Durham University Records: Faculties and Departments
Administrative history


Reference code: GB-0033-UND/D
Title: Durham University Records: Faculties and Departments
Dates of creation: 1886 - date
Extent: 31 linear metres
Held by: Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections
Origination: administrative archive of Durham University
Language: English predominantly, with occasional Latin and even less German and French

Administrative history

The academic structure of the university has always been based on faculties, with the initial ones being Theology and Arts. The development of the Newcastle colleges created faculties for Science and Medicine, with the former becoming Pure Science and having faculties for Agriculture, Applied Science, Commerce and Law added by WW2. At Durham, faculties for Letters (amalgamated with Arts in 1916) and Music were created in the late 1890s, with Education becoming a faculty in 1944. In the revised Durham University after 1963, a Social Sciences faculty was established in 1968, along with a Law faculty 2 years later. In 1985 the number of faculties was reduced with Divinity (Theology was so renamed in 1963), Music, Education and Law all being culled, leaving Arts (and Humanities), Science, and Social Sciences, with Business being added in 2019.
Identifiable departments developed after WW1, with particularly Arts ones, but also later Science ones as well, being duplicated in Durham and Newcastle. In addition, often cross-department Centres, upgraded on occasion to Institutes, on particular themes became a growing feature from the 1990s, but the main work of administering teaching and research was still carried out by the department.


Few faculties or departments have transferred any significant quantity of records to the university's archive. There are considerable quantities of files for administering the Science faculty and site from its inception in Durham in 1922; these do not cover Science in Newcastle up to 1963. There are few minutes of boards of studies yet deposited from departments, apart from Mathematics, and the only departments to have anything like complete archives are the closed ones of Extra-Mural Studies (extant 1911-2002), Oriental/East Asian Studies (extant 1951-2007) and Palaeography and Diplomatic (extant 1948-1990). There are sequences of student files from the departments of History and Economic History from the 1970s and 1980s, otherwise really only occasional items have so far been received for Archaeology, Economics, Education, English, Geography, Law, Music, Philosophy, Physics and Zoology. There are also some records from the various Institutes and Centres operating alongside and across departments, but only the Society of Fellows and the Centre for Seventeenth-Century Studies have any real quantities of reports, minutes and administrative files.

Accession details

Transferred to the University Library from the faculties and departments at various times since the 1950s, and especially since 2004.

Previous custodial history

Held by the various faculties and departments of the university.

Conditions of access

There is restricted access to administrative records less than 30 years old, with some further restrictions, generally as noted, on records less than 80 years old where the General Data Protection regulations apply.

Copyright and copying

Permission to make any published use of material from the collection must be sought in advance from the Head of Collections (email pg.library@durham.ac.uk) and, where appropriate, from the copyright owner. The Library will assist where possible with identifying copyright owners, but responsibility for ensuring copyright clearance rests with the user of the material


Records are generally arranged where appropriate within the faculty, department, centre or institute as follows (not all series are necessarily present):
A Annual and other general reports
B Committee minutes and other papers
C Accounts
D Student records
E Files of the head of the administration
F Other office files
G Papers of and about individual members
H Publications
I Photographs
J Plans
K Ephemera
L Teaching materials
M Student work
N Artefacts


Some accessions are appraised on site before transfer, others are appraised when received at Palace Green Library. Clean duplicates are generally removed.


Continuous further accruals are anticipated. In April 2004, a retention schedule and other records management procedures were developed for the university's records to facilitate the regular transfer of records from the university's departments and offices to the archive. This draft retention schedule was developed further on the appointment of the first university records manager in August 2006, and revised in 2019.
Records of pre-1963 faculties and departments based in Newcastle are held in Special Collections, Robinson Library, Newcastle as part of Newcastle University's archive.


Faculties, departments, institutes and centres
Reference: UND/D
Reference: UND/DA Faculties at Durham University:
Agriculture 1888-1963 (thence Newcastle)
Applied Science 1891-1963 (thence Newcastle)
Arts (and Humanities from 2002) 1833-date
Business (2019-date)
Commerce (Economic Studies in 1952) 1913-1963 (thence Newcastle)
Education 1944-1985
Health, Medicine and the Environment 2000-2002
Law 1938-1963 (at Newcastle) and 1970-1985 (at Durham)
Letters 1898-1916 (thence united with Arts)
Medicine 1870-1963 (thence Newcastle)
Music 1897-1985
Science 1871-date
Social Sciences (and Health from 2002) 1968-date
Theology (Divinity in 1963) 1833-1985

Science Faculty
Reference: UND/DA1
Dates of creation: 1922 - 1973 When Durham university was founded in 1832, several appointments to teach scientific subjects were made. In 1838 a course in civil engineering was established, but it was short-lived. With the opening in 1871 of the College of Physical Science in the Newcastle upon Tyne division of the university, all science teaching was transferred there. Science teaching was re-established in Durham in 1924, with involvement from Durham County Council, which was concerned to enhance the supply of graduate teachers of science subjects.
The papers date from the administration of Miss Beatrice Hollingworth, Science Site Secretary 1928-1966. They were deposited with the University Library in 1982 by I.M. Stewart, Assistant Registrar.
W.A. Prowse, University Science in Durham, 1924-74 (Durham 1974), 28p.
C. Preece, “The Durham Engineer Students of 1838”, Transactions of the Architectural amd Archaeological Society of Durham and Northumberland (New Series, 6, 1981), p.71-74.
R.A. Baker, “The Art of the Soluble: Science and Scientists at Durham”, (History of Universities 14, 1995-1996), p.201-223.

Annual and Other General Reports
Reference: UND/DA1/A
UND/DA1/A1   1957 - 1958
Annual report for 1957/8, comprising reports of the chairman and assistant secretary (for Sciencne), and the departments of Botany, Chemistry Geography, Geology, Mathematics, Observatory, Physics and Zoology.
Paper file
UND/DA1/A2   2013
Faculty of Science Annual Report
Printed colour illustrated paper booklet
Committee minutes
Reference: UND/DA1/B
Dates of creation: 1938 - 1973
UND/DA1/BA1   7 October 1938 - 10 March 1952
Science Departmental Committee minute book
Manuscript to April 1947, then typescript stuck in.
With occasional inserted correspondence, including a letter from the secretary of Council of 5 July 1938 establishing the committee as comprising the heads of the Science departments and with a brief to administer the general services of the laboratories, the care of the structure and the supervision of staff not attached to an individual department, with the chair to rotate through the departments every two years.
Formerly UND A4/11.
UND/DA1/BB1   1968 - 1972
Science Site Common Room Committee minutes
Paper file
Formerly UND A4/15.
UND/DA1/BC1   1969 - 1973
Liquid Gases Sub-Committee papers
Paper file
Formerly UND A4/16.
For later papers see UND/DA1/SS48(i) below).
UND/DA1/BD1-8   1980 - 1987
Board of Examiners papers, including agendas, provisional marks and procedures for examiners, for June and September each year.
1985 includes mark sheets for individual exams.
1986 includes copy Science Concessions and Exemptions Committees minutes.
1987 includes correspondence re individual cases.
UND/DA1/BE1   1966 - 1972
Committee on the Administration of the Science Site and the Observatory (CASSO), agendas, minutes and papers
1. October 1966 - May 1969.
2. October 1969 - May 1970.
3. October 1970 - May 1971.
4. October 1971 - June 1972.
4 paper files
Student records
Reference: UND/DA1/D
Dates of creation: 1924 - 1965
UND/DA1/D1   1924 - [1964]
“'Lists of students who have entered Department of Science, 1924-[64]”
Ledger containing annual alphabetical lists, liberally annotated by Miss Hollingworth with details of the students' subsequent careers. At the back of the volume are lists of Shell Scholars, Senior Students, Pemberton Fellows, and students nominated to attend annual meetings of the British Association.
Paper book
Formerly UND A4/8.
UND/DA1/D2   1930/31 - 1964/65
Ledger containing annual lists of Senior Students, research students, and higher degrees awarded in science.
Paper book
Formerly UND A4/9.
Files of the Head of Science
Reference: UND/DA1/E
Dates of creation: 1930 - 1938
UND/DA1/E1   1930 - 1938
Irvine Masson's papers as head of Science (1934-1938) at Durham University about the Royal Commission on the University whose report was published in 1935 (DUL L378.4281 DUR/GRE) and the subsequent implementation of the Durham University Act.
Including notes of meetings, circulars, bills, statutes, reports, and letters, draft, copy and original. Includes:
- Letters from and draft and copy letters to J. Franklin Sibley 1934-1936 and nd (Nos 291-293, 461, 463-470)
- Draft letters to Sir George MacDonald nd (Nos 295-297)
- Letters from J.L. Burchnall 1934 (Nos 307, 355)
- Letter from Beatrice Hollingworth 1934 (No 329)
- Letters from and copy letters to S.H. Wood, secretary to the Commission 1934 (Nos 364, 365, 396, 397, 404-413, 422-440)
- Manuscript memorandum: “Data and Observations. Drawn by I.M. in prelude to evidence before the Royal Commission 1934” (Nos 271-280)
- Manuscript memorandum “Observations and Historical Notes about Duplication of Work (particularly in Science) between Durham and Newcastle: I.M. 5 January 1934” (Nos 381-390)
- Manuscript memorandum relating to: “Management of the Durham Division in relation to that of its Colleges” 1934 (Nos 391-393)
- Manuscript memorandum relating to “University of Durham Finance” 1934 (No 394)
- Copy letter to and letter from A.L. Sells 1934 & 1935 (Nos 409, 415)
- Letters from and draft letters to Will Spens 1934 & 1935 (Nos 462, 471-475)
2 paper files of 484 numbered items
Transferred from Sheffield University Archives 1 August 2003, accession number Misc.2002/2003:55 by Matthew Zawadzki, University Records Manager. (Masson was Vice-Chancellor of Sheffield 1938-1952.)
Formerly numbered in Sheffield University Archives as SUA V/15/1-484 and in DUL ASC as UND/A17.
Other office files
Reference: UND/DA1/F
Dates of creation: 1924 - 1964
UND/DA1/F1/1-13   1924
Papers relating to the opening of the Science laboratories, 2 October 1924.
Paper file
Formerly UND A4/2.
UND/DA1/F2   c.1934 - 1964
Press releases.
Paper file
Formerly UND A4/5.
UND/DA1/F3   9 November 1948
Professor Wager's speech at the opening of the top storey extension to the Science laboratories.
Paper file
Formerly UND A4/7.
UND/DA1/F4   c.1924 - 1957
Card index, apparently to matters relating to science in Senate minutes.
Formerly UND A4/10.
UND/DA1/F5-8   1966 - 1971
Brigadier R.H. Fisher, Science Site Manager, correspondence files re the Committee on the Administration of the Science Site and the Observatory (CASSO) and the administration of the Science Site and its staff.
5. October 1966 - November 1967.
6. November 1967 - May 1969.
7. September 1969 - May 1970.
8. June 1970 - June 1971.
4 paper files
Papers of and about individual members
Reference: UND/DA1/G
Biographical notes on James Finlay Weir Johnston, 1796-1855, lecturer in Chemistry and Mineralogy in the university of Durham, with a list of his publications.
Paper file
Formerly UND A4/6.
Reference: UND/DA1/H
UND/DA1/H1   March 1991 & March 1993
Handbook/Guidelines for Postgraduate Students and Supervisors
March 1991, Handbook, 64p
March 1993, Guidelines, ii + 78p
UND/DA1/H2   1967
Regulations for Examinations in Science
Paper booklet, 64p
UND/DA1/H3   1965 - 2004
Science in the University of Durham Handbook was a series of books published annually detailing the degree programmes and modules offered in the faculty of Science, and the academic and support services available to students. As well as celebrating the 50th anniversary (in the 1974-75 publication) of the opening of the science laboratories in Durham, until 1981 both undergraduate and postgraduate opportunities were included within the books (after this date only undergraduate courses are available within this collection, although they do make reference to postgraduate study). Mainly text with some black and white photographs/illustrations, they provide information on subjects available, the departments included within the faculty, and services provided to successful applicants.
Significant changes:
1981 Postgraduate studies now in a separate handbook
1994 Information on support services (welfare and financial assistance) and codes of practice added
1996 A4 format, contents now: general, degree programme frameworks, module descriptions level 1, academic services, support services, teaching and learning, codes of practice and policy statments
1997 First year and finals undergraduates separated out into two volumes, with finals core information (general, timetable and marking and degree classiciation conventions) in a separate Core -Volume I for all faculties
1999 Volumes retitled Volume I Preliminary Honours and Volume III Final Honours with the common to all faculties Volume II - Core FInal Honours
53 printed illustrated (to 1995) paper books
UND/DA1/H4   1929/30, 1930/31, 1942/43
Prospectus of the Department of Pure Science 1929/30 and 1930/31
Prospectus of the Departments of Pure Science 1942/43
3 paper leaflets
UND/DA1/H5   [1958] & [1959]
University of Durham The Durham Colleges Departments in the Faculty of Science
2 paper booklets, illustrated
UND/DA1/H6   [1934] & [1937]
The University of Durham (Durham Division) Department of Science Record of the Period October, 1924, to December, 1934 and The University of Durham (Durham Division) Department of Science Record of the Period October, 1924, to December, 1937 detailing staff, numbers, degrees, and students' publications and jobs, staff external activities and publications.
2 printed paper booklets
UND/DA1/H7   14 November 1931
The University of Durham (Durham Division) Department of Science Conversazione Saturday, 14th November, 1931 exhibition programme with staff details and the history of the laboratories
Printed paper booklet
UND/DA1/H8   9 - 11 December 1974
Science Laboratories 50th Anniversary Celebrations Open Days: 9-11 December 1924-1974 programme detailing exhibitions, tours, lectures, and films in each department.
Printed paper booklet, 16p + covers
UND/DA1/H9   [2013] - 2019
Celebrate Science programmes of events, flyers and posters:
29-31 October 2013, 28-30 October 2014, 25-27 October 2016, 23-25 October 2018, 29-31 October 2019
Paper file
UND/DA1/H10   [2013]
A Brief Introduction to the Faculty of Science
Printed colour illustrated paper booklet
Reference: UND/DA1/J
Dates of creation: 1922 - 1923
UND/DA1/J1   1922 - 1923
Plans of the proposed science laboratories.
Paper file
Formerly UND A4/1.
Reference: UND/DA1/K
UND/DA1/K1   1924
Press cuttings relating to the opening of the science laboratories, 2 October 1924.
Paper file
Formerly UND A4/3.
UND/DA1/K2   c.1927 - 1964
Press cuttings relating to the Science faculty.
(A pictorial feature article “Durham in 1921: special illustrated story of the great university of the north”, from The Sphere, 22 October 1921, has been removed and located with printed material in the Local Collection).
2 paper files
Formerly UND A4/4.
Science Registrar's files
Reference: UND/DA1/S
UND/DA1/SA16   2 April 1963 - 21 August 1979
Applied Physics and Electronics Dept, correspondence, copies of grants and course applications.
UND/DA1/SA19   20 November 1975 - July 1980
Committee for the Commencement of Michaelmas Term, agendas, minutes, correspondence, freshers conference 1976 handbook, calendar.
UND/DA1/SB1   1964 - 1980
Botany Dept, correspondence and copies of grant applications.
1. 8 October 1964 - 28 April 1979.
2. 27 April 1980 - 17 May 1988.
UND/DA1/SB2   28 January 1981 - 14 June 1982
Biology Dept, programme and papers for the visit of the UGC Biological Sciences Sub-Committee in November 1983, also correspondence and papers of meetings of the Future Development of Biology Committee.
UND/DA1/SB5   June 1963
Superintendant of Buildings in the Durham Colleges, report on the post's proposed structure and organisation.
UND/DA1/SC8   29 March 1951 - 17 December 1979
Chemistry Dept, correspondence, licence applications for the use of chemicals, and copies of grant applications.
UND/DA1/SC21   1981 - 1991
Computer Centre, correspondence, minutes and reports of the Computer Service Committee and subsidiary committees and working groups, with also some annual reports of the Computer Cetnre.
1. 1 April 1981 - 31 March 1982.
2. 1 April 1982 - 30 September 1983.
3. 1 October 1983 - 31 August 1984.
4. 1 September 1984 - 30 April 1985.
5. 1 May 1985 - 31 January 1986.
6. 1 February 1986 - 16 July 1986.
7. 16 July 1986 - 22 October 1987.
8. 1 August 1987 - 30 September 1988.
9. 11 October 1988 - 17 February 1989.
10. 24 February - 5 June 1989.
11. 13 September - 24 November 1989.
12. 27 November 1989 - 20 August 1990.
13. 4 September - 5 November 1990.
14. 8 - 27 November 1990.
15. 3 December 1990 - 18 March 1991.
16. 19 March - 23 May 1991.
UND/DA1/SC21(i)   1982 - 1991
Computer Consultative Committee, correspondence, agendas and minutes, with some annual reports of the Computer Centre.
1. 7 May 1982 - 26 February 1986.
2. 21 May 1986 - 22 February 1988.
3. 22 March 1988 - 25 May 1990.
4. 20 June 1990 - 24 July 1991.
UND/DA1/SC21(ii)   1979 - 1986
Microprocessor Committees, correspondence, agendas and minutes for the microprocessor developments steering committee and the microprocessor centre managment committee.
1. 18 May - 19 December 1979.
2. 18 December 1979 - 3 October 1980.
3. 1 October 1980 - 31 March 1982.
4. 31 April 1982 - 31 Jnauary 1986.
UND/DA1/SC21(iii)   1986 - 1991
Computer Literacy Working Group, correspondence, agendas and minutes with a report of the group on Distributed Computing Requirements, proposal and appendices of the Enterprise in Higher Education Initiative, to the Manpower Services Commission, also correspondence about and applications for distributed computing initiative grants.
1/i-ii. 4 June 1986 - 5 December 1988.
2. 1 February - 20 December 1988.
3. i January 1989 - 27 April 1990.
4. 1 May 1990 - 21 August 1991.
A. 16 May 1990 - 4 April 1991.
UND/DA1/SC22   1949 - 1959
Colonial Colleges Advisory Committee, including memoranda relating to the Colonial Development and Welfare Grant for the Nigerian College of Arts, Science and Technology, reports on A Technical College Organisation for Nigeria, reports and correspondence on Fourah Bay College and a Survey of Technical and Further Educartion in Sierra Leone and Gambia, draft charter and statutes for Fourah Bay College 1959, reports on training in West Africa and Nigeria, maps, floorplans and diagrams of Fourah Bay College 1952.
UND/DA1/SD11   1966 - 1986
DSc Degree, correspondence.
1. 27 April 1966 - 21 March 1978.
2. 22 March 1978 - 15 January 1986.
UND/DA1/SE6   11 March 1985 - 28 June 1988
Department of Education and Science, Student Grants, correspondence, circulars and reports, including Current Educational Research Projects supported by the Department of Education and Science (January 1988) and the DES's Guides to grants Postgraduate Awards 3 Information science scholarshis and fellowships, 1988.
Paper file
UND/DA1/SE11   19 February 1980 - 4 May 1982
Expeditions Committee, correspondence.
UND/DA1/SE23   7 October 1964 - 22 February 1979
Engineering Science Dept, correspondence and article Engineering Science at Durham University A Note Prepared for the U.G.C. Technology Sub-Committee, 23 May 1974.
UND/DA1/SE25/1-3, A   1980 - 1989
Engineering and Applied Science School, correspondence, agendas and minutes of the Board of Studies.
1. 7 June 1985 - 2 September 1987.
2. 27 August 1987 - 11 October 1988.
3. 11 October 1988 - 20 November 1989.
A. 11 November 1980 - 25 April 1989.
UND/DA1/SE25/B   1983 - 1988
Engineering and Applied Science School, assorted documents including UGC Technology Sub-Committee Visit (1988), Report on the Visit to the University of Gezira (1983) and Research Programme, Department of Engineering.
UND/DA1/SE26/1   1988 - 1989
Engineering and Applied Science School: Computer Science, printed lecture Computer Science, University of Durham, SEAS, Computer Science Local and National Statistics booklet, students' handbook
UND/DA1/SE26/2   1990 - 1991
Engineering and Applied Science School: Computer Science, booklets Research in Computer Science in the School of Engineering and Applied Science, The Centre for Software Maintenance: Research in Progress August 1990, Degree Courses Offered by the Board of Studies in Computer Science 1990-91.
UND/DA1/SG5   1 February 1965 - 8 May 1982
Geological Sciences Dept, correspondence, with a booklet of information on the department.
UND/DA1/SL3/1-2   1977 - 1990
Lecture Rooms and Accommodation, correspondence, timetables, plans, booking records, and minutes of the Lecture Theatres COmmittee
1. 14 October 1977 - 29 October 1986.
2. 6 January 1987 - 21 September 1990.
UND/DA1/SL3/A   9 January 1980 - 29 January 1982
Plans of Science Site Buildings, including the First Report of the Accommodation Review Committee (1982) with folded plans and blueprints.
UND/DA1/SL3/B   1 November 1983 - 6 January 1986
Room Booking Changes During Collections, including timetables, correspondence and dcouments on the structure of Geography examinations.
UND/DA1/SM8   27 August 1980 - 29 November 1988
Engineering Science Degree, correspondence and admission statistics for the Engineering Science degree, with minutes of the Science Faculty Board Mechanical Engineering Steering Committee.
UND/DA1/SM8(i)   23 April 1980 - 21 July 1986
Mechanical Engineering Steering Committee, correspondence, agendas and minutes.
UND/DA1/SM8(ii)   22 May 1984 - 4 June 1986
Microelectronics Option Advisory Board, correspondence, agendas and minutes.
UND/DA1/SM9(i)   15 March 1973 - 23 August 1982
Mathematics Dept, correspondence, grant applications, and information on symposia.
UND/DA1/SM9(ii)   5 February 1987 - 16 December 1988
MSc Taught Courses, general correspondence.
UND/DA1/SM17/A   12 May 1986 - 5 May 1989
Biotechnology Advanced Course, correspondence and payments of examiners.
UND/DA1/SM17/B   1968 - 1990
Ecology, MSc by Advanced Course, correspondence, information on examinations, invoices.
1. 7 September 1968 - 20 September 1981.
2. 1 October 1981 - 5 November 1990.
UND/DA1/SM17/C   30 October 1970 - 4 October 1989
Engineering Geology, MSc Taught Course, correspondence.
UND/DA1/SM17/D   23 April 1986 - 27 October 1989
Engineering Geology, MSc by Advanced Course, correspondence, summaries of examination and dissertation results, admissions statistics.
UND/DA1/SM17/E   30 November 1976 - 25 January 1982
Quantitative Geography, MSc Taught Course, correspondence.
UND/DA1/SM17/F   28 May 1970 - 30 November 1989
Geophysics, MSc Taught Course, correspondence.
UND/DA1/SM17/G   2 December 1977 - 5 October 1979
Tribiology, MSc Taught Course, correspondence.
UND/DA1/SO1   September - November 1979
Observatory, correspondence.
Paper file
UND/DA1/SO8   1 December 1972 - 31 January 1986
Overseas Students, reports of the Overseas Academic and Students Committee, lists of students overseas, copies of the Education (Fees and Awards) Regulations Act 1983, and articles.
UND/DA1/SO10   1972 - 1990
Open University, correspondence, booklet about a week-long Earth Sciences OU/Durham Summer School course (1981), room requirements and timetables, folded plans for buildings extensions.
1. 21 October 1972 - 25 June 1982.
2. 1 July 1982 - 31 October 1990.
UND/DA1/SO12/A   19 March 1981 - 30 June 1982
University Open Days: 150th Anniversary, correspondence, order of service for the Thanksgiving Service, minutes of the Celebrations Committee and 150th Anniversary Committee, official calendar of events, 150th Anniversary newsletter.
UND/DA1/SO12/B   2 October 1981 - 7 June 1982
Open Days Committee, correspondence, information on a fun run and open days, minutes of the Open Days Committee.
UND/DA1/SO12/C   2 October 1980 - 22 October 1982
University 150th Anniversary, correspondence, photocopied articles, agendas and minutes of the 150th Anniversary Committee.
UND/DA1/SO12/D   23 -27 April 1982
University 150th Anniversary,booklets advertising the appeals, newspaper cuttings about the celebrations.
UND/DA1/SP2   22 December 1964 - 4 June 1979
Physics Dept, correspondence and grant applications.
UND/DA1/SR5/1-6   1983 - 1990
Registration, lists, also for examinations, notes on a meeting on student registration procedures, instructions for registration, the process itself, timetables, correspondence, notes on course changes, Student Procedures Manual (1989/90, 1990/91)
1. October 1983 - October 1987.
2. 9 June 1986 - 29 November 1988.
3. 21 June 1989 - 28 September 1990.
4. 8 March - 23 October 1989.
5. 18 - 27 June 1990.
6. 3 - 18 October 1990.
UND/DA1/SR5/A   [c.1980]
Registrar's Dept, guide to the student records system.
UND/DA1/SR11   5 September 1990 - 17 September 1992
Registrar's Personal File, correspondence, memoranda, information from Watson Burne solicitors.
UND/DA1/SS3   1971 - 1993
Science Faculty Board, correspondence, registers of attendance, agendas, minutes, standing orders.
1. 29 February 1971 - 20 November 1974,
2. 11 May 1973 - 24 January 1975.
3. January 1975 - 30 June 1976.
4. 1 July 1976 - 31 July 1977.
5. 1 August 1977 - 31 July 1978.
6. 1 August 1978 - 31 January 1979.
7. 1 February - 31 July 1979.
8. 1 August 1979 - 18 January 1980.
9. 19 January - December 1980.
10. 1 January 1981 - 30 April 1982.
11. 1 May - July 1982.
12. 1 August 1982 - 30 September 1983.
13. 1 August 1983 - 31 May 1984.
14. 1 June 1984 - 28 February 1985.
15. 1 March - 31 December 1985.
16. 1 January - 31 October 1986.
17. 1 May 1991 - 3 June 1993.
UND/DA1/SS3(i)   17 February 1992 - 20 August 1994
External Examiner (Moderator - Natural Sciences) Reports, correspondence, instructions for examiners, “The Senate Scale of Examination Marks”, examiners' reports, procedures in cases where candidates miss a part or the whole of their examination, code of practice on external examining.
UND/DA1/SS3(ii)   1976 - 1994
Science Faculty Concessions and Academic Progress Committee, correspondence, agendas and minutes, copies of applications for course changes.
1. 1 January 1976 - 31 July 1977.
2. 1 August 1977 - 31 July 1978.
3. 1 August 1978 - 31 July 1979.
4. 1 August 1979 - 31 July 1980.
5. 1 August 1980 - 31 August 1981.
6. 1 September 1981 - September 1982.
7. 31 October 1982 - 31 July 1983.
8. 19 August 1983 - 31 May 1984.
9. 1 June - 30 September 1984.
10. 1 October 1984 - 30 April 1985.
11. 1 May - 30 September 1985.
12. 1 October 1985 - 28 February 1986.
13. 3 March - 18 August 1986.
14. 1 September 1986 - 9 November 1987.
15. 17 November 1986 - 12 June 1987.
16. 10 - 19 June 1987.
17. 1 January - 9 September 1988.
18. 1 November 1988 - 15 February 1989.
19. 15 September 1989 - 15 May 1990.
20. 1 June 1989 - 31 July 1991.
21. 1991 - 1992.
22. 1 August 1991 - May 1994.
23. 1993 - 1994.
UND/DA1/SS3(iii)   1 August 1977 - 28 February 1978
Science Faculty Higher Degrees Committee, correspondence regarding applications for theses and higher degrees, agendas.
UND/DA1/SS3(iv)   December 1978 - February 1982
Committee on Science and Mathematics Teaching in the B.Ed., correspondence, agendas, minutes and committee papers.
Paper file
UND/DA1/SS3(vi)   18 November 1963 - 23 August 1965
Science Faculty Exemptions, correspondence.
UND/DA1/SS3(vii)   1978 - 1993
Science Faculty Quinquennial Review/Planning Committee, correspondence, reports on research and the future development of the university, agendas and minutes, applications for research posts.
1. 1 August 1978 - 31 August 1981.
2. 1 September 1981 - 30 November 1983.
3. 1 December 1983 - 31 December 1984.
4. 1 January 1985 - 31 January 1986.
5. 1 February - 7 November 1986.
6. 7 November 1986 - 27 February 1987.
7. 27 February - 15 October 1987.
8. 30 October 1987 - 18 April 1988.
9. 19 April - 4 November 1988.
10. 8 November 1988 - 9 November 1989.
11. 1 December 1988 - August 1989.
12. October 1989 - August 1990.
13. 10 February 1987 - 31 December 1990.
14. 1 January 1991 - 30 September 1991.
15. 1 October 1991 - 30 December 1992.
16. 1 January 1993 - July 1993.
A. 25 March - 16 May 1988 Forward Planning (Dean's Group).
UND/DA1/SS3(xii)   5 May 1972 - 7 July 1975
Science Laboratories 50th Anniversary Open Days General, official publicity leaflet, tickets, invoices, correspondence, press notices and news releases, details of special guests, visitor plan of the campus, personal notes and diagrams, details of events, working party agendas, including Science Laboratories 50th Anniversary Celebrations Open Days: 9-11 December 1924-1974 programme
UND/DA1/SS3(xii)/A   13 December 1973 - 19 December 1974
Science Laboratories 50th Anniversary Lectures, correspondence.
UND/DA1/SS3(xii)/B   31 May 1974 - 17 July 1975
Science Laboratories 50th Anniversary Lectures Young Scientist Competition, correspondence.
UND/DA1/SS3(xii)/C   8 July - 16 December 1974
Science Laboratories 50th Anniversary Lectures Northern Echo Articles, correspondence, drafts, article from New Scientist and Science Journal (1971).
UND/DA1/SS3(xii)/D   31 October - 5 December 1974
Science Laboratories 50th Anniversary Lectures Press Cuttings, from Palatinate (5 December 1974) and The Northern Echo (31 October, 7, 14, 21 November, 5 December 1974), and a little correspondence.
UND/DA1/SS3(xii)/E   13 March 1973 - 26 November 1974
Science Laboratories 50th Anniversary Lectures Working Party, minutes, agendas and correspondence, with estimated cost of the Open Days.
UND/DA1/SS4(i)   1969 - 1984
Senate Higher Degrees Committee, correspondence, agendas, minutes, with instructions to examiners and further details regarding appeal cases.
1. 23 June 1969 - 5 October 1984.
2. 27 February 1979 - 9 June 1980.
3. 19 June - 10 December 1980.
4. 1 April - 30 September 1981.
5. 1 June - 23 December 1982.
UND/DA1/SS4(ii)   1979 - 1982
Senate Concessions and Exemptions Committee, correspondence, agendas and minutes.
1. 2 January - 10 August 1979.
2. 7 July 1980 - 29 January 1981.
3. 19 March - 5 October 1981.
4. 26 October 1981 - 4 September 1982.
UND/DA1/SS14   1964 - 1981
Student Statistics, tables, some correspondence and analysis, with printouts of the university statistical records on student losses.
1. 26 October 1964 - 30 November 1971.
2. 31 January 1973 - 30 November 1978.
3. 5 January 1979 - 13 October 1981.
4. 2 August 1981 USR Maths printouts.
UND/DA1/SS29   1972 - 1988
Science Site General Services Committee, agendas and minutes, correspondence, notes and reports on safety on the Science Site, also telephone logs, and a questionnaire on the use of dangerous pathogens in university laboratories.
1. 8 January 1972 - 18 April 1974.
2. 7 August 1972 - 4 March 1975.
3. 19 June 1974 - 19 January 1976.
4. 21 January - 20 December 1976.
5. 5 January 1977 - 7 September 1978.
6. 11 December 1978 - 27 February 1980.
7. 14 February 1980 - 18 December 1981.
8. 5 January 1982 - 12 August 1983.
9. 25 October 1983 - 31 January 1986.
10/i&ii. 1 February 1986 - 9 November 1988.
UND/DA1/SS47   14 September - 30 November 1987
Science and Engineering Research Council, correspondence, proposals for research centres in Durham and the North-East.
UND/DA1/SS48   1972 - 1985
Science Site Technical Services, correspondence, agendas and minutes, details of projects, instruction booklet for the Philips Liquid Nitrogen Plant and a BOC booklet of instructions on handling and storing liquid helium.
1. 22 September 1972 - 17 April 1974.
2. 15 May 1973 - 29 July 1974.
3. 17 July 1974 - 24 November 1975.
4. 15 October 1975 - 20 August 1976.
5. 11 January 1977 - 13 December 1978.
6. 4 December 1978 - 17 December 1979.
7. 21 January 1980 - 21 December 1981.
8. 11 January 1982 - 5 August 1983.
9. 21 October 1983 - 21 January 1985.
UND/DA1/SS48(i)   1971 - 1983
Liquid Gases Committee (Sub-Committee of Science Site Technical Services), correspondence, agendas and minutes, with price projections and costings.
1. 24 February 1971 - 9 August 1972.
2. 13 March 1973 - 22 June 1981.
3. 12 October 1981 - 12 April 1983.
For earlier papers see UND/DA1/BC1 above.
UND/DA1/SS48(ii)   1964 - 1977
Air Products Contracts, correspondence about the university's purchases of chemicals from Air Products Ltd, including business cards.
1. 12 June 1964 - 1 April 1974.
2. 12 January 1974 - 8 November 1977.
UND/DA1/SS48(iii)   1968 - 1982
British Oxygen Contracts, correspondence, invoices, copies of contracts, business cards, catalogue of Special Gases.
1. 9 July 1968 - March 1974.
2. 23 July 1974 - 4 October 1982.
UND/DA1/SS50   1974 - 1982
Science Site Canteen/High Wood Room (from 1982) Sub-Committee, correspondence, reports on catering services, minutes and agendas, accounts summaries, graphs.
1. 19 March 1974 - 25 November 1976.
2. 12 January 1977 - 10 January 1980.
3. 7 February 1980 - 1 April 1982.
4. 6 May 1982 - 9 January 1987.
UND/DA1/SS51   1965 - 1984
Projection Facilities Sub-Committee, instruction booklets of projectors, plans for projectors and cameras, correspondence, licence for a radio microphone, agendas and minutes, plans of lecture theatre sound systems.
1. 20 July 1965 - 28 November 1968.
2. 31 January 1969 - 26 April 1974.
3. 22 April 1974 - 24 November 1978.
4. 2 March 1978 - 28 September 1982.
5. 1 October 1982 - 15 July 1983.
6. 10 October 1983 - 11 December 1984.
UND/DA1/SS52   1965 - 1989
Science Workshops, correspondence, costings, agendas and minutes of the Science Faculty Planning Sub-Committee and the working group on the Funding of Workshop Services.
1. 8 July 1965 - 12 August 1981.
2. 21 September 1981 - 22 November 1989.
3. 10 June 1987 - 20 September 1989.
UND/DA1/SS53/1   14 June 1967
Science Administration and Procedures: Science Faculty Board Membership.
UND/DA1/SS53/2   1 October 1968 - 3 March 1970
Science Administration and Procedures: Science Facultry Board Standing Orders of the Sub-Dean, terms of appointment.
UND/DA1/SS53/3   22 October 1968 - 10 May 1977
Science Faculty Board: Powers in Respect of Concessions.
UND/DA1/SS53/4   28 January 1964 - 7 March 1979
Senate Higher Degrees Committee Decisions.
UND/DA1/SS53/5   18 November 1971 - 22 February 1978
Senate Timetable Committee Standing Orders.
UND/DA1/SS53/6   17 October 1967 - 3 February 1970
Collections and General Regulations Report.
UND/DA1/SS53/7   14 October 1963 - January 1978
Science Faculty Board Higher Degrees Rules and Regulations.
UND/DA1/SS53/A   [c.1975]
Science Administration and Procedures Index.
UND/DA1/SS54   1975 - 1986
Safety in the University, agendas and minutes of the Health and Safety Policy Committee, copies of the Safety Newsletter, a booklet on Control of Laboratory Use of Pathogens Very Dangerous to Humans, a report on Safety in Universities from the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals of the Universities of the United Kingdom.
1. 17 December 1975 - 29 June 1982.
2. 20 August 1982 - 25 February 1986.
UND/DA1/SS55/1   12 November 1963 - 16 August 1972
Science Administration Building, correspondence, schedules of accommodation.
UND/DA1/SS55/2   December 1972 - November 1980
Electronic Engineer, correspondence with Mr M. Kolar of the Computer Unit, also orders and reports re the procurement of equipment.
Paper file
UND/DA1/T1   1978 - 1988
Timetables, correspondence and notice about timetable amendments.
UND/DA1/ST11/A   6 October 1988 - 24 April 1989
Teesside Initiative, information on a meeting on The Teesside Initiative in Higher Education and a propsal “A College for the 1990s on Teesside: Background to the initial proposal”, with correspondence.
UND/DA1/ST11/B   5 December 1988 - 26 May 1989
Teesside Academic Planning Group Masterfile, correspondence, agendas, minutes and reports of the Teesside Academic Planning Group.
UND/DA1/ST11/C   14 November 1988 - 16 June 1989
Teesside Development Group Masterfile, minutes, reports and correspondence.
UND/DA1/ST11/D   24 February 1988 - 4 July 1989
Teesside Publicity, correspondence, photocopied press cuttings.
UND/DA1/ST11/E   18 September 1990 - 24 July 1991
Joint Developments Executive, correspondence, reports and the “Academic Plan” of the Teesside Initiative.
UND/DA1/ST11/F   22 May 1990
Environmental Management Courses, correspondence and information regarding courses in Environmental Management and Human Biology.
UND/DA1/ST11/G   29 November 1989 - 24 September 1990
Institute of Health Studies, correspondence and draft standing orders of the Academic Board for Health Studies.
UND/DA1/ST11/H   January 1990
Model Contracts and Case Studies Draft: NHSTA Copyright, “Model Training Contracts: Concepts and Cases in Contracting for the Provision of Education and Training in the National Health Service”.
UND/DA1/ST11/I   [c.1990]
Teesside Middlehaven Regional Initiative, letters of support from a variety of institutions and companies.
UND/DA1/SU2   1986 - 1990
University Grants Committee (UGC), correspondence, information on changes to the structure and process of the University Higher Degrees Committee, reviews of grant applications, Research Selectivity Exercises, a leaflet on Current Developments in School Curriculum and Examinations (1987).
UND/DA1/SU2/A   5 December 1978
Documents for the Visit of the UGC Physical Sciences Sub-Committee.
UND/DA1/SU2/B   28 January 1982
Papers Relating to the UGC Visit to Durham
UND/DA1/SU2/C   6 June 1985
Visit of the UGC Equipment Sub-Committee: Main Report
UND/DA1/SU2/D   6 June 1985
Visit of the UGC Equipment Sub-Committee: Inventories, for the departments of Applied Physics, Engineering and Physics.
UND/DA1/SU2/E   6 June 1985
Visit of the UGC Equipment Sub-Committee: Documents Relating to, including minutes, departmental profiles, inventories of the departments of Archaeology, Chemistry, Geological Sciences, Botany, Geography, Psychology, Zoology, Business School, Library, Music and Palaeography.
UND/DA1/SU2/F   19 June 1985
Visit of the UGC Business and Management Studies Sub-Committee, documents submitted to the UGC, Submission by the Chairman of the Board of Studies in Economics on the Teaching of Accounting in the Department of Economics, Submission by the Business School, curricula vitae of members of staff in the Business School, publicity materials for the Business School, MSc Postgraduate Programme in Management Studies and the Small Business Centre.
UND/DA1/SU2/G   September 1986 - 5 January 1987
Specialist Teachers of Mathematics, Physics, Craft and Design, correspondence, minutes and reports on UGC funding for initiatives in training more teachers for schools in Mathematics, Physics, Craft and Design, A report on the 1986 INPUT course held at The College of St Hild and St Bede, The University of Durham, September, 1986.
UND/DA1/SU2/H   18 May - 24 June 1988
UGC Technology Sub-Committee Visit, correspondence and documents.
UND/DA1/SU8   1981 - 1991
Centre for Materials Science and Technology/University of Durham Industrial Research Laboratories, correspondence, agendas and minutes of the planning committee, advisory board and management committee, with planning and financial summaries, brochures for the Materials Science Site, colour advertisements and technical specifications for new scanners, press cuttings, British Research and Expertise in Science and Technology Questionnaire, an article from The Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, G.D. Rochester, “The History of Astronomy in the University of Durham 1835 to 1939”.
1. 5 November 1981 - 11 November 1982.
2. 22 December 1982 - 30 March 1983.
3. 1 April - 30 September 1983.
4. 1 October 1983 - 31 March 1984.
5. 1 April 1984 - 31 March 1985.
6. 1 April 1985 - 31 January 1986.
7. 22 January 1986 - 27 March 1987.
8. 9 March 1987 - 30 September 1988.
9. 10 October 1988 - 19 November 1990.
10. 16 January - 3 May 1991.
Arts/Arts and Humanities Faculty
Reference: UND/DA2
Reference: UND/DA2/H
UND/DA2/H1   June 1991 & August 1992
Guidelines for Postgraduate Students and Supervisors in the Faculty of Arts
June 1991, iv + 104p
August 1992, iv + 104p
UND/DA2/H2   2019
Promotional flyers
Card, 1f
UND/DA2/H3   1967, 1968, 1991 - 2004
Faculty of Arts Handbook describing in general terms the various courses available in each department and the opportunities for research, with information on support services, libraries, museums, colleges, admissions, fees, student activites and regulations. The 1968 edition contained largely the same information as the 1967 edition, but acknowledged that the faculty structure was undergoing reorganisation and so was actually titled Arts, Divinity, Music, Social Sciences Handbook. The 1991/92 version (now A4 format and unillustrated) was titled Choices within First Year Honours degree courses for students in the Faculty of Arts. This expanded in 1994 to become an Undergraduate Handbook which contained sections on: General, degree programme frameworks, module descriptions, academic services, support services, teaching and learning, codes of practice and policy statements. From the following year, there were two separate volumes for Preliminary Honours and Final Honours. In 1999 these were numbered as volumes I and III with a general volume II being produced covering all faculties.
24 paper books and files
Formerly Per Local DUR
For the Volume II - Core Final Honours volumes 1997-2002, see UND/DA1/H3
UND/DA2/H4   February 2017
Research & Innovation Bulletin, Issue 2 only
Printed paper booklet
Social Sciences/Social Sciences and Health Faculty
Reference: UND/DA3
Office Files
Reference: UND/DA3/F
UND/DA3/F1   April 1986 - September 1993
Faculty of Social Sciences, information about and correspondence with departments.
2 paper files
UND/DA3/F2   December 1993 - March 1994
Links with and visits to Ljubljana, Slovenia, including handbook of The Faculty of Education in Ljubljana 1992/1993, and Barica Marentic Pozarnik, Slovenia: System of Education (Ljubljana 1993).
2 paper files
UND/DA3/F3   [April 2016]
Paper on the future location of the School of Medicine, Pharmacy and Health
Paper file
Reference: UND/DA3/H
UND/DA3/H1   July 1991 & August 1992
Guidance Notes for Supervisors and Postgraduate Research Students
Revised July 1991, 56p
Revised August 1992, vi + 58p
UND/DA3/H3   1986/87, 1990/91, 1991/92, 1994/95 - 2004/05
First year Honours degree courses offered in the Faculty of Social Sciences was expanded by 1994 to an Undergraduate Handbook, produced annually, detailing (1995) courses, academic and support services, teaching and learning, codes of practice and a statement on policy for the environment. From 1997, there were two separate volumes for Preliminary Honours and Final Honours. In 1999 these were numbered as volumes I and III with a general volume II being produced covering all faculties.
22 paper books and files
Formerly Per Local DUR
For the Volume II - Core Final Honours volumes 1997-2002, see UND/DA1/H3
Health, Medicine and Environment Faculty
Reference: UND/DA4 Created in 2000, the faculty was merged with Social Sciences in 2003.

