The founders of the university considered a residential college as an integral part of their scheme from the beginning. So the first students in 1833 were housed in the Archdeacon's Inn on Palace Green. In 1837 the bishop of Durham made over to
the university his Durham castle residence, dating from 1072, and the college was established there, with the keep being rebuilt to provide student accommodation in 1840. It took time for the university, or administration and teaching, and college,
or residential, functions to be distinguished. The castle gradually became established as “University College”, a body of students and teachers living in community, developing distinctive features and traditions,
though it has not been a separate corporate body apart from the university.
Charles Thorp, as warden of the university, initially had charge, until a separate master of the college was appointed after 1862. The college also had a vice-master, censor (responsible for discipline, latterly a senior tutor), bursar and
chaplain, with gyps looking after the students' needs, overseen by a butler.
Further colleges were founded in Hatfield Hall in 1846 and Cosin's Hall in 1851, both with the intention of providing cheaper alternatives for student collegiate residence. The latter took over the Archdeacon's Inn in 1856 but only lasted as an
independent entity until 1864 when it was effectively absorbed by University College, where its students had been taking their meals for a while anyway. Such records as survive for Cosin's Hall are thus part of University College's archive. Hatfield
also came under University College administration for domestic purposes from 1926 and, when it had to evacuate its buildings during the 2nd World War, it shared all facilities, a governing body and master with University College from 1940 to 1949.
So University College's records contain much material about Hatfield and its students during this period.
To ease the pressure on its accommodation, University College also took over Lumley Castle near Chester-le-Street in 1946. This was run by the vice-master with its own JCR. It necessitated detailed transport arrangements to and from Durham until
the castle was returned to the earl of Scarborough in 1970. Then additional accommodation was developed rather closer to the castle with the construction of Bailey Court and Moatside in the 1970s, with staff accommodation being provided by a Fellows
Garden Building in the early 1990s.
1973-1978 Dr D.W. McDowall
1979-1996 Dr Edward C. Salthouse
The records detail the administration of the college through the minutes of its council - an incomplete series - the files of its bursars and especially their accounts, with good series of student and high table battels for the 19th and 20th
centuries. Apart from the details of students to be found in those, admission registers and later student files (closed for the lifetime of students) also provide information on members of the college. The accounts, and especially supporting bills,
give much detail on the college's maintenance of its historic residence, and also its custody of the also highly significant Lumley Castle. There are also plans and files on the various works necessary to maintain and shore up the castle, and also
to maintain its accredited collection of artefacts and objects, and recording also its activities as a tourist attraction and venue for many dramatic, musical and social events. The activities of the various student bodies and clubs, especially the
JCR, are well represented and there is also a sequence of photographs of various college and sporting groups, many of the latter from the period before and after the 1st World War. These are supplemented by material which has come in from former
members of the college, which has also added some less expected aspects to the archive, such as a photograph album of an African hunting trip.
Records were deposited by the college with the university's department of Palaeography and Diplomatic (later merged with the university library) on 6 and 7 September 1972 (mostly early financial records C2/A1-11, 18, also D2/1 and a university
stipends book CG1/13/1) and 11 March 1982 (later financial records, student files, admissions registers, governing body minutes, files for Lumley castle, and group photographs); these were transferred to Palace Green Library on 30 November/1
December 1992. A further deposit was made with the Palace Green Library on 21 September 2005 (Acc No Misc.2005/2006:20) (1912 grant of arms, committee minutes, bursar's files, photos of groups, events, and hunting in Africa). Other deposits of
particular items, mainly from former members of the college, are as noted in the individual handlist entries.
October 2015 (Acc No Misc. 2015/16:52).
The 1972 and 1982 deposits had previously been separately listed under UND/C1. The college's JCR and some other clubs' records were previously listed as UND/DUS 12. With the 2005 deposit, all were resorted and numbered October 2005 - February
There is restricted access to administrative records less than 30 years old, with some further restrictions, generally as noted, on records less than 80 years old where the Data Protection Act applies.
Permission to make any published use of material from the collection must be sought in advance from the Head of Collections (e-mail and, where appropriate, from the copyright owner. The Library will assist where possible
with identifying copyright owners, but responsibility for ensuring copyright clearance rests with the user of the material
Some accessions are appraised on site before transfer, others are appraised when received at Palace Green Library. Clean duplicates are generally removed.
Continuous further accruals are anticipated. In April 2004, a retention schedule and other records management procedures were developed for the university's records to facilitate the regular transfer of records from the university's departments
and offices to the archive. This draft retention schedule was developed further on the appointment of the first university records manager in August 2006, revised in 2019.
D.A. Cross,
“The Paintings in Durham Castle A Catalogue” (2004), Palace Green Library ASC Ref N2 CRO;
G.A. Williams's reminiscences of life as a Castle student 1935-1939, Palace Green Library ASC Add Ms 1408;
C.F. Turnbull's memories of life as a Castle student 1896-1899, with some photos, Palace Green Library ASC Add Ms 1618.
Church Commissioners Durham Bishopric for accounts of the bishops' use of the castle ( and
The architect Dennis Jones worked much on Durham Castle in the later 20th century
E. Jones,
A.A. Macfarlane-Grieve, “University College in 1833”,
(Vol. XXIV No.5, March 1925), p.253-256
R. Brickstock,
AdministrationReference: UND/F1/CMasterReference: UND/F1/C1
Files from the masterships of:
A. Rev Alfred Plummer (1874-1902)
B. Rev Henry Gee (1902-1918)
C. Rev Henry Ellershaw (1919-1932)
D. Rev John H. How (1932-1938)
E. Lt-Col Angus A. Macfarlane-Grieve (1939-1953)
F. Lt-Col Leonard Slater (1953-1973)
G. Dr D.W. MacDowall (1973-1978)
H. Dr Edward C. Salthouse (1979-1996)
I. Prof Maurice Tucker (1997-2011)
J. Prof David Held (2012-2019)
K. Prof Wendy Powers (2020-date) (first principal rather than master)
UND/F1/C1/A1 1882 - 1896
Accounts, bills and correspondence re the Gabbett memorial fund. (William Edward Gabbett was appointed Senior Tutor in 1880 but died in a mountaineering accident on the Dent Blanche on 12 August 1882. In his memory was established the Gabbett
Challenge Cup for scullers and the Gabbett Prize for an essay on a philosophical subject.) Including bills for the sculling trophy from H.F. Wetherell 28 February 1883 and a memorial plaque for the chapel from John Hardman 17 January 1884.
Paper file
UND/F1/C1/A2 1887 - 1901
Accounts, correspondence and testimonials re college servants
1. Suggestions for the duties of the housekeeper and butler, Michaelmas 1887
2. Testimonial for Mary Bell from Rev R.J. Pearce, 23 March 1891
3-4. Testimonial for Mary Summerbell bedmaker from William Brown, 8 April 1892
5-7. Testimonials for Mrs Golightly bedmaker from Fanny Haggard, Rev A.W. Headlam and J. Cuthbert, 17 December 1894
8-9. Testimonials for Mrs Harland from Mrs Tristram and Rev H.E. Fox, 28 February 1895
10. Testimonial for Mrs Meikle from Johnson Barker as bedmaker, 30 September 1896
11. Testimonial for Mrs Cummins from Rev P.A.M. Sullivan, 1 October 1896
12-14. Testimonials for Jane Vickers from C. Dix and W. Stuart White, and her acceptance, 21/24 September 1898
15. Testimonial for Mrs Watson from William Brown, 8 November 1898
16-19. Testimonial for Sidney Walker as gardener from H.N. Tristram, and his resignation
20-21. Letter from Joseph Freeman re the poor attendance of servants in chapel, 12 January 1899
22-25. Explanation of his duties as butler from Joseph Freeman, 20 December 1899, with printed lists of duties for the butler, housekeeper and upper housemaid
26-27. Recommendation of Reuben Green by Henry Palin Gurney with Green's application for butler, 7 February 1900
28. Testimonial for Reuben Green from Adeline Joel, 11 February [1900]
29. Acceptance by Reuben Green as butler, 13 February 1900
30. Note of rooms used in the lodge by William Robinson, 19 May 1900
31-32. Testimonial for Henry Storey from Alan ?Tolreeter, 10 January 1901
33-34. Application from Charles Sands, 16 December 1901
35. Note of Mrs Smith's employment, 26 December 1901
36-37. Acceptance from Mary Johnstone, 22 June
38-41. Resignation from George Alder, 12 September, with a note of his wages
42-45. Notes on gyps', under-butler's and porter's wages
46. Wages bill for all staff
Paper file
UND/F1/C1/A3 1878 - 1902
Letters and bills of Plummer:
1-2. Letter from G.I. Leaton Blenkinsopp at Wolverhampton: books he left behind when he left the university, 1 July 1878
3. Note about Matthew Thompson and the colours of the Durham Volunteers being deposited in the castle, 1838
4. Note about permission and paying for the construction of fives courts behind Cosin's Library, 1880 & 1883
5. Letter from C. Hodgson Fowler: tenders for the screen and gallery, 10 May 1886
6. Letter from W.K. Hilton at Camborne: Miss Blenkinsopp's illness, the race course, 14 September 1887
7. Bill of Watts & Co of London for a pair of dragon-handled vases [for the chapel], 27 March 1890
8. Bill of James Ladiler of Durham Brass & Lead Works for a pair of brass altar candlesticks, 30 June 1890
9. Letter from W.T. Jones: visit of an officer from Merryweather & Sons to drill the men, 20 May 1900
10-12. Testimonials for Rev Henry Lewis rector of Bermondsey from G.S. Streatfeild and Herbert Ingwell bishop in Equatorial Africa, 7 & 9 April 1902
Paper file
UND/F1/C1/B1 1902
Report of the Committee appointed by Senate to consider the relations between the University of Durham and University College, printed, with annotations, 2f, 6 November 1902
Documents Relating to the Establishment of Durham University and of University College Therein, comprising an introduction, table of contents and preface, printed booklet 6f, 1902
Memorandum from the Master discussing the relationships between the university, University College and the bishops over the use of the castle, printed 2f
4. Copy statement of the college's financial position in 1902 and since 1877, printed 1f
Paper file
UND/F1/C1/B2 1904, 1912
Correspondence re staff wages:
1. Letter from Mary Johnstone about increasing the wages of Ellen Brown and Emily Pallard in the kitchen, 6 January 1904.
2-7. Memorandum of proposed staff wages detailing name, occupation and annual wages, with letters from H.S. Squance, 26 July 1912.
Paper file
UND/F1/C1/C1 1932
Military Education Committee of the university of Durham comprising accounts of Durham O.T.C. receipts and expenditure for the year ending 31 March 1932.
UND/F1/C1/C2 1924, 1929
Letters to Ellershaw:
1. From Henry Gee, dean of Gloucester, sending and discussing a parcel for the archives, 21 June 1924
2. From Irvine Masson, Dept of Science, telling him about the next Pemberton fellow, J.A. Hetherington, 18 July 1929
Paper file
UND/F1/C1/D1 7 June 1932
Report on the definition, duties and authority of the master of University College
Paper, 2f
UND/F1/C1/D2 1932 - 1939
Correspondence re appointments, grants for needy students, testimonials and ordinations.
Copy letter re the loan of Cosin's organ-case to Durham dean and chapter, 29 November 1933.
University regulations and procedures 1938.
University college lists of students and rooms Michaelmas 1937.
Examination results and scholarship awards 1938.
Printed dates of congregations 1938-1939.
Draft printed
University College Occasional Paper vol.I, no.11, October 1932.
UND/F1/C1/D3 1934 - 1939
Correspondence with potential students about applications and especially requests for prospectuses.
Lists of students with their school details.
University college lists of students and rooms 1937.
Printed list of Durham university examination candidates in the Arts, Theology and Science, Epiphany term 1937, annotated to show the results of University College students.
Scholarships annual returns 1936.
Grants 1938-1939.
UND/F1/C1/E1 November 1950 - June 1952
Notice re the redecorated State Rooms and invite to a post-graduation party.
UND/F1/C1/E2 1940 - 1953
Correspondence with Macfarlane-Grieve as master:
1. From Valance J. Davies: wants a copy of the war roll, 19 May 1940
2-3. From Valance J. Davies: memories of his time at Castle (1913/4), his present war service and teaching at Lewisham School, Weston-super-Mare, 31 May 1940
4-5. From Arthur W.P. Jaggard: can he recommend a man for his parish (Northampton Christ Church), 14 October 1940
6. From Donald Chitty: asking him to look after Harry F. Makins at Bede College, 16 October 1940
7-9. From W.J.W. Johnson; asking for help to get a commission in the army, 23 October & 10 November 1940, with W.A. Prowse's opinion
10-11. From Harold Buckton: detailing his Durham career, 28 November 1940
12-14. From Kenneth Strachan: wishing to complete his degree, 10, 16 & 17 March 1941
15-16. From John Sell: seeking a reference, with his academic record, 19 & 23 July 1941
17-18. From A. Hesselgreaves: asking for a friend to gain a Latin qualification , with news of contemporaries, 20 November 1941
19. From R.F.L. Gulliver: arranging a visit to the castle for his RAF Training Centre, 21 January 1942
20-21. From H. Houghton: life at a US air base, 6 February 1942
22. From S.J. Nisbet Wallace: his time at Durham 1907/8, 21 January 1943
23-26. From Robert Blakiston: seeking a university living, isolated in Newton-le-Willows, offering a copy of his cousin H.E.D. Blakiston's book, 20 & 29 January 1943
27. From Valance J. Davies: wants a magazine detailing old Castlemen in the war, 7 February 1943
28-30. From Arthur W.P. Jaggard: asking for his help to find an assistant curate for Northampton Chirst Church, 26 May & 10 June 1943
31. From Bertram Colgrave: thanks for Castle Preservation Fund records, 20 May 1944
32. From ?Carlington: offering to restore some woodwork, 18 May ?
33. From S.L. Greenslade: grateful for two years of castle hospitality, 8 October 1945
34-35. From Cynthia Taylor: arranging accommodation in the judge's lodgings for Mr Silkin attending a town planning summer school, 9 & 14 August 1946
36. From C.J.R. Wilson, senior man: apologising for a practical joke played on the police, 14 February 1950
37-38. Report of a sub-committee into correct college dress, colours and insignia, 23 February 1950
39-42. Arrangements and menus for the chancellor's installation, May 1950
43-51. With L.C. Evetts: signboards for the college, June 1950 to February 1951
52-58. With the National Union of Students: the disappearance and return of a plan of the castle, September 1950 to January 1951
59. From Ethel Carr: sending her father's 1849 and 1851 medals, 23 July 1951
60. From the Rotary Club of Durham; thank you for lending plate for an exhibition, 24 June 1953
Paper file
UND/F1/C1/E3 [c.1950]
Case for the opinion of Counsel as to the liability of the Council of the Durham Colleges for repairs to Durham Castle under the 1837 Order in Council, typescript.
Paper file
UND/F1/C1/E4 [c.1945]
Roll of Honour for the Second World War, detailing killed and missing, students and RAF cadets, for University and Hatfield Colleges.
Paper file
UND/F1/C1/F1 August 1964 - July 1981
The Master's University College contributions for the warden's annual reports.
UND/F1/C1/F2 1955 - 1993
Gifts of objects and books to the college, correspondence.
Paper file
UND/F1/C1/F3 1958 - 1972
Correspondence with Leonard Slater as master:
C. Roy Hudleston: return of accounts to Hatfield, 19 November 1958
Gerald Harriss: use of a medieval cupboard to store college records, December 1958 - January 1959
Speechly, Mumford and Soames solicitiors: bequest from William S. Walton, April 1965
J. Bryce: return of the inventory book by A.I. Doyle, 17 May 1966
A.I. Doyle: tidying up after the rag ball, February & December 1966
John Fagg: transferring college records to Palaeography and Diplomatic, May 1969 - January 1972
?: removal of graffiti, 21 April 1970
A.I. Doyle: floodlighting issues, June 1970
A.I. Doyle: photographs of cathedral seals for a castle exhibition, Nobvember 1972
Paper file
UND/F1/C1/F4 6 - 12 May 1960
Letter from the Master to A.O.L. Atkin of 6 May 1960 saying he will be asking SCR members for their comments on the plans, with 4 separate responses, with a summation of the comments by the Master 12 May 1960.
UND/F1/C1/F5 29 March - 17 November 1961
Correspondence between the Master and G. Collard (Durham Colleges Buildings Officer) (mostly), and also C. Elgey (architect), W. Dowson (blacksmith of Kirbymoorside), New Equipment Ltd of Croxdale and the Co-operative Wholesale Society Ltd of
Newcastle re the conversion of the western Castle Undercroft and its fitting out with lights and furniture.
UND/F1/C1/F6 10 June 1964
Letter from P.A. Boobyer to the Master discussing the summer vacation programme of works, including on the Senate Room, Abbey House, Keep, Minstrel's Gallery, Undercroft, awnings for Congregation and the Black Staircase.
UND/F1/C1/G1 October 1974
University Development Programme Committee papers, including a subsmission re the development of Owengate
Paper file
UND/F1/C1/G2 16 October 1978
Letter to A.I. Doyle about Coiner's Garth/Moneyer's House.
Paper, 1f
UND/F1/C1/H1 March 1974 - July 1985
Annual service for the courts and the high sheriff's reception.
UND/F1/C1/H2 November 1987 - February 2011, June 2015
Pemberton fellows, correspondence, CVs, applications and notices, including reports on his Easter term sabbatical 1998 by Ian Macdougall of George Watson's College, Edinburgh, and on her Easter term sabbatical 2015 by Faith Wallis of McGill
Paper file
UND/F1/C1/H3 May 2000 - November 2010
Leonard Slater fellows, correspondence, CVs, applications and notices.
Paper file
UND/F1/C1/H4 July 2012 - December 2015
Leonard Evetts Scholarship Fund, correspondence re the establishment and administration of the travelling scholarship for students studying Arts subjects.
Paper file
UND/F1/C1/H5 May 2001 - February 2002
Congregation, notices and correspondence about the financial consequences for the Castle of moving it to the Cathedral.
Paper file
UND/F1/C1/K1 December 2020 - October 2021
Circulars from the principal
Paper file
UND/F1/C1/K2 28 October 2023
Personal correspondence
Paper file
BursarReference: UND/F1/C2Dates of creation: 1833 - 1987
Financial records
Reference: UND/F1/C2/A
UND/F1/C2/A1 1833 - 1967
Cash books, containing the bursar's debit and credit account.
In volumes 1 and 2, Luke Ripley calls himself bursar of Durham University but he does seem rather to be accounting for University College.
UND/F1/C2/A1/1 1833 - 1837
UND/F1/C2/A1/2 1837 - 1840
UND/F1/C2/A1/3 1853 - 1865
UND/F1/C2/A1/4 1865 - 1874
UND/F1/C2/A1/5 1874 - 1877
UND/F1/C2/A1/6 1877 - 1886
UND/F1/C2/A1/7 1886 - 1901
UND/F1/C2/A1/8 1901 - 1919
UND/F1/C2/A1/8A 1919 - August 1926 & 1929
With inserted at the front, a table of the allocation of fees Epiphany 1924, printed lists of students in residence paying fees ?1921 and a statement from Council about annual charges at University College and Hatfield Hall 13 February 1917.
Bought from Richard Ford Ltd, London, May 2018, Acc.No. Misc.2017/18:99.
UND/F1/C2/A1/9 August 1926 - July 1932
Covers University and Hatfield Colleges.
UND/F1/C2/A1/10 June 1945 - December 1948
Covers University and Hatfield Colleges.
UND/F1/C2/A1/11 December 1948 - January 1952
UND/F1/C2/A1/12 April 1955 - June 1958
UND/F1/C2/A1/13 June 1958 - April 1961
UND/F1/C2/A1/14 May 1961 - April 1964
UND/F1/C2/A1/15 April 1964 - June 1967
UND/F1/C2/A2 1833 - 1894
Low Table ledgers
containing students' debit and credit accounts, including battels and other sums due for such as laundry, repairs and tuition fees. The volumes are generally organised as annual accounts for each student, with some cross-referencing to the next
volume, especially in the early volumes which also generally have indexes of students. However, in the 1870s and early 1880s, accounts for all of a student's time are recorded together, hence the date overlaps of these volumes.
There are four separate sequences of these volumes, each lettered, with a volume J [1847-1848] of the second series being missing since at least 1972. The lettering is retained in the present numbering sequence.
Continued by UND/F1/C2/A7 below.
UND/F1/C2/A2/1A 1833 - 1836
UND/F1/C2/A2/1B 1836 - 1840
UND/F1/C2/A2/1C 1838 - 1840
UND/F1/C2/A2/2A 1840
UND/F1/C2/A2/2B 1840 - 1841
UND/F1/C2/A2/2C 1840 - 1842
UND/F1/C2/A2/2D 1842 - 1843
UND/F1/C2/A2/2E 1843 - 1844
UND/F1/C2/A2/2F 1844 - 1845
UND/F1/C2/A2/2G 1845 - 1846
UND/F1/C2/A2/2H 1846 - 1847
UND/F1/C2/A2/2K 1848 - 1849
UND/F1/C2/A2/2L 1849 - 1850
UND/F1/C2/A2/2M 1850 - 1859
Castle Low Table ledger letter M for 1850-1851. Then reused as a Cosin's Hall account book:
Cosin's Hall students' accounts 1858-1859.
Cosin's Hall beer account 1859.
Cosin's Hall [housekeeper's] account 1859.
UND/F1/C2/A2/3A 1851 - 1852
UND/F1/C2/A2/3B 1852 - 1853
UND/F1/C2/A2/3C 1853 - 1857
UND/F1/C2/A2/3D 1857 - 1865
UND/F1/C2/A2/3E 1864 - 1870
UND/F1/C2/A2/3F 1870 - 1878
UND/F1/C2/A2/3G 1876 - 1882
UND/F1/C2/A2/3H 1880 - 1885
UND/F1/C2/A2/3J 1884 - 1886
UND/F1/C2/A2/4A 1886 - 1889
UND/F1/C2/A2/4B 1888 - 1891
UND/F1/C2/A2/4C 1891 - 1894
UND/F1/C2/A3 1839 - 1886
Low Table Battels books.
Annual accounts of each students' weekly battels.
UND/F1/C2/A3/1 1839 - 1842
UND/F1/C2/A3/2 1842 - 1846
UND/F1/C2/A3/3 1846 - 1849
UND/F1/C2/A3/4 1850 - 1853
UND/F1/C2/A3/5 1853 - 1861
UND/F1/C2/A3/6 1862 - 1871
UND/F1/C2/A3/7 1871 - 1883
UND/F1/C2/A3/8 1883 - 1886
UND/F1/C2/A4 1842 - 1894
High Table ledgers
containing senior members' debit and credit accounts, including battels and other sums due for such as laundry and repairs. The volumes are lettered with the first surviving one being ‘B’ indicating an earlier
volume did once exist.
UND/F1/C2/A4/1 1842 - 1845
UND/F1/C2/A4/2 1846 - 1849
UND/F1/C2/A4/3 1850 - 1861
UND/F1/C2/A4/4 1861 - 1866
UND/F1/C2/A4/5 1884 - 1894
UND/F1/C2/A5 1850 - 1926
High Table battels books
labelled as ‘butler's high table ledgers’ from No.2 onwards. Termly accounts.
UND/F1/C2/A5/1 1850 - 1853
UND/F1/C2/A5/2 1886 - 1892
UND/F1/C2/A5/3 1892 - 1901
UND/F1/C2/A5/4 1901 - 1910
UND/F1/C2/A5/5 1910 - 1922
UND/F1/C2/A5/6 1922 - 1926
UND/F1/C2/A6 1898 - 1961
General ledgers, detailing all aspects of running the college.
6 transferred from Hatfield College archive November 2016.
A ledger for 1912-1921 was reported as being sold to an antiquarian book dealer in 1997.
UND/F1/C2/A6/1 1898 - 1899
UND/F1/C2/A6/2 1899 - 1900
UND/F1/C2/A6/3 1903 - 1907
UND/F1/C2/A6/4 1907 - 1912
UND/F1/C2/A6/5 1926 - 1931
Covers University and Hatfield Colleges.
UND/F1/C2/A6/6 1931 - 1940
Covers University and Hatfield Colleges.
UND/F1/C2/A6/7 1946 - 1961
UND/F1/C2/A6/8 1946 - 1974, mostly 1969-1974
UND/F1/C2/A7 1905 - 1931
Battels journals, termly listings of each student's accounts for such as commons, wine, rooms, service and gas, public fines, detriments, subscriptions, term certificates and college composition fees. 2 is little used as a new volume had to be
started when Hatfield had to be accounted for as well from 1926.
The series is effectively a continuation of UND/F1/C2/A2 above.
UND/F1/C2/A7/1 1905 - 1923
UND/F1/C2/A7/2 1924 - 1926
UND/F1/C2/A7/3 1926 - 1931
Covers University and Hatfield Colleges.
UND/F1/C2/A8 1851 - 1885
Bursars' bank pass books; 2-4 are pass books for the bursars' accounts with Jonathan Backhouse & Co's bank, Durham and 5 is W.K. Hilton's pass book for his private account with the same bank.
UND/F1/C2/A8/1 1851 - 1858
UND/F1/C2/A8/2 1872 - 1879
UND/F1/C2/A8/3 1879 - 1883
UND/F1/C2/A8/4 1883 - 1885
UND/F1/C2/A8/5 1878 - 1885
UND/F1/C2/A9 1833 - 1840
Students' caution money account book.
UND/F1/C2/A10 1877 - 1883
Room rents account book, labelled ‘Furniture book’.
Accounts for rooms 1-47 in room order.
UND/F1/C2/A11 1851 - 1873
Accounts for Cosin's Hall.
For more Cosin's Hall student accounts 1858-1859, see UND/F1/C2/A2/2M above.
UND/F1/C2/A11/1 1851 - 1859
Cosin's Hall account book with credit and debit accounts for the running of the hall.
UND/F1/C2/A11/2 1857 - 1873
Cosin's Hall student battels 1857-1864.
At the back are the bursar's termly receipts and expenditure accounts and general accounts 1870-1873.
UND/F1/C2/A12 1850 - 1853
Senior Common Room wine account book.
Daily records of individual consumption of port, sherry, brandy, hock and madeira.
UND/F1/C2/A13 1884 - 1959
Wine stock books
recording termly quantities held and used of claret, sherry, whisky, hock, port, brandy, madeira, rum and liqueurs.
UND/F1/C2/A13/1 1884 - 1941
UND/F1/C2/A13/2 Michaelmas 1941 - Easter 1959
Includes Hatfield College 1941-1949 and Lumley Castle 1954-1959.
UND/F1/C2/A14 1861 - 1866
Visitors fees account book
Recording the teaching of ?non-college members. With some notes of private tradesmen's accounts. Largely unused.
UND/F1/C2/A15 1907 - 1926
Housekeeping account book
Titled ‘Mrs Haley’.
UND/F1/C2/A16 1889 - 1897
Ledger of termly accounts of receipts and expenditure, with annual summaries.
UND/F1/C2/A17 1920 - 1927
Bursar's ledger of alphabetically arranged college accounts for members and activities, including such as college dinner, and also university organisations.
UND/F1/C2/A18 1905 - 1964
Bursar's journals
Includes Hatfield College 1934 - 1949.
UND/F1/C2/A18/1 1905 - 1923
UND/F1/C2/A18/2 1923 - 1934
UND/F1/C2/A18/3 1934 - 1954
UND/F1/C2/A18/4 1954 - 1959
UND/F1/C2/A18/5 1959 - 1964
UND/F1/C2/A19 February - April 1897
Bursar's petty cash book
Mostly unused. With inserted letters about paying off debts from:
George Fancourt Bell 1897 (1)
W. Priest 1898 (1)
Leslie Blackburn 1929-1930 (4)
UND/F1/C2/A20 2 September 1833 - March 1840
Bursar's memorandum book or
“waste book” of Rev Luke Ripley detailing his daily actions, payments, and receipts, things done and to be done, particularly during the first term of Michaelmas 1833 [in Archdeacon's Inn on Palace Green],
including: hiring staff; ordering furniture, cutlery, bedding, equipment, and supplies; assigning students' rooms and advising on admissions; notes of letters received and sent; receipts of admission fees; notes of menus. From December 1833 for
about a year, there are notes of entries [also appearing in] cash, petty cash and letter books. The volume then increasingly comprises termly lists of students, their fines, fees and other payments, with transcripts of some of his out-letters.
Reversed are his accounts for 1833-1834.
Paper book in vellum-covered boards, damaged
Formerly UND/A1/2/1.
Extracts for 1833 are printed and discussed in A.A. Macfarlane-Grieve,
“University College in 1833”, Durham University Journal (Vol. XXIV No.5, March 1925), p.253-256 and Edgar Jones, University College Durham A Social
History, (Aberystwyth 1996), p.88-95.
UND/F1/C2/A21 1927 - 1971
Terminal fees books, detailing for each student, their fees, battels, scholarships and grants.
4 paper volumes
For terminal fee information between 1945 and 1957, see the files in UND/F1/C2/A39.
UND/F1/C2/A21/1 1927 - 1930
Terminal fees for University and Hatfield colleges, titled “bursar's memorandum book”.
UND/F1/C2/A21/2 1957 - 1964
Terminal fees, in the order 1963/64, 1962/63, 1957/58-1961/62. At the back are high table and miscellaneous accounts 1947-1962 (also for Hatfield 1947-1949).
UND/F1/C2/A21/3 1964 - 1967
Terminal fees.
At the back are high table and miscellaneous accounts 1962-1967.
UND/F1/C2/A21/4 1967 - 1971
Terminal fees 1967-1971.
High table and miscellaneous accounts 1967-1970.
UND/F1/C2/A22 1931 - 1944
Bursar's memorandum book on scholarships, covering University and Hatfield colleges, listing each term those receiving scholarships and other grants or awards.
Originally used as the University College Exeat Book - see an inscription on the inside cover - but the first 7 pages [with exeats recorded] have been excised. Also on the inside front cover is a note re port purchase in 1917.
UND/F1/C2/A23 1924 - 1933
University College Inventory of furniture, fixtures and fittings (including paintings) in all the rooms in the castle, room by room, drawn up in 1924 with subsequent additions, amendments and repairs noted to 1933.
UND/F1/C2/A24 1910 - 1961
Buttery Stock Book
Includes kitchen stock 1930-1961, coal and firewood stock 1929-1961 and Lumley Castle stock 1947-1961. With separate lists for University and Hatfield colleges for 1949.
UND/F1/C2/A25 1937 - 1959
Provisions account books
Covering University and Hatfield colleges.
UND/F1/C2/A25/1 January 1937 - January 1944
UND/F1/C2/A25/2 1944 - 1959
With loose accounts of stock in hand inserted.
UND/F1/C2/A27 July 1925 - July 1928
Wages Book
With records of employer's and workers' National Insurance contributions.
UND/F1/C2/A28 August 1948 - July 1951
Monthly Salaries and Stipends Book
UND/F1/C2/A29 March 1952 - July 1963
Petty Cash Book
UND/F1/C2/A30 1961 - 1969
Time and Wages Registers
Recording weekly hours worked, overtime, wages, national insurance and income tax, with workers' signatures. 3 series, ? for outdoor/works yard, indoor/hall/kitchen/full-time, and cleaning/part-time staff.
UND/F1/C2/A30/A1 July 1961 - August 1962
UND/F1/C2/A30/A2 August 1962 - August 1963
UND/F1/C2/A30/A3 September 1963 - September 1964
UND/F1/C2/A30/A4 September 1964 - October 1965
UND/F1/C2/A30/A5 October 1965 - November 1966
UND/F1/C2/A30/A6 November 1966 - January 1968
UND/F1/C2/A30/A7 January 1968 - March 1969
UND/F1/C2/A30/A8 March 1969
UND/F1/C2/A30/B1 September 1961 - September 1962
UND/F1/C2/A30/B2 October 1962 - November 1963
UND/F1/C2/A30/B3 November 1963 - December 1964
UND/F1/C2/A30/B4 December 1964 - January 1966
UND/F1/C2/A30/B5 January 1966 - February 1967
UND/F1/C2/A30/B6 February 1967 - May 1968
UND/F1/C2/A30/B7 May 1968 - March 1969
UND/F1/C2/A30/C1 December 1961 - February 1963
UND/F1/C2/A30/C2 February 1963 - March 1964
UND/F1/C2/A30/C3 March 1964 - April 1965
UND/F1/C2/A30/C4 May 1965 - May 1966
UND/F1/C2/A30/C5 May 1966 - June 1967
UND/F1/C2/A30/C6 June 1967 - July 1968
UND/F1/C2/A30/C7 July 1968 - March 1969
UND/F1/C2/A30/D1 1962 - 1963
Wages and overtime sheets for staff.
UND/F1/C2/A31 1938 - 1968
Weekly bills for staff wages
UND/F1/C2/A31/1 12 July 1938 - 2 August 1952
Weekly bills book for University and Hatfield colleges.
UND/F1/C2/A31/2 1963 - 1964
Weekly bills vouchers
UND/F1/C2/A31/3 1967 - 1968
Weekly bills vouchers
UND/F1/C2/A32 1944 - 1963
Ministry of Labour returns of monthly totals of men and women employed.
UND/F1/C2/A33 1962 - 1972
Battels books
recording the daily expenditure by each student and each senior member. Battels for senior members over vacations and students staying up or coming up early are in separate volumes until Michaelmas 1969, and are thence incorporated in the main
UND/F1/C2/A33/1 Easter 1962
UND/F1/C2/A33/2 Michaelmas 1962
UND/F1/C2/A33/3 Epiphany 1963
UND/F1/C2/A33/4 Easter 1963
UND/F1/C2/A33/5 Michaelmas 1963
UND/F1/C2/A33/6 Epiphany 1964
UND/F1/C2/A33/7 Easter 1964
UND/F1/C2/A33/8 Michaelmas 1964
UND/F1/C2/A33/9 Epiphany 1965
UND/F1/C2/A33/10 Easter 1965
UND/F1/C2/A33/11 Michaelmas 1965
UND/F1/C2/A33/12 Epiphany 1966
UND/F1/C2/A33/13 Easter 1966
UND/F1/C2/A33/14 Michaelmas 1966
UND/F1/C2/A33/15 Epiphany 1967
UND/F1/C2/A33/16 Easter 1967
UND/F1/C2/A33/17 Michaelmas 1967
UND/F1/C2/A33/18 Epiphany 1968
UND/F1/C2/A33/19 Easter 1968
UND/F1/C2/A33/20 Michaelmas 1968
UND/F1/C2/A33/21 Epiphany 1969
UND/F1/C2/A33/22 Easter 1969
UND/F1/C2/A33/23 Michaelmas 1969
UND/F1/C2/A33/24 Epiphany 1970
UND/F1/C2/A33/25 Easter 1970
UND/F1/C2/A33/26 Michaelmas 1970
UND/F1/C2/A33/27 Epiphany 1971
UND/F1/C2/A33/28 Easter 1971
UND/F1/C2/A33/29 Michaelmas 1971
UND/F1/C2/A33/30 Epiphany 1972
UND/F1/C2/A33/31 Easter 1972
UND/F1/C2/A33/32 Michaelmas 1972
UND/F1/C2/A33/V1 July 1962 - January 1966
Vacation Battels
UND/F1/C2/A33/V2 March 1966 - January 1969
Vacation Battels
UND/F1/C2/A33/V3 December 1968 - October 1969
Vacation Battels, largely unused.
UND/F1/C2/A34 1969 - 1972
Drafts for battels entries including lists of those attending meals and laundry bills.
UND/F1/C2/A35 1971 - 1973
Wine chits, stuck on to sheets of paper and sorted into students, Senior Common Room and bar.
UND/F1/C2/A36 1959 - 1963
Lumley Castle electricity accounts.
UND/F1/C2/A37 July 1960 - July 1964 & July 1967 - November 1968
Cash vouchers for the college's food, equipment, stationery, maintenance, repairs and services, including Lumley castle.
Cheques nos 0873-3998, 767761-76800, 0001-1840, 3056-3600, 0001-1050.
UND/F1/C2/A38 1945 - 1949
Ministry of Education and Further Training grants for students at both University and Hatfield colleges, with some correspondence with the recipients.
Closed under the Data Protection Act until 2025.
UND/F1/C2/A39 1945 - 1957
Scholarship files, i.e. correspondence from local authorities and some other organisations relating to L.E.A. awards for students.
For the terminal fees of students 1927-1930 and from 1957, see the registers in UND/F1/C2/A21.
UND/F1/C2/A39/1 1945 - 1950
UND/F1/C2/A39/2 1953 - 1954
UND/F1/C2/A39/3 1954 - 1955
UND/F1/C2/A39/4 1955 - 1956
UND/F1/C2/A39/5 1956 - 1957
UND/F1/C2/A39/6 1952 - 1956
UND/F1/C2/A39/7 1953 - 1956
UND/F1/C2/A40 September 1968 - January 1977
Battels sheets of SCR member, weekly, monthly and summary, detailing expenses incurred for food, drink, accommodation, laundry, events.
Paper file
Administrative files
Reference: UND/F1/C2/B
UND/F1/C2/B1 1953 - 1979
Senior Common Room Special Dinners books
Menus and guests lists for judges' dinners, guest and ladies nights.
UND/F1/C2/B1/1 10 February [1953] - 8 December 1964
UND/F1/C2/B1/2 16 February 1965 - 24 February 1979
UND/F1/C2/B2 c.1894 - c.1936
Bursar's and Censor's Book
Comprising notes on college procedures, offices, occasions and financial matters in alphabetical order, with some items stuck in or inserted, including:
College rules as amended November 1913.
Printed letter from W.K. Hilton about ragging and its damage to the university's reputation January 1894.
Canon Quick's morals paper set for collections Christmas 1936.
Letter from C.S. Wallis, principal of St John's College, about a raid on the college by Castle men, 28 November 1920.
Printed rules of the Cottabus Club, with a letter agreeing to its disbandment.
Printed duties of the butler and housemaids.
Printed list of college prizes for exam results.
UND/F1/C2/B3 1906 - 1978
Visitors' books
UND/F1/C2/B3/1 23 January 1953 - 20 May 1957
Students' visitors' book
recording the name and address of visitors (usually female), their host and the date.
At the front are rules about student visitors.
UND/F1/C2/B3/2 10 October 1961 - 18 October 1977
Students' visitors' book
recording the name and address of visitors, their host and the date.
At the front are rules about student visitors.
UND/F1/C2/B3/3 17 March 1955 - 6 July 1976
Castle parties book
for groups visiting the castle, recording the date, name and address of the organisation, number in the party (juniors and adults) and the amount paid.
UND/F1/C2/B3/4 4 July 1975 - 11 August 1978
Visitors' book
recording the date, name and address of visitors, and their car registration number.
UND/F1/C2/B3/5 1906 - 1971
Assize judges' register
Signatures of the judges and marshals staying at the Castle for the assizes, with occasional comments, including a piece by Geoffrey Veale on the last such occasion, October 1971, with the replacement of assizes by crown courts.
UND/F1/C2/B4 27 May 1966 - 27 June 1970
Lumley Castle Exeat Book
Recording the date of departure, student's name, address during absence, and date of return.
With 5 signed exeat slips inserted.
UND/F1/C2/B5 4 October 1972 - 29 June 1973
Graduates' signing-out book
UND/F1/C2/B6 9 December [1981] - 20 February [1986]
Exeat slip book of [tutor] J.C. Lumsden, with receipts of grants of permission to students to be away from college, chiefly before the end of term and after the beginning of term because of the exigencies of long-distance travel.
UND/F1/C2/B7 1941 - 1948
Staff wages file, detailing wages, monthly totals of staff employed, also details of staff, income tax forms, allowances letters, correspondence re rents, pension schemes, gyps' duties, Phoenix Assurance statements of wages, wage sheets with
income-tax returns, correspondence re wages, lists of holiday payments.
UND/F1/C2/B8 1946 - 1958
Staff wages and domestic administration file, covering cheque signing, the appointment of a chaplain, dances, Abbey House furniture, tuition fees, college charges, letters from the Colleges Estates Committee, lists of students on teaching
practice, correspondence re accommodation for individual students, judges lodgings rents, travel expenses, bus tickets for those in Lumley Castle, heating, survey of Durham Castle room sizes, lists of staff, wage returns for Durham and Lumley, staff
UND/F1/C2/B9 June 1963 - September 1965
Monthly totals of staff employed by the college.
UND/F1/C2/B10 1967 - 1977
Vacation business file, with details of conferences and numbers of delegates and meals provided.
