Reference code: GB-0033-SAD
Title: Beasley, Ina M.
Dates of creation: 1898-1982
Extent: 2.5 boxes
Held by: Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections
Created by: material relating to service in the Sudan
| | |
| 1939-1942 | Superintendent Girls' Education (Omdurman) |
| 1942-1949 | Controller Girls' Education (Khartoum) |
| 1949 | Retired from Sudan service |
1. Official Papers
(a) Education
(b) Female Circumcision
2. Personal Papers
(a) 1941-48 Sudan Service
(b) 1949 Post Sudan Service
3. Diaries
4. Articles, Speeches, Books (Drafts)
(a) Articles by Beasley
(b) Articles by others
(c) Speeches by Beasley
(d) Speeches by others
(e) Books
5. Newspaper Cuttings
(a) 1949-59 Education
(b) 1948-62 Politics
(c) 1945, Female Circumcision
(d) c.1960-68 General
6. Printed Material
(a) In Archive
(b) In Library
1. Official Papers
1944 Sep
Comments by Beasley on Mr. Kingdon's proposals for education for Nuba girls
1945 Apr 3
Report by Beasley on Salara Girls' School, Western Jebels (C.M.S.) with correspondence from C.W. Williams, Director of Education re the appointment of a woman educationist at the school
1945 Jul
Report by Beasley to the Director of Education on education for Nuba girls putting forward her ideas on official language, religious teaching, government v mission schools and staffing, with notes used in preparation
Correspondence re the Girls' Education Conference at Dilling with notes used as a basis for discussion, agenda and minutes
1947 Jul-Dec
Correspondence from C.W. Williams and K.J. Nobbs of the Sudan United Mission re the opening of a girls' school in Heiban, in the Nuba Mountains
1949 Feb 23-Mar 19
Report on C.M.S. educational work in the Nuba Mountains by C.W. Williams with related correspondence
1949 May 11
Letter from C.W. Williams re the opening of a Girls' Training College of the West, with copy record of a meeting held at the Ministry of Education to discuss same
1946 May 18
Report by Beasley on the C.M.S. schools at Yei, Yambio and g, Roman Catholic Sisters' schools at Mupoi, Wau and Mboro and boys' schools at Loka, Bussere, Wau, Mboro and Meridi, inspected during a tour in Equatoria 7-23 Apr 1946 (2 copies).
See also under 2. Personal Papers)
1947 Dec 1
Report by Beasley for the Director of Education on teacher training for girls in the south (2 copies)
1948 Sep 18
Report by Beasley on the conference of women educationalists in the South with related letter from the Director of Education
1949 Apr 2
Minutes of a meeting at D.C.
Juba's office to discuss the setting up of an education council
1949 Apr 8
Agenda for the Bari Education conference held at Yei
1949 Apr
Report by Beasley on a tour of inspection of Equatoria Province when she visited girls' schools at Torit, Palataka, Loa, Rejaf, Yei and
Juba and paid courtesy visits to boys' schools at Liria, Okaru, Palataka and Yei, with letter from Beasley to
the Director of Education re the need for a scientific investigation into the high infant mortality rate in Torit district
List of school mistresses who signed the pledge against female circumcision
1936 Mar 9
Paper on female circumcision in the Sudan delivered by D.R. Macdonald, M.B.
Appendices I and II to unknown report on
“Female circumcision in the Sudan” and cicatrisation
1939 Dec 2
Translation of the Mufti's fatwa concerning female circumcision
1942 Jun 29
Account of Amin Efendi Babikr's defence of pharaonic circumcision
1944 Jul 17
Translation of a speech against pharaonic circumcision made by Sayyid `Abd al-Rahman at the conclusion of his annual marriage festival in Omdurman
1944 Oct 21
Note of class discussions held at the Girls' Training College on female circumcision and cicatrisation
1945 Feb 1-8
Copy of a note by Beasley on female circumcision given to A.M. Hancock, Asst. Civil Secretary with statistics of girls circumcised at the Girls' Intermediate School and the Girls' Training College
1944 Oct
Extract from
The Medical Women's Federation quarterly review on female circumcision in the Sudan
1945 Mar 21
Note by Beasley on female circumcision
1945 Jan 22
Report by A. Muir, Medical Inspectress on the method of delivery of child in normal labour of a woman who has been circumcised
Article by Allan Worsley on
“Infibulation and female circumcision ...”