Reference: UND/DA4/H
UND/DA4/H1   2002/03
Undergraduate Handbook, volume I Preliminary Honours and volume III Final Honours, containing (I): general, degree programme frameworks, module descriptions, academic and support services, teaching and learning, codes of practice and policy statements and data protection; and (III): degree programme frameworks and module descriptions.
2 paper books
Reference: UND/DB Any pre-1963 records are only held for the departments of the Durham Colleges. As a result of Newcastle becoming independent then, a number of new departments were created at Durham. From the mid-1980s, some departments began to be grouped in schools and occasionally some centres and institutes became regarded as or even became departments or even schools. The following attempts to record the various aggregations and disaggregations and name changes of these groupings since 1939, based on their titles published in the annual Calendars.
Anthropology 1967/68-date
Applied Physics 1959/60-1984/85 (Applied Physics & Electronics 1969/70) (thence part of the School of Engineering)
Archaeology 1950/51-date
Botany 1939/40-date (Biological Sciences (with Zoology) 1988/89, School of Biological & Biomedical Sciences 2001/02, Department of Biosciences 2016)
University Business School 1968/69-date (Business School 20002/03, Durham Business School 2003/04, Durham University Business School 2012/13) (became a faculty on 1 August 2019)
Chemistry 1939/40-date
Classics 1939/40-date (Classics & Ancient History 1941/42)
Computing 1975/76-1990/91 (thence part of School of Engineering), Computer Science 1994/95-2008/09 (thence part of School of Engineering until) 2017/18-date
Economics 1939/40-2001/02 (Politics & Economics 1946/47, Social Studies 1951/52, Economics 1964/65, Economics and Finance 1999/00)
Economic History 1964/65-1984/85
Education 1939/40-date
Engineering Science 1964/65-date (Engineering 1982/83, School of Engineering & Applied Science 1985/86 (with Applied Physics), School of Engineering & Computer Science 1991/92, School of Engineering 1994/95 (Computer Science recreated), School of Engineering and Computing Sciences 2009/10, just Department of Engineering 2017/18)
English Language and Literature 1939/40-date (2 Depts of English, and English Language and Medieval Literature 1963/64, reunited as English Studies 1978/79, became School of English 1986/87, then School of English and Linguistics 1992/93, then two departments again of English Studies, and Linguistics and English Language 1993/94), latter became School of Linguistics and Language 2001/02-2003/04 (including the Language Centre))
Extra-Mural Studies 1946/47-2001/02 (Adult & Continuing Education 1979/80, Continuing Education 1996/97, Centre for Lifelong Learning 1997/98)
French Language and Literature 1939/40-date (French 1962/63) (part of School of Modern European Languages 1986/87, School of Modern Languages and Cultures 2004/05)
Geography 1939/40-date
Geology 1939/40-date (Geological Sciences 1973/74, Earth Sciences 2003/04)
German 1939/40-date (part of School of Modern European Languages 1986/87)
Institute of Health Studies 1989/90- (Centre for Health and Advanced Nursing Studies 1995/96, Centre for Health Studies 1997/98, School for Health 2000/01, School for Medicine and Health 2008/09)
Italian 1999/00-date (previously with Spanish from 1984/85) (within School of Modern European Languages, School of Modern Languages and Cultures 2004/05)
Law 1964/65-date
Hebrew 1939/40-2006/07 (Hebrew & Oriental Languages 1941/42, Oriental Languages 1948/49, Oriental Studies 1951/52, School of Oriental Studies 1987/88, Dept of East Asian Studies 1989/90, (Chinese became part of School of Modern Languages and Cultures 2007/08))
Modern History 1939/40-date (History 1985/86)
Mathematics 1939/40-date (Mathematics and Computing 1982/83, Mathematical Sciences 1984/85)
Music 1939/40-date
Palaeography & Diplomatic 1948/49-1989/90
Philosophy 1939/40-date
Physics 1939/40-date
Politics 1964/65-date (within School of Government and International Affairs 2004/05)
Psychology 1952/53-date
Russian 1960/61-1996/97, 2001/02-date (part of the School of Modern European Languages 1986/87)
Social Theory and Institutions 1964/65-date (Sociology and Social Administration 1970/71, Sociology and Social Policy 1985/86, School of Applied Social Sciences 2004/05, Sociology 2019/20)
Sport and Exercise Sciences 2019/20-date
Spanish 1958/59-date (including Italian 1984/85) (Hispanic Studies 2008/09) (part of the School of Modern European Languages 1986/87, School of Modern Languages and Cultures 2004/05)
Theology 1939/40-date (Theology and Religion 2004/05)
Zoology 1945/46-1987/88 (to Biological Sciences)

Applied Physics
Reference: UND/DB27 A department of Applied Physics was established in Durham in 1959/60. Its brief was expanded to Applied Physics and Electronics in 1969/70 and it was all subsumed into the School of Engineering in 1984/85.

Papers of and about individual members
Reference: UND/DB27/G
UND/DB27/G1   [September 2010]
Notes on the early years of the department by
Martin Morant for its 50th anniversary on 1 October 2010.
Paper, 1f
Applied Social Sciences School
Reference: UND/DB24 Including Community and Youth Work, Social Work, Sociology and Criminology, and Sport.

Reference: UND/DB24/H
UND/DB24/H1   [2011]
School of Applied Social Sciences Research Briefings:
No.2 Mapping rapidly changing minority ethnic populations, 2f
No.3 Mapping human rights organisations in Scotland, 2f
2 printed colour illustrated paper leaflets
UND/DB24/H2   2014 - [2015]
School of Applied Social Sciences publications:
The Chinese Population in North East England, by Zhifeng Tong with Gary Craig and Maggie O'Neill (2014)
Muslims' Interpetation of Rights in the context of Social Capital: An exploratory study in North East England, by W.A. Amir Zal [c.2015]
2 printed colour illustrated paper booklets
UND/DB24/H3   2015
50 Years School of Applied Social Sciences, history of the school, including studies of John Rex, Philip Abrams, Stanley Cohen, Richard Adams and Ruth First.
Printed colour illustrated paper booklet, 56p
UND/DB24/H4   [c.1995]
Sport in the Community undergraduate degree, at Durham or Stockton
Printed colour illustrated paper booklet
Reference: UND/DB24/K
UND/DB24/K1   2008
Poster for Social Work Public Lecture by Lord Anthony Giddens 3 April.
Paper, 1f
Archaeology Department
Reference: UND/DB9 R. Cramp, “University of Durham: Department of Archaeology”, (Antiquity 51, 1977), p.139-140.
S.A. Draper, From Aesica to Asia : a short history of archaeology at Durham University, (Durham 2008) (includes a list of permanent staff).

Annual and Other General Reports
Reference: UND/DB9/A
UND/DB9/A1   1949 - 1962
Annual reports 1948/9, 1949/50, 1957/8, 1960/1 and 1961/2.
Paper file
UND/DB9/A2   1985
Archaeological Reports 1984 University of Durham University of Newcastle upon Tyne, ed A.F Harding
1 booklet
Papers of or about Individual Members
Reference: UND/DB9/G
UND/DB9/G1   [c.1964 - 1977]
Photographs of Joyce Kewley (1921-1979), vice-principal of Wentworth Castle College and formerly Head of History at Neville's Cross College, mostly images used in her 1970 Durham PhD thesis “The sculptured decoration on Roman votive altars and pedestals from northern Britain”
23 groups of mainly photographs
Given by her sister Mrs E. Kay 1981.
UND/DB9/G1/1/1-99   August [c.1964]
Photographs of mainly Roman sculpture, especially altars, pedestals, and funerary urns, also some armour, bowls, rings and archways, mostly at Regensburg, Saalburg, Mainz, and Weisbaden (in Germany).
99 BW prints
Size: 165 x 120mm (90), 140 x 90mm (9)
UND/DB9/G1/2/1-69   August [c.1964]
Photographs of mainly memorial slabs, altars, pedestals and vases. Mostly at Arlon, Strasbourg, Burgeuol and old Vuton.
69 BW prints
Size: 165 x 120mm (69)
UND/DB9/G1/3/1-18   June [c.1964]
Photographs of mainly workmen's tools, chisels, hammers and mallets. Each photograph has a description on the back which can include the date and location. One of a tracing of workmen's tools.
18 BW prints and 1 tracing
Size: 165 x 12mm (18)
UND/DB9/G1/4/1-5   August [c.1964]
Photographs of Roman pedestals.
5 BW prints
Size: 165 x 12mm (5)
UND/DB9/G1/5/1-16   August [c.1964]
Photographs of frying and sauce pans, ladles and decorative handles. Pictures from Naples, Colchester and Sheffield.
16 BW prints
Size: 165 x 12mm (16)
UND/DB9/G1/6/1-2   August [c.1964]
Photographs of two Roman pedestals.
2 BW prints
Size: 215 x 160mm (2)
UND/DB9/G1/7/1-25   August [c.1964]
Figs from thesis, profiles and positions of foci, types of fascia, central profile of the capital, tangential cyma reversa mouldings, types of fascia on datable altars.
25 List of figs from Thesis
Size: 245 x 205mm (25)
UND/DB9/G1/8/1-22   August [c.1964]
Photographs of Roman stone carvings, including officials, soldiers and peasants, 2 monuments and a tomb fragment.
22 BW prints
Size: 145 x 115mm (22)
UND/DB9/G1/9/1-43    August [c 1964]
Photographic prints of memorial slabs, Roman pedestals and Roman altars.
43 BW prints
Size: 160 x 125mm (43)
UND/DB9/G1/10/1-27   August [c. 1964]
Black and white photographs of memorial stones/slabs.
27 BW prints
Size: 140 x 100mm (1) 155 x 88mm (1) 160 x 120mm (25)
UND/DB9/G1/11/1-61   August [c. 1964]
Black and white photographs of memorials stones/slabs and plaques. Collection of objects from Loudon Hill, including horn bow tips, bronze lamp, bronze jug, axe-heads, iron javelin heads, iron arrow heads, shoes, distance slabs and the Antonine Ditch.
61 BW prints
Size: 218 x 164mm (12) 167 x 114mm(49)
UND/DB9/G1/12   August [c.1964]
Index cards - unknown meaning, names and possible reference numbers written on them but unknown what for, further information is not provided.
Index cards
Size: 152 x 102mm
UND/DB9/G1/13/1-31   August [c. 1964]
Roman altars, memorial slabs, commemoration plaques and pedestals. N8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 30 have National Museum of Antiquity Scotland stamp on the back.
31 BW prints
Size: 164 x 121mm (31)
UND/DB9/G1/14/1-6   August [c. 1964]
Medium format black and white negatives
6 medium format black and white negatives
Size: 85 x 65mm (6)
UND/DB9/G1/15/1-6   August 1964 [c. 1964]
6 black and white photographs of Roman inscribed slabs. Number 3 has National Museum of Antiquity Scotland stamp and Number 5 has 'Buxton Museum 16.4.64' written on the back.
6 BW prints
Size: 163 x 119mm (6)
UND/DB9/G1/16/1-49   August 1964 [c. 1964]
BW prints of Roman artefacts, figures and text. Includes a sarcophagus, altars and memorial plaques. Few are from the Halifax museum. Ribchester and Corbridge.
49 BW prints
Size: 114 x 89mm (1) 160 x 120mm (48)
UND/DB9/G1/17/1-44   July 1964 [c. 1964]
BW prints of Roman altars and pedestals. Mostly found at St Johns and Trinity Colleges Cambridge
44 BW prints
Size: 164 x 122mm (44)
UND/DB9/G1/18/1-41   Pictures developed 2nd June 1967 [c. 1967]
BW prints of Roman altars, tombs, statues, base of statues, slabs and seals. Copyright stamps found from National Museum of Antiquity Scotland and the British Museum