UND/F1/C2/B11 1974 - 1975
Cleaning file, with details of hours and work carried out.
UND/F1/C2/B12 1974 - 1978
Food costs file.
UND/F1/C2/B13 1885 - 1951
Phoenix Assurance Co insurance policies:
1. Durham University bursar's Fire Policy for the University Boathouse, boats, fixtures and fittings 30 July 1885.
2. Durham University Playing Fields Board of Management Fire Policy for the cricket pavilion and Hilton Cottage 11 October 1929.
3. Durham University Playing Fields Board of Management Employers Indemnity Policy for the groundsmen 26 May 1933.
4. Durham University Playing Fields Board of Management Third Party Insurance Policy for the Racecourse playing fields, pavilion and tennis courts 26 May 1933.
5. Durham University Boat Club committee All Risks Insurance Policy for 8 itemised and valued trophies 8 November 1933.
6. Durham City Boys' Club committee copy Fire Policy for the fixtures and fittings of their rooms at 61 Saddler St, Durham, 16 November 1933, with a copy letter of 7 March 1947.
7. University and Hatfield Colleges' bursar's Employers Indemnity Policy for college clerical staff 5 January 1934.
8. University and Hatfield Colleges' bursar's Employers Indemnity Policy for college domestic servants 14 October 1936.
9. University and Hatfield Colleges' bursar's Employers Indemnity Policy for Lumley Castle 25 January 1947.
10. University College bursar's Employers Liability Policy 13 December 1950.
11. Particulars of new, cancelled or renewed policies 31 January 1951.
UND/F1/C2/B14 13 April 1933 - 11 October 1962
Phoenix Assurance Co reports of examinations of boilers, steam receivers and lifts at Durham Castle, Cosin's Hall, Hatfield College and Lumley Castle.
UND/F1/C2/B15 1905 - 1942
1. National Telephone Co agreement for the Castle 19 October 1905.
2. Memorandum of an agreement to let the Show Field part of the Racecourse Ground by the Council of Durham Colleges to Evans Amusements (England) Ltd for the Durham Miners Gala for 1932-1934, 15 December 1931, with a covering letter dated 19
March 1934 discussing the renewal of the lease for 1935-1937.
3. Agreement between the governing body of St Chad's Hall and the joint governing body of University and Hatfield Colleges for the tenancy of 17 North Bailey: St Chad's to retain two libraries and a secretary's room, the rest to be accommodation
for University and Hatfield, 1 December 1942, with details of the administration of the arrangement, with a covering letter from Ferens, mentioning an inventory (not present) and commenting on E.L. Burton's departure as treasurer of Durham Colleges,
23 December 1942.
UND/F1/C2/B16 1946 - 1979
1. Licence for the celebration of baptisms in the Castle chapel 5 December 1946.
2. Two radio licences for the maids sitting rooms in University and Hatfield Colleges 8 June 1949.
3. Renewal of a justices' licence to David Watson to sell alcohol at Durham Castle 6 June 1979.
UND/F1/C2/B17 [1949] - 1962
Accident book
UND/F1/C2/B18 1913 - 1918
Hilton Memorial Fund cash and pass books
With bills inserted, including October 1914, of C.E. Kempe and Co of Nottingham for “A three-light transomed window of stained glass shewing figures of Simeon with the Holy Child in his arms, St. John & St. Luke in
the upper lights.; and the Prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah & Zechariah, in the lower lights” in the south side of the chapel as the “Hilton” memorial window.
UND/F1/C2/B19 1937 - c.1940
1. Contents of the “Bursar's Safe Drawer”, mostly insurance policies, 29 January 1937.
2. List of trophies of Durham Corporation, Durham Colleges and University College [held at University College], on the back of a dinner seating plan, c.1940.
UND/F1/C2/B20 c.1960
Price list of Gray & Son Ltd, robe makers, of Durham, for University College and Durham University items of clothing. Printed.
Size: 215 x 315mm
UND/F1/C2/B21 1969
Festival of Flowers by the Floral Arrangement Association of Durham and Northumberland held in Durham Castle 4-6 July 1969 in aid of the floodlighting of the Castle. 2 cash books with 3 files containing agendas and minutes of the committee,
bills, accounts, invites, flyers, the printed brochure with draft texts, poster, correspondence about the festival and orders for slides and prints, and boxes of 134 x 35mm colour slides of the castle and the flowers with two versions of a
typescript commentary with a form for hiring the 1 hour show.
UND/F1/C2/B22 [1943 - 1987]
Card index register of staff employed at Durham Castle and Lumley Castle, usually detailing name, address, occupation, date born, date started, date left and National Insurance number. (Most of letters C and D missing).
UND/F1/C2/B23 1929 - 2020
Programmes for concerts and events held in the Castle:
The Thirty Club, 17 June 1929
The Lemare Strong Orchestra concert, 7 November 1949
St Matthew Passion, 11 March 1951
Edinburgh Quartet, 1965
Susan Bradshaw piano, Josephine Nendick mezzo-soprano, Thomas Gligoroff piano, 1965
Northern Sinfonia Orchestra, conductor Boris Brott, 1966
Park Lane Ensemble, 1966
John Alldis Choir, 1966
The Purcell Consort, 12 November 1967
John Alldis Choir Octet, 27 October 1968
Music Group of London, 5 November 1972
The English Concert, 11 November 1973 and ticket
St James's Group of Newcastle, 22 April 1979 (also in Gosforth), poster
Durham Polyphony, 30 November 2007
The Durham Story, 7 June 2013
Eton Choral Course 5, 13 August 2013
Vital Signs, by Jo Coupe, 21 October 2016
Fretwork, In Nomine, 12 December 2016
Messaes from the Mouth, presented by The Occasion Collective, 16 March 2019
Selah, by Bad Spirits, 22 February 2020
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/B24 [c.1970]
Programmes for concerts held elsewhere:
Lieder in the Music School, 6 December [c.1970].
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/B25 1954 - 1979
Fire Insurance Policies, with correspondence.
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/B26 April 2005
Durham Castle Conservation Plan, prepared for Estates and Buildings by John Warren, describing the current position and a series of policies
Paper booklet, spiral bound, 2 + 50p, illustrated
UND/F1/C2/B27 [1987]
“Report to the Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England in support of an application for a grant towards the cost of the repair of the castle at Durham”, by P.A Boobyer, A.E. Cartmell and D.H. Jones,
including plans and photographs.
Paper volume, spiral bound
Formerly: L+728.81 DUR/BOO
UND/F1/C2/B28 2010 - 2019
Posters for events in the Castle:
Medium Aevum
“The Medieval Library”, 6 November 2010
Medium Aevum
“The Ends of Story-telling”, 19 May 2012
A Future for Classical Music, Sir Thomas in conversation with Jeremy Dibble, 20 November [2013]
The Art of Egyptian Tentmakers, 29-31 March 2014
Castle tours, 30 March [2014]
Simon Martin, Northern Gallery for Contemporary Art, reception 5 May 2017
Castle Christmas Festival, 15 December 2019
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/B29 1945 - 1967
VIP visits correspondence, programmes, seating plans etc:
1. Admittance of Anthony Eden and Alderman F.W. Goodyear as honorary freemen, 4 October 1945.
2. Visit of Princess Elizabeth, 23 October 1947.
3. Visit of Clement Attlee Prime Minister, April 1949.
4. Visit of Clement Attlee Prime Minister for the miners' gala, July 1949.
5. Visit of Norwegian mayors, 4/5 November 1949.
6. Visit of Princess Margaret, 19 May 1951.
7. Visit of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother to open St Mary's College, 4 May 1953.
8. Visit of the Crown Prince of Japan, May 1953.
9. Visit of David Eccles, Minister of Education, October 1955.
10. Visit of Queen Elizabeth II, 27 May 1960.
11. Distribution of Royal Maundy by Queen Elizabeth II, 23 March 1967.
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/B30 1984 - 2002
VIP visits correspondence:
1. Princess Anne, 4 April 1984.
2. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, 11 September 1985.
3. Duchess of Kent and the opening of Teikyo University in Durham, 24 April 1990.
4. Queen Elizabeth II and Philip Duke of Edinburgh, 28 November 1991.
5. European Agricultural Ministers, May 1998.
6. Charles Prince of Wales, 2 July 1998.
7. Queen Elizabeth II and Philip Duke of Edinburgh, 8 May 2002.
6 paper files
UND/F1/C2/B31 1985 - 1989
Promotion, use of the Castle in TV and radio programmes and its appearance in advertising, correspondence and bills.
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/B32 1991
Durham Castle Appeal press release and information.
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/B33 2003
Repair of Fabric condition survey, preliminary proposals for repair, estimates of cost and phased programme of repair, by Stringer and Jones architects.
Paper file, spiral-bound
UND/F1/C2/B34 1989 -1992
Register of Members Appeal, correspondence and forms about getting former castlemen to register for an appeal, with examples of literature used by St John's College and Liverpool university.
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/B35 1981 - 1988
Heating Cost - District Heating Scheme 1, correspondence and bills with some flyers for equipment and minutes of an energy committee.
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/B36 1988 - 1997
Heating Meters, correspondence, bills and plans, including a plan of the pipes running around Palace Green from Hatfield bolier house.
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/B37 1988 - 1994
Computer Accounts Systems, specifications by Xavier Gunner and Nigel Ellis, with agreements and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/B38 1988 - 1989
Computerised Booking System for Commercial Activities supplied by Dacoll, specification and correspondence, with a TMS User Guide for a Dacoll 328 VDU.
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/B39 1989
Computer Room, correspondence, invoices and agreements about procuring Amstrads for a computer room, and a survey on undergraduate computer ownership.
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/B40 1994 - 1999
Innsite, correspondence about the acquisition of the LANmark sales and catering management system, backups, university computer networking, payments to the college computer officer and a draft for a website.
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/B41 1982 - 1996
VAT, correspondence, reports and guidance on especially the charging of VAT on SCR members' meals.
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/B42 1990 - 1996
Investments, correspondence and accounts.
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/B43 1979 - 1982
The University Special [Financial] Contribution to University College, correspondence and reports.
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/B44 1962 - 1975
John Loveday Prizes, Chaplain's Reading Prize then Classics Prize, correspondence about setting up the prizes in 1962 and 1965, especially with Loveday's brother the bishop of Dorchester, and their administration.
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/B45 1950 - 1967
Skene Bursary Fund, correspondence about establishing and administering it.
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/B46 1955 - 1998
Blakiston Trust Fund (established in 1944 under the terms of Dr H.E.D. Blakiston's will with money given to the bishop and dean of Durham to contribute towards the repair, furniture and objects of art of Durham Castle), correspondence about the
fund's expenditure, especially on pianos.
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/B47 1998 - 1999
Margot Fonteyn Fund, correspondence about the fund and spending it.
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/B48 1983 - 1999
Leonard Slater Fellowship, correspondence with current and incoming fellows, and about recruitment.
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/B49 1985, 1987, 1997
Pemberton Fellowship, correspondence with fellows.
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/B50 1991 - 1992
Food Safety, including correspondence about dealing with the implications of the Food Safety Act 1990, with a copy of the Act's “Code of Practice No.9: Food Hygiene Inspections” , the “HCIMA Technical Brief Sheet No.21 Food Hygiene (Amendment) Regulations 1990 and 1991” and R.A. Sprenger's
The Food Hyigene Handbook (5th edition, 1989).
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/B51 March 1982 - November 1983
Michael James Music Trust, correspondence about a possible scholarship at University College.
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/B52 1978 - 1999
Chaplain and Solway Fellow, ad hoc committee papers re their appointment, with correspondence and particulars.
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/B53 1988 - 1998
Bursar's file of correspondence re: donation by a Castleman, a legacy, works on the screen doors, servery fire precautions, swotting bluebottles and thereby breaking an SCR window, SCR furniture maintenance, SCR food and financial support to the
college, refurbishment of the Senate Room, the role of the SCR, carol singing, payment for the master's portrait, duties of a resident don, SCR accommodation charges, weddings, room capacities, an electric piano for the Norman chapel, tourist
income, the storage area in the JCR courtyard, the college grace, and fabric repairs.
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/B54 July 1993
“Planning Document for Durham Castle Disaster Plan” by Rebecca McDowell
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/B55 1981 - 1982
Tableware for the SCR, correspondence and estimates re ordering.
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/B56 September 1998 - February 1999
Survey of the castle by Smiths Gore, minutes, correspondence and bills.
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/B57 July 1993 - May 1996
Programme of repair works to the castle, correspondence and Stringer and Jones' report of “Repair of fabric proposals for Phase 3 Keep roof and Buttery roof” of July 1993 with a February 1996 revision.
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/B58 October 1990 - October 1993
Archaeology work in Fellows Garden, reports and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/B59 June 1994 - January 2006
Archaeology work in the Master's Garden correspondence.
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/B60 November 1989 - July 1994
Castle Fundraising Group re repairs, minutes and papers for its meetings, drafts of an appeal brochure (UND/F1/G6) and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/B61 1993
Rooms, lists of with some correspondence.
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/B62 June 1909, March 1920 - February 1928
Correspondence between the bursar (Lowe then Macfarlane-Grieve) and the under-sheriff of Durham J.G. Wilson over an increase to the amount to be paid for the lodgings used by the assize judges, and also about the ownership of the furniture in the
lodgings, including:
- letter of 28 June 1909 from Wilson to the master about having copies made of letters about the judges lodgings from Auckland Castle.
- draft written on the back of a 1920 Matriculation exam paper with questions about I and II Samuel and St John's Gospel.
- account for putting up the judges 5 March 1920.
- letter of 25 January 1924 from J.G. Wilson about possibly using Cosin's Hall for the judges and/or developing the bishop's stable site.
- copy correspondence and memorials of 1836-1837 about establishing the original arrangment for the judges to continue to use rooms in the Castle after its handover to the university by the bishop, with the Treasury funding the furniture for them
with a letter of 1 March 1924 from T. Chadwick, auditor of sheriff's accounts, sending them to the under sheriff
- copy 1836 inventory of Bishop Van Mildert's furniture in the Castle.
- note of 12 July 1946 sending the file to the treasurer of Durham Colleges, asking for its “return in due course”.
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/B63 February 1927 - May 1935
Correspondence with the bursar (Macfarlane-Grieve) from especially the under-sheriff's office and also the Royal Courts of Justice about the provision of and payment for accommodation for judges in the castle.
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/B64 1927 - [c.1970]
Correspondence and papers about the castle's fabric and grounds:
1. Letter from Council's secretary banning the use of rooms in part of the castle, 11 November 1927
2-3. Letters from the Durham Colleges treasurer about repairs near the bishop's rooms and enhancing the heating, 30 March & 4 April 1935
4. List of shrubs planted on the North Terrace and the Fellows' Garden, 18 November 1942
5-6. Papers re the decoration of the Senior Common Room, November 1949
7-17. Correspondence about repairing and repainting the armorials around the courtyard, October 1958 - November 1962
18-21. Paper about a proposed barbican building with a letter giving the library's reaction reciting a similar earlier proposal in 1879, 26 November 1962
22-23. Memorandum by Arthur Hutchings re the state of the Great Hall, 2 July 1963
24-25. Correspondence of G.G. Pace re a proposed alteration at the foot of the Black Staircase, May 1965
26. Correspondence with the county planning office re altering chimneys and chapel lighting, October-November 1969
28-31. “Suggestions for rearrangements on Black Stairs etc” [by A.I. Doyle] [c.1970]
32-33. Draft for a circular to all college members on the care of its fabric [c.1970]
34-35. Copy of John Lambert's 1796 plan of the castle identifying different dates of building
36. Printed fragments removed from the packing of Senate Room shutters' hinges 7 November 2000
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/B65 January - August 1982
Energy conservation survey of student rooms carried out by the department of Engineering, with correspondence.
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/B66 December 1990 - January 1991
Correspondence with Durham City Council re the Community Charge.
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/B67 1926 - 1939
Correspondence of Macfarlane-Grieve as bursar:
1-6. With Muriel Meachan and Dr Pemberton re the sending down of J.H. Walker and L. Blackburn, June 1926
7-8. From Durham Colleges treasurer and secretary re regulations and rates for visitors to the castle, September & November 1926
9-12. Report on the domestic management of University and Hatfield colleges [1927]
13. From the Durham Colleges secretary detaiing terminal fees, 1 March 1927
14-15. From Barclays Bank Durham re securities held for Castle Clubs, 26 April 1929
16. From Martins Bank Durham re the Lowe Library account, 20 October 1937
17-18. From the Durham Colleges treasurer re the presentation of a photo of F.W. Ritson, April-May 1938
19. Printed circular for a memorial to the late J.H.Gow, [November 1938]
20-22. From E.P. Pestle and the Durham Colleges treasurer re the Castle War Memorial Fund, November-December 1938
23. From Durham Colleges treasurer giving permission to purchase dust-sheets, 26 January 1939
24. From Bishop Hensley Henson re his charges for the recent ordination, 25 April 1939
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/B68 1979 - 1994
From David Williams of Durham City Philatelic Society: special postmark for the castle 15 September 1979
From A. Matthewson Estates and Buildings Building Surveyor: price for a tapestry batten, 22 December 1986
To Mr Gibson: photograph for a leaflet, 10 February 1988
From Bryan Dovey National Security Adviser MGC: advice on security, 25 March 1988
To Sara Menguc of Andre Deutsch: image of the Sir George Jeffreys painting, 2 December 1988
From K. Swales, City of Durham director of Technical Services: archaeological monitoring, 16 March 1992
To A.I. Doyle: screwing of a notice to a medieval gate by Estates and Buildings staff, 19 August 1994
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/B69 June 1998
Weekly clocking in cards for [Castle staff], detailing time in and out each day, daily and weekly hours worked, with the resultant payroll slips.
Card file
UND/F1/C2/B70 1991 - 1994
Correspondence and Castle in Bloom Committee minutes planning the 1994 Flower Festival ‘Castle in Bloom’, aiming to raise money for the University College Durham Trust. Includes a poster advertising the festival and letters after the festival
inviting committee members to a Christmas dinner in thanks.
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/B71 2001 - 2019
Correspondence and information on the John E Crowther bursary including parameters for eligibility and using the funds.
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/B72 2915
Correspondence about repairing the pianos in Castle, and paying the funds for a visiting conductor, Richard Dickens.
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/B73 [?1991] - 2019
Papers on student rooms, including lists of rooms and students names, plans and correspondence
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/B74 1986 - 1990
Papers on the Ian Graham Memorial Award, an award in memory of registrar Ian Graham, granted university-wide to students for all-round contribution to university life. Including award requirements.
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/B75 2015 - 2019
Papers on multiple University college fellowships and scholarships, including information on funds and fellowships such as benefits, duration and expectations, balances of endowment funds and lists of awarded college prizes.
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/B76 2001 - 2008
Governing Body minutes creating the Honorary Fellowship scheme and correspondence deciding on and notifying the fellows and arranging their visits, with profiles of alumni considered for the award.
The Univeristy College Honorary Fellowship scheme recognises the achievements of Castle alumni.
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/B77 Fberuary 1995 - January 2018
Papers on the Hunter-Davies Prize, an award for the best piece of student journalism in the Palatinate. Contains correspondence awarding the prize and postcards from Hunter Davies, lists of entrants and copies of their articles, such as 2000-2001
primary winning article
“Who Dares Wheens” and 2001-2002 winners “Out of Africa” and “Three Ds for a Durham Degree”. Includes a 1994 article “The Revolting Student of 1954” by Hunter Davies.
2 paper files
Buildings Files
Reference: UND/F1/C2/C
UND/F1/C2/C1 February 1965 - February 1999
Floodlighting, of the castle exterior, the courtyard and barbican, minutes of meetings, plans, proposals, reports and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/C2 November 1977 - March 1992
Monyers Garth, correspondence re the student accommodation and workshop usage, and plans for possible conversion for student accommodation.
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/C3 October 1979 - May 1999
Moatside Court, correspondence, estimates, bills and plans for maintenance work on fire precautions, damp, flooding, heating, carpeting, locks, lighting, a new staircase and relations with the adjacent public house (Buffalo Head/Brewer and
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/C4 May 1988 - July 1993
Gatehouse, reports, plans, meeting minutes and correspondence with Dennis Jones and English Heritage, including the “Submission for Listed Building Consent to Repair Fabric” of 21 July 1988.
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/C5 February 1990 - December 1999
Fellows Garden Building, reports, plans, meeting minutes, correspondence, and BW photos of the area before development.
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/C6 July 1993 - November 1995
Garden Stairs, correspondence, bills and catalogues re the provision of the Solo furniture range by Ellis Furniture of Huddersfield, also correspondence re sound-proofing.
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/C7 July 1995 - April 1996
Undercroft JCR Bar, correspondence, plans and minutes of meetings.
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/C8 December 1995 - May 1998
Lowe Library extension, plans, meeting minutes, correspondence, bills, including archaeological assessment of the wine cellar August 1996, and also paperwork for the Lowe Library Appeal.
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/C9 September 1998 - February 1999
Courtyard screens, plans and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/C10 December 1998 & September 2000
West Courtyard phase 2 project, preliminary sketch proposals by Dennis Jones December 1998 and contract bills September 2000.
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/C11 November 1954 - June 2020
Papers relating to the Master's House, including correspondence and contracts
Paper file
UND/F1/C2/C12 November 1975 - April 1986
Correspondence relating to the renovations of the kitchen at University College, including concerned letters from the Archeology Department, Governing Board Minutes, Cost Quotations and Blueprints
Paper file
ChaplainReference: UND/F1/C3Dates of creation: 1956 - date
UND/F1/C3/A1 [1976]
The Tapestry Kneelers in the Tunstal Chapel
being a record of the making of 69 kneelers for the chapel recording who made how many and their connection with the college, and the dedication of the kneelers on six occasions 1968-1973. The book was lettered by Robin Mills of University
Paper book, bound in red leather with the college arms and title in gold lettering on the front, by George Charlton Ltd of Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1976
Presented by Robin Mills [1976]; transferred to Palace Green Library by Dr Richard Higgins 10 August 2005, Acc No Misc.2005/2006:14.
UND/F1/C3/C1 15 October 1999 - 8 October 2017
Appointments of chaplains
Licensing of Ben J. Gordon-Taylor 15 October 1999
Licensing of Ric P. Whaite 8 October 2017
Paper file
UND/F1/C3/C2 [June & November 2016]
Chapel committee correspondence, dinner invite.
Paper file
UND/F1/C3/C3 November 2020 - November 2021
Notices from the chaplain about changes to chapel procedures (services restarting) and upcoming events such as Remembrance, Compline and Advent.
Paper file
UND/F1/C3/D1 Michaelmas 1974 - Easter 2021
Chapel term cards:
Michaelmas 1974
Michaelmas 1975
Epiphany 1977
Easter 1987
Michaelmas 1998
Michaelmas 2001
Michaelmas 2008
Michaelmas 2009
Michaelmas 2010
Easter 2013
Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas 2014
Epiphany, Easter, Michaelmas 2015
Epiphany & Michaelmas 2016
Epiphany, Easter & Michaelmas 2017
Epiphany, Easter & Michaelmas 2018
Epiphany, Easter 2019
Epiphany 2020
Easter 2021
Epiphany & Michaelmas 2022
Epiphany 2023
Easter 2023
Michaelmas 2023
UND/F1/C3/D2 1954 - 2023
Chapel special service papers:
Norman Chapel rededication 19 February 1953 with invite
Christmas 1954
Advent 1956
Advent 1970
Ash Wednesday 1971
A.A. Macfarlane Grieve memorial 24 April 1971
C.C. Abbott memorial 10 November 1971
Advent 1971
Ash Wednesday 1972
Advent 1973, 1974, 1976, 1981, 1983, 2018 (poster only)
J.B. Skemp memorial 29 January 1993
Tridentine Rite Mass and Corpus Christi Processsion 20 June 2001
Evensong 9 & 16 October, 27 November 2014, 19 February 2015
Eucharist 7 December 2014
Ash Wednesday 18 February 2015, signed by the preacher Dr Rowan Williams
Eucharist 8 March, 26 April 2015
Readings and Music for Passiontide 12 March 2015, [15 March 2018]
Corpus Christi Festal Eucharist with Adoration 4 June 2015
Carol service 17 December 2015, 14 December 2017, 13 December 2018 (with poster), 8 December 2019 & 5 December 2021 (with posters) (in Great Hall)
Service of Remembrance [c.2011], 13 November 2016
Requiem Eucharist, 3 November 2019
Requiem Vigil for Professor David Held, 1 March 2020
Choral Eucharist for the Accession of Queen Elizabeth II, 6 February 2022
Prayer Vigil for Peace in Ukraine, 25 February 2022
Service in Memory of Peter J. Rhodes, 6 March 2022
Service of Celebration and Thanksgiving for God's Inclusive Love in LGBTQ+ Lives, 29 May 2022
Remembering Srebrenica, 3 July 2022
Nine Lessons and Carols, 27 November 2022
Nine Lessons and Carols, 4 December 2022
Eve of Holocaust Memorial Day, 26 January 2023
Choral Eucharist, 29 January 2023
Service of Celebration and Thanksgiving for God's Inclusive Love in LGBTQ+ Lives, 26 May 2023
UND/F1/C3/D3 February 2005 - December 2018
Chapel Choir concert programmes:
Vaughan Williams and Haydn, February 2005.
Vaughan Williams, 25 February 2006.
Advent by Candlelight, 2 December 2011
J S Bach, B Minor Mass, 19 April 2013, with programme.
Charpentier, Requiem, 31 October [2013].
Nine Lessons and Carols, 10 December [2013].
Funeral Sentences: Music and Readings for a Time of Remembrance, 13 [November] 2014.
Now is the month of maying, Music for Spring and Easter, 2 May 2015
Handel, Messiah, 16 March 2016
Howells, Requiem, et al, [3 November 2016]
Christus Vincit, in Hild Bede chapel, 15 March 2017
Rowarth, Night Prayer: Compline Renewed, in Cathedral Chapter House, 16 May 2018
All Souls Requiem (Vittoria), 30 October 2018
Paper file
UND/F1/C3/D4 [c.1980] - [2012]
Programmes for outside groups performing in the chapel:
Jonathan Newell, organ recital, [c.1980].
Nicholas Gleed, organ recital, [c.1980].
Stephen Enock, organ recital, [c.1982].
St James's Choral Society, Judas Maccabaeus, 20 March [2001].
Felicity Rogers and Robin Thodey, lute and guitar songs, 14/15 May 2011.
Jonathan Clinch, organ recital, 25 October [2012].
David Fuller and Jonathan Clinch, readings from John Donne and organ works by William Byrd, 21 November [2013]
Eustace's Loop, play by Ant Macari, 29 November 2014
Paper file
UND/F1/C3/D5 [December 2013]
Carols from Castle the Chapel Choir of University College, recorded in the chapel of St Bede, with an insert detailing the carols and listing the choir members, with an image of the choir
CD in a plastic/card sleeve
UND/F1/C3/D6 [2010]
Chapel service papers:
Ash Wednesday Service of Holy Communion with Imposition of Ashes
Compline (Traditional version)
The Order for Evensong
3 printed paper booklets
UND/F1/C3/D7 Easter 2014 - Easter 2022
Chapel choir music schedules listing all the music performed for each service:
Easter & Michaelmas terms 2014.
Epiphany & Michaelmas terms 2015.
Epiphany, Easter & Michaelmas terms 2016.
Easter term 2017.
Michaelmas term 2018.
Epiphany, Easter & Michaelmas terms 2019.
Epiphany term 2020.
Michaelmas term 2021.
Epiphany term 2022.
Easter term 2022.
Paper file
UND/F1/C3/D8 1980
Hoc Matutinale Romanum in usum Confraternitatis S Pii V Dunelmi congessit Hieronymus Roche, choir book for a group which sang vespers every Monday, Wednesday and Friday in the Norman Chapel, directed by Dr Roche.
Photocopied paper book
UND/F1/C3/D9 2016 - 2021
Services elsewhere:
Thanksgiving for the life of Eva Schumacher-Reid (1954-2016), Barnard Castle St Mary, 1 December 2016, with a copy of the eulogy.
Inter-collegiate chapel choirs evensong, Durham Cathedral, 29 January 2017, 3 February 2019
Memorial evening for David Held in Durham Castle Great Hall, 2 May 2019
Funeral service for Peter John Rhodes, Durham Cathedral, 23 November 2021
Paper file
UND/F1/C3/D10 2004
The Book of Common Prayer, enlarged edition (Cambridge University Press)
Printed paper book, in red covers stamped on the front with the college arms and title
Vice-Master/Lumley CastleUND/F1/C4 1945 - 1961
These records are the files of two vice-masters: first, Leonard Slater, who kept his files well-ordered and numbered, and then William A. Prowse, who was not so assiduous. Their files cover the initial fitting out of Lumley Castle for student
accommodation and then its maintenance as such, the staff employed there, the frequent use of the building for courses and visits during vacations and the administration of the student population. There are also files from Prowse's time as a member
of the college's governing body.
The vice-master of the college had charge of Lumley Castle after the college's takeover of the castle to provide extra student accommodation from 1946. The considerable ongoing maintenance costs meant that Lumley was a drain on the college's
finances and the arrangement with the earl of Scarbrough was ended in the summer of 1970 when the college's students were reunited around Palace Green.
Slater formerly numbered his files (A4-12) as 1LC (for building matters) or 2LCS (for student affairs) and then a letter code; Prowse did not.
UND/F1/C4/A1 1947 - 1953
Lumley Castle Guidebook, (1953) with draft text and 6 BW photos by Masons and Edis of the castle exterior, dining room, hall, dining room with students eating, common room with students working and a rowing boat on the
Another copy of the guidebook is on open access in the Palace Green Library Local Collection at PamL 942.81 LUM.
UND/F1/C4/A2 1945 - 1956
Lumley Castle architect's plans for extensions and alterations to provide for student accommodation, including room arrangements, heating, toilet and sewerage provision, with some correspondence with the architects Oscar Faber of St Albans and,
latterly, C. Elgey of Durham.
UND/F1/C4/A3 1946
Lumley Castle initial development work including the fitting out of the castle and staff appointments, with a sale catalogue of furnishings, inventories and a wallpaper sample.
UND/F1/C4/A4 1947 - 1949
Lumley Castle building maintenance and furniture, including boilers.
UND/F1/C4/A5 1949 - 1953
Lumley Castle building maintenance and furniture, including boilers.
UND/F1/C4/A6 1946 - 1953
Lumley Castle general, garden and grounds (tennis courts etc).
UND/F1/C4/A7 1946 - 1949
Lumley Castle extensions and construction, much of it correspondence with Oscar Faber, architects.
UND/F1/C4/A8 1946 - 1950
Lumley Castle various financial and staffing matters, featuring transport and bus tickets.
UND/F1/C4/A9 1950 - 1953
Lumley Castle various financial and staffing matters, featuring transport and bus tickets.
UND/F1/C4/A10 1946 - 1949
Lumley Castle vacation courses administration.
UND/F1/C4/A11 1950 - 1953
Lumley Castle vacation courses administration.
UND/F1/C4/A12 1946 - 1953
Lumley Castle general student matters.
UND/F1/C4/A13 1954 - 1959
Lumley Castle building maintenance and vacation courses, including wine lists.
UND/F1/C4/A14 1946 - 1952
Lumley Castle room lists and student record cards.
UND/F1/C4/A15 1955 - 1961
University College room and tutorial lists, also lists of student officers and clubs and societies representatives, with also some Lumley Castle room lists and student record cards.
UND/F1/C4/A16 1951 - 1957
Lumley Castle building maintenance.
UND/F1/C4/A17 1954 - 1958
Lumley Castle vacation courses administration.
UND/F1/C4/A18 1953 - 1957
Lumley Castle boiler repairs, grants circulars and music room lists.
UND/F1/C4/A19 1954 - 1960
Prowse's vice-master's file of University College governing body minutes, agendas and papers.
UND/F1/C4/A20 1954 - 1959
Prowse's vice-master's file of University College finance committee minutes, agendas and papers, with correspondence re Lumley Castle maintenance.
UND/F1/C4/A21 14 February 1948
Lumley Castle lease, photocopy.
Original: UND/CH1/B211.
UND/F1/C4/A22 January 1947
Lumley Castle valuation for insurance, by Cristie, Manson and Woods Ltd of Stratford Place, London, lisiting and valuing, room by room, the furniture and pictures.
2 paper files, of 26f, with card covers, and 24f each
CuratorReference: UND/F1/C5UND/F1/C5/1 2000
Correspondence with Castlemen attending the 2000 Reunion about offering, copying and returning photographs, and a list of photographs of college groups as at 14 April 2000, with notes and additions.
UND/F1/C5/2 1983 - 1985
University exhibition [in Palace Green Library], correspondence including re Dr Gibby, picture of the Castle Hall in 1896, Sir James Duff, the exhibition finances, text for the displays, and the university fire engine, with photos of its then
state and also in 1903.
Paper file
UND/F1/C5/3 1995 - 1998
Norman Gallery exhibition, correspondence, text, plans and draft board layouts.
Paper file
UND/F1/C5/4 1989 - 2001
Archaeological investigations and reports:
Recent work by Martin Leyland, 1989
Fellows Garden by Northern Archaeological Associates, 1991
Lowe Library extension by University of Durham Archaeological Services, May 1997
Excavation of stone shields, June 1998
Barbican and Courtyard by Martin Leyland, March 1999
Drain excavation by Durham City Archaeology, July 2000
Hall Stairs area by Martin Leyland, May 2001
West Courtyard by University of Durham Archaeological Services, October-November 2001
Middle Common Room by University of Durham Archaeological Services, May 2002
Paper file
UND/F1/C5/5 1993 - 2000
College tutor correspondence, some about former members of college.
Paper file
UND/F1/C5/6 1983 - 1998
Maltby porcelain service, correspondence and photos; Tunstall chapel east window by C.E. Kempe studio repairs and conservation reports; Tunstall Gallery stained glass panel repair; heraldry information.
Paper file
UND/F1/C5/7 1924 - 2010
College silver, correspondence, valuations (1924,1959,1971), thefts, conservation and working party/committee minutes.
Paper file
UND/F1/C5/8 1971 - 2009
Marbles and plaster casts, files of information, correspondence and photos on:
1. general
2. damage and disposal
3. J.R. Fenwick
4. Lucius Verus
5. unknown philosopher
6. William Pitt
7. Rev Hollingsworth
8. Thomas Gisborne
9. Ralph Lindsay
10. Assyrian obelisk
11. Elgin marbles miniatures
12. James Stuart,
13. King George II
13 paper files
UND/F1/C5/9 1966 - 2010
Textiles and tapestries:
1. exhibition of embroidered banners
2,3. conservation of the tapestries
4. carpets in the Octagon
5. tapestry kneelers in the Tunstall chapel
5 paper files
UND/F1/C5/10 1981 - 2010
Furniture, reports, correspondence, estimates and photos, including an inventory by W.T.W. Morgan 23 September 1984, with acknowledgement to David Garlick, and a copy schedule of the furniture in the chapel June 1750 from the Clavering Mss.
Paper file
UND/F1/C5/11 1933 - 2011
Woodwork, including Lord Crewe's arms and the organ screen, information, reports, correspondence and photos.
Paper file
UND/F1/C5/12 2008 - 2010
Misericords, stalls and pew ends in the Tunstall chapel, reports and some correspondence
Paper file
UND/F1/C5/13 1953 -
Arms and armour, with banner, flags, memorials, including correspondence, reports, information and photos.
Paper file
UND/F1/C5/14 1985 - 2001
Clock, correspondence, bill and photo.
Paper file
UND/F1/C5/15 1986 - 2003
Piano, correspondence and bills re repair and tuning.
Paper file
UND/F1/C5/16 1876 - 1886
Chapel organ, subscriptions for the organ's restoration, report on the cathedral old choir organ 1879 by Harrison, correspondence, including letters from Harrison, Philip Armes, and a bank book and cheque book for the organ fund.
Paper file including 3 paper books
UND/F1/C5/17 1920 - 1927
Chapel organ, specification for a new chapel organ by Harrison and Harrison 1920, with a flyer promoting it as a war memorial, with some returns to this appeal and other correspondence and bills.
Paper file
UND/F1/C5/18 1954 - 1999
Chapel organ, specification for repair by William Hill 1956, correspondence and bills, with also Ian Macdougall's report on his Pemberton fellowship 1998 composing music.
Paper file
UND/F1/C5/19 1952 - 2022
Norman chapel, correspondence, offprints of articles about the sculpture, drawings, service paper for its rededication 19 February 1953, negatives of photos of its capitals, correspondence about Prof H.A. Nieboer's photos of it, and papers
relating to the repair and conservation work to the exterior of the Chapel.
Paper file
UND/F1/C5/20 1970 - 2011
Tunstall chapel, plans, 2011 treatment report on the wooden panels, correspondence, including about a rood arm 1985, and information.
Paper file
UND/F1/C5/21 1970 - 2004
Chapels, chaplains, lists of and correspondence about them, and chapel life and history.
Paper file
UND/F1/C5/22 1987 - 2010
Hall and Kitchens:
1. Hall wall plans
2. Hall windows correspondence and plans
3. Hall photographs
4. Kitchen photographs
5. Hall and Tunstall Gallery decoration
5 paper files
UND/F1/C5/23 1991 - 1996
Servery and Buttery correspondence and plans.
Paper file
UND/F1/C5/24 1999 - 2009
Black Stairs, surveys, plans and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/F1/C5/25 c.1900, 1991 - 1996
Norman Gallery renovations, plans and correspondence (1996), also re hanging a blade there in 1991, and a photo of the gallery c.1900.
Paper file
UND/F1/C5/26 1979 - 2003
Norman Arch and its renovation, reports, photos, correspondence and a specification for repairs by Ronald Sims of 28 September 1979.
Paper file
UND/F1/C5/27 1949 - 1950
State Rooms lighting, correspondence, estimates and bills.
Paper file
UND/F1/C5/28 1949 - 1951
State Rooms reinstatement, Miss Halford's report with subsequent correspondence, estimates, bills, plans and photos.
Paper file
UND/F1/C5/29 1966 - c.2000
State Rooms, correspondence, reports, plans, bills, photos and a flyer for the bishop's suite.
Paper file
UND/F1/C5/30 1967 - 1978
State Rooms Sub-Committee (met until c.1972) of the Estates Committee, minutes and some correspondence.
Paper file
UND/F1/C5/31 1995 - 2003
Senior Common Room decoration, correspondence and photos.
Paper file
UND/F1/C5/32 1996
Lower Tunstall Gallery, estimate for its use for registration.
Paper file
UND/F1/C5/33 1951 - 1970
Undercroft, correspondence and estimates for the refitting.
Paper file
UND/F1/C5/34 1999 - 2000
Labels and display cases, correspondence, sample engraved label, lists of pictures and labels to be produced.
Paper file
UND/F1/C5/35 1998 - 2004
Museum, correspondence file about queries, the Tunstal memorial, Museum Association subscriptions, the Lowe Library appeal etc.
Paper file
UND/F1/C5/36 1998 - 2004
Heritage Lottery Fund bid for restoration and access, application, correspondence, and information.
Paper file
UND/F1/C5/37 1998 - 2003
World Heritage Site, Review of Site Boundary discussion paper November 2003 and Managament Plan first draft October 2002, with correspondence.
Paper file
UND/F1/C5/38 1986 - [2000]
Photographs, various views of interiors and also closeups of the castle model.
Paper file
UND/F1/C5/39 1928 - 1971
Inventories and valuations of the principal contents of the castle:
1. Furniture, pictures by T. Wyatt of London, October 1928, revised with tapestries added March 1933.
2. Silver, 30 May 1953, and by Reid of Newcastle, 10 July 1961.
3. State rooms furniture, paintings, silver and plate by Anderson and Garland of Newcastle, 28 May 1971.
2 paper books and a paper file
UND/F1/C5/40 1988
North-East Museums Service conservation of saddles and pistol holders, a wooden trunk, a wood and iron chest, saddles, armour and armorials: BW photos and conservation cards.
Paper file
UND/F1/C5/41 1851, 1947 - [c.1970]
Heraldry: 28 August 1851 letter from John N. Bean about heraldry tricking Fawcet's arms; 2 December 1947 letter from C.H. Hunter Blair about when the Lumley flag can be flown; descriptions of the heraldry in the Great Hall and elsewhere.