1945 Apr 28
Circular letter to all Sudanese members of the Education Department urging them to work against female circumcision
Note of resolutions on female circumcision passed by the Advisory Council for the Northern Sudan
1945 May 30
Record of a meeting held in the Civil Secretary's office to discuss the implementation of the above resolutions
1945 Aug 17
Note by Beasley on propaganda undertaken by the Education Department against female circumcision
Copy of the undertaking by mistresses on the Girls' Training College course to discourage female circumcision
Arabic and English
1945 Sep 2
Draft letter from Beasley to the Governor of Kordofan proposing a propaganda tour of the province by a senior Sudanese mistress
1946 Jan 2
Note by Beasley on investigations carried out in Britain into the possibility of undertaking a large scale propaganda drive in the Sudan against female circumcision; with related notes and correspondence
1945 Dec 31
Draft ordinance on female circumcision presented to the third session of the Advisory Council
Account of a propaganda tour of Kordofan undertaken by Sitt Nafissa Awad al-Karim
1946 Jan 24
Progress report by Beasley on the propaganda campaign with draft handbills used to educate Sudanese women
Letters to Beasley from Nafissa Awad al-Karim while in Kordofan
Talk on female circumcision to be given to fourth year girls during hygiene lessons
Arabic and English
1946 Mar 7
Speech against pharaonic circumcision by Sitt Nafissa, translated into English by Bushra Efendi
1946 Mar 7
Copy of speech by Sitt Nafissa to mothers in the Girls' Intermediate School
SAD.657/4/113; 657/4/125-127
1946 Jun 18
Minutes of the first meeting of the Standing Committee on female circumcision
1946 Mar and May 6
Notes of appreciation by the governors of Kordofan and Blue Nile Province for the propaganda tour by Sitt Nafissa Awad al-Karim
1946 Aug 31
Report by Elfrida Whidbourne to the Civil Secretary on a Sunna circumcision of a young girl
1946 Jul 7
Note for the Civil Secretary by J.C. Penney on the question of government support for the Egyptian form of Sunna circumcision
SAD.657/4/128-202; 657/4/228-239
Minutes of the meetings of the Standing Committee on female circumcision with related papers
1947 Dec 1
Report by E.M. Kendall, Principal Midwives Training School on anti-circumcision propaganda carried out by the staff of the Midwives Training School during 1947
1947 May 29
Note by Beasley on the feasibility of starting a female circumcision clinic
Cuttings from the
Sudan Star and The Times on Sir Basil Neven-Spence's question in the House of Commons on the practice of female circumcision in the Sudan
1949 Feb 20
Letter from Muriel McBain, Girls' Intermediate School, Wad Medani on the lack of progress in promoting the Sunna form of circumcision
SAD.657/4/219-211; 657/4/247-256
1949 Mar 9
Progress report by Beasley on the campaign against female circumcision, with draft
Transcript of speech by Sir Basil Neven-Spence to the House of Commons with reply by the Minister of State, Mr. McNeil
1949 Apr 5
Minutes of the fifth meeting of the Standing Committee on female circumcision
SAD.657/4/262-269; 657/4/273-274
Cuttings from British newspapers on female circumcision
2. Personal Papers
(a) 1941-48 Sudan service SAD.657/5/1-134
1941 Apr 5-1948 Mar 28
Letters from Beasley to her mother Mrs. A.B. Girdwood mainly concerned with family and personal matters, the progress of the war, developments in Burma (where Beasley lived with her former husband), the publication of her novel and arrangements
for annual leave. There are also brief references to annual leave in Palestine, visiting Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Tel Aviv (657/5/4); her appointment firstly as Acting Controller of Girls' Education (657/5/14) and later as Controller, from Oct 1942
(657/5/23); inspection trip to Kassala, 1941 (657/5/25); trip to Wadi Halfa, 1941 (657/5/27); trek to the Red Sea Hills, 1942 (657/5/36); annual leave in the Lebanon,
1942 (657/5/39-42); difficulties recruiting British staff (657/5/47); trek to Blue Nile Province, 1942 (657/5/58); working as an announcer for the Omdurman Broadcasting Station,
1942 (657/5/60); annual leave in the Lebanon, 1943 (657/5/72-78); guest of Sayyid `Abd al-Rahman on Aba Island, 1945 (657/5/110); negotiations on the future
of the Sudan, 1946 (657/5/121,123-124); trek to El Fasher, 1948 (657/5/132-133). Most of these subjects are covered in much greater detail in Beasley's diaries and letters to her sister
(see below)
Digitised material for Sudan Archive - Beasley Papers - SAD.657/5
1945 Jun 8-Jul
Letters from Beasley to her sister Mrs. Sheila Connelly taking the form of trek diaries. Each "letter" covers one stage of an inspection trip or a whole tour and in addition to details of schools visited contains descriptions of the journeys
