear with pennon of three tails and a sword by his left side.
Reverse: equestrian, the king in
mail hauberk with hood, conical pointed helmet with nasal, concave shield, with central boss, slung round his neck, bearing in his right hand a spear with pennon of three tails and a sword by his left side.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 586, 587, 588, 589, 590, 591, 592, 593, 594, 595, 596, 597, 598, 599, 600, 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 611, 612, 613
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3079 1214-1249
Alexander II
The seal shows a further advance towards grace and naturalness of design on the part of the engraver. It is similar in general style to the seal of King John, but the helmet is of a more advanced type. For the first time the king bears a sword on
the reverse in place of the spear of his predecessors. It is also the first of the Scottish royal seals with armorials. The shield is charged with the 'ruddy lion' rampant of Scotland, the surrounding tressure, though very indistinct, is, I think,
given. On the obverse the beginnings of the beautiful diapering, on the fields of later seals, is to be seen in the flowering branch placed on each side of the throne. A.S.S., I, nos 11 and 12; B.S.S., I, pp. 111 and 113. Charters printed R.N.D.,
app. nos LX-LXXV.
Size: 86 mm.
Seal design: Round, green wax.
Obverse: the king robed and enthroned with small close fitting crown. He holds a sword in his right hand and in his left an orb surmounted by a cross crosslet with along stem. On each side
of the throne is a branching plant.
Reverse: equestrian, the king in mail hauberk and long flowing sucoat, flat topped circular helm with visor, holding in his right hand a heavy grooved sword and on his left arm bearing a heater-shaped concave
shield of arms charged with a lion rampant in a double tressure. The same device appears on the back of the saddle cloth.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 615, 616, 617, 618, 619, 620, 621, 623, 624, 625, 626, 627, 628, 629, 629*
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3080 1249-1289
Alexander III
The first seal of this king is described and illustrated A.S.S., II nos 3 and 4. His second seal, here described, is a beautiful example of the thirteenth century seal engraver's art. It compares very favourably with the seals of Henry III and
Edward I (nos 3026, 3027). On the king's helmet and horse's head is the earliest form of a crest. Armorial horse trappings appear here for the first time on a Scottish royal seal. The lettering of the legend is now Gothic majuscule (Lombardic) in
place of Roman capitals. See A.S.S., I, nos 13 and 14; B.S.S., pp. 119 and 121. Charters printed R.N.D., app. LXXVI-LXXVII. A.S.S. I, nos 15 and 16 illustrate a very beautiful privy seal used by Alexander. The obverse gives the type of majesty, the
sword instead of being held upright is held horizontally resting on his knees. The reverse shows a perfectly shaped shield charged with the royal arms of Scotland. The legend reads 'ESTO PRVDENS UT SERPENS ET SIMPLEX SICVT COLVMBA'. On the obverse
is an inner legend 'DEI GRA REX SCOTT', adopting the English style in place of the Scottish 'deo rectore'.
Size: 95 mm.
Seal design: (Second Seal)
Round, imperfect, yellow wax.
Obverse: the king robed and crowned seated on a richly carved throne with side panels. The uprights terminating in fleur-de-lys. He bears a sceptre in his right
hand and his left is on his breast. The field is strewn with slipped trefoils.
Reverse: equestrian, the king in mail hauberk and surcoat, with cylindrical helm ornamented with a fan-shaped crest. Sword in right hand, and on his left arm and
suspended round his neck a shield of ams charged with a lion rampant within a tressure. The horse wears a heavy and stiff caparison, with no opening for the tail, also emblasoned with the royal arms. The horse also bears a fan-shaped crest. The
field is strewn with slipped trefoils.
Inscription: Obverse: ✠ ALEX... DEO REC... REX ... Reverse: ✠ ALEX... DEO ... REX S...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 630, 631
GB Seal no.3081 1292-1296
John Baliol
After the death of Alexander III the guardians of Scotland used a different type of seal. The obverse St Andrew on his cross, the reverse a beautifully designed shield bearing the royal arms of Scotland with the field of both obverse and reverse
powdered with trefoils. On the obverse the legend is ANDREA SCOTIS ✠ DVX ESTO COMPATRIOTIS. On the reverse ✠ SIGILLVM SCOCIE DEPVTATVM REGIMINI REGNI. See A.S.S., I nos 17 and 18; B.S.S., pp. 123 and 125; and 'Seals', by W. de Gray Birch, pl. XXXII,
nos 1 and 2. Baliol's seal, here described is a very fine example of late thirteenth century art. It is very similar to the great seal of Edward I. The shield to the dexter of the throne bears the paternal arms of Baliol (gules an orle silver) that
on the sinister I am unable to identify. I do not think it is, as it ought to be, the royal shield of Scotland as there is no tressure and the lion has a double tail. See A.S.S., I, nos 19 and 20; B.S.S., I, pp. 129 and 131. Charter printed R.N.D.,
Size: 102 mm.
Seal design: Round, brown wax.
Obverse: the king, robed and crowned, seated on a throne with richly carved panels and pedestal and with crocketted finials. He holds a long sceptre, ending in an elaborate floriated
ornament, in his right hand, his left is on his breast. In the field to the dexter of the throne is a shield of arms charged with an orle, to the sinister is a similar shield bearing a lion rampant with a forked tail.
Reverse: equestrian, the
king in chain mail and surcoat, cylindrical crowned helm with grated visor, sword in right hand and on his left arm, suspended from his neck, a convex shield of arms charged with the lion rampant in the royal tressure. The heavy caparisons of the
horse are blasoned with the same arms.
Inscription: Obverse: ✠ IOHANNES . DEI . GRACIA . REX . SCOTTORVM
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 632
Digitised versionDigitised version
3081A: Edward I, see 3028
GB Seal no.3082 1306-1329
Robert I (Bruce)
Robert's first seal is described A.S.S., I, nos 21 and 22. It appears to have been used to about 1318 and was similar in style to no. 3081 but rather plainer in design. His second seal here described, is much bolder and on the obverse the
treatment of the throne shows distinct traces of French influence. The style is very similar to the obverse of the seal of Philip VI (of France). See illustrations of Philip's seal, pl. XXXVIII, no. 2 in 'Seals', by W. De Gray Birch. On the reverse
an armorial surcoat appears for the first time. See A.S.S., I, nos. 23 and 24; B.S.S., pp. 141 and 143.
Size: 95 mm.
Seal design: (Second Seal)
Obverse: the king robed and crowned, seated on a draped throne without a back and the arms composed of two long curved necks and heads of a monster on each side. He holds a sceptre with
floriated end in his right hand, his left is on his breast.
Reverse: equestrian, the king in chain mail and short armorial surcoat and cylindrical crowned helm with grated visor. He bears a sword in his right hand and on his left arm a
heater-shaped shield bearing the royal arms with which the trappings of his horse are also blasoned.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 633, 634
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3083 1363
David II
1329-1371. David's great seal is represented in the Treasury at Durham only by one or two fragments, it is fully described A.S.S., I, nos 27 and 28, and B.S.S., pp. 143 and 145. It is very similar to the seals of Robert I, the traces of French
influence are very marked and the evolution in armour is clearly shown. His privy seal, here described is A.S.S., I, no. 29. the completed legend reads GRA REG SCOTTOR. David's charters are printed R.N.D., app. LXXXIV-XCI.
Size: 41 mm.
Seal design: (Privy Seal)
Round, brown wax, armorial, the royal arms of Scotland. The shield is supported by two arms, which encircle it, the hands joining at the point, issuing from clouds above the shield.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 639
GB Seal no.3084 1343
Edward Baliol
Edward Baliol's great seal, not represented here, is described A.S.S., I, nos 29 and 30, and B.S.S., pp. 147 and 149. This seal is A.S.S., I, no. 32. The wide rounded base of the shield is unusual at this date. It may have been so drawn to
represent better the surrounding tressure.
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: (Privy Seal)
Round, red wax, armorial, the royal arms of Scotland.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3716
Digitised version GB Seal no.3085 1391
Robert III
The seals of Robert II, the first of the Stuarts, who reigned 1371-1390 are not here represented. He used two different ones which are described A.S.S., I, 33-36 and B.S.S., I, pp. 151-157. The seal of his son Robert III (1390-1406), here
described is practically the same as the first seal of his father except for the beautiful tracery on the field of the reverse. It resembles the fourth seal of Edward III but the contemporary English great seals do not show the floriated background.
See A.S.S., I, nos 37 and 38. Charter printed R.N.D., app. XCII.
Size: 102 mm.
Seal design: (First Seal)
Round, imperfect, yellow wax.
Obverse: the king, robed and crowned, holding in his right hand a long sceptre with trefoiled head, and his left on his breast. He is seated on an elaborate
throne with gothic canopy traceried and with crocketted finials. On each side is a niche with cinquefoiled arch and battlemented top over each of which looks a man-at-arms. In each of these niches is a grotesque figure holding by both hands a shield
of arms charged with the royal arms of Scotland.
Reverse: equestrian, the king in chain mail and tight fitting jupon. A large helm with closed visor covers his head, resting on his shoulders, and is surmounted by the crest of a standing lion. He
brandishes a heavy sword in his right hand and on his left arm is a small heater-shaped shield. The horse is fully caparisoned. Jupon, shield and horse trappings are charged with the royal arms of Scotland. The field of the seal is beautifully
diapered with a floriated pattern.
Inscription: Obverse: RO... ...TORVM
Reverse: ...TVS DE...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 645
GB Seal no.3086 1424
James I
1406-1436. James's great seal was practically the same as that of Robert III (no. 3085). It is described A.S.S., I, nos 41 and 42. This 'quarter seal' is of a type almost confined to Scotland though occasionally used in early days in England. It
is the upper portion of the great seal, see A.S.S., II, nos 9 and 10, and for uses of this style of seal, see
Proc. Soc. Ant. of Scotland , II, pt. iii, p. 428.
Size: Chord 98; Perp. 63 mm.
Seal design: (Quarter Seal)
The upper segment of the great seal, yellow wax, imperfect.
Obverse: the king crowned and robed and holding a sceptre in his right hand, his left on his breast. The design is the same as
that on the great seal of Robert III (no. 3085). JACOBVS in place of ROBERTVS in the legend.
Reverse: also the same as no. 3086 with the same alteration in the legend.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 646a, 646b
GB Seal no.3087 1456
James II
See A.S.S., I, nos 45 and 46; B.S.S., I, pp. 171 and 173. Charters printed R.N.D., XCV-XCVIII.
Size: 102 mm.
Seal design: Round, imperfect, brown wax.
Obverse & Reverse of this seal are the same as that of Robert III (no. 3085) with the addition on the obverse of two small rings, one at each side of the king's feet, and two
similar rings in the field above the throne. Four of these rings also appear on the reverse, one above and one below the horse's neck and two on the hind trappings of the horse below the lion. The reverse is also differenced by the addition of a
small crown above the king's right arm. JACOBVS appears in the legend in place of ROBERTVS.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 648, 649, 684
Ecclesiastical Seals: English and IrishEpiscopal
For a general account of English episcopal seals see paper on
“The seals of English bishops” , by Sir W.H. St John Hope in
Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London, vol IX, p. 271
Bishops of Bath and Wells
For acoount of the seals of the bishops of Bath and Wells see paper by W.H. St John Hope in the
Proceedings of the Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society, vol. XXXIV, p.29 et seq. The arms of the see are azure two keys addorsed bendways sinister silver and gold over them a sword proper bendways,
the hilt in base.
GB Seal no.3088 n.d.
Josceline of Wells
1206-1242. Reg.Sacr.Angl.54; L.N. I, 130; SBM I, 1412. The saints supporting the throne are St Peter and St Andrew. The priory church of Bath was dedicated to SS. Peter and Paul, the cathedral church of Wells to St Andrew the Apostle. (S.C.D.
III, app. II, pp. 44 and 298). See HDST, LXII.
Size: 73 x 44 mm.Size: Secretum: 51 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing on a corbel vested in alb, dalmatic, chasuble, rationale, apparelled amice, and mitre, his right hand blessing, his left, with maniple hanging from wrist, holding his
crosier.Secretum: Our Lady seated with the child Christ on her knee, on each side of them the standing figure of a saint supporting the throne. Beneath, under a trefoiled canopy a half figure of Josceline prays to
Seal attached to document reference: 1.4.Pont.1, 4; 2.4.Pont.1
GB Seal no.3089 1280
Robert Burnell
1275-1292. Reg.Sacr.Angl.64; L.N. I, 133; SBM I, 1415. He was a favourite clerk of Edward I, when Prince of Wales, who vainly tried to secure the primacy for him. On Edward's accession to the throne he was made chancellor of England, an office he
held till his death. On archbishop Kilwardby's translation to the cardinal bishopric of Porto in 1278, Burnell was elected archbishop of Canterbury, but his election was annulled by the pope, who appointed John Peckham (
England in the Later Middle Ages by K.H. Vickers, p. 9; L.N. I, 14). His counter seal attached to a deed of 1290 at Wells is described by W.H. St John Hope, op. cit., p. 37. Indulgence printed
Rites , p. 155, no. XXXVII.
Size: 76 x 44 mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect, the bishop standing on a pedestal, in mass vestments, his right hand holding his crosier, his left, blessing. In the field on the dexter side are two keys, on the sinister, a saltire, the emblems
of St Peter and St Andrew.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1501
GB Seal no.3090 1314
John of Drokensford
1309-1329. Reg.Sacr.Angl.70; L.N. I, 137; SBM I, 1422, for his episcopal seal of dignity. This seal is apparently his secretum, or counter seal, but here used as a seal (see W.H. St John Hope, op. cit., pp. 33 and 37). There is an account of John
of Drokensford in Raine's
History of Hemingburgh , p. 50. See also no. 814 in this catalogue.
Size: 22 x ? mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect, Our Lady seated with the child Christ. Beneath, on the dexter side is the standing figure of St Peter, and on the sinister that of St Andrew. Below, the bishop in mass vestments, kneeling, prays
to them.
Inscription: ✶ SERVENT:INDEM...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5085
GB Seal no.3091
John Stafford
Reg.Sacr.Angl.87; L.N. I, 140. For his episcopal seal of dignity and another signet, see SBM I, 1428, 1431. He was appointed chancellor of England in 1432. Translated to Canterbury by papal bull 1443, died 1452. For description of his secretum or
counter seal, see W.H. St John Hope, op. cit., p. 38.
Size: 10 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, an eagle standing with spread wings; above it 'affie'.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXV.76, 77
Archbishops of Canterbury
For the seals of the archbishops of Canterbury generally, see
Seals . Arms of the see - azure an archbishop's cross silver, the cross paty gold over which a pall silver edged and fringed gold and charged with four crosses paty fitchy sable.
GB Seal no.3091A 1174-1184
Reg.Sacr.Angl.49; L.N. I, 9; SBM I, 1184; P.L.A. XI, 273, 291. The lettering of the legend of this seal is one of the earliest examples of the change from Roman capitals to Gothic majuscule, or Lombardic, though as yet the letters are rude and
poorly formed. The secretum is illustrated P.L.A. XI, 291.
Size: 83 x 54 mm.Size: Secretum: 38 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect, the archbishop standing vested in alb, dalmatic, chasuble with embroidered border, pall with fringed end, folded amice and mitre with the horns at each side. His right hand blesses, his left,
from which the fringed maniple falls, holds his crosier. The field of the seal is diapered in squares.Secretum: oval, a demi figure of the archbishop in mass vestments, blessing and holding his crosier, rising from the sea. Above is the hand of God blessing him.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] B7
GB Seal no.3092 1335
John of Stratford
1333-1348. He was archdeacon of Lincoln; bishop of Winchester 1323-1333; lord chancellor 1330; translated to Canterbury 1333; Reg.Sacr.Angl.73; document printed
Rites , p. 158, no. LIV. L.N. I, 17; SBM I, 1221.
Size: 79 x 51 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the archbishop standing on a bracket beneath a richly decorated canopy, vested in an apparelled alb, stole, dalmatic with fringe and orphreys, chasuble, amice, pall and jewelled mitre. His hands are gloved,
and his episcopal ring is on his right hand which is blessing, his left holds his cross. In the field on the dexter side, in a quatrefoiled panel, is the mitred head of St Thomas of Canterbury (?), on the sinister is a key and sword in saltire, the
emblems of St Peter and St Paul.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.13.Pont.3
GB Seal no.3093 1368
Simon Langham
1366-1368. He was abbot of Westminster; archdeacon of Wells; bishop of Ely, 1362; lord chancellor 1363; translated to Canterbury 1366; cardinal priest of St Sixtus's 1363; bishop of Palestrina 1374; died 1376. Reg.Sacr.Angl.78; L.N. I, 19 and
335; Cal. Pap. IV, 104, 197.
Size: 70 x 32(?) mm.
Seal design: Oval, very imperfect. The martyrdom of St Thomas of Canterbury. Beneath, in a niche on the dexter side is St Peter, on the sinister is a robed figure holding a book in his right hand and a crosier in his left.
Below is the demi figure of the archbishop in mass vestments and holding his cross in his right hand.
Inscription: Legend destroyed.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 7035
GB Seal no.3094 1595
Canterbury, Chancellor and 'Auditor Causarum', of John, Archbishop of
John Whitgift, 1583-1603/4. He was dean of Lincoln and master of Trinity College, Cambridge; bishop of Ely 1577, translated to Canterbury 1583; died 29 February 1604. Reg.Sacr.Angl.108; L.N. I, 26, III, 65.
Size: 98 x 63 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a figure attired in clerical robes, wearing a flat cap seated on a canopied throne on each side of which is a standing figure, that on the dexter wearing a flat cap and long flowing robes and holding a
purse in his hand, that on the sinister bareheaded and in trunk hose, doublet and cloak. Beneath is a shield of arms ... (?) impaling on a cross flory four bezants.
Inscription: IOH... ANT . ARCHIEPI...
Seal attached to document reference: 1.6.Pont.16
Bishops of Carlisle
For bishops, see paper
“On the seals of the Bishops of Carlisle” by Mrs Henry Ware in the
Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society, vol. XII, 212, and the paper
by the same author in the
Archaeological Journal , XLVIII, 341. Arms of the see - silver on a cross sable, a mitre with labels gold.
GB Seal no.3095 1224-1246
Walter Mauclerk
Resigned 1246, died 1248. Reg.Sacr.Angl.56; L.N. III, 232; SBM I, 2400. See also HDST, LXXII and
Rites , 148. The seals are engraved C.W. XII, 214.
Size: 73 x 41 mm.Size: Secretum: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing on a carved bracket, vested in alb, tunicle, chasuble, rationale and amice. He wears a plain mitre and the maniple falls from his left wrist. His right hand blesses, his left holds his
crosier. In the field on the dexter side, is a star, on the sinister is a crescent.Secretum: oval, Our Lady with the child Christ seated, placing a mitre on the head of the kneeling bishop.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.4.Pont.4; 2.4.Pont.1
GB Seal no.3096 1248
Silvester of Everdon
1247-1254. Reg.Sacr.Angl.60; L.N. III, 232; SBM I, 2401. Seals are engraved C.W. XII, 214. Document no. 1520 printed
Rites , p. 151, no. V.
Size: 70 x 38 mm.Size: Secretum: 51 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing on a carved bracket vested in alb, tunicle, chasuble, rationale and amice. He wears a plain low mitre, his right hand is blessing and his left holds his crosier, the maniple falls from
his left wrist. The field of the seal is beautifully diapered in a lozenge pattern enclosing small crescents.Secretum: half figure of Our Lady with the child Christ. Beneath is a demi figure of the bishop praying to them.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Spec.34; Misc.Ch. 1520
GB Seal no.3097 1286
Ralph of Ireton
1280-1292. Reg.Sacr.Angl.65; L.N. III, 233; SBM I, 2402. Engraved C.W. XII, 218.
Size: 67 x 41 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing in mass vestments, his right hand blessing, his left holding his crosier. In the field on the dexter side is the head of St Peter with a key below, on the sinister side is the head of St
Paul with a sword below.

Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Archiep.3
GB Seal no.3098 1315
John of Halton
1292-1324. Reg.Sacr.Angl.8; L.N. III, 234. Engraved C.W. XII, 218.
Size: 76 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect, the bishop standing in a decorated niche with canopy and side shafts, vested in alb, stole, dalmatic with orphreys, chasuble, rationale and apparelled amice. He wears sandals and an embroidered
mitre. His right hand, on which is his episcopal ring, is blessing, his left holds his crosier. On the dexter side of the canopy are the letters I O H.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.13.Pont.8
GB Seal no.3099 1333
John of Kirkby
1332-1352. Reg.Sacr.Angl.74; L.N. III, 235. This is a very early example of the use of surname on his seal by a bishop. Engraved C.W. XII, 218. Indulgence printed
Rites , p. 157, no. LI.
Size: 76 x 44 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing in a richly decorated niche, vested in alb, dalmatic, chasuble, apparelled amice and mitre. His right hand blesses, his left holds his crosier. Beneath him is a shield of
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1521, 1522
GB Seal no.3100 1395
Thomas of Appleby
1363-1395. Reg.Sacr.Angl.79; L.N. III, 236. For his episcopal seal of dignity and another of his seals, see SBM I, 2406, 2408. Also C.W. XII, 219.
Size: 54 x - mm.
Seal design: Oval (very imperfect). The Annunciation. On a scroll which Gabriel holds in his hand, AVE MARIA.
Inscription: ...E ...
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.63
GB Seal no.3101 1459
William Percy
vicar general of Carlisle
1452-1462. Reg.Sacr.Angl.91; L.N. III, 238. He was the son of Henry Percy, second Earl of Northumberland, and his wife Eleanor, daughter of Ralph Neville, Earl of Westmorland.
Size: 51 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady holding the child Christ, seated in a richly decorated canopied niche. Beneath, the bishop in mass vestments and with crosier, kneeling, prays to her.
Inscription: sigillum .vicarii generalis karlioli
Seal attached to document reference: 2.13.Pont.12
Bishops of Connor
Founded by St Colman, c. 556
GB Seal no.3102 1255
He was a native of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, elected bishop April 4 1245, and ruled the see for about twelve years. (Fast.Hib.III, 248). Indulgence printed
Rites , p. 152, no. XV.
Size: 63 x 38 mm.Size: Secretum: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing in mass vestments, his right hand blessing, his left holding his crosier. In the field on the dexter side is a star, on the sinister, a crescent.Secretum: oval, antique gem, a standing figure holding a rod.
Inscription: ... DEI . GRA CONERENSIS:EPISecretum: ✠ : NOTIS : OLITOS : YSAAC
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1502
GB Seal no.3103 1258
Called of Port Royal: was consecrated in 1257 and died in 1260. (Fast. Hib. III, 248). Indulgence printed
Rites , p. 153, no. XIX.
Size: -
Seal design: Oval, imperfect, the bishop standing in mass vestments, his right hand blessing, his left holding his crosier. In the field on each side is an arch with a crown above it and a circle below.
Inscription: ...LLI:DEI:GRA:CONNERENSIS ...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1503
GB Seal no.3104 1280
Called of Donach; elected and consecrated 1274, died November 1292. (Fast. Hib. III, 248). Indulgence printed
Rites , p. 155, no. XXXVIII.
Size: 63 x 38 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing, in mass vestments, his right hand blessing, his left holding his crosier. In the field, above the bishop's right shoulder are two keys.

Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1504
GB Seal no.3105 1319
He was rector of St Mary's, Coryton, and was consecrated bishop in 1293. The date of his death is not known but it was before 1320, as in that year Richard was bishop. (Fast. Hib. III, 248). Indulgence printed
Rites , p. 157, no. L.
Size: 63 x 41 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing in a canopied niche, in mass vestments, his right hand blessing, his left holding his crosier.
Inscription: SIGILL .. IOH... CONERENSIS . EPI.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1505
Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield
Arms of the see - party silver and gules a cross potent and quadrate between four crosses paty all counter-coloured. For possible origin see E.H. 183.
GB Seal no.3106 1327
Roger Northburgh
1322-1359. He was archdeacon of Richmond. Reg.Sacr.Angl.72; L.N. I, 550; SBM I, 1638, and for his counter seal no. 1639. A seal upon which a great amount of ornamental detail has been lavished, particularly on the elaborate canopy, with its
crockets and finials, the capitals of the side shafts and the beautiful sexfoiled design in which the bishop's shield is placed. The embroidered vestments, jewelled mitre and richly decorated crosier, match this ornamental setting, and together make
a seal of great beauty. It is contemporary with the seals of bishops Beaumont and Aungerville of Durham (nos. 3130, 3132) and in general style is not unlike theirs. The introduction of the shield of England at each side is similar to the use of the
royal arms by Walter Reynolds, bishop of Worcester (1308), and Richard of Durham on his seal (no. 3133). Both Reynolds and Aungerville were chancellors of England and the introduction of these shields may refer to their high office, but why
Northburgh should use them is not apparent though he was appointed treasurer of the exchequer in 1328. (Cal. Pat. 2 Edward III). See also P.L.A. XI 280. The shield in base bears Northburgh's own arms the blason is unknown. The double Roman numerals
II, II on each side of the canopy denote that he was the fourth Roger bishop of the see. Indulgence printed
Rites , p. 153, no. XXVI.
Size: 76 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop stands on a decorated bracket beneath a trefoiled and ogeed canopy, with crockets and finials, which is supported on each side by two circular side shafts with carved bases and capitals. He is
vested in apparelled alb, dalmatic with fringe and orphreys, chasuble richly embroidered round the edge, apparelled amice and jewelled mitre. His hands are gloved, his right hand blesses, his left holds his crosier which has a richly carved crook.
In the field on each side, with the straps twisted round the side shafts, is a shield of arms charged with the three leopards of England. Beneath the pediment, in the centre within a sexfoil is a shield of arms crusilly three sexfoils. Above the
canopy, on each side, are the Roman numerals II, II.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.13.Pont.3
Digitised version Archbishop of Dublin
Arms of the see - azure an archiepiscopal cross, silver, the cross paty gold, over which a pall silver fringed gold charged with five crosses paty fitchy sable.
For Richard Havering, archbishop elect, see 1209.
GB Seal no.3107 1312
1311-1313. He was called Lech, was bishop elect of Dunkeld (Bps. Scot. 61), but was promoted by the pope and elected archbishop in 1311. He died in 1313 and was buried in Westminster abbey. He was a clerk of the Wardrobe before 1312, Keeper of
the Privy Seal 1312-16 and Keeper of the Wardrobe 1316-22. The upper part of the seal is destroyed, but it appears to have been a canopy in the form of a church. He is represented seated which is unusual in English episcopal seals of dignity. The
only other seated bishop in the seals at Durham being that of Anthony Bek (3125). The drapery of the throne and the animals' heads on the arms remind one of the similar thrones on the obverse of the royal seals of Robert I of Scotland, and of those
of the kings of France in the 13th and 14th centuries. (See plate XXXVIII in
Seals ).
Size: 79 x 51 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the archbishop seated on a throne with no back and with the arms ending in animals' heads. His feet rest on a carved footstool and above his head is a church like canopy. He is vested in alb, stole,
dalmatic with orphreys on lower hem and round arms, chasuble, pall, apparelled amice, rationale, and rather low jewelled mitre. His hands are gloved, his right, with ring on middle finger is blessing, his left holds his cross.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.13.Pont.4
Digitised version Bishops of Durham
'Episcopus Dunelmensis duos habet status, videlicet, statum episcopi quoad spiritulia et statum comitis palacii quoad tenementa sua temporalia', quoted by Dr Lapsley as a motto for his history of the
County Palatine of Durham from the Parliament Roll of 21 Ed. I. In the notes on the seals of the bishops of this see I have not named their previous offices and preferments. The references to Surtees and Hutchinson
where their lives are given seem to be sufficient. I have tried rather, as they form such a splendid series, to trace the evolution of the devices and motives and to note the changes in episcopal vestments. Arms of the see - azure a cross gold
between four lions rampant silver.
GB Seal no.3108 1081-1096
William of Saint-Calais
Reg.Sacr.Angl.39; L.N. III, 1282; H.D. I, 161; S.D. I, XVIII; Sym. 699. This seal and the next one are forgeries attached to spurious charters; for full account of them see FPD XXXI et seq. Bishop William certainly used seals as in his Mortuary (
Wills and Invents . I), we read that immediately after his death 'fracta fuerunt ejus sigilla et sancto Cuthberto oblata'. This seal is described SBM I, 2435 and engraved S.D. pl. I, no. 1. His name is from St Calais,
near Le Mans, Maine.
Size: 79 x 22 mm.Size: Secretum:19 x 13 mm.
Seal design: Oval, dished, the bishop standing vested in alb, tunic, chasuble with embroidered border and amice. He wears a low mitre, with a horn at either side, with the
infulae hanging one on
each side. His right hand is blessing, his left holds his crosier. The maniple falls from his left wrist.Secretum, oval, an undecipherable device.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Pont.1
Digitised version GB Seal no.3109 n.d.
William of Saint-Calais
This seal, like the previous one is a forgery attached to spurious charters; for full account of them see FPD XXXI et seq.
Size: 83 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a seal similar except in one or two unimportant details to no. 3108.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Pont.2a, 3a, 4a, 4b; 4.1.Archiep.1
GB Seal no.3110 1099-1128
Ranulf Flambard
Reg.Sacr.Angl.41; L.N. III, 282; Sym. 712; M. Paris I, 168; H.D. I, 174; S.D. I, XIX. This is the earliest genuine episcopal seal at Durham. Its chief points of interest are the shape of the chasuble, broad at the back and falling well below the
knees whilst in front it is much narrower and shorter, and has a curious embroidered orphrey of fleur-de-lys round the shoulders. In his Capella or Mortuary is mentioned 'unam casulam indici coloris cum largis orphrays' (
Wills and Invents , p. 2). The full skirt-like folds of the alb and the plain unornamented sleeves of the tunic or dalmatic are also to be noted. After a careful examination of the various seals, I think that there can
be no doubt that the bishop's head is bare and tonsured. The lettering of the legend is in Roman capitals the G and the first E being uncials, the second E and the C are of the early square type, M and N of the early spread out form. The seals are
of white varnished wax attached to the charters by strips of parchment. Charter no. 9, which, being in English, is of great interest, is printed FPD 98n. Charter no. 1 is printed ibid. 145n. See also S.D. I, app. CXXV, SBM I, 2436 and S.D. pl. I no.
2. After his death his seals were broken 'et sancto Cuthberto oblata' (
Wills and Invents , p. 2).
Size: 76 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, slightly dished, the bishop standing bareheaded, vested in alb, tunic, chasuble with embroidered orphreys on breast and round border. His right hand is blessing, his left holds his crosier.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Pont.1, 2, 3a, 3b, 4, 5, 7*, 9, 10, 11; 2.3.3.Finc.6
Digitised version GB Seal no.3111 1133-1140
Geoffrey Rufus
Reg.Sacr.Angl.45; L.N. III, 283; Sym.717; M. Paris, I 247. H.D. I, 186; S.D. I, XX. The chasuble is broader and longer than that shown on the previous seal, it is also fuller at the back and falls nearly to the ankles, and the embroidery is
plainer. The skirt-like treatment of the alb is like no. 3110. His Mortuary records 'unam nigram casulam spissam et unam albam nigram cum minutis lineis aurcis' (
Wills and Invents , p. 2). The dalmatic is plainly visible but it is without fringes. The mitre is of the low round shape before it evolved into the horned style. There is no amice nor maniple though his Mortuary above
quoted names a 'manipulam nigram'. The lettering is in Roman capitals with E and M as uncials, the C is of the old square type. The words 'dei Gracia' appear for the first time on the seals of the bishops o Durham. See also SBM I, 2437 and S.D. pl.
I, no. 3. Charter no. 18 is printed FPD 113n. Charter no. 15 ibid. 140n, charter no. 17 ibid. 205n. After his death 'fracta fuerunt ejus sigilla et sancto Cuthberto oblata' (
Wills and Invents , p.3 ).
Size: 79 x 57 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing vested in alb, stole, dalmatic, chasuble with embroidered orphreys round neck and border and a vertical strip down the front. It is also embroidered over with a series of small round
dots arranged in lozenge shape. He wears a low round mitre without horns; his right hand blesses, his left holds his crosier.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Pont.15, 16, 17
Digitised version GB Seal no.3112 1143-1152
William of Sainte-Barbe
Reg.Sacr.Angl.46; L.N. III, 283; Sym. 722; M. Paris I, 276; HDST 3; H.D. I, 195; S.D. I, XXII. This seal is similar in general design to no. 3111. The mitre has changed into the horned style, a horn at each side of the head with the
infulae falling one at each side. For the first time at Durham the maniple appears on a bishop's seal. The lettering is very indistinct on all the impressions, but it appears to be of the same type as that of bishop
Rufus. See also FPD LX et seq., where charter no. 1a is printed. See also SBM I, 2438.
Size: 83 x 54 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing vested in alb, tunic or dalmatic, chasuble with orphreys, stole and maniple. He wears a low mitre with a horn at either side, and from it hang the two
infulae one at each side. His right hand blesses, his left holds his crosier.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILLUM WILLEL . ...NELMEN...
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Archiep.11; 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.1a, 1b
Digitised version GB Seal no.3113 n.d.
William of Saint-Barbe
This seal, slightly later in date than the preceding one is a rather more pointed oval, is slightly dished, and the horns of the mitre with the
infulae are more clearly visible. The chasuble is ampler and hangs in
graceful folds over the raised arms, the amice appears in its earlier form of a folded cloth loosely knotted in front. The maniple hangs down inside the crosier. The orphrey on the chasuble is in the form of a Tau cross. The seal bears a striking
resemblance to the forged one of Saint-Calais (no. 3108). For full discussion on this see FPD LXII, where also these charters are printed. The legend is in Roman capitals but the square archaic form of C has given place to the rounded form and that
letter as well as G and E are uncials. S.D. pl. I, no. 4.
Size: 79 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, dished, the bishop standing vested in alb, dalmatic, chasuble with embroidered orphrey at neck and vertical strip down the front, folded amice and low mitre with a horn at each side, and the
infulae hanging one at each side. His right hand blesses, his left holds his crosier.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Pont.1, 3*; 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.2; 3.12.Spec.1
Digitised version GB Seal no.3114 1153-1195
Hugh Puiset
Reg.Sacr.Angl.47; L.N. III, 283; Sym. 730; M. Paris I, 298; HDST 4; H.D. I, 120; S.D. I, XXIV. This, the earliest of Puiset's seals, is in a very imperfect state. The orphreys on the chasuble appear as a series of dots. The mitre for the first
time in England is worn with the horns at the back and front of the head. It is low and rather pointed with a small piece of embroidered work in the front centre. This, the modern method of wearing the mitre, did not become general until the
beginning of the 13th century, and for some years the two styles were used together. The seal of archbishop Richard (no. 3091a) who was contemporary with Puiset, shows him wearing the mitre with the horns at each side. The earliest instance of the
new fashion I have been able to find is on the seal of Hugues, bishop of Auxerre in 1144 (Demay,
Le Costume d'apres les Sceaux , p. 270, fig. 332). For further note on this matter see P.L.A. XI, 284 and E.H. pp. 65, 66, and plate VIII. For note on Puiset's surname, see
Peerage , vol. III, ed. Vicary Gibbs, app. C, p. 604. There is an account of Puiset's life and character in Stubb's
Historical Introductions to the Rolls Series , preface to
The Chronicle
of Roger of Hoveden , vol. III, 'He was a man of grand stature and singularly noble face, eloquent, energetic, a mighty hunter, a great shipmaster, a magnificent builder, an able defender and besieger, a consummate intriguer and a very wary
politician. ... We picture him as like one of those grand stern figures that look down in stone from the walls and piers of the cathedrals of Mentz, Wurzburg, and Bamberg'. His parentage and genealogy are worked out in a note in the same preface
(note I, p. 211, college edition, ed. by Arthur Hassall).
Size: 76 x 51 (?) mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect, the bishop standing vested in alb, dalmatic, chasuble with embroidered orphreys at neck, and vertical strip down the front, amice and low plain mitre with the horns over the back and the front of
the head, the two
infulae hanging one at each side. His right hand blesses, his left, from the wrist of which the maniple falls, holds his crosier.
Inscription: ...IGILLUM HUGONIS ...SIS EP...
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Pont.10
GB Seal no.3114A 1153-1195
Hugh Puiset
This is the most frequently used of Puiset's four seals. of the other three there is only one example each in the treasury. It is SBM I, 2440 and S.D. pl. I, no. 5. The embroidered orphreys of the chasuble are very elaborate, indeed the whole
vestment seems covered with embroidery. It is broader at the back than in front, but is not so long as in the earlier seals. The ends of the maniple and of the
infulae are fringed. The mitre itself is more ornamental
than that on his first seal having a band of embroidery round the edge and down the centre in front. The legend remains still in Roman capitals with G and C as uncials. E is of the square capital type. Charter no. 9 is printed FPD 108n: nos. 13 and
14, ibid. 141n; no. 20, ibid. 182n; no. 4, ibid. 198n. For a list of his magnificent vestments, church vessels and books, see
Wills and Invents , p. 3.
Size: 83 x 57 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing vested in alb, stole, tunic, dalmatic, chasuble with orphreys round neck and border, and a vertical strip down the front. It is also embroidered over in a scroll pattern. He wears a low
mitre with the horns at the back and front of the head, and with a band of embroidery round the lower edge and a vertical strip down the centre of the front. The
infulae hang one at each side. The maniple hangs from his
left wrist; his right hand blesses; his left holds his crosier. Some specimens, e.g. 3.1.Pont.4, 4.1.Pont.8, 4.1.Pont.11, appear to show different treatments of the neck).
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Pont.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11a, 11b, 11*, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23; 4.1.Pont.1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12; 1.1.Arch.19; 2.6.Spec.69; 1.8.Spec.41; 4.16.Spec.45*; 2.3.Sacr.3, 5;
4.2.Ebor.16; 1.1.Finc.14; 1.2.Finc.3.
Digitised version GB Seal no.3115 1153-1195
Hugh Puiset
Size: 76 x 57 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a seal almost identical with no. 3114A but of ruder workmanship. In the legend the cross has no dots in the quarters, and the letter 'U' in HUGO is more spread out.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Pont.7
GB Seal no.3116 1153-1195
Hugh Puiset
Size: 76 x 51 mm.
Seal design: Oval, practically the same as no. 3114A, but rather smaller and with one or two unimportant differences, e.g. oval not droplet shaped ornament on face of chasuble.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Pont.21
GB Seal no.3117 1197-1208
Philip of Poitou
Reg.Sacr.Angl.52; L.N. III, 284; M. Paris II, 58; HDST 17; H.D. I 223; S.D. I, XXVII. The style of this seal is rather less stiff and the figure of the bishop has more naturalness of pose than on the earlier seals. There is also a beginning of a
decoration in the field noticeable in the reeds gracefully enclosing the lower part of the figure, and in the ball ornament round the inside border of the legend. The figure also stands on a rudimentary bracket. The vestments remain much as on the
earlier seals. The curious pall-like form of the orphreys on the chasuble is to be noted and also the amice which appears as a folded and looped cloth. The mitre is higher and more pointed than Puiset's. The great change, however, is in the form of
the lettering which is now a good form of Gothic majuscule of Lombardic; a type of letter which, improving in form during the early part of the 13th century, is the type used on the legends of succeeding bishops until Hatfield's (no. 3136) in the
middle of the 14th century. The secretum is the first of this type of seal used by a bishop of Durham and is an almost exact reproduction in miniature of the obverse, the reeds being omitted. Charter no. 14 is pointed FPD 109n. Seal is SBM I, 2441;
S.D. pl. I, no. 6. For list of his vestments and episcopal ornaments see Wills and Invents. p. 4, where it is also stated that after his death 'fracta fuerunt ejus sigilla et sancto Cuthberto oblata'.
Size: 76 x 44 mm.Size: Secretum: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing vested in alb, dalmatic, chasuble with embroidered orphreys as a vertical strip down the front and coming round below the shoulders in the form of a pall, amice and rather high and
narrow mitre with a strip of orphrey round the lower edge, and down the centre of the front. His right hand blesses, his left holds his crosier. In the field on each side of the bishop is a plant of (?) broom.Secretum: a figure in miniature of the bishop as on the obverse but no plants.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Pont.16; 1.2.Pont.6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 16; 3.1.Sacr.16; 2.3.Sacr.2; 2.2.Fin.32
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3118 1217-1226
Richard Marsh
Reg.Sacr.Angl.55; L.N. III, 285; HDST 35; M. Paris II, 231; H.D. I, 238; S.D. I, XXVIII. This seal finally leaves behind the archaic conventionality and stiffness of the earlier seals and brings us into a more natural world; the pose of the
figure, the graceful folds of the vestments show a new art and a new spirit; plain and strong, with little adventitious aid from mere ornament, and full of life and vigour. A change in the style of the vestments is also noticeable, the embroidered
orphreys of the chasuble disappear not to return, except for a moment and that very slightly on the vestments of Richard Poore, until we come to the armorial chasubles of Bek and Beaumont. The amice here first assumes, for the bishops of Durham, its
modern form of an embroidered collar-like edge appearing above the chasuble. Hanging below it, also for the first time at Durham, is the curious breastplate ornament, known as the
rationale, this appears on the seals of
succeeding bishops until that of Robert of Stichill (1261-1274) after which it is no longer present. The legend is in Gothic letters usually called Lombardic. The rudimentary bracket noted on the preceding seal has developed into a carved corbel
upon which the bishop stands, the beginnings of that architectural decoration of episcopal seals so great a feature in fourteenth century art. The secretum gives the first presentment on Durham episcopal seals of the two great northern saints,
Cuthbert and Oswald, a foreshadowing of the later style of the seals of dignity in which these two saints take the dominant position, see nos. 3136, 3137, 3140, etc, in this catalogue. The seal is SBM I, 2443.
Size: 76 x 44 mm.Size: Secretum: 51 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing on a carved bracket, vested in alb, dalmatic, a plain chasuble, rationale, apparelled amice and a mitre with embroidered orphreys. His hands are gloved and the maniple falls from his
left wrist. His right hand blesses, his left holds his crosier.Secretum: oval, Our Lord nimbed and robed, seated with his hands resting upon the shoulders of a figure kneeling on each side of him, that on the dexter, the crowned and robed figure of St Oswald the king, that on the
sinister the vested and mitred figure of St Cuthbert. Beneath, under a trefoiled arch, the bishop, kneeling, prays to them.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Pont.1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7; 3.3.Sacr.4, 5
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3119 1217-1226
Richard Marsh
This seal seems to be used earlier than the preceding one. It is executed with less skill and shows the old stiff conventional style of figure and drapery. The chief points that call for notice in it are the great length and richness of the
embroidered dalmatic, apparently it is completely covered by ornamentation, and the background of the field of the seal which represents a marsh with plants growing in it. The seal is SBM I, 2444; S.D. pl. I, no. 7. His capella records in 'die
sepulturae ejus fracta fuerunt sigilla ejusdem et sancto Cuthberto oblata'. This record seems also to show that the plain unembroidered chasuble was so worn by the bishops, for in place of the description of gorgeously embroidered vestments recorded
for the preceding bishops it enumerates only, 'casulam rubeam de samette quae dicebatur Marrays'. It was called 'Marrays' after the bishop of whose surname this was the contemporary spelling.
Size: 73 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing on a bracket vest in alb, embroidered dalmatic, plain chasuble, and apparelled amice. He wears a plain mitre, his right hand blesses, his left holds his crosier. The field of the seal is
represented as a marsh with reeds growing in it.Secretum: as 3118.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Pont.2b
Digitised version GB Seal no.3120 1228-1237
Richard Poore
Reg.Sacr.Angl.54; L.N. III, 285; HDST 37; M. Paris II, 300; H.D. I, 243; S.D. I, XXVIII. This seal calls for no special comment, both the dalmatic and chasuble are embroidered. his Capella records 'unam casulam brudatam de virdi samette' (
Wills and Invents . 5) and the mitre is more ornate. The Roman numerals II in the field denote that he was the second Richard bishop of Durham. The diapered background of the seal is the first appearance of this form
of ornament in this series of seals. The secretum is, I think, the only seal of the series (except no. 3121, which is probably from the same matrix) that represents Our Lady as the sole patron saint of the cathedral priory church, indeed, later she
is largely ignored in favour of SS. Cuthbert and Oswald. The original dedication of the church was to Mary the mother of God and to St Cuthbert (Sym. 702; S.C.D. III, app. II, p. 111). The high altar consecrated in 1240 was in honour of St Mary
Rites , app. VI, no. III, p. 150). The later altar dedicated in 1380 was in honour of SS. Mary, Oswald and Cuthbert (HDST 136;
Rites , p. 7 and notes p. 199). After the bishop's death we
have the usual record of the breaking of his seals (
Wills and Invents . 8). This seal is SBM I, 2445; S.D. pl. I, no. 8.
Size: 73 x 22 mm.Size: Secretum: 22 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing on a carved bracket, vested in alb, dalmatic, chasuble with a vertical strip of orphrey down the front, rationale, apparelled amice. He wears a rather plain mitre like those of his
immediate predecessors. His right hand blesses, and in his left, from which hangs the maniple, he holds his crosier. The field of the seal is beautifully diapered in a lozenge pattern enclosing alternately a star and a crescent. In the field on the
dexter side are the Roman numerals II.Secretum: oval, a demi figure of Our Lady, robed and nimbed, holding the child Christ, seated beneath a canopy and with a church on each side. Beneath, under a canopy is a full faced demi figure of the bishop, vested and
mitred, his right hand blessing, his left holding his crosier.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Pont.8; 1.4.Pont.1, 4; 2.4.Pont.1; Loc.XXIII, no. 2; Misc.Ch. 5473
Digitised versionDigitised version
For Richard Poore, see also 3128.
GB Seal no.3121 1241-1249
Nicholas Farnham
Reg.Sacr.Angl.59; L.N. III, 286; HDST 41; M. Paris II, 445; H.D. I, 249; S.D. I, XXIX. The vestments remain practically the same as shown on the seal of his predecessor except that the chasuble is here devoid of ornament. The church-like canopy
beneath which the bishop stands represents a further step in the use of architectural motives on episcopal seals. It is the first canopy to appear in this series. The busts in relief on each side are also noteworthy as marking the first step in the
process of evolution by which the figure of the bishop ceased to be the chief motive on his seal, and which, by the middle of the fourteenth century placed his figure, or sometimes merely his shield in a subordinate position and left the parton
saints predominant. See nos. 3136, 3140, 3145, etc in this catalogue. These busts do not bear any distinguishing marks, and probably merely represent two monks of the monastery. This seal is SBM I, 2446; S.D. pl. I, no. 9; charter no. 16 is printed
FPD 197n. His Capella does not record the breaking of his seals. (
Wills and Invents . 5).
Size: 79 x 22 mm.Size: Secretum: 51 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing on a carved bracket beneath a plain trefoiled canopy above which is a representation of a church with transepts. He is vested in alb, stole, dalmatic, chasuble, rationale, apparelled
amice and mitre. His right hand blesses, his left holds his crosier. The maniple hangs from his left wrist. In the field on each side of the bishop in a sunk eightfoiled panel is the tonsured bust of a cleric.Secretum: oval, demi figure of Our Lady holding the child Christ, beneath a rather plain canopy. Below is the demi figure of the bishop praying.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Pont.12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18; Loc.III.22
Digitised version GB Seal no.3122 1249-1260
Walter Kirkham
Reg.Sacr.Angl.60; L.N. III, 287; HDST 42; H.D. I, 253; S.D. I, XXIX. This seal is very similar to no. 3121, except that there is no canopy above the bishop. It is chiefly noteworthy because of the busts of St Oswald and St Cuthbert on each side,
the first appearance of these northern saints on a seal of dignity. St Cuthbert presiding over his church on the secretum in place of Our Lady, as on the two earlier secreta, marks the beginning of his predominance on the later seals. The seal is
SBM I, 2447; S.D. pl. II no. 1. His Capella records the breaking of his seals after his death (
Wills and Invents . II).
Size: 73 x 22 mm.Size: Secretum: 51 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing on a bracket vested in alb, stole, dalmatic, chasuble, large rationale, apparelled amice and mitre. His right hand blesses, his left holds his crosier, and from the left wrist the
maniple hangs. In an eightfoiled sunk panel on the dexter side in the field, is a full faced bust of St Cuthbert wearing mitre and amice, in a like panel on the sinister side is the crowned bust of St Oswald the king.Secretum: oval, St Cuthbert in mass vestments and mitre seated on a throne, without back or sides, between two church spires each surmounted by a cross. His right hand blesses, his left holds his crosier. Beneath is a demi
figure of the bishop praying.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Pont.2; 3.2.Pont.1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10; 4.3.Pont.1; 1.13.Pont.12; 2.13.Pont.2; Misc.Ch. 1507, 1816, 5150; 3.2.Finc.5; 2.1.Archiep.10; 4.5.Elemos.1
Digitised version GB Seal no.3123 1261-1274
Robert of Stichill
Reg.Sacr.Angl.62; L.N. III, 287; HDST 45.
Priory of Finchale , p. 25; H.D. I 260; S.D. I, XXIX. This seal is of the same style as the two preceding ones but the busts in the panels revert to the type of Farnham's (no. 3121) with the apparelled amice higher and
more collar like than on that seal. The secretum is the same as no. 3122 with the legend changed. Charter no. 2 is printed FPD 183n; no. 1 is printed ibid 187n. The seal is SBM I, 2440; S.D. pl. II, no. 2. His Capella records the breaking of his
seals (
Wills and Invents . 12).
Size: 76 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing on a carved bracket vested in alb, stole, dalmatic with orphreys, chasuble and embroidered border, apparelled amice, rationale and mitre. His right hand blesses, his left holds his
crosier. On each side of the bishop in the field of seal, in a sunk eightfoiled panel is the tonsured bust of a cleric wearing an apparelled amice. Below the dexter panel is a star.Secretum: the same as no. 3122 with the legend changed.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Pont.1, 2; 4.6.Pont.7
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3124 1274-1283
Robert of Holy Island
Reg.Sacr.Angl.64; L.N. III, 287; HDST 56;
Priory of Finchale , p. 26; H.D. I, 271; S.D. I, XXX. There are one or two changes in vestments to be noted, the rationale has disappeared, the chasuble is narrower and is not draped so voluminously over the arms, and
the side slits of the dalmatic are fringed for the first time at Durham. The mitre is more decorated being embroidered between the vertical and horizontal orphreys. There is also an important change in the motive of the seal, the full length figures
of St Oswald and St Cuthbert in crocketted and canopied niches, taking the places of the busts of the previous seals, and marking another step in the evolutionary process spoken of in note 33. (See also P.L.A. XI, 277). The R II in the field denotes
that he was the second Robert bishop of Durham. The secretum gives the first representation of the saint in an architectural niche with side shafts, canopy, crockets and finials complete. Charter no. 6 is printed FPD 185n. The seal is SBM I, 2451;
S.D. pl. II, 3. His Capella records the breaking of his seals on the day of his burial (
Wills and Invents . 12). Robert of Graystanes gives us the further information, 'quo sepulto sigillum ejus publice coram omnibus a
magistro Roberto Avenel est confractum' (HDST 63).
Size: 76 x 51 mm.Size: Secretum: 57 x 35 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing on a carved bracket vested in alb, stole, dalmatic with orphreys and fringes, plain chasuble, apparelled amice and embroidered mitre. His hands are gloved and his episcopal ring is on
the middle finger of his right hand, which is blessing. His left hand with maniple falling from the wrist, holds his crosier. In the field on the dexter side of his head is R, on the sinister II. On the dexter side of the bishop is a niche
surmounted by a spire with crockets and finials in which is the standing figure of St Cuthbert in mass vestments holding the head of St Oswald in front of his breast with both hands. His crosier is held diagonally across his body. On the sinister
side in a like niche is the crowned and robed figure of St Oswald the king, holding a sceptre in his right hand. Beneath the niche on the dexter is a crescent, above the spire of the sinister niche is a star.Secretum: in a niche of plain tabernacle work with spires, crockets and finials, is the demi figure of St Cuthbert in mass vestments, his right hand blessing, his left holding his crosier. Beneath, is a half figure of
bishop Robert, in profile to left, in mass vestments, praying. In the field on each side of the niche is a crescent enclosing a star.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Archiep.11, 24; 4.2.Pont.3, 5, 6, 8, 9. 10, 11, 12; 4.3.Pont.3; 1.13.Pont.11; 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.3; Misc.Ch. 406, 664, 1239, 1243, 1246, 1510
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3125 1284-1311
Anthony Bek
Reg.Sacr.Angl.66; L.N. III, 288; HDST 63, 69 et seq; H.D. I, 277; S.D. I, XXXI; A.A. 3rd ser., IX, 89. This is the only Durham episcopal seal of dignity on which the bishop is represented seated on his throne. It is probably an imitation of the
obverse of the royal seals and is a foreshadowing of the obverse of the great seal of the palatinate of bishop Hatfield fifty years later. It reflects Bek's proud arrogant temper (A.A. 3rd ser. IX, 119), and his desire to magnify his temporal power.
It was in his time that the power of the bishops of Durham reached 'the zenith of palatinate sovereignity' (Lapsley, pp. 42 and 99). For the first time at Durham, armorial charges are used on an episcopal seal of dignity. It is very fitting that
they should be introduced by this proud and warlike bishop. His chasuble, which was, doubtless, of a red colour, is embroidered with the mill-rind cross of his arms, gules a mill-rind cross ermine, blasoned for him in the parliamentary roll of
Edward II; in the roll of the battle of Falkirk, where he commanded the second 'bataille' and in the roll of the seige of Caerlaverock to which, though he himself was not present, he sent his ensign - 'Vermeille O un fer de molyn, De ermine e envoia
se ensegne'.
The leopard above his head is from the royal shield of England, the castle on the dexter probably indicates his office of constable of the tower of London (1275), the ermine mill-rind cross on the sinister is a repetition of his own cross. It is
interesting to note that the armorial embroidered chasuble is no mere conventional representation, but that he actually wore a vestment so embroidered. His Capella records a vestment of red colour covered with 'una cruce' de armis ejusdem intextis
quae dicuntur ferrum molendimi', it also records 'et in die sepulturae ejus fracta fuerunt ejus sigilla et sancto Cuthberto oblata' (
Wills and Invents . 13). He was the first bishop to be buried inside the walls of Durham cathedral (
Rites , 58 and 2, also note p. 194). See also P.L.A. XIII, 35. Charter no. 16 is
printed FPD 183n. This seal is SBM I, 2452; S.D. pl. II, no. 4. For pedigree see
Coll. Top. et Gen. IV, 342. For armorial note see E.H. 497.
Secretum: This seal is unusually large for a counter seal being practically the same size as the obverse, possibly copying the obverse and reverse of the royal great seals. The quiet dignity and pose of the figures, the graceful folds of the
drapery, the absence of needless ornament, and the beautiful double canopy with its light and graceful side shafts and foliage carved capitals, make up a composition unsurpassed for simple beauty among the seals at Durham. It is again interesting to
note that Bek possessed a stole embroidered with this subject. It was of red velvet 'in cujus orario super dorsum, est Coronacio Sanctae Mariae' (
Wills and Invents . 13). The
orarium being the stole belonging to the set of vestments comprehended under the general description of 'a vestment'.
Size: 83 x 60 mm.Size: Secretum (3.2.Pont.15): 83 x 57 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop seated on his throne, his sandalled feet resting on a carved bracket. He is vested in alb, dalmatic, chasuble, on the front of which is embroidered a mill-rind cross, and apparelled amice. He
wears a jewelled and embroidered mitre, his hands are gloved and on the middle finger of the right hand, which is blessing, is his espiscopal ring, his left hand holds his crosier. Above his head is a leopard of England. On his dexter side in a
niche of tabernacle work with crockets and finials is the crowned and robed figure of St Oswald the king, holding his sceptre in his right hand. Below him is a triple towered castle. On the bishop's sinister in a like niche is the figure of St
Cuthbert in mitre and mass vestments, blessing with his right hand, and holding in his left, in front of his breast, the head of St Oswald; below him is a mill-rind cross.Secretum: oval. The Coronation of the Virgin. Beneath is the kneeling figure of the bishop in mass vestments praying.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Pont.15, 16; 4.3.Pont.4; 3.6.Pont.1; 1.14.Pont.1, 2; Misc.Ch. 1242, 1245; 4.2.Archiep.3
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3126 1310
Anthony Bek
This, Bek's seal as patriarch of Jerusalem, I have been obliged to reduce considerably in size for the plate. Bek was appointed to this titular dignity by Clement V (HDST 83). See also A.A. 3rd ser. IX, 181 and the authorities cited, ibid. note
45a, and
L'Art de Verifier les Dates , vol. XIV, p. 32, ed. 1819. This seal is SBM I, 2455 and S.D. pl. V, no. 1. The central panel symbolises his patriarchate, the side niches his church of Durham. The beautiful form of the
patriarchal cross is noteworthy, also that it has a point at the bottom as though made to stand up beside the bishop as a symbol of his dignity, and not borne as a precessional cross. On this see Longstaffe's “Old Official
Heraldry of Durham” in
Herald and Genealogist vol. VIII, p. 53.
Size: 105 mm.
Seal design: Round, red wax, a centre niche of tabernacle work is divided into three compartments vertically, in the uppermost is Our Lord on the cross with Our Lady on his right and St John on his left. In the middle
compartment is the sepulchre of Our Lord with an angel seated upon it, announcing the Resurrection to the three women. Below in three arched recesses of the tomb are three soldiers in armour, sleeping, leaning on their shields. In the lower
compartment under a trefoiled arch, the bishop in eucharistic vestments and mitre, kneeling, prays. At each side of him is a patriarchal cross. On the dexter side of the central niche is another of like work in which is a crowned figure of Our Lady
holding the child Christ. In a similar niche on the sinister is St Cuthbert vested in alb, stole, dalmatic, chasuble, amice and jewelled mitre, his right hand blesses, his left holds the crowned head of St Oswald in front of his breast, his crosier
rests in the crook of his elbow against his shoulder. In a roundel below each of these outer niches is an ermine mill-rind cross.Secretum: his episcopal seal as no. 3125.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.13.Pont.6
Digitised version GB Seal no.3127 1311-1316
Richard Kellawe
Reg.Sacr.Angl.70; L.N. III 288; HDST 92 and 97; H.D. I 314; S.D. I, XXXV. With this seal the change begun on the seal of bishop Farnham (no. 3121) is completed, and we have the bishop with this attendant saints forming one group within an
architectural setting. The absence of armorial decoration is probably accounted for by the lowly origin of the bishop. The crook of the crosier is more ornate than on the previous seals which have shown only a plain curve quite free from ornament.
On later seals the tendency to decorate it becomes accentuated. The Roman numerals III, above the canopy, denote that he was the third Richard bishop of Durham. Charter no. 9 is printed FPD 185n. His register under the title
Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense , has been printed in four volumes in the rolls series edited by Sir Thomas Duffus Hardy. His will is printed
Test. Ebor. I; his Capella,
Wills and Invents . 21. His seal is SBM I, 2457; S.D. pl. II, 5. His seal as bishop elect is SBM I 2456, which is a cast from the reverse of 1.13.Pont.16. For his tomb see
Rites , 55, and
P.L.A. XIII, 35. Document printed
Rites , p. 156.
Size: 83 x 51 mm.Size: Secretum: 57 x 35 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing on a pedestal in a niche with canopy of tabernacle work, vested in alb, stole, dalmatic with orphreys, chasuble and amice. He wears an embroidered mitre; his right hand blesses, his left
with maniple, holds his crosier. In a smaller niche on the dexter is the figure of St Cuthbert in mass vestments and mitre and holding the head of St Oswald; in a niche on the sinister side is the crowned and robed figure of St Oswald with sceptre.
Each of these figures stands on the head of a monster. Above the centre canopy are the figures III.Secretum: oval, Our Lady standing with the child Christ under a trefoiled canopy. On the dexter side is the head of St Oswald, on the sinister, the head of St Cuthbert. Beneath, the bishop in mass vestments is praying. The
field is beautifully diapered.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Pont.9, 10, 11, 14; 4.3.Pont.5; 2.4.Pont.2; 1.6.Pont.1, 6; 3.9.Pont.2, 3; 1.13.Pont.13, 16; 3.3.Sacr.2; 2.11.Spec.49; Misc.Ch. 4177, 4177* (these two secretum only); 3.1.Finc.24; [G] D116
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3128 n.d.
Richard Poore
This seal is used by him to these charters, it is the secretum used by him as bishop of Salisbury (SBM 2190, 2191).
Size: 44 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval. The Annunciation. In front of the archangel Gabriel is a scroll upon which is AVE M. Above the head of the Blessed Virgin are clouds from which descends the Holy Dove with nimbus. Beneath, the bishop,
kneeling, prays.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.6.Spec.16; 1.4.Pont.2a, 2b, 3
Digitised version GB Seal no.3129 1317
Lewis Beaumont
1318-1333. Reg.Sacr.Angl.72; L.N. III, 289; HDST 98 and 119; Lapsley passim. H.D. I, 324; S.D. I, XXXVII. He was appointed bishop by papal bull of provision 9 February 1316/17, but was not consecrated till 26 March, 1318, at Westminster (HDST
101). This long interval accounts for the engraving of this seal. It is like in motive to the secreta of the earlier bishops, but is singular in bearing the symbol of St Peter, and no representation of either Cuthbert or Oswald. The bishop is not in
pontificals. This deed is printed S.D. I, CXXIX; the seal is SBM I, 2458.
Size: 51 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady with the child Christ, seated in a niche with a church roof-like canopy. On each side of the niche is a key with the wards uppermost. Beneath, is the half figure of Lewis praying.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.14.Pont.5; Misc.Ch. 3819‡
Digitised version GB Seal no.3130 1318-1333
Lewis Beaumont
The vestments shown on this seal are very elaborate, the dalmatic is fringed and richly embroidered round the lower hem and arms, the mitre is jewelled and the head of the crosier ornate. The chasuble is embroidered with the bishop's arms azure
fleuretty a lion rampant gold (blasoned for his younger brother Henry in the parliamentary roll of Edward II, differenced by a baston gobony silver and gules). Shields of arms appear for the first time on Durham episcopal seals, that on the dexter
bears the royal arms of England and may possibly refer to the bishop's relationship to Edward II (see
Complete Peerage , ed. Vicary Gibbs, II, 59, note b, and
Historic Peerage , ed. Courthope, 51). For the use of the royal arms upon other episcopal seals see P.L.A. XI, 280 and note 20 in
this catalogue. The shield on the sinister bears the arms of the kingdom of Jerusalem silver crusilly paty and a cross potent gold for the bishop's grandfather, Jean de Brienne King of Jerusalem, 1310 (
L'Art de Verifier les
Dates , XV, p. 70, ed. 1819). This is a most interesting early example of the arms attributed to this kingdom, and is a much more beautiful form than those given in the text books - a cross potent between four plain crosses. M. Paris III, p.
