Reference code: GB-0033-CRE
Title: Cremation Society papers
Dates of creation: 1834-2014
Extent: 76 metres
Held by: Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections
Origination: Cremation Society
The Cremation Society of England was founded on 13th January 1874 by Sir Henry Thompson, physician to Queen Victoria, and a number of his friends. In 1930 it was renamed simply the Cremation Society, to emphasise its application to the whole of
Great Britain, and its name was changed again in 1974 to the Cremation Society of Great Britain.
Collection Level Description for more background notes.
The archive contains the Cremation Society's records and papers from its foundation up to 2014, the greatest concentration of these papers are twentieth century. These cover the administration of the Society, correspondence and resources on the
developments of cremation and internment. The archive has a strongly international character, reflecting the society's close contacts with cremationist bodies in other countries ever since its foundation. Also included are the Society’s holdings of
International Cremation Federation (ICF) paperwork and correspondence, during the course of its history a number of Cremation Society members have been representative on the ICF’s council.
Deposited by the Cremation Society of Great Britain, 1998, 201
Located in the Cremation Society's office in Maidstone until its deposit at Durham in 1998 and 2015.
Open for consultation.
Permission to make any published use of material from the collection must be sought in advance from the Sub-Librarian, Special Collections (e-mail and, where appropriate, from the copyright owner. The Library will assist
where possible with identifying copyright owners, but responsibility for ensuring copyright clearance rests with the user of the material
Further deposits of material which the society no longer requires for current administration are expected from time to time.
Collection Level Description for bibliography.
PeriodicalsReference: CRE/A
There are two sequences, according to size: A (ordinary sequence) and AO (oversize sequence). Each is arranged by country of publication.
Catalogued within
printed library catalogue, found by doing a shelfmark search for “CremationSoc A” (excluding some
items from Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia, for which see printed list). Earlier printed list on search room shelves in Palace Green Library
Books and dissertationsReference: CRE/B
Arranged by country of publication (UK and USA together under B/EN):
B/DE: Books published in Denmark
B/EN1: UK and USA: Disposal of the Dead
B/EN2: Cremation
B/EN3: Funerals
B/EN4: Practicalities of coping with death
B/EN5: Legal aspects
B/EN6: Medical aspects
B/EN7: Death, bereavement and after-life
B/EN8: Literature
B/EN9: Art, architecture, memorials and cemeteries
B/FR: France
B/GE: Germany
B/HU: Hungary
B/IT: Italy
B/NE: Netherlands
B/PO: Poland
B/RU: Russia
B/SL: Slovenia
B/SW: Sweden
Catalogued within
printed library catalogue, found by doing a shelfmark search for “CremationSoc
B”. Earlier printed list on search room shelves in Palace Green Library
PamphletsReference: CRE/C
Pamphlets arranged by country of publication, then (other than UK) by date. UK pamphlets are arranged according to the following scheme (and by date within each of these subsections):
C/AG. Argentina
C/AL. Australia
C/AU: Austria
C/BE: Belgium
C/CZ: Czechoslovakia
C/DE: Denmark
C/FI: Finland
C/FR: France
C/GE: Germany
C/GR: Greece
C/IN: India
C/IR: Ireland
C/IT: Italy
C/LU: Luxemburg
C/NE: Netherlands
C/NZ: New Zealand
C/NO: Norway
C/RU: Russia
C/SA: South Africa
C/SW: Sweden
C/SZ: Switzerland
C/UK1. Disposal of the dead
C/UK2. Death, dying, after-live, bereavement
C/UK3. Funerals
C/UK4. Legal aspects
C/UK5. Cemeteries, crematoria, memorials
C/US: United States of America
C/YU: Yugoslavia
Catalogued within
printed library catalogue, found by doing a shelfmark search for “CremationSoc
C”. Earlier printed list kept with collection within strong room.
Lectures can also be found at
ICF PapersReference: CRE/DDates of creation: 1936-2009Language: The three official languages of the ICF are English, French and German and most official paperwork and correspondence is translated into these languages. Other languages are also noted at item level
The International Cremation Federation was established in London in 1937 with the basic aim to promote good practice in Cremation. The annual Congresses are held in the host country decided at the previous Congress. Congress usually coincides
biannually with a General Council meeting. The General Council is the main policy making body of the organisation and acts the forum where votes on the Federation’s policies are cast. The Executive Committee conducts business as decided in the
General Council. Members of the Executive Committee are elected every three years and consist of a President, General Secretary, Treasurer and Vice President. At the 2003 Congress in Barcelona a restructure of the ICF was proposed and subsequently
in 2005 the ICF formed three Regional Committees. The chairman of each Regional Committee is also a member of the Executive Committee.
During the history of the ICF members of the Cremation Society have held positions on the various Commitees and have attended Congress.
Archives of the International Cremation Federation (ICF), and papers for ICF congresses, arranged according to the following scheme:
D1. Constitution and rules
D2. Annual report
D3. Bulletin
D4. Congress, Executive Committee and General Council publications, papers and correspondence. Arranged in date order (undated papers at end as D4/MISC). Includes some other international conference information
D5. Correspondence
D6. Surveys and statistics
D7. Accounts and finances
Constitution, rules and statutesCRE/D1/1-3 1937-1994
4 items
ICF papers relating to the foundation of the ICF, its constitution and rules
CRE/D1/1 1957 [1937 and1957?]
Two copies of the Constitution approved by the official delegates at the International Cremation Congress held in London, 24 Sept. - 2 Oct. 1937. The second copy is a reprinted version dated in pen as 1957 and shows minor revisions in the wording
of the original consititution
Language: English; French;German
CRE/D1/2 [1966?]
Rules as amended by the International Cremation Congress held in Vienna, 23-26 May 1966
Language: English; French;German
CRE/D1/3 1994
ICF statutes listed for the Dutch Chamber of Commerce in 1994. Recognition by the Chamber of Commerce by a founding nation was required by the The United Nations and European Community. Prior to1994 the ICF's statutes had not been formally
Language: English; French;German
Annual ReportsCRE/D2/1-2 1938, 1951-1976, 1995-2005
/1: ICF annual reports for 1938, 1951-76 (London, [1939-77]) Place of publication varies according to the location of the ICF headquarters.
2: Annual reports sent to the cremation socieities from other institutions worldwide include:
DELA Cooperatie: dela kooperatieve vereniging voor het verzekeren en verzorgen van begrafenissen en krematies, U.A. Eindhoven for 1992,
1995-2000, 2003-2004
de Facultatieve Groep for 1995-1998 and 2000-2005
Vereniging voor crematie AVVL for 2000
Yarden: uitvaartverzekering & verzorging for 2001
Schweizerischer verband fur feuerbestattung (Union Suisse de Cremation/ Associazione Svizzera di Cremazione for 2001/2002
Language: English; French;German; Swedish; Dutch
CRE/D3 1961-1972
Bulletin of the International Cremation Federation, nos 1 (1961) - 15 (1970), 17 (1971) - 19 (1972) Two issues per year. Place of publication not stated [varied according to location of the ICF headquarters?]
Language: English; French;German
Publications and Papers from ICF Congresses, General and Executive Committee MeetingsCRE/D4 1936-2009
20 boxes
Papers from ICF Congresses, General and Executive Committee Meetings. Between 1936-1990 files relate primarily to Congresses but, after this period Congress is held every two years with Executive Committee meetings occuring multiple times a year.
These papers reflect the changes to the structure of the ICF when, in 2003, a regional structure was adopted. Correspondence is included where it directly links to the events, these are usually papers collected and created by ICF General-Secretary
Roger N. Arber.
Material weeded includes duplicate material and a large proportion of organisational papers (city guides, maps, flight details), though some has been retained to demonstrate the organisational scale of ICF events.
Language: Mainly in the three official languages of the ICF,English; French;German. Other languages will be noted at item
CRE/D4/1936/1-3 1936-1937
Language: English; French;German
1936 congress (12-20 Sept.), Prague
[The 1936 congress pre-dated the setting up of the International Cremation Federation, but led directly to its foundation at the next congress held in London in 1937]
CRE/D4/1936/1 12-15 Sept 1936
Language: English; French;German;Czech
Mezinárodní kongres kremacní Praha 12.-15. zárí 1936 [congress programme]
CRE/D4/1936/2 [1937?]
'The International Cremation Congress at Prague: report, decision, resolutions' (Prague, "Krematorium Society", [1937?]). Special issue of Krematorium, the periodical published by the "Krematorium" Society (Spolek pro Pohrbívání Zehem
v Praze). Includes list of delegates, and text of papers
CRE/D4/1936/3 [1937?]
Photocopy of
D4/1936/2 in spiral binding
CRE/D4/1937/1-4 1937
1937 congress (24 Sept. - 2 Oct.), London
CRE/D4/1937/1 1937
Language: English; French;German
Official handbook Includes article "The cremation movement in Great Britain from 1874 to 1937"
CRE/D4/1937/2 [1937?]
Four versions of the Congress
Report including drafts and the final version
CRE/D4/1937/3 [1937?]
Language: French;German
Rapport officiel / Offizieller Bericht Does not include the summaries of speeches given in the English version
CRE/D4/1937/4 [1937?]
Language: English; French;German
Selection of untitled draft papers
CRE/D4/1948 [1948]
1948 congress (27 April - 2 May), The Hague
CRE/D4/1948/1 [1948]
Report (London, Pharos Press, [1948?]
CRE/D4/1951/1-2 1951
1951 congress (23-26 May), Copenhagen
CRE/D4/1951/1 1951
Language: English; French
Programme includes article
"The development of the cremation movement in Denmark"
CRE/D4/1951/2 [1951?]
Language: English; French;German
Offical Report (Funeral Service Journal, [1951?])
CRE/D4/1954/1-13 1954
1954 congress (24-26 May), Oslo
CRE/D4/1954/1 [1954?]
Language: English; French;German
Official programme Includes article "Cremation in Norway"
CRE/D4/1954/2 [1954?]
Language: English; French;German
Official report (London, Pharos Press, [1954?])
CRE/D4/1954/3 [1954?]
Official delegate's badge, from Great Britain
CRE/D4/1954/4 [1954?]
Language: English; French;German
Congress paper
"The revival of the cremation movement in Germany"
CRE/D4/1954/5 [1954?]
Language: English; French;German
Congress Paper
"Support for cremation from state and other sources"
CRE/D4/1954/6 [1954?]
Language: English; French;German
Congress Paper
"Roman Catholic canon law and cremation"
CRE/D4/1954/7 [1954?]
Language: English; French;German
Congress Paper
BOMAN, Thorleif:
"The attitude of the Protestant church towards cremation"
CRE/D4/1954/8 [1954?]
Language: English; French;German
Congress Paper
HEUER, Albert:
"The cremation movement today as the expression of a changed attitude towards life"
CRE/D4/1954/9 [1954?]
Language: English; French;German
Congress Paper
"Commission on Human Rights"
CRE/D4/1954/10 [1954?]
Language: English; French;German
Congress Paper
"Cremation statistics"
CRE/D4/1954/11 [1954?]
Language: English; French;German
Congress Paper
"Right of option to hold the funeral service before or after cremation"
CRE/D4/1954/12 [1954?]
Language: English; French;German
Congress Paper
"International Committee for Planning and Building of Crematoria"
CRE/D4/1954/13 [1954?]
Language: English; French;German
Congress Paper
"Mutual co-operation between cremation societies in cases where members die abroad: report by the Secretary General [P. Herbert Jones]"
CRE/D4/1957/1-2 1957-1958
1957 congress (12-15 Aug.), Zurich
CRE/D4/1957/1 [1957?]
Language: English; French;German
Official programme
CRE/D4/1957/2 1958
Language: English; French;German
Official report(Stockholm, Zetterlund & Thelanders Boktryckeri-AB, 1958)
CRE/D4/1960/1-7 [1960-1961]
1960 congress (23-26 May), Stockholm
CRE/D4/1960/1 [1960-1961?]
Language: English; French;German
One draft of the Official Report, the English and German has been annotated, and a copy of the
Official Report (Stockholm, Zetterlund & Thelanders Boktryckeri-AB, 1961)
CRE/D4/1960/2 1960
Language: English; French;German
Congress Paper
"Propaganda for cremation" (Stockholm, Zetterlund & Thelanders Boktryckeri-AB, 1960)
CRE/D4/1960/3 1960
Language: English; French;German
Congress Paper
MICHELFEIT, Franz, & JENT, Viktor:
"Proposed declaration concerning efforts for the repeal of the prohibition of cremation by the Roman Catholic Church"
CRE/D4/1960/4 1960
Language: English; French;German
Congress Paper
CAMERON, Sir John:
"Gardens of remembrance in parish churchyards"
CRE/D4/1960/5 1960
Language: English; French;German
Congress Paper
"The economy of cremation"
CRE/D4/1960/6 1960
Language: English; French;German
Congress Paper
"Sociological aspects of cremation"
CRE/D4/1960/7 1960
Language: English; French;German
Programme, includes the article
The Swedish Cremation Movement
CRE/D4/1962 1962
Executive Committee Meeting (15 Sept), Luxemburg
CRE/D4/1962/1 1962
Language: English; French;German, some correspondence is in German
File containing meeting paperwork for the Executive Committee Meeting, Luxemburg. Also includes handwritten notes and a substantial quantity of correspondence from Nils Gruffman.
CRE/D4/1963/1-4 [1963-1964]
1963 congress (18-20 June), Berlin
CRE/D4/1963/1 [1963]
Language: English; French;German
Programme, includes article "Cremation in Germany"
CRE/D4/1963/2 [1964?]
Language: English; French;German
CRE/D4/1963/2 Extracts from the report of the International Cremation Congress at Berlin
CRE/D4/1963/3 [1963?]
Language: English; French;German
The world problems of the disposal of the dead prepared by the ICF Committee for Propaganda for the 1963 congress
CRE/D4/1963/4 1963
Congress Paper
"Cremation in Great Britain"
CRE/D4/1966/1-7 [1966]
1966 congress (23-26 May), Vienna
CRE/D4/1966/1 [1966?]
Language: English; French;German
CRE/D4/1966/2 [1966?]
Language: English; French;German
Congress handbook, including programme and articles
"Vienna the congress town" and "Cremation in Austria"
CRE/D4/1966/3 [1966?]
Language: French;German
Booklet of congress papers. Contents include:
KRENN, Anton: "Die Röm. Kath. Kirche und die Feuerbestattung / L'Eglise catholique et la crémation"
WOLBEEK, A.: "Die Feuerbestattung in den Niederlanden / La crémation en Hollande"
PREVETTE, Kenneth G.C. "Der Wert des Idealismus in der Feuerbestattungsbewegung / Valeur de l'idéalisme dans le mouvement crématiste"
BOONE, P.C.: "Einäscherung in einer veränderten Welt / La pratique de la création dans un monde évolué"
SPOLECNOST PRATEL ZEHU, CZECHOSLOVAKIA: "Die Gesellschaft von Freunden der Feuerbestattung / La Société des Amis de la Crémation"
BRYAN, Paul G.: "Zusammenarbeit der Krematorien, das Ziel in Californien / Coopération entre les crématoriums [sic], le but en Californie
CRE/D4/1966/4 [1965?]
Drafts of the Kenneth Prevette’s congress paper on
“The value of idealism in cremation”. With letters to Prevette, commenting on the drafts he had sent them, from Joseph Reeves, 8 December 1965, and Sir John Cameron, undated.
CRE/D4/1966/5 May 1966
"Information concerning burials in Vienna". Text in three-page leaflet dated May 1966, probably prepared specially for the congress
CRE/D4/1966/6 [1966]
Booklet of photostats of press cuttings from Austrian newspapers relating to the congress.
CRE/D4/1966/7 [1966?]
Language: French; English version of sections 5-10 only.
Draft revisions to the constitution of the ICF, prepared by the Executive Committee at at its meeting on 13 May 1965 for consideration by the congress. Set out in parallel columns with the existing constitution on the left, and draft amendments
on the right.
CRE/D4/1968 [1968]
Language: English; French;German
[Proposed?] 1968 congress (19 August 1968), The Hague
CRE/D4/1968/1 [1968]
Draft programme
CRE/D4/1969/1-18 [1969]
Language: English; French;German
1969 congress (May), London
CRE/D4/1969/1 [1969]
"Report of the Secretary General to the congress in London, May 1969"
CRE/D4/1969/2 [1969]
Language: English; French;German
Congress Paper
"Does embalming affect cremation?"
CRE/D4/1969/3 [1969]
Language: English; French;German
Congress Paper
ERLANDSEN, Ida-Merete.
"From the cromlech to the common grave for ashes"
CRE/D4/1969/4 [1969]
Congress Paper
HEAP, Desmond.
"The assault on the land"
CRE/D4/1969/5 [1969]
Language: English; French;German
Congress Paper
"Efforts to reform cremation laws in the Federal Republic of Germany"
CRE/D4/1969/6 [1969]
Language: English; French;German
Congress Paper
KNAF, Charles.
"The cremation in the Latin countries of Europe"
CRE/D4/1969/7 [1969]
Language: English; German
Congress Paper
"Area of land required for burial and cremation"
CRE/D4/1969/8 [1969]
Language: English; French;German
Congress Paper
NOTH, Ernest.
"Cremation one hundred years ago"
CRE/D4/1969/9 1969
Language: English; French;German
Transcript of a recording of proceedings on Thursday 29 May 1969. Incomplete; covers the morning session on 29 May and part of the afternoon session, ending in mid-sentence on p.34
CRE/D4/1969/10 [1969?]
Language: English; French;German
Full transcript of proceedings including opening addresses, some congress papers and sessions on Thursday 29 May 1969
CRE/D4/1969/11 1969
Language: English; French;German
“Report by the Public Relations Committee” to the ICF Congress 1969 in London
CRE/D4/1969/12 1969
Language: English; French;German
“Fundamental features of a burial law”, draft protocol (4th draft, 26 March 1969) prepared by the Law Committee established by the meeting of the ICF General Council in Prague in 1967.
CRE/D4/1969/13 1969
Language: English; French, German
One file of correspondence and enclosures regarding the ICF Congress in London, 1969. Enclsoures include official documents including lists of delegates, copies of papers and plans for the conference hall layouts.
CRE/D4/1969/14 1969
Language: English; French, German
Delegate's application forms
CRE/D4/1969/15 1969
Language: English; French and German
File of information for delegates. Includes programme, schedules and other general information regarding location and hotels.
CRE/D4/1969/16 1969
Correspondence with Yugosalvian delegates regarding a questionnairre. Includes copy of the questionnairre.
CRE/D4/1969/17 1969
Language: English; French and German
Photocopies of the Congress agenda, treasurer's report and a small number of papers
CRE/D4/1969/18 [1969]
Language: English; German and French
CRE/D4/1972/1-18 [1972]
Language: English; French;German
1972 congress (5-9 June), Grenoble
CRE/D4/1972/1 [1972]
Congress Programme
CRE/D4/1972/2 [1972]
Language: English; French;German
Supplement entitled "Further information on the programme"
CRE/D4/1972/3 [1972]
Official handbook. Includes list of previous conferences, and articles
"Brève histoire de la Fédération Internationale de Crémation", "Se faire incinérer... Pourquoi?", and "La crémation en France". List of delegates loose inside.
CRE/D4/1972/4 [1972]
Language: English; French;German
"Report of the Secretary-General at the congress at Grenoble, June 1972". Speech given by Secretary-General Nils Grufman
CRE/D4/1972/5 [1972]
Report [by Kenneth G.C. Prevette] on the progress of cremation in Great Britain.
CRE/D4/1972/6 [1972]
Language: English; French;German
"Draft of a resolution of the International Cremation Federation's congress 1971 [sic, i.e. 1972] for the purpose of refusal of embalming dead corpses" English draft with ms amendments in the hand of Kenneth G.C. Prevette, with later draft in
English, French and German attached
CRE/D4/1972/7 [1972]
Language: English; French;German
"Minutes of the meeting of the General Council of the International Cremation Federation held at Alpotel, Grenoble, on the 8th June 1972"
CRE/D4/1972/8 [1972]
Summary of papers delivered at the congress.
CRE/D4/1972/9 [1972]
Language: English, French, German
Congress Paper
“I.C.F. and the human rights”
CRE/D4/1972/10 [1972]
Language: English; French; German
Congress Paper
“I.C.F. and the human rights”
CRE/D4/1972/11 [1972]
Language: English; French; German
Congress Paper
"The social and cultural aspect of cremation".
CRE/D4/1972/12 [1972]
Language: English; French; German
Congress Paper
NOTH, Ernest.
"Convention on the transport of corpses"
CRE/D4/1972/13 [1972]
Language: English; French;German
Congress Paper
"Forms and objectives in cemetery and funeral direction"
CRE/D4/1972/14 [1972]
Language: English; French; German
Congress Paper
RIQUET, Michel.
"The Catholic Church and the cremation of corpses"
CRE/D4/1972/15 [1972]
Language: English; French;German
Congress Paper
“Cremation in France”
CRE/D4/1972/16 [1972]
Language: English; French; German
Congress Paper
"An evaluation of factors contributing to the progressive adoption of cremation in the United Kingdom"
CRE/D4/1972/17 [1972]
Language: English; French; German
Congress Paper
CRE/D4/1972/18 [1972]
Language: English; French;German
CRE/D4/1973/1-9 [1973]
1973 congress and general council meeting, (29-30 September), Turin.
CRE/D4/1973/1 [1973]
Language: English; French;German
Agenda, including drafts. Also includes a signed list of delegates
CRE/D4/1973/2 [1973]
Language: English; French;German
Protocol, includes drafts
CRE/D4/1973/3 [1973]
Language: English; French;German
Multiple draft copies of the report of the Secretary General, Richard Ozmec, some of which include annotations by Kenneth G.C. Prevette
CRE/D4/1973/4 [1973]
Language: English; French;German
Multiple draft copies "Convention by the Council of Europe" report
CRE/D4/1973/5 [1973]
Language: English; French;German
"Meeting of the Board" report
CRE/D4/1973/6 [1973]
English translation of the welcome speech
CRE/D4/1973/7 [1973]
Language: English; French;German
Annual report
CRE/D4/1973/8 [1973]
Language: English; French;German
Congress Paper
"An Evaluation of Factors contributing to the proressive adoption of cremation in the United Kingdom"
CRE/D4/1973/9 [1973]
Language: English; French; German
File of meeting papers, including duplicates
CRE/D4/1974 [1974]
ICF Board Meeting (5 July), London
CRE/D4/1974/1 [1974]
Language: English;German
One file of meeting papers for the ICF Board Meeting, 5 July 1974. Includes protocol, agenda, addresses and subscription information
CRE/D4/1975/1-15 [1975]
1975 congress (8-12 June), Helsinki
CRE/D4/1975/1 [1975]
Language: English; French;German
Programmes, one large A3 fold-out and one small leaflet.
CRE/D4/1975/2 [1975]
Language: French;German
"Report of the Secretary General Director Dipl. Math. Dr. Richard Ozmec"
CRE/D4/1975/3 [1975]
Language: German; English
Protocol, including one annotated German draft and an early annotated English draft.
CRE/D4/1975/4 [1975]
CRE/D4/1975/5 [1975]
Congress Papers
"Cremation information from authorities - a duty or undue influence?"
CRE/D4/1975/6 [1975]
Congress Paper
KOSTITCH, Alexander. "The participation of the Cremation Movement in the struggle against the worldwide ecological crisis"
CRE/D4/1975/7 [1975]
Congress Paper
"A decade of cremation in the Roman Catholic Church"
CRE/D4/1975/8 [1975]
Congress Paper
OZMEC, Richard.
"Humanisation of relations - one of ICF's tasks".
CRE/D4/1975/9 [1975]
Congress Paper
"From inhumation to cremation" . Front cover of English text is marked "Edited" and "inhumation" in title altered to "burial" in the hand of Kenneth G.C. Prevette
CRE/D4/1975/10 [1975]
Congress Paper
STRNAD, Anton.
"Humanisation of the environment"
CRE/D4/1975/11 [1975]
Congress Paper
OZMEC, Richard.
"Humanisation of relations - one of ICF's tasks"
CRE/D4/1975/12 1975
File of brief correspondence, delegate information and application forms
CRE/D4/1975/13 [1975]
"Post Conference Tours' leaflet
CRE/D4/1975/14 [1975]
General correspondence regarding 1975 Congress, Bordeaux
CRE/D4/1975/15 [1975]
Meeting paperwork and minutes for the Board Meeting and Executive Comittee Meetings held between 8-12 June 1975
CRE/D4/1976/1-8 [1976]
1976 congress (8-12 June), Boston
CRE/D4/1976/1 [1976]
Protocol, including drafts and a signed list of delegates
CRE/D4/1976/2 [1976]
CRE/D4/1976/3 [1976]
"Report on the efforts taken to reunite the Strasbourg Association with the French Federation"
CRE/D4/1976/4 [1976]
"Clarification of the function of 'Pharos' as the official organ of the ICF"
CRE/D4/1976/5 [1976]
"Report on the Human Rights Commission"
CRE/D4/1976/6 [1976]
"Reference of the Secretary General to the Congress Contributons"
CRE/D4/1976/7 [1976]
Two articles regarding the functions and future of the ICF
CRE/D4/1975/8 [1975]
Letter of address to the General Council [perhaps by the General-Secretary Dr Richard Omzek] regarding the future and purpose of the ICF
CRE/D4/1977/1-7 [1977]
Language: German and English
ICF Board Meeting (28 September), Luxemburg
CRE/D4/1977/1-7 [1977]
CRE/D4/1977/1 [1977]
Agenda and register of participants
CRE/D4/1977/2 [1977]
Report of the Secretary General
CRE/D4/1977/3 [1977]
Report on the alterations to statutes
CRE/D4/1977/4 [1977]
Statements on the guidelines concerning VAT in Europe
CRE/D4/1977/5 [1977]
Report on the modifications to byelaws
CRE/D4/1977/6 [1977]
Report on the papers to be submitted at the 1978 Rotterdam Congress
CRE/D4/1977/7 [1977]
Other agenda points
CRE/D4/1978/1-10 [1978]
1978 Congress (June), Rotterdam
CRE/D4/1978/1 [1978]
Agenda, including drafts.
CRE/D4/1978/2 [1978]
Report of the General Secretary
CRE/D4/1978/3 [1978]
A statement on the guideline concerning the VAT in non EU countries including other financial details and a supplement sheet from the
Official Journal of the European Communities l.145"6th directive concerning value added tax"
CRE/D4/1978/4 [1978]
Report on the modifaction of the byelaws and alteration of statutes
CRE/D4/1978/5 [1978]
Record of other matters addressed
CRE/D4/1978/6 [1978]
Congress Paper
CARTER, Horace D.E. "Music for cremation services"
CRE/D4/1978/7 [1978]
Congress Paper
"The disposal of cremated remains"
CRE/D4/1978/8 [1978]
Language: French only
Congress Paper
GODARD, Jacques.
"Ecologie et crémation"
CRE/D4/1978/9 [1978]
Congress Paper
OZMEC, Richard.
"Aims and future problems of ICF"
CRE/D4/1981/1-21 [1981]
Language: English, French and German
1981 congress (5-9 October), Berlin
CRE/D4/1981/1 [1981]
Language: English; French;German
Leaflets: programme, list of delegates, menu
CRE/D4/1981/2 [1981]
Language: English; French;German
Congress Paper
ADAM, Hendrik:
"Cremation - a comparison with interment from an environmental point of view"
CRE/D4/1981/3 [1981]
Language: English; French;German
Congress Paper
BEGERT, Horst:
"Burial of urns at sea - a major form of burial in the future?"
CRE/D4/1981/4 [1981]
Language: English; French;German
GAEDKE, Jürgen:
"Development and problems of cremation in the Federal Republic of Germany"
CRE/D4/1981/5 [1981]
Language: English; French;German
Congress Paper
HANSEN, Heiko:
"Caskets made of wood - how much longer?"
CRE/D4/1981/6 [1981]
Language: English; French;German
Congress Paper
HORSSEN, W. van:
"Cremation, environment, energy"
CRE/D4/1981/7 [1981]
Language: English; French;German
Congress Paper
MAHLER, Erhard:
"The development of cremations and burials in Berlin"
CRE/D4/1981/8 [1981]
Language: English; French;German
Congress Paper
Hans-Joachim: "The setting of tasks and the finances of an ideological organization [i.e. the International Cremation Federation]"
CRE/D4/1981/9 [1981]
Congress Paper
PORTER, Michael J.:
"The youth opportunities programme".
CRE/D4/1981/10 [1981]
Language: English; French;German
Congress Paper
ROY, Donald K.:
"Eighty years of cremation in Canada"
CRE/D4/1981/11 [1981]
Language: English; French;German
Congress Paper
SEGRE, Bruno:
"Cremation in Italy"
CRE/D4/1981/12 [1981]
Congress Paper
"Where do we come from, what are we, where are we going?" Two copies of the English, one with marked in the hand of Kenneth G.C. Prevette, "Revised Dec. 1981"
CRE/D4/1981/13 [1981]
Language: English; French;German
Congress Paper
TRIP, Mrs. N.H. van den Broek-Laman:
"Reaction to changes"
CRE/D4/1981/14 [1981]
Language: English; French;German
Congress Paper
"Cremation in Australia - some similarities and distinctions"
CRE/D4/1981/15 [1981]
Language: English; French;German
Address by Dr. G. W. B. Borris (Netherlands) about needs for some restructuring of the ICF
CRE/D4/1981/16 [1981]
Language: English; French;German
Report by the Luxemburger Feuerstattungsverien on recent cremation developments in Luxembourg.
CRE/D4/1981/17 [1981]
Language: English; French;German
Report by Roger Wendin on recent cremation developments in Sweden.
CRE/D4/1981/18 [1981]
Language: English; French;German
Kenneth G.C. Prevette's first and last report to Congress
CRE/D4/1981/19 [1981]
Language: English; French; German
File of Kenneth G.C. Prevette's paperwork for Congress which includes typescripts of comments and sessions, agenda and copies of papers. Some material bears annotation in Kenneth G. C. Prevette's hand
CRE/D4/1981/20 [1981]
Language: English
A brief letter from Eric Spencer to Kenneth G. C. Prevette with a number of enclosures including ammended versions of his paper and articles
CRE/D4/1981/21 [1981]
Misc. correspondence regarding 1981 Congress, Berlin. Also includes minutes from previous General Council meetings
CRE/D4/1990/1-5 [1990]
Language: English only
1990 Congress (17 - 20th July),Bournemouth
CRE/D4/1990/1 [1990]
Information for delegates including a draft programme
CRE/D4/1990/2 [1990]
List of delegates
CRE/D4/1990/3 [1990]
Financial information including lists of subscriptions and itemised congress costs
CRE/D4/1990/4 [1990]
CRE/D4/1990/5 [1990]
Full set of General Council Meeting minutes
CRE/D4/1991/1-8 [1991]
Language: Some French
1991 Congress (24 - 26 October) Brussels
73rd Annual CANA (Cremation Society of North America), (14-18 August 1991), Toronto
CRE/D4/1991/1 [1991]
Language: English; French;
Brochure for the Hotel Metropole, where Congress was held, the first page includes annotated notes in French
CRE/D4/1991/2 [1991]
Agenda and minutes for the Executive Committee Meeting
CRE/D4/1991/3 [1991]
Information for delegates: programme and participation fees
CRE/D4/1991/4 [1991]
Language: French;
Subscription list with cover note
CRE/D4/1991/5 [1991]
Letter addressed to Mrs I. E. S. Larive of the European Parliment regarding the Federation's Resolution
CRE/D4/1991/6 [1991]
Minutes of a meeting of the General Council
CRE/D4/1991/7 [1991]
Translation of the President's opening speech into French with handwritten notes and annotation
CRE/D4/1991/8 [1991]
List of exhibitors and registration lists for the 73rd CANA Convention
CRE/D4/1992/1-6 [1992]
Language: English only
Congress (16 - 23 September 1992), Bratislava/Prague
Groupe de Travail Informal Europeen (6-7 November)
CRE/D4/1992/1 [1992]
Mr Roger N. Arber's notes, correspondence and copies of paperwork for the 1992 Executive Commitee Meeting
CRE/D4/1992/2 [1992]
Agenda and minutes of Executive Committee meetings
CRE/D4/1992/3 [1992]
Secretary General's report
CRE/D4/1992/4 [1992]
Financial report delivered on the 25, 26 October 1992 to the General Council
CRE/D4/1992/5 [1992]
Papers relating to previous Congress and planning for 1993 Congress
CRE/D4/1992/6 [1992]
Small file of correspondence regarding the Le Groupe de Travail Informel Europeen and the second conference of International Funeral Directors
CRE/D4/1993/1-8 1993-1995
Language: Mostly English with some French
1993 Executive Committee Meeting (5 - 6 March)
1993 Executive Committee Meeting (6 October)
1993 Congress (6 - 8 October), Paris
CRE/D4/1993/1 [1993]
Language: English; French
Draft agenda and proposals for the March 1993 Executive Committee Meeting which are annotated by Roger N. Arber. Includes a french translation of proposals in Arber's hand.
CRE/D4/1993/2 [1993]
Language: English; French
Minutes of a meeting of the Executive Committee meeting regarding the Code of Ethics, March 1993
CRE/D4/1993/3 [1993]
Minutes of a meeting of the Executive Committee, March 1993
CRE/D4/1993/4 [1993]
Minutes of a meeting of the Exective Committee, October 1993
CRE/D4/1993/5 [1993]
Supplement for Item 8 of the Executive Committee meeting, October 1993 which lists ICF members
CRE/D4/1993/6 [1993]
List of participants for 1993 Congress
CRE/D4/1993/7 [1993]
Congress programme
CRE/D4/1993/8 1993-1995
Roger N. Arber's correspondence as General Secretary of the ICF regarding Congress, Council and Committee meetings.
CRE/D4/1994/1-10 [1994]
Language: English with some Russian
1994 Executive Committee Meeting (7 - 9 April) St. Petersburg
CRE/D4/1994/1 [1994]
Programme and agenda for the meeting of the Exective Council
CRE/D4/1994/2 [1994]
Financial statement
CRE/D4/1994/3 [1994]
Letters regarding the Future of the ICF including the original letter from Rolf Gronblom of the The Finnish Cremation Society and subsequent responses to his proposals particularly from Australian delegates. Relates to item 7 of the agenda
CRE/D4/1994/4 [1994]
Membership lists and the code of ethics relating to item 9 of the agenda
CRE/D4/1994/5 [1994]
Minutes from the previous Executive Committee meeting held in Paris, October 1993
CRE/D4/1994/6 [1994]
Language: English; Russian
Beckelhimer, Michael I.
"The Russian Way of Death" reproduced from The Moscow Times
CRE/D4/1994/7 [1994]
An address to the Exective Committee
Cremation in Russia
CRE/D4/1994/8 [1994]
Roger N. Arber's papers regarding arrangements for the Executive Committee meeting in St. Petersburg
CRE/D4/1994/9-10 [1994]
Official ICF circular letters for the 1994 Congress, St. Petersburg.
CRE/D4/1995/1-2 [1995]
Language: English only
1995 Executive Committee Meeting (14 July), Bournemouth
International Fair of Funeral Services, Brno
CRE/D4/1995/1 [1995]
Agenda and Papers for the meeting of the Executive Committee
CRE/D4/1995/2 [1995]
Roger N. Arber, as the General Secretary of the ICF represented the Federation at the first International Fair of Funeral Services in Brno. File includes two drafts of his paper
"The Role of the International Cremation Federation, press release, leaflets and brochures, and correspondence regarding arrangements.