undertaken, the terrain through which she passed and the towns and villages in which she stayed. This series of letters was started at the end of the Second World War shortly after Mrs. Connelly had been widowed
Digitised material for Sudan Archive - Beasley Papers - SAD.657/6
Account of a journey in the company of Miss Hodgson from Omdurman to Dilling in the Nuba Mountains, 21-23 Apr 1945. Background information regarding religion in the Nuba Mountains and government policy
towards the introduction of missionary schools. Journey made as the result of a request from the C.M.S. for a grant for a girls' school. Describes travel by train through Kosti, Tendelti, Umm Ruwaba, Rahad and El Obeid and the second stage by lorry
to Dilling. Description of each town visited including a particularly detailed one of Kosti with an account of the freeing of slaves there and the current use of prison labour
Continuation of the above journey travelling by lorry from Dilling to Salara and back and from there to Rashad via Delami. Account of a meeting with the Sudanese A.D.C. at Dilling with description of the town and its resthouse. Assessment of the
mission station and school at Salara and its staff. Description of the Nuba people and of birds encountered. Explanation of government control of dura supplies
Continuation of the above tour travelling by lorry from Rashad to Umm Ruwaba via Abbasia. Inspections of schools in all three towns; meeting with D.C. and his family at Rashad. Description of wild life encountered on the road to Abbasia and a
display of dancing by young girls
1945 Aug 10-1947 Mar 7
Letters from Beasley to her sister Mrs. Sheila Connelly taking the form of trek diaries. Each "letter" covers one stage of an inspection trip or a whole tour and in addition to details of schools visited contains descriptions of the journeys
undertaken, the terrain through which she passed and the towns and villages in which she stayed. This series of letters was started at the end of the Second World War shortly after Mrs. Connelly had been widowed.
Digitised material for Sudan Archive - Beasley Papers - SAD.657/7
1945 Aug 10
Account of a visit to Aba Island as the guest of Sayyid `Abd al-Rahman al-Mahdi to attend the opening of an extension to the boys' school and a new girls' school. Background information on support for Sayyid `Abd al-Rahman and Sayyid `Ali
Mirghani. Tea-party at the Omdurman house of Sayyid `Abd al-Rahman. Journey by train to Rabak and from the station by car. Description of the Sayyid's home. Meeting with Sitt Medina, Sudanese inspectress of girls' schools. Various meals with Sayyid
`Abd al-Rahman. Inspection of girls' school, the cotton-spinning workshop, dairy and the Sayyid's private museum. Meeting with Sayyid `Abd al-Rahman's wife. Description of rehearsal of procession for the day of festival. Comments on the use of women
for heavy manual work. Day of school opening-visit to agricultural tent; opening ceremony performed by Beasley; failure of guests to arrive
1945 Dec 29
Account of a return air journey from London to the Sudan
1946 Apr 8
Account of a tour of inspection of schools in Equatoria. Journey by air to
Juba , stopping at Malakal and including description of game. From
Juba to Yei by lorry stopping to inspect the boys' intermediate school at Loka and Yei girls' school. By
car to Meridi and visit to mission schools for boys and girls; inspection of girls' school at Yambio; Catholic mission school for girls at Mupoi; Wau mission schools for boys and girls; boys' school at Bussere; Mboro mission school for girls; Tonj
government school for boys. Return journey to
Juba stopping at Rumbek, Mvolo and Amadi. Discussion of plans for education for southern girls and the long-term effects on tribal life of the introduction of education
1947 Mar 7
Tour of inspection to Kassala Province. Description of luggage taken on a typical trek. Journey by train from Khartoum across the Blue Nile by Sennar Dam to Gedaref. Description of the town and inspection of the girls' school; tea with one of the
nazirs ; preparations for a visit by the Governor-General. By train to Kassala; inspection of two girls' schools, one built by Sayyid `Ali al-Mirghani; visit to the home of Shaikh Ibrahim to meet women. By car to Aroma,
meeting with notables at the courthouse to discuss the possibility of opening a school. On to Wagar for an inspection of the boys' school and discussions with local women on education for girls. Visit to a Hadendowa tribal gathering at Tementai to
encourage chiefs to support education. Train journey to Port Sudan, then travel by lorry through Suakin to Tokar for a brief inspection of the girls' school. Return journey in the company of a cotton broker.
