Norman Hidden Collection
Norman Frederick Hidden
Related material - here


Reference code: GB-0033-HID
Title: Norman Hidden Collection
Dates of creation: 1934-2010
Extent: 2 metres
Held by: Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections
Origination: Norman Hidden (1913-2006)
Language: English

Norman Frederick Hidden

24 October 1913 - 17 April 2006
Norman Frederick Hidden (NH) was born in 1913. His experiences at school were the subject of his first memoir Dr. Kink & his old-style boarding school. Fragments of autobiography (London, 1973). He studied English at Brasenose College, Oxford and became a teacher. At the outbreak of World War II he was in America on an exchange visit; on his return, he enlisted in the army, becoming a liaison officer with the American forces in Germany, 1944-47 (the subject of another memoir Liaison officer. Germany and the Anglo-US occupation 1946-47 (Frinton-on-Sea, 1993)). He returned to teaching, at Goole, then Hornchurch Grammar School, Essex and finally as Senior Lecturer in English, College of All Saints, Tottenham (1964-1973).
In addition to his strong interest in the teaching of poetry, NH had a practical interest in the fostering of the creation of contemporary poetry by encouraging the reading, performance and publication of current work. This becomes evident in the later 1960s when he and his wife Joyce organised poetry readings at the Lamb & Flag pub, starting in 1966. These developed into other readings and events, as well as the foundation of the Workshop Press to publish new poetry, by both established and new writers. This started in September 1967 with the publication of the first issue of Writers' Workshop, abbreviated to Workshop at the second issue (January 1968), renamed Workshop new poetry from the thirteenth issue (September 1971) and New poetry from the twenty-eighth issue (1974) until it closed in 1981. This magazine was published three times a year, funded by subscriptions, and was occasionally supplemented by books of poetry by single authors issued in a uniform series as the Workshop Poets.
NH was also involved in the British poetry establishment. As the Chairman of the Poetry Society (1968-1971) he led one of the most successful periods of the Society's existence, combining the commemoration of great national poets with the fostering of contemporary and local activities. After his retirement, in the 1980s and 1990s he continued to write, short stories as well as poetry, and several memoirs including A passion for poetry (Frinton-on-Sea, 2006). This work includes many episodes from his literary life; it was not formally published, but rather copies were intended to be sent to various literary archives. Norman Hidden died in 2006.


The collection represents some facets of the work of Norman and Joyce Hidden. The printed books are the works of Hidden, the output of the Workshop Press and some presentation copies of books of poems. The manuscript material contains the business records of the Workshop Press, run by Norman and Joyce Hidden, including annual accounts, newsletters, publicity material and reviews. The correspondence sequence seems to have been largely gathered by Hidden in the course of writing A passion for poetry and consists of letters to poets relating to their publication by Workshop Press or performing at poetry readings, and correspondence about the Poetry Society. Of the latter, the correspondence with William Plomer, President of the Poetry Society while Hidden was Chairman, gives the most comprehensive record of the day to day business of the institution.
Some of Hidden's articles, the sound recordings and collections of notes reflect his continued interest in teaching the appreciation and writing of poetry to young people, and teaching their teachers how to nurture and inspire their pupils.

Accession details

Presented by Mrs Joyce Hidden in October and November 2006, September 2007 and May 2008 (Misc.2006/7:10, Misc.2006/7.33, Misc.2007/8.4, Misc.2007/8.63). Additional file (now HID/28 and Hidden 125-126) presented March 2011 (Misc.2010/11:67).

Conditions of access

Open for consultation.

Copyright and copying

Permission to make any published use of material from the collection must be sought in advance from the Sub-Librarian, Special Collections (e-mail and, where appropriate, from the copyright owner. The Library will assist where possible with identifying copyright owners, but responsibility for ensuring copyright clearance rests with the user of the material


The collection is arranged in the following sequences:
Works by Norman Hidden
Workshop Press
Sound recordings

Most printed works are shelved in a separate sequence with the shelfmark “Hidden”.
The correspondence appears to have been arranged by NH during the writing of his memoir A passion for poetry.

Finding aids

Printed items Hidden 89-124 are not catalogued here. These are copies of works by other writers presented to the Hiddens, usually with inscriptions. They have been included in the Library's catalogue of printed books

Related material - here

William Plomer Collection
Contains correspondence about Poetry Society, but not apparently from NH.
Basil Bunting Poetry Archive
Contains correspondence about Poetry Society.


Works by Norman Hidden
Published works
Rejected MSS    1934-1935
Poetry magazine edited by NH, Bob Willcocks and Norman Cohn while NH was at Brasenose College, Oxford.

HID/1/1   June 1934
Rejected MSS, no. 1.
HID/1/2   December 1934
Rejected MSS and other, no. 2.
HID/1/3   [1934]
Printed poster for Rejected MSS, no. 1, overpasted with a press cutting of a hostile review.
HID/1/4   31 October 1934
“Counsel for freshmen”, article by Laurence Whistler, Isis, p.12
HID/1/5   14 November 1934
“The lost literature of Oxford. A reply to Mr. Whistler.”, article by NH, Isis, p.15.
HID/1/6   16 October 1934
Letter from Edmund Blunden, Merton College, to NH (as editor of Rejected MSS) turning down the offer of replying to a contributer.
HID/1/7   25 December 1935
Letter from [Charles] Montagu Slater to NH commending a story and requesting more work.
Hidden 001   1966
These images claw, Norman Hidden (London: Outposts Publications, 1966).
1v (20p) 
Hidden 002   1972
Say it aloud, ed. for The Poetry Society N. Hidden. (London: Hutchinson, 1972).
1v (168p) 
Hidden 003   1973
Dr. Kink & his old-style boarding school: fragments of autobiography, Norman Hidden, illustrated by Jhaan Machesney (London : Workshop Press, 1973).
1v (9,109p) 
Hidden 004   1973
Under Milk Wood, studytape by Norman Hidden (London: Studytapes Ltd., 1973).
1v (51p) & 1 cassette 
Hidden 005   1975
Over to you: a collection of poems for speaking aloud ed. Norman Hidden for the English Speaking Board (Southport: ESB, 1975).
1v (xii,155p) 
Hidden 006   1978
Many people, many voices: poetry from the English speaking world ed. Norman Hidden and Amy Hollins (London: Hutchinson, 1978).
1v (160p) 
HID/2/1-4   1978
The state of poetry today: a survey sponsored by New Poetry magazine comp. Norman Hidden with Robin Bell, Mark Duffell and Martin Duffell (London: Workshop Press, 1978). With example survey questionnaire, typescript flyer and letter from Charles Monteith, Faber & Faber to NH thanking him for the survey, especially the favourable comments about Thom Gunn.
1v (23p) 
Hidden 007   1979
How to be your own publisher: a guide for poets Norman Hidden (London: Workshop Press, 1979).
1v (40p) 
Hidden 008   1981
How to get your poems accepted a guide for poets Norman Hidden (London: Workshop Press, 1981).
1v (59p) 
Hidden 009   1981
For my friends Norman Hidden (Wellingborough: Skelton's Press, 1981).
1v (38p) 
Hidden 010   1993
Liason officer: Germany and the Anglo-US occupation 1946-47 Norman Hidden (Frinton-on-Sea: Clydesdale, 1993).
1v (178p) 
Hidden 011   1999
Caravan summer and other stories Norman Hidden (London: Citron, 1999).
1v (225p) 
Hidden 012   2006
A passion for poetry Norman Hidden; postscript Janet Johnson (The author, 2006).
1v (173p) 
Hidden 013   2006
Europa & other stories Norman Hidden (Colchester, 2006).
1v (91p) 
Hidden 014   2006
What to do about Nick? Norman Hidden (Colchester, 2006).
1v (114p) 
Hidden 015   [ca. 2006]
Thirteen tarot rhymes or Madam Sosostris had a bad cold Norman Hidden (Colchester, 200-).
1v (16p) 
Hidden 016   2007
The long journey Norman Hidden (Colchester, 2007).
1v (33p) 
Reviews of Hidden's books
HID/3/1-4   1966
4 reviews of These images claw.
4 items 
HID/3/5-13   1973-1974
8 reviews of Dr Kink
HID/3/14-23   1974-1975
7 reviews of Over to you, and flyer.
HID/3/24-25   1978-1979
2 reviews of Many people, many voices.
HID/3/26   1994
Review of Hidden talent, in Orbis no.92/93, 124.
HID/3/27-30   1999
5 reviews and 2 adverts for Caravan summer.
HID/28/43-44   1999
Press cutting and photograph of book signing for Caravan summer.
Unpublished books
HID/4/1-168   1974-1977
Twelfth night a studytape by NH.
Contract with publisher. Corrected typescript, photocopied transcript of classroom discussion on the play, typescript introduction, ms notes and typescript guidelines on examination technique. Press release for tape. Correspondence with Society of Authors about the publication problems.
1 file 
Articles by Norman Hidden
Published articles
HID/5/1-2   1935
“The English Honours School”, Programme 7 (June 1935).
HID/5/3-4   1941
“Schools under fire”, Michigan education journal (April 1941), 502-3.
HID/5/5-6   1962
“Plays in production: VII 'The shoemaker's holiday'”, The use of English v.13 no.4 (Summer 1962), 249-52.
HID/5/7-8   1962
“'Studying T.S. Eliot in the Sixth Form”, English v.14, no.80 (Summer 1962), 53-56.
HID/5/9   1963
“Notable school productions”, Drama (Summer 1963), 36 (review of the Caucasian chalk circle at Hornchurch Grammar School).
HID/5/10-11   1963
“'A school play”, English v.14, no.84 (Autumn 1963), 231-33.
HID/5/12-15   1963
“A school verse-writing competition”, The use of English v.15 no.2 (Winter 1963), 91-97.
HID/5/16   1964
“English - a foreign language?”, Essex Education v.18 no.1 (May 1964), 147-48.
HID/5/17-19   1965
“English literature at A level”, Critical Survey v.2 no.3 (Winter 1965), 171-76.
HID/5/20-22   1967
“The moonlit door: the child image in the poems of Randall Jarrell”, English v.14, no.95 (Summer 1967), 178-81.
HID/5/23-24   1967
“The A level appreciation paper”, Critical survey v.3 no.3 (Winter 1967), 182-83.
HID/5/25-26   1968
“A declaration of intent”, The arts today, reprinted from Labour monthly (February 1968). Also translation of the same by Nat Scamacca into Italian, from unidentified newspaper.
1f each 
HID/5/27-28   February 1968
“Can poets survive?”, Books and bookmen, v.13 no.2, 44-5.
HID/5/29-31   1968
“'Walter Pater: aesthetic standards or impressionism?”, UNISA English Studies issue 2 (June 1968), 13-18.
HID/5/32   1968
“Poetry For the elite or for the mass?”, Brent Arts Council newsletter, v.2 no.2.
HID/5/33   1968
“Poetry at grassroots”, Poetry review v.59 no.4 (Winter 1968), 249-50.
HID/5/34-39   1969
“'Walter Pater: a Victorian view on hedonism”, UNISA English Studies issue 1 (March 1969), 22-31.
6f, 19f 
HID/5/40-42   1969
“The English department syllabus”, Bulletin University of London Institute of Education ns, no. 17 (Spring 1969), 25-30.
HID/5/43-44   27 September 1969
“Poetry is alive”, Economist.
HID/5/45   1969
“Dr. Leake An advocate of vegetarianism and food reform in 1777”, The British vegetarian v.2 no.6 (Nov/Dec 1969), 577-78.
HID/5/46-48   1971
“Popular poetry - a new renaissance?”, Contemporary review v.218, no.1261 (February 1971), 62-65.
HID/5/49   3 March 1972
“Life is still hard for the young poet”, The teacher, 12.
HID/5/50-51   17 March 1972
“Trial of a teacher”New statesman, 344-5.
HID/5/52   14 July 1972
“Teacher-poets 1: Charles Causley”, The teacher, 8.
HID/5/53-55   1972
“Poetry - a popular art?”, Spoken English v.5 no.2 (September 1972) 47-51.
HID/5/56-57   November 1972
“Financing a little magazine”, H.O.P.E. v.1 no.13, 12-3.
HID/5/58   17 November 1972
“Haiku in the park” Norman Hidden talks to Charles Causley, Times Educational supplement, 21.
HID/5/59-63   1973
“Bridging the generation gap in poetry”, School librarian v.21 no.2 (June 1973), 109-13.
Reprinted version in Education Today (Jul/Aug. 1973).
3f & 2f 
HID/5/64   1973
“Ian Hamilton-Finlay: poet of environmental forms”, Small press review v.5 no.2 (September 1973), 19-20.
HID/5/65   20 September 1974
“Antiquarianism on the examination boards”, Times Educational supplement, 70.
HID/5/66-67   1975
“Some thoughts on creativity”, Spoken English v.8 no.2 (May 1975), 70-71.
HID/5/68   19 December 1975
“What's in a name?” Times Educational supplement
HID/5/69-70   [1980s?]
“Oral sharing of poetry”“Readers theatre newsletter”, 6-8.
HID/5/71-74   1988
“Thomas Hayward and 'The British muse'”, English 37 (Autumn 1988), 217-222.
HID/5/75   1988
“Poetry: an editor's view”, Freelance writing & photography (Summer 1988) 5-6.
Hidden 126   1989
“Confusing the signals”, The use of English (Autumn 1989) 47-54.
HID/5/76   [ca. 2005]
List of published articles written by NH.
Unpublished works
Very few are dated, so this can only be roughly assumed based upon the typeface, although these copies may have been re-typed.