CRE/D4/1996/1-8 [1996]
Language: Mainly English with some French
1996 Joint Australia Cemeteries and Cremation Association (ACCA)/ICF Congress (15 - 17 October), Adelaide
CRE/D4/1996/1 [1996]
Conference programme
CRE/D4/1996/2 [1996]
Registrants handbook which includes lists of delegates, accompanying persons, sponsors, trade exhibitors, exhibitor's booths and hairdressers in Glenelg
CRE/D4/1996/3 [1996]
Survey results
CRE/D4/1996/4 [1996]
Draft summary of ICF meeting with a cover letter and other supplementary documents
CRE/D4/1996/5 [1996]
Language: English; French
Offical report of the ICF meeting
CRE/D4/1996/6 [1996]
Two copies of the official Congress paperwork including agenda and suporting documentation
CRE/D4/1996/7 [1996]
Printed edition of the conference papers and reports. Includes:
TAYLOR, Barry. "I will never betray you
DAVIES, Prof. Douglas J. "British Attitudes to Reusing Old Graves"
BACHELOR, Phil."Survivors Discovered"
CROWDEN, Kevin."Re-use of Graves in South Australia"
TREGASKIS, Peter"Finacial benefits and rewards resulting from the application of limited tenure provisions"
BASS III, Prof William M. "Summer and winter decay rates of bodies of the surface in Tenessee
WOOD, Walter."Progress on Burial Research in North America"
HODGESON, Geraldine. "In Persuit of White Bones"
DENT, Boyd and KNIGHT, Michael J."National study of cemetery groundwaters"
BOTTING, John. "Opportunities & constraints for using recycled water for irrigation purposes in an urban environment"
WATERS, John. Crematorium Emissions, some Australian experiences
LUBY, John P. Air quality in the UK - emissions from crematoria
CRE/D4/1996/8 [1996]
Name badges for Roger and Irene Arber
CRE/D4/1997/1-20 [1995 and 1997]
Language: Mainly English with some Italian
ICF Meeting (31 January), Amsterdam
Executive Committee and General Council (20 - 22 March), London
1997 Congress, Elba
Executive Committee Meeting (18 - 19 October), Strasbourg
CRE/D4/1997/1 [1997]
Full report of the meeting of ICF members, report has been Annotated in Roger N. Arber's hand. Also includes loose pages withflight details
CRE/D4/1997/2 [1997]
Agenda for the meeting of the Executive Committee, March 1997
CRE/D4/1997/3 [1997]
Language: English and French
Programme, March 1997
CRE/D4/1997/4 [1997]
Attendence list for the General Council Meeting, March 1997
CRE/D4/1997/5 [1997]
The ICG General Council Meeting reports and minutes which have been annotated in Roger N. Arber's hand
CRE/D4/1997/6 [1997]
Minutes of the General Council Meeting, March 1997
CRE/D4/1997/7 [1997]
Two copies of a paper from the Dutch Crematoria Association (LVC), one is attached to two sheets of handwritten notes about working groups, most likely written by Roger N. Arber, March 1997
CRE/D4/1997/8 [1997]
Financial information, reciepts and invoices for the ICF meetings in March 1997
CRE/D4/1997/9 [1997]
Translation of an article in L'Ara entitled
"The General Council of the International Federation in London". Pencil annotation at the top of the article suggests it was published in June/July 1997
CRE/D4/1997/10 [1997]
Letter with ensclosure sent from the President of the Societa di Cremazione in Bologna, Guido Stanzani to Roger N. Arber regarding arrangements for the 1998 Executive Commitee meeting in Bologna and papers from the 1997 Congress at Isle of
Enclosed Congress paper:
STANZANI, Gudio: "Cremation and cemetery problems in Italy"
CRE/D4/1997/11 [1997]
Language: Italian;
Handwritten draft by ICF General Secretary Roger N. Arber of an introductory address to his paper delivered at 1997 Congress, Isle of Elba. Includes some of Arber's handwritten notes in Italian.
CRE/D4/1997/12 [1997]
Conference Paper:
ARBER, Roger N.:
"Cremation and dispersion in Great Britain". Multiple copies.
CRE/D4/1997/13 [1990s?]
Printed table showing the progress for cremation in England and Wales between 1885-1995
CRE/D4/1997/14 [1990s]
Photocopied article:
White, Stephen:
Hindu Cremations in Britain fromThe Changing Face of Death: historical accounts of dying and disposal; Eds: Jupp, Peter C. and Howarth, Glennys
CRE/D4/1997/15 20th century
"The History of Modern Cremation in Great Britain from 1974"from Pharos
CRE/D4/1997/16 20th century
Photocopy of a partial untitled article regarding cremation in Italy, reference to Roger N. Arber's article
"Cremation and dispersion in Great Britain" has been highlighted
CRE/D4/1997/17 [1997]
Correspondence between Roger N. Arber and translator Talia Piolanti who translated his paper for 1997 Congress, Isle of Elba
CRE/D4/1997/18 [1997]
Letters between President of the Societa di Cremazione in Bologna and General Secretary Roger N. Arber. Enclosure include:
an annotated draft intinerary and invitation to 1997 Congress
Photographs of Roger N. Arber and Irene Arber at 1997 Congress.
An additional copy of Arber's paper has been weeded
CRE/D4/1997/19 [1995]
Language: Italian
Suchecki, Zbigniew:
La Cremazione: nel diritto canonico e civile (Vatcian City, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1995)
CRE/D4/1997/20 [1997]
Executive Committee Meeting (18 - 19 October), Strasbourg delegate pack containing reports, minutes, agenda and programme. Some sections include annotations in Roger N. Arber's hand
CRE/D4/1998/1-7 [1998]
Language: English only
Executive Committee Meeting (18 -19 April 1998), Bologna
Executive Committee Meeting (27 - 18 November 1998), Brno
CRE/D4/1998/1 [1998]
Meeting papers for the Executive Committee Meeting (18 -19 April), Bologna containing reports, minutes, agenda and programme. Some sections include annotations in Roger N. Arber's hand
CRE/D4/1998/2 [1998]
Paper work of Roger N. Arber regarding the Executive Commitee Meeting in Bologna. Includes some handwritten notes on hotel paper, annotated paperwork from the committee and some letters from other ICF members
CRE/D4/1998/3 [1998]
Travel informaton for Roger N. Arber's trip to Bologna
CRE/D4/1998/4 [1998]
Meeting Papers for the Executive Committee Meeting (27 - 18 November 1998), Brno; containing reports, minutes, agenda and programme. Some section contain handwritten annotation
CRE/D4/1998/5 [1998]
Additional Papers for the 1997 Executive Committee Meeting in Brno
CRE/D4/1998/6 [1998]
Annotated and highlighed photocopy of handwritten version of the ICF Technical Sub-Committee's first report to the Executive Committee
CRE/D4/1998/7 [1998]
Papers relating to the VENIA International Funeral Fair in Brno including leaflets and promotional information
CRE/D4/1999/1-17 [1999]
Language: Mainly English, some Swedish
ICF Conference on Cremation and the Environment (30 May - 2 June), The Hague
Executive Committee Meeting and Funeraire '99 (11 - 12 November), Paris
IOGR Annual Conference and Death Care World Expo 1999 (10-13 March), Reno, Nevada
CRE/D4/1999/1 [1999]
Adapted summary on the occasion of the ICF Conference on Cremation and the Environment entitled
Inspectorate Guideline on the Delivery of the Dead: Guidelines for the equipment, technical management and maintenance of cemeteries, crematoria and funeral parlours Third, revised edition; 1999
CRE/D4/1999/2 [1999]
Programme for the CF Conference on Cremation and the Environment, The Hague
CRE/D4/1999/3 [1999]
Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting held on Sunday 30 May, The Hague
CRE/D4/1999/4 [1999]
Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting held on Wednesday 2 June, The Hague
CRE/D4/1999/5 [1999]
Two copies of the meeting Papers for the Executive Committee Meeting (Sunday 30 May), The Hague; containing reports, minutes, agenda and programme. One of the copies is labelled as Roger N. Arber's working copy.
CRE/D4/1999/6 [1999]
Two copies of the programme for the General Council Meetings
CRE/D4/1999/7 [1999]
Meeting papers for the General Council Meetings held on Monday 31 May and Tuesday 1 June
CRE/D4/1999/8 [1999]
Final and draft versions of the Secretary General's Report for the Coucil Meetings, The Hague
CRE/D4/1999/9 [1999]
ICF subscription lists
CRE/D4/1999/10 [1999]
Transcript of the the Technical Sub-Committee's Question and Answer Session, Tuesday 1 June 1999, includes a letter from Dr C. T. Chamberlain, Vice President of Technical Affairs at Evans Tabo Universal and enclosed report of a study on mercury
compunds in Lund
CRE/D4/1999/11 [1999]
Inspection Gudielines for Cremation and Burial: an overview by IR. P J Verkerk, Head of Inspection Department of the Ministry of Housing Spatial Planning and the Environment
CRE/D4/1999/12 [1999]
Roger N. ARber's paperwork concering the ICF Conference in The Hague includes correspondence with Dr Alan Thomas, Chairman at Harewood Crematorium Limited, New Zealand; correspondence with Ms Li Jian of the China Funeral Association; financial
paperwork; notes and correspondence with various delegates; an invitation to the Conference from the Royal Dutch Cremation Society; and Cremation and the Environment Conference newsletters
CRE/D4/1999/13 [1999]
A paper prepared on behalf of the ICF Technical Sub Committee by Dr C. T. Chamberlain for presentation at the Techical Seminar 'The European Cemeteries of the 2000s' held in association with the fair Funeraire '99, entitled
Cremators for the new Millenium - Design, Cultural and Environmental Issues.
CRE/D4/1999/14 [1999]
Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting held in Paris on Thursday 11 - Friday 12 November 1999
CRE/D4/1999/15 [1999]
Additional meeting papers for the Executive Committee Meeting held in Paris on Thursday 11 - Friday 12 November 1999
CRE/D4/1999/16 [1999]
Photograph of Roger N. Arber at the sublimatorium exhibit at Funeraire '99 with its inventor Michel Leclerc
CRE/D4/1999/17 [1999]
Proceedings Manual for the 1999 Annual Conference Educational Sessions at the IOGR Annual Conference and Death Care World Expo, March
CRE/D4/2000/1-8 [1999-2000]
Language: English only
Executive Committee Meeting (19 April 2000), Japan
Executive Committee Meeting (23 October 2000), Amsterdam
CRE/D4/2000/1 [1999]
Photocopy of the Federation Sponsorship Scheme, the original of which had been annotated in Roger N. Arber's hand
CRE/D4/2000/2 [2000]
Outline of the Programme for the ICF Executive Committee meeting April 2000, Japan
CRE/D4/2000/3 [2000]
Agenda for the ICF Executive Committee meeting April 2000, Japan
CRE/D4/2000/4 December 1999 - August 2000
Letters to Roger N. Arber from various correspondents regarding the ICF Executive Committee meeting April 2000, Japan.
CRE/D4/2000/5 [2000]
Meeting papers for the for the Executive Committee meeting April 2000, Japan
CRE/D4/2000/6 [2000]
Two copies of the minutes of the Executive Committee meeting October 2000, Amsterdam, one of which is an annotated draft
CRE/D4/2000/7 [2000]
Agenda and additional meeting papers for the Executive Committee meeting October 2000, Amsterdam
CRE/D4/2000/8 [2000]
Roger N. Arber's copy of the meeting papers for the Executive Committee meeting October 2000, Amsterdam. Arber has used a highlighter pen to mark sections.
CRE/D4/2001/1-10 [2001]
Language: English only
Executive Committee Meeting (2 - 3 April 2001), Stockholm
Executive Committee Meeting (14 - 15 October 2001), Barcelona
CRE/D4/2001/1 [2001]
Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting ), Stockholm
CRE/D4/2001/2 [2001]
File notes and action list regarding the planning and programme of the Executive Committee Meeting April 2001, Stockholm
CRE/D4/2001/3 [2001]
Roger N. Arber's copy of the meeting papers for the Executive Committee Meeting April 2001, Stockholm
CRE/D4/2001/4 [2001]
Additional meeting papers for Executive Committee Meeting April 2001, Stockholm
CRE/D4/2001/5 [2001]
Minutes of Executive Committee Meeting on 14 October 2001, Barcelona
CRE/D4/2001/6 [2001]
Roger N. Arber's copy of the meeting papers for the Executive Committee Meeting October 2001, Barcelona
CRE/D4/2001/7 [2001]
Pharos Special Report
"Review of Emissions from Crematoria in the UK"
CRE/D4/2001/8 [2001]
Ethical and Promotional Sub-Committee report, agenda item 4.2.1
CRE/D4/2001/9 [2001]
Incomplete set of meeting papers for the Executive Committee Meeting October 2001, Barcelona cover items 11-12 of the agenda
CRE/D4/2001/10 [2001]
Article from
Greek News entitled Okay to exhume, not to cremate (10 August 2001)
CRE/D4/2002/1-4 1997-2002
Language: English only
Executive Committee Meeting (27 April), Copenhagen
2002 Congress
Exective Committee Meeting (22 - 21 October), Amsterdam
CRE/D4/2002/1 [2002]
Correspondence between General Secretary Roger N. Arber and various correspondents regarding the Executive Committee Meeting April 2002, Copenhagen
CRE/D4/2002/2 [2002]
Roger N. Arber's copy of meeting papers for the Executive Committee Meeting (27 April), Copenhagen
CRE/D4/2002/3 1997 -2002
Correspondence regarding the proposed 2002 Conference in Boston which was cancelled following September 11 Terrorist Attacks, 2001
CRE/D4/2002/4 [2002]
Roger N. Arber's copy of meeting papers for the Executive Committee Meeting October 2002, Amsterdam
CRE/D4/2003/1-22 [2003]
Language: English with some French
Executive Committee Meeting (20 January), Amsterdam
2003 Congress (7 - 9 April), Barcelona
Executive Committee Meeting (6 March), Amsterdam
Executive Committee Meeting (29 August), Schiphol
Executive Commitee Meeting (7 November), Paris
CRE/D4/2003/1 [2003]
Roger N. Arber's copy of meeting papers for Executive Committee Meeting 2003, Amsterdam which has been marked with highlighter pen and annotated in Arber's hand
CRE/D4/2003/2 [2003]
Programme for 2003 Congress
CRE/D4/2003/3 [2003]
Principles for voting printed on acetate for probable use on an overhead projector and a seperate list of candidates for the Executive Committee.
CRE/D4/2003/4 [2003]
Draft of Country Reports for 2003 Congress and final copy, including a printed presentation
CRE/D4/2003/5 [2003]
Delegates lists for 2003 Congress
CRE/D4/2003/6 [2003]
General Information for delegates at 2003 Congress
CRE/D4/2003/7 Fen - Mar 2003
Language: English;French
Copies of letters sent to delegates regarding 2003 Congress and nomination procedures for Executive Committee and General Council
CRE/D4/2003/8 [2003]
2003 Congress preliminary details
CRE/D4/2003/9 [2003]
Roger N. Arber's copy of meeting papers for the General Council Meeting on the 7 and 8 of April 2003.
CRE/D4/2003/10 [2003]
ICF Technical Sub-Committee report
"The work of the ICF with the Ospar Convention for the protection of the marine environment of the north-east Atlantic"
CRE/D4/2003/11 [2003]
ICF Technical Sub-Committee report
Draft ICF Guide to Cremation Practice"
CRE/D4/2003/12 [2003]
Photocopied information from Arunas Palacinskas regarding the establishment of crematoria in Lithuania
CRE/D4/2003/13 [2003]
Congress paper
"Reclaimation of implants/Prostheses"
CRE/D4/2003/14 [2003]
Congress presentation:
KEIZER, Henry J.
"Presentation ICF in the Future"
CRE/D4/2003/15 Feb - Sep 2001
File of correspondence between General Secretary Roger N. Arber and various correspondents regarding 2003 Congress
CRE/D4/2003/16 [2003]
Travel and venue information for 2003 Congress in Barcelona
CRE/D4/2003/17 [2003]
Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting March 2003, Amsterdam
CRE/D4/2003/18 [2003]
Roger N. Arber's papers for the Executive Committee Meeting March 2003, Amsterdam. Some text has been marked with a highlighter pen
CRE/D4/2003/19 [2003]
Meeting paperwork for the meeting of the Executive Council August 2003, Schiphol
CRE/D4/2003/20 Mar - Aug 2003
Correspondence to Roger N. Arber regarding Executive Council August 2003, Schiphol
CRE/D4/2003/21 [2003]
Meeting papers for the Executive Committee Meeting, November 2003, Paris. Some paperwork is briefly annotated
CRE/D4/2003/22 Aug - Nov 2003
Letters and emails from various correspondence regarding the Executive Committee Meeting, November 2003, Paris.
CRE/D4/2004/1-8 2004-2005
Language: English only
Executive Committee Meeting (8 March), Schipol
Executive Committee Meeting (18 August), Vancouver.
CRE/D4/2004/1 [2004]
Meeting papers for the Executive Committee Meeting, March 2004, Schipol
CRE/D4/2004/2 [2003]
Letters and emails between various correspondence regarding the Executive Committee Meeting, March 2004, Schipol. Enclosures are mainly minutes from previous ICF meetings. Of particular interest is a paper entitled
Stockholm convention on persistent organic pollutants
CRE/D4/2004/3 [2004]
Agenda for the Executive Committee Meeting, August 2004, Vancouver.
CRE/D4/2004/4 [2004]
Letters and emails between various correspondents regarding the Executive Committee Meeting, August 2004, Vancouver. A large number of letters include enclosures of minutes from meetings, the minutes from the Executive Committee Meeting in
Vancouver and draft ammendments to statutes. Also referred to is the CANA (Cremation Association of North America) 86th Annual Conference in Vancouver
CRE/D4/2004/5 [2004]
Paperwork from the CANA (Cremation Association of North America) 86th Annual Conference in Vancouver including progamme, promotional material, business cards and Roger N. Arber's nametag as an ICF delegate
CRE/D4/2004/6 [2004]
Meeting papers for the Executive Committee Meeting, December 2004, London
CRE/D4/2004/7 [2004]
Minutes for the Executive Committee Meeting, December 2004, London
CRE/D4/2004/8 Nov 2004 - Jan 2005
Letters and emails between various correspondents regarding the Executive Committee Meeting, December 2004. Also of note are emails regarding the 2005 CANA/ICF Joint Annual Convention. Promotional leaflets for cremation services and a VHS tape
about eternal reefs have been weeded from this file
CRE/D4/2005/1-8 2005-2006
Language: English only
Executive Committee Meeting (6 May), London
2005 Congress (16- 17 August), New York
Executive Committee Meeting (9 November), Paris
87th Annual Convention of #
CANA (Cremation Association of North America) (17-20 August), New York City
CRE/D4/2005/1 [2005]
Two copies of the meeting papers for the Executive Committee Meeting, May 2005, London. The second photocopy version bears brief annotations [by Roger N. Arber] also, of note is one copy of a discussion document regarding the phased approach to
mercury abatement
CRE/D4/2005/2 [2005]
Two copies of the minutes for the Executive Committee Meeting, May 2005, London.
CRE/D4/2005/3 [2005]
Emails from various correspondents regarding the Executive Committee Meeting, May 2005, London. Also of note are attachments of the revised ICF statutes and emails sent from the Technical sub-committee.
CRE/D4/2005/4 [2005]
One file of paperwork for the Executive Committee Meeting at the 2005 Congress in New York. Includes an annotated agenda and two copies of the minutes. Also includes two copies of the minutes for the previous meeting in May 2005, one of which has
also been annotated, probably by Roger N. Arber.
CRE/D4/2005/5 Mar 2004 - July 2005
Large file of Roger N. Arber's paperwork regarding the 2005 Congress in New York, including minute papers for the General Council Meeting, previous meeting minutes, correspondence, lists of delegates and registration information
CRE/D4/2005/6 [2005]
Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting, November 2005, Paris and a copy of the ICF's
Article's of Association
CRE/D4/2005/7 May 2005 - Feb 2006
Correspondence to Roger N. Arber regarding the Executive Committee Meeting, November 2005 with enclosures including meeting papers and minutes from previous meetings
CRE/D4/2005/8 [2005]
CANA (Cremation Association of North America) directory of exhibitions, attendee lists and delegate pack for the 87th Annual Convention
CRE/D4/2006/1-3 [2006]
Language: English only
Executive Committee Meeting (11 July), Bournemouth
CRE/D4/2006/1 [2006]
Agenda and Minutes for the Executive Committee Meeting, July 2005, Bournemouth
CRE/D4/2006/2 [2006]
Report by the Technical Sub-Committee
"ICF Guide to Cremation Practice"
CRE/D4/2006/3 Jan - Aug 2006
Roger N. Arber's correspondence regarding Executive Committee Meetings
CRE/D4/2007/1-2 [2007]
Language: English only
Executive Committee Conference Call Meeting (12 June)
CRE/D4/2007/1 [2007]
Minutes for the Executive Committee Conference Call Meeting, June 2007 which also includes copies of previous meeting minutes and the ICF's
Article of Association
CRE/D4/2007/2 Mar - Jul 2007
Correspondence with Roger N. Arber's regarding arrangements for the Executive Committee Conference Call Meeting
CRE/D4/2009/1 [2009]
Two letters of invitation to the 2009 General Council Meeting held in Sydney
CRE/D4/Misc/1-12 [1954-1977]
Mostly undated Congress Papers and loose ICF material
CRE/D4/Misc/1 [nd]
Language: English only
"The funerals and funeral profession"
CRE/D4/Misc/2 [nd]
"Draft of a guide through the planned travelling exhibition" prepared by the ICF-Promotion Committee
CRE/D4/Misc/3 [1954]
“Forms of work applied by Danish Cremation Society through 30 years” A survey, originally prepared for the 1953 annual report of the Danish Cremation Society (Dansk Ligbraendingsforening), of the forms of activity in which the society
had engaged over the preceding thirty years. It covers activities up to the passage of the Danish Cremation Act of 18 April 1954, and was probably distributed in that year, but does not appear to be one of the 1954 conference papers.
CRE/D4/Misc/4 [nd]
Samples of Australian certificates for cremation
File containing papers about the Catholic Church and Cremation in English and French, pamplet and brochure drafts and copies of circular letters from 1959 - 1960
CRE/D4/Misc/6 - 8 1938 - 1969
Filed copies of meeting papers including protocol, minutes and addresses
CRE/D4/Misc/9 [1969]
ICF Propaganda publication draft
A guide through the planned travelling exhibition
CRE/D4/MISC/10-12 [1977]
Copies of
Case Law Topics: Conventio for the protection of human rights and fundemental freedoms (European Commission of Human Rights, Strasbourg, 1917)
Surveys and Statistics
CRE/D6/1-7 1854-1984
7 files
Surveys and questionnaires circulated worldwide by the ICF to create statistics about cremation internationally. Files mainly contain sheets of answers to these surveys. Years covered include: 1954-1956; 1956-1961; 1970; 1974-1977; 1984.
CRE/D7/1-3 1938-1960
/1-2: Two files of accounts for the ICF, one for audited accounts and the second for sundry accounts
/3: One cash book, 1936-1954
CorrespondenceCRE/D8/A-D 1946-2005
Correspondence has been divided into Official ICF correspondence and correspondence of indviduals
Files are arranged chronologically
Cremation Society's ICF correspondence can also be found at
Offical ICF correspondenceCRE/D8/A/1-7 1937-1978
7 files
Seven files of correspondence regarding official ICF correspondence. Arranged chronologically
/1: Letters regarding Reciprocal Agreements between countries, in English and French
/2-4: Circular letters sent from various members of the ICF Executive Council between 1958 - 1972. Letters refer to ICF business, Congresses, General Council and Executive Committee Meetings and enclosures include papers for these events.
Original file title reads "Cirkular o. Diverse"
/5-7: Circular letters from the General-Secretary Dr Richard Omzec to members of the ICF, often regarding Congresses, General Council and Executive Committee Meetings
Language: Copies of circular Letters in English; French; and German
Mr Nils GruffmanCRE/D8/B/1-19 1963-1968
19 files
Correspondence between ICF President Mr Nils Gruffman and various correspondents. Arranged as follows:
/1-17: Letters recieved by Gruffman during and after his term as President between 1963-1968 from ICF members around the world.
Letters are filed chronologically with letters in each file ordered alphabetically by society or country.
/18-19: Extensive correspondence between Gruffman and Dr Franz Michenfiet, Director of the Labour Cremation Society "Die Flamme" (ArbeiterFeuerbestattungsverein 'Die Flamme'), in German. Michenfiet suceeded Gruffman as ICF president.
Language: English; French; and German
Mr. K.G.C. PrevetteCRE/D8/C/1-2 1965-1983
2 files
/1: Letters sent to Mr. K.G.C. Prevette as General-Secretary of the Cremation Society of Great Britain from various members of the ICF, much of which relates to Congresses and meetings
/2: Letters to K.G.C. Prevette regarding the 1981 Congress, Berlin
/3: Correspondence regarding The American Cemetery Association's first International Cemetery Conference in Amsterdam on 19-26 April 1975
Dr Richard OmzecCRE/D8/D/1-11 1973-1978
11 files
Correspondence between ICF Secretary General Dr Richard Omzec and various correspondents.
/1-11: Letters recieved by Omzec during his term as Secretary-General of the ICF. Letters are filed chronologically with letters in each file
ordered alphabetically by society or country.
File 12: Letters to Dr Richard Omzec regarding the Human Rights Sub-Committee. Enclosure includes a questionnaire entitled "ICF Special Committee for Human Rights"
Funeral orders of serviceCRE/E1-E3
Orders of service for christian churches, individual crematoria, and other religions and groups
Order of Service for Christian ChurchesCRE/E1/1-14 1951-1990
14 items
/1:Funeral services of the Christian churches in England (Norwich, Canterbury Press, 1986, repr. 1988)
/2: Funeral services of the Christian churches in England, including additional hymn section, New ed. (Norwich, Canterbury Press, 1994)
/3: Church of England: The order for the burial of the dead(London, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, n.d.)
/4: Church of England: Funeral services, Alternative services series 3 (London, Cambridge University Press, c.1974)
/5: Order of service for use at cremation (London, Eyre and Spottiswoode for the London Cremation Company, 1951) "Compiled by a panel of the officiating clergy at Golders Green Crematorium" for the London Cremation
/6: Order of service for use at cremation (Oxford, University Press for the Cremation Authority, 1962 repr. 1971) "Compiled by a panel of the officiating clergy and ministers at Golders Green and Woking Crematoria"
/7: Funeral service approved by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York for use in Crematorium chapels / Funeral rite at a crematorium authorised by the [Roman Catholic] Episcopal Conference of England & Wales for use in England and
Wales (Maidstone, Cremation Society of Great Britain; London, Eyre & Spottiswoode, [1979?]) Anglican and Roman Catholic services printed back to back
/8:Methodist Church: The order of service for the burial or cremation of the dead prepared by the Faith and Order Committee and authorized by the Conference for use (London, Methodist Publishing House, [ca 196-?]) At head of
title: The Methodist Church services and sacraments
/9: Funeral service for use by Catholics at a crematorium (Maidstone, Cremation Society of Great Britain, [1974?]). Title from cover Funeral rite at a crematorium for use in England and Wales and has imprint
Episcopal Conference of England and Wales Liturgical Commission, and date 1973. Imprimatur "concordat cum originali" inside front cover dated 1974
/10: The order of Christian funerals: guidelines for Roman Catholic funerals London, Liturgy Office, [1990?])
/11: Salvation Army: General orders for conducting Salvation Army ceremonies (London, Salvationist Publishing and Supplies, 1966)
/12: Funeral services of the Christian churches in Wales(Norwich, Canterbury Press, 1987) At head of title: Gwasanaethau Angladd. Parallel text in Welsh and English
/13: Gebedsdienst bij een crematie, uitgave in samenwerking met het Nederlands Liturgisch Centrum (Hilversum, Gooi & Sticht, 1967)
/14: Funeral Service for use by Catholics at Crematoria (London, Burns & Oates, publishers to the Holy See in conjunction with the Cremation Society, nd.)
Language: English;Welsh;Dutch
Orders of Service for Individual CrematoriaCRE/E2/1-12 1920-1960
12 items
/1: Downs Crematorium, Brighton
/2: Eccles Cemetery and Crematorium
/3: Golders Green Crematorium, 1920
/4: Golders Green and St. John's Woking Crematoria, 1941
/5: Golders Green Crematorium, 1955
/6: Golders Green Crematorium, 1962
/7: Mortlake Crematorium
/8: Nab Wood Crematorium, Shipley
/9: Norwich and Norfolk Crematorium
/10: Overdale Crematorium, Bolton
/11: Parc Gwyn Crematorium Parallel text in Welsh and English
/12: Randalls Park Crematorium, Wimbledon
Orders of Service for other Religions and GroupsCRE/E3/1-3 1977 and 1994
3 items
/1:Hindu funeral rites (Antyéshti samskaar): a compilation of original text and English translation of ritual readings and recitations performed at the cremation ceremonies of the Hindus, Jains and Sikhs - in English, Hindi,
Sanskrit and Gujurati Rev. ed. (Bradford, Vishwa Hindu Parishad, 1994)
/2: A humanist funeral service, compiled by Corliss Lamont (Buffalo, Prometheus Books, c.1977)
/3: Form of service for naming of infants, marriages and funerals, specially compiled for Spiritualists (London, Spiritualist Association of Great Britain, n.d.)
CrematoriaCRE/F/AG-US 1899-1996
13 boxes
Material is arranged by country, and within country by place. A summary description of the contents of each file is provided, and fuller details are given of the more substantial items within files.
Includes directories of crematoria, and brochures and short studies of crematoria and cemeteries in towns and cities worldwide, also includes some printed material for national cremation societies
CRE/F/AG 1922-1936
File on the Buenos Aires crematorium. Includes descriptive pamphlets dated 1925 and 1936, two pamphlets by Eduardo J. Baca (Proyectos de ordenanza reglamentando la cremación de cadáveres y ordenando la construccíon de un nuevo Templo Crematorio
en la ciudad de Buenos Aires, 1922, and Breve reseña del Crematorio de Buenos Aires, 1934), a brochure by Andres S. Sein entitled Crematorio y ciencia, 1936, and statistics of cremations at the crematorium 1925-1936.
AustraliaCRE/F/AL 1906-1960's
Information about Crematoria across Australia, organised by State and territories:
New South Wales
CRE/F/AL/NSW [c. 1920's-1940's]
Prospectus of the New South Wales Cremation Company, 1924, and brochures for crematoria in Newcastle, Sutherland and the Sydney area
CRE/F/AL/QUE [c. 1930-1960]
Prospectuses, brochures and leaflets relating to crematoria in Brisbane circa 1930's-1950's and Toowoomba circa 1960's
South Australia
Reprint of 1906 description of the Adelaide Crematorium, the first to be opened in Australia, in 1903
CRE/F/AL/TAS [c. 1930's?]
Brochure of the Cremation Society of Tasmania, circa 1930s?
CRE/F/AL/VIC [c. 1930's-1960's]
Brochures for crematoria in the Melbourne area and a leaflet for Fawkner Crematorium and Memorial Park
Western Australia
CRE/F/AL/WES [c. 1940's?]
Brochure for Karrakatta Crematorium, circa 1940s?
CRE/F/AU 1940's-1970's
Pamphlets giving information on crematoria in Knittelfeld, Villach and Vienna, (including 25 Jahre Feuerhalle der Stadt Wien, [1948], and Festscrift 50 Jahre Feuerhalle Wien-Simmering, [1969]), and plans dated 1952 of Villach crematorium
CRE/F/CA 1930's-1980
Brochures and pamphlets concerning crematoria and burying grounds in Saint John, New Brunswick, Toronto and Montreal. Also includes blank forms and leaflets for services offered at The Mount Royal Cemetery Company and Crematorium Inc.
CRE/F/CZ 1920's-1990's
3 files of material including pamphlet on cremation in Liberec / Reichenberg in the Sudetenland (RÜCKER, Friedrich: Feuerhalle-Urnenhain in Reichenberg,Böhmen: Gedenkschrift zum zehnjährigen Betriebe, Reichenberg, Verlag des Stadtrates, 1928,
F/CZ/1/1), map of crematoria in Slovakia, brochures and pamphlets concerning crematoria in Banska Bystricka, Bratislava, Karlovy Vary, Pardubice, Prague and elsewhere in Czechoslovakia, and a set of cremation posters issued by the Prague cremation
society Spolecnost pratel Zehu in 1969, with a duplicated typescript introduction in English, explaining the aims of the poster campaign
CRE/F/DE [1948?] and 1951
Pamphlet Havekunst Denmark [1948?] on landscape gardening in Denmark (with English text), including section on Mariebjerg cemetery, and additional notes, 1951, on Mariebjerg cemetery
CRE/F/Fi c. 1959
Leaflets on Helsinki crematorium, giving statistics of cremations 1926-1959, and Arkkitehtuurikilpailuja / Architectural competitions in Finland no 3 (1990), issue devoted to an open competition for a garden of remembrance and cinerarium in the
Puotila chapel area, east Helsinki, with English summary on pp.22-23
CRE/F/Fr 1993
Folder produced by Groupement funéraire du Père Lachaise, Paris, circa 1993, containing map of crematoria in France, bar graph entitled "Evolution de la crémation en France de 1975 à 1992, pi chart entitled "Mode de gestion des crématoriums
français (64 établissements au 1er mai 1993", pi chart entitled "Destination de cendres en 1992", brochure of Les Amis du Musée Funéraire National, and booklet, BEAUVIS, Charlette, & LANGLADE, Vincent de, Le Columbarium du Père-Lachaise (Paris,
Editions Vermet, c.1992). Also includes a report created by Pompes Funebres Generales entitled
"Connaissance du Crematorium de Nantes", [c. 1989?]
GermanyCRE/F/GE/1-6 1908-1973
Information about Crematoria across Germany arranged by city
CRE/F/GE/1 1994
Directory of crematoria in Germany: Deutsches Bestatter-Verzeichnis
CRE/F/GE/2/1-3 1937 and 1953
/1: 25 Jahre Feuerbestattung in Berlin zum 25 jährigen Bestehen des Krematoriums Berlin-Wedding, hrsg. von der Bezirks-Verwaltung (Berlin, 1937)
/2-3 Verzechnis der Krematorien Bundesgebiet und Westberlin, issues dated February 1953 and October 1954
Bremen, Chemnitz and CologneCRE/F/GE/3/1-3 [1908?], 1927 and 1937
/1: VEREIN FÜR FEUERBESTATTUNG, BREMEN: Bericht, issues for 1927
/2: LOHMANN, A., compiler: Das Krematorium und der Urnen-Friedhof in Chemnitz (Chemnitz, [1908?])
/3: Festschrift aus Anlass der Fertigstellung des Krematoriums in Köln, 11 April 1937 (Cologne, [1937])
Dresden and GothaCRE/F/GE/4/1-3 1911 and 1928
/1: Die Feuerbestattungansalt der Stadt Dresden (Dresden, Buchdruckerei der Dr. Güntzschen Stiftung, [1911?])
/2: Die Feuerbestattung in Dresden: Handbuch, hrsg. von der "Urne" Verein für Feuerbestattung zu Dresden (Dresden, 1911)
/3: Gedenkschrift zum 50jähr. Bestehen des Krematoriums in Gotha, hrsg. vom Stadtvorstand (Gotha, Gothaer, 1928)
Hof and der Saale, Leinfelden and MainzCRE/F/GE/5/1-3 [1929], [1937] and 1973
/1: Gedenkschrift anlässlich der Einweihung des Krematoriums Hof-Saale, hrsg. vom Feuerbestattungs-Verein Hof (Hof-Saale, Mintzel'sche Buchdruckerei, [1929]) Cover title:Das Krematorium in Hof-Saale eröffnet am 28. September
/2: Leinfelden Brochure for new crematorium in Leinfelden, circa 1973
/3: Fünfzig Jahre 1887-1937 Verein für Feuerbestattung E. V. Mainz (Mainz, [1937])
International GuidesCRE/F/GE/6/1-2 mid 20th century?
International guides to cremation:
Feuerbestattungsvereine und Feuerhallen, Wiener Verein, [nd.]
Vereingbarung zwischen den Mitgliedern des "International Verbandes fur Feuerbestattung", Wiener Verein, [nd.]