Size: 165 x 120mm (41)
UND/DB9/G1/19/1-16   August 1964 [c. 1964]
BW prints of base columns, bricks, diagrams and drawings - photos are very faded. Mostly at Stanhope, Lanchester and Lanercost.
16 BW prints
Size: 165 x 120mm (16)
UND/DB9/G1/20/1-88   August 1964 [c. 1964]
BW prints of seals, stone carvings, statues, base columns and one photograph of a dig site, mostly in Austria, (Magdalensbey, Carnuntun and Ragdalensbey).
88 BW prints
Size: 120 x 160mm (88)
UND/DB9/G1/21   August 1964 [c. 1964]
Index cards covering the themes of the Roman empire includng, the Iron Age, religion, legacy, effects on Britain, daily life, coinage, Romanisation of the countryside, towns, trade, the city in Britain, Roman industry, Roman administration. The index cards have numbers referencing the text books from which the information has come from.
6 x 5" index cards
UND/DB9/G1/22   [c.1964]
Photographs of Roman altars etc.
3 rolls of BW negatives in round tins
UND/DB9/G1/23   October 1971, January 1976 - October 1977
Photographs of mostly North England Roman altars, pedestals etc, including Saalburg, Bowes, Piercebridge, Binchester, Lanchester, Chester, South Shields, Ebchester, Corbridge, Risingham, Rochester, Benwell, Wallsend, Rudchester, Carrawburgh, Chesterholm, Housesteads, Brunton, Halton Chester, Newcastle Museum. With some notes for a lecture, on the back of Wentworth Castle College Open Day tea tickets for 29 June 1974.
168 x 35mm slides, mostly card-mounted but some plastic-mounted
UND/DB9/G2   1958 - 1980
Papers and photographs of J. Eric Parsons about his work as an archaeologist and his interest in clay pipes and their makers. He was an ex-miner who developed an interest in archaeology and joined excavations run by local directors, including Rosemary Cramp. He went on to run some himself, and was initially unofficially attached to the Archaeology department, before becoming a technician in it. His principal research interests focused on post-medieval clay pipes and also medieval ceramics. He dug especially at Hart church (1965-1967), and also New Elvet and Binchester. He was something of a pottery finds expert for digs in the North East.
52 files
UND/DB9/G2/1   1966 - 1967
Summaries of the excavations at Hart 1965-1967, with correspondence of Parsons with Mr Brockbank and Norman Graham about the digs, carried out by Parsons on behalf of the Archaeology Dept for the Ministry of Public Buildings and Works and also a 1966 letter about Dalden Tower excavations and some pen drawings of medieval gass from the south aisle of Durham Cathedral, and a drawing of a wooden bowl and spoon, (3 Hart 66)
Paper file
UND/DB9/G2/2   1965
Attingham Park post-medieval pottery note-book, including drawings
Paper book
UND/DB9/G2/3   1975
Notes, lists and some correspondence re ceramic fragments from Grapes Lane Carlisle (CAR 75), with an annotated report on Carlisle medieval pottery, and short and full pottery reports on CAR 75, 15 groups/items of later medieval pottery, site unknown.
Paper file
UND/DB9/G2/4   1958 - 1980
Notes on medieval and post-medieval pots, 4 jugs from Hartlepool, and medieval history general, a West Midland Annual Archaeological News Sheet No.10 1967, list of finds at Nafferton 1958-9, and some correspondence with Parsons about archaeological work including Binchester hypocaust 1970 with a drawing
Paper file
UND/DB9/G2/5   [1960s]
Image of a piece of Anglo-Saxon stonework [Escomb stone] with a note about its current uncertain location with [Rosemary Cramp].
BW print + paper 1f
UND/DB9/G2/6   [1960s]
Images of an archaeological site and clay pipes and a mould
9 BW prints, sheet of 4 contact prints + negatives
UND/DB9/G2/7   [1965 - 1966]
Images of an archaeological site, trenches with walls in, some ?hogbacks stones, dressed stone, a cobble pavement, earth banks, ?all at Hart church; also the cathedral sancturary knocker, a classical metal bowl, and 2 landscapes captioned as Littleborough, Notts 1968 by John S. Wade.
c.30 BW prints + negatives
UND/DB9/G2/8   [1960s]
Images of an archaeological site
2 BW prints + an index card
UND/DB9/G2/9   1968
Photos of a display of ceramics fragments from Newminster Abbey, Westmorland, Kendal Castle, and Bearpark, with a covering letter from Hartlepool, and an envelope of labels
2 BW prints + negatives + paper, 1f
UND/DB9/G2/10   1966 - 1968
Photos of stone carvings, view of Newcastle high level bridge from Gateshead, dig trenches, ruinous thatched building (Broomley 1966), wall at Wolsingham, coins, Durham Cathedral cloisters, reconstructed ceramics (from Hartlepool 1968); some captions
25 BW prints
UND/DB9/G2/11   1966
18 photographs of trenches at the Hart dig (HRT 66) (a few captions), with one of a four-armed female statue
19 BW prints
UND/DB9/G2/12   [1960s]
Photos of dig trenches, the Hart dig, a circular stone pavement and ?Escomb church and cross
BW negatives & contact prints
UND/DB9/G2/13   1961 - 1966
Photos of standing stone buildings, earthworks, [Hart] dig trenches 1965 & 1966, Hart cobble pavement, stonework, finds, landscapes, archaeological sites, Hart church, brooches, a ring, Durham Student Union Building (Dunelm House), Kingsgate Bridge Civic Trust Award plaque, the Frith Stool and Night Stair (Hexham Abbey), Kepier Hospital 1961 dig trenches, Kepier Hospital skull, an Egyptian cat statue, cruciform brooches, Gilesgate Post Office (showing the ornamental tea pot now at 74 Saddler St), Kepier High Grange exterior and interior timber roof 1961
c.100 BW prints + 1 x-ray print
UND/DB9/G2/14   [?1960s]
Images of sites (Hart church, wall footings, Durham city ?Northgate near the Castle), group of 5 ?archaeologists, cathedral sanctuary knocker, Sun Fire Insurance plate 759874, Hart gaming pieces with a report; no captions.
Paper file with BW prints (c.30) and glass plates (c.6)
UND/DB9/G2/15   [1960s]
Images of the Hart dig and finds
c20 BW 35mm slides
UND/DB9/G2/16   [1960s]
Images of the Hart dig and finds
c100 BW & colour 35mm slides
UND/DB9/G2/17/1-8   [1960s]
Images of the Hart dig and finds
c100 BW & colour 35mm slides in 8 boxes
UND/DB9/G2/18   [1960s]
Cathedral views of Durham, Norwich, Salisbury, Wells, also tile hung cottages in Dorking and wall paintings
10 BW & colour 35mm slides
UND/DB9/G2/19   [1960s]
Images of finds/objects and drawings of them
BW negatives
UND/DB9/G2/20   [?1970s]
Photos of a stone axe found in a field near Castleside, with a covering letter from John Gall at Beamish
Paper, 1f + 4 BW prints
UND/DB9/G2/21   1963
Images of Hart dig trenches and ?Crook Hall
18 BW & colour 35mm slides, in a metal St Julien tobacco tin
UND/DB9/G2/22   [1960s]
Images of clay pipes and pipemaking
20 BW 16mm slides, in glass/card mounts, in a plastic box
UND/DB9/G2/23   [1960s]
Images of clay pipes
33 BW 16mm slides, in card mounts, in a plastic box
UND/DB9/G2/24   [1960s]
Photos of clay pipes
2 BW negatives
UND/DB9/G2/25   [1960s]
Notes on cards of [clay pipemakers]
Index cards, 6x4" and 5x8"
UND/DB9/G2/26   [1964 - 1965]
Draft texts of his paper 'The Archaeology of the Clay Tobacco Pipe in North East England' in Archaeologia Aeliana with lists of clay pipemakers, and rubbings, drawings, notes and correspondence about the paper
Paper file
UND/DB9/G2/27   1963, 1977
Clay pipes, notes, lists and some correspondence
Paper file
UND/DB9/G2/28   1962
Letters to Parsons resulting from an article(s) in the Evening Chronicle about clay pipe making at Pipewellgate in Gateshead
Paper file
UND/DB9/G2/29   [1963]
Letter about sending EJP clay pipes 22 February 1963, note about clay pipes found in a Cathedral Refectory dig, lists of entries from [Durham] St Margaret parish registers, and notes from Surtees's History of Durham.
Paper file
UND/DB9/G2/30   1972
Photocopy list of apprenticeship indentures from Hartlepool records 1627-c.1770, made by William Boagey
Paper file
UND/DB9/G2/31   1976 - 1978
Correspondence with Parsons about clay pipes
Paper file
UND/DB9/G2/32   [1970s]
Printed ephemera:
York Miniguide + Map with French and German
How to See Williamsburg This Week
Paper file
UND/DB9/G2/33   [1960s]
Notes on tokens, in a Durham University Archaeology Society blank poster
Paper file
UND/DB9/G2/34   [1960s]
Clay pipe rubbings, from South Shields
Paper file
UND/DB9/G2/35   [1960s]
Clay pipe rubbings, from West Whelpington
Paper file
Clay pipe rubbbings, including from the Bowes Museum
Paper file
UND/DB9/G2/37   [1960s]
Rubbings, drawings and notes of clay pipes, and extracts from documents mentioning them
Paper file
UND/DB9/G2/38   [1970s]
Names extracted from parish registers and Halmote Court records
Paper file
UND/DB9/G2/39   [1960s]
Notes and drawings of clay pipes, with lists of pipemakers and rubbings of clay pipes.
Paper file
UND/DB9/G2/40   [1960s]
Clay pipes, notes and lists, with 6 BW prints of clay pipe makers at work
Paper file
UND/DB9/G2/41   1965
Inventory of clay pipes in the Laing Art Gallery, with a letter about it
Paper file
UND/DB9/G2/42   1966
Notes for a talk on clay pipes
Paper file
UND/DB9/G2/43   [1960s]
Clay pipe rubbings and notes
Paper file
UND/DB9/G2/44   1973 - 1975
Notes and copy documents concerning Joshua Wilson and Sons, formerly of High Street, Sunderland, including correspondence with the then business at Renny's Lane, Gilesgate Moor, Durham
Paper file
UND/DB9/G2/45   1976
Letters from Dave Helme about and with a piece on “The Wear Clay Pipemaking Co Sunderland”
Paper file
UND/DB9/G2/46   1969
Progress report on The Clay Tobacco Pipe Trade in North-eastern England with other notes by Parsons
Paper file
UND/DB9/G2/47   [1960s]
Report on clay tobacco pipes at Lowton Grange
Paper file
UND/DB9/G2/48   [1960s]
Notes on, some drawings of and correspondence about clay pipes, some on the back of Eric Birley notes on Hadrian's Wall, Roman structures and systems etc, and part of a report on Solway pottery
Paper file
UND/DB9/G2/49   [c.1965]
Notes and extracts from historical sources and books concerning clay pipes
Paper file
UND/DB9/G2/50   [1960s]
Notebook, largely blank, of clay pipemakers of York and Carlisle
Paper book
UND/DB9/G2/51   1964
Clay pipe rubbings from Blackfriars Newcastle, with a letter from W.A. Cocks about his methodology of reading stamps [on pipes]
Paper file
UND/DB9/G2/52   1962 - 1980
Correspondence with Parsons of many and various about clay pipes and their makers and sources for them, including a galley proof of his 'The Archaeology of the Clay Tobacco-Pipe in North-East England' article
Paper file
Reference: UND/DB9/H
UND/DB9/H1   [1989]
Conservation - Analysis - Research - Examination: C.A.R.E.: The Magazine of the Durham University Archaeological Conservation Laboratory
Two issues only were produced
2 printed items
UND/DB9/H2   2008
S.A. Draper, From Aesica to Asia : a short history of archaeology at Durham University, (Durham 2008) (includes a list of permanent staff)
Printed paper BW illustrated booklet, 44p
Former reference: PamL 378.4281 DUR/DRA
UND/DB9/H3   [September 2017] - [June 2018]
Archaeology department prospectuses:
2017, leaflet, with images of all members of staff.
2018, booklet Archaeology What will you uncover? with details of courses
Printed colour illustrated paper leaflet & booklet
UND/DB9/H4   [June 2018]
Archaeology at Durham University with information on courses, website printouts about a year abroad, and leaflets on Tales of the Frontier
Card folder with paper inserts
Reference: UND/DB9/K
UND/DB9/K1   2007 - 2014
Inviting applications for the Birley Bursary Fund, 25 May 2007.
“Under the Butcher's Knife” day of talks, 28 July 2012.
Lecture by David Rollason, “Aachen and Alhambra”, 10 April [2014]
Biological Sciences Department
Reference: UND/DB22
Reference: UND/DB22/H
UND/DB22/H1   [c.1993]
Guidelines for the Preparation of Written Work and Oral Presentations in Biology
Botany Department
Reference: UND/DB34
Annual and Other General Reports
Reference: UND/DB34/A
UND/DB34/A1   1949 - 1950
Annual reports 1948/9, 1949/50.
Paper file
Administrative files
Reference: UND/DB34/C
UND/DB34/C1   October 1972
“The Grounds and Botanic Gardens of the University of Durham” , report by C.D. Sayers, horticultural officer, on the management and development of the university's landscape, woodland and botanic garden.
Paper file
Formerly PamL+ 712.5 DUR/SAY
Business School
Reference: UND/DB19
Annual and Other General Reports
Reference: UND/DB19/A
UND/DB19/A1   1961 & 1962
Annual reports for the Business Research Unit for 1960/61 and 1961/62.
Paper file
UND/DB19/A2   [c.2005]
Durham Business School internal review and self assessment report by EQUIS.
Colour printed file in a 4-ring binder with plastic covers, and a separate card foler
UND/DB19/A3   1991
Annual report for Durham University Business School
BW printed brochure, 30 pages
Reference: UND/DB19/B
UND/DB19/BA1   May 1986 - June 1988
Board of Governors minutes, agendas, papers, accounts, reports and some correspondence.
Paper file
Transferred from Trevelyan College archive (B2/2) October 2016.
UND/DB19/BA2   June 1988 - June 1989
Board of Governors minutes, agendas, papers, accounts, reports and some correspondence.
Paper file
Transferred from Trevelyan College archive (B2/3) October 2016.
Papers of and about Individual Members
Reference: UND/DB19/G
Papers of Grigor McClelland
UND/DB19/GA   1959 - 200118 files

Administrative files of his time at the Business School and Washington Development Corporation.
Files of W. Grigor McClelland (1922-2013), honorary visiting professor of Business Administration at the Business School 1977-1988, also chairman of the Washington Development Corporation from 1977 and crucial in securing the Nissan car deal for the North East, being thereby awarded an honorary DCL by Durham. He was previously a senior research fellow at Ballil College Oxford (1962-1965), and then director of the Manchester Business School (1965-1977).
Given by his daughter Jen McClelland, 12 September 2016, Acc No Misc.2016/17:19.

UND/DB19/GA1   1959 - 1964
Articles on distribution:
National Association of Multiple Grocers Branch Wage Bills [1959], draft
Retail Trade for Britannia Book of the Year [1964], draft, with correspondence
[Distributive Trades] for World Book August 1964, draft
Reflections on Retailing in The Investment Analyst [?1964], offprint, annotated
Paper file
UND/DB19/GA2   August 1977 - March 1980
Business School corrrespondence with McClelland, including some examiners' reports and occasional minutes.
Paper file
UND/DB19/GA3   February 1980 - July 1985
Business School correspondence with McClelland, including re the Rothmans Spennymoor Graduate & Business Development Awards presented by Lord Young 26 July 1985
Paper file
UND/DB19/GA4   May 1983 - March 1988
Business School correspondence and circulars, especially re the establishment of an SCR, and also re his appointments to the School's Board of Governors (November 1986), and as chairman of the technology enterprise agency (July 1987), and including also a staff teaching and research interests list December 1986, a project on North Eastern Supermarkets PLC, and a discussion paper on Computing in DUBS.
Paper file
UND/DB19/GA5   February 1988 - June 1993
Business School correspondence with McClelland, and some minutes.
Paper file
UND/DB19/GA6   1996 - 2001
Allan A. Gibb, “Entrepeneurship and Small Business Management: Can we Afford to Neglect Them in the Twenty-first Century Business School?” (1996)
J.F. Pickering, “The Ethics of a University” (1997)
John Burgoyne, “Business Schools and the future of management education and development” [2001].
Paper file
UND/DB19/GA7   June 1980
AACSB/EFMD (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business/European Foundation for Management Development) Paris conference (co-chaired by McClelland), including programmes, notes for speeches, reports, details of delegates.
Paper file
UND/DB19/GA8   November 1989 - January 1994
The Booker Chair in Entrepeneurship in the Service Sector, correspondence re the appointment (April 1990), and minutes of the Management Committee for the Centre.
Paper file
UND/DB19/GA9   1989, 1994
Business School director, papers re the appointment of.
Paper file
Closed until 2025.
UND/DB19/GA10   November 1992 - November 1994
Correspondence of McClelland with other members of the university, especially the vice-chancellor.
Paper file
UND/DB19/GA11   February 1981 - November 1985, June 1989
Knott Industrial Projects, meetings of directors' meetings, accounts and correspondence, including re the James Knott Trust, with McClelland as chairman of Laws Stores Ltd (1966-1985).
Paper file
UND/DB19/GA12-15   August 1977 - July 1988
Washington Development Corporation, correspondence, brochures, reports, papers, note for speeches, photographs of McClelland as chairman.
12. August 1977 - July 1980.
13. February 1982 - December 1983.
14. January 1984 - July 1987.
15. September 1987 - July 1988.
4 paper files
UND/DB19/GA16   May 1977 - January 1997
Washington Development Corporation, National Economic Development Council, Northern Association regional policy reports and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/DB19/GA17   1978
Washington Development Corporation, INMOS project
Paper file
UND/DB19/GA18   [1981]
Nissan Motor Company Limited - the case for Washington, submission by Tyne and Wear County Council, Sunderland Borough Council and Washington Development Corporation.
Paper file
Reference: UND/DB19/H
UND/DB19/H1   1988 & [c.1995]
Staff Teaching & Research Interests April 1988
Brochure and staff directory [c.1995]
UND/DB19/H2   [1969] - [c.1985]
Durham University Business School prospectuses for [1969], [1970], [1972] and [c.1985]
4 printed illustrated paper booklets
Formerly: Per Local DUR
UND/DB19/H4   [1984]
Folder containing leaflets:
“Developing the Local Economy The role of the Enterprise Agency”
“Management Extension Programme”
“Education for Enterprise Third Information Paper: September 1984”
“Small Business Centre Aiding the Successful Starter”
“Small Business Centre Assisting the Growth Company”
“Small Business Centre Research Activities”
“Integrating Approaches to Promoting and Developing Small Businesses”
“Masters (M.Sc./M.B.A.) Programme in Management Studies”
“The Work of the Durham University Business School Small Business Centre”
“Management Extension Programme”
“Counselling the Smaller Businesses”
“Enterprise as an educational resource”
“Small Business Growth Programme”
“Shell Technology Enterprise Programme”
“Conference Facilities”

UND/DB19/H5   [1970] - 2015
Prospectuses for specific courses:
M.Sc. Programme in Management Studies prospectuses for [1970/71], [1972/73], 1975/76, 1977/78, 1978/79, [1979/80], [1985/86] and [2013/14].
The Durham MBA Part-Time Programme [1995]
Economics MSc Programmes [2013/14].
Career Development Programme Masters 2015/16
Illustrated paper booklets
UND/DB19/H6   May 2001 - Summer 2016
Alumninews (Issues 1-5; Issue 6 not present); Agora News (Issues 7-20); DBS Alumni News (Issues 21-22), DUBS Alumni News (Issues 23-) alumni magazine for Durham Business School with articles on the school and its alumni. Produced twice yearly in the Spring and Autumn since May 2001, with a hiatus of [2003/04]. Issues 1-5, 7-21, and 23-28 present.
27 printed colour illustrated booklets
Formerly: Per Local DUR
UND/DB19/H7   September 2003
Purple Pages Monthly Newsletter for DBS students and staff
Printed paper booklet, spiral bound
UND/DB19/H8   May 2003
Projects for your business promoting the MBA degree.
Printed paper booklet
UND/DB19/H9   January 2017
Impact, described as “Durham University Business School's thought leadership and news magazine” , Issue One January 2017.
Printed paper booklet
UND/DB19/H10   February 2011
The Angelides Portfolio at Durham Business School A Proposal
Printed colour illustrated paper booklet
UND/DB19/H11   1991 - 1993
The Business: the newsletter of Durham University Business School
Nos 2-5, 8-13
8 issues
Reference: UND/DB19/K
UND/DB19/K1   2008 - 2013
Poster for open days April 2008, May 2009, May & December 2013.
UND/DB19/K2   [c.1980]
“China in Durham Cooperation in Joint Venture Enterprise”
Chemistry Department
Reference: UND/DB21 In 1832 James Finlay Wier Johnston was appointed as a lecturer then reader in Chemistry and Mineralogy. Johnston made many important contributions both to chemistry, especially Catechism of Agricultural Chemistry and Geology (1844), and to the local community, with the Durham Johnston secondary school named in his honour.
Heads of department:
1924-1938 Irvine Masson
1938-1953 Friedrich Paneth
1953-1968 Geoffrey Coates
1968-1971 Kenneth Musgrave
1971-1974 Thomas Waddington
1974-1977 Kenneth Musgrave
1977-1980 Thomas Waddington
1980-1981 Kenneth Musgrave
1981-1983 David Clark
1983-1986 Richard Chambers
1986-1989 Kenneth Wade
1989-1992 Robin Harris
1992-1995 Lyn Williams
David Parker
Randal Richards
Jeremy Hutson
2006-2009 Judith Howard
2009 John Evans
2020 Karl S. Coleman
Annual group photographs of staff and graduates 1985-2016 are on display in a corridor in the department.

Annual and Other General Reports
Reference: UND/DB21/A
UND/DB21/A1   1949 - 1950
Annual reports 1948/9, 1949/50.
Paper file
Papers of and about Individual Members
Reference: UND/DB21/G
UND/DB21/G1   August 2011
Chemistry in and around Durham University before 1924 by Euan Ross, prepared for a reunion of Durham Chemists in September 2011, detailing in a parallel timeline developments in Durham, Newcastle and Britain, focusing especially on James Finlay Weir Johnston.
Paper file, 3f
UND/DB21/G2   July 2012
History of the department, by Euan Ross and others, in sections, to 1981 and then under successive heads of department (Clark, Chambers, Wade, Harris, Williams) to 1995. printed out from http://chemistry-alumni.dur.ac.uk/wiki/doku.php.
Paper file
Reference: UND/DB21/H
UND/DB21/H1   [c.1990]
Graduate Opportunities in Chemistry
UND/DB21/H2    2004
Staff Profile and Research Profile booklets, aimed at prospective postgraduate students, information is provided on all staff concerning their research interests and publications.
Printed colour illustrated folder containing booklets
Reference: UND/DB21/I
UND/DB21/I1   1982
Chemistry Class of 1982, in casual dress. Donated by Andrew Walton.
Size: 210 x 300mm
UND/DB21/I2   [1950s - 1960s]
?Chemistry Department group photos, one identified as 'Staff & Final Honours Class 1963/64 Taken in March 1964 in our new lab under construction', otherwsie outside with a wall backdrop (7), 1 with the ?New Inn as a backdrop and 1 in a lab, all in suits, jackets and ties, skirts etc, occasional lab coats, most of the folders are Fillinghams Photography Durham City.
10 BW prints, mounted in card folders
Classics Department
Reference: UND/DB28 Phillip Sidney Horky, History of Ancient & Medieval Philosophy at Durham (2020) available at http://www.dcamp.uk/history-ancient-medieval-philosophy-durham/

Annual and Other General Reports
Reference: UND/DB28/A
UND/DB28/A1   1949 - 1958
Annual reports 1948/9, 1949/50, 1957/8.
Paper file
Economic History Department
Reference: UND/DB14
Committee Minutes and Other Papers
Reference: UND/DB14/B
UND/DB14/B1   October 1970 - February 1985
Board of Studies minutes, agendas and papers.
Paper file
Other Office Files
Reference: UND/DB14/F
UND/DB14/F1   1965 - 1987
Mark book, recording the marks of students' preliminary and finals exams for those graduating 1967-1987.
Closed until 2067.
UND/DB14/F2   1981 - 1985
Some Board of Studies minutes and supporting papers, including memorandum of Dr Michie on teaching loads, the merger with History, courses, and a departmental profile reseacrh statement.
Paper file
Economics Department
Reference: UND/DB3
Dates of creation: [1998] J. Bharier, “Early Economics Teaching at Durham”, (Durham University Journal, 63, 1970-1971), p.179-185

Reference: UND/DB3/H
UND/DB3/H1   [1998]
“A Guide for Prospective Applicants”, with a picture of the department on the front.
Printed paper booklet, 28p
Deposited with Students Union material 5 July 2005, Acc No Misc.2005/2006:1.
UND/DB3/H2   [August 1989]
Elements of Economics Handbook for First Year Students
Paper booklet, 30p, in card covers
UND/DB3/H3   [August 1989]
Handbook of Courses in Economics for Second and Third Year Students
Paper booklet, 44p, in card covers
UND/DB3/H4   1977 - 1979
International Migration Project publications:
Country Case Study: the Kingdom of Morocco, Anne Findlay, Allan Findlay, Richard Lawless (1978)
Country Case Study: Tunisia, Allan Findlay (1978)
Country Case Study: the United Arab Emirates, (1978)
Movements of Migrant Labour from part of the North of the Sultanate of Oman, (1977)
Migration of Employment Abroad and its Impact on Development in the Yemen Arab Republic, James A. Socknat & Clive A. Sinclair (1978)
Spatial Dimensions of Tunisian Emigration to Libya, Allan Findlay (1978)
Country Case Study: the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (1978)
Country Case Study: Syrian Arab Republic, M.E. Sales (1978)
Country Case Study: Arab Republic of Egypt (1978)
Country Case Study: Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (1978)
Country Case Study: Algeria, R.I. Lawless (1978)
The 1975 Kuwait Census: a Re-evaluation of the Size of the Expatriate Community of Kuwait (1977)
Country Case Study: the Sultanate of Oman (Part One) (1977)
Country Case Study: the State of Bahrain (1978)
Country Case Study: Kuwait (Part One) (1977)
Country Case Study: Yemen Arab Republic, J.S. Birks, C.A. Sinclair, J.A. Socknat (1978)
Country Case Study: the State of Qatar (1978)
Country Case Study: the Republic of Turkey, W.M. Hale (1978)
Country Case Study: the Democratic Republic of the Sudan (1978)
Country Case Study: the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (1979)
20 printed paper files, with stapled card covers, some with sellotape repairs
Education Department/School
Reference: UND/DB13 Durham University was the first English university to appoint a professor of Education in 1895 when teacher education was carried on only in Newcastle. A department of Education was established in the Durham division in 1922, though much of the teaching was done by Bede College staff on Bede College premises. The School of Education was established in 1977 when the teaching and research functions of the Department and Institute of Education were combined. Then undergraduates could study for a BEd, postgraduates for a PGCE, the MA in Education, or research degrees, and there were various diplomas availabel and short courses of all kinds for teachers.

Annual and Other General Reports
Reference: UND/DB13/A
UND/DB13/A1   1949 - 1962
Annual reports 1948/9, 1949/50, 1957/8, 1960/1 and 1961/2.
Paper file
Head of Department's Files
Reference: UND/DB13/E
UND/DB13/E1   1949 & 1953
Notices of showings of films made in the department.
Paper file
Other Administrative Files
Reference: UND/DB13/F
UND/DB13/F1   [c.1985]
Bibliographies for “Mainstreaming and Physical Education” and “Physical Education and Sport for Children and Adults with a Variety of Handicaps”
Paper file
Closed until 2056
UND/DB13/F3   [c.1983]
Bibliographies for Physical Education and Sport.
Paper file
UND/DB13/F4   1985 - 1996
HM Inspectors' reports on the School of Education, with some of the documentation produced:
1. 1985 Report of HM Inspectors from the Department of Education and Science on Initial teacher Training, visited 14-18 May 1984, reference R145/14/012
2. Documentation for Extended Visit by HM Inspectors 1989-90, produced 14 November 1989, with inserted additional details on the library
3. 1990 Report by HM Inspectors from the Department of Education and Science on 3 Initial Teacher Education Course June 1989-March 1990, reference 268/90/HE
4. 1996 Report by HM Chief Inspector of Schools from Ofsted on Primary Initial Teacher Training, 13-16 March and 12-15 June 1995, reference 8/96/ITTP
Paper file
Reference: UND/DB13/H
Not used
Not used
UND/DB13/H3   [1989]
Post-Experience Courses For Students from Britain and Overseas
UND/DB13/H4   1970/71 - 1972/73
Department of Education Postgraduate Certificate in Education Handbook for 1970/71, 1971/72, 1972/73
3 paper booklets
UND/DB13/H5   1962/63 - [c.2010]
Department of Education Prospectus for 1962/63, 1966/67, 1973/74 and 1975/76.
School of Education [Prospectus] for [1978/79].
Education Studies [c.2010]
Degree of Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) prospectus [c.2010].
7 printed paper booklets/leaflets, illustrated
UN/DB13/H6   [1982] & [1983]
Current Research in the School of Education, listed alphabetically under the title of each research study, with a staff index.
2 paper files
UND/DB13/H7   [c.2010]
History of Art Modules flyer
Paper, 2f
UND/DB13/H8   [?2000]
Posters advertising PGCE courses
2 colour posters
Reference: UND/DB13/I
UND/DB13/IA   c.1960 - 1981
Sets of slides on local topics from the Teaching Resources Centre:
Durham City and suburbs overview and peninsula tour (88 + cassette tape + script)
St Margaret's church Durham exteriors and interiors (56 + cassette tape + script)
Durham city views, exteriors, interiors, Milburngate road bridge half-built, some snow, also the Gala on the Old Racecourse July 1970 (75)
Durham city tour (60)
Durham cathedral distant views, some exteriors and interiors (38)
Durham castle exteriors and interiors (9)
Durham churches exteriors, St Giles, St Margaret, and Finchale priory (11)
Bede College exteriors (4)
Durham Wear and railway bridges (24)
Finchale priory exteriors and interiors, plans, manuscript images, St Godric (53 + cassette tape + script)
County Durham views, Barnard Castle, High Force (12)
Escomb church exteriors (3)
Bede 1300 - Jarrow, Monkwearmouth, Escomb, Saxon skeleton and glass, Cuthbert's comb, Lindisfarne gospels, Bede's tomb, with notes (81 + notes)
Blanchland views, Brougham castle, Bewcastle cross (45)
South Shields Roman fort, site, model, artefacts (29)
Hadrian's Wall views, with plans (41)
Tyneside Metro and Newcastle views (10)
Washington New Town aerials, views (20)
Sunderland docks, ships, views, plans (22)
Brewing at Vaux process, exteriors, drays (34)
Middlesbrough tidy-up campaign and views (33)
Cleveland and Durham views and industry (24 + notes)
Tees estuary development views (12 + booklet)
Saltburn views (15)
Stockton and Yarm bridges and views (8)
Teesside industry, Skinningrove, Port Mulgrave (63)
Whitby views and maps (36)
York street views (8)
George Walker's Costume of Yorkshire (1814) images (12 + notes)
Reference: UND/DB13/K
UND/DB13/K1   2008 - 2009
Research seminar Jon Baggaley, 14 May 2008.
Research seminar Andrew Elliott, 8 December 2008.
Keith Armstrong book launch, 21 October 2009.
UND/DB13/K2   1975
Concert programmes:
Old Shire Hall Senate Chamber, 8 December 1975.
Paper file
Engineering School/Department
Reference: UND/DB17 Engineering has been taught at Durham University since 1838 making it the first course of its kind in England.

Reference: UND/DB17/H
UND/DB17/H1   2001/02
School of Engineering Research Review
Printed colour illustrated paper booklet, 44p
UND/DB17/H2   2018
Department of Engineering Information, including:
a welcome letter
Creating the Future Today Engineering
Engineering Projects
Engineering Newsletter 2018
Card folder + leaflets
UND/DB17/H3   [2014]
Engineering and Computer Science Information, including:
ecs newsletter 2014
Engineering: Projects
Creating the Future Today Computer Science
What Is: Engineering
Taught MSc in Computer Science
Engineering Final Year Projects
Card folder + leaflets
Reference: UND/DB17/I
UND/DB17/IA1971   [June] 1971
BW print of a ditgital image, printed out, of Engineering Science graduates and staff outside the front of the building (30M & 1W), in suits and ties mostly, titled with the university arms, all identified.
Paper, 1f
Given by Charles Parmley (featured) (Engineering 1968-1971), April 2021.
Reference: UND/DB17/K
UND/DB17/K1   2009
Lecture posters:
Temple Chevallier lecture, Tom Butler Bishop of Southwark, “God and Science, Pure and Applied” , 4 March 2009.
UND/DB17/K2   [2014]
Flyers advertising programmes etc:
Computer Science: Projects [2014]
Paper file
English/English Studies Department
Reference: UND/DB6
Annual and Other General Reports
Reference: UND/DB6/A
UND/DB6/A1   1949 - 1958
Annual reports 1948/9, 1949/50, 1957/8.
Paper file
Committee minutes
Reference: UND/DB6/B
UND/DB6/BA1-26   October 1984 - April 2007
Board of Studies minutes, agendas, papers and correspondence:
1. October 1984 - October 1985
2. January 1986 - July 1987
3. October 1987 - September 1988
4. October 1988 - September 1989
5. October 1989 - September 1990
6. October 1990 - September 1991
7. September 1991 - August 1992
8. October 1992 - February 1994
9. February - December 1994
10. January - October 1995
11. October 1995 - June 1996
12. July 1996 - January 1997
13. January -September 1997
14. October 1997 - February 1998
15. March - September 1998
16. October 1998 - January 1999
17. February - May 1999
18. June - November 1999
19. December 1999 - June 2000
20. June 2000 - February 2001
21. March - December 2001
22. January - June 2002
23. July 2002 - April 2003 (not present)
24. May 2003 - March 2004
25. April 2004 - May 2005
26. June 2005 - April 2007
26 paper files
Other Office Files
Reference: UND/DB6/F
UND/DB6/F1   1962
Reading lists for students accepted for English Honours.
Paper, 2f
UND/DB6/F2   1993 - 2011
Examinations: circulars, Boards of Examiners minutes, agendas and reports, correspondence with and about external examiners, and about the conduct of and arrangements for exams
1. September 1993 - June 1995.
2. July 1995 - July 1996.
3. July 1996 - January 1998.
4. January - October 1998.
5. October 1998- August 1999.
6. September 1999 - June 2000.
7. June 2000 - Arpil 2002.
8. June 2011.
8 paper files
Closed until 2074-2083.
Papers of and about Individual Members
Reference: UND/DB6/G
UND/DB6/G1   1969
[Victor Watts] file: place Names, guides, each marked as Master and heavily annotated with examples: “Significant Points about Place Names” AEB October 69; “Bede College: English Department. A Rough Guide to Determining the Derivation of Place Names”
Paper file
UND/DB6/G2   1985 - 2022
Papers of Professor John Richard Watson's Rydal Hall Reading Parties, 1985-1995, including an introduction by Watson explaining the purpose of these trips, correspondence, notes and handouts, and attendance lists with photographs for each year
3 paper files
Professor Watson (Professor of English, 1978-1999) designed the Rydel Reading Parties to follow the pattern of Victorian and early twentieth century reading parties, in which undergraduates could engage with literature in the surroundings that inspired it.
Donated by Professor John Richard Watson, January 2023. Misc.2022/23:49
Reference: UND/DB6/H
UND/DB6/H1   [December] 2011, [December] 2016
Durham English Review An Undergraduate Journal:
Vol.1 No.1 Winter 2011, edited by Michael Plygawko, with articles by Alexandra Hay, Lauren Mueller, Lee Vahey, Michael Plygawko (only DU), Elizabeth Wilkinson, James O'Sullivan.
Vol.4 No.1 [December] 2016, edited by Laurie Atkinson, with articles by Georgia Thurston, Clare Vessing, Julia Rothchild, India Harris, Hannah Piercy, Rebecca Roughan and Laurie Atkinson (only the last being DU).
2 printed paper journals, ii + 122p, ii + 132p
UND/DB6/H2   [2013 - 2014]
Information for Prospective Undergraduate Students, [c.2013] and [c.2014]
2 printed paper booklets
UND/DB6/H3   2006 - 2014
Postgraduate handbooks:
Handbook for Postgraduate Students following the MA in English Literary Studies and for Research Students October 2006
Handbook for Postgraduate Students following the Taught MA and for Research Students 2008/09
Handbook for Postgraduate Students following the Taught MA 2014/15
3 printed paper booklets
UND/DB6/H4   2011 - 2016
Modules handbooks and some separate reading lists:
2011/12 Honours modules
2013/14 MA reading list
2014/15 Final Honours Course Handbook, Preliminary Honours Course Handbook, Module Descriptions Booklet, Research Methods and Resources for English Literary Studies Module Handbook
2015/16 Research Methods and Resources for English Literary Studies Module Handbook, Dissertation Module Handbook
2016/17 Module Descriptions Handbook, Special Topic Reading List Booklet
10 printed paper booklets (A4 and A5)
Reference: UND/DB6/I
UND/DB6/I1   [1938/9]
Printout of a digital copy of an English class photo, outside, identified: Ballinger (?Polish), Brenda Asher, Ian Cowburn, Betty Davies (later Watkins), Marjorie ?, Winifred Stickley, Miss Boonham, Mrs Davis, Yvonne Evans; with noted as missing: Beryl Bogges, Myfanwy Cusworth, Mrs Roberts.
Paper, 1f
Provided by Malcolm Cownburn December 2018
Reference: UND/DB6/K
UND/DB6/K1   13 November [2006]
Inaugural lecture by Prof John McKinnell, “Beware of your Family: What was Old Norse Poetry For?”
UND/DB6/K2   2008 - 2013
Posters for seminars:
Staff and Postgraduate research seminar Michaelmas 2008.
“Reading between the Lines” workshop, 23 June 2012.
MA seminars Epiphany 2013
UND/DB6/K3   1986 - 2018
Lecture posters:
Philip Shaw, “English for Academic Purposes in the Context of the British University” , 10 February 1986.
“Lectures in Literature”, free public late Summer lecture series, 018
Student Work
Reference: UND/DB6/M
UND/DB6/M1   1993
Durham MA thesis: Simon Nicholas Colin Durrant, “A More Comprehensive and Commanding Delineation: Mary Shelley's Narrative Strategy in Frankenstein
Paper file
Extra-Mural Studies/Adult and Continuing Education Department
Reference: UND/DB15
Dates of creation: 1886 - 1999 The idea of extension lectures for those outside the university was first mooted at Durham in 1886, and was raised again in 1893. Following a report to Senate in March 1895, a board was set up in that year to administer this but programmes of such lectures do not appear to have lasted after 1898. In a rather different approach, the university established a joint committee with the Workers Educational Association in 1911 to foster and supervise tutorial classes in the area. From 1926, this work was administered by a board for extra-mural studies. After July 1964, the board was replaced by a delegacy. On 1 September 1979, the department's title was changed to that of Adult and Continuing Education, as extra-mural was no longer felt to be meaningful and had connotations of a peripheral activity. In 1989/90, the delegacy merged with the Senate Committee on Continuing Education to produce the department for Adult and Continuing Education (DACE). The department was reinvented as the Centre for Lifelong Learning in 1998 which ceased in 2002.
Heads of department:
[F.B. Jevons, 1895-1928]
E.G. Pace, 1916-1947 (secretary of Durham Colleges Board for Extra-Mural Studies, also director)
H.J. Boyden, 1947-1959, director
T.F. Daveney, 1960-1968, director
J.F. Dixon, 1968-1986, director
Bill Williamson, 1987-1998, director
Vivian M. Shelley, 1998-2001, director
Transferred to the University Library on the department's demise in July 2000 and March and April 2002 (Acc No Misc.2000/2001:2, 2001/2002:131 and 132).