HID/6/1-3   1961
“Prose appreciation”
HID/6/4-24   1964-1967
“Pope's dialogues”, article by NH with letters commenting on it from Howard Erskine-Hill (July 1964), with notes and NH copy reply, John Jump (September 1966) with NH copy reply and Roger Sharrock (editor, Durham University journal) (August 1967).
HID/6/25-41   1973
“British contemporary fiction: a lecture” delivered at University of San Antonio, Texas, Summer School in London.
HID/6/42-43   [1970s]
“Postscript” (about Arts Council withholding funding from Poetry Society).
HID/6/44-53   [1970s ?]
“The most heart-breaking poet. Two poems of Randall Jarrell”.
HID/6/54-72   [1970s ?]
“Pop poetry vs popular poetry (1965-1975)”; ms notes “Pop culture and Eng. Lit.” and amended typescript on popular poetry.
12, 2, 5f 
HID/6/73-84   [1970s ?]
“The rhetoric of John Donne's prose”.
HID/6/85-91   [1970s ?]
“Some rhythmical features in Donne's prose”.
HID/6/92-99   [1970s ?]
“Prufrock as the Fisher King”.
HID/6/100-104   [1970s ?]
“Notes on Letter to William Walsh Advice on style to a young poet by John Dryden”.
HID/6/105-107   [1970s ?]
“Francis Bacon's essays”.
HID/6/108-117   [1970s ?]
“Use of 'I' in poetry”, with response by Rosalind Walker, and further notes by her (possibly on a similar discussion).
3, 2, 5f 
HID/28/23-32   [1970s ?]
“The obtrusive ego; and the intrusive 'I'”.
HID/6/118-120   [1970s ?]
“Poetry and music”
HID/6/121-122   [1970s ?]
Notes on teaching English literature at A-level.
HID/6/123-129   [1970s ?]
HID/6/130-137   [1970s ?]
On the theme of Shakespeare's plays.
HID/6/138-140   [1970s ?]
“Farce and comedy”.
HID/6/141-145   [1970s ?]
“The appreciation of poetry”.
HID/6/146-147   [1970s ?]
“Notes on intensity of language and creativity and love poetry”.
HID/6/148-150   [ca. 1980]
Typescript article on the vanity press by NH.
HID/6/151   [ca. 1980]
Cutting from Time out, p.20, including article on the vanity press by NH.
1 piece 
HID/6/152   [ca. 1980]
Cutting, “Writers beware” reprinting an article by NH on the vanity press.
1 piece 
HID/6/153-155   Winter 1976/77
“PV newsletter”, issued by Malcolm Payne of Poets Vigilantes (formed to counteract vanity press publication of poetry).
HID/6/156-159   11 & 19 September 1979
Letter from John Campbell-Kease, Sturminster Newton and reply from NH about paying to have your own poetry published.
HID/6/160-166   1994-1995
Correspondence about self-publishing of poetry between NH, Alastair Niven (Arts Council) and Ann Kritzinger (Book-in-Hand Ltd).
HID/6/167   [1970s?]
Printed synopsis of Outposts including their method of publishing books of poetry.
HID/6/168   [ca. 2000?]
“Vanity press” article by NH.
HID/6/169-173   [1980s ?]
“I had to learn how to write”.
HID/6/174-175   [1990s ?]
“Poetry aloud”
HID/6/176-178   [2004]
“What is poetry?”
HID/7/1   3 March 1972
Review of T.S. Eliot a memoir by Robert Sencourt, in The teacher
HID/7/2-3   1976
Reviews of The poets' yearbook 1976 and Kit Wright Soundings in Spoken English v.9 no.1 (January 1976).
HID/7/4   1977
“About the black writer”, The black writer v.2 no.2 (Summer 1977).
Workshop Press
Workshop Press publications Publications of Workshop Press by NH listed above at Hidden 003, 007 & 008 and HID/2/1. Copy of Mankowitz, Wolf XII poems (London: Workshop, 1971) at Plomer 829.3 MAN.