CRE/F/HU [c. 1937?], 1976 and 1984
Notes, circa 1976, on cremations in Budapest, pamphlet on the cemetery and crematorium at Debrecen (Debrecen szabad. kir. város uj köztemetoje ravatalozó és hamvasztó épülete, Budapest, [circa 1937?), with photocopy of the same pamphlet, an
English translation of article from the periodical Zeh, 1937, on the Debrecen crematorium, and a 1984 brochure for Budapest crematorium
CRE/F/IT [c. 1980's]
Brochure for Turin crematorium, "La sala dolenti del tempio crematorio di Torino" and a Statute for the International Cremation Society of Italy (Statuto della Federazione Internazionale per la cremazione)
CRE/F/NO 1940's-1970's
Brochures for crematoria at Dierne, Velsen, and elsewhere in the Netherlands,
New Zealand
CRE/F/NZ 1928-1942
Statistics of cremations at Auckland, Wellington, Dunedin and Christchurch 1939-1942, article on proposed new crematorium for Auckland, circa 1928, brochures for Canterbury Crematorium, Christchurch, and Dunedin Crematorium, circa 1930's, and
typescript notes, circa 1950, on Karori Crematorium, Wellington, with statistics for 1910-1950
CRE/F/NO 1937
Two pamphlets: GLEDITSCH, J.: Tekst til Emanuel Vigelands billedbok i Kristiania Krematorium (Kristiania, B. Bentzens boktrykkeri, 1924), and ROLFSEN, Alf: Dekorasjonen i det nye krematorium i Oslo (Oslo, Gylendal Norsk Forlag, 1937)
South Africa
CRE/F/SA 1934, 1936 and 1957
Brochures for Cape Town crematorium 1934, Durban crematorium 1936 and undated, and Port Elizabeth crematorium circa 1957
CRE/F/SP [c. 1990]
Brochures of the Asociación Crematoria Madrileña
Brochure for La Incineracion es el Mejor Camino
CRE/F/SW 1930's-1950's
Brochures and leaflets about crematoria and gardens of remembrance at Goteborg, Norrkoping and Stockholm, and article "Masters of building / Asplund, the Woodland Crematorium [Stockholm]" by James Codrington Forsyth from The Architects' Journal,
vol. 186 no 49 (9 Dec. 1987), 32-49
Brochures for Gäule and Lausanne crematoria, 1960's-1970's, pamphlet 50 Jahre Feuerbestattungsverein Winterthur 1905-1955 (Winterthur, [1955?]), and pamphlet Denkschrift über die Feuerbestattung in Zürich 1874-1915, hrsg. vom Stadtrat Zürich
(Zürich, Fretz, 1915; cover title Das Neue Krematorium in Zürich)
United KingdomCRE/F/UK/1-3 1935-1938
Printed and published material about UK Crematoria
CRE/F/UK/1 1970-1996
Directories of crematoria in the UK, arranged chronologically. Not all editions have been retained, but sufficient to illustrate the changes in content and title, and to provide a chronological spread. Contents:
Directory of
crematoria in the United Kingdom, [2nd ed.] (London, 1970)
A list of names and addresses, arranged by place Directory of crematoria in the British Isles and of overseas cremation societies, 5th ed. (Maidstone, 1973) Content greatly expanded. Includes short history of cremation in Britain, statistics,
cremation fees, information on siting and planning of crematoria and on building costs, information on religious attitudes to cremation, much information on the Cremation Society itself (including guide, classified by topic, to subjects discussed at
its post-war conferences)
The Cremation Society's yearbook and directory of crematoria in the British Isles and overseas cremation societies, 6th ed. (Maidstone, January 1975)
The Cremation Society's handbook and directory of crematoria, 7th ed. (Maidstone, 1975)
Two heavily annotated copies of The Cremation Society's handbook and directory of crematoria, 7th ed. (Maidstone, 1975)
Directory of crematoria, 1980, 1986 and 1990 editions (Maidstone, 1980-96)
Loose-leaf directories in ring binders. Narrower content - still gives some historical information, cremation statistics, information on siting and planning of crematoria and on architects and building costs, but no longer has section on
overseas organisations
Procedure for Cremation issued by Pontypridd crematorium, [circa. 1935-1949]
CRE/F/UK/2 1935-1937 and 1958
Memoranda and articles of association for individual UK crematoria:
Golders Green Crematorium, incorporated 1958
Kent County Crematorium, incorporated 1935 (Reprinted 1961)
London Cremation Company, incorporated 1900
Norwich Crematorium, incorporated 1935
Oxford Crematorium, incorporated 1937
South London Cremation Society, incorporated 1938
CRE/F/UK/3 1920-1990
Other material on individual UK crematoria includes: brochures and leaflets, 1920's-1990's, on crematoria and cemeteries at Aldershot, Boston (Lincs), Carlisle, Golders Green, Portchester (Hants), Ruislip and York; 2 leaves of rough sketches of
elevations and plans of Golders Green crematorium (drawn on the back of blank cremation certificates), leaflet on the undercroft for caskets of ashes at All Hallows by the Tower, London; an article on the Crownhill Crematorium, Milton Keynes from
The architects' journal, 14 July 1982; accounts for Kent County Crematorium, 1973-1996
Printed and published material about Crematoria in the USA
CRE/F/US/1 1991-1992
Directory of crematoria in the USA: CANA Cremation Association of North America membership directory, 1991/2
CRE/F/US/2/1-22 1899-1972
Brochures, reports, and leaflets about individual US crematoria:
/1: Cedar Memorial Park, Iowa: brochure, circa 1956
/2: Chapel of the Chimes, Oakland, Cal.: brochures and publicity material, circa 1930's-1940's
/3: Chapel of Memories, Oakland, Cal.: 2 brochures, 1940-41
/4: Cypress Lawn Cemetery and Crematorium, San Francisco, Cal.: detailed brochure (24 pp.), 1899, and other publicity material
/5: Forest Hills Cemetery, Crematory and Columbarium, Mass,: brochures, circa 1930's-1940's
/6: Fresh Pond Crematory, New York, N.Y. (United States Cremation Co.): 4 brochures, 1910 - circa 193-, and pamphlet A brief outline of the history of the United States Cremation Company (New York, [1932?])
/7: Gardner Earl Memorial Chapel and Crematorium, Troy, N.Y.: The Gardner Earl Memorial Chapel and Crematorium, Oakwood Cemetery, Troy, N.Y. by picture and prose (Albany, N.Y., Frederick S. Hills, 1902), and brochures and publicity material,
/8: Green Mount Cemetery, Baltimore: brochure, circa 1964
/9: Harmony Grove Cemetery, Salem, Mass.: brochure and other publicity material, circa 1922
/10: Michigan Cremation Association: brochure for the Detroit Crematorium and Columbarium, circa 1937, including a history of the association, and arguments for incineration
/11: Missouri Crematory Association, St Louis, Mo: "Cremation a growing custom", brochure for the Missouri Crematorium and Columbarium, circa 192-
/12: Mount Auburn Cemetery, Boston, Mass.: Annual report of the Trustees for 1903 , 1904
/13: Mountain View Cemetery Association, Oakland, Cal.: general brochure and brochure for Mountain View mausoleum and Cloister Gardens, circa 1960's
/14: New York & New Jersey Cremation Company: brochures for its crematorium at North Bergen, N.J., including lengthy arguments for cremation, early 20th century
/15: The Odd Fellows Cemetery Association, San Francisco, Cal.: brochure, 1899
/16: Pittsburgh Crematory: brochure, circa 1909. Includes list of crematories in the USA and Canada
/17: Portland Cremation Association, Oregon: two brochures for Portland Crematorium, circa 1910 (includes statistics of cremations in the USA 1883-1909, and at Portland 1901-1910) and circa 193-
/18: Rosehill Crematory, Elizabeth, N.J.: brochure (one page defective), circa 193-
/19: Sunnyside Mausoleum and Memorial Gardens, Long Beach, Cal.: brochure, circa 195-
/20: Swan Point Cemetery, Providence, Rhode Island: brochure for memorial grove and megalith, and information sheet, circa 196-
/21: Woodlawn Cemetery, Everett, Mass.: 122nd annual report, for 1972
/22: Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Cypress, 1964
/23: National Cremation Society Newsletter Vol 1. No.1, Florida, [circa 1970's?]
Trade literatureCRE/G/GE-US5 boxes
Trade directories and sales literature. Only a small selection has been retained, chosen as a representative sample illustrating attitudes to death and memorialisation. A later selection of trade literature has also been kept from a later
accrual. Arranged by country:
/GE: Germany
/IT: Italy
/UK: United Kingdom
Information about printed material or printed material sent as enclosures may be found with crematoria correspondence at
CRE/G/GE [c.1930-1980]
Catalogues of suppliers of urns and memorial art, circa 1930's-1980's. 1 box.
CRE/G/IT [c.1960-1980]
Catalogues of suppliers of funeral requisites and memorial sculptures, plaques etc., circa 1960's-1980's; promotional postcard produced for L'Assessore Al Servizi Demografici Della Città Di Torino, 1989. 1 box.
United Kingdom
CRE/G/UK 1936-1981
Yearbook and Directory of the National Association of Funeral Directors, 1962 and 1971; undated [early 20th-century]Directory of co-operative funeral furnishing services;1981 issue of Manual of funeral directing (National Association of Funeral
Directors); and brochures of suppliers of funeral requisites, memorials, pre-paid funeral plans, and a certificate course in funeral directing, circa 1980's-1990's. Also includes some propaganda material produced by the Cremation Society, circa
1936-1960s. 1 box
CRE/G/US [c.1970-1980s] and 2004
American Blue Book of Funeral Directors, 1974/75, membership services brochure of the American Cemetery Association, and catalogues and brochures of suppliers of funeral requisites and memorials, circa 1970's-1980's; a catalogue for Urns produced
by Batesville Services and Eckels and Superior, 2004 and nd.; an information pack about Eternal Reefs, 2004; a collection of catalogues and information sheets for cremators and lettering for signage. 2 boxes.
CuttingsCRE/H 1874-1996
4.5 metres
Compilation and coverage
The Cremation Society's extensive cuttings collection dates back to the year of the society's foundation in 1874, and provides a rich source of information on attitudes to death and cremation, burial rituals, related legal and administrative
processes, and medical and hygienic matters in different countries, cultures and periods. Initially compilation of the collection seems to have been the work of successive secretaries of the society, and for the nineteenth century the contents are
markedly international in character, including many cuttings from foreign publications as well as about matters relating to death and cremation world-wide. Later a press cuttings agency was employed, and the twentieth century cuttings are drawn
almost entirely from British publications and are predominantly concerned with cremation in Britain and Ireland, although some foreign news continues to be collected. The collection has survived unevenly. There are gaps from 1890 to 1910, 1936 to
1946 (except for a few cuttings from the years of World War 2), and 1948 to 1957, and coverage for some later years is sparse or evidently incomplete.
Up to about 1919 the usual arrangement is roughly chronological. Thereafter attempts were made to introduce some grouping by topic and place. In the 1930s an entire album was devoted to cuttings relating to the National Council for the
Disposition of the Dead (CRE/H18). From about 1960 cuttings began to be grouped into three broad divisions entitled “Around the Country”, “Miscellaneous” and “Foreign”, and from about 1985 this became a five-fold division, “Around the Country”, “About People”, “Proposed New
Crematoria”, “Foreign” and “Miscellaneous”.
Physical form and condition
Up to 1929 the cuttings were usually pasted into albums, with many items folded over to fit and others protruding. Thereafter the cuttings were pasted or stapled to loose sheets of paper. Their condition is often very fragile. Many items are
loose. Many are crumpled, torn, splitting along fold lines, or desiccated, and portions of some have been lost. In particular, CRE/H3 has a loose letter after p.196. CRE/H4 has a loose item after p.22. CRE/H5 has a fragile ms map after p.7 and a
loose pictorial item before p.52. In CRE/H6 the first leaves have become detached and an item on p.148 is brittle with a piece broken off. CRE/H7 similarly has detached leaves at the start, and a brittle and damaged item after p.28. CRE/H8 has loose
items after p.31. CRE/H9 has loose items after p.71 and brittle and torn items at p.98. CRE/H10 has at p.10 a ms letter split along folds with pieces detached. CRE/H11-12 have numerous loose items. CRE/H13 has loose items after p.18. CRE/H14 has
several pages loose and some items only loosely inserted. The condition of CRE/H15 is particularly parlous, with bundles of loose items tucked in. All of the collection needs great care when handling, and some of it is unfit for production.
CRE/H1 1874 (March - August)
Language: English, French, German.
Cuttings from newspapers, periodicals, and printed ephemera.
p.18. Cartoon (from Punch), undertaker's black horse (supposedly made redundant by widespread adoption of cremation) redeployed to the hunting field.
After p.151. A cremation [? at Dresden, part of a cutting from a German publication], showing the committal of the coffin to the cremator by a clergyman wearing Geneva bands.
pp.171-2. Cartoons from Punch about cremation as a solution to the problem of an interfering mother-in-law.
p.179. Cartoon from Moore's Rural New Yorker about the disposal of a cremated Irish drinker's ashes.
Geographic range: Britain, Belgium, Chile, France, Germany, India, Japan, Siam, USA.
Size: ca. 19.5 x 11 x 7 cms
Arrangement: Approximately chronological.
Digitised material for Cremation Society newspaper cuttings, March-August 1874 - CRE/H1
CRE/H2 1874 (April) - 1875 (February)
Language: English, French.
Cuttings from newspapers and periodicals; ms letters and ms poem. Topics include demonstrations at West Hartlepool against a proposal in favour of cremation (pp.41-9), cremation of Lady Dilke (pp. 67-70), with original letter from Ashton W. Dilke
to William Eassie; ms poem
“The pauper's drive” (between pp. 75-6); report in
The Times of House of Lords debate on the law of burial (tipped in at end of vol.)
Illustrations: Tomb of Edward Stacy (d.1555) and his wife Katherine.
p.71. Illustration of a burning coffin with distraught observers, on a broadsheet headed “Cremation or humanity. Horrible disclosures of burning bodies”.
p.176. Cremation furnace designed by Frederick Siemens.
Geographic range: Britain, Austria, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Turkey, USA
Size: ca. 19.5 x 11 x 7 cms
Arrangement: Approximately chronological.
Digitised material for Cremation Society newspaper cuttings, April 1874 - February 1875 - CRE/H2
CRE/H3 1875 (February - December), predominantly. Also includes an 1850 article (p.185), two 1854/5 cuttings, one from 1873, and about six from 1874.
Language: English, French.
Cuttings from newspapers, periodicals and pamphlets; ms notes and letters. Includes:p.73. Letter from J. J. Bushell, Freeman of London, to William Eassie, 22 April 1875, describing the opposition encountered from local clergy, both Anglican and
Dissenting, to a municipal scheme for use of a cremator attached to the City of London Gas Works to cremate dead prisoners from the London Bridewell, and also burn condemned meat and offal from the markets which, with all of the city's refuse, had
formerly been tipped into White Friars Dock. The intention of the scheme was to use gas from the cremator to fuel street lighting.pp.155-162.
Sweeney Todd Outdone, a pamphlet attacking proposals for burying the dead in cheap perishable coffins.After p.195. Letter from Harry White, Trinity College Dublin, 6 August 1875, giving an account of watching
gravediggers at Navan, Co. Meath, breaking up the coffin and remains of a girl buried just nine years ago, which they encountered while digging a new grave.Bound in at end of vol. Brochure and price list of the Funeral Company, undertakers in
Before p.1. Ground-plan and elevation of mausoleum, designed by Charles Barry, for W. Ellis at All Saints Church, Whitstable.
pp.4-5. Illustrations to a comic article from Fun on the endeavours of “the intelligent and energetic chairman of our Select Suburban Cremation Society” to give himself a bodily
weight appropriate to an urn for his own ashes which had been thoughtfully presented to him by the society.
p.13. Diagram of chapel and connected gas house for a scheme for cremation in town gasworks, the gas thus generated being used to fuel street lamps.
p.16. Funeral procession of a Chinese emperor.
p.23. “Ancient oven discovered near Cambridge”.
pp.67-8. A cremator tested under Sir Henry Thompson's supervision.
p.71. Punch cartoon about ashes mistaken for snuff.
p.116. Toulouse cemetery devastated by floods, with graves broken open.
p.124. Exhibition of perishable wicker coffins.
p.127. Illustrations of Chinese funeral customs.
Before p.129. Illustrations of hearses, funeral carriages, biers etc made by Dottridge Bros of London.
p.166. Punch cartoon.
p.175. Japanese tombs.
p.178. Cartoon.
After p.186. Tower of Silence, Bombay.
Geographic range: Britain, Canada, China, Crimea, Egypt, Fiji, India, Ireland, Siberia, USA.
Size: ca. 19.5 x 11 x 7 cms
Arrangement: Approximately chronological.
Digitised material for Catalogue of the Cremation Society papers / Cuttings / CRE/H3
CRE/H4 1875 (December) - 1876, predominantly. Also includes one cutting from 1802 and two from 1874.
Language: English, French, German, Italian.
Cuttings from newspapers, periodicals, and pamphlets, printed ephemera; ms notes and letter. Includes: p.8. Account of the funeral of the chief of the Mackintosh clan, and of the convivial customs traditionally associated with the burial of a
Highland chieftain. p.23. Description of the unhappy consequences of overcrowding in Irish churchyards. pp.45-55. Accounts of the first cremation in Milan, January 1876. p.57. Brochure of the Mourning Reform Association. p.73. Brochure of the
National Mausoleum Society. pp.80-84. Programme and cuttings about the International Cremation Conference held at Dresden, June 1876, with ms notes of W. Eassie, who attended on behalf of the Cremation Society, and cards of other delegates. p.87.
Proposal by B. Clarke MRCS, in postscript to a ms letter, for disposal of the dead by dissolving the body in a glass coffin immersed in chloride of alum - “I suppose relatives among the upper classes could do it
themselves.” p.203.
Times report, 4 March 1876, of the House of Commons debate on a burials bill.
p.7. Cartoon “The undertaker's shop of the future”, showing a wide choice of containers for ashes.
After p.20. The catacombs of Palermo.
p.30. Two illustrations of the Towers of Silence near Bombay.
p.68. Monument in the British graveyard at Scutari.
After p.74. Tomb of the favourite horse of Sultan Mahmoud at Scutari.
p.91. Remains of the British military cemetery at Tientsin, China.
p.93. Funeral procession of Sultan Mahmoud II entering his mausoleum.
After p.103. Designs (elevation and plan) for a crematorium and mortuary building by Karl Pieper, Dresden engineer, and G. Lilienthal, Berlin architect.
p.167. Grave of Capt. G.F. Hall, USS Polaris.
p.179. The first cremation at Milan, 22 January 1876, showing both the exterior of the crematorium and the scene within, from L'Illustrazione italiana.
p.195. Large folding plate of the designs by Pieper and Lilienthal for a cremation and mortuary building approved at the International Cremation Congress, Dresden.
Geographic range:Britain, Albania, Austria, Assyria, Bulgaria, China, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Herzegovina, India, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Palestine, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, USA.
Size: ca. 19.5 x 11 x 7 cms.
Arrangement: Approximately chronological.
Digitised material for Cremation Society newspaper cuttings, 1875-1876 - CRE/H4
CRE/H5 1876 (October) - 1878 (April), predominantly.
Language: English, French, German, Italian.
Cuttings from newspapers, periodicals and pamphlets; ms letters, drawings, and notes. Includes: pp.6-8. Ms drawings of a furnace, and accompanying letters from its designer, Malortis, to W. Eassie and Sir Henry Thompson, dated 11-12 February
1875. After p. 9. Printed invitation, addressed in ms to Sir Henry Thompson, to attend the first public cremation in the USA (of Joseph Henry Louis, Baron de Palm), at Washington, Pennsylvania, December 1876, in a furnace designed by F. Julius
LeMoyne. After p.17. Ms letter to Sir Henry Thompson, 9 Dec. [1876?] from Madame Colmache, widow of Prince Talleyrand's secretary, who was present at the death and embalming of Talleyrand and “herself had the choice of the
eyes of glass”, offering Sir Henry an article by her describing the event. After p.25. MS letter to W. Eassie, 2 March 1877, from Sir Henry Thompson, introducing the Rajah Rampal Singh “who wants to know if he can
burn his dead wife”, and asking Eassie to give the rajah information about costs, etc. - “if he w[oul]d pay for a place here - why should he not if he wishes? - He could do it here.” After p.55. Ms letter to Sir
Henry Thompson, 24 April 1877, from Fred. Scott, secretary of the Manchester and Salford Sanitary Association, inviting him to contribute a model of the cremation apparatus he approves to an exhibition of sanitary appliances which the association
will mount for the forthcoming visit of the British Medical Association to Manchester. After p.63. Ms letter to W. Eassie from Anthony Rick, 26 May [1877?], arranging a meeting to discuss how the case for cremation can be advanced in England, and
sending a reference to remarks on cremation by the Lutheran J.A. Quenstedt in his
Sepultura, Wittenberg, 1660. pp.64-69. “Open spaces”, an address by Octavia Hill to the National Health Society, 9 May [1877?] on transformation of graveyards into gardens. pp.119-121.
Description of the crematory model of Prof. Ludovico Brunetti of Padua. p.124. City of Padua printed death certificate, completed in ms., 1877. After p.163. (1). Ms letter to W. Eassie, 16 December 1877, from F. Julius LeMoyne, Washington,
Pennsylvania, describing the progress of the cremation movement in the USA since the first public cremation there the previous year (using a furnace designed by LeMoyne), and describing his crematory at Washington and enclosing a photograph of it.
After p.163. (2). Ms transcript of a letter [to W. Eassie] from C[eleste] Clericetti, Milan, 10 March 1878, responding to criticisms by Dr. Bartlett of the cremation apparatus which he and Prof. Polli had designed at Milan, and describing possible
improvements to it, especially by connecting it to the town gas supply. pp.164-183. “The systems of cremation now in use upon the continent”, printed text of a lecture by W. Eassie to the 10th ordinary meeting [of
the Cremation Society?], 13 February 1878, including notes of the discussion afterwards and diagrams of the Siemens and Rickman furnaces. pp.185-193. “Burning bodies. Another human body committed to Cremati. In the
Bakeshop of LeMoyne”, hostile newspaper account, 16 February 1878, of the cremation of Mrs Ben Pitman of Cincinatti at Washington, Pennsylvania.
p.52. “Mr. Punch makes the best of his Christmas dinner”, coloured reproduction of a Punch cartoon about cremation [? produced
as an unorthodox Christmas card], with an unrelated 1874 cutting pasted to the back.
After p.53. Pencil drawing of an urn of ashes, with notes at head “Occupying 1 hour and 35 minutes” and at foot “Ellen Bailey Age 14”.
p.92. Burning of the body of Martin Merino, who had attempted to assassinate the queen of Spain, at Madrid.
p.96. “Modern resurrectionists”, cartoons, dated in ms 1864 or 1854, about the clearing and dumping of human remains from church vaults.
p.108. Cartoon about burial alive.
After p.157. Diagram of Rickman's automatic gas furnace, with descriptive text.
p.159. Lithographed designs for cemetery chapels, from Building News.
Geographic range: Britain, Canada, China, Crimea, Cuba, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Palestine, Persia, Russia, Siam, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, USA, West Indies.
Size: ca. 19.5 x 11 x 7 cms.
Arrangement: Approximately chronological.
Digitised material for Catalogue of the Cremation Society papers / Cuttings / CRE/H5 CRE/H6 1878 (April) - 1880 (February), predominantly. Also includes a June 1877 cutting, and an 1882 pamphlet.
Language: English, French, German, Italian.
Cuttings from newspapers, periodicals and pamphlets: ms letters and notes. Includes: pp.3-7. Accounts in Italian of the cremation of Henry Crookenden at Milan, April 1878, which was attended by William Eassie on behalf of the Cremation Society,
with visiting cards of some of the people Eassie met. pp.20-23.
“Cremation in Japan”, cutting from
Tokio Times, Yokohama, 6 April 1878. pp.25-26. Ms letter from J.W. McCarthy, British Legation, Yedo, Japan, 22 April 1878, sending the above cutting,
and a ms English translation (on p.26) of parts of a Japanese work describing funeral customs on the island of Saghalin or North Yezo, involving disembowelling the corpse and drying it in the sun for a year. pp.38-42. A further letter from McCarthy,
14 June 1878, sending a printed English translation (on pp.39-42) of a German publication by W. Doenitz on the same subject, and commenting on the origins of cremation in Japan, and the reasons for its temporary suppression and then reinstatement by
the present government. After p.45. Comic verse (manuscript, 1 stanza) about cremation (first line “Don't lay me on the river bank amid the fragrant flowers”), annotated “from Miss Hart …
[18]79”. After p.81. Ms letter to Rev. H. R. Haweis from Horace Coomber, 9 July 1876, sending him an account of bodies being washed away by a flood in a Manchester Corporation cemetery in 1872. pp.106-107. Ms account of the first official
cremation at which both civil and religious authorities assisted, at Gotha, 10 December 1878. p.150. Ms letter to the secretary of the Cremation Society from Tito Di Medici, physician and surgeon, Castrocaro, near Forli, Italy, 25/5/1879, sending a
copy of a publication by him on cremation. After p.201. Ms letter to W. Eassie from J. Jones, 12 Jan. 1876, sending him the Latin motto of the Italian cremation society, with an English translation. p.212. Printed constitution of the First Cremation
Society of San Francisco, California, 1882. 8 pp.
p.1. Illustration of a mummified child, signed Zambecci, with ms note “Mummy produced by Betti, Milan”.
p.2. Photograph of Capuchin cemetery, Rome, showing piles of skulls decoratively arranged, and interspersed with skeletons garbed in Capuchin habits.
After p.15. Funeral of the murdered Lord Leitrim at St Michan's, Dublin, 10 April 1878.
p.32. Advertisement for metallic burial caskets.
After p.121. Burning ghat at Calcutta.
Before p.122. Photograph of a coffin cart.
p.146. Pen and ink drawing entitled “The Vicar of Woking's idea of Cremation”, showing a man in cook's hat and apron clutching a large gridiron.
After p.155. Patent folding bier cum grave barrier.
p.160. Punch cartoon about cremation of a pet cat.
After p.179. Plan and section of tumulus at Tregascal, Cornwall, with sepulchral urn.
p.208. Indian troops taking part in war in Afghanistan, burning their dead comrades.
Geographic range: Britain, Algeria, Austria, Central Africa, Egypt, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Portugal, Roumania, South America, Spain, Turkey, USA.
Size: ca. 19.5 x 11 x 7 cms.
Arrangement: Approximately chronological.
Digitised material for Cremation Society newspaper cuttings, 1878-1880 - CRE/H6
CRE/H7 1880 (February) - 1883 (April), predominantly. Also includes one 1878 and three 1879 cuttings.
Language: English, Danish, French, German, Italian.
Cuttings from newspapers, periodicals and pamphlets; complete pamphlets; ms letters, etc. Includes: After p.2.
La cremazione della Salma del Professore Giovanni Polli.Milan, 1880. 8 pp. p.31.
The Order of Cremation of the Dead by Fire. With preface by a Catholic priest. 16 pp. [Another copy is
bound after p.134.] p.88. “The Zoological Necropolis Company (Limited)”, cutting from the
Pall Mall Gazette, 4 March 1882, about the company's plan to establish a burial-ground
near London for pets. pp.111-119. Letter to Sir Henry Thompson, signed Kosmos, published in
The World, 25 October 1882, about the advantages of cremation over burial, and asking for an account of the views and
activities of the Cremation Society, with Sir Henry's reply, from
The World, 8 November 1882, including a description of the hostile reception accorded to the Society's attempt to establish a crematorium at
Woking in 1879. With, appended, ms letter from Dr. Giuseppe Colombi [?, reading uncertain], Milan, November [1882], giving statistics of cremations in Italy from 1876 onwards, and information about Italian cremation societies and about certification
requirements before a cremation, particularly to avoid its use to conceal evidence of crimes such as poisoning. p.135. Ms letter to Miss Hart, written from 18 Endsleigh St, London, 28 June 1882 and signed A. Asher, challenging incorrect statements
about Jewish burial customs in an unidentified publication.
On front pastedown. Pen and ink drawing of a shroud-wearing corpse, risen from its grave, asking a passer-by the way to Woking.
p.iii. Burning ghat, Calcutta, 1879.
p.v. Unidentified columbarium.
p.x. Soldiers erecting headstones over the graves of comrades killed at Peiwar Kotal, 1879.
p.xx. Naga graves.
p.xxiii. Diagrams of a cremation furnace and plan and elevation of a crematorium, from The American Architect and Building News, 29 May 1880.
p.6. Tree roots disturbing a grave.
p.22. Cartoon from Scientific American, Sept. 1880.
p.28. Milan crematorium, built by Albert Keller.
p.46. “Storer's garbage cremating furnace”, illustration with descriptive text, from Scientific American, 2 July 1881.
p.67. “Robbery of the Earl of Crawford's body”, from The Penny Illustrated Paper, 10 December 1881.
p.120. Improved burial casket, from Scientific American, Nov. 1882.
Geographic range: Britain, Afghanistan, Africa, Belgium, China, Crimea, Egypt, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Russia, Tunisia, South America, USA.
Size: ca. 19.5 x 11 x 7 cms.
Arrangement: Approximately chronological.
Digitised material for Cremation Society newspaper cuttings, 1880-1883 - CRE/H7
CRE/H8 1883-1884 (August), predominantly, but also includes a few cuttings from 1879, 1881, and 1882.
Language: English, French, Italian.
Cuttings from newspapers and periodicals; ms notes; and a complete pamphlet. Includes: pp.64-65. Cuttings from a variety of newspapers, 15-17 January 1884, with colourful descriptive detail about the attempt by Dr. William Price to cremate his
infant son. pp.69-71. Cuttings on Dr. Price's announcement of his intention to establish a public crematorium at Llantrissant. After p.127. Account from
South Wales Daily News, 16 February 1884, of the trial of Dr. William Price for attempting to cremate his son. pp.[156]-163. Detailed report from South Wales Daily News, 13 February 1884, of the judge's charge to
the grand jury at the trial of Dr. William Price, and cuttings from various periodicals of comments and discussion of the implications of the trial's outcome. pp.167-170. “Cremation versus burial: what has been done
in England”, cutting from
Pall Mall Gazette, 27 March 1884, of an illustrated article, based on information supplied by William Eassie, about the development of the Cremation Society's crematorium at
Woking. p.182. Ms account of an experiment at the Woking crematorium on 9 April 1884, when William Eassie cremated part of a cow, with a list of those who attended and a note of the costs of coke and faggotts. Below, cutting from
Moonshine, 12 April 1884, of a comic poem entitled “The song of the crematorium”. After p.191. Joseph Sykes,
The Conception of Death and its Influence on
Thought (Brighton, printed by J.G. Bishop, 1882. 16 pp.), poem, with presentation inscription by the author. pp.193-194. Cutting from
City Press, 23 April 1884, describing a visit to the Woking Crematorium by a
municipal fact-finding committee considering the establishment of a crematorium at Ilford, with a ms note that the visit included a demonstration of the cremation of 124 lbs of a horse. pp.197-200. Cuttings from
Telegraph, 9 and 11 August 1884, about the case brought by Dr. William Price against the police at Swansea Assizes for false imprisonment, defamation, and wrongful detention of the body of child he had attempted to cremate.
p.31. “Healey's specifications” for an improved furnace for burning town and other refuse.
p.32. “Clowning at funerals”, illustration of an undertaker on horseback, with verses about his “paltry plumes, his hat-bands vile, and all his nauseous mummery”.
p.101. “The national ‘Campo-Santo’ or cloister in connection with Westminster Abbey”, cutting from Building News, 29 February 1884, of design by Sir
G. Gilbert Scott for adding a cloister to the Abbey for interring those whom the nation wished to honour, but for whom space was lacking in the Abbey itself.
After p.165. “Cetewayo laid out in his hut after death”, showing him tied up in a sitting posture.
p.172. The crematorium in the Campo Santo, Rome.
After p.177. Room in the Villa Nevada, Cannes, with the coffin of the Duke of Albany, April 1884.
p.185. Cremation cartoon, “The burning question”.
p.192. Tumulus, excavated grave goods, and grave with skeleton, from an 1884 issue of Matériaux pour l'Histoire Primitive et Naturelle de l'Homme.
Geographic range: Britain, Egypt, France, Germany, Italy, India, South Africa, USA.
Size: ca. 19.5 x 11 x 7 cms
Arrangement: Approximately chronological.
Digitised material for Cremation Society newspaper cuttings, 1883-1884 - CRE/H8
CRE/H9 1884 (April) - 1885 (March), predominantly, but also includes several undated cuttings and a few from 1881-1883.
Language: English, French, German, Italian.
Cuttings from newspapers, pamphlets and periodicals; complete pamphlet; ms letters and notes. Includes: p.60. Ms letter from E[dward] L. Garbett, 3 Myddelton Terrace, [London], 13 May 1884, proposing that corpses for cremation should first be
desiccated, and could then be kept in that state for a year or more, and then burnt along with other such dried corpses, reducing the costs of individual cremations. Describes possible apparatus, and suggests that experiments, initially on small
animals, might be used to diminish popular prejudices. After p.77. Newspaper report, 17 January 1874, of the release to Dr. William Price by the police of the body of his infant son, amid scenes of local excitement. After p.79. Ms letter to William
Eassie from R. J. Wicksteed, House of Commons, Ottawa, 5 June 1884, about his (Wicksteed's) forthcoming lecture in Ottawa on cremation, and enclosing a cutting about the possibility of establishing a crematorium in Canada. After p.97. Ms letter
in German, 4 April 1883, signature indecipherable, [sending greetings to William Eassie from a German cremation society?]. p.98.
“The living and the dead”, address by J. D. Beugless, President, New York Cremation Society, delivered 2 June 1883, published in
Banner of Light, Boston, 28 July 1883. After p.101.
Crematio, by Prof. Francesco Mariotti, a poem (Milan, G. Civelli, 1883. 7 pp.). p.104. Ms letter [to the Cremation Society?] from Stockholm, 17 July 1882, announcing the formation of a Swedish society for cremation,
the Likbrännings-Föreningen i Stockholm. pp.117-118. Newspaper reports of the cremation in France, at Etrétat, of Baboo Sahed Chatjay, brother-in-law of the Maharajah of Baroda. p.121. Ms note [by William Eassie] that he cremated half a pony at
Woking crematorium, 5 Sept. 1884, with details of those present and the time required. After p.129. Ms note from Joh. J. Perk, secretary of the Netherlands cremation society,Vereeniging voor Lijkverbranding, 6 September 1884, acknowledging receipt
of publications on cremation. pp.135-146. Cutting from
The Daily Picayune, 11 August 1884, of address on cremation by Dr. Felix Formento to the Louisiana State Medical Society. pp.174-176. Cuttings about Dr. William
Price's cremations of his pet bull, dog and cat, January 1885. p.292. Ms note by William Eassie, 14 February 1885, about seeing, exhibited in Oxford Street, two massively fat sisters aged 19 and 17, who weighed respectively 29 and 31 stone.
p.62. Plan, elevation, and cross-section of crematorium recently built at Manston, Derbyshire, from Building News, December 1883.
p.113. Cremation urns, Manston House, Blandford, Dorset, designed by the architect C. F. A. Voysey for Captain Hanham.
p.163. Cartoon from Judy, 20 August 1884, about the damages of one farthing awarded to Dr. William Price in his action against the police for interfering with his son's cremation.
Geographic range:Britain, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Crimea, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mongolia, Netherlands, Sweden, USA
Size: ca. 19.5 x 11 x 7 cms.
Arrangement: Approximately chronological.
Digitised material for Cremation Society newspaper cuttings, 1884-1885 - CRE/H9
CRE/H10 1884 (September) - 1886 (April), predominantly, but with one cutting from 1883 and one from March 1884.
Language: English, French, German, Italian.
Cuttings from newspapers and periodicals, printed ephemera, complete pamphlets, ms letters and notes. Includes: p.14. Account, 27 March 1885, of the first cremation carried out at Woking (of the body of Mrs Pickersgill). After p.29. Account, 7
December 1883, of the cremation of Captain Hanham at the crematorium he had established at Manston House, Dorset. After p.49. Report, in Italian, of the 2nd congress of the Società Italiane di Cremazione at Florence, March 1885. After p.57. Ms
letter from Ed. Garbett, 2 June 1885, arguing that bodies for cremation should first be desiccated, thereby reducing both the risk of concealing evidence of poisoning and the time needed to carry out a cremation. p.61. Account, with annual
statistics 1876-1884, of the progress of the cremation movement in Italy. p.107. Ms note about appointment to discuss cremation with General Harris. p.125. Accounts of the first human cremation in the USA, of Eugène Liévre at Mt Olivet, Long Island,
December 1885. p.148. Ms notes about two exceptionally heavy human bodies. p.149. Account of the first cremation carried out at Buffalo, December 1885. p.154. Annual report, accounts, and membership list of the National Funeral and Mourning Reform
Association, 1884, with, appended, annual report, accounts, and membership list of the Leicester Funeral & Mourning Reform Association, 1884. 23 pp. After p.157. Ms letter to William Eassie from E. Westlake, Salisbury, 20 November 1885,
requesting information about the Cremation Society, stating (with illustrative diagram) that in Salisbury people are buried in the same stratum from which drinking water is drawn, and asking how the Cremation Society deals with nitrogen rendered
gaseous during cremations, as he is concerned that it might be lost to the cycle of organic life if cremation was universally adopted. After p.171. Ms letter to William Eassie, from Moses Stearns, secretary of a cremation society in Philadelphia, 20
February 1885, protesting at having to pay customs tariffs on publications of the English Cremation Society which Eassie had sent him, and sending a cutting about a new monthly,
The Crematist, published in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. p.178. Ms order from Philadelphia Cremation Society for publications of the English Cremation Society, 13 March 1886. p.186. Prospectus, 31 March 1886, for a meeting
to consider the formation of a Leicester branch of the Cremation Society, including a list of the proposers. p.188. Hugo Erichsen,
Cremation and the Medical Profession, an address to the Detroit Medical and Library
Association, 1 February 1886 (15 pp.).