Annual and other general reports
Reference: UND/DB15/A
UND/DB15/A1/1896   1895/96
Annual report, draft, in ms.
UND/DB15/A1/1897   1896/97
Annual report on University Extension Lectures of the Board for the Organization of University Teaching at Local Centres, printed by Thomas Caldcleugh of Durham. 2 copies
UND/DB15/A1/1926-1927   1925/26 - 1926/27
Annual reports of the Board for Extra-Mural Studies.
UND/DB15/A1/1944-1949   1943/44 - 1948/49
Annual reports of the Board for Extra-Mural Studies for 1943/44-1945/46, 1947/48, and 1948/49 (the last including a programme of classes and a report of the director of the department). Typescript.
UND/DB15/A1/1950-1953   1949/50 - 1952/53
Annual reports of the Board for Extra-Mural Studies, printed as submitted to Senate, with a programme of classes for 1949/50 and a list of tutors for 1952/3 inserted.
UND/DB15/A1/1954-1964   1953/54 - 1963/64
Annual reports of the Board for Extra-Mural Studies
UND/DB15/A1/1965-1979   1964/65 - 1978/79
Annual reports of the Delegacy for Extra-Mural Studies
UND/DB15/A1/1980-1990   1979/80 - 1989/90
Annual reports of the Delegacy for Adult and Continuing Education
UND/DB15/A1/1991-1993   1990/91 - 1992/93
Annual reports of the Department for Adult and Continuing Education
UND/DB15/A2/1926-1945   1925/26 - 1944/45
Universities Extra-Mural Consultative Committee annual reports of University Extension Lecture Courses. One report covers 1939/40 and 1940/41, and another draft report provides an overview of the war years 1939/40 to 1944/45. The reports include summaries from the University of Durham for both the Durham and Newcastle divisions.
UND/DB15/A2/1947-1972   1945/46 - 1971/72
Universities Council for Adult Education annual reports. The first two cover two years each, thence they cover just one year. From 1952 the reports no longer detail the activities at each university but are rather general summaries, with tables of figures of tutors, courses etc with details for each university, including Durham.
UND/DB15/A2/1986-1990,1992   1985/86 - 1989/90, 1991/92
Universities Council for Adult and Continuing Education annual reports
Committee minutes and other papers
Reference: UND/DB15/B
UND/DB15/B1   June 1893 - 12 March 1895
Committee of Senate to draw up a syllabus for an examination [for non-university students] minute book, the committee being expanded to include representatives from the Colleges of Science and Medicine and the County Council, and reporting to Senate on 12 March 1895.
UND/DB15/B2   7 May 1895 - 16 March 1897
Board for University Extension minute book.
The board was set up “to appoint lecturers and examiners under the scheme, to receive applications for lectures and generally to promote and organise University teaching at various centres throughout the Northern district of England” . Its members were nominated by Senate, the two Newcastle colleges, the Oxford Delegacy and various county councils throughout the north.
UND/DB15/B3   12 July 1916 - 5 May 1948
Durham Colleges Joint Committee for Tutorial Classes/ Board for Extra-Mural Studies minute book
The committee had changed title for the 9 December 1926 meeting, though its membership and business was little altered.
With some agendas, statements of account and other papers inserted; also an attendance register at the back.
UND/DB15/B4   17 March 1948 - 6 October 1952
Board of Extra-Mural Studies (Durham Division) minute book, including also some joint meetings of the two boards for Durham and Newcastle, with some annual reports of both the Durham division and the joint boards, and statements of account inserted.
UND/DB15/B5   1992/3 - 2000/1
Board of Examiners minutes and papers, including external examiners' reports, and lists of those attaining certificates
9 paper files
UND/DB15/B6   May 1993 - November 1997
Course Management Committees minutes:
Humanities 8 March 1995 - 26 April 1996.
Social Studies 26 April 1996.
Environmental Science 10 November 1997.
Certificate of Social Sciences 21 May 1993 - 9 May 1997.
Paper file
Reference: UND/DB15/C
UND/DB15/C1   1895 - 1896
[Board for] University Extension cash book, with a receipt inserted
UND/DB15/C2   October 1896 - February 1898
Board for University Extension cash book
UND/DB15/C3   February 1916 - November 1930
Joint Committee for Tutorial Classes (1916-1925), Extension Committee (1925-1926) and Board for Extra-Mural Studies (1926-1930) account book, audited
UND/DB15/C4   November 1930 - October 1938
Board for Extra-Mural Studies cash account book, with an auditor's letter at the front
UND/DB15/C5   November 1938 - October 1945
Board of Extra-Mural Studies cash account book
UND/DB15/C6   November 1945 - October 1947
Board of Extra-Mural Studies cash account book
UND/DB15/C7   October 1947 - October 1955
Board of Extra-Mural Studies account book
UND/DB15/C8   October 1955 - February 1958
Barclays Bank paying in book (part unused) for the Board for Extra-Mural Studies No 1 and No 5 accounts.
UND/DB15/C9   23 September 1957 - 14 January 1958
Barclays Bank cheque book (all used) for No 1 and No 5 accounts.
UND/DB15/C10   April 1961 - November 1964
Board of Extra-Mural Studies cash No.1 account book
Student records
Reference: UND/DB15/D
UND/DB15/D1   1960
Applications by students for a travelling scholarship to a WEA international summer school, including application forms, supporting references and essays.
Closed under DPA until 2040.
UND/DB15/D2   [?1996]
Student registration forms
Paper file
UND/DB15/D3   23 March 1998
Alphabetical list of students detailing their courses.
Paper file
UND/DB15/D4   April - December 1996
Centre for Lifelong Learning pass lists.
Paper file
Directors' Files
Reference: UND/DB15/E
UND/DB15/E1   February 1922 - June 1931
Correspondence, reports and memoranda of and with Rev E.G. Pace [as director of the Extra-Mural department], especially from the Council of Durham Colleges, the Workers Educational Association and the Board of Education.
UND/DB15/E2   June 1932 - October 1949
Correspondence, reports and memoranda of and with Rev E.G. Pace and H.J. Boyden as directors, including from the Association of Tutors in Adult Education, the British Institute of Adult Education and the Board of Education.
UND/DB15/E3   1960 - 1962
Correspondence and enrolment statistics of T.F. Daveney, director.
UND/DB15/E4-5   1978 - 1999
Part-time tutors application forms, including some letters and CVs, organised by subject.
2 paper files
Other Office Files
Reference: UND/DB15/F
UND/DB15/F1   May 1882
Copy letter from G.F. Browne to Dean [Lake] about the arrangements for Durham setting up Local Lectures in combination with Cambridge University, and a copy encouraging reply from the Dean[/Warden].
UND/DB15/F2   [February 1886]
Printed proposal of Senate for a scheme for University Extension Lectures for October 1886 to October 1888.
Original: in Senate minutes UND/BA1/6.
UND/DB15/F3   13 January 1895
Letter from ?R.E. Sadler at Charlbury to Robertson about the latter's “new enterprise” (?Extension Lectures, as in the proposal in UND/CA4/27).
UND/DB15/F4   1895 - 1902
Durham County Council education documents:
Technical & Manual Instruction Notice of Local Examination for Certificates by J.A.L. Robson, County Secretary of Education, 1 February 1895.
Education expenditure account for years 1892, 1893, and 1894, with estimates for 1895, photocopy.
Sub-committee's report on the Education Bill, photocopy.
Minutes of the Classes and Lectures Sub-Committee 19 March 1892, photocopy.
UND/DB15/F5   27 April & 3 May 1895
2 letters from R.D. Roberts, secretary for lectures of the University of Cambridge Local Examinations and Lectures Syndicate, clarifying what happened subsequent to the 1882 correspondence, in that Durham did not set up a joint committee with Cambridge but that the Newcastle committee sufficed.
UND/DB15/F6   1896/97 - 1897/98
Durham University Extension Lectures, describing the board, its members and courses for 1896-1897 University Extension Lectures General Information, Instructions to Centres, and Lecture List for Session 1897-98.
Printed by Thomas Caldcleugh of Durham. 2 copies of each.
UND/DB15/F7   1928/29 - 1957/58
Lists of courses detailing course title, location, tutor, time and dates.
UND/DB15/F8   1965 - 1993/94
Lists of courses at various centres in Co Durham.
UND/DB15/F9   1896/97
University Extension programmes for Science lectures at Wolsingham 1896 and at Jarrow [1896-1897]. Photocopies.
UND/DB15/F10   1918 - 1951
Syllabuses for classes, some printed, some typed, some ms, including some book lists.
UND/DB15/F11   1976/77 - 1977/78
Syllabuses for classes, typescript.
UND/DB15/F12   1948 - 1984
Summer School prospectuses.
UND/DB15/F13   March 1952 - May 1956
Archaeology summer schools, training excavations at Corbridge, correspondence, programmes, and bills.
UND/DB15/F14   January 1944 - April 1950
Tutors' reports on individual classes, also overall mid-session and annual reports on classes for 1943/44 to 1949/50, with analyses of student occupations 1947/48 and 1948/49.
UND/DB15/F15   April 1950 - [April] 1957
Tutors' reports on individual classes, also summer school and overall mid-session and end-of-session reports on classes for 1950/51 to 1956/57.
UND/DB15/F16   April 1920 - 1929
Letters of application from prospective tutors, with supporting curriculum vitae and references.
UND/DB15/F17   May 1930 - April 1948
Letters of application from prospective tutors, with supporting curriculum vitae and references.
UND/DB15/F18   1924 - 1957
Board/Ministry of Education reports, circulars, memoranda, and correspondence re adult education, including (specifically concerning Durham):
Report by H.M. Inspectors upon University Tutorial classes under the supervision of the Durham Joint Comittee, for the period ending 31st July, 1924
Report by H.M. Inspectors on a Survey of Adult Education Provided by Durham University (Durham Division) Held in February, 1951
Report by H.M. Inspectors on Courses in Art Provided by the Extra-Mural Department, University of Durham Inspected During the Session 1956-1957
UND/DB15/F19   1945 - 1950
Ministry of Education Adult Education course particulars (form A.E.2) outlining courses to be held, for sessions 1945/46, and 1947/48 to 1949/50.
UND/DB15/F20   1929/30
Board of Education Adult Education Rolls of Students, listing names of students on each class, certified.
UND/DB15/F21   1942/43 - 1950/51
Board/Ministry of Education Adult Education class registers recording attendance of students at each class, certified, for 1942/43-1945/46, 1947/48, 1949/50-1950/51.
UND/DB15/F22   1933 - 1953
Financial business, including Board/Ministry of Education applications for grants and statements of account, also correspondence and memoranda on extra-mural department estimates.
UND/DB15/F23   5 August 1950 - 29 July 1976
Library accessions register, recording accession number, date received, author, title, publisher, [publication] date, edition, price, vendor, classmark, and remarks (generally when recorded lost, sold or withdrawn).
UND/DB15/F24   9 August 1976 - 22 March 1999
Library accessions register, recording accession number, date received, author, title, publisher, [publication] date, edition, price, vendor, classmark, and remarks (generally when transferred to the University Library, or recorded lost, sold or otherwise withdrawn).
UND/DB15/F25   29 July 1975 - 21 February 1996
Community and Youth Work Course library accessions register, recording date received, accession number, author, title, classmark, date published, publisher, price, source and remarks (generally when lost, withdrawn, sold or transferred to the University Library).
UND/DB15/F26   [1921]
“Adult Education Committee - Paper No: A 23 - General Survey of the Work of the Principal Voluntary Organisations Engaged in the Provision of Adult Education. 1919-20 and 1920-21.”
Paper booklet, 28p, in paper covers
UND/DB15/F27   [?1936] - July 1948
Central Joint Advisory Committee on Tutorial Classes (established 1910) reports, memoranda, accounts and committee minutes.
UND/DB15/F28   1931 - 1945
Universities Extra-Mural Consultative Committee (established 1926 for university extra-mural officers (replaced by the Universities Council for Adult Education in 1947)) reports and memoranda.
UND/DB15/F29   1974 - 1993
Memoranda and reports on Adult Education of outside organisations (the Universities Council for Adult Education, including the 1979 discussion paper Towards Continuing Education) and universities (Liverpool 1989). Also newspaper cuttings on Adult Education and obituaries of distinguished practitioners elsewhere including T.N. George, Frank Pickstock, F.G. Thomas and Ross Waller. Also a photocopy of J.R. Till's article “Adult Education”.
UND/DB15/F30   1972
Letters of Masahiro Kegawa re research into the history of the nineteenth century university extension movement, with notes (some in Japanese) of information in the Senate minutes and the Grey papers.
UND/DB15/F31   1972
Lists of slides [held by the department] and a letter from Margot Johnson about procuring slides.
Paper file
UND/DB15/F32   [1995]
Module syllabuses.
Paper file
UND/DB15/F33   1995
New module proposals.
Paper file
UND/DB15/F34-44   February 1997
Module files including syllabus, course report, student register, mark sheet and student assignments, for:
34. Art and Design History.
35. The Age of Edward I 1239-1307.
36. Human Growth and Development.
37. Museums and Archaeology.
38. The Medieval North-East.
39. The Problem of Human Existence.
40. Modernism: Breaking the Silence.
41. Freedom within Reason: Applied Ethics.
42. The World of the Monks.
43. Making Sense of the Past.
44. Project Module.
11 paper files
UND/DB15/F45   February 1997
Student course evaluation questionnaires, with some course reports.
Paper file
UND/DB15/F46   September 1994
Lists of numbers of students on each course.
Paper file
UND/DB15/F47   February 1999 - February 2000
Applications by students for accreditation of prior learning.
Paper file
UND/DB15/F48   February 2000
Mark Robinson's tutor's file for The Creative Impulse module taught at Stockton, including module handbook, enrolment sheet, register, job description, instructions and handouts.
Paper file
UND/DB15/F49   [c.2000]
Regulations, instructions for examiners and procedures for conducting Boards of Examiners meetings.
Paper file
UND/DB15/F50   August 1958
Summer school programme and notes.
Paper file
Papers of and about Individual Members
Reference: UND/DB15/G
UND/DB15/G1   14 July 1950
“The Extra-Mural Work of the Durham Division of the University of Durham” , paper by E.G. Pace on the department's work, with amendments and with notes from a covering letter.
Reference: UND/DB15/H
UND/DB15/H1   16 August 1957
Peter C.G. Isaacs, “Roman Public-Works Engineering”, paper presented to the summer school on Roman History and Archaeology at Corbridge.
UND/DB15/H2   December 1938
Report of an Unofficial Conference between Anglicans and Evangelical Free Churchmen on Religious Education held during 1937 and 1938
UND/DB15/H3   [1944]
The Post-War Development of Adult Education in the East Midlands
UND/DB15/H4   January 1945
The Universities and Adult Education
UND/DB15/H5   1945
The Army Education Scheme The Plan for the Release Period (HMSO)
UND/DB15/H6   1970
University Adult Education in the Later Twentieth Century (Universities Council for Adult Education)
UND/DB15/H7   1971
George Hauger, The Tutor and the WEA Class (WEA North Yorkshire District)
UND/DB15/H8   [c.1970]
[R.W. Rich] Teaching in Adult Education (University of Hull)
UND/DB15/H9   [1999]
Centre for Lifelong Learning Opportunities for Part-Time Study prospectus
UND/DB15/H10   September 1999
Centre for Lifelong Learning Part-Time Tutors' Handbook for certificates, diplomas and degree programmes
Paper booklet
UND/DB15/H11   September 1999
Centre for Lifelong Learning Part-time Modular Programme leading to a BA in Lifelong Learning and Community Studies or a BA in Social Studies Student Handbook
Paper booklet
UND/DB15/H12   [c.1990]
Certificate of Continuing Education brochure, with illustrations of activities, individuals and buildings.
Foldout colour printed paper leaflet, 1f
UND/DB15/H13   [?1996]
Certificate of Higher Education in Information Technology at Stockton leaflet
Foldout printed paper leaflet, 1f
UND/DB15/H14   1992 & 1993
University of Durham Department of Adult and Continuing Education, Counselling Newsletter, Autumn 1992 & Spring 1993
2 printed items
Reference: UND/DB15/I
UND/DB15/IA   [1995]
Extra-Mural department at 32 Old Elvet, views of classes and tutorials in progress inside, also staff at work on computers, the library, and exterior views front and back. Taken by Dorothy Hamilton, to use in publicity leaflets for a new generation of accredited course leaflets, and for other promotional purposes.
1-3. 32 Old Elvet.
4-6. The library in the attic at 32 Old Elvet.
7-9. Students and staff in the window of Rm2 at 32 Old Elvet.
10. ?Youth and Community course.
12. Students with Sarah Banks (Youth and Community lecturer) in the Coffee Bar at 32 Old Elvet.
13. Ben Knights, Sue Temperley. Bill Williamson, Viv Shelley.
14. Departmental staff at 32 Old Elvet.
15,17. Alison Reed with Susan Mather and Maureen Oliphant.
16. Sue Temperley and Ben Knights.
18. David Bright and Sue Temperley.
19,20. Departmental staff at 32 Old Elvet.
21. Ben Knights, Sue Temperley and Bill Williamson.
22. Ben Knights, Sue Temperley, Bill Williamson and Viv Shelley.
23. Jean (secretary)
24. Susan Mather, Alison Reed, Marueen Oliphant.
25. David Bright (lecturer, Business Studies) and Susan Mather (finance secretary).
26. Maureen Oliphan (secretary).
27. ?2 students.
28. Sarah Banks and students (Youth and Community).
29. Sarah Banks.
30. ?Students in the common room at 32 Old Elvet.
31. Students in the common room at 32 Old Elvet with Sarah Banks.
32. Students in the common room at 32 Old Elvet.
35. Room in 43/44 Old Elvet.
36. Sue Childs in the library at 32 Old Elvet.
37. Garden behind the modern block at 32 Old Elvet.
38. Diana Gower, Sue Childs, Ruth Seed, Bernie Athey in the garden at 32 Old Elvet.
39. Coffee bar at 32 Old Elvet.
40. Alison Reed, Maureen Oliphant and Susan Mather in Rm2 at 32 Old Elvet.
41. Susan Temperley (secretary to Human Resources courses and Employment Law).
42. ?Jane Roscoe (Summer courses) in 43 Old Elvet.
43. Susan Childs, librarian.
44. Viven Shelley (lecturer, Sciences).
45-47. Students in the coffee bar at 32 Old Elvet.
48. Jean (departmental secretary).
49. Maureen Oliphant in the main office.
50. Susan Mather in the main office.
51. Ruth Seed (secretary).
52. Beryl (secretary).
53. Dorothy Hamilton (assistant administrative officer).
55. ? Youth and Community tutor.
56. Diana Gower (Youth and Community tutor).
57. Dennis Doran (technician).
58. Kate Singelhurst (secretary, Darlington).
59. Pat Whaley (lecturer, Community Education).
60. Bill Williamson (director).
61. Ben Knights (lecturer, Literature).
62. John Smith (lecturer, History and Local History).
63. Viv Shelley (lecturer, Sciences).
64. Susan Temperley (secretary to Human Resources and Business courses).
65. ? (secretary to Youth and Community studies).
66. Susan Mather (Finance secretary).
67. Bill Grainger (lecturer in Human Resource Management).
68. Jean (Departmental secretary).
69. Maureen Oliphant (secretary).
70. Roy Biggs (lecturer, Art and Design).
71. Tim Bond (lecturer, Counselling).
72. Sarah Banks (lecturer, Youth and Community Studies).
73. Bernie Athey (receptionist).
74. ? (lecturer, Human Resource Management).
75. Staff outside Beamish Hall on an awayday.
76. David Bright (lecturer, Employment Law).
77. Peter Smith (lecturer, Youth and Community Studies).
78. Alison Reed (administrative officer).
79. Umme Iman (lecturer, Youth and Community Studies).
UND/DB15/IB1-16   [c.1950 - 1980]
Staff, students and classes
1-2. Two ?lecturers outside the Pemberton Rooms, Durham, ?H.J. Boyden on the right.
3-4. Two groups of ?Trade Union leaders students outside the Pemberton Rooms, Durham.
5. Group of five ?students (one female) and a miner at a snowy coal mine.
6. Group of 1957/58 Co-op students round a table: Gregory, Keenan, Dixon, Huggan, Brown (all CWS), Wallave (Blaydon), Newman (Gateshead), Harding (Newcastle), also Kaim-Caudle (4th from left).
7-10. Class indoors [1952], with other university students, and walking towards the cathedral, including Joe Guy, tutor P.R. Kaim-Caudle, Bill Sinclair, John Tookes, and Tom Gettings (cf newspaper cutting in K1).
11-16. Classes of female students in classrooms [1980], including Mr H.J. Smith on left end in 12, female lecturer Diana Gower in 13-15 teaching New Opportunities for Women (NOW), and Roger Carterlige on right end and ?Dr Margaret Bradshaw in centre of 16 in 32 Old Elvet common room.
UND/DB15/IB17-56   [c.1950s - c.1970s]
Views of the department, classes and visits away from Durham.
17-30. Interior and exterior views of the department at 32 Old Elvet, including a class, the library, noticeboard and kitchen, with 2 sheets of contact prints, including Ogilvie Buchan (philosophy) lecturer in 26, and Ossie O'Brien (5 from left, tutor in industrial relations) and George Patterson (right end) in 17.
31. Man examining 1960 RAF aerial photographs.
32. Man in lab coat examining a bottle of [hydrochloric] acid.
33. Students in wet weather gear examining grids on moorland and recording ?species.
34. Students examining pegged-out moorland.
35-44. ?Summer school visit to Ryedale Folk Museum, Hutton-le-Hole, including views of St Gregory's Minster (Kirkdale) (35), carved standing cross in a wall (36), [Harome Cottage] (37,38), wagons and a threshing machine (39,40), craftsmen working in stone (41,42), stone artefacts (43,44).
45-46. Natural patterns.
47-50. [Summer school students fossil-hunting] in a quarry.
51-54. Choral [summer school] rehearsing in the Caedmon Hall at Hild-Bede College, and outside in front of the memorial [1970s].
55-56. Man and woman being rehearsed in singing duets by a pianist (Lynden) at a Welmar piano, with an accompanying critical letter from J. Murray Brown [1970s].
UND/DB15/IB57-139   1952 - 1957
Classes and outings
Lectures to students at archaeological sites, including Chesters, Housesteads, Hadrian's Wall, Aldborough, and Lindisfarne, also images of the sites and artefacts, and also of archaeological digs at Corbridge and surveying of the river crossing of the Tyne, including:
57-59. J.P. Gillam lecturing on Hadrian's Wall.
68-70. Mr Walter Taylor lecturing at Housesteads.
73. West Hartlepool WEA atop Lumley Castle 1955.
74-75. Groups at Lindisfarne priory 1955.
76. Evening lecture outside 1952.
77-78. West Hartlepool WEA in Aldborough Museum 1957.
79-80. Learning surveying and cleaning finds at Corbridge 1957.
84. Cleaning the site at Corbridge 1955.
95-97. Baths at Chesters 1952.
102-105. Items in Chesters Museum.
106. Hexham Abbey interior.
107-135. Excavations at Corbridge.
137-139. Surveying in the river [at Corbridge].
UND/DB15/IB140   [1952]
[P.R. Kami-Caudle] lecturing to a class of 7 male students inside [in Old Elvet].
BW print
Size: 205 x 250mm
UND/DB15/IC1-16   [1930s - 1960s]
[Summer School] group photos, 1 at Durham Castle, 2-7 ?at Hatfield College, 8 outside the department, 9-16 outside St Mary's College. Most photographed by Fillinghams. Identified:
1. WEA class, Easter.
2. ?Includes John Brennan (died April 1980, former literature class student at Crook) [1931] (another copy in UND/F7/FK1).
5. Back row: 3 from right Roger Till; standing: left end D.S. Reid; 5 from left Kaim-Caudle.
6. Middle row, 4 from right Roger Till.
7. M. Welford, H. Campbell, T.E. Barker, J. Tinn, T.E. Stephenson, J.R. Till, A. Maconochie, I.C. Black, C.H. Hocking, Mrs M. Robinson, L.G. Albon, O. Tapson, J. MacFarlane, J.H. Jones, E. Dodd, R. Richardson, W.A. Clear, J.W. Jefferson, Jean MacDonald, R. Peart, Patricia Murray, Vera Tapson, H. Shreeve, Mary Stoker, A. Tate, Marjorie Stephenson, A.R. Robertson, Joan Stoker.
8. Cummings, Rimington, Gordon, Kaim-Caudle, Ibbitson, Murray, McWilliams, Moffat, Thompson, Lee, Falcus, Hall, O'Shea, Mooney.
9. Front row, 3 from R D.S. Reid; back row, 6 from right Roger Till; 2nd row, 3 from left Og Buchan (with pipe), with Kaim-Caudle in front.
10. Back row, 2 from right Roger Till; 2nd row right end Og Buchan; 2 from right Kaim-Caudle; 3 from right Walter Taylor.
11. Middle row, Roger Till; on his left Kaim-Caudle; back row, 6 from right D.S. Reid.
12. Back row, 6 from right D.S. Reid, also Kaim-Caudle (dark glasses); centre front, H.J. Boyden (glasses).
13. Front row, 2 from left Roger Till, on his left Kaim-Caudle; centre front H.J. Boyden (dark suit), on his left Og Buchan, on his left Newcastle philosophy lecturer.
14. Front row, left end David Reid, 4 from left Peter Kaim-Caudle, 7 from left H.J. Boyden, on his right Newcastle philosopher, on his right +1 Roger Till.
15. Back row, 4 from left David Reid, 5 from left Roger Till; 2nd row right end Peter Kaim-Caudle.
16. Back row 5 from right Walter Taylor, down and to his left Roger Till; 2nd row 4 from right David Reid
UND/DB15/ID1-21   [1980s]
Views of classes
1. Formal group, indoors: 2nd row left end R.W. Grainger, centre John Dixon, on his left (dept of Economics lecturer), on his left Ann P Lewis; front row Alan (politician, trade union councillor, married to Linda).
2. Formal group, indoors: back row, 3 from left Richard Brown (Sociology); middle row 2 from left Bill Grainger, 4 from left John Dixon, to his left Economics lecturer; front row right end Mrs A.P. Lewis.
3-9. Counselling certificate class, group discussions and interviews, with camera ?1989, including (in 3) Tim ?.
10. Students with microscopes.
11. Students taking water samples in a river.
12-21. Summer school on Hadrian's Wall and the Roman Army, with views of Chesters (12-15), Temple of Mithras (16), Birdoswald (19), milecastle 48 (20) and the River Irthing (21). With a covering letter from Doreen Knipe. August 1986.
UND/DB15/IE1-5   [c.1960]
Views of Durham.
1. From the Wear riverbank, showing Brown's boathouse and boats, Elvet Bridge, the castle and cathedral.
2. Castle entrance from Palace Green.
3. Cathedral, castle and Framwelgate Bridge (with buses) from around the station.
4. Aerial view of the castle, Palace Green, cathedral and South Bailey.
5. Castle courtyard showing Great Hall and Tunstal's Gallery.
Reference: UND/DB15/K
UND/DB15/K1   c.1947 - c.1955 & 1981
Newspaper cuttings about extra-mural classes, miners and steelworkers etc being educated at Durham etc.
French Department
Reference: UND/DB30
Annual and Other General Reports
Reference: UND/DB30/A
UND/DB30/A1   1949 - 1958
Annual reports 1948/9, 1949/50, 1957/8.
Paper file
Geography Department
Reference: UND/DB12
Annual and Other General Reports
Reference: UND/DB12/A
UND/DB12/A1   1949 - 1950
Annual reports 1948/9, 1949/50.
Paper file
UND/DB12/A2   1973/74 - 1997/98
Annual reports
1973/74, 1983/84-1997/98.
16 paper booklets/files
Formerly: Per Local DUR
UND/DB12/A3   1987/88 - 2006/07
Durham Geography Graduates Association Friends of the Department of Geography annual reports, including AGM minutes, annual accounts, news of the department, news and lists of members, and photos of staff and postgraduates/graduates. The association was established in 1986 and wound up in 2007.
19 paper booklets
Papers of and about Individuals
Reference: UND/DB12/G
UND/DB12/G1   1954 - 1955
File of papers of Elizabeth Shaw (1928-2013), hydrologist, of the Dept of Geography, Durham University, including letters (4) to Mr Clay at the Wear and Tees River Board June to September 1955 sending and discussing stream gauge readings (present) for Middlehope Burn at Westgate in Weardale April 1954 - September 1955, a stage discharge curve and a table of discharges of Middlehope Burn, and Shaw's map of the area (1955).
Paper file
Given by the Environment Agency, Newcastle, September 2019, Acc No Misc.2019/20:16.
Reference: UND/DB12/H
UND/DB12/H1   1968
The Geograduate No1, a newsletter listing all current geography graduates, their dates and addresses, and news of their activities since graduation, in celebration of the department's 40th anniversary. Despite stated aspirations, this seems to have been the only issue. Photocopy.
Given by Dr W.T.W. Morgan, 27 May 2008, Acc No Misc.2008/9:2.
UND/DB12/H2   January 1984
Institute of British Geographers Annual Conference Handbook
UND/DB12/H3   1989
University of Durham Department of Geography Sixty Years Exhibitions 10-22, April 1989, catalogue, each folio by a different academic
Card folder containing 12f
UND/DB12/H4   1989
The History of Geography in the University of Durham 1928-1988, ed M.J. Tooley, with contributions by M.J. Tooley (1928-1939), L. Slater (1939-1953), H. Bowen-Jones (1954-1981) and J.C. Dewdney (1981-1989).
Paper booklet, 11f + covers
UND/DB12/H5   [1974]
Postgraduate Studies and Research University of Durham Geography Department, with sections on: departmental philosophy, facilities, admissions; postgraduate courses, seminars, research fields; staff biographical sketchs (with photos); staff publications 1970-73, postgraduate theses 1957-73; departmental publications; general information.
Printed paper book, 94p
Formerly: L378.4281DUR/DUR
UND/DB12/H6   [1974]
Prospectus A brochure for intending Geography students
Printed paper book, 20p
UND/DB12/H7   1978
Occasional Publications (New Series):
No.12, D.C.D. Pocock, The Novelist and the North, iv + 46p
Paper booklet
An Occasional Papers series and a Research Papers series, produced by the department from 1955, were consolidated into this one series in 1973
Reference: UND/DB12/I
UND/DB12/IA1967   [June 1967]
Group photo of Geography/Anthropology students with staff, in suits and gowns, outside in the field near St Aidan's College.
BW print
Size: 100 x 200mm
Given by Trish Nicholson, February 2017, Acc No Misc. 2016/17:81.
UND/DB12/IA1971-1993   1971 - 1993
Geography department end of year group photos, outside, staff and students, unidentified, but all featuring W.T.W. Morgan lecturer:
1971 May, ?whole department, all in gowns
1976, ?whole department, a few in gowns
1979 June, all staff academic and non-academic
1979 June, staff academic and graduate students, colour
1979 June, staff academic and finalists, colour
1980, staff and graduate students
1980, staff and finalists
1981 May, staff and graduate students
1981 May, staff and finalists
1982, staff and graduate students
1982, staff and finalists
1984, staff and graduate students
1984, staff and finalists
1985 June, staff and graduate students
1985 June, staff and finalists
1986, staff and finalists
1988, staff and graduate students
1988, staff and finalists
1989 May, staff and graduate students
1989, staff and finalists
1991, staff and finalists
1992 May, staff and finalists
1993, staff and finalists
21 BW prints & 2 colour prints
Size: 100-125mm x 200-295mm
Given by W.T.W. Morgan's executor, 10 November 2020, Acc No Misc.2020/21:16.
UND/DB12/IB1   December 1970
Geography department staff hockey team (10 men) group photo, group, with sticks, on a pitch, cathedral beyond, unidentified by W.T.W. Morgan front row right end.
BW print
Size: 105 x 130mm
Given by W.T.W. Morgan's executor, 10 November 2020, Acc No Misc.2020/21:16.
Geology/Earth Sciences Department
Reference: UND/DB33 Aspects of Geological Sciences were taught from the start of the university, but it was not until 1924 that the Geology Dpeartment was created, headed by Arthur Holmes. He developed a strong department, which produced a succession of distinguished professional geologists. Holmes left the department in 1943, shortly before the publication of his groundbreaking textbook Principles of Physical Geology. Lawrence Wagner was appointed as Holmes's successor. He oversaw the growth of the department, recruiting David Vincent (Geochemistry) and Fred Stewart (Petrology), both of whem were later elected FRS.
The department in its modern form began with the appointment of Kingsley Dunham as head in 1950. He brought huge energy and vision to the role, overseeing a dramatic expansion in staff numbers. The Rookhope Borehole Project was perhaps the stand-out scientific achievement of this period, and marked the rise of Geophysics in the department, led by Martin Bott. Malcom Brown arrived in 1967 and shared the head of department role with Bott for the next 12 years; petrological, mineralogical and geochemical analysis of moon rocks, returned by the Apollo missions, was a highlight of this period, and laid the foundations fo the department's pre-eminent status as a centre for Geochemistry.
The department became Earth Sciences in 2003 and moved to the Arthur Holmes Building, which includes state-of-the-art laboratory facilities and purpose-built teaching rooms. In 2018, the department comprised 31 academic staff, 30 research staff, 70 PhD students and around 250 undergraduates, and is known internationally as one of the top-rated Earth Science departments in the country.
Annual group photos of staff, undergraduate finalists and final year research students 1949-2017 are on display in a corridor in the department.