(Ms (55-94) and ts (95-105)
1976 Apr-1985 Nov 18
Letters to and from Beasley concerning books, articles, television and radio programmes on female circumcision, its prevalence in the world and the need to outlaw the practice in the UK through parliamentary action. Includes correspondence with
the Fawcett Society, Women's International Network, theof World Health Organization, the General Medical Council, member Parliament and others
Digitised material for Sudan Archive - Beasley Papers - SAD.204/7
3. Diaries
1939 Nov 7-1949 Apr 13
Two volumes and one 25-page typescript covering inspection trips throughout the Sudan by Beasley The first volume (1939-1945) gives details of each trip and each inspection; the second volume (1945-1949) presents summaries of trips, entries being made after her return from long treks. The narrative of volume II lacks specific dates, though month and year are indicated. Subject by subject details of each
inspection are not recorded in the diary after March 1943. Beasley notes that such information may be found in her official reports. Both volumes and typescript record in minute detail the difficulties of travel, observations on terrain and climate,
encounters with teachers, pupils, government officials, village/tribal leaders, women and missionaries. Beasley frequently ponders the problems of cross-cultural contacts and conflicts, "progress", independence, appropriate education and the British
role in the Sudan
1939 Nov 7-26
Beasley appointed Inspector of Girls' Primary Schools. Describes first visits, including St. Joseph's in Khartoum, CMS School and Wad Nubawi School in Omdurman and El Abbasiya School. Comments on interest of children, competence of teachers,
condition of buildings, effectiveness of syllabus, difficulties of language differences among pupils and teachers
1939 Nov 27
American Mission School, Khartoum North; comments on staff, teaching syllabus, standards and buildings
1939 Nov 28
Unity High School: excellent impression of this school for girls of various non-Sudanese communities. Headmistress trying to enroll some Sudanese girls. Teaching entirely in English
1939 Dec 2
Khartoum North School: full inspection carried out. Class in oral composition very exciting as students seemed willing to participate and put aside their usual shyness
1939 Dec 18
Long report on visit to a Coptic school, with new Egyptian headmistress and a largely male staff. Comments on equipment and materials, atmosphere and quality of teaching
1939 Dec 26
Comments on report by Miss N.E. Ainley and Miss M.C. Warburton on "Girls education in the southern Sudan"
1940 Jun 2
Visit to St. Joseph's in Omdurman, with Sister Francesca as head. Teaching done in English and Arabic. Nuns teaching in senior school; young women trained at the school teaching in the lower forms. Staff and students of several nationalities
Observed exams at the Training College: conduct of the exam, marking and results
1940 Jan 10
At opening of new school in Berber. Local officials present; 80 places available, many little girls turned away. Comments on building, supplies, teachers
1940 Jan 14
Went to Bakhr-er-Ruda with G.H. Bacon, principal of the School of Agriculture, and W.B. Jamieson, Chief Inspector of Schools, to observe the work of the Training College: housing, gardens, teaching experience, teaching methods. Visited classes,
talked with the boys and the teachers in training. Lengthy observations on the philosophy of education and its acceptance by the people of the Sudan. Particularly interested in the teaching of art; also in the experimental "project lessons" in which
small groups of students carry out a project such as operating a market stall
1940 Jan 16
Visited Dueim Girls' School: comments on quality of teaching, materials used, size of classes, and condition of the building
1940 Jan 17
Toured the school in Gulli, the only town in the Sudan with a full girls' school but only a lower boys' school. Observations on cleanliness, tidiness, and attitudes of the teachers
1940 Jan 18-19
Discussed adult education for women with the Sudanese masters in one village [not named]. Beasley encouraged mothers' meetings from time to time to learn first aid, cooking or hygiene
1940 Jan 23
Visited two villages near Bakhr-er-Ruda: the first a cultivators' village; the second of "half-nomadic" people
1940 Feb 4
Went to Khartoum North to count stores at the school and visit needlework classes. Comments on atmosphere and quality of work
1940 Feb 6
At Abu Ruf, observations on abilities of headmistress and teachers
1940 Feb 10-12
Abbassia and Beit al-Mal: comments on buildings,teachers and responsiveness of pupils
1940 Feb 13-15
Summoned to a talk with the Director of Education, V.L.H. Roseveare; discussed expansion of education for women, the success of Bakhr-er-Ruda, shortage of supplies and need to educate women about evils of female circumcision
1940 Feb 16
Attended opening of the School of Agriculture
1940 Feb 23
Miss Harvey, head of Training College, returned from Bakhr-er-Ruda. Discussion of administrative duties at the TC and longer discussions with V.L. Griffiths on the need for Sudanese women to do welfare work. Possible training course; type of
women needed
1940 Feb 24-27
Inspected El Murada School with Sitt Negiba. On to Buri and Shambat. Discussed attitudes of teachers and pupils, lesson planning, classroom conditions
1940 Mar 3
Toured to Osman Saleh. Went to El Obeid with Miss Harvey, visiting the administrative offices and learning about the problems of the province from the Governor. Comments on school buildings, lessons, and standards. El Obeid a good model for