95, draws a plain cross with four plain crosslets in each of the upper quarters and three in each of the lower, he inscribes it 'scutum regis Jerusalem cognomento Bresne' (Brienne). Grimaldi's roll temp. Edward III blasons 'Le Roy de Jherusalem
porte d'argent ove une croice martellee d'or poudree de croicelettes d'or'. For his death see HDST 119 and for his Capella,
Wills and Invents . 23, where we learn his seals were broken on the day of his burial, 'cum
cathenis argenteis et sancto Cuthberto oblata, ut patet per Instrumentum Hugonis Palmer inde Confectum'. See also 'Instrumentum super oblacione sigillorum domini Lodowici episcopi and feretrum S. Cuthberti' (HDST no. CVII, p. cxxviii). His seal is
SBM I, 2459, and S.D. pl. II, no. 6. For his tombstone and brass see
Rites , pp. 14- 15, and P.L.A. XIII, 36, where there is a reproduction of the matrix.
Secretum: The first of the Durham episcopal seals in which the bishop invokes both the patron saints of his church. The armorials and decoration of the seal are the same as those on the obverse.
Size: 1. 86 x 54 mm.Size: Secretum: 63 x 38 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing upon a pedestal, under a trefoiled arch with canopy, vested in alb, stole, dalmatic with orphreys, chasuble embroidered with his armorials fleuretty a lion rampant, an apparelled amice,
jewelled mitre, gloves and episcopal ring on middle finger of right hand, which is blessing, his left hand, with maniple, holds his crosier. On the dexter side of the bishop is a shield of arms, England, on the sinister a similar shield crusilly
paty, a cross potent. The field of the seal is diapered with lozenges enclosing fleur-de-lys. Above the canopy is a leopard of England.Secretum: Our Lady robed and crowned, seated with the child Christ on her knee, within a canopied niche. Below her, under a trefoiled arch with side shafts is St Cuthbert standing, in mass vestments, blessing, and holding
the head of St Oswald in his left hand. In the field on the dexter side is a shield of arms of England, on the sinister is a shield of the arms of Beaumont. Beneath, under a quatrefoiled arch is a kneeling figure of the bishop in mass vestment,
praying. The field of the seal is diapered with lozenges enclosing fleur-de-lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Pont.1, 3, 5, 5*, Loose Seal; 3.6.Pont.11, 12; 4.6.Pont.8; 1.14.Pont.4, 6; 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.7: secretum alone 1.14.Pont.7; 2.1.Arch.Northumb.3; Misc.Ch. 4197 (fragment), 7002
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3131 1333
Robert Graystanes
1333. Reg.Sacr.Angl.74; L.N. III, 289; HDST 120; H.D. I, 345; S.D. I, xlv and S.D. IV, 24. In general design this seal with its absence of armorials and simplicity takes us back to the earlier seals. It is in keeping with the unpretentious
lovable character of the Durham monk-historian. The legend is unfortunately broken off but enough remains to show that it should be extended EPI DUNELMENSIS, not as Surtees has it (S.D. I, xlv, note n) ELECTI. The vestments remain much as
previously, the alb has an apparel along the lower hem, the dalmatic is fringed at the sides, and is embroidered wherever visible in a lozenge pattern, which is repeated on the amice. For his tombstones see
Rites , 242n. His seal is SBM I, 2461, S.D. pl. III, no. 1.
Size: 76 x 44 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing on a carved bracket under a canopy of tabernacle work without side shafts, vested in alb, stole, dalmatic with orphreys and fringes, plain chasuble, apparelled amice and jewelled mitre.
His right hand blesses, his left, from which the maniple falls, holds his crosier. In the field on the dexter side of the bishop in a circular panel is the crowned head of St Oswald the king, on the sinister in a like panel is the mitred head of St
Cuthbert. The field of the seal is diapered with lozenges enclosing crosses.
Inscription: S' ROBERT: DEI: GRACIA ...PI: DU...S.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.13.Pont.15
Digitised version GB Seal no.3132 1334
Richard Aungerville (of Bury)
1333-1345. Reg.Sacr.Angl.74; L.N. III, 290; HDST 121, 127, 129; Lapsley 333 et passim; H.D. I, xlv. The architectural accessories of this seal are more prominent than in earlier ones. The vestments are plainer, the alb longer and falling in
graceful folds over the feet. The only decoration visible is on the amice, mitre and head of crosier. For use of the royal shield see note no. 20 to seal no. 3106, in this catalogue. This seal appears to be the earliest one of bishop Richard's, it
is SBM I, 2462, and S.D. pl. II, no. 7.
Size: 76 x 51 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing on a bracket and within a niche of rich tabernacle work with crockets and finials, vested in alb, tunic, chasuble, apparelled amice and low jewelled mitre. His right hand is blessing and
his left holds his crosier. In the centre of the canopy over the bishop's head is a shield of the arms of England.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.8; 2.13.Pont.9
Digitised version GB Seal no.3133 1333-1345
Richard Aungerville (of Bury)
This beautiful seal represents the finest work of the English seal engravers. Its richness of detail, use of canopied niches with saints, pierced and piled up tabernacle work with crockets and spire-like finials, together with the display of
heraldic ornament, is like the decoration on a cathedral reredos. The plain and graceful folds of the bishop's flowing vestments act as a foil to this wealth of ornamentation. His only visible ornaments are on the amice, mitre and crosier head. The
proportions of the figure are perfect and the pose graceful and dignified, indeed it has been considered an actual portrait of the learned bishop. This may be so, but it should be noted that in vestments, pose and type of features this figure is
similar to that on the seal of dignity of John Thoresby, archbishop of York (1353-1373), in fact so like are they that one would be inclined to attribute them to the same hand, were it not that the Durham seal is so incomparably the more beautiful.
The small figures of saints on each side of the bishop are difficult to decipher. The dexter figure on each side is that of a young beardless man with long curling hair. The centre figure on each side is that of a woman. The sinister figure on each
side is that of a bearded man. They each hold an emblem, but it is so small that I cannot interpret it. It is interesting to note that among his vestments was one of red velvet 'cum multis ymaginibus Sanctorum in tabernaculis stantibus cum auro et
serico nobiliter brudatis' (
Wills and Invents . 26). The lettering of the legend is the finest type of Gothic majuscule or Lombardic. The bishop's full name was Richard Aungerville of Bury, and his paternal arms are blasoned in the parliamentary
roll of Edward II, 'de goules a un quintefoil de ermyne od la bordure de sable besaunte de o', they also appear in colours on the lid of a chest "belonging" to the Rev. W. Greenwell. The shield suggests a connection with the cinquefoil of the earls
of Leicester, and the border with the duchy of Cornwall, but I have been unable to find more about it than above recorded. The bishop does not appear to have used the arms. For his tombstone see
Rites 2 and note, p.
194. His Capella records that after his death his four seals were broken and offered to St Cuthbert. A further note tells us more of their fate, ' ex quibus Ricardus de Wolveston feretrarius fecit unum calicem argenteum et deauratum qui est ad
altare Sancti Johannis Baptiste in orientali parte Ecclesiae'. This chalice was inscribed:
Hic calix insignis fit praesulis ex tetra signis
Ri. Dunelmensis quarti natu Beriensia (HDST CCCLXXXVIII).
Wills and Invents . 26; HDST 129). The seal is SBM I, 2463; S.D. pl. II, 8. There is an account of his life with parts of his episcopal register printed S.S. vol. 119.
Size: 89 x 57 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing in an elaborately decorated niche, vested in alb, tunic, chasuble, apparelled amice and high jewelled mitre. His right hand blesses, his left holds his crosier. Above his head are three
smaller niches. In the centre one is a half figure of Our Lady holding the child Christ. On her dexter side is a demi figure of St John Baptist and in another niche further to the dexter is a half figure of St Peter holding a key. On the sinister
side in like niches are the demi figures of St Catherine with palm branch and book, and St Paul holding a sword. On either side of the bishop are three niches under canopies of elaborate tracery in each of which is a full length figure. Beyond
these, on the line of the legend, at each side, is a small shield of arms charged with the three leopards of England.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Pont.13; 1.6.Pont.2; 3.6.Pont.2, 4; 4.6.Pont.1; 3.9.Pont.5, 6; 1.13.Pont.7; 5.5.Elemos.6
Digitised version GB Seal no.3134 1345
Richard Aungerville (of Bury)
This is the first known palatine chancery seal of the bishops of Durham. St Cuthbert on this seal and on the next is represented with a beard and is less of the ecclesiastical type than he is usually depicted. His vestments and ornaments are
similar to those of bishop Richard.
Size: 54 mm.
Seal design: (Seal in Chancery)
Round, imperfect. St Cuthbert, in mitre and mass vestments seated upon a throne, the arms terminating in animals' heads (leopards?), beneath a canopy of rich tracery. He holds St Oswald's
head in his left hand, and his crosier in the crook of his elbow. His right hand is blessing. On each side of the throne in a sunk roundel is a leopard of England. The throne is surrounded at the back and flanked by panelling of rich decorated
Inscription: ... CELLARIE: RICARDI. D...
Seal attached to document reference: 3.9.Pont.6
Digitised version GB Seal no.3135 1343
Richard Aungerville of Bury
This, the first of Durham seals ad causas, is of the usual type of such seals representing the patron saints of the church with the bishop praying beneath. They were used for the ordinary diocesan business of the bishop. This seal is SBM I,
Size: 60 x 35 mm.
Seal design: (Seal 'ad causas')
Oval, Our Lady with the child Christ, seated in a niche beneath a canopy of tabernacle work; on the sinister in a similar niche is St Cuthbert seated, in mass vestments, blessing and
holding his crosier in his left hand. Above, in the centre, is a leopard of England. Below is the bishop praying.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.14.Pont.8, 9
Digitised version GB Seal no.3136 1345-1381
Thomas Hatfield
1345-1381. Reg.Sacr.Angl.75; L.N. III, 290; HDST 137; H.D. I, 346; S.D. I, XLVIII. With this seal the final step in the evolutionary process noted at seal no. 3121 is taken, and the saints, which at the beginning were only ornamental details used
to fill in a blank space are now predominant and the bishop is represented only by his shield in base. The place of honour is held by the patron saints of his church, and by the bishop's own name saint. the beautiful Lombardic lettering has given
place to the Gothic minuscule known as black letter, though of the larger and more legible type. The shield in base bears Hatfield's arms usually blasoned azure a chevron gold between three lions rampant silver. Jenyn's Roll and Ordinary gives for
'Thomas Hatfield' sable a chevron gold between three lions silver, a molet on the chevron. See also
Herald and Genealogist , VIII, p. 141, and Foster's
Feudal Coats of Arms , p. 127. For the bishop's will see
Test. Ebor. 121, for his Capella,
Wills and Invents . 36, where we are told that his seals were broken after his death and offered to St Cuthbert, and a silver gilt image of the bishop was made from them, which was hung at the head of the shrine (ad
caput Feretri appensa), inscribed:
Jon Alvervilla monachus capiendo sigilla
Ex Hatfield Thomae sic disponit, bene pro me
See also HDST p. CCCLXXXVIII. For his tomb and throne see
Rites , 19, 210. It is decorated with many shields of arms and the orphrey on the hem of the alb on his effigy is a shield of his arms between two shields of France and England (quarterly). His seal is SBM I, 2465;
S.D. pl. II, no. 9.
Size: 83 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Two niches of rich tracery with canopies of elaborate tabernacle work with crockets and finials. In the dexter niche stands the figure of St Cuthbert vested in apparelled alb, dalmatic, chasuble, apparelled
amice, and jewelled mitre. With his right hand he holds the crowned head of St Oswald in front of his breast, his left holds his crosier. In the sinister niche is a figure of an archbishop (St Thomas of Canterbury) vested in alb, dalmatic, chasuble,
apparelled amice, pall and jewelled mitre. His right hand is blessing and his left holds his archiepiscopal cross. Beneath the two niches is a shield of arms, a chevron between three lions rampant. Above the two niches in a compartment of the
tracery is seated the crowned and robed figure of Our Lady. Her right arm encircles the child Christ who stands on her knee. Her left hand holds a lily.
Inscription: sigillum . thome : dei : gracia : dunolm : epi.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Pont.3, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15; 4.6.Pont.3, 9; 2.7.Pont.15, 3.9.Pont.7, 8, 9; 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.9, 12; 2.1.Arch.Northd.11, 15; 2.5.Ebor.15
Digitised version GB Seal no.3137 1345-1381
Thomas Hatfield
This, though the legend does not so state, is doubtless Hatfield's seal ad causas. The shield on the sinister is his own, that on the dexter is difficult, if not now impossible, of satisfactory explanation. Longstaffe has marshalled all the known
facts of the use of plain crosses in the 'Old Heraldry of Durham', in his paper printed in the
Herald and Genealogist VIII, p. 144 et seq.
Size: 67 x 38 mm.
Seal design: Oval, St Cuthbert standing within a niche of rich tracery beneath a canopy of elaborate tabernacle work. He is vested in alb, dalmatic with orphreys, chasuble, apparelled amice and jewelled mitre. His right hand
holds the crowned head of St Oswald in front of his breast, his left holds his crosier. On the dexter side is a shield of arms charged with a cross with the ends rounded off. On the sinister is a shield charged with a chevron between three lions
rampant. Below St Cuthbert is a half figure of the bishop praying, and holding his crosier in front.
Inscription: sigilla : thome : dei : gra : dunolm : epi :
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Pont.4; 3.6.Pont.3; 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.16; Loc.X.45; Loc.XIX.130
Digitised version GB Seal no.3138 1345-1381
Thomas Hatfield
Ths first of the great double-sided seals in chancery used by the bishops of Durham as lords palatine. On the bishops as lord palatine see Lapsley, chap. II. On their temporal title and rank see
The Complete Peerage , by G.E.C. ed. Vicary Gibbs, vol IV, p. 558. But in the letter of Edward III, referred to below (HDST app. CXXVI) the bishop of Durham is stated to be earl palatine (episcopus Dunelmensis comes
palatinus existat). This seal is obviously adopted in imitation of the great seals of the sovereigns. It is very fitting that such a seal should be introduced by bishop Hatfield, whose palatine privileges were specially confirmed by Edward III (HDST
app. CXXVI; Lapsley p. 275), who freely used his great powers and loved the pomp and display of his rank (Lapsley passim). The obverse shows the bishop seated in majesty on his throne as lawgiver. The reverse shows him as knight and leader in war of
the men of the palatinate. It is a poor design badly executed, and shows a great falling off from the preceding seals. This seal is SBM I, 2486; S.D. pl. IV, nos. 1 and 2.
Size: 76 mm.
Seal design: Obverse: round, the bishop seated on his throne, under a decorated canopy, vested in alb, dalmatic, chasuble, apparelled amice and jewelled mitre; his right hand holds a book on his knee, his left holds his
crosier. The legend is arranged in two lines, one at each side of the throne.
Reverse: equestrian, the bishop as knight in armour with sword by his side. His coronetted helmet is surmounted by a mitre from which arises a splendid bush of
feathers. His small heater-shaped shield on his left arm and the trappings of his horse are emblasoned with his armorials, a chevron between three lions rampant.
Inscription: Obverse: sigillu : thome : dei . gracia : dunolm : epi.
Reverse: sigillum : thome : dei : gracia : dunolmensis : episcopi.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Pont.1, 5, 13, 14, 17; 2.4.Pont.4; 1.6.Pont.5; 2.6.Pont.5; 3.9.Pont.10, 12, 14; 1.14.Pont.12; 2.1.Spec.5; 2.12.Spec.23; Loc.III.45; 2.2.Elemos.15; Misc.Ch. 1, 1703, 1705, 6250; [G] D120
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3139 1345-1381
Thomas Hatfield
This is the first seal of the round privy seals to be used by the bishops of Durham. A type of seal used for transactions, business, etc, relating to the bishop's private estate. This seal is SBM I, 2466; S.D. pl. V, no. 3.
Size: 51 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, a chevron between three lions rampant. The shield is suspended between two trees and is supported by two sitting lions. Above the shield is a half figure of Our Lady crowned, with the child
Christ on her right arm and holding a sceptre in her left hand.
Inscription: secretu : thome : dei : gracia : epi : dunolm.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Pont.2; 2.5.Ebor.16; 2.10.Spec.1*
Digitised version GB Seal no.3140 1382-1388
John Fordham
1382-1388. Reg.Sacr.Angl.81; L.N. III, 290; HDST 143; Lapsley, 48, note 1; H.D. I, 382; S.D. I, LIII. The general motive of this seal is the same as the preceding one (no. 3136), the tracery is more distinctly perpendicular and the bishop himself
is represented in base instead of only his shield. It is the first of the bishop's seals on which all three of the patron saints of the church of Durham are represented. In this connection it is interesting to note that it was in 1380 that a new
high altar was solemnly dedicated 'in honore sanctae Mariae Virginis et beati Oswaldi martyris et sanctissimi patris nostri Cuthberti' (HDST 136). Papworth (
British Armorials ) and
Armorial de Gelre blason the arms sable a chevron between three crosses patonce gold. This seal is SBM I, 2467; S.D. pl. III, no. 2. See also E.H. p. 102, and pl.
V, no. 1.
Size: 83 x 51 mm.
Seal design: Oval, two niches within rich perpendicular tracery; in the dexter niche stands the crowned and robed figure of St Oswald the king, his sceptre in his right hand; in the sinister is the figure of St Cuthbert
vested in alb, tunic, chasuble, apparelled amice and jewelled mitre. His right hand blesses, his left holds his crosier. On each side of these niches in the centre of the tracery is a shield of arms, a chevron between three crosses paty. Above the
niches in a central compartment beneath a canopy is the seated figure of Our Lady crowned and robed. The child Christ stands on the seat beside her encircled by her left arm, at each side in a compartment under a penthouse roof is the demi figure of
an angel. Below all, in a panel with a round arch is the demi figure of the bishop in mass vestments holding his crosier and praying, on each side of him in smaller panels is the bust of a man.
Inscription: sigill . johannis : dei : gra : episcopi : dunolmensis.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Pont.7, 11; 1.6.Pont.4; 4.6.Pont.5; 2.5.Ebor.3, 12; 4.5.Ebor.4, 5, 6; Misc.Ch. 7091, 7166
Digitised version GB Seal no.3141 1381
John Fordham
The only two examples in the treasury at Durham of this seal are in a very imperfect state and difficult to decipher, but they apparently show the bishop seated on this throne - like Bek - with his shield below him. It will be noticed that the
seal is used only during the first few months of his episcopacy.
Size: 67 x ? mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect, the bishop seated in mass vestments, his right hand blessing, his left holding his crosier. Below is a shield of arms, a chevron between three crosses paty.
Inscription: ... : gracia : episcopi.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.13; 2.1.Arch.Dunelm.6
GB Seal no.3142 1382-1388
John Fordham
The impressions of the obverse of this seal are on whitey brown wax and very friable. They have so perished that I have not been able to get a suitable photograph. But it is from the same matrix as Skirlaw's and Langley's (nos. 3146, 3149), both
of which are reproduced, with the needful alterations of name and shield. It is a much more elaborate seal than Hatfield's (no. 3138). The tracery is very beautiful and in general style bears a striking resemblance to the great seal of Richard II
(no. 3032) both as to the obverse and reverse, though the bishop's is the more decorative; notice the pierced and pinnacled canopies, the cuspings of the border of the reverse, and the diaper on both the horse trappings and the field of the seal.
His crest of a bird poised for flight stands on the top of his coronetted mitre. In
L'Armorial de Gelre , the bird is a dove and holds a scroll in his beak with the words 'gloria deo' upon it. It should also be noted that the shields borne by St George and St Michael are both charged with a plain
cross. The seal is SBM I, 2488; S.D. pl. IV, nos. 2 and 3.
Size: 79 mm.
Seal design: (Great Seal in Chancery)
Obverse: round, the bishop, seated on a throne panelled in perpendicular tracery and with a canopy of rich tabernacle work, vested in alb, tunic, chasuble, apparelled amice and
jewelled mitre, his right hand, wearing the episcopal ring, is blessing, his left holds his crosier. In a smaller niche of similar style on the dexter, is the figure of St Michael the archangel spearing the dragon, and carrying on his left arm a
shield of arms charged with a plain cross. On the sinister in a like niche is the armed figure of St George, his sword by his side and holding a spear with which he transfixes the dragon. On his left arm is a shield of arms, a chevron between three
crosses paty. On each side of the pediment of the throne is a sitting lion.
Reverse: equestrian, the bishop as knight in full armour of the period with armorial jupon. From his coronetted helmet arises his mitre which is surmounted by a bird
crest. He holds a sword in his hand and on his left arm is a shield of arms. His horse is fully caparisoned and wears a fan crest. His jupon, shield and horse trappings are emblasoned with a chevron between three crosses paty. The inner border of
the seal is beautifully cusped.
Inscription: Obverse: johannes : dei : gracia : epus : dunolmensis.
Reverse: johannes : dei : gracia : episcopus : dunolmensis.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Pont.6; 3.9.Pont.16; 2.3.Spec.1
Digitised version GB Seal no.3143 1382-1388
John Fordham
This is of the usual type of these seals at the date. The cuspings of the border, the diaper on the shield, and the beauty and grace of the kneeling angels at each side are to be noticed. Comparing the shape of shield on this and on Hatfield's
privy seal (no. 3139) with those borne by them on the reverse of their great seals, we can see how, when used for the purpose of displaying armorials, the shape of shield was altered to give more room to the artist. This seal is SBM I, 2468; S.D.
pl. V, no. 4.
Size: 54 mm.
Seal design: (Privy Seal)
Round, armorial, a chevron between three crosses paty, supporters two kneeling angels. The shield is within a cusped border and is beautifully diapered. At the beginning of the legend is a bird
with extended wings as on his crest is seal no. 3142, above the shield 'da gloriam deo'.
Inscription: secretum : johannis : dei : gracia : ep... ...ensis.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Pont.12; 1.9.Pont.5; 4.12.Spec.26; Misc.Ch. 5988
Digitised version GB Seal no.3144 1388-1405
Walter Skirlaw
1388-1405. Reg.Sacr.Angl.81; L.N. III, 291; HDST 144;
Rites , 18 et passim; H.D. I, 391; S.D. I, LIV. St Cuthbert holds the place of honour as previously, but Our Lady and St Oswald give place to the patron saints of the priory church of Bath and the cathedral church of
Wells, the diocese from which the bishop was translated to Durham. The shield is blasoned in Glover's Ordinary, silver a cross of six interlacing bastons. The letters of the legend have changed from the larger and clearer type of black letter to the
closer more illegible type. For the bishop's will see
Test.Ebor . 306; Lapsley 100, 101; for his Capella,
Wills and Invents . 43; chantry chapel and tombstone in Durham cathedral.
Rites , 18 and 209n;
Durham Account Rolls , intro. LIX. His seal is SBM I, 2469; S.D. pl. III, no. 3.
Size: 83 x 51 mm.
Seal design: Oval. In a central richly decorated niche, beneath a canopy of elaborate tabernacle work is the figure of St Cuthbert vested in alb, dalmatic, chasuble, apparelled amice and jewelled mitre. His right hand
blesses, his left holds, in front of his breast, the crowned head of St Oswald. His crosier rests in the crook of his left arm. In a smaller niche of similar style on the dexter is the robed figure of St Peter holding a key in his right hand, a book
in his left, on the sinister in a like niche is the robed figure of St Andrew holding his cross in his right hand, and in his left a book. Below St Cuthbert, in the centre, is a shield of arms, charged with a cross of six interlacing
Inscription: sigillum : walteri : dei : gracia : dunolmensis : episcop.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Archiep.2; 4.6.Pont.6
Digitised version GB Seal no.3145 1402-1404
Walter Skirlaw
This is of the usual ad causas type. The architectural decoration is distinctly perpendicular in style. The attention given to the details of costume in the Virgin's robes is also typical of the sculpture of that period. The seal is SBM I,
Size: 67 x 41 mm.
Seal design: 'ad causas'
Oval, Our Lady robed and crowned seated in a niche beneath a canopy of rich tabernacle work, the child Christ robed and standing on her right knee. On each side is a niche of two tiers, in the
upper is a bust, in the lower, looking out of a window, is a demi angel. Beneath, is the bishop in mass vestments, holding crosier, praying. On each side of him is a shield of arms, a cross of six interlacing bastons.
Inscription: fac : pia : walterum : causarum : noscere : verum :
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Pont.11; 1.6.Pont.7; 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.17; 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.10, 37; 6.4.Elemos.15; Loc.XX.8 (3, 4, 5, 6, 8)
Digitised version GB Seal no.3146 1388-1405
Walter Skirlaw
The obverse of this seal is from the same matrix as Fordham's (no. 3142), with the needful alteration of name and shield. The reverse is much plainer than his predecessor's and the horse is represented galloping over solid ground. He does not
wear a mitre, his crest rising from his coronetted helmet. The seal is SBM I, 2489, 2490.
Size: -
Seal design: (Great Seal in Chancery)
The same as the obverse of bishop Fordham's great seal (no. 3142) with the needful alterations of legend and shields. The shield of arms at each side is charged with a cross of six
interlacing bastons.
Reverse: equestrian, the bishop in armour and tight fitting jupon. From the coronet round his helmet, rises, as crest, a demi angel who holds a shield of the bishop's armorials. He carries a sword in his right hand and on
his left arm a shield of arms. The horse is fully caparisoned and wears a plume of feathers as crest. His shield and horse trappings are emblasoned with a cross of six interlaced bastons. The field of seal is strewn with roses.
Inscription: Obverse: walterus : dei : gra : eps : dunolmensis.
Reverse: walterus : dei : gracia : episcopus : dunolmensis.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.9.Pont.21, 22
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3147 1388-1405
Walter Skirlaw
The reference to this seal in the original catalogue was confused, and is actually seal 2611 above. An actual example of Skirlaw's privy seal has subsequently been traced.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: (Privy Seal)
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6879
GB Seal no.3148 1406-1437
Thomas Langley
1406-1437. Reg.Sacr.Angl.84; L.N. III, 291; HDST 146; H.D. I, 397; S.D. I, LV; Lapsley passim. There is no seal of dignity of this bishop at Durham nor is one described in SBM This seal is exactly the same as bishop Skirlaw's (no. 3145), with
alteration of legend and of shields. The blason of the arms is paly silver and vert a molet silver. See also
Rites , 44, 232 et passim, also
Durhan Cathedral , by Rev. Wm. Greenwell, p. 78. For his will see
Wills and Invents . 88. This seal is SBM I, 2472; S.D. pl.
III, 8. For papal bull of provision see HDST CCXVII.
Size: 67 x 41 mm.
Seal design: Seal 'ad causas'
Oval. This is exactly the same as the 'ad causas' seal of bishop Walter Skirlaw (no. 3145), except that on each side of the kneeling bishop is a shield of arms paly of six, a pierced
Inscription: s . thome : dei : gracia : epi : dunolmensis : ad : causas .
Seal attached to document reference: 3.3.Pont.8; 1.6.Pont.8; 2.7.Pont.1; 1.13.Pont.14; 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.38, 43; Misc.Ch. 976, 7042; Loc.I.52; Loc.III.35; Loc.XIII.11; Loc.XX.11 & 28; Loc.XXVII.3
Digitised version GB Seal no.3149 1406-1437
Thomas Langley
Both obverse and reverse of this seal are the same as bishop Skirlaw's (no. 3146), with the alterations required in name and armorials. There is again no mitre above the helm and the field of the reverse is powdered with pierced molets taken from
his shield of arms. The seal is SBM I, 2491.
Size: -
Seal design: Great Seal in Chancery
The same as the obverse of the great seals of bishops Fordham and Skirlaw (nos. 3142 and 3146) with the needful alterations of shields and legends. The shield at each side is charged
with paly of six, a pierced molet.
Reverse: equestrian, the bishop in armour and jupon; from his coronetted helmet rises, for crest, a large bush of feathers. He holds a sword in his right hand and on his left arm a shield of arms. His horse is
fully caparisoned and has a plume for crest. Shield, jupon and trappings are emblasoned paly of six, a pierced molet. The field of seal is powdered with pierced molets.
Inscription: Obverse: thomas : dei : gracia : epus : dunolmensis
Reverse: thomas : dei : gracia : episcopus : dunolmensis.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.3.Pont.1, 2, 4, 5; 1.10.Pont.1, 2; 1.1.Spec.20; 1.11.Spec.20; 3.12. Spec.25; Misc.Ch. 6719, 7076
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3150 1406-1437
Thomas Langley
The architectural accessories of this seal are interesting. The angel appears to uphold the bishop's shield standing in the midst of his episcopal city. The seal is SBM I, 2473; S.D. pl. V, no. 5.
Size: 51 mm.
Seal design: Privy Seal
Round, armorial, paly of six, a pierced molet. The shield is held by an angel who stands behind it. On each side are panels of tabernacle work and below shield, on line of legend, is represented
the wall of a city with gateway.
Inscription: secretu thome dei gratia epi dunolmen.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.3.Pont.11
Digitised version GB Seal no.3151 1406-1437
Thomas Langley
The first of the seals, called signets, used by the bishops of Durham. It was a type of seal that came into use early in the fifteenth century and was used to seal the more private letters and correspondence of its owner. It was often, as in this
case, composed of a charge taken from the armorials of its user. The seal is SBM I, 2474.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Signet, round, a molet of five points on which are the letters 'l.a.n.g.l.e.y.'
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXV.167
GB Seal no.3152 1438-1457
Robert Neville
1438-1457. Reg.Sacr.Angl.87; L.N. III, 291; HDST 147; Lapsley passim;
Rites , 40; H.D. I, 411; S.D. I, LVII, his will is printed HDST CCCXLI. There is again no seal of dignity for this bishop of Durham. This seal is more elaborate than the earlier ad causas seals, and in accordance with
the sculpture of the date shows great attention to minute details of costume. The device above Our Lady typifies The Trinity, though the dove is not represented. This emblem appears quite commonly on fonts, brasses and windows, during the later
Gothic period; the angel supporter was also a favourite device of the fifteenth century. the shield in the centre bears the paternal arms of Neville with the gimmelring for difference (for various Neville shields see under that name in this
catalogue). The shield on the sinister is the earliest appearance of these arms. It is blasoned azure a cross gold between four lions rampant silver (Parl. Roll of c.1512). The priors of Durham (see post.) placed a cross patonce between the lions.
The plain cross and lions is the shield attributed to St Oswald the king and is that of the bishopric of Durham; the cross patonce between the lions is that attributed to St Cuthbert and is the shield of the church and convent of Durham. There is,
however, considerable confusion in their use, as we find that some of the later bishops (see Ruthall and Tunstall) used both forms on their episcopal seals and an official of the prior (no. 3455) uses the plain cross. The shield on the dexter is
difficult to interpret, it has been considered to be a revival of Hatfield's shield. It is possible that it may be used here, and on the next seal (3157), in ignorance of its true origin, and be intended for the shield of St Oswald under whom it is
placed, but this is mere guesswork. The whole question of these various shields has been exhaustively discussed by Longstaffe in his paper on “The Old Official Heraldry of Durham” , published in
Herald and Genealogist , vol. VIII. See also 41 S.S. p.31. This seal is SBM 2475; S.D. pl. III, no. 9.
Size: 76 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Seal 'ad causas'
Oval, Our Lady, robed and crowned, seated in a central niche beneath a canopy of tabernacle work, the child Christ encircled by her right arm, stands on her knee. Above is God the Father
seated and holding Christ on the cross in front of him. In a niche on the dexter side is St Oswald robed and crowned, holding sword in right hand and orb with cross in left. On the sinister in a like niche is St Cuthbert in mass vestments, blessing
and with crosier. Beneath, in a central panel, is an angel supporting in front of him a shield of arms charged with a saltire, a gimmel-ring for difference; on the dexter side of this is a shield bearing a chevron between three lions rampant, on the
sinister another bearing a cross between four lions rampant.
Inscription: sigillu' ad causas roberti neville epi dunelmensis.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.6.Pont.13; 2.6.Pont.12; 4.6.Pont.16; 2.7.Pont.7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13; 1.2.Arch.Northd.31, 43; Misc.Ch. 2265; Loc.XIII.13; Loc.XX.21
Digitised version GB Seal no.3153 1438-1457
Robert Neville
The general style is very similar to the earlier ones in the series. The development of defensive armour is to be noted on the reverse, the tight fitting jupon has gone and in its place is a globular breastplate, the visored helm has been
replaced by one with an ugly jutting chin piece. On the obverse the plain cross on the shield of St Michael is replaced by some indeterminate charges which I cannot decipher. The seal is SBM I, 2492; S.D. pl. IV, nos 5 and 6.
Size: 79 mm.
Seal design: Obverse: round, the bishop vested in alb, tunic, chasuble, apparelled amice and jewelled mitre, seated upon his throne with a background of Perpendicular tracery and beneath a canopy of rich tabernacle work, his
right hand is blessing, his left holds his crosier. Above him in a traceried compartment is God the Father holding Christ on the cross in front of him. In a niche on the dexter side is St Michael the archangel standing on the dragon brandishing a
sword in his right hand and holding a shield of arms in his left hand, charged with (?). On the sinister is St George in armour thrusting a spear down the throat of the dragon upon which he stands; beneath each of these figures is a crouching lion
and in the centre of the pediment of the throne is a shield bearing a saltire differenced by a grimmel-ring.
Reverse: equestrian, the bishop in full armour, globular breastplate skirted with tassets below. From his coronetted helment arises a
mitre from between the horns of which issues his crest of a bull's head. He brandishes a sword in his right hand and bears a shield on his left arm. The horse, caparisoned and wearing a fan crest, is shown galloping over a field pied with daisies.
The shield and horse trappings are emblasoned with a saltire charged with a gimmel-ring. The field of the seal is diapered with a floral pattern.
Inscription: Obverse: robertus dei gracia episcopus dunelmensis
Reverse: robertus : dei : gracia : episcopus : dunelmensis
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Pont.14, 15; 1.10.Pont.3; 2.18.Spec.29, 30
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3154 1438-1457
Robert Neville
This and the two next signets (nos. 3155, 3156) are excellent examples of that form of seal. They are composed of part of the bishop's armorials and bear his motto, 'trusting in grace'. There is no example of this bishop's privy seal at Durham.
It is described P.L.A. XI, 297.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Signet, round, armorial, a saltire charged with a gimmel-ring, on label - 'en:grace:affie'.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.6.Pont.7; Loc.XXV.23, 60
GB Seal no.3155 1438-1457
Robert Neville
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Signet, round, a gimmel-ring, within it 'rn', around it '... grace'.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXV.64, 67, 67*
GB Seal no.3156 1438-1457
Robert Neville
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Signet, round, armorial, a saltire charged with a gimmel-ring, beneath the shield is a like ring, and on a label around the shield - 'en:grace:affie'.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6367
Digitised version GB Seal no.3157 1457-1476
Lawrence Booth
1457-1476. Reg.Sacr.Angl.91; L.N. III, 292; HDST 148; Lapsley 46, 281; H.D. I, 417; S.D. I, LVIII. This seal is practically the same as his predecessor's (no. 3152), but the impressions of it are poor and imperfect. The bishop's shield which he
holds himself instead of using an angelic supporter, as on 3152, is blasoned silver three boars' heads erect and rased sable within an engrailed border sable (Glover's Ordinary). His brother William's (archbishop of York) seal is no. 3242 in this
Size: 76 x 51 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady robed and crowned seated beneath a decorated canopy, in her right hand she holds a sceptre terminating in a fleur-de-lys. The child Christ stands, encircled by her arm, upon her left knee. Above
them in a compartment of the tracery is the Father holding Christ on the cross. In a canopied niche on the sinister is St Cuthbert in mass vestments with crosier; blessing, in a similar niche on the dexter is St Oswald, robed and crowned, holding
sceptre in his right hand and orb in left. Beneath is a demi figure of the bishop vested and with crosier and mitre, supporting in front of him a shield of arms charged with three boars' heads within an engrailed border. On his dexter side is a
shield of arms bearing a chevron between three lions rampant, on his sinister, a like shield charged with a cross between four lions rampant.
Inscription: sigillu : laurencii bothe dei : gracia : dunelmen : eps.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.6.Pont.15; 2.7.Pont.16; 2.13.Pont.12; 1.2.Arch.Northd.32; Loc.XVIII.18
Digitised version GB Seal no.3158 1464
Lawrence Booth
The impressions of this seal at Durham are very indistinct and on soft friable wax. It is rather smaller than usual and much poorer in design. St Michael and St George have gone and their places taken by the shields of the see and of the bishop
placed, rather ungracefully, half on and half off the tabernacle work at the sides of the throne. On the reverse the horse gallops to the dexter, the first since Hatfield's to fact in that direction. Its trappings and attitude are strongly
reminiscent of the reverse of Edward IV great seal (no. 3045). It will be noted that he is armed with the chevron between three ramping lions, the shield which appears below St Oswald on the seals nos. 3152 and 3157.
Size: 76 mm.
Seal design: Great seal in chancery
Obverse: round, the bishop seated in mass vestments and jewelled mitre, beneath a canopy, his right hand blessing, his left holding his crosier. On the dexter side is a shield of arms,
a cross between four lions rampant. On the sinister a shield bearing three boars' heads rased and erect within an engrailed border.
Reverse: equestrian, the bishop in armour and coronetted helmet from which issues a mitre with a bush of feathers
for crest. His right hand holds the reins, his left grasps a dagger at his side and a shield of arms is on his left arm. The horse is fully caparisoned. Shield and horse trappings are emblasoned with a chevron between three lions
Inscription: Obverse: sigillum : laurencii : bothe : dunelmensis : episcopi
Reverse: sigillum : laurencii : bothe : dunelmensis : episcopi
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XIII.15
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3159 1479
William Dudley
1476-1483. Reg.Sacr.Angl.92; L.N. III, 292; HDST 149; H.D. I, 443; S.D. I, LX. Except for unimportant details this is the same as nos. 3152 and 3157. It will be noted that in base the bishop kneels between, on the dexter the arms of the see, on
the sinister his own shield. This latter is blasoned, quarterly I and IV gold two lions passant azure (Dudley), II and III, silver a cross patonce azure, for Sutton, barons of Dudley. See Papworth's
British Armorial's I, p. 148;
Historic Peerage , ed. Courthope p. 169; His seal is SBM I, 2477.
Size: 83 x 51 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady crowned and robed seated in a central niche with canopy of tabernacle work, the nimbed figure of the child Christ standing on her right knee. In her left hand she holds a lily. In a like niche on
the dexter side is the crowned and robed figure of St Oswald holding a sceptre in his right hand and orb with cross in his left. On the sinister side is the figure of St Cuthbert, blessing, in mass vestments, and with mitre and crosier. Above the
central niche is God the Father holding Christ on the cross in front of him. Beneath, in the centre, in a round arched compartment, is the bishop kneeling in mass vestments with crosier and mitre, praying. On his dexter side is a shield of arms, a
cross between four lions rampant. On his sinister is another shield quarterly I and IV. Two lions passant, II and III a cross patonce.
Inscription: sigill ...: dei gra. dunelmensis : episcopi.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XIX.58
Digitised version GB Seal no.3160 1476-1483
William Dudley
This seal is very similar in style and in design to bishop Neville's great seal (no. 3153), it appears as if the engraver had been working from an impression of Neville's. St Michael's shield bears the indeterminate charges noted on no. 3153. The
border, with the legend, is wider and has ornate floral patterns between the words, which are in the close illegible style of black letter.
Size: 79 mm.
Seal design: Great seal in chancery
Obverse: round, the bishop seated, beneath a canopy of rich tabernacle work, in mass vestments, his right hand blessing, his left holding his crosier. On his dexter is St Michael the
archangel, sword in hand and holding a shield of arms. On his sinister is St George in armour spearing the dragon. Above in the centre is the Father holding Christ on the cross. Beneath the pediment of the throne is a shield of arms quarterly I and
IV two lions passant, II and III a cross patonce.
Reverse: equestrian, the bishop in armour and visored helm, coronetted and with mitre above from which rises his crest of a hound's head. His horse is armed and fully caparisoned, with fan crest.
His shield and horse trappings are blasoned with his armorials as on the obverse. The field of seal is diapered with a floral pattern.
Inscription: Obverse: willmus::dei::gracia::episcopus::dunelmensis.
Reverse: willmus:dei:gracia:episcopus:dunelmensis.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.10.Pont.7, 8
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3161 1478
William Dudley
The most notable point in this seal is the noble jewelled and coronetted mitre with its embroidered and fringed
infulae gracefully arranged on each side. The scroll upon which the legend is inscribed adds to the
effect of a very beautiful seal. For note on the coronet surmounting the shield see P.L.A. XI, 297, and also
“The Old Official Heraldry of Durham” (
Herald and Genealogist , VIII, 136). The seal is SBM I, 2479; S.D. pl. V, no. 7.
Size: 51 mm.
Seal design: Privy Seal
Round, armorial, quarterly I and IV two lions passant, II and III a cross flory. The shield is ensigned by a jewelled mitre surrounded by a coronet, the ribbons of the mitre appear at each side of
the shield.
Inscription: sigillum : priba... : willi : dei : gracia : dunelm... episcopi
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XIII.16a
Digitised version GB Seal no.3162 1484-1494
John Sherwood
1484-1494. Reg.Sacr.Angl.93; L.N. III, 292; HDST 149; H.D. I, 449; S.D. I, LX. This is the only seal of this bishop at Durham. It is very similar in general style to no. 3160, especially on the reverse, the armorials and name alone being changed.
On the obverse St Michael and St George have disappeared and their places taken by Our Lady and St Catherine, whilst on the outermost compartment of the tracery at each side is a shield of the personal arms of the bishop; the lions at the pediment
of the throne are replaced by two dragons. I assume that the cross patonce (?) on the dexter is a family quartering, not an official shield. If it were the latter it would be impaled not quartered. The blason on the bishop's arms is unknown. For the
arms on his tomb at the English college in Rome see E.H., p. 97. After his death his seals were offered to St Cuthbert 'obtulit feretro sancti Cuthberti prout moris est' (HDST no. CCCI, p. ccclxxxviii).
Size: 83 mm.
Seal design: Great seal in chancery
Obverse: round, the bishop seated on a throne beneath a triple canopy of rich tabernacle work, vested in alb, tunicle, chasuble, amice and mitre, his right hand blessing, his left
holding his crosier. Above him is God the Father holding Christ on his cross in front of him. On the dexter side is Our Lady standing robed and crowned, the child Christ on her left arm, a sceptre in her right hand. On the sinister is St Catherine
nimbed and bearing a palm branch in her right hand. Beyond on the dexter side is a shield of arms, a cross patonce. On the sinister is another shield, a chevron, charged with a fleur-de-lys (?) between three cinquefoils. Below is a shield quarterly
I and IV a cross patonce, II and III a chevron charged with a fleur-de-lys (?) between three cinquefoils. One each side of the pediment of the throne is a winged dragon.
Reverse: equestrian, the bishop in armour and helmet with coronet, from
which rises a mitre and crest (undecipherable). His right hand brandishes a sword and on his left arm is a shield of arms. His horse is armed and fully caparisoned and bears a fan crest. His shield bears a chevron, charged with a fleur-de-lys,
between three cinquefoils; his horse's trappings are blasoned with a cross patonce quarterly with the above shield.
Inscription: Obverse: johannes dei : gracia : episcopus : dunelmensis. Reverse: : johannes : dei : gracia : episcopus : dunelmensis.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.10.Pont.9
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3163 1497
Richard Fox
1494-1501. Reg. Sacr. Angl. 94; L.N. III, 292; HDST 150; H.D. I, 456; S.D. I, LXI. This seal is very different in style and motive from its predecessors. The Gothic decoration has gone and we have in its place the classical style of the
Renaissance with the legend in the beautiful Roman capitals of that era. The wheel has gone full circle and after three hundred years the style of letter we last met with on bishop Puiset's (no. 3114a) seal once more is used. The seal is applied to
the face of the deed, the only seal of dignity to be so affixed at Durham. This again is a reversion to an old method of sealing. (See Douët D'Arcq,
Collection de Sceaux , vol. I, p. xxiii). The shield below St Cuthbert is that of the see of Durham, that below St Oswald bears the bishop's private arms blasoned azure a pelican in her piety gold.
Size: 89 x 54 mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect, Our Lady with Christ seated beneath a canopy, above them in a central niche is God the Father holding Christ on the cross; in front of him the dove above the head of the father. On the dexter
side in a niche is St Cuthbert in mass vestments, with crosier, blessing; on the sinister St Oswald robed and crowned with sceptre in his right hand. Below on the dexter side is a shield of arms, a cross between four lions rampant, on the sinister a
shield bearing a pelican in her piety. In the centre is the bishop praying.
Inscription: SIGILL .. RICARD ... DEI . GRA...
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.70; 1.2.Arch.Northd.12
Digitised version GB Seal no.3164 1494-1501
Richard Fox
The influence of the classical style of the Renaissance is again clearly visible on this seal, though the obverse shows in the canopies and figures traces of very debased Gothic. The legend is in the Roman capitals of the Rennaisance.
Size: 86 mm.
Seal design: Great seal in chancery
Obverse: round, the bishop, in mass vestments, jewelled mitre, with crosier in left hand and blessing with right, seated beneath a canopy. On the dexter side in a niche is Our Lady
robed and crowned, standing holding Christ; on the sinister is St Cuthbert in mass vestments and holding the head of St Oswald. Beyond on the dexter is a shield of arms, a plain cross between four lions rampant. On the sinister a shield bearing a
pelican in her piety. Below the peidment of the throne is a shield, a cross between four lions rampant impaling a pelican in her piety.
Reverse: equestrian, the bishop in full armour. His helmet is coronetted and from it issues a jewelled mitre
with a plume of feathers for crest. He brandishes a sword in his right hand and bears on his left arm an impaled shield of arms, charged as on the obverse. His horse is armoured, bears a plume of feathers on his head and is caparisoned in trappings
bearing the bishop's armorials impaled as on his shield.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.10.Pont.1, 4, 5
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3165 1502-1505
William Senhouse
1502-1505. Reg. Sacr. Angl. 94; L.N. III, 292; HDST 151; H.D. I, 467; S.D. I, LXIV. This seal reverts to the Gothic style with niches and tabernacle work and is very similar to bishop Dudley's (no. 3159). The legend also returns to the close
black letter type. I am unable to discover the blason of his shield on the sinister, that on the dexter below St Cuthbert bears the arms of the see.
Size: 76 x 51 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady robed, crowned and nimbed, seated beneath a canopy with the robed and nimbed figure of the child Christ standing on her right knee. Above her in a niche beneath a canopy is the figure of Our Lord,
blessing and holding orb with cross in his left hand; on her dexter side in a niche is the figure of St Cuthbert in mass vestments holding crosier in right hand, and St Oswald's head in his left. On her sinister side in a like niche is the figure of
St Oswald in plate armour and crowned, bearing a sceptre in his left hand, and in his right, a sword. Beneath, in the centre, is the bishop kneeling in mass vestments, and with mitre and crosier, praying. On his dexter is a shield charged with a
cross between four lions rampant. On his sinister, a shield quarterly in the first and fourth quarters, a bird.
Inscription: sigillu : willmi : dei : gracia : dunolm : epi.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.6.Pont.13; 1.7.Pont.16; Misc.Ch. 5847
Digitised version GB Seal no.3166 1502
William Senhouse
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Signet, shield shaped, a spurge (?) surrounded by crosier heads.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.14.Pont.17
Digitised version GB Seal no.3167 n.d.
Christopher Bainbridge
1507-1508. Reg. Sacr. Angl. 96; L.N. III, 293; HDST 151; H.D. I, 470; S.D. I, LXIV. This is the only seal of this bishop at Durham. With the name and armorials altered, it is identical both on obverse and reverse with the great seal of bishop Fox
(no. 3164). The arms are blasoned azure two battleaxes palways silver on a chief gold two pierced molets gules. The blason of the quarter with the squirrel I do not know nor can I say for whom it was borne. (See Papworth's
British Armorials I, 11;
Gentleman's Magazine , n.s., vol. XXXIV, p. 61).
Size: -
Seal design: Great seal in chancery
Obverse: the same as that of bishop Fox (no. 3164), with the legend and armorials altered. On the dexter is a shield charged with a cross between four lions rampant. On the sinister is
a shield quarterly I and IV, two battle axes paleways on a chief, two pierced molets, II and III a squirrel. Beneath the bishop is a shield couchée charged with the arms of the see as above, impaling Bainbridge as above.
Reverse: The same as the
reverse of the seal of bishop Fox (no. 3164) with the legend and armorials altered. His shield bears the arms of the see impaling his own as on the obverse. The horse is armed and caparisoned; on its hind quarters the arms of the see, a cross
between four lions rampant are emblasoned; on its forequarters the arms of the bishop quarterly I and IV, two battle axes paleways on a chief two pierced molets, II and III a squirrel.
Inscription: Obverse: Legend obliterated
Seal attached to document reference: 2.10.Pont.6, 7, 8
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3168 1512
Thomas Ruthall
1509-1523. Reg. Sacr. Angl. 96; L.N. III, 293; HDST 151; H.D. I, 477; S.D. I, LXV. There is a blending of Gothic and Renaissance style in this seal. It is very imperfect, but enough remains to show that it has been well designed and well
executed. The drapery of Our Lady's robes is very graceful and the figures of Our Lord above and the kneeling bishop beneath, the latter especially, are full of character. The legend of which very little remains, seems to have been of a rather
ornamental type of Roman capitals. It will be noticed that the arms of the see, on the dexter beneath St Cuthbert have the cross flory and not a plain cross as, from its first appearance on the seal of bishop Neville (no. 3152), has been the
invariable rule. As will be seen later, the priors of Durham have always borne the cross patonce (not flory). I cannot suggest why is is flory here unless it be a desire for ornateness typical of the heraldry of the sixteenth century. The bishop's
own shield is an excellent example of that decadent art. It is blasoned party gold and azure a cross engrailed gold between four doves gold with sable collars, on a chief quarterly ermine and gold two roses gules.
Size: 79 x ? mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect, Our Lady robed and crowned, seated under a canopy holding the child Christ. Above her in a canopied niche is the robed figure of Our Lord with cruciferous nimbus, his right hand blessing, his
left holding orb with cross. In a niche on the dexter side of the Virgin is St Cuthbert as bishop, on the sinister, St Oswald in armour holding sword and sceptre. Beneath, in the centre, is the bishop kneeling in mass vestments, mitre and crosier
and praying. On his dexter is a shield of arms, a cross flory; between four lions rampant; on the sinister side a shield bearing a cross engrailed between four birds, on a chief quarterly two roses.
Inscription: SIGILL ...LL .. D...
Seal attached to document reference: 1.12.Pont.28 (2); Loc.XVIII.74, 89
Digitised version GB Seal no.3169 1555
Cuthbert Tunstall
1530-1559. Reg. Sacr. Angl. 98; L.N. III, 293; HDST 155; H.D. I, 507; S.D. I, LXVI. There is no seal of cardinal Wolsey at Durham. He is the first bishop not represented by at least one seal in this catalogue since Ranulph Flambard. This, the
last, of the episcopal seals of dignity of the bishops of Durham in the treasury there, is a poor thing, ill designed and badly executed. It is in part redeemed by the fine shield of the bishop's arms, ensigned with his jewelled mitre, in base and
by the good type of Roman capitals of the legend. The shield on the dexter of the bishop's is, I suggest, borne for the priory, that on the sinister for the see of Durham; but see note 66 in this part, and Longstaffe's paper on
“The Old Official Heraldry of Durham” in the
Herald and Genealogist , vol. VIII, p. 31. The blason of the bishop's shield is sable three combs silver. The seal is SBM I, 2483; S.D. pl.
III, no. 7.
Size: 79 x 60 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady, robed and crowned, seated beneath a canopy with the child Christ on her left arm. On the dexter side is the figure of St Cuthbert vested and with mitre, St Oswald's head in right hand, crosier in
left. On the sinister side is St Oswald crowned and in plate armour, a sword in his right hand, a sceptre in his left. Beneath, in the centre, is a gothic-shaped shield charged with three combs. The shield is surmounted by a jewelled mitre with
ribbons; on the dexter side is a shield bearing a cross flory between four lions rampant. On the sinister is a similar shield but the cross plain.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.7.Pont.17
Digitised version GB Seal no.3170 1542
Cuthbert Tunstall
It is unfortunate that this, the last of the bishops of Durham whose seal is preserved in the treasury of the dean and chapter, should be such a poor one. It seems to have no redeeming features and one's only consolation is that the seals of the
later post reformation bishops are even worse. The use of both the cross flory and the plain cross between the lions is to be noted on the obverse. Tunstall's is the only seal on which they both appear, I think to symbolise both the priory and the
see. The seal is SBM I, 2495.
Size: 89 mm.
Seal design: Great seal in chancery
Obverse: round, the bishop, vested and with mitre and crosier, seated beneath a central canopy. On his dexter is Our Lady with the child Christ on her left arm, on the sinister is St
Cuthbert. Beyond these figures on each side is a shield of arms; on the dexter a cross between four lions rampant, on the sinister, a cross flory between four lions rampant. Below is a shield of gothic shape bearing a cross flory between four lions
rampant impaling 3 combs. The shield is surmounted by a mitre with its ribbons.
Reverse: equestrian, the bishop in plate armour and visored helmet which is surrounded by a coronet from which a mitre rises. He bears a sword in his right hand and
a shield on his left arm. His horse wears a full caparison and a plume of feathers as crest. Shield and trappings are enblasoned with a cross patonce between four lions rampant.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.3.Pont.10; [G] D101
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3170(i) 1632-1659
Thomas Morton
Seal design: Episcopal seal (fragment)
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2479
GB Seal no.3171 1656
Oliver Cromwell
This seal is used by Richard, lord protector, to a document dated 3 March 1658. But the date on the legend of 1656 and the effigy is that of Oliver. The document is printed
Proceedings of Newcastle Antiquaries, 3 ser. vol. V, p. 19 and the seal illustrated on plate facing that page.
Size: 95 mm.
Seal design: Seal for Court of Pleas of Palatinate of Durham
Obverse: round, brown wax, equestrian, Oliver the lord protector bareheaded and in armour, a sword by his side and a baton in his right hand. Behind him and
above the horse a cartouche with the arms of the bishopric, a cross between four lions rampant.
Reverse: round, armorial, a cross between four lions rampant.
Inscription: Obverse: No legend
Seal attached to document reference: [G] uncatalogued
GB Seal no.3171(i) 1660-1672
John Cosin
Seal design: Episcopal seal, with privy seal as reverse
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2486, 2487, 2489, 2490, 2491, 2492, 2493, 2494, 2496
GB Seal no.3171(ii) 1674-1721
Nathaniel Crewe
Seal design: Episcopal seal, (the latter charter with privy seal as reverse)
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2497, 2512
GB Seal no.3171(iii) 1674-1721
Nathaniel Crewe
Seal design: Privy seal
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2498, 2499, 2502, 2504, 2505, 2506, 2508, 2513, 2515, 2516, 6634
Officials of the Bishops of DurhamGB Seal no.3172 1244-1277
Durham, Officiality of the bishop of
Charter no. 8 is printed N.C.H. VII, p. 147.
Size: 51 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop seated on a throne in mass vestments, his right hand blessing, his left holding his crosier. Below is a demi figure praying and holding a vesica shaped object in his hands.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Spec.8, 12, 14; 1.1.Archiep.22
Digitised version GB Seal no.3173 1285-1390
Durham, Officiality of the bishop of
The design and execution of this seal are admirable. The commanding attitude of the archangel, his graceful robes, the power expressed by the position of his wings, together with the flowing robes and attitude of dignified protestation of the
Virgin, make a most effective composition. The severe simplicity of line of the conventional lily and vase, acts as a foil to the graceful robes of the two figures. The sense of reality is added to by the attitude of almost strained adoration of the
praying figure beneath. This fine example of thirteenth century art should be compared with the next seal where the same subject is treated in the fifteenth century. SBM 2504.
This secretum (originally on Misc.Ch. 4920, but now missing) is the same gem used by Adam of Brempton in 1284 when vicar of Auckland, so presumably this is the same man. See no. 391 in this catalogue.
Size: 22 x 32 mm.Size: Secretum: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, The Annunciation, between our Lady and Gabriel is a pot out of which issues a long stemmed fleur-de-lys; beneath, under a canopy is the demi figure of a tonsured monk, praying.Secretum, antique gem, a warrior, leaning on shield, spear in right hand and wearing a helmet (? Mars)
Seal attached to document reference: 2.6.Pont.1; 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.7, 8; 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.64; 2.1.Arch.Northd.11, 14, 21; 1.2.Arch.Northumb.16, 17, 20; 1.1.Spec.70; 2.1.Spec.8, 9; 2.2.Spec.12; 2.4.Spec.23; 1.11.Spec.13; 4.16.Spec.34, 38, 39, 40, 48;
4.3.Sacr.6; 1.3.Spec.41; 3.6.Spec.38; 4.16.Spec.53, 55, 57; Misc.Ch. 3370, 4148, 4779, 4920; Loc.I.48; Loc.XIII.10
Digitised version
See no. 42 for private seal of bishop's official dated 1292.
GB Seal no.3174 1418-1514
Durham, Officiality of the bishop
This seal treating of the same subject as no. 3173 is very different in design. There is more ornament and less conventionality but it is lacking in strength. The attitude of Gabriel is too cringing for an archangel whilst the Virgin with both
hands raised seems to protest too much. The lily is truer to nature but not nearly so effective whilst the praying bishop beneath is monumental in his calm, very unlike the adoration expressed in every line of the praying monk of the earlier seal.
SBM 2595.
Size: 22 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval, The Annunciation, under a trefoiled canopy, between Our Lady and Gabriel is a pot with a lily in it. Beneath is a demi figure of a bishop praying.
Inscription: sigillu : officialitatis : dunelmi
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Archiep.14; 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.22; 1.1.Pont.8, 9; 1.3.Pont.8; 3.4.Spec.5, 39; 1.11.Spec.29*; 1.15.Spec.3; 2.15.Spec.17; 2.16.Spec.44; 4.16.Spec.43, 48*; 4.6.Ebor.3; 4.3.Sacr.5; Misc.Ch. 457, 994,
Digitised version GB Seal no.3175 1313
Durham, Official of the bishop of
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the Crucifixion, a figure to the dexter praying.
Inscription: ...VX SCA DEI ...REQU.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4256
GB Seal no.3176 1372
Simon Langham, cardinal priest of St Sixtus
The cardinal's seal was originally appended to Misc.Ch. 5378, to which was attached this mandate of the official to the bishop of Durham (Thomas Hatfield), to John Hakthorpe, official of the archdeacons of Durham and Northumberland. The various
figures are difficult to identify and the legend is very imperfect. The blason of the shield on the sinister is unknown. It resembles the shield attributed to St Edward, king and martyr, azure a cross paty between four crowns gold. The general
design resembles that of the 'ad causas' seal of Alexander Nevill, archbishop of York 1374-1388 (no. 3234 below). For Simon Langham's seal as archbishop of Canterbury, see 3093 above, and as abbot of Westminster, 3558 below.
Size: ? x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect. In a central niche is the seated figure of a bishop. He is nimbed and wears mass vestments with pall and mitre. His right hand is blessing, his left holds a book on his knee. On the dexter in a
smaller niche is the standing figure of a man in mass vestments, his right hand blessing, his left holding a cross patriarchal. On the sinister in a like niche is the robed figure of a woman holding a book in her left hand, and in her right a (?).
Above the central niche is the demi figure of Our Lady holding the child Christ, and on each side is a demi figure praying. Beneath the central figure is the kneeling figure of a bishop in mass vestments and mitre praying. On his dexter is a shield
of arms surmounted by a crown. France (ancient) and England quarterly on his sinister is another shield bearing a cross paty between three crowns - A star below each shield.
Inscription: ... SIXTI: PBRI CAR [DINALIS].
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5387
GB Seal no.3177 1456
Durham, Officiality of the bishop of, in Northumberland
The deed is which this is appended is the procuration of John Kirke for the election of a prior of Durham (John Burnaby, 1456-64). He says that because his own seal is unknown he has affixed and seal 'officialitatis jurisdictionis episcopi
Dunelmensis in Northumbria'. He was a monk of the cell at Holy Island. (HDST CCCXIX).
Size: 32 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, St Cuthbert in mass vestments blessing and holding St Oswald's head, in left hand, to his breast.
Inscription: Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5232
GB Seal no.3178 1326
Durham, Officiality of St Cuthbert in the diocese of York
Size: 22 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval, St Cuthbert in mass vestments blessing, St Oswald's head on his breast and holding crosier in his left hand. Beneath is a figure praying.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Ebor.27, 29; Misc.Ch. 4092
GB Seal no.3179 n.d.
Durham, (Vicariatus in Spiritualibus Sede Vacante)
This is a loose seal, so unfortunately no exact date is available, but it must have been used during the vacancy of the see in 1345 (14 April - 7 Aug) between the death of bishop Richard and the consecration of bishop Thomas Hatfield. The shield
is a differenced one of la Zouche and probably that of a near relative of archbishop William la Zouche of York (1342-52), it is the same as that on the dexter of the 'ad causas' seal of that prelate (no. 3231) and is evidently of the same date. The
head on the dexter wearing the tiara appears to represent St Peter as pope, that on the sinister is probably St Cuthbert.
Size: 51 x 35 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A cross below which is a shield of arms, ten roundels within a border engrailed, a branch is at each side of shield. On the dexter side is a head in pointed mitre with coronet, surmounted by a cross (the
tiara) on the sinister is a mitred head.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.I.54*
Digitised version
Durham, vicar general sede vacante, see 3241 and 3250.
3180: Durham, Commissary of the bishop of: See Gilbert of Suthayk, no. 2352. (Suthayk - Now Southwick in the parish of Monkwearmouth. He is styled clerk and commissary official of the lord bishop of Durham. The deed names
master Robert Avenel, then vicar of the lord bishop of Durham)
GB Seal no.3181 1490
Durham, Commissary of the bishop of
Used by William Cooke, styled commissary general of the lord bishop of Durham. The charter is given 'sub sigillo officii nostri'.