After p.9. Illustration (part of a cutting dated 15 March 1884 about the crematorium at Manston House, Dorset) showing the cremator empty and with coffin inserted.
p.52. “God's acre in the desert - burying soldiers who died during the journey from Gubat to Korti”, from The Graphic, April 1885.
Geographic range: Britain, Canada, China, Egypt, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, USA.
Size: ca. 19.5 x 11 x 7 cms.
Arrangement: Approximately chronological.
Digitised material for Cremation Society newspaper cuttings, 1885-1886 - CRE/H10
CRE/H11 1886 (January) - 1887 (December), predominantly, but also includes an 1883 and an 1885 cutting.
Language: English, French, German.
Cuttings from newspapers and periodicals, printed ephemera, and manuscript letters and notes. Includes a number of cuttings on the papal condemnation of cremation issued May 1886, and p.31. Manuscript letter to William Eassie at the Sanitary
Congress, York, 27 September 1886 (signature cut off), giving an account of the first cremation in Denmark on 13 September 1886. p.32. Prospectus of the Buffalo Cremation Company, New York, including plans and elevations of the crematorium designed
by Green & Wickes, Buffalo architects, and article about it from
The Sanitary Engineer. p.63. Manuscript notes, signed D. S. M., on the legality and costs of transporting corpses by train in the USA. After p.67. Manuscript letter from Thomas Martin, Guernsey, 22 Sept. 1886,
proposing, in view of the papal condemnation of cremation, the forming of a society for providing other sanitary means of disposal of the dead, and commending the merits of the system of “Scientific Interments”
which he has devised and described in various publications. After p.89. Report of a proposal in Italy for construction of a crematorium which would use electricity to consume corpses. After p.105. Manuscript letter from Clara Farrell, Ilfracombe, 7
November 1887, referring to letters in
The Times by Rev. Septimus Hansard in support of cremation, and recalling repulsive sights she had seen as a child when a churchyard was dug up for a church extension.
p.10. Funeral pyre of the late Maharajah Tookaji Rao Holkar, of Indore.
p.22. Mummies of Rameses II and Seti I, recently unbandaged at the Boulak Museum, Egypt.
p.38. Richly decorated chancel of the Buffalo Crematory Temple.
p.192. Sketches from The Illustrated London News, September 1887, of graves near the River Congo, one marked by broken crockery, and another, the monument of a chief, surrounded by the skulls of women buried
alive with him.
After p.221. Funeral procession and cremation of the ruler of Siam at Bangkok, from The Graphic, September 1887.
Geographic range: Britain, Argentina, Australia, Congo, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Netherlands, Siam, Switzerland, USA, Vatican.
Size: ca. 19.5 x 11 x 7 cms
Arrangement: Approximately chronological.
Digitised material for Cremation Society newspaper cuttings, 1886-1887 - CRE/H11
CRE/H12 1883 (December) - 1888 (May), predominantly, with some loose 1889 cuttings.
Language: English, French, German.
Cuttings from newspapers and periodicals, and manuscript notes. Includes numerous cuttings relating to the prosecution of Dr. William Price for attempting to cremate his infant son, and concerning the cremation bill introduced to the House of
Commons by Dr. Cameron but rejected in May 1884. Also includes (before p.25) manuscript paper on cremation by Dr. Sedgwick Saunders, March 1884.
p.1. Plan of crematorium recently built and used at Manston, Dorsetshire, December 1883.
p.30. View and section of the Woking Crematorium furnace.
p.43. The crematorium at Manston, Dorsetshire, shown with the cremator empty and with a coffin inserted
Geographic range: Britain, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Siam, Spain, USA.
Size: ca. 30 x 23 x 4 cms
Arrangement: Approximately chronological.
Digitised material for Cremation Society cuttings book, 1883-89 - CRE/H12 CRE/H13 1883 (March) - 1899 (December), predominantly, but also includes one item from July 1890.
Language: English.
Cuttings from newspapers and periodicals, mostly relating to certification of death, and to scandals (especially at Nellfield Cemetery, Aberdeen) concerning repeated use of a grave for further burials, with disturbance to the remains of those
previously interred there.
Geographic range:Britain, largely Scotland.
Size: ca. 30 x 25 x 5 cms
Arrangement: Approximately chronological with a very incomplete manuscript index at the front.
Digitised material for Cremation Society cuttings book, 1883-99 - CRE/H13
CRE/H14 1910 (February) - 1923 (April), predominantly.
Language: English, Norwegian.
Cuttings from newspapers and periodicals; manuscript notes and letters. Many cuttings (including, p.21,
“The dismal disposal of man”, an interview with G. K. Chesterton) relate to an article “The cult of the corpse” by H. M. Walbrook in the
Pall Mall
Gazette, August 1910. Others concern the inauguration in 1921 of the Cremation Society's scheme for people to register during their lifetime their wish to be cremated. Also includes: Before p.55. Manuscript letter from G. B. C.
Sinclair, 8 December 1921, noting the lack of a crematorium in Bristol and Plymouth and pressing for the Cremation Society's support to establish cremation facilities for Devon and Cornwall. After p.58. Manuscript letter from the editor of
The Undertakers' Journal, 19 November 1920, drawing attention to comments by Sir Edward Marshall Hall, counsel in a murder trial, who had suggested that cremation might easily be used as a means to eliminate
evidence of poison, and offering to publish a rejoinder from the Cremation Society. p.91. “Cremation”, article by G. S. Burt Andrews in
Municipal Magazine, June 1921, giving an account
of the development of cremation facilities in Johannesburg, and completion of a crematorium there in 1918, the cost of which was borne by the Hindu community.
p.23. The funeral of Holman Hunt and interment of his ashes at St Paul's Cathedral, London.
p.57. Burial of the ashes of Colonel Cody after his funeral at Aldershot.
p.67. Funeral at Golders Green crematorium of Colonel Cumming, killed by Sinn Fein.
p.69. Funeral at Golders Green crematorium of the leading socialist, H. M. Hyndman.
p.71. Photographs published in a South African newspaper, The Natal Witness, 22 April 1921, of the funeral cortege of Colonel Wales, the first European to be cremated in Natal (using a makeshift funeral pyre at
Pietermaritzburg) and of the recently erected crematorium in Johannesburg.
p.74. The removal of the body of Dr W. S. Bruce from a Glasgow hospital, for cremation.
p.83. Sketch of a suggested annexe for Westminster Abbey, to contain a columbarium chapel.
p.94. Interior of Golders Green Crematorium.
p.96. Obituary photograph of the architect Ernest Newton, February 1921.
Geographic range: Britain, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Israel, South Africa
Size: ca. 29 x 23.5 x 5 cms
Arrangement: Approximately chronological with a very incomplete manuscript index at the front.
CRE/H15 1919-1929.
Language: Britain, Australia, Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, India, Russia, Siam, USA, Yugoslavia.
Cuttings from newspapers and periodicals; manuscript and typescript letters, including a number of letters to newspaper editors from the secretary of the Cremation Society, George Noble. Includes: After p.36. Ms letter from W.S. Dimes, Plymouth,
May 1925, about discussion by Plymouth Town Council of the possibility of establishing a crematorium. After p.48.
“The municipal crematorium at Vienna, architect Clemens Holzmeister”, illustrated article by Howard Robertson from
Building News, September 1925. p.63. Carbon copy letter from George
Noble, 24 April 1926, to the editor of the
Northern Daily Telegraph about the problems of providing suitable sites for new cemeteries and the contrasting advantages of cremation and gardens of remembrance. After p.90.
Bundle of loosely inserted cuttings on cremation and cancer, occasioned by an article in the
British Medical Journal, 1925, urging doctors to advocate cremation for patients who died of cancer. pp.244-245. Cuttings
about the prosecution in 1927 of Rev. David Jenkyn Evans, under the Cremation Act of 1902, for perjury in making a statutory cremation declaration that relatives had been informed. The charge (which was linked to a disputed will) was dismissed.
p.389. Carbon copy letter to the editor of
The Times signed H. T. H., Harley St, April 1928, pointing out that the only person legally authorised to permit a cremation was the Medical Referee appointed to each
After p.16. Views of Golders Green Crematorium.
p.29. Rt. Hon. A. M. Carlisle, P.C. in his sickroom, January 1926, with extracts from the certificate requesting cremation which he had signed before taking to his sickbed and details of the cremation service fees he had paid in
pp.187-189. Plan, elevation and views of crematorium designed for Brighton Borough Council by Albert C. Freeman, 1929.
p.206. Ornate funeral pyre and funeral procession in Bangkok for King Rama VI of Siam.
p.213. Views of Arnos Vale crematorium under construction, 1927. Before p.225. Plans of the site and building for Nottingham's proposed crematorium, 1928.
After p.228. Masonic procession and foundation stone-laying (by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master) for Ipswich crematorium, April 1928
p.232. Elevation and plan of the Ipswich crematorium, 1928.
pp.237-239. Opening ceremony for Ipswich crematorium and view of the building, December 1928.
p.247. Cremation ceremonies at the funeral of the chieftain of Lampang, northern Siam, July 1927, over four years after his death.
p.269. Crematorium at Easter Warriston, Edinburgh, under construction, 1929.
p.299. Plans and elevations of crematorium for East Finchley designed by Albert C. Freeman, 1928.
After p.356. Plan and elevations for a design for a crematorium by Patrick McNeil, awarded the Tite Prize 1928.
p.387. Interior and exterior views of Golders Green crematorium, its garden of rest, and a new chapel there designed by Alfred B. Yeates, and cutting showing the urn containing the ashes of Thomas Hardy to be interred in Westminster Abbey,
p.396. Dr. William Price in Druidic dress (in a 1927 newspaper cutting recalling his trial for attempting to cremate his infant son in 1884).
Geographic range: English, French, German, Italian.
Size: 32 x 30 x 13 cms
Arrangement: Grouped to some extent under topics and places, with a very incomplete manuscript index at the front.
CRE/H16 1908-1927, and undated.
Language: English.
Cuttings on cremation (complete articles and shorter references) extracted from
The Undertakers' Journal.
Includes: 1908, p.37. Albert C. Freeman, architect, burial reformer and cremation expert.
1908, pp.115-141. Bronze age and Roman cinerary urns found in Britain.
1908, pp.251-2. Mummies at Guanajuato, Mexico.
1909, p.19. Cremation ceremonies in Burma.
1909, p.66-7, 120. French coffins and funeral transportation.
1910, pp.249. George Noble, secretary of the Cremation Society, and his wife and children.
1911, p.69. Arthur E. Piggott, secretary of the Manchester Crematorium.
1912, p.54. Parsee Tower of Silence, Bombay.
1912, p.109. Sir Charles Cameron, President of the Cremation Society.
1913, p.240. The corpse of a rich Igorote being smoked for 24 days before interment in the Philippines.
Undated, p.56. British woodworking machinery for coffin manufacture.
Undated, p.171. The Ernest George Columbarium, Golders Green crematorium.
Geographic range: Britain, Australia, Burma, Canada, Czechoslovakia, France, Germany, India, Mexico, New Zealand, Papua, the Philippines, USA, world of antiquity.
Arrangement: Chronological, followed by undated cuttings in page number order.
CRE/H17 1930-1935.
Language: English.
Cuttings largely supplied by a cuttings agency and mostly taken from British newspapers and a few periodicals.
Arrangement: Grouped under place or topical headings arranged in one roughly alphabetical sequence, followed by an Obituaries file. The arrangement under each heading is chronological.
Ancient crematoria discoveries, Aberdeen, Articles [on cremation] in papers, journals etc (including, in a separate folder, cuttings from a number of Australian newspapers in 1934, sent to the Cremation Society by the secretary of Woronora
Crematorium, Sydney), Bath, Birkenhead, Birmingham, Blackpool, Bournemouth, Bradford, Brighton, Burial of ashes
CRE/H17/2 1930-1934
Cremation Conferences.
Cremation Society reports [i.e. newspaper comments on them],
Cremation in Great Britain 2nd ed., Cremation Misc., Catholics, Crime and cremation, Coroners, Croydon.
Cemeteries, Crematoria - news of new constructions.
: Darlington, Death registration, Derby, Dispersals of ashes, Dundee.
Edinburgh, Fidler (i.e. the book Cremation, by Florence G. Fidler), Foreign news (including cuttings from some foreign publications), Gainsborough (Lincolnshire), Gardens of rest, Glasgow, Golders Green, Guernsey.
Harrogate, Hull, Ilford, Ipswich, Isle of Wight, Islington, Jews.
Kent, Kew, Lectures and letters.
Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, Maidstone, Manchester.
Medical fees and certificates, National Council for the disposition of the dead, Newcastle upon Tyne, Nottingham
Oxford, Plymouth, Pontypridd, Portsmouth, Premature burial, Propaganda [for cremation], Public assistance.
Reading, Regulations, Religion, Richmond [Surrey], Royal Sanitary Association of Scotland, Royal Sanitary Institution.
Severus, Sheffield, Southampton, Stockport, Sutton and Cheam.
Tottenham, Undertakers, Wales, Walsall, West London, Woking, Wolverhampton and Wimbledon.
Obituaries (largely brief notices of the funerals of prominent supporters of cremation; also includes a few more detailed obituary notices, for Edith Maurice Vance, Secretary of the National Secular Society, the miners' leader A.J. Cook, and
C. P. Scott, editor of the
Manchester Guardian).
CRE/H18 1933-1936.
Newspaper cuttings relating to the disposal of the dead and more specifically to the National Council for the Disposition of the Dead, created in 1933 under the auspices of the Cremation Society, when the Federation of Cremation Authorities, the
British Undertakers' Association, and the National Association of Cemetery Superintendants set up a Standing Committee to consider matters relating to disposal of the dead in the light of current sanitary science and the hygienic needs of
modern communities. The National Council, as distinct from the Standing Committee, had its first meeting in January 1935, and gained incorporation by the Board of Trade later that year under the name Council for the Disposition of the Dead
(Incorporated). The Council shared the Cremation Society's address at Nottingham Place, London, and its secretary, P. Herbert Jones, was also the Society's secretary.
Geographic range:
Size: ca. 28.5 x 24 x 3 cms
Arrangement: Chronological, with a manuscript index at front of vol.
CRE/H19 1935
Papers found loose at the back of CRE/H18 relating to the National Council for the Disposition of the Dead, incorporated and licensed by the Board of Trade in 1935 as the Council for the Disposition of the Dead (Incorporated).
Arrangement: Approximately chronological.
CRE/H19/1-5 1935
Address given by Lord Horder at the 1st meeting of the Council, 22 January 1935.
CRE/H19/6-7 1935
Report on proceedings at the 2nd meeting of the Council, 2 May 1935, with a list of the Council's members appended.
CRE/H19/8-14 1935
Notes entitled
“The new constitution of the National Council for the disposition of the dead”, compiled by its secretary P. Herbert Jones [for a speech?], explaining the background to the new constitution and its implications, ca.
September 1935.
CRE/H19/15-16 1935
Report on the Council's activities, autumn 1935, possibly compiled for its 3rd meeting.
CRE/H19/17-20 1935
Address given by Lord Horder at the 3rd meeting of the Council, 19 November 1935.
CRE/H19/21-22 1935
Galley proofs, stamped 26 Nov 1935, of an article for the
Undertakers' Journal, reporting on proceedings at the Council's 3rd meeting.
CRE/H20 1947 (July-September).
Newspaper cuttings relating to the cremation conference organised by the Cremation Society and the Federation of British Cremation Authorities at Cardiff, 15-16 September 1947, and carbon copies of letters of thanks to those who contributed to
its success. The conference included a visit to Llantrisant, scene of Dr. William Price's cremation of his infant son in 1884, and the unveiling of a memorial plaque to him by his daughter, Penelopen. A number of the cuttings are about Price.
They include (CRE/H20/18-19) illustrations of him in his druidical garb, and photographs of his body laid out in state after his death in 1893, and its cremation in the same field at Llantrisant where he had burnt his son.
Arrangement: The cuttings are in no particular order; the correspondence is in alphabetical order of recipient.
CRE/H21 1958-1959.
Cuttings concerning the take-over of the London Cremation Company in August 1958 by L. C. Holdings, Amalgamated Tobacco Corporation, and the Corporation's unsuccessful attempted take-over of the Great Southern Cemetery and Crematorium Company in
April-May 1959.
Arrangement: Chronological.
CRE/H22 1960-1969 (predominantly 1960-1964)
“Miscellaneous and foreign”, cuttings largely from British newspapers
Arrangement: In 3 sections, the first roughly chronological, followed by a small section arranged by topic and a foreign section arranged chronologically.
CRE/H22/1-40 1960-64
Miscellaneous cuttings, 1960-64.
CRE/H22/41-45 1960-62
Cuttings, 1960-62, arranged under the following topical headings: Medical referees fees, Panorama [BBC television programme on cremation, broadcast February 1960], Statistics.
CRE/H22/46-47 1960-69
Language: Italian
Cuttings from Italian newspapers about the cremation conference held in Stockholm, 1960, and, from
Cronaca di Livorno, 1969, about the history of cremation in Italy and more specifically in Livorno.
CRE/H23 1963-1964.
“Around the country”: cuttings largely from British newspapers, arranged under placename.
Arrangement: By place.
Airedale and Wharfedale, Aldershot, Birmingham, Blackpool, Braintree, Bridlington, Brighton, Bromsgrove, Broomhill, Burton, Buxton.
Cardiff, Chester, Chilterns, City of London, Colchester, Derby, Dewsbury, Dipton (Co. Durham), Doncaster, Dundee, Dunfermline.
Edinburgh, Exeter, Gateshead, Glasgow, Great Yarmouth, Godalming & Guildford, Golders Green, Grantham, Gwent.
Hanworth, High Wycombe, Holborn, Honor Oak, Horden, Ilkeston, Ipswich, Kendal, Kettering, Kirkcaldy, Lambeth, Leicester, Lewes, Lewisham, Lincoln, Maidstone, Manchester, Margate, Merthyr, Minehead, Norton Lindsey, Nottingham, Norwich.
Oakley Wood (Warwickshire), Pembroke, Pontefract, Pontypridd [including cuttings about Dr. William Price and erection of a stained glass memorial to him at Glyntaff Crematorium], Port Talbot, Potters Bar, Rawdon, Retford, Roehampton, Rotherham,
Rugby, Scunthorpe, Sheffield, Shrewsbury, Slough, Southend, South Essex Crematorium, Stafford, Sutton Coldfield, Swindon, Taunton, Thanet, Truro, Tunbridge Wells.
Walton Lea, Wandsworth, Warwick, Weston-super-Mare, West Cumberland, Isle of Wight, Wimbledon, Worksop, Worthing, Wrexham, York, Yorkshire.
CRE/H24 1985-1986.
“Around the country”: cuttings mainly from British newspapers, arranged under placename.
Arrangement: By place.
Aberdare, Aberdeen, Alnwick, Amersham, Argyll, Atherstone.
Barrow-in-Furness, Barnsley, Basingstoke, Birkenhead, Birmingham, Blackpool, Bolton, Boston (Lincolnshire), Bournemouth, Bracknell, Bradford, Bramcote (Nottingham), Brighton, Bristol, Burton-on-Trent, Bury (Lancashire), Bury St Edmunds
Caerphilly, Cambridge, Cardiff, Chatham, Cheltenham, Chesterfield, Colchester, Colwyn bay, Coventry, Crewe, Croydon.
Dagenham, Darlington, Derby, Dipton (Co. Durham), Doncaster, Dorchester, Dudley, Dukinfield, Dumfries and Galloway, Dundee, Durham, Eastbourne, Eastleigh, Exeter, Falkirk, Forest of Dean (Gloucestershire), Forest Heath (West Suffolk), Glasgow,
Gloucester, Golders Green, Grantham, Great Yarmouth, Guildford, Gwent.
Halifax, Harlow, Harrogate, Hastings, Haverhill, Huddersfield, Ipswich, Keighley, Kelso, Kettering, Kings Lynn.
Lambeth, Leamington Spa, Leatherhead, Leicester, Lewisham, Lincoln, Liverpool, London (Misc. boroughs), Luton, Lytham St Annes.
Macclesfield, Machynlleth, Maidstone, Mansfield (Nottinghamshire), Margam (Port Talbot), Mayshill, Middlesbrough, Mortlake Mountsett (near Stanley, Co. Durham), Newark, Newcastle under Lyme, Northampton, Norwich, Oldham, Oxford, Paisley
(Lanarkshire), Plymouth, Poole, Portchester, Preston, Redditch, Rochdale.
Scarborough, Scunthorpe, Sevenoaks, Shrewsbury, Slough, Southampton, Southend, South Essex, Southport, Stafford, Stevenage, Stockport, Stourbridge, Stratford, Sunderland, Swansea, Taunton, Teignmouth, Torquay, Tunbridge Wells.
Wakefield, Walsall, Warrington, Weeley (Essex), West Bromwich, Weymouth, Whitehaven, Widnes, Wigan, Isle of Wight, Wolverhampton, Worcester, Worthing, Wrexham, Yardley (Birmingham), York.
CRE/H25 1986-1987.
“Around the country”: cuttings largely from British newspapers, arranged under placename
Arrangement: Approximately chronological.
Accrington, Alnwick, Amersham, Ampney Crucis (Gloucestershire), Ayr.
Barnsley, Bangor (Wales), Barrow-in-Furness, Beckenham, Bedford, Belfast, Birkenhead, Birmingham, Bodmin, Bolton, Bournemouth, Bradford, Bramcote (Nottingham), Brighton, Bristol, Bromley, Burton-on-Trent, Bury (Lancashire), Bury St Edmunds
Cambridge, Cardiff, Carlisle, Chatham, Chelmsford, Cheltenham, Chester, Chesterfield, Chichester, Corbets Tey (Essex), Croydon.
Darlington, Derby, Dewsbury, Dudley, Dukinfield, Dundee, Dundrod (Co. Antrim, about Ireland's first crematorium for pet cats and dogs), Durham, Edinburgh, Eltham, Enfield, Exeter, Falkirk.
Gloucester, Grimsby, Gwent, Halifax, Harlow, Hartlepool, Hastings, Hendon, Hereford, Hounslow, Hull, Ipswich, Islington.
Jersey, Kettering, Kidderminster, Kings Lynn, Knowsley, Lambeth, Lancaster, Leamington, Leatherhead, Leeds, Leicester, Lincoln, Liverpool, Llangyndeyrn, Llwydcoed, Luton, Lytham St Annes, Hendon, Islington.
Macclesfield, Maidstone, Margam (Port Talbot), Middlesbrough, Mortlake, Mountsett (near Stanley, Co. Durham), Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Newton Abbot (Devon), Nithsdale, Nottingham, Northumberland, Norwich, Oakley Wood (Warwickshire), Oldham.
Peterborough, Plymouth, Pontefract, Poole, Portchester, Preston, Rhymney Valley (Wales), Rochdale.
Salford, Salisbury, Slough, Southampton, Southend, St Helens (Merseyside), Stourbridge, Sunderland, Torquay, Tunbridge Wells.
Walsall, Wandsworth, Weeley (Essex), West Bromwich, Weymouth, Whitehaven, Wigan, Woking, Wolverhampton, Worcester, Worthing, Wrexham, York.
CRE/H26 1988-1989.
“Around the country”: cuttings largely from British newspapers, arranged under placename
Arrangement: By place.
Aberdare, Aberdeen, Accrington, Alnwick, Amersham.
Bangor (Wales), Barnsley, Barnstaple, Barrow-in-Furness, Bath, Bathgate (West Lothian), Bedford, Belfast, Birmingham, Blackburn, Blackpool, Blyth (Northumberland), Bodmin, Bolton, Boston (Lincolnshire), Bournemouth, Bradford, Bramcote
(Nottingham), Bridlington, Brighton, Bristol, Burton-on-Trent, Bury (Lancashire), Bury St Edmunds.
Cambridge, Carlisle, Chatham, Cheltenham, Chester, Chesterfield, Colchester, Colwyn Bay, Coventry, Crewe, Croydon.
Darlington, Derby, Dipton, Doncaster, Dudley, Dukinfield, Dundee, Dunfermline, Durham, Durrington.
Eastbourne, Eltham, Enfield, Eskdalemuir (Dumfriesshire), Falkirk, Garston (Hertfordshire), Glasgow, Golders Green, Grantham, Great Yarmouth, Grimsby, Guildford, Gwent.
Halifax, Hanworth (Middlesex), Harlow, Hartlepool, Hastings, Hendon, Hereford, Huddersfield, Hull, Inverness, Ipswich, Irvine (Ayrshire), Islington.
Kings Lynn, Kingston (Surrey), Lambeth, Leamington, Leatherhead, Leeds, Leicester, Lewisham, Liverpool, London - East Finchley, Luton.
Manchester, Mansfield, Margate, Middlesbrough, Milton (Northamptonshire), Milton Keynes, Morden, Mountsett (near Stanley, Co. Durham), Mortlake.
Narberth (Wales), Newbury, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Newton Aycliffe (Co. Durham), Northampton, Norwich, Nuneaton.
Oldham, Oxford, Peterborough, Plymouth, Poole, Pontypridd, Portchester, Preston.
Reading, Redditch, Rochdale, Rotherham, Rowley Regis.
Scarborough, Scunthorpe, Sheffield, Shrewsbury, Skipton, Slough, Southampton, Southend, South Shields, Stafford, Stockport, Stourbridge, Streatham, Sunderland, Sutton Coldfield, Swansea, Swindon, Taunton, Thornton (Merseyside), Torbay, Torquay,
Tunbridge Wells.
Wakefield, Weeley (Essex), Westerleigh, Weston-super-Mare, Weymouth, Whitby, Whitehaven, Wigan, Isle of Wight, Woking, Wokingham, Wolverhampton, Worcester, Workington, Worthing, Wrexham, Yeovil, York
CRE/H27 1990-1992
“Around the country”: cuttings largely from British newspapers, arranged under placename
Arrangement: By place.
Aberdare, Aberdeen, Aberystwyth, Accrington, Altrincham, Amersham, Ayr
Barnsley, Barrow-in-Furness, Bath, Bedford, Belfast, Biggleswade, Birkenhead, Birmingham, Blackburn, Bodmin, Bolton (Lincolnshire), Bournemouth, Bracknell, Bradford, Bramcote (Nottingham), Bridlington, Brighton, Bristol, Burnley, Burton-on-Trent,
Bury St Edmunds.
Camborne, Cambridge, Cardiff, Carlisle, Ceredigion, Cheltenham, Chester, Chichester, Chorley, Colwyn Bay, Corbets Tey (Essex), Corby, Coventry, Crawley, Crewe, Crowle, Croydon.
Darlington, Derby, Dewsbury, Doncaster, Dudley, Dukinfield, Dundee, Durham, Eastbourne, Easthampstead, Edinburgh, Enfield, Exeter.
Garston, Glasgow, Gloucester, Glyntaff, Golders Green, Grantham, Gwent, Halifax, Harlow, Harrogate, Hartlepool, Hawkinge (Kent), Hendon, Hinckley, Hounslow, Hull
Inverness, Ipswich, Jersey, Kettering, Kings Lynn, Lambeth, Leamington, Leeds, Leicester, Letchworth, Lewisham, Liverpool, London - Manor Park, London - Notting Hill, Loughborough, Luton, Lytham St Annes
Macclesfield, Maidstone, Manchester, Margate, Medway, Melbourn, Melton, Merseyside, Middlesbrough, Milton Keynes, Montgomeryshire, Moray, Mortlake, Mountsett (near Stanley, Co. Durham).
Newbury, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Newham, Nottingham, Norwich, Nuneaton, Oldham
Paisley, Perth, Plymouth, Pontefract, Poole, Porchester, Preston, Redbridge (Essex), Redditch (Herefordshire), Rotherham, Rowley Regis, Roxburgh.
Salisbury, Scarborough, Scunthorpe, Semington (Wiltshire), Sheffield, Skipton, Slough, Solihull, Southampton, Southend, Stafford, St Helens (Merseyside), Stockport, Stoke-on-Trent, Stourbridge, Sutton Coldfield, Swansea, Swindon.
Taunton, Truro, Tyneside, Walsall, Ware, Warrington, Westerleigh, Weymouth, Widnes, Wigan, Isle of Wight, Woking, Wolverhampton, Worcester, Worthing, Wrekin, Wrexham, Yeovil, York.
CRE/H28 1993-1994.
“Around the country”: cuttings largely from British newspapers, arranged under placename
Arrangement: By place.
Aberdare, Aberdeen, Aberystwyth, Accrington, Aldershot, Altrincham, Amersham, Ayr.
Bangor (Wales), Barnsley, Barnstaple, Barrow-in-Furness, Basingstoke, Bath, Bedford, Berwick-on-Tweed, Belfast, Birkenhead, Birmingham, Birtley (Tyne & Wear), Blackburn, Blackpool, Blyth (Northumberland), Bolton, Boston (Lincolnshire),
Bournemouth, Bracknell, Bramcote (Nottingham), Bridgend, Brighton, Bristol, Burton-on-Trent, Bury St Edmunds.
Cambridge, Cardiff, Cardross, Carlisle, Chelmsford, Cheltenham, Chester, Chesterfield, Chichester, Colchester, Colwyn Bay, Corbets Tey (Essex), Coventry, Coychurch (Glamorgan), Crewe, Croydon
Darlington, Derby, Dewsbury, Doncaster, Douglas (Isle of Man), Dudley, Dukinfield, Dumbarton, Dundee, Dunfermline, Durham
Eastbourne, Easthampstead, Eccles, Edinburgh, Enfield, Exeter, Falkirk, Folkestone, Friockheim (Angus, Scotland).
Garston (Hertfordshire), Gateshead, Glasgow, Gloucester, Golders Green, Grantham, Greenhithe, Greenock, Grimsby, Guildford, Gwent.
Hackney, Halifax, Haringey, Harlow, Harrogate, Hereford, High Wycombe, Huddersfield, Hull, Ipswich, Islington, Jersey
Keighley, Kettering, Kings Lynn, Kirkcaldy, Kirklees, Lancaster, Leamington, Leatherhead, Leeds, Leek, Leicester, Lewisham, Lincoln, Liverpool, Llwydcoed, London - Miscellaneous, Loughborough, Luton, Lytham St Annes.
Macclesfield, Maidstone, Manchester, Medway, Middlesbrough, Milton Keynes, Mortlake.
Narberth (Wales), Newark, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Northampton, Norwich, Nottingham, Nuneaton, Oldham, Oxford, Oxted.
Perth, Peterborough, Plymouth, Pontypridd, Poole, Portchester, Port Talbot, Preston, Putney, Redditch, Rochdale, Ruislip.
Salford, Salisbury, Scarborough, Scunthorpe, Sheerness, Sheffield, Shrewsbury, Slough, Solihull, Southampton, Southend, Southport, South Shields, Stafford, Stevenage, St Helens (Merseyside), Stockport, Stoke-on-Trent, Sutton Coldfield,
Sunderland, Swansea, Swindon.
Taunton, Tewkesbury, Torquay, Truro.
Wakefield, Wales - Miscellaneous, Walsall, Warrington, Warwickshire, Watford, Weeley (Essex), Weymouth, Whitley Bay, Widnes, Wigan, Isle of Wight, Wirral, Woking, Wolverhampton, Worcester, Workington, Worthing, Wrexham, Yeovil, York.
CRE/H29 1995-1996.
“Around the country”: cuttings largely from British newspapers, arranged under placename.
Arrangement: By place.
Aberdare, Aberdeen, Aberystwyth, Accrington, Aldershot, Altrincham, Amersham, Ayr.
Banbury, Barnsley, Barnstaple, Barrow-in-Furness, Basildon, Basingstoke, Bath, Bedford, Belfast, Blackpool, Blyth, Bodmin, Bolton, Boston (Lincolnshire), Bournemouth, Bradford, Bramcote (Nottingham), Bridgend, Brighton, Burton-on-Trent.
Cambridge, Cardiff, Cardross, Carlisle, Cheltenham, Chester, Chesterfield, Chippenham, Colchester, Corbets Tey, Coventry, Crewe, Croydon.
Derby, Dewsbury, Doncaster, Dudley, Dukinfield, Dundee, Dunfermline, Durham.
Eastbourne, Edinburgh, Elland, Eltham, Enfield, Exeter, Falkirk, Folkestone, Friockheim (Angus).
Garston, Gateshead, Gillingham, Glasgow, Gloucester, Golders Green, Grantham, Greenock, Grimsby, Gwent.
Halifax, Hanworth, Harlow, Hastings, Hendon, Hereford, Hounslow, Hull, Inverness, Ipswich, Jersey.
Kettering, Kings Lynn, Kingston, Kirkcaldy, Kirklees.
Lancaster, Leamington, Leeds, Leicester, Lewisham, Liverpool, London - Miscellaneous, Loughborough, Louth, Luton, Lytham St Annes.
Macclesfield, Maidstone, Manchester, Mansfield, Medway, Merseyside, Middlesbrough, Milton Keynes, Monmouth, Morecambe.
Narberth, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Northampton, Norwich, Nottingham, Nuneaton, Oldham, Oxford.
Perth, Peterborough, Pitsea, Pontypridd, Poole, Preston, Reading, Redditch, Rochdale, Rossendale pet crematorium, Rotherham, Rowley Regis, Ruislip.
Salford, Salisbury, Scarborough, Scunthorpe, Semington (Wiltshire), Sheffield, Shrewsbury, Skipton, Southampton, Southend, Southport, South Shields, Stafford, St Helens, Stockport, Stoke-on-Trent, Stourbridge, Sunderland, Swansea.
Taunton, Thatcham, Torquay, Truro, Tunbridge Wells.
Walsall, Warrington,Warwick, Weeley (Essex), West Bromwich, West Lothian, Weston-super-Mare, Weymouth, Whitley Bay, Wigan, Isle of Wight, Woking, Wolverhampton, Worcester, Workington, Worthing, Wrexham, Yeovil, York, Yorkshire.
CRE/H30 1988-1996.
“Proposed new crematoria”: cuttings largely from British newspapers about proposals for new crematoria in the United Kingdom, arranged under placename
Arrangement: By place and chronologically within place.
Aberystwyth (North Dyfed), Alyn and Deeside (Clywd).
Banbury, Barking (Essex), Basingstoke, Bedford, Beverley (Yorkshire), Bishop's Stortford, Berwick-on-Tweed, Bodmin, Borders and North Northumberland (Berwick-on-Tweed, Galalaw, or Wooler), Broadley (Moray).
Camborne (Cornwall), Charlton (Hampshire), Cheltenham, Chippenham (Wiltshire), Cinderford (Forest of Dean), Clydesdale, Coventry, Datchworth, Dumbarton, Dumfries, East Lindsey (Lincolnshire), Ellon (Aberdeen), Evesham.
Farningham (Kent), Friockheim (Angus), Halstead (Sevenoaks and Dartford, Kent), Heath Charnock (Chorley), Hemsworth, Hinckley (Leicestershire).
Inverness, Ipswich, Irvine (Ayrshire), Isle of Sheppey.
Knebworth, Largs, Leigh (Greater Manchester), Letchworth, Llanelli.
Newtownabbey (Co. Antrim), Northwich (Cheshire), Nuneaton.
Ormskirk, Otford, Petersfield, Pitsea, Radcliffe (Lancashire), Redhill (Shropshire), Rhondda (South Wales).
Salisbury, Semington (Wiltshire), Sheffield, Shepperton (Middlesex), Sittingbourne, Southend, South Lakeland (Cumbria), Stevenage, Stirling, Stroud (Gloucestershire).
Tavistock, Telford, Tewkesbury, Thamesmead, Thirsk, Tiverton, Tollerton (Nottinghamshire), Tynedale, Wellington (Shropshire), Wells, Welshpool, Westerleigh, West Lothian.
CRE/H31 1985-1996.
“About people”: cuttings largely from British and Irish newspapers about prominent and notorious people who wished to be or were cremated, architects, designers, landscapers and staff of crematoria, leading figures
in organisations and societies associated with funerals and cremation, etc.
Arrangement: Chronological.
CRE/H32 1985-1996
“Foreign news”: cuttings on matters related to cremation in countries other than Britain. Some are from foreign publications, but the majority are taken from British and Irish newspapers. Coverage is greatest for
the Republic of Ireland and the USA.
Arrangement: By country; chronological within country.
Australia, Belgium, Cambodia, Canada, China, Czechoslovakia, Denmark.
France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, India.
Republic of Ireland. Many of the cuttings relate to proposals to establish new crematoria, and especially to the controversy in 1995 over the proposal to build Munster's first crematorium at Ovens in Cork.
Italy, Japan, Malta, Netherlands, Philippines, Roumania, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden.
CRE/H33 1985-1996.