Paper file
UND/F1/C5/42 1925 - 1998
Articles etc about the Castle and its fabric:
Depictions and descriptions of the college's arms, and the origin of the college flag, garnered and discussed by Richard Brickstock 19 June 1998
“The Arms and Armour in Durham Castle”, J.B. Twemlow, TAASDN vol.11
Durham Castle, by the bishop of Durham (1928), appeal for the Durham Castle Preservation Fund
Report upon Durham Castle, 24 April 1925, by Francis Fox and W.T. Jones, 8p, with amendments
“Report on the Geology of the Foundations of Durham Castle”, by Arthur Holmes, 3 November 1927, 8f
Durham Castle Reports on the Condition of the Fabric, by Oscar Faber [1927], 12p, with a synopsis of his work, 2 copies
Additional Report from Dr Oscar Faber, 12 June 1928, 4p
Grace Simpson and Victor Hatley,
“An Excavation Below Bishop Tunstal's Chapel, Durham Castle”, Antiquaries Journal (XXXIII 1953), p.56-64 offprint
“Some Notes on the Method of Fixing the Maintenance Fee, College Independence and College Finance”, by E.C. Salthouse (1980)
“The Conyers Falchion”
Extract from Sir Timothy Eden's
Durham on the Conyers Falchion
Extract from Fordyce's
History of Durham on John Buddle
Three ?drafts for a castle guide
Reginald Easthope,
“Castle Railway” article, with a letter from David R. Morgan about the railway, 11 April 1983
Paper file
UND/F1/C5/43 July 1990 - November 1998
North of England Museums Service, correspondence, grant applications, reports and conservation records.
Paper file
UND/F1/C5/44 May 1986 - July 1998
Museum and Galleries Commission, correspondence and applications re registration, and surveys.
Paper file
UND/F1/C5/45 [c.1970]
Notes on the history of the master's house in Owengate from university deeds.
Paper file
UND/F1/C5/46 September 1985
Photos of the 23 Group Royal Observer Corps 60th anniversary exhibition held in the undercroft, with a thank you letter from J. Pattinson.
8 colour prints + 1f
UND/F1/C5/47 May 1988
Report on and letter about the college bell.
Paper file
UND/F1/C5/48 1997
Printout of the description of the castle from its website.
Paper file
UND/F1/C5/49 2000
Lists of castle records, including by Adrian Allan
Paper file
UND/F1/C5/50 May - June 2000
Procedures for work by Estates and Buildings staff and subcontractors.
Paper file
UND/F1/C5/51 April - May 2015
Exhibition: Eleanor Wright and Sam Watson,
Continuous Material, 27 April - 24 May 2015, with Paul Becker's The Opposite of a Pulpit text for real and fictional walks.
Paper file
UND/F1/C5/52 31 July 2022
Invitation to a preview of the exhibition
Tunstall and the Tudors: The Calculating Bishop, Sunday 31 July 2022
UND/F1/C5/53 October 2015
Exhibition: Laura Harrington,
The Liveliest of Elements, an Ordinary Extraordinary Material, 10-17 October 2015, Norman Chapel.
Also displayed at Woodhorn Museum, 17 October - 1 November 2015.
Part of the Durham Book Festival 2015
Folded leaflet
UND/F1/C5/54 1957 - 1999
Correspondence on the repair and exhibition of Rysbrack’s bust of King George II, including letters from 1975-1977, re restoring the bust after wine spillage and asking the Clay Pigeon Club for repair costs. Also encloses 1999 article on another
Rysbrack bust of Edward Salter in the Ashmolean Museum.
Paper file
UND/F1/C5/55 23 May 2024
Invitation to a private viewing of the exhibition
Repair and Care: The Norman Chapel Project, Durham Castle
UND/F1/C5/56 2022
Flyer for
The Telling Place Banner exhbition
1 printed colour sheet
PlansReference: UND/F1/C6UND/F1/C6/1 August 1933
Scale plan entitled “Durham Castle: plan under ante rooms”, showing servants pantry and various floor levels and stairs, with some [later] annotations and measurements.
Drawing no N8.
scale: ¼ in. to 1 foot
Size: 480 x 650mm
Draft/original of CAS/P21/2.
UND/F1/C6/2 August 1933
Scale plan entitled “Durham Castle: sections under ante room floors”, showing sections A.A and B.B, with some [later] annotations.
Drawing no N9.
scale: ¼ in. to 1 foot
Size: 460 x 760mm
Draft/original of CAS/P21/3.
UND/F1/C6/3 May 1934
Scale plan entitled “Durham Castle: section of Norman and Tunstall Galleries”, showing north terrace, common room, courtyard, with some [later] annotations.
Drawing no N17.
scale: ¼ in. to 1 foot
Size: 660 x 500mm
Draft/original of CAS/P2/3, P16/10 and P22/26.
UND/F1/C6/4 January 1937
Scale plan entitled “Durham Castle. Plan at Tunstall Gallery level showing new positions of tie-bar plates”, showing Tunstall Gallery, SCR, octagon, senate room, chaplain's rooms and servants' pantry, with some
pencil annotations.
“A” in top right corner, and Drawing no N26. Annotated 5333-498-94a.
scale: ¼ in. to 1 foot
Size: 640 x 870mm
UND/F1/C6/5 November 1936
Plan entitled “Durham Castle. North Elevation”, with tie beams, cramps, plumb-lines and other works marked up.
“F” in top right corner. Drawing no S19.
Size: 580 x 830mm
Other copies (with no works marked) in CAS/P10/5 and P14/7.
UND/F1/C6/6 [post 15 May 1924]
Scale plan entitled “Durham Castle Restoration”, with datum lines A and B, being a section through the courtyard, well, Great Hall, 17th century building, outer wall, Banks, footpaths and Wear, with the geological
layers labelled and coloured. By W.T. Jones, FRIBA, architect, Durham.
“No.3” in top right corner.
scale: 1 in. to 8 feet
Size: 670 x 960mm
Other copies (uncoloured) CAS/P5/5, P5/10, P5/11, P10/22, P17/5, P17/13.
UND/F1/C6/7 February 1934
Scale plan entitled “Durham Castle plan of underpinning north wall of Norman Gallery” showing numbered drifts and a table of dates of their completion May 1934 - May 1935, with annotations and colouring denoting
“excavating” and “completed”.
Part copy drawing no 1617/E9.
scale: ¼ in. to 1 foot
Size: 420 x 880mm
Other copies CAS/P2/9-11, P2/19, P31/13.
UND/F1/C6/8 [c.1935]
Scale plan entitled “Super-imposed plans & elevation at east end of Tunstall Gallery” showing stairs.
scale: ¼ in. to 1 foot
Size: 370 x 380mm
UND/F1/C6/9 July 1948
Scale plans of Durham Castle heating system, by Oscar Faber & partners, consulting engineers of 1 Worley Road, St Albans. With some amendments for bathroom and keep room alterations [?1971].
Undercroft. Drawing no 4721/B10.
Principal floor. Drawing no 4721/B11.
1st & mezzanine floors. Drawing no 4721/B12.
2nd & 3rd floors & keep. Drawing no 4721/B13.
Palace Green Library, Old Registry Building/Music Department, Divinity House basement and Library basement. Drawing no 4721/B40.
With 8 further copies of these plans with numbers tippexed out and other numbers added
scale: 1 in. to 16 feet
Size: 505 x 675mm
UND/F1/C6/10 [c.1950]
“Durham Castle. Diagram of Electric Wiring.”
Size: 520 x 755mm
UND/F1/C6/10A [c.1950]
Copy OS map of the peninsual area, overwritten in red with the cathedral, castle, city and castle walls and gates.
Printed ink on paper, 1f
Size: 505 x 320mm
UND/F1/C6/11 January 1952
Scale plan entitled “Proposed students' & maids' rooms The Castle Durham”, being plans at the west courtyard level and above, and the buttery level and above, with a section, with some pencil annotations. By
Charles Elgey ARIBA, 7a North Bailey, Durham.
scale: 1in. to 8 feet
Size: 620 x 860mm
UND/F1/C6/12 [January x February 1952]
Scale plan entitled “Proposed adjustment to Castle alterations”, showing plans of part of the west courtyard level and above, and the buttery level. By C. Elgey ARIBA, 7a North Bailey, Durham.
scale: 1/8 in. to 1 foot
Size: 230 x 435mm
UND/F1/C6/13 1953
Scale plan entitled “Proposed Alterations Abbey House Palace Green Durham”, showing basement and ground floor plans with existing and proposed elevations of the wall and gates in front. By C. Elgey ARIBA, 7a North
Bailey, Durham.
With a covering note from Elgey to the Master of 4 February 1954.
scale: 1 in. to 8 feet
Size: 540 x 440mm
UND/F1/C6/14 4 November 1953
Scale plan entitled “Proposed Rebuilding & Extension [41 & 42 North] Bailey Houses”, showing ground and first floor plans. By C. Elgey ARIBA, 7a North Bailey, Durham.
scale: 1in. to 8 feet
Size: 520 x 870mm
UND/F1/C6/15 9 February 1954
Scale plan entitled “Proposed Alterations to Cosin's Hall for Durham Colleges”, showing first floor plan (not carried out). By C. Elgey ARIBA, 7a North Bailey, Durham.
scale: 1/8 in. to 1 foot
Size: 220 x 295mm
UND/F1/C6/16 March 1954
Scale plan entitled “Proposed Alterations to 42 North Bailey”, showing plan and section of existing and proposed kitchen, student's room and store. By C. Elgey ARIBA, 7a North Bailey, Durham.
scale: ¼ in. to 1 foot
Size: 440 x 735mm
UND/F1/C6/17 [1955]
Scale plan entitled “Proposed Bathrooms - Castle for Durham Colleges”, showing a plan and section for bathrooms [in Durham Castle Keep]. By C. Elgey ARIBA, 7a North Bailey, Durham.
With covering notes from J.C.R. Fitzgerald-Lombard to the Master of 14 September 1955 on the idea of additional bathrooms and from Elgey to the Master of 7 October 1955 commenting on the window size and the need for artificial light.
scale: ¼ in. to 1 foot
Size: 415 x 250mm
UND/F1/C6/18 [1 November 1955]
Scale plan entitled “Proposed Kitchenette, Garden Stairs - Castle”, showing 1st and 2nd floor plans. By C. Elgey ARIBA, 7a North Bailey, Durham.
scale: 1/8 in. to 1 foot
Size: 205 x 410mm
UND/F1/C6/19 October 1956
Scale plan entitled “Proposed Layout of Kitchen, The Castle, Durham”, showing a plan and section, with some pencil annotations. By C. Elgey ARIBA, 7a North Bailey, Durham.
scale: 1 in. to 4 feet
Size: 500 x 700mm
UND/F1/C6/20 January 1958
Scale plan entitled “Proposed Alterations to Students Rooms The Keep, The Castle, Durham”, showing plans of the keep ground, first and second floors. By C. Elgey ARIBA, 2 North Bailey, Durham.
2 copies, with different annotations and room numberings.
scale: 1 in. to 8 feet
Size: 480 x 950mm
UND/F1/C6/21 March 1958
Plan entitled “ The Castle, Durham City” , showing a plan of the Servants' Hall as existing, with pencil annotations. By C. Elgey ARIBA, 2 North Bailey, Durham.
Size: 355 x 380mm
UND/F1/C6/22 31 March 1958
Scale plan of the principal floor of the Castle, retraced by C.A. Elgey for C. Elgey from an old drawing of c.1775 in the Exchequer Office which was copied 30 August 1858, and [later] marked with the position of floodlights and sensors on the
North Terrace.
Printed ink on paper
Size: 515 x 770mm
UND/F1/C6/23 April 1958
Plan entitled “Proposed Offices Layout for the University College, Durham”, showing existing and proposed plans of the Garden Stairs office accommodation. By C. Elgey ARIBA, 2 North Bailey, Durham.
Size: 320 x 470mm
UND/F1/C6/24 1959
Scale plan entitled “Cosin's Hall, Durham” , showing an elevation, with a detailed elevation, plan and section of the doorway. By J.H. Chandler [?student of King's College, Newcastle].
scale: 3/16 in. to 1 foot
Size: 720 x 480mm
UND/F1/C6/25 [c.1960]
Scale plan entitled “Lowe Library, The Castle Durham for University College”, showing plans and sections of the ground floor and gallery level, with some pencil annotations. By Robson and Sons Ltd,
Drawing 1649.
scale: ¼ in. to 1 foot
Size: 550 x 690mm
UND/F1/C6/26 11 April 1960
Scale plan entitled “Proposed Owengate Development” by Thomas Worthington & Sons, architects, Manchester, with pencil annotations, showing
Ground floor plan. O/S/1.
First/second floors plan. O/S/2.
Owengate elevation. O/S/3.
scale: 1/8 in. to 1 foot
Size: 500 x 590mm, 510 x 530mm, 270 x 590mm
UND/F1/C6/26a 1959 - 1965
Correspondence relating to renovations of Owengate for student accommodation, including decisions such as furniture choice, keys and lock types, and fire alarm systems
Paper file
UND/F1/C6/27 21 April 1964
Scale plan entitled “Proposed Windows Scheme 1 Extract Duct Scheme 2 Castle "Undercroft"”, showing plans, elevations and sections. Drawn by B. Hart for P.A. Boobyer ARICS, surveyor to the university of Durham.
Drawing no 64/sk/15.
With a covering letter from P.A. Boobyer to the Master of 29 June 1964 discussing costs.
scale: ¼ and ½ in. to 1 foot
Size: 670 x 1000mm
UND/F1/C6/28 23 June 1964 - 16 February 1965
Scale plans for display cases in Tunstall Gallery in mild steel, aluminium or black ebonised mahogany, showing plans, elevations and sections. Drawn by B. Hart for P.A. Boobyer ARICS, surveyor to the university of Durham.
Aluminium cases detail 1. 23 June. 64/E/102A.
Black ebonised mahogany cases detail 2. 24 June 1964. 64/E/103A.
Mild steel cases detail 3. 25 October 1964. 64/E/106.
Hardwood cases detail 4. 15 February 1965. 65/E/111.
With covering letters to the Master from Philip Boobyer of 29 June 1964 explaining the different designs and from B. Hart of 28 August 1964 enclosing a quotation for the cases from Messrs Harris and Sheldon Ltd of Birmingham and explaining the
electrical costs.
scale: 1 in. to 1 foot
Size: 665 x 1000mm (plans)
UND/F1/C6/29 22 July 1964
Scale plan entitled “M S Armour Frames. Great Hall. Durham Castle”, showing plan and elevation, and wall bracket detail. Drawn by B. Hart for P.A. Boobyer ARICS, surveyor to the university of Durham.
scale: 1½ in. to 1 foot
Size: 670 x 1000mm
UND/F1/C6/30 18 September 1964
Scale plan for the conversion of a stable to a double garage in Owengate, with a plan, elevation, sections and location map. Drawn by B. Hart for P.A. Boobyer ARICS, surveyor to the university of Durham.
Drawing no 64/sk/26.
scale: 1/8 in. to 1 foot
Size: 670 x 490mm
UND/F1/C6/31 13 November 1964
Scale plan entitled “Windows to "Undercroft" Durham Castle”, showing plans, elevations and sections. Drawn by B. Hart for P.A. Boobyer ARICS, surveyor to the university of Durham.
Drawing no 64/E/107a.
With a covering letter from P.A. Boobyer to the Master of 19 Noivember 1964 asking for his approval of the plans.
scale: 1/8 & ½ in. to 1 foot
Size: 660 x 1000mm
UND/F1/C6/32 18 - 20 November 1964
Scale plan entitled “Armour Frame Arrangement. Great Hall. Durham Castle.” Drawn by B. Hart for P.A. Boobyer ARICS, surveyor to the university of Durham.
With a covering letter from P.A. Boobyer to the Master of 20 November 1964 re the ordering and fitting of the racks.
scale: ¼ in. to 1 foot
Size: 680 x 500mm
UND/F1/C6/33 September 1965
Scale plan entitled “Durham Castle: University College: the Black Staircase Proposed Alterations”, showing plan, elevation, section and key plan. By George G. Pace, MA FSA FRIBA, chartered architect, of York.
With a list of comments signed by Pace 27 September 1965.
(Only some parts were implemented, principally not his proposed new entrance to the staircase.)
scale: 3/8 & 1/16 in. to 1 foot
Size: 550 x 580mm
UND/F1/C6/34 January 1966
Scale plans of the Bailey Court development around Bishop Cosin's Hall and in 41 & 42 North Bailey, by David Roberts and Geoffrey Clarke, with pencil annotations.
Overall site plan
Level 1 plan
Level 2 plan
Level 3 plan
Level 4 plan
Elevations (x2)
1/8 in : 1 foot
Printed ink on paper, booklet of 7f
Size: 295 x 420mm
UND/F1/C6/35 [?1966]
Scale plans of the 41 & 42 North Bailey development, by David Roberts of 33A Bridge St Cambridge, with pencil annotations:
Overall site plan
Basement plan
Ground floor plan
Typical floor plan
Street facade perspective
Elevation to North Bailey
Elevation to Museum Square
scale: 1/500
Printed ink on paper, booklet of 8f
Size: 200 x 330mm
UND/F1/C6/36 20 June - 2 August 1966
Scale plans of the Lowe library, its spiral staircase and doors, comprising plans, elevations and sections. Drawn by B. Hart for P.A. Boobyer ARICS, surveyor to the university of Durham.
Staircase, 20 June 1966.
Staircase, 5 July 1966. 66/E/119a.
General arrangement, 2 August 1966. 66/E/120.
scale: ¼ and ½ in. to 1 foot, and full size
Size: 680 x 500mm
UND/F1/C6/37 June 1967
Scale plans of the Bailey Court development including Cosin's Hall, comprising elevations of the Palace Green and North Bailey frontages, sections, and plans of levels 1-4 and the roof. By David Roberts and Geoffrey Clarke architects of 33a
Bridge St, Cambridge.
Elevation and Section 1.
Elevation and Section 2.
Elevation and Section 3.
Elevation and Section 4.
Plan level 1.
Plan level 2.
Plan level 3.
Plan level 4.
Plan roof level.
scale: 1/8 in. to 1 foot
Size: 590 x 840mm
UND/F1/C6/38 September 1967
Scale plans entitled “Durham Castle Position of Existing and Proposed New Electrical Distribution Fuseboards and Switchgear” , for the four levels of the Castle. By R.W. Gregory & Partners, consulting engineers
of Newcastle.
Basement level. 1587/32/1A.
Ground floor level. 1587/32/2A.
1st floor level and mezzanine. 1587/32/3A.
2nd & 3rd floor levels & keep. 1587/32/4A.
scale: 1/16 in. to 1 foot
Size: 590 x 840mm
UND/F1/C6/39 November 1967 - June 1969
Scale plans of the heating system installed in Cosin Hall by H Fairclough (Heating) Ltd of Durham and Sunderland. Drawn, as fitted, by Cairns & Byles, consulting engineers of 8 Osborne Road, Newcastle upon Tyne, November 1967 with detailed
amendments to June 1969.
Calorifier chambers details. 1807/505.
Level 1 pipework details. 1807/6.
Level 1 pipework below floor level & details. 1807/506.
Level 1 & details. 1807/507.
Level 2. 1807/508.
Level 3. 1807/509.
Level 3. 1807/509 with later amendments.
Level 4. 1807/510.
Roof space. 1807/511.
Sections. 1807/512.
Tank rooms. 1807/514.
scale: 1/8 & ½ in. to 1 foot
Size: 800 x 1030mm
UND/F1/C6/40 12 March 1968
Scale plan of a new first floor general office and a bar extension in the undercroft, by P.A. Boobyer, drawing no 68/UC/125.
scale: ¼" & ½" to 1'
Printed ink on paper, 1f
Size: 660 x 995mm
UND/F1/C6/41 April 1968
Scale plans of the Bailey Court development (buildings behind and adjacent to Cosin's Hall) by David Roberts and Geoffrey Clarke of 33a Bridge St Cambridge, [job no.] UD3, with revisions to October 1968:
Plan level 1
Plan level 2
Plan level 3
Plan level 4
scale: 1/8 in to 1 foot
Printed ink on paper, 8f
Size: 600 x 845mm
UND/F1/C6/42 April 1968
Scale plans of Bishop Cosins Hall development, with pencil annotations and amendments noted to 24 April 1969. By David Roberts and Geoffrey Clarke architects of 33a Bridge St, Cambridge, [job no] UD3:
Cosin's Hall level 1
Cosin's Hall level 2
Cosin's Hall level 3
Cosin's Hall level 4
Study bedroom screens
scale: ¼ in. to 1 foot
Size: 420 x 590mm
UND/F1/C6/42A [c.1970]
Copy OS map marked with the route of a ?power cable from the castle near the chaplain's suite to adjacent to Cosin's Hall.
Printed ink on paper, 1f
Size: 320 x 365mm
UND/F1/C6/43 September 1971 - December 1973 (most August & October 1972)
Scale plans for the Sutton site behind 52-61 Saddler St, bounded also by the bastion, the keep mound and Moatside lane, comprising plans, elevations and sections, by Bernard Taylor & Partners, architects of Manchester.
Copy report on site conditions by Ove Arup, September 1971
Site & location plans. 29 August 1972. SRD/100B.
Plan at level 1. 25 August 1972. SRD/101C.
Plan at level 2. 29 August 1972. SRD/102B.
Plan at level 2. 29 August 1972. SRD/102C.
Plan at level 3. 29 August 1972. SRD/103B.
Plan at level 4. 29 August 1972. SRD/104C.
Plan at level 4. 29 August 1972. SRD/104D.
Plan at level 5. 29 August 1972. SRD/105B.
Plan at level 5. 29 August 1972. SRD/105C.
Plan at level 6. 28 August 1972. SRD/106B.
Plan at level 6. 28 August 1972. SRD/106C.
Conversion of archaeology building to student living sketch design. October 1971. SRD/F200C.
Conversion of archaeology plans. December 1973. SRD/201C.
Conversion of 61 and new 60 Saddler St ground & 1st floor plans. 16 October 1972. SRD/F302B.
Conversion of 61 and new 60 Saddler St ground & 1st floor plans. 16 October 1972. SRD/302E.
Conversion of 61 and new 60 Saddler 2nd & 3rd floor plans, section & elevations to 60. 18 October 1972. SRD/F303B.
Conversion of 61 and new 60 Saddler 2nd & 3rd floor plans, section & elevations to 60. 18 October 1972. SRD/303F.
Conversion of 52 Saddler St proposed plans. 24 October 1972. SRD/F401A.
Conversion of 52 Saddler St proposed plans. 24 October 1972. SRD/401F.
Landscape planting species. 29 August 1972. SRD/11-9A.
Plan at level 1. October 1973. SRD/12-11J.
Plan at level 2. [October 1973]. SRD/12-12E.
Plan at level 3. [October 1973]. SRD/12-13G.
Plan at level 4. [October 1973]. SRD/12-14F.
Plan at level 5. [October 1973]. SRD/12-15F.
Plan at level 6. October 1973. SRD/12-16E.
S Block floor plans, undated.
Found with these plans is a copy of Oscar Faber's 1948 plan of the castle principal floor (4721/B11) marked up with services (electricity, gas, water) coming into the castle.
scale: 1:100, details 1:50
Size: 600 x 850mm
UND/F1/C6/43a January 1969 – September 1977
Papers on the Sutton Site project, a plan for new student accommodation now referred to as Moatside. Proposals for and updates of the project are in the form of correspondence, Governing Body minutes, Sutton Site Building Sub-Committee minutes
and plans. Subjects include room organization, landscaping, and closure of Saddler Street for building work.
Paper file
UND/F1/C6/44 16 November 1971
Copy letter, annotated, from G. Collard's office to Messrs David Roberts and Geoffrey Clarke of Cambridge re scaffolding and road closures for the Abbey House work.
UND/F1/C6/45 May & June 1973
Plans for the Lower Tunstall Gallery, by George G. Pace, chartered architect, York; drawings numbered:
6 elevation and section of the gallery May 1973.
7 elevation and section of the gallery June 1973.
8 ceiling detail June 1973.
9 full size details of new radiator covers June 1973.
10 full size plan of the door at the west end June 1973.
11 full size plan for the adaptation of the door at the west end June 1973.
12 details of the adapatation of two door openings in the south wall June 1973.
13 details of reglazing windows June 1973.
14 details of new oak screens June 1973.
15 details of new oak screesn at the east and west ends June 1973.
16 elevations of the screen and door at the west end May 1973.
17 elevations of the central screen May 1973.
18 elevations of the screen and door at the east end May 1973.
19 elevations of the muniments cupboard and wine cellar door May 1973.
20 elevation and plan of the west end door adpated to fit the wine cellar June 1973.
21 electrical scheme June 1973.
22 full size details of special bracket light fittings June 1973.
23 section and elevation of the buttery door May 1973.
24 section, elevation and plan of the east end door for the Buttery door June 1973.
31 section, elevation and plan of the adaptation of screen woodwork for the Buttery door.
33 re-ordering scheme E.
With a draft response from [the master] to the Pace plans.
scale: ½ in. to 1 foot
Size: 380 x 690mm
UND/F1/C6/46 7 & 14 December 1973
Scale plans of the college offices in Bishop Cosin's Hall, by B.H. [Hart] of the university's surveyor's department.
General arrangement ground floor level. 7 December. 73/UC/1.
New entrance door. 14 December. 73/UC/2.
scale: ¼ & ½ in. to 1 foot
Size: 590 x 830mm
UND/F1/C6/47 19 & 21 December 1973
Scale plans of Norman Gallery accommodation, by B.H. [Hart] of the university's surveyor's department.
Existing general arrangement. 19 December. 73/UC/3.
New study bedrooms general arrangement. 21 December. 73/UC/4.
scale: 1/8 in. to 1 foot
Size: 590 x 830mm
UND/F1/C6/48 2 & 7 January 1974
Scale plans of Castle kitchen area rooms, by B.H. [Hart] of the university's surveyor's department.
Existing general arrangment. 2 January. 74/UC/1.
New study bedrooms general arrangement. 7 January. 74/UC/2.
scale: 1/8 in. to 1 foot
Size: 590 x 830mm
UND/F1/C6/49 February 1975
Scale plans of alterations to accommodation in the Castle, Keep, Owengate and Bailey Court, by Spence & Price, chartered architects, of Newcastle.
Norman Gallery, Hall Stairs and Junction Rooms. 426/1, 1A, 1B, 1C.
Keep. 426/2, 2A, 2B.
Owengate and Bailey Court ground floor. 426/3, 3A, 3B.
Owengate and Bailey Court 1st floor. 426/4, 4A.
Owengate and Bailey Court 2nd & 3rd floors. 426/5, 5A.
scale: 1/8 in. to 1 foot
Size: 410 x 590mm
UND/F1/C6/50 March 1975
Scale plan of proposed alterations to provide a self-service counter in the servery, service counter, by Spence & Price, chartered architects, of Newcastle. 415/3B.
scale: 1:50
Size: 415 x 590mm
UND/F1/C6/51 July 1976
Scale plans and schedules of alterations to accommodation in the Castle, Keep, Owengate and Bailey Court, by Spence & Price, chartered architects, of Newcastle.
Norman Gallery, Hall Stairs, Junction rooms, Keep existing accommodation. 426/7.
Owengate & Bailey Court existing accommodation. 426/8.
Norman Gallery, Hall Stairs, Junction rooms, Keep accommodation alterations. 426/9.
Norman Gallery, Hall Stairs, Junction rooms, Keep additional accommodation. 426/10.
Norman Gallery, Hall Stairs, Junction rooms, Keep additional accommodation. 426/10B.
Owengate & Bailey Court accommodation alterations. 426/11.
Owengate & Bailey Court accommodation alterations. 426/11A.
Owengate proposed new windows. 426/12.
Owengate & Norman Gallery door details. 426/13.
Norman Gallery, Hall Stairs, Junction door schedule. 426/14.
Keep, Hall Stairs door schedule. 426/15.
Owengate door schedule. 426/16.
scale: 1/16 & 1/8 in. to 1 foot, details at 1:20 & 1:5
Size: 590 x 835mm & 415 x 590mm
UND/F1/C6/52 [1977]
Scale plan of Castle proposed television room, ground floor level, by B.H. [Hart] of the university's surveyor's department. Annotated by Philip [Boobyer] as “First impression of your Appeal Project”. 77/UC/3.
scale: ¼ in. to 1 foot
Size: 420 x 590mm
UND/F1/C6/53 5 December 1978
Scale plan of Castle Undercroft proposed common room, plan and section, by B.H. [Hart] of the university's surveyor's department. 78/UC/3.
scale: ¼ in. to 1 foot
Size: 590 x 840mm
UND/F1/C6/53A 10 December 1979
Scale plan of a mild steel staircase for the Sutton site, Owengate bastion, by B.H. of the university's surveyor's department. 79/UC/1A.
scale: ¼" to 1'
Printed ink on paper
Size: 595 x 840
UND/F1/C6/54 August & October 1980
Scale plans entitled “West Courtyard Project [phase 1]”, plans, sections, and perspectives by the Blackbell Rooker partnership, chartered architects, Sunderland and Stockton-on-Tees.
Existing plan and section AA. August. 1.
Existing section BB & CC. August. 2.
Proposed ground floor & roof plans. October. 3.
Proposed sections. October. 4.
Perspectives. October. 5.
scale: 1:50
Size: 590 x 840mm
UND/F1/C6/55 August 1984
Scale plan and perspective of refitting the kitchen by Scobie and McIntosh, bakery and catering equipment specialists of Newcastle.
Plan with a table identifying units.
Perspective layout.
scale: 1:20
Size: 590 x 830mm
UND/F1/C6/56 June 1985
Plans and perspectives of possible development of the courtyard, fellows garden and barbican, drawn by Dennis Jones of the Blackbell Rooker partnership of Stainton.
Courtyard, fellows garden and barbican existing general plan.
Courtyard, fellows garden and barbican proposed general plan.
Courtyard general view and details (bins oak screen carried out).
Fellows garden general view.
Barbican general view and section.
Note from the Gardens Advisory Sub Committee inviting comments.
Size: 590 x 830mm & 290 x 410mm
UND/F1/C6/57 February 1986
Plans, elevations and details of a screen for the storage area in the courtyard, drawn by Dennis Jones of Blackbell Rooker partnership of Stainton, contract 5398, drawings 3 and 3A.
scale: 1:20 and 1:5
Printed ink on paper, 2f
Size: 595 x 840mm
UND/F1/C6/58 September - October 1989
Scale plans of the Garden Stairs and Gatehouse, showing a proposed Fellows Garden Building and Porters' Lodge, by D.H.J. [Dennis Jones] of Rooker Stringer + Jones, architects, of Stainton, contract 5491.
Existing plan ground floor and Gatehouse 1st & 2nd floors. September. 1.
Existing plan Garden Stairs 1st, 2nd & 3rd floors. September. 2.
Proposed plan Garden Building ground floor & basement, Gatehouse 1st & 2nd floors. October. SK3.
Proposed plan Garden Stairs 1st, 2nd & 3rd floors, Garden Building sections and elevation. October. SK4.
scale: 1:100
Size: 590 x 840mm
UND/F1/C6/59 5 September 1990
Land surveys and setting out plan of the Gatehouse, Barbican and adjacent Fellows Garden and Courtyard, with a legend identifying services and features, by Alan Wilson of Sacriston.
scale: 1:100
Size: 590 x 840mm
UND/F1/C6/60 January 1991
Scale plans of the Garden Stairs and Gatehouse, showing a proposed Fellows Garden Building and Porters' Lodge, plans and elevations, by D.H.J. [Dennis Jones] of Rooker Stringer + Jones, architects, of Stainton, contract 5491, drawings SK12A
(preliminary), SK12A and SK13A.
scale: 1:100
Printed ink on paper, 3f
Size: 595 x 845mm
UND/F1/C6/61 December 1990 - May 1991
Scale plans entitled “Repair of Fabric Phase 1 Gatehouse”, by Rooker Stringer + Jones, architects, of Stainton. Contract 5525, with some preliminaries, drawings:
1. Elevation south side low level. 21 January (preliminary ) & 24 May 1991.
2. Elevation north side low level. 24 May 1991.
3. Elevation east side low level. 24 May 1991.
4. Elevation west side low level. 24 May 1991.
5. Elevation south side low level 2. 24 May 1991.
6. Elevation south side tower. 24 May 1991.
7. Elevation north side tower. 19 December 1990 (preliminary) & 24 May 1991.
8. Elevation east side tower. 18 December 1990 (preliminary) & 24 May 1991.
9. Elevation west side tower. 24 May 1991.
10. Elevation internal parapets 1. 4 February (preliminary) & 24 May 1991.
11. Elevation internal parapets 2. 24 May 1991.
12. Elevation internal parapets 3. 24 May 1991.
13. Elevation internal parapets 4. 24 May 1991.
14. Elevation west side low level 2. 24 May 1991.
20. Roof plan as existing tower. 10 January (preliminary) 1991.
21. Roof plan as existing east side. 24 May 1991.
22. Roof plan as existing west side. 24 May 1991.
23. Roof plan as proposed tower. 10 January (preliminary) & 24 May 1991.
26. Existing roof construction. 12 March (preliminary) & 24 May 1991.
27. Proposed tower roof gutter sections. 24 May 1991.
scale: 1:20
Size: 590 x 840mm
UND/F1/C6/62 March 1991 - October 1992
Scale plans of proposed Fellows Garden Building, by FH and [R. Atkinson] of Rooker Stringer + Jones, architects, of Stainton, with amendments noted; contract 5491, drawings:
02. Gatehouse floor plans. 8 March 1991.
06. Garden stairs existing plans. 28 June 1991.
07. Garden stairs proposed plans. 28 June 1991.
09. Garden stairs mechanical & electrical. 28 June 1991.
13. [Fellows Garden building] proposed upper floor plan. 28 June 1991.
15. Proposed elevation to fellows garden. 9 July 1991.
16B. Roof plan and details. October 1991.
17E. Dimensioned floor plans. October 1992.
Garden stairs fire alarms, smoke sensors etc, 6 plans.
scale: 1:50 & 1:10
Size: 590 x 840mm
UND/F1/C6/63 2 June 1992
Scale plans entitled “Repair of fabric North Terrace”, drawn by DHJ [Dennis Jones] of Rooker Stringer + Jones, architects, of Stainton; contract 5554, drawings:
1. General plan, elevations/sections.
2. North elevation.
3. Upper roof existing.
4. Lower roof existing.
5. Upper roof proposed.
scale: 1:50 & 1:20
Size: 590 x 840mm
UND/F1/C6/64 [1994]
“Durham Castle Main Plan: Plan A Inner Bailey”, drawn by Martin Leyland for his 1994 Durham PhD thesis
“The origins and development of Durham Castle to AD 1217 : the archaeological and architectural record”.
scale: 1:50
Size: 840 x 970mm
UND/F1/C6/65 28 February 1996
Scale plans for the undercroft bar, by Stringer and Jones, architects, of Stainton, contract 5619, drawings:
01. Elevations and sections.
02. Floor plans.
scale: 1:20
Printed ink on paper, 2f
Size: 595 x 840mm
UND/F1/C6/66 June - October 1996
Scale plans for the Lowe Library extension, by Stringer and Jones, architects, of Stainton, contract 5630, drawings:
1. Existing plan and sections - relocation of wine existing. June.
2. Proposed plan and sections - relocation of wine proposed. June.
3. Existing plans. August.
4. Existing sections. August.
5. Existing sections. August.
6. Proposed plans. August.
6A. Proposed plans. August.
7. Proposed sections. August.
8. Library shelving details. August.
9. Staircase. August.
10. Alternative staircase. October.
10A. Alternative staircase. October.
0. Location plan.
10. Escape door.
11. Sliding door.
12. Window detail.
13. Ventilation louvre detail.
14. Electrical layout.
15. Electrical layout.
16. Electrical layout.
17. Electrical layout.
18. Heating layout.
19. Heating layout.
scale: 1:20
Printed ink on paper, 23f
Size: 595 x 840 & 295 x 420mm
UND/F1/C6/66A 25 June 1997
Elevation and detail for the Norman Chapel gate, by Dennis Jones of Stringer and Jones of Stainton, contract 5619, drawing sk10, with some correspondence.
Paper file
UND/F1/C6/67 February 1998
Scale plan for a new canopy in the courtyard by Estates and Buildings [for congregations].
scale: 1:200
Printed ink on paper, 1f
Size: 385 x 570mm
UND/F1/C6/68 11 May & 26 November 1998
Scale plans for a courtyard screen, by Stringer and Jones of Stainton, contract 5619c, originals 11 May with amendments (A) 26 November, drawings:
SK1 & SK1A. Existing general arrangement plan.
SK2 & SK2A. Proposed general arrangement plan.
SK3 & SK3A. General arrangement elevation and details.
scale: 1:20
Printed ink on paper, 6f
Size: 595 x 830mm
UND/F1/C6/69 15 September - 15 October 1998
Scale plans for barbican lighting, by Stringer and Jones of Stainton, contracts 5518 and 5619b, drawings:
1. Existing and proposed plans, preliminary 15 September.
SK1. Existing and proposed plans, 24 September.
SK1A. Existing and proposed plans, with an oak bollard redesign, 15 October.
scale: 1:100
Printed ink on paper, with some colouring on 1, 3f
Size: 595 x 830mm
UND/F1/C6/70 18 February & 9 June 1999
Scale plans of the proposed Visitor Centre in the Fellows Garden, drawn by DHJ [Dennis Jones] of Stringer + Jones, architects, of Stainton, no contract no, drawings:
SK1. Existing floor plan. 9 June.
SK2. Elevations and section proposed A. 18 February.
SK3. Proposed floor plan proposed B. 18 February.
SK4. Elevations and section proposed B. 18 February.
SK5. Proposed floor plan proposed C. 18 February
SK6. Elevations and section proposed C. 18 February.
scale: 1:50
Size: 595 x 840mm
UND/F1/C6/71 17 March 1999, 10 January 2000, 29 January 2001
Scale plans surveying the castle, by Smiths Gore, chartered surveyors, of Alan House, 48 Bootham, York, job no. 1114; Nos.1-15, 17 March 1999; Nos. 16-26, 10 January 2000; Nos. 27-66, 29 January 2001.
1. Topographical survey.
2. Level 1 - the Undercroft and Keep access.
3. Staff rooms - mezzanine floor.
4. Level 2- the principal floor.
5. Level 3 - the Bishop's suite, library top floor accommodation areas.
6. Level 4 - Norman Gallery accommodation areas.
7. Level 5 - Keep basement accommodation areas the crow's nest.
8. Keep accommodation level 1.
9. Keep accommodation level 2.
10. Keep accommodation level 3.
11. Gatehouse - ground floor.
12. Gatehouse - first floor.
13. Gatehouse - second floor.
14. Roof survey.
15. Key to sectional drawings.
16-26. Sections 1-11.
27. Key to elevational drawings.
28-55. Elevations 1-32.
56-59. Great Hall elevations 1-4.
60-63. Tunstall Gallery elevations 1-4.
64-66. Tunstall Chapel elevations 1-3.
scale: 1:100 (most), also 1:200
Printed ink on paper, 66 items
UND/F1/C6/72 25 May 1999
Proposed scale plan for a fire escape, by Stringer and Jones, architects, of Stainton, contract 5619f, drawing sk2.
scale: 1:20
Printed ink on paper, 1f
Size: 595 x 840mm
UND/F1/C6/73 9 June - 9 December 1999
Scale plans of the proposed Visitor Centre in the Fellows Garden, drawn by DHJ [Dennis Jones] of Stringer + Jones, architects, of Staintonm contract 5689, drawings:
SK1. Existing floor plan. 1 July.
SK2. Existing elevations & sections. 1 July.
SK3. Existing roof plan. 1 July.
SK4. Proposed floor plans. 9 June.
SK5. Proposed sections & elevations. 1 July.
SK5A. Proposed sections & elevations, with barbican details added 9 December.
SK6. Existing roof plan. 1 July.
scale: 1:50
Size: 590 x 840mm
UND/F1/C6/74 2 November 1999 - August 2000
Scale plans of “West Courtyard phase 2”, drawn by DHJ [Dennis Jones] and RAS of Stringer + Jones, architects, of Stainton, contract 5678, drawings:
SK2 (drawn by DHJRAS). Location plan. 2 November 1999.
SK2 (drawn by DHJ). Site plan. 2 November 1999.
SK3. Location plan proposed. 9 November 1999.
SK3. JCR plan and sections. 1 December 1999.
SK4. Toilets plans existing & proposed. 9 November 1999.
SK5. Toilets plans. 1 December 1999.
SK6. SCR toilets. 1 December 1999.