Size: 51 x 35 mm.
Seal design: Oval. The salutation of the Virgin, beneath is a demi figure praying.
Inscription: sigill officialis ... dunelmi.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.51, 58
GB Seal no.3182 1312
Durham, commissaries of the bishop of
The seal is used by the commissaries 'deputati ad recipendum decimam provenientium omnium beneficiorum ecclesiasticorum secundum taxationam nunc currentem Domino Dunelmensi episcopo pro primo anno consecrationis suae' (bishop Richard of Kellawe).
The deed to which it is attached is a receipt to master John de l'Isle for 40s. from his church of Boldon, and 16s 8d. for his portion in the church of Auckland (see no. 1604 and note). SBM 2506.
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round. Two heads, that on the dexter the crowned head of a king, that on the sinister the mitred head of a bishop.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 415
GB Seal no.3183 1425
Durham, sequestrator and commissary of the bishop of
Used by John Lounde, styled sequestrator and commissary general of the lord bishop of Durham (Neville), the seal is that of his office (sigillum officii nostri). He was chancellor of bishop Neville 1448-1456 (H.D. I, 416), and was again appointed
by Edward IV 1462 (ibid. p. 442).
Size: -
Seal design: Oval, very imperfect, St Cuthbert standing holding St Oswald's head to his breast.
Inscription: Legend destroyed.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.18.Spec.88; 3.3.Sacr.26
GB Seal no.3184 1455
Durham, sequestrator of the bishop of
Size: 41 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect, St Cuthbert standing in mass vestments beneath a canopy, his right hand blessing, his left holding St Oswald's head, his crosier at his left side.
Inscription: s' ...ndni.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Arch.Northd.26
GB Seal no.3185 1474
Durham, sequestrator of the bishop of
Used by John Rudd, styled sequestrator of the lord Lawrence (Booth) bishop (of Durham). The shield in base is that of Lawrence Booth though it is without the engrailed border which appears on the bishop's own seal (no. 3157). SBM 2509.
Size: 41 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval, St Cuthbert standing in a trefoiled niche, in mass vestments, his right hand blessing, his left holding St Oswald's head, his crosier at his left side. Below is a shield of arms, three boars' heads erect
Inscription: ...ffie : sequestratoris : dunolmie.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.8.Spec.36
GB Seal no.3186 1514
Durham, sequestrator of the bishop of
Used by master Christopher Werdale, styled commissary and sequestrator general of the bishop. The shield in base bears the arms of the see of Durham with the cross altered to patonce as it appears on bishop Ruthall's seal of dignity (no. 3168).
SBM 2510.
Size: 51 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval, St Cuthbert standing under a canopy, in mass vestments, holding in left hand the head of St Oswald, and blessing with his right, his crosier is held at his left side, diagonally. Below is a shield of arms,
a cross patonce between four lions rampant.
Inscription: sigillum : offie . sequestratori : dunolmie
Seal attached to document reference: 1.11.Spec.29*
GB Seal no.3186A 1343-1375
Durham, Vicar-General of
To charters nos. 1, 46 and 48, this seal is used by Alan of Shotlington, styled vicar-general. To charters nos. 47 and 12 it is used by William Farnham, vicar-general. His private seals are nos. 951 and 952 in this catalogue.
Size: 57 x 35 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady robed and crowned, holding the child Christ, seated under a canopy of tabernacle work, on the dexter side of which is a crescent and on the sinister a star. Below in a canopied niche on the dexter
side is St Oswald robed and crowned and holding a sceptre in his right hand, on the sinister side is St Cuthbert his right hand blessing, his left holding St Oswald's head to his breast. Beneath is a monk praying.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.6.Pont.1; 2.1.Arch.Northd.12; 2.13.Spec.18; 4.1.Spec.46, 47, 48
GB Seal no.3186B 1451
Durham, Vicar-General of
This seal is used in 1416 and 1421 by Thomas Lyes, dean of Auckland and vicar-general. See
Visits. Linc. , app. II, pp. 209-10. Between 1439-1456 it is used by John Norton. Thomas Lye's private seal is no. 1684 in this catalogue. The shield on the dexter I cannot explain or blason. It often occurs in the
later heraldry of Durham (see
Herald and Genealogist , VIII, 148), that on the sinister bears the arms of the see.
Size: 63 x 41 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady robed and crowned seated beneath a canopy. The child Christ stands on her right knee, and in her left hand she holds a lily. Beneath, is St Cuthbert in mass vestments, seated, holding St Oswald's
head in his right hand and his crosier in his left. On the dexter side is a shield of arms, a plain cross, on the sinister a like shield, a cross between four lions rampant. Beneath is a half figure of a bishop in mass vestments and with mitre and
crosier, praying.
Inscription: sigillum : vicarii : generalis : dunelmen.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2266; 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.12, 30; 2.2.Arch.Dunelm.1; 1.12.Arch.Northd.11, 23, 35; 1.8.Spec.24, 25; Loc.XIII.11, 12, 13, 16; Loc.XX.19b, 22
Digitised version Bishops of Ely
Arms - gules three crowns gold, the arms attributed to St Audrey.
GB Seal no.3187 1225-1228
Geoffrey De Burgh
Reg. Sacr. Angl. 56. He was archdeacon of Norwich and owed his preferment to the influence of his brother Hubert (M. Paris, II, 271; L.N. I, 328).
Size: -
Seal design: Oval, very imperfect, the bishop standing, in mass vestments, blessing with his right hand and holding crosier in his left.
Inscription: Legend destroyed.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.11.Spec.28
GB Seal no.3188 1235
Hugh of Norwold
1229-1254. Reg. Sacr. Angl. 57. He was abbot of St Edmondsbury. After his election as bishop he continued to wear the monastic habit, after his death he is called 'flos nigrorum monachorum'. M. Paris II, 305; III, 337; L.N. I, 329. SBM 1496.
Document printed
Rites , p. 149.
The dexter figure is St Edmund, king and martyr, from whose tomb the abbey of Edmundsbury took its name (S.C.D. II, 327). The figure on the sinister is that of St Audrey (Etheldreda), queen and abbess, who, with St Peter, was the patron saint of
Ely (S.C.D. II, 363). Her saintliness is commemorated by the legend on a seal of one of the bishops of Ely, ETHELDREDA. DUOS FRUSTATUR VIRGO MARITOS (
Seals , 80).
Size: 70 x 44 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop in mass vestments standing on a corbel, blessing with his right hand, his left holding his crosier.Secretum, on the dexter side stands the robed, crowned and nimbed figure of St Edmund holding sceptre in right hand and two arrows (?) in left, on the sinister the robed, crowned and nimbed figure of St Audrey. Between the
figures is a church spire and above them a head with nimbus. Beneath is a demi figure of the bishop praying.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1512
GB Seal no.3189 1281
Hugh Balsham
1257-1286. Reg. Sacr. Angl. 61. He was the sub-prior of Ely (L.N. I, 329). The H II in the field of the seal denotes that he was the second Hugh, bishop of Ely. The arms attributed to this bishop were paly gold and gules. This shield with the
crowns of the see of Ely in a border, forms the arms of Peterhouse college, Cambridge, of which Hugh was the founder. (E.H. 436). SBM 1489.
Size: 60 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing on a very low pedestal vested in alb, stole, dalmatic with orphreys, amice, chasuble and low plain mitre, his right hand is blessing, his left with maniple holds his crosier. On his
dexter side is H, on the sinister II.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Archiep.12; Misc.Ch. 1511
GB Seal no.3190 1290-1298
William of Louth
1290-1298. Reg. Sacr. Angl. 67. I have included this, though it is not in Durham treasury, because this bishop was archdeacon of Durham before preferment to Ely (L.N. I, 331). The heads at each side are the same and represent St Audrey. The
shield in base is a very early example of armorials on an episcopal seal of dignity. It bears the arms of the see blasoned gules three crowns gold, attributed in MS. Harleian 5852 to 'Seynt Awdrwy' (
Heraldic Notices of Canterbury Cathedral , 67). See also E.H. pp. 8 and 180. The side shafts supporting the canopy are rare at this date, this being one of the earliest examples. SBM 1500.
Size: 76 x 51 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing on a pedestal beneath a crocketted canopy with side shafts, vested in alb, stole, dalmatic, chasuble, amice and gloves. He wears a low embroidered mitre, his right hand, on which is the
episcopal ring, is blessing, his left with maniple holds his crosier. On the dexter side in a sunk circular panel is the crowned head of a woman with W above it; on the sinister in a like panel is a similar crowned head with III above it. Beneath
the pediment, below a trefoiled arch, is a shield of arms, three crowns. The field of the seal is diapered.
Seal attached to document reference: From a cast
GB Seal no.3191 1306
Robert Orford
1302-1310. Reg. Sacr. Angl. 69. He was prior of Ely (L.N. I, 333).
Size: 70 x 41 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing on a corbel, beneath a church like canopy, in mass vestments, his right hand is blessing, his left holds his crosier. On the dexter side is the mitred head of a bishop, on the sinister
the crowned head of a queen. The field of the seal is diapered in a lozenge pattern.
Inscription: ...LUM ROBERT.. EI:GRA:EPI.:EL...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1513
Bishop of EnaghduneGB Seal no.3192 1240-1450
c. 1240-1450. He is called Thomas O Meallaidh. The place is now Annaghdown in co. Galway (Fast Hib.). Indulgence printed
Rites , p. 158, no. LV.
Size: 63 x 38 mm.Size: Secretum: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing in mass vestments, his right hand blessing, his left holding his crosier.Secretum: oval, the hand of God blessing.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1514
Bishops of Lincoln
Arms - gules two leopards of England gold, on a chief azure Our Lady robed and crowned seated on a throne with the child Christ on her knee gold.
GB Seal no.3193 1209-1235
Hugh of Wells
1209-1235. Reg. Sacr. Angl. 54; L.N. II, 9. He was archdeacon of Wells and chancellor of England (M. Paris II, 120). SBM 1712.
Size: -
Seal design: Oval, very imperfect and bad impression; the bishop standing ...Secretum: very imperfect, Our Lady seated with the child Christ.
Inscription: 1. Legend destroyedSecretum: ✠ VI ...ATI PATRONIS.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.4.Ebor.6
GB Seal no.3194 1281
Oliver Sutton
1280-1299. Reg. Sacr. Angl. 65. He was dean of Lincoln (L.N. II, 12). SBM 1721.
Size: 76 x 44 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing in mass vestments, his right hand blessing, his left holding his crosier. Field of seal diapered with a floral pattern.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Ebor.27; 3.4.Ebor.20
GB Seal no.3195 1296
Oliver Sutton
This seal is also used as a counterseal. SBM 1721.
Size: 22 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady with Christ seated. Below is a half figure of the bishop in mass vestments praying.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4162, 4870
GB Seal no.3196 1301
John Dalderby
1300-1320. Reg. Sacr. Angl. 69. He was chancellor of Lincoln (L.N. II, 12). SBM 1727.
Size: 76 x 51 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing in mass vestments and mitre, his right hand blessing, his left holding his crosier. On the dexter side is a crescent with IOH' below it, on the sinister a star with I below it. Beneath
on each side is a lily in flower.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.3.Ebor.38
Digitised version GB Seal no.3197 1331
Henry Burghersh
1320-1340. Reg. Sacr. Angl. 72. He was a canon of York (L.N. III, 209). SBM 1736.
Size: 51 x ? mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect, Our Lady with Christ seated.
Inscription: ... ACHE...
Seal attached to document reference: 3.4.Ebor.8, 19
GB Seal no.3198 1366
John Bokingham
1363-1398. Reg. Sacr. Angl. 79. He was dean of Lichfield and archdeacon of Northampton and of Buckingham (L.N. II, 15). SBM 1745.
Size: 70 x ? mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect, Our Lady seated, within a niche of rich tabernacle work, robed and crowned, the child Christ standing on her left knee. In her right hand she holds a lily. Beneath is the bishop in mass vestments
Inscription: Legend destroyed.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.4.Ebor.15
GB Seal no.3199 1388
John Bokingham
A later and very fine seal. The shield in base bears the bishop's arms blasoned gules a cross botony gold (
Heraldic Notices of Canterbury Cathedral , 18). SBM 1741.
Size: 86 x 57 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Above in a central niche of tabernacle work is our Lord seated, his right hand blessing, his left holding orb with cross. Beneath in the centre is the bishop in mass vestments blessing. On his dexter is Our
Lady, with Christ. On the sinister is the figure of John the Baptist. Below in the centre is a shield of arms, a cross.
Inscription: sigillum.iohannes.dei.gratia.lincolniensis.episcopi.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.5.Ebor.14a & b
Bishop of Llandaff
Arms - sable two crosiers saltireways gold and silver, on a chief azure, three mitres with labels gold
GB Seal no.3200 n.d.
William de Radnor
Reg. Sacr. Angl. 59; L.N. II, 243. Hew was the fourth William to be consecrated bishop of Llandaff, and states it in the legend in an unusual way.
Size: 60 x 38 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing in mass vestments, his right hand blessing, his left holding his crosier.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1497
GB Seal no.3200(i) 1361-1382
Roger Cradock
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6877
Bishops of London
Arms - gules two swords saltireways silver, hilts to the base, gold.
GB Seal no.3201 1260
Henry Wingham
1260-1262. Reg. Sacr. Angl. 62. He was dean of St Martin's-le-grand and chancellor of England (L.N. II, 285). The leopards at each side, taken from the shield of England, possibly refer to his dignity. SBM 1911, where a different secretum is
described. Printed
Rites , p. 153, no. XXV.
Size: -Size: Secretum: 51 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect, the bishop standing in mass vestments, his right hand blessing, his left holding his crosier. On each side in a square panel is a leopard. The field of the seal is diapered with a lozenge
pattern.Secretum: oval. A nimbed demi figure of St Paul, rising from a battlemented tower, holding a sword in his right hand and a book in left. Beneath under a trefoiled arch is the demi figure of the bishop praying.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1523
Digitised version GB Seal no.3202 1436
Robert Gilbert
Size: 10 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, a seated griffin with legend above it (illegible).
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXV.73
Bishops of Norwich
Arms - azure three mitres gold
GB Seal no.3203 1254
Walter Suffield
1245-1257. Reg. Sacr. Angl. 59; L.N. II, 461; M. Paris II, 473; SBM 2024, where the completion of the legend reads MISERACIONE : DIVINA : NORWICENS : EPISCOPUS. In a charter of his printed in
Handbook of Greek and Latin Palaeography , by Sir E.M. Thompson, p. 306, he is styled 'Walterus miseracione divina Norwicensis Ecclesie minister humilis'. Misc.Ch. 1515 printed
Rites , p.
151, no. XII.
Size: 76 x 44 mm.Size: Secretum: 51 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop in mass vestments standing, blessing, his crosier in his left hand. On each side in a hexagonal panel is a head, that on the left a bull's that on the right a lion's. The field of seal is
diapered.Secretum: oval, Our Lord seated in majesty blessing; a star on each side. Beneath is the bishop praying.
Inscription: 1. WALTERUS: ...Secretum: ✠ HOC : TE : TORMENTO : REDIMI : WALTERE : MEMENTO.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.13.Pont.5; Misc.Ch. 1515
GB Seal no.3204 1278
William Middleton
1278-1288. Reg. Sacr. Angl. 65. He was archdeacon of Canterbury. L.N. II, 462. The heads are possibly those of the great East Anglian saints Audrey and Edmund. The design of the seal, with the heads in roundels and full figures of saints standing
below is, I think, unique. He was practically contemporary in date with bishop Robert of Holy Island of Durham, whose flanking saints stand in canopied niches. See no. 3124 and pl. 49, SBM 3020. Misc.Ch. 1516 printed
Rites , p. 155, no. XXXVI.
Size: 76 x 51 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop, in mass vestments, standing blessing and with crosier in left hand. On the dexter side in a circular panel is the crowned head of a queen, on the sinister in a like panel is the bearded head of
a man. Below on the dexter is the standing figure of St John the Baptist holding the Lamb of God, on the sinister that of St Lawrence holding a gridiron.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1516, 1517; 2.1.Archiep.13
Digitised version GB Seal no.3205 1321
John Salmon
1299-1325. Reg. Sacr. Angl. 69. He was prior of Ely. L.N. II, 462. The cathedral church of Ely was dedicated to SS. Peter and Audrey (S.C.D. III, 117). SBM 2032.
Size: -
Seal design: Oval, imperfect, the bishop standing in mass vestments, blessing and with his crosier, on the dexter side is a draped and crowned woman's head (St Audrey), on the sinister is a bearded male head wearing a tiara
(St Peter as pope).
Inscription: ...LL ...RA . EPI . NOR...
Seal attached to document reference: [G] B65
Bishop of RaphoeGB Seal no.3206 1273
1266-1274 (?) He is called Carbrac O'Scoba and was a Dominican friar. Raphoe is in Donegal (Fasti. Hib. III, 346, 348). Printed
Rites , p. 154, no. XXXL.
Size: 57 x 35 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing on a bracket in mass vestments, blessing and with his crosier.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1506
Bishop of Rochester
Arms - silver on a saltire gules an escallop gold
GB Seal no.3207 1277
Walter of Merton
1274-1277. Reg. Sacr. Angl. 64. He was chancellor of England and founder of Merton College, Oxford. L.N. II, 561; SBM 2154. Seal is engraved
Priory of Finchale , p. 189; Indulgence printed
Rites , p. 154, no. XXXIII.
Size: 67 x 38 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing on a corbel, in mass vestments, his right hand blessing, his left holds his crosier. On each side in a square panel is the mitred head of a bishop.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 816
Digitised version Bishops of Salisbury
Arms - azure Our Lady standing robed and crowned, the child Christ in her arms, all gold
Richard Poore, secretum: see 3128.
GB Seal no.3208 1427-1438
Robert Neville
1427-1438. Reg. Sacr. Angl. 87. He was provost of Beverley and was translated to Durham in 1438 (L.N. II, 603). His Durham seals are nos. 3152 to 3156.
Size: 10 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, a bird standing, above it a plant with flowers and leaves, beneath on a label 'en grace affie'.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXV.79
Digitised version GB Seal no.3209 1427-1438
Robert Neville
Same as the signet which he uses when bishop of Durham, no. 3155.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, two interlaced rings, within them 'rn' - on scroll is 'en grace affie'.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXV.67
GB Seal no.3210 1438-1450
William Ayscough
1438-1450. Reg. Sacr. Angl. 88; L.N. II. 603.
Size: 10 mm.
Seal design: Signet, Our Lady seated holding the child Christ.
Inscription: Legend destroyed.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXV.80
Bishop of Sodor, Man and The Isles
Arms - gules between three pillars silver, Our Lady robed and crowned standing holding a church in her right hand, in base the arms of Man
GB Seal no.3211 1253
1253-1274. Reg. Sacr. Angl. 211; L.N. III, 324; A.S.S. II, 1103. Indulgence printed
Rites , p. 151, no. VII. This legend shows that as early as the 13th century the bishops of this diocese used the title of Sodor, Man and the Isles. They were usually known in early times as bishops of the Isles. But
they were sometimes called bishops of Man and the Isles, bishops of the Hebrides (Hebudensis), or bishops of Sodor (ie the Southern isles). The bishopric was in the archidiocese of Trondhiem till 1266.
Size: 51 x 35 mm.Size: Secretum:22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing in mass vestments, blessing and with his crosier.Secretum: antique gem. The head of a horse ending in a bearded human head.
Inscription: ...DI · EPI · SODOREN · MANEN IN ....Secretum: ✠ ASCENDE CALUE AS ...ALVE.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 814
Bishops of Winchester
Arms - gules two keys bendways gold and silver between them in bend sinister a sword silver the hilt in base gold. For seals of bishops of Winchester, see paper by A Wyon,
Journal of the British Archaeological Association, vol. I, n.s., p.101.
GB Seal no.3212 1318
John Sandale
1316-1318. Reg. Sacr. Angl. 71. He was dean of St Paul's and afterwards chancellor of England. L.N. III, 12. SS. Peter and Paul were the patron saints of Winchester cathedral. SS. Amphibalus and Swithin are occasionally associated with them
(S.C.D. III, 308). The shields at each side presumably bear the bishop's arms, but the blason is unknown. See also
Journal of British Archaelogical Association, n.s., I, pl. III, fig. 17.
Size: 60 x 38 mm.
Seal design: Oval, in a central niche beneath a canopy Our Lady seated, holding Christ, below on the dexter side St Peter, on the sinister side St Paul, on each side a shield of arms, ermine on a chief a lion passant. Beneath
is the bishop in mass vestments praying.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XIX.49
GB Seal no.3213 1321
Rigaud D'Achères
1320-1323. Reg. Sacr. Angl. 72; L.N. III, 13. He was canon of Orleans, D.C.L., auditor of the papal palace, papal chaplain and sent to England as papal envoy 1317 (Cal. Pap. II, 126-127); canon of London 1317 (ibid. II, 152); canon of Salisbury
1319 (ibid. 186); master of the schools at Orleans and papal nuncio 1319 (ibid. 189); rector of St Stephen's, Toulouse, 1319 (ibid. 190); bishop elect of Winchester, 12 December 1319 (ibid. 191); died at Avignon 12 April 1323 (L.N. III, 13). The
dexter shield of the lion rampant is presumably the bishop's own. The sinister I cannot place.
Size: 57 x 35 mm.
Seal design: Oval, in a double niche beneath canopies on the dexter side St Peter, on the sinister St Paul. In the centre above them is the coronation of the Virgin. Beneath is a demi figure of the bishop praying. On the
dexter side of the central figures is a shield of arms, a lion rampant, on the sinister a shield bearing a crescent between three stars.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4063
Digitised version GB Seal no.3214 1319-1321
Rigaud D'Achères
This seal apparently depicts the martyrdom of St Stephen. The shield of arms again is that of the bishop. Dating from before he was bishop, it is his seal 'ad causas', used for the business of his office as papal nuncio, described in Misc.Ch.
5043 as 'sigillum .. que utitur in officio collectoris fructuum', and in 3593 as the seal of 'R. dei gratia Winton. Episcopi, Dni. Nostri Papae in Anglia Nuncii'. cf 3686 below.
Size: 22 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a robed figure with nimbus, kneeling and looking up to a cross paty, behind him is a figure in short dress and with satchel holding a stone with his right hand. Beneath is a figure praying, and behind him a
shield of arms a lion rampant. The field diapered with a lozenge pattern.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3593, 3928, 5043
Digitised version GB Seal no.3215 1553
Stephen Gardiner
1531-1555. Reg. Sacr. Angl. 99; L.N. III, 17. His arms are blasoned, azure a cross gold between four griffin's heads rased silver.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, arms of the see of Winchester impaling a cross between four griffin's heads raised. The shield is surrounded by the garter with motto.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 207
Bishops of Worcester
Arms - silver ten roundels gules, the shield of bishop Giffard (1268-1302).
GB Seal no.3216 1174
1164-1179. Reg. Sacr. Angl. 49. He was son of Robert, first earl of Gloucester, who was a natural son of Henry I. L.N. III, 50; O.B. II, 9;
Historic Peerage , ed. Courthope, 213; M. Paris I, 411. The seal is SBM 2275.
Size: 79 x 22 mm.Size: Secretum: 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing in mass vestments blessing and holding his crosier.Secretum: oval, antique gem, two figures, one standing, one sitting. These represent two famous lost statues by Phidias, probably the Athena which stood on the Acropolis at Athens and the Zeus of Olympia.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Pont.9; 2.2.Spec.2
Archbishops of York
Arms - gules two keys addorsed saltireways, the wards upwards, silver, between them in chief a crown of gold; originally the crown was the papal tiara (see further under 3235 below).
GB Seal no.3217 1070-1100
1070-1100. Reg. Sacr. Angl. 38; L.N. III, 97. He was a canon and treasurer of the church of Bayeux. M. Paris I, 17; Fast. Ebor. 146; V.C.H. Yorks. III, 9; Hist. Ch. York. II, 99. The seal and document are spurious, though of early date (W.G.).
The seal is very imperfect and almost entirely defaced.
Size: -
Seal design: Oval, very imperfect, the archbishop in mass vestments standing.
Inscription: Legend destroyed.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Archiep.1
GB Seal no.3218 1119-1140
1119-1140. Reg. Sacr. Angl. 43; L.N. III, 98. He was a canon of St Paul's and chaplain to Henry I. M. Paris I, 217 et passim; Fast. Ebor. 170; V.C.H. Yorks. III 14; Hist. Ch. York. II, 129. The seal is engraved, though not quite accurately,
A.S.R. XIV, 69. See also P.L.A. XIII, 47. Like all the early archbishops he is represented bearing a crosier. His cross would be carried in front of him in processions, on this see M. Paris I, 238, who relates that when Thurstan was not allowed to
crown the king at Windsor, his cross bearer (
lator crucis ) was ignominiously (
comtemptibiliter ) turned out of the chapel.
Size: 89 x 60 mm.
Seal design: Oval, (greatly decayed), the archbishop vested in alb, dalmatic, chasuble and a low plain mitre. His right hand is blessing and his left holds a crosier.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Archiep.7
GB Seal no.3219 1143-1154
William Fitzherbert
1143-1154. Reg. Sacr. Angl. 47; L.N. III, 99, 100. He was a nephew of king Stephen, chancellor and afterwards treasurer of York. M. Paris I, 264, 298; Fast. Ebor. 220; V.C.H. Yorks. III, 17; Hist. Ch. York. II, 270. He was canonised 1284. See
Fast. Ebor. 227, and M. Paris II, 256. The seal is engraved A.S.R. XIV, 227, and described P.L.A. XIII, 47. The arms, afterwards attributed to him, were used on the seal of the college founded in his memory at York, blasoned gules seven voided
lozenges gold (E.H. 393). These are the arms of the de Quinceys, earls of Winchester, and afterwards of Ferrers of Groby. It would seem likely that the shield was taken from that of Fitzwilliam, who bore lozengy silver and gules.
Size: 79 x 57 mm.Size: Secretum: 13 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the archbishop standing vested in alb, dalmatic, chasuble and low mitre, his right hand is blessing, his left holding his crosier.Secretum: round, indistinct and undecipherable.
Inscription: ...LELM ... GRATIA .. ARCHIEPISCOPI.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Archiep.7
GB Seal no.3220 1154-1181
Roger of Pont-L'Evêque
1154-1181. Reg. Sacr. Angl. 47; L.N. III, 100. He was archdeacon of Canterbury. M. Paris I, 298, 421; Fast. Ebor. 233, V.C.H. Yorks. III, 18; The seal is engraved A.S.R. XIV, 72, see also P.L.A. XIII, 48, and SBM no. 2302. The secretum is the
first used by the archbishops of York, and is a very interesting example of those strange devices known as
grylli or
chimerae formed of portions of animals combined into one monster, in this
case into the head and trunk of an animal like an elephant. It is composed of a youthful head, a man's head with classic features and a pointed beard, and of a low type of satyr-like head with beard. To us this appears a strange emblem of the
Trinity, but remembering much of the sculpture of the late 12th century, the grotesque side would probably not be apparent to the user.
Size: 86 x 60 mm.Size: Secretum: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the archbishop standing vested in alb, dalmatic, chasuble, amice and a low mitre with ribbons. His right hand is blessing, his left from which the maniple falls, holds his crosier.Secretum: oval, antique gem. The head of a monster, like an elephant, formed of three human heads.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Archiep.4, 5, 6
Digitised version GB Seal no.3221 1191-1212
1191-1212. Reg. Sacr. Angl. 51; L.N. III, 101. He was a natural son of Henry II, and had been bishop elect of Lincoln from 1173, though never consecrated. M. Paris II, 3, 127; Fast. Ebor. 251; V.C.H. Yorks. III, 20. The curious secretum is the
same as he used as his seal when bishop elect of Lincoln (Arch. XXI, p. 31). See also A.S.R. XIV, 227; P.L.A. XIII, 50 and SBM 2303; and Stubb's preface to vol. III,
Chronicle of Roger of Hoveden (Rolls Series).
Size: 76 x 51 mm.Size: Secretum: 22 x 35 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the archbishop standing on a bracket vested in alb, dalmatic, chasuble, amice and mitre, his right hand blessing, his left holding his crosier.Secretum: oval, a bare headed figure standing clothed in a tight fitting coat with sleeves, above which is a loose cloak fastened at the neck. He holds in his left hand an object like a staple, and in his right a
crutch-like staff.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Archiep.25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3222 1216-1255
Walter Gray
1216-1255. Reg. Sacr. Angl. 54; L.N. III, 102. He was bishop of Worcester. See Fast. Ebor. 279; M. Paris II, 345 et passim; V.C.H. Yorks. III, 22. His register is published no. 56 S.S., where this seal is engraved as frontispiece. See also A.S.R.
XIII, 220; P.L.A. XIII, 50; SBM 2304. On the secretum St Paul holds a sword over his right shoulder and has a narrow pointed beard; St Peter holds two keys of a primitive type and has a quantity of curly hair both on his head and chin.
Size: 73 x 44 mm.Size: Secretum: 41 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the archbishop standing vested in alb, dalmatic, with orphreys, chasuble, amice and low mitre, his right hand blessing, his left holding his crosier.Secretum: oval, half figures of St Peter and St Paul, a star between their heads, above it a palm branch.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Archiep.1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 15, 19, 20; 3.1.Archiep.5, 6, 7, 8, 9; 2.4.Pont.7; 4.1.Finc.4, 8; 4.1.Archiep.6, 8, 14; Misc.Ch. 4539* (fragment)
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3223 1259
Godfrey Ludham
1258-1264. Reg. Sacr. Angl. 61; L.N. III, 102. He was dean of York. See also P.L.A. XIII, 50; Fast. Ebor. 300; V.C.H. Yorks. III, 28. The seal is SBM 2306. The secretum is used as a seal to charter 2.1.Archiep.27. This is the first seal of the
archbishops of York on which the
rationale is shown, and also the first on which the archbishop is shown holding his archiepiscopal cross. 2.13.Pont.10 printed
Rites , p. 153, no. XXIII.
Size: 73 x 22 mm.Size: Secretum: 57 x 35 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the archbishop standing in mass vestments, his right hand blessing, his left holding his cross. On the dexter and sinister sides in sunk panels is a tonsured head. Beneath the dexter head
Beneath the sinister
MESecretum: half figure of St Peter standing between two pinnacles each surmounted by a cross, holding keys in his right hand and book in his left. Below is the archbishop in mass vestments praying.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.13.Pont.10; 2.1.Archiep.27 (secretum only)
Digitised version GB Seal no.3224 1258-1264
Walter Giffard
1266-1279. Reg Sacr. Angl. 62; L.N. III, 103. He was bishop of Bath and Wells. See also A.S.R. XV, 216; P.L.A. XIII, 51; Fast. Ebor. 302; V.C.H. Yorks. III, 28. The seal is SBM 2308. Archbishop Giffard's Register is printed 109 S.S. This is the
first of the seals of the archbishops of York upon which the title
Angliae Primas appears. It first appears on the seals of the archbishops of Canterbury on that of Richard 1174-1184. See also no. 3091A in this
Secretum (1) - This gem Mr King (
Handbook of Engraved Gems , p. 221) considers to have represented Marcus Aurelius and his teacher Plato. It is a very interesting adaptation to Christian use of a classical subject as the heads were used by the
archbishop to represent the heads of SS. Peter and Paul. The workmanship and design of the gem is stiff and inartistic and not of the best period of gem engraving.
Size: 86 x 54 mm.Size: Secretum (1): 44 x 35 mm.Size: Secretum (2): 70 x 41 mm.Size: Secretum (3):22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the archbishop standing on a carved corbel beneath a canopy, vested in sandals, alb, stole, dalmatic with orphreys, plain chasuble, apparelled amice, rationale, pall with five crosses paty, gloves, ring,
maniple and embroidered mitre; his right hand is blessing, his left holds his crosier. On his dexter in a niche with crockets and finials is the figure of St Paul, sword in right hand and book (?) in left, on the sinister is St Peter, keys in right
hand and book in left.Secretum (1): oval, antique gem. Two busts in profile, the one with curled hair and beard, wearing a fillet, the second, appearing beyond it, with long straight beard.Secretum (2): oval, the same gem as no. 1 but in a different setting, above it is the demi figure of Christ with cruciferous nimbus, below is the demi figure of the archbishop praying.Secretum (3): round, antique gem, a lion walking.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Archiep.2a, 2b, 18, 22, 24; 3.1.Archiep.1, 4, 10a, 12; 4.1.Archiep.10, 15; 3.1.Ebor.12
Digitised versionDigitised versionDigitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3225 1268
Walter Giffard
The vestments on this seal are plainer than on no. 3224 - there is no pall nor
rationale only a straight line of orphrey down the centre of the chasuble. The title MINISTER is to be noted, it is the only episcopal
seal, that I know of, on which the word is used. The seal is SBM 2307, where a secretum to it is described.
Size: 60 x 38 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the archbishop standing in mass vestments and low mitre, his right hand blessing, his left holding crosier.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Archiep.10b; 2.1.Ebor.31
GB Seal no.3226 1279
William Wickwane
1279-1285. Reg. Sacr. Angl. 65; L.N. III, 103. He was chancellor of York. See P.L.A. XIII, 53; Fast. Ebor. 317; SBM 2310; V.C.H. Yorks. III, 31. His register is printed S.S. no. 114.
Size: 79 x 51 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the archbishop standing on a carved corbel beneath a church like canopy in mass vestments, his right hand blessing, his left holding staff with cross; on his dexter side is a sword with a quatrefoil above
it in which is the head of St Paul, on the sinister two keys with a like flower above them with the head of St Peter.
Inscription: Legend destroyed.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Arciep.4a, 4b
GB Seal no.3227 1286-1296
John Le Romeyn
1286-1296. Reg. Sacr. Angl. 67. He was canon of York and precentor of Lincoln. L.N. III, 104. See P.L.A. XIII, 53; Fast. Ebor. 327; V.C.H. Yorks. III, 32; SBM 2311. His register (first volume) is published 123 S.S.
Size: 79 x 51 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the archbishop standing on a bracket beneath a church-like canopy, vested in alb, dalmatic, chasuble, pall, amice and mitre, his right hand blessing, his left holding his cross. On his dexter side is the
head of St Peter (?) on his sinister the head of St Paul (?), each in a raised quatrefoiled panel.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Archiep.9; 2.3.Archiep.4; 4.2.Archiep.3
Digitised version GB Seal no.3228 1306-1315
William Greenfield
1306-1315. Reg. Sacr. Angl. 67. He was canon of York and precentor of Lincoln. L.N. III, 104. See P.L.A. XIII, 53; Fast. Ebor. 327; V.C.H. Yorks. III, 32; SBM 2311. His register (first volume) is published 123 S.S.
Size: 83 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the archbishop standing on a corbel beneath a canopy with spires and crockets, the lower part terminating in dragons' heads. He is vested in alb, stole, dalmatic with orphreys, chasuble, amice, pall,
gloves, maniple, ring and sandals. He wears a jewelled mitre. His right hand is blessing, his left holds his staff with cross. On his dexter side is the head of St Peter, with two keys beneath. On the sinister the head of St Paul with a sword
Seal attached to document reference: 2.13.Pont.5, 8, 11
Digitised version GB Seal no.3229 1334
William of Melton
1317-1340. Reg. Sacr. Angl. 72. He was prebendary of Lincoln, canon of York and provost of Beverley. L.N. III, 106; V.C.H. Yorks. III, 36. He held the offices of chancellor of England and treasurer of the exchequer. The shield of England on the
secretum may refer to the high offices he held, but on the question of the use of the royal shield on episcopal seals see P.L.A. XI, 280; ibid. XIII, 56. See Fast. Ebor. 397. The seal is SBM 2315. 2.13.Pont.7 printed
Rites , p. 158, no. LIII.
Size: 86 x 51 mm.Size: Secretum: 67 x 41 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the archbishop standing on a bracket, beneath a church like canopy, vested in apparelled alb, dalmatic, with orphreys, chasuble, pall, amice, sandals, gloves, ring and mitre, his right hand blesses, his
left holds his cross. On his dexter side is the head of St Paul, above it 'S'PA', on sinister the head of St Peter above it 'S'PE'. Both heads are in a six foiled panel within a circular one; the field of the seal is diapered.Secretum: oval, Saints Peter and Paul standing, each under a canopy, with side shafts, above is a shield of arms, England, beneath is the archbishop in mass vestments and mitre, holding his cross and praying.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Archiep.2, 5, 18; 2.13.Pont.7; 4.1.Archiep.2a, 2b, 2c; Misc.Ch. 4967 (secretum only)
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3230 1345
William La Zouche
1342-1352. Reg. Sacr. Angl. 75. He was dean of York (L.N. III, 106). The shield of arms on the sinister bears the undifferenced arms of La Zouche blasoned gules bezanty, that on the dexter bears the archbishop's own shield the border, probably
gules, being a mark of cadency. Fast. Ebor. 437; P.L.A. XIII, 57; SBM 2317; V.C.H. Yorks. III, 38.
Size: -
Seal design: Oval, very imperfect, the archbishop standing in tracery of rich tabernacle work, in mass vestments. On his dexter side is a shield of arms bezanty and a border engrailed, on his sinister is a shield of arms
Inscription: ...ARCH ...GLE. P'MATIS.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Archiep.1
GB Seal no.3231 1347
William La Zouche
This is the first of the seals 'ad causas' used by the archbishops of York. SBM 2318.
Size: 63 x 38 mm.
Seal design: Oval, on the dexter side St Peter, on the sinister St Paul standing in niches of rich tabernacle work with canopies, above them the demi figure of Our Lady with Christ. Beneath are two shields of arms, on the
dexter, bezanty and a border engrailed, on the sinister, bezanty.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Archiep.12
Digitised version GB Seal no.3232 1352-1373
John of Thoresby
1352-1373. Reg. Sacr. Angl. 79. He was bishop of St David's and afterwards of Worcester. L.N. III, 107; P.L.A. XIII, 57; Fast. Ebor. 449; SBM 2319; V.C.H. Yorks. III, 39.
Size: 92 x 54 mm.Size: Secretum: 73 x 44 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the archbishop, standing in a central niche, beneath a canopy of rich tabernacle work, vested in alb, tunicle, chasuble, apparelled amice, pall, and jewelled mitre, his right hand blessing, his left holding
his cross. In a smaller niche on the dexter is a half figure of St Peter holding key, on the sinister is a similar figure of St Paul holding sword.Secretum: SS. Peter and Paul standing in niches, below canopies of rich tabernacle work; beneath is the archbishop in mass vestments praying.
Inscription: :S'IOHIS:DEI:GRACIA:EBORACEN. ARCHIEPI. ANGLIE: PRIMATIS.Secretum: sis. multis: annis: petre dux et paule iohanis.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Archiep.1; 4.2.Archiep.2
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3233 1374-1388
Alexander Neville
1374-1388. Reg. Sacr. Angl. 80. He was the third son of Ralph Lord Neville (1331-1367), a canon of York and archdeacon of Durham. L.N. III, 107; V.C.H. Yorks. III, 40. This is the last of the York seals of dignity on which the figure of the
archbishop is the chief motive. It is also the most ornate. The tabernacle work resembles a beautiful reredos with its tiers of canopied niches and saints. The shield in the base is Neville, with a crescent for cadency. The use of the royal shield
is again difficult of explanation. See P.L.A. XIII, 58 and SBM 2322. The archbishop's privy seal (not secretum) is engraved P.L.A.. XIII, 59, and described SBM 2323. It bears a shield of arms couchée charged with a saltire differenced by a crescent,
surmounted by a coronetted helmet upon which is the crest of a bull's head. The helm is supported by two griffins. The legend which is partly defaced reads 's alexandri de nevill primatis'.
Size: 92 x 57 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the archbishop standing in a central niche of rich tracery beneath a canopy, vested in alb, tunicle, chasuble, apparelled amice, pall and jewelled mitre, his right hand blessing, his left holding his staff
with cross. Above him in a smaller niche is a demi figure of Our Lady robed and crowned, holding Christ, and with a bird (dove) sitting on her left shoulder. On each side of the archbishop are two smaller canopied niches, one above the other. On the
dexter is the figure of St Paul, on the sinister that of St Peter. Below each is an angel holding in front of him a shield of arms France and England quarterly; beneath these there is a crouching lion, beyond on each side in smaller niches with
crocketed pinnacles are two smaller figures. Beneath the archbishop is a shield of arms, supported by two kneeling figures, a saltire with a crescent for difference.
Inscription: : s' alexandri : di : gra : archiepi : eborae anglie : primat' aplice : sedis : legat'
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Archiep.5, 6b, 8a, 8b
Digitised version GB Seal no.3234 1375
Alexander Neville
The archbishop's seal for business - 'ad causas'. It is of similar type to the Durham bishops' seals for the same purpose.
Size: 70 x 44 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an archbishop seated, in mass vestments, his right hand blessing, his left holding his cross, above him is a demi figure of Our Lady with Christ, on his dexter side is St Peter, on his sinister St Paul;
beneath is the archbishop in mass vestments praying; on his dexter side is a shield France (ancient) and England quarterly, on his sinister a shield, a saltire with crescent for difference.
Inscription: dum:causas:audis...:fraudis.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Archiep.4; Loc.XX:6b
Digitised version GB Seal no.3235 1410
Henry Bowet
1407-1423. Reg. Sacr. Angl. 84. He was bishop of Bath and Wells. L.N. III, 109; V.C.H. Yorks. III, 41. The saints represented are the patrons of the churches of his previous diocese and of the church of York. St Andrew of Wells, SS. Peter and
Paul of Bath, and St Peter of York (S.C.D. III, pp. 44, 298, 319). The two archbishops on each side of the emblem of the Trinity are probably St Oswald or St Wilfrid of York, and St John of Beverley. The shield on the dexter bears the arms of the
see of York (called modern) blasoned gules two keys addorsed saltireways silver in chief a crown gold, but on this seal and on that of archbishop Kemp (no. 3238) the crown is clearly the papal tiara. The shield first appears on the seal of
archbishop Waldby (1397), which is not here represented, who also used impaled with his own arms the shield of the see of York (called ancient) azure a pall silver edged gold charged with five crosses paty fitchy sable, behind it an archiepiscopal
cross the staff silver, the cross paty gold (E.H. 190). The shield on the sinister bears the arms of Bowet, silver three reindeers' heads cabossed sable (A.A. 3rd ser., III, 255). An inventory of the archbishop's goods is published 45 S.S. p. 69.
See also 127 S.S. p. 135 et passim. There are two seals since there are two copies of this charter. The one attached by silk plaited cords, the other by a tag of parchment. The one on parchment is sunk in a large egg-shaped cup of white wax, the
impression on the seal being in red. The edges of the cup are 11mm thick and the impression is sunk 16mm below the edge.
Size: 83 x 51 mm.
Seal design: Oval, in a central niche beneath a rich canopy, Our Lady, crowned and robed, seated with the child Christ standing on her right knee, above her in a central niche is the Father holding Christ on the cross in
front of him, on each side of whom in a smaller niche is the figure of an archbishop with mitre, pall and cross. On each side of Our Lady are two parallel niches; in the dexter ones are St Peter and St Andrew, in the sinister St Paul and St William
of York (?). Beneath in a sunk panel is the archbishop in mass vestments, with cross, praying, on his dexter is a shield of arms, two keys in saltire with the tiara in chief between them, on the sinister a shield, three bucks' heads
Inscription: s'henrici dei gra.: ebor. archiepi. angli' primatis.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Archiep.1a, 1b
Digitised version GB Seal no.3236 1410
Henry Bowet
SBM 2330. Engraved P.L.A. XIII, 61.
Size: 70 x 38 mm.
Seal design: Seal 'ad causas'
Oval. Two canopied niches, in the dexter one is Our Lady, crowned and robed, standing, holding Christ. On the sinister is St Peter standing, holding key in his right hand and book in left.
Beneath is the archbishop praying, and in front of him, held at each corner by a figure issuing out of a niche, is a shield of arms, three bucks' heads cabossed.
Inscription: s' henrici eboracen archiepi ad causas.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Archiep.2, 3
Digitised version GB Seal no.3237 1407-1423
Henry Bowet
The earliest signet used by the archbishops of York. It consists of one of the charges of his shield.
Size: 16 x 13 mm.
Seal design: Oval signet, a buck's head cabossed 'h' between the horns.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXV.51
GB Seal no.3238 n.d.
John Kemp
1426-1452. Reg. Sacr. Angl. 86. He was bishop of London and was translated to Canterbury 1452. L.N. III, 110; 127 S.S., p. 136 et passim; V.C.H. Yorks. III, 41. The central figure represents St Peter as pope and the four archbishops are
presumably the four canonised archbishops of York, St Wilfrid, St Oswald, St John and St William. The shield on the dexter is that of the see. The one on the sinister is that of Kemp blasoned gules three sheaves within a border engrailed gold. See
also P.L.A. XIII, 62; SBM 2331; and Visits. Linc. XV, note 9.
Size: 83 x 51 mm.
Seal design: Oval, in a central niche of rich tabernacle work a figure sitting in mass vestments with pall and tiara, his right hand blessing, his left holding his cross (? St Peter as the pope); above him, in a like niche,
God the Father holding Christ on his cross in front of him. On each side, in niches, the figure of an archbishop vested and in pall and mitre, each holding his cross and blessing. On each side of the central niche are two similar niches in which on
the dexter is the figure of St Paul and an archbishop vested in pall and mitre, with cross. On the sinister St Andrew and another archbishop as on the dexter. Below in the centre is the archbishop in mass vestments with pall, mitre and cross,
praying. On his dexter is a shield of arms, two keys in saltire with the tiara in chief between them, on the sinister a shield bearing three sheaves in a border engrailed.
Inscription: sigillu joh'is dei gracia eboracen archiepi anglie primatis et apostolice sedis legati.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Archiep.5, 7; 1.3.Archiep.6; Misc.Ch. 5840
GB Seal no.3239 1448
John Kemp
In 1438 archbishop Kemp was created a cardinal by pope Eugenius IV, by the title of Santa Balbina. This seal was evidently engraved so that this dignity might be named on it. Of the two figures in base that on the sinister represents the
archbishop in the vestments of a cardinal. The dexter figure I cannot decipher.
Size: 89 x 57 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the same general design as no. 3238, but beneath the central figure of the pope are two figures praying, with shields on each side of them, the same as on previous seal.
Inscription: sigillu johis dei gra tt sancte balbine psbri cardinalis ebor archiepi angl primat et aplice sedis legati.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Archiep.1, 8; Loc.I.47; Loc.XX.12c
Digitised version GB Seal no.3240 n.d.
John Kemp
The eagle of St John the Divine, referring to Kemp's christian name.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, an eagle rising with spread wings.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXV.52
GB Seal no.3241 1437
John Kemp
Used by John Marshall, then vicar-general, and keeper of spiritualities in the diocese of Durham
sede vacante. See 3250 below. The words beneath the central figure are indistinct and difficult to decipher. The second
word might be read 'DAVID', but that does not appear to carry any meaning. The shield in base has not the engrailed border.
Size: 57 x 35 mm.
Seal design: Seal 'ad causas'
Oval, a figure of a bishop standing in a canopied niche, in mass vestments, blessing. Under him 'sans dan...', beneath is a shield of arms, three sheaves.
Inscription: sigillum : johis : dei : gra ebor ...ieye ad ca.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.7.Pont.11; Loc.I.51; Loc.XX.15
GB Seal no.3242 1464
William Booth
1452-1464. Reg. Sacr. Angl. 89. He was bishop of Coventry and Lichfield (L.N. III, 111). The blason of his shield is silver three boars' heads raised and erect within a border sable. See also P.L.A. XIII, 62; SBM 2333.
Size: 95 x 57 mm.
Seal design: Oval, in a central niche of rich tabernacle work is seated St Peter as pope in mass vestments, wearing the tiara, his right hand blessing, his left holding a cross patriarchal. In two smaller niches on his dexter
side are the figures of St Paul and an archbishop (? St Oswald of York). In two similar niches on the sinister side are the figures of two archbishops (? St John of Beverley and St William of York). Above the central niche is the seated figure of
Our Lady robed and crowned, holding a sceptre in her left hand, and with the child Christ standing on her right knee. On her dexter side is St Catherine, robed and crowned, holding a sword in her right hand and her wheel in left; on the sinister
side is the robed figure of St Margaret standing on the dragon which she spears, in her left hand a book. Beneath in a central panel is the archbishop kneeling, on his dexter is a shield of the arms of the see, on his sinister a shield bearing three
boars' heads raised and erect within a border.
Inscription: sigillum : willelmi : dei : gra : eboracen : archiepiscopi : anglie : primatis : et : apostolice : sedis : legati.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Archiep.5, 6, 7; 2.13.Pont.12; Misc.Ch. 6036
Digitised version GB Seal no.3243 1479
Lawrence Booth
1476-1480. Reg. Sacr. Angl. 91. He was bishop of Durham; for his seals of Durham see nos. 3157, 3158 in this catalogue. His will is printed S.S. no. 45, p. 248; L.N. III, 111.
Size: 92 x 67 mm.
Seal design: Oval, very indistinct and almost undecipherable, apparently figures in traceried niches with the archbishop beneath and a shield of arms at each side.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Archiep.8
GB Seal no.3244 1494
Thomas Rotherham
1480-1500. Reg. Sacr. Angl. 92. He was bishop of Lincoln and chancellor of England. He is called also Thomas Scot of Rotherham. L.N. III, 112; V.C.H. Yorks. III, 44. His will is printed S.S. no. 53, p. 138. His arms, which form part of the shield
of Lincoln College, Oxford, of which he was the second founder, are vert three stags silver with gold horns. E.H. p. 430. His seal is SBM 2336. His will is printed S.S. no. 53, p. 138. See also V.C.H. Yorks. III, 44.
Size: -
Seal design: Very imperfect and quite undecipherable.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Archiep.9d, 9g, 9l, 9h, 9p, 9q, 10
GB Seal no.3245 1501-1507
Thomas Savage
1501-1507. Reg. Sacr. Angl. 94. He was bishop of London (L.N. III, 112). The shield on the dexter bears the arms of the see of York (modern). The crown between the keys has now replaced the tiara of the seals of Bowet, Kemp and Booth (nos. 3235,
3238, 3242). The sinister shield is presumably York (ancient). (But I can only see a pall upon it; there is no sign of the archiepiscopal staff placed behind the pall) impaling Savage silver a pale lozengy sable. The tabernacle work and general
design is poor compared with the earlier seals of the great period of Gothic art, but the figures and drapery are natural and graceful. The legend is in the beautiful Roman capitals of the Renaissance. The accounts of the archbishop's executors are
published S.S. no. 53, p. 308. His seal is SBM 2337.
Size: 86 x 54 mm.
Seal design: Oval, St Peter as the pope standing holding keys in right hand and a book in left. On his dexter is St Paul holding sword, on his sinister St Andrew, his cross behind him. Beneath is the archbishop praying, on
his dexter a shield of arms bearing York (modern), on his sinister a shield bearing York (ancient) impaling a pale lozengy.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.12.Pont.9
Digitised version GB Seal no.3246 1595-1606
Matthew Hutton
1595-1606. Reg. Sacr. Angl. 109. He was bishop of Durham (L.N. III, 115). There is little to be said for this seal, except that the Roman capitals of the legend are excellent. It has neither grace, nor dignity nor beauty. I have reproduced it to
show how low the art of seal engraving had fallen by the end of the sixteenth century.
Size: 92 x 70 mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect. The archbishop is vested in a long surcoat kneeling, and praying in front of a desk on which is a cushion upon which a book lies. Over his head on a scroll DEUS VIDET; on a scroll in front of him
QUO../QUE/D.M. Beneath is a shield of arms of the see of York (modern), impaling a fess charged with three fleur-de-lys between three cushions. On the dexter side M. on the sinister E.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.6.Pont.17
Digitised version GB Seal no.3246(i) 1664-1683
Richard Sterne
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5834, 6896a, 6999
Officials of the Archbishops of YorkGB Seal no.3247 1353
York, Officiality of the archbishop of
This seal is almost identical with the next, no. 3248, except that the canopy work of the latter is rather richer.
Size: 51 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval, half figure of the archbishop in mass vestments beneath a church like canopy, his right hand blessing, his left holding his cross. Beneath is a demi figure praying.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Ebor.19a and b; 3.4.Spec.10; 3.1.Arch.Northd.17
GB Seal no.3248 1267
York, Officiality of the archbishop of
Size: 51 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, demi figure of the archbishop beneath a church like canopy with side shafts, in mass vestments, his right hand blessing, his left holding his cross, beneath is a demi figure praying.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Ebor.25, 28; Misc.Ch. 4191, 4196
Digitised version GB Seal no.3249 1438-1471
York, Vicar-general of the archbishop of
This seal is used to charter no. 9 (1496) by William Sheffield, styled dean of the metropolitan church of York and vicar-general in spiritualities of the lord Thomas, archbishop of York. Sheffield was admitted dean on 24 June 1494, died 8
December 1496 (L.N. III, 125).
Size: 60 x 38 mm.
Seal design: Oval, an archbishop standing in a niche of rich canopy work in mass vestments and mitre, his right hand blessing, his left holding his cross.
Inscription: sigillu. vicarii. generalis. archiepiscopi. eboracensis.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Archiep.9b, 9c, 9e; 2.3.Archiep.10, 12; Loc.VI.7
GB Seal no.3250 1437
York, Vicar-general and keeper of spiritualities of the archbishop in the diocese of Durham
sede vacante
cf. 3241. Used by John Marshall, styled canon of Wells and vicar-general of the archbishop of York in the vacant see of Durham. For full details of his career see S.S. vol. 127, p. 296.
Size: 57 x 35 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A mitred figure in vestments standing blessing and holding crosier in left hand. Beneath a shield of arms charged with three helmets (?)
Inscription: sigillum johis...
Seal attached to document reference: 2.7.Pont.11; Loc.XX.15
GB Seal no.3250A 1361
York, Officiality of the court of
Size: 51 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a demi figure blessing, wearing a mitre and holding cross in his left hand. Beneath is a demi figure praying.
Inscription: ...IALITAT ...T EBOR...
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXVII.26 (31)
Archidiaconal, Decanal, Capitular and SecularsArchdeacons of ChesterGB Seal no.3251 1343
Chester, Officiality of the archdeaconry of
The sheaf is from the shield of the earls of Chester, a device first used by Ralph de Blondeville.
Size: 35 x ? mm.
Seal design: Oval (imperfect). A half figure standing, hands crossed in front and wearing a cloak with high collar and wide flowing sleeves. Beneath under a trefoiled canopy is a sheaf between on the dexter the forepart of a
lion, on the sinister its forked tail.
Inscription: ...LITATIS: ...RIE.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] D108
Archdeacons of DurhamGB Seal no.3252 c. 1180
Belongs to the junior line of archdeacons, later called archdeacons of Northumberland. See H.D. I, 179, where John, archdeacon, witnesses a deed of bishop Hugh's of about that date (ibid. II, 218). The figure is rudely drawn and archaic in style,
and the seal in bad condition. John is apparently vested in amice and a long dalmatic of some thin material, his head is tonsured and he holds an object in his right hand, possibly a rod, but it is very indistinct. See N.C.H. VII, 145n, where this
deed is printed. L.N. III, 302; SBM 2518.
Size: 22 x 41 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A bare headed figure of John standing, holding a book in his left hand.
Inscription: SIGILL ...ANNIS .D...MENSIS . ARCH...
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Spec.9
Digitised version GB Seal no.3253 n.d.
c.1190-1196. L.N. III, 302; H.D. II, 218. He was treasurer of the church of York and a nephew of bishop Hugh Puiset (Stubbs,
Historical Intros. to Rolls Series , 211). He witnesses numerous charters of his cousin Henry Puiset, printed in
Priory of Finchale . Geoffrey of Coldingham, states that he died VIII Id.
Dec. (6 December) 1196. (HDST 18).
Size: -
Seal design: Very imperfect, part of a seated figure with nimbus.
Inscription: ...NA ...
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Arch.Dunelm.16
GB Seal no.3254 n.d.
William of Lanum
c.1219-1249. Lanum or Laneham, a residence of the archbishops of York in Nottinghamshire on the Trent. He was probably the same man as William of Durham the first founder of University College, Oxford. This seal is appended to a quit claim by
Margery and Julia, heirs of Philip of Ulecotes, to the convent of Durham, of the homage of Robert Clifford, and is probably his private seal. L.N. III, 302; HDST 35; Archbishop Gray's Register, 245n (S.S. 56); Cal. Pap. I, 251.
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a sheep, above it a star.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Spec.13
GB Seal no.3255 1268
Robert of St Agatha
c.1267-1273. Probably named from the abbey of St Agatha, Easby, near Richmond. He holds the 'Textus' or book of the Gospels in his hands, L.N. III, 302; R.P.D. 1160; HDST 46. Robert was succeeded as archdeacon by Antony Bek, who held the office
until his election as bishop of Durham in 1283. William of Louth (de Luda) 1284-1290 was Bek's successor. There is an excellent impression of his seal as archdeacon in the British Museum (SBM 2519), which shows very clearly the completion of the
fully developed niche, with side shafts and crocketed canopy, from the rudimentary niche of Robert of St Agatha. See paper by Dr J.F. Hodgson in A.A. 3rd ser. XI, 8. Also Kirkby's Inquest, 65n (S.S. 49); Archbishop John le Romeyn's Register 365n
(S.S. 123); H.D. II, 218.
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A tonsured figure of Robert habited in amice and cassock, standing in a niche and holding a book with both hands in front of his breast.
Inscription: ...ILL : ARCHID... NAT':DVNELM.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4033 [seal now perished]; 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.4
Digitised version GB Seal no.3256 c. 1219
Simon of Ferlington
cf. 973. He is styled 'Mag. S. de Ferlingtona archidiaconus Dunelm' but this is evidently his private seal. A charter of his granting the ville of 'Kyhou' to the almoner of Durham is printed HDST CCCCXXXI; L.N. III, 302.
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Antique gem, indistinct and undecipherable.
Inscription: S' SIMONIS D' . FERLINTONA.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Arch.Dunelm.17
GB Seal no.3257 1323
Thomas of Goldesburgh
c.1311-1333. The motive of this seal shows a sudden change from that of its predecessors in place of the full length figure of the archdeacon, the patron saints of the cathedral priory are predominant, in the place of honour, whilst the
archdeacon in a more lowly place, kneeling, adores them. It follows the same line of evolution as that of the episcopal seals of dignity, though the change is more abrupt, not gradual as in the case of the bishops. Possibly had we the seals of his
immediate predecessors we might have found some transitional design. Goldsborough is in the West Riding, near Knaresborough. Thomas was probably a brother of Richard of Goldsborough, lord of that manor in 1316 and later. L.N. III, 303; HDST 103;
H.D. II, 219.
Size: 44 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady, robed and crowned, standing beneath a canopy holding the child Christ; on her sinister is St Cuthbert standing, in mass vestments, his right hand blessing, his left holding his crosier. St
Oswald's head on his breast. Beneath a tonsured half figure of Thomas prays to them.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.6
Digitised version GB Seal no.3258 1341
Thomas Neville
1334 to c.1360, L.N. III, 303. He was a younger son of Ralph Lord Neville who died 1331 (S.D. IV, 158). He was appointed to this office by the King (Edward III) 31 March 1334 (Cal. Pat. 1330-34, p. 532; R.P.D. IV, 189). Le Neve's (III, 303) list
is here incorrect. Aumaury Beaumont was already archdeacon XVII Kal. Feb. (16 January) 1333 (Cal. Pap. II, 392) and he was dead before 8 October in the same year (ibid. p. 395). Robert of Taunton was appointed by the King 3 January 1334 (Cal. Pat.
1330-34, p. 491). I can find no further notice of him but he must have vacated the office before the appointment of Neville, 31 March 1334, who appears to have held it till about the year 1361. The shield of Neville in chief is the first appearance
of armorials on the seals of archdeacons of Durham. I am unable to detect any mark of cadency on the shield. This late appearance of armorials is probably accounted for by the fact that most of his predecessors were not men of families likely to
have borne arms. Unfortunately we have no archidiaconal seals of Antony Bek or of Aumaury Beaumont.
Size: 51 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady, robed and crowned, standing in a niche with crockets and side shafts, holding the child Christ on her left arm, and an apple (?) in her right hand; on her sinister side stands St Cuthbert in mass
vestments his right hand holding his crosier, his left St Oswald's crowned head. Beneath is a half figure of Thomas wearing a round cap, cassock and almuce, praying. Above is a shield of arms charged with a saltire.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Pont.12; 2.1.Arch.Dunelm.10
Digitised version GB Seal no.3259 1362
William of Westley
1362-1369. He was dean of Auckland, and chancellor of bishop Thomas of Hatfield (H.D. II, 312). The blason of his shield is unknown. The legend of the seal is in a good legible type of black letter the first of this series to change from the
Lombardic type of the earlier seals. L.N. III, 303; SBM 2524; HDST CXXXVI.
Size: 63 x 35 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady robed and crowned, standing in a richly decorated niche, holding the child Christ on her left arm and a lily in her right hand. Beneath under a cusped arch is a shield of arms, with looped strap,
on a bend three cocks.
Inscription: s' : dni archidia'ni.dunelmie
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.9; 2.11.Spec.51
Digitised version GB Seal no.3259(i) 1371
Alexander Neville
Personal seal, see also SBM 12089.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.12a
GB Seal no.3260 1400
Thomas of Weston
1393-1408. L.N. III, 303; H.D. II, 220. He was a canon of Howden, holding the prebend of Barnby (Cal. Pap. VI, 38-9), chancellor of bishop Walter Skirlaw (HDST CLXVI), master of Greatham Hospital (HDST CLXVIII), rector of Easington, canon of
York, prebend of Grindale (L.N. III, 191), rector of Sedgefield (
Wills and Invents , p.45). He was also one of bishop Skirlaw's executors (Test. Ebor. II, 311). A mandate from him as archdeacon, dated 17 March, 1399, is printed HDST CLXXXIII, to which he affixes this seal, now
decayed, and describes it as the seal 'quo ut Archidiaconus Dunelmensis utimur'. His private seal is no. 2611 in this catalogue. His will is printed
Wills and Invents . p. 45. This seal is exactly the same as the 'ad
causas' seal of bishop Skirlaw, except that the shield on the sinister is a saltire instead of a cross and the archdeacon, in choir habit, kneels in base in place of the bishop. See no. 3145 in this catalogue. The blason of his shield is unknown,
but it seems as if he had adopted the interlacing bastons of his friend bishop Skirlaw and had placed them, for difference saltire-ways instead of crossways. The dexter shield is doubtless that of Skirlaw.