Miscellaneous cuttings, largely from British newspapers, on death, bereavement, cremation and crematoria, funerals, and cemeteries, and on associated beliefs, customs and costs, and other related matters. Cuttings for 1985 cover
September-December only, cuttings for 1991 cover January-August only. Coverage for 1990 and 1992 is relatively sparse, and cuttings for 1996 cover only January-March and December.
Arrangement: Approximately chronological.
CRE/H34 1884-1974 (predominantly 1884-1947).
“Odds and ends”: a file of miscellaneous cuttings, probably mainly swept up from items which had become detached from cuttings books. Includes an 1890 article on cremation from Cassell's
Saturday Journal with illustrations of the Woking crematorium; a photograph of Sir Henry Thompson from a 1924 newspaper; a 1931 ms letter from an unemployed man, A. W. Oliver, to the secretary of the Cremation Society, explaining his reasons
for supporting cremation and praising the work of the society; and a number of cuttings from the period of World War II.
CRE/H35 1994 and 1996
Newspaper and journal articles about the take over of UK funeral company Great Southern and Plantsbrook by the US funeral organisation Service Coperation International. Most articles are collated from editions of the Funeral Services Journal
CRE/H36 2002
US and UK newspaper reports about the conviction of a funeral director at America's Tri-State Cemetery in Noble, Georgia who was found guilty of not adequately disposing of bodies or cremating the remains left to his care.
CRE/H37 2002
Newspaper reports regarding the death, funeral arrangements and cremation of Princess Margaret
Photographs collected and taken during the history of the Cremation Society
Photo Albums
CRE/J/A1-A4 [1932-1990s?]
4 albums
Pharos picture albums:
1: Small blue photo album. Includes cuttings taken from
Pharosof Cremation Society Council members, crematoria and events. Images taken from blocks. Photos are mounted in reverse chronological order from 1939-1963. The album bears K.G.C Prevette's personal stamp
2: Large blue photo album, faded with tears to the spine. includes mainly pictures of urns, memorials and tombs, including Golders Green Crematorium, [mid to late 20th century].
3: Large blue photo album with red blinding and edges. Includes cuttings from
Pharos and photographs of people, conferences and crematoria around the world, 1963-1982. Items are mounted in approximate reverse chronological order. Images taken from blocks
4: Album of black and white photographs of Australian and UK crematoria, [mid to late 20th century]
Geographic range:Worldwide
CrematoriaCRE/J/B/Ayr-York [c.1937-1960s]
1 box
Loose photographs of UK Crematoria filed alphabetically by location
Abderdeen: one b&w photographs of a model of the crematorium, 1937; one b&w internal, and one b&w external photograph of the crematorium, [nd.] 3 items
Ayr: b&w external photographs, [nd.] Two items
Belfast: b&w aerial photograph of crematorium, [nd.] 1 item
Birmingham: three b&w exterior photographs of a model for a proposed crematorium in Handsworth and two b&w photographs of models of the proposed memorial gardens, 1956. Includes reproductions of the photos with text [possibly from
Pharos]. 6 items
Cardross: Dunbartonshire, five b&w exterior shots and two b&w interior shots with one reproduction [possibly for Pharos] [nd.] 8 items
Cardiff: b&w exterior photographs of the crematorium and reproductions [probably for Pharos], [nd.] 4 items
Colwyn Bay: b&w photographs of a model of Colwyn Bay Crematorium, 1955 and b&w exterior photographs of the crematorium, [nd.] 5 items
Daldowie: two external b&w photographs of the crematorium, [nd.]; five photographs of the crematorium grounds, [nd.]; five B&W interior photographs [nd.]; two photographs of a group of men stood on the steps of the crematorium and one
of them walking the crematorium grounds,1955. Also includes one original ink architectural drawing of the building [nd.] 16 items
Douglas, Isle of Man: b&w interior photographs and one exterior photograph by Barnes Photos Ltd. And Manx Press Pictures, [nd.] 9 items
Dundee, interior b&w “Interior of Chapel Showing Catafalque”, and exterior b&w photograph, [nd.] 2 items
Edinburgh, Morton Hall Crematorium: one b&w “interior of large chapel” by Henk Snoak; two b&w photographs with crematorium exterior in background and Sir Basil Spence with two other unnamed gentleman in foreground, includes a printed
clipping of the images [c. 1967]; an exterior b&w photograph with inscription “Crematorium designed by Sir Basil Spence who was responsible for building Coventry Cathedral. Certain similarities in the architectural features of Coventry can be
seen in this Crematorium, Sir Basil’s first. Opened on February 1967 England’s 197th crematorium by A.L. Hunter Photography, copyright Sir Basil Spence [c. 1967?]; 2 b&w exterior photographs by Henk Snoak; 1 b&w exterior photograph by
A.L.Hunter Photographer. [c. 1967?]
Falkirk: one b&w exterior photograph, [nd.]
Glasgow: Four b&w interior photographs, by Annan photography; and two exterior b&w photographs of Glasgow (Linn), [nd.]
Guernsey: four b&w exterior images of Foulton Cemetery Chapel; one b&w interior picture and four photographs of front and floor plans for the chapel, [nd.]
Greenock, two b&w external photographs, [nd.]
Isle of Wight: one b&w external photograph, [nd.]; two b&w interior photograph, one bears the inscription “Southern Gas Board, New Creamatorium at Wippingham, Isle of Wight, The Isle of Wight’s new crematorium was recently dedicated by
the bishop of Portsmouth. The impressive modern building includes twin gas fired cremators and the most up-to-date sound and signalling inter-communication in the country. Heating to the chapel, the hall, the officer, etc. is by two G.40 gas-fired
Ductair Units. Interior of chapel showing return air grille at high level and warm air outlet at low level, on right” [nd.]; two b&w images of the twin cremators and Ductair units which also include similar inscriptions, [nd.]
Jersey: b&w interior photographs, [1960s] 2 items
Kingston: mounted photographs, one internal and two external of Kingston crematorium, which have faded probably due to sun damage. All are clearly labelled, [nd.]
Kircaldy: photographs from an architectural competition to design the crematorium at Kircaldly includes covering letter and newspaper clippings about the event. Photographs of six sets of architectural plans; two b&w external two b&w
internal photographs of the finished crematorium; one b&w photo of the twin cremators, [c. 1959?]
Leith: b&w interior and exterior photographs, [nd.], 3 items
Pontypridd: one b&w external photograph; one b&w group photograph outside of the crematorium, with annotations listing members of the Pontypridd Burial Board present [nd.]; b&w photograph of two members of the burial board with
clipping of the same [nd.]; and a b&w photograph of war memorial plaque [nd.]
Swansea: b&w photographs of crematoria gardens and exterior of the building, [nd]. 3 items
Reddich : One b&w photo of exterior includes inscription “West elevation of crematorium showing entrance of loggia and chapel of Remembrance, and the main entrance covered by a porte cochere”, [nd]
Wakefield: b&w exterior photographs, [nd.], 3 items
Wrexham: Three b&w exterior and two interior crematorium photographs [nd]; one b&w photo of Mr Coulthaw the Superintendent and 1 b&w photo of Mr Trevor Williams T.C. and Mr McCartney his deputy, 1967
York: two b&w external and one internal photograph of the crematorium. Also includes clipping of the reproduced image in Pharos with annotation
ConferencesCRE/J/C/1966-1987 [1966-1987?]
4 boxes
Loose collections of photographs taken at various conferences featuring members of the Cremation Society and the ICF:
1964: B&w photographs from the Cremation Society Conference in Bournemouth 1967. Includes pictures of Mr and Mrs
Reeves, Sir John Cameron, Jessica Mitford and Mr and Mrs Thompson. 6 items
1966: One colour photograph from the Cremation Society Conference, Worthing, 1966. Unlabelled.
1968: Seventeen b&w photographs of delegates of the Cremation Society Conference, Blackpool, in formal dress, 1968; two colour photographs of delegates attending Cremation Society Conference talks, 1968; and one colour photograph of a
small bird feeding her chicks, [1968?]. Most photos are clearly labelled with delegate's names. 20 items
1969/1: Photographs from ICF Congress, London, 1969. Mostly b&w photographs of speakers and groups in formal dress, labelled with names. Includes one coloured photograph of the panel of speakers. 12 items
1969/2: Mounted photographs from ICF Congress, London, 1969. Mostly b&w photographs of speakers and groups in formal dress, photographs are not visibly labelled but, in most pictures, delegate's name badges are visible. 7 items
1970: B&w photographs from the Cremation Society Conference, Eastbourne, 1970. Includes the Rt. Hon. Anthony Greenwood and other delegates in formal wear. None of the photographs are labelled. 4 items
1971: B&w and coloured photographs from the Cremation Society Conference, Brighton, 1971. Includes delegates during sessions, with a worldwide panel of delegates, and some pictures of groups of delegates in formal wear. 36 items
1972/1: B&w photographs from ICF Congress, Grenoble, 1972. 21 items
1972/2: B&w photographs from the Cremation Society Conference, Bristol, 1972. 40 items
1973: B&w photographs from the Cremation Society Conference, Bournemouth, 1973. Many of which show Cremation Society members, attendees and international delegates in formal wear. Many of the photos are labelled with names on the reverse.
79 items
1974: B&w photographs from the Cremation Society Centenary Conference, London, 1974. Many of which show Cremation Society members, attendees and international delegates in formal wear. All photographs are clearly labelled with names on the
reverse. 32 items
1978: Mostly b&w photographs of speakers and the conference room for the ICF Congress, Rotterdam, 1978. Includes one colour photograph from the dinner. 9 items.
1982/1: B&w photographs possibly from the Cremation Society Conference, Bournemouth, 1982. All pictures are of delegates at dinner. 5 items
1982/2: Coloured photographs in black display mounts, most likely from the Cremation Society Conference, Bournemouth, 1982. Includes photographs of overseas delegates, the panel of speakers and social functions. 39 items
1982/3: Mainly b&w with a small number of coloured photographs from a Cremation Socity Conference or ICF Congress, notes on the reverse suggest the 1982 Cremation Society in Bournemouth. Photographs show social events and conference panel.
Also includes a menu from the Royal Bath Hotel, Bournemouth. 30 items
1987: Cardboard frame mounted photographs from the Cremation Society Conference, Bournemouth, 1987
Misc: Eight files of photographs from various Cremation Society Conferences and ICF Congresses, circa. 1960s and 1980s. Pictures are of speakers, conference displays, venues, dinners and social events. Many photographs are labelled on the
reverse. Some may have been taken later and were included for use in Pharos
1960s-1980: B&w conference photographs from various Cremation Society Conferences and possibly ICF Congresses' between 1960 and 1980. Includes some photographs of the venue, the Royal Bath Hotel, . 57 items
Council Members and individuals
CRE/J/D1-D7 1932-1990's
1 box
1: One b&w portrait of A.G. Piggott, Secretary of the Cremation Authorities of Great Britain, 1932
2: Collection of photographs of foreign personalities in the cremation movement worldwide, mainly b&w portraits and photographs taken at conference, circa. 1936-1976. Most photographs have names written on the reverse. 12 items
3: Collection of photographs of Sir John Cameron, both personal and professional, circa. 1960's-1970's. Most are b&w and were taken at Cremation Society conferences or events. Some photographs are labelled on reverse. 19 items
4: Photographs taken of Cremation Society property, mainly of offices, [c. 1970s?]. Includes photographs of K.G.C. Prevette on the grounds of Woodcut House with a rottweiler that was presumably the Society's guard dog. 7 items
5: Large collection of photographs of society members in both b&w and colour, [circa. 1950's-1990's]. Some are portrait though many are pictures from conferences. 75 photographs
6: One black and white portrait photograph of Donald K. Roy, Manager of the Mount Royal Cemetery Company, Quebec, Canada, circa. 1977.
7: One black and white portrait photo K.G.C. Prevette taken at Palace Hotel, Southport Conference, June 1963
General PhotographsCRE/J/E/1-6 1934-1990
1 box
General photographs, usually taken for use in
1: File of miscellaenous photographs including early photographs of individuals, Cremation Society and Crematorium events, plaques and memorials. Its possible that photographs were intended for use in
Pharos. Photographs circa. 1930s - 1980s. 34 items
2: One black and white photograph of a historic hall marked up for print, presumably in Pharos, nd.
3: Black and white crematoria plaque, marked up for publication, nd.
4: Black and white photograph of a coastline sent from CANA for publication, includes covering letter, 1990
5: One mounted black and white photograph of a display of Books of Remembrance, with two reproduction, nd.
6. One black and white photograph with the cover note "The body of Princess Chamshere Jung, Princess of Nepal, Cremated in the open-air at Woking, in accordance with Hindu Religious Rites, 1934
Lantern slides
CRE/J/F [20th century]
11 boxes
Lantern slides made during the course of the Cremation Society's history. The first box is fully listed in a seperate Word document. Labels on each box are as follows: Books - title pages; Duke of Bedford; Drawings; Italian pics; Pictures;
Vesalius; Manuscripts; Anatomies and Estienne
Cremation Society archivesReference: CRE/P
The papers are arranged according to the following scheme:
1. Constitution and administration of the Cremation Society
1/A. Articles of association, and constitution
1/B. Minute books
1/C. Accounts and finances
1/D. Directors, managers and staff
1/E. Membership
1/F. Cremation assurance
1/G. Library
1/H. Miscellaneous papers
2. Correspondence
2/A. Cremation Society's Correspondence with society members, the registrar of companies, crematoria, organisations, authorities and to individuals
2/B. Correspondence with the Registrar of Companies
2/C. International correspondence of the Cremation Society
2/D. Correspondence with Crematoria
2/E. Correspondence with organisations and authorities
2/F. Correspondence with individuals
2/G. Correspondence and papers about Cremation Society property
2/H. Correspondence in topical files
2/I. Cremation Authority correspondence
3. Statistics and surveys
4. Council for the Disposition of the Dead, etc., 1933-1938
5. Disposition of the dead in wartime, 1939-1940
6. Cremation and the law
6/A. Amendments to cremation bills, 1946-1964
6/B. Statutory forms for cremation
6/C. Parliamentary papers and official publications, 1834-1987
7. Lectures, promotional activities, and background information
Constitution and administration of the Cremation SocietyReference: CRE/P/1Articles of association, and constitutionCRE/P/1/A/1-5 1893-1977
3 boxes
/1: Cremation Society of Great Britain's Memorandum and Articles of Association according to the Companies Acts, 1862 to 1890, 1908 to 1948, 1948 to 1967 and 1948 to 1976. Includes ammendments and changes to the Society's name. 13
items, includes duplicates
/2: Annotated drafts of the Cremation Society's Memorandum and Articles of Association to be adopted by a special resolution in 1977, copies are annotated in a number of hands and show variation. 18 items
/3: Certificates confirming alterations to the Cremation Society's name, memorandum and articles of association and incorperation, 1922, 1930 and 1935. 1 file
/4: Three files of correspondence regarding the Cremation Society's articles of association and constitution includes: letters to Sir Henry Thompson regarding the incorperation of the Cremation Society as a limited company, 1893;
correspondence regarding the draft memorandum, articles of association and applications to the Board of Trade and Registration, enclosures include draft memorandum, 1921-1922; and correspondence regarding the license to dispose of 'Limited' in the
Cremation Society's title, 1958
/5: Cremation Society of England Incoperated Seal Book, 1922
Minute booksReference: CRE/P/1/BDates of creation: 1874-1954
CRE/P/1/B/1 1874 (January 13th) - 1885 (July 15th)
CRE/P/1/B/2 1887 (April 23rd) - 1903 (May 7th)
CRE/P/1/B/3 1904 (April 29th) - 1921 (April 13th)
CRE/P/1/B/4 1921 - 1928
CRE/P/1/B/5 1928 (May) - 1934 (October)
CRE/P/1/B/VI 1935 (January) - 1946 (October)
CRE/P/1/B/VII 1946 (December 16th) - 1954 (October 12th)
Accounts and financesReference: CRE/P/1/C/1-4Dates of creation: 1884-2014
CRE/P/1/C/1 1901-1939
Cremation Society Accounts Ledgers: 1884-1896; 1901-1914; 1915-1923; 1924-1934; 1934-1939
Cremation Society Cash Books: 1884-1901 and 1929-1938
Cremation Society and Woking Crematorium Cash Books, 1901-1919
8 items
CRE/P/1/C/2 1937-1941, 1975 and 1981-2014
Annual financial reports include:
/1: Reports submitted to the Council by the Finance Committee, 1938
/2: Revenue Accounts and Balance Sheet, 1936-1949
/3: Report of the Council, Accounts and Balance Sheet for 1975 and 1981
/4: Annual Accounts, 1981-2014
/5: London Cremation Company Annual Reports and Accounts, 1958-2011
37 files
CRE/P/1/C/3 1933-1941; 1982-1990
Correspondence regarding Cremation Society accounts and finances:
/1: Correspondence of P.D. Leake, solicitor for the Cremation Society, to the Special Commissioners, about the financial administration of the Society, August
/2-3: Correspondence with accountants Larking & Larking and later, Larking and Levick for 1982; 1988; 1990
/4: Standing orders for the Directory of Crematoria, 1975
/5: Curwin, Carter and Evans Solicitor's Correspondence mainly in regards to accounts, 1950-1972
4 files
CRE/P/1/C/4 1920-1955
Two files of reciepts for the Cremation Society, including reciepts of payment to crematoria for members' assurance claims
Directors, managers and staffCRE/P/1/D/1-5 1900-1978
/1: Register of Directors and Managers, 1929-1949 and 1950-1970, 2 items
/2: Directors attendance books for 1958, 1972, 1981 and 1989, 4 items
/3: Correspondence about the dismissal of Mr Duggan as the Cremation Society's Secretary, and the appointment of Mr. George A. Noble, 1900
/4: Notes and summaries about Cremation Society office work and staff duties, 1978
/5: Lists of staff at the London Federation, a table for the election of council members and lists of contacts for various groups, [mid 20th century?]
MembershipCRE/P/1/E/1-6 1932-1937
Membership of the Society was constituted by subscription to the Cremation Society's declaration, which had been carefully drawn up so as to ensure the approval of a principle rather than adhesion to any specific practice. People could pay a fee
to become Life Members or could register their wish to be cremated without paying a fee. Membership information includes:
/1: Annual subscribers and life members lists which gives the names of members and their address with occasional
annotations in red ink to denote when a member had died, [c.1980s?]
/2: Four members registers detailing date of death and location of cremation: 1920-1933; 1933-1939; 1939-1957; [1920s-1930s]
/3: List of life members to April 30th 1932, lists members alphabetically and only provides names
/4: Life member prospectus, 1934, 1936, 1937
/5: Sample file of membership certificates from 1891-1954
/6: Two annotated copies of promotional material for membership to the cremation society [c.1921-1940]
Some material closed due to data protection issues
Cremation assuranceCRE/P/1/F/1-13 1938?-1944
8 files
Papers relating to the Cremation assurance scheme and Pharos Assurance Friendly Society which enabled people to pre-pay their cremation fee by regular installments without the need to become members of the society. The scheme continued in its
original form until 1950, when a change in the society's constitution brought into being the Cremation Assurance Friendly Society, to which the assurance was transferred. Includes:
Some material closed due to data protection issues
PolicyCRE/P/1/F/1-3 [1938-1950s?] and 1978
3 files
/1: Policy review and papers about the Cremation Assurance Scheme, 1938?-1944
/2: Policy documents include rules for the Cremation Assurance Society, blank forms and ammendments to the rules of the Society
/3: Documents regarding Funeral Arrangements for use by Trustees and Executors (FATE), 1978 (closed to public access)
ClaimsCRE/P/1/F/4-6 1956-1986
6 books and 1 file
/4: Claims books: 1956-1959; 1958-1959, 1960-1969; 1970-1977; 1983; 1984
/5: Completed membership forms, reciepts and correspondence for claims to Pharos Cremation Assurance Friendly Society from January - May 1986 for surnames beginning with I-O. This file has been kept as a sample of claims forms, claims for
other names and dates were weeded prior to acquisition
/6: Blank claims form
CorrespondenceCRE/P/1/F/7-11 1956-1994
5 files
/7-8: General letters and forms for Life Memberships to the Assurance scheme, 1956-1958
/9: Correspondence from the Cremation Assurance Friendly Society and Pharos Assurance Friendly Society, 1970-1988
/10-11: Correspondence about changes to the Cremation Society Membership Scheme and pre-paid funeral plans, includes brochures and marketing material, 1993 -1994
Promotion and forms
CRE/P/1/F/12 20th century
1 file
Contribution cards, forms and leaflets for the Cremation Assurance Friendly Society and Pharos Assurance Friendly Society
CRE/P/1/F/13 1958-1961 and 1978-1995
9 items
Accounts and balance sheets for the Cremation Assurance Friendly Society and Pharos Assurance Friendly Society
LibraryCRE/P/1/G/1-2 1948-1968
2 files
This series contains lists of the library holdings:
/1: Shelf lists for the Historical Section of the library; lists of pamphlets issued by the Cremation Society for advice;information and statistics; lists of publications not
produced by the society; and possible wall displays from the library about Woking crematorium, [nd.]
/2: Summary of library contents with notes on arrangement; lists of holdings; list of foreign published materials; index to cremation pamphlets; and an annotated catalogue.
Holdings bear the Woodcut Library stamp but are distributed throughout the collection, these can mainly be found in
CRE/A-G and
CRE/P/7. Copies of parlimentary papers and reports can
be found in
Miscellaneous papersCRE/P/1/H/1-4 1884-1974
/1: Menu for the Cremation Society centenary banquet, Kensington Close Hotel, 5 July 1974; Rough drawing of a bronze tablet to be erected by the Cremation Society and the Federation of British Crematorium Authorities
to commemorate William Price's incineration of the body of his infant son, and the judgment by Mr Justice Stephen, 12 February 1884, that this was a legal act; Blank certificate of election as an Honorary Member of the Cremation Society, for
distinguished services to the cremation movement
/2:The role of the Cremation Society, its future role (1967-1968) By Mr Milner White. Also suggestions for the future of Pharos
/3: Papers relating to the application for the cremation of Miss Eileen Jeanne Woollard, 1932 (?cause of death miscarriage)
/4: Reciepts, 1950; bulletin fromLa Flamme, 1975; memorandum on policy, nd.
CorrespondenceReference: CRE/P/2/A-IDates of creation: 1888-1994
Cremation Society's Correspondence with society members, the registrar of companies, crematoria, organisations, authorities and to individualsCRE/P/2/A/1-60 1923-1999
53 files
General correspondence with the society members as well as other official cremation and burial authorities both in Britain and overseas. The series includes mixed files of correspondence at the beginning of the sequence followed by letters from
individuals. Files on individuals are arranged chronologically. Letters sent between Council and Honorary members of the Cremation Society can also be found in
CRE/P/2/A/60 1895- 1921
Early letter books regarding Cremation Society buisness
CRE/P/2/A/56 1923
Extensive correspondence sent to the Cremation Society of England from individuals, crematoria and international cremation societies. Much of the correspondence requests advice or support from the Cremation Society or provides outlines of
cremation promotion, propanganda and the building of new crematoria. Also includes some trade correspondence about the development of new furnaces.
4 files
Filed chronologically by sender
CRE/P/2/A/57 1924
Extensive correspondence sent to the Cremation Society of England from individuals, crematoria and international cremation societies. Much of the correspondence requests advice or support from the Cremation Society or provides outlines of
cremation promotion, propanganda and the building of new crematoria.
3 files
Filed chronologically by sender
CRE/P/2/A/58 1925
Extensive correspondence sent to the Cremation Society of England from individuals, crematoria and international cremation societies. Much of the correspondence requests advice or support from the Cremation Society or provides outlines of
cremation promotion, propanganda and the building of new crematoria
5 files
CRE/P/2/A/59 1926
Extensive correspondence sent to the Cremation Society of England from individuals, crematoria and international cremation societies. Much of the correspondence requests advice or support from the Cremation Society or provides outlines of
cremation promotion, propanganda and the building of new crematoria
3 files
CRE/P/2/A/1-10 1936 - 1969
Mixed correspondence between Council and Honorary members of the Cremation Society:
/1-2: Correspondence with council members, 1936 -1959
/3:Correspondence with council members, 1964 -1969
/4: File 4: Correspondence between society's Council members, in particular: Mr J. Reeve, Mr W.H. Jones, Sir J. Cameron and K.G.C. Prevette, 1967 - 1969.
/5: Correspondence with Honorary Members, 1937-1938
/6: Small file of correspondence to the Honorary Treasurers, 1967-1968
/7-8: Correspondence referring to nominations for Council and prospective Vice Presidents, 1969 -1982
/9: Correspondence from former Council Members, 1981 - 1994
/10: Two files of correspondence regarding social events for Members, 1962, 1982.
11 files
Lord Verlulam
CRE/P/2/A/11 1956-1958
Extensive correspondence with James Brabazon Grimston, 5th Earl of Verulam in his capacity as President of the Cremation Society.
Sir J. Cameron
CRE/P/2/A/12-13 1964-1969
Two files of correspondence with Sir John Cameron, and following his death in 1969 with his sister Miss M.L. Cameron. Letters are mainly between Sir John Cameron in his capacity as President of the Cremation Society with General Secretary K.G.C.
Prevette. Also includes a file of sympathy letters following the announcement of Sir Cameron's death.
F.W. Thompson
CRE/P/2/A/14 1965-1968
Correspondence regarding Thompson's role as Treasurer, mainly with K.G.C. Prevette.
P.H. Jones
CRE/P/2/A/15 1965-1973
Correspondence mainly with K.G.C. Prevette, also includes news of Jones' death.
K.G.C. Prevette
CRE/P/2/A/16-17 1966-1988
Correspondence with K.G.C. Prevette and various correspondents, including invitations to an appreciation cocktail party following his retirement from the Society. Also includes a file of information about Prevette's career, with photographs. Of
particular interest is a letter of congratulations to Prevette on the award of OBE in1982 and a sand cast of an urn for a Rolls Royce.
P. BondCRE/P/2/A/18 1967-1988
General Society letters regarding meeting dates, of particular interest is an enclosed letter from Bond to R.N Arber which was originally addressed to
The Architects' Journal.
For more information on P.Bond's work for Architectural Journals see:
J.H. Briscoe-Smith
CRE/P/2/A/19 1967-1975
Correspondence between Briscoe-Smith and K.G.C. Prevette, of particular note are letters referring to the appointment of Directors at Golders Green Crematorium (1971).
N.R. Junkison
CRE/P/2/A/20 1967-1980
Correspondence between Junkison and K.G.C. Prevette. Jenkinson was the board's representative from North Thames Gas.
L. Milner WhiteCRE/P/2/A/21 1967-1977
General Cremation Society circular letters regarding meeting dates. Of particular interest is a letter to K.C.G Prevette critiquing, as a Landscape Architect, designs for a crematorium.
For more information on Milner White's architectural firm see see:
J. Reeves
CRE/P/2/A/22 1967-1970
Brief correspondence between J. Reeves and K.C.G Prevette. Most letters are of condolence to the death of Reeves during his term as President Elect for the Cremation Society in 1969.
W.H. JonesCRE/P/2/A/22 - 26 1967-1982
Exensive correspondence between W.H. Jones in his capacity as Secretary of the Cremation Society and K.G.C. Prevette. Letters are mostly administrative and refer to meeting arrangements. Enclosures include minutes from Cremation Society meetings,
often annotated and sent for approval. Jones was an active participant in the Cremation Society until his death in 1982.
CRE/P/2/A/22contains photographs
Lord Greenwood
CRE/P/2/A/27 - 28 1968-1982
Correspondence between Lord Greenwood and various correspondents, mainly K.G.C. Prevette during Lord Greenwood's Presidency of the Cremation Society up until his death in 1982. Included are Prevette's invitations for Lord Greenwood to re-join
the Society, and various newspaper articles about Lord Greenwood and his family, and his role in Parliament.
R.G. WilliamsonCRE/P/2/A/29-30 1968-1982
Correspondence between Williamson and K.G.C. Prevette mainly with regard to meetings and finances, also includes draft material for
Pharos articles.
For more of Williamson's Correspondence see:
H.D.E. Carter
CRE/P/2/A/31- 32 1969-1984
Two files of correspondence from K.G.C. Prevette and R.N. Arber mostly referring to meetings, conferences and Cremation Society business.
Ven. J.M. Evans, Archdeacon of Surrey
CRE/P/2/A/33 1970-1981
Correspondence between the Venerable J.M. Evans and K.G.C. Prevette, as the Anglican Church representative on the board letters refer to church services as well as meetings. Includes a copy of Evans' article for an ICF conference
"The disposal of cremated remains" and documentation relating to the parochial fees order and fees payable to ministers of religion for services at cemeteries and crematoria.
E.H.T. Hambly
CRE/P/2/A/34 1970-1976
Brief file of general circular Cremation Society letters and brief letters about meetings
E.S. Turner
CRE/P/2/A/35 1970-1982
Correspondence regarding meetings, conferences and Cremation Society between E.S. Turner the Superintendent City of London Cemetery and Crematorium and K.C.G Prevette. Includes a draft report on crematoria fumes caused by plastic and some
criticisms of designs for a crematorium, particularly involving traffic flow
Father John MacDonald
CRE/P/2/A/36 1970-1992
Correspondence between Father John MacDonald and K.G.C. Prevette, as the Roman Catholic representative on the board letters refer to the Order of Service for Catholics, Cremation Society business, meetings and conferences. Includes Father
MacDonald's conference papers
"A decade of cremation in the Roman Catholic Church" and "The attitide of the Roman Catholic Church to burial and cremation".
R.A. Winks
CRE/P/2/A/37 1972-1977
Letters mainly regard general Creamation Society notes and arrangements for meetings and conferences. Also contains a
Pharos article and correspondence on Winks' death.
Sir Austin Strutt
CRE/P/2/A/38 1974-1976
Correspondence between Vice President of the Cremation Society Sir Austin Strutt and. K.G.C Prevette which includes drafts of Strutt's article
Cremation Legislation, galley proofs and K.G.C. Prevette's suggestions.
Dr. H. Thomas
CRE/P/2/A/39 1974-1999
Correspondence between Vice President of the Cremtion Society Dr. Hew Thomas and K.G.C. Prevette, mainly in regards to the organisation of conferences and to Thomas' conference papers. Also included is a letter to R.N Arber regarding faulty
crematoria equipment at Thornhill Crematorium, Cardiff and news of Thomas' death in 1994.
K. Haywood
CRE/P/2/A/40 1975-1980
Correspondence between K. Haywood and K.G.C. Prevette particularly regarding meetings and the Socity's finances. Includes Haywood's letter of resignation
R.L. Lindsay
CRE/P/2/A/41 1975-1980
Correspondence between R.L. Lindsay and K.G.C. Prevette, as a member of the Scottish Cremation Society their work is briefly referred to but letters largely discuss meetings and general society buisiness.
Lord Marshall
CRE/P/2/A/42 - 43 1975-1988
Correspondence between President of the Cremation Society and Chairman of Golder's Green Crematorium Lord F. Marshall and K.C.G Prevette mainly with regard to general society business, conferences and meetings. Of particular note are letters
regarding the 1975 Congress in Scarborough which addressed the Broderick report, includes notes for Lord Marshall about the legal perspective; a letter about faulty crematoria equipment at Thornhill Crematorium, Cardiff. The second file contains
letters from various correspondents including letters with R.N. Arber’s regarding his employment as Assistant Manager of Golder’s Green Crematorium.
E. Spencer
CRE/P/2/A/44 1979-1982
General correspondence between Eric Spencer and K.G.C. Prevette regarding content for Conferences and some references to the International Cremation Federation. Also includes medical certificates and information regarding the cremation of a still
born child.
J. Mitford
General correspondence between Jessica Mitford and K.G.C. Prevette, including Mitford's nomination as Vice President of the Cremation Society. File includes Mitford's articles
"Bake and Shake" and "Post Mortem"
Ven. Deacon D. Palmer
CRE/P/2/A/46 1980-1981
Correspondence of The Venerable Derek Palmer, Archdeacon of Rochester, mostly brief letters regarding Council meetings and circular letters.
W. Hardie
CRE/P/2/A/47 1980-1984
Corresondence of W. Hardie, Secretary of Scottish Cremation Society. Includes letters regarding donations and support from the Scottish Cremation Society to the Cremation Society of Great Britain, some of which express thanks. As R.L. Lindsay's
sucessor Hardie also correspondended about financial claims and analysis.
M. Seagrave
CRE/P/2/A/48 1980-1985
Letters to Seagrave from R.N. Arber mostly with regard to Council meetings, conferences and general Cremation Society business
C.D. Robinson
CRE/P/2/A/49 - 50 1982-1990
Correspondence of C.D. Robinson of Sir Guy Dawber, Fox & Partners Architects. Letters mainly from R.N. Arber about general Cremation Society business, of particular interest are letters regarding the building proposals for a Crematorium in
the centre of Leicester and cremation legislation.
R.G. WilliamsonCRE/P/2/A/51 1982-1987
R.G. Williamson's correspondence with R.N. Arber regarding Cremation Society business is extensive and refers to Williamson's participation in discussions about the Golder's Green Federation, The London Cremation Company and Great Southern. There
is particular reference to the elections of new Council members, the finances of the Society and possible selling of assets like Woodcut House and the Cremation Society's investment in subsidiary.
For more of Williamson's correspondence see:
P.J. Murphy
CRE/P/2/A/52 1984
Though not a member of the Cremation Society, P.J. Murphy circulated material at a Cremation Society Conference for consideration by the Council. Letters regarding Golder's Green Crematorium
CRE/P/2/H/53 1963-1984
Letters sent to or regarding the Cremation Society's Presidents
Cremation Society Circular Letters
CRE/P/2/H/54 [1960s]
Scrapbook of circular letters sent from the Cremation Society
Cremation Society Adminstrative Letters
CRE/P/2/A/55 [c. 1960s]
Correspondence sent from members of the Cremation Society Council regarding general adminstation such as job advertisements and brief letters regarding the running of Golders Green and Woking Crematorium
Reference number in use
Joint cremation and burial authority correspondence
CRE/P/2/B 1937-1940
1 file
Brief correspondence about the Cremation Society's Annual Returns () have been re-numbered and integrated with administrative financial records
International Correspondence of the Cremation SocietyCRE/P/2/C 1934-1991
18 boxes
International correspondence includes much unofficial correspondence regarding the ICF
Filed in alphabetical order with material from each accession integrated
CRE/P/2/C/Argentina/1-2 1950-1963
Language: Some letters in Spanish
General correspondence with members of Liga Argentia Pro- Cremacion and brief enquiries from other organisations
2 files
CRE/P/2/C/Australia/1-8 1934-1976
Exensive correspondence with The Cremation Society of Australia, crematoria, organisations, general enquiries and state societies. Letters often regard general business, information about cremation, statistics and meetings
8 files
CRE/P/2/C/Austria/1-5 1938-1973
Language: Some letters in German
Correspondence between representatives of the Austrian Cremation Society Verein Der Freunde der Feuerbestattung, Die Flamme, and H.J. Jones and K.G.C. Prevette regarding general I.C.F. business and annual statistics.
5 files
CRE/P/2/C/Bahamas/1 1961
Brief correspondence from a British Colony in the Bahamas about the process of cremation and their practice of shipping embalmed bodies to Florida to be Cremated
1 file
CRE/P/2/C/Belgium/1-5 1939-1975
Language: Some letters in French
General correspondence between representatives from the Société Belge pour la Crémation and Vereniging voor Crematie (Association pour L'incineration) regarding general I.C.F. business, general enquiries
5 files
CRE/P/2/C/Bermuda/1 1949-1962
Correspondence with Medical Officers based in the Medical and Health department in Hamilton, Bermuda about establishing a crematorium
1 file
CRE/P/2/C/Brazil/1-2 1930-1960
Correspondence with a Harry Kennard, a Civil Engineer in Rio de Janiero about establishing a crematorium and opposition from the Roman Catholic Church
2 files
CRE/P/2/C/British West Indies/1-3
General enquiries usually about establishing crematoria sent from the British West Indies particularly from, British Guiana, Jamaica, Trinidad and Barbados
3 files
CRE/P/2/C/Burma/1-2 1962
Letter regarding the setting up of a crematorium in Ragoon (Yangon)
2 files
CRE/P/2/C/Canada/1-5 1930-1977
Correspondence with cremation socities in Canada, funeral directors, crematoria regarding general updates and information requests. Also includes some correspondence from academic institutions and organisations Of particular interest:
/2: Letters regarding the Canadian Cemeteries Act (26 November 1947 in file 2); and photographs of incinerators (28 October 1947 in file 2).