2. Site plan. August 2000.
3. JCR plan and sections. August 2000.
4. JCR plan and sections. August 2000.
5. JCR toliets. August 2000.
6. SCR toilets. August 2000.
7. M&E services, JCR plan and sections. August 2000.
8. M&E services, JCR plan and sections. August 2000.
9. M&E services, JCR toliets. August 2000.
10. M&E services, SCR toilets. August 2000.
11. JCR wall elevations. August 2000.
12. Toilet wall elevations. August 2000.
13. Toilet layouts and details 1. August 2000.
14. Door schedule and details 1. August 2000.
15. Door schedule and details 2. August 2000.
scale: 1:100
Size: 590 x 840mm
UND/F1/C6/75 8 February 2000 & May 2001
Scale plans of Dame Margot Fonteyn Trust Great Hall doorway, drawn by DHJ [Dennis Jones] of Stringer + Jones, architects, of Stainton, contract 5619h, drawings:
SK1. Existing arrangement.
SK2. Proposed design.
SK2/A. Proposed design preliminary.
02. Proposed arrangement.
03. Setting-out plan.
04. Setting-out screen.
05. Setting-out doors.
06. Full size details.
07. Full size details.
10. Electrical layout.
scale: 1:20
Printed ink on paper, 10f
Size: 595 x 840mm
UND/F1/C6/76 9 May 2000
Scale plan of Norman Gallery lighting layout, drawn by DHJ [Dennis Jones] of Stringer + Jones, architects, of Stainton, contract 5619l, drawing sk1A, 22 February 2000 as revised 9 May.
scale: 1:100
Printed ink on paper, 1f
Size: 595 x 840mm
UND/F1/C6/77 18 September 2001
Scale plan of “West Courtyard phase 2”, drawn by DHJ [Dennis Jones] of Stringer + Jones, architects, of Stainton, contract 5713, drawing 106A, SCR toilets, January 2001 as revised 18 September.
scale: 1:20
Printed ink on paper, 1f
Size: 595 x 840mm
UND/F1/C6/78 December 2001
Plan for the installation of a 3 phase supply in the Great Hall area, lower and upper levels, by Estates and Buildings dept, drawn up SW, drawing No.01.
scale: not to scale
Printed ink on paper, 1f
Size: 605 x 840mm
UND/F1/C6/79 June 2002
Scale plan of the Norman Gallery/Tunstall Gallery levels and the positions of chandeliers, with some annotations, by the Estates and Buildings dept, drawn by SW.
scale: 1:100
Printed ink on paper, 1f
Size: 605 x 840mm
UND/F1/C6/80 [September 2005]
Scale plans and sections of the Buttery roof, by Ian Ness, architect, of 26 Grosvenor Place, Newcastle upon Tyne, drawings 205:
2. Plan of repairs to oak structure carried out April-May 2005.
3. Survey of existing damage to oak structure 2005.
4. Record of repairs to oak structure July-September 2005.
scale: 1:25
Printed ink on paper, 3f
Size: 595 x 840mm
UND/F1/C6/81 6 September 2006
Scale plans of Moatside Court refurbishment, by Atkins of Dunedin House, Riverside, Columbia Drive Stockton-on-Tees, project no.5029591.003, drawings:
A4202. S Block existing and proposed landscape sections and gate.
A4203. S Block existing courtyard landscaping plan.
A4202. S Block proposed courtyard landscaping plan.
scale: 1:20 and 1:50
Printed ink on paper, 3f
Size: 595 x 840mm
UND/F1/C6/82 14 February 2011
Great Hall interior elevations with layout of pictures marked [by Richard Brickstock]
scale: 1:50
Printed ink on paper, with pencil annotations, 4f
Size: various
UND/F1/C6/83 October & December 2001
Scale plan for University College West Courtyard Phase Two:
(1) Toastie bar: plan and sections, including elevation to “backfitting”, external elevation, elevation to common room, plan above counter, and plan below counter
(2) Door and steps to common room, including elevation to west courtyard, elevation to common room, head detail and plan detail
Architects: Stringer & Jones, contract 5713, dwg no. 117 & 120
scale: 1:20
Size: 590 x 830mm
UND/F1/C6/84 17 January 1975
Scale plans of the Sutton Site project study bedrooms with suggested furniture layout, drawn by S. D. Grace, Purchasing Officer of Durham University.
14 plans
Size: 295 x 208mm
UND/F1/C6/85 January 1976
Scale plans for the Sutton Site project, drawn by “RJM”, including floor plans of P Block (Old Archaeology Building), R Block, and S Block.
1: 200
5 plans
Size: 206 x 295 mm
UND/F1/C6/86 13 April 1990
Scale plan for Fellows Garden rooms, drawn by Stringer and Jones, architects of Stainton
Left side missing
Printed ink on paper, 1f
Size: 420 x 296 mm.
UND/F1/C6/87 February 2006
Scale plans for Moatside Court Refurbishment by Atkins of Dunedin House, Riverside, Columbia Drive Stockton-on-Tees, project no. 5029591/003
18 plans
Size: 300 x 208 mm and 420 x 296 mm.
UND/F1/C6/88 June 2008
Plan of the Keep
Printed ink on paper, coloured, 1f
Size: 420 x 296 mm
UND/F1/C6/89 August 2010
Scale plans entitled “Alterations and Refurbishment – University College”, drawn by HM and AJG of GSS Architecture, Harrogate, file number UNI010q, including the Hall Stairs; the Great Hall, Servey and Kitchen; the Junction Stairs, the Keep, and
bedroom accomodation
Scale: Various
41 plans
Size: 300 x 208 mm and 420 x 296 mm
UND/F1/C6/90 [?2010]
Plans of 3-6 Owengate by Space Architects
3 plans
Size: 420 x 296 mm
UND/F1/C6/91 January 2016
Plans for accommodation, including Kepier Court, Howard, Saddler, Bridewell, and Elvet
1:50 (labelled drawings) and 1:100 (unlabelled drawings)
19 plans
Size: 420 x 296 mm
UND/F1/C6/92 February 2017
Plans of University College buildings and accommodation, drawn by “CM” of Durham University Estates and Buildings Department, including Master's House, 26 North Bailey, Gatehouse, Fellow's Garden, and Castle and
1:100 and 1:200
8 plans
Size: 420 x 296 mm
UND/F1/C6/93 March 2018
Plan of the Garden Stairs, drawn by SK of Durham University Estates and Buildings Department, with notes on the scope of works
3 plans
Size: 420 x 296 mm
UND/F1/C6/94 October 1962 - November 1987
Governing Body minutes and correspondence from 1966-1975 on the repair and modification of Lower Tunstall Gallery and the Black Staircase, negotiating budget, functionality, and aesthetics. Correspondence primarily between Masters (Slater and
McDowall) and Architect (Pace), and Buildings Officer (Collard) from 1974. Also includes a 1987 conservation report on work and estimates for objects in Lower Tunstall Gallery.
Paper file
KitchenReference: UND/F1/C7UND/F1/C7/1 1981 - 2022
Menus for special dinners:
Senior Man's Dinner in Honour of the earl of Carrick, 14 March 1981, 2 copies, 1 signed and 1 with a poem in Deborah Lavin's hand
Vice-Chancellor Dinner, 9 November 1981
SCR Chancellor's Luncheon, 30 June 1983, with a seating plan
Cathedral Dinner, 1 May 1986 (recipes taken from
The Art of Cookery by John Thacker, 18th century cook to the dean and chapter).
Derek Bargrave-Weaver retirement, 2 June 1986.
Chaplain Rev & Mrs P. Hiscock farewell, 29 May 1987.
Congregation, 2 July 1992.
Leonard Slater Fellow, 9 November 1993
62nd Reunion, 12 April 2008
SCR Guest Nights, 23 October 2010, 12 May 2018
Treasures of Durham University Benefactors, [c.January 2011]
Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee lunch, 18 July 2012 (with invite and letter).
Formal, 2 May 2013.
SCR Summer Vacation, 15 August 2014.
SCR Christmas, 9 December 1984, 12 December 2014.
Corpus Christi College Oxford alumni, with seating plan, 5 September 2018
72nd Reunion, 15 September 2018
College Feast, menu, seating plan, notes for the Principal's speech, 17 March 2022
College Feast programme (inc menu), college song, and notes for the Principal's speech, 14 March 2023
UND/F1/C7/2 2015 - 2018
Menus for special dinners/lunches:
2015: UCBC 11 December, SCR Christmas Dinner 18 December
2016: Mark Brownson's 21st 23 January, SCR Night Table & Student Formal 28 April, SCR Guest Night 14 May, Security Committee Lunch 5 June, CCA Primary Education 6 June, Graduands 23 June, Fresher's/Mentor's Formal 5 October, Post Graduate
Formal 7 October, SCR Guest Night 15 October, UCBC Christmas Dinner 2 December, Castle & Hatfield Christmas Lunch 22 December
2018: SCR Christmas Dinner 14 December
Card file
UND/F1/C7/3 May 2014
Correspondence arranging the menu and cost of a college luncheon in 2014 for the end of term, inviting JCR, MCR, SCR and college mentors to join and finalists to a Castle Society drinks reception beforehand.
Paper file
LibraryReference: UND/F1/C8
Lowe librarians:
?-1950 R.P. Wright
1950-1957 Dr J.V. Whitworth
1957-1958 R.P. Wright
1958-1960 Dr J.V. Whitworth
1960-1966 A.T. Hall
1966-1973 Prof Peter Rhodes
1973-1975 Dr Duncan Bythell
1975-1978 Dr D.J.A. Matthew
(1976 R.S.O. Tomlin)
1978-1980 R.J. Delahunty
1980-1990 John Ashworth
1991-1998 Dr Christine Woodhead
1999-2001 Mrs Jane Hogan
2001-2013 Dr Richard Higgins
2013-2019 Dr Richard Lawrie
2019 Dr Kevin Sheehan
2020-date Ellen Crabtree
UND/F1/C8/1 [1936 - 1942]
Library shelf list, by shelf mark, detailing title and author, published and date of publication
Paper book
UND/F1/C8/2 March 1968 - 1982
A list of the older books in the library, detailing title, author, date of publication and provenance, by Peter Rhodes, Lowe librarian, March 1968, with addenda June 1968 and December 1970, and additions of 1982, and a list of classmarks in the
library 1970.
Paper file, 9f
UND/F1/C8/3 December 1970
Sheet music held by the library, detailing composer, title, voices, amount and publisher/series, listed by Peter Rhodes, Lowe librarian.
Paper file, 3f
UND/F1/C8/4 October 1937 - January 1948
Library borrowing register, detailing date [borrowed], title/author, signature of borrower, shelf mark and date returned.
Paper book
UND/F1/C8/5 January 1948 - June 1952
Library borrowing register, detailing date [borrowed], title/author, signature of borrower, shelf mark and date returned.
Paper book, front cover missing
UND/F1/C8/6 October 1952 - December 1959
Library borrowing register, detailing date [borrowed], author, title, class no, signature of borrower, date returned and crossed off.
Paper book, half leather binding, titled “LIBRARY REGISTER” on the front cover
UND/F1/C8/7 January 1960 - April 1965, October 1998 - January 2001
Library borrowing register, detailing date [borrowed], author, title, class no, signature of borrower, date returned and crossed off/initialled. The book was closed in April 1965 with the note “Not to be used in future -
see notice board for new procedure”. The volume was reopened in October 1998 when bar code numbers were recorded instead of authors, but authors returned in December 1998.
Paper book, half leather binding, titled “LIBRARY REGISTER” on the front cover, affected by damp
UND/F1/C8/8-9 May 1960 - July 1961
Accession registers, detailing accession number, title, author, price, donor/vendor, date accessioned.
8. An attempt to accession the holdings retrospectively [in 1960], but only getting to No.382, with very few accession dates given, though provision made for 2870.
9. Accessions May 1960 to July 1961, ceasing at No.3156.
2 paper books
UND/F1/C8/10 13 July 1970
List of books withdrawn, annotated with those presented to libraries, sold to individuals or sold to R.J. Dickinson.
Paper file
UND/F1/C8/11 1990s
Guides to the library:
“The College Library”, 2f, September 1992
“The Lowe Memorial Library”, 16f, [1999], (draft)
2 paper leaflets
UND/F1/C8/12 August 1974 - November 2006
Library annual reports and accounts (none since 2002), with some correspondence re appointments of the Lowe librarian and junior librarians, accessions, operating procedures etc, and occasional library committee minutes and papers, and a list of
books on deposit in DUL.
Paper file
UND/F1/C8/13 February 1971 - September 2002
correspondence relating to the Lowe Library, including memos, letters, Governing Board minutes, and reports on staff appointments, library stock and proposed renovations.
Paper file
UND/F1/C8/14 November 1951 – October 1970
Correspondence to the Master and Lowe Librarian including donations to the library, Governing Body minutes, staff appointments, renovations/repairs/upgrades and tax returns. Also includes letters between the Master (Lt. Con Slater) and Miss Lowe
about the reopening of the Lowe Library about 1960.
Paper file
UND/F1/C8/15 2023
Lowe Library Self Care Bingo card
Printed card
Vice-Master/Vice-Principal and Senior Tutor/Assistant PrincipalReference: UND/F1/C9UND/F1/C9/1 October 2006 - September 2012
Professor Yamato Kawakami Foundation, Pune, India [established 1992]: correspondence, mainly letters from Prof D.P. Apte, trustee, 2009-2010, about financial support from the various communities of University College, to enable underprivileged
women to undertake Higher Education, acquire professional skills and pursue a vocation, and includign annual reports of the foundation for 2008/9 and 2009/10.
Paper file
UND/F1/C9/2 2015 - 2016
College Mentor Good Practice booklet for 2015/16, with some related correspondence.
Paper file
UND/F1/C9/3 2010 - 2011
File of Eva Schumacher-Reid, including:
Ladies Night invite and speech 2011, notes on chapel bible readings, welcoming speech to freshers, notes for postgraduates and overseas students, college strategy correspondence 2010, complaints about student disorder at a formal 2010, college
counselling service usage statistics 2009/10, student numbers at Castle 2009/10, guidelines for giving a tour round Castle including for prospective students 2007, student apology for playing the piano 2011, college prizes, card from Hunter Davies
Paper file
UND/F1/C9/4 March 2014 - September 2016
File of Richard Lawrie, including:
Invite to the June 2016 ball and the master's speech at it, Castle review, form guide for the Lumley Run Michaelmas 2015, guidance for JCR Welfare Officers, grant for the curator March 2016, Graduands' dinner invite June 2016, invites for an
engagement party March 2016 and College Christian Union, letter re possible admission September 2016, letter from Ian Doyle re SCR newspapers and napkin rings March 2014, University College Alumni card.
Paper file
UND/F1/C9/5 March 2007
College Tutors Meeting minutes.
Paper, 1f
UND/F1/C9/6 2014 - 2020
College support, including Resident Warden job description with a form listing employment responsibilities and role information. Also contains information on dons’ sets and resident wardens room occupation and prices, emails about accommodation
and a list of required actions for University College support.
Paper file
UND/F1/C9/7 October 2015 – November 2017
Annual list of college mentors and mentees, email correspondence appointing student mentors, and guidance on mentoring, including a College Mentor Good Practice Booklet for 2017/2018 and a student handbook on careers and employability advice
Paper file
UND/F1/C9/8 May - October 2017
Copy of
“Freshers Week 2017 Evening Events Plans”, correspondence regarding new living in new students and organizing events, timetable of events for Freshers week, JCR welcome letter, important information letters and
documents for new students including “Principles for Student Induction”, “Council Tax Exemption”, “Catering”, etc., list of JCR & MCR
officials, collection of new student forms, welcome letters from Master (Prof. David Held) and Welcome to Durham letters from Durham University Sport, Police Liaison, and Estates & Buildings, list of Erasmus students, information on Castle
Society, 2017 JCR Welfare Handbook.
Paper file
Clubs, Sports and AssociationsReference: UND/F1/E
Most of these records were formerly UND/DUS 12.
Records are arranged as follows:
A Minutes
B Accounts
C Correspondence and other administrative files
D Term cards, fixture lists, publications and other printed material
E Photographs: EA formal groups, EB other photographs
F Artefacts
U.C. Junior Common Room (JCR)Reference: UND/F1/E1Dates of creation: 1893 - 2008
UND/F1/E1/AA1 Epiphany 1925 - Easter 1947
JCR meetings minute book
Paper book
UND/F1/E1/AA2 Michaelmas 1947 - Epiphany 1958
JCR meetings minute book
Paper book
UND/F1/E1/AA3 Easter 1958 - 15 October 1964
JCR meetings minute book
Paper book
UND/F1/E1/AA4 December 1964 - December 1968
JCR meetings minute book
Paper book
UND/F1/E1/AA5 January 1969 - June 1978
JCR meetings minute book
Paper book
UND/F1/E1/AA6 October 1984 - June 1988
JCR meetings minute book
Paper book
UND/F1/E1/AA7 October 1988 - June 1997
JCR meetings minute book
Minutes change to stuck-in word-processed from hand-written.
Paper book
UND/F1/E1/AA8 November 1997 - May 1998
JCR meetings minute book
Paper file in clear plastic covers
UND/F1/E1/AA9 October 1998 - June 1999
JCR meetings minute book
Paper file in plastic covers
UND/F1/E1/AA9A 1999 - 2001
JCR meeting agendas and minutes
Paper file
UND/F1/E1/AA9B October 2000 - June 2001
JCR meetings minute book, with agendas, voting slips and results
Paper booklet
UND/F1/E1/AA10 October 2001 - June 2002
JCR meetings minute book
Paper file in plastic covers
UND/F1/E1/AA11 October 2003 - June 2004
JCR meetings minute book
Paper file in clear plastic covers
UND/F1/E1/AA12 November 2006 - June 2008
JCR minutes and agendas
UND/F1/E1/AA13 October 2008 - March 2009
JCR ordinary and emergency general meetings minutes and agendas.
Paper file, spural-bound, with clear plastic covers
UND/F1/E1/AB1 1969 - 1970
Lumley Castle JCR meetings minute book.
The last meeting at Lumley Castle was on 25 June 1970, but a further meeting of the Lumley Castle JCR “in exile” was held in [Durham Castle] undercroft on 1 December 1970.
Paper book
UND/F1/E1/AC1 1967 - October 1976
JCR Finance Committee minute book
The Finance Committee had become the Executive Committee by October 1971.
Paper book
UND/F1/E1/AC2 November 1976 - March 1982
JCR Executive Committee minute book
Paper book
UND/F1/E1/AC3 1994 - 2001
JCR Executive Committee draft minutes
UND/F1/E1/AD1 October 1932 - November 1949
Committee of Captains' minute book
Paper book
UND/F1/E1/AD2 December 1949 - October 1966
Committee of Captains' minute book
Paper book
UND/F1/E1/AD3 February 1967 - June 1987
Committee of Captains' minute book
Paper book
UND/F1/E1/AE1 June 1987 - June 1990
JCR constitution, 2 copies, 1 amended June 1990, 1 with a handwritten “Bar Committee bible” inside.
2 paper files in red binder, 1 with a 3½" floppy disk inside
UND/F1/E1/AE2 March 1991
JCR constitution
Paper file, in a red spring-back binder with a 3½" floppy disk inserted
UND/F1/E1/AE3 27 January 2002
JCR constitution
Paper book, 66p, printed by Prontaprint
UND/F1/E1/AE4 26 November 2003
JCR constitution
Paper file
UND/F1/E1/AE5 1994
JCR constitution
Paper file
UND/F1/E1/AE6 2008
JCR constitution
UND/F1/E1/AE7 2015
JCR constitution
UND/F1/E1/AF1 1998 - 1999, 2001
Bar Reserves Allocations Committee Applications: Clubs and Societies applications for funding from the Undercroft Bar's profits
UND/F1/E1/BA1 1939 - Easter 1967
JCR account book
Capital reserve accounts 1949-1965 at the back.
Paper book
UND/F1/E1/BA2 October 1967 - October 1968
JCR account book
Paper book
UND/F1/E1/BA3 January - December 1996
Annual accounts, budget, financial review, cash flow report, cheque registers for Castle Ents, Composition, June Ball, Old Sv Deposit, Services I and II, Purchases, VAT Control, and a transactions register.
Paper file
UND/F1/E1/BA4 1987, 1988, 1989, 1995
JCR Annual Accounts
UND/F1/E1/BA5 1987 - 1992
JCR Account Book
UND/F1/E1/BB1 Epiphany 1893 - Easter 1939
Castle Clubs account book
Title label on the front cover
“Univ. Coll. Boat Club Account Book”; entries for the first term recorded seem to be for the boat club only, but thereafter for Castle Clubs as a whole.
Paper book
UND/F1/E1/BC1 1951 - 1965
Castle Clubs bank pass book (Barclays Bank)
Paper booklet
UND/F1/E1/BC2 1966 - 1971
Castle Clubs bank pass book (Barclays Bank)
Paper book
UND/F1/E1/BC3 2002 - 2003
Invoices for the Undercroft Bar
UND/F1/E1/BC4 2002 - 2003
Invoices for the Undercroft Bar
UND/F1/E1/BC5 2002 - 2003
Invoices for the Undercroft Bar
UND/F1/E1/BC6 2002 - 2003
Daily Undercroft Bar till receipts
UND/F1/E1/BC7 2002 - 2003
Daily Undercroft Bar till receipts
UND/F1/E1/BC8 2002 - 2003
Daily Undercroft Bar till receipts
UND/F1/E1/BC9 1991 - 1994
Undercroft Bar account Book
UND/F1/E1/BC10 2002
JCR composition fee accounts
UND/F1/E1/BC11 2003 - 2004
JCR services accounts
UND/F1/E1/BC12 2003 - 2004
JCR expenses accounts and claims forms
UND/F1/E1/BC13 2012 - 2013
Clubs and societies income forms
UND/F1/E1/BC14 2012 - 2013
Clubs and societies expenses forms
UND/F1/E1/C1 8 October 1959 - 28 May 1960
Lumley Castle JCR complaints and suggestions book
With responses from M.R. Barry.
UND/F1/E1/C2 30 May 1960 - 28 May 1961
Lumley Castle JCR complaints and suggestions book
With responses from M.R. Barry and (from 11 October 1960) Malcolm G.V. Thompson.
UND/F1/E1/C3 1995 - 1996
Senior Man's File
Papers concerning the overall operation of the JCR and the College, and JCR relations with the College and the University
Paper file
UND/F1/E1/C4 1996 - 1997
Senior Man's File
Papers concerning the overall operation of the JCR and the College, and JCR relations with the College and the University
Paper file
UND/F1/E1/C5 1997 - 1998
First Part Of Senior Man's File
Papers concerning the overall operation of the JCR and the College, and JCR relations with the College and the University
Paper file
UND/F1/E1/C6 1997 - 1998
Second Part Of Senior Man's File
Papers concerning the overall operation of the JCR and the College, and JCR relations with the College and the University
Paper file
UND/F1/E1/C7 1998 - 1999
Senior Man's File
Papers concerning the overall operation of the JCR and the College, and JCR relations with the College and the University
Paper file
UND/F1/E1/C8 2001 - 2002
Senior Man's File
Papers concerning the overall operation of the JCR and the College, and JCR relations with the College and the University
Paper file
UND/F1/E1/C9 2003
June Ball Planning File
General plans for June Ball, including two wristbands.
Paper file and plastic wristbands
UND/F1/E1/C10 1999
Security Committee
General information for members of the Security Committee
UND/F1/E1/C11 2002 - 2003
Social Chair's File
Papers concerning various aspects of social events in College
UND/F1/E1/C12 2002
Undercroft Bar JCR Executive Committee applications file
Papers relating to the selection of Bar Chairman, Bar Vice-Chairman and Bar Treasurer
UND/F1/E1/C13 6 June 2023
Programme for the JCR and MCR executive away day
UND/F1/E1/C14 October 1949 – October 2019
Lists of Junior Common Room (JCR) executive officers and representatives from 1949/1950-1957/58, 1959/60-1973/4, 1979/80-1984/85, 1986/87, 1988/89-2017/18, 2019/20
Paper file
UND/F1/E1/D1 15 February 1936 - 9 February 1940
Printed programmes for the Visitors' Wine in the Hall, comprising toasts and performances, organised by the JCR wine committee, signed by participants.
1. 15 February 1936, signed by Frederick Peart, K.B. Gibson, J.L. Rowlands, J.R. Spear, J. Nicholson, J.H. Marwood, C.Colleen Abbott, W. Surtees, Frank S. Chase, A. Race, A.A. Macfarlane Grieve, R.P. Wright, A. Dean, W.B.C. Brander, N.D. Coleman,
J.H. How, ?, Frank Pasquill, Tommy W. Houghton, E.J. Titt, J.H. Haynes, J.G. Bates, H. Bramald, R.T. Clarke, E.B. Glass, E.H. Yates, S.P. Higham, R. Dutton, D. Dickinson, C.M. Stack, ?, J. Dent, Clive H. Harston, Jack C. Pickles, H.R. Lacey, H.
Swabey, E.R. Chittenden, J. Turner. (Another copy in UND/F7/H15)
2. 9 February 1937, signed by H. Bramald, E.W. Burton, J.H. Pearson, R.J. Bowyer, N.D. Coleman, William E. Lockwood, C. Colleen Abbott, ?, F.J. Winn, S. Lowes, R. Wright, T.L. Weatherhead, G.R. Watson, K.B. Gibson, K. George, E.F. Hudson, William
Bentley, A.S. Haydon, Clifford Leech, ?, A.J. Birch, K. Dutton, A.A. Macfarlane Grieve, F.T. Roberts, ?, J.B.R. Carter, ?, H. Swabey, Sydney H. Evans, W. McCoy, with a clean programme, and a printed invite from the senior man.
3. 12 February 1938, signed by A. Hesselgreaves, J. Newsome, H. Bramald, C. Colleen Abbott, Jack Cattell, Sydney H. Evans, L.B. Brockwell, Clifford Leech, R.W. Moss, R. Dutton, N.D. Coleman., with headings for [K.B. Gibson's senior man's] speech
noted on the back.
4. 11 February 1939, signed by including H.J. Armstrong, D. Eccles, A. Hesselgreaves, G. Heslop, S.H. Alcock, G.R. Berriman, F.J. Owen, L. North, R.P. Wright, A.J.H. Frances, H.A. Atkinson, A.E. Bundy, E.W. Webber, D.H. Burton, E.T. Butcher, J.
Newsome, W.McCoy.
5. 9 February 1940, unsigned.
6 cards of 2f each + 1 card of 1f
1-3 given by Mrs Joy Gibson of Bolton, Lancs, widow of K.B. Gibson, 1 August 2005, Acc No Misc.2005/2006:10.
UND/F1/E1/D2 [1989]
The Last Gentlemen University College 1986-1989
Photos, signatures and witticisms of students 1986-1989, with a printed alphabetical list of names, addresses and first jobs at the back. With a preface by Tim Green, Senior Man.
UND/F1/E1/D3 June 2007 - 2022
Ball programmes (themes) & ephemera:
19 June 2007 (7)
17 June 2008 (carnival)
22 June 2010 (Alice in Wonderland), with commemorative keyring-bottleopener in a box
June 2011 (Rule Britannia!) with wristband
[19] June 2012 ([Pandora's Box])
28 January 2017 Charity Ball The Stroke of Midnight poster
[19] June 2018 Wanderlust with wine glass
[November] 2018 Yule Ball
Midnight Masquerade 2019 with table plan
2021 Ladies Night: A Moment in Time
[March 2022] Charity Ball poster
17 June 2022 Projection porgramme and wristband
[2022] Happily Ever After
16 June 2023 June Ball invitation to the Principal (Wendy Peters), wristband, and programme
17 February 2023 Halfway Hall
“A series of unfortunate ents” programme
2023 Once Upon a Time Castle Charity Ball programme, sticker and place name
[2023] A Manual for Time Travel programme
15 paper booklets
A 1979 programme is: UND/F8/H7/30.
UND/F1/E1/D4 1951, 1990 - 2016
University College Yearbook
For 1951, 1989-1990 1990/91, 1992/93-1999/00, 2001/02-2007/08, 2010, 2011, 2016.
Photos of college staff, sports and other groups (with reports), leavers and socialising.
2016 titled
University College Leavers
1994-2002 transferred from the Castle's Lowe Library by Dr R.I. Higgins 14 April 2008, Acc No Misc.2007/8:54; 2002-11 from the same source 7 July 2012.
UND/F1/E1/D5 [1956 x 1957]
[JCR] headed notepaper from the Senior Man or Secretary (tempore Michael Bates, Senior Man 1956/57).
UND/F1/E1/D6 [1956 x 1957]
Door notice: “University College Durham Oak Up”
UND/F1/E1/D7 1975/76 - 2015
Junior Common Room Handbook for 1975/76 (noted as the 2nd edition, with the first having been produced in 1974/75), 1976/77 (3rd edn), [1980] (4th edn), [1981/82] (5th edn), [1986/87] (6th edn), [1989/90] (7th edn),
[1990/91] (8th edn),
A Freshers Guide to Castle,
Freshers' Handbook,
University College JCR,
2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2104
Castle Freshers
The Castle Freshers' Handbook
16 paper booklets + 1 paper file
Formerly: Per Local UNI
UND/F1/E1/D8 [1983]
Alternative Prospectus
Printed paper booklet, 8f
Formerly: PamL378.4281
UND/F1/E1/D9 [June] 1993 & March 2015
Castellum Artium Dies Festi Castle Arts Week Magazine '93 booklet, editors Theodore Pike and Rupert Pearson
Castle Arts Week 1-7 March 2015 programme
Paper file
UND/F1/E1/D10 [1985 - 1995]
Castle Magazine Carsole or C'arsole, popular and irreverent news and gossip; Nos.1-8, 11, then Michaelmas 1994 No.1&2, and Epiphany 1995.
12 illustrated paper magazines
Formerly: Per Local CAS
UND/F1/E1/D11 2000 - 2001, 2006 - 2007, [2010] - 2019, Oct 2022, April 2023, March 2024
Floreat Castellum, which produced its first number in 1997, included reports from various student societies and clubs, articles on college life and interviews. With the exception of earlier issues, most are undated,
but include Easter, Michaelmas, Epiphany, Welcome Home, Halfway and Farewell issues.
v.2 issue 4 (3 Nov 2000), v.III issue III (5 Dec 2000), and v.III issue IV (8 Feb 2001) are photocopies only.
101 printed paper booklets, illustrated
UND/F1/E1/D12 2010 - [2014]
Welfare Handbook, detailing the team, support available and information, for 2010, 2012, 2014.
3 paper booklets
UND/F1/E1/D13 2012 - 2023
University College wall chart calendar for 2012/13, 2013/14, 2015/16, 2018/19, 2023/24 with major college events recorded
Paper file
UND/F1/E1/D14 [?1950]
“Junior Common Rooms Notes”, with typescript and manuscript reports of JCR societies and their activities.
UND/F1/E1/D15 2000 - 2001
JCR Weekly NewsletterGeneral information disseminated to the JCR from the JCR Executive Committee
UND/F1/E1/D16 2008 - 2010
JCR Weekly NewsletterGeneral information disseminated to the JCR from the JCR Executive Committee
UND/F1/E1/D17 [September] 2012
Welcome pack for new students including: photocopied passport photos of students, Cathedral Cloister application card, welcomes, forms and notices from the vice-master, JCR and chaplain, university Faith Support leaflet, University College
contacts card, university shop card, History of Art modules prospectus, welfare contacts card, Topshop flyer, 2 Durex condoms.
Paper file
UND/F1/E1/D18 [c.2015] & 2018/19
The Castle Guide to Mental Health, edited by Kirsten Ash (c.2015), by JCR Welfare Team (2018/19)
2 printed paper booklets, 32p, in card covers
UND/F1/E1/D19 6 March 2016
The Castle Finance Journal, 1st edition, edited by Harry Nicholls.
Paper file
U.C. Beagles ClubReference: UND/F1/E2Dates of creation: 1851 - 1876
The Beagles Club seems to have been wound up in 1876 as the final note in the account book below records a decision to divide the club's balance in hand between the Cricket Club and the Union.
“The University Beagle Club, 1851-1876”, (
Castellum 6, 1953), p.33-34; J. Henderson, “The University College Beagles, 1859-63”,
Durham University Journal (22 No.6, July 1920), p.201-204.
UND/F1/E2/B1 1851 - 1876
Beagles Club account book
Chronological list of masters, 1851-1874, written on the front and back covers. List of the beagles in the pack, with notes of their origin and fate, 1851-1860, at the front of the volume. Mishaps befalling the hounds are noted at the foot of the
accounts for Epiphany term 1858 (two dogs killed by a train); Michaelmas term 1861 (dog poisoned) and 1870 (dog killed by a train; there is an affecting sketch).
The accounts comprise subscriptions (including various clergy from the dean of Durham down), the disposal and buying of hounds, payments for food and wages, transport and compensation to those who had their sheep worried by the hounds.
Paper book
Size: 343 x 112 mm
U.C. Cross-Country ClubReference: UND/F1/E3Dates of creation: 1951 - 1965
UND/F1/E3/A1 1951 - 1965
Cross-Country Club record book
Includes annual reports, race reports and lists of captains and secretaries.
Paper book
U.C. Literary and Debating SocietyUND/F1/E4 1905 - 1959
Minutes of the meetings of the Society's committee and of its various debates, with printed term cards and invites, and some correspondence with potential speakers.
The Society was founded in 1905 and was mainly concerned with debating, holding generally 2 debates in each of the Michaelmas and Epiphany terms, including regular freshers' and visitors' debates.
UND/F1/E4/AA1 12 February 1905 - 17 October 1929
Committee meetings minute book
with the Society's rules entered at the front, and the names of officers and committee members recorded.
Paper book, covers lost
UND/F1/E4/AA2 24 January 1932 - 11 December 1956
Committee meetings minute book
with a note at the front that minutes had lapsed since 1929. No minutes for 1945/46, 1946/47 and 1952/53-1955/56.
With some correspondence, notes and a 1948 printed invite inserted.
Paper book, covers detached
UND/F1/E4/AB1 19 February 1921 - 29 November 1924
Debates minute book
Paper book
UND/F1/E4/AB2 19 January 1925 - 2 March 1931 & 26 October 1940 - 11 October 1954
Debates minute book,
with rules at the back.
Paper book
UND/F1/E4/AB3 30 October 1931 - 8 March 1940
Debates minute book
with some notes and correspondence inserted.
Paper book
UND/F1/E4/AB4 15 November 1954 - 24 November 1959
Debates minute book
with some printed invitations and refusal letters inserted.
Paper book
UND/F1/E4/D1 Michaelmas 1919 - Michaelmas 1937
Termcards detailing the officers and programmes of debates and papers for the term, printed.
Present: M 1919, M 1920, Ep 1921, M 1921, M 1922, Ep 1922, Ep 1923, Ep 1924, M 1924, Ep 1927, Ep 1931, M 1931, Ep 1936, M 1936, M 1937 amended to 1949.
5 cards
Given by Mrs Joy Gibson of Bolton, Lancs, widow of K.B. Gibson, 1 August 2005, Acc No Misc.2005/2006:10 and University College JCR.
UND/F1/E4/D2 23 October 1950 & 22 October 1951
Visitors' Night debates invites, with officers listed:
1. “This House has not times for gaiters”, 23 October 1950.
2. “That this House would apply to Oxford or Cambridge first”, 22 October 1951.
U.C. Philosophic and Scientific SocietyReference: UND/F1/E5Dates of creation: 1936 - 1937
The society was established at the end of 1935 but does not appear to have lasted beyond 1937. (It does not feature amongst the society reports in
Castellum at its inception in 1948.)
UND/F1/E5/A1 26 January 1936 - 7 November 1937
Minute book
With the constitution at the front, providing for a president, secretary and a committee of 3, elected termly, with weekly meetings to hear papers from members or visitors. The constitution was approved by the JCR on 8 December 1935. With a list
of officers 1936-1937.
Paper book
Presented 8 August 2000 by Dr. David Robinson (Dept. of Biological Sciences, the Open University), who discovered it among the book collection of his late father, C.R. Robinson, TD, BSc, who read physics at Durham just before World War II, Acc No
Misc 2000/2001:6.
UND/F1/E5/D1 Michaelmas 1936 - Epiphany 1937
Termcards, detailing the officers and programmes of talks for the term, printed.
2 cards
Given by Mrs Joy Gibson of Bolton, Lancs, widow of K.B. Gibson, 1 August 2005, Acc No Misc.2005/2006:10.
U.C. Read and Weed ClubReference: UND/F1/E6
The Read and Weed Club was in existence in 1892 and possibly some time earlier but its history has not been continuous. It was dissolved and then restarted in 1922 before having to be revived again in 1929. In the 1920s, members were limited to
10, plays were read and the club also met for Sunday breakfast at the top of the keep. The club lapsed again in 1940, being reformed in January 1947 with membership limited to 8, elected by secret and unanimous ballot. It met to discuss cultural and
topical subjects.
D.P. Brice, “The Read and Weed Club” (
Castellum 11, 1958), p.28-29.
UND/F1/E6/C1 c.1935
Invite to the annual dinner in the Three Tuns from K.B. Gibson, Hon. Sec., written on a printed club card, with a blank card.
2 cards
Given by Mrs Joy Gibson of Bolton, Lancs, widow of K.B. Gibson, 1 August 2005, Acc No Misc.2005/2006:10.
U.C. Thorp Club and MCRReference: UND/F1/E7Dates of creation: 1959 - 2007
The Thorp Club was founded in 1959 to provide common room and social facilities for the graduate students of University College within the JCR. The MCR was ratified as an independent Common Room for graduate students in 1999.
UND/F1/E7/AA1 1 December 1959 - 29 May 1966
Minute book
Inserted at the front is a memorandum prepared for the incoming secretary 1968/69 on
“How the Thorp Club Works”
Also includes loose-leaf minutes from the meeting of 23 October 1979
Paper book, back cover missing
UND/F1/E7/AA2 26 October 2008 - 8 February 2016
MCR meeting minutes
MCR meeting minutes, including MCR Executive Committee members reports.
Paper file
UND/F1/E7/AA3 24 August 2002 - 20 April 2015
MCR Executive Committee meeting minutes
Incomplete set of MCR Executive Committee meeting minutes, mainly from 2002 - 2009.
Paper file
UND/F1/E7/AA4 1999
MCR constitution
UND/F1/E7/AA5 2009
MCR constitution
UND/F1/E7/AA6 2013
MCR constitution
UND/F1/E7/AA7 2014
MCR constitution
UND/F1/E7/AA8 2015
MCR constitution
UND/F1/E7/AB1 [1968 - 1969]
“Blue book”
Jokes, drawings, comments on fellow members, witticisms.
Paper book
UND/F1/E7/AB2 [1966]
“Blue book”
Jokes, drawings, comments on fellow members, witticisms.
Paper book
UND/F1/E7/AB3 [1967 - 1968]
“Blue book”
Jokes, drawings, comments on fellow members, witticisms.
Paper book
UND/F1/E7/B1 October 2012 - May 2014
MCR Honesty Bar Stock Records, detailing alcohol taken.
Paper file, spiral bound
UND/F1/E7/B2 October 2013 - December 2014
Bank statements and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/F1/E7/C1 2012 - 2014
MCR Welfare
Communications and information on MCR welfare support.
UND/F1/E7/C2 2008 - 2014
MCR Steward's File
Communications on the MCR Room, including alcohol orders.
UND/F1/E7/C3 2009 - 2015
MCR Elections
Communications on elections for MCR Executive Committee positions, including manifestos and emails detailing election results
UND/F1/E7/C4 September - October 2016
Freshers week events, and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/F1/E7/D1 2007
Posters for MCR performances:
The Vagina Monologues,
V Day Reclaiming Peace, Castle MCR, 5 & 6 March [2007].
UND/F1/E7/D2 2008, 2014
Information 2008-2009, with images of the officers and locations in the college
Handbook 2014-2015,, with images of the officers and locations and activities in college and beyond
Handbook, 2019/20, with images of the officers and locations and activities in college and beyond
2 paper booklets, 20p & 42p
UND/F1/E7/D3 2 November 1999
Invite for the grand opening of the William St Calais Room.