expansion of women's education. Visited the gum market; auction procedures. West African labourers moving into this part of the Sudan
1940 Mar 11-13
Schools at Bereir and Osman Saleh. Comments on morale of teachers and pupils; quality of buildings and materials
1940 Mar 14-18
New sites needed for the four worst schools in Omdurman. Money available for new buildings. Went to inspect Khartoum Deims school again. Unsafe and unhealthy buildings a constant worry
1940 Apr 6
Train trip to Rufa`a; terrain dry and desolate. Visited house and orchard of local holy man
1940 Apr 7-10
Visited first girls' school in the Sudan, begun twenty years earlier by Babikr Badri. Comments on buildings, teaching, classroom atmosphere. Went to Deims Rufa`a; noted energetic atmosphere and willingness to try new methods. Observed different
standards between European and Sudanese arts. Meeting with local women to discuss adult education; some interested in sewing lessons. Visit to Hillaleia School
1940 Sep 11
Comments on the Training College and the effect of its policies on the country's schools
1940 Oct 8-12
Visited schools at Burri, Wad Nubawi and Berber. Observations on arithmetic, drill and needlework. Methods at the Training College under scrutiny
1940 Oct 15-23
To Dongola, a very attractive city, but with urban problems of poverty and overcrowding. Comments on school standards and teachers. Kindergarten recently introduced; comments on overcrowding and shortage of materials. Visit to Khanduq and
1940 Oct 24-30
Inspection in Merowe. Noted enthusiasm of teachers and pupils; quality of building and lesson plans; atmosphere encouraging discussion and questions
1940 Dec 6-7
Arrived at Shendi. Tea with family of headmistress and sister; first women in family to work outside the home. Inspected school in Metemma
1940 Dec 8-12
Visited school at Ed Damer. Some original ideas being tried, with success, in the hygiene and sewing classes. Governor came to visit and tour schools. Beasley visited CMS school in Atbara; parents paid fees. Government school soon to be built
1941 Jan 18-22
Visits to Kosti and Gulli. Kosti school building well maintained and attractive. School at Gulli doing well. Beasley puzzled about supplies for all the schools; problems of distribution; stores and funds supervised by Controller
1941 Mar 15-19
Arabic exam passed. Visited schools at Hillaleia, Geteina, Deims Rufa`a, each time commenting on the arithmetic, needlework, geography, competence of the staff and condition of the buildings
1941 Mar 21-23
Saw schools in Shabarga and Wad Medani. In Shabarga stayed with the nazir 's family. Anxious to see welfare workers appointed to assist teachers in the community: enforce school attendance, assist in health care and
adult education
Visits in September to Bara and Dueim just after rainy season. Comments on beauty of countryside. Issue of female circumcision raised. Now paying second and third visits to schools; able to see changes for the better or worse. Still worried that
schools may put on a show when she comes. Promoted to Controller in October 1941, to assume post following year. Reference to trip to Cairo and Palestine in spring of 1941, but no
1941 Oct 6-Nov 4
During October a strenuous trip to Kamlin during Ramadan. No accommodation, so had to improvise on local prison verandah. On to Kassala on 4 Nov by train. Crops in full growth, beautiful and lush. Received some anonymous letters complaining about
conduct of some of the teachers
1941 Nov 11-26
Reached Gedaref on Nov 11. Describes custom of burning grass in the fields before new planting. On to Sennar, description of town and the dam. Comments on school and teachers
1941 Nov 30
On Nov 30 stopped at Halfa to inspect the Halfa, Degheim and Debeira schools. Invited to tea parties at each by the `umdah ; teachers always subdued in the presence of men. In Degheim DC's wife took special interest
in the school. War news disheartening. Met Lady Huddleston, wife of the Governor-General
1942 Jan 11
Strenuous journey to Tegale via Um Ruwaba in a lorry. Was lost in the desert at Um Ruwaba after going for a walk; describes panic and rescue at dusk by a local farmer
1942 Jan 29
Third visit to Rufa`a; eager to see the women's Adult Education Centre started the previous year and organised by the women themselves. Difficult, without a model to follow and with sewing materials very scarce. Invited to tea party at home of
Sitt Esh Shol, a successful businesswoman. School at Hassaheissa inspected and comments recorded
1942 Feb 22
Visited Abu Guta where original enthusiasm for the school seemed to have waned. Impressive however, because nomads had taken to farming and were succeeding at growing crops
1942 Mar 3
Journey to Tokar difficult when luggage lost. Account of day at Sollum Junction waiting alone for train in hot, dreary surroundings. Description of Suakin. Tokar school benefitted because of DC's interest. Local shaikhs not supportive of girls' education. Attendance small but steady
1942 Mar 22
Visited Hillaleia where the populace seemed apathetic about school; comments on buildings, teachers, pupils. DC hoping to rebuild the school. At Eilafun the school and children thriving. The two mistresses were sisters, a situation that worked
well in several schools
1942 Apr
Trip to Shendi to view the proposed site for a Girls' Training College and centre for the training of adult education workers
1942 Oct
Described a 10-day inspection trip, beginning 20 Oct 1942, travelling up the Blue Nile by boat in the company of the D.C., G.M. Hancock. Comments on school at Singa. At Abu Hujar discussed building a new school.