Size: 70 x 41 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady, robed and crowned, seated in a niche of rich tabernacle work, the child Christ standing on her right knee. On each side is a niche of two tiers, in each of the upper two is a bust, in each of the
lower, beneath a penthouse roof is a demi angel. Beneath under a round arch with cuspings is a half figure of Thomas in cassock and almuce praying. On the dexter side is a shield of arms bearing a cross of six interlacing bastons, on the sinister a
shield bearing a saltire of six interlacing bastons.
Inscription: sigillu : thome : weston archidiac : dunolmensis
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.17, 18; 1.2.Arch.Northd.29; Loc.XIX.131 (fragmentary)
Digitised version GB Seal no.3261 1396
Thomas of Weston
The same man as no. 3260. His signet used for private letters.
Size: 16 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal signet.
Inscription: t. w.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6277; 2.1.Arch.Dunelm.13
GB Seal no.3262 1253
Durham, Official of the Archdeacon of
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, indistinct and undecipherable.
Inscription: ... PATRIS.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.11.Spec.10
GB Seal no.3263 1346
Durham, Officiality of the Archdeacon of
The seal is used in 1331 by Aumaury Beaumont's official, and in 1411 by John Hovingham, official. It seems to represent the archdeacon performing his 'archidiaconal functions'.
Size: 44 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Above is St Cuthbert, in mass vestments, enthroned; his crosier in his right hand, St Oswald's head in his left, held in front of his breast. On the dexter side of the throne is A on the sinister B. Seated
on a chair beneath is a tonsured figure, wearing a cassock (?), admonishing with raised hand a figure in a short gown and hood, who stands in front of him, appealing to him with outstretched hands. Beneath are three flowers, with stalks, issuing
from one stem.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.12.Spec.12; 4.5.Spec.22, 23; 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.7, 8, 16
Digitised version GB Seal no.3264 1474-1514
Durham, Officiality of the Archidiaconate of
Used in 1474 by John Pickering, official.
Size: 22 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Demi figure of St Cuthbert in mass vestments, his right hand blessing, his left holding his crosier. St Oswald's head in front of him. Beneath is a demi figure praying.
Inscription: sigill ... arch.Dunelm ...
Seal attached to document reference: 1.8.Spec.36; 1.11.Spec.29*; Loc.XVI.14l
Archdeacon of DorsetGB Seal no.3265 1316
Henry of Bluntesdon
1287-1316 (Jones 'Fasti Ecc. Sar.' 138; L.N. II, 638). His name is from Blundson, North Wilts. He was prebendary of the stall of Gaia Major in Lichfield cathedral, 1313 (L.N. III, 606), and also the stall of Chute and Chisenbury in Salisbury
(Jones, 'Fasti Ecc. Sar.' 374).
Size: 19 x ? mm.
Seal design: Round (imperfect), a tonsured figure in the habit of a monk standing, handing bread (?) to four figures who hold out their hands to him.
Inscription: SIG ...RW ...EI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3622
Archdeacon of ElyGB Seal no.3266 1230
1222-1238. (L.N. I, 350). He is styled 'Egidius dni, Papae subdiaconus et capellanus, archidiaconus Elyensis'.
Size: 38 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a hawk on a bird, beneath is a demi figure of the archdeacon tonsured, robed and holding a book (?) to his breast with both hands.
Inscription: Outer legend: ...LLV ... GIDII ... LYE... Inner legend: ✠ ..PE ...VI . SVA ... INEO.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XIX.35
Archdeacon of LeicesterGB Seal no.3267 1404
Richard of Elvet
From the date of this charter it appears that Richard was appointed archdeacon on the death of his brother John, 1404. Richard resigned the office 1424 (L.N. II, 61). See also no. 874 in this catalogue. He was instituted to the deanery of Newarke
college, Leicester, at the presentation of John, duke of Aquitaine and Lancaster, 1 October, 1396 (Linc. epis. reg. XI, f.233). He vacated the deanery by death before 18 December 1431 (ibid. XVII, f. 37). The Elvets were household clerks of John of
Gaunt: see his register ed. Armitage-Smith (Royal Hist. Soc. New Camden Soc. Series). The charter is beautifully written and the three seals suspended by silken cords woven in black and white. The seals are sunk in cups of white wax, and impressed
on a facing of black wax. SBM 1833; see also no. 874.
Size: 60 x 35 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady, robed and crowned, seated in a canopied niche of rich tabernacle work. The child Christ, encircled by her arm, stands on her right knee, in her left hand she holds a lily in flower. Beneath under
an arch is a tonsured demi figure of Richard in alb and amice, praying.
Inscription: sigillv : ricard : de : elvet : archidiaconi : leycestr.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.34
Digitised version Archdeacon of LincolnGB Seal no.3268 1370
Richard of Ravenser
1368-1386 (L.N. II, 44). He held the prebend of Knaresborough in York, to which he was appointed by the king 25 September 1371 (L.N. III, 196). He was also a canon of Beverley (
Beverley Chapter Act Book (S.S. 98) and
Archaeologia LV, I). He founded the chantry of two priests in Lincoln minster known as the Ravenser chantry (Bradshaw and Wordsworth,
Linc. Cath. Statutes , III, chantry index, pp. 888-99, S.V. Ravenser). For his will see Archaeol. Inst. Lincoln. vol. 1848. The bishop in the sinister niche probably represents St Hugh of Lincoln, the figure on the
dexter is apparently one of the apostles. The shield in base is very interesting. Its wavy lines (O.F. oundeé) probably blasoned silver and azure, represent the sea, which has long ago swallowed up the town of Ravenser; the birds on the chief will
be ravens, as also are the two birds above the canopy on the line of the legend. For an account of Ravenser see Boyle's
Lost towns of the Humber , SBM 1820.
Size: 63 x 38 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady, robed and crowned, standing in a niche of rich tabernacle work, holding the child Christ on her right arm. In her left hand she holds a lily. On the sinister side is a bishop in full pontificals,
blessing; on the dexter is the robed figure of a man holding a book in his left hand. Above them, in a compartment of tracery are two demi-angels. Beneath is a shield of arms barry wavy, on a chief three birds. A bird stands on the crockets of the
flying buttresses at each side of the top canopy, on the line of the legend.
Inscription: s'. ric : de : ravenser : archidi : lincolnie.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Spec.58
Digitised version Archdeacon of OxfordGB Seal no.3269 1464
Oxford, Officiality of the Archdeacon of
In canting allusion to the name of the city. From its general style the seal seems earlier than date of charter and may well be the seal used temp. John Southam archdeacon 1404-40 (Visits. Linc. 182).
Size: 51 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady, robed and crowned, standing in a niche of elaborate tabernacle work, holding the child Christ on her right arm and a sceptre in her left hand. Beneath under an arch is an ox standing in
Inscription: sigillvm : officialitatis : archidiaconi : oxonie.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XVI.12a
Digitised version Archdeacon of Stow
For the Official of the Archdeacon of Stow, see 3308 below.
Archdeacons of Northumberland
John, see 3252 above.
GB Seal no.3270 n.d.
Richard Marsh
He is styled archdeacon of Northumberland 1212, and archdeacon of Richmond and Northumberland 1213 (L.N. III, 136, 305; H.D. II, 222). He succeeded as bishop of Durham 1217 (HDST 35). For his episcopal seals see nos. 3118, 3119 in the
Size: 51 x 32 mm.Size: Secretum: 25 x 41 mm.
Seal design: Oval. The same seal he uses as secretum to his episcopal seal of dignity, no. 3118.Secretum: oval, a fleur-de-lys, the field of the seal is covered with wavy lines representing a marsh (?)
Inscription: Secretum: ✠ SIGNO SECRETA RICARDI
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Pont.4
GB Seal no.3271 1239
Alan of Lynn
He is named as archdeacon 1219 (L.N. III, 305; H.D. II, 222). His name is from Lynn in Norfolk. The motive of this seal and the costume of Alan are entirely different from other seals of this series. It seems as though this were a seal used
before his succession to the office, the words within the inner border of the legend have the appearance of having been inserted after the seal design was completed.
Size: 44 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a figure in monastic habit seated on a chair at a desk, his feet placed on a stool. He is reading a book or roll.
Inside border: ARCHI : NORTH..
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Spec.13, 14
Digitised version
3271A: Nassington, John of: See no. 1864.
GB Seal no.3272 1328
John of Carleton
Presented by the King 1328 (L.N. III, 306; Cal. Pat. 1327-30, p. 235; H.D. II, 223). The initials on each side are the only guide to the owner of this seal. The use of christian and surname on the seals of archdeacons began comparatively
Size: 22 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady, robed and crowned, seated with the child Christ on her knee, beneath a crocketed canopy with side shafts; on the dexter side is 'I', on the sinister 'A'. Beneath John in monastic habit kneeling,
prays. The field of the seal is diapered with lozenges enclosing crosses.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Arch.Northd.1, 2
Digitised version GB Seal no.3273 1340
Edward Howard
1340. (L.N. III, 306; H.D. II, 223). In 1342 he is styled archdeacon of Durham (probably in error for Northumberland), by bishop Richard (R.P.D. III, 508). In July 1336, he had letters of protection as one of the clerks going abroad with bishop
Richard of Bury (Cal. Pat. Rolls, 1334-38, p. 304). The shield bears the entire arms of Howard blasoned gules crusilly fitchy and a bend silver. See 'First Nobility Roll'; 'Roll of the battle of Boroughbridge', and the 'Parliamentary Roll' of Edward
Size: 51 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady, robed and crowned, standing in a niche, holding the child Christ. On the sinister in a similar niche is St Cuthbert standing, in mass vestments, his right hand blessing, his left holding St
Oswald's head. Beneath is Edmund praying, above in a smaller niche is a shield of arms, a bend between six crosses crosslet fitchy.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Pont.12; 2.1.Arch.Northd.5, 6
Digitised version GB Seal no.3274 1362
Richard of Barnard Castle
1362-1369, when he resigned it for the deanery of Auckland. (L.N. III, 306; H.D. II, 223). The clumsy and badly drawn stag and ill shaped shield rather spoil the beauty of the general design. For his private seals see nos. 557, 558 in this
catalogue. He was chancellor to bishop Thomas Hatfield (H.D. I, 312). It was he who caused the bones of the venerable Bede to be removed from near St Cuthbert's shrine to the Galilee at Durham (Greenwell's
Durham Cathedral , 51n;
Rites , 104).
Size: 54 x 35 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady robed and crowned, seated in a canopied niche of rich tabernacle work with the child Christ standing on her left knee, and a lily in her right hand. Beneath is a shield of arms bearing a
Inscription: s' dni ricardi de cas. ...rdi northub...
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Arch.Northd.8; 3.1.Arch.Northd.10
Digitised version GB Seal no.3275 1369
William of Beverley
1369-1370. (L.N. III, 306; H.D. II, 223). A unique and very effective device, probably intended to represent the gate of the New Jerusalem. He was prebendary of Stillington in York (L.N. III, 213).
Size: 54 x 38 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a tonsured figure wearing an alb and cassock, standing in the central gateway arch of a battlemented castle built upon rocks. The gateway is flanked upon each side by round battlemented towers. Rising from
the battlements of the dexter tower is the crowned head and bust of St Oswald the king with sceptre, and the letter 'O' in the field, from the sinister tower issues the mitred head and bust of St Cuthbert, with crosier and the letter 'A' in the
Inscription: s' willmi de berverle ...oni nortumbrie
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Arch.North.10; 3.1.Arch.North.11
Digitised version GB Seal no.3276 1371
John of Derby
Presented by the King (Edward III), 3 December 1370. (L.N. III, 306; H.D. II, 390). The archdeacon is represented in choir habit with the almuce showing the pendent tails of fur. This is the earliest appearance, I have noted in the seals of
Durham, of this vestment. Why the royal shield should be used here is not apparent unless it is done out of compliment to King Edward who gave him the preferment. The charges on the sinister shield differ from those on his private seal (no. 789).
The blason is not known. He (or a namesake) was also dean of Chester-le-Street (see no. 788). He was chaplain to the king and a canon of Westminster 1370; dean of the collegiate church of Lanchester 1369 (S.D. II, 311); canon of York, prebend of
Driffield (L.N. III, 182).
Size: 60 x 35 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady, robed and crowned, standing in a canopied niche of rich tabernacle work holding the child Christ on her left arm and a lily in her right hand. On the sinister in a like niche is St Cuthbert
standing, in mass vestments, holding St Oswald's crowned head in his left hand, and his crosier in his right. Above in the centre of the canopies is the head of the Father. Beneath is a tonsured half figure of John wearing surplice and almuce
praying. On his dexter is a shield of arms France (ancient) and England quarterly, on his sinister is a like shield bearing a chevron between three dogs heads rased.
Inscription: s : iohis : de : derby : archidi : northumbrie.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Arch.Northd.11, 12
Digitised version GB Seal no.3277 1397
John Repham
c.1386-1404. (L.N. III, 306). In the ratification of his estate after the accession of Henry IV, 30 October 1399, John of Repham is mentioned as master of the hospital of St Mary Magdalene without the walls of Newcastle-upon-Tyne (Cal. Pat.
1399-1401, p. 27). There is a Reepham in Norfolk and another place of the same name three miles north-east of Lincoln.
Size: 22 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval. St Cuthbert standing in mass vestments, his right hand holding his crosier, his left holding St Oswald's head to his breast.
Inscription: ...reffhem ...idi northumbr
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Arch.Northd.13
GB Seal no.3278 n.d.
Robert Burton
1427-1446. He was precentor of Lincoln; for an account of his life and preferments see Visits. Linc. 174-175. This is the earliest use of a signet by an archdeacon that I have noted at Durham. But it is the signet of bishop Neville of Durham and
only used here by Burton; see nos. 3154-3156. Also catalogued as no. 492.
Size: 10 mm.
Seal design: Round signet, armorial, a saltire. On a scroll above and around shield:
Inscription: en grace affie.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXV.23
GB Seal no.3279 1283
Northumberland, Officiality of the Archdeacon of
Used by R., styled official of the lord archdeacon of Northumberland, collector of the tenths of our lord the King of England.
Size: 25 x ? mm.
Seal design: Oval, a castle, with a central and two side towers, placed above water (or on rocks), a star on each side, and above a crescent enclosing a star.
Inscription: ... OFFICIAL ...ORHVMBRI.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4162x
GB Seal no.3280 1313
Northumberland, Officiality of the Archdeacon of
Used by Thomas of Hurworth, notary public, official and commissary of the archdeacon of Northumberland.
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, similar to no. 3279 with some slight and unimportant differences.
Inscription: ✠ S' OFFICIALITAT : NORHVMB...
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Spec.40
GB Seal no.3281 1331
Northumberland, Officiality of the Archdeacon of
Used in 1335-36 by Ralph of Blakiston, styled official of the lord archdeacon of Northumberland.
Size: 44 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, St Cuthbert standing beneath a crocketed canopy with side shafts, in mass vestments, holding his crosier in his right hand and St Oswald's crowned head in his left. On dexter side 'I' on sinister, 'n'.
Beneath is a tonsured figure in surplice and almuce praying.
Inscription: sigill. officialitatis achid : no[orthumbrie]
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Arch.Northd.7, 9; 4.18.Spec.12; 3.4.Ebor.10; Misc.Ch. 4319; 1.2.Arch.Northd.38; 2.2.Arch.Northd.8
Digitised version GB Seal no.3282 1417
Northumberland, Officiality of the Archdeacon of
Used 1401 by John Dalton, styled archdeacon. He was dean of Lanchester (S.D. II, 309). In 1436 it is used by John Smeaton, official of the archdeacon of Northumberland.
Size: 44 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, St Cuthbert standing in mass vestments in a canopied niche with crockets and side shafts; his right hand holding his crosier, his left St Oswald's crowned head. On dexter side is 'I', on sinister 'N'.
Beneath is a tonsured demi figure in surplice and almuce praying.
Inscription: sigill. officialitatis archid : northumbrie.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Arch.Northd.7, 8, 11; Misc.Ch. 16; 2.1.Arch.Northd.13, 14; Loc.XX.14
Archdeacon of Nottingham
See 3298 - 3300 below.
Archdeacon of SalopGB Seal no.3283 1281
Salop, Archdeacon of
I cannot identify this man; the attribution to Salisbury seems to be an error.
Size: -
Seal design: Oval, very imperfect. Our Lady seated with the child Christ; on her left hand is a seated male figure holding a book (?) in front of his breast with both hands.
Inscription: Legend destroyed.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5115
Archdeacon of SuffolkGB Seal no.3284 1386
Thomas of Schirford, Archdeacon of Suffolk
Presented by the King, January 1383-1384. (L.N. II, 488). His name is probably from Shereford in Norfolk. The blason of the shield is unknown. The impression from the matrix is deeply sunk in a cup of white wax for protection. (SBM 2118).
Size: 60 x 35 mm.
Seal design: Oval. The crowned and robed figure of St Margaret standing in a canopied niche of rich tabernacle work. She holds in her right hand a cross-headed spear which she thrusts down the throat of the dragon she
tramples upon. In her left hand she holds a closed book. Beneath under an arch is the figure of Thomas tonsured and wearing an almuce; his hands, joined in prayer, rest upon the top of a shield of arms, charged with three flying birds.
Inscription: s'thome de : scireforde archidiaconi : soffolchie.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.5.Ebor.3; 4.5.Ebor.4, 5
Digitised version Archdeacons of the West RidingGB Seal no.3285 1138
Hugh Sotevagina
c.1138. (L.N. III, 131). This is the earliest archidiaconal seal at Durham. It is slightly dished, and the vestments appear to be an alb or cassock with a short vestment, without sleeves, worn over it in form not unlike a short chasuble. He was
precentor and archdeacon of York. This charter is printed, and there is a short account of him in Hist. Ch. York. II, xii et seq.
Size: 57 x 44 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A robed figure seated, holding a book in his left hand and a rod (?) in his right.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Ebor.6
Digitised version GB Seal no.3286 1265
Rayner of Skipton
c.1260. (L.N. III, 132); SBM 2380. He was still archdeacon in 1267; on 9 May in that year he presented his clerk Roger to the vicarage of Mexborough (Giffard's Register, S.S. 109, p. 154).
Size: 22 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval. The robed and tonsured demi figure of St Peter placed between two turrets and beneath a church-like canopy. He holds a key in his right hand and a book in his left. Beneath, under an arch is the tonsured
kneeling figure of Rayner in alb and dalmatic, praying.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Archiep.2
Digitised version GB Seal no.3287 1265
Rayner of Skipton
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Antique gem, a male head.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Ebor.15
3288: duplicate entry for 3428.
Archdeacons of ClevelandGB Seal no.3289 1226
Matthew of (illegible)
After May 1226. (L.N. III, 145). Unfortunately that part of the legend giving the archdeacon's surname is broken away, Scot
Fasti Eboracenses . It is an early example of the use of a surname on seals. He was instituted to the church of Simonburn (North Tyne) at the presentation of Alexander II, King of Scotland, February 1229 (Gray's
Register, S.S. 56, p.29). In 1973 this seal was described as long since perished, save the back.
Size: 22 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A tonsured figure standing on a bracket wearing amice and alb, holding a book to his breast with both hands.
Inscription: ✠ S' : MAGRI : MATHI : DE : . CO...I : ARCHID... EVELAND.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Spec.64
Digitised version GB Seal no.3290 1277
c.1263-1280. (L.N. III, 145). The seal he uses as collector of the tenths for the Holy Land. Called Rufinus de Tonego (Giffard's Register, S.S. 109, 95n; Cal. Pap. I, 395). He was a papal chaplain (ibid. 433).
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A cross paty, between a star, a crescent, a sixfoil and a rose, beneath and above the cross are three dots.Secretum: antique gem, a figure driving two goats.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4260, 4261, 4262, 4522, 4830
GB Seal no.3291 1313
Stephen Mauley
c.1289-1317. (L.N. III, 145). He was a younger son of Sir Peter Mauley, Lord of Mulgrave. He is styled here rector of Hemingburgh. He was also rector of Houghton, 1313 (R.P.D. I, 486), dean and prebendary of Auckland (ibid. 107; 215- 216). In
1291 he had a dispensation from the pope to hold the churches of Bainton and Lythe and the archdeaconry of Cleveland, which he had held without papal dispensation; he is styled deacon and papal chaplain (Cal. Pap. I, 537). In the same year he had
joined the crusade (ibid. 542). For further note on him see Romeyn's Register (S.S. 123, 378n). The shield of Mauley occurs twice among the shields carved beneath the triforium string course on the south side of the nave at York. It is also depicted
in glass in the fourth window from the east in the south aisle of the nave there. The lower part of the centre light represents the archdeacon seated in a chair beneath him was the inscription ... EN DE MAULEY ARCH..D... (see
Heraldry of York Minster , vol. I, p. 103 and pl. 2). SBM 2521.
Size: 51 x 32 mm.Size: Secretum: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval. On the dexter St Peter as pope, on the sinister St Paul holding sword, each seated in a canopied niche. Beneath, Stephen in clerical gown with tippet, kneeling, prays.Secretum: oval. Antique gem, a winged figure of Victory holding a wreath.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Archiep.16
Digitised version Archdeacons of the East Riding
See also 2676.
GB Seal no.3292 1306
John of Craucumbe
1280-1308. For an account of his life, and preferments, see Romeyn's Register S.S. 123, p. xx; L.N. III, 142, 190.
Size: -
Seal design: Oval, very imperfect and indecipherable, a standing figure.
Inscription: ...RAVCUMBE ...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3416
GB Seal no.3293 1289
John of Craucumbe
Size: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Antique gem, a griffin.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3936, 3817, 4141
GB Seal no.3294 1327-1339
Denis Avenel
c.1322-1340. (L.N. III, 142). The saint on the sinister is probably the archdeacon's name saint St Denis. In 1330 he is styled formerly official of the court of William (Melton), archbishop (Cal. Pap. II, 320); SBM 2382.
Size: 22 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval. In a canopied niche on the dexter is St Lawrence, in alb and dalmatic, holding a palm branch in his right hand and a gridiron in his left, on the sinister in a similar niche is a figure in the same habit
holding ...? Above them in a central niche with crockets and finials is the demi-figure of Our Lady, robed and crowned, holding the child Christ. Beneath is a demi-figure tonsured and robed, praying.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3698, 3733, 4051a, 4126i, 4138, 4477, 4711, 4832, 5110p
Digitised version GB Seal no.3295 1349
William of Walcote
1352-1362/3. (L.N. III, 142). He had provision of the rectory of Pudding Norton in Norwich diocese, by the pope, in 1344, at the request of Isabella the queen dowager (Cal. Pap. III, 12), in 1350 he was rector of Essendon in diocese of Lincoln,
and in that year he was presented to the rectory of Geddington, Northants, by queen Isabella (Lincoln Reg. IX, Inst. f. 144d). In 1351 he is described as keeper of the great wardrobe to Isabella, and at her request, is provided to a canonry in
Lincoln (Cal. Pap. III, 418, 439). In 1353 he is styled receiver of the household to queen Isabella, archdeacon of the East Riding and rector of Geddington (Cal. Pap. III, 479). In 1356 he was presented to the fourth stall in St Stephen's chapel,
Westminster (Cal. Pat. 1354-58, p. 417). He resigned his canonry and prebend of Carleton and Thurleby in Lincoln before March, 1358 (Cal. Pap. III, 592). He died 1362-3. The blason of this very effective shield of arms is unknown. (SBM 2383).
Size: 54 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval. St Catherine standing in a richly canopied niche crowned and with long hair and veil, holding her wheel in her right hand, and a sword in her left. A figure in clerical habit kneels to her. Beneath is a
shield of arms, a cross engrailed between four crosses crosslet. The field of the seal is powdered with flowers.
Inscription: s'w... walcote archidiaconi.est
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4100b, 4100c, 4771a
Digitised version GB Seal no.3296 1283
East Riding, Officiality of the Archdeacon of
In charter no. 5027, 1290, John of Craucumbe is named archdeacon. In no. 4051, 1315, Alan of Cotum is so named the latter is not in Le Neve's list.
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A church standing above waves in which swim fish. On each side of the church is a fleur de lys.
Inscription: ✠ S' OFFI... CHIDIACO... INGIE.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3740, 4051d, 4062a, 5027, 4558
GB Seal no.3297 1345
East Riding, Vicar General of the Archdeacon of
SBM 2385.
Size: 41 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval. The crucifixion with Our Lady and St John, beneath is a figure praying, the field of the seal is diapered.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3799, 4078e
Digitised version Archdeacons of NottinghamGB Seal no.3298 c. 1202
William Testard, who held the office from c. 1190-94 until he became dean of York in 1214 (York Minster Fasti, I, 43)
Size: 22 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A tonsured figure, in a dalmatic and maniple over left wrist, standing and holding a book to breast with both hands.
Inscription: SIGILL ... NOTING...
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Spec.16
Digitised version GB Seal no.3299 1290
William of Pickering
he received collation of the office 12 March 1290, and became dean of York in 1310. (L.N. III, 150). For the very interesting process of his election to the deanery see Hist. Ch. York. III, 227. In Romeyn's Register (S.S. 123, p. 76) he is styled
archdeacon in a mandate of 25 October 1287. For his other offices, and preferments, see that Register passim. For her parentage, see second part of the same Register (S.S. 128), p. 209, note I.
Size: 35 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady, robed and crowned, seated, holding the child Christ. On the dexter side is St Paul, on the sinister, St Peter. Beneath is a kneeling figure praying.
Inscription: WILLI DE PI... NOTINGHA.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4036, 4724
GB Seal no.3300 1383
Nottingham, Officiality of the Archdeacon of
Size: 38 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A male bust, above it the hand of God blessing, in front of head a crescent, behind it a star.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.5.Ebor.18
Archdeacons of RichmondGB Seal no.3301 n.d.
The deed is about mid twelfth century date. Morgan does not appear in Le Neve's List. See
Memorials of Fountains Abbey (S.S. 42, p. 165, note I).
Size: -
Seal design: Oval, very imperfect, the remnant shows the lower part of a standing figure apparently wearing a dalmatic.
Inscription: ... APREP ...
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Ebor.9
GB Seal no.3302 1198-1206
Roger of St Edmund's
1198-1206. (L.N. III, 136). He was nominated to the office by the King, 1198. For the dispute between him and Honorius, a clerk of archbishop Geoffrey, whom the archbishop had nominated to the same office, see
Roger of Hoveden (Rolls Series, vol. IV, pp. 52, 89 and passim).
Size: -
Seal design: Oval, imperfect, a standing figure wearing alb and dalmatic and with maniple over his left wrist, holding a book to his breast with both hands.
Inscription: ...SCO EDMV...
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Ebor.8
GB Seal no.3303 1265
Simon of Evesham
1262-1272. (L.N. III, 137). For account of his life, and preferments, see Gray's Register (S.S. 56, 10n).
Size: 22 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A nimbed and robed half figure of St Peter holding a key in his right hand and a book in his left. Beneath, under a semi-circular arch, is a demi-figure of Simon tonsured and wearing amice, alb and
surplice, holding a book to his breast. Above his head, round the inside of arch, is - 'ME REGE PETRO PRECOR'.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Archiep.2
Digitised version GB Seal no.3304 n.d.
Henry of Walton
1349-1359. (L.N. III, 138). He was presented to the living of Preston-in-Amounderness by Henry, Earl of Lancaster, and was instituted to the rectory on 24 September, 1348, by John Gynewell, then vicar-general in spiritualities 'archidiaconatu
vacante'. He obtained the archeaconry, by papal provision, on the death of Jean-Raymond de Comminges, cardinal bishop of Porto, in 1348. Archbishop de la Zouche issued his mandate for Walton's installation 18 July 1349 (Reg. Zouche, f. 75). He held
canonries and prebends in Lincoln, Salisbury, Exeter, Wells, Chichester and York (Cal. Pap. III, 478, 542). His name is probably from Walton-le-Dale near Preston. The shield on the dexter is that borne by Thomas, Earl of Lancaster, beheaded 1322;
that on the sinister is the shield carried by his brother Henry, before his creation as Earl of Lancaster in 1324, blasoned England with a baston azure, after that date he bore the dexter shield (England with a label of France). The dexter shield of
Lancaster was also that of his son Henry called 'of Grosmont', Earl of Lancaster 1345, created Duke of Lancaster 1352, died 1361. Walton was a devoted servant of the House of Lancaster and owed his preferments largely to their influence. He
symbolises this connection and expresses his devotion and gratitude by the use of these shields.
Size: 57 (?) x 38 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady, robed and crowned, standing in a canopied niche. She holds the Christ child on her right arm, and at her left side is a lily in flower. On her dexter in a smaller niche is a demi-figure of St
Peter holding a key, on her sinister in a like niche is a demi-figure of St Paul holding a sword. Beneath St Peter is a shield of arms, England with a label of Lancaster, beneath St Paul a shield, England over all a baston. The lower part of the
seal is broken away.
Inscription: ...rici : de : walton : : richemundie
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Ebor.21
Digitised version GB Seal no.3305 1351
Richmond, Officiality of the Archdeacon of
Used by John of 'Totyngton' rector of Elveden, styled official and commissary of Sir Henry of Walton, archdeacon of Richmond.
Size: 44 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval. St Peter seated under a canopy; four stars on each side of him. Beneath is a demi figure praying.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Ebor.39
GB Seal no.3306 1347
Richmond, Vicar General of the Archdeacon of
Used by John of Craven, canon of the church of St John, Chester, vicar general at the visitation of the archdeaconry for the lord John 'cardinal bishop Portuensis' (Porto), archdeacon of Richmond. Le Neve (III, 138), calls the cardinal John of
Gineswell, 1346-1349. For explanation of this error see
“Register of John Gynewell, bishop of Lincoln” ,
Arch. Journal , LXVIII, p. 306.
Size: 51 x ? mm.
Seal design: Oval (imperfect). St Peter and St Paul standing beneath a canopy. Above them is a shield of the arms of England and beneath them a figure praying.
Inscription: ... CHIDIACONI
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Ebor.18
GB Seal no.3307 1485
Richmond, Vicar General in Spiritualities of the Archdeacon of
Used by Thomas Pereson, vicar general in spiritualities of the archdeacon of Richmond. He was sub-dean of York 1484-90 (L.N. III, 129).
Size: 38 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Imperfect and poor impression, a standing figure to whom another figure kneels.
Inscription: Legend destroyed.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6866
Archdeacon of StowGB Seal no.3308 n.d.
West Riding of Lindsey [Lincs. i.e. Stow], Official of the Archdeacon of
Used by master Alexander, official of the archdeacon of the West Riding of Lindsey.
Size: -
Seal design: Oval, very imperfect, a standing figure, his right hand raised.
Inscription: Legend destroyed.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.3.Ebor.9
I have classified the deans of cathedral or collegiate chapters with rural deans but they are quite distinct officials. I am indebted to Mr A. Hamilton Thompson, F.S.A. for the following note on their different status:-
Both are in the beginning arch-priests, but one is the arch-priest of a single church, while the other is the arch-priest of a 'Christianity' composed of the parishioners of a group of churches. The dean of a church is the president of a
corporation, elected by the corporation in a large number of cases, confirmed by the diocesan, and installed by the senior officer of the chapter or by the sub-dean. The dean of a christianity is merely the disciplinary officer in charge of a number
of individual churches, subordinate to the archdeacon, appointed by him (although the appointment seems gradually to have lapsed to the bishop) and removable at his will. Deans of christianities were originally urban - such urban deaneries still
remain with the name of christianity at Exeter, Leicester and Lincoln - with jurisdiction over the parishes of episcopal cities; but, as parishes grew up in the country, new christianities were formed and became known as rural deaneries, generally
corresponding roughly to the local civil divisions. The difference between deans of the first type and rural deans is strongly emphasised in the constitution
Vas eleccionis of Benedict XII (1336), which set a maximum limit to the money value of the daily procurations exacted by ecclesiastics on visitation. This expressly classifies deans of churches in the same category
with archdeacons, placing rural deans 'who in some districts are called arch-priests', in a lower category by themselves (Illud quoque, quod de archidiaconis superius duximus ordinandum, locum habere volumus etiam in decanis, praepositis aliisque
personis ecclesiasticis superius non expressis quibus visitationis officium et procurationis receptio ex privilegio sedis apostolicae, vel de jure seu consuetudine competere dignoscuntur, decanis ruralibus duntaxat exceptis, qui in aliquibus
regionibus archipresbyteri nominantur, circa quos in receptione huiusmodi procurationis ed, quod supra statutum est de aliis archipresbyteris, volumus observari [
Corpus Juris Canonici , ed. Friedberg and Richter,
Leipzig, 1881, II, 1282, col. 2]). Thus the dean of York, visiting in person the churches in the city and diocese which belonged to the liberty of St Peter, might exact procurations at a maximum of 50l. silver Tournois a day; and this was also the
maximum which the archdeacon of York was allowed to charge while visiting his churches. The dean of the christianity of York, on the other hand, could exact a maximum only of 10l. silver Tournois (ie 5/6 of a gold florin, to which went 12 livres
Tournois). This illustrates the difference between two offices which, though their holders bore similar titles, were really quite distinct, the dean proper being an important member of the superior clergy, while the rural deans were the presidents
of the ordinary clergy.
GB Seal no.3309 1362
Amounderness, Rural Deanery of
Size: 32 x 3 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A fish between two fleur de lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Ebor.34
GB Seal no.3310 1464
Amounderness, Rural Deanery of
Size: 35 x ? mm.
Seal design: Oval, (imperfect). A fish, on the dexter side is a ...?
Inscription: ✶ s' dec... amond.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XVI.12h
Chester-le-Street, Dean of: see also 788.
GB Seal no.3311 1323
Chester-le-Street, Dean of
Used by Robert of Kytheley, styled dean of the church of Chester (H.D. II, 389n; S.D. II, 144).
Size: 25 x 3 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady, holding the child Christ standing. A kneeling figure prays to them. Over him on a scroll is 'COR''
Inscription: ...ONIS ... SATT ...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4139 (fragmentary), 4246
GB Seal no.3312 1343
Chester-le-Street, Dean of
Used by Roger of Gilling, styled dean of Chester, sub-collector. He was official of the bishop of Durham (H.D. II, 389n.; S.D. II, 144).
Size: ? x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Antique gem, a standing figure.
Inscription: ✠ IESVS ... AMOR MEVS
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4246*
GB Seal no.3313 1314
Corbridge, Rural Dean of
Used by the rural dean of Corbridge and called 'sigillum quo utor in officio'.
Size: -
Seal design: Oval, very imperfect, a plant growing from a vase on the edge of which two birds are sitting drinking out of it, above on a branch on each side sits a bird.
Inscription: ... SETA ...
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XIX.47
GB Seal no.3314 1335-1343
Darlington, Dean of the Christianity of
Size: 6 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A figure standing in front of an altar on which is a chalice.
Inscription: ...CANAT...DERLINGTO..
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XIX.104, 120; Misc.Ch. 4984
Darlington, Dean of collegiate church of: see 1264
GB Seal no.3315 1292-1342
Durham, Deanery of the Christianity of
Used in 1325 by Henry, rector of St Mary's in the South Bailey, Durham. St Mary the Less; for list of rectors see H.D. II, 291 and S.D. IV, ii, p. 45. In 1342 it is used by Thomas of Foxden, chaplain. Both are styled deans of the
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A half figure of St Cuthbert, his right hand blessing, his left holding his crosier, standing in an upper niche; beneath in a lower niche is a tonsured figure praying.
Inscription: S' DECANAT' DVNELMIE.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3556, 4058, 4325, 4354, 4186, 4198, 4210, 4325*, 5060, 4809, 5072, 5088; 3.4.Spec.21
3316: Durham, Dean of the Christianity of: see 1947, the seal of Patrick, styled vicar of St Oswald's, Durham. See H.D. II, 308, and for list of vicars, ibid. 312 and S.D. IV, ii, 82.
GB Seal no.3317 1446-1483
Durham, Dean of the Christianity of
This is called in the first mentioned charter, the seal of the official of the archdeacon of the prior of Durham, used within the county of Northumberland.
Size: 41 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval. St Cuthbert standing in mass vestments, his right hand blessing, his left holding St Oswald's head to his breast.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XVI.14; Loc.IX.68; 3.13.Spec.25
GB Seal no.3318 1269
Herthill, Rural Dean of
The rural deanery of Harthill in the archdeaconry of the East Riding.
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval. St John Baptist standing, holding the Holy Lamb within a circle, a kneeling figure prays to him.
Inscription: ✠ BAPTISTA ...T MEMOR ESTO
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4426
GB Seal no.3319 1324
Herthill, Rural Deanery of
The Baptist is depicted clad in beast's skins.
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval. St John Baptist standing holding the Holy Lamb in his right hand. Beneath the Lamb is the head of a hart.
Inscription: ... ANATVS . DE . HERTHIL
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3710
GB Seal no.3320 n.d.
Lincoln, Roger Dean of
Roger, of Weseham, 1239-1245. (L.N. II, 30). In the latter year he was elected bishop of Coventry and Lichfield.
Size: 44 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A standing tonsured figure of Roger wearing a chasuble and alb, his hands raised.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.3.Ebor.11
GB Seal no.3321 1526
John Constable, Dean of Lincoln
He was archdeacon of Huntingdon, 1512-1514. (L.N. II, 52). Dean of Lincoln, 1514-1528. (L.N. II, 34). He was also prebendary of Dunholme in Lincoln 1494-1503; of Caistor 1503-28, and chancellor of Lincoln 1508-1512. (L.N. II, 145, 127, 90). For
his shield see A.A. N.S. III, 249; SBM 1812.
Size: 54 x 38 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady, robed and crowned, seated in a niche of rich tabernacle work with the child Christ on her knee and a sceptre in her left hand. Beneath is a shield of arms quarterly (Gules) and vair a bend (gold)
over all.
Inscription: sig' ioh'is constable decani ecclie lincoln.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.3.Ebor.46
Digitised version GB Seal no.3322 1526
John Talbot, Sub Dean of Lincoln
He had collation of the subdeanery 26 June 1523, and resigned before 26 March 1535 (Lincoln Reg. XXVI, f. 5 and 21).
Size: 41 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A church.
Inscription: Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.3.Ebor.46
GB Seal no.3323 1300
Ralph, Dean of London
Ralph, of Baldock, archdeacon of Middlesex 1276-1294. (L.N. II, 326); dean of London 1294-1304; in the latter year he became bishop of London. (L.N. II, 310). For a sketch of his life see Hennessy
Novum Repertorium , note a, 47.
Size: 22 x ? mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect. St Paul seated holding sword in right hand and a book in his left.
Inscription: ...VLFI : DECANVS : S...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4318, 4159, 4160, 4266, 4302, 4318, 4641
GB Seal no.3324 1343
Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Deanery of the Christianity of
Size: -
Seal design: Oval, very imperfect, a tower.
Inscription: S' DE.. NAT...
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XIX.94
GB Seal no.3325 1234
William, Rural Dean of Northumberland beyond Coquet
Styled William, chaplain of Bamburgh, dean of Northumberland beyond 'Choket' (Coquet).
Size: 25 x ? mm.
Seal design: Oval. Antique gem, a lion.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL : W : M : LL : I :
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Spec.14
GB Seal no.3326 after 1245
Nottingham, Dean of the Christianity of
Size: 32 x ? mm.
Seal design: Oval. A fleur de lys.
Inscription: ... : DECANI DE NOTIN...
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Ebor.26; 2 Innocent IV
GB Seal no.3327 1325
Oxford, Dean of the Christianity of
Engraved plate I,
“Some Durham College Rolls” , by Rev. H.E.D. Blakiston.
Size: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A winged bull.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL' * DECANI * OXON'E
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Ebor.5, 15, 16
GB Seal no.3328 n.d.
Elias, Rural Dean of Ridale
Ryedale in the archdeaconry of Cleveland.
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval. An eagle.
Inscription: SIGILL . HELIE . DE CAH...
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Spec.13
GB Seal no.3329 1431
Scarsdale, Deanery of the Christianity of
The rural deanery of Scarsdale in the archdeaconry of Derby, diocese of Coventry and Lichfield.
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval. St John Baptist standing holding the Holy Lamb.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Spec.72, 73, 74
GB Seal no.3330 1283
Bouges de Clare, Dean of Stafford
Styled chaplain of the pope and dean of Stafford. He was the son of Richard de Clare, Earl of Gloucester and Hertford, and of his second wife Maud Lacy, daughter of John, Earl of Lincoln. He was treasurer of York, c.1274-1285 (L.N. III, 159) and
held many prebends and churches in that diocese. For list of them see Romeyn's Register, S.S. 123, p. 397, and Giffard's Register, S.S. 109, p. IX.. Also V.C.H. Yorks, III, 33. For his neglect of his duty see Wickwane's Register, S.S. 114, p. 286.
He was the most notorius pluralist of the thirteenth century. He died 1294. The
Chronicon de Lanercost describes him as 'a seculo solemnis nomine sed non conversatione' and a man who held numberless churches and had governed them badly ... a courtier who cared nothing for holy orders, he strangled
the cure of souls and wastefully spent the incomes of his churches (nam curialis exercens ordines non curavit curam animarum exsufflavit proventus ecclesiarum dilapidavit), (Bannatyne Club, ed. 1839). For his name see
Complete Peerage , by G.E.C. ed. Vicary Gibbs, III, 605-6 and note b.
Size: 41 x 29 mm.Size: Secretum: 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval. The Annunciation, Gabriel holds a scroll on which are the words 'AVE MA''. Beneath is a demi figure praying.Secretum: round. Antique gem, a man on horseback.
Inscription: S' BOGONIS DE CLARE DE ...AFFORDSecretum: ✠ ME ...CUS : E...A
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Ebor.3 (seal only); Misc.Ch. 4100a, 4744
Stamford, Rural dean of: see 3545
GB Seal no.3331 1307
John of Godelegh, Dean of Wells
1305-1331/2. (L.N. I, 150). He was elected bishop of Exeter in 1327 (Cal. Pat. 1327-30, p. 147) but the pope provided the see to John Graunson, archdeacon of Nottingham, who was consecrated at Avignon, 18 October 1327 (Stubbs, Reg. Sac. Ang. 73).
Godelegh remained dean of Wells till his death. He was archdeacon of Lewes in 1305 (L.N. I, 262), prebendary of Stillington in York (L.N. III, 212), and also held a prebend in Hastings castle chapel (Cal. Pat. 1330-4, p. 279). The cathedral church
of Wells is dedicated to St Andrew, hence the device of seal.
Size: 25 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval. St Andrew on his cross, beneath is a demi figure praying.
Inscription: S' IO ... DE ...EYE DECANI WELLI..
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.(?)
GB Seal no.3332 n.d.
Simon, Dean of York
Simon of Apulia, 1194-1214. He became bishop of Exeter in the latter year (L.N. III, 120). Died September 9 1223 (Reg. Sacr. Angl. 54).
Size: 51 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A figure standing, both hands raised.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Spec.16
Digitised version GB Seal no.3333 1323
Robert, Dean of York
This seal is very imperfect, but I think it is the same seal as the next, no. 3334.
Size: 57 x ? mm.
Seal design: Oval (imperfect). Our Lady and Christ.
Inscription: Legend destroyed.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5082
GB Seal no.3334 1323
Robert, Dean of York
Robert Pickering, archdeacon of Northumberland, elected dean 1312; died 1332 (L.N. III, 122), SBM 2379. See also Romeyn's Register, S.S. 123, passim. For account of his election and renunciation in favour of his brother William see Hist. Ch.
York. III, 227.
Size: 60 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Above in a crocketed and buttressed niche with canopy is a robed demi figure of Our Lady holding the child Christ on her left arm. Below are two niches with side shafts and canopies. In the dexter one is St
Peter as pope in ponti ficals and pall and wearing the tiara, his right hand is blessing, his left holds two keys; in the sinister one is St Paul robed and holding a sword in his right hand and a book in his left. Beneath under a pointed arch is a
demi figure of Robert in surplice (?) and hood praying.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Arch.Dunelm.9; 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.5
Digitised version GB Seal no.3335 1441
William Felter, Dean of York
He was archdeacon of York 1435; dean 1436-1451 (L.N. III, 125). The sinister shield bearing the emblems of SS. Peter and Paul, saltireways, presumably for the church of York, is I think unique. The arms of the see, two keys saltireways with the
tiara in chief, appear on seals nos. 3235, 3238, 3245 in this catalogue. For account of his life and preferments see
Miscellanea (S.S. 127, p. 294).
Size: 57 x 38 mm.
Seal design: Oval. In canopied niches of rich tabernacle work are two figures, the dexter St Peter, the sinister St Paul. Beneath is a tonsured demi figure of the dean in surplice and almuce praying. On his dexter side is a
shield of arms France and England quarterly, on the sinister side a like shield bearing a key, and a sword placed saltireways.
Inscription: ...felter decani ecclesie.cathedralis..ora...
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Archiep.3
Digitised version
Beverley: see 3732.
GB Seal no.3336 1174
John, Treasurer of Exeter
Called John of Salisbury; c.1174-1176, when he became bishop of Chartres.
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Antique gem a male head.
Inscription: ✠ SECRETVM.MEVM TIBI.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Pont.9; 2.2.Spec.2
CapitularGB Seal no.3337 1265
Howden, Canons of
No. 1 is the seal of Master John of Methleton, no. 2 that of Sir Richard of Middleton, rector of Hemingburgh (Giffard's Reg. p. 57; S.S. 109), no. 3 that of Master Geoffrey of Forset (Wickwane's Reg. p. 232; S.S. 114), no. 4 that of Hugh of
Evesham, afterwards (1281-1287) cardinal of St Lawrence in Lucina (
Trésor de Chronologie , p. 2234). He held the living of Welton, which he resigned in 1272, and Hemingburgh, to which he was thereupon presented. Both livings were in the presentation of the prior and convent of Durham
and in the spirituality of Howden (Giffard's Reg. 57, 58; S.S. 109). He was archdeacon of Worcester 1275 (L.N. III, 74); canon of York 1279 (L.N. III, 178); physician to pope Martin IV 1280. (See also DNB XVIII, 90). No. 5 is the seal of John of
Size: 1. 38 x 29 mm.Size: 2. 16 x 13 mm.Size: 3. 32 x 19 mm.Size: 4. 32 x 19 mm.Size: 5. 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: 1. Oval. An eagle with nimbus, holding a scroll on which is 'I. P EV'.2. Oval. Antique gem, a male head.3. Oval. Demi figure of Our Lady and Christ, beneath is a demi figure praying.4. Oval. Demi figures of our Lady and Christ.5. Oval. St John Baptist standing holding the Holy Lamb. A kneeling figure prays to him.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Ebor.34
GB Seal no.3338 1405
Howden, Chapter of
Howden - In the East Riding, about 20 miles west of Kingston upon Hull. The manor belonged to the bishopric of Durham and the bishops had a palace there. The presentations to the prebends and other benefices in the spirituality belonged to the
prior and convent of Durham, not to the bishop. The church was made collegiate in 1265; see
Yorks. Arch. Jour. XXII, p. 168.
Size: 51 x 35 mm.
Seal design: Oval. St Peter seated in a canopied niche, his right hand blessing.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Ebor.50
GB Seal no.3338(i) 1405
Howden, Vicars of
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXV.26
GB Seal no.3339 early 13th century
Lancaster, (Ruridecanal) Chapter of
No 1 is the seal of Roger of Ire, perhaps the dean. See H.D. II, 355; S.D. II, 309.
Size: 1. 29 x 19 mmSize: 2. 25 x 16 mmSize: -Size: -Size: 5. 29 x 19 mm;Size: -Size: 7. 32 x 19 mmSize: 8. 32 x 22 mmSize: -Size: 10. 32 x 19 mmSize: 11. 25 mmSize: 12. 25 x ? mmSize: -Size: 14. 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: 1. Oval. Antique gem, a male head.2. Oval. A fleur de lys.3. Oval, imperfect. A bird with raised wings.4. Oval, imperfect. A fleur de lys.5. Oval. A floriated device.6. Round, imperfect. A fleur de lys.7. Oval. Very imperfect and undecipherable.8. Oval. An indeterminate device.9. Oval, imperfect. A male head.10. Oval. A fish.11. Round. A fleur de lys.12. Oval. A fleur de lys.13. Oval, imperfect. A fleur de lys.14. Oval. An eagle flying.
Inscription: 1. ✠ SIGILL ROGERI . DE . IRE2. ✠ SIGILL ...3. Legend destroyed.-5. SI. RIC...6. ... GAIRSTAG ...8. ... LEGIO ...9. ... ILLVD SECRE...10. ✠ SIGILL HENRICI . P..SON.11. Legend destroyed.12. ✠ SIG...13. ...CTRED D . PE...14. ✠ SIGILL ROBERTI CLICI DE . LAR...
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Ebor.28
Lanchester, Canon of: see 794.
GB Seal no.3340 1388
Lincoln, Chapter of
Size: 76 x 51 mmSize: Secretum: 22 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady robed and crowned, seated on a throne holding the child Christ on her left knee and a lily in her right hand.Secretum: oval. The Annunciation, a dove above.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.5.Ebor.14a & b
3341: Lincoln, Canon of: See no. 585 above, Richard of Chesterfield. He was a King's clerk and in 1366 under treasurer of the exchequer. He was rector of Brancepeth 1362-1363 (Cal. Pat. 1361-1364, p. 280), prebendary of
Bishop's Norton in Lincoln, 1363 (ibid. p. 351). In 1360-1 he was rector of Flintham, Notts (which he probably resigned on obtaining Brancepeth) and in the same year he had provision of a canonry in St Paul's (Cal. Pap. Pet. I, 363). In 1365 he
exchanged this prebend for Oxton and Cropwell in Southwell (Reg. Thoresby f. 59d), which he again exchanged in 1368 for the prebend of St Peter's altar in Beverley (Reg. Thoresby. f. 66d) and probably for a prebend in St Stephen's, Westminster. At
his death in 1404 he held his Lincoln and Southwell prebends and probably that in Beverley (L.N. II, 194; III, 438). For the custom of rewarding clerical officials by grants of church dignities see The English Civil Service in
the 14th Century, by Professor Tout.
GB Seal no.3341A 1160-1181
London, Chapter of St Paul's
Temp. Hugo de Marinis, dean 1160-1181; SBM 1963.
Size: 63 mm.
Seal design: Round. A nimbed and robed figure of St Paul standing on a church holding an open book in his left hand; his right hand blessing. On each side are three tonsured figures appealing to him with outstretched
Seal attached to document reference: [G B6], now BL Add. Charter 67800.
London, Canon of: see 375.
GB Seal no.3342 n.d.
Ripon, Chapter of
Size: 63 x 51 mm.
Seal design: Oval. The Holy Lamb, with banner, standing on an altar.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Sacr.3, 5
Southwell, Canon of: see 713.
GB Seal no.3343 1274
Stodley, the Precentor of
He is styled precentor of 'Stodleye'. Probably he filled this monastic office in the house of Austin Canons at Studley, Warwick.
Size: 19 x ? mm.
Seal design: Oval (imperfect). A church.
Inscription: IESVS . EST ... OR:MEVS.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Ebor.13
GB Seal no.3344 n.d.
Surrey, Officiality of
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A figure in a short habit and close fitting cap, standing, holding a scroll in his left hand to which he points with his right.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Elemos.5
Digitised version GB Seal no.3345 1302
Elias of Couton, Canon of Southwell
He had collation of the prebend of Norwell Overhall in the collegiate church of St Mary, Southwell, 1293; died 1329 (L.N. III, 437).
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Antique gem, a naked figure seated.
Inscription: VERITAS . IN . ME . EST
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4922
GB Seal no.3346 n.d.
Ralph Berners, Canon of Wells
Size: 54 x 38 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady and Christ seated in a canopied niche. On the dexter side is a star, on the sinister a crescent.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.5.Ebor.3; 4.5.Ebor.4, 5
GB Seal no.3347 n.d.
York, Canons of
Size: -Size: 2. 25 x 22 mm.Size: 3. 32 x 22 mm.Size: -Size: -
Seal design: 1. Oval, imperfect. An eagle with raised wings.2. Oval. Antique gem, a seated figure.3. Oval. A conventional branch.4. Oval. A fragment only left.5. A fragment.
Inscription: 1. SIGILL' WILL' ...2. ✠ SIGILLVM ... CRETI3. ✠ CINIS SV...INEM . REVTE.4. ...DVCE PETROQ...
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Ebor.7
GB Seal no.3347(i) 1361
John Feriby, Canon of York
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXVII.26(31)
3348: York, Canon of the Church of St Peter: See nos. 901-904; Richard of Eryum.
GB Seal no.3349 1199
Reinald Arundel, Precentor of York
He resigned the office 1213 (L.N. III, 154). In the deed his name is Latinized 'Reginaldus'.
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval. An eagle with raised wings.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Ebor.8
GB Seal no.3350 n.d.
Hugh of Cantilupe, Precentor of York
c.1264. He was archdeacon of Gloucester 1256-1284 (L.N. III, 77); precentor of York (Reg. Giffard, S.S. 109, p. 134); canon of York of the prebend of Ulskelf (ibid. 134). He was probably the brother of Thomas of Cantilupe, bishop of Hereford and
lord chancellor (Gray's Register, S.S. 56, 99n). He died 1284-5. See also L.N. III, 154. There is a pedigree of the family in Lipscombe's
History of Buckinghamshire , I, 176; and in Dugdale's
Antiquities of Warwickshire , 661, 833; also in vol. III of
The Complete Peerage , by G.E.C. p. III,
edited by Vicary Gibbs. In none of these is Hugh named. The shield in base shows the early form of the charges as they are blasoned for William de Cantelowe in Glover's roll of Henry III, 'de goules a trois fleurs delices d'or'. This early
simplicity was soon changed into the flowers issuing out of leopards' heads as blasoned for 'Sr John Cantelu' at the battle of Falkirk, 'd'azure iii flours de lyz d'or cressaunz hors de la teste du lepard d'or'. Sir William of Ravensthorpe
differenced this shield by a fess vair and at Caerlaverock he bore:
'Fesse vaire ot el rouge escu
De trois flours de lis de or espars
Naissans de testes de lupars'.
How this curious alteration arose is not known. It may have come about accidentally through some misdrawing of the centre part of the flower, or it may be a canting charge (testes de lupars), or it may have been assumed as a difference or to note
some feudal alliance. The arms of the see of Hereford gules three fleurs de lis issuing out of leopard's heads reversed gold were adopted from the shield of Thomas Cantilupe, bishop 1275-1282.
Size: 44 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lord seated in glory, between the pinnacles of a church and beneath a crocketed canopy. To him our Lady robed and crowned kneels (? the Coronation of the Virgin). Beneath, under a trefoiled arch on the
dexter is a demi figure of St Paul with sword, on the sinister a demi figure of St Peter with keys. Below is a tonsured demi figure of Hugh praying to the dexter. In front of him is a shield of arms, three fleurs de lys.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Archiep.2
Digitised version GB Seal no.3351 n.d.
York, Precentor of
Used by Master G, styled precentor of the church of York. Probably Geoffrey of Norwich, who held the office 1220-28, and who was dean from c.1235-40. See L.N. III, 154; and Gray's Register, S.S. 56, 41n.
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Antique gem, a standing figure.
Inscription: ✠ FRANGE ... TEGE
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Spec.64
3351A: York, Precentor of: See no. 696 - William de la Cornere. He was a canon of York, prebend of Barnby; in 1264 he had provision of a canonry and prebend (Highworth) of Salisbury (Giffard's Register, S.S. 109, 94n.;
Jones, Fasti. Ecc. Sar. p. 391). In 1283 he had collation of the precentorship of York (Wickwane's Register, S.S. 114, p. 332). He was bishop of Salisbury 1289 (L.N. II, 598), and died 14 August 1291 (Reg. Sacr. Angl. p. 67).
GB Seal no.3352 1361-1364
Simon, Chancellor of the Church of York
Simon of Beckingham had collation of the precentorship 26 August 1349 (Reg. Zouche, f. 230d) of the chancellorship, 17 November, following (ibid. f. 232). He died before 20 September 1369 (L.N. III, 154, 164; Reg. Thoresby, f. 67d). The blason of
the shield is unknown.
Size: 22 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval. St Peter as pope in full pontificals enthroned and blessing. A key in his left hand. Beneath is a shield of arms three engrailed saltires. On the dexter side of shield is 'S'. on sinister 'B'.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.25; Loc.XXVII.26(33)
Digitised version GB Seal no.3353 1415
York, Chancellor of the Church of
Used by John Rikynghale, chancellor, and rector of Hemingbrough. This seal is identical with the last, except that the shield and initials have been replaced by the praying figure (the initials, however, are just visible).
Size: 51 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval. St Peter seated, blessing. Beneath is a figure praying.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Ebor.11
John de Ripplingham, Chancellor of York: see 2094.
GB Seal no.3354 n.d.
York, Treasurer of
Styled 'H', treasurer of York. Probably Hamo, who held this office c.1199-1217 (York Minster Fasti, I, 23). Hamo the chanter, ie precentor, witnesses a twelfth century deed printed in Gray's Register (56, S.S. 70n). See L.N. III, 153, where it
appears that he was precentor c.1155-95. If he is the same man as Hamo the treasurer he must have become precentor when quite young. The question arises whether Hamo the treasurer was not the son of Hamo the precentor, or whether before becoming
treasurer he may not have succeeded his father as precentor.
Size: -
Seal design: Oval, very imperfect. Antique gem, two figures, one with a sword, attacking the other who holds a shield.
Inscription: DISC... CE...
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Spec.16
GB Seal no.3355 n.d.
York, Penitentiary of
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Antique gem, a vase.
Inscription: ... EDE...
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Spec.64
GB Seal no.3356 1279-1388
York, Chapter of
SBM 2370.
Size: 79 x 51 mm.
Seal design: Oval. St Peter vested in alb, chasuble, maniple and round topped mitre, standing adverse holding key (?) in his right hand and a church in his left.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Archiep.4; 2.2.Archiep.2, 3; 3.5.Ebor.9; 3.1.Archiep.1a-d; 1.3.Archiep.5; 1.12.Pont.21
GB Seal no.3357 n.d.
York, Chapter of (?)
Size: 54 x ? mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect. A nimbed figure seated holding a book.
Inscription: Legend destroyed.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Archiep.10
GB Seal no.3358 1279
York, Chapter of
Size: 76 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Seal 'ad citaciones'
Oval. St Peter standing holding keys in right hand and book in left.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Archiep.11, 20; 4.1.Archiep.4b; 2.2.Archiep.4, 5; 1.3.Archiep.2, 3
GB Seal no.3359 1342
York, Court of (
sede vacante )
St Peter walking in the sea. SBM 2353.
Size: 51 x 35 mm.
Seal design: Oval. St Peter, nimbed and holding keys in his right hand and a book in his left, standing in waves of the sea in which a fish swims. In the field, on the dexter, is a crescent, on the sinister above St Peter's
shoulder is a star.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Ebor.11
GB Seal no.3360 1423
York, Chapter of (
sede vacante )
Size: 70 x 38 mm.
Seal design: Oval. St Peter standing holding keys in his right hand. The field of the seal is powdered with roses.
Inscription: SIGI ... CCLIE . E... SEDE . VACANTE
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Ebor.42
Parish Priests etc.GB Seal no.3361 n.d.
Robert, Vicar of Alverton
Alverton - Now Northallerton. Robert was vicar in 1231. This charter is printed in Gray's Register, p. 177 (S.S. no. 56).
Size: 22 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Antique gem, a male head.
Inscription: ✠ OPORTET FIERI
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Ebor.6, 14
Auckland, Vicar of: see 391.
Averham, Rector of: see 2359.
Aycliffe, Parson of: see 19.
Aycliffe, Vicar of: see 61.
GB Seal no.3362 1312
Robert, Chaplain of Beaurepaire
cf. 2100. Beaurepaire - Now Bearpark near Durham. For a delightful account of this manor of the prior of Durham (his "summer residence") see A.A. 3rd ser. XIII, p. 109; S.D. II, 372.
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Antique gem, two figures, a pillar between them.
Inscription: ✠ DEV . TIME : E.. : A NATA . EI : SVA...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4051b, 4088a, 5110e
GB Seal no.3362(i) 1337
William of Shincliffe, Chaplain of Beaurepaire
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3450.
Bedlington, Vicars of: see 464, 1193, 2573.
Berwick on Tweed, Vicar of: see 276.
Billingham, Vicar of: see 362, 2081.
Billingham, Clerk of: see 4.9.Spec.18.
Bishop Middleham: see Middleham.
Bishopton, Vicar of: see Misc.Ch. 4712, dated 1318.
Bolton Percy, Rector of: see 2009.
Bothal, Rector of: see 2253.
Branxton, Vicars of: see 2602; Misc.Ch. 3627, 3993.
GB Seal no.3363 1318
William, Perpetual Vicar of Dalton
Styled one of the executors of Sir John, vicar of Pittington. For Dalton, see S.D. I, 3, and H.D. II, 574; for Pittington, S.D. I, 117; and H.D. II, 583.
Size: 22 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady with Christ, beneath is a praying figure, on dexter side is a star, on the sinister on a scroll : MARIA :
Inscription: ✶ MATER : DEI : MEMENTO : MEI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3884
Darlington, Chaplain of the altar of St Mary: see misc.Ch. 3494.
Darlington, Vicar of: see 2601.
Dinsdale, Roger de Polhowe, Chaplain of: see Misc.Ch. 3918.
Duffield, Walter Chaplain of: see Misc.Ch. 5021.
GB Seal no.3364 1325
Durham, Rector of St Mary's in the North Bailey
Styled William, rector of the church of St Mary in the North Bailey, Durham (St Mary-le-Bow or the great), collector of 6d. in the pound for the Scots wars. See no. 1121 above, who was probably the same man, and cf. 2658. (H.D. II, 288; and S.D.
IV, ii, 41).
Size: 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Antique gem, a figure riding on a cock, holding a female figure, behind is a man with a dog's head and tail. Above the cock is a star in a crescent.
Inscription: ✶ C...E ...IPA ... SVYCI...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4198
Digitised version GB Seal no.3365 1452
Durham, Wardens (custodes) of the Church of St Mary in the South Bailey
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round. Armorial, a chevron between three birds, five roundels on the chevron.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.18.Spec.21, 22
Durham, Rectors of the Church of St Mary in the South Bailey: see 804A, 2050, 2409.