Annual and Other General Reports
Reference: UND/DB33/A
UND/DB33/A1   1949 - 1950
Annual reports 1948/9, 1949/50.
Paper file
Papers of and about individual members
Reference: UND/DB33/G
UND/DB33/G1   1970 - 1973
Yearbook, being photos of the year group, including group photos at ?the start of the course and of final year honours students with research students and staff, and photos of field trips around the north of England, Wales and Scotland, with a class list.
Paper file & Colour illustrated pamphlet
Given by Richard Langford, October 2020, Acc No Misc.2020/21:23.
Reference: UND/DB33/H
UND/DB33/H1   March 1973 & March 1974
Handbook for the first year field meeting, 1974 inscribed Shelagh Stewart of St Cuthbert's
2 paper files, in card covers
1973 formerly: L+554.28 DUR
UND/DB33/H2   2000
Geology Class of 2000, images of staff and students, field trips, balls etc.
Printed paper book
UND/DB33/H3   5 June 2018
Department of Earth Sciences Conference 2018 papers and proceedings.
Printed paper booklet, 56p
UND/DB33/H4   July 1972
“An Introduction to Palaeontology and Stratigraphy Compiled for Students Reading the 'M' and 'S.1' Courses in Geology”, 5th edition (partly revised), inscribed 'Shelagh Stewart'.
Paper file in card covers
German Department
Reference: UND/DB31
Annual and Other General Reports
Reference: UND/DB31/A
UND/DB31/A1   1949 - 1958
Annual reports 1948/9, 1949/50, 1957/8.
Paper file
Government and International Affairs School
Reference: UND/DB18
Reference: UND/DB18/H
UND/DB18/H1   January 2005
SGIA News Issue 1
Printed colour illustrated paper leaflet
UND/DB18/H2   [c.2008]
Zayed a Leader to Remember, a proposal to 'transform' SGIA into the Zayed School of Government and International Affairs
Printed colour illustrated booklet, 20p, with plastic covers, within hard back covers
Reference: UND/DB18/I
UND/DB18/I1   [?2002]
Sir Peter Ustinov cutting the first turf for the new building
Colour print
UND/DB18/I2   [?2003]
The opening of the new building by [Al-Qasimi] with Sir Kenneth Calman vice-chancellor, Anoush Ehteshami
6 colour prints
UND/DB18/I3   [1990s - 2000s]
Groups of staff, staff and [graduates], and [graduates], all outisde.
18 colour prints
Reference: UND/DB18/J
UND/DB18/J1-4   [2002]
Elevations and views of the new building by the Howarth Litchfield Partnership.
4 coloured paper copies, mounted on board
Reference: UND/DB18/K
UND/DB18/K1   2007 - 2009
Posters for lectures, seminars and conferences.
History Department
Reference: UND/DB11 Prior to 1985/86 it was the Modern History Department.

Annual and Other General Reports
Reference: UND/DB11/A
UND/DB11/A1   1949 - 1958
Annual reports 1948/9, 1949/50, 1957/8.
Paper file
Reference: UND/DB11/B
UND/DB11/BA1   October 1980 - October 1982
History Board of Studies agendas, minutes, reports, papers and correspondence.
Paper file
Transferred from Trevelyan College archive (B1/14) October 2016.
UND/DB11/BA2   November 1982 - November 1984
History Board of Studies agendas, minutes, reports, papers and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/DB11/BA3   December 1984 - April 1988
History Board of Studies agendas, minutes, reports, papers and correspondence.
Paper file
Transferred from Trevelyan College archive (B1/15) October 2016.
UND/DB11/BB1   29 October 1975
16th/17th Century British History Group meeting minutes.
Paper, 1f
UND/DB11/BC1   November 2004 - June 2006
Management Committee of the MA in Medieval History meetings minutes, with related papers, including grant applications, course outlines and a handbook.
Paper file
UND/DB11/BD1   November 2016 - October 2017
Student-Staff Consultative Committee meetings, with related papers
Paper file
UND/DB11/BD2   January 2015 - February 2020
Draft minutes of meetings taken by the secretary of the Student-Staff Consultative Committee (January 2015 - November 2017)
Also includes draft minutes relating to the Education Committee (9 May 2018 - February 2020). See also UND/DB11/BE1.
1 notebook
UND/DB11/BE1   November 2017 - May 2019
Education Committee meetings, with related papers
Paper file
Other office files
Reference: UND/DB11/F
UND/DB11/F1   1939 - 2002
“Honours School of History Record Book”, signed by the examiners each year, and including the marks of students up to 1997, with the marks changing from Greek letters in 1985.
Transferred from the History Dept 11 June 2008, Acc No Misc.2007/8:71.
Closed until 2077.
UND/DB11/F2   13 October 2009
Research, Teaching, and Outreach in the History of the Book at Durham University, by David Rollason
Paper booklet, 12p with card covers
UND/DB11/F3   May 2015
Papers, emails and notes, from an Education Awayday
Paper file
Reference: UND/DB11/H
UND/DB11/H1   [c.1980]
Postgraduate Research in the Department of History
UND/DB11/H2   [1992]
MA in Historical Research
UND/DB11/H3   2001 - 2002
Level 1 Handbook
Paper booklet, 28p + covers
UND/DB11/H4   2001/02 - 2002/03; 2009/10 - 2010/11
Final Honours Handbook
4 paper booklets
UND/DB11/H5   31 August 2007
The History of History: A Durham Perspective, by Ranald Michie, with tables of staff numbers (including Economic History), and profiles of current academic staff.
Paper booklet, 6f + covers
UND/DB11/H6   2011 - 2018
Symeon a magazine for Durham History Alumni, established in 2011 “to open a direct channel of communication between current research in Durham and our diverse alumni community, and to give historians at all levels within the department an oppportunity to share the products of their research with an audience of historically-aware and interested people”, edited by research students with articles on their research by students and staff, with some news of the department.
Issue 1 (2011): Charlie Rozier, “The Durham History Department, c.1090-c.1130”; Hélène Feest, “Why is there a Giant Perogy in a Canadian Village?”; Dr Barbara Crosbie, “An Eighteenth-Century Adolesence in Newcastle”; Joe Cronin, “History as Autobiography: Johan Huizinga and the Waning of the Middle Ages”; Anita Winkler, “Sex Education Films in East and West Germany, 1950-1970”, Prof Justin Willis, “The Spoils of the Ballot: Elections in Eastern Africa”, Sabine Schneider, “Towards a Modern Consumer Society: The British Retailing Trade, 1850-1914”; Leona Skelton, “Unsavoury Receptacles in Early Modern Britain”; Prof Ranald Michie, “Tipping Points in History”; Zoe Cormack, “Who was this for? A Sudanese Puzzle”.
Issue 2 (2012): Jo Fox, The Queen in Australia; A.T. Brown, Changing Fortunes during the Fifteenth Century Recession; Nicholas Rooney, “The Qing Colonial Endeavour? 1666-1800”; Alexandra Paulin-Booth, “Capturing the Future: Time in the work of Fernand Pelloutier and Georges Sorel”; Richard Gameson, “The Lindisfarne Gospels in Durham”; News from the Department; Adrian Green, “New Insights into the Architecture of Palace Green: Bishop Cosin and Restoration Durham”; John Clay, “Landscape and the Imagination in Early Medieval Hessia”; Christina Schneider, “Peace, Piety and Public Opinion: the promotion of the papacy in the reign of Pope Clement VIII”.
Issue 3 (2013): David Rollason, “The Power of Place: Rulers and their palaces, cities and holy places from the Roman Empire to the end of the middle ages”; Andy Burn, “Industry in England's Indies: Work in seventeenth-century Newcastle”; Lydia Harris, “The Case of an Unnecessary Identity: Anonymity, authorship and relevance in medieval medicine”; Reetta Humalajoki, “Between federal and Native: the value of Native American Tribal Minutes as a historical source”; News from the department; Chris Brooks, “California Dreamin'”; Dana Durkee, “The Beauties and the Beasts of Medieval Durham”; Nicki Kindersley, “PhD DIY: Building the National Archives of South Sudan”; Howell Harris, “'Why the **** are you doing that?' Researching the American Stove and its Industry”.
Issue 4 (2014): Len Scales, “Walking Barbarossa”; Caitlin Phillips, “Seditious Words: the value of seditious speech cases as historical sources”; Poppy Cullen, “Funeral Planning: British involvement in the funeral of President Kenyatta”; Natalie Mears, “Special Prayers, fasts and thanksgiving in the British Isles, 1533 to the Present”; News from the department; Jenine de Vries, “Trojan Ancestors in Politics: Urban history writing in late medieval North West Europe”; Jessica Prestridge, “Margaret Thatcher and Domestic Rhetoric”; Jelle Bruinsma, “The Dutch State and Capitalism on Java, 1830-1870”; Ludmilla Jordanova, “Gifts of Life, Gifts of Love”.
Issue 5 (2015): “Lord Bomb and the Cannon King”; “Historical Research in Durham's Libraries: The Changes and the Opportunities”; “Reflections on History at Durham since 1964”; News; Obituaries; “Moving an Archive: The Transfer of the Strickland MS from Canada to the UK”; “OpenTreasure Coming to a Cathedral near you”; “Urbi et orbi de manu monachi A modern investigation of a medieval manuscirpt”; “Tribute to Chris Brooks”.
Issue 6 (2016): “The poor, there is more than goes from door to door: threats, libels and social relations in early modern England;”“Anglo-Irish relations in Victorian Preston”; “I wish my dear you don't overdoe it: the influence of wives and physicians in eighteenth century healthcare”; “Intended Puns in Medieval Hagiography”; Department News; Report of Conferences in Honour of Richard Britnell; “HIstorians without Borders: teaching and researching in a globalising world”; “Lady Morgan in Paris”; “Living in the Past”; “Past, Present, Future: the National Army Museum's Redevelopment”.
Issue 7 (2017): Kimberley Foy “Bonnets and Brothels: the Women of Dublin Castle”, Richard Gameson “British Medieval Illuminators' Pigments”, Emily Duthie “Sapphic Sisterhood and the Lesbain Left: The Establishment of a Mancunian Lesbian Community, 1977-1987”, Kirstyn Raitz “An Outbreak of 'Femmes Désordres' from the Saltpêtrière in 1758”, Giles Gaspar “Ordered Universe”, Alex Barber “One University, One City, One Community”, Natasha Bennett “Arms, Armour and Archives of Sudan”, Thomas Lowman “Violence in the Time of Idi Amin: Representation Versus Reality”
Issue 8 (2018): Michael Aspin “Revolting to the Consciousness of Englishmen, or Coffee-House Babble? The Parliamentary response to the 1876 'Bulgarian Horrors'”, Henry Miller & Ciara Stewart “How 17,000 Petitions Helped Deliver Votes for Women”, Abigail Steed “Creating a Martyr: The case of Saint Aelfheah”, Clarissa Cahill “Old Stories, New Technologies: Bringing Durham Cathedral to life in a digital age”, Justin Willis “The Moral Economy of Elections in Africa”.
5 printed illustrated paper booklets & 3 paper files
Formerly: Per Local DUR
UND/DB11/H7   2014
Information for Prospective Applicants 2014/2015, including a listing of all academic staff and their interests.
Paper booklet, 8f
UND/DB11/H8   1984 & [1985]
2 paper booklets
UND/DB11/H9   1986/87
Undergraduate Handbook in the Department of History
Paper booklet, 55p
UND/DB11/H10   2007/08, 2009/10 & 2012/13
Preliminary Honours Handbook
3 paper booklets
UND/DB11/H11   1991/92 - 2013/14
Dissertation handbooks
1991/92, 1994/95, 2001/02, 2012/13, 2013/14
5 paper booklets
UND/DB11/H12   2005/06 - 2014/15
Postgraduate Research Handbook
2005/06, 2007/08, 2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12, 2014/15
6 paper booklets
UND/DB11/H13   2006/07 - 2011/12
Research Handbook
2006/07 - 2008/09; 2010/11 - 2011/12
5 paper booklets
UND/DB11/H14   2007/08 - 2014/15
Learning Handbook
2007/08 - 2010/11; 2013/14 - 2014/15
6 paper booklets
UND/DB11/H15   2001/02 - 2014/15
MA in History handbooks
2001/02; 2006/07; 2009/10 - 2011/12; 2013/14 - 2014/15
7 paper booklets
UND/DB11/H16   [2008/09], 2010/11 & 2013/14
Administrative Guide for Academic Staff
3 paper booklets
Reference: UND/DB11/K
UND/DB11/K1   2007 - 2014
Posters for seminars.
Student Work
Reference: UND/DB11/M
UND/DB11/M1   1928 - 1999, most [1948-1951]
Papers (lecture notes, undergraduate essays, notes for the guidance of overseas students, etc.) of Walter Scott Dunn (b.1928), from his student years in the University of Durham, 1948-51, where he read history (B.A. 1951) and was a member of St Cuthbert's Society. The papers also include a CV, and brief autobiography.
11 files
The son of a Sunderland man who emigrated to the USA, Walter Scott Dunn was born in Detroit, and served in the US army 1946-47. After a year at Wayne State University, Detroit, he took advantage of the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944, known as the "G.I. bill of rights", to come to Durham under a programme of the US Veterans Administration to assist ex-servicemen to study abroad. After graduation from Durham, W.S. Dunn returned to the USA, where he graduated Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin, and became a museum curator and military historian.
Given by Dunn in September 1999 (Acc No Misc.1999/00:4) and September 2001 (Acc No Misc.2001/02/118).
UND/DB11/M1/1   1928 - 1999
Personal Life/Information
-A letter from Walter Dunn explaining the donation of his ‘brief biography’, essays, lecture notes, and ‘odds and ends'.
-A typed two-page biography of Dunn’s life up to 1999, as well as information on his parents and grandparents. Attached is a biography of Dunn from Who’s Who in Entertainment.
-Dunn’s academic record from high school and his first year of university.
-List of lectures attended.
-Veterans Administration Notice of Expiration of Entitlement, 17 June 1951.
Paper file
UND/DB11/M1/2   [1948 - 1951]
University Application Information etc,
-A letter from the Veterans Administration, providing information on institutes abroad that Dunn could go to under the G.I. Bill (1pp) 15 June 1948. Attached to this is general information on universities in Britain (19 double-sided pages), and information from the British Information Services (7 pages) on entrance exams, applications, and work. A ‘Memorandum for those interested in foreign study’ from the Veterans Administration (2pp).
-A Passage Contract Ticket for Dunn using Greek Line, sailing from Southampton to Montreal on 09 July 1951.
-A Provisional Driving Licence, 1949.
-Information on lectures, and lecturers at Durham for all three years.
-University of Durham prospectus for a Degree of B.A. in General Studies and B.A. with Honours, 1947-48 (84 pages).
-University of Durham Preliminary Examination in the Honours School of Modern History, June 1949. Pages of exam questions for Latin, Medieval European History, Medieval English History, etc.
-University of Durham Final Examinations for the Degree of B.A. Honours in Modern History, June 1950.
-St Cuthbert’s Association Constitution and list of committee members 1950-51.
-St Cuthbert’s Society Magazine 1952, Vol. 1, No. 5.
-International Certificate of Inoculation and Vaccination as approved by the World Health Organisation.
-Abstract log of the Cunard White Star R.M.S. Aquitania from Halifax to Southampton September 1948.
-Ticket stubs from public transport in France and London.
-Programmes for day two of the Durham Regatta 1950, and days one and two of the Durham Regatta 1951.
-York Festival Regatta Programme for the 16 June 1951.
-Palatinate (Durham university newspaper) 15 March 1951, No.36.
Paper file
UND/DB11/M1/3   [1948 - 1951]
Reading + Lecture Notes
-3 notebooks of reading and lecture notes, labelled A-C, with numbered pages.
-Unnumbered/unlabelled notebook, also with history notes in.
Paper file
UND/DB11/M1/4   [1948 - 1951]
Essays and Assignments
Typed essays and history assignments by Dunn (32), with a hand-written list of the essays’ titles.
Paper file
UND/DB11/M1/5   [1948 - 1951]
Notes on lectures on Tudor and Stuart History taught by E. Jackson
-Tudor England notes, with T- and page number in the top right corner of each page, and Stuart England notes indicated with an S- or SE- and page number in the top right corner of each page.
-Wayne State University Final Examination Question Paper ‘History 243’, 4 June 1952.
Paper file
UND/DB11/M1/6   [1948 - 1951]
19th Century British History Notes
All labelled with B- and page number in the top right corner of each page. Likely from third year at Durham.
Paper file
UND/DB11/M1/7   [1948 - 1951]
Medieval England History notes
-All labelled with M- and page number in the top right corner of each page. Likely from second year.
Paper file
UND/DB11/M1/8   [1948 - 1951]
Medieval England Constitutional History notes
All labelled with CH- or CD- and page number in the top right corner of each page. Likely from second year.
Paper file
UND/DB11/M1/9   [1948 - 1951]
Medieval Documents notes
All labelled with and then D- and page number in the top right corner of each page. Likely from second year.
Paper file
UND/DB11/M1/10   [1948 - 1951]
First Year Subject Notes
-Economics notes, some unlabelled, and some with E- and page number in the top right corner of each page.
-Medieval Europe notes, some unlabelled, and some with H- and page number in top right corner of each page.
-Politics notes, some unlabelled, and some with P- and page number in the top right corner of each page.
Paper file
UND/DB11/M1/11   [1948 - 1951]
Lecture Notes
-Politics notes.
-Notes labelled ‘MG-‘ and page number in the top right corner of each page, on medieval history.
-Economics notes.
Paper file
UND/DB11/M2   December 2011
Undergraduate essay.
Paper file
Law Department
Reference: UND/DB10
Reference: UND/DB10/H
UND/DB10/H1   1989 - 1990
Durham Dicta The Durham Law Graduates' Newsletter, Issues 2 and 3 for Summer 1989 and Summer 1990.
2 printed paper booklets, colour illustrated
UND/DB10/H2   [c.2010]
Durham Law School brochure for the Gateway development
Coloured paper foldout leaflet
UND/DB10/H3   Michaelmas 2010
Durham Law E-Bulletin, Vol.5 only
Paper file
UND/DB10/H4   2011 - 2013
Law School Research Briefing Documents:
No.1 Clare McGlynn, Nicole Westmarland and Nikki Godden, “Is restorative justice possible in cases of sexual violence?” (2011)
No.2 Clare McGlynn, Erika Rackley and Rosemary Hunter, “Feminist Judgments: From Theory to Practice” (2012)
No.3 Thom Brooks, “Punishment” (2013)
No.4 Fiona de Londras & Laura Graham, “Legislating on Abortion in Ireland: A Constitutional Approach” (2013)
No.5 Thom Brooks, “The Life in the UK citizenship test: Is it unfit for purpose?” (2013)
No.6 Erika Rackley, Clare McGlynn and Aoife O'Donoghue, “Diversity in the Legal Profession and Judiciary” (2013)
(No number) Clare McGlynn & Erika Rackley, “Criminalising Extreme Pornography Lessons from England & Wales” (2013)
Paper file
Reference: UND/DB10/K
UND/DB10/K1   2007 - 2012
Posters for talks etc:
Lord Goldsmith to the European Law Students' Association 1 June 2007.
Hugh Tomlinson giving the Human Rights Centre Annual Lord Irvine Human Rights Lecture 23 October 2009.
Law in the City Past, present and your future, Baker & McKenzie, 23 February 2012.
Linguistics and English Language/Linguistics and Language
Reference: UND/DB26 Departments of English Studies, and Linguistics and English Language, were created out of the School of English and Linguistics in 1993. Linguistics and English Language became just Linguistics and Language in 2001 and ceased to exist in 2004.

Reference: UND/DB26/B
UND/DB26/BA1   May 1998 - May 2001
Board of Studies minutes, agendas and papers.
Paper file
UND/DB26/BA2   September 2001 - July 2004
Boards of Studies minutes, agendas and appers, including also minutes of Annual Review Meetings in July 2002-2004.
Paper file
UND/DB26/BB1   September 2001 - April 2004
Teaching and Learning Committee minutes, agendas and papers, including minutes of the Staff/Student Consultative Committee and PLOD.
Paper file
UND/DB26/BC1   June 1987 - March 1996
External examiners' reports and some papers re Boards of Examiners meetings.
Paper file
UND/DB26/BC2   June 1989 - May 1996
Correspondence with external examiners re meetings and arrangements for dinners.
Paper file
UND/DB26/BC3   June 1996 - April 2002
Boards of Examiners minutes, reports and papers.
2 paper files
Departmental files
Reference: UND/DB26/F
UND/DB26/F1   1994 - 2004
Postgraduates, including lists of research students and correspondence about their registration, induction, and supervisions.
Paper file
UND/DB26/F2   May 2003 - June 2004
Sample assignments from the MA in Linguistics.
Paper file
Closed under DPA until 2084.
Reference: UND/DB26/H
UND/DB26/H1   July 2002
4th Postgraduate newsletter
Paper booklet, 24p
UND/DB26/H2   1995/96
Undergraduate Information Booklet detailing departmental organisation, general requirements for attendance and registration, courses, work expected, and assessments.
Paper booklet
UND/DB26/H3   2016 - 2018
English Language Centre, Academic Language and Communication Courses wall planners/timetables 2016/7, 2017/8, and 2018/9, with a one to one consutlation service flyer and other posters.
Paper file
Mathematics Department
Reference: UND/DB2
Dates of creation: 1928 - 2003
Annual and Other General Reports
Reference: UND/DB2/A
UND/DB2/A1   1949 - 1950
Annual reports 1948/9, 1949/50.
Paper file
Reference: UND/DB2/B
Dates of creation: 1928 - 2002
UND/DB2/BA1   3 July 1928 - 14 October 1930
Board of Studies for Mathematics minute book.
- Correspondence of [Mr J.L. Burchnall as convenor of the Board of Studies for Mathematics] regarding the Joint Examinations (Training Colleges) Board Northern Area, and agenda papers [c.1929 – 1931]. (Some of the correspondence concerns individual students.)
- Printed “Suggestions on Mathematical Work in Training Colleges” (memorandum by the Committee of the Mathematics Section of the Training Colleges Association, 1929).
- Printed “Regulations for the Examination of Candidates for the Teacher's Certificate” 1932.
- Mathematics exam papers for finals for BSc in Pure Science 1929-1931 and BA 1931.
Paper book
Transferred from OSH deed box 2 (UND/CA2/8) 8 November 2004 by MMNS.
UND/DB2/BA2   October 1991 - June 1992
Boards of Studies for Mathematics minutes, agendas and papers, with occasional Board of Examiners' minutes
Paper file
UND/DB2/BA3   April 1994 - June 1997
Boards of Studies for Mathematics minutes, agendas and papers, with occasional Board of Examiners' minutes
Paper file
UND/DB2/BA4   October 1997 - May 2000
Boards of Studies for Mathematics minutes, agendas and papers, with occasional Board of Examiners' minutes
Paper file
UND/DB2/BA5   October 2000 - June 2002
Boards of Studies for Mathematics minutes, agendas and papers, with occasional Board of Examiners' minutes
Paper file
UND/DB2/BB1   1969 - 1980
[Board of Examiners'] mark sheets for the BEd Mathematics papers, detailing marks for individual questions, with occasional correspondence.
Paper file
UND/DB2/BB2   1960 - 1969
[Board of Examiners'] mark sheets for Fourah Bay Mathematics papers, including occasional exam papers, correspondence and a menu for the dinner at St Mary's College in 1969 to mark the final visit to Durham by Fourah Bay examiners.
Paper file
UND/DB2/BB3   1958 - 2002
[Board of Examiners'] mark sheets for BA and BSc Honours and General degree Mathematics papers, detailing marks for questions in individual papers (sampled), and totalling the various papers, with occasional agendas, circulars, correspondence with examiners about the papers and students' performance, requests for concessions (sampled), photos and addresses of students, and some Collections mark sheets. 1989 includes computer printouts of all Maths student courses.
39 paper files
UND/DB2/BB4   1967 - 1978, 1989, 1999 - 2002
Board of Examiners' mark sheets for MSc Mathematics papers, with some correspondence and draft papers.
Paper file
UND/DB2/BB5   September 1994 - June 2004
Board of Examiners' meetings minutes and agendas.
Paper file
Departmental files
Reference: UND/DB2/F
UND/DB2/F1-4   1966 - 2003
Staff files
4 files
Closed under DPA until 2073.
Reference: UND/DB2/H
UND/DB2/H1   2005
Department of Mathematical Sciences handbooks for 2005-2006 for:
First-Year Mathematics
Second-Year Mathematics
Auxiliary Level 1 Mathematics Modules
3 printed paper booklets
Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/DB2/K
UND/DB2/K1   [c.2002]
Poster advertising PhD and MSc degrees.
Paper, 1f
Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies Centre/Institute
Reference: UND/DB23 Beginnings
From the University's foundation in 1832 the study of the languages and literature of the Middle East had formed part of the study of theology. Later, the study of Arabic developed in its own right. Within a year a post of Reader in Hebrew and Oriental Languages was proposed and the Reader in Hebrew was duly functioning from 1835. In 1841 a salary of £500 was proposed to fund a professorship of Hebrew and other oriental languages. The next development was the appointment of the distinguished British Islamicist, Alfred Guillaume, as Professor of Oriental Languages in 1921. He introduced degree and diploma courses in Arabic which at the time were unique in Britain in that they included modern as well as classical Arabic language and literature in their syllabuses. In 1948 the Scarbrough Committee, influenced by Durham's long-standing interests, recommended expansion and recasting of Oriental Studies in British universities and selected Durham as one of only five universities in which special facilities were to be made available. As a consequence, a School of Oriental Studies was established with special responsibilities for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies. Its director was Professor T.W. Thacker, and James Craig was appointed Lecturer in Arabic. Sir James Craig later became one of Britain's most respected Arabists, also serving as the British Ambassador to Saudi Arabia. By 1950 there was an Assistant in Colloquial Arabic; Gordon Simpson was Reader in Turkish, Fazlur Rahman was Lecturer in Persian Studies, and Richard Hill was Lecturer in Near Eastern History. In addition, there were other staff members teaching Hebrew, Egyptology and Assyriology.
Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies 1962
Durham University's prominent position in Middle Eastern scholarship was recognised in the 1961 Hayter Committee Report on Area Studies which recommended that extensive development in Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, with particular emphasis on contemporary affairs, should be given especial support in the universities of Durham, London and Oxford. Durham's Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies was set up in the following year with Professor W.B. Fisher, a geographer, as its director. Originally it had no teaching role but served to encourage, co-ordinate and support the relevant activities of departments with strong Middle Eastern interests. Its support included the establishment of a documentation centre and the further enhancement of library provision in 1970. This grew to contain well over 200,000 publications by 2009. The documentation unti's central purpose is to monitor current economic, social and political developments in the region and to procure and make available on the widest possible scale, primary material relating to the modern Middle East and the Muslim world in general. Its holdings include primary data in the form of official government reports and statistical publications (at ministerial, departmental and municipal levels), reports produced by banks, chambers of commerce, trade unions and political parties, together with publications of the main international organizations working in the region. The unit has good coverage of basic documentary material from the early 1960s onwards and in some cases and for some countries from 1945. Much of the material is in the original language (Arabic, Persian, Turkish or Hebrew) but in many cases the documents are also published in English or French translation. The collection covers all the countries of the Arab world together with Afghanistan, Cyprus, Iran, Israel, Pakistan and Turkey.
Separate Department 1988
Following the reorganisation of Oriental Studies in Durham, the Centre, in addition to its previous activities, became a teaching department in its own right in 1988 with responsibility for undergraduate and postgraduate degree courses in Arabic, Middle Eastern History, and Islamic Studies. A major expansion occurred in 1993 with the appointment of a number of social science staff with expertise in politics and international relations. These additions greatly broadened the range of expertise and courses offered and strengthened the Centre's international standing. In 1998 it made two new appointments (lecturer in Political History of the Middle East and lecturer in Political Economy of the Middle East) and created a new post in Islamic Studies and Persian. In 2000, it appointed Professor Rodney Wilson as its Professor of Middle East and Islamic Economics. In 2009, IMEIS is one of the largest Area Studies departments in the country and has continued to expand and develop into the School of Government and International Affairs (SGIA) along with the Department of Politics in August 2004. It has also established a successful in-house publication, the Durham Middle East Papers. These have a healthy international readership and are available as an e-journal via the University Library.