Paper, 1f
UND/F1/E7/D4 2008 - 2016
MCR Social and Academic Events
Emails, invitations, and advertisments for social and academic events, including MCR, College-wide and some inter-collegiate activities
UND/F1/E7/D5 2008 - 2015
MCR Newsletter and general communications
Newsletters and general communications sent to the MCR membership, including information on MCR and College events and activities
UND/F1/E7/D6 2012 - 2019
MCR Handbook and International Students Supplement
Gerneral information on the MCR and University College for new postgraduate students
UND/F1/E7/D7 2008 - 2015
MCR Freshers' Week
MCR Freshers' Week General information concerning Freshers' Week for new postgraduate students
UND/F1/E7/D8 2008 - 2015
MCR Handbook drafts
General information for postgraduate students, with images of the officers and locations and activities in college and beyond
Paper file
UND/F1/E7/D9 2015
MCR Charity Ball programme: 2015 Narnia
Paper booklet
UND/F1/E7/D10 [?2023]
Place card for the Principal (Wendy Peters) at the Inter-MCR Formall
Place card
UND/F1/E7/D11 September - October 2022
MCR Week of Welcome Passport with Freshers' calendar
Paper booklet
Senior Common Room (SCR)Reference: UND/F1/E8Dates of creation: 1948 - 2009
UND/F1/E8/AA1 30 April 1948 - 3 October 1955
College meeting of the SCR minute book
The minutes start with “the Second University College Meeting” but a letter of 9 March 1948 of John E. Gregory is inserted inviting “all members of the University Teaching Staff resident
in the College” to a meeting on 11 March 1948 “to discuss matters appertaining to the corporate life of the College”.
With an index of SCR members at the front and of subjects at the back.
UND/F1/E8/AA2 16 January 1956 - 7 October 1968
College meeting of the SCR minute book
With an index of SCR members at the front and those serving on other College bodies at the back. Inserted at the back are rules for the fellows' garden and tennis court, and a list of 10 Latin graces.
UND/F1/E8/AA3 13 January 1969 - 21 April 1987
College meeting of the SCR minute book
With an index at the front of officers and those serving on college committees.
Paper book
UND/F1/E8/AA4 6 October 1987 - 19 January 2012
College meeting of the SCR minute book
The last recorded meeting was the 200th; a portion of the book is unused after that.
Paper book
UND/F1/E8/AA5 4 October 2001 - 7 December 2020
College meeting of the SCR minutes and agendas, with annual accounts submitted and occasional other papers; with gaps.
UND/F1/E8/AB1 23 October 1957 - 14 October 1963 & 1993 - 24 April 1994
SCR Suggestions Book
Recording comments on food and domestic issues, dated and initialled, with responses. At the front is an explanation that the book was intended to assist the Amenities Committee with the suggestions to be put to the committee at its fortnightly
meetings. There is also a rubric suggesting varying grades of comment, with numbers of signatures and appropriate responses required, and a list of the members of the SCR [in 1957] with some 1993 additions.
Deposited by Dr A.I. Doyle 6 November 2006, Acc No Misc.2006/2007:27.
UND/F1/E8/AB2 November 1997 - November 2001
SCR Amenities Committee minutes
Paper file
UND/F1/E8/B1 October 1997 - July 1999
SCR dinners, guest nights, summer buffets etc tables of attendees, guests, and charges for food, wine, liquers etc.
Paper file
UND/F1/E8/C1 1953/54, 1977/78, 1978/79, 1991 - December 2006
Notices and lists of members
UND/F1/E8/C2 October 1986 & July 2012
Constitution (1986) and rules of order (2012) for the SCR, with an invitation from the Master for nominations for all posts.
Paper file
UND/F1/E8/C3 1974 - 2001
Secretary's file, including correspondence re such as travel grants and meal arrangements, use of facilities, retirement of the master, composition of governing bodies, battels, Blakiston Trust Fund, also thank yous and invitations to
presentations and special dinners, the college grace, obituary of Len Slater, silver anniversary dinner menu Eggleston Hall 1993, photo of Dai Morgan and Ian Doyle, constitution and proposed revision, poll on the location of the SCR, election of the
secretary, and notes on SCR membership 1948-1974.
Paper file
UND/F1/E8/C4 2001 - 2008
Secretary's file, including correspondence re such as travel grants, newspaper deliveries, the university plan and the amenities committee, list of secretary's duties 2001, constitution of 1986 as at 2003, notices of deaths and marriages, thank
yous, summer buffet menu 2001, carol singing, and templates for forms and letters.
Paper file
UND/F1/E8/C5 September 2019
Circular to members from the acting vice-master about recent college changes.
Paper, 1f
UND/F1/E8/D1 Easter 1999 - 2018/9
Calendars listing meetings, special meals and events, facilities, contacts, guest room rates, meal times and notes, on card from 2002, initially produced termly, then annually from 2007/8.
UND/F1/E8/D2 8 December 1951
Sherry party invite.
UND/F1/E8/D3 2013
Posters for SCR events:
Concert by Daniel Bell violin and Huw Watkins piano, 12 June [2013]
Paper file
UND/F1/E8/D4 13 December 2013
SCR Christmas dinner menu
Paper leaflet
Durham Castle Society, University College Durham Trust and alumni relationsReference: UND/F1/E9Dates of creation: 1970 - 2004
The society is for the college's alumni.
UND/F1/E9/AB1 March 1990 - October 1991
Castle Society Endowment Fund Trustees minutes, agendas, papers, correspondence and copy trust deed of 1990.
Paper file
UND/F1/E9/AC1 April 1994 - March 1995
Castle Society Committee minutes and agendas.
Paper file
UND/F1/E9/C1 1947, 1949, 1974 - 2000, 2016, 2022
Annual Reunion programmes, menus and invites.
There is a welcome guide to the “covid-delayed and long overdue!” 74th annual reunion of the Durham Castle Society, 9-11 September 2022
Paper file
UND/F1/E9/C2 1981 - 1982
West Courtyard common room appeal to Castlemen, circulars and forms
Paper file
UND/F1/E9/C3 c.1971
Castleman's Society Appeal for the proposed development of the Sutton Site, brochure and letter.
Paper file
UND/F1/E9/C4 2010
Invitation to the Castle Society Annual Reunion Dinner, Durham Castle Society Drinks Reception and and invitation to MCR members to join the Castle Society. Also includes details of a reunion dinner organised by James Gate, former MCR
Paper file
UND/F1/E9/C5 1995 - 2024
Papers, including correspondence, annual reports, transcripts of talks, ephemera etc mostly on the annual reunions
Paper file
UND/F1/E9/C6 2010 - 2016
Correspondence between the Castle Society and the Durham Colleges Alumni Association, including minutes of meetings of the latter
Paper file
UND/F1/E9/D1 [1959] - 2004
List of Members and Addresses listing names, years at Castle and addresses, for [1959], 1964, 1969, 1977 and 1991,
Membership list February 2004, giving name, address and years at Castle, arranged alphabetically and by year of entry, noted as being the fourth such list since publication was revived in 1998,
also annual lists of additions and changes of address for 1978/9, 1980, 1982, 1983/4-1989/90, 1995.
UND/F1/E9/D2 [c.1970]
Appeal for the proposed development of the Sutton site, with text and a depiction of the development.
Card, 2f
UND/F1/E9/D3 [c.2000]
“A message from the College to thank its graduates for their kind donations to our Millennium Project ...” from the master.
Paper, 1f
UND/F1/E9/D4 1948 - 2019, 2022
Castellum: The Magazine of the Durham Castle Society, published annually since 1948 and comprising news of the college, its former members, reunions and Society AGM minutes and accounts.
9 bound volumes and 10 loose printed paper illustrated booklets
UND/F1/E9/D5 January 2022
Non nobis solum alumni and volunteer newsletter
Paper newsletter
UND/F1/E9/D6 [?1921]
Circular appeal by the Durham Castlemen's Society to subscribe towards the cost of the building of the College War Memorial.
Signed on behalf of the Society by A. A. Macfarlane-Grieve (President), Frans A. J. Hellingman (JCR Representative), and Gordon R. Berryman (Assistant Honorary Secretary)
Printed letter
Castle Theatre CompanyReference: UND/F1/E10
This was formed in 1977. It has generally performed a Shakespeare play in the summer in the Fellow's Garden which it has then often taken on tour, with other non-Shakespeare plays in the Castle or at the Assembly Rooms in the Michaelmas and/or
Epiphany terms.
UND/F1/E10/C1 June 1979 - May 2005
Papers, including letters of permission for rehearsals and performance dates of both summer productions and winter pantomimes, information on Castle Theatre Company’s Summer Tour dates (c.1998), correspondence regarding issues from rehearsal
location mishaps and the 1987 Summer Southern England tour of
As You Like It.
Paper file
UND/F1/E10/D1 [1977] - 2022
Printed ephemera for performances, open air in the Fellows Garden in the summer, unless otherwise stated:
Macbeth poster and programme.
The Taming of the Shrew programme; Alice in Underland or Christmas Underpantomine programme.
Twelfth Night programme; The Sword in the Stone.
Measure for Measure programme.
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? programme, Assembly Rooms.
As You Like It programme.
The Taming of the Shrew programme; Sleeping Beauty programme.
A Midsummer Night's Dream programme.
The Tempest programme, Assemby Rooms.
Love's Labour's Lost programme.
The Merry Wives of Windsor programme.
The Taming of the Shrew flyer
Love's Labour's Lost programme.
The Comedy of Errors programme; Grimm Tales programme; Seneca's Oedipus by Ted Hughes programme.
2002 Programme for 2002/3 poster.
Arcadia by Tom Stoppard programme & poster, Lowe Library; Richard III programme, Great Hall; The Tempest poster, Norman Chapel; A
Midsummer Night's Dream poster.
Amadeus programme and ticket, Great Hall.
The Birthday Party programme, Norman Chapel
As You Like It programme; The Madness of George III by Alan Bennett, programme.
Merry Wives of Windsor poster; November, Buried Child auditions poster; 6-8 December, Peter Pan (by Quikfix Productions), programme, Great Hall.
Antigone programme, Norman chapel, Castle Arts Week; The Tempest programme, Fellows Garden.
Hamlet, programme; Murder in the Cathedral review, Great Hall; The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) programme.
Endgame, poster; The Bacchae, programme, poster and flyer.
2013 Spring season flyer;
Romeo and Juliet, programme, ticket, and poster, cathedral; The Wind in the Willows, Assembly Rooms; As You Like It , poster; Orphans by Dennis Kelly, Assembly Rooms, poster; Murder Mystery, poster.
Frankenstein, poster; Twelfth Night, poster; Motherland by Steve Gilroy, poster.
The Elephant Man, programme, ticket and review; Private Lives, review; The Boy James, MCR, programme & poster; The Comedy of
Errors, programme, poster & review; A Servant to Two Masters, programme and review
Hamlet, programme, poster and review; The Great Gatsby, programme & review; Home by Nadia Fall, programme, poster & review; Orlando poster & review; Much Ado About Nothing, programme, flyer, poster and reviews; The Crucible programme, preview and reviews; Someone Who'll Watch Over Me preview and reviews.
The Ritual Slaughter of Gorge Mastromas by Dennis Kelly, Assembly Rooms, programme and reviews; The Wasp by Morgan Lloyd Malcolm, Cafédral, reviews; Macbeth, Tunstall Chapel, programme and reviews; A Midsummer's Night Dream, Fellows Garden, reviews; Stuart Slade, BU21, Cafédral, programme, poster (with cast
list etc) & reviews etc; Dawn King, Foxfinder, Norman Chapel, programme & review.
A Murder is Announced by Agatha Christie, programme and reviews; The History Boys by Alan Bennett, programme, poster & reviews; Twelfth Night by
Shakespeare, reviews; Dracula by Bram Stoker, programme, poster (with cast list etc) & reviews; Harry by Caitlin McEwan, Durham Union Society, programme, poster and reviews.
Northanger Abbey by Sophie Wright, programme, reviews and poster (with cast list etc; Jesus Christ Superstar by Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber, poster (with cast list etc) and reviews;
Love's Labour's Lost by Shakespeare, poster (with cast list etc) and reviews; Regeneration by Pat Barker, Bede Chapel, reviews; Three Sisters by Chekhov,
City Theatre, programme, poster and reviews.
Measure for Measure by Shakespeare, Assembly Rooms, programme, ticket, poster and reviews; Mrs Dalloway, by Virgina Woolf adapted by Imogen Usherwood, Bishop's Dining Room, 13-14 March,
poster, programme & reviews.
2022 Doctor Faustus by Marlowe, Caedmon Hall, poster & reviews.
Education, Education, Education by the Wardrobe Ensemble, programme
UND/F1/E10/D2 [April] 2010
Promotional file for CTC's Summer Shakespeare 2010 production of
Macbeth, to be taken on tour, detailing the likely programme at a venue, biographies of Oscar Blustin co-director, Brooke Ciardelli co-director and Claudia Conway tour manager, and reviewing the 2009 tour of
Twelfth Night, including letters of appreciation from various institutions in USA
Paper file
UND/F1/E10/D3 2001 - 2017
Print out of images from the annual Summer Shakespeare tour productions.
Paper file
U.C. Rugby Fives ClubReference: UND/F1/E11UND/F1/E11/D1 [1953 x 1957]
Fives Club headed notepaper (tempore Michael Bates captain).
Paper, 2f
U.C. Boat ClubReference: UND/F1/E12UND/F1/E12/C1 October 1998
Boat Club constitution, detailing name, aims, membership, executive committee, their duties, meetings, selection of officers, equipment, kit, finances, the boathouse, changes to the constitution, with amendments and interpretation, and the
declaration signed by N.G. Garrett, M.E. Hogan, the master and senior man.
Paper file, 17f, in card and plastic covers, spiral-bound
UND/F1/E12/C2 28 February 1985
Letter from the captain, Oliver Gilchrist, to old Castlemen asking for financial help to puchase new boats,
Paper, 1f
UND/E1/E12/C3 2003 - 2016, most 2009 - 2011
Boat Club administrative file, including agreements with St Aidan's College re joint use of the boathouse 2003 and 2014, lists of boats [for insurance] 2009 and 2016, safety policy and risk assessment, pleas for money and circulars for
Paper file
UND/E1/E12/C4 October 1989 – September 2018
Correspondence relating to the UCBC (University College Boat Club), re event permissions, student incident reports (students not named) and equipment location. Also includes alumni fund raising efforts for the Boat Club.
Paper file
UND/F1/E12/D1 [1961]
Photocopied newspaper cutting about a four being swept over the weir.
Paper, 1f
UND/F1/E12/D2 1988
Rowing pennant
Pennant, white with blue edging, with a blue cord through the head, with N.C.A.R.A. TYNE HEAD in blue, with arms of yellow and red below and 1988 in red on a blue background below
UND/F1/E12/D3 1992
Frontstops The U.C.B.C. Magazine, editions for Epiphany and Michaelmas terms
Paper file
Formerly XLL 057.97123 FRO.
UND/F1/E12/D4 [December 2015]
UCBC Christmas meal ?invites: “I Love UCBC” and “The UCBC Tree of Unity”
2 colour prints
Size: 115 x 165mm
Castle Musical SocietiesReference: UND/F1/E13UND/F1/E13/C1 April 1971 – April 2019
Letters regarding the issues of music rooms, itinerary of new equipment, list of regulations for the music rooms use and guidelines, memos regarding repairs, a proposal for improving the music rooms, permissions use and Governing Body minutes
about the use and state of the rooms.
Paper file
UND/F1/E13/D1 1887 - 1898
Concert programmes for:
1887, 5 February (UC Choral Society), ? [male voice choir]
1893, 28 October, 11 November, 25 November
1896, October 31
1898, February 19, March 5, June 21, November 26
Paper file
UND/F1/E13/D2 [1988] - [2024]
Concert programmes/posters for:
Castle Music Society William Byrd concert by Pro Cantione Antiqua [1988].
Castle Symphony Orchestra conductor James Matthews, 28 February 1996.
Castle Chamber Orchestra and Choral Society, 3 March 1999.
Castle Music Society conductor Martin Weaver, 12 March 2000.
Christmas Concert by Castle Orchestra and Castle Singing Society [2009].
Mozart Requiem and Fauré Requiem, with Castle Chapel Choir, Singing Society and Orchestra, 11 March [2012].
Castle Chamber Choir and Orchestra, 25 November 2018.
Castle Chamber Orchestra, St Margaret's Church, 12 March 2019.
Castle Chamber Choir, 13 March 2019.
Castle Chamber Choir and Orchestra, 10 November 2019.
Castle Chamber Choir and Orchestra, St Oswald's Church, 3 March 2020.
Castle Chamber Choir, Norman Chapel, 18 March 2020 (cancelled).
Castle Chamber Choir and Orchestra, Great Hall, 1 December 2021.
Castle Chamber Choir and Orchestra, Great Hall, 7 March 2022.
Castle Chamber Choir and Orchestra, Great Hall, 22 November 2022
Castle 950 Concert, Great Hall, with Castle Chapel Choir, Castle Choir and Orchestra, and Durham University Brass Band
Castle Choir and Orchestra Epiphany Concert, 7 March [?2024]
Paper file
Castle Community ActionReference: UND/F1/E14UND/F1/E14/C1 2018 - 2019
Castle Society Funding Applications and proposals, including from Castle Choir, Castle Community Action, etc.,
Paper file
UND/F1/E14/D1 2015 - 2020
CCA printed ephemera, including: Charity Fashion Show programme 2016, Charity Auction programme, Secondary Education residentials programmes 2015 & 2016, Easter welcome flyer, Moonlight Seranade concert programme 29/30 January 2016, termly
general reports for Michaelmas 2015 and Epiphany 2016, sleep out 17 June [2019] poster, feminine hygiene drive 2019, volunteers plea January 2020.
Paper file
Castle Feminist SocietyReference: UND/F1/E15UND/F1/E15/D1 2019
Posters for events:
Self defence class 2019 (handmade)
Paper file
First Ladies SocietyReference: UND/F1/E16UND/F1/E16/C1 January 1988 – January 1992
Correspondence between the Master and The First Ladies of Castle regarding forming a society for historical purposes, an application for use of the Senate Room for a dinner, and a memo around closing the society upon the members graduating.
Paper file
PhotographsUND/F1/F 1860 - 2005
The photographs comprise formal college and sporting groups, and also some individuals and events. The images are mostly from the 2 decades before and the decade after the First World War and record the college's success in inter-collegiate sport
within the university. They are by no means an annual record of the teams/crews that represented the college in the various sports at this time. The groups are generally posed with their trophies outside in either the Great Court or the fellows'
garden, often dressed appropriately for their sport, and so they provide an indication of changing student fashion, and also to some extent the development of the gardens around the college. Most of the photographs are the work of John R. Edis and
have been mounted, titled and, apart from the full college groups, have individuals identified. Most were previously framed but all are now frameless.
College groupsUND/F1/FA 1897 - 2005
Annual photographs of the assembled college, both senior and junior members, and also annual photographs of the students and senior members living at Lumley castle, and occasional photographs of freshers. Some of the photographs are copies or
print-outs of scanned images or originals held by Castlemen as a result of a campaign in 2000 to build up the college's holdings of such photographs.
For other years, see:
(1911) MIA 1/36;
(1919) MIA 2/172;
(1928) EDI Pi352;
UND/F1/FA1897 11 June 1897
University College group, on the steps of the Castle Great Hall, in boating blazers, trousers and caps/boaters, or college blazers and caps/boaters. Those present include (from Add Ms 1618/1): Owen Cyril Dampier Bennett, Alfred Gridlestone
Bagshaw, Alan Campbell Morris, Malcolm Buchannan, Thomas Francis Palmer, Tudor Owen Phillips, Leonard Faulconer Bury Knight, Hugh Rudolph Willimott, A.F. van der Heyden, Piddocke, Johnstone, Koch, Padbury, Blackett, Hensley, Gardiner.
Size: 295 x 220mm
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/B/10.
Copy in Add Ms 1618/13.
Digitised material for University College Group Photograph, 1897 - UND/F1/FA1897 UND/F1/FA1898 [c.1898]
University college group
On the Great Hall steps, in jackets/blazers with various badges, eton collars, ties, some waist-coats and fob chains, some boaters.
1 BW print, mounted, with a BW copy print & 3 copy negatives
Size: 305 x 255mm (print), 500 x 400mm (mount), 260 x 200mm (copy print)
Given by Charlotte Berrill 13 November 2006, Acc No Misc.2006/2007:29, having been acquired by her father in London c.1956 as the mount for a framed John Speed map bought in the Charing Cross Road, London.
The copy had been made in June 2000 from another original held by Prof Andrew Sanders bought by him by chance in London early in 2000.
Printed in N. Watson,
The Durham Difference (2007), p.13.
Digitised material for University college group On the Great Hall steps, in jackets/blazers with various badges, eton collars, ties, some waist-coats and fob chains, some boaters. - UND/F1/FA1898 - UND/F1/FA1898 UND/F1/FA1902 [June ?1902]
University college group
On the Great Hall steps, in suits, waistcoats, tie/collars, mortar boards, gowns, [by John R. Edis].
Endorsed “Mr [E.G.] Pace” , who matriculated Epiphany 1902, graduated June 1905, and 1902 is the only year of his time at Durham for which there is not surviving a dated college group photo.
BW print, mounted on board, cut down
Size: 245 x 295mm (print), 260 x 310mm (mount)
Transferred from Hatfield College July 2014.
Digitised material for University College Group Photograph, 1902 - UND/F1/FA1902 UND/F1/FA1903 1903
University college group
On the Great Hall steps, in suits, waistcoats, ties/collars, gowns, and mortar boards, by John R. Edis, mounted and titled with the college arms.
1 BW print
Size: 283 x 238mm
“E Pace” on the back.
Digitised material for University college group On the Great Hall steps, in suits, waistcoats, ties/collars, gowns, and mortar boards, by John R. Edis, mounted and titled with the college arms. - UND/F1/FA1903 - UND/F1/FA1903 UND/F1/FA1904 1904
University college group
On the Great Hall steps, in suits, waistcoats, ties/collars and gowns, with some mortar boards, by John R. Edis, mounted and titled with the college arms.
1 BW print
Size: 284 x 243mm
“Rev E Pace Hatfield Hall” on the back.
Digitised material for University college group On the Great Hall steps, in suits, waistcoats, ties/collars and gowns, with some mortar boards, by John R. Edis, mounted and titled with the college arms. - UND/F1/FA1904 - UND/F1/FA1904 UND/F1/FA1912 1912
University college group
On the Great Hall steps, in suits, waistcoats, blazers and ties/dog collars, with some mortar boards, a boater and a dog, by John R. Edis. W.D. Lowe in mortar board and tie.
Size: 500 x 390mm
Formerly: Misc Photos +PH 3/B/1.
Digitised material for University college group On the Great Hall steps, in suits, waistcoats, blazers and ties/dog collars, with some mortar boards, a boater and a dog, by John R. Edis. W.D. Lowe in mortar board and tie. - UND/F1/FA1912 - UND/F1/FA1912 UND/F1/FA1919 1919
University college group
On the Great Hall steps, in jackets, blazers, cricket whites and boots, and ties/dog collars/scarves, by John R. Edis.
Size: 510 x 390mm
Formerly: Misc Photos +PH 3/B/2
Digitised material for University college group On the Great Hall steps, in jackets, blazers, cricket whites and boots, and ties/dog collars/scarves, by John R. Edis. - UND/F1/FA1919 - UND/F1/FA1919 UND/F1/FA1920 [1920s]
University college group
On the Great Hall steps, in suits and ties/collars, featuring the master, Henry Ellershaw, and A.A. Macfarlane-Grieve. Unidentified.
Printout made 22 February 2006 from a digital image of a photographic copy taken by the university at an unknown date of an unknown original.
Digitised material for University College Group Photograph, 1920 - UND/F1/FA1920 UND/F1/FA1935 1935
University college group
In the NW corner of the Fellows Garden, 2 staff and 42 students, in trousers, ties and blazers (most [blue] and badged, some striped or other colours), by John R. Edis.
1 BW print, mounted on grey paper and then white board, titled, with the university and college arms
Size: 295 x 185mm (print), 440 x 310mm (mount)
Given by Mrs Joy Gibson of Bolton, Lancs, widow of K.B. Gibson, 1 August 2005, Acc No Misc.2005/2006:10.
Digitised material for University College Group Photograph, 1935 - UND/F1/FA1935 UND/F1/FA1937 1937
University college group
In the ?Master's Garden, (at the foot of the keep mound), 4 staff and 43 students, in trousers, ties and blazers (most [blue] and badged, some striped or other colours), by John R. Edis.
BW print, mounted on grey paper and then white board, titled, with the university and college arms
Size: 295 x 185mm (print), 440 x 310mm (mount)
Given by Mrs Joy Gibson of Bolton, Lancs, widow of K.B. Gibson, 1 August 2005, Acc No Misc.2005/2006:10.
Digitised material for University College Group Photograph, 1937 - UND/F1/FA1937 UND/F1/FA1943 1943
University college group
At the S end of the Fellows garden, with the Palace Green library and fives court buildings behind, in suits, ties and gowns, by John R. Edis, mounted and titled with the college and university arms. 3 copies.
One copy with D.W.G. Byatt, F.S. Cardell, A.J. Brazel, Burrel, MacFarlane-Grieve, A. Hird, R. Caulton and D. Cowlyn identified.
3 BW prints
Size: 291 x 184mm
Digitised material for University College Group Photographs, 1943 - UND/F1/FA1943 UND/F1/FA1944 [May] 1944
University college group
On the Hall steps, in jackets/blazers, ties and trousers, 4 RAF battledress “flying this day. Not all are cadets - most”, some identified separately: Roger Marshall, Malcolm Brown, Johnny Boyd .
1 BW copy print & 3 copy negatives
Size: 290 x 190mm
Copied from an original held by K.W. (Roger) Marshall in [2000].
Published: R. Brickstock,
Durham Castle Fortress, Palace, College, (Durham 2007), p.78.
Digitised material for University college group On the Hall steps, in jackets/blazers, ties and trousers, 4 RAF battledress flying this day. Not all are cadets - most, some identified separately: Roger Marshall, Malcolm Brown, Johnny Boyd . - UND/F1/FA1944 - UND/F1/FA1944 UND/F1/FA1947L 1947
University college group, Lumley Castle
In front of Lumley Castle, in suits, ties and gowns, by John R. Edis, mounted and titled with the college and university arms.
1 BW print
Size: 445 x 310mm
UND/F1/FA1948a September 1844
Print of an engraving of the east front of Lumley Castle, with a fisherman with rod and net climbing up the slope.
Drawn by R.W. Billings, engraved by George Winter, published in Durham by G. Andrews and R.W. Billings.
Paper 1f
Size: 221 x 157mm
Presented with F1/FA1948.
R.W. Billings,
Illustrations of the architectural antiquities of the county of Durham: ecclesiastical, castellated, and domestic (Durham, London, 1846), following p.54.
Another copy is Topo/ENDU/Lum/22.
Digitised material for University College Group Photograph, 1948 - UND/F1/FA1948a UND/F1/FA1952 [June] 1952
University College group
In front of the Great Hall entrance, in jackets (some blazers), ties, trousers, by John R. Edis, titled, with the university and college arms.
BW print, mounted on board
Given by Mrs Birss, [widow of] R.R. Birss BSc 1954, DSc 1970.
Digitised material for University College Group Photograph, 1952 - UND/F1/FA1952 UND/F1/FA1953 [May] 1953
University College group
In front of the Great Hall entrance, in jackets (some blazers), ties, trousers, and the occasional college wrap, by John R. Edis, 1 copy mounted and titled, with the university and college arms, identified on a separate sheet.
Size: 370 x 205mm (photo), 480 x 310mm (mount)
Copy print taken from an original held by John Pottinger in [2000].
Digitised material for University College group In front of the Great Hall entrance, in jackets (some blazers), ties, trousers, and the occasional college wrap, by John R. Edis, 1 copy mounted and titled, with the university and college arms, identified on a separate sheet. - UND/F1/FA1953 - UND/F1/FA1953 UND/F1/FA1954 [May] 1954
University College group
In front of the Great Hall entrance, in jackets or blazers, ties, trousers, by John R. Edis, mounted and titled, with the university and college arms, unidentified, but includes 3rd row, 15 from L, Frank Asty, seated, 6 from L Mu'awiya Derhalli,
J.E.C. Dewdney, C.E.B. Cranfield, I.A. Doyle, John Wallis, Leonard Slater (vice-master), A.A. Macfarlane-Grieve (Master), James Whitworth, K.R. Ashby, R.V. Sampson, John Mead. 2 copies.
Size: 365 x 200mm (photo), 480 x 310mm (mount)
Digitised material for University College Group Photograph, 1954 - UND/F1/FA1954 UND/F1/FA1954L [May] 1954
University College group, Lumley Castle
In front of Lumley Castle, in blazers, ties and trousers, with some in suits, by John R. Edis, mounted and titled, with the university arms, all identified.
Size: 200 x 122mm (photo), 305 x 252 (mount)
Given by P.R. Gatenby to the Castle 25 April 2000, part of Acc No Misc.2005/2006:20 of 5 October 2005.
Digitised material for University College Group Photograph, 1954 - UND/F1/FA1954L UND/F1/FA1955 1955
University College group
In front of the Great Hall entrance, in blazers/jackets and ties, original mounted and titled with university and college arms, by John R. Edis, separately identified.
1 BW print & 1 BW copy print & 3 copy negatives
Size: 360 x 203mm
Copy print taken from an original held by John Pottinger in [2000].
Digitised material for University College Group Photograph, 1955 - UND/F1/FA1955 UND/F1/FA1956L [May 1956]
University College group, Lumley Castle
In front of Lumley castle, in suits, ties and gowns. All identified.
Size: 200 x 120mm
Copied from an original held by Peter Coleman [March 2000].
UND/F1/FA1957 [May] 1957
University College group
In front of the Great Hall entrance, in blazers (some jackets), ties, and trousers, by John R. Edis, 1 mounted and titled, with the university and college arms, all identified on a separate sheet. 2 copies.
Size: 370 x 205 (photo), 480 x 320 (mount)
Mounted copy given to Castle by Dr J.V. Whitworth's widow c.2000, part of Acc No Misc.2005/2006:20, 5 October 2005.
Digitised material for University College Group Photographs, 1957 - UND/F1/FA1957 UND/F1/FA1959 [May] 1959
In front of the Great Hall entrance, in blazers (some jackets), ties, and trousers, by John R. Edis, all identified on a separate sheet.
Size: 370 x 220mm
Digitised material for In front of the Great Hall entrance, in blazers (some jackets), ties, and trousers, by John R. Edis, all identified on a separate sheet. - UND/F1/FA1959 - UND/F1/FA1959 UND/F1/FA1964 [May] 1964
University College group
In front of the Great Hall entrance, in jackets/blazers, ties, trousers and gowns, by John R. Edis, 1 mounted and titled, with the university and college arms. 2 copies.
Size: 370 x 155/240mm (photo), 490 x 250mm (mount)
Digitised material for University College group In front of the Great Hall entrance, in jackets/blazers, ties, trousers and gowns, by John R. Edis, 1 mounted and titled, with the university and college arms. 2 copies. - UND/F1/FA1964 - UND/F1/FA1964 UND/F1/FA1965 [May] 1965
University College group
In front of the Great Hall entrance, in jackets/blazers, ties, trousers and gowns, by Fillinghams. 2 different images, 1 a proof.
Size: 370 x 180mm & 355 x 205mm
Digitised material for University College group In front of the Great Hall entrance, in jackets/blazers, ties, trousers and gowns, by Fillinghams. 2 different images, 1 a proof. - UND/F1/FA1965 - UND/F1/FA1965 UND/F1/FA1969F [October 1968]
University College freshers group
In front of the Great Hall entrance, in some jackets and ties, or cravats, and/or jerseys, and trousers and gowns, by Fillinghams.
Size: 370 x 230mm
Digitised material for University College freshers group In front of the Great Hall entrance, in some jackets and ties, or cravats, and/or jerseys, and trousers and gowns, by Fillinghams. - UND/F1/FA1969F - UND/F1/FA1969F UND/F1/FA1992 1992
University college group
Hanging on the wall in the Norman Gallery in Durham Castle
UND/F1/FA1998 [May] 1998
University College group
On Palace Green, in jackets, ties and trousers or dresses/skirts, and gowns, titled, with the college arms, unidentified.
Size: 880 x 230mm
Another copy is hanging on the wall in the Norman Gallery in Durham Castle.
UND/F1/FA2003F [October] 2003
University College freshers group
With the master, vice-master and chaplain, in front of the Great Hall entrance, in dark suits/skirts, white shirts and gowns, unidentified, by Gillman and Soame.
Colour print
Size: 610 x 255mm
UND/F1/FA2004 [June 2004]
University College group
On Palace Green, keep behind, in jackets, ties, gowns, unidentified.
Size: 915 x 510mm
UND/F1/FA2004F [October] 2004
University College freshers group
With the master, vice-master and bursar, in front of the Great Hall entrance, in dark suits/skirts, white shirts and gowns, all identified.
Colour print, mounted on white card, titled, college arms
Size: 390 x 205mm (print), 430 x 330 (mount)
Digitised material for University College freshers group With the master, vice-master and bursar, in front of the Great Hall entrance, in dark suits/skirts, white shirts and gowns, all identified. - UND/F1/FA2004F - UND/F1/FA2004F UND/F1/FA2005F [October] 2005
University College college group
With the master, vice-master and bursar, in front of the Great Hall entrance, banners draped from the roof, in dark suits/skirts, white shirts and gowns, all identified.
Colour print, mounted on white card, titled, college arms
Size: 390 x 200mm (print), 430 x 325 (mount)
UND/F1/FA2010F [October] 2010
University College freshers group
With the master, senior tutor and chaplain, in front of the Great Hall entrance, in dark suits/skirts, white shirts and gowns, all identified.
Colour print, mounted on board, titled with the college arms
Size: 205 x 395mm (print), 330 x 445mm (mount)
UND/F1/FA2012G [June] 2012
University College finalists, in casual dress - some college badged - and mode, with various props - tankard, mannequin, balloons, flag, umbrella, musical instruments, sporting equipment etc, unidentified.
Colour print, mounted on board, titled with the college arms
Size: 180 x 355mm (print), 265 x 390mm (mount)
UND/F1/FA2012E [June 2012]
University College Erasmus students (10) with the master and tutor, in the SCR, in gowns and smart attire, titled with the college arms, identified.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 305mm
UND/F1/FA2013F [October] 2013
University College freshers group
With the master, senior tutor and chaplain, in front of the Great Hall entrance, in dark suits/skirts, white shirts and gowns, all identified.
Colour print, mounted on board, titled with the college arms
Size: 410 x 175mm (print), 455 x 305mm (mount)
UND/F1/FA2014F [October] 2014
University College freshers group
With the master, senior tutor and chaplain, in front of the Great Hall entrance, in dark suits/skirts, white shirts and gowns, all identified.
Colour print, mounted on board, titled with the college arms
Size: 410 x 175mm (print), 455 x 305mm (mount)
UND/F1/FA2016F [October] 2016
University College freshers group
With the master, senior tutor and chaplain, in front of the Great Hall entrance, in dark suits/skirts, white shirts and gowns, all identified
Copyright: Beaumont Photography Group
Colour print, mounted on board
Size: 575 x 195mm (print), 655 x 320mm (mount)
Boat ClubUND/F1/FB 1860 - 1923
Photographs of college coxed fours crews, generally those which won trophies in the D.U.B.C. inter-collegiate races, especially the Senate Cup for first or senior crews and the Graduates Cup for second or junior crews. There are also 2 early
photographs of college success in the Durham Regatta.
For other groups, see:
(Trial Fours and Challenge Pairs 1912) MIA 1/92
(Trial Fours, Challenge Pairs, President's Sculls 1913) MIA 1/180
(Trial Fours and Challenge Pairs 1913) MIA 1/217
(Senate 1914) MIA 1/245
UND/F1/FB1860 1860
University College Four [Durham Regatta Grand Challenge Cup winners]
Indoors, in trousers and rowing shirts, with a jug trophy (this may be the successor to the original Durham Regatta Grand Challenge Cup trophy which was a 2 handled cup but which had been won outright by University College in 1856; A.A.
Macfarlane Grieve,
A History of Durham Rowing (1922) p.193 reports that it was replaced by a silver jug, though the one in this photo does look very like the Wharton Challenge Cup (see
ibid. p.32) which was
apparently only presented in 1877 (see
ibid. p.195)) on a table, mounted and framed, identified:
E. Furmston, J. Henderson, J. Farmer, L. Taylor stroke, H.L. Whatley cox
With a copy, 145 x 210mm, made in 2008.
1 BW print
Size: 143 x 198mm
Presented by Miss Harrison, granddaughter of J. Henderson, archdeacon of Northumberland.
Printed in N. Watson,
The Durham Difference (2007), p.18.
Digitised material for University College Boat Club 1860 - UND/F1/FB1860 UND/F1/FB1862 [1862]
[University College Four Durham Regatta Grand Challenge Cup winners]
Indoors, in suits and ties, with a jug trophy (which is the same as in FB1860). After 1860, University College next won the trophy in 1862, and then never again. The photo may even be a reunion group taken some years later
1 BW print
Size: 242 x 195mm
Digitised material for University College Boat Club 1862 - UND/F1/FB1862 UND/F1/FB1895S 1895
University College 1st Four
Outside the boat house, in shorts and rowing tops (with crosses on the left breast), with a table with 5 goblets, with a pair of blades (looms only visible) and a rudder, mounted and titled, by F.W. Morgan, identified:
H.T. Oldroyd stroke, W.E Candy 3, T.C. Tanner 2, B.H. Winterbotham bow, A.W. Markby cox.
1 BW print
Size: 297 x 238mm
Printed in N. Watson,
The Durham Difference (2007), p.26-27.
Digitised material for University College Boat Club 1895 - UND/F1/FB1895S UND/F1/FB1895G 1895
University College Second Crew
Outside the boat house, in shorts, rowing tops (with coloured sleeve ends and plaquets) and shoes, cox in a blazer with a badge on his lapel and holding a rudder, with a pair of blades (looms only visible), mounted and titled (top cut off), by
F.W. Morgan, identified:
A.C. Morris stroke, W. Read 2, W.M. Potts 3, J.S. King bow, L.M. Parkin cox.
Size: 290 x 245mm (photo), 450 x 350mm (mount)
Digitised material for University College Boat Club 1895 - UND/F1/FB1895G UND/F1/FB1896S 1896
University College First Crew
At the foot of the Hall steps, in white trousers, rowing blazers (1 at least with a DU[B]C blazer), and ties, mounted and titled with the college arms, by James Bacon of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, identified: B.H. Winterbotham bow, J.S. King 3, W.M.
Potts 2, A.C. Morris stroke, E.B. Walford cox.
Size: 235 x 190mm (photo), 460 x 350mm (mount)
Digitised material for University College Boat Club 1896 - UND/F1/FB1896S UND/F1/FB1896G 1896
University College Four [Graduate Cup winners]
In the Castle garden, in shorts and rowing tops, with a table with the Graduate Cup (old style) and 5 goblets, with a pair of blades and a rudder, mounted and titled, by F.W. Morgan, identified:
R.W. King stroke, G.C.A. Smith bow, W.I. Wolfenden 3, T.F. Palmer 2, J.C. Blackett cox.
1 BW print
Size: 146 x 201mm
Digitised material for University College Boat Club 1896 - UND/F1/FB1896G UND/F1/FB1897S 1897
University College 1st Four
In the Castle Great Court NW corner, in trousers, rowing 1st IV blazers, ties and caps, mounted and titled with the college arms, by J.R. Edis, identified:
H.R. Willimott 3, T.F. Palmer stroke, A.W. Markby cox, G.C.A. Smith 2, J.C. Blackett bow.
1 BW print
Size: 293 x 241mm
Digitised material for University College Boat Club 1897 - UND/F1/FB1897S UND/F1/FB1898S 1898
University College Four Senate Cup [winners]
In the Castle Great Court NE corner, in trousers, rowing 1st IV blazers, waistcoats, watch chains, ties and caps, with a table with the Senate Cup and 5 goblets, mounted and titled with the college arms, by John R. Edis, identified:
J.C. Blackett bow, T.F. Palmer 2, H.R. Willimott 3, M. Buchannan stroke, C.T. Padbury cox.
1 BW print
Size: 300 x 235mm
Digitised material for University College Boat Club 1898 - UND/F1/FB1898S UND/F1/FB1898G 1898
University College 2nd Four
In the Castle Great Court NE corner, in trousers, rowing 2nd IV blazers, waistcoats, watch chains, ties, and caps, mounted and titled with the college arms, by John R. Edis, identified:
F.W. Fell bow, A.F. van der Heyden 2, W.H. Anderton 3, G.C. Howard stoke, S.A. Hensley cox.