Hidden 017-067   1967-1981
Workshop magazine 1-51/52.
51v (51/52 a single issue) 
Hidden 068   1970
Couzyn, Jeni, Flying (London: Workshop Press, 1970).
1v (76p) 
Hidden 069   1970
Workshop Poets: Seddon, Alexandra, Full circle a first collection of poems (London: Workshop Press, 1970) signed copy no. 12.
1v (20p) 
Hidden 070   1970
Workshop Poets: Bell, Colin, Sweets from strangers a verse-reportage sequence (London: Workshop Press, 1970) signed copy no. 14.
1v (20p) 
Hidden 071   1971
Workshop Poets: Thomas, Joan, Come in, my ghosts a first collection of poems (London: Workshop Press, 1971) signed copy no. 27.
1v (19p) 
Hidden 072   1971
Workshop Poets: Russell, Dick, Wolf prints a first collection of poems (London: Workshop Press, 1971) signed copy no. 37.
1v (24p) 
Hidden 073   1971
Searle, Chris, Poilu (London: Workshop Press, 1971).
1v (153p) 
Hidden 074   1972
Workshop Poets: Johnson, Michael, The house on Secker Street a sequence of poems for five voices and chorus (London: Workshop Press, 1972).
1v (20p) 
Hidden 075   1972
Workshop Poets: Sister Mary Agnes, Daffodils in ice (London: Workshop Press, 1972).
1v (24p) 
Hidden 076   1972
Workshop Poets: Motion, Andrew, Goodnestone a sequence (London: Workshop Press, 1972) signed copy no. 39.
1v (20p) 
Hidden 077   1972
Workshop Poets: Edmonds, Marguerite, Selected poems (London: Workshop Press, 1972).
1v (36p) 
Hidden 078   1973
Workshop no. 19: Carey, Jack, The cathedral (London: Workshop Press, 1973).
1v (11p) 
Hidden 079   1973
Workshop no. 19: Carey, Jack, The cathedral (London: Workshop Press, 1973) signed copy no. 29.
1v (11p) 
Hidden 080   1973
Hollins, A., Axe & tree (London: Workshop Press, 1973) signed copy no. 25.
1v (27p) 
Hidden 081   1974
Taylor, John, There were no lovely birds (London: Workshop Press, 1974).
1v (24p) 
Hidden 082   1974
Sister Catherine T.O.S.D. Poems (London: Workshop Press, 1974).
1v (20p) 
Hidden 083   1974
Hendriks, A. L., Madonna of the unknown nation (London: Workshop Press, 1974).
1v (70p) 
Hidden 084   1974
Malone, Nick, The burial of Crispin Pyke (London: Workshop Press, 1974).
1v (40p) 
Hidden 085   1974
Malone, Nick, The burial of Crispin Pyke (London: Workshop Press, 1974).
1v (40p) 
Hidden 086   1976
James, Martin, From the ears of the stars (London: Workshop Press, 1976).
1v (40p) 
Hidden 087   1979
Bell, Robin, Sawing logs (London: Workshop Press, 1979).
1v (40p) 
Hidden 088   1993
Hidden talent: the workshop poets. An anthology in celebration of the 80th birthday of the founder of Workshop Press Norman Hidden ed. Dick Russell (Lynnwood, WA: Russell Hill Press, 1993).
1v (142p) 
Workshop Press business records
HID/8/1   15 September 1970
“Memorandum and articles of association of Workshop Press Ltd”.
1 file 
HID/8/2-41   1971-1982
Annual accounts for Workshop Press and directors reports.
1 file 
HID/8/42   13 June 1966
Minutes stating objectives of Writers' Workshop.
HID/8/43   14 September [1967]
Minutes approving name change from Writers' Workshop to Workshop Two.
HID/8/44   26 August 1970
Minutes approving winding up of Workshop Two and transfer to Workshop Press Ltd.
HID/8/45   [ca.1968]
Blank contract to perform at a “Workshop Two” reading at the Lamb & Flag to be recorded by the BBC (typescript).
HID/8/46-56   [1970s]
Contracts between authors and Workshop Press (1 blank photocopy, 1 uncompleted for The cathedral, 1 unsigned for Daffodils in ice). Publication terms for Sweets from strangers. Letter to Jeni Couzyn about publication of Flying.
5 items 
HID/8/57   [ca. 1970]
“Information sheet no.1 Submission of manuscripts” Typescript instructions on producing and submitting poems.
HID/8/58   23 May 1974
“Marketing analysis”: report for Workshop Press Ltd.
HID/8/59   February 1980
New Poetry Background information paper. Document giving account of history, activities and circulation of publications since 1967.
HID/9/1-32   1970-1993
Invoices for printing of various publications.
1 file 
Writers' Workshop / Workshop newsletters and programmes
HID/10/1   9 June 1966
“An evening of poetry & song” newsletter (typescript).
HID/10/2   July 1966
“Writers' Workshop” invitation to reading at Lamb & Flag (typescript).
HID/10/3   Autumn 1966
“Autumn programme” (typescript).
HID/10/4   November 1966
“November programme” (typescript).
HID/10/5-6   November 1966
Invitation to “A carnival of poetry” 22 November at Arts Centre, Wood Green (typescript); printed programme.
HID/10/7   November 1966
Poster for Haringey Arts Festival “Carnival of poetry”
Size: 52 x 39 cm
Digitised material for Poster for Haringey Arts Festival, November 1966 - HID/10/7
HID/10/8   December 1966
“Circular to members No.3” (typescript).
HID/10/9   February 1967
[Newsletter] (typescript).
HID/10/10   March 1967
[Newsletter] (typescript).
HID/10/11   April 1967
Advertisement for “Poetry and chips” 3-7 April at the Little Theatre WC2 (typescript).
HID/10/12-14   April 1967
Invitation to “No orchids for T. S. Eliot”, 27 April (devised by NH and organised by Haringey Arts Council (typescript); programme and ticket.
HID/10/15   May 1967
Advertisement for “At short notice”, poetry reading at the Poetry Society organised by NH.
HID/10/16   May 1967
[Newsletter] (typescript).
HID/10/17-20   [May 1967]
Invitation to “Poets' picnic”, 3 June at Mayflower Barn, Jordans; press releases; programme (typescript).
HID/10/21   [June 1967]
Poster for Poets' Picnic.
Size: 45 x 32 cm
Digitised material for Poster for Poets' Picnic, 3 June 1967 at Mayflower Barn, Jordans - HID/10/21
HID/28/34-40   4 June 1967
Press photographs taken at the Poets' Picnic, stamped on back “Syndication international (Odhams)”.
7 items 
HID/10/22   Autumn 1967
“Writers' Workshop/Workshop Two” newsletter (typescript).
HID/10/23   September 1967
“Workshop Two” newsletter (typescript).
HID/10/24-35   3 November 1967
Invitation to “Poets in person” reading at Hornsey Town Hall; flyer and ticket for reading; receipts and accounts for the event.
HID/10/36   December 1967
[Newsletter] (typescript).
HID/10/37   January 1968
“Workshop Two” newsletter (typescript).
HID/10/38   30 January 1968
[ “Workshop newsletter”] (typescript).
HID/10/39   31 January 1968
Programme “Poets alive”, Camden Arts Centre.
HID/10/40   4 March 1968
“Workshop Two” newsletter (typescript).
HID/10/41   1 April 1968
“Workshop Two” newsletter (typescript).
HID/10/42   1 May 1968
“Workshop Two” newsletter (typescript).
HID/10/43   1 June 1968
“Workshop Two” newsletter (typescript).
HID/10/44   1968
Invitation to second Poets' Picnic at Jordans, Saturday 8 June (typescript).
HID/10/45   [June 1968]
Poster for second Poets' Picnic.
Size: 48 x 33 cm
Digitised material for Poster for Poets' Picnic, 8 June 1968 at Mayflower Barn, Jordans - HID/10/45
HID/28/34-40   5 December 1968
Press photographs taken at the [second?] Poets' Picnic, stamped on back “The Guardian”.
2 items 
HID/10/46   2 July 1968
[ “Workshop Two” newsletter] (typescript).
HID/10/47   September 1968
Membership card for second half of 1968.
HID/10/48   12 December 1968
“Workshop Two” newsletter (typescript).
HID/10/49   [ca. 1968]
Circular letter to recruit sales representatives for Workshop at Universties.
HID/10/50-51   May 1969
“Workshop newsletter” (typescript) and membership card.
1f each 
HID/10/52-53   May 1969
Advertisement for Poetry marathon at the Roundhouse, 13-17 May. Separate sheet for Workshop Two reading on 15 May.
1f each 
HID/10/54   May 1969
Poster for Poetry marathon.
Size: 27 x 21 cm
HID/10/55   May 1969
Poster for Workshop Two event at Poetry marathon.
Size: 27 x 21 cm
HID/10/56   June 1969
Poetry letter 2 (includes review of Poetry marathon).
1v (16p) 
HID/10/57-60   August 1969
“Workshop newsletter” (typescript).
HID/10/61-63   December 1969
“Workshop newsletter” (typescript).
HID/10/64   January 1970
Membership card for Spring 1970.
HID/10/65-68   May 1970
“[Workshop] newsletter” (typescript).
HID/10/69   May 1970
Invitation to read at launch party for Workshop 9.
HID/10/70   May 1970
Membership card for Summer 1970.
HID/10/71   September 1970
Poster for “All in the orange”, poetry reading at the Orangery, Barton Seagrave, Kettering.
Size: 51 cm diameter
Digitised material for Poster for All in the orange, poetry reading at the Orangery, Barton Seagrave, Kettering, September 1970.
HID/10/72   [ca. 1970]
Circular letter closing membership to the Lamb & Flag reading group and transferring to subscription to Workshop
HID/10/73   [ca. 1970]
Press release about Workshop Press and publication of Full circle.
HID/10/74   [ca. 1970]
Circular letter to former members of Workshop Two.
HID/10/75   [January 1971]
Press release for Workshop Press poetry reading organised by the Poetry Society.
HID/10/76   [1971?]
“Workshop poetry magazine: newsletter” (typescript).
HID/10/77   June 1971
Poster for “The poetry scene”, poetry reading by Adrien Henri, Jeni Couzyn and NH at 11 Portland Place, 25 June.
Size: 21 x 16.5 cm
HID/10/78   September 1971
“Workshop newsletter: for subscribers only” (typescript).
HID/10/79-80   4 September 1971
Entry ticket for benefit reading at Moravian Close, and review of same from “Poetry news” 5.
1f each 
HID/10/81   4 September 1971
Poster for “Chelsea picnic” reading at Moravian Close.
Size: 30 x 21 cm
HID/10/82   November 1971
“Workshop newsletter” (printed).
4p on 1f 
HID/10/83   January 1972
“Workshop subscribers' newsletter” (printed).
4p on 1f 
HID/10/84   May 1972
“Workshop subscribers' newsletter” (printed).
4p on 1f 
HID/10/85   June 1972
“Workshop subscribers' newsletter” (printed).
4p on 1f 
HID/10/86   September 1972
“Workshop subscribers' newsletter” (printed).
4p on 1f 
HID/10/87   November 1972
“Workshop subscribers' newsletter” (typescript).
HID/10/88   January 1973
“Workshop subscribers' newsletter” (printed).
4p on 1f 
HID/10/89   April 1973
“Workshop New Poetry subscribers' newsletter” (printed).
4p on 1f 
HID/10/90   June 1973
“Workshop subscribers' newsletter” (printed).
4p on 1f 
HID/10/91   September 1973
“Worksheet. Workshop subscribers' newsletter” (printed).
2p on 1f 
HID/10/92   [1974]
Circular appealing for contributions to a fighting fund for publishing new poetry.
HID/10/93   February 1974
“Worksheet. Workshop subscribers' newsletter” (printed).
2p on 1f 
HID/10/94   May 1974
“Worksheet. Workshop subscribers' newsletter” (printed).
2p on 1f 
HID/10/95   August 1974
“Worksheet. Workshop subscribers' newsletter” (printed).
2p on 1f 
HID/10/96   1980
Flyer for New poetry poetry writing competition.
Reviews and articles about Workshop Press
HID/11/1   [1968]
Review of Workshop 3 in Hark.
HID/11/2   [ca. 1968]
Review of poetry reading in Hark.
HID/11/3   1969
“Workshop Two - a short biography” by William Oxley.
HID/11/4   1969
Review of reading at Lamb & Flag, 9 October, by Di Lovell.
HID/11/5-6   [1969]
Poetry letter [no. 1] ed. Colin R. Fry (including mention of Workshop Two activity).
HID/11/7   [1969]
Review of Workshop 8 by J.C.M.
HID/11/8-9   [ca. 1970]
“Workshop: the magazine for poetry”. Review from Gong magazine, by Peter Cash.
HID/11/10-18   [1970s]
“The rise of Workshop Press”, by Mark Jefferies.
HID/11/19-34   [ca. 1971]
Quotations praising Workshop, typed on back of subscription flyers for the magazine.
16 pieces 
HID/11/35   1971
Review of Come in, my ghosts, Speech & drama, v.20 no.2, 27.
HID/11/36   1971-1975
3 reviews of Poilu.
HID/11/37-38   [ca. 1972]
“Workshop new poetry”, article by Roger Iredale.
HID/11/39   1972
Review of Workshop poets reading at Thornbury Festival, 24 January by Diana Hendry in Preview.
HID/11/40-46   [ca. 1972]
Two copies of typescript article on NH and Workshop, “Poetry for the people”, by Frances Kelly.
HID/11/47   27 May 1973
Article about Sister Mary Agnes and her poetry in TV times.
HID/11/48-49   June 1973
Review of Workshop Press in Laissez faire, 4 (ed. William Oxley & J. D. Beugger).
HID/11/50   September 1973
Review of Workshop new poetry in Poetry Nottingham, v.27 no.3, 13-4.
HID/11/51   22 December 1973
Review of Workshop new poetry in the Indian express, Madras.
HID/11/52   [1974]
Review of Workshop new poetry in unidentified magazine.
HID/11/53-54   [1975]
Review of Workshop new poetry and Madonna of the unknown nation.
HID/11/55   March 1975
Review of Workshop new poetry 23-6 in Iron.
HID/11/56   June 1975
Review of The burial of Crispin Pike, in Eastword.
HID/11/57   Spring 1975
Page 215 from Neil Powell “Contemporaries”, Use of English.
HID/11/58   1978
Review of New poetry 39 by Timothy Hyman, Resurgence no.70, 31.
Workshop Press: information, publicity and other correspondence
HID/12/1   [1972]
Workshop publications. Flyer.
1 piece 
HID/12/2   1973
Directory of local poetry groups, compiled by Diana Hendry for Workshop New Poetry.
HID/12/3-5   1973
“Problems in the marketing of poetry through a multiple bookseller”.
HID/12/6   [1973]
“Checklist”. Publications by Workshop, 1967-72.
HID/12/7-13   [1973]
“An innocent strays into publishing”. Account by NH of publishing Poilu.
HID/12/14   [1974]
Workshop Press Catalogue of current and forthcoming editions.
HID/12/15   [1974]
New poetry. Flyer for subscriptions.
HID/12/16   [1974]
“Books bargain”. Flyer for Workshop Press publications.
HID/12/17-18   [1970s]
“Viewpoint of an editor” typescript editorial policy by NH.
HID/12/19   [1970s]
“Notes for those submitting poems for publication”.
HID/12/20-21   [1970s]
Typescript article on the purpose of New poetry.
HID/12/22-23   25 March 1976
“Distribution” memorandum on costs and implications for Workshop Press acting as distributor for English Association.
HID/12/24-25   28 June 1977
New poetry celebrates its tenth anniversary”. Press release.
HID/12/26-29   [1970s]
“Feeding buns to elephants” article by NH on Arts Council scheme to distribute literary magazines to public libraries.
HID/12/30-32   1975; [1980s]
“The New Poetry Library” flyer for poetry library run by NH and typescript account of what happened.
1 piece, 2f 
HID/12/33   [1970s]
“New poetry - critical service. Information sheet no.3 The habit of self-appraisal” (typescript).
HID/12/34-52   1976-1980
Correspondence from the critical service offered by New Poetry, whereby writers could send in their poetry and receive constructive criticism, critics included Margaret Diggle and Rosalind Walker. Guidelines by NH; letter from NH to Walker apparently discussing her comments; copies of replies from writers grateful for the advice (no copies of poems or critiques)
HID/12/53-64   1976-1979
Correspondence between NH and several writers who had paid money to companies with similar names to Workshop Press / New Poetry to have poetry published, but which had not been printed.
HID/28/45   [1979]
Photograph of previous issues for cover of New Poetry 47.
1 item 
Dannie Abse
HID/13/1   3 June [-]
Letter about reading poems.