5 files
CRE/P/2/C/Central America/1 1966-1967
Language: One letter in French
Correspondence from Brazil and Guatamala regarding general questions about cremation and the establishment of crematoria in Central America
1 file
CRE/P/2/C/Chile/1 1952-1962
Brief correspondence regarding efforts to establish a crematorium in Santiago
1 file
CRE/P/2/C/China/1-2 1958
Reply from the Office of the Charge d'Affaires of the People's Republic of China to the I.C.F. to state they have no information about Cremation in China
2 files
CRE/P/2/C/Czechoslovakia/1-3 1924-1973
Language: Some French and Slovak
General correspondence and enquiry regarding cremation in Czechoslovakia. Of particilar note:
/1: A letter from Ing. Fr. Mencl regarding columbaria and Czechoslovakian law regarding the disposal of ashes (3 January 1935); an undated
article titled"Cremation in Bohemia"; and statistics
/2: Information about cremation and disposal of ashes in Czechoslovakia; newspaper report, article, postcards and photographs about the first crematorium in Czechoslovakia (January 1969)
3 files
CRE/P/2/C/Denmark/1-4 1948-1971
/1-2: Letters between ICF President Professor K. Secher and a number of correspondants including; His Excellency W. Godfrey, Archbishop of Cius regarding cremation and the Catholic Church; Professor A. Hirt. Also includes
letters sent in Secher's capacity as President of the Cremation Society of Denmark. 1948-1950
/2-4: General correspondence with delegates from Dansk Ligbrændingsforening and other organisations. Of particular interest is a series of letters regarding an enquiry into exhumation (24 March - 11 May 1970); correspondence with the Liberal
Jewish Synagogue regarding the transpration of the ashes of Freida Linz from Golder's Green to Denmark; (25-26 February 1969); architectural plans and articles for a new crematorium in Denmark, the Østre Kirkegård, Aalborg, 1964
4 files
CRE/P/2/C/Fiji/1 1947
Brief letter regarding the establishment of a crematoria in Fiji
1 file
CRE/P/2/C/Finland/1 1966
Brief general correspondence between members of the Cremation Society and Krematorieforeningen i Finland
1 file
CRE/P/2/C/France/1-15 1938-1963
Language: Some letters in French
/1: Brief correspondence from Societe Grenobloise pour la Propagation de I'Incineration, 1938
/2: Correspondence with R.O.l. Falbisaner of the Societe Crematiste de Strasbourg mainly in regards to ICF matters and Falbisaner's experience of the war as part of the Resistance Movement.1938-1947
/3-4: Extensive correspondence with Rene Hofman of the Federation Nationale des Societes Francaises de Cremation, mainly regarding ICF business 1938-1958
/5: Correspondence with members of Societe pour la Propagation de I'Incineration mianly with regard to ICF business, 1938-1963
/6: General correspondence, some regarding ICF business, 1939-1961. Also includes promotional material and photographs of the International Museum Necropolis, 1999
/7: Correspondence with Docteur J. Godard, 1951-1956
/8: Letters and papers regarding the Annual Congress of the Federation Nationale des Societes Francaises de Cremation in Dijon, 1952
/9: Correspondence from M. Ernest Noth of the Societe pour la Propagation de L'Incineration, 1953-1963
/10: General correspondence mainly from members of the Societe Crematiste de Strasbourg and regarding ICF business, 1960-1966
/11: Correspondence between P.H. Jones and Dr R.H. Hazeman of the Federation Nationale des Societes Francaises de Cremation mainly regarding ICF business, 1961-1963
/12: ICF correspondence from K.G.C. Prevette with regard to meetings in Amiens, 1973
/13: General correspondence some of which refers to ICF business, 1972-1973
/14: General correspondence with cremation societites, organisations and individuals, 1973-1976
/15: Report in French "Connaissance du Crematorium de Nantes"
15 files
CRE/P/2/C/Germany/1-10 1928-1976
/1: General correspondence with the Verband der Feuerbestattungsverine Deutscher Sprache and Die Volks-Feuerbestattung, 1928-1930
/2: Correspondence with Verband der Deutscher Feuerbestattungsvereine, Grossdeutsche Feuerbestattung and Dr. Phil. Paul Deffke regarding subscriptions to Pharos including copies of draft articles, 1938
/3: General correspondence with members of the Grossdeutsche Verband der Feuerbestattungsvereine E.V., 1938-1939
/4: Correspondence between Prof. Dr. med. H. Zeiss and P.H. Jones, 1938-1939
/5: Account information, 1939-1956
/6-7: General correspondence and enquries from various individuals and cremation groups, including some ICF business, 1939-1963 and 1939-1971
/8-9: Correspondence with Heinz Naumann, 1951-1958
/9: Information and correspondence with Volks-Feurbestattung E.V including statistics and some letters from furnance manufacturers in West Germany, 1966-1976
/10: Statistics and letters with the Volks-Feuerbestattung E.V. regarding cremation in West Germany,1966-1976. Of particular note are letters from Richter & Schadel regarding the production and supply of furnaces which includes plans for
furnaces, 8 October 1971
10 files
CRE/P/2/C/Ghana/1 1954-1973
General correspondence from Ghana includes early correspondence regarding intentions to create a colonial cremation society in the Gold Coast (1954) and later from a student intending to study cremation and the possibility of building a
crematoria in Accra (14 November 1972)
1 file
CRE/P/2/C/Great Britain/1 1938-1962
Correspondence with individuals and representatives from other cremation authorities about international meetings, the ICF and overseas statistics
1 file
CRE/P/2/C/Greece/1 1948-1955
Language: Some French
Correspondence between P.H. Jones and Docteur Dametre Theodorides regarding cremation and ICF meetings, including Theodorides' paper
"The Dogmatic Law relating to Cremation"
1 file
CRE/P/2/C/Holland/1-15 1930-1976
Language: Some French and German
/1: Correspondence with the Worker's Cremation Party (Arbeiders Vereeniging voor Lijkverbranding) regarding details of cremation at Woking and Golders Green Crematorium, propaganda and the Worker's Cremation Party publicationDe
/2-4: Extensive general correspondence with A.V.V.L. Vereniging Voor Crematie, including some letters regarding ICF meetings, 1930-1961
/5: General correspondence, mainly between M. de Bruin and P.H. Jones regarding cremation business and the ICF, 1936-1954
/6: General correpondence between Dr. Nils Longberg and P.H. Jones, 1954-1955
/7: Extensive correspondence between K.G.C. Prevette and P.H. Van Roojan regarding ICF business, the structure and staffing of the Federation, 1938-1946
/8: Correspondence between P.H. Jones and representatives of the Vereniging voor Facultatieve Crematie regarding ICF business, 1947-1963
/9-10: General correspondence mostly between K.G.C. Prevette and F.A. Wolbeek, 1954-1955 and 1962-1964
/11-13: Correspondence mainly between K.G.C. Prevette and F.A. Wolbeek regarding ICF business, 1963-1968, 1968-1972, 1970-1973
/14: Correspondence mainly between K.G.C. Prevette and F.A. Wolbeek regarding ICF business, in particular the Roman Catholic Church's attitude to Cremation, 1974-1976
/15: General correspondence from Holland, of particular interest are letters regarding the legality of cremation and the impact of a Government Bill that posed the threat of closure to some crematoria (11 December 1954 - 15 February
15 files
CRE/P/2/C/Hong Kong/1-3 1940-1950, 1960, 1965-1973 and 1994
Letters expressing an interest in Cremation in Hong Kong, and later figures and information provided for the ICF
3 files
CRE/P/2/C/Hungary/1-2 1930-1974
Extensive correspondence about Debrecen Crematorium
2 files
CRE/P/2/C/Iceland/1-2 1937-1958 and 196-1972
Correspondence with the Cremation Society of Iceland regarding ICF matters, annual reports, the establishment of a crematorium in Reykjavik and arrangements with Edinburgh Crematorium for members of the Cremation Society of Iceland to be cremated
in Edinburgh
2 files
CRE/P/2/C/India/1-2 1945-1964
Correspondence regarding the establishment of a modern crematorium in India and later correspondence with P.H. Jones for the ICF
2 files
CRE/P/2/C/Indonesia/1-2 1939, 1962-1968
General correspondence including statistic of cremation in Indonesia for 1968 provided by Dowson and Mason
2 files
CRE/P/2/C/Iran/1 1947
Brief correspondence regarding the intention of Mr. J.D. Watt of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company Limited to build a crematorium in Abadan
1 file
CRE/P/2/C/Italy/1-5 1906, 1946-1973
Language: Some Italian and French
General correspondence, particularly with the Federazione Italiana per la Cremazione regarding cremation in Italy and ICF business. Of particular interest is a letter sent from Lodovico Foresti outlining the number of cremations and date of
establishment for Crematoria in Italy. Also includes general enquiries about Cremation in Italy
5 files
CRE/P/2/C/Ireland/1-3 1987-2000
Web articles and emails about the establishment of a Crematorium in Cork, the Republic of Irelan'd first crematorium outside of Dublin, the opening of Newlands Cross Crematorium in Dublin and Mount Jerome Crematorium
3 files
CRE/P/2/C/Jamaica/1 1947-1961
Enquiries and letters of interest about cremation in Jamaica and the establishment of crematoria in Jamaica. Includes a letter regarding the possibility of cremating in London of a body interred in Jamaica
1 file
CRE/P/2/C/Japan/1-2 1937-1938 and 1951-1973
General correspondence regarding cremation, the ICF and visits to Europe. Also includes papers from the Cremation Society Conference, Brighton, 1971 about cremation in Japan, promotional material for Tokyo Hakuzen Cremation Company, letters from
Japan Environmental Sanitation Centre and Wellman Incandescent Furnace Co Ltd.
2 files
CRE/P/2/C/Kenya/1 1950-1963
General enquiries regarding cremation. Also includes proposals and enquiries about design for the establishment of crematoria.
1 file
CRE/P/2/C/Latvia/1-3 1932-1948
Brief correspondence with August Loeber of the Latvian Cremation Society, mainly regarding the ICF. Also includes annual reports from the society for 1929-1931
3 files
CRE/P/2/C/Luxembourg/1-3 1938-1963
Language: Some letters in French
Extensive correspondence mainly with Dr A. Daubenfeld of the Societe pour la Propagation de L'Incineration and Vice-President of the ICF. Of particular interest are:
/1: Letters between P.H. Jones and Dr A. Daubenfeld regarding the
Downey v. David and Gorman v. Greewood legal cases involving Roman Catholic cremation, these letters also refer to the situation in Germany in 1938(22 Jan 1938 25 May 1938). Letters from 19 November 1945 and 9th January 1945 refer to the business of
Debreczen Crematorium in Hungary and include attachments regarding the continuation and business of the Societe pour la Propagation de L'Incineration during the Nazi occupation. Correspondence from 1947 laregely refers to the organisation of the
first International conference following World War II and the limitations placed on the participation of German organisations and participation of delegates from Russia and Czechoslovakia, and about religious tolerance to cremation
/2: Letters from 1949 mainly refer to the Bill of Human Rights, cremation in Morocco and information following Daubenfeld's death. Also includes a copy of the official handbook for the 1948 ICF conference at The Hague.
3 files
CRE/P/2/C/Malaya/1-3 1938-1968
General correspondence and enquiries regarding cremation with Dr Wu' Lien-teh of the Cremation Society of Perak, includes text, photographs and plans for his paper
"Cremation in Japan" and a photograph of the crematorium at Ipoh (2 May 1953). Also included are the Rules and Regulations for The Cremation Society of Perak
3 files
CRE/P/2/C/Malta/1 1948-1971
Enquiries regarding cremation from Malta, includes a letter about ICF business
CRE/P/2/C/Mauritius/1 1954-1964
Response to enquries about establishing a Crematorium in Mauritius
1 file
CRE/P/2/C/Mexico/1 1939
Language: Some Spanish
Letters regarding Cremation statistics for Mexico
1 file
CRE/P/2/C/Monaco/1 1938-1949
Language: Some French
Paper and photographs for a paper presented at the 1938 ICF Congress in London about Cremation in Monaco and the ban on cremation despite there being a fully functioning crematorium
1 file
CRE/P/2/C/New Zealand/1-5 1911-1971
General correspondence about cremation in New Zealand, usually regarding ICF business. Of particular interest are:
/1: Newspaper clippings from 5 May 1911 about Crematoria in New Zealand
/2: Letter detailing the of the cost and build of Christchurch Crematorium (30 September 1937)
/3: Correspondence with New Zeland's Customs and Excise regarding the movement of cremated remains, 1938
/5: Letters regarding Nelson Crematorium and architect's plans for a new crematorium in Auckland, 1959
5 files
CRE/P/2/C/Nigeria/1 1969-1971
Enquiry regarding memebership to the Cremation Society of Great Britain
1 file
CRE/P/2/C/Norway/1-5 1932-1973
Language: Annual reports are in Norwegian
General correspondence regarding cremation in Norway including annual reports and ICF business. Of particular interest:
/2: A letter from Dr L. Hansen of the Norsk Kremasions Forening about the history of cremation in Norway, with
brief reference to the German occupation of Norway, December 1946
/3: Correspondence with Dr. L. Hansen regarding ICF business, particularly arrangement of Congress in Oslo, 1955
/5: Letters regarding the ICF Human Rights Sub-Committee, 18 September 1973
5 files
CRE/P/2/C/Palestine/1 1946
Brief correspondence about electric furnaces and establishing a crematorium for the British community in Haifa
1 file
CRE/P/2/C/Rhodesia/1-4 1952-1973
Correspondence regarding the establishment of the Cremation Society of Matabeleland, the opening of new crematoria in North and South Rhodesia and general ICF business. Also includes some general correspondence about cremation in Britain.
4 files
CRE/P/2/C/Romaina/1-2 1937-1962
Language: Includes some German
Correspondence mainly regarding ICF business. Of particular interest are:
/1: Photographs of columbaria and members if the "Cenusa" Societatea de Ajutor Mutual si de Crematiune and correspondence regarding the impact of WWII on
cremation in Romania, particularly damage to their buildings in air raids (20 November and 30 December 1946), Also includes a letter from Dowson & Mason Ltd regarding cremation practice in Romania (13 August 1962)
2 files
CRE/P/2/C/Seychelles/1 1973
Brief correspondence about establishing crematoria and cremation in Britain
1 file
CRE/P/2/C/South America/1 [1930-1932]
Brief letters from Cuba and Argentina
1 file
CRE/P/2/C/South Africa/1-4 1936-1975
Correspondence with the Cremation Society of South Africa, Crematoria and Goverment Departments referring to annual reports, South African crematoria, ICF business and general enquirie. Of particular interest:
/2: Architectural plans
and drawings for a proposed crematorium in the City of East London [c. 1950?]
4 files
CRE/P/2/C/Spain/1 1959 and 1968-1972
Brief general correspondence regarding cremation in Spain and enquiries about cremation
1 file
CRE/P/2/C/Singapore/1 1950
Letter regarding the provision of cremation brochures
1 file
CRE/P/2/C/Sweden/1-15 1929-1979
Language: Some French and German
Correspondence mainly between P.H. Jones and Swedish delegates of the ICF with regard to general ICF business and cremation in Sweden. Of particular interest:
/1: Correspondence from G. Schlyter, Town Syndic of Helsingborg and General
Secretary of the International Cremation Bureau. Includes typescripts for his address given at the reception of American, English, Indian and Danish members from the International Highschool in Denmark, Elsinore, in the "Peace Temple" of
Helsingborg, 27 July 1930. Includes correspondence in reference to the address; statistics for Cremation; an article about Professor A. Gueniot, 22 April 1934; official notifications from the Bureau Internationale de Cremation, 1929-1930
/2: Correspondence between Mr S. Hockert of the Svenska Eldbegangelseforsakrings Kassan (The Swedish Cremation Assurance) and The Swedish Cremation Society and P.H. Jones, 1938-1950. Includes a letter regarding the society during the period of
WWII, 17 August 1945; letters regarding the first ICF Congress following the end of WWII and the resignation of H.T. Herring from the role of ICF Treasurer, 19 November 1946 -21 January 1947
/3: Correspondence between Vicktor Petren, President of the Svenska Eldbegangelseforsakrings and P.H. Jones, 1938-1956
/4: Correspondence between Gust Blidburg and P.H. Jones, 1938-1958
/7: Correspondence between General Fritz Bauer and P.H. Jones, 1939-1948
/8: Correspondence between Oscar Ovden, Editor ofIgnisand P.H. Jones, 1939-1958
/9: Extensive correspondence with ICF Secretary-General Nils Gruffman and P.H. Jones the Cremation Society's General Secretary, mainly regarding developments and statistics of cremation in Great Britain, 1951-1961
/10-11: Extensive correspondence with ICF President Nils Gruffman and K.G.C. Prevette the Cremation Society's General Secretary, 1961-1971
/12-15: Letters regarding Swedish delegates visit to London and visit from the Communal Cemetery Administration to Scotland, 1974-1979
15 files
CRE/P/2/C/Switzerland/1-3 1932-1934 and 1963-1973
Language: Some German
General correspondence with Verein fur Feuerbestattung Basel and the Societe Vaudoise de Cremation
3 files
CRE/P/2/C/Tasmania/1-3 1965-2001
General correspondence regarding ICF business, the Tasmanian Burial and Cremation Bill
3 files
CRE/P/2/C/USA/1-10 1899-1978
Extensive correspondence with the Cremation Society of Great Britain and the International Cremation Federation with a range of correspondants from across the USA. Of particular interest:
/1: Correspondence with crematoria in the USA
and Canada, 1899-1935. Includes Cyprus Lawn Cemetery Association (1899); Californian Memorial Columbarium, Chapel of the Chimes (1931); Mt Olivet Cemetery, Cryptorium, Crematory and Columbaria (1922); The Buffalo Cremation Company, Limited (1929);
an annotated directory list for the USA and Canada 1920-1921 published by the Cremation Association of America; Prospect Cemetery, Toronto, Ontario (1931); The Michigan Cremation Association (1930); letters from H.R. Hargrave of The Cremation
Association of America regarding the legality of scattering ashes; Memorial Extension Commission Inc. regarding cremation law with enclosure; Chelten Hills Cemetery Company, Philidelphia (1935). Also includes a small number of photographs and
postcards of crematoria.
/2: Correspondence between P.H. Jones as General Secretary of the Cremation Society to Lawrence F. Moore of Chapel of the Chimes, Oakland California, 1938-1962
/3: Small amount of corespondence mostly between P.H. Jones and Dr Hugo Erikson. Also includes a letter from the U.S Public Health Service regarding statistics, 1939-1940
/4: Extensive file of correspondence between P.H. Jones and interested parties across the USA, including many general enquiries,1940-1963
/5: Correspondence between the General Secretary of the Cremation Society of Great Britain P.H. Jones and the president of the Cremation Association of America, R.H. Hargrave, 1943-1962
/6: General correspondence from Crematoriums and businesses across the USA to P.H. Jones and K.G.C. Prevette. Contains many letters about Pharos,1963-1970. Includes promotional leaflets, brochures and advertisements and a black
and white photograph (left to right: Barthol W. Pearce, Lakewood Memorial Park and newly elected president of the Cremation Association of America; George W. Oberg, Oak Woods Cemetery Association, Chicago, president of the Assocation; and Paul
Bryan, Mountain View Mausoleum, member of the board of director, international delegate for the Cremation Association of America and vice-president of the ICF)
/7: General correspondence from crematoria and the American Cremation Association to K.G.C. Prevette and P.H. Jones, some relating to the ICF, 1964-1971. Also includes two coloured photographs of the furnace from Troy Cemetery
/8: Extensive file of correspondence to K.G.C. Prevette regarding cremation in the USA, conferences, trade and subscriptions, 1971-1974. Of particular interest are letters and information about calcination
/9: Extensive file of correspondence to K.G.C. Prevette regarding cremation in the USA, conferences and trade information, 1973-1978
/10: Correspondence with the Editor of Casket and Sunniside, Howard Bernard, 1976-1977
/11: Responses to enquiries about cremations, 1939-1963
10 files
CRE/P/2/C/USSR/1-2 1932-1966
/1: Correspondence mainly from Dr. V.N. Polovtsev and G. Noble, the Secretary of the Cremation Society of Great Britain regarding the exchange of correspondence and from Guido Bartel of Moscow Crematorium, 1932-1934. Of particular
interest are articles'The Fifth Anniversary of the Moscow Crematorium' by Guido Bartel (26th April 1934) and 'Ergeinisse des Moskauer Krematoriums in Jahre 1932' with handwritten English version and notes on articles;
and four faded black and white photographs of examples of unusual urns in Moscow (22nd February 1934)
/2: Letters from the Cremation Society of Great Britain to relevent officials in Russia regarding Cremation in Soviet Russia and progress concerning the development of furnaces and crematoria. The main Russian correspondant is D.N. Benyamovsky
of Moscow crematorium, 1960-1966
2 files
CRE/P/2/C/Yugoslavia/1 1938-1946
General letters to Dr V.Kujundizic in Belgrade and some correspondence with Mr. J. Saulik of Drustvo Prijatelja za Podizanje Kremotorija regarding the Congress of the Federation of Cities to be held in Belgrade.
1 file
CRE/P/2/C/Zambia/1 1971
Very brief correspondence with city officials in Ndola about the proposals to build a crematorium in Zambia and other brief enquiries to the Cremation Society of Great Britain
1 file
CRE/P/2/C/ICF/1-10 1936-1972
Foreign correspondence that relates primarily to the functions and processes of the ICF, in particular the organisation and outcomes of Congress meetings.
/1: Small number of letters regarding the legation of cremation in various countries for invitation to the 1937 Congress in London, 1937. Original file title: Enquiries to Legation
/2: Correspondence to P.H.Jones regarding invitations to events and memberships to the ICF, 1936-1937. Correspondants based throughout the UK. Original file title: Invitations and replies to and from Cremation Authorities
/3: P.H. Jone's correspondence, as the ICF Secretary-General, to English delegates regarding the 1937 ICF Congress in London, 1937. Mostly letters of invitation and planning from P.H. Jones to representatives across the UK. Original file
title: 'General correspondence from English delegates'
/4: Correpondence mainly between ICF Secretary-General P.H. Jones and H.T. Herring regarding Herring's resignation as the Federation's Treasurer, 1946-1947
/5: Letters regarding ICF subscriptions and Congress reports,1948-1958
/6: P.H. Jones' correspondence with various ICF members regarding statistics, subscriptions and Congress reports,1953-1956
/7: Correspondence addressed mainly to P.H. Jones regarding travel plans of UK delegates to the Congress meeting at Stockholm. Includes some official ICF corresondence between Jones and Secretary-General Nils Grufman,1960
/8: P.H. Jones’ correspondence to Secretary General of the ICF Nils Grufman. Jone’s was acting Honorary Treasure to the ICF at time of writing and letters refer to ICF general business. Mainly regarding personnel and Congress meetings,
1961-1963. Also includes articles ‘Insurance of cremation costs in Austria', translated 1.3.1963 (13 March 1963Annotated draft);‘The sociological and psychological factors in cremation’by J.J. Visman which was proposed
for Congress but not accepted (12th December 1962);‘Cremation in the USSR’ originally published in L’ARA, September 1962, this version is translated from the original into English; The International Cremation
Federation Report of the Executive Committee for the year 1961; 'Burial Problems of the World' an ICF draft brochure for worldwide distribution, translated into English
/9: Brief correspondence to Nils Grufman and hotels in Germany regarding reservations for the British delegates at the Berlin Congress, 1972
/10: General correspondence to Nils Grufman, General Secretary of the ICF, 1972
10 files
Correspondence in this section overlaps with material in
Correspondence with CrematoriaReference: CRE/P/2/DDates of creation: 1938-2004
Extent: 12 boxes
For printed material on crematoria see
General correspondenceCRE/P/2/D/1 1938-1964
3 boxes
General correspondence between Crematoria across the UK and the Cremation Society includes letters about the establishment of crematoria. Crematoria included:
/A: Aberdeen, Accrington, Aldershot, Airedale and Wharfedale,
/Ba-Bl: Barnsley, Barrow on Furness, Bath, Bedford, Belfast, Birkenhead, Birmingham Crematorium, Birmingham Parks Department, Blackburn
/Bo-Bu: Boston, Birtley, Blackpool, Blythe, Bolton, Bournemouth, Bristol, Burnley
/Ca-Ch: Cambridge, Cardiff; Carlisle, Chelmsford, Cheltenham, Chester, Chesterfield
/Co-Cz: Colchester, Colwyn Bay, Craighton (Glasgow), Crawley, Cornwall, Coventry, Crewe
/D: Daldowie, Darlington, Derby, Dundee, Dunkinfield, Durham, Doncaster
/G: Golders Green, includes lists of noteable people to be cremated there
/H: Harlow (Essex)
/Ma: Macclesfield, Maidstone, Manchester Municiple, Mansfield, Margate
/Me-Mo: Medway, Middlesbrough, Middleton, Morecambe and Heysham, Mortlake
/N: Newcastle upon Tyne, Newport (Isle of Wight), Gwent Newport, Northhampton, North East Surrey, Great Northern London Cemetery, Norwich and Norfolk, Nottingham, Nuneaton
/O: Oldham, Oxford
/P: Perth, Paisley, Peterborough, Plymouth, Pontypridd, Portsmouth and Gosport, Portchester, Preston
/R: Reading, Rochdale, Rotherham, Rowley Regis, Ruislip (Breakspear Crematorium)
/Sa-Sl: Salford, Salisbury, Scunthorpe, Sedgley, Dudley and Brierly Hill, Shrewsbury, Skipton, Slough
/So-Sz: Solihull, Southampton, South Essex Crematorium, Southend, South London Crematorium, Southport, St Helens
/Misc.: General correspondence about various UK crematoria including Reddich, London Cremation Company and Hither Green Crematorium. Of particular interest is a transcript of an article from theDaily Express about funeral
workers strike at Hither Green Crematoria including photographs, October 1976; and photographs of coffins; and the opening ceremony of Crownhill Crematorium in Milton Keynes, September 1985
Arranged alphabetically by Crematoria name or location. Letters E-L and T-Z are missing or have not been deposited
Published material for crematoria can be found at
ContractsCRE/P/2/D/2 1938-1968
4 boxes
Correspondence between Crematoria across the UK and the Cremation Society regarding contracts and membership to the Assurance Scheme and costs for services. The extent of information in these files can vary greatly. Crematoria included:
/Acc-Alt: Accrington; Aldershot; Aberdeen; Altrincham, Bowdon, Hale & District Joint Cemetery Board
/Bar-Bur: Barnsley; Barrow in Furness; Bath; The Beckenham Crematorium, Crystal Palace; Bedford; Birkenhead; Birmingham, City Cemetery and Crematoria at Lodgehill and Birmingham Municipal Crematoria; Birmingham, The Birminghanm Crematorium
Company; Birtley; Blackpool; Blackburn; Bolton; Blyth; Bradford; Bournemouth;Bridlington; Brighton, The Downs Crematorium and General Cemetery; Bristol, Arnos Vale and Canford Crematorium; Burnley; Bury
/Cab-Cra: Cambridge; Camberwell; Cardiff; Carlisle; Chelmsford; Cheltenham; Chilterns; Chesterfield; City of London Cemetery and Crematorium - see also Manor Park; Colchester; Colwyn Bay; Coventry; Cornwall; Crewe; Craighton; Croydon
/Dar-Dur: Darlington; Daldowie; Derby; Dewsbury; Doncaster; Douglas, Isle of Mann; Dukinfield; Dundee; Dunbarton; Durham
/EaL-Enf: East London; Eastbourne; Eccles; Edinburgh; Eltham Crematorium Joint Commitee, Woolwich; Enfield
/Fal-Fol: Falkirk; Folkestone
/Gla-Gue: Glasgow, The Scottish Burial Reform and Cremation Society Ltd and Glasgow City; Gateshead; Gloucester; Golders Green, also see Woking; Greenock; Grimsby; Guernsey
/Har-Hul: Harlow; Halifax; Harrogate; Hendon Park; Hastings; Huddersfield; Hull
/Ips-Isl: Ipswich; Islington
/Ken-Kir: Kent County; Keighley; Kettering; Kingston; Kirkcaldy
/Lam-Lei: Lambeth; Lancaster; Leeds, Cottlingley Hall and Lawns Wood; Leicester; Leith; Lewisham; Liverpool; Loughborough; Luton; Lytham St. Annes;
/Mac-Mor: Macclesfield; Maidenhead; Maidstone, Crematorium Joint Committee; Manchester, Blackley Cremotorium; Manor Park Crematorium, Forest Gate; Mansfield; Medway Crematorium Committee; Margate; Middlesbrough; Mortlake; Morecambe and
Haysham; Middleton
/Nar-Nun: Narberth; Newcastle upon Tyne; Newport; Newcastle under Lyme; Newport; New Southport; Northampton; North-East Surrey; Norwich City Crematorium; Norwich, Norwich Crematorium and St. Faith's Crematorium; Nottingham; Nuneaton
/Old-Oxf: Oldham, Oxford
/Pai-Pre: Paisley; Peterborough; Perth; Plymouth; Pontypridd; Pontefract; Porchester, Portsmouth; Preston;
/Raw-Rui: Rawdon, Airedale and Wharfdale Joint Crematorium; Reading; Rochdal; Rotherham; Rowley Regis; Ruislip-Northwood
/StH- St. Helens; St. Marylebone; Salford; Salisbury; Scarborough; Scunthorpe; Sedgley, Dudley and Brierley; Sheffield; Shipley; Skipley; Shrewsbury; Slough; Southampton; South Essex, Hornchurch; South Shields; Southend on the Sea; Streatham,
South London; South West Middlesex Crematorium Board; Stafford; Southport; Stockport; Stoke on Trent; Solihull; Stourbridge; Sunderland; Surrey and Sussex
/Tau-Tun: Taunton Joint Burial Committee; Thornton Crematorium, Liverspool; North Shields, Tynemouth; Torquay; Tunbridge Wells;
/Wak-Wes: Wakefield; Wandsworth, Putney Vale; Walsall; Wassington; West Hartlepool; West Bromwich; West London, Kensall Green; West Herts; West Norwood; Weymouth; Widnes; Whitley Bay; Wigan; Wimbledon; Wolverhampton; Woking, also see Golders
Green; Worcester; Worthing;
Arranged alphabetically by Crematoria name or location, there is a file for each Crematoria
OrdersCRE/P/2/D/3 1937-1957
4 boxes
Correspondence between Crematoria across the UK and the Cremation Society regarding the order of copies of cremation forms,
"What you should know about Cremation" brochures and loan of resources. Some files also include price lists and additional general correspondence. Crematoria covered includes:
Bedford Parks and Cemetery Office; Blackburn
Crematoria; Bolton; Bournemouth; Bradford
Camberwell, also includes photographs and painted photographs of crematoria and gardens; Cambridge; Cornwall Joint Crematoria Committee; Croydon
Darlington; The Downs Crematorium, Brighton
East London Cemetery Company
Gilroes; Glyntaff, Perth; Grimsby, Paisley
Halifax; Hull, Parks, Cemeteries and Allotments Department
Ipswich; Islington
Leeds, Cottingley Hall; City of London Cemetery and Crematorium; the London Cremation Company, Golders Green and Woking
Manchester; Middleton; Mortlake Crematorium, Chiswick
Northampton; Norwich; Nottingham;
Reading; Rochdale
Skipton; Southhampton; Southend; Stockport; Stoke on Trent; St. Marylebone; Sunderland;
Wandsworth; West London; West Norwood; Weymouth
Correspondence to various Crematoria about the brochure "What you should know about Cremation"
Copies of brochures"What you should know about Cremation"for different Crematoria, each brochure follows the same standard format but has been ammended for the different Crematoria
Arranged alphabetically by Crematoria name or location, there is a file for each crematoria
Proposed Crematoria
CRE/P/2/D/4 2004
Correspondence, newspaper articles and reports refusing the applications for proposed Crematoria in Tipperary and Mocklerstown
Correspondence with organisations and authoritiesCRE/P/2/E/A - W and Misc. 1933-2008
25 boxes
This series contains correspondence between the Cremation Society and various organisations including some funeral-related organisations, associations and review boards, as well as organisations dealing with bereavement and other aspects of
internment and loss. Also includes some correspondence with organisations involved in the administration of the Society. The content and extent of material varies greatly between organisations but often includes general business information,
collaborative meetings, conferences or advertisement of services, where material is extensive a note has been made
Filed alphabetically by organisation
Papers relating to the 29th Joint Conference of Burial and Cremation Authorities, Portsmouth, September 1970 have been removed from this sequence and into
CRE/P/2/E/A/1-10 1943-2003
/1: Age Concern, 1986-2003
/2-3: Association of British Cremation Authorities, 1949-1950. Includes extensive correspondence about the formation of the Association
/4: Association of Municiple Corperations, regarding conference attendence and reports, 1950-1967
/5:Association of Nature Reserve Burial Grounds, 1994
/6-8: Association of Private Crematoria and Cemeteries, three files of correspondence, meeting papers and planning documents for the APC including constitution documents and a paper about promession, 2004-2007
/9: Association for Planning and Regional Reconstruction, 1943 and 1946
/10: The Association of Scottish Funeral Directors in regards to a number of Scottish crematoria, 1955-1956
10 files
CRE/P/2/E/B/1-10 1945-2008
/1-2: The Beveavement Services Industries Association, 2007-2008
/3: British Council, 1945, 1966 and 1971-1978
/4: British Institute of Funeral Directors, 1983-1989
/5-6: British Standards Institute, two files of correspondence including information on cremator research, discussion about the standardisation of furnaces and correspondence with manufacturers, 1964-2008
/7-8: Burial and Cemeteries Advisory Group, two files of emails and meeting documents. Topics cover include cremation law and environmental issues, 2001-2007
/9: Bereavement Forum Group, 2009
/10: British Library, 1993
10 files
CRE/P/2/E/C/1-33 1935-2008
/1:The Cabinet Office, 2005
/2: Central Council for Health Education, 1936-1947
/3-4: Central Council for the Care of Churches, 1946-1947 and 1967-1968
/5: Central Office of Information, 2001
/6: Centre for Policy on Aging, 1998
/7: Charities Aid Foundation, 1991
/8: The Charity Commissioners, regarding applications for certificates of repayment in respect of the Selective Employment Tax, 1966-1967, 1974, 1994-1996
/9:The Chartered Institute of Public Finance, 1968, 1973-1974, 1988-1990 and 2005
/10: The Child Bereavement Trust, 2005-2006
/11: Chosen Heritage, 1993
/12: Church of England, 1935-1936
/13-14: Citizen's Advice Bureaux, 1955-1956, 1967, 1974, 1976 and 1992
/15: The Consumers Organisation 'Which', including extensive correspondence about funeral costs, the organisation's research and output, as well as magazine clippings and articles, 1974-1992
/16: Confederation of Burial Authorities, 1998, 2004 and 2008
/17: Coroner's Society, 2007
/18-21: Council of British Funeral Services, four extensive files of correspondence including meeting minutes, agendas and information about CBFS membership, 1951-1973, 1969-1988, 1993-1996. Of particular interest are letters regarding
crem-ware and plastic fittings on coffins, particularly at Newcastle Crematorium where smoke was a problem, 13 October 1953 - 2 December 1953
/22-23: Council for the Preservation of Rural England of particuar interest is a letter outlining a proposal for memorial plantations to replace cemeteries, 1933-1939, 1943 and 1957-1958
/24: Council for the Disposition of the Dead, 1956
/25: County Planning, 1969
/26: Country Landowners Association, includes rules for the CLA and minutes from meetings, 1975-1976
/27: Cremation and Urn Society, 2005
/28-30: Cruse National Organisation for the Widowed and their children, three files includes information about the Cruse training course, 1977, 1983-1986
/31: Chosen Heritage, 1992-1995
/32: Company Searches, 1984
/33: The Congregational Memorial Hall Trust (1978) Ltd., 1990-1991
33 files
CRE/P/2/E/D/1-8 1947-2007
/1-4: Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, four files regarding reform to burial and cremation law, the DEFRA handbook on "The siting and planning of Crematoria", consultation papers about Mercury
emissions and the Environmental Protection Act. Includes correspondence with other environmental agencies, 1947-2005
/5: Department of Health, includes information regarding the consultation on improving the process of death certification, 2007
/6: Department for Trade and Industry, 1974-1977
/7:Department for Work and Pensions, 2005
/8: Dowson & Mason, regarding the production of cremators and conference exhibitions, 1972-1980
8 files
CRE/P/2/E/E/1-4 2001-2004
/1-4: European Standard Body (CEN), extensive correspondence regarding the standardisation of Funeral Services, includes correspondence with the British Standards Institute and reports from delegates of member countries, 2001-2004
4 files
CRE/P/2/E/F/1-19 1947-2008
/1-8: The Federation of British Cremation Authorities, seven files of extensive correspondence includes meeting minutes, committee reports, statistic information and budget statements, 1950-1987 and 1999-2001. Of particular interest
are: letter and report about atmospheric pollution, 23 March 1987 (file 3); standard equipment and instruction for funeral directors guidance reports, nd (file 3); letters regarding plastic moulding on coffins creating smoke, 20 October 1975, 20
June 1974 (file 4); "Projections of the demand for cremation in the UK"a report for the Federation of British Cremation Authorities prepared by C.G. Edwards and A.D. Gibbons of the University of York, May 1977 (file 5); correspondence
and information regarding mercury emissions and selenium ampoules, May 2002 (file 7); a questionnaire to cremation authorities on the impact of the Environmental Protection Act, 1990 and year 2000 review of the Secretary of State's guidance notes,
correspondence and report [2000] (file 7)
/8: Federation of Women's Institutes, 1947-1948 and 1950
/9: FIAT-IFTA, brief emails regarding the reproduction of a map in their publication Thanos, 2002
/10: The Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths, 1988-1992
/11: Freedom of Information Act, letter sent from the Department for Constitutional Affairs, 2005
/12: Funeral Furnishings Manufacturer's Association, 1980, 1991-1992, 2004-2008
/13-17: Funeral Ombudsman Scheme, five files including board papers, memorandum and articles of association and annual reports, 1994, 1997-2002
/18: Funeral Standards Council, includes a Code of Conduct for the Funeral Planning Council and a report from the Great Southern Group on the resignation of some Co-operative society's from the National Association of Funeral Directors to set
up the Funeral Standards Council, 1993-1996, 2003
/19: Funeral Vocational Development Group, 1999
19 files
CRE/P/2/E/G/1-3 1998-1999 and 2005
/1-2: Golden Charter, 1998-1999
/3: Green Fuse, 2005
/4: Gower Consultants, nd.