1 BW print
Size: 302 x 236mm
Digitised material for University College Boat Club 1898 - UND/F1/FB1898G UND/F1/FB1899G 1899
University College Four Graduate Cup [winners]
In the Castle Great Court NE corner, in trousers, rowing 2nd IV blazers, waistcoats, watch chains, ties, and some caps, with a table with the Graduate Cup (new style, a new trophy having been presented in 1897) and 5 goblets, mounted and titled
with the college arms, by John R. Edis, identified:
J.R. Balsdon 3, I.L. Hodge bow, J. Holding 2, W.R. Adams stroke, A.P.S. Pink cox.
1 BW print
Size: 295 x 235mm
Digitised material for University College Boat Club 1899 - UND/F1/FB1899G UND/F1/FB1900S 1900
University College Four Senate Cup [winners]
In the Castle garden, in trousers, rowing 1st IV blazers, waistcoats, watch chains and ties, with a table with the Senate Cup and 5 small cups, mounted and titled with the college arms, by John R. Edis, identified:
J.R. Balsdon bow, W.R. Adams 2, A.L.H. Selwyn 3, M. Buchannan stroke, H.M. Walton cox.
1 BW print
Size: 300 x 235mm
Digitised material for University College Boat Club 1900 - UND/F1/FB1900S UND/F1/FB1900G 1900
University College Four Graduate Cup [winners]
In the Castle garden, in trousers, rowing 2nd IV blazers, waistcoats, watch chains and ties, with a table with the Graduate Cup and 5 goblets, mounted and titled with the college arms, by John R. Edis, identified:
R.A. Norris bow, P.W. Rouse 2, H.Ll. Lloyd 3, C.T. Simcox stroke, E.J. White cox.
1 BW print
Size: 293 x 240mm
Digitised material for University College Boat Club 1900 - UND/F1/FB1900G UND/F1/FB1901S 1901
University College Four Senate Cup [winners]
In the Castle garden, in trousers, rowing 1st blazers, waistcoats, watch chains and ties, with a table with the Senate Cup and 5 small cups, mounted and titled with the college arms, identified:
R.A. Norris bow, W.R. Adams 2, H. Ll. Lloyd 3. A.H. Cartwright stroke, H.M. Walton cox.
1 BW print
Size: 287 x 236mm
Digitised material for University College Boat Club 1901 - UND/F1/FB1901S UND/F1/FB1902S 1902
University College Four Senate Cup [winners]
In the Castle garden, in trousers, rowing 1st IV blazers, waistcoats, watch chains and ties, with a table with the Senate Cup and 5 small cups, mounted and titled with the college arms, identified:
H.M. Walton bow, F.H. Bettison 2, J.H. Doorbar 3, M. Buchannan stroke, A.F. Watts cox.
1 BW print
Size: 293 x 247mm
“Framed for boat house” on the back.
Digitised material for University College Boat Club 1902 - UND/F1/FB1902S UND/F1/FB1903S 1903
University College Four Senate Cup [winners]
In the Castle garden, in trousers, rowing 1st/2nd IV blazers, waistcoats, watch chains and ties, with a table with the Senate Cup and 5 small cups, mounted and titled with the college arms, by John R. Edis, identified:
A.T. Hall bow, E. Dodd 2, H.L. Lloyd 3, E.J. Lewis coach (in a cap), F. Stone stroke, J. Raper cox.
1 BW print
Size: 288 x 239mm
Printed: M. Richardson,
Durham Cathedral City From Old Photographs, (Stroud 2010), p.102.
Digitised material for University College Boat Club 1903 - UND/F1/FB1903S UND/F1/FB1904S 1904
University College Four Senate Cup [winners]
In the Castle garden, in trousers, rowing 1st IV blazers (1 DUBC), waistcoats, watch chains and ties, with a table with the Senate Cup and 5 small cups, mounted and titled with the college arms, by John R. Edis, identified:
H.M. Durand bow, E. Dodd 2, W.D. Lowe coach (in a cap), H.L. Lloyd 3, T.M. Tunnard stroke, J. Raper cox.
1 BW print
Size: 292 x 237mm
Digitised material for University College Boat Club 1904 - UND/F1/FB1904S UND/F1/FB1905S 1905
University College Four Senate Cup [winners]
In the Castle garden, in trousers, rowing 1st IV blazers, waistcoats and ties, with a table with the Senate Cup and 5 small cups, mounted and titled with the college arms, by John R. Edis, identified:
H.M. Durand bow, A.B. Muddiman 2, W.D. Lowe coach (in a cap), A.T. Hall 3, T.M. Tunnard stroke, R.C. Morrell cox.
1 BW print
Size: 287 x 239mm
Digitised material for University College Boat Club 1905 - UND/F1/FB1905S UND/F1/FB1906S 1906
University College Four Senate Cup winners
In the Castle garden, in trousers, rowing 1st IV blazers (1 DUBC), waistcoats and scarves, with a table with the Senate Cup and 5 small cups, mounted and titled with the college arms, by John R. Edis, ( “Whiteley”
on the back), identified:
R. Harwood bow, L. Whiteley 2, W.D. Lowe coach (in a cap), S.C. Bryson 3, A.B. Muddiman stroke, C.G. Holland [cox].
1 BW print
Size: 291 x 238mm
Digitised material for University College Boat Club 1906 - UND/F1/FB1906S UND/F1/FB1907S 1907
University College Four Senate Cup winners
In the Castle Great Court N side, in shorts, rowing 1st IV blazers (1 DUBC) and scarves, with a table with the Senate Cup and 3 small cups, mounted and titled with the college arms, by John R. Edis, identified:
T.E. Allen bow, R. Harwood 2, W.D. Lowe coach (in a cap), C.S. Bryson 3, L. Whiteley stroke, E.S. Nicholson cox.
1 BW print
Size: 290 x 239mm
Digitised material for University College Boat Club 1907 - UND/F1/FB1907S UND/F1/FB1908S 1908
University College Four Senate Cup winners
In [the Castle] garden, in shorts, rowing 1st IV blazers and scarves, with a table with the Senate Cup and 5 small cups, mounted and titled with the college arms, by John R. Edis, identified:
S.C. Bryson bow, F.C.Longden 2, W.D. Lowe coach (in a cap), R. French 3, T.E. Allen stroke, MAO. Mayne cox.
1 BW print
Size: 291 x 236mm
Digitised material for University College Boat Club 1908 - UND/F1/FB1908S UND/F1/FB1909G 1909
University College Four Graduates Cup winners
In [the Castle garden], in front of a wall with a door and a ?prop against the Castle wall, in trousers, rowing 2nd IV blazers and ties, with a table with the Graduates Cup and 5 goblets, mounted and titled with the college arms, by John R. Edis,
E.S. Daniell 3, H.W. Facey 2, C.J. Crabtree coach, N.H. Cox bow, A.D. Kevan stroke, T.P.R. Clarke cox.
1 BW print
Size: 291 x 236mm
Digitised material for University College Boat Club 1909 - UND/F1/FB1909G UND/F1/FB1909S 1909
University College Four Senate Cup winners
In [the Castle garden], in front of a wall with a door and a ?prop against the Castle wall, in trousers, rowing 1st IV blazers and ties, with a table with the Senate Cup and 5 small cups, mounted and titled with the college arms, by John R. Edis,
R. French 3, C.J. Crabtree 2, W.D. Lowe coach, H. Ingham bow, F.C. Longden stroke, C.G.B. Baldwin cox.
1 BW print
Size: 291 x 237mm
Digitised material for University College Boat Club 1909 - UND/F1/FB1909S UND/F1/FB1910G 1910
University College Four Graduates Cup winners
In [the Castle garden], in front of a wall, in trousers, rowing 2nd IV blazers and ties, with a table with the Graduates Cup and 5 goblets, mounted and titled with the college arms, by John R. Edis, identified:
A.H. Jackson, A.M. Sharp, F.C. Longden, D.H.S. Mould, S.J. Dawson, E.W. Cook.
1 BW print
Size: 289 x 240mm
Digitised material for University College Boat Club 1910 - UND/F1/FB1910G UND/F1/FB1911G 1911
University College Four Graduates Cup winners
In [the Castle garden], in front of a wall, in trousers, rowing 2nd IV blazers and ties, with a table with the Graduates Cup and 5 goblets, mounted and titled with the college arms, by John R. Edis, identified:
T.P.R. Clarke cox, S.F. Streatfield stroke, H.D. Pilcher 2, E.W. Cooke coach, A.W.P. Jaggard 3, H.M. Woodward bow.
1 BW print
Size: 290 x 235mm
Digitised material for University College Boat Club 1911 - UND/F1/FB1911G UND/F1/FB1912S 1912
University College Four Senate Cup winners
In the Castle Great Court NE corner, in trousers, rowing 1st IV blazers and scarves, with a table with the Senate Cup and 4 small cups, and a dog Zulu, mounted and titled with the college arms, by John R. Edis, identified:
G.B. James stroke, Dr W.D. Lowe coach (with cap), A.A. Macfarlane Grieve 3, R.F. Gunn 2, D.H.S. Mould bow, A.J. Norcock cox.
1 BW print
Size: 294 x 239mm
Other copies: MIA 1/62 ; UND/F1/H1/C6.
Digitised material for University College Boat Club 1912 - UND/F1/FB1912S UND/F1/FB1913S 1913
University College Four Senate Cup winners
In the Castle Great Court NE corner, in trousers, rowing 1st IV blazers and scarves, with a table with the Senate Cup and 5 small cups, and a dog Zulu, mounted and titled with the college arms, by John R. Edis, identified:
D.H.S. Mould bow 11st8, D.E. Ince 2 10st10, H.C.H. Francis cox 9st8 (with rudder), Dr W.D. Lowe coach (with cap), R.F. Gunn 3 12st10, A.A. Macfarlane Grieve stroke 11st7.
1 BW print
Size: 292 x 239mm
Another copy in MIA 1/123.
Digitised material for University College Boat Club 1913 - UND/F1/FB1913S UND/F1/FB1923T [December] 1923
University College Trial Fours
In the Castle Great Court NE corner, in shorts, blazers and scarves, with a table with a trophy and 5 tankards, mounted and titled with the college arms, and recording that the crew won the winter fours at Edinburgh on 12 December 1923 by 2
lengths representing D.U.B.C., by John R. Edis, identified:
Major A.A. MacFarlane Grieve coach, G.M. Jukes stroke, G.C. Green 2, W.R.A. Easthope bow, G.A. Hutchison 3, H.W. Schofield cox.
1 BW print
Size: 195 x 151mm
Another copy: MIA 3/76.
Digitised material for University College Boat Club 1923 - UND/F1/FB1923T UND/F1/FB2009 [June] 2009
Boat Club 2008/9 (23 men, 11 women), outside in the courtyard, in variously badged red polo shirts, tee shirts, hoodies, rowing jackets and [1st VIII] in cream blazers with red facings, and the college badge above “University College Boat Club” and boat club ties, with 6 tankards, identified.
Colour print
Size: 205 x 305mm
UND/F1/FB2010 [c.2010]
Men's [Head of the River] crews (16 men, 2 women), on the bank of [the River Thames with Putney behind], in varous red badged rowing tops, with crossed blades, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 175 x 250mm
UND/F1/FB2014 [22 March] 2014
Women's Head of the RIver crew rowing, in red badged rowing singlets with red caps, by ?Cartridge, unidentified.
Colour print
Size: 100 x 150mm
Cricket ClubReference: UND/F1/FCDates of creation: 1908
For other groups, see:
(1911) MIA 1/57
(1912) MIA 1/181
UND/F1/FC1908 1908
University College Cricket Club Grey Cup winners
In the Castle Great Court NE corner, in whites, various blazers and scarves, with the [Grey] cup, by John R. Edis, mounted and titled with the college arms, identified:
H.H. Firth, N.C.M. Frobisher, T.B. Pollard, W. Yates, H. Leigh, W.C. Morgan, R.J.D. Hepple capt, H.D. Liddell sec, J.C. Morgan, W.E. Jackson, G.O.A. Jackson.
1 BW print
Size: 291 x 238mm
Digitised material for University College Cricket Club 1908 - UND/F1/FC1908 Hockey ClubReference: UND/F1/FDDates of creation: 1910 - 1923
For other groups, see:
(1911-1912) MIA 1/52.
UND/F1/FD1910 1910 - 1911
University College Hockey XI
On the Great Hall steps, in shorts, blazers, scarves, boots, with hockey sticks, mounted and titled with the college arms, by John R. Edis, identified:
A.A. Liney, W.F. Scott, M.G. Leadbitter, E.N.M. Firth, D.H.S. Mould, A.H.H. Oliver, B.H.H. Browne ref, J.C. Morgan, A.E. Hamilton, J.L. Mawson, J.C. Nuthall, H.G. Williams.
Size: 235 x 290mm (print)
Formerly numbered DULUC 1192.
Another copy: MIA 1/54.
Digitised material for University College Hockey Club 1910 - UND/F1/FD1910 UND/F1/FD1923 1922 - 1923
University College Hockey Club
In [the Castle] garden in front of a wall, in shorts, hockey shirts, blazers, scarves and boots, with hockey sticks, mounted and titled with the college arms and their record for 1921-22 and 1922-23 of played 16 won 16, by John R. Edis,
R.W. Cartmel, A.C. Hague, K.S. Proctor, E. Roberts, C.M.K. Parsons, G.M. Jukes. E. Troup, J.I. Jones capt, H.A. Varty hon sec, S.H.G. Birt, T.R. Hayes, B.V. Borroughs.
1 BW print
Size: 203 x 153mm
Digitised material for University College Hockey Club 1923 - UND/F1/FD1923 FivesReference: UND/F1/FEDates of creation: 1896 - 1954
For other years, see:
(1931) EDI Pi291.
UND/F1/FE1896 1896
University College Fives Club
At the foot of the Hall steps, in white trousers, blazers and ties, with a table with [the Inter-College Fives Cup], and 6 goblets, mounted and titled with the college arms, by James Bacon of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, identified:
W.I. Wolvenden, L.F.B. Knight, B.H. Winterbotham, A.E. Thorpe, A.C. Morris, T.F. Palmer.
Size: 240 x 190 (photo), 460 x 350 (mount)
Digitised material for University College Fives Club 1896 - UND/F1/FE1896 UND/F1/FE1897 [1897]
[University College Fives Club], in a corner of the Great Court, in shorts or breeches, sweaters and blazers, with a table with [the Inter-College Fives Cup] and 6 goblets, mounted, by F.W. Morgan of Durham, unidentified, but, by comparison with
F1/FE1896 (also the basis for the date), reading L to R from the L corner:
T.F. Palmer, L.F.B. Knight, ?, A.C. Morris, ?, A.E. Thorpe.
Size: 207 x 152mm (photo), 340 x 265 (mount)
Digitised material for University College Fives Club 1897 - UND/F1/FE1897 UND/F1/FE1898 [1898]
[University College Fives Club], in a corner of the Great Court, in trousers and blazers, with a table with [the Inter-College Fives Cup] and 6 goblets, mounted, by John R. Edis of Durham, identified in Add Ms 1618 as (LtoR): T.O. Phillips, T.F.
Palmer, W.R. Adams, C.F. Turnbull, T.G.C. Howard, C.R. Ruck.
Size: 290 x 250mm
Presented by C.F. Turnbull.
Formerly: Misc Photos PH 3/B/92.
Copy in Add Ms 1618/12.
Digitised material for University College Fives Club 1898 - UND/F1/FE1898 UND/F1/FE1906 1906
University College Fives Club
In [the Castle] garden, in white trousers, blazers, waistcoats and ties, with a table with [the Inter-College Fives Cup], balls and gloves, mounted and titled with the college arms, by John R. Edis, identified:
J.W. Hall, J. Loveday, E.L. Frossard, A.C. Billows, A.D. Millen, T.B. Pollard.
1 BW print
Size: 281 x 234mm
Digitised material for University College Fives Club 1906 - UND/F1/FE1906 UND/F1/FE1908 1908
University College Fives Club
In [the Castle] garden, in trousers, blazers, waistcoats with watch chains and ties, with a table with [the Inter-College Fives Cup] and 6 tankards, balls and gloves, mounted and titled with the college arms, by John R. Edis, identified:
A.A. Liney, F.C. Longden, H.G. Stapley, W.C.Bevan, G.O.A. Jackson, T.B. Pollard capt.
1 BW print
Size: 291 x 238mm
Digitised material for University College Fives Club 1908 - UND/F1/FE1908 UND/F1/FE1910 1910
University College Fives Club
In [the Castle Great Court], in a corner of a wall, in trousers, blazers and ties, with a table with [the Inter-College Fives Cup] and 6 tankards, balls and gloves, mounted and titled with the college arms, by John R. Edis, identified:
G.O.A. Jackson 1, F.C. Longden 1, J.L. Mawson 2, W.J. Wallace 2, W.B.H. Chandler 3, J.G. Taylor 3.
1 BW print
Size: 288 x 235mm
Digitised material for University College Fives Club 1910 - UND/F1/FE1910 UND/F1/FE1913 1913
University College Fives Club
In the Castle Great Court NE corner, in trousers, blazers and scarves/ties, with a table with [the Inter-College Fives Cup] and 6 tankards, mounted and titled with the college arms, by John R. Edis, identified:
D.H.S. Mould, C.F. Burdett, V.H. Clay, A. Todd, H.E. Martin, A.G. Mathew.
1 BW print
Size: 292 x 240mm
Digitised material for University College Fives Club 1913 - UND/F1/FE1913 UND/F1/FE1914 1914
University College Fives Club
In the Castle Great Court NE corner, in trousers, blazers and scarves, with a table with [the Inter-College Fives Cup] and 6 tankards, mounted and titled with the college arms, by John R. Edis, identified:
J.P. Adams, G. Hahn, A. Todd, C.P. Burdett, A.G. Mathew, H.Martin.
1 BW print
Size: 284 x 240mm
Digitised material for University College Fives Club 1914 - UND/F1/FE1914 UND/F1/FE1922 1922
University College Fives Club
In [the Castle Great Court], in the corner of a wall, in shorts and blazers, with a table with [the Inter-Collegiate Fives Cup], 6 beakers, 2 fives balls and a pair of gloves, mounted and titled with the college arms, by John R. Edis,
J.L. Horstead, T.R. Yeoman, J.E. Firminger, B. Dawe, W.T. Davies, E.S. Ragg.
1 BW print
Size: 202 x 153mm
Digitised material for University College Fives Club 1922 - UND/F1/FE1922 UND/F1/FE1924 1924
University College Fives Club
In the Castle Great Court NE corner, in shorts and blazers, with a table with [the Inter-Collegiate Fives Cup] and 6 tankards, mounted and titled with the college arms, by John R. Edis, identified:
A.C. Hague, D.F. Wrench, H.A. Varty, F.R. Hedley, M.O. Galley, W.J. Ponsonby.
1 BW print
Size: 200 x 150mm
Digitised material for University College Fives Club 1924 - UND/F1/FE1924 UND/F1/FE1926 1926
University College Fives Club
In [the Castle] garden on the tennis court, in shorts and sports shirts/sweaters/blazers, with a table with [the Inter-Collegiate Fives Cup] and 6 tankards, mounted and titled with the university and college arms, identified:
W.T.W. Johnson, D.F. Wrench, J.F. Skelly, secretary, N.M. Nowroji, K.W. Hodgson, captain, J.M. Carr.
1 BW print
Size: 203 x 152mm
Digitised material for University College Fives Club 1926 - UND/F1/FE1926 UND/F1/FE1933 1933
University College Fives Club
In [the Castle] garden, in shorts and sports shirts/sweaters/blazers, with a table with [the Inter-Collegiate Fives Cup], 1 other trophy and 4 tankards, mounted and titled with the university and college arms, by John R. Edis, identified:
G.R. Parkinson, T.H. Corden, W.J.C. Baldry, A.H. McQueen, N. Lonsdale, J. Robinson.
1 BW print
Size: 155 x 203mm
Digitised material for University College Fives Club 1933 - UND/F1/FE1933 UND/F1/FE1954 1954
University College Fives Club
In the [Fellows'] garden, in white shorts, white shirts, blazers and white sports shoes, with 2 trophies on stands, by John R. Edis, identified
1 BW print, mounted on grey card, mounted on white stiff card, titled with the university and college arms
Size: 205 x 155mm (print), 330 x 250mm (mount)
Given by Michael Bates October 2005, Acc No Misc.2005/2006:24.
Digitised material for University College Fives Club 1954 - UND/F1/FE1954 ShootingReference: UND/F1/FFDates of creation: 1911 - 1914
UND/F1/FF1911 1911
University College Shooting Eight
In the Castle Great Court NE corner, in uniform with caps, puttees, ammunition belts , rifles, swagger stick, with a trophy, mounted and titled with the college arms, by John R. Edis, identified:
T.P.R. Clarke, H.D. Henderson, J.L. Mawson, G.B. James, A.A. Macfarlane Grieve, LCorp Lee-Warner, Sergt Steele, E.P. Grove, Capt W.D. Lowe, N.A. Vesey.
1 BW print
Size: 289 x 238mm
Another copy: MIA 1/37.
Digitised material for University College Shooting Club 1911 - UND/F1/FF1911 UND/F1/FF1912 1912
University College Shooting Eight
In the Castle Great Court NE corner, in uniform with caps, puttees, ammunition belts, rifles, swagger stick, with a trophy, mounted and titled with the college arms, by John R. Edis, identified:
H.S. Crabtree, H.C. Bender, V. Clay, F.E.B. Whitfield, D.E. Ince, S.J. Dawson, Col Sergt D.H.S. Mould, Capt W.D. Lowe, Sergt A.A. Macfarlane Grieve.
1 BW print
Size: 290 x 241mm
Digitised material for University College Shooting Club 1912 - UND/F1/FF1912 UND/F1/FF1913 1913
University College Shooting Eight
In the Castle Great Court NE corner, in uniform with caps, puttees, ammunition belts , rifles, swagger stick, with a trophy, mounted and titled with the college arms, by John R. Edis, identified:
Corp H.S. Crabtree, A. Todd, V. Clay, S.F. Dixon, D.E. Ince, Corp F.E.B. Whitfield, Col Sergt D.H.S. Mould, Capt W.D. Lowe, Sergt A.A. Macfarlane Grieve.
1 BW print
Size: 291 x 244mm
Another copy: MIA 1/131.
Digitised material for University College Shooting Club 1913 - UND/F1/FF1913 UND/F1/FF1914 1914
University College Shooting Eight
In the Castle Great Court NE corner, in uniform with caps, puttees, ammunition belts, rifles, swagger sticks, with a trophy and a dog [Zulu], mounted and titled with the college arms, by John R. Edis, identified:
Corp A. Todd, J.H.C. Herald, Corp S.F. Dixon, G.H. Grimshaw, C.R.G. Fox, Staff Sergt A.H. Waton, Col Sergt F.E.B. Whitfield, Capt W.D. Lowe, 2nd Lieut A.A. Macfarlane Grieve, Sergt D.E. Ince.
1 BW print
Size: 294 x 239mm
Printed in N. Watson,
The Durham Difference (2007), p.34; R. Brickstock,
Durham Castle Fortress, Palace, College, (Durham 2007), p.76.
Another copy: MIA 1/252.
Digitised material for University College Shooting Club 1914 - UND/F1/FF1914 TennisReference: UND/F1/FGDates of creation: 1912
UND/F1/FG1912 1912
University College Tennis Club
In the Castle Great Court NE corner, in trousers, blazers and scarves, with rackets, and a trophy, mounted and titled with the college arms, by John R. Edis, identified:
R.F. Gunn, J. Britton, B.Q. Norman, D.H.S. Mould, A.J. Norcock, J.C. Nuthall, C.P. Hamilton.
1 BW print
Size: 203 x 155mm
Printed in N. Watson,
The Durham Difference (2007), p.26.
Another copy: MIA 1/179.
Digitised material for University College Tennis Club 1912 - UND/F1/FG1912 AthleticsReference: UND/F1/FHDates of creation: c.1937 - 1953
UND/F1/FH1937 c.1937
In the Fellows Garden, outside the Garden Room window, group of 8 students, including [K.B. Gibson], in blazers, ties and trousers, ?Athletics Club, photo by Fillingham's.
BW print, mounted on board
Size: 200 x 150mm (print), 305 x 255mm (mount)
Given by Mrs Joy Gibson of Bolton, Lancs, widow of K.B. Gibson, 1 August 2005, Acc No Misc.2005/2006:10.
Digitised material for University College Athletics Club 1937 - UND/F1/FH1937 UND/F1/FH1953 [June] 1953
University College Athletics Club
In the Fellows Garden, in front of a laburnum tree in flower, most in dark tee-shirts, white shorts and training shoes, some in white [Durham Colleges] vests or track-suits, 1 in a blazer, tie and trousers, by John R. Edis, identified
Size: 210 x 150mm (photo), 330 x 250mm (mount)
Given by P.R. Gatenby to the Castle 25 April 2000, part of Misc.2005/2006:20 of 5 October 2005.
Digitised material for University College Athletics Club 1953 - UND/F1/FH1953 Cross-CountryReference: UND/F1/FJDates of creation: 1956
UND/F1/FJ1956 [March] 1956
University College Cross-Country Club 1955-1956, Durham Colleges champions
In the Fellows Garden, a group of 9 students, in white shorts and running vests with a double dark stripe (1 in a Durham Colleges vest), and running shoes, with 3 trophies on a stand, by John R. Edis, identified.
1 BW print, mounted on grey card, mounted on white stiff card, titled with the university and college arms
Size: 205 x 150mm (print), 330 x 250mm (mount)
Given by Michael Bates October 2005, Acc No Misc.2005/2006:24.
Digitised material for University College Cross-Country Club 1956 - UND/F1/FJ1956 RugbyReference: UND/F1/FKDates of creation: 1908 - 1977
For other groups, see:
(1912-1913) MIA 1/91 & 130.
UND/F1/FK1908 1908 - 1909
University College [Rugby Football Club]
In the Great Court, in shirts, blazers, scarves, shorts, socks and boots, with a rugby ball, by John R. Edis, identified:
J.G. Taylor, A.H. Jackson, A.H. Sharp, H. Ingham, R. French, J.C. Nuthall, R.M. Langdale Smith, R.P. Butterfield, W. Yates. F.C. Longden, E.S.N. Bulmer, P.E. Wrench, W.E. Ingledow, E.S. Nicholson, Williams.
Size: 235 x 290mm (print), 390 x 505mm (mount)
Digitised material for University College Rugby Club 1908 - UND/F1/FK1908 ReunionsReference: UND/F1/FLDates of creation: 1989
UND/F1/FL1989 [16 April] 1989
Durham Castle Society Reunion 1989, on the Great Hall steps, with also present the retiring staff Mary Vine, housekeeper, Cicely Shaw, portress, and Jean Oliver, master's secretary, all with bouquets presented on behalf of the Society. 2
Size: 302 x 204mm (print), 378 x 301 (mount)
UND/F1/FL2002 [?August] 2002
50th anniversary reunion of 1952 freshers, on the steps of the Great Hall, in jackets/suits and ties.
Paper, 1f, BW printout of a colour .jpg
Original of John E. Pottinger.
FootballReference: UND/F1/FMDates of creation: 1908 - 1909
UND/F1/FM1908 1908 - 1909
University College [Association Football Club]
In the Great Court, in shirt, blazers, scarves, shorts, socks and boots, with a football, by John R. Edis, identified:
W. Hodgkinson, W.S. Walton, P.E. Wrench, E.S.N. Bulmer, J.C. Nuthall, S. Hearslett, J.G. Taylor, H. Ingham, W. Yates, E.S. Nicholson, R.P. Butterfield.
BW print, mounted on board, titled and identified
Size: 235 x 290mm (print), 390 x 505mm (mount)
Digitised material for University College Football Club 1908 - UND/F1/FM1908 FencingReference: UND/F1/FN MCRReference: UND/F1/FOUND/F1/FO2002F [October 2002]
University College Middle Common Room freshers (15), in the courtyard, in academic dress, with the master and officers, identified.
Copy colour print, titled with the college arms
Size: 210 x 295mm
UND/F1/FO2007F [October] 2007
University College Middle Common Room matriculation group, against a wall in the ?courtyard, in dark suits/dresses and gowns, identified
Colour print, mounted on board, titled with the college arms
Size: 185 x 305mm (print), 295 x 390mm (mount)
UND/F1/FO2009 [June] 2009
University College Middle Common Room group, outside on the Great Hall steps, in dark suits or dresses/skirts with gowns, identified
Colour print, mounted on board
Size: 185 x 350mm (print), 295 x 390mm (mount)
UND/F1/FO2010 [June] 2010
University College Middle Common Room group, outside on the Great Hall steps, in dark suits or dresses/skirts with gowns, identified
Colour print, mounted on board
Size: 185 x 300mm (print), 295 x 390mm (mount)
UND/F1/FO2011 [June] 2011
University College Middle Common Room group, outside on the Great Hall steps, in dark suits or dresses/skirts with gowns, identified
Colour print, mounted on board
Size: 180 x 355mm (print), 295 x 390mm (mount)
UND/F1/FO2013 [June] 2013
University College Middle Common Room group, outside on the Great Hall steps, in dark suits or dresses/skirts with gowns, titled with the college arms, identified
Colour print, mounted on board
Size: 180 x 355mm (print), 295 x 390mm (mount)
UND/F1/FO2014 [June] 2014
University College Middle Common Room group, outside on the Great Hall steps, in dark suits or dresses/skirts with gowns, titled with the college arms, identified
Colour print, mounted on board
Size: 180 x 355mm (print), 295 x 390mm (mount)
UND/F1/FO2015 [June] 2015
University College Middle Common Room group, outside on the Great Hall steps, in dark suits or dresses/skirts with gowns, titled with the college arms, identified
Colour print, mounted on board
Size: 180 x 355mm (print), 295 x 390mm (mount)
UND/F1/FO2016 [June] 2016
University College Middle Common Room group, outside on the Great Hall steps, in dark suits or dresses/skirts with gowns, titled with the college arms, identified
Colour print, mounted on board
Size: 175 x 355mm (print), 295 x 390mm (mount)
Other College GroupsReference: UND/F1/FWUND/F1/FW2011/1 2011
Van Mildert Club (23), with the master, in the SCR, in black tie/dresses, with a picture of Van Mildert's cathedral statue, titled with the college arms, all identified.
Colour print, some staining along the top
Size: 205 x 305mm
UND/F1/FW2012/1 June 2012
June Ball survivors, in the courtyard, in black tie/dresses, titled with the college seal, unidentified
Colour print, some staining along the top
Size: 205 x 305mm
UND/F1/FW2012/2 18 July 2012
University College staff in the Great Hall, including Professor Chris Higgins in front row, following the visit of Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh to Durham Castle
Includes printed note of thanks from Professor Higgins to the College staff
Colour print
UND/F1/FW2016/1 June 2016
June Ball survivors, in the courtyard, in black tie/dresses, titled with the college seal, unidentified
Colour print
Size: 205 x 305mm
UND/F1/FW2023/1 June 2023
June Ball survivors, in the courtyard, in black tie/dresses, titled with the college seal, unidentified
Colour print
Size: 210 x 300mm
Non-College Groups
Reference: UND/F1/FX
Buildings & EffectsReference: UND/F1/FYDates of creation: c.1900 - c.1980
UND/F1/FY1 c.1900
View from the Fellows Garden NE showing part of the garden with a pond, the corner of the Routh Library building, the Castle gatehouse and keep.
Size: 155 x 109mm
UND/F1/FY3 c.1900
View of the Castle courtyard looking NE showing Tunstal's chapel, the keep with a flag flying and the back of the gatehouse.
Size: 290 x 240mm
UND/F1/FY6 c.1900
View of the Castle courtyard looking NE showing Tunstal's chapel and the keep, ivy growth and a tree in leaf in the corner. By F[rancis] F[rith] & Co, no 30761.
[Original] endorsed “To Mrs Westgarth 12/-”.
Size: 286 x 220mm
UND/F1/FY7 c.1900
View looking SE of Durham cathedral from across the Wear, by F. Frith & Co Ltd of Reigate.
Size: 288 x 218mm
UND/F1/FY8 c.1970
View through the Castle gatehouse into the courtyard towards Tunstal's Gallery.
Size: 158 x 238mm
UND/F1/FY9 c.1980
View E from Palace Green of Bailey Court.
Size: 195 x 245mm
UND/F1/FY10 c.1980
View SW along the back of Bailey Court and part of Cosin Hall, with 2 students standing, by Stewart Bale of Liverpool.
Size: 240 x 180mm
UND/F1/FY11-13 c.1980
The Lowe Library interior, showing tables, chairs, bookcases, gallery, ash trays, sheaf catalogues, desk lamps. 1 photo is a duplicate.
Size: 297 x 225mm
UND/F1/FY14 25 January 1908
Interior view of the Great Hall looking towards the minstrels' gallery, titled “Anthony Bec's Hall” and “Durham Castle, the Headquarters of the University of Durham”.
Size: 180 x 210 (print), 303 x 405mm (mount)
Bought by the bursar in 1993/94 for £5.
Published in
Country Life 25 January 1908 p.126, and again in Castellum No46 1993/94 p.13.
UND/F1/FY16 [c.1965]
Moatside development, exterior views of Bailey and Palace Green fronts, and the interior courtyard, by Stewart Bale of Liverpool.
7 BW prints
UND/F1/FY17 1938
Newly restored winged angel over Cosin's Porch.
BW print
UND/F1/FY18 [c.1960)
Skeleton in a cupboard.
2 BW prints
UND/F1/FY19 2004
Keep through trees, from
Durham First.
Magazine article colour image
UND/F1/FY20 2001
Photocopy of a Nollekins drawing of a Bishop Trevor memorial.
Paper, 2f
UND/F1/FY21 [c.1965]
Hall stairs student room interior.
BW print
UND/F1/FY22 [c.1990]
Fellows Garden Building under construction.
2 colour prints
UND/F1/FY23 c.1950 - 2000
Views of the castle.
File of colour & BW prints, negatives and a 35m slide
UND/F1/FY24 [1990]
Details of the Norman arch off the Tunstal Gallery
18 BW prints
Size: 200 x 250mm
UND/F1/FY25 [c.2010]
Boathouse, viewed from across the Wear, with 2 women in rowing kit, sitting on the weir.
Colour print
Size: 100 x 150mm
UND/F1/FY26 [c.2000]
Tunstal chapel interior (x2), Norman chapel interior (x2), Black Staircase, [by Michele Allan of the DU Geography Dept Cartographic Unit].
5 colour prints
Size: 125 x 125mm
Transferred from Geography Dept September 2021, Acc No Misc.2021/22:15.
UND/F1/FY27 [1997 - 2003]
Castle paintings, nos.112-788j, 1200-1273, 1286 and unnumbered, also some sculptures and exhibitions, by Michele Allan of the DU Geography Dept Cartographic Unit.
16 packets of medium format colour negatives
Size: 60 x 60mm
Transferred from Geography Dept September 2021, Acc No Misc.2021/22:15.
UND/F1/FY28 [?2000]
Interior of the Norman Gallery, facing towards the window arches.
BW print
Size: 180 x 125mm
UND/F1/FY29 [?2000]
Column and arch in the Norman Chapel
Copyright: George H. Hall, Taunton, no. CM38B.
BW print
Size: 160 x 210mm
UND/F1/FY30 [?1975]
Aerial photograph of Castle grounds and surrounding area, including construction for Sutton Site project (Moatside).
Colour print
UND/F1/FY31-32 [1946 - 1953]
Aerial photograph of Lumley Castle showing entrance and the surrounding woodland
With enlarged copy mounted on board
Copyright: Aero Pictorial Ltd, Redhill Aerodrome, Surrey
2 BW prints, one mounted on board
Individuals, other groups and eventsReference: UND/F1/FZDates of creation: 1907 - 1991
UND/F1/FZ1 1907 - 1909
Montage of student photographs, all signed:
G.M. Forde 1909 (Hatfield)
Maxwell Fisher 1909 (Hatfield)
T.W.W. Cathrey (St Chads)
S.G.S. 1907 (?Stanley Gordon Smith, unattached)
W.F.H.N. Eldershaw (Hatfield)
Harold B. Wilson 1909 (University)
Wm Ingledow (University)
Size: 41 x 80mm (prints), 490 x 161mm (mount)
Similar montage: UND/F1/FZ12 below.
UND/F1/FZ2 June 1953
Robert Thomson, (censor and tutor of University College 1949-1955, later senior tutor 1955-1964), 3/4 length, in the great court, with the clock behind, in a gown with mortar board and scroll, noted on the back as being posed in the style of
Charles Thorp as both were educated at RGS Newcastle and University College Oxford.
Size: 130 x 130mm (frame)
UND/F1/FZ3 [1987]
A. Durham World Heritage Site plaque close-up.
B. Durham World Heritage Site plaque with Colin Moynihan standing by it, with other [dignitaries], a film crew and Palace Green in the background.
Size: 125 x 175mm
UND/F1/FZ4 23 March 1967
Queen Elizabeth II at Durham Castle on Maundy Thursday to deliver the Maundy purses at Durham cathedral, including the arrival of the royal party in the royal Rolls, with the press and a welcoming party of the aldermen, members and officials of
Durham City Council lining either side of the drive round the steps to the Great Hall, the Queen walking along the lines accompanied by the mayor of Durham, Mrs M.A. Thornhill, and the lord lieutenant, Sir James Duff, and then leaving the Tunstal
Gallery after the mayor and the bishop of Jarrow, A.K. Hamilton, the chancellor of the diocese, E. Garth Moore, and the registrar of the diocese, H.C. Ferens, and with the bishop of Durham, I.T. Ramsey, and the lord lieutenant. Also in view are
various policemen, 2 white police Jaguars, one CLP679C, 2 other royal cars (?1 an Austin Princess), and 3 other police cars, one a Jaguar, one an Austin/Morris 1100 RUP871, and the other UYW505; also the Great Hall prepared for the subsequent
luncheon with the staff in attendance, and the kitchen staff lined up in the kitchen.
Photos by Fillinghams Photography of Elvet Bridge, Durham.
Size: 160 x 115mm
For full details of the royal visit, see
Durham County Advertiser of 31 March 1967.
Digitised material for University College Photographs Queen Elizabeth II at Durham Castle on Maundy Thursday to deliver the Maundy purses at Durham cathedral, 1967 - UND/F1/FZ4 UND/F1/FZ5 c.1930
[P.J. Heawood, OBE, DCL, professor of Mathematics at Durham 1911-1939, secretary of Durham Castle Restoration Trust.] Half-length, in suit, waistcoat and tie, by Elliott & Fry of 55 Baker St, London.
Size: 105 x 147mm (print), 205 x 291mm (mount)
UND/F1/FZ6 [June 1981]
4 images of a Castle VIII and 2 images of 2 different Castle IVs rowing in the [Durham Regatta] along the racecourse.
Size: 120 x 150 - 195mm
1 printed in
Castellum 1981.
UND/F1/FZ7 [June 1981]
5 images of the performance of Shakespeare's “Romeo and Juliet” in the Fellows Garden by the Castle Theatre Company.
Size: 115 x 185mm and 155 x 245mm
1 image printed in
Castellum 1981.
UND/F1/FZ8 c.1980
A group of students drinking at the Undercroft bar.
Size: 178 x 124mm
UND/F1/FZ9 c.1990
Graduation ceremony, showing the procession of students coming towards the gateway from Palace Green, the academics lining up in the courtyard to enter the Great Hall along with two PVCs, and graduands about to receive their degrees in the Great
Size: 126 x 123mm
UND/F1/FZ10 c.1990
Views of the gatehouse with people walking towards it, 2 from Palace Green with visitors resting on the wall outside the Library Old Buildings, and one from inside.
Size: 125 x 125mm
UND/F1/FZ11 [28 November 1991]
Visit of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, lunched as guests of Durham County Council, with the Queen on the steps of the Great Hall, escorted by the chairman of the County Council, Mick Terrans, with Prince Philip and others of the royal
party in the courtyard below.
Size: 303 x 303mm
Further pictures in UND/CK1/BD.
UND/F1/FZ12 1909 - 1911
Montage of student photographs, all signed:
Harold D. Streatfeild (St Chad's)
G.B.H. Bishop 1911 (St Chad's)
T.A. Lee 1910 (Hatfield)
W.R.D. Mills 1910 (St Chad's)
G.J. Lester June 1910 (Hatfield)
?Hugh W. Forster.
W. Yates February 1909 (University)
Size: 41 x 80mm (prints), 490 x 161mm (mount)
Formerly numbered DURUC 1191.
Similar montage: UND/F1/FZ1 above.