Patrick Anderson
HID/13/2   6 September 1971
Letter about contributing poems.

Baobob Books
HID/13/3-7   October 1996
2 letters and copy reply re anthology for Zimbabwean schools Many people many voices.

George Barker
HID/13/8-9   24 September 1968 & 21 November [-]
2 letters about contributing poems.

Jonathan Barker
HID/13/10   21 November 1981
Letter about ceasing publishing New poetry.

Peter Barry
HID/28/22   17 February 2007
Card to Joyce Hidden, about A passion for poetry.

Patricia Beer
HID/13/11-13   8 October 1969 - 18 April 1972
2 letters about poetry readings and typescript poem “Home”.

Jane Beeson
HID/13/14   Christmas 2004
Christmas card.

Robin Bell
HID/13/15-27   20 October 1993; December 2001 - November 2003
12 items   
Correspondence between Bell and NH, including birthday cards and greetings, discussing progress with A passion for poetry, the Workshop Press, and enclosing typescript copies of 2 poems, “The assistant editor” and “St Mary's, Harrow on the Hill”

David Benedictus
HID/13/28   [ca. 1970 ?]
Postcard about reading at Workshop Two.

Connie Bensley
HID/13/29   25 November 2001
Letter about poetry readings.

Francis Berry
HID/13/30   22 October 1968
Letter regretting not being able to publish an article (about Donne).