Durham, Chaplain of the altar of St Mary the Virgin in the church of St Margaret: see 2159 and Misc.Ch. 4039m.
Durham, Rector of St Nicholas: see 853, 1244.
Durham, keeper of the chantry of SS. John the Baptist and Evangelist in St Oswald's church: see 2.11.Spec.30, dated 1405.
Durham, Vicar of St Oswald's: see 1947, 2049, 2099.
Durham, Nicholas of Bishopton, Vicar of St Oswald: see Loc.XXVII.26(32), 26(35).
Edlingham, Richard de Stikkelau, Vicar of: see 2317.
? Edlington, church of: see 3488.
Elwick, Rector of: see 3488.
Fobbing, Rector of: see 2381, 2382.
Grindon, Vicar of: see 1609.
Hadleigh, Rector of: see 1933.
Harraton, Richard de Burton, Chaplain at: see Misc.Ch. 5110d.
Hartburn, Thomas Errington, Vicar of: see Misc.Ch. 6855.
Hawkswell, Rector of: see 2365.
Heighington, Rector of: see 980.
Hemingbrough, Rector of: see 404, 814, 2560.
Hutton Bushel, Rector of a moiety of: see Misc.Ch. 5014.
Kimblesworth, Rector of: see 1297.
Kinghorn, Rector of: see 2763A, 3004.
Kirkby on Bain, John Starkye, Rector of: see Misc.Ch. 6661.
Leconfield, Rector of: see 56.
Longnewton, Rector of: see Misc.Ch. 4771f (very imperfect).
GB Seal no.3366 n.d.
Lowick, Chapel of
Printed R.N.D. App. 135. See no. 2151 above, where Robert of St Martin uses a like sign in place of a seal. See also letter from the Rev. Dr Greenwell printed in
Proc. Soc. Ant. of Newcastle , 2nd ser. vol. II, p. 95.
Size: -
Seal design: A knife with broken blade, the handle is inscribed on one side.
Inscription: signum de capella de lowic
and on the other side: de capella de lowic et de decimis de lowic totius curie et totius ville.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Spec.72
Digitised version
Middleham, Rector of: see 2048.
Middleham, Vicar of: see 1879.
Middleham, Robert de Hanslap, Vicar of: see 3.12.Spec.23.
Middleham, Richard Garnett, Vicar of: see 3.12.Spec.24.
Morpeth, Rector of: see 1253.
Newcastle, Vicar of St Nicholas: see 1357.
Norham, Vicar of: see 1301 and Misc.Ch. 3932.
Norton, Vicar of: see 1987.
GB Seal no.3367 1278
Normanton-on-Soar, Rector of
Styled Sir Adam of Beybury, rector of the church of Normanton. See Wickwane's Register, p. 276 (S.S. no. 114), and Giffard's Register (S.S. 109), p.262..
Size: ? x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect. Demi figure of our Lady with Christ.
Inscription: S' ADE ...NE CL'ICI
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Archiep.22
GB Seal no.3368 1325
Oxford, Parish of St Mary Magdalen
Grant of land near Oxford to the convent of Durham by the vicar and others of the church of St Mary Magdalen beyond the north gate. It appears to refer to the site of Durham college, now occupied by Trinity College, to the east of St Mary
Magdalen's church and Balliol College. The seal is engraved plate I
“Some Durham College Rolls” by Rev. H.E.D. Blakiston. The matrix is in the British Museum (
Catalogue of seal dies , no 851)
Size: 44 mm.
Seal design: Round. A crescent enclosing a star.
Inscription: ✠ S' CONMVN' P'OCHIANO' MAG'
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Ebor.1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 14, 48
GB Seal no.3368(i) 1301
Pittington, J. Vicar of
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4186
GB Seal no.3369 1315
Pittington, Vicar of
Called John; see nos. 762 and 3363 above. See also S.D. I, 117.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round. Antique gem, an eagle.
Inscription: Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3594
GB Seal no.3370 1376
Pittington, Vicar of
Called William Batey, see also 169 above. S.D. I, 117; H.D. II, 583.
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval. St Lawrence standing, holding his gridiron, above it is a star within a crescent, behind him are two leaves.
Inscription: ✠ S' R...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2322
Pittington, Vicars of: see 169, 762.
Richmond, John Sleght, Rector of: see Misc.Ch. 3891.
Rothbury, Rector of: see 1713.
Ryton, Rector of: see 1133.
Sedgefield, Rector of: see 1304, 2205.
Sigston, Rector of: see 1135.
Simonburn, Rector of: see 1634A.
Sowerby, Rector of: see 2682.
Stokesley, Rector of: see 2328.
Stowe, Rector of: see 1429.
GB Seal no.3371 1179
Tateshall, Chaplain of
Styled Geoffrey, chaplain of Tateshale.
Size: 41 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A seated figure vested in surplice (?) his hands outstretched. Above his head ✠.
Inscription: ...APELLANI ...
Seal attached to document reference: 3.3.Ebor.37
Wearmouth, St Mary's, Parochial Chaplain of: see 485, 1601.
Welton, Rector of: see 516.
Winslow, John alwent, Rector of: see Misc.Ch. 4926.
York, Rector of All Saints Pavement: see 1623.
3372: Gilbert, Rector of the Church of All Saints, York: see 1073. (two all Saints are possible: in North Street; Ralph Paganel gave this church in 1089 to Holy Trinity priory, a Benedictine prior belonging to the abbey
of Marmoutier near Tours, or Pavement.
GB Seal no.3373 1285
York, Parson of St Peter the Less
Styled Hugh, parson of St Peter the Little (parvus) in 'Brettegate', York. Hugh of Retford (Giffard's Register, p. 284; S.S. no. 109).
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round. I.H.C. within a floriated device surmounted by a cross paty.
Inscription: ✠ EST AMOR : MEVS.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Finc.30d
Hospitals and UniversitiesGB Seal no.3373(i)
Berwick, John Clerk of the Hospital of
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4060
GB Seal no.3374 1250
Bolton, Hospital of
N.C.H. VII, 216; SBM 2679; Mon. Ang. VI, 693. The altar of our Lady of Bolton was in the aisle of the south transept of Durham.
Rites , p. 113; Greenwell's
Durham Cathedral , p. 55.
Size: 22 x 44 mm.
Seal design: Oval. The martyrdom of St Thomas of Canterbury.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL : FRV . : OSPI... THOME MR' DE BOLT'
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Spec.13
Digitised version GB Seal no.3375 1276
Bolton, Hospital of
N.C.H. VII, 215; SBM2678. Bolton was one of the numerous hospitals dedicated to St Thomas of Canterbury (
Mediaeval Hospitals , p. 267).
Size: 57 mm.
Seal design: Round. St Thomas of Canterbury, vested as an archbishop and holding his cross in his left hand, blessing a kneeling figure who holds a fleur de lys in both hands. Behind the kneeling figure is an altar upon which
is a chalice.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL . CON... PITAL DE BOVELT'
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Spec.11; 3.2.Spec.Loose Seal.
GB Seal no.3376 1239
Bolton, Rector of the House of
N.C.H. VII, 215.
Size: 35 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval. St Thomas of Canterbury seated below a trefoiled canopy. Beneath is a kneeling figure praying.
Inscription: ...TI RECTORIS . DOMV D'BOL.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Spec.14
Bolton, Former Master of the Hospital of: see 2635.
GB Seal no.3377 n.d.
Chibburn, Master of
A preceptory of the knights of the order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, commonly called Knight's Hospitallers, known later as the Knights of Rhodes. It was near Widdrington, Northumberland, for an account of the place see A.A. 2nd ser.
V, p. 113. The deed names brother Robert Grosthette, late master and guardian and brother John Craucum (?) preceptor of the same.
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A head.
Inscription: ...ATRIS : ROBERTI : GR...
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Spec.29
GB Seal no.3378 1343
Jerusalem at Clerkenwell, Hospital of St John of
The grand priory of the knights of this order in England was at Clerkenwell. It was destroyed by the protector Somerset, and only the gatehouse now stands. By this charter, William, clerk of Foxden in the diocese of Durham, grants land there to
the prior and brethren of the order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem in England. It is dated at Fontem Clericorum juxta London, 20 June 1343. The remnant of the legend on the reverse of the seal bears the name 'Thame', and is that used by
Philip of Thame, grand prior in England (1335-1353). I have not been able to identify the shield on the obverse, but it is probably his. The report of Philip of Thame to the grand master for 1338 has been printed by the Camden Society 1857, and the
introduction gives an interesting account of the knights in England. SBM 4539.
Size: -Size: Secretum: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Very imperfect. Armorial two bends, on a chief three pierced molets.Secretum: imperfect. Antique gem (?) the bust of a bearded man wearing a flat cap and cloak.
Inscription: 1. Legend destroyed.Secretum: ... THAME.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] C29
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3379 1189
Kepyer, Hospital of St Giles of
St Giles - About a mile north-east of the city of Durham. For its history see S.D. IV, pt. II, 61; H.D. II, 382; and
Memorials of St Giles', Durham (S.S.95). This seal is engraved no. 1 frontispiece of the latter volume, and charter is printed ibid. p. 212 (Not. Mon. 114; Mon. Ang. VI, 731). The altar of St Giles at Durham was in the
aisle of the north transept;
Rites 112.
Size: 41 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A cross patriarchal.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.45a
GB Seal no.3380 1199
Kepyer, Hospital of St Giles of
This cross is very similar to that used on the seal of Durham monastery, only it has a longer lower limb. It is engraved no. 2 frontispiece, S.S. 95 and charter is printed ibid. p. 213.
Size: 44 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A cross paty, a saltire at the intersection.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.45b; 6.4.Elemos.12 (with traces of a reverse); 1.7.Spec.47.
Digitised version GB Seal no.3381 1291
Kepyer, Hospital of St Giles of
This seal is no. 3 frontispiece, S.S. 95, see ibid. 269 for charter. In the third light, the window above the altar of St Giles at Durham was "pictured saint Gyles in a blew habitt, with ye hind at his feete shott wth a shaft" (
Rites , 112); referring to the legend of the hind protected from the hunters by the saint.
Size: 54 x 35 mm.Size: Secretum: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval. St Giles, with hind, standing on a bracket. He is tonsured and in monastic habit, his right hand holds his crosier, his left a book to his breast.Secretum: oval. Antique gem, a lion (?)
Inscription: ..IGIL... IDI...YPPIE.Secretum: * FRANGE LEGE TEGE
Seal attached to document reference: 4.14.Spec.10
GB Seal no.3382 1335
Kepyer, Hospital of St Giles of
This seal is no. 5 frontispiece, S.S. 95. St Giles is here vested as an abbot; he has always been traditionally so ranked (S.C.D. II, 46). According to the legend St Giles lived as a hermit in a cave near the mouth of the Rhone; here arose the
great Benedictine abbey of Saint Gilles with the town of the same name.
Size: 60 x 41 mm.
Seal design: Oval. St Giles standing on a bracket with his hind on his right side. He is tonsured and vested in mass vestments. In his right hand he holds a book, in his left a crosier. Field of seal is diapered.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Pont.15; 2.7.Spec.3, 4, 12; 1.15.Spec.13, 14, 24
Digitised version GB Seal no.3383 First half of 13th century
Kepyer, Hospital of St Giles of
This seal is no. 4 frontispiece S.S. 95. Charter 2.3.Sacr.1 is printed ibid. p. 269.
Size: 67 x 44 mm.
Seal design: Oval. St Giles standing, on his right hand a hind lying down. He is tonsured and in monastic habit, his right hand holds a book, his left his crosier.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.7.Spec.1; 2.3.Sacr.1
Kepyer, Master of: see 2435.
GB Seal no.3384 1368
Newcastle-upon-Tyne, West Hospital of
Used by William of Norton, styled 'Magister hospitalis occidentalis de Novo Castro super Tynam'. It was founded by the townsmen for a master and six brethren, was situated near the west gate, dedicated to St Mary the Virgin and called Westgate
Spittal. Bourne's
History of Newcastle-upon-Tyne , p. 31; Not. Mon. 395; Mon. Ang. VI, 771.
Size: 51 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady with Christ seated. Very imperfect and poor impression.
Inscription: Legend destroyed.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6966
GB Seal no.3385 n.d.
Oxford, Hospital of St John Baptist at
Used by Nicholas, styled 'magister hospttalis S. Johis Bapt. extra portam orientalem Oxonie'. The buildings of St John's Hospital, which William of Waynflete acquired in 1457, formed the nucleus of Magdalene college and still partially exists in
the chaplain's quad; see
The Mediaeval Hospitals of England , by Miss Clay, for numerous references to this hospital and a mediaeval picture of it on page 1. See also Not. Mon. 429; Mon. Ang. VI, 678; V.C.H. Oxford, II, p. 158.
Size: 51 x 41 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A cross paty with dove above it.
Inscription: FRATRV ..OSPITALIS . S . IOHANN ... OXE...
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Ebor.18
GB Seal no.3386 n.d.
Sherburn, Hospital of
Sherburn - About three miles from the city of Durham. A hospital founded for lepers by bishop Hugh Puiset. H.D. II, 752; S.D. I, 127; Not. Mon. 114; J.R. Boyle's
Guide to Durham , 469; Mon. Ang. VI, 668.
Size: -
Seal design: Very imperfect, apparently a standing figure, holding out his right hand.
Inscription: Legend destroyed.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Finc.64.
GB Seal no.3387 1294-1324
Sherburn, Hospital of
Size: 57 x 41 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A standing figure with a smaller figure lying in a coffin in front of him (the raising of Lazarus).
Inscription: Legend destroyed.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6376‡; Loc.XXI, 1*
GB Seal no.3388 1304
Temple, Knights of the
Called also Knights Templars or Poor Knights of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon (pauperes commilitones Christi templique Salomonici), because Baldwin I, King of Jerusalem, gave to them, for their home, a part of his palace next to the so
called temple of Solomon. This seal is here used by William de la More, styled 'frater Willelmus de la More miliciae Templi in Anglia magister humilis'. The seal is called 'commune sigillum capituli'. The seal symbolic of their vow of poverty,
showing two knights riding on one horse appears only to have been used by the order in France; there is no example of its use in England. SBM 4488; Mon. Ang. VI, ii, 814; Not. Mon. XXIV.
Size: 32 mm.Size: Secretum: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round. The Holy Lamb with banner.Secretum: round. A bearded head wearing a flat cap.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] S22
Digitised version GB Seal no.3389 1279
York, Master of the Hospital of St Peter at
This seal is used as Secretum to the seal of Rufinus, archdeacon of Cleveland (no. 3290), by R., styled master of the hospital of St Peter, York. This was called later St Leonard's Hospital (see next note). Not. Mon. 642; Mon. Ang. VI, 607;
V.C.H. Yorks. III, 336.
Size: 19 x 13 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Antique gem, a figure driving two goats.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4261, 4262
GB Seal no.3390 1385
York, Hospital of St Leonard at
This was the same foundation as that of the previous seal. It was originally founded by the canons of the cathedral church of St Peter near the west end of the church, and known by that saint's name. Later is was removed to the site of the
present ruins which occupy only the north part of the site, the buildings originally extended for some distance across the present street, where King Stephen built a large church within its precincts, dedicated to St Leonard after which the hospital
usually went by his name. Not. Mon. 642; Mon. Ang. VI, 607; V.C.H. Yorks. III, 336.
Size: -
Seal design: Oval, imperfect. A figure standing under a canopy holding a book in his left hand and a crosier in his right. Beneath is a figure playing.
Inscription: S' OFFICII SC LEO...
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Sacr.11
GB Seal no.3391 1344
Cambridge, Chancellor of the University of
A canting device representing the chancellor as head of the university of Cambridge. There is a detailed account of the seals of the university and colleges of Cambridge by Sir W.H. St John Hope in P.L.A. X. 225 et seq. The seal is here used by
Thomas of Northwode, styled chancellor of the university of Cambridge, archdeacon of Lincoln and canon of the same church. This was Master Thomas of Northwode, S.T.P. archdeacon of Lincoln 26 May 1331 (L.N. II, 44). He was prebendary of Welton
Paynshall, 8 September 1327 (Lincoln Reg. IV, f. 400d); archdeacon of Stow 14 April 1328 (L.N. II, 77), sub-dean of Lincoln, 14 June 1328 (L.N. II, 38). He exchanged the prebend of Welton Paynshall for that of Bishop's Norton, 18 May 1329 (Lincoln
Reg. IV f. 401d) and the subdeanery for the treasureship on the same day (L.N. II, 88). He died in 1349.
Size: 22 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A man's head cut off at the neck, and wearing a flat cap, placed upon a bridge of four arches spanning a river (CAM), with fish in it.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4240
Digitised version GB Seal no.3392 1340
Oxford, Chancellor of the University of
SBM 5254.
Size: 51 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval. The chancellor in academic gown and round cap, seated, holding a pen (?) in his right hand and in his left a book. On each side of him is seated a scholar in gown and hood each holding a book, and
apparently, disputing. Beneath is an ox standing.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.4.Ebor.16, 25; 2.2.Pont.13
Digitised version GB Seal no.3393 n.d.
Oxford, Chancellor and University of
SBM 5253.
Size: 70 x 51 mm.
Seal design: Oval. The chancellor seated, beneath a church like canopy, wearing an academic gown and round cap. He holds a book to his breast with both hands. On each side and beneath him, seated on benches, are twelve
youthful figures, tonsured and in monastic habits, engaged in disputing.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Ebor.51; 2.6.Ebor.6.
GB Seal no.3394 1521
Oxford, Chancellor of the University of
The figures represent the chancellor between two doctors or masters of arts, the demi figures above probably representing the two proctors. The shield in chief bears the arms of the university blasoned azure between three crowns of gold an open
book with seven golden seals attached to the dexter side and inscribed with the words 'Dominus illuminatio mea'. These words are not visible on this seal. The three golden crowns derive from the shield attributed to St Edmund the king. The shield in
base bears the canting arms of the city of Oxford; SBM 5255.
Size: 76 (?) x 51 mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect. The chancellor, in round cap, tippet and gown, seated in a central canopied niche, holding a book with both hands. On each side of him in a similar niche is the figure of a doctor (?) wearing a
flat cap, tippet and gown. Above in the centre, in a smaller niche, is a shield of arms, an open book, with seven seals attached to its dexter side, between three crowns, on each side in a niche is a demi figure in tippet and gown holding a staff.
The lower part of seal is destroyed but in it would be a shield of arms, an ox walking through a ford.

sigillvm ... universitatis


Seal attached to document reference: 2.6.Ebor.6
GB Seal no.3395 1437
Oxford, College of the Monks of Durham at
Said to have been first founded c.1249 by William, archdeacon of Durham. Prior Hugh of Darlington c. 1287-90, sent monks to study at Oxford (HDST 72) and his successor, Richard of Hoton, built and endowed a hall for them there (HDST 73). It was
known as Durham Hall. Trinity College now occupies its site and some of its buildings. For an account of this college see
Durham University , by Rev. Canon Fowler; and “Some Durham College Rolls” , by Rev. H.E.D. Blakiston in
Collectanea , vol. III, Oxford Historical
Society's publications; also V.C.H. Oxford, II, 69. The shield in base is that of bishop Hatfield of Durham, now blasoned azure a chevron gold between three lions rampant silver, who permanently founded and endowed the college c.1379. This seal is
engraved plate II “Some Durham College Rolls” as above.
Size: 41 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady, robed and crowned, holding the child Christ, standing in a central niche. On the dexter in a similar niche is St Cuthbert with mitre and crosier and holding in his right hand the head of St
Oswald, on the dexter is a robed figure. On the exergue is 'ST CUTHBERT'. Beneath is a shield of arms a chevron between three lions rampant.
Inscription: sigillvm co'me colle gii monachor dunelm oxon.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.6.Ebor.1; Loc.XVI.19.
GB Seal no.3396 1340
Oxford, Master and Scholars of the Hall of Baliol at
The figures in base represent Dervorguila, daughter and coheiress of Alan, Earl of Galloway, by his wife Margaret, sister of John 'le Scot', Earl of Chester and coheiress of David of Scotland, Earl of Huntingdon, and her husband John Baliol (d.
1269) who, c.1263 founded several scholarships at Oxford. After his death his widow Dervorguila founded the college which now bears the name of Balliol. The shield on the dexter is for the earldom of Chester, azure three sheaves gold first borne by
Earl Ranulf 'de Blondeville', d. 1232; the shield on the sinister is that of John 'le Scot', Earl of Chester and of Huntingdon, d. 1237. It is blasoned gold three piles gules ('Scut' aur. tres pali' gul', O.B. II, 225). Two piles only are here drawn
probably this is an error of the engraver. Dervorguila supports her own shield for the lordship of Galloway blasoned azure a lion rampant silver crowned gold (Jenyn's Ordinary). John Baliol bears his own shield gules a false escucheon (orle) silver.
It is here depicted probably in error, as an escucheon. The legend expanded reads, SIGILLUM COMMUNE DE BALLIOLO, SCUTA NOTANT STANTES PIA VIRGO DOMUM TIBI DANTES. (SBM 5261). The seal and secretum of the lady Dervorguila are described in Laing's
Catalogue of Scottish Seals , II, p. 14, and are illustrated ibid. pl. V. Balliol college now bears gules an orle silver, the entire arms of John Baliol.
Size: 67 x 51 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady, crowned and robed, seated on a throne with the child Christ on her knee. The throne is placed upon the roof of a building, and beneath a trefoiled canopy with a church above it. Beneath the
throne, on the exergue, is inscribed 'DOM SCOLARI V D' BALL'O'. On the dexter side is a shield of arms three sheaves, on the sinister a like shield, two piles. Beneath the roof upon which the throne is placed, are two kneeling figures supporting it
with their upraised right hands. The dexter figure is the robed figure of a lady holding by her left hand a shield of arms, a lion rampant. The figure on the sinister is that of an armed knight bearing on his left arm a shield charged with an
Inscription: S' ⋮

E⋮D' ⋮ BALL' . SCVTA ⋮ NOTA ⋮ [ST] ⋮ PIA ⋮ [V'GO : DOMV' T' . D]ATES
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Pont.13
Digitised version GB Seal no.3397 1307
Oxford, Master and Scholars of the Hall of Baliol at
Used by them to an agreement with the convent of Durham. The name is broken off the legend and it is not possible to tell whose seal it was.
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A tonsured figure in clerical habit praying. In front a shield of arms a bird (? heron), above the shield is John Baptist's head in a charger, and above all is the Holy Lamb.
Inscription: .. MAG ... NICHIL.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Ebor.41
Digitised version GB Seal no.3397(i) 1307
Oxford, Merton College
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5832
MonasticGB Seal no.3398 1361
Walter, Abbot of Abingdon
Abindgon - Berkshire. A Benedictine abbey dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Traditionally founded c.675 by Cissa, King of the West Saxons. Hean was the first abbot. It was refounded, after destruction by the Danes, by St Ethelwold in the time
of King Edgar. The seal is that 'quo utimur pro acquitanciis'. An eleventh century seal of the abbey and the seal of abbot John Sante (1469-95) are illustrated plate I, V.C.H. Berks. II, p. 62; see also ibid. p. 51, Mon. Ang. I, 505, Not. Mon. 10,
Chronicon Monasterii de Abingdon , 2 vols. Rolls Series.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round. Our Lady standing holding Christ, in front of them a female figure standing, a plant between them. Beneath is a kneeling figure of the abbot praying.
Inscription: S' WALTERI : D... LE...ND
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4860
GB Seal no.3398(i) 1361-1384
Peter, Abbot of Abingdon
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 49, 4289, 4289*, 4313.
GB Seal no.3399 1432
Ralph, Abbot of Abingdon
Ralph Hamme succeeded as abbot July 1428 (Mon. Ang. I, 509). This shield is usually blasoned silver a cross flory (sometimes patonce) between four martlets sable. Dugdale (ibid. I, 511 note c) makes the field gold. The same shield is also on the
seal of John Sante (see note I) together with two other shields, one bearing a lion rampant and the other a tree bearing fruit. See also E.H. 352.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round. An angel with his hands raised in prayer. In front of him a shield of arms a cross flory between four martlets.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4353
Digitised version GB Seal no.3400 1190
Gilbert, Abbot of Alnwick
Alnwick - Northumberland. An abbey of Premonstratensian Canons, called also Norbertines or White canons, a reformed order of the canons regular of St Augustine following the rule of St Norbert as established by him at the abbey of Prémontré in
the diocese of Laon, France, 1120. It was dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Founded by Eustace Fitz John, Lord of Alnwick, 1147; colonised from Newhouse. There is a ground plan of the abbey and an account of its buildings by Sir W.H. St John
Hope in A.A. 2nd ser. XIII, p. 1. Gilbert was abbot c.1190-1208. See Mon. Ang. VI, 867; Not. Mon. 393; Tate's
History of Alnwick , II, 1; A.A. 1st ser. II, 214; and III, 33. This seal is engraved (incorrectly)
Priory of Finchale , p. 19, charter no. 37 is printed ibid. p. 16. Extracts from the
Premonstratensian Statutes are printed in
Customs of Augustinian Canons by J. Willis Clark, p. CI; see also
Collectanea Anglo-Praemonstratensia ed. Gasquet (Camden Soc. 3rd ser. vols VI,
X and XI).
Size: 22 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, slightly dished. A standing figure in monastic habit, holding crosier in right hand and a book in left.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Ebor.10, 11; 3.6.Spec.37
GB Seal no.3401 n.d.
Alnwick, Abbot of
Used by Master Roger of Burton, vicar of Ellingham (ob. 1239) to an obligation to pay fifteen marks annually to the convent of Durham for the church of Ellingham. The seal is therefore that of an abbot before 1239.
Size: 22 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A tonsured figure in monastic habit standing, holding a crosier in his right hand and a book to his breast in left.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Spec.25
Digitised version GB Seal no.3402 1239
Peter, Abbot of Alnwick
For purport of deed see Tate's
History of Alnwick , II, p. 20.
Size: 41 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A hand issuing from the dexter side of the seal, holding a crosier outwards.
Inscription: . IGILL' : ABBATIS DE ALNEW...
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Spec.14
GB Seal no.3403 n.d.
William, Abbot of Alnwick
He was abbot in 1260, Tate op. cit. II, 18. SBM 2555.
Coll. Angl.-Praemons. II, p. 15.
Size: 44 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A tonsured figure of the abbot in monastic habit, holding crosier in left hand and a book to his breast in left.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1226
GB Seal no.3404 1284
Alnwick, Abbot of
The charter is dated VII Kal. Sept. 1284. Thomas of Kirkby was then abbot. Tate, op, cit, II, 18.
Size: 44 x ? mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect. A tonsured figure, standing holding crosier in right hand and a book to his breast in left, on the dexter in the field are three stars and two crescents alternately one above the other, the
sinister side of seal is destroyed.
Inscription: . IGILLUM AB...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5192
GB Seal no.3404A 1285
Alnwick, Sacrist of
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A conventional tree on the branches of which four birds are seated in pairs, two on each side of the stem.
Inscription: ✠ S' ...R. LEGE : VERA.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6691
GB Seal no.3405 1388
Appleby, Prior of
Appleby - Westmorland. A priory of Carmelites or White Friars, founded by Lords Vescy, Percy and Clifford, 1281. In this charter the monks call themselves 'Prior et Conventus de Appilbie ordinis B. Marie genetricis Dei de Carmel'. Mon. Ang. Vi,
1581; Not. Mon. 588. This seal is SBM 2560.
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady with Christ seated beneath a canopy with side shafts, above is a star. Beneath is a demi-figure of the prior praying.
Inscription: S' . PRIORIS . DE . APPILBY
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4470
GB Seal no.3406 n.d.
Barlings, Abbey of
Barlings - Lincolnshire. An abbey of Premonstratensian canons, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, founded by Ralph Haya, a son of the constable of Lincoln castle, 1154; colonised from Newhouse. Mon. Ang. VI, 915; Not. Mon. 270; Visits Linc.
App. I, p. 167; V.C.H. Lincoln II, 202;
Coll. Anglo-Praemon. ed. Gasquet, vol. II, p. 29 et passim. Seals are SBM 2594-2604.
Size: -
Seal design: Oval, imperfect. Our Lady with Christ seated in a canopied niche.
Inscription: SIGILLU ... AD CAUSAS
Seal attached to document reference: [G] C68
GB Seal no.3407 1386
Bermondsey, Priory of St Saviour's of
Bermondsey - Surrey. A priory of Cluniac monks (a reformed order of Benedictines following the rule of the abbey of Cluny, France), dedicated to Our Holy Saviour, founded by Aylwin Child, 1082. Erected into an abbey by pope Boniface IX, 13 August
1399. For the shield of the abbey see Mon. Ang. V, 85 and V.C.H. Surrey, IV, p. 20 et passim. Various seals of the abbey and abbots are described Mon. Ang. V, 95; V.C.H. Surrey II, 67 and SBM 2634, 2635. The legend given in B.M. catalogue for this
seal is SIGILL' : ECCLE'IE : SCI : SALVATORIS : DE : BERMUNDESEYE. It is used here by Richard of Duntone prior 1372-90. Mon. Ang. V 85; Not. Mon. 535, V.C.H. Surrey II, 64.
Size: 57 mm.Size: Secretum: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round, imperfect. The Transfiguration.Secretum: round. Demi figure of our Lord with cruciferous nimbus, his hands raised, above his left a small cross.
Inscription: ✠ SIG... OR ...EYESecretum: ✠ EGO SUM : VIA : VERITAS : ET : VITA :
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 410
GB Seal no.3408 1243
Blanchland, Abbot of
Blanchland - Northumberland. An abbey of Premonstratensian canons dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, founded by Walter of Bolbec III, 1165; colonised from Croxton. Mon. Ang. VI, 886; Not. Mon. 393; N.C.H. VI, 313. This seal is engraved ibid.
p. 315, note 3.
Coll. Anglo-Praemons. ed. Gasquet, vol. II, p. 89 et passim.
Size: 38 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A hand issuing from the dexter side of seal, holding a crosier inwards.
Inscription: ✶ S. ABATTIS : DE ALBA...DA
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Ebor.26a
GB Seal no.3409 1320
William, Abbot of Blanchland
Used by William, styled 'minister humilis ecclesiae de Alba Landa'. See N.C.H. VI, 316, note 7.
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval. The abbot in mass vestments standing, holding crosier in right hand and in his left a book in front of his breast. The field of the seal is diapered in a running foliage pattern.
Inscription: SIGILLUM : ABB...S DE : A . BALAN..
Seal attached to document reference: 1.17.Spec.14
GB Seal no.3410 1234
Blanchland, Abbey of
See N.C.H. VI, 315, note 2. Also SBM 2551.
Size: 41 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady seated in vesica, robed and holding Christ, in her right hand she holds a sceptre. On each side is a crescent enclosing a star. Beneath is a figure of the abbot in monastic habit standing, holding
a crosier in his left hand, on each side is a semi-circular doorway.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.11.Spec.13
GB Seal no.3411 1239
Alan, Prior of Brinkburn
Brinkburn - Northumberland. A priory of Austin canons originally dedicated to St Peter but later to SS. Peter and Paul (see legend of seal no. 3416), founded by William Bertram I, of Mitford, in the time of Henry I. Mon. Ang. VI, 331; Not. Mon.
391; N.C.H. VII, 455;
The Chartulary of Brinkburn , S.S. 90. This seal is engraved N.C.H. VII, pl. facing p. 464, no. 4. For account of the customs and observances of this order see
Customs of Augustinian
Canons , by J. Willis Clark.
Size: 41 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A hand, issuing from the dexter, holding two keys.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Spec.14, 25
GB Seal no.3412 1245
William, Prior of Brinkburn
N.C.H. VII, pl. face p. 464; S.S. 90, p. XIV.
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A standing figure vested in alb, amice, stole, chasuble, maniple hanging from left wrist, his hands raised.
Inscription: ... WILLI : P'ORIS... BRINKEBURNE
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Ebor.26a
Digitised version GB Seal no.3413 1248
William, Prior of Brinkburn
N.C.H. VII, pl. face p. 464, no. 5; S.S. op, p. XIV.
Size: 22 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect. St Peter (?) in mass vestments, seated and wearing a mitre with the horns at either side of the head. He holds a crosier in his left hand, his right is blessing (?) (now destroyed).
Inscription: SIGILLU ... RI.D...E . BRIN...
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Spec.40
GB Seal no.3414 n.d.
Nicholas, Prior of Brinkburn
N.C.H. VII, pl. face p. 464, no. 3; S.S. 90, p. XIV.
Size: 35 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A demi figure of St Peter, below a church like canopy, holding a book in his right hand and two keys in his left. Beneath has been a figure praying (now destroyed). A row of pierced cinquefoils beyond the
niche shafts on either side.
Inscription: S' NICHOLA... IS DE BRINK...
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Spec.51
GB Seal no.3415 1288
Geoffrey, Prior of Brinkburn
N.C.H. VII, pl. face p. 464, no. 2; S.S. 90, p. XIV; SBM 2717.
Size: 44 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A tonsured figure in mass vestments seated on a chair with arms, holding a cross headed staff in his right hand and a book to his breast in his left.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1226; temp. Nicholas IV
GB Seal no.3416 1391
Brinkburn, Priory of
N.C.H. VII, pl. face p. 464, no. 1; engraved S.S. 90 pl. facing p. XVI. SBM 2715. It is used here by John styled prior of 'Brenkeburne'.
Size: 63 x 38 mm.
Seal design: Oval. St Peter standing on the dexter, holding a book in his right hand and two keys in his left and facing towards St Paul who stands on the sinister and holds a book in his right hand and a sword in his left.
Beneath is a tonsured figure of the prior praying.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Pont.II; 3.12.Pont.3
GB Seal no.3417 n.d.
Brun, Monastery of the New Place upon
Brun - Durham. A priory of Austin canons, colonised from Guisborough, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Founded by Henry Puiset in the latter part of the 12th century, originally at Haswell but transferred early to Baxtanford (now Baxterwood)
on the river Browney about one mile from Durham. For its history see
Priory of Finchale , S.S. 6, p. X. This charter is printed and seal engraved ibid. pp. 14 and 15.
Size: 22 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady seated with Christ.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.6.Spec.76
GB Seal no.3418 n.d.
Bury St Edmund's, Abbey of
Bury St Edmund's - Suffolk. Sigebert, King of the East Angles founded a monastery here c.633, its name was then Beodricesworth. The body of St Edmund, King and martyr, was buried here in 903 and the name of the place changed, as his fame spread,
to St Edmund's Bury. In 1020 Aelfwine bishop of Elmham put Benedictine monks in the place of seculars. In the same year a charter of endowment was granted by King Cnut. For various seals of the abbey and abbots see V.C.H. Suffolk II, pl. face p. 72;
Mon. Ang. III, 132; and SBM nos. 2796-2815. See also Mon. Ang. III, 98, Not. Mon. 504, V.C.H. Suffolk II, 56.
Size: 79 x ? mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect. King Edmund, robed and crowned, seated on throne holding sceptre in right hand and orb in left.
Inscription: ...RIS
Seal attached to document reference: [G] B8
GB Seal no.3419 n.d.
Samson, Abbot of Bury St Edmund's
Samson of Tottington, 1182-1211. V.C.H. Suffolk II, 59; Mon. Ang. III, 105. On his surname see note p. 121
Chronica Jocelini de Brakelond , (Camden Soc.). See also Carlyle's
Past and Present , book II.
Size: -
Seal design: A fragment only, a mitred head.
Inscription: Legend destroyed.
Seal attached to document reference: [G] B8
GB Seal no.3420 1423
Bury St Edmund's, Abbey of
Used by William Excetre, abbot 1415-29. The arms blasoned by Dugdale for the abbey are azure three golden crowns each pierced by two arrows placed saltireways gold. The earlier shield seems to have been simply azure three crowns gold as blasoned
on the banner described Mon. Ang. III, 104, note d. Later the instruments of St Edmund's martyrdom were added. The number of crowns and arrows varied both in number and disposition. See
Emblems of the Saints by F.C. Husenbeth, 3rd ed. app. II, pp. 15 and 16, where seven varieties are given, also E.H. pp. 360, 361; and SBM nos. 2808, 2815.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round. Armorial three crowns, the lower one pierced with an arrow, on dexter side of shield is an arrow and on the sinister side is a sword.
Inscription: Legend destroyed.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 413
Digitised version GB Seal no.3421 n.d.
Byland, Abbot of
Byland - Yorkshire. A Cistercian abbey dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, founded at Old Byland by Roger Mowbray (nos. 1837-1840 in this catalogue) 1143. Richard was abbot c.1223-1230 The arms of the abbey were gules a lion rampant silver over
all a crosier bendways sinister that is the shield of Mowbray differenced by the abbot's crosier. Dugdale gives an alternative shield quarterly gules and silver a crosier bendways. Mon. Ang. V, 343; Not. Mon. 657; V.C.H. Yorks III,131; Tonge's
Visit , S.S. 41, p. 61; E.H. 361 and SBM 2822. See also
Yorks Arch. Socy. Record Series , XVII, 27.
Size: 35 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A hand and arm issuing from the sinister side of seal, holding a crosier. In the field are five stars (?)
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1227; 3.8.Spec.15
GB Seal no.3422 1429
William, Abbot of Byland
William Helperby c.1429-69. He is styled here collector within the archdeaconry of Cleveland. This is probably his seal for that office.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round signet. W in a circle.
Inscription: s' help ... aud ...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4280, 5078
GB Seal no.3423 1248
Carlisle, Priory of
Carlisle - Cumberland. A priory of Austin canons dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, founded and endowed by Walter a Norman priest in the time of Henry I. Its arms were silver a cross sable. Mon. Ang. VI, 141; Not. Mon. 73; V.C.H. Cumberland
II, 131, seal engraved pl. facing p. 130; E.H. 362.
Size: 60 mm.
Seal design: Round. Half figure of Our Lady with Christ; on each side an angel swinging a censer; below each a representation of the priory church. Beneath, under a semi circular outer arch, are two trefoiled arches, in each
of which is a figure rising out of a tower, that on the sinister a bishop (of Carlisle?) with crosier and mitre, that on the dexter a canon regular (the prior?); both are praying. In the spandril of the arch is a cross in vesica.
Inscription: ✠ ...LESIE : SANCTE : M...EOLI
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Spec.34
GB Seal no.3424 1167
Croyland, Abbey of
Croyland - Lincolnshire. A Benedictine abbey, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, St Bartholomew and St Guthlac, said to have been founded by Ethelbald of Mercia 716, at the place where St Guthlac the hermit had lived. It was destroyed by the
Danes 870 and refounded by Turketyl 948. Mon. Ang. II, 90; Not. Mon. 249; Visits Linc. App. I, 153; V.C.H. Lincoln II 105; SBM 3018. The arms of the abbey were quarterly, I and IV gules three flaying knives silver, II and III azure three scourges
gold quarters I and IV bear the emblem of St Bartholomew II and III that of St Guthlac. Another shield blasoned for the abbey is gules a cross patonce gold and a border azure crusilly gold. E.H. 365 and
Emblems of the Saints F.C. Husenbeth, 3rd ed. app. II, pp. 21 and 22.
Size: 73 x 44 mm.
Seal design: Oval, dished. A tonsured figure of St Guthlac in alb and chasuble standing, apparently blessing with his right hand, the left, stretched out from his side, holds a scourge (?)
Seal attached to document reference: 1.4.Ebor.9
GB Seal no.3425 1333
Croyland, Abbey of
The figures represent St Bartholomew and St Guthlac. The charter names Henry then abbot. Henry of Casewick 1324-1358 (V.C.H. Lincoln II, 110).
Size: 60 x 35 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Two figures standing, beneath a church like canopy, opposite to each other, the one on the dexter is bearded and holds a cross in a circle, the other, who is tonsured holds up a triple thonged
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4448
Digitised version GB Seal no.3426 n.d.
Drax, Priory of
Drax - Yorkshire. A priory of Austin canons dedicated to St Nicholas, founded by William Paynell in the time of Henry I. Mon. Ang. VI, 195; Not. Mon. 655; V.C.H. Yorks III, 205;
Yorks. Arch. Socy. Record Series XVII, 38. The arms of the priory were silver on a fess gules between three 'drakes', a cinquefoil silver. Tonge's
Visit S.S. 41, p. 63; E.H. 366; SBM
3074. Secretum - Used by prior Thomas of Campsall c.1282-86. V.C.H. Yorks. III, 208; SBM 3075.
Size: 70 x 22 mm.Size: Secretum: 41 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A mitred figure of an archbishop (St Nicholas) standing vested in alb, dalmatic, chasuble, amice, pall and maniple, his right hand blessing, his left holding his crosier.Secretum: oval. Half figure of the prior, tonsured hood on shoulders.
Inscription: SIGILLUM CAPITUL ... NICH ... DE DRA.Secretum: ✠ SIGILLUM : PRIORIS : DE : D .
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Ebor.6
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3427 n.d.
Durham, Priory of
Bishop Aldhune and the 'congregation of St Cuthbert', removed from Ripon to Durham, 995. In 1083 bishop William of Saint-Calais transferred the monks from Jarrow and Wearmouth to Durham, ejected the seculars, who were there, and established a
cathedral priory of Benedictine monks. The ancient dedication was to the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Cuthbert. Mon. Ang. I, 219; Not. Mon. III; HDST, S.S. 9; Sym. S.S. 51, and Rolls Series;
Rites of Durham S.S. 107; Durham Account Rolls, S.S. 99, 100, 103;
Durham Cathedral , by Rev. J. Raine; H.D. II, 61. There is also a very full account of the cathedral church and
monastery in J.R. Boyle's
Guide to the County of Durham .
Seal no. 1: This cross, more properly described as a cross shaped reliquary, was very probably copied from that worn by St Cuthbert and found on his breast at the examination of his body; see
St Cuthbert , by Rev. J. Raine, pl. I, fig. 3. It is certainly of high antiquity. The rude and early form of the Roman capitals of the legend may well date from the end of the tenth or early eleventh century. The
matrix in the Chapter Library of Durham is a later copy, when made is not known. See “The Banner and Cross of St Cuthbert” , A.A. 2nd ser. II, p. 55.
Seal no. 2: This beautifully engraved gem, representing the 'father of gods and men', wearing the 'modius' and surrounded by thunderbolts, is of later use than the obverse; the beautifully cut letters of the legend, of clear Lombardic type, are
apparently of early 13th century date. It is here used to represent the head of St Oswald, as Charles the Great used the same head to typify that of Christ. See also nos. 481 and 3552.
1.4.Spec.105 (temp. Prior Bertram) has only the obverse
Size: 51 mm.Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Obverse: round. A cross paty with a small saltire at the intersection, and a round dot at each of the four ends of the saltire.Reverse: round. Antique gem, the head of Jupiter Serapis.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1208, 1236, 1250, 1252, 1256, 1259, 1273, 1280, 1281, 4545; 1.4.Spec.98, 107; 1.9.Spec.38; 2.9.Spec.11; 3.12.Spec.14; 3.6.Spec.2, 3, 6; 1.8.Spec.16, 18; 2.8.Spec.48; 2.11.Spec.25; Misc.Ch.1828, and
many more. [G] D1
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3428 1335
Durham, Priory of
Seal used by the convent as collector of tenths for the defence of the realm.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round. Within a figure, formed by the intersection of a quatrefoil with a square, in the cuspings of which are the evangelistic symbols, is an ornate cross in the centre of which is a small cross.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4165
Digitised version Priors of DurhamGB Seal no.3429 1163-1186
The dates given for the various priors are from the list at the end of
Durham Cathedral by Rev. Wm. Greenwell, D.C.L., etc. See also
Durham Account Rolls , S.S. and ibid. introduction, vol. III, p. iii, for a general account of their position and rank, 'the
lord Prior besides being so eminent an ecclesiastic was a great county magnate, ranking with the Nevilles of Raby and Brancepeth, the Percys of Alnwick ... while in Durham itself he kept a state only a little inferior to that of the great Prince
Bishop himself'. Their seals are not in a good state of preservation, being mostly much broken and decayed.
1163-1186. He was monk of the convent. HDST 8 and xxxv; H.D. II, 69.
Size: 57 x 38 mm.
Seal design: Oval. The prior, in monastic habit, seated on a chair holding a book with both hands.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL : GERMANI : PR... ENSIS : ECCL'SIE
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Spec.6
Digitised version GB Seal no.3430 1188-1208
1188-1208. HDST 8 and xxxv; H.D. II, 70.
Size: 63 x 44 mm.
Seal design: Oval. The prior tonsured and in monastic habit seated, reading at a desk.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.3.Ebor.10; Misc.Ch. 1262
Digitised version GB Seal no.3431 1244-1258
Bertram of Middleton
1244-1258. H.D. II, 74.
Size: 57 x 41 mm.
Seal design: Oval. The prior tonsured and in monastic habit, standing on a bracket, holding a book to his breast with both hands. In the field on each side is a conventional tree.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.3.Finc.7
Digitised version GB Seal no.3432 1258-1272
Hugh of Darlington
1258-1272. He was sub-prior under prior Bertram. He resigned because of infirmity 1272. HDST 48. After the resignation of prior Richard of Claxton, Hugh was re-elected and held the office from 1285-1289. He was elected 11 January 1285, confirmed
by bishop Antony Bek at Bagworth near Leicester, and installed by the clerk of the archdeacon on the Thursday after the feast of the Purification in the same year. HDST 72; H.D. II, 77 and 81.
Size: 57 x ? mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect. The same design as no. 3431 with altered legend (?)
Inscription: ...RIORIS DUNE...
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Ebor.18
GB Seal no.3433 1278
Richard of Claxton
1272, resigned 1285. He was prior of Holy Island. Robert of Graystanes says that his election was confirmed at Darlington on the second day afterwards and that he was installed at Durham by the archdeacon of Durham on the feast of the
Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary (2 February). The first note we have of these rites upon the election of a new prior. HDST 55; H.D. II, 80; SBM 3094. Seal engraved S.D. seals, pl. XII, no. 2.
Size: 57 x 41 mm.
Seal design: Oval. The same design as nos. 3431, 3432, with altered legend.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Archiep.22; 4.1.Archiep.3a, 3b; 1.8.Spec.17
GB Seal no.3434 1286
Richard of Claxton
cf. 610. Styled brother Richard of Claxton, late prior of Durham.
Size: 41 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Antique gem, a naked figure standing in front of a horse.
Inscription: ✠ HEC... FLOS.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4872
GB Seal no.3435 1292
Richard of Hoton
1289-1308. He was prior of the cell at Lytham. His election was confirmed by the bishop (Bek) on 28 March 1289 and he was installed by the official of the archdeacon on 9 April. He died at Poitiers, 9 January 1308. For a detailed account of his
quarrel with bishop Antony, of his deposition, imprisonment and restitution, see
“The Bishopric of Durham under Antony Bek” , A.A. 3rd ser. IX, 89. HDST 73 and 84; H.D. II, 81. For a complete seal of his, see
Catalogue of seals in the PRO, Monastic seals , I no.
M307 and pl. 29.
Size: 73 x ? mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect. The prior standing on a carved bracket, beneath a canopy with side shafts. He is in monastic habit and holds a book to his breast with both hands. The field of the seal is diapered.
Inscription: ...ARDI : PRI... DUNE...
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Ebor.43
Digitised version GB Seal no.3436 1310
William of Tanfield
1308-1313. He was prior of Wetheral. The office was conferred upon him ('vel potius vendidit quia pro illa collatione habuit Papa tria millia marcarum et cardinales mille', HDST 85), by the pope, at the request of the King (Edward II) and bishop
Bek, 25 February 1308. He was installed in the presence of Bek, the bishop of Carlisle and the abbot of St Mary's York and many others, on the feast of St Cuthbert in September (Sept. 4) 1308. HDST 85; H.D. II, 86. He resigned because of old age and
infirmities about the feast of St Barnabas (11 June), 1313, and was granted the cell of Jarrow with the manor of 'Wardley' for his maintenance (HDST 95). The seal, which is greatly destroyed, appears to be identical with that of prior Cowton no.
Size: -
Seal design: Oval, very imperfect. The prior standing beneath a canopy. Above the canopy is TAN...LD, the field is diapered.
Inscription: SI...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4442; 3.5.Spec.4 (fragment)
GB Seal no.3437 1317
Geoffrey of Burdon
1313-1322. He was sub-prior of Durham. Elected soon after the feast of SS. Peter and Paul the Apostles (June 29), confirmed shortly afterwards and installed the same day. He resigned because of accusations brought against him at an Episcopal
visitation (bishop Beaumont); he had a good defence but would not involve the convent in the needful expense of litigation. He was granted the cell at Wearmouth with its tithes and those of Fulwell for his maintenance. HDST 85 and 102; H.D. II, 88.
The seal is that which he uses as collector of the procurations of the cardinals Gocelin and Luke. For another seal, see Loc.XIX.97.
Size: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A tree above which is a human head and beneath it, a dog asleep.
Inscription: Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4314
GB Seal no.3438 1322-1341
William of Cowton
1322-1341. He was elected after the renunciation of William of Guisborough, confirmed by the bishop and installed on the Invention of the Holy Cross (3 May), (HDST 102). He died at Pittington and was buried with the brethren in the cemetery of
the monks at Durham. HDST 130; H.D. II, 88. His seals are all very imperfect.
Size: 70 x ? mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect. The prior standing on a carved bracket beneath a canopy, with side shafts, over which is 'COUTON'. He is in monastic habit and holds a book to his breast with both hands. On the sinister side is
a sunk quatrefoiled panel, within which is a head, that on the dexter is destoyed.
Inscription: ... PRIORIS ECC...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3469, 3592, 3867, 4008, 4400; 5.5.Elemos.9
GB Seal no.3439 1341-1374
John Fossor
1341-1374. He was a monk of Durham and master of Wearmouth. He was elected prior on 16 March and confirmed and installed on the last day of the same month (HDST 130). He placed the west window in the nave at Durham and the great north window in
the transept; he replaced and repaired the church books, spent large sums on church ornaments and vessels as well as on various monastic buildings. He died at Bearpark in his 90th year, on the feast of St Martin (12 November) 1374. His body was
placed in an ox hide (Acct. Rolls. 581) and buried in the north aisle at Durham before the altar of SS. Nicholas and Giles (HDST 136). See also
Rites , 53 and 218; Raine's
Brief Account , 34; Greenwell's
Durham Cathedral 71, 77; H.D. II, 89; “Official Heraldry of
Durham” , (
Herald and Genealogist VIII, 51); Foster's
Durham Visitation Pedigrees 122. The seal is SBM 3095 and is very imperfectly reproduced in Surtees, pl. XII, no. 1.
Size: 70 x 44 mm.
Seal design: Oval. The prior, tonsured and in monastic habit, standing on an ornamental bracket beneath a crocketed canopy with side shafts, holding a book in front of his breast with both hands. In the field on the dexter,
within a quatrefoiled panel is the mitred head of St Cuthbert; in a like panel on the sinister is the crowned head of St Oswald the King. Above each panel is a fleur de lys and beneath each is a cinquefoil. The field is diapered with a lozenge
pattern enclosing a small ring. Above this canopy is FOSSOR.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Spec.71; 3.11.Spec.15; 2.17.Spec.38; 2.4.Ebor.37; 3.4.Ebor.14, 23; 3.2.Elemos.11; Loc.XIX.64 (fragments)
Digitised version GB Seal no.3440 1330
Priors Cowton & Fossor
Seal used by them as collectors of tenths. SBM 3096.
Size: 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A demi figure of St Cuthbert holding crosier in his right hand, and in his left St Oswald's head in front of his breast. Beneath is a demi figure praying.
Inscription: ✠ ADE BERTE . PETO . SOLVE . TE . RITE . QUIETO
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4161, 4167, 4195, 4219, 4275, 4284, 4312, 4372, 4373, 4377 (fragment), 4495, 4979 (fragmentary), 5379
GB Seal no.3441 1380
Robert Wallworth
1374-1391. He is sometimes styled Robert Berrington of Wallworth. He was elected on the Monday next after the Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (11 December) 1374 and was confirmed and installed on the following Vigil of the Nativity of Our
Lord (24 December). HDST 136; H.D. II, 92. It was during his priorate that the priors of Durham received authority from the pope, second year of Urban VI (1380) to wear the pontifical insignia of mitre, crosier (baculum pastorale) ring, sandals, 'et
aliis pontificalibus insigniis'; this privilege was confirmed by the archbishop of York and the bishop of Durham in 1382. HDST app. CXXX, CXXXI, CXXXVI, CXXXVII, CLXXXV;
Rites 23, 213. He resigned his office at Bearpark, 21 July 1391 (HDST app. no. CXLIV) and was granted chambers and a chapel at Finchale, with the tithes of various townships (ibid. app. no. CXLV). The seal shows the
prior tonsured and in monastic habit before he had received authority to wear the pontificalia. No later seal of his is extant. The design is poor and badly executed. It is the first of the priors' seals with the legend in black letter and also the
first on which armorials appear. The shield on each side bears the arms of the monastery blasoned azure a cross patonce gold between four lions rampant silver. See note to seal 3152 above.
Size: 63 x 44 mm.
Seal design: Oval. St Cuthbert seated in mass vestments beneath a canopy. His right hand is blessing and his left holds his crosier; and on his left arm the crowned head of St Oswald lies sideways. On each side is a shield of
arms, a cross patonce between four lions. Beneath is the tonsured figure of the prior in monastic habit praying.
Inscription: s' : roberti : wallworht p'ori ... cl'ie catthedl' : dun...
Seal attached to document reference: 3.10.Spec.43
GB Seal no.3442 1401
John of Hemingburgh
1391-1416. He was a native of Hemingbrough and a monk at Durham (
History of Hemingbrough , p. 163). The license, from bishop Walter Skirlaw, for his election and the confirmation of his election are printed HDST app. nos. CXLVI and CXLIX. He was buried under a marble slab in the
south transept at Durham; his epitaph is recorded HDST p. 145; see also
Rites pp. 30 and 219;
Durham Obit. Rolls (S.S. 31) pp. 63-71; H.D. II, 94. This is the first seal on which the
prior appears in full episcopal vestments; it is also the first on which are the personal arms of the prior. The shield on the sinister bears the prior's arms, the blason of which is not known (on a wall painting found in the Deanery, 1974, the
field is argent, the charge gules), that on the dexter the arms of the monastery.
Size: 63 x 44 mm.
Seal design: Oval. The same design as the previous seal, except that on the dexter side is a shield of arms, a cross patonce between four lions rampant, on the sinister a like shield charged with a chevron and three roundels
in chief. Beneath is a demi-figure of the prior in pontificals and holding his crosier, praying.
Inscription: s : iohis... ecclie cathed.. dunolmie
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Arch.Northd.30; 2.2.Arch.Northd.3, 4, 5, 6
Digitised version GB Seal no.3443 1408
John of Hemingburgh
Size: 70 x 44 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Similar in general design to no. 3442.
Inscription: ..IGILLU : IOHIS : DEI : GRACIA...
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Reg.28
GB Seal no.3444 1422
John of Wessington
1416-1446. He was a native of Washington, county Durham, a monk at Durham and sacrist from 1408 to 1416 (
Acct. Rolls , 402). For account of his life and work see
Miscellanea (S.S. 127), p. 223 note and the references there given. The sinister shield is that of Washington blasoned silver two
bars and in chief three molets gules. The seal is affixed to the face of the document.
Size: 63 x 44 mm.
Seal design: Oval. St Cuthbert in mass vestments seated, in a canopied niche of rich tabernacle work, blessing, St Oswald's head on its side in his left arm and his crosier held diagonally in his left arm. On the dexter side
is a shield of arms, a cross patonce between four lions rampant, on the sinister a shield two bars and in chief three molets. Beneath is a demi figure of the prior praying.
Inscription: s' iohis wesshyngton prioris ecclie cathe... dunolmie
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Arch.Northd.10; Misc.Ch. 7222 (fragments)
GB Seal no.3445 1431
John of Wessington
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal signet. An eagle standing with raised wings above on a label, 'deo gras'.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXVIII.26; 1.14.Spec.30
3446: see 1392.
GB Seal no.3447 1448
William Ebchester
1446-1456. For note on his life and work see
Miscellanea (S.S. 127) p. 223 note. Also
Durham Obit. Rolls (S.S. 31) preface, and “Some Durham College Rolls” , by Rev. H.E.D. Blakiston, p. 24. The
shield on the sinister bears the prior's arms, the blason of which is not known.
Size: 67 x 41 mm.
Seal design: Oval. St Cuthbert in mass vestments seated in a niche of rich tabernacle work; St Oswald's head in his right hand and his crosier in his left. On the dexter side is a shield of arms a cross patonce between four
lions rampant, on the sinister a shield a fess between three lions rampant. Beneath is the prior praying.
Inscription: sigillv willi ebchcstre p'oris ecclie cath dunelmie
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1487; Loc.XXVII.13
GB Seal no.3448 1446-1456
William Ebchester
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet. 'W', a crown above it and beneath it, 'ebchestr'.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.13.Spec.18.
GB Seal no.3449 1456-1464
John Burnaby
1456-1464. For a full account of his life and work see
Durham Obit. Rolls (S.S. 31), preface and app. IX, p. 91; also
Rites 34, and note; and “Some Durham College Rolls” , by Rev. H.E.D. Blakiston, p. 24. The
blason of his arms, on the sinister shield, is unknown.
Size: 67 mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect. St Cuthbert in mass vestments, seated in a canopied niche, his crosier in his left hand, St Oswald's head in his right. On his dexter side is a shield of arms a cross patonce between four lions
rampant, on his sinister a shield bearing a cross engrailed between four cinquefoils. Beneath is the prior in pontificals with crosier praying.
Inscription: ...p'or ...s . ecl...ath : dunelmie
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Ebor.21; Misc.Ch. 5850b; Loc.VIII.37.
GB Seal no.3450 1464-1478
Richard Bell
1464-1478. He was sub-prior and had previously been nominated prior when Burnaby was elected (
Durham Obit. Rolls XV). He was prior of Finchale 1457-1464 (
Priory of Finchale , S.S. 6, XXVIII). He was consecrated bishop of Carlisle in the year 1478 (HDST 149). He died 1496 and was
buried in Carlisle cathedral. (H.D. II, 98); see also “Some Durham College Rolls” , as above p. 24.
Size: 10 mm.
Seal design: Signet. A bell.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXV.85
GB Seal no.3451 1487
John Auckland
1484-1494. (HDST 150;
Rites , p. 34 and note 3; “Some Durham College Rolls” , as above, p. 24).
Size: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal signet. An eagle standing with raised wings, a branch in its mouth.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXVII.18
GB Seal no.3451(i) 1291
William Luterel, Sub-Prior of Durham
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3940
GB Seal no.3451(ii) 1292/3
H[enry] of Teesdale, Sub-Prior of Durham
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4826
Richard of Bickerton, Sub-Prior of Durham: see 236.
GB Seal no.3452 1396
Robert, Sub-Prior of Durham
For account of the office and duties of the sub-prior see
Acct. Rolls (S.S. 103) intro. vii.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Round. R.
Inscription: ✠ ryner robert hoc signo et ...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2118 (seal now missing)
This seal was noted as missing by M.G.S., [late 20th century]
Digitised version GB Seal no.3453 1408
Durham, Commissary of the Prior of
This is evidently the seal of prior John Burnaby, the arms being the same as on his seal no. 3449. It is here used by John Seton, styled commissary of John, prior of Durham.
Size: 51 x 38 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A seated figure wearing a mitre and holding a crosier. On the sinister side a shield of arms a cross engrailed between four cinquefoils.
Inscription: sigillv iohis... burn...
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.VII.37
GB Seal no.3454 1362-1377
Durham, Official of the Archdeaconry of the Prior of
Chronica Rogeri de Hoveden I, p. 138 (Rolls Series) H.D. II, 62.
Size: 22 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval. St Cuthbert standing in a canopied niche, his right hand blessing, his left holding his crosier. Beneath is a figure, in monastic habit, praying.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Arch.Northd.18; 1.2.Arch.Dunelm.15; Loc.XXVII.26(37)
GB Seal no.3455 1406
Durham, Official of the Archdeaconry of the Prior of
The use on this seal of the arms of the bishopric, blasoned azure a cross gold between four lions rampant silver in place of the arms of the priory, is to be noted. the confusion is made worse by the shield being placed beneath St Cuthbert.
Size: 57 x 35 mm.
Seal design: Oval, St Cuthbert standing in a niche of rich tabernacle work, holding St Oswald's head in his right hand and his crosier in his left. Beneath is a shield of arms a cross between four lions rampant.
Inscription: ✠ s' officialis : archidiaconatus : prioris dunolm
Seal attached to document reference: 1.12.Pont.9; 1.2.Arch.Northd.24; Loc.XVI.6b, 15d, 15e, 16; Loc.XXVII.6; Misc.Ch. 5557
GB Seal no.3456 1483
Durham, Official of the Archdeaconry of the Prior of (in the County of Northumberland)
Size: 35 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval. St Cuthbert standing blessing, St Oswald's head in his left hand.
Inscription: SIGILLUM ...
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XVI.14b, 14c
Durham Priory Officials etc.GB Seal no.3457 n.d.
Durham, Almoner of
An obedientiary of the monastery for his duties see
Acct. Rolls (S.S. 103) intro. XXXVIII. See also
Rites (S.S. 107) p. 275 and 'Clark', p. 173. This seal is used by Nicholas styled almoner of Durham.
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval. In the upper part on a double niche, the coronation of the Virgin (?); beneath in a similar niche two standing figures; in a roundel at each side and beneath a head.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Elemos.2
John de Herneby, Bursar of Durham: see 1268.
John Loterell, Bursar of Durham: see 1633.
Robert of Middleham, Bursar of Durham: see 1781.
John de Crepping, Terrar of Durham: see 737.
GB Seal no.3457 n.d.
H. of Horncastle, Sacrist of Durham
An obedientiary of the monastery, the chief officer connected with the service of the church and the general care of the building and ornaments. For his duties see
Acct. Rolls (S.S. 103) intro. X and 'Clark', p. 69. At Durham he was known as 'Maister Sagersten' (
Rites S.S. 107, p. 97). This charter is printed N.C.H. VII, p. 147.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round. Antique gem, a naked male figure, by his side a bird on a pillar.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Spec.7
GB Seal no.3458 1427-1431
Henry Feryby, Sacrist of Durham
He was cellarer 1408-10 (
Acct. Rolls , p. 53), hostiller 1423-24 (ibid. 141). He was prior of Finchale 1439-1450
Priory of Finchale (S.S. 6) XXVIII).
Size: 19 x 13 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal signet. A monogram (?)