Enjoyed the terrain and atmosphere at Roseires; heard tales of the Abyssinian campaign from Hancock. Suki, a barren town; comments on school and teachers
1943 Mar
Visited Darfur, flying in a few hours a distance that took one month overland. Stayed in `Ali Dinar's palace, then the Governor's residence. Went on to Nyala to inspect schools; stayed in the guest room of Governor's house, formerly `Ali Dinar's
court. Noted that details of school inspections no longer recorded in diary; written up in detailed reports elsewhere
To England on leave. No entries
1945 Jan
Visit to Wadi Halfa, Kassala and Gedaref. Met holy man `Uthman Mirghani; anxious to have a girls' school in his town. Beasley pondered financial as well as spiritual aspects of life of a holy man
1945 Mar
Inspection trips to Fasher and Nyala. Saw an exhibition of African dancing. Took the school children to the gardens as a "geography walk". Several teaparties given in her honour
1945 Apr 21-23
The Nuba Mountains and inspection trips to Dilling and Salara. Inspected the CMS schools for boys and girls. Teachers trying to teach both Arabic and English languages. Programme for girls still in early stages
1945 May
Trek continued to Delami and Rashad. Found girls attending the boys' school and approved this initiative of the local leaders. Comments on the government schools at Tegale and the CMS School at Salara. Thoughts on cleanliness
1945 May 15-21
Very detailed account of a visit to Aba Island as a guest of Sayyid `Abd al-Rahman. Description of his house, her room in the garden, meals, conversations and a frightening thunderstorm one night. Visit to the school for girls learning to spin
yarn. Other festivities on the following days, including an agricultural show, display of crafts and opening of girls' school. Heavy rain and mud prevented other guests from arriving. Return to Omdurman
1945 May 26-1946
Trip to Sinkat for school inspection; school doing well, though not serving the Beja tribe it had been built to serve. Description of Sinkat. On to Erkowit for a few days' leave. Passed a camp for Palestinian prisoners on the way. Came down with
dysentery and was unwell rest of summer
1946 May-Aug
Returned from leave to find worst Nile flood in 100 years. Had a four-day detour at Atbara
1946 Nov-1947 Apr
Education expanding; more money for schools, but political troubles on horizon. Demands for independence, Sudanisation of services and rise of political parties
1947 Nov
Inspection trip to Malakal by air. Travelled to Atar; discussion of plan to build a canal through the sudd and drains large areas of swampland. Very impressed by the mission school at Atar, run by Mr. and Mrs. Williams, whose efforts were
described in an article in the Apr 1946 issue of
Overseas Education. In addition to the primary school, there was an intermediate school, and a teacher training section. Beasley gave lecture on need for girls' education
1947 Nov
Inspected boys' school at Malakal and enrolled girls for new school to open in Jan. Large new mosque under construction, paid for with Egyptian money
Inspection of mission schools at Doleib Hill and nearby village schools. Comments on the efforts of Miss Grove, head teacher and high staff turnover. Urged Department of Education to open new school at Yambio
By air to El Fasher to conduct inspections; gave examinations to 13 girls wanting post-elementary education. At Nyala enjoyed pupils' plays and dances
1948 Feb
At Zalingei impressed by neat villages, better roads and women who were free to move about without hindrance. At Kass found a large settlement of tukls and a thriving boys' boarding school. Stayed with D.C. Boustead
at Zalingei, veteran of the Abyssinian campaign. Description of terrain, comments on the girls' school, the brick building and the house for thirty boarding pupils. Girls very lively and keen. Noted that the housekeeping work was done by women from
a nearby prison. Boys' school showed considerable military influence. Speculation on how long the system will last in view of great changes coming to the Sudan. Met a local chief and admired his efforts in planting fruit trees and gardens
1948 Feb
After a tiresome journey by road arrived at Geneina. Called on by the Sultan, who was eager to promote girls' education. Visited the boys' school; surprised to find a few girls enrolled
1948 Feb
Long drive to Kebkebiya. Visited boys' school, but told by headmaster that girls' education not likely in near future. Scenery magnificant. Arrived at El Fasher; cancelled visit to Um Keddada because of road conditions
1948 Oct
Long and very detailed account of a lorry trip from El Fasher to Um Keddada in a suq lorry piled high with goods. Descriptions of the terrain, other travellers, rest house and late-night arrival at Um Keddada.