John Betjeman
HID/13/31   [1967]
Letter from 43 Cloth Fair, London to NH (undated) regretting that he cannot attend the Poets' Picnic at Jordans.
HID/13/32   22 March 1968
Typescript copy of repeated invitation from NH to Betjeman to attend the Poets' Picnic at Jordans.
HID/13/33   5 May 1968
Letter from 43 Cloth Fair, London to NH regretting that he cannot attend the Poets' Picnic at Jordans and praising Vanessa Redgrave.
HID/13/34   25 March 1971
Typescript apology from Betjeman apologising to the Poetry Society for being unable to attend.
HID/13/35   22 November 1973
Letter from Betjeman to NH thanking him for a copy of Dr Kink, memories of school days and Hereford Cathedral.
HID/13/36   18 January 1974
Typescript letter from Betjeman to NH, commenting on Hereford Cathedral and praising New poetry.
HID/13/37   [mid 1970s?]
Typescript copy of standard letter from Betjeman in response to being sent poems.
HID/13/38   30 September 1977
Typescript postcard from Betjeman agreeing to visit and praising the church at Clacton.
HID/13/39   7 October 1977
Typescript postcard acknowledgment of receipt of letter, from Betjeman's secretary.
HID/13/40-41   February 1993
Postcard from Candida Lycett-Green thanking NH for copies of the above letters (in response to a general appeal she had made for copies of her father's letters), and typescript copy of his letter to her enclosing information about the context of the letters.
2f and 1 postcard 
Thomas Blackburn
HID/13/42   22 December [1970s?]
Letter about a recent poetry reading.

Martin Booth
HID/13/43   4 October [1981?]
Letter about closing of New poetry.

Russell Bradden
HID/13/44-45   4 October 1970
Letter enclosing his foreword to Joan Thomas's Come in, my ghosts.

D. G. Bridson
HID/13/46   22 April 1977
Letter about poem and Ezra Pound.

Brigid Brophy
HID/13/47-49   nd and 31 August 1971
2 cards about poetry readings and letter to Mr Russell regretting being unable to support a grant application.

George Mackay Brown
HID/13/50-52   10 October 1979 - 6 March 1980
3 letters from Stromness to NH, wishing him success and promising to find a poem for him, asking for copies of New poetry and Sawing logs to review and thanking him for the books, which he has reviewed for The Scotsman.

Alan Brownjohn
HID/13/53-54   30 September 1968, 7 March 1969
2 letters about editing a poetry anthology.

Basil Bunting
HID/13/55   10 February 1969
Typescript letter from Shadingfield, Wylam to NH, commenting on the poor organisation of the Poetry Society's tribute to Ezra Pound, and complimenting, after a fashion, Stevie Smith's performance.
HID/13/56-58   12 February 1969
Typescript letter from Shadingfield, Wylam to NH, declining his invitation to read at Camden Arts Festival, complaining about the poor organisation of the Poetry Society's tribute to Ezra Pound and refusing to contribute to his magazine.
HID/13/59-60   26 August 1971
Typescript letter from Shadingfield, Wylam to Dick Russell, complaining about grant awarding bodies, commenting on Russell's poetry and writing.
3p on 2f 
HID/13/61   31 May 1972
Typescript letter from Shadingfield, Wylam to Dick Russell commenting on his poetry.
2p on 1f 
HID/13/62   [early 1970s?]
Photograph of Dick Russell.
Christabel Burniston
HID/13/63-65   4 January - 4 March 1994
Letter and 2 copy replies about copies of Over to you.

Judith Carver
HID/14/1-3   November 2002
2 emails and postcard about William Golding (contemporary at Oxford).

Charles Causley
HID/14/4-13   1 March 1970 - 20 February 1980
8 letters and 2 copy replies from NH, about poems and articles.

Civil list correspondence with Downing St
HID/14/14-32   1968-2002
19 letters   
Copy correspondence of NH, as representative of the Poetry Society and replies from 10 Downing St recommending poets for Civil List pensions and other honours, an invitation to a Buckingham Palace garden party.

Leonard Clark
HID/14/33-43   31 March 1967 - 20 October 1971
10 letters about poetry readings, Workshop, John Gawsworth and typescript copy of “Hills”.

Barry Cole
HID/14/44   20 February 1980
Letter to NH about subscription form.

Wendy Cope
HID/14/45   18 November 1978
Letter about contributing poems.

John Cotton
HID/14/46   [early 1970s?]
Typescript copy of “Termini”.

Jeni Couzyn
HID/14/47-52   [early 1970s]
3 letters about publishing books of poetry.

Kevin Crossley-Holland
HID/14/53   7 May 1968
Letter about poetry readings.

Rosalie Crutchley
HID/14/54   [ca. 1968]
Letter about Workshop and poetry readings.

Charles Curran
HID/14/55-57   28 November 1969
Letter about the future of poetry on the radio [Director-General of BBC].
Press cutting: letter to the Times 25 September 1969, from writers including NH about broadcasting of poetry by the BBC.

Ivor Cutler
HID/14/58-67   [ca. 1967-1990]
8 letters about arrangements for poetry readings, and publications. “Ivor Cutler's drama”, description of his teaching methods at Fox School and Paddington Green School.

Donald Davie
HID/15/1-5   July 1979
2 letters about publication in New poetry. Typescript copies of “Fatherhood”, “Reticence” and “Three beyond”.

Cecil Day-Lewis
HID/15/6-8   21 May - 31 December 1969
3 letters about the Byron memorial, and a festival projected for 1972.

Margaret Drabble
HID/15/9   22 January 1970
Letter about poetry reading.

Donna Dickenson
HID/15/10   12 April 2005
Letter about early publications and subsequent career.

Maureen Duffy
HID/15/11-13   6 February 1974 - 2 October 1975
Correspondence about guest editing New poetry.

Daphne du Maurier
HID/15/14-20   21 September 1977 - 6 June 1978
4 letters, 1 copy reply form NH and letter from Noel Welch about judging quarterly poetry competition in New poetry.

Clifford Dyment
HID/15/21   22 September 1970
Postcard about Workshop.

A. E. Dyson
HID/15/22   28 January 1970
Letter to Mackenzie, regretting that he doesn't have the time to participate.

Lord Eccles
HID/15/23-26   3 July 1970 - 7 January 1971
Correspondence as Paymaster General for Arts.

D. J. Enright
HID/15/27-31   5 November 1972 - 6 March 1979
Correspondence about poetry readings and publications.

Gavin Ewart
HID/15/32   [1980s ?]
Letter agreeing to interview.

Kit Fernie
HID/15/33-35   17 July 1969
Letter about publication.

Elaine Feinstein
HID/15/36   [1980s ?]
Signed [attachment to submitted piece?]

Ian Hamilton Finlay
HID/15/37-71   7 November 1972 - 23 October 1979
12 letters from Finlay (with 2 copy replies from NH) to NH from the Wild Hawthorn Press, Dunsyre, about publishing their work, concrete poetry, plastic poetry, his graphic work, poems, one word poems, and the Arts Council. Includes note written on 2 Wild Hawthorn Press postcards ( “Homage to Walter Reekie's ring netters” and “Homage to Seurat”, 1972)

G. S. Frazer
HID/15/72-74   5 October 1969 - 12 August 1971
Letter about selected poems, and letter to [Dick ?] Russell suggesting seeking Arts Council grant.

Roy Fuller
HID/15/75-81   4 February 1969 - 6 October 1978
7 letters and postcards about publications (including avertisement for Nemo's almanac 1978).

Robert Garioch
HID/15/82-84   2 March 1977 - 4 October 1979
3 letters, about contributing to New poetry, mentioning poems from his translation of Giuseppe Belli's sonnets

John Gawsworth
HID/15/85-93   1970
6 letters and news cutting about an appeal on Gawsworth's behalf.

John Gielguid
HID/15/94   5 October [1969]
Letter regretting unable to read at Byron memorial.

Elizabeth Goudge
HID/15/95-105   1971-1972
7 letters about publishing the poetry of Sister Mary Agnes, 2 letters from NH to Sister Mary Agnes and 1 from her to NH. explanatory note (by JH?) on the background to this correspondence.

Lord Goodman
HID/15/106-107   29 October 1970 - 17 March 1971
2 letters about Poetry Society.

Chris Green
HID/15/108-112   3 October 1989 - 3 March 1993
3 letters and 1 copy reply from NH about the Poetry Society; press cutting about his appointment.

Robin Gregory
HID/15/113-114   28 August & 13 October 1972
Letters about possible joint enterprise with Howad Sergeant, and about Arts Council grants.

Geoffrey Grigson
HID/15/115   28 November 1974
Letter of thanks, regretting unable to write an article.

Geoffrey Handley-Taylor
HID/16/1-3   27 May - 15 June 1968
2 letters regarding chairmanship of Poetry Society.

Ken Harrison
HID/16/4-8   [1967]
“Interference '67” (typescript); 2 photographs from “Poetry and chips” reading.

Seamus Heaney
HID/16/9-17   19 August 1970 - 15 March 1977
5 letters about Workshop, New poetry, judging a New poetry poetry competition and enclosing typescript poem “Sea-wife”. Notes on correspondence (by JH?).

John Heath-Stubbs
HID/16/18-20   24 September 1974 - 25 October 1980
2 letters and 1 copy reply from NH, about Workshop and a query.

Hamish Henderson
HID/16/21-26   10 December 1979 - 17 November 1985
3 letters about contributing poems, and signed ms. copy of “The cell”.

A. L. Hendriks
HID/16/27-28   24 September 1972 - 27 February 1974
2 letters about publications.

Diana Hendry
HID/16/29   25 February 1994
Letter thanking NH for his help.