Seal attached to document reference: 4.3.Sacr.15b, 15c, 15d
GB Seal no.3458(i) 1343
Walter de Gategang, Sacrist of Durham
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5026
GB Seal no.3459 1188-1208
R. Hostiller of Durham
For the duties of his office see
Acct. Rolls (S.S. 103) p. XXXI and 'Clark', p. 181. The date of the charter is the time of Bertram the prior 1188-1208.
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Antique gem, an animal.
Inscription: ...MECUM EST ...
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.28
GB Seal no.3460 n.d.
John of Iarum, a monk of Durham
Iarum - Now Yarm in Cleveland; see
Guisbrough Chartulary (S.S. 86), p. 164 n.
Size: 22 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval. St Cuthbert standing blessing, holding St Oswald's head in front of his breast. Beneath is a demi figure praying.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5296
GB Seal no.3461 n.d.
Easby, Abbot of St Agatha's of
Easby - Near Richmond, Yorkshire. An abbey of Premonstratensian canons, dedicated to St Agatha, founded 1152 by Roald, constable of Richmond castle; colonised from Newhouse. Mon. Ang. VI, 921; Not. Mon. 664; V.C.H. Yorks. III, 245;
Coll. Angl. Praemons . ed. Gasquet II, p. 1 et seq. This seal is SBM 3099. two armorial shields are blasoned for this abbey in Tonge's
Visit (S.S. 41), p. 43; (1) azure a bend gold and a
crosier bendways sinister gold, being the differenced arms of Henry Lord Scrope of Bolton a great benefactor of the abbey; (2) gules two bars gemell and a chief gold over all a crosier paleways gold, the differenced shield of Roald the constable
blasoned for him in Grimaldi's roll goules ove deux gemeux et une chief d'or. See SBM 3101. There is a paper with a plan of the abbey in
Yorks. Arch. Jour. X, 117, by Sir W.H. St John Hope. See also
Yorks. Arch. Socy. Record Series , XVII, 45.
Size: 22 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval. The abbot seated, in monastic habit, holding his crosier in his right hand and a book to his breast in his left.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Spec.7, 37
GB Seal no.3462 n.d.
Easby, Abbey of St Agatha of
Virgin and Martyr, patron saint of Catania, Sicily. She is usually represented carrying her severed breast in a dish. There are only two other ancient dedications to her in England, namely, Brightwell (Berks) and Gilling (Yorks) S.C.D. III, 321.
This seal is used by R. styled abbot of St Agatha. Richard of Berningham, abbot early in fourteenth century.
Size: 60 x 35 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A robed female figure (St Agatha), holding a palm branch in her left hand and in her right a book to her breast.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Ebor.9
GB Seal no.3462(i) n.d.
Eggleston, Abbey of
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 7047/5
GB Seal no.3463 n.d.
Elsham, Priory of
Elsham - Lincolnshire. A priory of Austin canons, dedicated to St Mary and St Edmund, founded by Beatrice d'Amundeville before 1166. Mon. Ang. VI, 539; Visits Linc. 163; V.C.H. Lincoln II, 171. The seal is here used by Robert, styled prior of
'Ellesham'; that is Robert Newsham, elected prior 1303.
Size: 70 x 22 mm.Size: Secretum: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady robed and crowned, seated, holding the child Christ on her knee; a sceptre in her right hand.Secretum: Demi figure of Our Lady with Christ, beneath a demi figure praying.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.3.Ebor.9
GB Seal no.3464 1245
Evesham, Abbey of
Evesham - Worcestershire. A Benedictine abbey dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary with whom, in later years, the founder was associated, founded by St Ecgwine, third bishop of Worcester, on land granted by King Ethelred c.701. Mon. Ang. II, 1;
V.C.H. Worcester II, 112;
Abbatiae de Evesham Chronicon (Rolls Series) SBM 3113-3119.
Size: 73 x 51 mm.Size: Secretum: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady robed and crowned, seated on a throne, presenting a crosier to a standing figure vested in alb, stole, dalmatic and chasuble, and holding a palm branch (?) in his left hand (St Ecgwine). Above them
is a crescent and a star.Secretum: oval. Antique gem, a seated figure.
Inscription: ... SCI. EG...Secretum: ✠ ... PAC...
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Ebor.26a
GB Seal no.3465 1274
Evesham, Abbey of
The subject, in base, is the legend of Eoves the swineherd who saw, in a vision, the Blessed Virgin. Bishop Ecgwine, hearing this, went to the place and saw the same vision, receiving also a command, from Our Lady, to build a monastery on the
spot. The legend, in the English tongue, refers to this story: 'Eoves dwelt here and was a swineherd, therefore men call this Eovesham'. The reverse represents kings Ethelred, Kenred and Offa handing the charter of endowment to St Ecgwine. This seal
is engraved V.C.H. Lincoln II, pl. II.
Size: 79 x 60 mm.
Seal design: Oval.
Obverse: In base the swineherd Eoves in loose girt gown and cloak, standing bare-headed holding his hat with round top and broad brim in his right hand and pointing upwards with his left. He is
represented, as in a forest, with a tree at each side below is (a sow suckling a pig?), and surrounding him is a trefoiled scroll on which are the words: 'EOVES HER [WONEDE ANT] WAS SWON FOR I [ME'] CLEPET HIS EOVISHOM'. Above, in the centre, is a
representation of the abbey church, below it, on the dexter, is Our Lady robed and crowned, her right hand holding a cross paty, her left upholding one side of the church; behind her are two attendant female saints; on the sinister is St Ecgwin, the
bishop in mitre and pontificals kneeling and upholding with both hands the other side of the church; behind him is a tree, on one of the lower branches of which a monk is seated, and in front of him another monk seated and resting his head on his
Reverse: above is the abbey church; below it, on the dexter is Our Lady robed and crowned, seated on a throne holding a sceptre in her right hand and a fleur de lys in her left, on her left knee is seated the child Christ, also robed, who
upholds the church with both hands, on the sinister side is St Ecgwin, the bishop in full pontificals with crosier and mitre kneeling and upholding the church with both hands, behind him is a bird flying. Beneath, under a trefoiled arch, is
represented a charter from which hangs an oval seal, on which are three leopards; on the charter, in two lines, of Lombardic letters, are the words 'MAN (?) REGIE LIBERTATI'; above the charter is the Hand of God, issuing from clouds, blessing. On
the dexter, receiving the charter, with both hands, is the kneeling figure of St Ecgwin; behind him stands a robed figure carrying the bishop's crosier in his left hand and with his right steadying the bishop's mitre. On the sinister is the seated
figure of a king, robed and crowned, who hands the charter to Ecgwine, and standing beside him are two kings also robed and crowned.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Ebor.13
GB Seal no.3466 1145-1153
Thomas, Abbot of Evesham
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Antique gem, a standing nude figure.
Inscription: ...BSIT NARD... ERO SIB..TR ...TER
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Ebor.15
GB Seal no.3467 1244
Evesham, Chamberlain and Proctor of the Abbot of
Size: 22 mm.Size: -
Seal design: 1. Round. Antique gem, very indistinct.2. A fragment not to be deciphered.
Inscription: 1. Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Ebor.16
GB Seal no.3468 1405
Thomas, Abbot of Eynsham
Eynsham - Oxfordshire. A Benedictine abbey, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, St Benedict and All Saints, first founded by Aethelmar 1005; refounded by Remi, bishop of Lincoln, at Stow in Lindsey, 1091 and finally restored at Eynsham by
Robert Bloet, bishop of Lincoln c.1094. Mon. Ang. III, 1; Visits Linc. 154; V.C.H. Oxford II, 65. This seal is that of Thomas Bradyngstock, confirmed abbot 3 October 1388. The common seal is SBM 3142; see also
The Eynsham Cartulary , ed. H.E. Salter (Oxford Hist. Soc.).
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round. Our Lady robed and crowned seated, with the child Christ on her knee, in a canopied niche. Beneath is a demi figure of the prior in monastic habit and with crosier.
Inscription: s' tho... abb: de eynesham
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5228c, 5228d
Farne: see also 1512, 1615, 2206.
GB Seal no.3469 1400
Richard Eden, Master of Farne
A cell of Benedictine monks subordinate to Durham priory. A list of the masters is given R.N.D. 343 and charters printed ibid. app. 122-123. See also Mon. Ang. IV, 430; Not. Mon. 394.
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A female figure robed and holding a covered vase in her right hand. The field of seal is powdered with roses.
Inscription: ...OHIS .. API ...IRGO
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5875
GB Seal no.3470 1406
Richard Eden, Master of Farne
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady with Christ standing in a canopied niche. On the dexter side is St Cuthbert with crosier in his right hand and St Oswald's head in his left; on the sinister is St Michael spearing the
Inscription: Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XVI.4d
GB Seal no.3471 1278
Finchale, Prior and Convent of
On the north bank of the Wear, about three miles from Durham, Ralph Flambard granted a hermitage here to St Godric (
De Vita et Miraculis S. Godrici Heremitae de Finchale , etc, S.S. vol. 20), who dedicated it to St John Baptist. After St Godric's death, two Durham monks retired to his hermitage, to whom bishop Hugh Puiset made a
further grant. Henry Puiset was however the real founder of the priory when he transferred there the monks he had placed first at Haswell and then at the New Place upon Brun, it then became a Benedictine priory subordinate to Durham.
Priory of Finchale , S.S. 6;
Rites , S.S. 107 passim; Mon. Ang. IV, 331; H.D. II, 320.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Oval, very imperfect. A figure standing.
Inscription: Legend destroyed.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3378
GB Seal no.3472 n.d.
John, Prior of Finchale
He was prior towards end of 12th century. This charter is printed
Priory of Finchale , p. 62. Seal engraved ibid. p. 63.
Size: -
Seal design: Oval, very imperfect. A standing figure in monastic habit holding a book in his left hand.
Inscription: Legend destroyed.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Finc.9
GB Seal no.3473 n.d.
Peter, Prior of Finchale
Peter does not appear in list of priors given in S.S. 6 nor in Mon. Ang.
Size: 22 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval. The prior in monastic habit standing, blessing, his crosier in his left hand.
Inscription: ...GILLUM PETRI ...S DE FINCHA..
Seal attached to document reference: [G]
GB Seal no.3474 n.d.
Ralph, Prior of Finchale
Prior about mid thirteenth century. This charter is printed and seal engraved S.S. 6, p. 67.
Size: 38 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval. St Michael spearing the dragon.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Finc.13
GB Seal no.3475 1405-1411
Thomas Dautre, Prior of Finchale
1405-1411. S.S. 6, CXXXIII-CLV.
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A demi figure of a bishop blessing. Beneath is the demi figure of a monk praying.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Finc.13†; 2.7.Pont.2g
GB Seal no.3476 1464
Richard Bell, Prior of Finchale
1457-1464. He was afterwards prior of Durham and later bishop of Carlisle; S.S. 6, CCLXV. The seal is that 'quo utor in dicta cella'.
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lord on the cross with figures of St Cuthbert and St Oswald beneath. Below all is a figure of the prior praying.
Inscription: S' SI... DEGR ...SH MONACH..
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XVI.12e
GB Seal no.3477 1424
Fountains, Abbey of
Fountains - Yorkshire. A Cistercian abbey dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. It was colonised 1132 by thirteen monks from the Benedictine abbey of St Mary, York, who left that abbey to adopt the stricter rule of St Bernard. Thurstan,
archbishop of York, granted them a site on the river Skell.
Memorials of Fountains Abbey (S.S. 42 and 67); Mon. Ang. V, 286; V.C.H. Yorks. III, 134;
Yorks. Arch. Journal XV, 269; also Record Series, XVII, 61. These charters are printed HDST pp.
Secretum: This, so far as device goes, is the same shield as that borne for the bishopric of Durham, sometimes called the arms of St Oswald. The same charges were used by the priory of Austin canons at Nostell (no. 3531), near Pontefract,
dedicated to St Oswald and blasoned gules a cross between four lions rampant gold (Tonge's
Visit . S.S. 41, p. 78).
The Benedictine abbey of Bardney, Lincolnshire, dedicated to SS. Peter, Paul and Oswald, where King Oswald's body was first buried, bore the same shield with the same blason but made the cross paty (or flory). The form of cross usually attributed
to St Cuthbert, but there obviously used for Oswald. Visits Linc. 153; Seal B.M. 2582, 2586; E.H. 354. Though neither King Oswald nor St Cuthbert had any direct connection with Fountains, I cannot but think that there also this shield, though the
blason is unknown, was intended to refer to them or to one of them. St Cuthbert was at Ripon when the monastery was established, and his body rested there for some months during its wanderings; many churches in the district are dedicated in his
honour, and abbot Marmaduke Huby built his chapel at Winksley 'in honore Dei et Sancti Cuthberti et Oswaldi' (
Memorials of Fountains , S.S. 42, p. 152 n). He was abbot towards the end of the 15th century and this seal is of the same century. Azure three horseshoes gold is the shield given in Tonge's
Visit (S.S. 41, p. 51 and note); see also
Herald and Genealogist II, 439.
Size: 63 mm.Size: Secretum: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round. Our Lady robed and crowned, standing with the Christ child on her left arm. On each side are three kneeling figures in monastic habit, the upper one on the sinister side is the abbot holding his crosier.
In the upper part of the seal is the abbey church, and above it on the dexter is the mitred head of an archbishop with his cross; on the sinister the mitred head of an abbot with his crosier divided by the heads are the figures '1410'. The field of
the seal is beautifully diapered with foliage and roses; the inner border of the legend is cusped.Secretum: round. Armorial, a cross between four lions rampant.
Inscription: . abbatis t conbentus : de : ffontibusSecretum: ✠ benedicite . fontes . domino
Seal attached to document reference: 2.5.Reg.4, 5
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3478 1329
Walter, Abbot of Fountains
Walter of Cokewald 1316-1336 (V.C.H. Yorks III, 138).
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Oval, very imperfect. A standing figure.
Inscription: Legend destroyed.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5883
GB Seal no.3479 1434
Friars Minor in England
Called also Franciscans from their founder St Francis of Assisi (1209). They were also known as the Seraphic Order, Friars Minor or Minorities, because they held themselves inferior to other religious orders, and Grey Friars from the colour of
their habit. Mon. Ang. VI, 1502;
The Friars and how they came to England . This seal is used 1434 by Thomas 'minister fratrum minorum in Anglia', and in 1438 by Richard, styled the same. SBM 4440.
Size: 57 x 35 mm.
Seal design: Oval. The martyrdom of St Thomas of Canterbury. Beneath is the minister praying. Above, in compartment of tracery, is the head of Our Lord.
Inscription: ✠ S' MINIST . FR'M : MI'ORV' . P'VICIE . ANGLIE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6881, 6759
Digitised version GB Seal no.3480 n.d.
Geoffrey Abbot
This is in fact the seal of a layman called Geoffrey Abbot, and not as attributed in the original catalogue, Geoffrey Abbot of Garendon (hence doubtful description details). The first witness is 'R comes Leicester', that is Robert le Bossu,
1118-1168, another witness is Richard, abbot of Leicester 1144-1167. Among the other witnesses, appear 'E. uxore G. abbatis et Gaufrido clerico filio ejus '. The document is printed S.S. 66, p. XVII, note 1.
Size: 63 mm.
Seal design: Round. Equestrian, the [abbot] in armour holding a shield on his left arm and his [crosier] in his right hand.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Ebor.14
GB Seal no.3481 1199
Guisborough, Priory of
Guisborough - Cleveland, Yorkshire. A priory of Austin canons, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, founded c.1119 by Robert Brus by the advice of pope Calixtus II and archbishop Thurstan. Giseburn was its usual name in the middle ages. Mon.
Ang. VI, 265; V.C.H. Yorks. III, 208;
Cart. Prior de Gyseburne , S.S. 86 and 89;
Yorks. Arch. Socy. Record Series , XVII, 73. This seal is engraved V.C.H. ibid. pl. II and is SBM 3186. The arms of the priory were silver a
lion rampant azure and a bend gules, the differenced shield of its founder Brus. Tonge's
Visit S.S. 41, p. 24.
Size: 67 x 22 mmSize: Secretum: 25 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A female figure (Our Lady) in conventual dress, seated at a lectern, reading a book. A star in front.Secretum: oval. A bird.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.8.Spec.15; 2.1.Ebor.8, 9, 12
Digitised version GB Seal no.3482 1241
Guisborough, Prior of
John prior c.1239-1255. V.C.H. Yorks. III, 212; S.S. 86, p. XXVII.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect. Our Lady robed and crowned, seated with the child Christ on her knee. Beneath is a demi figure praying.
Inscription: ...GILL ... P...N :
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XIX.15
GB Seal no.3483 1248
Guisborough, Priory of
Same prior as 3482, and probably the same seal as 3481 but with different secretum.
Size: ? x 38 mm.Size: Secretum: 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect. Now perishedSecretum: oval, imperfect. Demi figure of Our Lady holding Christ.
Inscription: ... ARIE ...Secretum: ✠ AVE MARIA GRA... DNS. TECŪ .
Seal attached to document reference: 3.8.Spec.14
GB Seal no.3484 1348
John, Prior of Guisborough
John of Darlington, 1346-1364 (op. cit.).
Size: 51 x 38 mm.
Seal design: Oval. The Annunciation, Gabriel holds a scroll on which is 'AVE MARIA'; between the figures is a pot with a lily in it. Beneath is a figure praying. Above is a demi figure of God the Father, both hands raised in
Inscription: S'IO... IGT .. PRIORIS DE G...URN
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3372, 3643, 3654, 4011, 4012, 4444, 4466, 4746
GB Seal no.3485 1433
John, Prior of Guisborough
Same man as preceding. In the charter he is styled collector of tenths within the archdeaconry of Cleveland and the seal that 'quo utimur in hac parte'.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round. Armorial, three leaves with stalks.
Inscription: ✶ S' ...TI DE ...E
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4752
GB Seal no.3486 1298
Guisborough, Sub-Prior of
Size: -
Seal design: Oval, imperfect. A nimbed figure standing.
Inscription: Legend destroyed.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Ebor.30
GB Seal no.3487 1351
Guisborough, Cellarer of
Styled brother Robert of Couton, cellarer of 'Gisseburne'. See 191 for another cellerar.
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval. An archbishop, in pall and full pontificals, blessing a kneeling figure, in monastic habit, who holds up in both hands a pot, from which grows a two stalked flower. The field of seal is powdered with
Inscription: No legend.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3588
Digitised version GB Seal no.3488 1362
Guisborough, Proctor of the Prior of
Used by Roger of Merrington, styled proctor of the prior and convent of 'Gyseburn'.
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A bishop standing, his right hand blessing, his left holding his crosier.
Inscription: ... ECCLIE DE ...EDLING .. UN
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3820
GB Seal no.3489 n.d.
Godstow, Abbey of
Godstow - Oxfordshire. An abbey of Benedictine nuns, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary and St John Baptist, founded c.1133 by Edith, widow of Sir John Launcelene, upon a site given by Sir John St John. Mon. Ang. IV, 357; Not. Mon. 422; Visits
Linc. app. I, p. 156; V.C.H. Oxford II, 71. The seal is SBM 3209. The device of the seal represents in two patron saints of the abbey with the first abbess and founder (Edith) kneeling in base. It is here used by Mabel, styled abbess of 'Godestowe'
- Mabel la Wafre c.1283-1295. This seal is engraved pl. I
“Some Durham College Rolls” .
Size: 89 x 60 mm.
Seal design: Oval, dished. Our Lady robed and crowned seated on a throne. St John Baptist stands in front of her, holding in his right hand the Holy Lamb, and in his left a scroll inscribed 'ECCE AGNVS DEI'. A kneeling figure
prays to her, over whose head is 'EDIVA'.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Ebor.8, 9
GB Seal no.3490 1479
Hartlepool, Warden of the Friars Minor of
Co. Durham. A house of Franciscan of Grey Friars, founded by Robert Brus before 1258. Mon. Ang. VI, 1129; H.D. III, 33; S.D. III, 119. The seal is here used by 'frater Willelmus guardianus et servus fratrum minorum Hertelpulisi'.
Size: 57 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Two figures standing under canopies, the dexter wearing a mitre and holding a crosier; the sinister nimbed and blessing; in his left hand he holds a cross. Beneath is a figure of the warden
Inscription: s . gardiani fratrum minoru hertipol
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6859*
GB Seal no.3491 n.d.
Healaugh Park, Priory of
Healaugh Park - Yorkshire. (The Ainsty) Gilbert, a monk of Marmoutier built a hermitage and church here, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary and St John the Evangelist, upon a site granted to him by Bertram Haget, about the middle of the twelfth
century. Jordan of St Mary and Alice his wife, a grand-daughter of the founder, established there a priory of Austin canons c.1218. Mon. Ang. VI, 437; Not. Mon. 680; V.C.H. Yorks. III, 216;
Yorks. Arch. Socy. Record Series , XVII, 89. The seal is used by 'Henricus prior de Parco de Helaghe', probably Henry of Quetelay, who occurs as prior 1264.
Size: 57 x 35 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A figure in monastic habit, holding a book to his breast with both hands.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL . SANCTI IOHIS : DE : PAR..
Seal attached to document reference: 2.11.Spec.7; Misc.Ch. 2059
GB Seal no.3492 1356
Hexham, Priory of
Hexham - Northumberland. Founded by St Wilfrid c.674, dedicated to St Andrew. Henry I granted Hexhamshire to the church of York, and archbishop Thomas II, c.1113, placed there a priory of Austin canons. Mon. Ang. VI, 179; N.C.H. III, 177;
Priory of Hexham , S.S. 44 and 46;
Priory Church of St Andrew, Hexham , by C.C. Hodges.
Size: 57 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A figure standing holding a scroll with both hands, upon it ...? beneath the ends of the scroll is a cross. On the flat edging is CART.
Inscription: ...CLESI ... HAGUS ...
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Pont.16 (cords frail, seal nearly detached); Misc.Ch. 6565 (seal detached), 6565* (seal perished)
GB Seal no.3493 1312
Hexham, Priory of
Seal engraved
Priory of Hexham , S.S. 44, p. CXL.
Size: 44 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval. St Andrew on his cross; above him is the hand of God blessing; on each side of him is a standing figure nailing him to the cross (?)
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL' PR... ILDESHAM
Seal attached to document reference: 3.7.Spec.25
GB Seal no.3494 1380
Alexander, Prior of Hexham
Alexander of Marton, prior 1367, c.1397.
Priory of Hexham , p. CLXVII, engraved ibid. CLXIX.
Size: -
Seal design: Oval, very imperfect. A nimbed and bearded figure standing in a niche of rich tabernacle work, his right hand blessing, his left holding a book to his breast.
Inscription: Legend destroyed.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4355
GB Seal no.3495 n.d.
William of Aslakby, Prior of Holy Island
The monastery of Lindisfarne was founded by St Oswin, 635 (Sym. I, 19, Rolls). It was completely destroyed by the Danes 793 (Sym. I, 51). William of Saint-Calais made Lindisfarne (Holy Island) part of the endowment of Durham and a priory of
Benedictine monks subordinate to Durham was established there c.1093. Mon. Ang. IV 687; R.N.D. 73, charters are printed ibid. pp. 115-122. This seal is used by William of Aslakby, who was prior 1395.
Size: 44 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval. The seal of the officiality of the archdeacon of Durham. See no. 3263 and pl. no. 60.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5184
GB Seal no.3496 1448
Thomas Warde, Prior of Holy Island
Prior 1448 (R.N.D. 82).
Size: 35 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady robed and crowned seated. Beneath in a canopied niche is a figure standing, holding a cross in a circle. Beneath is the half figure of the prior praying.
Inscription: XPE . CARENS . PI... PRECE ME . SALVA ...ITINE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5187
GB Seal no.3497 1464
John Middleham, Prior of Holy Island
Prior 1458 (ibid.); see seal 1779 in this catalogue.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round signet. An eagle with raised wings on a scroll above it 'midelham'.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5785
GB Seal no.3498 1432
Holystone, Priory of
Holystone - Upper Coquetdale, Northumberland. A priory of Benedictine nuns, founded towards the end of twelfth century by -- Umfraville of Harbottle. This deed names Catherine Moll as prioress in succession to Joan Bagot. Mon. Ang. IV, 196. See
Upper Coquetdale by D.D. Dixon.
Size: 57 x 38 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady seated holding Christ.
Inscription: SIGI...E.M ...AN
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6567
GB Seal no.3499 1443
Jervaulx, Abbey of
Jervaulx - Yorkshire. A Cistercian abbey dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, founded 1145 by Akary fitz Bardolf (ancestor of the lords Fitz Hugh), who granted a site at Fors near Askrigg to Peter de Quiney, a monk of the order of Savigny, one
of the reformed Benedictine orders; very shortly afterwards the convent became subject to the Cistercian house of Byland. In 1156 the abbey was translated to a new site on the banks of the Ure, hence its name. Mon. Ang. V 567; V.C.H. Yorks III, 138;
Yorks. Arch. Journal , XXI, 301; ibid. Record Series, XVII, 92; Tonge (S.S. 41) p. 45 gives the arms of the abbey. Quarterly I, gold three water bougets sable; Ros. II, Barry silver and azure a border engrailed sable;
Parr. III, azure three braced chevrons and a chief gold; Fitzhugh IV, vair a fess gules, Marmion; being the arms of Sir Thomas Parr, who married the heiress of the last lord Fitzhugh. It would appear very doubtful if the abbey ever used such arms. A
seal in the B.M. (no. 3315), gives the undifferenced arms of Fitz Hugh azure three braced chevrons and a chief gold on the dexter side of the seal and a shield bearing a saltire on the sinister. SBM 3316 has Fitzhugh on the dexter; the sinister
shield is missing, and in base a shield bearing three bars, probably the personal shield of the abbot.
Size: 67 x 44 mm.Size: Secretum: 54 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady robed and crowned, seated, holding the child Christ. Beneath in a crocketed niche, standing in mass vestments, is the abbot, holding his crosier in his right hand and a book in his left; on each
side of him, in a smaller niche, stands a monk in surplice and hood.Secretum: oval. Two crosier heads, with impression of thumb between.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Ebor.24
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3500 1341
Jarrow, Master of the Cell of
Jarrow - Durham. The ancient monastery here, dedicated to St Paul and founded by Benedict Biscop c.684, was destroyed by the Danes 870, and again by the Conqueror 1070. Shortly after this date Aldwin, a monk of Winchcombe, with two companions
from Evesham, settled here under the patronage of bishop Walcher (Sym. I, 9). In 1083 the monks, then at Jarrow, were removed by bishop William of Saint-Calais, to Durham, after which Jarrow became a cell subordinate to Durham. Mon. Ang. I, 502;
Not. Mon. III; H.D. II, 470; S.D. II, 66; see also
Acct. Rolls of Jarrow and Monkwearmouth , S.S. 29. This seal is used by John of Beverley, styled 'magister cellae de Jarrow'.
Size: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval. St Catherine holding her wheel, standing in an eight-foiled flower. The field of the seal is diapered with a floral pattern.
Inscription: No Legend.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5583
GB Seal no.3501 1253
Kirkham, Priory of
Kirkham - East Riding of Yorkshire. A priory of Austin canons dedicated to the Holy Trinity, founded c. 1121 by Walter Espec. Mon. Ang. VI, 207; V.C.H. Yorks. III, 219;
Chartulary of Rievaulx , S.S. 83, intro.;
Yorks. Arch. Socy. Record Series XVII, 101. This seal is engraved V.C.H. Yorks. III pl. facing p. 212. It is used here by A. prior, probably
Andrew, prior at the beginning of the thirteenth century.
Size: 70 x 22 mm.Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, dished. Our Lord seated, with cruciferous nimbus, his right hand blessing, his left holding a bookSecretum: Round. Antique gem, two female figures.
Seal attached to document reference: 1. 1.2.Spec.13, 24; 3.2.Spec.6. 2. 1.2.Spec.24
GB Seal no.3502 1330
Kirkham, Prior of
Seal used as sub-collector of tenths. Robert of Wilton was then prior. See Misc.Ch. 4802 for a similar, but round seal dating from 1337.
Size: 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval. The head of Our Lord with cruciferous nimbus.
Inscription: ✶ S' SUB... STAR ...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4149, 4366, 4780
GB Seal no.3503 1334
Kirkham, Prior and Convent of
Seal used by the prior and convent as collectors of the annual tenths 'sigillum quo utimur in hac parte'.
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady standing, holding the child Christ.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4632
GB Seal no.3504 1336
Kirkham, Prior of
The roses on this seal refer to the founder Walter Espec, who bore on his shield gules three roses silver, the water bougets are from the shield of Ros of Hamlake, who bore gules three bougets silver. Peter of Ros (ob. 1157) married Atheline
youngest daughter and co-heiress of Walter Espec.
Hist. Peerage , 178. On the origin of this shield see A.A. 3rd ser. III, 277. Tonge (S.S. 41) gives for the arms of the priory gules three bougets silver and a prior's staff paleways, that is the differenced shield of
Ros. of Hamlake. See also
East Riding Soc. Trans. VIII, p. I.
Size: 54 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lord, with cruciferous nimbus, seated in a canopied niche, blessing, and holding a book in his left hand. Beneath is a demi figure of the prior praying, a water bouget in front, and behind him, on each
side of the canopy, is a water bouget between two roses.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3449, 3564, 3878, 4703, 5092, 5097
GB Seal no.3505 1357
Kirkham, Priory of
Size: -
Seal design: Oval, very imperfect and undecipherable. A nimbed figure standing, holding up both hands.
Inscription: ...ER COE...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3802
GB Seal no.3506 1434
Kirkham, Priory of
Size: 44 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lord standing, beneath a canopy, blessing.
Inscription: S' ... DE KYRKHAM
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4841, 4397
GB Seal no.3507 1526
Kirkstead, Abbey of
Kirkstead - Lincolnshire. A Cistercian abbey dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, founded by Hugh Breton, son of Eudes, Lord of Tattershall, colonised from Fountains. Mon. Ang. V, 416; Visits. Linc. 158; V.C.H. Linc. II, 135. The shield on the
dexter is that of Tattershall, blasoned checky gold and gules a chief ermine (see no. 2388 above). That on the sinister is, I suppose, either for Bek or Willoughby, both families were large benefactors to the abbey. See
Coll. Top. et Gen. IV, 33, and pedigree, p. 342. This seal is used by Richard abbot, probably Richard Harrison, the last abbot, the seal is much earlier, probably early 14th century. It is illustrated V.C.H. Linc. II,
pl. facing p. 104. E.H. gives for the arms of the abbey three crowns, quoting seal B.M. no. 3377.
Size: 60 x 35 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady with Christ seated in a niche, with crockets and finials; on the dexter side is a shield of arms checky a chief ermine, on the sinister a like shield, a cross moline. Above the dexter shield is
'S', above the sinister 'K'. Beneath, in the centre, is the abbot with crosier praying; on each side of him is a praying monk.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.3.Ebor.45
Digitised version GB Seal no.3508 1310
Lanercost, Priory of
Lanercost - Cumberland. A priory of Austin canons, dedicated to St Mary Magdalene, founded by Robert de Vaux, Lord of Gilsland 1169. Mon. Ang. VI, 236; Not. Mon. 77; V.C.H. Cumb. II, pl. facing p. 130. S.D. seals, pl. XII, no. 7. Document is
printed Hodgson's
Northumberland , pt. 3, vol. II, p. 54.
Size: 70 x 44 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A robed standing figure of St Mary Magdalene, holding a palm branch in her right hand and a pot of ointment in her left. Above her right shoulder is a crescent, above her left a star. The field of the seal
is powdered with roses.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Spec.26, 28
Digitised version GB Seal no.3509 1293
Lincoln, Prior of St Katherine's of
A priory of Gilbertine canons, dedicated to St Catherine, founded c.1148 by Robert of Chesney, bishop of Lincoln. The seal is here used by G. (Gilbert), styled prior of St Katherine's outside Lincoln. Mon. Ang. VI, 968; Visits. Linc. 166; V.C.H.
Linc. II, 188; Assoc. Arch. Soc. XXVII, 264.
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A demi-figure of Our Lady, seated, holding Christ. On the dexter is a demi-figure of a bishop holding cross in right hand; on the sinister is a bishop holding a crosier. Beneath is the prior
Inscription: HIS SIT SALVA ... SUI ...NIS .
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4331
GB Seal no.3510 1366
John, Prior of Lytham
Lytham - Lancashire. A cell subordinate to Durham, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Cuthbert, founded by Richard Fitz Roger, Lord of Woodplumpton (see no. 2110 and note 203 above). Mon. Ang. IV, 281; V.C.H. Lanc. III, 53; and VII,
Size: 32 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval. St Catherine, holding her wheel, standing in elaborate tracery. Above her Our Lady seated with Christ. Beneath a demi-figure of the prior praying.
Inscription: Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.4.Ebor.30
GB Seal no.3511 1448
John Barlay, Prior of Lytham
Styled 'sigillum quo utor in prioratu'.
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady robed and crowned, standing in a canopied niche, holding the child Christ. In a niche on the dexter side is St Oswald, on the sinister St Cuthbert. Beneath is the prior praying.
Inscription: S'IOHIS ... EREM ...
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXXVII:84
William Dalton, Prior of Lytham: see 765.
GB Seal no.3512 1483
William Birden, Prior of Lytham
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round. An indeterminate device; it looks like a fish passing through the letter T.
Inscription: Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XVI.14d
GB Seal no.3513 1274
Malmesbury, Prior of
Malmesbury - Wiltshire. A Benedictine abbey dedicated at first to SS. Peter and Paul, afterwards to the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Aldhelm. Maildulph, an Irish monk, built a hermitage near the later abbey and formed the beginnings of the
monastery of which his pupil Aldhelm was the first abbot c.675. The monastery was rebuilt and endowed by Aethelstan, and Edgar replaced the canons by Benedictine monks. Mon. Ang. I, 253; Not. Mon. 590;
Registrum Malmesburiense (Rolls Series);
Trans. Bristol and Glouc. Soc. XVI, 6 and
Archaeologia , vol. LXIV, pp. 399-436.
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Demi-figure of Our Lady, with Christ; seated on each side of her is an angel censing. Beneath is the prior praying.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.4.Ebor.75
GB Seal no.3514 n.d.
Malton, Prior of
Malton - North Riding, Yorkshire. A Gilbertine priory, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, founded by Eustace son of John 1150. Mon. Ang. VI, 970; Not. Mon. 662; V.C.H. Yorks. III, 253;
Yorks. Arch. Socy. Record Series XVII, 119. Tonge (41 S.S. p. 66) gives under this priory 'the arms of the Gilberdines', barry silver and gules a prior's staff bendways sinister gold. These are the arms of the mother
house of Sempringham and are doubtless derived from the shield of Gilbert of Gaunt (barry gold and azure a bend gules) the feudal owner of that place, under whom Joceline of Sempringham, the father of St Gilbert, held his land. See also E.H. 422 and
Herald and Genealogist , II, 345.
Size: 29 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Antique gem, a nude figure.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Spec.13.
GB Seal no.3515 n.d.
Henry, Prior of Marton
Marton - North Riding, Yorkshire. A priory of Austin canons, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, founded by Bertram Bulmer in the time of Stephen. Mon. Ang. VI, 197; Not. Mon. 670; V.C.H. Yorks. III, 223;
Yorks. Arch. Socy. Record Series XVII, 128. The seal is that of Henry , prior c. 1200-1227. SBM 3621. Tonge gives the later arms of Bulmer for the priory gules billety and a lion rampant gold. S.S. 41, p. 18.
Size: 38 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval. The prior standing, in monastic garb, both his hands held in front of his breast.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Spec.13
GB Seal no.3516 1199
Meaux, Abbot of
Meaux - East Riding, Yorkshire. A Cistercian abbey, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, founded by William le Gros, count of Aumarle, Lord of Holderness, 1150. Mon. Ang. V, 388; Not. Mon. 661;
Yorks, Arch. Socy. Record Series XVII, 131; V.C.H. Yorks. III, 146;
Chronicon de Melsa , 3 vols. (Rolls Series);
Trans. East Riding Arch. Soc. I. The shield
blasoned for the abbey is gules a cross patonce vair between four martlets silver that is the differenced shield of the counts of Aumarle. In Glover's roll of Henry III 'Le Conte d' Aumarle' bears 'de goules ou ung crois pate de verre'. The seal is
here used by Alexander, abbot, 1197-1210.
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A hand issuing from the dexter holding a crosier.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILL ABBATIS ✠ DE : MELSA O
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Ebor.8
GB Seal no.3517 1247
Meaux, Abbot of
Used by Michael Brun, abbot 1235-1249. V.C.H. Yorks. III, 149.
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval. The abbot standing, in mass vestments and holding crosier, his left hand holds a book to his breast. On each side is a crescent and star.
Inscription: .IGILLUM : ABBA...E MELSA
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.III.22
GB Seal no.3518 1429
Neasham, Convent of
Neasham - Co Durham. A convent of Benedictine nuns, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, probably founded by Emma de Teisa, ancestor of the lords of Greystoke in the time of Henry II. Mon. Ang. IV, 548; Not. Mon. 394; A.A. 2nd ser. XVI,
Size: 51 mm.
Seal design: Oval, very imperfect. A crowned figure seated (apparently Our Lady and Christ).
Inscription: Legend destroyed.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6692
3519: Newbottle: See Scottish Monasteries below.
GB Seal no.3520 1199
Bernard, Prior of Newburgh
Newburgh - North Riding, Yorkshire. A priory of Austin canons, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, founded by Roger Mowbray, 1145. Mon. Ang. VI, 317; Not. Mon. 658; V.C.H. Yorks. III, 226;
Yorks. Arch. Socy. Record Series XVII, 145. Tonge (41 SS p. 19), gives for its arms the differenced shield of Mowbray - gules a lion rampant gold and a prior's staff bendways sinister gold.
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Antique gem, Victory.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Ebor.8
GB Seal no.3521 n.d.
Bernard, Prior of Newburgh
Size: 44 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A robed figure, seated, holding a pen (?) in his right hand and a book in his left.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1226, 1227
GB Seal no.3522 1283
Newburgh, Prior of
Used by the prior as collector of tenths for the king.
Size: 22 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Demi-figure of the prior praying.
Inscription: DEUM TIME ET F...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4324, 4346, 5159
GB Seal no.3523 1448
Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Priory of St Bartholomew of
A priory of Benedictine nuns dedicated to St Bartholomew the apostle. The founder is uncertain, but it was in existence before 1086. Mon. Ang. IV, 484; Not. Mon. 391;
History of Newcastle , Bourne, p. 48; ditto, Brand, vol. I, p. 200; A.A. 2 ser., XV, pp. 179-180.
This is the common seal of the priory and represents St Bartholomew holding a flaying knife, the instrument of his martyrdom, in his hand. The legend as given in Mon. Ang. IV, 487 reads: SIGILLUM MONIALIUM SANCTI BATHOLOMEI INI NOVO CASTRO. The
seal is here used in 1.1Spec.99 by Sibyl Gategang, styled prioress of the nunnery of St Bartholomew of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. The deed names Richard of Emeldon chief bailiff, John of Denton, Gilbert Haukyn, Hugh of Hecham and Richard Scot sub-
Size: 57 x 35 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A nimbed figure standing, the right hand blessing, the left holding a knife (?)
Inscription: Legend destroyed.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Spec.99; 2.3.Spec.49
GB Seal no.3524 1438
Newcastle-upon-Tyne, St Michael of the Wall Knoll of
The house on the Wall Knoll in Pandon originally belonged to the Carmelites or White Friars. In 1360 William Acton founded there a house of Trinitarian or Mathurin Friars or more fully friars of the order of the Holy Trinity for the Redemption of
Captives. Mon. Ang. VI, 1563, 1575; Not. Mon. 398; Bourne's
Newcastle p. 141, charter printed ibid. appendix; Brand's
Newcastle , I, 61 and 400.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round. Our Lord enthroned, with both hands raised. In the field on his right is a cross paty, on his left a crescent enclosing a star. In the field five roses.
Inscription: ....m ...: michis . d wall...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6859
Digitised version GB Seal no.3525 1333
Newminster, Abbey of
Newminster - Northumberland. A Cistercian abbey, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, founded by Ralph de Merlay, 1138, colonised by monks from Fountains. Mon. Ang. V, 398; Not. Mon. 392;
The Newminster Chartulary , S.S. 66; A.A. 3rd ser. XII, 206. This seal is engraved S.S. 66, frontispiece, no. 3 SBM 3726.
Size: 60 x 41 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady, robed and crowned, seated in a canopied niche, holding the child Christ. On each side is a crescent enclosing a star with a fleur de lys above. Below the pediment of the niche is 'AVE MARIA'.
Beneath is a tonsured demi-figure of the abbot praying and holding his crosier; behind his head a star.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Pont.5; 2.3.Pont.10; 4.2.Spec.35
Digitised version GB Seal no.3526 1147
Robert, Abbot of Newminster
St Robert, the leader of the monks from Fountains. See A.A. 3rd ser. XII, 208; S.S. 66, p. x; seal engraved ibid. pl. no. I.
Size: 38 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A hand issuing from the dexter holding a crosier.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.1
GB Seal no.3527 1247
Newminster, Abbot of
Stephen of Eston was then abbot (A.A. op. cit. 217).
Size: - x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect. A figure in mass vestments standing blessing, his crosier in his left hand (head destroyed).
Inscription: ...LUM AB...VI MON...
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.III.22
Newminster: see also 2407.
GB Seal no.3528 1303-1312
John, Abbot of Newminster
John of Whelpington. The seal is that he uses as collector of the tithes of Durham for the church of Rome. Engraved S.S. 66 frontispiece no. 2. It represents the head of John Baptist.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round. A head with long curling hair and a beard. On the dexter side 'N', on the sinister 'M'.
Inscription: IOHANNES . EST NOMEN EI':
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4152, 4208, 4263, 4323, 4329, 4345, 4175, 4352, 4516, 4617, 4783, 4755, 4758, 4805, 4901, 5999, 4214, 4303, 4332, 4345, 4362, 4943, 4951, 5031, 5393
Digitised version GB Seal no.3529 1311
John, Abbot of Newminster
The same man as no. 3528. He is here styled collector of the tithes of Durham for the Holy Land. In B.M. this seal is used as secretum to the common seal of the abbey.
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval. An arm with loose sleeve, the hand holding a crosier, a crescent with a star above it, in the field.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4349, 4375
GB Seal no.3530 1185
W. Abbot of Newminster
Used by abbot Geoffrey. Engraved S.S. 60 frontispiece no. 4;
Finchale Priory , p. 19.
Size: 41 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A figure vested in alb, tunic, chasuble and low mitre, standing, his right hand holding a fleur de lys, his left holding his crosier.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Ebor.10, 11; 3.6.Spec.37
GB Seal no.3530(i) 1197
G. Abbot of Newminster
Same as previous seal: now used by abbot William.
Size: 41 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A figure vested in alb, tunic, chasuble and low mitre, standing, his right hand holding a fleur de lys, his left holding his crosier.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1318
GB Seal no.3531 n.d.
Nostell, Prior of
Nostell - West Riding, Yorkshire. A priory of Austin canons dedicated to St Oswald, said to have been founded by Ilbert de Lacy in the time of Rufus, but more probably by his son Robert in the reign of Henry I when Thurstan was archbishop. Mon.
Ang. VI, 89; Not. Mon. 645; V.C.H. Yorks. III, 231. This seal is used by John, styled prior of the monastery of St Oswald of Nostell, that is John of Hemingbrough prior towards the end of 14th century. The arms given by Tonge (S.S. 41, p. 78) are
those attributed to St Oswald but differenced in colour from the Durham shield, they are blasoned gules a cross between four lions rampant gold. See also seals in B.M. and note in 41 S.S. p. 78 and note 76 in this catalogue.
Size: 13 mm.
Seal design: Octagonal signet, very indistinct.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXV.84
GB Seal no.3532 1326
Oseney, Abbey of
Oseney - Oxfordshire. An abbey of Austin canons dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, founded by Robert d'Oilly II, 1129. Mon. Ang. VI, 248; Not. Mon. 429; Visits. Linc. 162; V.C.H. Oxford II, 93; Seal engraved ibid. pl. facing p. 88; SBM 3801.
The arms of the abbey are given azure two bends gold the shield of the founder. E.H. 381.
Size: 83 x 57 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady, robed and crowned, holding the child Christ seated in a canopied niche with buttresses, crockets and spires. Beneath is an ox standing, above it on plinth of niche 'DE OXONIA'.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Ebor.11, 13, 37, 38
Digitised version GB Seal no.3533 n.d.
Oxford, Priory of St Frideswide of
St Frideswide, a legendary Saxon saint of whom little certain is known, is said to have founded a convent of nuns at Oxford, c.727. She was canonised and the church there has always been known by her name. It passed through many vicissitudes
until in 1122 Gwysmund, a chaplain to Henry I established there a priory of Austin canons. The priory was suppressed by Wolsey, who founded his college upon its enlarged site. Subsequently Cardinal college was refounded by Henry VIII, under the
title of Aedes Christi, the House of Christ. The priory church became the college chapel and eventually became the cathedral of the diocese of Oxford, after the short-lived settlement of the see at Oseney. This seal is engraved pl. I
“Some Durham College Rolls” . Mon. Ang. VI, 134; Not. Mon. 413; V.C.H. Oxford II, 97; SBM 3811;
History of Christ Church , by H.L. Thompson (College Histories).
Size: 79 x 57 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A figure of St Frideswide robed and with mantle over shoulders, seated under a round-headed arch, above which are three towers. She holds a lily in right hand and a book in left.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.5.Ebor.17
? Revesby, Abbey of: see 1994.
GB Seal no.3534 n.d.
Richmond, Prior of St Martin's of
Richmond - Yorkshire. A Benedictine cell of St Mary's, York, founded c. 1100 by Wymar, steward of Stephen, earl of Richmond, and colonised by monks from St Mary's abbey, York. Mon. Ang. III, 601; Not. Mon. 644; V.C.H. Yorks. III, 112;
Yorks. Arch. Socy. Record Series XVII, 174.
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Antique gem, a ram.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Spec.7, 37
GB Seal no.3535 n.d.
Rievaulx, Abbey of
Rievaulx - North Riding, Yorkshire. A Cistercian abbey, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, founded 1131 by Walter Espec. Mon. Ang. V, 274; Not. Mon. 652; V.C.H. Yorks. III, 149;
Chartulary of Rievaulx , S.S. 83;
Yorks. Arch. Socy. Record Series , XVII, 176. This seal is engraved ibid. pl. facing p. LXXXVIII, no. 4. Tonge (S.S. 41, p. 19), gives for the arms of
the abbey the differenced shield of Ros of Hamlake gules three bougets silver and a crosier paleways gold. See note 101.
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A figure, in monastic habit, seated writing at a desk.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Ebor.23
GB Seal no.3536 12th century
Rievaulx, Abbey of
Time of Pope Alexander III (1159-1180). To charter no. 1330 the seal is used by Ethelred (Aelred), abbot 1147-1167. To no. 1227 it is used by Silvanus, abbot 1170-1188. It is engraved 83 S.S. pl. facing p. LXXXVIII.
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A figure in monastic habit seated, in front of a desk, holding a book in his right hand and a crosier in his left.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.8.Spec.15; Misc.Ch. 1227, 1330
GB Seal no.3537 n.d.
St Albans, Abbey of
St Albans - Hertfordshire. A Benedictine abbey, dedicated to St Alban the British protomartyr, founded 793 by Offa of Mercia. Mon. Ang. II, 178; Not. Mon. 180; V.C.H. Herts. IV, 367; seals illustrated ibid. pl. facing p. 416;
Monasterii S. Albani Chronica (Rolls Series) and M. Paris,
Historia Anglorum , and
Chronica Majora (Rolls Series) passim.
Size: 79 x 54 mm.
Seal design: Oval. St Alban, robed and nimbed, seated holding a cross in his right hand and an orb and palm branch in his left.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Spec.1, 4, 6
GB Seal no.3538 1167-1188
Simon, Abbot of St Albans
1167-1188. Seal engraved N.C.H. VIII, p. 64, secretum, ibid. p. 65. The vestments depicted are noticeable, showing the loosely folded amice, the chasuble short and pointed in front, full and square behind, with a straight vertical strip of
orphrey, the dalmatic is elaborately embroidered.
Size: 83 x 51 mm.Size: Secretum: 32 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval. The abbot vested in alb, embroidered dalmatic, maniple, chasuble, amice and mitre standing holding crosier in his right hand and a book in his left.Secretum: antique gem, head of an emperor
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Spec.4
GB Seal no.3539 1247
Salley, Abbot of
Salley - West Riding, Yorkshire. A Cistercian abbey, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, founded 1146 by William Percy III and colonised from Newminster. Mon. Ang. V, 510; Not. Mon. 658; V.C.H. Yorks. III, 156;
Yorks. Arch. Jour. XX, 454; ibid. Record Series XVII, 190. Tonge (41 S.S. pp. 89, 90), gives the arms azure a fess indented of five fusils, being the ancient shield of Percy (see A.A. 2nd ser. IV, 165, and ibid. 3rd
ser. III, 233). Tonge gives a second shield, which I cannot explain, silver on a pale sable a crosier gold.
Size: 35 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval. The abbot standing in mass vestments holding his crosier in his right hand and a pen (?) in his left.
Inscription: .IGILLU ...E SAL...A..
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.III.22
GB Seal no.3540 1259
Selby, Abbot of
Selby - Yorkshire. A Benedictine abbey, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary and St German of Auxerre, founded by Benedict, a monk of Auxerre, c.1069. The figure here depicted probably represents St German. Mon. Ang. III, 485; Not. Mon. 637;
V.C.H. Yorks. III, 95;
The Coucher Book of Selby , ed. by J.T. Fowler;
Yorks. Arch. Socy. Record Series , XVII, 195. The seal is here used by abbot Thomas of Whalley (1255-1262). For engraving of an eleventh
century seal of the abbey, see V.C.H. Yorks. III pl. facing p. 100.
Size: 57 mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect. A tonsured figure in mass vestments, holding crosier in right hand and a book in his left. The field of the seal is diapered.
Inscription: ME : DE... : SELE..
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Archiep.21
Digitised version GB Seal no.3541 1319
Selby, Abbot of
Used by John of Wistow, 1321-1335.
Size: - x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect. St German of Auxerre in pontificals, blessing.
Inscription: S' SCI GERMANI D... LE ... DE...TATU
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4155, 4958
GB Seal no.3542 1465
John, Abbot of Selby
John Ousthorp, abbot 1436-1466. The shield is blasoned sable three swans silver feet and bills gold; 41 S.S. p. 62.
Size: 57 mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect. St German of Auzerre, in pontificals, blessing, standing in a canopied niche of rich tabernacle work. Beneath is 's'cvs germanus', and below a shield of arms, three swans.
Inscription: sigillum : iohis : a... selby .
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6872, 6663, 6663*
Digitised version GB Seal no.3543 n.d.
Shrewsbury, Abbot of
Shrewsbury - Shropshire. A Benedictine abbey, dedicated to SS. Peter and Paul, founded 1083 by Roger Montgomery, Earl of Arundel and Shrewsbury and his wife Adeliza (a daughter of Everard Puiset). Mon. Ang. III, 513; Not. Mon. 445. This seal is
used by H. styled abbas de Salopesberia, probably Henry, who was abbot c.1223.
Size: 57 x 41 mm.
Seal design: Oval. The abbot in monastic habit, standing, holding crosier in his right hand (his left is broken off).
Inscription: ..IS ABB... DE SALOPESBU...
Seal attached to document reference: 2.4.Ebor.11
GB Seal no.3544 n.d.
Stamford, Prior of St Michael of
Stamford - Northamptonshire. A Benedictine nunnery, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Michael, founded by William of Waterville, abbot of Peterborough c. 1155. Mon. Ang. IV 257; Visits Linc. 158; V.C.H. Northants. II, 98. The seal is
used by Peter, styled 'prior S. Michaelis de Standford'.
Size: 32 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Antique gem, a monster.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.4.Ebor.7
GB Seal no.3545 1387
Stamford, Rural Dean
The seal of the priory, also originally attached, is represented by only traces of red wax.
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval. The bust of a man, full face. On the dexter side a star on the sinister a crescent.
Inscription: ....ANI....
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6840
GB Seal no.3546 1444
Stamford, Prior of St Leonard's
Stamford - Lincolnshire. Said to have been founded by St Wilfrid in the 7th century. It was refounded as a Benedictine priory, subordinate to Durham, by bishop William of Saint-Calais. The seal is here used by Richard Barton, styled prior of the
cell of St Leonard at Stamford. Mon. Ang. IV, 472; Not. Mon. 280; Visits. Linc. 156; V.C.H. Lincoln II, 127.
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A kneeling figure; above, the hand of God, blessing.
Inscription: GRACIA ...
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XVI.7
GB Seal no.3546(i) 1398
Robert Pykton, Prior of St Leonard's Stamford
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6842
John Wycliffe, Prior of St Leonard's Stamford: see 2715.
GB Seal no.3547 1380
Stratford, Convent of
Originally catalogued as Stafford, but this is the seal of the Cistercians of Stratford, Essex.
Size: 44 mm.
Seal design: Round. Our Lady robed and crowned, seated in a canopied niche of rich tabernacle work. The child Christ on her knee.
Inscription: ✶ SI... ENTUS DE ST...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc. 6000
GB Seal no.3548 1391
Swineshead, Abbey of
Swineshead - Lincolnshire in the parts of Holland. A Cistercian abbey, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, founded 1134 by Robert Gresley and his son Albert, colonised from Furness. It was Savigniac at its foundation, but was united to the
Cistercian order c.1157 with Furness and the other Savigniac houses. Mon. Ang. V, 336; Not. Mon. 258; Visits. Linc. 158; V.C.H. Lincoln II, 145. Seal is SBM 4136.
Size: 54 x 35 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady robed and crowned, seated with the child Christ on her knee. Beneath a flat trefoiled arch the abbot stands in monastic habit and wearing a round cap, holding his crosier in his right hand and a
book in his left; three figures of monks stand on each side of him.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.5.Ebor.8
Digitised version GB Seal no.3549 1516
Syon, Abbey of
Syon - Middlesex. An abbey of Austin canons and nuns, as reformed by St Bridget of Sweden, and known as the Order of the Saviour, dedicated to Our Saviour, the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Bridget, founded by Henry V, 1414. Mon. Ang. VI, 540; Not.
Mon. 324. This is the seal 'ad causas', the figures in base represent Henry V and St Bridget, the shield on the dexter I cannot explain or blason that on the sinister is the shield of Henry. It is here used by Elisabeth, abbess, and John, confessor,
of the sisters and brethren of SS. Mary and Bridget. The common seal of the abbey is engraved
Archaelogia XVII, 328. This seal is SBM 4022.
Size: 67 x 41 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady robed and crowned, seated in a canopied niche with the child Christ standing on her right knee, in her left hand she holds a sceptre which ends in a fleur de lys. Beneath, under an arch, is the
figure of a king robed and crowned, kneeling behind him is a robed and nimbed female figure. On the dexter side is a shield of arms, a plain cross, on the sinister, a like shield bearing quarterly France (Modern) and England.
Inscription: s'comune ... sci saluatoris de syon london dioc ad cās
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.I.27
Digitised version GB Seal no.3550 1385
Tynemouth, Priory of
Tynemouth - Northumberland. A Benedictine priory, founded originally by St Oswald the king (634-642), and refounded by Robert Mowbray, 1090, colonised by monks from St Albans, of which abbey it became a cell. The original dedication was to the
Blessed Virgin Mary, but after the body of St Oswin was translated there it came under his patronage, and the fame of the local saint rather overshadowed that of Our Lady. Its arms were those attributed to St Oswin gules three crowns gold. Sym. II,
209, 221 (Rolls); Mon. Ang. V, 302; N.C.H. VIII, 34. This seal is engraved ibid. pl. VII, no. 6; SBM 4226.
Size: 76 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady robed and crowned, standing in a canopied niche, holding the child Christ on her left arm. On her sinister side, in a similar niche, is the crowned and robed figure of a king (St Oswin), holding a
spear in his right hand and a sceptre in his left. Above is the full-faced bust of woman, a star on each side of her neck.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Pont.7
GB Seal no.3551 1198
Akary, Prior of Tynemouth
Engraved N.C.H. VIII, pl. VII, no. 1.
Size: 54 x 38 mm.
Seal design: Oval. The tonsured figure of the prior in monastic habit, standing with his right hand on his breast and in his left a closed book.
Seal attached to document reference: 3.6.Spec.37; 2.1.Ebor.10, 11
GB Seal no.3552 1210-1239
Tynemouth, Prior of
c.1210-1239; engraved op. cit. no. 2.
Size: 35 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Antique gem, the head of an emperor.
Inscription: ✠ CAPUT . NOSTRUM . XR̄S . EST
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Spec.25
Digitised version GB Seal no.3553 1149x1152
German, Prior of Tynemouth
1149x1152; engraved op. cit. no. 3.
Size: 41 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A kneeling figure of the prior in monastic habit, his right hand on his breast and holding in his left a ...?
Inscription: ✠ HO CLAUSA LAT... NGIS PATET .
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Arch.Dunelm.2
GB Seal no.3554 1310
Tynemouth, Prior of
Used by prior Simon of Walden to no. 4361; by prior Richard of Tewing to no. 8. The same seal is used in 1380 by prior Clement of Whetehamstede. It is engraved op. cit. no. 5; see also ibid., note, p. 122.
Size: 41 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval. The demi-figure of a king (St Oswin) in a canopied niche, holding a sceptre in his right hand and his left in his breast. Beneath, under a trefoiled arch, is a demi-figure of the prior praying. On the
canopy work above him is 'SERVE DEUM'
Inscription: .FRIS S...NIS : PRIORIS : DE TINEMU...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4361; 4.5.Elemos.8
GB Seal no.3555 1281
Reynold, Abbot of Holy Cross, Waltham
Waltham - Essex. Founded in the eleventh century by Tovi, Lord of Waltham, who built and endowed a church there for the reception of the Holy Cross, brought from Montacute in Somerset; it was rebuilt c.1060 by Earl Harold Godwinson, who made it a
house of secular canons. It appears to have been granted to bishop Walcher of Durham by the Conqueror, 1075 (Sym. I, 113, Rolls). In 1177 Henry II converted it into a priory of Austin canons, dedicated to the Holy Cross, and in 1184 erected it into
an abbey. The seal is here used by Reynold of Maidenhithe, elected abbot 1273. Mon. Ang. VI, 56; Not. Mon. 119; V.C.H. Essex II, 166. Seal is SBM 4256.
Size: 51 x 38 mm.
Seal design: Oval. The abbot in mass vestments standing, his right hand blessing, his left holding his crosier. On his dexter side is RE GI on his sinister NA LD.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Archiep.14
GB Seal no.3556 1301
Waltham, Abbot of
The seal represents the Holy Cross of Waltham. The arms of the abbey were (silver) on a cross engrailed (sable) five crosses crosslet fitchy (gold). See seal B.M. 4250 and E.H. 390. For full account of the seals of the abbey see paper by Sir W.H.
St John Hope in the
Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London , Second Series, vol. XXVIII, p. 95.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect. A cross between two candles in candlesticks. Beneath is the abbot in mass vestments and mitre, praying.
Inscription: E...R ...SC . TAT...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4159, 4160, 4285, 4291, 4318
Digitised version GB Seal no.3557 1437
Wearmouth, Cell of
Wearmouth - Co Durham. Originally founded by Benedict Biscop 674 and dedicated to St Peter. Restored by bishop Walcher, 1075 (Sym. I, 113; Rolls). In 1083 bishop William of Saint-Calais removed the monks to Durham and it became thence-forward a
cell subordinate to Durham. Mon. Ang. I, 501; Not. Mon. III; H.D. II, 501; S.D. II, 2. The seal is here used by William Lyham, styled master of the cell of Wearmouth, 'sigillum quo utor in dicta cella'.
Size: 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Two heads facing each other, the one male, the other female; above them John Baptist's head in a dish. Beneath is a figure praying. The whole device is in elaborate tracery.
Inscription: ✶ ...TISTA CHRISTI...
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XV.3a
Wearmouth, Master of: see 826.
GB Seal no.3558 1356
Simon, Abbot of Westminster
A Benedictine abbey, dedicated to St Peter, and probably founded by Sebert, king of the East Saxons, c.610. Mon. Ang. I, 265; Not. Mon. 292; see also
The Monks of Westminster , by archdeacon Pearce. The seal is that of Simon Langham, abbot 1349-1362. He was afterwards bishop of Ely, lord chancellor, and archbishop of Canterbury, which he resigned in 1368 on his
elevation as cardinal-priest of St Sixtus; he died at Avignon 1376. For his seal as Cardinal, see 3176, and as archbishop, see 3093. The arms of the abbey were gules two keys saltireways gold; see seals B.M. 4305, 4309 and 4311; also E.H. 391.
Size: 51 x 35 mm.
Seal design: Oval. St Peter standing, in a canopied niche of rich tabernacle work, holding keys in his left hand; in a niche on his sinister is Edward the Confessor, his right hand on his breast, his left holding a sceptre.
Beneath is the abbot with mitre and crosier praying.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Archiep.1
GB Seal no.3559 n.d.
Whitby, Abbey of
Whitby - North Riding, Yorkshire. Founded as a monastery for monks and nuns by St Hilda, c.657. Refounded as a Benedictine priory by William Percy, c.1074. In the time of Henry I it was erected into an abbey and dedicated to St Peter and St
Whitby Chartulary , S.S. 69 and 72; Mon. Ang. I, 405; Not. Mon. 632; V.C.H. Yorks. III, 101;
Yorks. Arch. Socy. Record Series , XVII, 222. Seal is B.M. 4329. Tonge gives its arms azure
three ammonites silver (41, S.S. p.22).
Size: 70 x 44 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Under a church-like canopy St Peter, in episcopal vestments and mitre, standing, holding key in his left hand, his right hand blessing.
Inscription: ...SCE .. HILDE : DE W... : AD CAS..
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1226
GB Seal no.3560 1300
Whitby, Prior of
Size: 35 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Two figures standing in canopied niches.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6682
GB Seal no.3561 1382
Winchester, Cathedral of
Winchester - Hampshire. Founded towards the end of 7th century and belonged to secular canons till 963, when bishop Ethelwold displaced them by Benedictine monks from Abingdon. It was under the invocation of many saints - St Peter, St Amphibalus,
St Ethelwold, St Swithun and the Holy Trinity - but St Swithun appears to have been its tutelary saint and the cathedral priory was usually distinguished by his name. Mon. Ang. I, 189. Not. Mon. 152. This seal is used by Hugh (Basing), prior
1361-1384. Dugdale (Mon. Ang.) gives its arms gules two keys in bend dexter surmounted by a sword in bend sinister gold.