3 files
CRE/P/2/E/H/1-4 1954-2005
/1: Health and Safety Commission, 2000
/2: Her Majesty's Staionary Office, 2005
/3-4: Home Office, includes the joint memorandum of The Cremation Society, The Federation of British Cremation Authorities, The Proprietary Crematoria Association regarding regulations which was sent to the Home Office, 1954 and extensive
correspondence about the Home Office review of death certification, 2000-2001
/5: Health Department, Brighton, regarding the Medical Referees' Session
4 files
CRE/P/2/E/I/1-14 1948-2004
/1-7: Institute of Burial and Cremation Administration, seven files, 1970-2004. Includes printed membership information and annual reports, 1970-1994; printed materials and letters regarding branch meetings, 1989-1997; and
correspondence mainly in regards to meetings and conferences, 1948-1978, 1990-1995 and 1997-2004.
/8:The Institute of Groundsmanship, 1990
/9: Institute of Leisure and Amenity Management, including letters regarding Joint Conferences of Burial and Creamtion Authorities,1975-1985
/10: Institute of Landscape Architects, 1948
/11: Interflora, 1968-1980
/12: Institute of Parks and Recreation Administration, 1952-1973
/13: International Cremation Federation, 1965-1975. Small amount of correspondence between K.G.C. Prevette and Secretary General of the ICF Nils Gruffman regarding as conference papers, committee and council meetings
/14: Infocheck, 1986
9 files
CRE/P/2/E/L/1-5 1933-1999
/1: Liberation Society, 1933
/2: Loewen Group, 1998-1999
/3: London Association of Funeral Directors, 1999 and [nd.]
/4: London Planning and Advisory Board, 1997
/5: L. Bell and Co. and Martin & Son, printers, 1951-1956
5 files
CRE/P/2/E/M/1-13 1934-1999
/1: Methodist Missionary Society, 1949-1953
/2: Metropolitan Boroughs Standing Joint Committee, 1934-1938
/3: Ministry of Defence, 1942-1954, 1988 and 1993
/4-5: Ministry of Health and Social Security, 1948-1976, 1992 and 1999
/6-7: : Ministry of Housing and Local Government, includes an extensive file of correspondence regarding the provision of crematoria, the Cremation Society's deputation to the Ministry and information about proposed crematoria,
/8: Ministry of Pensions and National Insurance, 1961 and 1963
/9:Ministry of Town and Country Planning, 1947
/10: Ministry of Supply, 1955
/11: Ministry of Works, 1944
/12: Monopolies and Mergers Commission, 1987 and 1994-1995
/13: Maidstone Voyage, 1995
13 files
CRE/P/2/E/N/1-22 1938-2005
/1: National Association of Bereavement Services, 1999
/2: National Association of Cemetery and Crematorium Superindendants, 1933-1939
/3-9: National Association of Funeral Directors, extensive correspondence, 1938-1971, 2000-2003, 2004-2008. Includes photograph from the NAFD's Centenary Reception at the House of Lords, 26 October 2005
/10: National Association for Master Masons mainly regarding the Bristol Confderence, October 1989
/11-13: National Association of Memorial Masons, two files,1986-2003. Includes some trade and review literature and information from the Poole Conference, 17 September 1999
/14: National Association for Pre-paid Funeral Plans, 1989, 1994-1998
/15:National Association for Widows, 1977-1978
/16: National Council for Vocational Qualifications, 1989, 1994-1995
/17: National Council for Voluntary Organisations, 2004, 2006 and 2008
/18: National Federation of Personal Health Association,1946-1954. Includes address given at the re-opening if the Pioneer Health Centre by the Rt. Hon. the Lord Geddes,
/19: National Funerals College, 1991-1995. Includes some information on the Lesbian and Gay Bereavement project and pilot education projects
/20: National Health Trusts, in particular the Central Manchester Healthcare NHS Trust, 1995
/21: National Secular Society mostly regarding non-religious funeral 1965-1976, 1985-1989 and 2000-2006
/22: National Union of Funeral Service Operatives, 1943-1982
22 files
CRE/P/2/E/O/1 1989-1997
Office of Fair Trading mainly in regards to pre-paid funeral plans, 1989-1997. Also includes a copy of "Funerals: A report", January 1989, into the cost of funerals
1 file
CRE/P/2/E/P/ 1951-2003
/1-6: Cremation Planning Authorities, six files, mainly correspondence with Cremation and Planning Authorities such as Rural District Councils, Urban District Councils, County Councils and other Local Authorities about the provision
of Crematoria. Arranged alphabetically according to town, c.1943-1963. Includes architect's drawings for Marston crematorium (file 4)
/7: Pre-Retirement Association, 1994
/8: Printers, quotations from Martin and Son and L. Bell & Co. Ltd., 1951-1955
/9-11: Proprietary Crematoria Association, three files include: bulletins and meeting minutes, 1951-2003; information about the Broderick Committee and Catholic Church legislation, 1977-1987
CRE/P/2/E/R/1-7 1943-2007
/1: Rationalist Press Association Ltd., 1943-1971
/2-3: Retained Organs Commission, 2001-2005
/4-5: Review of Coroner Services, 2001-2007
/6: Royal Sanitary Institute, 1946-1955
/7: The Royal Society of Health, 1948-1968
7 files
CRE/P/2/E/S/1-6 1933-1997
/1:Sanitary Inspectors Association, 1933-1937
/2-5: Service Corperation International, 1995-2000. Four files, includes appraisals, reports and information on the Service Corperation International and Plantsbrook Group Plc merger situation
/6: Society for the Prevention of Premature Burial, enquiry into the activities of the society which appears to have been out of business since the 1930s, 1954
/7: Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society (SANDS), 1987-1988 and 1997. Includes drafts of a paper delivered at the 1987 Cremation Society Conference by Sue Burgess "S.A.N.D.S and it's work" and newsletters
CRE/P/2/E/T/1-3 1942-1978
Tabo Cremators,1976-1978. Correspondence mainly regards conferences and directories, includes a letter to K.G.C Prevette from Leslie Leonard regarding chipboard coffins and smoke, 20 March 1978
Town and Country Planning Association, 1942
Town Planning Institute, 1952
CRE/P/2/E/W/1-3 1933-1951
Welsh Board of Health, 1949-1951
Women Public Health Association, 1933-1939. Includes Handbooks and Annual Reports
Workers' Educational Association, a brochure and invitation to "Better Blackburn" an exhibition arranged by the Blackburn Branch of the Workers' Educational Association in collaboration with the Blackburn Civic Development
Sub-Committee and the British Institute of Adult Education and incoperating the "Living in Cities Exhibition"of the Council for the Encouragement of Music and the Arts, 1944
CRE/P/2/E/Misc [1950s]
Miscellaneous business files mainly in regards to the supply of Pharos, [1950s]
Small miscellaneous business file mainly regarding government bodies and debates, 1982-1984
Filing index for correspondence files for organisations in the 1950s which illustrates the original alphabetic filing system, some of these files were not included in either accrual of material and are likely to be missing or re-filed,
Correspondence with individualsCRE/P/2/F/1-31 1888-1995
Correspondence between members of the Society and individuals regarding cremation
Word-processed transcripts from correspondence of J. C. Swinburne Hanham, by J. Arkell, 2002 (accession Misc.2002/3:3)
CRE/P/2/F/1-18 1888-1995
Correspondence between individuals filed chronologically:
/1: Duke of Bedford to Sir Henry Thompson, 1888 (Feb) - 1890), and one letter from the Duke's son, Herbrand Russell, 1891
/2: Correspondence of J.C. Swinburne Hanham with Sir Henry Thompson and others re the London Necropolis and National Mausoleum Company, 1889-1891
/3: Transcript of correspondence of J.C. Swinburne Hanham by J. Arkell, 1889-1906
/4: Correspondence of J.C. Swinburne Hanham with Sir Henry Thompson and Martin R. Smith re the formation of the London Cremation Company, with legal opinion of J. Andrew Strahan (July 1900) that the Cremation Society was entitled to use
surplus revenue to subscribe for shares in the projected company, 1898-1900
/5: Correspondence of J.C. Swinburne Hanham, largely with William Robinson, Martin Smith and his son Nigel M. Smith, re the formation of the London Cremation Company, and re Golders Green Crematorium, especially the laying out of its gardens,
1900-1906. Includes a letter, 22 April 1904, describing Sir Henry Thompson's funeral.
/6: Duplicated typescript transcripts of correspondence between Herbert T. Herring, Secretary of the Cremation Society, and Francis Skrine, 1927, about the latter's wish that the Society would be more militant in its promotion of cremation.
/7: Correspondence with Alderman Dennis Gordon, 1946.
/8-9: Correspondence about the handbook "Cremation in Great Britain" by J.P. Herbert, 1946-1956. Letters are mainly enquiries from individuals. Enclosures include reviews
/10: Correspondence with George E. Whitewood, 1947-1948
/11: Correspondence with F.G.Marshall and Edward Bramley 1948, & 1955 re remembrance books
/12: Correspondence with R. Humphrey Davies
/13: Correspondence with Sir John Mann, 1952-1953
/14: Correspondence with Desmond Heap, 1954
/15: Correspondence with M.R.R. Davies of the Faculty of Law at the University of Leeds, 1955-1983
/16: Correspondence with Lisa Kaznier about her research and tracing the papers of Sir Henry Thompson, 1995. Includes a draft of 'The Progress of Cremation'
/17: Correspondence with Douglas Davies about a cremation and bereavement research project, 1995
/18: Correspondence with Hilary Grainger and Peter Jupp about research
CRE/P/2/F/19-30 1936-1996
Ten miscellaneous correspondence files, largely containing general enquiries and requests for Cremation Society publications.
CRE/P/2/F/26 includes correspondence from individuals sent to or regarding Vice-Presidents of the Cremation
Society, 1963-1984.
CRE/P/2/F/27 includes miscellaneous correspondence from individuals send specifically to R.N. Arber, 1978-1996.
CRE/P/2/F/31 1944
Letter from H.G. Garrett to P.H. Jones includes an article from
News Chronicle about cremation during the Nazi regime, particularly at Lublin concentration camp
Correspondence and papers about Cremation Society propertyCRE/P/2/G/1-32 1914-1967
3 boxes
Correspondence about properties owned by the Cremation Society and regarding Crematoria buildings and land that the Society have advised and been involved with
Filed alphabetically by> property name.
AberdeenCRE/P/2/G/Aberdeen/1-2 1944
/1: Correspondence regarding the trial of James Dewar and Alick George Forbes, 12.10.1944, after malpractice at Aberdeen Crematorium, and newspaper cuttings
/2: Correspondence about Aberdeen Crematorium, 1946 -1949
Brecon HouseCRE/P/2/G/Brecon/1-2 1986-1995
/27: Correspondence regarding the sale of Woodcut House and the acquisition of other office spaces in Maidstone, particularly Brecon House
/28: Correspondence regarding the lease details for Brecon House, 1986-1995
Bridge Chambers
CRE/P/2/G/Bridge/1 1992
Correspondence about the transfer of management and freehold of Bridge Chambers, East Farleigh to the Cremation Society, 1992. Includes the Conveyance Plan for Bridge Court
CRE/P/2/G/Darlington/1 1938
Correspondence and deeds relating to the mortgage of Darlington Crematorium Company, 1938
CRE/P/2/G/Esher/1 1947
Property File - Esher. Concerning purchase of Cabramatta, Cobham as a Garden of Rest for ash scattering - proposal withdrawn
Nottingham PlaceCRE/P/2/G/Nottingham Place/1-13 1928-1994
/1: Correspondence about the purchase of 23 Nottingham Place, 1928 Includes initial work specifications
/2: Lease of 23 Nottingham Place to the London Cremation Company, 1928-1935
/3: Suggestions of the Board of the London Cremation Company in response to a resolution of the Cremation Society's Council, October 1936, concerning 24 Nottingham Place.
/4: Correspondence with professionals regarding the 'Rights of Light' dispute at 47-49 Nottingham Place. 1938-1940
/5: Tenancies of Hamwee solicitors, 1938-1939, and Methodist Missionary Society, 1942-1949, at 47 and 49 Nottingham Place
/6: Lease of 47 Nottingham Place to Miss Sheila Jacob, 1964-1967, and Mr Benjafield, 1953-1954
/7: Correspondence with potential purchasers of 47 Nottingham Place, 1969-1972
/8: Correspondence regarding Mundy, Goodrich and Co, the ground floor tenants of 47 Nottingham Place, 1970-1972
/9: Miscellaneous correspondence regarding 47 Nottingham Place, 1970-1972
/10: Correspondence with Chestertons Estate Agents regarding the sale of 47 Nottingham Place, 1970-1972
/11: Correspondence regarding the details of other properties for sale, 1971
/12: Correspondence with Wood, Nash and Winter's solicitors regarding 47 Nottingham Place, 1972-1973, includes information about the Charity Commission
/13: Enquiry to L.A. Rhodes regarding the ownership of 47 Nottingham Place
Woking CrematoriumCRE/P/2/G/Woking/1-2 1914-1933
/1: Correspondence regarding the management of Woking Crematorium by the LCC, 1914
/2: Schedule of policies in force with the Alliance Assurance Company, 7 February 1933, on property at Woking Crematorium
Woodcut HouseCRE/P/2/G/Woodcut/1-8 1973-1986
/1: Correspondence with the neighbours of Woodcut House, 1972-1973
/2: Correspondence with Chestertons Surveyors, 1972-1977
/3: Chestertons Surveyors' specification of works to be carried out at Woodcut House, February 1973
/4: General correspondence about Woodcut House and works to be carried out, 1973-1974
/5: Correspondence about the sale of Woodcut House, 1983-1986, includes a number of reports made by the The Development Planning Partnership
/6: Correspondence about the sale of Woodcut House, 1986
/7: Correspondence about the sale of Woodcut House, with some letters referring to Brecom House, 1986
/8: Correspondence with K.G.C. Prevette regarding the history of Woodcut House which includes a transcript of an interview with a previous owner and an information sheet
Misc.CRE/P/2/G/Misc/1-3 [1973-1976?] and nd.
/1: Correspondence and information about compliance to building regulations, [1973-1976?]
/2: Metal building plaque with engraving that reads 'Cremation Assurance Friendly Society, The Cremation Society, Golders Green Foundation, Pharos Journal, The Pharos Press'
/3: Information about a woodworm, dry rot and rising damp survey for Cremation Society properties
Correspondence in topical filesCRE/P/2/H/AIDS - YORK 1910 -1990
26 boxes
Subject files as maintained by the Cremation Society. Related series include:
CRE/P/2/E. Also contains some administrative information about the Cremation Society. Included at the very end of the sequence is a list of the original
files maintained by the Cremation Society, some of which are missing or filed elsewhere
Files retain original titles and are arranged alphabetically. Material from the early accession has been integrated into this structure
AIDSCRE/P/2/H/AIDS/1-2 1985
/1: Letters to Dr. Marian McEvoy of the Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre in regards to her paper for the 1985 Cremation Society Annual Conference
/2: General information about HIV in regards to embalming
Anti-Cremation Society
CRE/P/2/H/ANTI/1 1936-1948
Letters between Cremation Society Council members regarding anti-cremation propaganda in Birmingham and subsequent legal action. Enclosures include the letter sent to families of the recently bereaved entitled
"Cremation is transgression against God and unsanitary" and religious propaganda leaflets.
ArchitectureCRE/P/2/H/ARCH/1-11 1942-1993
Correspondence regarding the architecture of crematoria. Files include:
/1: Correspondence with H.D.T. Smith, 1942
/2: Correspondence about the Cremation Society's Panel of Experts on Cremation, mainly with the Royal Institute of British Architects and the Royal Horticultural Society, 1943-1953
/3: Correspondence with Architectural Students, 1946-1954
/4: Correspondence with Richard Suddell, 1954-1955
/5-6: General Correspondence with Architects and Architectural firms, 1954-1993
/7: Correspondence with Architectural Students, 1955-1963
/8: Bond, Peter B."The Celebration of Death" Reprinted from The Architectural Review, April 1967. For more on Bond see:
CRE/P/2/A/18/9: Correspondence with Maxwell Fry, 1968. Includes an obituary for Maxwell Fry.
/10: Correspondence with J.H. Glover of Basil Spence, Glover and Ferguson, 1968-1980
/11: Correspondence regarding Architectural Association School of Architecture, 1976-1984
/12: Correspondence with Landscape Architects, 1977
/13: Correspondence with Milner White and Partners including a report titled Siting and Planning Crematoria, 1968. For more on Milner White see:
CRE/P/2/H/AUTH/1 1992-1993
Correspondence regarding Richard S. Firman's
"Behind the Curtain"
CRE/P/2/H/AUTO/1 2002
Correspondence regarding Prof. Gunther Von Hagen's first televised autopsy and
'Body Works' exhibition
CRE/P/2/H/AUST/1 1974
Correspondence and information regarding Cremation in Australia
The Bereavement Register
CRE/P/2/H/BERE/1 2006
Brief correspondence regarding The Bereavement Register's
Code of Bereavementwith enclosure
Body Parts
CRE/P/2/H/BODY/1 1999-2003
Correspondence and information regarding guidance and puplic enquiries into the disposal and retention of organs and body parts
Bovis Construction
CRE/P/2/H/BOVI/1 1971
Correspondence regarding the construction of Crematoria
British Gas
CRE/P/2/H/BGAS/1 1983-1996
Brief letters from British Gas
British Medical Association
CRE/P/2/H/BMeA/1 1925-1932
Correspondence on medical certification and charges
Broadwater Press
CRE/P/2/H/BROA/1 1969-1973
Correspondence regarding purchase orders made by crematoria for the
'Roman Catholic Order of Service' booklet circulated by the Cremation Society
The Brodrick CommitteeCRE/P/2/H/BROD/1-6 1959-1982
The Broderick Committee looked into the forms and death certificates required for Cremation and reccommended a new system of medical certification. Correspondence regarding the Broderick Committee and Report include:
/1: Correspondence
with the Home Office, particularly between K.G.C. Prevette and The Rt. Hon. Merlyn Rees, M.P., 1972-1980. Includes draft of "Death Certification and Coroners: Report of the Brodrick Committee"
/2: Correspondence regarding medical forms and the common inaccuracies made when completing Cremation Forms B, C and F
/3: Correspondence of the Home Office Working Party and information regarding medical certification, 1959-1969
/4: Correspondence and information about medical certification, 1965-1968
/5: Correspondence regarding the Brodrick Comittee from Great Southern Group and The Federation of British Cremation Authorities, 1978-1981
/6: Correspondence regarding medical certificates when death occurs in hospital, 1982
Burial at Sea
CRE/P/2/H/BuSe/1 1993-2003
Correspondence and information regarding options for burial at sea
Cardiac PacemakersCRE/P/2/H/CARD/1-4 1977-2009
Correspondence regarding cardiac pacemakers and other implanted devices includes:
/1: Letters and information about the removal of pacemakers prior to cremation following media reports that mercury-powered cardiac pacemakers can
explode, 1977-1983
/2: Information regarding cremation in instances where a cardiac pacemaker has been fitted, including some enquiries into the subject, 1977-2009
/3-4: Correspondence and information regarding College projects about exploding pacemakers, 2006-2007
Charter for the Bereaved
CRE/P/2/H/CBer/1-3 1995
Three files of draft material and the published
Charter for the Bereaved produced by the Institute of Burial and Cremation Administration. Includes a heavily annotated draft and brief correspondence
CemeteriesCRE/P/2/H/CEME/1-3 1976-1984 and 2001-2006
Correspondence and information about Cemeteries includes:
/1: North East London Polytechnic course for the Faculty of Environmental Studies about the Future of Cemeteries, 1976-1977
/2: General enquiries about cemeteries and cemetery surveys
/3: General cemeteries information, particularly about Highgate Cemetery, 2001-2006
Winston Churchill
CRE/P/2/H/CHUR/1 1990
Correspondence and papers concerning Sir Winston Churchill's wishes on cremation, 1990
Christmas Cards
CRE/P/2/H/ChCa/1 1993-1994
Letters regarding orders for I.C.F. Christmas Cards
Church Legislation
CRE/P/2/H/ChLe/1 1989
Correspondence with The Church's Group on Funeral Services ar Cemeteries and Crematoria regarding Clergy rotas in crematoria
ChristiansCRE/P/2/H/CHRI/1-2 1990 and 1992
Files regarding Christians and cremation include:
/1: Promotional material for the Christian Resources Exhibition, 1990
/2:Newspaper clippings from The Church of England Newspaper, 1992
Church of England
CRE/P/2/H/COFE/1 1943-1956
Correspondence and cuttings on the Church of England's attitudes to cremation
CoffinsCRE/P/2/H/COFF/1-3 1972-2007
Correspondence about coffins include:
/1: Letters between General Secretary K.G.C. Prevette and numerous manufactures of coffins regarding materials and imports, 1972-1982
/2: Letters and information from coffin manufacturers, including overseas distributers. Some letters refer to the smoke produced in cremation and the use of plastic, 1975-2007
/3: Letters and promotional material from coffin manufacturers, 1989-2001
Complaints Procedure
CRE/P/2/H/ComP/1 2006
British Humanist Association's
'Ceremonies Service Complaints Procedure'
Companies Registration Office
CRE/P/2/H/ComR/1 1960-2004
Letters and information about the administration of the charity and annual returns sent to the Registrar of Companies
Competitive Tendering
CRE/P/2/H/ComT/1 1991
Administrative correspondence regarding competitive tendering for cremation services
Company vehicle
CRE/P/2/H/ComV/1 1974-1980
Administrative correspondence regarding company vehicles
Computerisation in Cremation
CRE/P/2/H/COMC/1 1988, 1992
Letters regarding the use of computers in crematoria, including summary of findings for a survey about computers
CRE/P/2/H/COMP/1 1997-1998
Cremation Society responses to complaints about crematoria from members of the public
Condolence Letters
CRE/P/2/H/COND 1993
Small file of notifications of deaths and the Cremation Society's return letter of condolence.
ConferencesCRE/P/2/H/CONF/1-3 1990-1998
Brief and general correspondence about conferences includes:
/1: Letters regarding possible papers for future conferences, 1990-1997
/2: Conference fliers by other organisations,1991 and 1998
/3: List of conference tapes perhaps held by the Cremation Society
Copies of duplicate letters
CRE/P/2/H/COPI/1-2 [1971-1985?]
Two files of Cremation Society and
Pharos duplicates of sent letters
CremationCRE/P/2/H/CREM/1-8 1956, 1978-2006
Correspondence and information about Cremation and the Cremation Society, includes:
/1: Replies recieved to a circular letter sent in 1978 about slides for crematoria interiors, 1978-1979
/2: Information about the history of cremation, including Cremation Society leaflets, [c.1972]
/3-6: Correspondence and information regarding Cremation legislation and ammendments, 1989, 1995, 2000, 2005-2006
/7: Information regarding the progress of Cremation including statistics and lists of crematoria
/8: Correspondence with the Ministry of Housing and Local Government on Section 5 of the 1902 Act, (radius), 1956
Cremator Advertisements
CRE/P/2/CREA/1 late 20th century
Draft advertisement designs for Birlec Electric Furnaces and Askham Gas Cremators, includes pencil sketches
Dead Citizens Charter
CRE/P/2/H/DeCC/1 1996
Correspondence, information and newspaper clippings about the Dead Citizen's Charter and the Dead Citizen's Charter Conference hosted by The National Funerals College
Death Certification
CRE/P/2/H/DeCe/1 1978, 1991-1992
General enquiries about death certification
Deceased Register
CRE/P/2/H/DeRe/1 2002
Correspondence from the Deceased Register Ltd. including a booklet about the history of the register
CRE/P/2/H/EMBA/1 1992, 1997, 2000
Brief correspondence with the Spanish and French Embassies
Emissions TradingCRE/P/2/H/EMIS/1-3 2003-2005
Correspondence and information referring to Emissions:
/1-2: Correspondence regarding mercury emissions from Crematoria and the EU Emissions Trading Directive including a number reports by IPA Energy Consulting about
technical assistance and a burden sharing arrangment for the abatement of mercury emissions in Crematoria, 2003-2004
/3: Letters about the development and progress of the Crematoria Abatement of Mercury Emissions Organisation (CAMEO), 2005
Environmental Protection ActCRE/P/2/H/EnPA/1-14 1990-1991, 2000-2001
Files about the
Environmental Protection Act, 1990, includes:
/1: Paper presented at the 64th Annual Cremation Society Conference,"Application for Authorisation - Part I, Environmental Protection Act, 1990", 1990
/2-3: Correspondence and conference papers regarding applications for authorisation, 1991-1992
/4: Dr C.T. Chamberlain, 'Experience with Cremators under the Environmental Protection Act in the United Kingdom'produced by Evans Universal, October 1993
/5: Enquiries regarding the conference paper 'Secretary of State's guidance - Crematoria "Applications for Authorisation"', 1991
/6: General correspondence regarding theEnvironmental Protection Act,1990,1992-1994
/7-14: Letters sent to Members of Parliament, European Parliment, Scottish Parliment and the Welsh Assembely regarding the Secretary of State's further guidance on Crematoria which involved additional industry changes to conform with European
initiatives to reduce mercury emissions. Includes files of responses, 2000-2001
Eric White and Partners
CRE/P/2/H/ErWP 1968
Correspondence about the future role of the Cremation Society with consultants
CRE/P/2/H/EURO/1 1988-1990
Brief correspondence about industry changes in regards to Europe
CRE/P/2/H/EUTH/1 1992-1994
The Voluntary Euthanasia Society of Scotland newsletter containing the article
"Lying to the Dying" by Mary Gilhooly. Also contains some correspondence
CRE/P/2/H/EXHI/1 1948-1949
Correspondence on Exhibitions, 1948-1949, includes photographs and sketches
Filters and Filtration Systems
CRE/P/2/H/FILT/1 1988
Articles about developments in crematoria, particularly regarding the impact of emissions on the environment
Finance and investment companies
CRE/P/2/H/FINA/1 1993 and 2004
Administrative correspondence with finance and investment companies
CRE/P/2/H/FUEL/1 1988
Response to an enquiry about fuel use in crematoria
Funeral accounts
CRE/P/2/H/FuAc/1 1984-2000
Correspondence, expenses and accounts from various funeral directors, includes press cuttings about the cost of funerals
Funeral DirectorsCRE/P/2/H/FuDi/1-2 1980-1994
Information about Funeral Directors includes:
/1: Press releases and reports about the performance of Funeral Directors, 1989-1990 and 1994
/2: 'Directory of Funeral Directors' order forms and some business correspondence from Funeral Directors, 1980-1985
/1: Print outs from the internet about resouces, funeral services and funeral costs in the USA, 1999
/2: Correspondence regarding funeral garments, particularly a robe to be used in cremation, 1995
/3: Information about funeral supermarkets in Walthamston and Catford, 1996-1998
Funeral Pyre
CRE/P/2/H/FuPy 2006
Information gathered for Shirley Firth who acted as an expert witness in a legal case concerning a funeral pyre in Northumberland
Garden of Remembrance
CRE/P/2/H/GaRe/1 1994
Correspondence with SCI UK, the UK branch of Soka Gakkai International, about the establishment of a Garden of Remembrance at Taplow Court, Maidestone
General SynodCRE/P/2/H/GeSy/1-3 1973-2005
Correspondence and information about the Church of England
/1-2: Correspondence and information mainly in regards to parochial fees, clergy employment at cemeteries and crematoria and conferences,1973-2005. Also includes a proof copy
of 'Funeral Services for the Christian Churches of England published in 1986
/3: Information and correspondence about the Church of England's fees, funeral services, practices and procedures, 1983-1987
Green Belt
CRE/P/2/H/GrBe/1 1998
One newspaper clipping about a crematorium built on green belt land in Wigan
Health and SafetyCRE/P/2/H/HeSa/1-4 1975-2000
/1-3: Letters and information about Health and Safety law, 1975-1976, 1990-1996 and 2000
/4: Mr D.M. Jones' correspondence and paperwork as the Health and Safety Executive, 1977-1978
Hindu Cremation Ceremonies
CRE/P/2/H/HIND/1 1976 and 2007
Correspondence and information about Hindu cremation ceremonies
Home Cremations
CRE/P/2/H/HoCr 2005
Two photocopies of newspaper clippings about a home cremation
CRE/P/2/H/HEPA/1 1993
Information about Hepatitis B
Infectious diseases
CRE/P/2/H/InDi [2007?]
Information about infectious diseases
Jewish customs
CRE/P/2/H/JEWI/1 1946, 1981,1990-1992 and 2001
Enquiries and articles regarding liberal and reformed Jewish customs in death and cremation
JournalistsCRE/P/2/H/JOUR/1-5 1939-2003
/1-2: General correspondence and reports from journalists, 1939-2002
/3: Correspondence with newspaper journalists, 1965-2002
/4: Correspondence with journalists from periodicals, 1965-1996
/5: Correspondence with television and radio journalists, 1985-2006
Infusion Pumps
CRE/P/2/H/InFu/1 1986
Correspondence and technical information about the danger of infusion pumps in cremation for a technical article in
Pharos by R.N. Arber entitled "Implantable drug delivery systems". Most correspondence is with a manufacturer of infusion pumps called Infusaid
CRE/P/2/H/INTER/1-5 1998-2008
Correspondence about setting up and gathering content for the Cremation Society's website and general emails about the website
Law of Burial, Cremation and Exhumation
CRE/P/2/H/LBCE/1 1988-1989
Correspondence with the author and editor of
'Law of Burial, Cremation and Exhumation', M.R. Russell Davies and, D.A. Smale with regards to updates for the sixth edition
Lecture Programme
Correspondence regarding a lecture programme for The Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufacture and Commerce. Includes a copy of Tony Walter's paper
Ritualising Death in a Consumer Society
Legacy, Bequests and Donations
CRE/P/2/H/LeBD/1-4 1942-2004
Correspodence regarding donations of money to the Society, legacies and bequests from individuals
Legal Matters
CRE/P/2/H/LeMa/1 1989 and 1992
Brief correspondence regarding legal matters
Lists of CrematoriaCRE/P/2/H/LiCr/1-2 1954-1979
Lists of worldwide crematoria, 1954-1978
Information for the Directory of World Crematoria1972, 1976 and 1979
Living Wills
CRE/P/2/H/LiWi/1 2005
Website print outs about living wills
Local Government Training Board
CRE/P/2/H/LoGT/1 1974
Local Government training board list of publications and training materials
London Local Authorities
CRE/P/2/H/LoLA/1-2 1989
Extensive correspondence about the Cremation Society's and the Proprietary Crematoria Assocation's petition to Parliament about the London Local Authorities (No.2) Bill. Also includes copies of reports and evidence
Maximillian Lewinsohn
CRE/P/2/H/MAXI/1 1975-1977
Correspondence and clippings regarding Maximillian Lewinsohn's shares in the Dundonian, Dundee Crematorium
Medical CertificationCRE/P/2/H/MeCe/1 1939-1953, 1954-1956, 1999
/1: General correspondence about medical fees and certification required for Cremation, mainly administrative and enquiries, 1939-1953
/2: Professional correspondence regarding the Statutory Forms to be completed by coroners and information from the Royal College of Pathologists about the retention of tissue at post-mortem examination, 1954-1956, 1999
CRE/P/2/H/MEMB/1 [nd.]
Leaflets for coporate memberships with other organisations
CRE/P/2/H/MEMO/1 [1985-1987]
Promotional material from various memorial companies offering different services and correspondence from the Memorial Advisory Bureau
Memorial Services
CRE/P/2/H/MemS 1976
Correspondence about annual memorial services in crematoria nationwide
Ministerial departmentsCRE/P/2/H/MiDe/1-7
Correspondence from various Government Ministerial Departments
/1: Ministry of Food letters about permits, 1946
/2-4: Appeals to the Ministry of Health regarding the provision of crematoria including letters from local authority offices, and letters of evidence from town clerks in various local authorities, 1946-1948
/5: Letters from Admirality looking into Cremation for Royal Navy personnel, 1957 and 1961
/6: Letter from the Air Ministry enquiring about Crematoria, 1961
/7: Letters from the Department of Health and Social Security regarding implants. Of particular interest are letters with R.A. Denham about the recycling of orthopaedic implants into surgical instruments for hospitals in Napal
Missing People and Family History
CRE/P/2/H/MiPe/1 1995
Letter of enquiry about tracing places of burial for a baby
MSI Market Research
CRE/P/2/H/MSIM/1 2004-2005
Correspondence from a Market Research company about the cremation market
CRE/P/2/H/Musi/1 [1973-1994?]
Letters and information regarding popular music for crematorium services as well as distributors of music for funeral services
New Companies
CRE/P/2/H/NeCo/1-3 1996
Information about a new security company and lists of other useful information and companies
Next Generation PLC and Next Environmental Services
CRE/P/2/H/NeEn/1 1992
Correspondence with Next Generation PLC and Next Environmental Services
Northern Ireland
Letters and information about Cremation Legislation in Northern Ireland
Oversized Cremators
Reference: CRE/P/2/H/OvCr
Dates of creation: 1995
Closed access
CRE/P/2/H/ORTH/1 2007
Correspondence about the recycling of orthopedic implants follwing the removal prior to cremation
CRE/P/2/H/PAGA/1 1991-1992 and 1994
Copies of the Pagan Hospice and Funeral Trust Newsletter
Parliamentary debatesCRE/P/2/H/PARL/1-2 1972, 1986-1990, 1998-2006
/1: Extracts from the House of Commons Parliamentary debates regarding cremation and death certification
/2: Letters and information about Parliamentary debates regarding the cost of funerals
Anna Pavlova
CRE/P/2/H/PAVL/1 1999-2001
Correspondence and information regarding the proposals and arrangements to move the ashes of ballerina Anna Pavlova and her husband, Victor Dandre from Golders Green to Moscow
Plans for Proposed Crematoria
CRE/P/2/H/PlPC/1 1983 and1996
Plans and correspondence for a propsed crematorium at Charleton Road, near Montrose and a planning proposal submitted to Maidstone Castle for the burial of human cremated remains
Plantsbrooke Group
CRE/P/2/H/PlGr 1988-1991
Clipping, articles and some letters in regard to the Plantsbrooke Group and particularly to its Chairman Howard Hodgeson
CRE/P/2/H/POLL/1 1988
Brief notes on pollution
Precious Metals
CRE/P/2/H/PrMe 1987
Articles, information and letters about the disposal of precious metals and the controversy of selling metals retrieved from ashes.