Adrien Henri
HID/16/30   [1970s ?]
Letter promising to find a suitable poem.

Calvin Hernton
HID/16/31   11 May 1968
Lettet agreeing to read at the Lamb & Flag.

Madge Herron
HID/16/32-36   [1968]
Letter to Joyce Hidden about a dinner with John Heath Stubbs; poems “Prayer for Mr Hidden” and “The cat came up the street”; letter to NH.

Phoebe Hesketh
HID/16/37-40   21 April 1972 - 14 September 1979
2 letters about publications, typescript copies of poems “In the beginning” and “Marguerite”.

David Holbrook
HID/16/41-51   19 November 1968 - 12 October 1978
7 letters, 1 copy reply from NH and copy of letter from F.T. Prince to Holbrook. His protest at the Adrian Henri edition of Poetry review; his publications

Harry Hoogstraten
HID/16/52   21 November 1972
Letter thanking NH for publishing his poem in Say it aloud.

Michael Horowitz
HID/16/53-54   [1970s ?] - 2 February 1980
2 letters about publications.

Ted Hughes
HID/16/55   8 February 1976
Arranging date for a poetry reading.

Hutchinson Publishing
HID/16/56   1 December 1980
Notification that Many people ... has been set as an examination text.

Peter Jay
HID/17/1   [1970s ?]
Letter thanking NH for subscription to Association of Little Presses.

Clive Jenkins
HID/17/2   27 November 1969
Letter regretting unable to come to poetry reading.

Elizabeth Jennings
HID/17/3-4   [1970s ?]
2 typescript poems, “Man's state” and “Mind and body”.

B. S. Johnson
HID/17/5-9   21 January 1969 - 11 May 1973
3 letters and 2 postcards about readings and publications

Judith Kazantzis
HID/17/10-11   28 November 1980
2 letters (one undated) about publishing her poems.

Frank Kermode
HID/17/12   27 November 1968
Letter regretting not being available for nomination as a member of the Poetry Society Council.

Bernard Kops
HID/17/13-16   June 1969
Letter enclosing 3 poems “Lip service”, “Somewhere over lonely meadow” and “Moment”.

Labour monthly
HID/17/17   9 February 1968
Letter from editor, Roger Woddis, permitting reprinting of his article.

Marghanita Laski
HID/17/18-19   18 March 1970 - 6 November 1972
Letter regretting unable to attend lunch and postcard thanking NH for copy of book.

Jennie Lee
HID/17/20-21   11 May 1970 - 1 January 1971
2 letters regarding Poetry Society.

Laurie Lee
HID/17/22   [1973]
Letter of thanks for copy of Dr Kink.

Tom Leonard
HID/17/23   30 May 1979
Letter about contributing poems to Scottish issue.

Laurence Lerner
HID/17/24-28   [1970s ?]
2 postcards and letter about publications, and letter enclosing typescript poem “The blind girl tells her story”.

Peter Levi
HID/17/29   [1972 ?]
Letter of thanks for copy of Workshop 15 and poems of Sister Mary Agnes.

Anne Lewis-Smith
HID/17/30-33   1968
Letter about World Poetry Day and typescript poem “Writers Workshop poetry reading at the Lamb and Flag”.

Maurice Lindsay
HID/17/34-38   25 September 1979 - 19 December 1979
4 letters and 1 copy reply about contributing poems.

Christopher Logue
HID/17/39-74   1978-2003
File of correspondence between Logue and NH, 1978-79, discussing poetry arising from Logue's research into poetry readings in Britan, with letter from Rosalind Walker commenting on the correspondence.
Correspondence about “Speak a poem” (Greater London poetry speaking competition 1984); press cutting about “Edible gold” (poetry programme for Channel 4); “How we met. Alan Howard and Christopher Logue” (printout of web article); print outs of various web articles on Logue.

Herbert Lomas
HID/17/75-79   2003-2006
4 cards and 1 copy reply from NH about recent publications; birthday greetings and NH's memorial service.

Edward Lucie-Smith
HID/17/80-84   1969
2v & 3f   
A garland from the Greek, Six kinds of creature (2 books of poems published Turret Books, 1969). 3 letters regarding editing Workshop 2.

George MacBeth
4 postcards; letter about recording for Workshop programme; letter from Derek Parker to NH and 2 letters to and copy reply from NH regarding publication of “Stalingrad” in Poetry review; 6 letters about publications.

Norman Mac Caig
HID/18/17-18   8 - 17 October 1979
Letter and copy reply about contributing poems.

Cavan McCarthy
HID/18/19   [1970s]
Letter thanking NH for copy of Workshop 6.

Wes Magee
HID/18/20-21   May 1976 - 18 November 1979
Two pig poems; letter about “Critical Service panel”.

Roger McGough
HID/18/22-24   22 March [ ] - 14 May 1979
2 letters about Workshop and his poem “On having no one to write a love poem about”.

Michael McKenzie
HID/18/25-27   5 May 1970 - 28 September 1970
3 copy letters from NH to MM as general secretary of the Poetry Society.

Nick Malone
HID/18/28   4 December 1973
Copy letter from NH about publication of his The burial of Crispin Pyke.

Wolf Mankowitz
HID/18/29-32   [early 1970s]
4 letters about publication of XII poems.

Francis Meynell
HID/18/33-35   18 September 1968 - 6 July 1970
Letter regretting unable to do poetry reading; 2 letters about resignation from Poetry Society.

Helen Mirren
HID/18/36-37   [late 1960s ?]
Letter thanking NH for a book.

Adrian Mitchell
HID/18/38-39   29 February 1968 & undated
Postcard and letter about poetry readings.

John Mole
HID/18/40   29 September 1978
Letter about amendments to a poem.

Edwin Morgan
HID/18/41-42   16 April 1979
Undated Christmas card [to NH] mentioning reading, and letter to Robin Bell about contributing poems.

Andrew Motion
HID/18/43-81   1971-2006
1 file   
Letter and copy reply regarding publication of Goodnestone; letter from Martin Duffell to NH about Motion's early poetry; letters from NH to Vera Rich (editor of Manifold, and to Shirley Toulson about publishing Motion's early poetry; letter from NH to AM regretting inability to attend Frinton literary festival and reply; postcard from AM regretting unable to attend NH's memorial.
File of newspaper cuttings and reviews.

Norman Nicholson
HID/18/82-84   26 February - 18 December 1978
2 letters and postcard regarding poetry contributions.

Kathleen Nott
HID/18/85   25 April 1980
Postcard thanking NH for accepting poems.

Charles Osborne
HID/18/86-88   22 - 28 April 1971; 15 October 1980
2 letters about selection for Workshop 13; letter regretting the closure of New poetry.

Pat and William Oxley
HID/18/89   23 November 1993
Copy letter from NH about Hidden talent.

Oxford University Press
HID/18/90   12 March 1993
Reply to citation for OED.

Derek Parker
HID/18/91-93   7 November 1968 - 31 July 1970
3 letters regarding Poetry review.

Brian Patten
HID/18/94-96   [1970]
Correspondence about publication of Workshop 10.

Walter Perrie
HID/18/98   15 March 1980
Letter about contributing poems.

Harold Pinter
HID/18/99-100   4 December 1973 - 1 January 1974
2 letters regretting unable to contribute or edit.

William Plomer
72 letters from Plomer to NH, about his appointment and role as President of the Poetry Society. 2 copy typescript replies from NH. Matters discussed include the Byron memorial for Poets' Corner, Britten's plans for Aldeburgh festival (29/8/69 & 23/6/70), a poem “The guru” (2 ms versions) for inclusion in Workshop 11, note of apology from Bryan Guinness, 2nd Baron Moyne (20/10/70), correspondence with W. Appleby of the Poetry Society of Cheltenham and with Swansea & District Writers' Circle about their objections to the Spring 1971 edition of Poetry review, correspondence about his guest editing Workshop 15 (including copy of Workshop 15, manuscript and proof copies of Plomer's editorial).
Printed order of service for unveiling of Byron memorial, Westminster Abbey 8 May 1969. Printed menu for Poetry Society diamond jubilee dinner, 17 May 1969. Correspondence with the Dean of Westminster (Eric Abbott) about the Wordsworth bicentenary celebration at Poets' Corner. 4 Christmas cards.