Size: 73 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A mitred figure in mass vestments, standing, his right hand blessing, his left holding a book. On the dexter side is a shield of arms quarterly France (ancient) and England on the sinister a shield bearing
two keys saltireways.
Inscription: Legend destroyed.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Archiep.10
GB Seal no.3562 n.d.
York, Abbey of St Mary
A Benedictine abbey, dedicated originally to St Olave and later (1088) to the Blessed Virgin Mary, founded by Alan, Earl of Brittany, c.1078 and colonised by monks from Whitby. Mon. Ang. III, 529; Not. Mon. 638; V.C.H. Yorks. III, 107;
Yorks. Arch. Socy. Record Series , XVII, 231. The seal is used by 'Iprior et conventus S. Mariae Ebor'.
Size: -
Seal design: A dished seal, only a fragment remaining. A seated figure, holding in his right hand a scroll on which is MARI.
Inscription: MA...
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Archiep.7
GB Seal no.3563 1259
Simon, Abbot of St Mary's of York
Simon of Warwick, abbot 1258-1296. The secretum is a very beautiful gem representing the toilet of Venus, its description as 'little seal' is unusual. SBM 4391.
Size: 73 x 38 mm.Size: Secretum: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval. The abbot, tonsured and wearing alb, tunic, stole, amice, chasuble and rationale, holding his crosier in his right hand and a book to his breast in his left, standing on a bracket in a canopied niche with
side shafts.Secretum: oval. Antique gem, a half draped female figure standing.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Archiep.21
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3564 1300
York, Prior of St Mary's
Size: 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lord seated in Majesty blessing; in the field on his dexter side is 'W', on the sinister 'TA'.
Inscription: Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6682
GB Seal no.3565 1310
John, Abbot of St Mary's, York
John of Gilling, abbot 1303-1313. The secretum is apparently a medieval Christian gem representing probably the Annunciation, but it is curiously archaic in style.
Size: 70 x 44 mm.Size: Secretum: 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval. The abbot tonsured and wearing alb, embroidered dalmatic, chasuble, amice and rationale, standing on a bracket in a canopied niche with side shafts, his right hand holding his crosier, his left a book;
above his left shoulder is a star.Secretum: oval. Engraved gem, a robed and nimbed female figure standing, to whom a small naked figure kneels, behind him is an angel with outstretched hand, between the angel and the woman is a dove descending. In front of
the angel is a small cross.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5991, 5985
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3566 1319
Alan, Abbot of St Mary's York
Alan of Nesse, 1313-1331.
Size: -
Seal design: Very imperfect, but appears to be the same both on obverse and reverse to no. 3565.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4170
GB Seal no.3567 1343
Thomas, Abbot of St Mary's, York
Thomas of Multon, 1331-1359.
Size: 70 mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect. A tonsured figure of the abbot standing, his crosier in his left hand.
Inscription: ... AC...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4447
GB Seal no.3568 1519
Edmund, Abbot of St Mary's, York
Edmund Thornton, 1507-1521. The shield on the dexter is possibly the royal shield and may refer to William Rufus. The shield in base is, I suppose, that of the abbey. The arms given by Tonge (41, S.S. p. 60) are silver on a cross gules a besant
charged with a demi king crowned and robed (William Rufus); see also E.H. 393.
Size: 79 x 51 mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect. A mitred figure of the abbot wearing alb, dalmatic and chasuble, standing in a canopied niche, a crosier in his left hand, a book in his right. On the dexter side is a shield of arms, three
leopards (?); sinister side of seal destroyed. Beneath is a like shield, a plain cross.
Inscription: ...on abbatis monas... ebor
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5986
GB Seal no.3568(i) 1513
Edmund, Abbot of St Mary's, York
Edmund Thornton, 1507-1521. The abbot's signature 'Edmundus Abbas Ebor.' also appears.
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round, signet, impressed on paper. On a shield, the abbot's rebus, a tun with a thorn tree behind (for Thornton)
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XIX.4
GB Seal no.3569 1294
York, Abbot of St Mary's
Used by the abbot as 'collector medietatis beneficiorum eccles, secundam ultimam taxacionem Dni. Regis concessam'.
Size: 29 x 22 mm.Size: Secretum: 16 x 13 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Antique gem, a lion, a floriated border on the setting.Secretum, undecipherable.
Inscription: ✠ DEUM . TIME . ET . MANDATA . EIUS . COSERVA
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4369, 4678, 4689, 4829, 4833
GB Seal no.3570 1302-1335
York, Abbot of St Mary's
Used by the abbot as collector of tenths for the Lord Clement, pope.
Size: 29 x 22 mm.Size: Secretum: 13 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Antique gem, Victory.Secretum: Antique gem, a female figure holding a cornucopia.
Inscription: ✠ DECLINA . A . MALO : * : ET . FAC . BONUM
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4140, 4150, 4166, 4157, 4179, 4180, 4221, 4233, 4321, 4322, 4326, 4327, 4341 (has secretum as 3569), 4371, 4475, 4636, 4788, 4828, 4935, 5106
Digitised version GB Seal no.3571 1315
York, Abbot of St Mary's
Used by the abbot as collector of subsidies.
Size: 16 x 13 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Antique gem, a standing female figure.
Inscription: ...B. T...C . U . T . A .
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4184
GB Seal no.3572 1319
York, Abbot of St Mary's
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Antique gem, a veiled female head.
Inscription: :*: IE SUY : AL... : ADEU . SE : R...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4207
GB Seal no.3573 1329
York, Abbot of St Mary's
Used by the abbot as collector of the tenths of the king.
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady robed and crowned, seated, with the child Christ, in a canopied niche. Beneath is a demi figure of the abbot praying.
Inscription: AVE MARIA GRACIA PL...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4188, 4548, 4311, 4782
GB Seal no.3574 1306-1333
York, Abbot of St Mary's
Used by the sacrist of St Mary's and by 'Johannes de Tyuerington substitutus abbatis monasterii Ebor... sigillum quo utor', acting as collectors.
Size: 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Antique gem, a chariot drawn by four horses, driven by a radiated figure (Apollo) over the horses backs is a crescent, over their heads a star.
Inscription: S' SEC'TI AMORIS
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4193, 4202, 4407, 4765, 5020, 4338, 4548†, 4548*, 4685, 4822, 4855
GB Seal no.3575 1330-1337
York, Abbot of St Mary's
Seal used by the abbot and convent as collectors of the tenths for the Holy Land.
Size: 32 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Rounded oval. Our Lady with the child Christ standing in a canopied niche.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4151, 4158, 4211, 4255, 4296, 4339, 4365, 4831, 5047, 5087
GB Seal no.3576 1338
York, Abbot of St Mary's
Size: 22 x 19 mm.Size: Secretum to Misc.Ch. 4158: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A robed figure holding crosier in right hand and ...(?) in left. A kneeling figure prays beneath, a star above his head.Secretum: oval. A figure standing, holding crosier; a kneeling figure prays to him, above whose head is a star.
Inscription: ✶ EFFICIAT ...CATA .. ROCU..Secretum: Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4171, 4206, 4218, 4976, 4158, 4293, 4653, 4807
Digitised version GB Seal no.3577 1340
York, Abbot of St Mary's
Seal as collector of the tenths.
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Adam and Eve standing in front of a tree.
Inscription: ADAM PR..XU ... NOVIT ARBOR... MORTIS...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4203, 5099, 4241, 4308
Digitised version GB Seal no.3578 1343
York, Abbot of St Mary's
Seal used by the abbot and convent as 'collector decimae annualis Dno. Regis concess'.
Size: 25 x 22 mm.Size: Secretum: 13 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady with the child Christ standing in a canopied niche; on the dexter, in a like niche, is St Michael spearing the dragon. Beneath is the abbot praying.Secretum: oval. Antique gem, very indistinct.
Inscription: 1. Legend destroyed.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4217, 4913
GB Seal no.3579 1347
York, Abbot of St Mary's
Seal used by the abbot and convent 'collector decimae biennialis Dno. Regi concess'. Secretum as 3587 below.
Size: 22 x 16 mm.Size: Secretum: 13 mm.
Seal design: Oval. A seated figure holding a sword in his right hand and a book in his left.Secretum: round. A crowned head.
Inscription: S' P DECIMA ... BIENNALISecretum: * PRO REGE *
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4258, 4307, 4947, 4364, 4947
GB Seal no.3580 1345
York, Abbot of St Mary's
Seal used by 'collector decimae triennalis Regi Angliae concess'. Secretum inscription is abbreviated form of 'decima'.
Size: 19 x 16 mm.Size: Secretum: 10 mm.
Seal design: Square. St John Baptist and St Lucy, each standing in a canopied niche.Secretum: round. X
a within a circle.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4344, 4347, 4368
Digitised version GB Seal no.3581 1344
York, Abbot of St Mary's
Seal used as collectors of the triennial tenths. Secretum same as 3580.
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady robed and crowned, standing with the child Christ.
Inscription: Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4234, 4573
GB Seal no.3582 1343
York, Abbot of St Mary's
'Sigillum pro procurationibus'.
Size: 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval. The Coronation of the Virgin; in roundels in the border are the symbols of the evangelists. Beneath a demi figure of the abbot praying.
Inscription: SCI ... DEI NOS ... E .. DE...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4176, 4776
GB Seal no.3583 1349
York, Abbot of St Mary's
Used by the abbot as collector of the procurations of Master Raymund Pelegrin (see seal no. 1954 and 3710) 'sigillum ad hujus procurationes deputatatvm'.
Size: 38 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady standing, holding the child Christ; on her dexter a kneeling figure prays to them.
Inscription: ...ATRIS : WILLI MEM...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5849
GB Seal no.3584 1353
York, Abbot of St Mary's
Seal used as collector of procurations.
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady with Christ standing in a canopied niche, a kneeling figure prays to them.
Inscription: VIRGO ... SALUT
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4358
GB Seal no.3585 1342
York, Abbot of St Mary's
'Sigillum quo utimur in hujus collectionis officii'.
Size: 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval. The Annunciation, between Our Lady and St Gabriel is a pot with a lily in it. Above, is the Holy Dove descending. Beneath, under an arch, is a demi-figure of the abbot praying.
Inscription: ...DING SU... AR .
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4251, 4348
GB Seal no.3586 1360
York, Abbot of St Mary's
Used by the abbot and convent as collectors of the tenths of the king.
Size: 29 mm.Size: Secretum: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect. Our Lady holding the child Christ, and St Catherine holding her wheel, standing in canopied niches. Beneath is a shield of arms, device obliterated.Secretum: Antique gem, Jupiter seated.
Inscription: Legend destroyed.Secretum: * SALVE SU...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4156; secretum, with a smaller secretum on reverse, used to seal Misc.Ch. 4378
GB Seal no.3587 1352-1371
York, Abbot of St Mary's
Used by the abbot and convent as collectors of the biennial tenths granted to the king of England 'sigillum quo utimur in hac parte'. Secretum to 4984 as that no. 2579 above.
Size: 19 x 16 mm.Size: Secretum to Misc.Ch. 4878: 10 x 6mm.Size: Secretum to Misc.Ch. 4259: 13 mm.
Seal design: Square. St Andrew on his cross in front a figure holding a (?)The letter I crowned and a fleur de lys at each side.Round, W crowned.
Inscription: S' ANDREE...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4146, 4259, 4264, 4878, 4984, 5101
Digitised version GB Seal no.3588 1351
York, Abbot (?) of St Mary's
'Sigillum quo utimur in hujus collectionis officio'
Size: 22 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady, robed and crowned, standing in a canopied niche holding the child Christ. On her sinister, in a similar niche, is St Catherine holding her wheel.
Inscription: Legend destroyed.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4360
GB Seal no.3589 1348
York, Abbot (?) of St Mary's
Size: 25 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady standing, holding the child christ. A kneeling figure prays to them.
Inscription: Legend destroyed.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4989
GB Seal no.3589(i) 1362
York, Abbot and convent of St Mary's
Used as collectors of a papal subsidy.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect. Under a triple canopy, Our Lady, robed and crowned. On her sinister, St Catherine holding her wheel, another figure on her dexter is lost.
Inscription: Secretum: as 3591 below.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5070
GB Seal no.3590 1314
York, Sacrist of St Mary's of
Size: 16 mm.
Seal design: Round. Our Lady with the child Christ seated.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3402
GB Seal no.3591 1342
York, Sacrist of St Mary's
Seal used by him as sub-collector of the procurations of Master Bernard Sistre nuncio of the Apostolic see. Bernard was a canon of St Hilary's, Poitiers and nuncio in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland, 1336; and later archdeacon of Canterbury
1340-42 (Cal. Pap. II, 530, 549; L.N. I, 40). For similar design cf. 2650 above.
Size: 16 x 13 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Antique gem, a male head. Four birds surrounding it.
Inscription: No legend.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4143, 5022, 5070 above.
York, Sacrist of St Mary's: see also 3574.
GB Seal no.3592 1363
York, Prior of Holy Trinity
Same seal as 3593 and 3594 next. Originally a collegiate church dedicated to the Holy Trinity. It was refounded in 1089 by Ralph Paynell as a priory of Benedictine monks subordinate to the abbey of Marmoutier, Tours. Mon. Ang. IV, 680; Not. Mon.
641; V.C.H. Yorks. III, 389;
Yorks. Arch. Socy. Record Series XVII, 238. The seal is used here by John (prior John de Chezy, 1356-1363).
Size: 44 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady, robed and crowned, standing in a canopied niche, holding the child Christ. Above them is the head of God the Father. On the dexter side is St Paul; on the sinister, St Peter. Beneath is the prior
Inscription: SIG...
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXVII.26 (46)
GB Seal no.3593 1443
York, Priory of Holy Trinity
Same seal as 3592 previous and 3594 next. John Green, prior, elected 1440.
Size: 51 x 32 mm.Size: Secretum: 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady with the child Christ standing; above is the head of God the Father. On the dexter side, St Paul; on the sinister, St Peter. Beneath is the prior praying.Secretum: round. The letter I crowned and within a quatrefoiled figure.
Inscription: ✠ SIGILLUM DOMVS SCE TRINITATIS EBOR AD CAVSAS DEPVTATV̄Secretum: sigillv iohannis grene
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Ebor.1
GB Seal no.3594 1365
York, Priory of Holy Trinity of
SBM 4398.
Size: 22 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval. The same device as nos. 3592, 3593.
Seal attached to document reference: 4.16.Spec.25
Ecclesiastical Seals: ScottishEpiscopalBishops of Aberdeen
Arms - St Nicholas restoring to life the three children at Myra, blasoned azure in the porch of a church St Nicholas in pontifical vestments and crosier, his right hand raised over three children in a cauldron surrounded by flames.
GB Seal no.3595 1204
John, Bishop of Aberdeen
c.1201-1207. He was prior of Kelso when elected to Aberdeen (Bps. Scot. 101; Keigh, 105; Anc. Ch. Scot. 106). See Anc. Scot. Seal II, 174 and pl. XI, nos. 8 and 9. SBM 14977. Document printed R.N.D. App. 88, no. 477.
Size: 76 x 22 mm.Size: Secretum: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing in mass vestments, his right hand blessing, his left holding his crosier.Secretum: oval, the Lamb of God.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1317
GB Seal no.3596 1293
Official of Aberdeen
Used by 'W' styled 'officialis de Abirdon'. The head may represent St Machar an Irish saint and companion of St Columba who founded the church at Aberdeen which later was dedicated to the Blessed Virgin and St Machar; or it may be St Nicholas the
patron saint of Aberdeen. (Anc. Ch. Scot. 97; Anc. Ded. Scot. 94).
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, the head and bust of a bishop, a crosier on each side, the dexter one plain, the sinister ornamented.
Inscription: ✠ S : O...ALI ...NEN...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4454
Bishops of Argyll
Arms - azure two crosiers, addorsed, saltireways; in chief a mitre gold.
GB Seal no.3597 1255
Alan, Bishop of Argyll
c.1250-1262. (Bps. Scot. 379; Keith, 286; Anc. Ch. Scot. 219). Anc. Scot. Seal II, 189; Hist. Scot. Seal II, 54 and pls. 79 and 80; SBM 17287; Document (indulgence) printed
Rites 152, no. XIV.
Size: 57 x 38 mm.Size: Secretum: 22 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop in mass vestments, standing on a carved bracket beneath which is a man's head, blessing and holding his crosier. On each side, in the field, in a sexfoiled panel is a man's head.Secretum: oval, within an architectural niche below a canopy a demi figure of a bishop in mass vestments with his crosier, blessing. Beneath Alan, kneeling to the dexter, prays.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 811
GB Seal no.3598 1310
Andrew, Bishop of Argyll
c.1300-1341. He was a Dominican friar (Bps. Scot. 379; Keith, 286; Anc. Ch. Scot., 219). Anc. Scot. Seal II, 189; SBM 17289; Document printed
Rites 156, no. XLV. Indulgence granted at Durham 'XIII kal. Decembris 1310, pontificatus anno 13'.
Size: 63 x 38 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing in mass vestments, blessing and holding his crosier.
Inscription: ✠ S' FRIS . ANDREE . D'I . GRA . EPI . ERGADIENS'
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 812, 813
Bishops of Brechin
Arms - (Gold) three piles (gules) - the arms of David of Scotland, earl of Huntingdon.
GB Seal no.3599 1254-1257
Albin, Bishop of Argyll
1246-1269. He was precentor of Brechin (Cal. Pap. I, 227; Bps. Scot. 175; SBM 17246. Documents (indulgences) printed
Rites , pp. 151 and 153, nos. X and XVIII. See also
Priory of Finchale , p. 175; and seal p. 176. The figure is slightly turned to the sinister, with the face in profile, it is
beautifully designed, the vestments falling in graceful folds, the position giving an appearance of grace and dignity wanting in the full faced position. Nos. 3602, 3605, 3610, 3618, 3619, 3620 are all in this position and appear to have been
engraved by the same artist; they all date about the first half of the thirteenth century.
Size: 67 x 38 mm.Size: Secretum: 44 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop in profile to the sinister, blessing, in mass vestments and holding crosier. He stands on a reversed crescent beneath which is a fleur de lys. On his dexter is a crescent enclosing a star, on his
sinister three dots.Secretum: Oval, Our Lady seated between the two pinnacles of a church with the child Christ. Beneath the bishop prays.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 798, 799
Digitised version GB Seal no.3600 1286
William, Bishop of Argyll
1275-1295. William Cumyn a Dominican friar and lecturer on theology at Perth (Cal. Pap. I, 450; Bps. Scot. 177; Keith, 159; Anc. Ch. Scot. 119). Anc. Scot. Seal II, 178; SBM 17247. Document (indulgence) printed
Rites 155, no. XL.
Size: 54 x 38 mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect. Our Lord seated in majesty, his right hand blessing, his left holding an orb. Beneath is the bishop in mass vestments, praying.
Inscription: ... ECHIN ...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 800
Bishops of Caithness
Arms - azure a crown of thorns gold between three saltires silver (E.H. 225)
GB Seal no.3601 1255
William, Bishop of Caithness
Rites , p. 152, no. XVII. This indulgence is dated at Durham 16 kal. Oct., 1255 anno pontificatus 9o. See also Bps. Scot. 235; Keith, 210; Anc. Ch. Scot., 129; Anc. Scot. Seal II, 184; Hist. Scot. Seal II, 33. For
approximate date of death, Cal. Pap. I, 379.
Size: 63 x 38 mm.Size: Secretum: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing blessing, in mass vestments with his crosier.Secretum: oval, demi figure of the bishop with crosier, blessing. Beneath is a figure in a boat, praying.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 828
GB Seal no.3601A 1288
Alan, Bishop of Caithness
1282-1291. Called Alan of St Edmunds. He had been chaplain to Hugh of Evesham, cardinal of San Lorenzo in Lucina. He was appointed chancellor of Scotland by Edward I, and regent in 1291 (Cal. Pap. I, 464; Bps. Scot. 238; Keith, 211; Anc. Ch.
Scot., 129). Document printed and seal engraved
Priory of Finchale , 190.
Size: -
Seal design: Oval, very imperfect, the bishop standing in mass vestments, blessing, holding his crosier.
Inscription: ... GRA CATHAN...
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Finc.53
Bishops of Dunblane
Arms - silver a saltire engrailed azure (E.H. 227)
GB Seal no.3602 1243-1253
Clement, Bishop of Dunblane
1233-1258. He was a Dominican friar (Bps. Scot. 196; Keith, 172; Anc. Ch. Scot., 204). He it was who commenced building the present cathedral at Dunblane (Anc. Ded. Scot., 113). Documents (indulgences) printed
Rites 150, 152; nos. III and XIII. Anc. Scot. Seal II, 179; SBM 17258. For design of seal see no. 3599 above
Size: 73 x 41 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing in profile to the sinister, blessing, in mass vestments, with crosier. On his dexter side is a crescent, on the sinister a star.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 820, 823
GB Seal no.3603 1260
Robert, Bishop of Dunblane
c.1259-1283 (Cal. Pap. I, 367; Bps. Scot., 198; Keith 173; Anc. Ch. Scot., 204). He is usually known as 'Robertus de Praebenda' he was dean of Dunblane, a canon of Glasgow and Dunkeld and a papal chaplain (op. cit. I, 319, 334). There is an
account of him in Scot. Hist. Rev. VIII, 439. Indulgence printed
Priory of Finchale , 181 and seal engraved. SBM 15027.
Size: -
Seal design: Oval, very imperfect, the bishop standing, blessing, the field of seal is diapered.
Inscription: ...EI : GRA : ...
Seal attached to document reference: 3.1.Finc.44
GB Seal no.3604 1260
Robert, Bishop of Dunblane
Document no. 821 printed
Rites 153, no. XXIV; other indulgences
Priory of Finchale , pp. 185, 187; seal engraved, p. 181; Anc. Scot. Seal II, 179; Hist. Scot. Seal II, 36; SBM 17259. The cathedral church of
Dunblane was dedicated to St Lawrence and St Blane (Anc. Ded. Scot., 112).
Size: 22 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, on the sinister is St Laurence holding his gridiron, on the dexter a bishop (St Blane) standing in mass vestments blessing. Beneath Robert is praying.
Inscription: .ECRETI . ROBTI . DEI . GRA... DVM . LA..
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 821, 4549
Bishops of Dunkeld
Arms - silver a cross sable between two nails gules (E.H. 227)
GB Seal no.3605 1204
Richard, Bishop of Dunkeld
1203-1210 (Bps. Scot., 52; Keith 77; Anc. Ch. Scot. 212). He is known as 'Ricardus de Praebenda' and was the second Richard, bishop of Dunkeld. For design of seal see note 5. Anc. Scot. Seal II, 171 and pl. x, no. 5; Hist. Scot. Seal II, 37; SBM
15039. Document printed R.N.D. App. 88, no. 476.
Hist. Scot. Seal II, 155. St Columba was the patron saint of Dunkeld. After the destruction of Iona in 806 Dunkeld became the chief of the Columban monasteries and some of the saint's relics were brought there. (Anc. Ded. Scot., 40). SBM
Size: 76 x 44 mm.Size: Secretum: 44 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing in profile to the sinister in mass vestments and crosier, blessing.Secretum: oval, a demi figure of bishop (St Columba) with crosier, blessing.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1301
Digitised version GB Seal no.3606 1285
William, Bishop of Dunkeld
c.1283-1287. He was dean of Dunkeld (Cal. Pap. I, 469; Bps. Scot., 59). Document (indulgence) printed
Rites , 155, no. XXXIX. Anc. Scot. Seal II, 171.
Size: 63 x 38 mm.
Seal design: Oval, very imperfect, the bishop standing, in mass vestments with crosier, blessing. On each side, in the field, are three scallop shells.
Inscription: ...ILELMI . D'I . GRA...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 817
GB Seal no.3607 1254
Richard, Bishop of Dunkeld
1251-1272. Called Richard of Inverkeithing. He was chamberlain of the king (Alexander II) and one of the guardians of Alexander III (Bps. Scot., 57; Keith, 80; Anc. Ch. Scot. 212). Document (indulgence)
Rites , 151, no. IX; Anc. Scot. Seal II, 171; SBM 17262.
Size: 76 x 44 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop, in mass vestments, with crosier, standing beneath a church-like canopy, blessing. In the field on each side is a fleur de lys.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 807
GB Seal no.3608 1268
Richard, Bishop of Dunkeld
Same man as preceding. It is greatly destroyed and quite undecipherable.
Size: 22 x ? mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect, a seated figure.
Inscription: ✠ M ... SCO ... VMBA
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4549
Bishop of Glasgow
Arms - Silver a tree, on a mount, hanging from a branch on the sinister a bell, on the top a robin, across the trunk a salmon fessways holding a ring in its mouth (E.H. 224)
GB Seal no.3609 1258
William, Bishop of Glasgow
1233-1258. Called William of Bondington; he was rector of Eddlestone, canon of Glasgow and archdeacon of St Andrew's and afterwards chancellor of Scotland (Cal. Pap. I, 144; Bps. Scot., 302; Keith, 238; Anc. Ch. Scot. 187). It was during his
episcopate and owing to his energy that the choir of Glasgow cathedral was built and the crypt beneath it remodelled and enlarged. Document printed
Rites , 153, no. XX and another in
Priory of Finchale , p. 170. Anc. Scot. Seal I, 164; SBM 15113; Seal and secretum engraved
Liber de Melros , vol. II, pl.
4, no. 5.
St Kentigern, better known as St Mungo, patron saint of the cathedral church of Glasgow. For his history see Anc. Ch. Ded. Scot. 178 and S.C.D. II, 225 for his English dedications ibid. III, 388.
Size: -Size: Secretum: 44 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect, the bishop in mass vestments with crosier, standing blessing.Secretum: oval, a bishop (St Kentigern) standing in mass vestments with crosier blessing. William kneeling prays to him.
Inscription: ... GLASGVENSIS EPI ...Secretum: ✠ ORA . PRO NOBIS . BE [ATE : KENTEGERN]E
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 831
Bishops of Moray
Arms - azure, St Giles in pontificals standing within a church porch, in his dexter hand a cross, in his sinister a book (E.H. 225)
GB Seal no.3610 1204
Brice, Bishop of Moray
1203-1222. Brice Douglas prior of the Benedictine priory of Lesmahago, a cell of Kelso abbey (Bps. Scot., 147; Anc. Ch. Scot. 145 and 263; Keith 137). Documents printed R.N.D. App. 88, nos. 476, 477. Anc. Scot. Seal I, 155 and pl. XVIII, no. 1.
For design of seal see no. 3599.
Size: 76 x 44 mm.Size: Secretum: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing on a reversed crescent in profile to the sinister, in mass vestments, with crosier, blessing.Secretum: oval, antique gem, Pallas Athene standing with shield, holding Victory on her right hand.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1301, 1317
Digitised version GB Seal no.3611 1256
Archibald, Bishop of Moray
1253-1298. He was dean of Moray (Bps. Scot., 150; Anc. Ch. Scot., 145; Keith, 139). Document (indulgence) no. 829 printed
Rites , 154, no. XXVIII. See also
Priory of Finchale p. 182; Anc. Scot. Seal II, 176; SBM 17268.
Size: 63 x 41 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing, in mass vestments with crosier, blessing.
Inscription: ✠ S' . ARCHEBALDI D...RA : EPI MORAVIEN.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 822, 829
Arms - silver, on the dexter St Boniface vested gules, on the sinister St Peter (?) in pontificals vested purple (E.H. 225)
GB Seal no.3611A 1223
Robert, Bishop of Ross
c.1214-1253. he was a chaplain to William the Lion. (Bps. Scot. 211; Keith, 188).
Size: 57 x ? mm.Size: 38 x ? mm.
Seal design: Oval, very imperfect, the bishop in mass vestments standing, blessing.Secretum: oval, imperfect, antique gem, a standing figure.
Inscription: 1. Legend destroyed.Secretum: SEC ... AN ... ELA..
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1151; 1.1.Sacr.11
GB Seal no.3612 1255
Robert, Bishop of Ross
c.1253-1270. He was archdeacon of Ross (Bps. Scot., 212; Keith, 186; Anc. Ch. Scot. 158). Document (Indulgence) printed
Rites 152, no. XVI; Anc. Scot. Seal II, 182; SBM 17275.
The cathedral church of the diocese of Ross at Fortrose was dedicated to SS. Peter and Boniface (Anc. Ded. Scot. 480; Anc. Ch. Scot. 157). St Boniface, whose earlier name was Winfrith, was an Englishman born at Crediton in Devon. He was 'the
apostle of Germany' and archbishop of Mainz (S.C.D. II, 430).
Size: 54 x 35 mm.Size: Secretum: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing in mass vestments, with crosier, blessing.Secretum: oval, the bust of an archbishop wearing mitre and pall.
Inscription: ...BERTVS ...E ... ROSSENSISecretum: ✠ SCS : BONIFATIVS
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 824
Digitised version GB Seal no.3613 1329
Roger, Bishop of Ross
1325-1350. He was canon of Abernethy in the diocese of Dunblane. (Cal. Pap. II, 243; Bps. Scot., 214; Keith, 187; Anc. Ch. Scot. 158). Document printed
Rites , 158, no. LVI; Anc. Scot. Seal II, 182; SBM 17276. The shields bear the arms of the old earldom of Ross blasoned gules three lions rampant silver used evidently to indicate the extent of the diocese. Both Laing,
Walcott and Woodward (E.H.) erroneously attribute this seal to a Roger, bishop of Ross, 1284-1304.
Size: 63 x 38 mm.
Seal design: Oval, St Boniface standing within a canopied niche in mass vestments with crosier blessing, above him in a like niche is a demi figure of Our Lady with Christ. Beneath is the bishop praying. On the sinister in a
niche is St Michael slaying the dragon, on the dexter in a like niche is St Andrew. Below each is a shield of arms three lions rampant.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 809
Digitised version Bishops of St Andrews
Arms - azure a saltire silver
GB Seal no.3614 1150
Robert, Bishop of St Andrews
1127-1159. He was prior of Scone and previous to that a canon of St Oswald's priory at Nostell. Scone was an abbey of Austin Canons founded by Alexander I and colonised from Nostell (Bps. Scot., 4; Keith 8; Anc. Ch. Scot. 85 and 315). Documents
printed R.N.D. App. 81/82 nos. 446-450; Anc. Scot. Seal I, 142; SBM 14913.
Size: 63 x 41 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing in mass vestments and with his crosier, blessing.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 978, 1303, 1334, 5960, 5960x
GB Seal no.3615 n.d.
Arnold, Bishop of St Andrews
1160-1162. He was the second abbot of Kelso (Bps. Scot. 7; Keith, 10; Anc. Ch. Scot., 85). Anc. Scot. Seal II, 167 and pl. IX, no. 6; SBM 14914. Document printed R.N.D. App. 82, no. 451.
Size: 70 x 51 mm.Size: Secretum: 19 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop in mass vestments standing blessing, his crosier in his left hand.Secretum: oval, antique gem, a naked figure seated.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1321
GB Seal no.3616 1167
Richard, Bishop of St Andrews
1165-1178. He was chaplain to king Malcolm (Bps. Scot. 7; Keith 11; Anc. Ch. Scot. 85). Anc. Scot. Seal I, 143 and pl. 14; Hist. Scot. Seal, pl. 54, p. 119; SBM 14915 and 17238. Documents printed R.N.D. App. 83, nos. 453-461.
Size: 76 x 22 mm.Size: Secretum: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing in mass vestments, holding his crosier and blessing.Secretum: oval, antique gem, a charioteer driving a chariot with two horses.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 985, 986, 987, 987x, 1302, 1319, 1330, 1337, 1346; 1.4.Ebor.10
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3617 1193
Roger, Bishop of St Andrews
Son of Robert Beaumont, second earl of Leicester (1168-1190); elected at Perth, 13 April 1189; consecrated 15 February 1198; died 7 July 1202 (Bp. Scot., 10; Keith, 13; Anc. Ch. Scot., 85; Hoveden, IV, 31). Anc. Scot. Seal II, 161 and pl. IX, no.
1; Hist. Scot. Seal II, 121; SBM 14919; Document printed R.N.D. App. 85, no. 462.
Size: 73 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a seated figure in cassock, holding a rod with fleur de lys top in his right hand, and a book, to his breast, in his left.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1309
Digitised version GB Seal no.3618 1199
Roger, Bishop of St Andrews
1198-1202 same man as preceding. Anc. Scot. Seal II, 167 and pl. IX, no. 3; SBM 14920. For design of seal see no. 3599. Documents printed R.N.D. App. 85/86, nos. 463-472.
Size: 86 x 54 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing on a reversed crescent, in profile to the sinister. His right hand is blessing, his left holds his crosier.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 958, 971, 971*, 1342, 1344, 1341
Digitised version GB Seal no.3619 1204
William Malvoisine, Bishop of St Andrews
1202-1238. He was archdeacon of St Andrews, a chaplain to the king and bishop of Glasgow 1200-02 (Bp. Scot. 12; Keith, 15; Anc. Ch. Scot., 85). Anc. Scot. Seal I, 144, nos. 858 and 860; Hist. Scot. Seal, no. 56, p. 123; SBM 14921. He also uses
another secretum as cross patriarchal with two stars beneath the upper limb; Alpha and Omega beneath the lower. (Anc. Scot. Seal I, 144, no. 859; Hist. Scot. Seal, no. 57, p. 125). Documents printed R.N.D. App. 87/88, nos. 473-477.
Size: 76 x 22 mm.Size: Secretum: 41 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop in mass vestments, standing in profile to the sinister. His right hand is blessing, his left holds his crosier. In the field, on each side of him, is a star.Secretum: oval, a half figure of a bishop in profile to the right, blessing and holding his crosier.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1301, 1308, 1317
GB Seal no.3620 1240
David of Bernham, Bishop of St Andrews
1239/40-1253. He was chamberlain to the king of Scotland (Alexander II) (Cal. Pap. I, 183; Bp. Scot. 14; Keith, 16; Anc. Ch. Scot., 86). Anc. Scot. Seal II, 168; SBM 14923. Documents printed R.N.D. App. 88/89 nos. 478-480.
Size: 70 x 44 mm.Size: Secretum: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop in mass vestments, standing in profile to the sinister. His right hand blesses, his left hand, with maniple, holds his crosier. Behind him, in the field is a crescent with a star above
it.Secretum: oval, antique gem, Silenus and nymphs.
Inscription: ... DA ... DEI ...IA . SCO...M EP .Secretum: ✠ MEMENTO DOMINE : DAVID :
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 944, 987† (only instance of secretum), 1320
GB Seal no.3621 1254
Abel, Bishop of St Andrews
1253/54-1254. He was a canon of Glasgow, archdeacon of St Andrews and a papal chaplain; appointed to the see by the pope (Innocent IV) (Cal. Pap. I, 296, 297; Bps. Scot. 15; Keith 17; Anc. Ch. Scot. 86). Anc. Scot. Seal II, 168; SBM 17239.
Document (Indulgence)
Rites , 152, no. XIII and R.N.D. App. 89, no. 481.
Size: 51 x 38 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing in mass vestments, blessing, and holding his crosier. On his dexter side is a crescent on his sinister a star.

S' ABEL ...A : ... EPI : SCI : ANDREE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 818
GB Seal no.3622 1259
Gameline, Bishop of St Andrews
1255-1271. He was chancellor of the king (Alexander III), canon of Glasgow and a papal chaplain (Cal. Pap. I, 295, 318; Bps. Scot., 17; Keith, 18; Anc. Ch. Scot., 86). This is his counter-seal or secretum it is Anc. Scot. Seal I, no. 862; SBM
14924. His seal of dignity is Anc. Scot. Seal I, no. 861. Document printed R.N.D. App. 89, no. 482.
Size: 54 x 35 mm.
Seal design: Oval, two men fastening St Andrew to his cross, above is an angel crowning him. Beneath is the bishop, with his crosier, kneeling, above him is a scroll inscribed 'SECRET : GAMELI'.
Inscription: [ME PA] TER ANDREA IVRA. REGAS Q'. MEA. ..
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1297
Digitised version GB Seal no.3623 1273
William Wishart, Bishop of St Andrews
1273-1279. He was archdeacon of St Andrews, a papal chaplain, and chancellor of Scotland (Cal. Pap. I, 445; Bps. Scot., 18; Keith, 19; Anc. Ch. Scot., 86;
Chronicon de Lanercost , p. 92). SBM 17240. Document (indulgence) no. 819 printed R.N.D. App. 89, no. 483. See also
Priory of Finchale , p. 187. The secretum is remarkable for the early
use of a surname on an episcopal seal.
Size: 51 x 35 mm.Size: Secretum: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, St Andrew on his cross with a man on each side nailing him to it, between them and the cross is a rose. Beneath is the bishop kneeling, holding his crosier.Secretum: A tree upon which two birds are sitting, in front a fox is running to the right.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 819, 826, 827
GB Seal no.3624 1286
William Fraser, Bishop of St Andrews
1280-1297. He was chancellor of Scotland and dean of Glasgow (Cal. Pap. I, 462; Bps. Scot. 19; Anc. Ch. Scot. 86; Keith, 20). Anc. Scot. Seal 1, 144; Hist. Scot. Seal, pl. nos. 59 and 60; SBM 14925 and 14926; Arm. Scot. Seal 994, 995. The shield
bears the canting arms of Fraser, the charges being 'fraises' or strawberry leaves. See no. 2831 above. His first seal (1281) shows the bishop standing on a bracket in full pontificals, blessing, with a shield of his arms, in the field, on each side
of him (Hist. Scot. Seal, pl. 58). This is the earliest of the episcopal seals upon which a shield of arms occurs within the British Isles. It is some nine years earlier than that of William of Louth, bishop of Ely (1290), the earliest English
episcopal seal with armorials that Sir W.H. St John Hope names in his article on the
“Seals of English Bishops” (P.L.A. XI, p. 278) and at least two years earlier than that of Antony Bek of Durham which however only displays armorials, no shield of arms. Documents printed R.N.D. App. 89, nos. 484-
Size: 76 x 22 mm.Size: Secretum: 22 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop in mass vestments, with his crosier, blessing. He stands in a richly decorated niche with crockets and finials. The field of the seal is diapered in lozenge pattern enclosing 'fraises'. Beneath
within a trefoil is a shield of arms six 'fraises'.Secretum: oval. St Andrew on his cross. Above his head is the Hand of God placing a martyr's crown on his head. On each side is a shield of arms, six 'fraises', above the dexter shield is a crescent, above the sinister a
star. Beneath is the bishop, kneeling in profile to the sinister, in mass vestments and with his crosier.
Inscription: S'WILLI : FRASER : DEI . GRA : SCOTTORV : EPI .Secretum: S'. WILLI . FRASER : EPI . SCI . ANDREE :
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1296, 1305, 740
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3625 1309
William of Lamberton, Bishop of St Andrews
1298-1328. He was rector of Campsie, Stirlingshire, and chancellor of Glasgow (Cal. Pap. I, 576; Anc. Ch. Scot. 86; Bps. Scot. 21; Keith, 21). Anc. Scot. Seal I, 145, nos. 865-866; and pl. XXI, no. 2; Arm. Scot. Seal, no. 1541; SBM 14928.
Document no. 1300 printed R.N.D. App. 90, nos. 488. The salmon and ring on the seal allude to the well known story of the queen's lost ring recovered for her by the saint from the mouth of a salmon caught in the river. The bird is the robin
redbreast the pet bird of St Serf restored to life by St Kentigern (Mungo). Both these devices allude to the bishop's connection with the church of Glasgow, a see which was founded by St Kentigern. They form the charges (with a tree added) upon the
shield of the city and see of Glasgow. The lamb above St Andrew on the obverse is in canting allusion to the bishop's name. The shields of arms on the secretum bear the bishop's personal arms the blason of which is unknown.
Size: 57 x 35 mm.Size: Secretum: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval. St Andrew on his cross beneath a canopy, above him is the Holy Lamb. On the dexter side of St Andrew is a fish paleways, with a ring in its mouth and a star on its sinister side. On the sinister of St
Andrew is the Hand of God blessing with a crescent below and beneath that a bird. Beneath all, under a pointed arch, is the bishop in mass vestments and with his crosier, praying.Secretum: St Andrew on his cross, above him the Hand of God blessing. On each side is a shield of arms, three scallop shells; above the dexter shield is a star, above the sinister a crescent.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 810, 825, 1300
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3626 1329
James Ben, Bishop of St Andrews
1328-1332. He was archdeacon of St Andrews and canon of Aberdeen (Bps. Scot. 23; Keith, 23; Anc. Ch. Scot. 86. Anc. Scot. Seal II, 168, pl. X, no. 1; SBM 14929). Documents printed R.N.D. App. 90, nos. 491-493.
Size: 54 x 41 mm.
Seal design: Oval. St Andrew on his cross. On each side is a man on a ladder, fastening his arms to the cross and beneath them another man on each side, fastening his feet. Below is the mitred head of the bishop.
Inscription: .IGILLV . : IACOBI : DEI ... : EPISCOPI : SANCTI : ANDR..
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1327, 1328, 1329
GB Seal no.3627 1362
William Landells, Bishop of St Andrews
1341/42-1385. He was rector of Kinkell, Aberdeenshire, in the diocese of Aberdeen (Cal. Pap. II, 557; Bps. Scot. 25; Keith, 24; Anc. Ch. Scot. 86). Anc. Scot. Seal I, 145; Hist. Scot. Seal, pl. no. 61; Arm. Scot. Seal 1547; SBM 14930. Documents
printed R.N.D. App. 90/91 nos. 495, 497 and 498. The differencing of the royal shield of Scotland by the two crosiers placed saltireways (St Andrew's cross), is curious and interesting, it is, I suppose, meant to denote that the bishop was primate
of Scotland. He uses the same difference for his own shield, that on the dexter beneath. The sinister bears the undifferenced arms of Landells blasoned gold an orle azure (N.S. I, 176).
Size: 51 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval. St Andrew on his cross, beneath a canopy. On his dexter side is a shield of arms Scotland, on the sinister a like shield of Scotland surmounted by two crosiers placed saltireways. Beneath is a half figure
of the bishop in mass vestments holding his crosier with both hands. On his dexter side is a shield of arms, an orle surmounted by two crosiers placed saltireways, on the sinister is a like shield charged with an orle.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1324, 1326, 1332
Digitised version GB Seal no.3628 1419
Henry Wardlaw, Bishop of St Andrews
1403-1440. He was rector of Kilbride and precentor of Glasgow (Bps. Scot., 30; Keith, 28; Anc. Ch. Scot., 87). Anc. Scot. Seal II, 168, pl. X, no. 3; Arm. Scot. Seal 2841; SBM 14932. The lower shield on the dexter bears the arms of the bishop,
the blason of which is not known, the sinister shield bears the arms of Wardlaw of Torrie in Fife, blasoned azure three voided lozenges gold. Documents printed R.N.D. App. 91, nos. 499-500.
Size: 73 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval. In a richly decorated niche is St Andrew on his cross. On each side, in a niche, is an angel holding a shield of arms, Scotland. In a lower niche on the dexter is St Peter, on the sinister St Paul. Beneath
St Peter is a shield of arms a fess charged with three crosses crosslet fitchy, between three voided lozenges, a crosier is placed behind the shield; beneath St Paul is a like shield, three voided lozenges.
Inscription: s : henrici . dei . gracia episcop . sc . andree
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1295, 1295x
GB Seal no.3629 1440
James Kennedy, Bishop of St Andrews
1440-1465. He was bishop of Dunkeld, chancellor of Scotland (1414) and regent of the kingdom in the minority of James III (Bps. Scot. 31; Keith, 29; Anc. Ch. Scot. 87). Anc. Scot. Seal I, 870; Hist. Scot. Seal pl. 62; Arm. Scot. Seal 1462; SBM
14933. The figure on the dexter side of St Andrew is St Michael, that on the sinister possibly St Columba (for Dunkeld). The dexter shield bears the arms of Kennedy blasoned Silver a chevron gules between three crosses crosslet fitchy gules within
the Scottish tressure, the shield on the sinister is the same without the tressure. (N.S. I, 158; Seton, 449). Documents printed R.N.D. App. 91/92, nos. 501-502.
Size: 76 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval. In a central niche of rich tabernacle work is St Andrew on his cross. In a niche above him is Our Lady robed and crowned with the child Christ in her arms, beneath him is a shield of arms - Scotland. In a
niche on the dexter is the standing nimbed figure of St Michael holding a cross in his left hand and a pair of scales in his right. On the sinister in a like niche is the standing figure of a bishop nimbed and in mass vestments with crosier and
mitre, in his right hand a chalice, in his left a crosier. In a niche beneath is the bishop, in pontificals, kneeling in prayer. On his dexter is a shield of arms a chevron between three crosses crosslet fitchy within a tressure of Scotland; on his
sinister is a like shield of arms a chevron between three crosses crosslet fitchy.
Inscription: s : jacobi : dei : gracia episcopi : sancti andree
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1293, 1313
Digitised version GB Seal no.3630 1444-1457
James Kennedy, Bishop of St Andrews
The bishop's privy seal. Anc. Scot. Seal I, 146; SBM 14934. The arms are the same as on the dexter shield of the previous seal. Document nos. 1292, 1314, 1315, 1316 printed R.N.D. App. 92, nos. 503-506.
Size: 35 mm.
Seal design: Round, within a decorated niche St Andrew on his cross. Beneath is a shield of arms a chevron between three crosses crosslet fitchy within the Scottish tressure. The shield is ensigned with a mitre and supported
by two angels.
Inscription: s : jacobi . epi sancti andree :
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1292, 1311, 1314, 1315, 1316
Digitised version
Baldred Bisset, Official of St Andrews: see 2763.
Bishops of WhithornGB Seal no.3631 1248
Gilbert, Bishop of Whithorn
1235-1253. He was master of the novices at Melrose and had been abbot of Glenluce (Bps. Scot. 356; Cal. Pap. I, 198; Anc. Ch. Scot. 224; Keith, 272; Reg. Sacr. Angl. 58). And. Scot. Seal II, 187; Hist. Scot. Seal pl. nos. 82, 83; SBM 17291.
Document (indulgence) no. 801 printed
Rites 151, no. VI; no. 802, ibid VIII. Numerous indulgences of his are printed in
Priory of Finchale , p. 169 et seq. This seal is engraved, p. 173.
Secretum - a beautiful intaglio gem, in jasper, of the early Christian period. The legend alludes to the virtue, attributed to this stone, of its power to stop the flow of blood.
Size: 60 x 38 mm.Size: Secretum: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop in mass vestments, his right hand blessing, his left holding his crosier. A small cross hangs from his neck.Secretum: oval, engraved gem; the Lamb of God.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Archiep.2; Misc.Ch. 801, 802
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3632 1274
Henry, Bishop of Whithorn
1255-1293. Called Henry of Galloway, he was abbot of Holyrood. (Bps. Scot. 357; Anc. Ch. Scot., 225; Keith, 272; Reg. Sacr. Angl. 60). Anc. Scot. Seal II, 187; Hist. Scot. Seal pl. 84, 85; SBM 17292. The secretum represents Henry kneeling before
St Ninian, the apostle of Galloway, who founded the White Church c.397. He dedicated it to St Martin of Tours (Anc. Ded. Scot. 23). Document no. 803 is printed
Rites , 153, no. XXI; no. 804, ibid., 154, no. XXXI. See also
Letters from Northern Registers 88, no. LII (Rolls Series) and
Priory of Finchale p. 179/80
where this seal is engraved and another indulgence of his printed.
Size: 70 x 44 mm.Size: Secretum: 22 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop in mass vestments standing, blessing and with his crosier. On his dexter side is a crescent, on his sinister a star.Secretum: oval, a bishop in pontificals in profile to the sinister, kneeling in front of another bishop also in pontificals who hands a crosier to him. A cross is placed above the head of the kneeling bishop.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 803, 804
Digitised version GB Seal no.3633 1302
Thomas, Bishop of Whithorn
c.1294-1319. Called Thomas of Kirkcudbright, a chaplain to Robert Brus (Bps. Scot., 359; Anc. Ch. Scot., 225; Keith, 273). See also
Letters from Northern Registers , p. 104, nos. LXIII and LXIV (Rolls Series); Anc. Scot. Seal II, 187; Hist. Scot. Seal, pl. 86; SBM 15196. Documents (indulgences) nos. 805 and 806 printed
Rites , 155, nos. XLI, XLII.
Size: 63 x 41 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing beneath a canopy in mass vestments, with crosier, blessing. Across the field of the seal is THOMAS.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.13.Pont.9; Misc.Ch. 805, 806
Archidiaconal, Decanal etc.GB Seal no.3634 n.d.
John, Archdeacon of Lothian
Called John of Leicester; he was a cousin of King William, elected bishop of Dunkeld 1211, died 1214 (Bps. Scot., 53; Keith, 78; Anc. Ch. Scot., 91). Document printed R.N.D. App. 92, no. 510.
Size: 51 x ? mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect, the archdeacon standing and holding a book to his breast with both hands.
Inscription: ...LL' MAGISTRI . IOHAN ...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1238
GB Seal no.3635 1267
Thomas of Chartres, Archdeacon of Lothian
He was archdeacon in 1262 when he received a dispensation from the pope (Urban IV) to hold the churches of 'Fetheresath (Fetteresso, Kineardineshire) and Whitchurch Canonicorum' in the dioceses of St Andrew's and Salisbury (Cal. Pap. I, 382). In
1290 he was chancellor of Scotland (Bps. Scot. 239n). Anc. Scot. Seals II, 192; SBM 14996 by an extraordinary error both these catalogues name him dean of Aberdeen giving the date 1342 and a reference to this document at Durham. It is printed R.N.D.
App. 113, no. 652; in it he is called archdeacon of Lothian and it is dated at Coldingham the fifteenth kalends of June [17 June] 1267.
Size: 44 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect, the archdeacon standing tonsured and surpliced holding a book to his breast with both hands. A shield on each side hanging from a tree, that on the dexter is destroyed and the charges on the
sinister one are obliterated and undecipherable.
Inscription: ✠ S THOME DE : CARNOT ... DONIE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 959
Digitised version GB Seal no.3636 1286
Nicolas of Lochmaben, Official of the Archdeacon of Lothian
Documents printed R.N.D. App. 92, no. 511.
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a pelican in her piety, the nest is placed on a tree at the foot of which is an animal asleep.
Inscription: Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1206
GB Seal no.3637 1223
Robert, Archdeacon of Ross
He was afterwards bishop of Ross, the second Robert to be bishop of that see (Bps. Scot., 212). He died c.1270. See also Cal. Pap. I, 175; Anc. Ch. Scot., 161.
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, a naked figure. Above on the setting is a crescent enclosing a star, beneath is a floriated design.
Inscription: Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Sacr.11
GB Seal no.3638 1204
Randolf, Archdeacon of St Andrews
SBM 14970; Anc. Ch. Scot. 90. Printed R.N.D. App. 88, nos. 476, 477.
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a diptych (?)
Inscription: ✠ SECRETVM ...VLFI DE . WAT ...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1301, 1317
GB Seal no.3639 1232
Lawrence, Archdeacon of St Andrews
SBM 14972; Anc. Ch. Scot., 90.
Size: 22 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the archdeacon standing holding a book to his breast with both hands.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5959
GB Seal no.3640 1362
Dean of Haddington or the Merse
Printed R.N.D. App. 91, no. 497.
Size: 35 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lord in majesty.
Inscription: ... DECA . AT...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1326
GB Seal no.3641 1419
Richard of Spott, Dean of the Christianity of the Merse
Spott in East Lothian was a prebend of the collegiate church of Dunbar (Caledon. II, 511). Document no. 1295 printed R.N.D. App. 91, no. 499; no. 1295x ibid., no. 500. The parishes which formed the rural deanery of the Merse are given in Caledon.
II, 332, note d.
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Head and bust of a bishop his hands joined in prayer. The field diapered with roses.
Inscription: Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1295, 1295*
GB Seal no.3642 1440
Richard Knoll, Dean of the Christianity of the Merse
Printed R.N.D. App. 91, no. 501.
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a hand blessing.
Inscription: s decanatvs de merrs
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1313
GB Seal no.3642A 1456
Dean of the Christianity of the Merse
Printed R.N.D. App. 92, no. 505.
Size: 32 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a crosier, beneath a saltire, and between two crosses crosslet fitchy.
Inscription: decanatvs dell mers * *
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1315
GB Seal no.3643 n.d.
Vicar of Haddington
Styled D. vicar of Haddington, delegate of the abbot of Holyrood, Edinburgh.
Size: 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, antique gem, undecipherable.
Inscription: ✠ MEMENTO DNE DAVID
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1017
3644: Thomas de Quiltenes, Canon of Holyrood: see 2951.
GB Seal no.3645 n.d.
Guy, Chaplain of Coldingham
Size: 35 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a tonsured head.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1278
MonasticGB Seal no.3646 1277
Prior or Sub-Prior of Arbroath
Arbroath - Forfarshire. Anciently called Aberbrothoc. A Benedictine abbey following the customs of the abbey of Thiron in the diocese of Chartres, dedicated to St Thomas of Canterbury, founded by William the Lion, 1178, colonised by monks from
Kelso (Anc. Ch. Scot., 251; Spotiswood, 408; Anc. Ded. Scot., 282). See also
Chronicon de Lanercost , p. 11 (Bannatyne Club);
Registrum de Aberbrothoc , 2 vols. (Bannatyne Club). The common seal of the abbey is engraved as frontispiece to vol. II. The charter
states that in the absence of the abbot with the common seal, the prior and sub-prior affix theirs. A fragment of the other seal remains. For seals of the abbey and of some of the abbots see Anc. Scot. Seal I, 172, 173; SBM 15207-15211.
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, demi figure of Our Lady with the child Christ.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4057
GB Seal no.3647 n.d.
Convent of Berwick
Berwick-on-Tweed. A convent of Cistercian nuns founded by David I (Spotiswood, 460; Caledon. II, 346).
Size: -
Seal design: Oval, very imperfect, a seated figure holding a sceptre (?) in right hand and a book in left.
Inscription: SIGILLVM SA...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1271
GB Seal no.3648 n.d.
Simon, Prior of Coldingham
Coldingham - Berwickshire. St Ebba, daughter of King Ethelfrith and sister of St Oswald the King, founded a convent for monks and nuns on the promontory now named after her, St Abb's Head; over this she ruled till her death in 683. It was
eventually destroyed by the Danes 870. In 1098 King Edgar with Turgot, the prior of Durham, founded a priory for Benedictine monks near the old site, as a cell subordinate to Durham priory. It was dedicated to the Blessed Virgin, St Cuthbert and St
Ebba. For the foundation charters see R.N.D. pl. facing p. 373 and ibid. App. I, Charters nos 1-8; and the
Priory of Coldingham (S.S. 12). See also Anc. Ch. Ded. Scot. 236. Simon was prior about the end of the twelfth century. This document is printed R.N.D. App. 100, no. 575. The seal is Anc. Scot. Seals II, 195 and pl.
XII, no. 6; SBM 15239. For the common seal of the monastery see Anc. Scot. Seals II, 196 and pl. XII, no. 5; also
Priory of Coldingham pl. p. XIX, no. 5 and SBM 15235 and 15237. For full account of the priors and
priory see
Coldingham Parish and Priory , by A. Thomson, F.S.A. (Scot)., 1908.
Size: 63 x 41 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the prior in monastic habit seated, at a lectern, reading a book.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 965, 966
GB Seal no.3649 n.d.
Thomas, Prior of Coldingham
Thomas of Melsonby, prior in early part of the thirteenth century; prior of Durham 1233. Document no. 1141 printed R.N.D. App. 10, no. 578. Seal in Anc. Scot. Seal II, 195, pl. XII, no. 4;
Priory of Coldingham , pl. p. XVIII, no. 1; S.D. pl. XII, no. 4; SBM 15240.
Size: 63 x 38 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady, robed and crowned, seated on a throne, holding an orb with cross in her left hand. In the field on the dexter is a scroll inscribed MARIA.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 744, 1141, 1226†, 1237
GB Seal no.3650 n.d.
Thomas, Prior of Coldingham
Same man as no. 3649. To this document, printed R.N.D. App. 73, no. 394, Thomas, prior of Coldingham, appends his seal 'Et in hujus rei testimonium Thomas prior de Coldingham una cum sigillo meo huic scripto sigillum suum fecit apponi'.
Size: ? x 35 mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect, the prior kneeling at an altar on which stands a chalice and a small cross.
Inscription: ... THO...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 842
GB Seal no.3651 1266-1275
Roger, Prior of Coldingham
Roger of Wolviston, prior c.1266-1275. Seal is SBM 15241.
Size: -
Seal design: Oval, very imperfect, in a traceried niche a demi figure of Our Lady with Christ. Beneath under a trefoiled arch is the prior kneeling in prayer. On each side of him, in a lozenge shaped panel is the head of a
Inscription: ...I PRIORIS DE ...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 921, 1257
GB Seal no.3652 1295
Henry, Prior of Coldingham
Henry of Horncastle c.1276-96. Styled prior of Coldingham, commissary of the venerable father J. bishop of Carlisle, collector (John of Halton 1292-1324; Reg. Sacr. Angl. (68). Seal engraved
Priory of Coldingham , XVIII, no. 2.
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a demi figure of Our Lady with Christ. On each side is an angel censing. Beneath is the prior praying.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 666, 4269
GB Seal no.3653 1407
John Aycliff, Prior of Coldingham
c.1400-1416. No. 1162 is in English, printed R.N.D. App. 103, no. 502, the testing clause reads: 'In witnes of ye quhilk thynge to yts tre we hafe satte our sele at Coldingham ye third day of ye moneth of Juny ye yhere of our Lorde a thousand
four hendreth & sevyn'. No. 1228 ibid. no. 594. Seal is Anc. Scot. Seal II, 195. It is engraved
Priory of Coldingham XVIII, no. 4.
Size: 29 mm.
Seal design: Round. St Cuthbert standing blessing, his crosier in his left hand, the head of St Oswald in his right. In front of him stands a small figure of the prior. All within tracery.
Inscription: sigill . magist.. iohis : aklyf .
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1162, 1228
Digitised version GB Seal no.3654 1422
William Drax, Prior of Coldingham
c.1417-1441. No. 1165 printed R.N.D. App. 105, no. 599; no. 1283 ibid., no. 595; Anc. Scot. Seal II, 196; SBM 15242. Engraved
Priory of Coldingham XVIII, no. 3.
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a double niche with richly traceried canopy, in the dexter Our Lady with the child Christ is seated, in the sinister is St Cuthbert also seated. Beneath a demi figure of the prior, kneeling prays to
Inscription: VOS . SCI . DEI . SITIS AMICI MEI
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1165, 1283
GB Seal no.3655 1442
John Oll, Prior of Coldingham
c.1441-1446. Document printed R.N.D. App. 105, no. 600. Anc. Scot. Seal II, 196; SBM 15243. The eagle is for St John the prior's name saint.
Size: 44 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a double niche with canopies of rich tabernacle work, in the dexter is Our Lady with Christ, in the sinister is St Cuthbert standing, blessing. Above the canopies is an eagle with outspread wings. Beneath
is the figure of the prior praying.
Inscription: iohis oll prioris de coldingham
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1255
GB Seal no.3656 1448
Thomas Nesbit, Prior of Coldingham
c.1446. The shield of arms in base is presumably the prior's but I cannot blason it. The arms of Nisbet of that ilk are silver three boars' heads sable, cadet branches differenced this by placing a chevron gules between the heads. See N.S. I,
313; Arm. Scot. Seal, no. 2119.
Size: 51 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval, Our Lady standing with the Christ child below a canopy of rich tabernacle work. Beneath is a shield of arms, a chevron between three stags.
Inscription: ...ngham
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6812
GB Seal no.3657 1457
John Pencher, Prior of Coldingham
c.1456-1465. No. 1204 printed R.N.D. App. 106, no. 603; SBM 15244.
Size: 25 x ? mm.
Seal design: Oval, very imperfect. Our Lady standing holding the child Christ on her right arm and a lily in her left hand.
Inscription: s[: iohis : pencher pri]oris : [de coldingham]
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XIII.14; Misc.Ch. 1204
GB Seal no.3658 1419
Priory of Coldstream
Coldstream - Berwickshire, on the Tweed, hence the device. A Cistercian priory of nuns, founded c.1165 by Gospatric, Earl of Dunbar, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin (Caledon. II, 363; Spotiswood, 461; Anc. Ch. Scot. 377). Seal is Ant. Scot. Seal
II, 196, pl. XV, no. 5; SBM 15246.
Size: 54 x 35 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a salmon paleways, a line issuing out of its mouth. In the field on the dexter is a quatrefoil and a crescent enclosing a star; on the sinister is a quatrefoil and a wheel.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5984
Digitised version GB Seal no.3659 1200
Abbey of Dunfermline
Dunfermline - Fife. The monastery was founded by Malcolm Canmore and his wife St Margaret c.1075 and dedicated to the Holy Trinity. It was refounded c.1124 by King David I who made it a Benedictine abbey and colonised it with monks from
Canterbury. After St Margaret's canonisation in 1249 it was placed also under her invocation. (Anc.Ch. Scot., 244; Spotiswood, 402; Anc. Ded. Scot. 4). This seal is Anc. Scot. Seal II, 198; SBM 15279; for a later seal see ibid I, 179 and SBM 15280.
The register of the abbey has been published by the Bannatyne Club. Pope Innocent IV on 25 May 1245 granted permission to the abbot of Dunfermline and his successors to wear the mitre and ring and other pontifical insignia (Cal. Pap. I, 215).
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, the abbey church with porch, in which is a font. Above is the hand of God blessing.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1345
Digitised version GB Seal no.3660 1204
Patrick, Abbot of Dunfermline
1202-1223. He was sub-prior of Durham, also prior of Canterbury. Register, p. XI; Anc. Ch. Scot. 248; Document R.N.D. App. 88, no. 477; seal is Anc. Scot. Seal I, 180; SBM 15281.
Size: 51 x 38 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the abbot seated at a lectern reading. In his left hand he holds a crosier.