Annual Reports
Reference: UND/DB23/A
UND/DB23/A196   1962/63 & 1964/65
Annual reports.
UND/DB23/A198   1980/81 - 1989/90
Annual reports, every year.http://library.dur.ac.uk/record=b1450157~S1
10 paper booklets
UND/DB23/A199   1993/94
Annual report.http://library.dur.ac.uk/record=b1450157~S1
Paper booklet
Reference: UND/DB23/H
UND/DB23/H1   1980
Information and Activities, detailing staff profiles, research activities, publicatons, facilitites, courses and images.
Printed paper booklet, 38p
UND/DB23/H2   1983
Register of Current British Research in Middle Eastern Studies No.4; 1983, compiled by C.H. Bleaney http://library.dur.ac.uk/record=b1787062~S1
Paper booklet
UND/DB23/H3   [1965], [1975], [1995]
[ Prospectus] [1965]
[ Prospectus] [1975] with separate Appendix 2 Published Books and Articles on Middle Eastern and Islamic Topics since 1950 and Appendix 3 Postgraduate Studies on Middle Eastern and Islamic Topics
[ Prospectus] [1995]
Graduate Studies in Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies [1995]
4 paper booklets
UND/DB23/H4   [1995]
Research, teaching and consultancy expertise in the Centre for Middle Eastern & Islamic Studies with profiles of each academic.
Printed paper boklet, ii + 14p + covers
Modern European Languages/Modern Languages and Cultures, School of
Reference: UND/DB25
Reference: UND/DB25/B
UND/DB25/BB1   June 2003 - June 2005
Board of Examiners minutes, reports and papers.
Paper file
Departmental files
Reference: UND/DB25/F
UND/DB25/F1   July 2001 - May 2004
New BA in European Studies and Language programme approval documentation, including modules, relevant committee minutes and correspondence.
Paper file
Reference: UND/DB25/K
UND/DB25/K1   1994 - 1995
Student Handbook
Paper booklet
UND/DB25/K2   1974
Poster for a French Dept Molière Tercentenary Exhibition, 25 November - 6 December.
Paper, 1f
UND/DB25/K3   2004 - 2005
Information Booklet Studying in the Language Centre 2004/05
Paper booklet, 60p + covers
UND/DB25/K4   [October 2012], [October 2013], [October 2015]
Flyers for learning a language with the Centre for Foreign Language Study.
Paper file
UND/DB25/K5   1985
Jack M. Flint, The Prose Works of Roberto Arlt, printed for Durham Modern Languages Series by Titus WIlson of Kendal, HM 4, 96p
UND/DB25/K6   2009
School of Modern Languages and Culture Information for Applicants 2009/2010
Printed paper booklet
Music Department
Reference: UND/DB7 The days of the BMus and DMus degrees became numbered when Professor David Greer as head of the department was strongly opposed to the existence of a degree in music that was outside the control of the departmental head. He therefore inspired the phased withdrawal of these external degrees. The first stage was to apply a cut-off date for the registration of new applicants; and the second was to specify a date for the last Second Examination. Derek Downes piloted this external degree through its closing stages, acting as the chairman of the panel involved in the viva voce examinations.

Annual and Other General Reports
Reference: UND/DB7/A
UND/DB7/A1   1949 - 1958
Annual reports 1948/9, 1949/50, 1957/8.
Paper file
Departmental files
Reference: UND/DB7/F
UND/DB7/F1   2016
Service paper for a choral evensong at Durham St Oswald's 30 July 2016, sung by graduates of the Music School.
Reference: UND/DB7/H
UND/DB7/H1   1966
Faculty of Music Regulations and Syllabus 1966-67, with inserted rules for the submission of work for higher degrees.
Paper booklet, 16p + 2p inserted
UND/DB7/H2   March 2011
Sir John Stainer A Life in Music, comprising a programme of events to celebrate his life and an introduction to an exhibition of his archive at Palace Green Library, including images of Stainer, Prof Chris Higgins (on violin), Prof Jermey Dibble (author), the Brodowski Quartet, Prof David Fallows and Magdalen College choir.
Printed paper booklet, 22p, with card covers, BW images
UND/DB7/H3   June 1999 - February 2001
Durhamusic newsletter, inaugural issue June 1999, then volumes 2 (November 1999), 4 (June 2000) and 6 (February 2001).
4 printed paper booklets
UND/DB7/H4   [c.1995] & 2016
Music department prospectus
Printed colour illustrated booklet
UND/DB7/H5   [2018]
Flyers and leaflets:
New Music at Durham [2018]
Paper file
UND/DB7/H6   1991
Notices of seminars:
Centenary seminars 1991
Paper file
Reference: UND/DB7/K
UND/DB7/K1   2007 - 2021
Posters for concerts, the Musicon series, Palace Green Lunchtime Concerts, and others such as the Centre for Brass Band Studies concert, the examination concert for MA conducting students, and performances of Mauricio Kagel's Staatstheater.
UND/DB7/K2   1984 - 2010
“Durham Music Calendar”, produced termly, listing all concerts in Durham.
5 card files
UND/DB7/K3   December 1973 - June 2020
Musicon concert series and individual programmes (mostly lunchtime concerts in the Music School, a number featuring the Viaduct Wind Band, Schola Cantorum or Durham Gamelan).
Paper file
UND/DB7/K4   [28 April 1990]
Programme for memorial concerts:
Arthur Hutchings, Durham St Oswald's Church, 28 April [1990].
Paper, 1f
Oriental/East Asian Studies Department
Reference: UND/DB20
Dates of creation: 1949 - 2007 Beginnings
From the University's foundation in 1832 the study of the languages and literature of the Middle East had formed part of the study of theology. Later, the study of Arabic developed in its own right. Within a year a Reader in Hebrew and Oriental Languages was proposed and a Reader in Hebrew was in post from 1835. In 1841 a salary of £500 was proposed to fund a professorship of Hebrew and other oriental languages. The next development was the appointment of the distinguished British Islamicist, Alfred Guillaume, as Professor of Oriental Languages in 1921. He introduced degree and diploma courses in Arabic which at the time were unique in Britain in that they included modern as well as classical Arabic language and literature in their syllabuses.
School of Oriental Studies 1951
In 1948 the Scarbrough Committee, influenced by Durham's long-standing interests, recommended expansion and recasting of Oriental Studies in British universities and selected Durham as one of only five universities in which special facilities were to be made available. As a consequence, a School of Oriental Studies was established in 1951 with special responsibilities for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies. Its director was Professor Thomas W. Thacker who had been appointed professor of Hebrew and Oriental Languages by the university in absentia in 1941 and who became in 1948 the newly created professor of Semitic Philology. At the same time James Craig was appointed lecturer in Arabic. Later knighted, he became one of Britain's most respected Arabists, also serving as the British Ambassador to Saudi Arabia. The support of benefactors, especially H.N. Spalding, allowed the school to expand its academic activities in the 1950s. A library was also built up and a museum collection was developed, established in a building given by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in 1960. The School had moved from 29 Old Elvet to Elvet Hill House in 1955.
Durham University's prominent position in Middle Eastern scholarship was recognised in the 1961 “Hayter” Committee Report on Area Studies which recommended that extensive development in Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, with particular emphasis on contemporary affairs, should be given especial support in the universities of Durham, London and Oxford. Durham's Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies was set up in the following year with Professor W.B. Fisher, a geographer, as its director. Originally IMEIS had no teaching role but served to encourage, co-ordinate and support the relevant activities of departments with strong Middle Eastern interests. Its support included the establishment of a documentation centre and the further enhancement of library provision.
Department of East Asian Studies 1989
The Department of East Asian Studies was created on 1 October 1989 out of the School of Oriental Studies, teaching Chinese, Japanese and Korean courses; the now Institute for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies became a teaching department in its own right with responsibility for undergraduate and postgraduate degree courses in Arabic, Middle Eastern History, and Islamic Studies.
Director: Prof T.W. Thacker 1951-1977.
Director: Prof J.R. Harris 1977-1989.
Head of Dept: Prof Keith L. Pratt 1989-1997.
Head of Dept: Prof Gina L. Barnes 1997-2004.
Head of Dept: Mr Donald F. Starr 2004-2007.

Annual reports
Reference: UND/DB20/A
UND/DB20/A1   1948/49 - 1964/65
Annual reports
UND/DB20/A2   July 1978 - [July] 1986
Oriental Studies contributions to the Warden's annual reports, including appointments, activities, publications and statistics.
Committee minutes and other papers
Reference: UND/DB20/B
UND/DB20/BA   January [1964], October 1989 - June 2007
Board of Studies agendas, minutes and papers
1. January 1964.
2. 1989/90-1990/91.
3. 1991/92-1992/93.
4. 1993/94-1994/95.
5. 1995/96-1996/97.
6. 1997/98.
7. 1998/99.
8. 1999/2000.
9. 2000/01.
10. 2001/02.
11. 2002/03.
12. 2003/04.
13. 2004/05.
14. 2005/06.
15. 2006/07.
UND/DB20/BB   October 1996 - April 2007
Teaching and Learning Committee, set up in 1996 in response to the faculty putting a similar committee in place.
1. 1996/97-1997/98.
2. 1998/99.
3. 1999/2000.
4. 2000/01.
5. 2001/02.
6. 2002/03.
7. 2003/04.
8. 2004/05.
9. 2005/06.
10. 2006/07
UND/DB20/BC   May 1998 - May 2006
Strategy and Resources/Executive Committee agendas, minutes and papers.
An occasional Administration and Management Review committee was set up in 1996 to prepare the department for the retirement of Keith Pratt. Its recommendations to the Board of Studies in October 1996 led to, amongst other things, the establishment of the Teaching and Learning Committee. A new departmental administrator encouraged the reestablishment of A&M as a Strategy and Resources Committee in May 1998 to monitor all strategy planning and resource allocation in the department. It became the Executive Committee on 19 July 2002.
1. May-June 1998.
2. 1998/99.
3. 1999/2000.
4. 2000/01.
5. 2001/02.
6. 2002/03.
7. 2003/04.
8. 2004/05-2005/06.
UND/DB20/BD   November 1989 - November 2006
Staff Student Consultative Committee agendas, minutes and papers.
1. 1989/90-1996/97.
2. 1997/98-2000/01.
3. 2001/02-2005/06.
UND/DB20/BE   July 1996 - January 2005
Research Committee agendas, minutes and papers, with a brief of:
- discussing matters relating to research activities
- encouraging research and creating an environment conducive to research
- supporting research active staff
- monitoring deadlines for applications to funding bodies
- monitoring applications for research leave.
Paper file
UND/DB20/BF   October 2002 - September 2005
Postgraduate Committee minutes, overseeing taught postgraduate students and research students.
UND/DB20/BG   June 1999
Board of Examiners meetings for preliminaries and diploma candidates (10 June) and finals (16 June) recordings.
Director of Oriental Studies's files
Reference: UND/DB20/E
UND/DB20/E1-5   November 1949 - [1988]
Administration of the department, correspondence and reports re bids for further funds (including the Spalding Trust and Rockefeller Foundation), outlines of the department's past and possible future development, staffing, accommodation, and also the running of the museum, including acquisitions for it, and the Oriental library; also a November 1965 report on excavations at Meore, Sudan.
1. 1949-1954.
2. 1955-1959.
3. 1960-1964.
4. 1965-1969.
5. 1970-1988.
UND/DB20/E6-7   November 1951 - February 1988
Buildings, correspondence, reports, timetables and plans for the 29 Old Elvet and especially Elvet Hill sites, including lecture rooms and a JCR in 1965, and especially for the work in 1988, and also for the Teikyo University development.
6. 1951-1987.
7. 1988.
UND/DB20/E8-9   October 1952 - July 1984
Chinese studies, correspondence about their development and the appointment of lecturers, including copies of Britain-China, the newsletter of the Great Britain-China Centre for 1975-1976.
8. 1952-1969.
9. 1970-1984.
UND/DB20/E10   October 1959 - March 1984
Courses, correspondence and reports.
UND/DB20/E11-12   June 1951 - July 1979
Middle Eastern Studies, correspondence and reports about their development and especially the establishment of the Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies in 1962.
11. 1951-1964.
12. 1965-1979.
UND/DB20/E13-16   March 1950 - June 1987
Staff and students, correspondence, reports and curriculum vitae for the appointment of staff, students in general and individual students, especially postgraduates, concerning such as exam performances and research work.
13. 1950-1959.
14. 1960-1969.
15. 1970-1979.
16. 1980-1987.
Closed for 80 years under the DPA.
Departmental files for East Asian Studies
Reference: UND/DB20/F
UND/DB20/F1   2003 - 2004
Advice for students spending the academic years 2003/4 and 2004/5 in China.
UND/DB20/F2   November 1994 - July 2006
British Association for Chinese Studies, correspondence and reports from Durham for the BACS Bulletin.
UND/DB20/F3   February 2001 - January 2007
Chairman's correspondence of Don Starr.
UND/DB20/F4   January 1997 - June 2000
China Teaching Programme, correspondence and applications, including the agreement with Renmin University of China.
UND/DB20/F5-9   March 2003 - June 2004
Closure of the department
5. The case for retention prepared for University Council members by DEAS staff, including answering of the university's case, press coverage and supportive letters/emails, July 2003.
6. Correspondence re closure, including letters to the government, June-July 2003.
7. Correspondence supporting retention of DEAS, June-July 2003.
8. Correspondence re closure March-October 2003.
9. Press coverage, copy press cuttings and website printouts June 2003-June 2004.
UND/DB20/F10   July 1999 - March 2000
Contemporary Chinese Studies Centre, bid to HEFCE, including HEFCE report 99/09 Review of Chinese Studies and Invitation to Bid for Special Funding 99/35.
UND/DB20/F11   September 1999 - April 2005
Contemporary Chinese Studies Centre, correspondence re its establishment, posts and administration.
UND/DB20/F12   February - April 2005
Disaster Recovery Plan
UND/DB20/F13   June 1995 - September 1998
Durham China Group, minutes, agendas and correspondence. The group was (revised aims April 1997) “to advise the vice-chancellor on the strategy and mechanisms which the university should adopt with universities in mainland China and to encourage and facilitate their implementation” .
UND/DB20/F14   [c.1995 - 2000]
Durham East Asia Papers Series, list and order form.
UND/DB20/F15   February 1998 - May 2000
Duties and committee memberships in the department.
UND/DB20/F16   October 2005
Easington School Book Project on conservation, in English and Chinese, correspondence and printout
UND/DB20/F17   April 1988 - August 2005
Elvet Hill House, including plans, histories of the house and watercolour paintings of it by Liu Ling.
UND/DB20/F18   May 2001 - November 2005
HEFCE-funded Reach Out to the Business Community (HEROBC) Programme, correspondence re outreach work.
UND/DB20/F19   1996 - 2005
Information on the department, including overviews of teaching in Korean, Japanese and Chinese.
Paper file
UND/DB20/F20   December 1997 - October 2003
Japan Foundation Staff Expansion Grant Programme, correspondence re the funding of Carol Hayes lecturer in Japanese.
UND/DB20/F21   December 1994 - June 2005
Job Descriptions - Academic Staff, correspondence.
UND/DB20/F22   April 1998 - October 2003
Job Descriptions - Language Instructors, correspondence.
UND/DB20/F23   December 2000 - May 2003
Job Descriptions - Support Staff, correspondence.
UND/DB20/F24   April 1996 - June 2004
Korea Research Foundation, correspondence and applications.
UND/DB20/F25   August 1998 - July 2002
Korean Embassy, correspondence.
UND/DB20/F26   May - October 1996
Louis Allen collection, lists, correspondence and obituaries.
UND/DB20/F27   September 1999
Nanjing University, correspondence re links with.
UND/DB20/F28   November 1999 - January 2005
Oriental Museum, correspondence.
UND/DB20/F29   March 1996 - October 2001
North of England Anglo-Japanese Society, members updates and notices of AGMs.
UND/DB20/F30   November 1993 - November 2004
Renmin University, correspondence re students at and from it.
UND/DB20/F31   July 2001 - March 2002
Review of the department by the university, carried out in January 2002, including correspondence about arrangements, policy documents, programme specifications and the review report.
UND/DB20/F32   April 2002 - April 2005
Review of the department by the university, correspondence and memoranda re the closing of the department.
UND/DB20/F33   January - March 2000
Samsung Electronics, correspondence re support for Korean studies.
UND/DB20/F34   April 1995 - June 2006
Seminar and occasional lecture notices.
UND/DB20/F35   June 1998 - June 1999
Teaching and Learning committee correspondence and documents.
UND/DB20/F36   August 1998 - February 2002
Teikyo University of Japan in Durham, correspondence.
UND/DB20/F37   April 1991 - May 1997
Translation work for outside organisations, corrrespondence and invoices
UND/DB20/F38   November 1995 - September 2005
Universities' China Committee in London, correspondence.
Papers of Individual Members
Reference: UND/DB20/G
UND/DB20/G1-10   November 1961 - March 1971
Papers of Prof T.W. Thacker as a member of the University Grants Sub-Committee on Oriental, African, Slavonic and East European Studies, of which he was a member 1961-1971. Following the Hayter Report of 1961, produced by the committee chaired by Sir William Hayter on national interests and needs in relation to the development of Oriental, African, Slavonic and East European area Studies, this sub-committee was established to monitor progress in implementing the report's recommendations and to consider the allocation of earmarked resources made available as a consequence of it , with Durham University being one of those receiving funding.
The papers comprise agendas, minutes and papers for the meetings in London, some correspondence, and papers, timetables and reports on visits to institutions including Cambridge University Centre of South Asian Studies 21 October 1968, Oxford University 19 November 1968, Glasgow University 8 May 1969, Leeds University 29 May 1969, Sheffield University 30 May 1969, Sussex University 3 June 1969, University of Durham Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies 12-13 October 1969, Hull University Centre of South-East Asian Studies 14 October 1969, London University School of Oriental and African Studies 21 October 1969, London University School of Slavonic and East European Studies 18 November 1969, and Glasgow University 1 December 1969.
1. 1961.
2. 1962.
3. 1963.
4. 1964.
5. 1965.
6. 1967.
7. 1968.
8-9. 1969.
10. 1971.
10 paper files
Given by Thacker after his retirement from the university in 1977 to the University Library's Keeper of Oriental Books, and transferred to ASC in 1998. Accession No. Misc.2004/05:1.
Reference: UND/DB20/H
UND/DB20/H1   1990/91, 1994/95, 1995/96
East Asian Studies, departmental handbooks
UND/DB20/H2   1996/97 - 2006/07
Undergraduate Handbooks
(Separate undergraduate and postgraduate handbooks were implemented for Michaelmas 1996.)
UND/DB20/H3   1996/97 - 2003/04
Postgraduate Handbooks
UND/DB20/H4   2003
Writing Guide, by G.L. Barnes
UND/DB20/H5   [1982 - c.2005]
Departmental brochures on:
Chinese Studies at Durham
Japanese Studies
MA in Chinese Art and Archaeology (bis)
Degrees in East Asian Studies (bis)
Research and Taught Programmes in East Asian Studies
Degrees in Chinese or Japanese and Management Studies
UND/DB20/H6   2005/6 - 2006/7
Staff Handbook
UND/DB20/H7   1991/92 - 1996/97
Alumni newsletters, annual, with news of graduates' personal and professional developments.
UND/DB20/H8   1990 & 1992
China Expeditions:
Final report 1990
Revised prospectus “South of the Clouds Yunnan” 1992
UND/DB20/H9   [?1962] & [?1965]
Prospectuses: Oriental Studies Courses available in the University of Durham
2 printed paper booklets
UND/DB20/H10   2000
Carol Hayes, A Stray Dog Howling at the Moon The Poetry of Hagiwara Sakutaro (1886-1942), Durham East Asian Papers 14 with an appendix of a translation of Tsuki ni Hoeru
[vi] + 48 + iv + 50
Reference: UND/DB20/I
UND/DB20/IA1   [1998]
Graduation group photo of students in Chinese and Japanese, outside in the garden at Elvet Hill House, in suits/skirts/ties/jackets:
Caroline Purslow, Lee Howes, Stephen Pickup, Howard Gilbert, Joanne Farmer, Angharad Thomas, Toby Frankin, Paul Carver, Eleanor Connors, Sebastian Aubrey, Seung-Yun Earm, Alberto Vettoretti, Chieko Chester, Eleanor Hinds, Natasha Calladine, Emily Moore, Katie Havicon, James Dearing.
Size: 255 x 205mm
Teaching materials
Reference: UND/DB20/L Only samples of teaching materials have been retained.

UND/DB20/L1-2   [c.2000]
Language:  English & Chinese
Teaching materials - Chinese core language
UND/DB20/L3   [1997 - 1998]
Language:  English & Japanese
Teaching materials - Japanese core language
UND/DB20/L4   Michaelmas 2000
Language:  English & Japanese
3H written competence in Japanese supplementary teaching materials
UND/DB20/L5   Epiphany 2001
Language:  English & Japanese
3H written competence in Japanese supplementary teaching materials
UND/DB20/L6   2004 - 2005
Language:  English & Japanese
4H advanced Japanese supplementary teaching materials
UND/DB20/L7   2004 - 2005
Language:  English & Japanese
The Alfee (Japanese pop group) performing numbers including Bridge to the Sun, Affection, Wild Bahn, I Love You, Starship, Complex Blue, Aub, Dark Side Meditation, DNA Communication Dynamite Generation, and Flower Revolution, recorded by Kazuki Takada.
UND/DB20/L8   [c.2000]
Language:  Japanese
[Recordings of Japanese TV programmes]
Student work
Reference: UND/DB20/M Samples only retained

UND/DB20/M1   2005 - 2006
Language:  Japanese
Project essays by 4th year Japanese students
UND/DB20/M2   September 1994
Dudley C.R. Herman, “North Korea and its Effect on East Asian Security” , MA dissertation
UND/DB20/M3   [1998]
Eva Engel, “Crisis Management in Japan An Analysis of the Government's Response to the 1995 Kobe Earthquake” , MA dissertation
UND/DB20/M4   June 1998
Jonathan M. Scott-Kiddie, “The Fate of Tibetan Law” , MA dissertation
UND/DB20/M5   September 2002
[?P. Martin], “The Two Koreas: Can reunification become a reality?” , MA dissertation
UND/DB20/M6   September 2003
[?Nobuyuki Tagaua], “How has the evolution of national tourism policies in China favoured regional disparity as reflected in the indicators of supply and demand of inbound tourism?”, MA dissertation
UND/DB20/M7-14   2002
Oral exams in Chinese, Korean and Japanese
UND/DB20/M15   1984
Helen M. Gerard, “Hsi-Hsueh Wei Yung A study of the Chinese movement to study abroad 1872-1911”, [BA] dissertation.
UND/DB20/M16   1989
Sally Brown, “Chinese Labour in World War I Did the British Military Exacerbate or Alleviate the Problems of the Alien Workers?” BA dissertation.
UND/DB20/M17   January 1994
Benjamin Creutzfeldt, “Baiyun Guan The White Cloud Daoist Monastery in Beijing”, BA dissertation.
UND/DB20/M18   [1999]
Sarah Hinton, “Child-Rearing in China: a Cultural Revolution? An Analysis of Changes in Child-Rearing Practices in a Chinese City”, BA dissertation.
UND/DB20/M19   [2005]
[Anonymous], “Painting, Calligraphy, Poetry and Tea An Investigation into how the tea drinking culture of China developed these three great Chinese artforms. The specific example of Qu Yingshao will be referred to.” [BA] dissertation.
Palaeography and Diplomatic Department
Reference: UND/DB4
Dates of creation: 1938 - 1994 The Palaeography and Diplomatic department (1948-1990) had its origins before WW2 in a desire on the part of Durham dean and chapter, in cooperation with Durham university and with the assent of Durham diocese, to provide more satisfactory accommodation for the archives of the cathedral and the diocese, with proper facilities for research. The assistance of the Pilgrim Trust led to the production of a report by W.A. Pantin, presented by Sir Maurice Powicke in 1939, which recommended that the deanery kitchen should be used as an archives repository with adjacent premises for technical facilities and staff, to be run by a reader in Palaeography on the staff of the university, who was also to act as archivist. It was envisaged that local collections other than those of the cathedral and diocese could be accommodated. After WW2, the scheme was put in place, with the first reader (James Conway Davies) being appointed in 1948, with the papers of the Baker Baker family of Elemore Hall having already been accepted for the new institution. The completion of conversion work in 1951 provided, in addition to the archival storage, a search and seminar room, staff offices, and repair and photostating facilities, all with convenient access to the invaluable reference, manuscript, and archival material of the adjacent chapter library. The cathedral's archive was now moved in along with the first instalment of the diocesan archive. These were followed by quantities of further records, particularly notable accessions being the estate records of the Howard earls of Carlisle from Naworth Castle in 1954 (for Northumberland) and 1960 (for Cumberland), Durham palatinate records in 1954/55, papers of the Earls Grey in 1956, and the pre-1858 probate records in 1958 and post-1858 probate registers in 1962. The Church Commissioners also now disgorged records back to Durham, for the Halmote Court in 1953 and the cathedral estate in 1956.
With all these accessions, storage space rapidly became an issue. Outstores in St Helen's chapel and elsewhere in The College were taken on, with various more satisfactory solutions being explored, including an Elvet Riverside scheme. The consequent limit on accessions was one stimulus for the establishment of a Durham County Record Office. The development of a new University Science Library provided a self-contained portion in South Road for Palaeography with strong-rooms, staff and search rooms, facilities for photostating and repair, and for part of the department's teaching activities. Most of the collections were removed to this new South Road operation in 1966 along with 3 archivists/assistant keepers and a lecturer. The cathedral's own archive along with 3 archivists/assistant keepers remained behind at Prior's Kitchen in a now two site operation overseen by John Fagg, reader and head of department since 1957.
The expansion of the Science Library to become the main university library in 1982 with the transfer of many of the printed collections from Palace Green, meant that the South Road Palaeography operation had to move again, back into The College at No5 with four floors of strongrooms, and searchroom, teaching, conservation and microfilming facilities all being provided there. David Thomas, appointed reader in Papyrology, had taken over as head of department in 1979.
In the later 1980s, the future of the department came under serious review. It was merged with the University Library's Special Collections operation at Palace Green to form an Archives and Special Collections department in the library in 1990. The subsequent history of the staff and collections really forms part of the library's development. Physical moves followed two years later with the political collections and the university's records transferring from 5 The College to Palace Green along with one archivist, and the Prior's Kitchen operation and the records there being transferred to 5 The College, which then comprised some 3.6 archivists in 1992. Five years later, all the remaining records, except those of the cathedral and the concomitant Church Commissioners' material, were moved to Palace Green, along with 1.4 archivists. In October 2008 this material was still at 5 The College, overseen by 0.6 archivists with a searchroom service provided there on 3 days a week.
Heads of department:
James Conway Davies, reader in Palaeography and Diplomatic, 1948-1956
John Fagg, reader in Palaeography and Diplomatic, 1957-1978
David Thomas, reader in Papyrology, 1979-1990
Staff members (dates and posts from the University Calendars):
James Conway Davies 1948-1956 Reader in Pal & Dip
Geoffrey V Scammell 1950-1951 Research Assistant PT, 1951-1952 Lecturer temp, 1952-1965 Lecturer
Bertram P Wolffe 1951-1952 Research Assistant
Constance M Fraser 1952-1953 Research Assistant
Gordon H H Glasgow 1952-1953 Research Assistant
David L Bickersteth 1953-1954 Research Assistant
Martin G Snape (d2010) 1953-1955 Research Assistant, 1955-1957 Assistant, 1957-1965 Assistant Keeper, 1965-1988 Senior Assistant Keeper, 1988-1999 Honorary Research Associate
Carson I A Ritchie 1954-1955 Research Associate
C Roy Hudleston 1955-1965 Lecturer PT, 1965-1970 Lecturer
David W Gooding 1955-1957 Research Assistant
Malcolm A Jack 1955-1957 Assistant
Norman M Million 1955-1958 Assistant, 1958-1962 Assistant Keeper
John E Fagg (d2008) 1957-1982 Reader, 1982-1985 Reader PT
Ronald A Doig 1958-1959 Assistant, 1959-1962 Assistant Keeper
Margaret A Sidaway/Harriss 1958-1960 Assistant temp
Joseph M Fewster 1960-1962 Assistant temp, 1962-1965 Assistant Keeper, 1965-1997 Senior Assistant Keeper
Donald I Phillips 1962-1963 Assistant temp, 1963-1967 Assistant Keeper
Pat Mussett 1963-1980 Assistant Keeper, 1980-1997 Senior Assistant Keeper
Elizabeth Peirce/Fewster 1963-1965 Assistant temp, 1965-1968 Assistant Keeper
J David Thomas 1966-1973 Lecturer, 1973-1977 Senior Lecturer, 1977-1990 Reader in Papyrology, 1990-1992 Professorial Fellow in Papyrology & Tutor in Palaeography PT
J Linda Proom/Drury 1967-1982 Assistant Keeper, 1982-2001 Assistant Keeper PT
Alan J Piper 1968-1992 Assistant Keeper (1981-1983 Assistant Librarian @ PG), 1992-2008 Assistant Keeper & Tutor in Palaeography
Margaret S McCollum 1968-2009 Assistant Keeper
Meryl R Foster 1982-1983 Assistant Keeper temp
Before 1956, there was no departmental secretary amd no filing system. Letters were sent to the Durham Colleges office at 36 North Bailey, where there was a typing pool, being returned to the department for signature. The first secretary, Miss Chester, was appointed in 1956 and began a filing system, but much post was sent to London where the reader, Conway Davies, spent several months a year.
By 2003, the former department's files were in about four or five sequences, largely ordered simply alphabetically by correspondent, in two locations at 5 The College and Palace Green Library. They were then inventoried in situ and weeding was carried out by Genevieve Budd in 2003/4. Some weeding of one sequence at Palace Green had already been carried out by Kath Taylor. Weeding was completed and the residual material was sorted into the present arrangement in 2008 by Michael Stansfield. The original sequences to some extent reflected the various locations that the fragmented department had occupied over time, but there was some duplication between the often two locations, and some files of continuing correspondence were carried over from one location to the next. The original card indexes of correspondents and subjects have been retained to provide a further way in to particularly the enquiries correspondence until such time as the material might be listed in detail. The indexes also provide indications of the full range of the department's contacts, which included most other archive-keeping bodies in the country, the major creators of archives in the region, most medieval historians of the 20th century, and many other individuals interested in family and property history, and all other aspects of the region's past.
For subsequent records of the former Palaeography and Diplomatic Department staff at 5 The College after 1990, see the files of the Archives and Special Collections department of the University Library at UND/EA2/11.