HID/19/1-8   31 October - 14 November 1968
4 letters from Plomer and 2 copy letters from NH about his becoming President of the Poetry Society.
HID/19/9-21   15 November 1968 - 2 May 1969
9 letters from Plomer about Poetry Society business, including a disagreement in the letters page of the TLS and preparations for the Byron memorial service at Westminster Abbey.
HID/19/22-24   8 May 1969
Printed order of service for unveiling of memorial to Lord Byron at Westminster Abbey, photograph (copyright Daily Telegraph), letter from Dean of Westminster (Eric Abbott) to NH thanking him for his help with the ceremony.
3 items 
HID/19/25-26   17 May 1969
2 copies of printed menu from The Poetry Society diamond jubilee dinner, one autographed by Gael Turnbull and Louis Zukofsky.
2 items 
HID/19/27-34   19 May 1969 - 22 July 1969
7 letters about Poetry Society business, including a potential conflict with the Arts Council.
HID/19/35-37   29 August 1969
Letter about Benjamin Britten's plans for a new poetry event at the Aldeburgh Festival.
HID/19/38-44   22 September 1969 - 13 January 1970
3 letters and postcard about Poetry Soicety and other business; Christmas card.
HID/19/45-53   31 January - 18 February 1970
Correspondence between Plomer, NH and Dean of Westminster arranging a Wordsworth bicentenary memorial service at the Abbey.
HID/19/54-55   [February 1970]
Draft invitation list for Wordsworth memorial.
HID/19/56   7 April 1970
Order of service marking bicentenary of birth of William Wordsworth, at Westminster Abbey.
HID/19/57-69   13 June 1970 - 9 August 1970
7 letters about Poetry Society business, including an account of the Aldeburgh Festival, ways of submitting recommendations for the Civil List and other prizes.
HID/19/70-79   12 - 30 August 1970
4 letters about Poetry Society business, and submitting a poem for Workshop; draft and final copies of poem “The guru”.
HID/19/80-96   11 September 1970 - 13 April 1971
11 letters about Poetry Society business, including letter of apology from Lord Moyne and poetry readings.
HID/19/97-104   23 April - 7 May 1971
3 letters about Poetry Society business, including (enclosed) letters of complaint about Poetry review Spring 1971 from The Poetry Society of Cheltenham and the Swansea & District Writers' Circle.
HID/19/105-114   10 June 1971 - 29 December 1971
letters about Poetry Society business, including the end of his three year presidency and the search for a successor, possibly Stephen Spender.
HID/19/112   1971
Enclosed as a Christmas card: William Plomer, The planes of Bedford Square (London : Printed at the Bookbang, Bedford Square, 1971).
1 item 
HID/19/115-134   31 December 1971 - 17 April 1972
9 letters about guest editing Workshop 15; manuscript and proof copies of Plomer's introduction.
HID/19/125   1972
Workshop no. 15.
HID/19/135-141   28 July 1972 - 4 December 1972
6 letters, mainly about NH's publications, especially Dr Kink.
HID/19/142-144   [1969-1972?]
3 Christmas cards.
3 items 
HID/19/145   1973
Copy of NH's obituary appreciation of Plomer, published in Poetry review 64, no. 3 (Autumn 1973).
HID/19/146   20 April 1989
Letter from Peter Alexander (University of New South Wales) to NH recommending adding his Plomer letters to the collection at Durham.
HID/19/147-149   May 2003
Peter Scupham, “Shelf lives 17: William Plomer”, from PN Review 151, p.36-9.
HID/19/150-155   [ca. 2006]
Typescript notes on the Plomer letters by NH and JH.
Muriel Pointer
HID/20/1   8 November 1972
Letter commending Say it aloud.

E. Pomeroy
HID/20/2   11 May 1976
Note by NH of a phone conversation.

Peter Porter
HID/20/3-5   14 January 1969 - 27 July 1972
3 letters about poetry reading and publications.

Ezra Pound
HID/20/6-7   31 January 1969
1f & envelope   
Letter apologising for not attending the Poetry Society Diamond Jubilee, in envelope.

Martin Pursey
HID/20/8-10   19 April 1968
Letter resigning from Workshop.

John Pudney
HID/20/11-15   18 January 1962 - 1969
2 letters regretting unable to publish his short stories; 2 letters about contributing poems; “Nativity” (poem printed as card).

Kathleen Raine
HID/20/16-21   1976
3 postcards, letter and copy reply from NH about an interview and publishing poems. Obituary [2003] from the Independent

Mike Ramsden
HID/28/6-21   1 March 1991 - 28 December 2001
Correspondence with NH about working in Yemen, Liaison officer, Hidden talent; notes and material written for A passion for poetry.

Rex Randerson
HID/20/22   6 May 1970
Letter apologising for not turning up to a Workshop reading.

Arnold Rattenbury
HID/20/23   14 January 1979
Letter about New poetry competition.

Vanessa Redgrave
HID/20/24-25   22 March - 28 May 1968
2 letters from her secretary about the Poets' picnic.

Alec Reid
HID/20/26   10 June 1974
Letter thanking NH for contribution to Kaleidoscope (BBC producer).

Peter Redgrove
HID/20/27-31   7 February 1973 - 27 June 1977
3 letters and 2 postcards about contributions to Workshop.

James Reeves
HID/20/32   [1980s?]
Bookmark, printed with name, vignette and poem “The snail”.

Vera Rich
HID/20/33-34   7 May 2003
Letter from NH congratulating her on Manifold and printout of web page about Manifold poetry journal.

Edgell Rickword
HID/20/35-36   1 January 1969 - 1 April 1969
2 letters about the Civil List.

Paul Roche
HID/20/37   17 November 1970
Letter complaining about list of poetry books issued by Poetry Society.

Dick Russell
HID/28/1-5   [ca. 1970]; 1980-1981
Letter to NH about mentors (originally enclosing either HID/13/59-60 or HID/13/61 letter from Bunting) and his current situation. Letter to NH from Greenbank, WA, regretting the end of New poetry. Two typescript poems “Withdrawn from the dance” and “The nun and the mad woman”. Letter to NH from Greenbank, WA, about For my friends.

St James Press
HID/20/38   20 February 1979
Letter from NH to James Vinson about revisions to Contemporary poets.

Vernon Scammell
HID/20/39-41   17 October 1968 - 17 January 1978
3 letters about poetry readings and poetry.

William Scammell
HID/20/42-44   [1993] - 5 January 1994
Letter about poems and reviews. 2 copy letters from NH.

Arthur Scott
HID/20/45   19 August 1999
Letter to NH congratulating him on Caravan summer.

Tom Scott
HID/20/46-48   3 September 1979 - 23 January 1980
2 letters and 1 copy reply about contributing poems.

Chris Searle
HID/20/49-50   22 November [1970?]
Letter to NH about the progress of his teaching poetry at Sir John Cass and Redcoat School.

Howard Sergeant
HID/20/51-62   21 July 1966 - 11 June 1980
6 letters to NH and 1 copy reply about Outposts and Workshop new poetry, the exchange of copies and the closure of Workshop. Note from Alexandra Seddon granting NH permission to publish; letter from A. Wheaton & Co about rights to poem by David Watkin Price; 3 pages from Outposts including poem by NH “For W. H. Auden” and his congratulations on the 100th issue.

William Seymour
HID/20/63-64   20 - 23 August 1970
Copy letter from NH and reply about poetry readings and presentation of the 1969 UPLI medal to Plomer.

Louis Simpson
HID/20/66-68   31 October 1971
Letter enclosing 2 typescript poems “A donkey named Hannibal” and “Tondelayo”.

Iain Crichton Smith
HID/20/69-72   24 September 1979 - 16 October 1980
3 letters about contributing poems, and 3 typescript poems “This generation”, “All those nights” and “Between Aberdeen and Elgin”.

Stevie Smith
HID/20/73-75   19 August 1967 - 21 October 1969
3 letters about poetry readings.

Stephen Spender
HID/20/76-77   19 May 1975 - 12 March 1978
2 letters regretting unable to attend readings.

Jon Stallworthy
HID/20/78-85   28 June 1966 - 30 March 1977
Letter on behalf of OUP, declining to publish NH's anthology Poems by children; his selection of poems for Workshop 2; typescript copy of poem “End of a fairy tale”, his resignation from the General Council of the Poetry Society; letter to A. L. Hendriks on behalf of OUP about “The islanders”.

R. S. Thomas
HID/21/1-4   4 December 1977 - 8 September 1979
3 postcards and a note about New poetry.

Myfanwy Thomas
HID/21/5   4 April 1969
Letter thanking NH for contribution to Edward and Helen Thomas window fund.

Denys Thompson
HID/21/6-13   16 April 1971 - 1 April 1973
3 letters about Poetry Society meetings; 4 letters about rights for poems in anthologies; letter from John Cassidy granting permission to use “Corporal Karuna”.

Rosemary Tonks
HID/21/14   15 May 1969
Letter of thanks for book.

Philip Toynbee
HID/21/15-23   16 July 1968 - 21 March 1974
9 letters about Workshop, contributers and editing issue 5.

Shirley Toulson
HID/21/24-27   7 February 1969 - 1 July 1999
4 letters about poetry readings and publications.

Lynne Truss
HID/21/28   2 March 1994
Postcard of thanks.

Gael Turnbull
HID/21/29   29 January 1970
Letter about poetry reading.

Dorothy Tutin
HID/21/30   16 July [ ]
Letter about poetry reading.

John Wain
HID/21/31-37   28 June 1976 - 26 March 1979
6 letters and 1 copy reply from NH about contributions, an interview, readings and photographs.

Veronica Wedgwood
HID/21/38   3 March 1970
Letter regretting unable to attend Annual Luncheon.

John Welch
HID/21/39   7 December [ ]
Letter about starting out in London in the 1960s.

Beatrice White
HID/21/40   20 December 1968
Letter about Workshop 3.

Eric White
HID/21/41-42   16 August 1971 - 7 September 1971
Letter inquiring about Madge Herron; letter congratulating NH on his work with Poetry Society.