Price Commission
CRE/P/2/H/PrCo/1 1977
Correspondence and reports regarding the Price Commission Report into funeral costs
CRE/P/2/H/PROM/1 2005-2008
Articles, information and feasibility reports about the process of promession, or freeze-drying, as an alternative method to dispose of the dead
Public Assistance Authorities
CRE/P/2/H/PuAA/1 1932
Advice from the Counsel about whether the Public Assistance Authorities can lawfully cremate human bodies
Public Opinion Survey
CRE/P/2/H/PuOS/1 1975
Correspondence and transcripts regarding public opinion surveys into cremation
CRE/P/2/H/PUBL/1 1990 and 1995
Requests for Cremation Society Publications
Redundant Churches
CRE/P/2/H/ReCh/1 1975
Correspondence with the Advisory Board for Redundant Churches about converting redundant churches into crematoria
Regulation of the pre-paid funeral industry
CRE/P/2/H/RePP/1 1999
Consultancy documents from the HM Treasury regarding the regulation of the pre-paid funeral industry
Religions - various
CRE/P/2/H/RELI 1976-2009
Information and correspondence regarding burial and cremation beliefs and rituals in a number of different religions
Researchers and students
CRE/P/2/H/ReSe 2004-2008
General enquiries from researchers and students most of which include order forms for past conference papers
Review of Civil Registration in England and Wales
CRE/P/2/H/RevC/1 1999-2005
Correspondence and information regarding the Review of Civil Registration in England and Wales which looked into the reform of birth and death registration
Reverse Polymerization
CRE/P/2/H/RevP/1 1999 and 2002-2003
Correspondence with F.J. Pearson from Kingsland Energy Limited about reverse polymerization and reverse combustion
Roman Catholic ChurchCRE/P/2/H/RoCa/1-7 1960-2000
/1: Correspondence regarding the Cremation Society and International Cremation Federation's approach to the Roman Catholic Council of Rome. Includes a paper by Dean N.J. Reid "Petition to the Council of the Church in Rome to
remove the prohibition on Cremation" and the 1960 ICF Congress paper "Proposed declartion concerning efforts for the repeal of the prohibition of cremation by the Roman Catholic Church", 1960 and 1966
/2: Letters, press cuttings and reports regarding the repeal of the prohibition by the Roman Catholic Church including a propganda leaflet titled "Why I support Cremation" which contains an extract of an earlier speech made by
The Rt. Rev. Bishop Heywood, 1961-1967
/3: Correspondence with Father J.F. MacDonald regarding the Roman Catholic Church's stance on cremation and arrangements for MacDonald's attendance at Cremation Society Conferences. Also includes a portrait photograph of MacDonald, 1965
/4: Letters and statistics about Roman Catholic cremation and embalming, 1965-1966
/5: Responses to circular letters from the Cremation Society regarding Roman Catholic services in Crematoria, 1965
/6: Enquiries about and copies of the Roman Catholic Order of Service, 1984-1987
/7: Letters regarding Catholic Services and related publications, 1990, 1995 and 2000
RosesCRE/P/2/H/ROSE/1-4 1975-1983, 1994 and 2001-2002
/1: Letters regarding rose varieties for use in Memorial Gardens, includes cut outs from Pharos of frose varieties in full colour, 1976-1980
/2-3: Letters regarding embroidered rose appliques, medals and decorations for Cremation Society conferences including samples, 1975, 1983, 1993, 2001-2002
/4: Watercolour draft illustrations and sketches [by Lady Greenwood] of cards for a memorial display stand with roses, 1980
Royal FamilyCRE/P/2/H/ROYA/1-2 1977 and 2001
/1: Correspondence and materials for the Loyal Address to mark the Silver Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, 1977
/2: Brief correspondence requesting the Directory of Crematoria
CRE/P/2/H/SMOK/1 1975-1976
Letters and leaflets regarding smoke emissions from crematoria
CRE/P/2/H/SPIR/1 1954-1955
Correspondence on Spiritualism and cremation - a case relating to Dame Marbret De'Ath and the death of Francis C B Greene (brother of the novelist, Graham Greene). Also includes material about the proposed posthumous publication, in Paris,
c.1955, of Francis Greene's unfinished novel, centred on a city crematorium, under the title
“Out of the dead land”, 1954-1955.
CRE/P/2/H/SHAR/1-3 1962-1981
Three files of information regarding shares particularly in the London Cremation Company
Statute Law Revision
CRE/P/2/H/StLa/1 1976
Correspondence with regional crematoria and burial boards and The London Cremation Company regarding revisions to Statute Law
Stockbroker Reviews
CRE/P/2/H/StRe 1989
Reports and correspondence
Tabo Cremators
CRE/P/2/H/TaCr/1 1976-1978
Correspondence with Tabo Cremators reharding a 1975 Annual Conference in Eastbourne
Tour Arrangements
CRE/P/2/H/ToAr/1 1987
Letters regarding visits to UK crematoria and suppliers arranged by the society
CRE/P/2/H/TRAN/1 2004
Letters about translation services
CRE/P/2/H/TRAI/1 1993 and 2006
Letter and printed website pages about training courses available for cremation and cemetery workers
Town and Country Planning
Correspondence with the County Council of Middlesex and clippings regarding the Town and Country Planning Act and a national campaign for the encouragement of cremation, 1949.
Cremation Law in the USA
CRE/P/2/H/USCL/1 1910
Correspondence and papers about the Cremation Laws in the USA, 1910
CRE/P/2/H/VAND/1 [1970-1983?]
Statistic reports on vandalism in crematoria
Victoria & Albert Museum
CRE/P/2/H/ViAl 1988
General letters of enquiry
Victoria's Cemeteries Act
CRE/P/2/H/Vict/1 2001
Cover letter and Discussion paper published bt the Department of Human Services in Melbourne Australia
Victoria's Cemeteries and Crematoria: Options for Legislative Change
Welfare State International
CRE/P/2/H/WeSI [c. 1990s?]
Promotional material for open air theatre group
Working Group
Reviews, handwritten notes, reviews and information from the meeting of the working group for the revision of the Process Guidance Note 5/2 (12) for the
'Statutory Guidance Notes for Crematoria'. Topics covered include the standard of coffins and the environmental impact of cremation
Year 2000 Complaint
CRE/P/2/H/YCom 1999
General information and advice about the "Millenium Bug"
University of York
CRE/P/2/H/YORK 1994
Cover letter and report on the proposed feasibility study into the re-use of graves
Miscellaneous correspondence about the provision of Crematoria
CRE/P/2/H/MISC 1992-2008
Six files of correspondence
Cremation Authority correspondenceCRE/P/2/I 1984-2010
5 boxes
Correspondence largely regards the organisation of Cremation Society Conferences and Joint Comittee Meetings. Only a small number of Cremation Society conference files have been kept as a sample, the Society ceased to run its own conferences in
2007 so the selection of files represents the period before and after this change, with some material refering to Sales Exhibitions. Joint Cremation and Burial Authority Comittees are collaborative meetings between the Institute of Burial and
Cremation Administration and The Federation of British Cremation Authorities which included delegates from the Cremation Society. Also included are an extensive conference programmes from the conferences
For photographs from Exhibitions see:
Cremation Society Conferences and Committee MeetingsCRE/P/2/I/1 1984, 1988, 2000, 2010
3 boxes
/1946-1978: Correspondence with goverment departments including the Department of the Environment, the Ministry of Housing and Local Government and the Ministry of Health regarding Cremation Society Conferences
between 1946 and 1978
/1951: Report, notes, correspondence and memorandum regarding the Committee appointed to consider the creation of a form of membership to include local authorities and creamation authorities, November 1951
/1974: Plans and drawings for the exhibition space for the 1974 conference
/1984: One file of material relating to the Creamtion Society Conference, 1984 including incomplete sets of papers and some correspondence
/1988: Two files of information about the history of the Cremation Society for the 1988 Exhibition in Bath. Includes some orignal historical material and some reproductions. One file contains slides, information and leaflets and the other
objects including badges, pins and embroidered lapel patches. Of particular note is original pencil drawing concepts for the Society's logo. F
/2000: One box of material relating to the Cremation Society Conference, 2000. Papers are arranged alphabetically by speaker and includes correspondence, papers, transparencies, floppy discs containing slide-shows and transcripts of Q&A
sessions. Speakers are: Mr Andrew Bennett MP, Dr Clive T. Chamberlain, The Earl Grey's presidential address, Professor M.A. Green; Mr Claes Foghmoes, Dr Hilary Grainger, Dr Jenny Hockey, The Revd. Professor Roger Grainger, Mr Frederick J Pearson,
Revd. Charles Read and Mr Stephen R.G. White. Also includes a file of material about the organisation of the conference at the Majestic Hotel in Harrogate, which includes template letters to delegates
/2010: Two boxes of material relating to the Cremation Society Conference, 2010. Papers are arranged alphabetically by speaker and includes correspondence, transcripts of papers and Q&A sessions and full colour print outs of slide-shows
Speakers include: Adrian Britton, Dr Shoji Eguchi, The Revd Dr Peter C. Jupp, Professor Hilary Grainger; Ulf Lagerstrom; John Palmer, Alon Nativ and Stephen White.
Joint Cremation and Burial Authority ConferencesCRE/P/2/I/2 1956,1984
4 files
/1956: One file of correspondence and minutes for the Propaganda and Publicity Joint Committee meetings in 1956. The committee consisted of delegates from the Cremation Society and The Cremation Assurance Friendly Society
/1970: Correspondence about Joint Conference of Burial and Cremation Authorities, Portsmouth, September 1970, with conference programme and lectures
/1974: One file containing minutes from Cremation Society committees including the Joint observations from the interdepartmental committee of the Federation of British Cremation Authorities, the Proprietary Crematoria Association and the
Cremation Society; the Centenary Celebration Committee, 1974 and the Ad Hoc Committee, 1974
Two files of correspondence and minutes regarding the Joint Conference of Burial and Cremation Authorities. Also includes one conference paper entitled 'Old Burial Grounds and Church yards - Why should local authorites accept their
Problems?'by L.L. Wild, F.Inst. B.C.A.(Dip.) and J.E. Rotherham, M. Inst. B.C.A.(Dip.), a report for Brown Boveri electrical furnaces and promotional material for Bobcats diggers
Conference programmes
CRE/P/2/I/3 1968-2008
1 box
Full set of Cremation Society Conference programmes, 1968-2005 and some invitations
Incomplete selection of programmes for Joint Burial and Cremation Authority Conferences, 1986-2008
Proceedings Manual for the 1999 IOGR Annual Conference and Death Care World Expo, Nevada
Statistics and surveysCRE/P/3/1-22 1924-1978
10 boxes
/1: Municipal Cemetery Undertakings Survey, 1927. 4 files. Covers the 3 years, 1924-1926 Arranged alphabetically according to name of cemetery in files A-G, H-M, N-S, S-Y. Information given: population, date established, capital
expenditure on undertaking, total interments to March 1926, number of interments in last 3 years, average loss/gain per interment, estimated life of cemetery.
/2: Survey by correspondence of the views of leading British churchmen on cremation, 1935; for publication in Pharos.
/3: Survey survey undertaken for Pharos., sent to medical officers of health on the question “In your opinion, is cremation more sanitary than burial?”, 1935
/4: Survey undertaken for Pharos.. Survey of coroners, 1936, on the question “Does burial offer a greater safeguard against crime than cremation?”
/5: Crematoria statistics include: one compiled summary list of cremations from 1953-1960 with correspondence; 7 looseleaf files and 1 (oversize) summary file of annual cremation statistics for all UK crematoria from date of opening to 1976;
one summary volume from opening dates of crematoria to 1976; two files of statistics from 1970-1980s for a small number of UK crematoria
/6: Municipal Cemetery Undertakings Survey, 1950. Covers the 3 years, 1947-1949. Information given: Population, date established, capital expenditure on undertaking, total interments to March 1926, number of interments in last 3 years, average
loss/gain per interment, estimated life of cemetery. Arranged in files for: Reports and published results; Authorities with surpluses; small Authorities with deficiencies and summary; large Authorities with deficiencies, 1-100, 102-234, 234-379, and
summary; responses too late for inclusion.
/7: Correspondence from multiple external sources regarding statistics for cremations, 1962-1994
/8: Small correspondence file with summary of statistics for 1959-1963 from the Cremation Association of America, for publication in Pharos
/9: Cover letters and correspondence for a survey on cremation popularity entitled 'Why Cremation is so Popular in this country compared with elsewhere, 1965
/10: Furnace Survey, 1967. 3 files Survey of crematoria supervisors in Great Britain, about good and bad features of the furnaces at their crematoria. Filed in arbitrary order of return. Returns numbered 1-71 and some unnumbered. No index, but
with summary of responses. Includes correspondence concerning the survey
/11: Questionnaire on cremation facilities and related correspondence, 1968. Questions cover the removal of the coffin to commital room, floral arrangements and music. Contains question drafts only, not responses
/12: Survey of the views of Bishops of the Church of England on cremation, 1969
/13: Survey on land used for burial purpose, 1969. Filed alphabetically by county, includes summary, 23.3.1970; correspondence concerning the survey; proformas, and figures; and results. Scotland, Wales and forms too late for inclusion are
filed at the end of the sequence
/14: Music in crematoria survey, 1973. First file contains summarised list of respondents, a compiled list of popular songs used in crematoria, questionnaire and music book. Files 2 and 3 contain the completed questionnaires
/15:Survey, carried out in 1974, entitled “Changes in Cremation since 1874”. Includes correspondence with crematoria supervisors, asking for their opinion regarding changes over the preceding century, since
the foundation of the Cremation Society
/16: Attitudes to Cremation - Pilot Study, 1975 Sponsored by the Cremation Society and undertaken by management consultants
/17: Questionnaire regarding vandalism in crematoria, 1976
/18: John and Patricia Wilmshurst Sought opinions from ministers of religion, funeral directors, crematory workers and groups of recently bereaved individuals in Kent and Exeter Results and transcripts of discussions given Memorialisation
Survey, 1977. 6 files Contains 180 replies from the 218 survey forms sent to all U.K. crematoria. Arranged by number (largely arbitrary order, with some elements of alphabetical order; Scotland, Wales, Channel Islands, N. Ireland at end). Also
includes a file of overseas responses (Australia, NZ, South Africa, Europe and Scandinavia) to a short survey concerning disposal of ashes and memorialisation in foreign countries. With summary dated 2.2.1978
/19: Information on generators resulting from 1979 survey, including a file of negative responses from crematoria without generator
/20: Statistic reports for Crematoria across the UK, 1997-2008. Reports are arranged chronologically and cover crematoria facilities and capacity. Fields change over the ten year period but generally include: form of commital; time of service;
operate rota ministers; accept diy funerals; support charter for the bereaved; information about coffins; number of cremators; size of coffins accepted; computer use; special services eg. neonatal. Later statistics refer to environmental schemes and
implant explosions
/21: Compiled statistic summaries and information about the Cremation Society, the development of cremation in the UK and overseas relationships and contact details, [c.1960s]
/22: Staffing survey results, gives details of staffing in crematoria that carry out an average of 3,000 cremations a year, [nd.]. Also includes code of Cremation Practice for The Federation of British Cremation Authorities
Council for the Disposition of the Dead, etc., 1933-1938CRE/P/4/A-E 1933-1939
3 boxes
In 1933, in an attempt to bring together all the organisations concerned with the disposal of the human dead, the Cremation Society was instrumental in bringing about the formation of the National Council for the Disposition of the Dead (from
December 1935 named the Council for the Disposition of the Dead). Until the council came to an end with the outbreak of World War II, it shared the Society's premises.
Small amount of material from the 2015 accrual has been integrated chronologically
Memorandum and Articles of AssociationCRE/P/4/A/1-2 1933-1939
2 files
/1: Memorandum and articles of incorporation of the Council for the Disposition of the Dead, 1935, with related correspondence and papers, 1933-1936, including a letter from the Board of Trade, September 1935, giving reasons why for
incorporation the word "National" must be removed from the name of the body.
/2: Correspondence regarding the constitution revision, memorandum and articles of incorporation of the Council for the Disposition of the Dead, 1939
Meetings and Annual Reports
CRE/P/4/B/1 1935-1938
1 file
/1: Annual General Meeting papers, 1936, 1938, 1939, including annual reports for 1936-1938
/2: Addresses by Lord Horder to the National Council for the Disposition of the Dead, 22 January 1935 and 19 November 1935
CorrespondenceCRE/P/4/C/1-10 1933-1939
10 files
/1: Miscellaneous correspondence and papers of the National Council for Disposition of the Dead, 1933-1935, especially concerning cremation certificates and charges for certification. Includes printed report of proceedings from 3rd
Joint Conference of Cemetery and Cremation Authorities, Birmingham, June 1934
/2: Correspondence with Council members, 1933-1939
/3: Correspondence between the General Secretary of The Council for the Disposition of the Dead and General Secretary of the Cremation Society, 1933-1939
/4: Correspondence with the Home Office, 1934
/5: Correspondence with bodies concerned with cremation and burial concerning the possibility of their becoming affiliated members of the Council for the Disposition of the Dead, 1935-1936
/6: Correspondence concerning Jewish burial societies and the proposed bill for the registration of funeral directors, 1935-1936. Includes legal opinion of Harold B. Williams, 1935 Drafts of bill for the registration of funeral directors,
1936, with suggested amendments, and related papers. Includes copy of printed 1925 Registration of undertakers bill (Bills 93) , copy of the Undertakers' Journal, 50 no. 9 (15 Sept. 1935), which gives the text of the
1928 Embalmers and funeral directors act, Province of Ontario, Canada, notes for Lord Horder's address to the National Association of Funeral Directors' Conference, 1937, and report on cremation and public health from the Royal Sanitary Institute's
/7: Correspondence with, and concerning the Treasurer, 1935-1938
/8: Correspondence with Lord Horder, 1936-1939
/9: Correspondence with Vice Presidents, and invitations (some declined) to become a vice-president, 1933-1939
/10: Correspondence with the Registrar of Companies, the Inland Revenue, and the Council's bank, 1937-1939
MembershipCRE/P/4/D/1-5 1936-1939
5 files
/1-3: Members application forms, nos. 31-101, with related correspondence, 1935-1939
/4: Correspondence re membership applications, and possible affiliation of the Burial Society of Great Britain, and the National School of Embalmers Association, 1938-1939
/5: Blank membership certificate, [nd.]
Registration of Funeral DirectorsCRE/P/4/E/1-7 1933-1939
7 files
The Council for the Disposition of the Dead was involved in the Draft Bill for the registration of Funeral Directors. Material regarding the bill includes:
/1: Correspondence with the National Association of Funeral Directors,
1933-1939 (British Undertakers Association until 1935). Includes programmes for the Association's conferences at Scarborough, 1936 and Whitley Bay, 1938, and autumn conference number of the National Chamber of Trade Journal October 1937
/2: Correspondence about proposed bill for the registration of funeral directors, 1935-1937
/3: Correspondence about the Registration of funeral directors bill, 1937-1938
/4: Correspondence about the bill for the registration of funeral directors, 1938. Includes two drafts of the bill
/5-6: Files on proceedings in 1936 and 1938 on the Registration of funeral directors bill, including printed text of the bill, 16 May 1938, and notes on the withdrawal of the motion for the second reading of the bill in the House of Lords in
June 1938
/7: The National Association of Funeral Directors syllabus and exam papers, undated
Disposition of the dead in wartimeCRE/P/5/1-5 1939-1940
5 files
/1: Plan for the disposition of the dead in a national emergency, produced by the Cremation Society and The Federation of Burial and Cremation Authorities, July 1939 and including correspondence with Sir John Anderson at the Home
/2: Papers on air raids: “Air raid precautions: responsibilities of the medical officers of health”, memorandum to be submitted by the Society of Medical Officers of Health to the Lord Privy Seal, the Ministry
of Health, and the Home Office A.R.P. Department, with related correspondence
/3: “The problem of the disposition of the dead after air raids”, extract from a paper by Dr. A.B. Williamson given at 8th Joint Conference of Burial and Cremation Authorities, 26th June 1939, with related
/4: Correspondence with the Federation of British Cremation Authorities, 1939
/5: Cremation of Civilian Dead in Wartime - letter from the Cremation Society to local authorities, September 1939, seeking support for the Society's opposition to a government circular making clear that cremation of civilian dead following
air raids would not be permitted, due to wartime difficulties in meeting the requirements of the certification system. With the authorities' replies. With some related cuttings, and “Civilian deaths through war:
arrangements for the disposal of bodies”, article in Municipal review, May 1939, p.165.
Cremation and the lawReference: CRE/P/6/A - CDates of creation: 1902-1999
Extent: 1 box
Amendments to cremation bills
CRE/P/6/A/1-11 1942-1972
11 files
/1: Correspondence regarding cremation law amendments, 1946-48.
/2: Representations to the Home Office, by the Cremation Society, 1945-1951, and related correspondence and papers. Includes report of the 29.1.45 meeting, material for memorandum on amendments and MOH booklet on War Deaths, 1942.
/3: Correspondence and cuttings, leading to the new regulations, 1951-52.
/4: The 1952 Cremation Bill, drafts, comments and final version.
/5: Correspondence concerning future amendments of the Cremation Regulations, 1953-8.
/6-7: Home Office Working Party on Cremation Regulations, 1964. Correspondence, minutes and papers. Includes copies of existing parliamentary bills (1959-68, 1962-64). 2 files.
/8: Revision of the Cremation Regulations, 1962-4 (Summary papers).
The siting and planning of crematoria, Ministry of Housing and Local Government guidelines May 1963 (91202/2/76B); Cremation Society notes on the same subject, 1968; DOE Guidelines 1972 (LG6/232/36); and earlier drafts
and comments
/10: Draft Bill to provide for the registration of funeral directors and for the purposes connected therewith, nd.
/11: Cremation Society objections and observations to the draft regulations under the Cremation Act, 1902
Statutory forms for cremation
CRE/P/6/B c.1930-1966
1 file
B, C, F and A forms as printed for British Crematoria pursuant variously to the Regulations dated 1930, 1952 and 1965. Arranged alphabetically by name of crematorium, with several copies of each. Copies of forms other than B,C,F and A. Listed
1-26, by Cremation Society. Includes specimen Register sheets for both cremations and memorials.
Parliamentary papers and official publications 1834-1987
CRE/P/6/C 1834-1987
1 file
50 published papers, bills and reports, arranged chronologically. Also includes a booklet from The Federation of British Cremation Authorities which includes Codes of Cremation Practice and the Charter for the Bereaved
Lectures, promotional activities, and background informationCRE/P/7 1850?-1999
5 boxes
Lectures, promotional activities, and background information collected and created by the Cremation Society through the course of their history
Entries have been seperated into approprioate subseries. Files from the first accession appear in chronological order at the beginning of each subseries and the latest accruals have been added at the end of each sequence.
Background informationReference: CRE/P/7/A/1-12Dates of creation: [1885-1999]
Extent: 12 files
CRE/P/7/A/1 1885-1969
Useful information for speakers on cremation, and replies to enquiries:
Synopsis on which a lecture or a series of lectures on cremation may be based
Notes for speakers on cremation
Chronological table (labelled "Information for graphs") of the number of cremations, crematoria, deaths, and percentage of deaths which were cremations, 1885-1957
Progress of cremation in Great Britain 1938-1956, table of the proportion of cremations in relation to deaths
Graph of new life members enrolled in the Cremation Society, 1908-1963, and of claims under the Society's cremation assurance scheme, 1943-1963, with note on verso of the number of claims in 1964-Feb 1965
Table of life members enrolled in the Cremation Society 1908-1958
Analysis of geographical distribution of life members of the Cremation Society, as at 19 April 1956
Notes on crematorium administration, layout and design
List of speakers on cremation design
List in chronological order of crematoria opened in Britain 1885-1969
List of crematoria erected in Britain1954-1961, with costs
List of the world's crematoria, arranged by continent and then by country, with note "Correct 20/9/57"
Note on opening ceremonies for new crematoria
List of persons of note cremated in Britain up until 1931
List of well-known people who have addressed the Cremation Society's conferences
List of those who have acted as chairmen of sessions at the Cremation Society's annual conferences 1946-1958
List of papers read at the Cremation Society's annual conferences, 1946-1958
List of questions raised at the Cremation Society's annual conferences, 1948-1953
List of conference venues, 1922-1965, used for conferences of the Cremation Society and other cremationist bodies
“Code of cremation practice approved by the Federation of British Cremation authorities, 1945”
“Instructions for funeral directors approved by the Federation of British Cremation Authorities, 1945.”
National Association of Funeral Directors publicity leaflets
Note on the lifting of restrictions on the cremation of Roman Catholics, with estimates of the number of Catholic cremations in 1964-1966
1 file
CRE/P/7/A/2 [c.1960s?]
Notes and drafts for talks and lectures about the cremation movement in Britain and the Cremation Society, mostly by K.G.C. Prevette.
1 file
CRE/P/7/A/3 [1980s?]
Notes about the history and future of the Cremation Society and chronologically arranged extracts from its minutes, compiled by K.G.C. Prevette for a talk to be given at a 1980 conference.
1 file
CRE/P/7/A/4 1964 and 1970
Recollections and information on the history of the Cremation Society by George C. Noble, its former secretary, compiled in 1964 at the request of the then secretary, K.G.C Prevette. With, attached to Noble's recollections, notes of the speech
made by Martin R. Smith, Chairman of the London Cremation Company, at the opening of the Golders Green Crematorium, 1902.
1 file
CRE/P/7/A/5 1960-1970 1980
General information and conference papers including:
"The value of idealism in the cremation movement" a paper submitted to thr ICF Congress held in Vienna in May 1966 by K.G.C. Prevette
Notes and information about the Cremation Society, their history, premises and the opening of Woking crematorium
"Cremation in Great Britain" a paper given by P.H. Jones to the Swedish Cremation Conference, Stockholm, 1963
"A short talk on Cremation" an introduction by Bert Britton, nd.
Information about Cremation from an Age Concern factsheet
1 file
CRE/P/7/A/6 [1960-1980s]
Information and leaflets about Cremation and the Roman Catholic Church
1 file
CRE/P/7/A/7 [1960-1980s]
Information about Cremation, of particular interest is a poem by The Rt. Hon. the Earl of Verulam about Cremation and Burial Exhibitions; notes for speakers on cremation; draft for guidance on organising a funeral; information on the ICF Special
Committee for Human Rights;
"Crematorium Memorials" an article by W.J.S. Butler; shareholding and membership paperwork
1 file
CRE/P/7/A/8 [1960s-1990s]
Information sheets and articles about various religious funeral services and customs. Services covered in detail include Christian, Hindu, Humanist and Secular.
1 file
CRE/P/7/A/9 [1960-1990s]
Miscellaneous file of information about cremation and the Society including leaflets, reports and some correspondence. Of particular interest are letters sent between K.G.C. Prevette and Sir John Colville of the Churchill Centenery Trust
regarding Churchill's interest in Cremation (12, 18 and 23rd July 1974).
1 file
CRE/P/7/A/10 [1990s]
Miscellaneous file of information mainly in regards to environmental issues and funeral costs. Also includes
Liberal Jewish Cremation Practices a conference paper and article by Rabbi Bernard Hooker
1 file
CRE/P/7/A/11 [1990s]
Miscellaneous file of information about cremation in the United Kingdom, particularly with regards to Environmental Legislation. Includes one article about Japan
1 file
CRE/P/7/A/12 20th century
Notes for speakers on Cremation, prepared for conference speakers
1 file
CRE/P/7/A/13 1900-1984
Articles of Association and constitutional documents for related bodies includes:
The Federation of British Cremation Authorities' constitution, 1938 and 1946
The Federation of British Cremation Authorities' Code of Cremation Practice, 1980
The Federation of British Cremation Authorities' recommendations on the establishment of crematoria, 1965
The Federation of British Cremation Authorities' guidance on the minimum standards of practice and equipment in crematoria
An incomplete set of The Federation of British Cremation Authorities' Executive Committee Reports between 1965-1984
Memorandum and Articles of Association of The Cemeteries Association Limited, 1922
The London Cremation Company Memorandum and Articles of Association, 1900
Institute of Burial and Cremation Administration, Memorandum, Articles of Association and Bye-Laws, 1958
The Cremation Council of Great Britain's constitution, 1946
1 file
CRE/P/7/A/14-15 1889-1986
/14: Correspondence, information and papers about the founding figures in Cremation and the Cremation Society including Dr William Price and Dr Henry Thompson
General enquiries, correspondence and information about the founders of The Cremation Society, includes letters to the post office about commemorative stamps for centenary of the first cremation at Woking (1983)
2 files
CRE/P/7/A/16 1834
Burial places (Bills of Mortality) in the Diocese of London
1 file
Biographical information CRE/P/7/B/1-2 [1930s]
2 files
/1: Biographical notes and cuttings relating to supporters of the cremation movement. Those chiefly covered are Edwin Chadwick (1800-1890), Rose Mary Crawshay, William Eassie (d. 1888), Rt. Hon. Robert Farquharson (born 1836), Ernest
Hart, Rev. H.R. Haweis, Herbert T. Herring (born 1861), Rt. Hon. Walter Foster Ilkeston (d. 1913), John Cordy Jeafferson, Rev. Brooke Lambert (d. 1901), Rudolph Chambers Lehmann, Sir Lyon Playfair (1818-1898), John Everett Millais, William Robinson
(1838-1935) of Gravetye Manor, East Grinstead, John Simon (1816-1904, Martin Ridley Smith (d. 1908), Swinburne-Hanham, Recorder of Faversham (born 1860), Sir John Tenniel, Sir Henry Thompson, Rev. Charles Voysey (d. 1912), and Sir Thomas Spencer
Wells (1818-1897).
/2: P. Herbert Jones (1898-1973), Secretary of the Cremation Society: biographical information, recollections and letters of condolence on his death, and photographs of him.
LecturesReference: CRE/P/7/C/1-3Dates of creation: 1874-1995
Extent: 7 files
For related material see:
CRE/P/7/C/1 1936-1937
Cremation Society lecture programme: lecturers' completed report forms on lectures delivered on behalf of the Society in 1936, applications for speakers and related correspondence 1939, and schedule of planned lectures for that autumn (mostly
cancelled due to outbreak of war), and notes and correspondence about proposals to revive the lecture programme, 1947.
CRE/P/7/C/2-7 [1930s-1990s]
Miscellaneous lectures, essays and reports, and working materials for lectures:
“Why cremation should supersede earth burial in modern cities”, anonymous Cremation Society lecture.
“Cremation v burial. Sentiment”, anonymous draft paper. Lecture on cremation and crematoria given at Leicester College of Art by Rev. David H. Bishop, A.R.I.B.A., 26 September 1968.
“Some problems of the new cremation authorities”, draft address by Howard T. Burt to the annual Cremation Society conference, 1974. Duplicated typescript extracts about cremation practices in Java, Bali, India
and Burma from Frank Hedges Butler's Round the world (1924).
“Floral tribute problems: discussion between Mrs. Coleman, Mr. Carter & Mr. Prevette”.
“Natural gas and the cremator”, paper by Dowson & Mason Ltd, 30 January 1967.
“Save the land for the living”, project report by Ruth Marelyer Denton for a Health Visitor's examination, 1967.
“Joint boards and joint committees for crematoria”, paper submitted by A. Glossop, Town Clerk of Altrincham, Cheshire, to the Altrincham, Bowdon, Hale and District Joint Cemetery Board. Closing address to the
1980 Cremation Society Conference, Brighton, by Lord Greenwood of Rossendale.
“Cremation - a modern necessity”, address by Lord Horder to a meeting in connection with Health Week, Douglas, Isle of Man, 3 March 1939.
“Investigation into actual condition relating to establishment of cremation facilities in Japan”, English translation of a report for the Japan Environmental Sanitation Center and Japan Facilities Establishing
& Managing Association.
“The problem of the disposition of the dead in crowded areas”, paper by P. Herbert Jones read at the Royal Institute of Public Health Conference, Norwich, 17 May 1934.
“The public health aspect of the disposition of the dead”, draft lecture by P. Herbert Jones to be read at the students' reunion of the Morrison School of Embalming, Manchester, 25 July 1937, with related
correspondence between Jones and the School attached.
“Cremation and environment”, by J.P. Koster, technical adviser to the K.V.F.C.
“Cremation in Hong Kong”, paper by John Sheung-Lee (Environmental Hygiene Assistant, Regional Services Department, Hong Kong), for presentation at the annual conference of the Cremation Society, Torquay, 1986.
“The Catholic Church and cremation”, by Rev. J.F. McDonald.
“The funerals and funeral profession”, paper by Dr. Franz Michelfeit, Vienna, translated from German.
“A report on the funeral customs & costs in England”, by George A. Noble, Secretary of the Cremation Society, August 1926.
“The attitude of the church towards cremation”, address by Bertram Pollock, Bishop of Norwich, at the Oxford Cremation Conference, 22 July 1938.
“The value of idealism in the Cremation movement”, paper by K.G.C. Prevette submitted to the International Cremation Congress in Vienna, May 1966, with a postscript note updating some statistics to1971.
“Guidelines for the new Roman Catholic funeral rite”, by Tony Rogers, 1 July 1991.
“Cremation and pacemakers”, conference paper by Dr. H.A. Selling, 19 May 1978.
“The French and the dead”, conference paper by Jean Stoetzel, Monaco, 1980.
“About a survey relating to the French and the death”, conference paper by Professor Louis Vincent Thomas, Monaco, 1980.
“The development of cremation in the Netherlands”, conference paper by a representative of the Vereniging voor Faculatieve Crematie, 1973.
“The Roman Catholic attitude towards cremation explained by a Roman Catholic”, paper signed J.W., 8 August 1910, with footnotes by the secretary of the Cremation Society.
“The passing of a famous novelist, Flora Annie Steel, 16th April 1929”, an account of her cremation, by Mary Spalding Walker, with attached note "Reproduced in May Bulletin 1929 No 21" on letterhead of the
Federation of Cremation Authorities in Great Britain.
“The Aryan peoples and cremation. A tentative note”, by Sidney F. Wicks. Memorial service address by Sidney F. Wicks, compiled for a service at Manchester Crematorium, 22 June 1940, with, attached, a printed
order of service, and three leaves of quotations from various authors headed "A litany of life and death", also for use in the service.
iled by author
CRE/P/7/C/4 [1939] and nd.
"The attitude of the Church towards Cremation" an address given by The Rt. Rev. The Lord Bishop of Norwich, K.C.V.O., D.D. at the Oxford Cremation Conference, 22nd July 1936
Handwritten translation of an article about Incinerators by [Doctor Paul Cornet] chief doctor of the Prefecture de la' Seine, from D'Cornet, undated
An report "Opinion of Mr. Meadow White" by Frederick Meadow White, 1874 and list of letters that outline public opinion to cremation
CRE/P/7/C/5 1979 and 1984
Papers delivered at Cremation Society's Annual Conferences in 1979 and 1984
"Mortality projections and the future distribution of the elderly in England and Wales" by Mr. Frederick L. Ashwood, Statistician, Office of
Population Censuses and Surveys, 1984
"Electricity - Future Developments" by W.C. Dobie, The Electricity Council, July 1979
CRE/P/7/C/6 [c.1974?]
Handwritten and typescript draft material about the history of the Cremation Society and its development over a hundred years. The file is labelled '100 years' as a conference report to be checked by K.G.C. Prevette
CRE/P/7/C/7 1968, 1995 and nd.
Miscellaneous papers include:
General Secretary [K.G.C. Prevette?],"Siting and Planning of Crematoria" , February, 1968
R.N. Arber,"A Brief Overview of the Funeral Industry in Great Britain", September, 1995
"An unabridged History of the International Cremation Federation", undated
Propaganda and advertisementReference: CRE/P/7/D/1-5Dates of creation: 1920-1985
CRE/P/7/D/1 [1920-1930s?]
Cremation Society advertisements, information sheets and leaflets:
3 advertisements for the society, one marked Church directory 1934.
Duplicated reproduction of a letter from the Ministry of Health, 1926, confirming that urns of ashes may be interred in churchyards which have been closed to further burials.
Cremation information, issues for 1944, 1948, and 1951.
Cremation laws. General principles.
Cremation law and certification (chronological list of publications, 1949-1982).
The Cremation Society of England, brochure about the society, including sketch of proposed columbarium chapel in Westminster Abbey, and section on interment of ashes in churches and churchyards.
Cemeteries or … playing fields
Facts about cremation
What you should know about cremation
Why cremation
Cremation versus Burial: comparison of costs
Leading questins about cremation, 1939
1 file
CRE/P/7/D/2 1960-1968
Plans and correspondence about proposed films about cremation
1 file
CRE/P/7/D/3 [1962-1985]
Transcripts of miscellaneous television and radio broadcasts and one undated, including a talk entitled
“The notorious Dr. William Price” on BBC Radio 4, 7 July 1974, by K.G.C. Prevette.
1 file
CRE/P/7/D/4 20th century
Leaflets and information sheets about the history of cremation in Great Britain
1 file
CRE/P/7/D/5 20th century
Leaflets and promotional material about cremation, crematoria and what to do when somebody dies
1 file