UND/F1/FZ14 [c.1980]
Mrs [Ciceley] Shaw, standing in the gateway holding the bell-pull.
4 BW prints
UND/F1/FZ15 11 February 1987
Roger Norris holding a manuscript cookery book, and a chef holding a dish, in the kitchens, by P. Thompson.
2 BW prints
UND/F1/FZ16 [c.1900]
Head and shoulders portrait photograph of unidentified older man in clerical dress, by J. Nevill of Piccadilly.
BW print mounted on board
UND/F1/FZ17 [c.1900]
T.H. Philpott, full length, in a photographer's studio, by T. Heaviside of Durham.
BW print mounted on card
UND/F1/FZ18 [c.1900]
Archdeacon Bland of Northumberland, full length, with cane and books on a plinth in a photographer's studio, by T. Heaviside of Durham.
BW print mounted on card
UND/F1/FZ19 [c.1930]
[Miss Carr's] father, in a suit with hat and cane, seated on a bench outside.
2 BW prints
UND/F1/FZ20 [c.1940]
Lt-Col Bordes (killed c.1941) half-length, in uniform, by James Bacon of Newcastle, with a letter from the mother 11 March 1945 with details of his military career.
BW print mounted on board, + 2f
UND/F1/FZ21 [c.1944]
2nd Lt Alan Ford (killed 28 June 1944), half-length, in uniform, with a letter from his mother.
BW print + 3f
UND/F1/FZ22 [c.1990]
?Albert Cartmel and a lady inspecting worn stonework and roof slates, by Paul Sidney.
2 colour prints
UND/F1/FZ24 [c.1990]
Man in a suit seated in an armchair.
Colour print
UND/F1/FZ25 [c.1916]
2nd Lt Geoffrey Harrison Grimshaw, half length in uniform, with letters from his cousin Pat Pearcy 1991 and 1998 with his details and about giving his cap and swagger stick.
strip of 4 BW negatives + 4f
UND/F1/FZ26 [?June] 1931
German WW1 gun in the Castle courtyard, with various students sitting on it and others standing around, in suits and gowns, some with hoods and buttonholes, also some [OTC] members in unfirom formed up with rifles, and two in kilts with pipes, by
Northern Echo.
BW print
UND/F1/FZ27 [?1931]
[?Chancellor's installation], academics in academic dress standing in the courtyard
BW print
UND/F1/FZ28 [1995]
Students in jackets, ties and gowns, gathered on the Great Hall steps “from John Atkins 2/00” .
BW print
UND/F1/FZ29 [?May 1961]
Visit of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip duke of Edinburgh, walking along Palace Green through the crowds from the Castle towards the Cathedral, by the
Northern Echo.
BW print
UND/F1/FZ30 May 1961
Visit of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip duke of Edinburgh: driving into the courtyard in the Rolls Royce, police at the attention; walking from the Great Hall across the courtyard, students beyond many with cameras; students on the mound
with the royal standard above, with a letter from Norman Thompson of 2003 identifying many.
3 BW prints + 2f
UND/F1/FZ31 [c.1990]
Medieval pageant, in the Great Hall (formal dancing) and the Fellows Garden.
8 colour photos
UND/F1/FZ32 [?1973]
Dinner in the Great Hall, with the ?mayor and bishop presiding.
BW print
UND/F1/FZ33 [Michaelmas] 2012
Best Bar None award to University College (4) in black tie/dress with the award, at Ramside Hall, identified
Colour print
UND/F1/FZ34 Michaelmas 2015
Best Bar None award to University College (7) in jackets and ties/dresses with the award, at ?at Durham County Hall, identified.
Colour print
Size: 145 x 210mm
UND/F1/FZ35-38 [c.2015]
Unidentified groups:
35. 14 (equal boys and girls) in black tie/evening dresses in the SCR (?21st birthday dinner)
36. 14 in various costumes in the SCR (?play cast)
37-38. 12 (equal boys and girls) in black tie/messkit/evening dresses at a table in the hall, with a subset of 6 in a studio portrait (?ball).
4 colour prints
Size: 150 x 205mm
UND/F1/FZ39 [?2000]
Sir Peter Ustinov looking up to a statue of a saint
Probably used in a Durham University or Castle prospectus
Colour print
UND/F1/FZ40 1994
Photographs printed in the Castle in Bloom guide
8 BW and colour prints
Deposited personal collectionsUND/F1/H
Records of former members of the college left to the college, or other collections presented to the college.
G.M. MacFarlane Grieve photograph collectionUND/F1/H1 1912 - 1914194 glass plate negatives
A collection of images of a student's recreational activities as a member of University College in Durham just before the First World War. Most of the collection features rowing on the Wear, especially the various university events such as the
Senate Cup and Trial Fours, also the annual varsity race with Edinburgh University. Images of the Henley royal regatta also feature prominently, though no Durham crews are recorded. There are some other University College and Durham Colleges
sporting groups and events, some views of Durham and environs, especially the Wear in flood, a series of images from O.T.C. camp, and a few more relaxed images of contemporaries at Durham along with a small collection of probably artistic shots.
Gavin Malcolm Macfarlane Grieve, the younger brother of A.A. Macfarlane Grieve, was a student at University College Durham from 1913 to 1916, graduating with a BA (litt. ant.) which he took on 12 December 1916. He served in the 1st Royal
Highlanders at home in 1915 and then with the 3rd Royal Highlanders in France in 1916 when he was wounded and returned home to serve in the No.2 Officers Cadet Battalion from 1917 to 1919.
Left at the Castle lodge for Richard Brickstock
“Ex Macfarlane Grive's brother” (
sic) and immediately transferred by Richard Brickstock, Castle curator, to DUL ASC 10 May 2005, Acc No Misc. 2004/2005:56.
Series A-E had been individually numbered and put into envelopes with titles on the envelopes and separate lists of the images in A and C, all possibly done by Macfarlane Grieve. These lists and the numbering show that some images have not
survived, but their numbering has been retained, albeit with the letter and number inverted. There were also 2 boxes of unnumbered and unidentified images of not obviously Durham material; some may be family but most seem to have been taken more as
artistic and compositional studies. These have now been numbered as series F and G.
UND/F1/H1/A4 July 1913
Henley rowing regatta: eights, St John's [College Oxford] v Shrewsbury [School], Ladies Plate.
scale: Stop f8 Exposure 1/250
UND/F1/H1/A8 July 1913
Henley rowing regatta: eights, First Trinity [College Cambridge] v Eton [College], Ladies Plate.
scale: Stop f8 Exposure 1/250
UND/F1/H1/A9 July 1913
Henley rowing regatta: single sculls, McGilly v Pinks, Diamond Sculls.
scale: Stop f8 Exposure 1/250
Another copy: MIA 1/198 .
UND/F1/H1/A11 July 1913
Henley rowing regatta: eights, Eton [College] v St John's [College Oxford], Ladies Plate.
scale: Stop f8 Exposure 1/250
Another copy: MIA 1/190 .
UND/F1/H1/A12 July 1913
Henley rowing regatta: fours, LMBC [Cambridge] v University [College Oxford], Wyfold Cup, college barge behind.
scale: Stop f8 Exposure 1/250
Another copy: MIA 1/195 .
UND/F1/H1/A14 July 1913
Henley rowing regatta: Germans v Canadians, Stewards Cup.
scale: Stop f8 Exposure 1/250
Another copy: MIA 1/201 .
UND/F1/H1/A15 June 1913
Durham: Edinburgh university four [H.P.W. White, J.F. van der Westhuijzen, E. Chalker, A.M. Machlainn, J.M. Verster] rowing under Baths bridge.
Another copy: MIA 1/170 .
UND/F1/H1/A16 June 1913
Durham: Edinburgh university four, easied against the Racecourse bank.
Another copy: MIA 1/168 .
UND/F1/H1/A17 June 1913
Durham: [Durham] School four rowing under Baths bridge, pair in a canoe beyond.
Another copy: MIA 1/165 .
UND/F1/H1/A18 June 1913
“scratch crew” four (Sclater, Urquhart, Lowe, Stearns) leaving [Castle] landing.
Another copy: MIA 1/174 .
UND/F1/H1/A19 June 1913
“scratch crew” four (Sclater, Urquhart, Lowe, Stearns) starting, tub pair beyond.
Another copy: MIA 1/172 .
UND/F1/H1/A20 June 1913
“reserve second crew” four, starting, mill beyond.
Another copy: MIA 1/154 .
UND/F1/H1/A22 June 1913
“second crew in clinker” four, starting.
Another copy: MIA 1/173 .
UND/F1/H1/A24 June 1913
“second varsity in fine” four, starting, mill beyond.
Another copy: MIA 1/160 .
UND/F1/H1/A25 June 1913
“second varsity” clinker four, on the landing stage.
Another copy: MIA 1/155 .
UND/F1/H1/A26 June 1913
Durham rowing regatta: Grand Challenge Cup final, [Durham] School v Tyne A.R.C. fours, racing.
Another copy: MIA 1/166 .
UND/F1/H1/A29 June 1913
Durham rowing regatta: Lady Anne Lambton School v Tyne A.R.C. fours, racing.
Another copy: MIA 1/159 .
UND/F1/H1/A30 May 1913
Durham University Sports at Newcastle: tug of war, University College v Hatfield.
Another copy: MIA 1/147 .
UND/F1/H1/A31 May 1913
Durham University Sports at Newcastle: tug of war, Armstrong v Hatfield.
Another copy: MIA 1/145 .
UND/F1/H1/A32 June 1913
June Week: Derby Rag on Palace Green, Durham, looking S to the cathedral.
Another copy: MIA 1/149 .
UND/F1/H1/A33 June 1913
Party at Corbridge, group of 25 men in suits, jackets and hats.
Another copy: MIA 1/152 .
UND/F1/H1/A34 June 1913
Roman pier at Chester's (Cilurnum).
Another copy: MIA 1/156 .
UND/F1/H1/A35 June 1913
Chollerford Bridge over the North Tyne.
Another copy: MIA 1/153 .
UND/F1/H1/A36 June 1913
On the platform at Hexham railway station, 4 men sitting on a bench, carriages behind.
Another copy: MIA 1/151 .
UND/F1/H1/A38 May 1913
Durham, Castle chapel looking east showing stalls, lectern, altar, reredos, E window.
Digitised material for Durham, Castle chapel looking east showing stalls, lectern, altar, reredos, E window, 1913 - UND/F1/H1/A38 UND/F1/H1/A42 June 1912
“scratch crew” four (Buchanan, Hutchinson, Stocks, Lowe, Norcock), Bede college beyond, another four on the river.
Another copy: MIA 1/85 .
UND/F1/H1/A43 June 1912
Durham: group spectating at the cricket ground (Gunn, Mould, Dawson, Leyshon, Oliver, Stearns), in jackets/blazers, some hats.
Another copy: MIA 1/53 .
UND/F1/H1/A45 May 1912
Durham University Sports, Newcastle: A.H.H. Oliver winning the half mile, crowd beyond.
Another copy: MIA 1/71 .
UND/F1/H1/A46 November 1912
Durham: [University College] Trial Fours first boat (Crabtree, Bender, Ince, Dawson, Francis), rowing.
Another copy: MIA 1/97 .
UND/F1/H1/A47 December 1912
Durham: [University College] four (Ince, Mould, Lowe, Mould, Norcock) on the landing stage
Another copy: MIA 1/98 .
UND/F1/H1/A48 December 1912
Ince, Mould, Dawson in shorts and blazers standing outside a window.
Another copy: MIA 1/96 .
UND/F1/H1/A49 November 1912
Durham: University College Challenge Pairs (Norcock, A.A. Macfarlane Grieve, Mould) in a pair, starting.
Another copy: MIA 1/95 .
UND/F1/H1/A50 November 1912
Durham: University College Challenge Pairs (Norcock, A.A. Macfarlane Grieve, Mould) in a pair, starting.
Another copy: MIA 1/93 .
UND/F1/H1/B4 June 1912
Durham St Oswalds church tower, from the Wear.
Another copy: MIA 1/127 .
UND/F1/H1/B5 June 1912
Durham, Elvet bridge, E end.
Another copy: MIA 1/102 .
UND/F1/H1/B13 April 1913
Durham, Elvet bridge, floods.
Another copy: MIA 1/103 .
UND/F1/H1/B14 April 1913
Durham, Elvet bridge, floods, looking SW to cathedral and castle.
Another copy: MIA 1/99 .
UND/F1/H1/B17 Summer 1914
Durham, Wear, floods, near the Baths.
Another copy: MIA 1/248 .
UND/F1/H1/B18 Summer 1914
Durham, Elvet bridge, looking NE, floods.
Another copy: MIA 1/103 .
UND/F1/H1/B20 Summer 1914
Durham, Wear, weir and South Street Mill, floods.
Another copy: MIA 1/285 .
UND/F1/H1/B21 Summer 1914
Durham, Wear, near Prebend's Bridge, floods.
Another copy: MIA 1/283 .
UND/F1/H1/B24 [June] 1914
Durham, C. Cooper, J.H.C. Herald, ?D. or S.F. Dixon, D.E. Ince, F.R. Croft rowing in a fine four by the Racecourse.
Another copy: MIA 1/269 .
UND/F1/H1/B26 [June] 1914
Durham, Castle boathouse, rowing, launching a fine four.
Another copy: MIA 1/273 .
UND/F1/H1/B27 [June] 1914
Durham, Castle boathouse, rowing,
“Varsity crew landing”, in [university] singlets.
Another copy: MIA 1/275 .
UND/F1/H1/B30 [June] 1914
Durham, Edinburgh university 1st and 2nd fours starting.
Another copy: MIA 1/276 .
UND/F1/H1/B33 [June] 1914
Durham, Durham School four rowing near the Baths.
Another copy: MIA 1/271 .
UND/F1/H1/B34 [June] 1914
Durham, C.G. Killick, J.H.C. Herald, E.T. Pakenham, L.C.K. Wyatt, P.L. Phillips rowing in a four on the Wear.
Another copy: MIA 1/282 .
UND/F1/H1/B35 [June] 1914
Durham, C.G. Killick, P.S.J. Welsford, E.T. Pakenham, L.C.K. Wyatt, P.L. Phillips, rowing in a fine four under Baths bridge.
Another copy: MIA 1/281 .
UND/F1/H1/B36 [June] 1914
Durham, P.L. Phillips, L.C.K. Wyatt, E.T. Pakenham, P.S.J. Welsford, C.G. Killick, rowing in a fine four on the Wear.
Another copy: MIA 1/280 .
UND/F1/H1/B37 [June] 1914
Durham rowing regatta, Sunderland v Durham City, fours, racing, Hild college beyond.
Another copy: MIA 1/284 .
UND/F1/H1/B40 [June] 1914
Durham, D.E. Ince and J.C. Morgan in a punt.
Another copy: MIA 1/287 .
UND/F1/H1/B41 [June] 1914
Durham, L.C.K. Wyatt, W.D. Lowe and D.E. Ince reclining in grass
“up the river”.
Another copy: MIA 1/289 .
UND/F1/H1/B42 [June] 1914
Durham, L.C.K. Wyatt, W.D. Lowe and D.E. Ince reclining in grass
“up the river” with dog, cattle looking on.
Another copy: MIA 1/291 .
UND/F1/H1/B43 [June] 1914
Durham, L.C.K. Wyatt, W.D. Lowe and D.E. Ince punting [on the Wear].
Another copy: MIA 1/296 .
UND/F1/H1/B44 [June] 1914
Durham, L.C.K. Wyatt and another punting [on the Wear].
Another copy: MIA 1/290 .
UND/F1/H1/B45 [June] 1914
Durham, W.D. Lowe, A.A. Macfarlane Grieve and L.C.K. Wyatt picnicking with dog.
Another copy: MIA 1/294 .
UND/F1/H1/C1 1912
“Elstow [School, Beds], house running group”, 2 boys seated, 1 with a trophy, 1 with a dog, with a man standing behind.
Another copy: MIA 1/56 .
UND/F1/H1/C2 1912
“Elstow [School, Beds], school running group”, 8 boys in shirts and shorts, with a master, “Elstow v Bedford Grammar”.
Another copy: MIA 1/59 .
UND/F1/H1/C3 1912
Durham, University College hockey XI 1910-1911, on the Hall steps, in blazers and shrts, with sticks.
Another copy: MIA 1/54 .
UND/F1/H1/C4 1912
Durham, Colleges hockey XI 1910-1911, on the Hall steps, in blazers and shorts, with sticks, M.G. Leadbetter, B.H.H. Brown.
Another copy: MIA 1/55 .
UND/F1/H1/C5 1912
Durham, University College cricket XI 1911, in a corner of the fellows garden, in blazers, cravats and trousers.
Another copy: MIA 1/57 .
UND/F1/H1/C6 1912
Durham, University College Senate Cup group 1912, in a corner of the fellows garden, in blazers and trousers, with the trophy and individual cups, and a dog.
Another copy: MIA 1/62; UND/F1/FB1912S.
UND/F1/H1/C7 1912
Durham, University College hockey XI 1911-1912, on the Hall steps, in blazers and shorts with sticks.
Another copy: MIA 1/52 .
UND/F1/H1/C9 1912
Durham, University College shooting team 1912, in the fellows garden, in uniform, with rifles and trophy, H.S. Crabtree, H.C. Bender, V.H. Clay, F.E.B. Whitfield, D.E. Ince, S.J. Dawson, Col Sergt D.H.S. Mould, Capt Lowe, Sergt A.A. Macfarlane
Digitised material for Durham, University College shooting team, in the fellows garden, in uniform, with rifles and trophy, 1912 - UND/F1/H1/C9 UND/F1/H1/C10 1912
Durham, University College cricket XI 1912, in the fellows garden, in blazers and trousers, A.G. Mathew, D.E. Ince, F.E.B. Whitfield, F.T. Salter, W.C.S. Gregson.
Another copy: MIA 1/181 .
UND/F1/H1/C11 1912
Durham, University College tennis VI 1912, in the fellows garden, in blazers and trousers, with rackets and a trophy, R.F. Gunn, J. Britton, B.Q. Norman, D.H.S. Mould.
Another copy: MIA 1/179 .
UND/F1/H1/C12 1912
Durham, University College Wharton group 1912, in the fellows garden, in blazers and trousers, with the trophy, and a dog, D.H.S. Mould, E.V. Stocks, H.D. Stearns, Dr W.D. Lowe, R.F. Gunn.
Digitised material for Durham, University College Wharton group, in the fellows garden, in blazers and trousers, with the trophy, and a dog, 1912 - UND/F1/H1/C12 UND/F1/H1/C13 1912
Durham v Edinburgh universities rowing group 1912, in the fellows garden, in blazers and trousers, N.P.R. Galloway (2), Urquart esq (Edinburgh coach), Dr W.D. Lowe (Durham coach), Rev Slater (Edinburgh coach), E.V. Stocks (Durham coach), D.H.S.
Mould (bow), E. Chalker (3), R.F. Gunn (2).
Another copy: MIA 1/79 .
UND/F1/H1/C15 1912
Durham, rowing regatta 1848, engraving of boats towards Prebends Bridge, cathedral beyond, crown on the near bank.
Another copy: MIA 1/80 .
UND/F1/H1/C16 1912
“Historic Eight”, rowing on the Wear, Fulling Mill and cathedral beyond.
Another copy: MIA 1/86 .
UND/F1/H1/C17 1912
Durham, University College rugby XV 1912-1913, in fellows garden, in blazers and trousers.
Another copy: MIA 1/91 .
UND/F1/H1/C18 1912
Durham, University College Trial Fours, Challenge Pairs and President's Sculls crews 1912, in the fellows garden, in blazers and trousers.
Another copy: MIA 1/180 .
UND/F1/H1/C20 1913
Durham, Colleges rugby XV, in the fellows garden, in blazers and shorts, H.P. Walton (St Cuthbert's), H.C. Master (University), J.H. Hughes (Hatfield), F.E.B. Whitfield (University), V.H. Clay (University), C. Moore (St John's), C.P. Burdett
(University), A. Todd (St John's), D.H.S. Mould [(University)], A.A. Macfarlane Grieve [(University)].
Other copies: MIA 1/129 and MIA 1/338 (all identified in the latter).
UND/F1/H1/C21 1913
Durham, University College, Senate Cup group, in the fellows garden, in blazers and trousers, with the trophy and individual cups, and a dog.
Digitised material for Durham, University College, Senate Cup group, in the fellows garden, in blazers and trousers, with the trophy and individual cups, and a dog, 1913 - UND/F1/H1/C21 UND/F1/H1/C22 1913
Durham v Edinburgh universities rowing group, fellows garden, in blazers and trousers, D.E. Ince, P. Sclater, H.P.W. White, E.V. Stocks, A.M.C. MacLachain, Dr W.D. Lowe (coach).
Other copies: MIA 1/169 ; UND/F4/FB1913.
UND/F1/H1/C23 1913
Durham, Elvet bridge in flood 1903, people on the bridge, back of Claypath beyond.
Possibly another copy of MIA 1/104 .
UND/F1/H1/C24 1913
Durham, D.U.B.C. four rowing under Elvet bridge 1913 in the Wharton cup against Durham School.
Another copy: MIA 1/167 (detail) .
UND/F1/H1/C25 1913
Durham, D.E. Ince sculling [on the Wear].
Another copy: MIA 1/150 (detail) .
UND/F1/H1/C26 1913
Durham, Varsity four on the landing stage, in rowing tops and shorts.
Another copy: MIA 1/148 (detail) .
UND/F1/H1/C27 1913
Durham, A.H.H. Oliver in blazer, scarf and shorts, part of a rugby group.
Another copy: MIA 1/130 (detail) .
UND/F1/H1/C29 1914
Durham, Varsity four on the landing stage in the 1912 varsity race.
Another copy: MIA 1/60 .
UND/F1/H1/C30 1914
Durham, Edinburgh four rowing away from the landing stage in the 1912 varsity race, crowd on the bank beyond.
Another copy: MIA 1/81 .
UND/F1/H1/C34 July 1914
Durham, University College display of trophies [in the Hall], 9 cups, 2 plates, 1 shield and a clock.
Another copy: MIA 1/293 .
UND/F1/H1/C35 Summer 1914
Bamburgh, D.E. Ince and W.D. Lowe on the beach taking shoes off.
Another copy: MIA 1/297 .
UND/F1/H1/C36 July 1914
Henley rowing regatta, G.M. Garland, D.E. Ince and W.D. Lowe on the bank, in blazers, 1 in a boater, Lowe with a fan, reclining.
Another copy: MIA 1/295 .
UND/F1/H1/C37 July 1914
Stobs O.T.C. camp, D.E. Ince, G.M. Garland, J.H.C. Herald, A.G. Matthew, W. Kay, W.D. Lowe reclining on the grass, some partly in uniform, 3 with floppy hats, 2 with pipes.
Another copy: MIA 1/301 .
UND/F1/H1/C38 July 1914
Stobs O.T.C. camp, C.H. Digby Seymour reclining in D.U.O.T.C. uniform, with a tassled hat and pipe.
Another copy: MIA 1/300 .
UND/F1/H1/C39 July 1914
Stobs O.T.C. camp, D.E. Ince, A.M. Gelsthorpe, Robb, J.H.C. Herald, A.G. Matthew, W. Kay, W. Francis, W.D. Lowe relaxing in various elements of uniform, 4 floppy hats and 1 peaked hat.
Another copy: MIA 1/303 .
UND/F1/H1/C40 July 1914
Stobs O.T.C. camp, J.H.C. Herald, G.M. Garland, O.A. Mottram, Dixon, L.C.K. Wyatt, C.H. Digby Seymour sitting in front of their tent in elements of uniform, 1 pipe.
Another copy: MIA 1/302 .
UND/F1/H1/C41 July 1914
Stobs O.T.C. camp, F.E.B. Whitfield, Lister, A.M. Gelsthorpe, D.E. Ince sitting, in various elements of uniform, 1 pipe.
Another copy: MIA 1/298 .
UND/F1/H1/C42 July 1914
Stobs O.T.C. camp, J.H.C. Herald, D.E. Ince sitting, in blazer/rugby shirt and shorts, 1 pipe.
Another copy: MIA 1/299 .
UND/F1/H1/C45 July 1914
Henley rowing regatta, Pembroke [College Cambridge] v 1st Trinity [College Cambridge] eights racing in the Ladies Plate, punt in front, boats/barges beyond.
Another copy: MIA 1/332 .
UND/F1/H1/C48 July 1914
Henley rowing regatta, 2 eights racing, punts beyond.
Another copy: MIA 1/331 .
UND/F1/H1/C50 July 1914
Henley rowing regatta, Leander coxless four rowing, barges beyond, no crowds.
Another copy: MIA 1/313 .
UND/F1/H1/D2 November 1913
Durham, University College Challenge Pairs rowing.
Another copy: MIA 1/208 .
UND/F1/H1/D3 November 1913
Durham, R.F. Gunn sculling in a cutter, Fulling Mill beyond.
Another copy: MIA 1/220 .
UND/F1/H1/D5 November 1913
Durham, University College 1st Trial Fours crew rowing, South Street mill beyond.
Another copy: MIA 1/216 .
UND/F1/H1/D6 November 1913
Durham, University College Trial Fours crew rowing up to the start along the Racecourse.
Another copy: MIA 1/215 .
UND/F1/H1/D7 November 1913
Durham, University College four racing against Armstrong College 2nd four under Baths bridge.
Another copy: MIA 1/214 .
UND/F1/H1/D8 November 1913
Durham, University College Trial Fours1st crew rowing.
Another copy: MIA 1/212 .
UND/F1/H1/D10 November 1913
Durham, St Johns Trial Fours 1st crew rowing, before Baths bridge, buildings beyond.
Another copy: MIA 1/213 .
UND/F1/H1/D11 November 1913
Durham, Castle Great Court, judge's coach and four, with outriders.
Another copy: MIA 1/218 .
UND/F1/H1/D12 February 1914
Durham, rowing, 2 tub pairs on the landing stage, Fulling Mill and Framwellgate bridge beyond.
Another copy: MIA 1/221 .
UND/F1/H1/D13 February 1914
Durham, rowing, Senate four launching a fine at the landing stage, Fulling Mill and Framwellgate bridge beyond.
Another copy: MIA 1/222 .
UND/F1/H1/D14 February 1914
Durham, D.E. Ince and L.C.K. Wyatt rowing in a tub pair.
Another copy: MIA 1/223 .
UND/F1/H1/D15 March 1914
Durham, University College Senate four rowing, ducks in front.
Another copy: MIA 1/241 .
UND/F1/H1/D16 March 1914
Durham, University College Senate four rowing, buildings beyond.
Another copy: MIA 1/240 .
UND/F1/H1/D17 March 1914
Durham, University College Senate four rowing, buildings beyond.
Another copy: MIA 1/239 .
UND/F1/H1/D18 March 1914
Durham, University College Senate four rowing, buildings beyond.
Another copy: MIA 1/244 .
UND/F1/H1/D19 March 1914
Durham, University College Senate four rowing towards Baths bridge, cathedral and castle beyond.
Another copy: MIA 1/242 .
UND/F1/H1/D21 March 1914
Durham, University College Senate and Graduate fours rowing.
Another copy: MIA 1/238 .
UND/F1/H1/D22 March 1914
Durham, University College Senate and Graduate fours rowing past Royal County Hotel landing stage.
Another copy: MIA 1/236 .
UND/F1/H1/D23 March 1914
Durham, University College Senate four rowing under Baths bridge.
Another copy: MIA 1/237 .
UND/F1/H1/D24 March 1914
Durham, University College Graduate four rowing under Baths bridge.
Another copy: MIA 1/224 .
UND/F1/H1/D25 March 1914
Durham, University College Graduate four rowing, South Street mill beyond.
Another copy: MIA 1/226 .
UND/F1/H1/D28 March 1914
Durham, St Johns Senate four rowing.
Another copy: MIA 1/230 .
UND/F1/H1/D29 March 1914
Richmond, rugby match, Barracks v Durham U.O.T.C., lineout.
Another copy: MIA 1/233 .
UND/F1/H1/D30 March 1914
Richmond, W.D. Lowe and F.C. Longden, in coats and hats, [spectating at the rugby].
Another copy: MIA 1/235 .
UND/F1/H1/D31 Spring 1914
Durham, University College Senate four rowing, stationery.
Another copy: MIA 1/250 .
UND/F1/H1/D32 Spring 1914
Durham, University College Senate four rowing.
Another copy: MIA 1/247 .
UND/F1/H1/D33 Summer 1914
Durham, D.E. Ince and W.D. Lowe sculling.
Another copy: MIA 1/254 .
UND/F1/H1/D36 Summer 1914
Durham, L.C.K. Wyatt sculling.
Another copy: MIA 1/258 .
UND/F1/H1/D37 Summer 1914
Durham, A. Todd sculling, Fulling Mill beyond.
Another copy: MIA 1/260 .
UND/F1/H1/D38 Summer 1914
Durham, A. Todd and Hill sculling.
Another copy: MIA 1/257 .
UND/F1/H1/D40 Summer 1914
Durham, W.D. Lowe and A.A. Macfarlane Grieve rowing in a pair.
Another copy: MIA 1/249 .
UND/F1/H1/D41 Summer 1914
Durham, W.D. Lowe and A.A. Macfarlane Grieve getting out of a pair on the landing stage.
Another copy: MIA 1/262 .
UND/F1/H1/D42 Summer 1914
Durham, W.D. Lowe and A.G. Macfarlane Grieve rowing in a pair, Framwellgate bridge beyond.
Another copy: MIA 1/261 .
UND/F1/H1/D43 Summer 1914
Durham, W.D. Lowe and A.A. Macfarlane Grieve rowing in a pair, South Street mill beyond.
Another copy: MIA 1/263 .
UND/F1/H1/D44 Summer 1914
Durham, W.D. Lowe and A.A. Macfarlane Grieve with 2 Edinburgh men in a coxless four leaving the landing stage, Framwellgate bridge beyond.
Another copy: MIA 1/268 .
UND/F1/H1/D45 Summer 1914
Durham, W.D. Lowe, Dixon and the dog Zulu, sitting on a wall, in blazer/jersey and shorts.
Another copy: MIA 1/265 .
UND/F1/H1/D46 Summer 1914
Durham, F.R. Croft, D.E. Ince, Dixon, H.E. Sladden, C. Cooper rowing in a clinker four.
Another copy: MIA 1/264 .
UND/F1/H1/D47 Summer 1914
Durham, F.R. Croft, D.E. Ince, Dixon, H.E. Sladden, C. Cooper rowing in a clinker four under Baths bridge.
Another copy: MIA 1/266 .
UND/F1/H1/D48 Summer 1914
Durham, D.E. Ince, Dixon, J.H.C. Herald, L.C.K. Wyatt, F.R. Croft rowing in a fine four under Elvet bridge, pleasure rowing boats in front.
Another copy: MIA 1/267 .
UND/F1/H1/D49 Summer 1914
Durham, D.E. Ince, J.H.C. Herald, Dixon, H.E. Sladden, F.R. Croft rowing in a fine four along the Racecourse.
Another copy: MIA 1/270 .
UND/F1/H1/E3 July 1914
Henley rowing regatta, Boston v London eights in the Grand, punts and boats beyond.
Another copy: MIA 1/330 .
UND/F1/H1/E5 July 1914
Henley rowing regatta, Eton [College] v 1st Trinity [College Cambridge] eights in the Ladies Plate, barges beyond.
Another copy: MIA 1/336 .
UND/F1/H1/E7 July 1914
Henley rowing regatta, Winnipeg v Thames eights in the Grand, boats and barges beyond
Another copy: MIA 1/328 .
UND/F1/H1/E8 July 1914
Henley rowing regatta, Leander v Harvard eights in the Grand, boats and barges beyond.
Another copy: MIA 1/323 .
UND/F1/H1/E9 July 1914
Henley rowing regatta, Harvard v Winnipeg eights in the Grand, barges beyond.
Another copy: MIA 1/325 .
UND/F1/H1/E10 Summer 1914
Durham, Wear weir in flood, South Street mill beyond.
Another copy: MIA 1/285 .
UND/F1/H1/F5 [1914]
River and trees, badly faded.
UND/F1/H1/G1 [1914]
3 men in uniform, trews and caps, with canes, sitting on a bench, a major and two 2nd lieutenants, possibly Highland Light Infantry.
Digitised material for 3 men in uniform, trews and caps, with canes, sitting on a bench, a major and two 2nd lieutenants, possibly Highland Light Infantry, 1914 - UND/F1/H1/G1 UND/F1/H1/G8 [1914]
A man on a rustic bridge in a wooded gorge, faded.
E.J. March booksUND/F1/H2 1912
E.J. March bequeathed a collection of books to the Lowe Memorial Library, University College, in 1971 in memory of his brother W.F.G. March (1896-1917 and scholar of the college 1915-1916).
UND/F1/H2/1 1912
The Pilgrim's Progress, John Bunyan (Oxford 1912), with bookplates of the E.J. March collection in the Lowe Memorial Library and recording the award of the volume as a collections prize in the Durham Colleges in
Epiphany 1916 to W.F.G. March.
Paper book, in soft leather covers with the title in gold on the spine and the front
Transferred from University College Library 21 July 2005, Acc No Misc.2005/2006:7.
Formerly numbered 826.
K.B. Gibson papersUND/F1/H3 1935 - 1938 & 1945
This small collection comprises notes and correspondence of K.B. Gibson principally in his role as president of the Durham Union Society, preparing speeches and soliciting speakers for debates. There are also other items, mostly from his time at
Durham. He had also retained term cards, group photographs, programmes, posters, pamphlets and even stationery from the various organisations he was involved with in Durham; these have been placed with the records of those organisations. His college
blazer and scarf also survive, with the blazer pockets still retaining their contents from when he wore it as a student.
K.B. Gibson (scholar of University College 1934-1938, BA Hons. and D.Th.P.T.) won a classics scholarship from Hymers College Hull and gained a II.1 in his classics finals, also winning the University Classical Scholarship. He was paramount in
college and university life, being Senior Man and secretary/president of the Literary and Debating Society, Philosophic and Scientific Society, Read and Weed Club in the former, and secretary and president of the Union, president of the Students'
Representative Council and president of the Conservative Association in the latter. He also captained the Durham Colleges Cross Country Club and was vice-chairman of the Federation of University Conservative and Unionist Associations. After Durham,
he pursued a teaching career, interrupted by wartime service in the R.A.F. 1940-1945. He taught at Barnard Castle School before the war and was for many years headmaster of Farnsworth School, Bolton, after the war.
Given by Mrs Joy Gibson of Bolton, Lancs, widow of K.B. Gibson, 1 August 2005, Acc No Misc.2005/2006:10. Other items originally with this accession are now at F1/E1/D1, F1/E4/D1, F1/E5/D1, F1/E6/C1, F1/FA1935&1937, F1/FH1937, F1/G1-3,
F1/IA1-2, F3/E2/D1, GB1/D4-5, GD2/D5-6, GD4/EA1937, GD5/D1937, GE1/EA1937&1937&1938, GE2/D1&E1, GE3/C1&D1, J6/1A and a 1938 rag mag is now in the local collection at XL 053.718 DUR.
UND/F1/H3/1 [1937]
3rd year Philosophy terminal collections essays of K.B. Gibson.
4 paper booklets
UND/F1/H3/2 [c.1938]
Notes for a speech [as Senior Man].
Paper, 1f
UND/F1/H3/3 [May 1937]
Draft of his presidential address to the Durham Union Society.
Paper, 19f
UND/F1/H3/4 c.1937
Notes for speeches in debates at the Durham Union Society.
Paper, 7f
UND/F1/H3/5 28 October 1935
Letter from Lord Londonderry's private secretary at Whitehall to Gibson declining to speak at a debate.
Paper, 1f, + envelope
UND/F1/H3/6 28 October 1935
Letter from J.J. Lawson, [M.P.], at Beamish, to Gibson, accepting an invitation to speak on employment, unemployment, industry or mining.
Paper, 1f
UND/F1/H3/7 29 February 1936
Postcard from E. Shinwell [M.P.] at the House of Commons to Gibson suggesting an alternative date.
Card, 1f
UND/F1/H3/8 30 April 1936
Letter from E. Shinwell [M.P.] at the House of Commons to Gibson suggesting arrangements and a debate topic with Mr Storey.
Paper, 1f, + envelope
UND/F1/H3/9 23 June [1936]
Letter from C.A. Alington at the Deanery, Durham, to Gibson declining to show him [round Durham cathedral] as he has to be at Durham School speech day on the suggested day.
Paper, 1f, + envelope
UND/F1/H3/10 13 December [1936]
Letter from C.A. Alington at Wynyard Park to Gibson declining [to speak] as he will be away,
“I can't call myself either a Philosopher or a Scientist”.
Paper, 1f, + envelope
UND/F1/H3/11 11 May 1938
Letter from Stanley S. Brown, chief clerk, Cambridge University Union Society, to Gibson about arrangements for him to speak at a debate on Ulster, enclosing an order paper and invitation for dinner.
Paper, 2f, + card, 1f, + envelope
UND/F1/H3/12 1936
Pocket engagement diary of K.B. Gibson with few entries, some notes on debates, and names and addresses [of potential speakers].
Paper booklet
UND/F1/H3/13 [1936]
Circular from the G.U. Scottish Nationalist Association supporting Edward VIII
“fighting for his own liberty against the forces of a grasping Imperialist government” and encouraging students to vote for the Scottish Nationalists.
Paper, 1f
UND/F1/H3/14 c.1937
Promotional blotter advertising
The Spectator to undergraduates.
Card, 1f
UND/F1/H3/15 9 May 1937
A Form of Prayer and Dedication for Use on Sunday Evening May the Ninth 1937 Being the Sunday Before the Coronation of Their Majesties King George VI and Queen Elizabeth
commended by the archbishops of Canterbury and York, printed by Oxford University Press.
Paper booklet, 8p
UND/F1/H3/16 c.1937
University College grace
Paper, 2f
UND/F1/H3/17 3 November 1937
Copy testimonial for Gibson from Canon Cyril Mayne, professor of Greek at Durham University.
Paper, 1f
UND/F1/H3/18 18 March 1938
Copy testimonial for Gibson from Canon J.H. How, professor of Latin and master of University College.
Paper, 1f
UND/F1/H3/19 10 December 1945
Copy testimonial for Gibson from H.E. Birkbeck, headmaster of Barnard Castle School.
Paper, 1f
UND/F1/H3/20 2001
Print (17/350) of Dennis Roxby Bott's watercolour of the interior of the Castle Great Hall, looking N, showing the N window, fireplace, tables, chairs, roof, 3 people.
Paper, in a white card mount, in a plain wooden frame, glazed
Size: 370 x 250mm (print), 540 x 420mm (frame)
Supplied by Contemporary Watercolours of 165 Parrock St, Gravesend, Kent DA12 1ER and offered to Castlemen in the 2001
Castellum for £89.99, with views of the keep and courtyard also available.
P.R. Gatenby collectionReference: UND/F1/H4Dates of creation: 1950 - 2000
Given by Gatenby to University College 25 April 2000 and then transferred as part of Acc No Misc.2005/2006:20, 5 October 2005. Other material also given is now UND/F1/FA1954L and 1955L, FH1953 and GD5/D1952.
UND/F1/H4/1 16 June 1950
Letter from A.A. Macfarlane-Grieve, master, to Gatenby at Mitcham offering him a place.
1f & envelope
UND/F1/H4/2 10 December 1952
University College Christmas dinner menu, signed by Ian H. Forster, Bill Charlton, John M. ?Clutten, Harry ?Earle, Norman H. ?Crondace.
UND/F1/H4/3 [2000]
2 photos of “The Memorial of University College” montage of college views and personalities.
Size: 100 x 150mm
UND/F1/H4/4 25 April 2000
Covering letter from Paul Gatenby describing the material being given.
A.A. Macfarlane-Grieve scrapbooksReference: UND/F1/H5UND/F1/H5A 1902 - 1924
Scrapbook of sporting, especially rowing, and other extra-mural activities in Durham University and University College involving or attended by A.A. Macfarlane-Grieve, comprising programmes, invites, notices and newspaper cuttings.
2 newspaper cuttings scrapbooks 1911-1928 compiled by him are Add Ms 1571.
UND/F1/H5A/1 Epiphany 1922
University College room list.
UND/F1/H5A/2 18 November 1913
Durham Town Hall Grand University Concert in aid of the Durham County Hospital programme.
UND/F1/H5A/3 13 December 1913
University College concert programme.
UND/F1/H5A/4 6 & 7 March 1913
D.U. Boat Club races programme.