Inscription: ...ATRICII . A...TIS . DE . DVNFERM...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1317
Digitised version GB Seal no.3661 1273
Abbey of Dundrennan
Dundrennan - Kidkeudbright. A Cistercian abbey founded c.1142 by Fergus, Lord of Galloway, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, colonised by monks from Rievaulx (Anc. Ch. Scot., 271; Spotiswood, 417). The seal is Anc. Scot. Seal II, 198; SBM
Size: 29 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a hand and arm vested, issuing from the dexter side of the seal, holding a crosier. Above the arm is a star with wavy rays, beneath is a crescent. Beyond the crosier is a star.
Inscription: ✠ CONTRA : S' : DE : DVNDRAVNAN
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4463
GB Seal no.3662 n.d.
W., Master of the Convent of Haddington
A Cistercian priory of nuns, founded 1178 by William the Lion and his mother Adeline of Warenne, widow of Henry, Earl of Huntingdon and Northumberland, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin (Anc. Ch. Scot. 379; Caledon. II, 503; Spotiswood 462). This
seal is used by W. styled 'magister Sc. monialium de Haddington' & delegate of the abbot of Dunfermline.
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a priest kneeling at an altar with a cross above it.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1017
GB Seal no.3663 1445
Patrick, Abbot of Holyrood
Holyrood - Edinburgh. An abbey of Austin canons founded 1128 by David I, dedicated to the Holy Cross, the Virgin Mary, St Andrew and All Saints. (Anc. Ch. Scot., 301; Spotiswood 389;
Holyrood Ordinale , ed. F.C. Eeles, 1916). Chartulary printed by Bannatyne Club with plates of seals of the abbey at end of volume. The charter names Patrick who was abbot 1435-1449 (
Chartulary , p. XXX). This seal is Anc. Scot. Seal II, no. 1148, where the description, the legend and the date are all wrong. SBM 15295 where it is attributed to abbot John.
Size: 54 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Above in a canopied niche is the Coronation of the Virgin. Beneath is the Crucifixion with the Blessed Virgin Mary and St John. Below, the abbot prays, his crosier in his left hand and his mitre behind
Inscription: s' abbatis : sce crucis de edinbbr...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 682
Thomas de Quiltenes, Canon of Holyrood: see 2951.
GB Seal no.3664 1294
John, Abbot of Jedburgh
Jedburgh - Roxburghshire. Founded early in the twelfth century by David I, as a priory for Austin canons from the abbey of St Quentin at Beauvais; erected by him into an abbey 1147, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin (Anc. Ch. Scot., 311; Spotiswood
392). This seal is used by abbot John styled 'frater Johannes abbas de Jedd, procurator Mag. Baldred Byset'; John Morel elected abbot c.1290, his seal is Anc. Scot. Seal I, p. 189. For Baldred's seals see nos. 2763, 2763A and 3004 in this
Size: 35 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the abbot standing, holding his crosier in his right hand and a book to his breast with his left. In the field on the dexter is a crescent on the sinister a star.
Inscription: ..GILL SECRETI A...E IEDEW'RTH.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5919
GB Seal no.3665 1171
Abbey of Kelso
Kelso - Rosburghshire. A Benedictine abbey following the rule of St Benedict as practised at the abbey of Thiron in the diocese of Chartres. It was originally founded at Selkirk thence removed to Roxburgh and finally established at Kelso by David
I, c.1128, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin and St John the Evangelist. (Anc. Ch. Scot. 256; Spotiswood 405;
Register , 2 vols. printed by the Bannatyne Club). The abbots received permission, 1165, from pope Alexander III to wear the mitre and other pontifical insignia. The grant is printed E.H. 495. This seal is here used by
'O. abbas et Conventus de Kelchou'. Osbert was the sixth abbot, he had been prior of Lesmahago, elected c.1180, died 1203. He it was who brought the golden rose to William the Lion from pope Lucius III. The seal is Anc. Scot. Seal I, 189 and pl.
XXV, no. 2; SBM 15345.
Size: 70 x 51 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady robed and crowned seated on a throne the child Christ with cruciferous nimbus seated in her lap, blessing. In her right hand she holds a branched sceptre with a bird perched upon it, in her left
she holds a flower. The seal is dished, with a flat edge upon which is the legend.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1352, 1354
Digitised version GB Seal no.3666 1330
Abbey of Kelso
Used by William, abbot of Kelso, to an inspeximus of an agreement between the church of Kelso and the church of Durham, dated 1171. William of Dalgernoch, 1329-1354. (
Register p. XIV). Seal Anc. Scot. Seal II, 203; SBM 15346.
Size: 57 mm.
Seal design: Round, in a niche of rich tabernacle work, Our Lady robed and crowned, seated with the child Christ on her knee.
Reverse: in a centre niche the abbot in pontificals, holding his crosier and blessing. On each
side of him, in side niches, is a standing figure holding a candlestick with candles. Beneath are three leaves. Above the canopy on the dexter is a crescent, above the sinister a star.
Inscription: S' COM..NE CAPITULI DE CA...
Reverse: * ...E. PRI... OND ...E
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5989
Digitised version GB Seal no.3667 1233
Herbert, Abbot of Kelso
Herbert Maunsel, abbot c.1221-1239 (
Register , p. XI). Seal is Anc. Scot. Seal II, no. 1155 where it is wrongly attributed to an abbot Robert; SBM 15352.
Size: 57 x 41 mm.Size: Secretum: 22 x 16 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a standing figure of the abbot in pontificals, his crosier in his right hand, a book in his left. In the field on the dexter is a rose, on the sinister a crescent enclosing a star.Secretum: oval, a figure standing holding a cross patriarchal, kneeling and praying.
Inscription: SIG...VM ...BERT ...ATIS : ...Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5959
GB Seal no.3668 1445
William, Abbot of Kelso
c.1435-45. Anc. Scot. Seal I, 190 and pl. XXV, no. 1; SBM 15350.
Size: 57 x 35 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Beneath a triple arched canopy Our Lady robed and crowned, standing holding the child Christ on her arm at her breast, on each side of her is a kneeling angel, censing. Beneath is the abbot in pontificals
kneeling in front of an altar upon which is a chalice, behind him is the hand of God blessing. Above him on a scroll is 'S'ABBIS DE : CALCHOV'.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 682
Digitised version GB Seal no.3669 1285
Kelso, Sacrist of Kelso
Size: 41 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Demi figure of Our Lady with the child Christ. Beneath is a figure praying.
Inscription: ✠ S' S...TE DE CALCHOV
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6691
GB Seal no.3670 1204
Abbey of Lindores
Lindores - Fife, near Newburgh, on the banks of Tay. A Benedictine abbey following the customs of the abbey of Thiron, founded c.1178, by David, Earl of Huntingdon, colonised from Kelso, dedicated to St Mary and St Andrew. Document R.N.D. App.
88, no. 477. Seal Anc. Scot. Seal I, 193; SBM 15374. The seal is dished with the legend on the flat edge, it is very like that of Kelso, no. 3665.
Size: 67 x 51 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady robed and crowned seated on a throne, the child Christ, with cruciferous nimbus, in her lap. In her right hand she holds a lily and in her left a church. Christ is blessing with his right hand and
holds an orb in his left.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1317
Digitised version GB Seal no.3671 n.d.
William, Abbot of Melrose
Melrose - Roxburghshire, on the Tweed. A Cistercian abbey founded by David I, 1136, colonised from Rievaulx, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. It was founded near the site of Old Melrose, the Columban monastery, the home of St Cuthbert. (Anc.
Ch. Scot., 249 and 280; Spotiswood, 415;
Liber de Melros , 2 vols.;
Chronica de Mailros I vol., Bannatyne Club). William was abbot 1159-1170. Document printed R.N.D. App. 84, no. 459.
Size: 41 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the abbot standing holding his crosier.
Inscription: Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1330
GB Seal no.3672 n.d.
Arnold, Abbot of Melrose
Temp. pope Alexander III (1159-1181) Anc. Scot. Seal II, 205; SBM 15382. Documents printed R.N.D. App. 92, no. 1227 is no. 508; 1318 is 507.
Size: 44 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a figure of the abbot standing holding a cross in his right hand and crosier in his left.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1227, 1318
GB Seal no.3673 1351
William, Abbot of Melrose
Anc. Scot. Seal II, no. 1164; SBM 15383.
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a vested arm and hand issuing from the sinister, and holding a crosier. The field diapered in a lozenge pattern.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4420
GB Seal no.3674 1446
Andrew Hunter, Abbot of Melrose
Andrew Hunter, Lord High Treasurer, Confessor to James II, 1449-53. Anc. Scot. Seal II, no. 1166.
Size: 57 x 35 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the abbot standing in a niche of rich tabernacle work, his right hand holding his crosier, his left holding a book to his breast.
Inscription: sigillvm fratris andree hunter x gra abbatis d melros
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 681, 957x
GB Seal no.3675 1306
Gervase, Abbot of Newbattle
Newbattle - Midlothian, near Kalkeith, on the Esk. A Cistercian abbey founded c.1140 by David I, colonised from Melrose, dedicated to the Virgin Mary. (Anc. Ch. Scot. 286; Spotiswood 417;
Chartulary printed by Bannatyne Club). Seal is used by 'Frater Gervasius Abbas de Neubotel collector Scociae decimae papalis in episcopatu sancti Andree'. Gervase was abbot c.1312-1326 (
Chartulary p. XX). For common seal see Anc. Scot. Seal II, no. 1169; SBM 15390/93 and
Chartulary , p. XXIV. This is his seal as papal collector.
Size: 32 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a vested arm and hand issuing from the dexter and holding a crosier. In the field on the dexter side is a star and a fleur de lys, on the sinister are two stars.
Inscription: ✠ S' COLLECTORIS
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4393, 4874
GB Seal no.3676 1426-1445
Thomas, Abbot of Newbattle
1445. He does not appear in the published lists of abbots. (Anc. Scot. Seal II, no. 1168; SBM 15401).
Size: 22 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a figure of the abbot standing in a canopied niche, his right hand holding his crosier, his left a book to his breast.
Inscription: sigillvm x dompni x thome x abbatis x d x Newbbotil x
Seal attached to document reference: 1.3.Pap.27; Misc.Ch. 665, 682, 6811
GB Seal no.3677 1291
Abbey of Scone
Scone - Perthshire. In early times a monastery of the Culdees. In 1114, Alexander I founded there a priory of Austin canons brought from Nostell; in 1173 it was erected into an abbey, the abbots received, from Benedict XII (1334-42), the right to
wear the mitre and other pontificalia. It was at first dedicated to the Holy Trinity and later came under the invocation of SS. Mary, Michael, John, Lawrence and Augustine. (Anc. Ch. Scot. 313; Spotiswood 385; Anc. Ded. Scot. 402;
Liber Ecclesiae de Scon , p. IX; Bannatyne Club). The seal represents the abbey church with the Godhead guarding it above. It is used here by abbot Thomas who was abbot c.1290-1306. Anc. Scot. Seal II, 209; SBM 15446;
Liber de Scon , p. XI. Document R.N.D. App. 93, no. 513. For common seal see
Liber de Scon , frontispiece.
Size: 76 mm.
Seal design: Round, the abbey church, with central tower on each side of which a figure is seated on the roof.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 961
GB Seal no.3678 1204
Cathedral Priory of St Andrews
St Andrews - Fife. From early times (c.600) a monastery of Columban monks. Founded as a priory of Austin canons by Alexander I early in twelfth century, colonised by canons from Scone. The prior, wore the mitre and other pontificalia and took
precedence in Parliament of all other Scottish abbots and priors. The seal represents the cathedral priory church built probably by bishop Robert (1122-1154). Anc. Ch. Scot., 74; Spotiswood 387. Document no. 1301 printed R.N.D. App. 88, no. 476; no.
1317 is ibid. no. 477; 1338 and 1339 are ibid, nos 463 and 464. The seal is Anc. Scot. Seal I, 198; SBM 14966.
Size: 76 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, dished, the church with central and west tower and south doorway. Beneath it is an interlacing triangular device. On the dexter side of the central tower is St Andrew's cross on the sinister a cross paty.
On the dexter side of this tower is the hand of God blessing.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1301, 1308, 1317, 1338, 1339
Digitised version GB Seal no.3679 1207
Cathedral Priory of St Andrews
SBM 14967. The secretum is the reverse of no. 14966 ibid.
Size: 73 x 51 mm.Size: Secretum: 41 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a similar device to preceding seal but above St Andrew's cross on the dexter is a crescent and above that on the sinister a star.Secretum: oval. St Andrew on his cross.

Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 954, 1310, 1304, 1307, 1343
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3680 n.d.
Priory of St Bothans
St Bothans - Berwickshire, on the Whitadder. A priory of Cistercian nuns founded, temp. William the Lion, by Ada, countess of Dunbar and March, it was probably a cell of the priory at Berwick-on-Tweed. St Bothan was a cousin of St Columba and
succeeded him as abbot of Iona. Anc. Ch. Scot., 379; Spotiswood, 460; Caledon. II, 345, 374; Anc. Ded. Scot. 253. The seal is used here by master John styled 'magister monialium de Sancto Boydano'. SBM 15441.
Size: 44 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady robed and crowned, seated with the child Christ.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 719
Foreign Ecclesiastical SealsGB Seal no.3680A n.d.
Pope Martin IV
He was Simon de Brou, born at Montpilloi in Champagne, he was treasurer of St Martin's, Tours, then cardinal priest of Sainte-Cecile, elected pope at Viterbo, 22 Feb., 1281; consecrated on 23 March following, at Orvieto; died at Perugia, 28
March, 1285 (
Trésor, p. 1122). His death is said to have been caused by a surfeit of eels and Dante places him among the gluttons in Purgatory (Purg. XXIV, 20-4).
There are about ninety papal bulls now in Durham treasury. They are written upon vellum in a beautifully clear and legible hand and are mostly in good condition a few only being damaged by damp. Raine calendars three in his North Durham, appendix
81, and in a footnote says 'the rest were piously purloined at the Reformation'. In view of the many that remain, one is curious to know what evidence he had for this statement. Only one of the bulls has the leaden seal, called bulla, now attached
to it; on some of the documents part of the silk or string, by which the seals were attached, still remains fastened through the vellum, the ends show that the seals have been cut off. On other documents the round mark, made by the lead where it has
been folded within the vellum, is still to be seen. The 'pious purloining' applies only too well to the seals and the date would be almost certainly post-reformation. The seals called bullae (hence 'bull' the document to which the bulla was
appended) were round disks of metal with a device stamped on both sides. They were usually lead being the most ductile metal, but sometimes gold and silver were used. They were chiefly used in the east and the warm countries of south Europe where
beeswax was not suitable and are best known as the form of seal used for papal documents. The earliest genuine one now in existence is that of Zacharias IV, 746, but they were in use earlier than this. The earliest known is one of Deusdedit (c.614).
Mabillon says that he had been bullae of John V (685) and of his successors. The earliest type, from c.614 to 855, has on the obverse the name of the pope, in the genitive case, placed in two or three horizontal lines and on the reverse PAPAE. The
second type has the name on the obverse placed in a circle round a central ornament, the reverse remaining the same (Mabillon
De Re Diplomatica , lib. VI, p. 437, et seq). The later type, with the heads of St Paul and St Peter on the reverse and on the obverse the pope's name, title and successional number, began in the pontificate of Paschal
II (1099-1118), (Mabillon op. cit. plate p. 447). See also
Proc. Soc. Antiq. Lond. , 2nd ser., vol. XI, p. 260.
Size: -
Seal design:
Seal attached to document reference: 4.2.Papalia.4
Digitised versionDigitised version
Papal court for hearing of objections to the issue of letters (audiencia litterarum contradictarum): see 3700.
GB Seal no.3681 1303
Leonardo, Bishop of Albano
1300-1311. Called Leonardo Patrasso de Guercino (Gams XXIII,
Trésor , 2156). He was bishop of Alatri in the Campagna, Rome, 1290-1295 (Gams, 661;
Trésor, 1982); of Aversa, a suffragan see of Naples 1298-1299 (Gams 855;
Trésor , 1994); Archbishop of Capua 1299/1300 (Gams 868). Albano is a city in Italy about 12 miles SE of Rome. He was one of the cardinal bishops, that is bishop of one of the surburban churches in the neighbourhood of Rome,
called cardinal bishops of the Lateran. They were originally seven in number, Albano, Ostia, Palestrina, Porto, Sabina, Santa Rufina and Tusculum.
Size: 60 x 38 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing, in mass vestments, with his crosier, blessing.
Inscription: LEONARDI . DEI . GRA . EPI . ALBANEN:
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3513, 4103
GB Seal no.3682 1386
Guglielmo, Bishop of Ancona
Guglielmo Dalla Vigna, 1385-1405 (Gams, 665), bishop of Todi, 1405-07 (ibid. 735). Ancona is a city of Italy in the Marches, on the shores of the Adriatic. He is styled Willelmus episcopus Anconitanus et Domini Papae thesausarius. The cathedral
church is dedicated to San Ciriaco. The shield on the dexter refers to his office of papal treasurer, that on the sinister is probably his own.
Size: 63 x 44 mm.
Seal design: Oval, above in a canopied niche is Our Lady with the child Christ, beneath in two niches, on the dexter is St Lawrence nimbed and holding his gridiron in front of his breast, on the sinister a nimbed figure
holding in his right hand a palm branch, in his left a book (? San Ciriaco). Below under a round-headed arch is the bishop in pontificals kneeling to the dexter. On his dexter side is a shield of arms, two keys placed saltireways; on his sinister is
a like shield, bearing in the dexter chief a lion rampant in the sinister chief and in base a roundel.
Inscription: ...ILL' : EPI... ANCHONIT ... API ... THESA ...
Seal attached to document reference: 2.5.Ebor.10
Digitised version GB Seal no.3683 1407
Lorenzo, Bishop of Ancona
Lorenzo Ricci, 1406-1410 (Gams, 665), bishop of Sinigaglia 1415-1418 (ibid, 727). Styled Laurentius episcopus Anconitanus sedis apostolicae nuncius in Anglia. He was also collector to the papal camera in England (Cal. Pap. VI, 94, 95).
Size: 67 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval. St Lawrence standing in a canopied niche, holding a palm branch in his right hand, a gridiron beneath it. The field of the seal is diapered.
Inscription: S' DNI LAV...
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.III.19
GB Seal no.3684 1323
D'Achères, Gerard
Size: -
Seal design: Oval, very imperfect. Our Lady seated with the child Christ. Beneath is Gerard praying.
Inscription: ...ERIO ... PA...RVC ...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4268
GB Seal no.3685 1324
D'Achères, Gerard
Same man as no. 3684. He is styled Gerardus de Asserio prior de Petrucia Ruthenensis diocesis procurator Dni. Bertrandi Sce. Mariae in Aquino cardinalis, rector ecclesiae de Brantyngham (now Brantingham, E.R. Yorks). Peyrouse was in the diocese
of Rodez, France. He was brother of Rigaud d'Achères, bishop of Winchester (Cal. Pap. II, 451). See next seal.
Size: 41 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval, above in a canopied niche is Our Lady robed and crowned, seated with the child Christ, beneath in a niche with canopy and side shafts is St Martin cutting his cloak with his sword and handing part to a
beggar. Below under a pointed arch is Gerard praying, on his dexter is a shield of arms a crescent between three molets, on his sinister a like shield, a lion rampant.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5013, 5384
Digitised version GB Seal no.3686 1318
D'Achères, Rigaud
Styled domini Papae capellanus et in Anglia nuncius. He was afterwards bishop of Winchester; see Nos. 3213/3214 and notes 119/120. He is also styled canonicus Aurelianus (ie of Orleans) (HDST App. CII). See also 3214.
Size: 22 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady robed and crowned with the child Christ in an upper canopied niche. Beneath is a representation of the stoning of St Stephen, below is Rigaud praying.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3819†, 3928†
Digitised version
3686A: Angoulême, Hugh of: See no. 893. Sacrist of Narbonne, an archiepiscopal city in the south of France (Aude) 1323 (Cal. Pap. II, 234); canon of York, prebend of Riccall, 1324 (Cal. Pap. II, 237; L.N. III, 209); canon
of London, 1326 (Cal. Pap. II, 248); archdeacon of Canterbury, 1327 (ibid, 268; L.N. I, 40); papal nuncio in England, 1327 (ibid, 278). In June 1328 he was relieved of his mission because of ill-health (Cal. Pap. II, 488). Bishop of Carpentras,
suffragan to Aries, 1331-37 (Cal. Pap. II, 559; Trésor, 1404).
GB Seal no.3687 1439
Di Arezzo, Lorenzo
Arezzo - In Tuscany about 50 miles SE of Florence. He is styled 'decrettorum doctor Dni. Papae capellanus et ipsius sacri palacii apostolici causarum auditor'. He was dead before March 1441-42 (Cal. Pap. IX, 273). Seal is SBM 22163. The
impression is on a facing of red wax placed on a thick foundation of white.
Size: 70 x 44 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a nimbed and robed figure standing in a canopied niche, holding a crosier in his right hand and a book (?) in his left. Beneath is Lawrence praying and on each side of him is a shield of arms, a
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Ebor.40
GB Seal no.3688 1313
De Balaeto, Willelmus
Styled Archidiaconus Foroiuliensis domini Papae capellanus. In 1316 he was nuncio to England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland (Cal. Pap. II, 126). In Sept. 1316 he had confirmation from the pope of the provision made to him of a canonry, prebend and
benefice in Lincoln (ibid, 124); the prebend was that of Bishop's Norton (L.N. II, 194). He died before April, 1323 (Cal. Pap. II, 453). Fréjus is in the south of France, suffragan to Aix.
Size: 29 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the Crucifixion, beneath is Our Lady seated with the child Christ, an angel censing on each side. Below is the archdeacon praying.
Inscription: S'W D BALAETO...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4388
GB Seal no.3689 n.d.
Styled magister Bernardus Senensis domini Papae subdiaconus et capellanus.
Size: 41 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, above is a demi figure of Our Lord with 'SALVE NOS' on a scroll below him, beneath is a half figure of Our Lady holding the child Christ with an angel on each side censing and below 'AVE MARIA'. Below this
is a half figure of Bernard praying.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.12.Spec.16
GB Seal no.3690 1309
Styled Bertrandus ... episcopus Albiensis domini Papae camerarius. He was a kinsman of William des Bordes, rector of Whitburn, Durham (Cal. Pap. II, 66, 133). Albi is now an archiepiscopal city in France (Languedoc), the cathedral is dedicated to
Sainte-Cécile; till about 1676 it was a suffragan see to Bourges. Bertrand des Bordes, bishop of Albi 1308-1311; cardinal of SS. John and Paul, 1310; died 1311 (Gams, 484;
Trésor, 1368).
Size: 70 x 38 mm.
Seal design: Oval. St Peter and St Paul standing in a canopied niche, between them, in an oval compartment, is the mitred head of a bishop and on each side a shield of arms, barry. Beneath under a round arch is the tonsured
figure of Bertrand in gown and hood, praying.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4903
Digitised version GB Seal no.3691 n.d.
Bilvelt, Hermann
Styled Hermannus de Bilvelt decrettorum doctor praepositus ecclesiae St. Andree Inningen (?) domini Papae capellanus, etc. Bilvelt is probably Bielefeld in Westphalia. The seal is impressed on a facing of red wax deeply sunk in a cup of white
Size: 73 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Above in an upper canopied niche is Our Lady nimbed and robed, holding a sceptre in her right hand and the child Christ on her left arm. Beneath is St George on horseback spearing the dragon. Below is a
shield of arms, a cock.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.1.Arch.Dunelm.18
Digitised version GB Seal no.3692 1292
Di Candolfi, Andrea
Styled archidiaconus de Medinensis in ecclesia Salamantina. He was also a canon of Orleans (Cal. Pap. I, 495). Medina del Campo was an important place NE of Salamanca, the centre of a district which probably formed an archdeaconry in the diocese.
Salamanca was a suffragan see to Santiago de Compostela.
Size: 44 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval. The Annunciation. Gabriel holds a scroll upon which is 'AVE MARIA'. Beneath is Andrea praying and in front of him a shield of arms, lozengy.
Inscription: ...REE D'CANDVLFI ... CANSIL...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4446x
GB Seal no.3693 1466
Di Cerretani, Giovanni
Styled Johannes de Ceretanis legum doctor archidiaconus in ecclesia Burdegalensi (Bordeaux) domini Papae capellanus. The seal is of red wax inside a round wooden box. The two strings fastening the seal to the document pass together through one
hole at the upper part of the back and come out separately through two holes lower down.
Size: 57 mm.
Seal design: Round. The Annunciation, the Virgin is kneeling at a desk upon which is an open book. Gabriel holds a scroll upon which is 'AVE MARIA' and behind him is a church above which is God the Father holding an orb in
his left hand and looking towards the Virgin. A figure of the archdeacon in his doctor's gown kneels beside the Archangel, beneath is a shield of arms, an ancient ship.
Inscription: s . ia . de . ceretanis . legu . doctor . archidiacoi . sarnen ...bvrdagalen
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 873, 7062, 7063
Digitised version GB Seal no.3694 1305
Leonard, Bishop of Chiron
Styled Leonardus episcopus Chironensis. Chiron was a bishopric in Crete. Gams does not give Leonard, his list begins with bishop Boniface 1306, Leonardo Faletro was Latin Archbishop of Candia, 1307 (Gams, 401).
Size: 54 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop in mass vestments blessing, his crosier in his left hand.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1499
3695: De Concoreto, Itherius: see no. 676 above. He was a bachelor of civil and common law; papal nuncio in England in 1329 (Cal. Pap. II, 296), canon of Salisbury, prebend of Faringdon 1327-40 (ibid); in 1332 he had
provision of a canonry and prebend and the archdeaconry of London (ibid, 357; L.N. II, 320, 382). See also Yorks. Arch. Jour. XXII, 138.
GB Seal no.3696 1429
de Cappel, Hartungus
Styled auditor. The seal is on red wax deeply sunk for protection in a thick cup of white wax.
Size: 70 x 41 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady robed and crowned standing, in a central canopied niche, holding the child Christ, on either side is an angel censing, beneath is a figure of Partingus, praying, below him a shield of arms, two
scythe blades (?) placed saltireways.
Inscription: s Hartungi . de . cappel . decror . doctoris . et sac . palii aplici . carb. avditor .
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.X.52
Digitised version
3697: John of Cremona, see 736 above.
GB Seal no.3697(i) 1397
Francis [Tomacelli]
Cardinal-priest of St. Susanna
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.I.50
GB Seal no.3698 n.d.
Gaucelin [D'Eauze]
Son of Jean d'Eauze and nephew of pope John XXII. He was cardinal priest of SS. Marcellinus and Peter, 1316-30 (
Trésor, 2237). He was sent as legate by the pope to negotiate peace between Edward II and Robert Brus (Cal. Pap. II, 127/132). He was vice chancellor of Lichfield and canon (prebend of Sawley) and treasurer of the same
place in 1317 (ibid, 137; L.N. I, 582); canon of Lincoln (ibid II, 154); canon of York (ibid, II 168) besides which he had provision of various rectories in England (see ibid passim). He was made cardinal bishop of Albano 1330 and died 1348 (
Trésor , 1168). It was in his company and that of his fellow legate Luke, cardinal deacon of Santa Maria in Via Lata (Luca Fieschi,
Trésor, 2261) that Lewis Beaumont, bishop elect of Durham,
travelled north in the autumn of 1317. The cardinals were on their way to Scotland and the bishop elect desired to be consecrated and enthroned at Durham in their presence - ad magnificentiam nominis sui. They had reached Rushyford, near Ferryhill,
on their northward way, when they were attacked by a company of freebooters, under the command of Gilbert Middleton and Walter Selby. These despoiled them of their goods and took away Lewis Beaumont and his brother Sir Henry Beaumont, captives for
ransom, the cardinals they allowed to go to Durham, leaving them a horse each for the journey, where they arrived in a sad plight (HDST 100; H.D. I, 267; S.D. I, XXXVIII). According to Graystanes (HDST 100) the prior and monks received them
hospitably and ministered to their needs. The pope wrote consoling them for the shameful treatment they had received, exhorting them to patience and promising punishment for the perpetrators (Cal. Pap. II, 418). But the outraged cardinals would not
be placated Tu Cuthberte, respondebis nobis de omnibus oblatis and threatened that they would not leave one stone of the church upon another (HDST 100). The pope appears to have taken their part, he issued a mandate citing before himself the prior
and monks of Durham who 'inhospitably and inhumanly' treated cardinals Gaucelin and Luke (Cal. Pap. II, 444). See also HDST App. CI and CII, and
Sir Gilbert de Middleton by Sir A.E. Middleton, chap. V, p. 28.
Size: -
Seal design: Oval, imperfect, in an upper niche (now destroyed) is Our Lady seated with the child Christ. Beneath in niches with side shafts and pointed arches is, on the dexter, St Peter, on the sinister St Marcellinus,
above them S'PE. S'MARCELL. Below the cardinal kneeling prays.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 709, Loc.I.49.
Digitised version GB Seal no.3699 1317
Gaucelin [D' Eauze]
Seal is SBM 22, 135. Same man as no. 3698. The blason is unknown. This seal is also used as secretum to no. 3698. For the armorials of his uncle pope John XXII, see E.H., p. 160.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, two lions passant in a border charged with roundels. The shield is set in a trefoil in the spandrils of which are three wyverns.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3819x, 3970
Digitised version GB Seal no.3700 1278
Styled magister scholar Parmensis (Parma) domini papae capellanus. See also Cal. Pap. I, 345. Magister scholae implies that he was scholasticus of the cathedral of Parma, a dignity generally united with that of chancellor.
Also used by Giffridus of Anagni (Misc.Ch. 5107, in 1281): this is the seal of the court of 'audiencia [litterarum] contradictarum' so described in the documents. See also 3714 (i) below.
Size: 35 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a figure seated at a desk holding out (or recieving ?) an inscribed scroll to (from ?)another figure standing, with another behind. A star and a crescent in the background.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3912
GB Seal no.3701 n.d.
Dei Grassi, Antonio
c.1482; SBM 22, 164, he is styled archipresbyter et canonicus Bononiensis (Bologna) dni. papae capellanus. The arms are those of the family of Grassi of Bologna, blasoned party gold and gules and eagle displayed party sable and argent crowned
gules. The seal is of red wax in a cup of white wax and the whole contained in an iron box.
Size: 73 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady standing in a central niche beneath a canopy, with the child Christ. On her dexter site is St Peter, on her sinister St Paul, below is Antonio, in his doctor's gown, praying, on each side of him a
shield of arms, an eagle displayed.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 872, 7049, 7050, 7051, 7052, 7053, 7055
Digitised version GB Seal no.3701A 1217
Styled Gualo tituli sancti Martini presbyter cardinalis Apostolicae sedis legatus. He was papal legate to King John and one of the executors of his will (Cal. Pap. I, 40, 44, 97). He was cardinal deacon of Santa Maria in Portico, 1205-1211;
cardinal priest of San Martino di Monti, 1211-27 (
Trésor, 2260, 2242).
Size: 51 x 35 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a mitred and vested figure standing with both hands raised.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.2.Reg.4; 1.3.Spec.9
GB Seal no.3702 1201
Styled presbyter cardinalis S. Stephani in Celio Monte apostolicae sedis legatus. John of Salerno; see Roger of Hoveden IV, 174 (Rolls Series) and Cal. Pap. I, passim. He was created cardinal priest of San Stefano in Monte Celio (also called San
Stefano Rotondo in Monte Celio), 1191; died 1210 or 1212 (
Trésor, 1189, 2231).
Size: 38 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval, brown wax, the cardinal vested in alb, dalmatic, chasuble, pall and mitre, his right hand on his breast, his left holding a book.
Inscription: ... SCI . STEPHAN . CEL MOTE PBR CARDINA...
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Archiep.12
Digitised version GB Seal no.3703 1259
Augustine, Bishop of Laodicea
Austin Nottingham a familiar of Innocent IV and brother to the provincial of the Franciscans (Reg.Sacr.Angel. 195). Indulgence printed
Rites 153, no. XXII. See SBM 22, 366.
Size: 54 x 32 mm.Size: Secretum: 32 x 19 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing, in mass vestments with mitre and crosier, blessing.Secretum: oval, a nimbed and robed figure, standing, holding a cross in his right hand.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1498
Digitised version GB Seal no.3703(i) 1259
Lucas [Fieschi], Cardinal
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.I.49
GB Seal no.3704 1436
de Mila, Juan
Styled Johannes de Mella apostolicae sedis protonotarius. Juan Luis Milano, nephew of pope Calixtus III (
Trésor 2225). In 1440 he was bishop of Zamora and styled bishop elect of Leon, papal chaplain and auditor (Cal. Pap. IX 136, 138); bishop of Zamora (Spain, suffragan to Santiago de Compostela), 1448-1467, cardinal
priest of Quattro Coronati 1456; first cardinal priest of San Calisto Martire 1458-1507/8 (
Trésor, 2248, 2225; Gams, 91). The attendant saints are John Baptist his name saint and St James patron saint of Spain.
Size: 76 x 51 mm.
Seal design: Oval, red wax in a cup of white, above in a central niche is Our Lady robed and crowned holding the child Christ, on each side in a smaller niche is an angel. Beneath on the dexter is St John Baptist, on the
sinister St James; below is a figure of John praying, on each side of him a shield of arms, an eagle displayed.
Inscription: ·:· johannis ... de ... r ∵ doctor sacri pa'car. auditor
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 7060
Digitised version GB Seal no.3705 1381
Migliorati, Cosimo
Styled here Cosimatus Gentilis de Sulmon' sedis apostolicae et camerae nuncius in Anglia et collector. He was born at Solmona in the Abruzzi; appointed papal nuncio, collector and receiver in England, 1379 (Cal. Pap. IV, 257); styled chancellor
of Capua, licentiate in canon law and papal chaplain in 1380 (ibid, 258); clerk of the papal camera in 1381 (ibid, 263); clerk of the college of cardinals (ibid, 262); provost of the church of San Panfilo, Solmona, the cathedral church of the united
dioceses of Valva and Solmona (ibid, 272). Bishop of Bologna, 1386-1387, and archbishop of Ravenna, 1387-1400 (Gams, 676, 718). He was made cardinal priest of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme, 1389 (
Trésor, 2229). Elected pope 17 Oct., 1404, taking the name Innocent VII; he died 6 Nov., 1406 (
L'Art de Verifier les Dates , 3rd ed. II, 322;
Trésor, 1134).
His arms are blasoned gold on a bend cotised azure three stars gold (E.H., 161). Seal SBM 22185.
Size: 41 x 29 mm.
Seal design: Oval. St Peter as pope enthroned in a niche of tabernacle work, his right hand blessing, his left holding the keys. Beneath is Cosimo praying, on each side of him, a shield of arms, on a bend cotised three
Inscription: ... GENTILIS NŪCII...
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.X.47
GB Seal no.3706 1419
Morosini, Jacopo
Styled papal auditor. The seal is on red wax in a cup of white wax.
Size: 76 x 51 mm.
Seal design: Oval. Our Lady robed and crowned seated in a canopied niche with the child Christ. Beneath is Jacopo praying, on each side of him is a shield of arms a tree with branches (?) in an engrailed border.
Inscription: s'jacobi morresini auditoris sacri palc...
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XXIV.79
GB Seal no.3707 1274
Des Nogiers, Raymond
A papal chaplain and nuncio in England (Cal. Pap. I, 445); SBM 22, 170.
Size: 22 x ? mm.
Seal design: Oval, imperfect, beneath a church-like canopy a robed figure standing, holding a book to his breast with both hands.
Inscription: ... NAP...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 3806, 4142
GB Seal no.3708 n.d.
Styled Ottobonus, S. Adriani diaconus cardinalis, legatus. Ottobuono Fieschi, nephew of pope Innocent IV, born at Genoa, cardinal deacon of St Adrian, 1252-76. He was sent by Clement IV (1265) as legate to Henry III to warn the king from making a
treaty of peace 'until that pestilent man (earl Simon of Leicester) with all his progeny be plucked out of the realm of England' (Cal. Pap. I, 419); he acted as arbitrator between prince Edward and earl Simon (ibid I, 426;
England under the Normans and Angevins , by H.W.C. Davis, p. 480). Seal is SBM 22, 102. It was he who promulgated the legatine constitutions at the council of London 1268, which with those of his predecessor Oddo (1237
or 1238) formed an important part of English canon law. He was elected pope 11 July 1276, and took the title Adrian V; he died at Viterbo 16 Aug. 1276, not having been consecrated pope or ordained priest (
L'Art de Verifier les
Dates II, 302, 3rd ed.;
Trésor, 1120).
Size: 60 x 44 mm.
Seal design: Oval, red wax. The cardinal standing, in a niche with church canopy and side shafts, vested in amice, alb, dalmatic and low mitre holding an open book in front of his breast with both hands on it is IHS XPS (?).
On each side, in a circular panel, is a man's head with tracery above and below.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.2.Archiep.1
Digitised version
3709: Pellegrin, Hugues, see 1953
3710: Pellegrin, Raimond of, see 1954
GB Seal no.3711 1443
Di Prato, Gemignano
Styled papal chaplain and auditor 1418 (Cal. Pap. VII, 94); provost of Pistoia, 1419 (ibid. 114). Pistoia, an episcopal see in Tuscany, near Florence (Gams, 750); the cathedral of Pistoia is dedicated to San Jacopo. The church at Prato to San
Francesco. He was bishop elect of Todi 1434 (Cal. Pap. VIII, 494); bishop of Todi 1434 (Gams, 735). The patron saint of Todi is San Terenziano. The shield, I think, bears the curious canting arms of a meadow (Prato).
Size: 70 x 44 mm.
Seal design: Oval, red wax in a white cup, in a central canopied niche Our Lady seated with the child Christ, on her dexter side seated in a smaller niche is St Lawrence, on her sinister in a like niche St Francis (?).
Beneath is a kneeling figure of Gemignano and on each side of him a shield of arms, a meadow (?) with flowers growing in it.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 7056, 7057
Digitised version GB Seal no.3712 1310
Di Prato, Guglielmo
Styled canonicus Conuenensis sedis apostolicae nuncius. He was a canon of the church of Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges, an episcopal city on the spurs of the Pyrenees, a suffragan see of Auch. (Cal. Pap. II, 51; Gams, 539). He was papal nuncio 1309
(Cal. Pap. II, 58). In 1310 he was given a canonry and prebend of York (South Newbald) void by the promotion of Peter, archbishop of Lyons (ibid, 66). This he resigned in 1312 (ibid, 97).
Size: -
Seal design: Oval, very imperfect, a figure kneeling in front of an altar upon which is a chalice, behind the altar is a standing figure holding a crosier. Beneath is a shield of arms, barry.
Inscription: Legend destroyed.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4298
GB Seal no.3713 1287
Consistory Court of the Bishop of Paris
The seal is that of the official of the consistory court of Paris. It affords an excellent example of the shape of the mitre of the thirteenth century.
Size: 38 mm.Size: Secretum: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, the mitred head of a bishop in profile.Secretum: a crosier between two fleur de lys.
Inscription: ...ILLVM : CVRIE : PAR : EPISCOPISecretum: ✠ S . FCM . ANO MCC . L . III
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.X.21
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3714 1255
John, Archdeacon of Paris
I am unable further to identify this archdeacon.
Size: 35 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a standing figure of the archdeacon vested in alb and chasuble, holding a book to his breast with both hands, on his dexter side is a fleur de lys, on his sinister an escallop.
Inscription: JOHANNIS . ARCHI. ONI . PAR:
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.III.14; Misc.Ch. 6976
Digitised version GB Seal no.3714(i) 1248
Parma, William of
Papal chaplain, [litterarum] contradictarum auditor
Size: -
Seal design: Fragment
Inscription: ✠ S' ......TARV̄
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5045
GB Seal no.3715 1467
Pavin, Jean-François
Styled auditor. The impression is on red wax, sunk in a cup of white wax which surrounds and protects the seal proper. The whole is enclosed in an iron box, the exact shape of the seal.
Size: 73 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, above in a canopied niche is God the Father seated holding Christ on the cross in front of him, beneath in a central niche is Our Lady, robed and crowned, standing, holding the child Christ on her left arm
and a sceptre in her right hand. On the dexter side in a smaller niche is a robed and tonsured figure holding in his right hand a rod with a fleur de lys at the top and a book in his left; on the sinister in a like niche is a robed and tonsured
figure holding a church (?) in his right hand and a cross in his left. Below is a shield of arms three roses within a border checky (?)
Inscription: . S . D . IO : FRAN . PAVINI . IV . V . ET . SA : THE. DOC . ET . CA . SA . PA . AP . AVDITORIS
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6220, 7061; 4.4.Spec.9
Digitised version GB Seal no.3716 1423
Styled auditor. The seal is impressed on red wax, sunk deeply in a thick protecting cup of hard white wax. The shields of arms bear a device I cannot blason; it appears to be a chain in chief but the charges in base I am not able to decipher.
Size: 73 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, in an upper niche a demi figure of Our Lady with the child Christ. Below in a central niche a standing figure of St Peter holding in his right hand a cross from which two keys hang, in his left a book,
beneath is a kneeling figure of Peter in his doctor's robes on each side of him a shield of arms ...?
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 705, 993
Digitised version GB Seal no.3717 1412
Di Peto, Antonio
Used by frater Antonius de Peto ordinis minorum generalis minister. Franciscans, friars minor or Grey Friars.
Size: 70 x 41 mm.
Seal design: Oval, red wax in a cup of white chalky wax; above is the Holy Dove descending, in the centre is Our Lady with Christ and the twelve apostles (?) kneeling on each side of her and above and below. Beneath is
Antonio praying.
Inscription: ✠ s' generalis . ministri ordinis . fratrvm . minorvm .
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.III.12
Digitised version GB Seal no.3718 1466
Auditor General of the Apostolic Camera at Rome
Used by the auditor general of the apostolic camera at Rome. In 1489 the same seal is used by Pietro Menzi (SBM 22, 152). The seal is on red wax and contained in an iron box the shape of the seal.
Size: 70 x 44 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a demi figure of Our Lady seated with the child Christ, an angel on each side of her. Beneath on the dexter St Peter, on the sinister St Paul. Below them is standing a figure and a shield of arms, two keys
saltireways, on each side.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 7066
GB Seal no.3719 1446
Hospital of the Holy Trinity and St Thomas at Rome
The document is a letter of fraternity from 'camerarii custos et confrates Christi pauperum hospitalis Scae. Trinitatis et glorioso Sci. Thomae Martyris in urbe Romana fundati' to 'Robertus Westmerland monachus Dunelmensis', known as the hospital
of the English, in the city of Rome. SBM 22412/16. Westmorland was the colleague (
conscius ) of the cellarer at Durham (
Durham Acct. Rolls , p. 62, et passim).
Size: 57 x 35 mm.
Seal design: Oval. God the Father seated holding Christ on the cross in front of him, a fleur de lys on each side. Beneath is the mitred figure of St Thomas of Canterbury holding his cross and in front of him a shield of arms
quarterly France (modern) and England.
Inscription: s fraternitatis . ospitalis thome martiris in roma
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.I.45
GB Seal no.3720 1256
In 1253 he is styled papal subdeacon and chaplain (Cal. Pap. I, 295); in 1256 he was papal nuncio in England (ibid, 338); in 1257 papal archdeacon (ibid, 342); in December 1259, archdeacon of Agen (ibid, 354). Agen was one of the suffragan sees
of Bordeaux (Gams, 479). In February 1259, he had 'confirmation, suppletion & dispensation' from the pope for his various benefices, including besides his archdeaconry, the parish churches of Langres in the diocese of Bazas, St Peter's in East
Oxford, Stevenage in the diocese of Lincoln, 'Estraham' in the diocese of Ely (Stretham, Cambs.), 'Scaldeford' in the diocese of Winchester (Shalford, Surrey), (ibid, 363). He died before September 1261 (ibid, 385).
Size: 22 x 32 mm.
Seal design: Oval. St Martin of Tours dividing his cloak with a beggar. Beneath is a seated figure who is addressed by a figure standing in front of him.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5057
GB Seal no.3721 1306
De Solerio, John
Styled canonicus ecclesiae S. Radegundis Pictaviensis camerae dni. Papae clericus. The church of Sainte-Radegonde at Poitiers, built in memory of Radegonde, wife of the Frankish king Clotaire, who lived and founded a monastery there. She died in
587 and her tomb is preserved in the crypt of the church.
Size: 51 x 38 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a standing figure of St John Baptist holding the Holy Lamb, beneath is John praying.
Inscription: ... ALERI ...N . BE...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4357
GB Seal no.3722 1309
De La Teste, Guillaume
Styled archidiaconus Aranensis in ecclesia Conuenensi dni. Papae capellanus. Archdeacon of Aran, in the diocese of Comminges. In Nov., 1309, he had provision of a canonry, prebend and the precentorship of Lincoln (Cal. Pap. II, 59; L.N. II, 83,
165); he was also archdeacon of Ely (ibid, 116; L.N. I, 350) and archdeacon of St Asaph (L.N. I, 84) besides holding various rectories (Cal. Pap. II, 169, 204). In 1309 he was administrator of the archdiocese of Canterbury, archbishop Robert being
suspended (Cal. Pap. II, 69). In March, 1313, he was promoted to the cardinalate, by the title of San Ciriaco in Terme; and recalled to Rome. He was dead before 16 February 1326-27 (Cal. Pap. II, 225;
Trésor, 2230).
Size: 44 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval, above is a demi figure of Our Lady holding the child Christ. Beneath is a figure kneeling in front of an altar on which is a cross and a chalice, behind the altar is a bishop standing in mass vestments,
with mitre and crosier. Below is the shield of arms, an eagle displayed.
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XIX.46, 50
Digitised version GB Seal no.3723 1422
Thomarii, John de
A native of Bologna, a papal chaplain and auditor (Cal. Pap. VI, 243); SBM 27, 158. The seal is on red wax in a thick cup of white.
Size: 73 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, in a central niche of tabernacle work is Our Lord with cruciferous nimbus rising from the sepulchre, beneath is John praying, on each side of him a shield of arms, an eagle displayed debruised by a
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 7058, 7059
Digitised version GB Seal no.3724 1305
Nicholas, Bishop of Tortiboli
Tortiboli - In the kingdom of Naples, a suffragan of Benevento. Nicholas does not appear in Gams list (892).
Size: 57 x 35 mm.
Seal design: Oval, the bishop standing in mass vestments with crosier blessing, above him is a demi figure of Our Lady with the child Christ.
Inscription: ... NICOLA ... GRA EP... ORTIBVLEN ..
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1499
GB Seal no.3725 1310
Bérenger, Bishop of Tusculum
Berenger Fredoli, 1309-1323 (Gams, XX;
Trésor, 1165). A cardinal bishopric, Tusculum being one of the seven suburban churches. He was bishop of Béziers (province of Narbonne, France), 1294-1309 (
Trésor, 1395).
Size: -
Seal design: Oval, very imperfect, the bishop in mass vestments, blessing.
Inscription: ..EI : GRA...I : TUSC...
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.III.15
3726: Vezano, Giffredo Di, see 2540A, 2540A(i) and 2541
GB Seal no.3727 1401
Ludovico, Bishop of Volterra
Ludovico Aliotto 1398-1411 (Gams, 763). Volterra is in Tuscany, a bishopric at that time, immediately subject to the holy see. He was bishop of Athens before translation to Volterra (Gams, 430).
Size: 32 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, paly-bendy.
Inscription: ✠ s : secretvm dni : lodovici : episcopi : vvlterran :Y
Seal attached to document reference: 2.5.Ebor.18
Digitised version
Sheriff's Seals
Durham: see 325.
York: see 927.
Municipal Seals
For general account of these see
Borough seals of the gothic period by Gale Pedrick, and a paper by Sir W.H. St John Hope in
Proc. Soc. Ant. London , 2nd ser. XV, p.434.
GB Seal no.3728 1330
Berwicksh. Nat. Club. Trans. , XXIII, 403 and pl. facing on which this is no. 3. Also A.A. 3rd ser., VI, 136.
Size: 76 mm.
Seal design: Obverse: Round, a bear, with collar and chain, walking to the dexter, in front of a tree upon which are two birds. The field of the seal is diapered with a delicate floral pattern and the device is surrounded
with the Scottish tressure.
Reverse: God the Father, seated on a throne holding in front of him, the figure of Our Lord upon the cross (emblem of the Trinity). The field is diapered in a foliage design and the inner edge of the border
Inscription: Obverse: ✠ ...VNE : VILLE : BERWICI ... EDAM : Reverse: ✠ BENED... SANCTA : TRIN...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 968, 5983
GB Seal no.3729 n.d.
This is no. 2, plate facing 403, op. cit.
Size: 41 mm.
Seal design: Round, a bear standing in front of a tree.
Inscription: SIG... VRGENSIVM...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 1356
GB Seal no.3730 1365
Chamberlain of Berwick
Used by William Delaval styled chamberlain of the town of Berwick-upon-Tweed. This seal is called sigillum officii mei camerarii. See the Delaval pedigree N.C.H. IX, 168.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a banner charged with the three leopards of England, on each side of it is a tree and beneath it a bear facing to the dexter.
Inscription: ... RVIC ...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 950
Digitised version GB Seal no.3731 n.d.
Beverley - East Riding of Yorks. John, bishop of Hexham and archbishop of York, c.705-718 (L.N. III, 94), founded a monastery here early in the eighth century. In 1037 he was canonised as St John of Beverley. A college of secular canons succeeded
St John's monastery early in the tenth century. SBM 4625.
Size: 60 mm.
Seal design: Round. St John of Beverley vested as an archbishop with pall, mitre and cross, seated on a throne between two trees, blessing. His feet resting on a hound.
Seal attached to document reference: [G]
Digitised version GB Seal no.3732 1312
Officiality of the Provost of Beverley
This seal should have been placed with the ecclesiastical. the provostship of Beverley was an ecclesiastical office of great dignity held by many famous men. At this date William of Melton, afterwards archbishop of York, was provost. Pedrick, p.
41 and pl. XXXI, no. 61.
Size: 38 x 25 mm.
Seal design: Oval. St John of Beverley vested as an archbishop with pall and cross, seated, blessing. Beneath is a figure praying.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 4230
Digitised version GB Seal no.3733 1233
N.C.H. X, pl. facing 41, no. 1. Document printed ibid, p. 64, note 2.
Size: 51 mm.
Seal design: Round, a cross paty between four men's heads in profile and wearing helmets.
Inscription: ✠ S...NE COREBRIGIE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 460
GB Seal no.3734 1453
N.C.H. X, pl. facing 41, no. 2. Document p. 68, note 2.
Size: 57 mm.
Seal design: Round, a cross paty, with an ornament at the intersection, between four men's heads.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 463
GB Seal no.3735 1452
N.C.H. X, pl. facing 41, No. 3. Document, p. 111, note 4. See also A.A. 3rd ser., VI, 138.
Size: 44 mm.
Seal design: Round, a cross paty, an ornament at the intersection, between four men's heads.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 476
GB Seal no.3736 1432
Blasoned azure three crowns paleways gold. The charges are royal crowns alluding to the royal foundation by Edward I and to the name of the town. Pedrick, p. 79 and plates XIV and XLIX.
Size: 44 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, three crowns, the shield is placed within an eight-foiled panel and the field of seal delicately diapered with a foliage pattern.
Inscription: s'officii : maioratvs : ville : de kyng .. dvnsuper : hull
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6658; 1.1.Spec.110
Digitised version GB Seal no.3737 n.d.
See no. 824 above. The charter names Sir Gregory Rokele, mayor of London; John, Adrian and Walter le Cornwaleys, sheriffs. It is a grant from William of Durham styled, son of Luce of Durham, citizen of London; he was a prominent citizen, alderman
of Bread Street ward in 1276; sheriff 1281 and was dead in 1284 (
Calendar of Letter Books of London , A., pp. 9, 83, 196). He states that he has affixed his own seal to this charter and for its greater security and witness (majorem securitatem et testimonium) he has procured the
seal of the mayoralty of London and has affixed it to the same. Se Hope, p. 433 and engraving no. 2, p.449; also Pedrick, 84 and plates XI and XXXIV.
Size: 44 mm.
Seal design: Round. St Thomas of Canterbury vested as an archbishop with pall and cross seated on the dexter, St Paul seated on the sinister holding a sword, each in a canopied niche with crockets and finials. Beneath, and at
each side is a leopard of England. Above them is S. TH. S.P.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 5574
GB Seal no.3738 1308
The pear shaped devices above the gateway are probably shields. The seal is considerably earlier than the deed to which it is attached. From the type of lettering, Roman capitals with the E open, one would judge it to be about mid-twelfth
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, a castle with doorway, and three turrets above, upon which are two pear shaped objects.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6873; 1.1.Spec.103, 105, 116
Digitised version GB Seal no.3739 1369
A finely conceived design in great contrast to the previous one. The device is well balanced and beautifully executed in the minutest detail; the motive symbolises the reasons for the town's greatness and prosperity, the river, the bridge, the
castle; the leopards denote that the castle was the king's.
Size: 44 mm.
Seal design: Round, a battlemented bridge of two arches spanning a river, upon it a battlemented castle with gateway and three battlemented turrets above. On each side of the castle is a leopard of England. The field of the
seal is diapered in a lozenge pattern.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6092, 6614, 6882; 1.4.Spec.115
Digitised version GB Seal no.3740 1366
Statute Merchant Seal of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
For account of this seal see
Proc. Soc. Ant. Newcastle , 3rd ser., VIII, p. 60 et seq. It is illustrated ibid, nos. 1 and 2 on plate facing p. 62. Document printed ibid, p. 62.
Size: 44 mm.Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Obverse: round. A full-faced bust of King Edward with a curl at each side of his head, wearing a crown of three fleur de lys, on his breast a leopard of England. In the field on each side of the head is a triple
towered castleReverse: round. A triple towered castle with gateway, from it floats a banner charged with the royal arms of England (three leopards).
Inscription: * S' EDW' REG... REC' DEB' APD' NO... IN'NOVI CASTR S'R TIN'
Seal attached to document reference: 3.13.Spec.28
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3741 1403
Staple of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Proc. Soc. Ant. Newcastle , 3rd ser., VIII, p. 65 where the document is printed. Seal is ibid, plate facing p. 62, no. 8.
Size: 41 mm.
Seal design: Round, a river flowing in front of a triple towered castle gateway with portcullis across the gateway, under the portcullis, is a leopard of England. On each side of the gateway, in the field, is a fleur de
Seal attached to document reference: 1.1.Spec.84
Digitised version GB Seal no.3742 1381-1382
Staple of Westminster
Proc. Soc. Ant. Newcastle , 3rd ser., VIII, p. 66; seal ibid, nos. 9 and 10.
Size: 32 mm.Size: Secretum: 13 mm.
Seal design: Round, in the centre of a traceried six-foiled panel, a leopard's face between two fleurs de lys.Secretum: round, a cock.
Inscription: * S; MAIOR'NT : STAPVLE : WESTM' : P STATVT : MERCA [TOR.]Secretum: ser : gallus : cantat
Seal attached to document reference: 4.5.Ebor.15,16
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3743 1424
Statute Merchant Seal of York
Proc. Soc. Ant. Newcastle , 3rd ser., VIII, p. 64; seal ibid, nos. 3 and 4.
Size: 44 mm.Size: Secretum: 22 mm.
Seal design: Obverse: round. A full-faced bust of a king (Edward), a curl at each side of his head, wearing a crown of three fleur de lys, on his breast a leopard of England; on each side of his head an octagonal castle with
three turrets, the central one higher.Secretum: round, a half length figure of St Peter holding a book to his breast in his right hand and a key in his left, in the field on his dexter is a castle.
Inscription: * S'ED... GL'AD RECOGN' DEBIT ...VD EBORACVMSecretum: * EBORACVS
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 6720
Digitised version GB Seal no.3744 1444
Pedrick, p. 135 and plate V. The beautiful reverse of this seal is also illustrated on this plate.
Size: 63 mm.
Seal design: Round, a conventional representation of the city walls with central gate tower with windows, battlements and a pointed roof, this is flanked on each side by two small turrets with door and beyond these, two
towers like the central one; from the roof of each floats a pennon of three tails. Enclosed within the walls is a high battlemented tower in which are two windows.
Inscription: ✠ : SIGILLVM : CIVIVM : EBORACI :
Seal attached to document reference: 4.1.Sacr.12; Misc.Ch. 2559
Digitised version
Additions made by Blair to Greenwell's initial list.
GB Seal no.3745 n.d.
Edward III
For brief account of Edward's various seals see note to no. 3031 above. This, his second seal, was in use from 4 October 1327 to 21 February 1340; when he assumed the title of King of France which necessitated a new seal. The obverse is
interesting, because it shows the transition from the low plain seats of the earlier seals to the richly decorated and canopied thrones of the later ones. The reverse shows some changes in armour from the seal of Edward II (no. 3027). The helmet is
conical, the jupon is tight-fitting and sleeveless and is emblasoned with armorials, the shoulders are protected by upright plates called ailettes also emblasoned with the royal arms. The shield is smaller and heater-shaped and the horse trappings
are looser and more flowing.
Size: 108 mm.
Seal design: (Second Seal)
Round, dark green and whitey brown wax.
Obverse: the king crowned and clothed in a loose flowing robe, seated on a throne with canopy. He holds in his right hand a short sceptre ending in a
fleur de lys and in his left hand an orb with cross, held in front of his breast. His feet rest on two crouching lions. From each of the four corners of the throne rises a pinnacle with crockets and finials, buttresses supporting the two back ones.
The arch above the king's head is ogee-shaped and cusped, the outside of the arch has crockets and a finial. Beneath the seat the throne is decorated with traceried panels and below the pediment are seven leopards' heads. In the field on each side
of the throne is a fleur de lys.
Reverse: equestrian, Edward on horseback galloping to the sinister. He wears a mail hauberk over which is a tight fitting jupon. He has a conical helm, surrounded by a coronet and fitted with a grated visor. His
right hand brandishes a long, straight, grooved sword with angular pommel and curved quillons, it is attached by a chain to his right breast. His shoulders are protected by ailettes. On his left arm he carries a small heater shaped shield. The horse
is clothed with loose flowing trappings. His jupon, shield, ailettes and horse trappings are emblasoned with the arms of England gules three leopards gold.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Reg.3a, 4, 7; 1.4.Reg.2, 3a, 3b, 6, 10a, 10b, 17; Misc.Ch. 237.
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3746 1374
Edward III
See note to no. 3032 above.
Size: 114 mm.
Seal design: (Bretigny Seal)
Round, green and whitey brown wax. Obverse and Reverse same as no. 3032 in catalogue with EDWARDUS in legend in place of RICARDUS.
Seal attached to document reference: 2.3.Reg.6; 1.4.Reg.1a, 1b, 5
Digitised versionDigitised version GB Seal no.3747 n.d.
Waltham, College of Holy Cross at
This is the common seal of the college of secular canons founded by Earl Harold, 1060. See nos. 3555 and 3556 and notes above. Also paper on the seals of the later abbey of Austin canons by Sir W.H. St John Hope (
Proc. Soc. Antiq. London , XXVIII, 95). This seal fills a blank in the interesting history, there told, of the abbey seals. It is, I think, the original from which the device of the later seals was derived. It will be
seen that here the four limbs of the cross are of equal length with the ends broadened out, in general shape it is not unlike the cross of St Cuthbert, the later seals adopt the Latin cross with the elongated lower limb possibly because the design,
showing the cross upraised on a mount, required this. The seal is attached to an early twelfth century grant from Adam, canon of Holy Cross, to Algar (1109-37), the prior of Durham and the monks of St Cuthbert.
Size: 51 mm.
Seal design: Round, whitety brown wax, an equal limbed cross paty, two angels stand behind, one on each side, supporting it.
Seal attached to document reference: 1.4.Ebor.27
Digitised version GB Seal no.3748 1445
His name on the document is almost obliterated and is illegible, the legend on the seal is also badly blurred.
Size: 70 x 44 mm.
Seal design: Oval. The Annunciation, beneath it a standing figure, on each side of him a shield of arms, a tower.
Inscription: Legend illegible.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 706
GB Seal no.3749 1440
Bartholomew & Urban
Styled sub-collectors of the oblations of the faithful for pope Eugenius IV (1431-47). They describe the seal as that which they use in this responsible task (in hac ardua causa).
Size: 44 mm.
Seal design: Round, St Peter, wearing the tiara and holding two keys in his left hand, standing, blessing.
Inscription: ✶ sigillvm x indul.. x d x ...xpp x iiii x
Seal attached to document reference: Loc.XIX.75
Digitised version GB Seal no.3750 1244
Burdon, Elys of
See S.D. III, 343.
Size: 38 mm.
Seal design: Round. A cross with floriated ends and a saltire at the intersection.
Inscription: ✠ S' : HELIE : DE . BVRDVN :
Seal attached to document reference: 3.10.Spec.28
GB Seal no.3751 (1) 1284
Florence, Merchant of
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, a Medusa head (?) within a six-foiled panel.
Inscription: ✠ S' SIMONIS GIRARD ...O
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2417
Digitised version GB Seal no.3751 (2) 1284
Florence, Merchant of
Styled Cop. Cotend de societate Frescubbaldorum.
Size: 25 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, bendy; the shield hangs from a tree, at each side is a dog.
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2417
Digitised version GB Seal no.3751 (3) 1284
Florence, Merchant of
Styled Bindon Suarche de societate Rikemanorum (?) de Florence.
Size: 19 x 10 mm.
Seal design: Oval, a cross above a circle.
Inscription: * S' BINDI : SOVARCIE
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2417
GB Seal no.3751 (4) 1284
Florence, Merchant of
Seal of the then sheriff of York whose name I have not been able to find.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, imperfect, a triple towered castle with gateway, within a quatrefoiled panel.
Inscription: ...AL ... EBORA ...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 2417
Digitised version GB Seal no.3752 1383
Gartley, John of
Size: 25 x 22 mm.
Seal design: Oval, armorial, a fess embattled between three scallop shells; an angel stands behind the shield supporting it.
Inscription: S' IAN . DE . GARTELE
Seal attached to document reference: 4.5.Spec.17, 18
GB Seal no.3753 1307
Ga..., William of
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial, ermine an escutcheon charged with ...? The shield stands between the antlers of a stag.
Inscription: ✶ S' WILLELMI DE GA...
Seal attached to document reference: 3.2.Sacr.9d
Digitised version GB Seal no.3754 1360
Haswell, William of
Used by William son of Ralph of Haswell.
Size: 22 mm.
Seal design: Round, armorial three lions' heads raised.
Inscription: S' SIMON ... LOC .. R...
Seal attached to document reference: Misc.Ch. 7008
3755. Duplicate entry of 1830.