Annual reports
Reference: UND/DB4/A
UND/DB4/A1   1948/49 - 1989/90
Annual reports of the department for the university
UND/DB4/A2   1955/56 - 1994/95
Annual reports to the dean and chapter of Durham. The first report covers the period from 1948 to 1956 and includes a separate “Recommendations and Suggestions on the Preservation, Repair and Binding and Listing of the Dean and Chapter Muniments and Manuscripts”. The 1991/92 report includes notes of a meeting with the Dean and Chapter [?the annual visitation]. The 1993/94 report includes a conservation report on the Archdeacon's Act Book (D/SJA/1).
UND/DB4/A3   1981/82 - [1986/87]
Annual entries for the Warden's Report and (from 1983) University of Durham Gazette .
UND/DB4/A4   1985/86 - 1989/90
Annual reports of individual members of staff, including reader numbers, names and interests, groups, tours, reprographics numbers, enquiry numbers and topics, and conservation work.
Paper file
UND/DB4/A5   1990/91 - 1994/95
Annual reports of teaching undertaken by members of staff.
Paper file
Committee minutes
Reference: UND/DB4/B A Board of Studies was set up in 1963, replacing an earlier Palaeography Committee, for whose records see UND/BB11.

UND/DB4/B1   21 October 1963 - 24 November 1986
Board of Studies minutes and papers.
Paper file
UND/DB4/B2   5 March 1987 - 18 June 1990
Board of Studies minutes, papers and agendas.
UND/DB4/B3   22 January 1968 - 18 June 1990
Board of Studies agendas.
UND/DB4/B4   September 1970 - June 1990
Annual lists of books bought for the departmental library and books recommended for the university library, submitted to the Board of Studies.
UND/DB4/B5   February 1963 - October 1988
Board of Studies correspondence (in chronological order) and circulars.
Head of department's files
Reference: UND/DB4/E
Dates of creation: 1959 - 1994
UND/DB4/E1   February 1959 - February 1968
John Fagg's acquisition of copies of Sophocles, Propertius, Ovid and other classical texts for teaching purposes from libraries in Brussels, Cambridge, Florence, Hamburg, Paris, the Vatican and Wolfenbuttel,
UND/DB4/E2   October 1974 - March 1994
Personal correspondence of J.D. Thomas concerning especially his work on the Vindolanda tablets, also reviews, his orders for photographs, references for students, enquiries about courses, visiting the archives, acting as external examiner, and attending meetings.
Departmental administration
Reference: UND/DB4/FA
UND/DB4/FA1   1938 - 1956
Setting up of the department:
F.M. Powicke, “Durham as a centre of historical and palaeographical study. A Report prepared for the consideration of the Lord Bishop, the Dean and Chapter, and the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Durham”, May 1938;
W.A. Pantin, Report on the Muniments of the Dean and Chapter of Durham, printed for private circulation 1939;
The Muniments of the Dean and Chapter of Durham a Report to the Pilgrim Trustees, 1939, printed for private circulation 1939;
“Custody of Documents in the Prior's Kitchen The College, Durham” notice;
“The Prior's Kitchen Scheme” [speech for the 1950 opening];
The Chapter Clerk's (Col Battiscombe) papers re the scheme [1950];
2 letters from Conway Davies to Claude Abbott about the opening, regulations, archives taken in and the standing committee membership, 3 November 1951
“Notes on Col Battiscombe's memorandum”;
“Durham Cathedral Proposed Document Store Notes on the Scheme shown in Drawing Ds476/1 dated 20th November 1954”.
“Position Relating to Records, Muniments and Archives Mid-November 1954”.
“The Grey of Howick Collection”, 23 May 1956
UND/DB4/FA2   January 1946 - May 1949
National Register of Archives, correspondence of Col. George Malet, registrar of NRA, re organising a meeting in Cosin's Library 12 March 1947, chaired by J.F. Duff, to establish a “County of Durham Archives Committee” to provide for the county's archives, with an executive chaired by Lt Col C.F. Battiscombe, with minutes of its meeting 3 May 1949.
UND/DB4/FA3   1981 - 1992
Administration of 5TC, including an inventory of fittings [1981], with plans and correspondence re the building's maintenance and equipment.
UND/DB4/FA4   1956/57, 1963/64 - 2008/09
Courses in Pal and Dip, annual lists, missing 1995/96. With a [2008] distribution list.
Paper file
UND/DB4/FA5   1982
Exhibition catalogues:
“Forerunners of the University” 28 April - 1 May 1982.
Paper file
UND/DB4/FA6   1970 - 1993
Forward planning - memos, lists of objectives, discussion papers about the department's future, and the cathedral library's future, plans for archives at Palace Green.
UND/DB4/FA7   1970 - 1986
Histories of the department and guides (including “Boldon Book” and “The Use of Seals”) by Martin Snape and Pat Mussett.
UND/DB4/FA8   May 1986 - October 1987
Institute for Historical Studies in Durham university, proposals, papers, constitution, minutes, agendas, correspondence.
UND/DB4/FA9   May 1977 - October 1987
Lecture posters
UND/DB4/FA10   1962 - 1981
Lists of handlists for sale, and distribution lists for individual handlists.
UND/DB4/FA11   1966
Move of Halmote court records [to South Road], lists of records and where they were to go.
UND/DB4/FA12   1970
Possible move from South Road to Palace Green Library, some plans, lists of material and desiderata, and memoranda.
UND/DB4/FA13   December 1977 - January 1982
Move to 5 The College including, Building Sub-Committee minutes and papers, plans, storage estimates, memoranda and correspondence.
UND/DB4/FA14   1987 & 1991
Possible move to Palace Green Library, plans, papers, drafts, feasibility study and correspondence
UND/DB4/FA15   1985 - 1990
Palaeography Committee, agendas, correspondence and reports.
Paper file
UND/DB4/FA16   October 1988 - February 1990
Palaeography Working Party, agendas, minutes, reports, papers, correspondence re the future of the department.
UND/DB4/FA17   [c.1966]
Photocopying memorandum, scale of charges, specimen order forms and letters, and how to pay accounts.
UND/DB4/FA18   1988
Planning for the 1990s.
Paper file
UND/DB4/FA19   1987 - 1988
Policy Committee visit 12 October 1987, documents prepared and the report.
Paper file
UND/DB4/FA20   1989
Projects for possible outside funding.
UND/DB4/FA21   August 1976 - April 1990
Publications of records, especially microfilming by Harvester.
UND/DB4/FA22   October - December 1986
Research Profiles of the department's members.
UND/DB4/FA23   May 1988 - February 1989
Research Selectivity Exercise report and correspondence.
UND/DB4/FA24   April 1982 - June 1992
Sabbatical/Research leave.
UND/DB4/FA25-27A   June 1951 - June 1978
Searchroom registers Prior's Kitchen, detailing date, documents looked at and reader's name.
25. June 1951 - June 1960.
26. July 1960 - July 1966.
27. July 1966 - March 1976.
27A. March 1976 - May 1978, with totals of documents per reader for June 1977 - June 1978.
UND/DB4/FA28   February 1986 - November 1995
Teaching file of Pat Mussett, including classes and tours of the archives and cathedral, and Latin classes.
UND/DB4/FA29   June 1985
UGC Equipment sub-committee visit papers and correspondence
UND/DB4/FA30   July - November 1985
UGC Arts Sub-Committee visit papers and correspondence
UND/DB4/FA31   1983 - 1995
Searchroom information file including:
Library opening hours 1995/96
List of collections held at 5 The College, April 1992
Closure periods
List of Co Durham places which can be studied from the collections at 5 The College, October 1986
List of places in the cathedral and bishropic archives, October 1993
Archives and Special Collections leaflet, December 1992
Archives in Durham City leaflet, June 1993
Summary of genealogical sources at 5 The College
Leaflet on probate records, November 1993
Archives and Special Collections list of publications, April 1992
Archives and Special Collections list of unpublished handlists and guides, April 1992
List of record agents, September 1994
Searchroom rules
Searchroom handling guidelines
Searchroom document order tickets
Conspectuses of diocesan records old and new box numbers, June 1985
Location guide for 5 The College strongrooms, March 1983
J. Gosden's 16th/17th century inventories glossary
Newspaper cutting on genealogical research of Maurice Handcock and Arthur Marley, 25 December 1986
Paper file
UND/DB4/FA32   [c.1970]
Location guide to South Road strongrooms.
UND/DB4/FA33-36   March 1966 - December 1971
South Road document production registers, listing date, documents and reader.
33. March 1966 - December 1969.
34. January 1970 - June 1971.
35. June - September 1971.
36. October - December 1971.
UND/DB4/FA37   1 May 1970 - 28 November 1972
South Road readers' register, detailing name, date of first visit and address or institution.
UND/DB4/FA38   June 1966 - 22 October 1997
South Road accessions register, detailing date, reference, description, dates of documents, donor/depositor, type of accession, location and remarks.
Covers collections at South Road to December 1981, and then at 5 The College, including those transferred in from Prior's Kitchen from December 1992. From 6 June 1997, it details only accessions to the DDR and AUC collections, with even these being entered instead in the online register from 23 October 1997.
UND/DB4/FA39   October 1957 - February 1993
Prior's Kitchen accession register (photocopy), detailing date, description, quantity, dates of documents, donor/depositor, conditions, location and remarks. With some additional notes by M.S. McCollum.
Original: still in use at 5 The College where it was reopened after April 1997 for the continuing accessions of cathedral records.
UND/DB4/FA40   1983 - 1987
School groups, notes on possible sources and activities.
UND/DB4/FA41   [c.1955]
Lists of university and dean and chapter phone numbers.
Paper file, 2f
Formerly in: SC+02341
UND/DB4/FA42   1979
Photocopied draft agreement and lease between the dean and chapter, the Church Commissioners, the bishop of Durham and the university of Durham relating to 5 The College.
Paper file
UND/DB4/FA43   May 1983
Minutes of a University Archives working group.
Paper file
UND/DB4/FA44   March 1972 - August 1995
Search Room rules, correspondence with the dean and the vice-chancellor about rules, access to collections, and closures of the Search Room.
Paper file
UND/DB4/FA45   1985
University exhibition, drafts for a panel on the department as part of a university exhibition, including notes on and photos of selected documents and damaged documents and their subsequent repair by Tom Cotton, also the searchroom at 5 The College and Alan Piper working at [Prior's Kitchen],
Paper file
UND/DB4/FA46-51   1969 - 1982, 1999
The development of 5 The College for archival storage 1978-1982:
46. Plans of Nos4 & 5 The College by Donald McIntyre in 1969 and plans by Bernard Taylor of 1978 for the proposed conversion of No.5 to archival uses, with staff comments, 1969-1978.
47. Plans for the conversion of 5 The College by Bernard Taylor, November 1978 - March 1979.
48. Correspondence and plans by Bernard Taylor for the conversion of 5 The College, including some Building Sub-Committee papers, November 1979 - December 1981.
49. Correspondence and plans re shelving the strongrooms, January 1979 - January 1982.
50. Correspondence and plans re moving archives and furniture from South Road to 5 The College, January 1979 - November 1981.
51. Correspondence re an intruder alarm system, May - August 1980.
51A. Correspondence about locks, with Bernard Taylor plans of February 1979 for the redevelopment of 5 The College, 1979-1980, and further copies marked up with room numbers 1999.
7 paper files
UND/DB4/FA52   July - October 1993
Report by R.W. Gregory and Partners, consulting engineers, on the air conditioning system at 5 The College, with correspondence.
Paper file
UND/DB4/FA53   February - March 1985
Correspondence re making proper provision for the university's archive in Old Shire Hall and the housing of material in the Oriental Library.
Paper file
UND/DB4/FA54   1972 - 1986
Correspondence, especially of Alan Piper, with departmental and university superiors re staff leave and proposed alterations consequent on searchroom opening hours changes.
Paper file
UND/DB4/FA55   1990 - 1991
Inventories of the cathedral's archive, especially the medieval section, with some correspondence, ?compiled to meet the requirement for an inventory in the Care of Cathedrals Measure.
Paper file
Administrative correspondence with other organisations and major depositors
Correspondence with university departments and outside organisations and individuals about the administration of the department and/or major accessions of records to or on occasion from it.

UND/DB4/FB1   [c.1950 - c.1990]
Card index of correspondents from ?all correspondence with the department.
UND/DB4/FB2   [c.1950 - c.1990]
Card index of subjects from ?all correspondence with the department with a smaller index of subjects for the cathedral's manuscripts.
UND/DB4/FB3   December 1958 - May 1991
Backhouse family, re deposits of papers 1949, 1958, 1982 [and 1995].
1. Correspondence 1958-1989.
2. Lists and notes on cataloguing 1976-1991.
UND/DB4/FB4   April 1964 - April 1994
Baker Baker family, re deposits of papers in 1947 and 1994.
UND/DB4/FB5   July 1954 - March 1988
Bodleian Library (especially re the transfer there from Durham of the Adderbury papers 1959).
UND/DB4/FB6   May 1965 - February 1990
Borthwick Institute.
UND/DB4/FB7   April 1954 - May 1980
British Museum/Library.
UND/DB4/FB8   June 1948 - May 1990
British Records Association.
UND/DB4/FB9   October 1953 - November 1992
Church Commissioners.
UND/DB4/FB10   March 1963 - July 1983
Cumberland/Cumbria Record Office, especially re the transfer of Alston BTs and Howard of Naworth documents.
UND/DB4/FB11   July 1954 - May 1989
Durham City Council.
UND/DB4/FB12   March 1956 - August 1987
Durham County Council, except record office.
UND/DB4/FB13   April 1961 - March 1989
Durham County Council, record office.
UND/DB4/FB14   September - December 1950
Durham Dean and Chapter, chapter clerk, C.F. Battiscombe.
UND/DB4/FB15   September 1955 - March 1969
Durham Dean and Chapter, chapter clerk, A.W. Laybourne.
UND/DB4/FB16   June 1969 - September 1979
Durham Dean and Chapter, chapter clerk, R.H. Walker.
UND/DB4/FB17   November 1979 - September 1987
Durham Dean and Chapter, chapter clerk, David J. Perham.
UND/DB4/FB18   September 1988 - March 1995
Durham Dean and Chapter, chapter clerk, Frank Gibbs.
UND/DB4/FB19   October 1955 - October 1974
Durham Dean and Chapter, dean, John Wild.
UND/DB4/FB20   October 1974 - May 1979
Durham Dean and Chapter, dean, Eric Heaton.
UND/DB4/FB21   October 1980 - April 1987
Durham Dean and Chapter, dean, Peter Baelz.
UND/DB4/FB22   September 1981 - February 1994
Durham Dean and Chapter, Friends.
UND/DB4/FB23   January 1963 - September 1974
Durham Dean and Chapter, librarian, canon, A.H. Couratin.
UND/DB4/FB24   January 1976 - November 1992
Durham Dean and Chapter, librarian, canon, Ronald Coppin.
UND/DB4/FB25   November 1976 - March 1994
Durham Dean and Chapter, librarian, deputy, Roger Norris.
UND/DB4/FB26   March 1957 - November 1963, October 1974
Durham Diocese: bishop.
UND/DB4/FB27   March 1973 - September 1982
Durham Diocese: office.
UND/DB4/FB28   January 1969 - March 1975
Durham Diocese: registry.
UND/DB4/FB29   April 1957 - June 1973
Durham University, chief clerk: W. Morrow.
UND/DB4/FB30   January 1986 - July 1990
Durham University, Computer Centre.
UND/DB4/FB31   August 1963 - February 1978
Durham University, Estates and Buildings, P.A. Boobyer et al.
UND/DB4/FB32   January 1980 - December 1992
Durham University, Estates and Buildings, R.J. Metcalfe.
UND/DB4/FB33   March 1950 - November 1965
Durham University, librarian: David Ramage.
UND/DB4/FB34   December 1965 - July 1987
Durham University, librarian: Nance Macaulay.
UND/DB4/FB35   February 1990 - September 1992
Durham University, librarian: John Hall.
UND/DB4/FB36   November 1963 - March 1983
Durham University, library rare books: Ian Doyle.
UND/DB4/FB37   November 1983 - April 1992
Durham University, library rare books: Beth Rainey.
UND/DB4/FB38   June 1968 - October 1990
Durham University, library general and various.
UND/DB4/FB39   January 1974 - August 1992
Durham University, Old Shire Hall, various departments especially Human Resources.
UND/DB4/FB40   October 1964 - July 1987
Durham University, procurement: S.D. Grace.
UND/DB4/FB41   January - March 1989
Durham University, pro-vice-chancellor, Graham E. Rodmell.
UND/DB4/FB42   March 1952 - July 1957
Durham University, registrar: Sydney Holgate.
UND/DB4/FB43   February 1956 - September 1984
Durham University, registrar: Ian Graham.
UND/DB4/FB44   July 1966 - November 1988
Durham University, registrar: Graham R. Thrush.
UND/DB4/FB45   March 1969 - May 1990
Durham University, registrar: Ian M. Stewart.
UND/DB4/FB46   March 1973 - January 1985
Durham University, registrar: M.E. Lavis.
UND/DB4/FB47   October 1985 - May 1989
Durham University, registrar: John C.F. Hayward.
UND/DB4/FB48   June 1977 - May 1987
Durham University, safety officer.
UND/DB4/FB49   April 1967 - December 1968
Durham University, Science Site manager: Brig R.H. Fisher.
UND/DB4/FB50   February 1953 - July 1970
Durham University, treasurer/finance officer: Col J.C.R. Fitzgerald-Lombard.
UND/DB4/FB51   October 1955 - June 1958
Durham University, treasurer/finance officer: Eric Walker.
UND/DB4/FB52   July 1959 - June 1971
Durham University, treasurer/finance officer: Bryan Cooke.
UND/DB4/FB53   March 1965 - January 1989
Durham University, treasurer/finance officer: A. McWilliam, finance officer, then Paula Lubacz, treasurer.
UND/DB4/FB54   October 1968 - July 1979
Durham University, treasurer/finance officer: S. Hunter.
UND/DB4/FB55   September 1973 - October 1982
Durham University, treasurer/finance officer: C. Christie.
UND/DB4/FB56   February 1953 - September 1960
Durham University, vice-chancellor/warden: James Duff.
UND/DB4/FB57   July 1961 - December 1978
Durham University, vice-chancellor/warden: Derman Christopherson.
UND/DB4/FB58   November 1979 - March 1987
Durham University, vice-chancellor/warden: Fred G.T. Holliday.
UND/DB4/FB77   March 1958 - July 1976
Sir William Forbes's papers, deposited by Lord Clinton in 1951, transferred to the National Library of Scotland in September 1972.
Paper file
UND/DB4/FB59   November 1955 - June 1987
Grey papers - Earl Grey, re the various deposits.
UND/DB4/FB60   March 1956 - May 1972
Grey papers - Rhodesia and Rhodes.
UND/DB4/FB61   February 1957 - July 1962
Grey papers - American material, publication of guide to.
UND/DB4/FB62   November 1954 - December 1964
Grey papers - Canadian material, copies for Canadian archives.
UND/DB4/FB63   October 1957 - March 1972
Grey papers - microfilm orders.
UND/DB4/FB64   August 1967 - August 1994
Headlam-Morley family, especially K.A.S. Headlam-Morley 1972-1972 re the inventorying and deposit of family papers.
UND/DB4/FB65   Septembrer 1955 - January 1987
Historical Manuscripts Commission, including National Register of Archives.
UND/DB4/FB66   July 1955 - June 1994
Howard of Naworth family, earls of Carlisle, mainly correspondence with the estate office (S. Walton then W.D. Cross), re deposits in 1954, 1960, 1967, 1971, 1975, 1982, [1995/96].
See also Cumberland Record Office file above.
UND/DB4/FB67   September 1955 - July 1985
Kodak (and Photostat Ltd 1955-1963) re microfilming.
UND/DB4/FB68   February 1978 - October 1981
Leeds archives, especially re the transfer of Church Commissioners Ripon bishopric records.
UND/DB4/FB69   March 1982 - September 1988
Malcom Macdonald papers, arrangements and listing working party agendas, papers and minutes, also correspondence and press release.
UND/DB4/FB70   March 1959 - July 1987
Newcastle City Archives/Tyne and Wear Archives.
UND/DB4/FB71   March 1958 - November 1988
Northumberland County Record Office, including papers re meetings of the Computers and Archives group of the Society of Archivists 1964-1966.
UND/DB4/FB72   October 1955 - August 1989
Permissions to publish from records, many from the Grey papers, ordered alphabetically by correspondent, Brefhan to Webb (including M.G. Brock, March 1959 to July 1972).
UND/DB4/FB73   December 1957 - December 1973
Probate Registries, principal and district.
UND/DB4/FB74   May 1949 - July 1989
Public Record Office.
UND/DB4/FB75   December 1973 - May 1994
Small Gifts and Deposits, covering SGD 36 to 119, with gaps.
UND/DB4/FB76   December 1957 - September 1983
Yorkshire North Riding County Record Office, especially re transfers of records.
Enquiries Correspondence
UND/DB4/FC   c.1950 - c.199065 paper files

Enquiries about records held and information in them (especially the cathedral's archive, the Grey papers, probate records, marriage bonds, bishops' transcripts and the Howard of Naworth archive), reprographic orders, requests for copies of handlists, visits (individuals and groups, with lists of documents displayed and on occasion texts of talks), accessions of records, and building and equipment maintenance and procurement, with copy responses and some drafts from James Conway Davies (only infrequently), John Fagg, David Thomas, Jo Fewster, Margaret McCollum, Linda Proom/Drury, Martin Snape, Christopher Hudleston and Alan Piper.
Correspondence is filed alphabetically by correspondent and then chronologically. Where the correspondent is from a library, record office, museum, public authority or company, the correspondence is generally filed under the name of that organisation; if the correspondent is an academic or an otherwise unattached individual, then it is generally filed under their name.