UND/F1/H5A/5 Michaelmas 1912
D.U. Union Society term card.
UND/F1/H5A/6 [1916]
A printed circular letter to Castle Men from the master.
UND/F1/H5A/7 31 May 1919
Durham cathedral service paper for the installation of the earl of Durham as chancellor of Durham University.
UND/F1/H5A/8 June 1902
Cambridge University Boat Club Mays programme.
UND/F1/H5A/9 7 & 8 March 1921
D.U. Boat Club races programme.
UND/F1/H5A/10 22 May 1920
D.U. Athletics Sports programme.
UND/F1/H5A/11 13 May 1922
D.U. Athletics Sports programme.
UND/F1/H5A/12 24 & 25 November 1921
D.U. Boat Club races programme.
UND/F1/H5A/13 23 & 24 February 1922
D.U. Boat Club races programme.
UND/F1/H5A/14 2 December 1913
D.U. Officers' Training Corps distribution of prizes at Armstrong College.
UND/F1/H5A/15 20 & 21 June 1922
Durham Regatta programme.
UND/F1/H5A/16 27 June 1921
D.U. concert programme.
UND/F1/H5A/17 June 1921
D.U. June Week dance programme.
UND/F1/H5A/18 [May] 1920
D.U. cricket and tennis fixtures card.
UND/F1/H5A/19 [May] 1921
D.U. cricket and tennis fixtures card.
UND/F1/H5A/20 [May] 1922
D.U. cricket and tennis fixtures card.
UND/F1/H5A/21 [October] 1920
D.U. rugby, football and hockey fixtures card.
UND/F1/H5A/22 [October] 1922
D.U. rugby, football and hockey fixtures card.
UND/F1/H5A/23 June 1922
D.U. June Week concert programme.
UND/F1/H5A/24 March 1920
“Boating Song” score and words by A.A. Macfarlane-Grieve, printed as a supplement to the Durham University Journal.
UND/F1/H5A/25 Michaelmas 1922
University College room list.
UND/F1/H5A/26 21 January 1922
Programme of a Durham cathedral organ recital by M. Marcel Dupré.
UND/F1/H5A/27 23 & 24 November 1922
D.U. Boat Club races programme.
UND/F1/H5A/28 Michaelmas 1922
D.U. Union Society term card.
UND/F1/H5A/29 24 November 1922
University News from the
UND/F1/H5A/30 1 December 1922
University News from the
UND/F1/H5A/31 8 December 1922
University News from the
UND/F1/H5A/32 Epiphany 1923
University College room list.
UND/F1/H5A/33 12 December 1922
University College dinner menu and toast list.
UND/F1/H5A/34 Epiphany 1923
University College Literary and Debating Society term card.
UND/F1/H5A/35 2 February 1923
University News from the
UND/F1/H5A/36 9 February 1923
University News from the
UND/F1/H5A/37 16 February 1923
University News from the
UND/F1/H5A/38 23 February 1923
University News from the
UND/F1/H5A/39 23 February 1923
D.U. Boat Club races photos from
Illustrated Chronicle.
UND/F1/H5A/40 22 & 23 February 1923
D.U. Boat Club races programme.
UND/F1/H5A/41 12 March 1923
Durham Colleges Athletic Club Sports Meeting programme.
UND/F1/H5A/42 21 December 1922
Officers Training Corps Officers' Club annual dinner programme.
UND/F1/H5A/43 24 February [1923]
University College Literary and Debating Club Visitors' Night Debate invite to A.A.M.-G.
UND/F1/H5A/44 1 March [1923]
D.U. Union Society Visitors' Night Debate invite to A.A.M.-G.
UND/F1/H5A/45 2 March 1923
D.U. Boat Club races reports from the [
UND/F1/H5A/46 [March 1923]
“The Roman Wall Results of Recent Research” from the [Advertiser] .
UND/F1/H5A/47 9 March 1923
Durham Miners' Hall Chamber Concert invite from Rev C.S. Wallis to A.A.M.-G.
UND/F1/H5A/48 [9 March 1923]
University News from the
UND/F1/H5A/49 [16 March 1923]
University News from the
UND/F1/H5A/50 [March 1923]
Dedication of a memorial bell at Hinton St George to W.D. Lowe newspaper cutting.
UND/F1/H5A/51 [March 1923]
Unveiling of a war memorial at Armstrong College newspaper cutting with photos.
UND/F1/H5A/52 [March 1923]
Armstrong College Athletics Sports photos from the
Illustrated Chronicle.
UND/F1/H5A/53 [May 1923]
Durham Regatta prospects newspaper cutting.
UND/F1/H5A/54 4 May 1923
University news from the [
Advertiser] .
UND/F1/H5A/55 11 May 1923
University news from the [
Advertiser] .
UND/F1/H5A/56 [18 May 1923]
University news from the [
Advertiser] .
UND/F1/H5A/57 19 May 1923
D.U. Athletics Sports programme, with some results recorded.
UND/F1/H5A/58 26 May 1923
Durham County Hospital Kitchen Fund American Tea and Fête arranged by D.W.S.A programme.
UND/F1/H5A/59 25 May 1923
University news from the [
Advertiser] .
UND/F1/H5A/60 30 May 1923
Laying of the foundation stone of the new Durham science laboratories newspaper cutting with photos.
UND/F1/H5A/61 [May 1923]
D.U. v. Northumberland colts cricket match report with team photos.
UND/F1/H5A/62 30 May 1923
Order of Proceedings for founding the new Durham Science Laboratories.
UND/F1/H5A/63 30 May 1923
Invite for the founding of the new Durham Science Laboratories.
UND/F1/H5A/64 [30 May 1923]
The foundation of the new Durham Science Laboratories newspaper cuttings.
UND/F1/H5A/65 7 May 1923
Durham Regatta printed annual statement of accounts for 1922.
UND/F1/H5A/66 [25 May 1923]
University Notes newspaper cutting.
UND/F1/H5A/67 [1 June 1923]
University news from the [
Advertiser] .
UND/F1/H5A/68 8 June 1923
University news from the [
Advertiser] .
UND/F1/H5A/69 15 June 1923
Appreciation of R.H.J. Poole, Durham School second master, newspaper cutting,
UND/F1/H5A/70 [June 1923]
Scottish Rowing Championships results newspaper cutting.
UND/F1/H5A/71 [15 June 1923]
University news from the [
UND/F1/H5A/72 16 July 1923
D.U. Officers Training Corps Ramsey concert programme.
UND/F1/H5A/73 [May] 1923
D.U. cricket and tennis fixtures card.
UND/F1/H5A/74 [October] 1923
D.U. Rugby, football and hockey fixtures card.
UND/F1/H5A/75 [June 1923]
Student protests against a proposed county war memorial on Palace Green newspaper cuttings.
UND/F1/H5A/76 [22 June 1923]
University news from the [
UND/F1/H5A/77 29 June 1923
Durham's Carnival from
The Durham County Advertiser.
UND/F1/H5A/78 Easter 1923
University College room list.
UND/F1/H5A/79 29 June 1923
Durham events including the Regatta, pass lists and the Rag, from
The Durham County Advertiser.
UND/F1/H5A/80 23 June 1923
D.U. Boat Club v. Edinburgh races programme.
UND/F1/H5A/81 26 & 27 June 1923
Durham Regatta programme.
UND/F1/H5A/82 [June 1923]
Report on a conference of philosophers at Durham, newspaper cutting.
UND/F1/H5A/83 26 October 1923
Durham cathedral D.L.I. memorial chapel dedication newspaper cuttings.
UND/F1/H5A/84 [October 1923]
D.U. Union Society Social Reform debate featuring Lord Eustace Percy newspaper cutting.
UND/F1/H5A/85 20 October 1923
Durham cathedral D.L.I. memorial chapel dedication service paper.
UND/F1/H5A/86 20 October 1923
Durham cathedral D.L.I. memorial chapel dedication service invite.
UND/F1/H5A/87 [October 1923]
Durham Cathedral D.L.I. Memorial Chapel descriptive notice.
UND/F1/H5A/88 Michaelmas 1923
University College room list.
UND/F1/H5A/89 9 November 1923
University news from the [
Advertiser] .
UND/F1/H5A/90 16 November 1923
University news from the [
Advertiser] .
UND/F1/H5A/91 23 November 1923
University news from the [
Advertiser] .
UND/F1/H5A/92 30 November 1923
University news from the [
Advertiser] .
UND/F1/H5A/93 [November 1923]
D.U. Boat Club races reports newspaper cuttings with photos.
UND/F1/H5A/94 28 October [1923]
[University College] Read and Weed Club invite to A.A.M.-G.
UND/F1/H5A/95 22 & 23 November 1923
D.U. Boat Club races programme.
UND/F1/H5A/96 8 December 1923
University news from the [
Advertiser] .
UND/F1/H5A/97 8 February 1924
University news from the [
Advertiser] .
UND/F1/H5A/98 Epiphany 1924
University College room list.
UND/F1/H5A/99 14 February 1924
University news from the [
Advertiser] .
UND/F1/H5A/100 21 February 1924
University news from the [
Advertiser] .
UND/F1/H5B 1919 - 1924
Scrapbook of newspaper cuttings, programmes, invites and menus for theatre productions in Newcastle, Leeds and London, military events and dinners, Scottish events and historical notices and some Durham university material, collected by A.A.
UND/F1/H5B/1 [1922]
Sir Walter Scott's Glendearg; an Interesting Inscription Misquoted, newspaper cutting.
UND/F1/H5B/2 23 - 31 October 1922
Programmes for
Ruddigore, Cox and Box, Trial by Jury and The Pirates of Penzance, in Newcastle.
UND/F1/H5B/3 16 October - 4 November 1922
The D'Oly Carte Opera Company Newcastle Theatre Royal programme.
UND/F1/H5B/4 [1922]
Newspaper cuttings:
reviews of Rosaline Masson's
I Can Remember Robert Louis Stevenson and Jessie Mothersole's Hadrian's Wall;
D'Oyly Carte Company at the Lyceum;
Scots vernacular, New School of Writers;
Coal-Heaving Grenadiers;
The Gondoliers at the Lyceum;
Princess Ida at the Lyceum;
The Sorcerer at the Lyceum;
Patience at the Lyceum;
Official Military History of the War;
Durham Regatta;
A History of Durham Rowing.
UND/F1/H5B/5 11 November 1920
D.L.I. Colour Ceremony at Durham programme. 2 copies.
UND/F1/H5B/6 6 February - 8 April 1922
Princes Theatre London, Gilbert and Sullivan Season Extension programme.
UND/F1/H5B/7 23 May 1921
Ruddigore programme.
UND/F1/H5B/8 5 - 17 March 1923
The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company Leeds Grand Theatre programme.
UND/F1/H5B/9 11 November [1920]
D.L.I. colours presentation invite to A.A.M.-G.
UND/F1/H5B/10 [1922]
Newspaper cuttings:
The Corrie of the Ptarmigan.
Review of James Gillespie's
Details of Scottish Domestic Architecture (1922).
UND/F1/H5B/11 24 September 1921
Sale catalogue of the effects of Impington Hall, Cambridge, “by direction of G. Macfarlane-Grieve”, with prices noted.
UND/F1/H5B/12 2 May 1921
Sales particular newspaper cutting of Impington Hall and Toft Manor.
UND/F1/H5B/13 22 August 1923
Service paper for the unveiling of the Seaforth Highlanders War Memorial at Fort George, Inverness-shire, with an invite to A.A.M.-G..
UND/F1/H5B/14 19 February 1922
Service paper for the unveiling of the Slitrig War Memorial.
UND/F1/H5B/15 14 July 1923
Universities Officers Training Corps Ramsey sports programme.
UND/F1/H5B/16 1 August 1923
1st Battn Seaforth Highlanders Band Concert in Roker Park programme.
Invite to A.A.M.-G. to be an honorary member of the 5/68th R.D. during his stay in Newcastle.
UND/F1/H5B/18 c.1923
London Hippodrome programme for
Brighter London.
UND/F1/H5B/19 4 March 1924
Chamber music concert programme.
UND/F1/H5B/20 October c.1923
D'Oyly Carte Opera Co at Newcastle Theatre Royal programme. 2 copies.
UND/F1/H5B/21 c.1923
Typescript poems: Christmas Day and New Year's Day by J.H. How, and Murmura Vedrae Halloween.
UND/F1/H5B/22 20 December 1923
D.U. Officers Training Corps Officers' Club annual dinner menu and toasts list.
UND/F1/H5B/23 April 1923
Cuidich 'N Righ Duke of Albany's Club members list, accounts and dinner invite.
UND/F1/H5B/24 [1923]
Newspaper cuttings:
- Unveiling of Seaforths' memorial.
- Unveiling of 2nd Division's memorial cross pictures.
- Letters on the Crimean thin red line.
UND/F1/H5B/25 February - May 1924
Newspaper cuttings of university news and rowing events.
UND/F1/H5B/26 24 January 1921
Newspaper cutting on Impington House.
UND/F1/H5B/27 19 September 1919
Highland Gathering and Games at Inverness programme.
UND/F1/H5B/28 5 - 9 March 1921
The Oresteian Trilogy of Aeschylus in the original Greek at Cambridge New Theatre programme.
UND/F1/H5B/29 15 July 1919
Service paper for a wedding at Edinburgh St Paul's.
UND/F1/H5B/30 c.1920
Rosshire Buffs Christmas card of a Benjamin West painting from A.A.M.-G.
UND/F1/H5B/31 c.1920
Newspaper cutting photo of 42nd [Highlanders] at Peshawar in 1867.
UND/F1/H5B/32 12 November 1923
Letter from F[rederick] W[illiam] R[itson] recounting the tale of 2 poachers illicitly train riding and getting frozen and fined.
UND/F1/H5B/33 c.1920
Colour copy of J.P. Beadle's painting of Piper James Richardson of the 16th Canadian Scottish winning the V.C. at Vimy Ridge.
UND/F1/H5B/34 21 December 1920
Officers Training Corps Officers Club annual dinner menu.
UND/F1/H5B/35 18 September 1919
Highland Gathering and Games at Inverness programme.
UND/F1/H5B/36 c.1922
Newspaper cuttings:
- A Stroll in December, George Douglas.
- Edinburgh in Primitive Times - The Nor' Loch and the Sanitation System.
- Norman Maclean's review of Lady Frances Balfour's
Life of George Earl of Aberdeen (1922).
- Moral Decision, Neutrality Impossible.
UND/F1/H5B/37 c.1922
“The Story of your Bayonet” flyer of Charles Harrington & Co
UND/F1/H5B/38 c.1922
Newspaper cuttings:
- A Burns Dinner in 1819. The Lights of Edinburgh.
- 8th Argylls memorial unveiled at Beaumont Hamel.
- Robert Burns Associations with Ireland.
- Death of Lord Seaforth.
- Roman Remains in Scotland Interesting Sculptured Stones.
- Coldingham Priory A Famous Border Monastery.
- Old Stirling Buildings Threatened Demolition.
- Old Scottish Houses - Their Disappearance.
- Centenary of the Bannatyne Club - Scott its First President.
- An Old Edinburgh Burial Ground.
- Newcastle Amateurs - [review of]
“Iolanthe” and “The Grand Duke”.
UND/F1/H5B/39 26 February 1923
Subscription invitation for the British National Opera Co Ltd with a programme for their production of
“Il Seraglio” at Leeds Grand Theatre.
UND/F1/H5B/40 c.1923
Newspaper cuttings:
- Review of
“Il Seraglio” at Leeds Grand Theatre.
- Stirling Castle Key Handed to Hereditary Keeper.
- Cromwell's Soldiers in Scotland A Footnote to History.
- The Cross Kirk, Peebles. Discovery of a Stone Cist.
- Bronze Age Burials. The Discovery in Pluscarden, Elgin.
- Dunblane Cathedral. Visit of Scottish Ecclesiological Society.
- Review of
The Book of the Old Edinburgh Club.
- Edinburgh Castle. Withdrawal of the Gordons [Garrison].
- Through the War Area on Motor Cycle.
- A Visit to the Borderlands. Edinburgh Archaeologists' Week-End Tour.
UND/F1/H5B/41 21 May 1923
Newcastle Amateur Operatic Society
“Iolanthe” and “The Grand Duke” at Newcastle Theatre Royal programme.
UND/F1/H5B/42 c.1923
Newspaper cuttings:
- The Advance of Spring. Notes from Argyll.
- Durham and Norham. Remarkable Interests in Common.
- The Cloth on the Green.
- Beinn Cruachan under Snow. A May Climb.
- Coire Beannaidh of Braeriach. Cairngorms under Snow.
- Panmure House, Canongate. Its Jacobite Associations.
- Adam Smith. His Edinburgh Life and Friends.
UND/F1/H5B/43 20 November 1923
Chamber Music Subscription Concert programme.
UND/F1/H5B/44 July 1919
Cuidich'N Rich Club list of members.
UND/F1/H5B/45 17 December 1923
The Alhambra, Leicester Square, London, programme.
UND/F1/H5B/46 11 - 15 December 1923
S.R. Ceenum [Edinburgh] Sixth Colossal Lauriston Hall Production programme.
Waterhouse photo album
UND/F1/H6 [?1896 x 1902]
Photograph album of [Southern African] hunting exploits of Ronald Waterhouse, in the company of Lord Kingston (Henry Edwyn King-Tenison, 9th earl of Kingston, 1874-1946), showing various dead animals and heads and some scenes of the expedition,
probably from Waterhouse's time in Mashonaland or South Africa.
On the inside front cover: “Collection made by Lt. Col. Sir Ronald Waterhouse KCB CMG etc - Now at Hq Durham Light Infantry - Record Collection 1910”. With some captions and identifications of Waterhouse and
Kingston [added later].
1. Hunting expedititon assembled in the bush.
2. A line of Africans fording a river, some bearing loads.
3. 2 dead buck and 3 other buck heads outside a tent.
4. A dead buck.
5. 2 Africans carrying loads in the bush.
6. A group of Africans running with loads slung on poles between them.
7. [Lord Kingston] with rifle in a boat being poled by 4 Africans.
8. Lord Kingston astride a dead buck outside a tent.
9. A dead elephant.
10. Waterhouse sitting on a dead buffalo with an African.
11. A dead rhinoceros.
12. 3 dead buffalo “Killed with 3 shots whilst charging!”.
13. Waterhouse sitting on the rail around the memorial to Livingstone at Chitambo, with 2 Africans.
14. 5 Africans beside the memorial at Chitambo.
15. A buck being shot.
16. An African standing beside a dead buck.
17. Waterhouse, Lord Kingston and another sitting outside a building, with rifles.
18. Waterhouse and Kingston sitting outside a building with tusks in front.
19. 2 dead buck outside a tent.
20. 2 dead buck in the bush.
21. A dead buck.
22. A dead buck.
23. A recumbent figure “Carved from tusk by T.H. Paget in 1920”.
24. Waterhouse sitting on a dead elephant with 2 Africans.
25. A dead buck with its head held up by an African.
26. A dead buck.
27. A lying down buck.
28. A lying down buck.
29. A dead buck.
30. 5 Africans, 3 holding spears.
31. 2 kneeling Africans holding buck heads.
32. “2 man-eating lions killed the same morning”.
33. An African holding up a buck's head in water.
34. A dead buck.
35-36. Lion heads mounted on a wall.
37-45. Buck heads mounted on a wall.
46. Rhinoceros horn mounted on a wall.
47. Buffalo head mounted on a wall.
48. Squatting African holding 2 elephant tusks outside a hut.
Ronald Dockray Waterhouse (1878-1942) was educated at Marlborough College and Oxford University before embarking on a military career in the 6th Dragoon Guards. He served in Mashonaland (Zimbabwe) in 1896-1897, in the Boer War in South Africa
1899-1902, and later in India and during the First World War, rising to the rank of Lt.-Col.. After the war, he entered the civil service and acted as principal private secretary to the prime minister 1922-1928. He was made C.M.G. in 1919, C.B. in
1921 and K.C.B. in 1923.
Asti Rag photo
UND/F1/H7 ?November 1952
Copy of a local press photo of Rag week group of 6 students as a band in hats and coats on a float on Palace Green, with the Master's House and Cosin's Hall behind; students are: [Irvine Hind] Nicholson on trombone, Art Cosgrove on piano, Wally
Seacroft on clarinet, Frank Asti on drums, ?McGrath on guitar and Jack Dobson on trumpet.
Sent in by Frank Asti, with a covering letter of 23 August 2000.
Gunston DUAS photosUND/F1/H8 1945 - 1946
Bill Gunston's photos of the DUAS No 10 course of 1945-1946 including a formal group of the whole course and informal groups of himself and friends from the course at work and play in and around Durham.
Original photographs loaned by Bill Gunston from which copies were taken by the Geography department with the originals returned in September 2000. With supporting correspondence.
UND/F1/H8/1 1945 x 1946
Durham University Air Squadron No 10 course 1945-1946 group photo, all in uniform. With an overlay identifying: [students and their homes] J.L. Broadbent, K.W. Ware, R.A. Blake, R.D. McKenzie, K.J. Jones, A. England, R.J. Bedford, D.F. Hughes,
P.C.S. Cockell, D.R.St.G. Cresswell, M.F. Sim, G.T. Smeaton, C.E.T. Cole, K.R. Peakin, W.T. Gunston, MD Davison, A. Adamson, P.D.B. Wallace, E.R.C. Farmer, A.R.B. Cox, D.V. Ayres, G. Catling, [instructors] W/O E.E. Elliott, F/O Trufitt, F/Lt C.H.
Pollitt, S/L J.P. Geoghegan, F/Lt C. Penn, F/O K. Bundy, LAC C. Denton.
Size: 272 x 196mm
UND/F1/H8/2 [1945 x 1946]
7 DUAS students on top of Finchale Bridge, in shirts and some jackets, one with a blazer, and one in uniform, 3 with pipes. With an overlay identifying: Mic [Sim], Ken J[ones], [R.D.] Mc[Kenzie], Don Hughes, Don Ayres, W.T. Gunston, Ted
Size: 280 x 165mm
UND/F1/H8/3 Spring 1946
12 DUAS students on Prebends Bridge, in jackets with some ties and scarves, 5 with pipes. With an overlay identifying: [R.D.] Mc[Kenzie], [MD] Davy [Davison], Gray [T. Smeaton], Don H[ughes], Ken W[are], Mick [Sim], Ted [Farmer], [W.T.] Gunner
[Gunston], Ken J[ones], Don A[yres], Kelvin [Peakin], Inky.
Size: 280 x 178mm
UND/F1/H8/4 [1945 x 1946]
10 DUAS students outside 42 [North Bailey], in jackets, ties, some scarves, and gowns, carrying books. With an overlay identifying: Ken Ware (part only), Ted [Farmer], [MD] Davy [Davison], Don Hughes, [R.D.] Mc[Kenzie], W.T. G[unston], Mick
[Sim], Don Ayres, Gray [Smeaton], Ken Jones.
Size: 283 x 170mm
UND/F1/H8/5 [1945 x 1946]
9 DUAS students in the Bailey, in a line, marching, each with a hand on the shoulder of the one in front, in jackets, ties, some scarves, and gowns. With an overlay identifying: Don Hughes, [R.D.] Mc[Kenzie], [MD] Davy [Davison], [W.T.] Gunner
[Gunston], Ken Ware, Ted [Farmer], Ken Jones, Gray [Smeaton], Mick [Sim].
Size: 285 x 177mm
UND/F1/H8/6 [November 1945]
4 DUAS students dressed up for Rag Saturday outside 42 [North Bailey] with a collecting tin. With on overlay identifying: [R.D.] Mc[Kenzie], Ted [Farmer], [MD] Davy [Davison], [W.T.] Gunner [Gunston].
Size: 280 x 178mm
UND/F1/H8/7 [November 1945]
10 DUAS students dressed up for Rag Saturday outside Hatfield College chapel, with collecting tins. Separately identified as: Peter Wallace, W.T. G[unston], Ken Jones, Tony England, Ted [Farmer], [R.D.] Mc[Kenzie], Gray [Smeaton], Don Hughes, Ken
Ware, [MD] Davy [Davison].
Size: 178 x 281mm
UND/F1/H8/8 [1945 x 1946]
Overlay for a photo not present of 9 DUAS students and instructors at the DUAS HQ.
Bates student timetable
UND/F1/H9 [1953 x 1957]Card, 1f
Student's weekly timetable, blank, produced by The University Bookshop SPCK of Saddler St, Durham.
Given by Michael Bates (Castle 1953-1957, Senior Man 1956/57), 3 December 2008, Acc No Misc 2008/9:40.
Howard mathematics notesReference: UND/F1/H10Dates of creation: 2003 - 20093 files and 1 book
Dr Adrian Howard (1950-2008, Castle 1968-1971, Mathematics and Physics) maintained an interest in mathematics throughout his adult life, spent mostly in the Netherlands, and his subsequent studies as a theologian. During the last months of his
life, he worked on his mathematical notes, coming up with some new ideas about resolving some perennial mathematical problems. Included with the notes is a commentary by Prof Vernon Armitage.
Passed on by Howard's sister to his friend and contemporary M. David Mehers (Castle 1968-1972, Physics), who passed them on to his old college; after consultation with mathematicians by Prof Maurice Tucker, the papers were added to the Castle's
archive, and received at Palace Green Library on 4 March 2009, Acc No Misc.2008/9:85.
UND/F1/H10/1 2003 - 2004
Proofs for four mathematical problems drawn from the theory of Diophantine Equations, as described in C.H. Hardy and E.M. Wright,
The Theory of Numbers (2nd ed, Oxford, 1945), chapter XIII:
1. A simple algorithm for obtaining all Pythagorean triples (whole number solutions of x² + y² = z²).
2. A solution to Catalan's equation for x² - y³ = 1.
3. A short solution to x³ + y³ not = z³ for all integer values of z, y, x > 0.
4. A short solution to Fermat's last theorem that xn + yn not = zn, for all n > 2 and for all whole number values of z, y, x > 0.
UND/F1/H10/2-3 [2003 - 2004]
Notes and workings for the above proofs.
UND/F1/H10/4 2 February 2009
Commentary of Prof Vernon Armitage on the proofs.
Butterfield music ephemeraUND/F1/H11 1902 - 192511 items
Ephemera of Roland Potter Butterfield, University College, BA 1909, BD 1925, from his time at Durham, especially his music interests.
Sent by his granddaughter, Mrs Karen Sherman, July 2009, Acc No Misc.2009/10:39.
UND/F1/H11/1 27 June 1902
Coronation Concert programme, detailing the items and the performers, including R.P. Butterfield.
UND/F1/H11/2 13 November 1908
Programme for the Grand University Concert in Durham Town Hall in aid of Durham County Hospital, detailing items ad performers, including R.P. Butterfield.
UND/F1/H11/3 2 May 1909
Postcard from G. Chandos Cradock with a photo and testimonials for him, confirming an appointment with Butterfield.
UND/F1/H11/4 15 May 1909
University of Durham Athletic Sports programme, part, events VI (Quarter Mile featuring Butterfield) and VII (Tug of War) only detailed.
UND/F1/H11/4 [dorse]
Permit signed by Capt W. Neilson of 1st County of London Yeomanry for Mr Butterfield of Mundesley to be on the coast road after dark, with four newspaper cuttings [1912], including a letter from Butterfield, about the bogus award of a PhD degree
to Mr I.W. Woutersz through the imaginary St Columba's College, Durham.
UND/F1/H11/5 18 June 1909
Certificate for R.P. Butterfield having passed the first part of his BA finals at Durham University, signed by 4 examiners.
UND/F1/H11/6 18 June 1909
Certificate for R.P. Butterfield having passed the second part of his BA finals at Durham University, signed by 6 examiners.
UND/F1/H11/7 22 June 1909
Certificate for R.P. Butterfield having been awarded his BA degree, signed by the registrar.
UND/F1/H11/8 23 June 1909
Receipted bill from George Cradock of 21 The Avenue, Durham, for singing lessons for Butterfield.
UND/F1/H11/9 1915
Newspaper cuttings about Durham Unversity OTC and the Northern Universities camp at Ambleside.
UND/F1/H11/10 [December 1925]
Certificate for R.P. Butterfield having passed both parts of his BD exams, signed by the chairman of examiners, with his four subjects listed on the dorse.
UND/F1/H11/11 15 December 1925
Certificate that R.P. Butterfield had been awarded his BD degree, signed by the chancellor and registrar.
Farlam RAF and Geology papersUND/F1/H12 1942 - 198715 items
Records of the RAF/RCAF career and then the Durham University Geology/Geography course notes of Jeffery Raymond Farlam (1925-2007), University College (1947-1950) BSc Geography and Geology. He attended the RAF [6th] short course at Durham
[November 1943 to March 1944] and then served in the RAF and Canadian RAF as a pilot, navigator and intelligence officer. After the RAF, he returned to Durham to do his BSc degree before a career in mining in Nigeria and Australia.
Given by his widow Mrs Eunice Farlam, July & August 2009, Acc No Misc.2009/10:38 & 48.
UND/F1/H12/1 August 1942 - September 1947
Royal Air Force and Royal Canadian Air Force forms documenting
1. ATC certificate of proficiency part I, 31 August 1942.
2. Application form for air crew duties in RAF(VR), 10 May 1943.
3. RAF No.22 Aviation Candidates Selection Board report, 11 May 1943.
4. DU Air Squadron grading course application and printed lecture notes issue, 9 November 1943.
5. DU Air Squadron certificate of proficiency, 8 March 1944.
6. RAF training report, 14 March 1944.
7. DU short course passing out report, 17 March 1944.
8. RAF Air Crew training report, 21 March 1944.
9. RAF No.6 Air Crew receiving centre posting form, 10 May 1944.
10. Armament instruction certificate, 20 May 1945.
11. RAF certificate of willingness, 13 July 1945.
12. RCAF aircrew physical training and drill cumulative record card, 21 July [1945].
13. RAF training report forms envelope, 29 July 1945.
14. RCAF navigator training report, 30 July 1945.
15. RCAF flying record, 31 July 1945.
16. RCAF recapitulation of training and personal assessments for commissioning purposes, [July 1945].
17. RAF statement of service, 28 August 1945.
18. RAF physical fitness test record card, 28 August 1945.
19. RAF general service training report, 31 October 1945.
20. RAF postings record card, 13 August 1946.
21. RAF service and release book, 19 September 1947.
UND/F1/H12/2 February 1944
Pilot's Notes for Tiger Moth Aircraft, (RAAF Publication No.416), including 3 cockpit photographs, and 3 cutaway drawings.
UND/F1/H12/3 10 April - 25 July 1945
RCAF flying log book for non-pilot aircrew
Pilot's flying log sheet 31 May - 18 June 1944.
Navigation course marks 19 March - 3 August 1945.
UND/F1/H12/4 14 May - 1 August 1945
RCAF sight log book
Summary of sextant observations.
Menu for graduation dinner at the Marlborough Hotel, Winnipeg, 27 July 1945, for No.3 ANS Portage La Prairie, autographed [by those present] on the back
UND/F1/H12/5 February - [August] 1945
Photo album of his training with the RCAF at Portage La Prairie, featuring the journey there through New York, Moncton, Montreal, Winnipeg, also VE Day in Canada, the RCAF Ground Instruction School, billets, graduation group and dinner, his hosts
(Mr and Mrs Ross), relaxing around Winnipeg, flying Anson Vs, snow, and air crew colleagues.
UND/F1/H12/6 [1947]
Photo album of travels through France (Toulon, Le Coudon), Egypt (Cairo), Austria (now with the RAF), Italy (Villa del Torso in Colle Malisio, also Venice), Greece and Iraq (stationed at Habbaniya, also Babylon) and road convoying from Egypt,
over the Suez, through Palestine and Transjordan to Iraq, also RAF station at Fayid, a dust storm, the Sweetwater Canal and camels.
UND/F1/H12/7 [1947 x 1950]
“Geological Mapping [Structural]” lecture notebook, including various geological maps, some coloured and some inserted.
UND/F1/H12/8 [1947 x 1950]
“Mineralogy” and (reversed) “Petrology Practical” lecture notebook
UND/F1/H12/9 [1947 x 1950]
“Palaeontology” lecture notebook, with many drawings of stones, fossils and crystals.
UND/F1/H12/10 [1947 x 1950]
Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry notes.
UND/F1/H12/11 [1947 x 1950]
Structural Geology, Petrology (Igneous), Optical Crystallography, Sedementary Geology, Economic Geology notes.
UND/F1/H12/12 [1947 x 1950]
Human Geography, Cartography, Economic and Political Geography notes.
UND/F1/H12/13 [1947 x 1950]
Zoology, Biology notes.
UND/F1/H12/14 1950 - 1987
University of Durham BSc (II), 30 June 1950 (bis)
chartered engineer, 1 October 1968
member of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, 13 February 1969
University of Durham BSc under war concessions regulations, 18 July 1969 (original 1 July 1949)
member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 23 September 1970
member of the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 1977
member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 28 June 1978
fellow of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, 5 March 1987
UND/F1/H12/15 [c.2005]
Photocopied note to his granddaughter Kim detailing his wartime and RAF exploits.
S.F. Warth certificatesUND/F1/H13 1907 - 19286 items
University and ordination certificates of Stephen Frederick Warth (1884-1971), LTh 1907, BA 1911, MA 1928 (with a hood), deacon 1907, priest 1908.
Given by his granddaughter Joanna FitzGerald of London, 14 September 2009, Acc No Misc. 2009/10:61 and 75.
UND/F1/H13/1 10 December 1907
University of Durham certificate of his admission to be a Licentiate in Theology.
UND/F1/H13/2 27 June 1911
University of Durham certificate of his admission to the degree of Bachelor of Arts.
UND/F1/H13/3 15 September 1928
University of Durham certificate of his admission to the degree of Master of Arts.
UND/F1/H13/4 22 December 1907
Ordination as a deacon at Manchester cathedral. Photocopy.
UND/F1/H13/5 20 December 1908
Ordination as a priest at Manchester cathedral. Photopcopy.
UND/F1/H13/6 [?1928]
Durham MA hood
Bailey Lock play
UND/F1/H14 [2001 x 2004]
“Sweetness Follows”, by Miss Bailey L. Lock, performed in the Lowe Library.
H.J. Armstrong papersUND/F1/H15 1937 - 1975Paper file
Papers from H.J. Armstrong's academic career at Durham, with some items about his subsequent professional career.
Hubert John Armstrong (b1917) was born in Newcastle and matriculated at University College in 1937. He failed his BA Arts finals in 1940 and then went on to a career as a hospital clerk and then a registrar of births, deaths and marriages from
1950 to
Anonymous donation to Tyne and Wear Archives c.October 2010, transferred thence to DUL 17 May 2012, Acc No Misc.2011/2:70.
His college group photo is UND/F1/FA1939, his visitors' wine cards are in UND/F1/E1/D1 and his DU Choral Society programmes are in UND/GE4/D6.
UND/F1/H15/1 8 July 1937
Matriculation exam pass list.
Paper, 1f
UND/F1/H15/2 8 July 1937
Matriculation exam pass certificate for Armstrong in Latin, Religious Knowledge, English, Modern History and Logic.
Paper, 1f
UND/F1/H15/3 22 September 1938
First Year Arts exam pass certificate for Armstrong.
Paper, 1f
UND/F1/H15/4 11 March 1939
DU Choral Society programme for a concert in Hatfield Hall, featuring Armstrong singing baritone.
Card, 2f
UND/F1/H15/5 25 September 1939
First and Second Year Arts exam pass list.
Paper, 1f, in 2 parts
UND/F1/H15/6 June 1940
BA finals report on an unsuccessful candidate for Armstrong giving his marks in Latin, Greek, Religious Knowledge ad Ancient History.
Paper, 1f
UND/F1/H15/7 December 1940
BA finals report on an unsuccessful candidate for Armstrong giving his marks in Latin, Greek, Religious Knowledge and Ancient History.
Paper, 1f
UND/F1/H15/8 [c.1940]
University College blazer badge.
Embroidered cloth
Size: 90 x 70mm
UND/F1/H15/9 [1971]
Details of Armstrong's career as a registrar of births, deaths and marriages 1950-1971.
Paper, 1f
UND/F1/H15/10 6 October 1975
Reference for Armstrong.
Paper, 1f
UND/F1/H15/11 [c.1980]
Armstrong's biography.
Paper, 1f
UND/F1/H16 1972, 1982
Papers on the castle's history by Clive Preece
2 items
UND/F1/H16/1 [1982]
“The Durham Engineer Students of 1838”, typescript [draft] of an article which appeared in Transactions of the Architectural and Archaeological Society of Durham and Northumberland new
series 6 (1982)
Paper file, 9f
UND/F1/H16/2 12 January 1972
“Some Facts About Durham Castle” , typescript, used to solicit membership of Durham Castle Preservation Society
Paper, 2f
Bargman DUAS Photos
UND/F1/H17 1948 - 1949 & 20004 BW prints
Three photos of the Durham Wives Club (with children) meeting in the Master's garden (1-3) in May 1949, with A.A. Macfarlane-Grieve identified in each and also his wife in one (3); also a photo of the Durham University Air Squadron, in front of
bipanes, (4) being inspected by an Air Vice-Marshall in late 1948. With also correspondence between the owner/donor (David Bargman) and Richard Brickstock with information about the Wives Club and contemporaries March-May 2000.
Jones DUAS Papers
UND/F1/H18 2000Paper file
Letters from Wilfred Jones (DUAS 4) to the bursar and Richard Brickstock about Durham University Air Squadron memories and reunions, and including an article for
Durham First by T. Hoyle on DUAS Short Course No.4.
Robinson memoirs
UND/F1/H19 1992 - 1993Paper file
Copy memoirs of VE day in Durham of Mr J.W. Robinson of May 1945, with correspondence of his daughter Miss E. Robinson sending it to the bursar and discussing its subsequent use in
Povey Copy Letters
UND/F1/H20 1929 - 1930Paper file
Photocopies of two letters from Kenneth Povey, University College [librarian], to Miss Chitty, answering her query about Claxheugh, Sunderland, and reporting a visit to Morley Wells and his busy life at college, 6 November 1929 and 18 March
C.F. Turnbull memoir
UND/F1/H21 [1966]Paper book, 75f, in mock crocodile leather paper covered boards
C.F. Turnbull,
“Memories of Durham 1896-1899”. Photocopied typescript memoir of undergraduate life at Durham University by a University College classics student.
Formerly in the library office in the Lowe Memorial Library, Copy No.1.
Another copy: Add Ms 1618.
G.A. Williams memoir
UND/F1/H22 [1983]42f + 1f
Reminiscences of Geoffrey Ainsworth Williams, of University College, Durham (B.A. 1938, M.A. 1941). Life in Durham Castle for a student there, 1935-39. With a letter to A.I. Doyle about the inspiration to write the reminiscences. Photocopies.
Another copy: Add Ms 1408.
D.A. Reed dissertation
UND/F1/H23 1940Paper book, covers and spine lost, some grazing by ?silverfish
“Monastic Life in Durham Special Study”, by Dulcie A. Reed of Whitelands [Womens Teacher Training] College, with maps, cuttings, postcards and the following photos inserted:
St Cuthbert's Cross; St Cuthbert's comb (drawing); Framwellgate Bridge; Elvet Bridge; St Oswald's church exterior; cathedral North door; cathedral from Hallgarth; Kepier Hospital gateway across the Wear; Kepier Farm; River Wear at Finchale;
Hallgarth Farm with the cathedral beyond; Maiden's Bower.
Found in the Curator's Office 14 November 2014, Acc No Misc.2014/15:21.
UND/F1/H24 21 June 1910
Edward George Pace, University College, Bachelor of Divinity degree certificate.
Parchment, 1m, some cockling
Transferred from Hatfield College archive 31 December 2018.
Lt-Col Leonard Slater PapersUND/F1/H25
Papers of Lt-Col Leonard Slater, Master of University College 1953-1973.
Donated to University College by the Slater Family, April 2024
UND/F1/H25/1 1967 - 1974
Papers relating to the Tapestry Kneelers Project, including detailed colour sketches, accounts of the project by Pat Slater, photographs and newspaper cuttings
Paper file
UND/F1/H25/2 1969 - 1972
Papers relating to improvements to the entrance way into the Black Staircase, including correspondence, a fire safety inspection report, and a plan of the proposed changes
Paper file
UND/F1/H25/3 [?1950 x 1959]
University College group, in front of the Great Hall entrance and Lumley Castle, in suits, unidentified.
3 BW prints
UND/F1/H25/4 [?1970]
Group photo with the Boathouse in the background and a boat in the foreground, with Len Slater and members of the [?University College Boat Club].
Colour print