Comments on the trust required of a woman travelling alone with male companions unknown to her
Inspected both boys' and girls' schools and found them satisfactory; took the mistress on an outing. Long lorry trip back to El Fasher; description of hills and valleys
1948 Oct
Girls' school in El Fasher so successful that people complained of a shortage of places. Flew to Geneina and inspected school there. Discussed with the Sultan the site for a new school. Observations on Darfur and its fascination for visitors
1948 Dec 8-11
Inspected Domestic Science school at Wad Medani; On to Wad Namman to see the site of a new school. Observations on the Gezira, the atmosphere of the region and its future
1949 Jan 21
Beginning of her last year. School inspection at Halfa, accompanied by D.C. and wife. Enjoyed a side expedition to Akba to view prehistoric stone carvings. On to Sarras for school insepction, following the river most of the way. The new boys'
school most impressive building in towns. Account of the trip to Akasha
1949 Jan 21
Dramatic terrain and vegetation much admired. School inspection at Akasha. Headmaster supportive of idea of a girls' school. Several villages on the river prosperous, thanks to flood of 1946. Watched archaeologists
working on a dig at Amara. New girls' school under construction at Abri, a very remote place for the teachers. Retraced steps to Halfa. Visit to Debeira
1949 Apr 1-13
List of schools visited in Equatoria. Diary breaks off
Inspection trip to Equatoria began with flight from Khartoum. Mission schools there were older than government schools. First stop at Loka to see intermediate school; teaching entirely in English; comments on building and standards of
construction. Encouraged missionaries to appoint more educationalists
1946 Apr 9
On to Yei and a visit with Archdeacon and wife, who explained educational aims of the missions. Progress of work discussed
1946 Apr 10-11
At Meridi the mission in charge of an older couple, retired, but pressed back into service. Comments on boys' and girls' schools and missionaries' ideas about each
1946 Apr 12-13
At Yambio both the girls' school and women's adult education progressing satisfactorily; teaching in hands of younger missionaries. Preparations for trek further south without accompanying D.C.
1946 Apr 14
Visit to an Italian mission at Mupoi. Description of the beautiful wooded hills and valleys, game, Zande villages
1946 Apr 15-16
Short visit to Mabu; slept in open-sided rest house, with sinister noises throughout the night. On to Wau, an unattractive town of 3,000 in spite of its location on the Bahr al-Ghazal
1946 Apr 16
Inspected the mission school at Wau. Problems with reading/memorising
Visit to boys' school at Bussere. Large school with 87 girls in attendance; most boarders, who cooked own meals and cultivated gardens. Beasley worried about balance between chores and school work. Comments on teaching methods, subjects,
standards for boys and girls
1946 Apr 19
On to Tonj in Dinka country. Description of the Dinka, their villages and the grasslands. The boys' school flourishing, but only a small girls' school at Kajok, some miles away. The Dinka not willing to have their girls at a boarding school.
Feared educated girls might become unwilling to do the traditional work expected of them
1946 Apr 20
After a short stop in Rumbek, on to Wulu and Mvolo with the D.C. who talked about the difficulties of working in Dinka country: people, language, way of life so different from northern Sudan. Exhausting journey to Amadi over dangerous roads and
1946 Apr 21
Easter Sunday and a visit to Lui School not in session, but the boys marched near the church. Girls' school had been closed for a year; no teacher appointed. Observations on the missionary schools, continuity and stability in the teaching
1946 Apr 21-22
Return to
Juba through more magnificant scenery after a very strenuous fortnight on trek. Long talk with colleagues at
Juba re British responsibilities for detribalization and the role of education. Flight back to Khartoum and more pondering of
the proper role of girls' education in the changing Sudan
4. Articles, Speeches, Books
“Before the wind changed: people and places in the Sudan”, an account of Beasley's life in the Sudan. Includes details of trips to all parts of the Sudan to inspect girls' schools, descriptions of the people with
whom she came into daily contact, a survey of the history of girls' education in the Sudan and an account of female circumcision and cicatrisation (ts. draft)
Now available as
Before the wind changed: people, places and education in the Sudan by Ina Beasley, edited by Janet Starkey (Oriental and African Archives 1). O.U.P. for The British Academy, 1992
Digitised material for Sudan Archive - Beasley Papers - SAD.658/2/1-376
5. Newspaper Cuttings
6. Printed Material
1939 Jun
“Behind Sudan's veil”, an account of Beasley's life in the Sudan, from The Townswoman v36 no 6
1951 Apr
Journal of the Medical Women's Federation, including an article by Mary Hellier, M.B. on “Female circumcision”
Journal of the Medical Women's Federation including a letter by Beasley in reply to Dr. Hellier's article above
1961 Jul
Journal of the Medical Women's Federation including an article by A. Muir-Leach on “Female circumcision: some after effects and other aspects”
Repr. of article above 1961, with letter from A. Muir-Leach to Beasley, 26 May 1968
1945 Mar 1
Pridie, E.D. (Director, Sudan Medical Service), Lorenzen, A.E. (Asst. Dir.), Cruickshank, Dr. A (Senior Physician), Hovell, J.S. (Obstetric Surgeon and Gynaecologist) and Macdonald, D.R. (Senior Medical Inspector):
Female circumcision in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan (Khartoum)
Educational statistics academic year 1961/1962 compiled by the Bureau of Educational Statistics, Ministry of Education (Khartoum, 1962)
1976 Jul-Sep
Women speaking, including an article by Beasley on “Female circumcision”
2. In Library
Durham University Library
Printed material deposited with collection; now integrated into library and catalogued on OPAC.