George Wightman
HID/21/43-69   1967; 1990
Press release [1967] explaining existence of two poetry groups called Writer's Workshop, and how henceforth that chaired by NH will be called Workshop Two and that chaired by George Wightman Poets' Workshop; receipt for half cost of press release. Correspondence [1990] between NH and GW about NH's memoir of their involvement in the Poetry Society in 1968 “The diamond year”, with a copy of that memoir annotated and expanded by GW [much of the memoir later incorporated into A passion for poetry].

Mary Wilson
HID/21/70-71   6 April 1970 - 13 March 1971
2 letters regretting unable to accept invitations.

David Wishart
HID/21/72   7 April 1976
Letter of thanks.

Kit Wright
HID/21/73   5 June 1973
Letter about Poetry Society and 6th form conference.

Louis Zukofsky
HID/21/74-80   19 September 1969 - 27 April 1970
Letter enclosing typescript extract from Bottom: on Shakespeare; letter about using previous letter; postcard of thanks; postcard (“An era any time of year”, Unicorn Press, 1970) to Dick Russell encouraging him to seek NH's help.

Unidentified correspondents
HID/21/81-86   [1970s]
5 items   
Letters from unidentified correspondents.
Thanking him for his work as Chairman of the Poetry Society (from a fellow committee member)
Letter from NH (?) to John about printing poetry and decline of the live poetry readings.
Postcard from Germany to Workshop Press thanking them for issue 12.
Card from Paris thanking Dick Russell (writer identified by Russell as Samuel Beckett).
Postcard to NH thanking him for payment.

HID/22/1-3   18 June 1966
Printed menu, The English Association lunch.
Typescript text of speech by NH.
1 item, 2f 
HID/22/4   1967
Printed programme, Haringey Libraries, Museum and Arts Department Lectures September 1967 - March 1968. Includes lecture by NH “Poetry today. Poetry for the eye: poetry for the ear”, 18 October 1967.
HID/22/5   January 1968
International Student House programme, includes “Poetry after supper” reading with NH, 25 January.
HID/22/6   1 May 1968
Programme Hampstead Artists' Council “Mayday conflagration of poets” Camden Arts Centre.
1 item 
HID/22/7   1968
Programme for Brighton Festival 1968 Exhibition of contemporary sculpture, includes Jesse Watkins' “Talking sculpture” (readers include NH).
1 item 
HID/22/8   1968
University of London Goldsmiths' College Autumn public lecture programme (includes “Poetry: a popular art” by NH, 5 December.
HID/22/9   3 February 1969
Poetry gala, presented by the Poetry Society. Programme for the gala poetry reading to mark the 60th birthday of the Poetry Society.
1v (48p) 
HID/28/33   8 May 1969
Order of service for unveiling and dedication of the Byron memorial, Westminster Abbey.
HID/22/10   1970
The English Association autumn programme (includes lecture by NH “Poetry: a popular art?” 17 October.
1 item 
Sound recordings
HID/C1   [1970s?]
Cassette recording: “Contemporary fiction”, lecture by NH.
HID/C2   [1970s?]
Cassette recording: NH taking a secondary English teaching practice group at All Saints College.
Cassette recording: Lecture (recorded from BBC television?) by Richard Hoggart on culture.
HID/C3   [1970s?]
Cassette recording: Discussion of Sylvia Plath's “Black rook” by NH and sixth form class.
Cassette recording: Reading by NH of script for his studytape on Under Milk Wood.
HID/C4   1990
Cassette recording: Charles Osborne and NH talking about International Poetry Week on Kaleidoscope, Sunday 30 June [1974] .
Cassette recording: More poetry at large recorded at Whitchurch, Oxfordshire.
Cassette recording: NH talking about poetry with school group.
HID/C5   [ca. 1972?]
Cassette recording: interview with Charles Causley.
HID/C6   30 August 1977
Cassette recording: BBC Poetry now. NH introduces programme with readings by Betty Parvin “Hippy”; Herbert Lomas “Well so that is that”; Connie Bensley “May” and “A suitable case for treatment”; A. L. Hendrix “The coastlands”; Jane Beeson “The match”; William Cooke “The roof mender” and Robin Bell “Sawing logs”.
HID/C7   16 November 1977
Cassette recording: NH interviewed by literary editor of The Melbourne herald about Workshop, poetry in the 1960s and literary criticism.
HID/C8   1990
Cassette recording: NH leading discussion on creative writing at St John the Baptist Scool, Hoxton.
HID/C9   [ca. 1993]
Cassette recording: interview on BBC Radio Essex about Liaison officer.
HID/C10   2010
MP3 copies of recordings on HID/C1-C9 and Hidden 004.
1 CD 
Biographical material
HID/23/1-2   20 April 1970
Letter from Nina Carroll to NH about drawing his portrait, with photocopy of a portrait.
1f each 
HID/23/3   [1970s]
Photograph of NH taking seminar group at College of All Saints (detail from a prospectus?).
HID/23/4-5   [1970s]
Two biographical leaflets on NH.
1f each 
HID/23/6   [1970s]
Certificate from The national register of prominent Americans.
HID/23/7-8   1993
“From absent friends” - messages of congratulation to NH on his 80th birthday.
HID/23/9   23 May 2006
Photocopy of NH's obituary in the Independent.
HID/23/10   24 October 2006
Order of service for NH's memorial service.
1v (16p) 
Hidden 125   Autumn 2006
William Morris Society newsletter. Includes description of items bequeathed by NH to the Society in 2006.
1v (32p) 
Press cuttings
HID/24/1-71   1966-1979
Newspaper cuttings Reporting activities of Writer's Workshop; including Haringey Arts Festival, Exposition Spatiale (Paris), Poets' picnic, readings at the Lamb & Flag, poetry marathon at the Roundhouse, Running Horse readings, reports of work with the Poetry Society, interviews with NH.
1 file 
HID/24/72-75   1991-2002
Newspaper cuttings about the Poetry Society.
Prospectuses with courses taught by NH
HID/25/1   11-16 July 1966
Prospectus. University of London Institute of Education “University studies in contemporary language and literature and their relevance to teaching of English” (Course 610).
1 item 
HID/25/2   1967
Prospectus. University of Oxford Institute of Education Courses for teachers Michaelmas term 1967
1 item 
HID/25/3   1968
Prospectus. University of Oxford Institute of Education Courses for teachers Michaelmas term 1968
1 item 
HID/25/4   Autumn 1968
Prospectus. University of London Institute of Education “Part-time course for the certificate in the teaching of English”.
1 item 
HID/25/5   31 October - 2 November 1969
Prospectus. Walthamstow Adult Education Centre “Commitment in contemporary literature”.
1 item 
Appointment diaries
HID/28/1-5   1970-1975
Academic year desk diaries, used to record brief notes of teaching, meetings, readings and other business.
5 v. 
Teaching notes on creative writing in education
HID/26/1-2   [ca. 1960]
Report of session by NH “All attention on the poem” in a journal of the London Association for the Teaching of English.
HID/26/3-29   [1970s ?]
“A few thoughts about writing in secondary schools” (revised typescript and various sheets of ms notes).
1 file 
HID/26/30-55   [1970s ?]
“Creative writing” (revised typescript), includes exercises in poetry and prose writing.
HID/26/56-59   [1970s ?]
“Some suggestions for additional items which might be included in our work in Main English” (typescript)
HID/26/60-70   [1970s ?]
“Talk at a conference of English teachers” (revised typescript and ms notes)
Possibly relates to recording HID/C3 side 1.
HID/26/71-75   [1970s ?]
“The school play” (revised typescript)
HID/26/76-87   [1970s ?]
“Poetry and adolescence” (revised typescript)
HID/26/88   [1970s ?]
“Children's copyright”, typescript article by NH on publishing work by children.
HID/26/89-90   1972
Press release by New York quarterly about article by Galway Kinnell on teaching contemporary poetry; response to this by NH.
1f each 
HID/26/91   [1990 ?]
“Some thoughts arising from St. John's School creative writing” (typescript).
HID/26/92-109   ca. 1971-2001
Examples of collective poems created by children, with notes, and some other poems; “ I wonder”, collective poem printed by NH in Child education p.15 (July 1971). Response to an item in the Times about a poem written collectively by children.
HID/26/110-116   [1970s ?]
Extracts from critical writing.
HID/26/117-130   [1970s ?]
Miscellaneous notes, including on the use of music or paintings as stimuli to writing, a session on public speaking .
HID/27/1   [ca. 1970]
Photograph of Colin Bell
HID/27/2   [1970s]
Photograph of Josephine Austen and Robert Graves, Majorca, with inscription to the Hiddens on the back.
HID/27/3-14   1971
Proposal for the establishment of a Richard Booth poetry prize at the Hay on Wye Festival.
1 file 
HID/27/15-43   1974-1978
Various receipts, contracts and paperwork for readings, talks, and appearances on BBC.
1 file 
HID/27/44   5 July 1984
Press cutting: letter to the Times from NH about the poet laureateship.
HID/27/45   2003
Newspaper obituary of William Cookson attached to critique of Cookson by NH.