Female Circumcision (Anti-Slavery Society: London/Geneva [n.d.])
Beasley, Ina M., Nafisah fi`l-madrasah: qissah li`l-atfal (Tr. by N. Ibrahim). (London/Cairo, 1949)
The Congress Magazine, v.1, no.6 1939 Jul
Hodgkin, Robin: “The Sudan publications bureau: beginnings.” Repr. from Overseas Education, v.19, no.3, 1948
Hosken, Fran P.: The Hosken Report: genital and sexual mutilations of females, Women's International Network News (Lexington, MA, USA, 1979)
Keen, M.F.A.: An account of the constitution of the Sudan: based on a paper prepared for the Journal of the Society of Clerks-at-the-Table in Empire Parliaments (Khartoum)
McLean, Scilla and Graham, Stella: Female circumcision, excision and infibulation, Minority Rights Group (London, 1983)
Al-Maslahat Al-Tibbiyyah Al-Sudaniyyah, Al-Khafad al-fir`auni fi`l-Sudan [Pharaonic circumcision in the Sudan] (Khartoum, 1947)
Mohammed Kadri Pasha, Code of Mohammedan personal law according to the Hanafile School (London, 1914) (Dupl.)
Mukhtarat min al-shi`r al-qisasi [Selections from epic poetry] (Khartoum 1947)
Munger Africana library notes, “Genital mutilation of women in Africa”, by Fran P. Hosken (Pasadena, CA, USA, 1976)
Sandison, Paul, Pidjin Arabic for Sudan Defence Force (1944 Dupl.)
Sudan Almanac, 1939 … [and] … 1949 (H.M.S.O. London, 1939, 1949 (2v)
Report by the Governor-General on the administration, finances and condition of the Sudan in 1947 (H.M.S.O., London, 1949)
1001 facts about the Sudan as on 1.1.52 (Khartoum)
Al-Tarbiyyat al-badaniyyah li`l madaris al-uliyyah li`l-banat (Physical education for girls' primary schools) (Ministry of Education, Khartoum, 1943)
Visit the Sudan (Sudan Government Railways: London)
Annual Report, 1956-57 (Ministry of Education: Khartoum, 1958)
al-ta`lim fi al `ahd al-watani [Education in the nationalist age] (Ministry of Information: Khartoum, 1959)
Ministry of Social Affairs: This is our way to build a strong nation
The Townswoman, v34, no 4 (Apr 1967) , v36, no 6 (Jun 1969)
United Nations decade for women, “Traditional practices affecting the health of women and children in Africa”, by Lilian Passmore Sanderson (Surrey, 1985)
Women Speaking, v4, no 9 (Jan-Mar 1976); v4 no 11, (Jul-Sep 1976); v4, no 13 (Jan-Mar 1977), v4, no 14 (Apr-Jun 1977); v4, no 15 (Jul-Sep 1977) v4, no 16 (Oct-Dec 1977); v4, no 17 (Jan-Mar 1978); v4, no 18,
(Apr-Jun 1978); v4, no 19 (Jul-Sep 1978); v4, no 20 (Oct-Dec 1978); v4, no 21 (Jan-Mar 1979); v4, no 22 (Apr-Jun 1979); v4, no 23 (Jul-Sep 1979); v4, no 24) (Oct-Dec 1979); v5, no 1 (Jan-Mar 1980); v5, no 2 (Apr-Jun 1980); v5, no 3 (Jul-Sep 1980);
v5, no 4 (Oct-Dec 1980); v5, no 5 (Jan-Mar 1981); v5, no 6 (Apr-Jun 1981); v5, no 7 (Jul-Sep 1981); v5, no 8 (Oct-Dec 1981); v5, no 9 (Jan-Mar 1982); v5, no 10 (Apr-Jun 1982); v5, no 11 (Jul-Sep 1982); v5, no 12 (Oct-Dec 1982) (26v)
Women's International Network News, v3, no 1 (Winter 1977), v4, no 3 (Summer 1978), v5, no 1 (Winter 1979) (3v)