C.C. Abbott (1967) to L. Almond (1979), including: Addleshaw, G.W.O., 1955-1956; Agfa-Gevaert Ltd, 1976; Allen, A.R., 1956; Allen, L., 1967; Allison, K.J., 1973.
H. Amory (1965) to H. Aveling (1957), including: Angus, R., 1956; Armories (Alan Borg), 1976; Ash, M., 1965-1971; Assersohn, S., 1972; Aston, T.H., 1973; Atkinson, I., 1966, 1979.
J.M. Backhouse to BBC, including: Bailes, G. & Sons, 1971; Barnes, T.G., 1958-1960; Barstable Books, 1976; Bath, marquess of, 1976; Baynes-Cope, A.D.
P. Beal (1975) to H.J. Boyden (1952-1957), including: Beal, P., 1975; Beddard, R.A., 1965, 1977; Bedfordshire County Record Office, 1960-1964; Bent, M., 1974; Bethell, D.L., 1959-1961; Bettenson, E.M., registrar, 1959; Beveridge, Lord, 1955-1956; Berwickshire Naturalists' Club, 1974; Berwick-upon-Tweed, Borough of, 1967-1974; Binney, M., 1966; Bishop, T.A.M., 1957-1960; Blakiston, P., 1972; Blenkinsopp, J.B., 1970-1971; Bowen-Jones, H., 1957; Boyd, A., Cambridge University Press, 1975; Boyden, B.J., Norman Richardson's, 1970.
G.T. Bradley (1952) to W. Butterley (1981), including: Brandmuller, W., 1964; Brandon, P.F., 1965-1971; Brantingham, P., 1972; Brentano, R., 1956-1957, 1969; Bristol University, J.S. Moore, 1969; British Council, 1953; Brock, S., 1975; Brown, D., 1955; Brown, M.A., 1974; Bruce, J.A., 1960; Bryan, M.R., 1971; Buckinghamshire County Record Office, 1953-1954; Bulman, L., 1974; Bulmer, K.J., 1968-1969; Bulmer, W., 1955; Burn, E., 1962; Burman, P.A.T., Cathedrals Advisory Committee, 1972; Burn, J.H., 1968-1970.
E.V. Cable to R.G. Cave.
Chadwyck-Healey to Cluttons.
A. Coates to N. Curtis, including with Sir Edward Collingwood re the temporary deposit of documents for identification 1964-1968.
B.J. Dalton to C.W. Daykin, including with Darlington County Borough about examining Blackwell estate papers there 1959.
Debretts to G. Downs.
Dring's Bookshop to M.C. Dutchman-Smith.
E.J.R. Eaglesham to Eyemouth Museum.
O.F. Faber to A. Fitzpatrick.
A.C. Flagg to F. Furness.
T. Gage to R. Gazzard, including with Gateshead County Borough re the cleaning and repair of their charters 1956-1959.
E. Gemmill to Glasgow Museums and Art Galleries, including Genealogical Society of Utah/Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints re the microfilming of records 1965-1968, and W.W. Glaister re local history and much photocopying 1958-1978.
J. Godden to T. Gwynne.
H.J. Habakkuk to J.C. Hanekmap.
M.W. Harbott to R.W. Hays.
P. Heath to Royal Historical Society
J. Hoare to J.C. Holt.
A.T. Hooker to R.W. Hoyle.
F. Hudry to A. Hyde.
J.K. Ibbs to P.C.G. Isaac.
A.C. Jackson to M.I. Joyce.
R.J.P. Kain to S. Kuttner.
L. Lacey to Leys Photographic Ltd.
W.H. Liddell to D.W. Lloyd.
J. Lomas to S.G.E. Lythe.
J. McAllister to H. MacQueen.
J.R. Maddicott to R.H. Mayne.
P.M. Meadows to A.W.D. Mitton.
Modern Humanities Research Association to S. Mowat.
J. Munby to P.J. Myers.
L. Namier to S.C. Newton..
D. Nicholl to E.D. Nuttall.
A.M. Oakley to Ozalid Co Ltd.
G.G. Pace to P.I.C. Payne.
P. Peacock to Phillput Ltd.
Thomas Pickard to E.R. Poyser.
D.E.H. Pratt to R.C. Pybus.
Bernard Quaritch Ltd to R. Quirk.
Radio Durham to R.W. Rennison.
J.N. Rhodes to C.A. Rivington, including Reinmuth February 1958 to April 1978.
K. Robbins to Royal Institute of British Architects.
V. Rudd to G. Ryder and Co Ltd.
H.D. Saffrey to K. Severs.
E.W. Shafto-Hilton to Shropshire County Record Office.
Sidney Sussex College Library to L. Sleigh.
B. Smalley to SSRC Research Division.
Staffordshire County Record Office to M. Sturt.
E. Suddes to N. Sykes.
J. Tait to A.E. Teulon.
T.W. Thacker to G.C. Thursfield.
G. Tibbe to W. Toyn.
G. Trasler to F.J. Tyzack.
S. Uhler to Ushaw College Library.
J.A.C.J. van de Wouw to V. Voss Smith.
J. Wackett to P.H. Walker, including L.E.M. Walker of St Andrews University re annual visits with students for display classes.
P.J. Wallis to V.E. Watts, including with Stanley Walton July 1955 to September 1970 re the deposit of the Howard of Naworth archive and J.M. Ward February 1957 to September 1973.
Wear Valley District Council to Westmorland County Council.
L.E. Whatmore to Messrs Thomas Boyd Whyte.
A.A. Wijffels to W. Winward.
Wolsingham Parish Council to R.P. Wright.
D.E.C. Yale to P.N.R. Zutshi.
Papers of or about individuals
Reference: UND/DB4/G
UND/DB4/G1   [12 September 1957]
Table of pontifical years of the bishops of Durham 1333-1628, with a satirical covering note on such tables and the Reader's making off with The Handbook of British Chronology.
UND/DB4/G2-8   [1960s x 1980s]
Notes, transcripts and photocopies of documents in Durham archives about and written by the Rackett (also Raket) family from the 15th to 18th centuries, compiled by Alan Piper and Pat Mussett.
Notes on the Raket family 15th - 18th centuries, with files of notes on each family member, a timeline, and a photocopy of “The Thomas Rackett Papers 17th to 19th Centuries” ed H.S.L. Dewar (Dorset Record Society No.3, 1965).
Entries from records (almost all from the bishop of Durham's archive, with others from the cathedral archive, but none referenced) concerning members of the Rackett family:
Richard Rackett 1422-1472.
Henry Rackett 1438-1457.
Antony Rackett 1520s-1530s.
William Rackett 1403-1470s.
William Rackett jr 1460s.
John Rackett 1470-1513x1523.
John Rackett of Coatham Mundeville 1525-1539.
Catalogue descriptions of documents written by John Raket (1.10.Pont.6-9, 2.10.Pont.1a,3-6, 4.9.Spec.33-35), and notes of others written by him.
Photocopies of Raket documents in the cathedral archive: DCD 1.5.Spec.36, 2.4.Spec.24, Reg. Parv. II f.96v-97r; Reg. Parv. III f.56v.
Notes of Raket entries in documents in the cathedral archive and some elsewhere, especially the bursars' accounts.
Notes of Raket entries in documents in the bishop's (especially receiver-generals' accounts) and palatinate (especially from the Deputy Keeper's Reports) archives.
Notes of Raket wills and other probate records, with transcripts and photocopies of:
John Rackett, 6 March 1560 (recte 1559), will, transcript and photocopy.
Maria Rackett, 1 July 1575, administration bond, photocopy.
John Raket, 28 April 1578, will, transcript and photocopy.
Elizabeth Rackett, 20 January 1584, transcript and photocopy.
Cuthbert Rackett, 10 December 1587, will and inventory, transcript.
John Rackett, 29 May 1701, will, photocopy.
Robert Rackett, 22 July 1630, will and inventory, photocopy.
Henry Rackett, 27 December 1736, will, photocopy.
UND/DB4/G9   January 1968 - April 1970
Translation of the charters of Berwick-upon-Tweed of 29 November 1417 and 16 April 1603 for the borough by Pat Mussett from Latin to English, drafts and correspondence about the work January to April 1968, with also notes about other charters and a letter about other Berwick documents of 13 April 1970, and including 2 copies of Joseph Stevenson's report for the Commissioners [of the Public Records c.1850] on the Berwick-upon-Tweed records 1417-1840 held by the town clerk and treasurer.
Paper file
UND/DB4/G10-32   [c.1975] - 2006
Files of Alan Piper (d2012) reflecting some of his work (1968-2008) on the cathedral's archive and library manuscripts, and the University Lbrary's medieval manuscripts.
23 files
UND/DB4/G10   [c.1995]
“Durham Visitation Material”, ?draft text for a possible Surtees Society edition re records of visitations of the cathedral priory, including a list of such documents 1300-1464 (mostly from the Ponts series) and transcripts of: 1.9.Pont.10, 2.9.Pont.4, Reg. II f.49v-50r & 50v-51r, 2.9.Pont.2, Loc.XXVII:30 & 31, Misc. Ch. 7288, Misc. Ch. 2645, Loc.XXVII:12, 2.9.Pont.6, 2.9.Pont.10, Loc.XXVII:4, 1.8.Pont.1, 2.8.Pont.5, 2.8.Pont.10a, 1.8.Pont.6, 2.8.Pont.4, 1.9.Pont.1a & b, 2.8.Pont.12, Misc. Ch. 5634, Loc.XXVII:35 & 34 & 14 & 37a-c, 1.9.Pont.3, Loc.XXVII:17, 1.8.Pont.2, Misc. Ch. 2658, Loc.XXVII:15.
Paper file, 113f
UND/DB4/G11   September 2000 - April 2006
Correspondence re the use and significance of the title “magister” and Thomas of Lund's annotations.
Paper file
UND/DB4/G12   [c.1990 - 2005]
“Corpus/Cells”, notes, correspondence, transcripts and copies of documents re book collections at the various Durham cells: Jarrow, Wearmouth, Stamford, Lytham, Coldingham, Farne, Holy Island.
Paper file
UND/DB4/G13   1988
Notes and correspondence re homiliaries, at Durham and elsewhere, especially with Prof J.E. Cross.
Paper file
UND/DB4/G14   [c.2000 - 2005]
The cathedral's manuscripts: notes on surveys of the Spendement and Cloister; incomplete printout of a catalogue of A.IV.36-B.II.2; notes on manuscripts associated with Symeon; list of non-cathedral priory manuscripts in the cathedral library; full description of Hunter 100.
Paper file
UND/DB4/G15   [c.1990 - 2005]
Draft catalogue entries, with some correspondence and photocopies, of cathedral manuscripts A.I.2 to C.IV.18.
Paper file
UND/DB4/G16   [c.1990] - 2003
Repertoria of the cathedral's archive, including concordances of document references in the various medieval repertoria, notes on references, dates and arrangements of documents, and a paper “The Provenance of Durham Cathedral Muniments 1400-1430” delivered to an AMARC conference in Durham 7 July 2003.
Paper file
UND/DB4/G17   [c.1975 - c.2004]
Papers and articles by or sent to AJP, most ?unpublished:
1. “The Origins of the Cells” [by AJP, c.1975].
2. “Changing Patterns of Land Use on Spennymoor in the Later Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries”, by Simon J. Harris [c.2004].
3. “Scaling the Ladder: the Rise and Rise of the Gray Family, c.1296-c.1415”, by Andy King [c.2002].
4. “Master Stefano Annibaldi and the Monks of Durham 1237-1247”, by Nicholas VIncent 1998.
5. “Roman and Canon Law Manuscripts at Durham Cathedral: 1140-1298”, by Robert Gibbs [c.2000].
6. “The Mortality of Durham Priory Monks, 1395-1529”, [AJP with David Stone and John Hatcher, draft, published in Economic History Review 2006].
7. “Richard Kellawe évêque de Durham”, by AJP, proof of a [French biographical dictionary article c.2000].
8. “St Cuthbert and his Monks in the Twelfth Century”, [by AJP, c.1975].
9. “The rectors of Heighington c.1175-1253”, by AJP 2000.
10. “A Selection of Seals from the Muniments of the Dean and Chapter of Durham”, by AJP 1999, with a French translation.
11. “Contrabrevia”, by Martin Snape [c.1975].
12. “Morwick and Preston Charters of the Twelfth Century, Ernulf and Hugh of Morwick (d.1187): the One a Turncoat, the Other a Bastard?”, by AJP 1997, with correspondence.
13. “Colonization of the Wasteland in County Durham, 1100-1400”, by Helen Dunsford and Simon Harris (c.2004).
Paper file
UND/DB4/G18   [c.1990]
List of cathedral library mss, no longer in Durham, held on microfilm [XM/Film] with details of provenance and ownership identifications.
Paper file
UND/DB4/G19   2004
Liberties and Loyalties Colloquium, held in the History Dept, Durham University, 7-8 July 2004, including colloquium details and papers by Keith Stringer, Robin Frame, Beth Hartland, Matthew Holford, Cynthia Neville, Melanie Devine, Henry Summerson, and Sandy Grant.
Paper file
UND/DB4/G20   1997 - 2004
Chronological list of documents re Spennymoor; correspondence with especially Prof A.A.M. Duncan re Duncan II's charter (Misc Ch 554) 1997-1999; note from Martin Snape re Bishop Skirlaw's licensing of priors' elections; correspondence with Sandy Heslop 2002 re a priory seal of c.1000; list of selected seals from the cathedral's archive 1999; list of monks with more than 40 years' service; AHRB rejection of the Durham Charters Project bid 2004.
Paper file
UND/DB4/G21   [c.1985]
Draft reviews of Andrew Watson's editions of Dated and Datable Manuscripts (1984), with notes on and lists of datable manuscripts in the British Library and Oxford, and a copy of Neil Ker's notes of July 1944 on “The early-twelfth-cnetury English manuscript” .
Paper file
UND/DB4/G22   [c.1990s]
Western Bookhand from 800 class, copies of manuscript examples with a list
Paper file
UND/DB4/G23   [c.1990s]
[Durham cathedral priory] books in Ushaw College Library, lists and notes.
Paper file
UND/DB4/G24   [c.1990s]
Books at Durham College Oxford, notes and transcripts of documents.
Paper file
UND/DB4/G25   [c.1990s]
Lists of and notes on various aspects of the medieval cathedral archive, such as those documents with braided seal cords, documents concerning Raket or written by Stiphel or other members of the community, list of manuscripts at Durham and elsewhere containing annotations by Thomas Swalwell.
Pack of index cards
Size: 6 x 4" & 5 x 3"
UND/DB4/G26   1988 - 2002
Notes and correspondence principally re the Medieval Manuscripts in British Library project.
Notes by A.I. Doyle and A.J. Piper of the methodology for and a draft catalogue of the medieval manuscripts of Lincoln Cathedral 1988
Correspondence between A.J. Piper and Alex Rumble re a catalogue of the medieval manuscripts in the John Rylands Library 1989-1990 with a list of such mss.
Note by A.I. Doyle on the Chambre continuation 1989.
Email from Katharine Donahue re an incunable in UCLA library 2002.
List of monks appearing in Durham Cathedral mss.
Transcription and description of Regule Compoti.
Paper file
UND/DB4/G27   1982 - 1990
Drafts of a catalogue of Durham University Library's medieval Cosin manuscripts, with occasional notes and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/DB4/G28   [c.1980s]
Photocopied printed draft catalogue of Durham University Library's medieval Cosin manuscripts, with some annotations.
Paper file
UND/DB4/G29   [c.1980s]
“Cosin Mss Work to do elsewhere” , notes, order tickets and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/DB4/G30   June 1983
Cosin Mss descriptions taken by AID[oyle] to Paris some queries & observations, including an offprint of Mahmoud Manzalaqui, “The Secret Secretorum The Mediaeval European Version of 'Kitab Sirr-ul-Asrar”', Bulletin of the Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University (XV, 1961), p.83-107.
Paper file
UND/DB4/G31   1968 - 1982
Collection of University Library items:
Library rules with appropriate images, as displayed in the Science Library October 1968.
Paper by A.I. Doyle on present and future policy for “Special Collections (Excluding Oriental)”, 18 November 1982.
Papers on the division of bookstock between Palace Green and South Road by E.M. Rainey, A.J. Piper, Sarah Milner, and Marilyn Hird, November 1982.
Brief List of Special and Obsolete Locations, much annotated by [A.I. Doyle] c.1975.
Various instructions for locking up, call-out, and security alarms 1979-1981.
“Cosin's Library, its founder and history”, much amended, c.1980.
Paper file
UND/DB4/G32   1981 - 1988
Personal correspondence of Alan Piper about matters in various colleges.
Paper file
Closed under DPA until 2069
Reference: UND/DB4/H
UND/DB4/H1   [c.1980]
“How to Trace the History of a Property in the Records of the Estates of the Dean and Chapter of Durham”
UND/DB4/H2   June 1982
The Magnum Repertorium: A Users' Guide by Meryl Foster: Introduction, the Contents of the Magnum, the Arrangement of the Magnum, Interpreting the Entries, Using the Magnum, Summary, Appendices, Index. Inscribed: “A.J.P. from M.R.F. 25.ix.1982” .
Typescript, card-covered, paper booklet, ii + 34p
Reference: UND/DB4/I
UND/DB4/I1   [c.1980]
Prior's Kitchen searchroom, with a school group of boys and girls, examining documents, especially a long roll.
Size: 205 x 255mm
Found in a 5TC ground floor office cupboard 15 September 2008 by A.J.P. Gray.
UND/DB4/I2   c.1950s - January 1971
Lists of plates and (mostly) photostats held by the department, taken from documents/manuscripts in the department and elsewhere, especially PRO, and including those used in seminars by Mr H.C. Johnson May-June 1955, Lady Doris Stenton May 1954, Dr N. Williams January 1956, Dr P. Chaplais, and Prof F. Wormald May 1957.
UND/DB4/I3   [c.1955]
Images from printed books of alphabets and examples of handwriting and penmanship:
1. J Beauchesne and J. Baildon, A Booke Containing Diverse Sortes of Hands, (1571), 8 images.
2. F. Clement, The Petie Schole (1587), 2 images.
2. E. Cocker, Magnum in Parvo, on the Pen's Perfection (1672), 6 images.
3. G. Shelley, Natural Writing (1709), 1 image.
3. E. Cocker, The Guide to Penmanship (1664), 4 images.
4. J. Seddon, The Penman's Paradise both Pleasant and Profitable (1695), 4 images.
5. C. Snell, The Art of Writing (1712), 3 images.
Size: 85 x 85mm
UND/DB4/I4   [c.1955]
Palaeographical images from manuscripts and inscriptions.
1/1. Trajan's column 114A.
1/2. Enlargement of E from Trajan's column.
1/3 St Gall Cod.1394.
1/4. Vatican Cod. Palat. 1631.
1/5. Durham Cathedral Library A.II.17.
1/6. Cambridge University Library MS. N.n.41.
1/7. Rome Pal. Soc. I.2.136.
1/8. Graffiti from Pompeii.
2/9. Graffiti from Pompeii.
2/10. Graffiti from Pompeii.
2/11. Berlin P.8507.cl.2.
2/12. Florence Soc. Italiana.
2/13. Trinity College Dublin Book of Kells.
2/14. Milan C.5, Irish miniscule.
2/15. British Museum Cotton Tiberius C.V, Bede Ecclesiastical History.
3/16. Paris Archives Nationales K.2.13.
3/17. Durham Cathedral Library A.II.16.
3/18. Paris Bibliotheque Nationale MS Lat. 17655.
3/19. Naples MS.
3/20. British Museum Add 30852, Visigothic.
3/21. Durham Cathedral Library A.II.17.
3/22. Durham Cathedral Library A.II.16.
4/1. P.Ox.30, de Bell. Maced.
4/2. P.Land.90, Cic. Verr.ii.2.3-4.
4/3. Carmen Actiacum.
4/4. Tullius fragment.
4/5. Vero Augustens (Sched.Vat.) 9.i.61.
4/6. Verg. Sched Samsallenses A.i.704.
4/7. Vergil Cod.Med.G.i.178.
Size: 50 x 50mm
UND/DB4/I5   [c.1980]
Images of the searchroom at No 5 The College.
1. A shoeless female reader looking at a [tithe] map.
2. The same reader discussing with two other ladies standing, Jo Fewster reading at a desk.
Size: 100 x 150mm
UND/DB4/I6   [c.1980]
George Peart, conservator, at work in the basement conservation workshop at 5 The College.
1-2. Sewing the spine of a book on a sewing frame.
3-4. Applying gold lettering to a spine.
5-6. Document on a light box.
7. General view of the workshop, document on a light box.
8-11. Greenwood's 1822 map of Northumberland, badly fragmented.
12. Howard of Naworth 1967 deposit map of Morpeth (early 18th century).
13. Applying gold lettering to a spine.
Size: 100 x 150mm
UND/DB4/I7   [c.1980]
Durham doorways, including St Cuthbert's, St John's, 10, 11 and 27 ?Bailey. ?Taken for a calendar of Durham doorways.
Size: 150 x 100mm
UND/DB4/I8   [July 1988]
Medieval quadrapartite wooden storage box, and various groups of medieval documents, some in a modern box.
6 colour slides
Size: 35mm
UND/DB4/I9   [October 1984]
Howdenshire Church Commissioners' records, original admittance with straw for Howden manor 20 November 1802, sent to East Yorkshire Record Office at Beverley by the Dept of Pal and Dip in October 1984 to become ?DDHM/111-236733.
Colour slide
UND/DB4/I10   [1957]
Various groupings of staff and ?researchers, standing outside the Prior's Kitchen/ Refectory, with roses in flower behind, taken on Conway Davies's retirement, featuring his doctoral students (LtoR):
1. ?, ?, Geoffrey Scammell, ?, Martin Snape, Marjorie Graham (later Snape), ?, Constance Fraser, ?, ?.
2. Constance Fraser, ?.
3. ?, Marjorie Graham.
4. ?, Geoffrey Scammell, ?, Martin Snape, Marjorie Graham, ?.
5. Geoffrey Scammell, Constance Fraser, Marjoire Graham, ?, Martin Snape.
6. ?Mr Purves, Geoffrey Scammell, Marjorie Graham, Malcolm Jack, Martin Snape.
7. Constance Fraser, Geoffrey Scammell, Martin Snape.
7 BW prints
Size: 90 x 65/140
Given by Alison Snape, daughter of Martin Snape, March 2012, Acc No Misc.2011/2:50.
UND/DB4/I11   1725 - c.1950
Photocopies and photographs of the Prior's Kitchen.
1. Section drawing, photocopy of MS Top Gen b.53, 12 September 1725.
2. Plan of the roof drawing, photocopy of MS Top Eccles d.6, [c.1750].
3. Interior drawing showing kitchen fittings, photocopy, c.1780.
4. Interior engraving showing kitchen fittings, BW print, 19th century.
5. Exterior roof engraving, BW print, 19th century, presented by C.W. Gibby 1967.
6. Roof exterior from NW, BW print by Canon Walker, 1901.
7. Roof exterior from NE, BW print, [1901].
8. Interior showing kitchen fittings, copy BW print, early 20th century.
9. Interior showing kitchen range and tables, BW print, early 20th century.
10. Interior showing tables and entrance, BW print, early 20th century.
11. Interior showing tables and doorways, BW print, 1932.
12. Interior empty and clean, BW print, c.1950.
3 photocopies & 9 BW prints
UND/DB4/I12   [1985]
Images of the department and its work taken for an exhibition.
1. Part of a Misc.Ch., badly damaged by damp, before repair
2. A Misc.Ch., 3 June 1354, badly damaged by damp, repaired.
3. Misc.Ch. 554 (King Duncan charter) with the seal's reverse, with a negative.
4. Misc.Ch. 554 King Duncan's seal obverse.
5. George Peart repairing a map, on a wall board.
6. George Peart applying gold lettering to the spine of a rebound book.
7. Jo Fewster using a [?microfilm reader] and Margaret McCollum transcribing at a table with a repaired large [?CCB/MP/48b] map unrolled, at the E end of 5 The College searchroom.
8. Mobile racking in a 5 The College strongroom, containing Howard of Naworth documents.
9. Pat Mussett with a rack of [Specialia] boxes in the Prior's Kitchen.
10. Pat Mussett seated at a computer with a [?register] in the Prior's Kitchen.
10 colour prints + 1 negative
Reference: UND/DB4/J
UND/DB4/J1-6   June 1960
Plans - floors and elevation - for an Arts Building at New Elvet incorporating Palaeography (basement muniment store), English, French, German, and Spanish, by Marshall Sisson, architect, of Godmanchester.
Size: 550 x 760mm
Philosophy Department
Reference: UND/DB5
Dates of creation: 1934 - 1986 Boards of Studies for the subjects taught at Durham were first mooted in November 1938 in a report of the Durham Colleges Council which was accepted by the Colleges' Academic Board. Philosophy was not on the initial list, but was added in January 1939. The 1939 Calendar first has departments listed in the Durham Colleges and these include Philosophy, with Arthur Robinson as the professor of Logic and Psychology, Rev Robert Macgregor as the lecturer in Philosophy and Rev Canon Charles Steel Wallis as the lecturer in Logic. However, at the university's King's College in Newcastle, Mental and Moral Philosophy, first appear in the Calendar in 1938 with Louis Arnaud Reid as the professor and James Drever as the lecturer. Philosophy had been taught in both places before 1938 with various specific appointments in the subject. In fact, Arthur Robinson had been appointed the first professor of Logic and Psychology in 1910 when Frank Jevons was appointed the first professor of Philosophy, both in Durham, and Reinhold Friedrich Alfred Hoernle was appointed the first professor in Mental and Moral Philosophy in Newcastle at the then Armstrong College in 1911. And of course philosophy had always comprised part of the Arts syllabus at Durham from the start of the university in 1832.
F1-2 and G1-2 deposited by Dr Matthew Eddy of the Philosophy department 15 September 2006, Acc No Misc.2006/2007:9.

Annual and Other General Reports
Reference: UND/DB5/A
UND/DB5/A1   1949 - 1958
Annual reports 1948/9, 1949/50, 1957/8.
Paper file
Other office files
Reference: UND/DB5/F
UND/DB5/F1   4 December 1972 - 14 January 1981
Philosophy department library borrowings' register
recording name, college, author, title, dates out and in, and signature of [librarian]/borrower.
UND/DB5/F2   16 January 1981 - 5 June 1986
Philosophy department library borrowings' register
recording name, college, author, title, dates out, in and recalled.
With library regulations affixed to the inside cover and a note of stocktaking 16 August 1982 at the back.
Papers of or about individuals
Reference: UND/DB5/G
UND/DB5/G1   [1934 - 1935]
Wittgenstein's Blue Books
“These remarks were dictated by Wittgenstein to four or five of his students, in 1934. The students met with him twice a week - sometimes oftener - for discussions of two or three hours length. The first part of the meeting was devoted to questions asked by the students; and following that Wittgenstein dictated, keeping close to the subject matter of the previous questions, and endeavouring, as far as possible, to connect each dictation with the previous one. The dictations were mimeographed, for a limited circulation. The present copy is a typescript made from the original booklets.”
Also lectures 8 to 15 on Mathematics 1935.
With inserted a newspaper cutting from The Guardian of 19 February 2005 re the sale of a Wittgenstein notebook.
Bequeathed to the department of Philosophy by Colin King Grant, professor 1959-1981.
Lectures and papers of Doreen Bretherton, lecturer in philosophy:
Dr Doreen Bretherton joined the department in 1960 and died of an illness in post on 28 January 1969 at the age of 46. She was also a senior member of St Mary's College. She bequeathed the bulk of her estate to found a research scholarship in philosophy (the Doreen Bretherton studentship) at Durham. An obituary is in University of Durham Gazette (New Series 16, 31 July 1969), p.5.
A course of 14 lectures [on Kant].
UND/DB5/G2/2   [?1947 - 1948]
A course of 4 lectures on Utilitarianism et al,
A course of 5 lectures on the Epistemology of Morals.
UND/DB5/G2/4   [?1951]
C.K. Grant, “Freewill: a Reply to Professor Campbell”['s article in Mind October 1951], corrected typescript.
C.K. Grant, “Professor Ryle's Theory of Pyschological Explanation” as expounded in his book The Concept of Mind (1949), typescript, with typescript comments by ?Bretherton.
Reference: UND/DB5/H
UND/DB5/H1   [August 2000]
Staff Handbook 2000-1
Paper booklet, 6 + 88p, with card covers
UND/DB5/H2   August 2000 & June 2003
Student & Departmental Handbook for 2000/01 and 2003/04
2 paper booklets
UND/DB5/H3   [1994]
Graduate Studies in Philosophy
Printed illustrated paper booklet, 6f
Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/DB5/K
UND/DB5/K1   26 June 2003
Posters for lectures:
Peter van Inwagen, “The End is Nigh,” Royal Institute of Philosophy lecture, 26 June 2003.
Paper, 2f
Physics Department
Heads of department (in Durham)
J.E.P. Wagstaff 1939/40-1954/55
G.D. Rochester 1955/56-1972/73
A.W. Wolfendale 1973/74-1976/77
B.H. Bransden 1977/78-1979/80
A.W. Wolfendale 1980/81-1982/83
B.H. Bransden 1983/84-1985/86
A.W. Wolfendale 1986/87-1988/89
A.D. Martin 1989/90-1992/93
D. Bloor 1993/94-1995/96
B.K. Tanner 1996/97-1998/99
M.R. Pennington 1999/00-2002/03
R.A. Abram 2003/04-2009/10
Directors of the department at King’s:
W.E. Curtis 1939/40-1954/55
Vacant 1955/56
S.K. Runcorn 1956/57-1962/63
K.L. Aplin, 'Atmospheric electricity at Durham: the scientific contributions and legacy of J. A. (“Skip”) Chalmers (1904–1967)', (History of Geo and Space Sciences, 9, 2018) p.25–35; https://doi.org/10.5194/hgss-9-25-2018

Annual and Other General Reports
Reference: UND/DB8/A
UND/DB8/A1   1949 - 1950
Annual reports 1948/9, 1949/50.
Paper file
Departmental Administration
Reference: UND/DB8/F
UND/DB8/F1   1981/2
Booklists and syllabuses
3 paper booklets
UND/DB8/F2   1950 - 1975
Mark book, hand written up to 1957, thence typescript, excluding first year/preliminaries but including honours and general pass students, with an index at the front of students up to 1967
Paper book, with entries stuck in, only 69 of 241 folios used
Reference: UND/DB8/I
UND/DB8/I1   [c.1950]
Physics department staff and students on the steps of the department, mostly in jackets and ties, including [Prof J.E.P. Wagstaff] 3rd from the right.
Paper printout of a digital copy of a BW print, 1f
Sent as an email attachment 18 September 2013
From the original of Prof Arnold Wolfendale
Reference: UND/DB8/K
UND/DB8/K1   1990 - 2010
Posters for the Rochester lectures:
Sir John Pendry, “A Cloak of Invisibility: Harry Potter Does Electromagnetism”.
Michael Charlton, “Antimatter” , 15 June 2010.
UND/DB8/K2   2009 & 2012
Posters for the Grubb-Parsons lectures:
Rob Kennicutt, “Hot Results on Cool Galaxies”, 2009.
Matt Griffin, “The Herschel Space Observatory” , 2012.
Isobel Hook, “The European Extremely Large Telescope” , 2013
Paper file
UND/DB8/K3   9 February 2011
Posters for other Physics Dept events:
Science Engineering & IF Fair, 9 February 2011.
Paper, 1f
UND/DB8/K4   [c.2000]
Poster advertising postgraduate research.
Paper, 1f
UND/DB8/K5   [1995]
Undergraduate Degrees in Physics prospectus.
Printed colour booklet, 8f
UND/DB8/K6   August 1987
A Brief History of Astronomy in Durham, by Arnold Wolfendale, to accompany a small display in the department.
Printed illustrated paper booklet, 20p
UND/DB8/K7   18 September 2012
Memento of Ogden @10 Celebrating Durham University's Leadership in Fundamental Physics
Card, 2f
Politics Department
Reference: UND/DB35
Reference: UND/DB35/B
UND/DB35/B1   October 1981 - April 1988
Politics Board of Studies minutes, agendas and correspondence (from the papers of Debroah Lavin, Trevelyan College principal).
Paper file
Reference: UND/DB35/H
UND/DB35/H1   April 1970
“Syllabus of Final Honours Courses in Politics 1970-71”
Paper booklet
Psychology Department
Reference: UND/DB29 The department was initially that of Educational Psychology, but had become just Psychology by 1957.

Annual and Other General Reports
Reference: UND/DB29/A
UND/DB29/A1   1949 - 1958
Annual reports for 1948/9, 1949/50 and 1957/58.
Paper file
UND/DB29/A2   16 February 2010
Department plan, 2010-2015 by Prof C. A. Heywood
Paper file 
Reference: UND/DB29/B
UND/DB29/B1   9 November 1963 - 23 January 1975
Board of Studies minute book
Paper book, spine lost, with minutes sellotaped/stapled in
UND/DB29/B2   23 June 1987 - 14 June 1991
Board of Studies minute book
Paper book, in a springback binder
UND/DB29/B3   8 December 2004, 16 March 2005 & 6 June 2007
Agendas and minutes of meetings of the Board of Studies
Paper file 
UND/DB29/B4   27 November 2013 - 1 February 2017
Minutes of the meetings of the Staff-Student Consultative Committees
Include postgraduate committee
Paper file 
UND/DB29/B5   23 February 2012 - 4 May 2017
Agenda, minutes, and other papers of the minutes of the Staff-Student Consultative Committees (Queen's Campus)
Paper file 
Student Work
Reference: UND/DB29/M
UND/DB29/M1   2002 - 2003
Masters theses:
MSc in Developmental Psychopathology 2002
MA Research Methods (Developmental Psychology) 2003
2 paper files
Social Studies Department
Reference: UND/DB32
Annual and Other General Reports
Reference: UND/DB32/A
UND/DB32/A1   1949 - 1958
Annual reports 1948/9, 1949/50, 1957/8.
Paper file
Administrative Files
Reference: UND/DB32/C
UND/DB32/C1   [c.1965]
“Sociology” , memorandum by Dr Hood, including a bibliography
Paper file
Reference: UND/DB32/H
UND/DB32/H1   1960
Regulations for B.A. in Social Studies
Sport and Exercise Sciences Department
Reference: UND/DB36
Reference: UND/DB36/H
UND/DB36/H1   March - July 2021
Research Newsletter Issues 4 & 5
Paper file
Theology/Theology and Religion Department
Reference: UND/DB16
Annual and Other General Reports
Reference: UND/DB16/A
UND/DB16/A1   1949 - 1958
Annual reports 1948/9, 1949/50, 1957/8.
Paper file
Reference: UND/DB16/B
UND/DB16/BA1-19   October 1958 - June 2000
Board of Studies minutes, agendas and papers:
1. October 1958 - June 1964
2. October 1964 - June 1967
3. October 1967 - June 1971
4. October 1971 - June 1975
5. October 1975 - June 1979
6. October 1980 - June 1982
7. October 1982 - June 1985
8. October 1985 - June 1987
9. October 1987 - June 1989
10. October 1989 - June 1991
11. October 1991 - June 1992
12. October 1992 - June 1993
13. October 1993 - June 1994
14. October 1994 - June 1995
15. October 1995 - June 1996
16. October 1996 - May 1997 (minutes only)
17. October 1997 - May 1998
18. October 1998 - June 1999
19. October 1999 - June 2000
19 paper files
UND/DB16/BB1   November 1995 - June 2002
Management Committee minutes, agendas and papers.
Paper file
UND/DB16/BC1   April 1995 - June 1997
Committee for Undergraduate Affairs minutes, agendas and papers.
Paper file
UND/DB16/BD1   October 1995 - August 1999
Resources Committee minutes, agendas, papers and correspondence.
Paper file
Head of department's files
Reference: UND/DB16/E
UND/DB16/E1   1991 - 1992
Faculty Review 1992, correspondence and reports.
Paper file
UND/DB16/E2   November 1996 - July 1998
Faculty review 1997, papers (including a copy of the 1992 report) and correspondence, including about a further possible review in 1999.
Paper file
UND/DB16/E3   1993 - 1996
Research Assessment Exercise 1996, correspondence, reports and draft submissions.
Paper file
UND/DB16/E4   1997 - 1998
External review papers and correspondence, including prospectuses and handbook entries.
Paper file
UND/DB16/E5   1997 - 1998
New appointments, correspondence.
Paper file
Closed until 2079.
UND/DB16/E6   1989 - 1997
Promotions, correspondence with curriculae vitae of candidates.
Paper file
Closed until 2078.
UND/DB16/E7   April 1997 - April 1999
Chair of the Board of Studies, correspondence about the succession.
Paper file
Closed until 2080.
UND/DB16/E8   1995 - 1996
Committee for Undergraduate Affairs papers.
Paper file
UND/DB16/E9   October 1991 - February 1995
Durham Centre for Theological Research (DCTR), correspondence about its establishment in April 1992, annual reports, circulars and notices of lectures and seminars.
Paper file
UND/DB16/E10   February 1997 - March 1999
Research Committee, correspondence about the department's possible need for one, and incluidng the winding up of the DCTR in 1999.
Paper file
UND/DB16/E11   October 1997
Centre for Applied Ethics and Relational Studies (CAERS), correspondence about its establishment (in partnership with Van Mildert College and the Business School).
Paper file
UND/DB16/E12   April 1995
Administration Audit, including recommendations and a “Handbook of Departmental Administration 1995-6”.
Paper file
UND/DB16/E13   March 1998 - June 1999
Portfolios, correspondence about who might carry out administrative duties within the department.
Paper file
UND/DB16/E14   July - September 1997
Appraisal, correspondence about the departmental process.
Paper file
Closed until 2078.
UND/DB16/E15   October 1985 - April 1994
Centre for the Study of Literature and Theology, correspondence about its establishment in October 1986, the appointment of its director, and soliciting funding, then agendas, minutes and papers of its committee.
Paper file
UND/DB16/E16   November 1994 - February 1997
Liturgy, correspondence and papers re its teaching and minutes of a working group about it.
Paper file
UND/DB16/E17   October 1993 - October 1994
Budget, including Durham Resource Allocation Models for 1993/4 and 1994/5.
Paper file
UND/DB16/E18   March 1987 - March 1991
Edward Hulmes, correspondence concerning his funding.
Paper file
Closed until 2072.
UND/DB16/E19   December 1992 - October 1996
Cuming Fellow and Duane Arnold, correspondence.
Paper file
Closed until 2077.
Other Office Files
Reference: UND/DB16/F
UND/DB16/F1   1945 - 1979
Mark sheets for the preliminary honours in Theology, including also some pass lists, and collection marks for January 1972.
Paper file
Closed until 2060
UND/DB16/F2   1944 - 1979
Mark sheets for final honours in Theology
Paper file
Closed until 2060
UND/DB16/F3   1968 - 1980, 1987 - 1988
Mark sheets for the BA in General Studies.
Paper file
Closed until 2069
UND/DB16/F4   June 1967 - June 1977, June 1989
Mark sheets for the qualifying/first year Theology exams for the BEd.
Paper file
Closed until 2070
UND/DB16/F5   2001/2 - 2005/6
Student essay marks.
Paper file
Closed until 2087
UND/DB16/F6   August 1985 - February 1997
Bernard Gilpin Pastoral Theology lectures, notices, invitations, correspondence with lecturers, with also some general correspondence about the series and its planning:
1986 Msgr Kevin F. Nichols
1987 Revd Prof Oliver M.T. O'Donovan
1988 Revd Kenneth Leech
1989 Prof Stanley Hauerwas
1990 Sr Benedicta Ward
1991 Rt Revd Richard Holloway
1992 Prof Duncan B. Forrester
1993 Mr Frank Field MP
1994 Prof Patrick Hannon
1995 Dr Jack Dominian
1996 Prof John Saward
1997 Rt Revd Peter S.M. Selby
Paper file
UND/DB16/F7   1954 - 1991
Alan Richardson fellowship (1905-1975, canon of Durham 1938-1953, professor of Theology at Nottingham university 1953-1964 and dean of York 1964-1975):
Correspondence, especially with Mrs Richardson, about establishing the fellowship 1990-1991.
Obituaries and appreciations 1975-1976, including from The Ampleforth Journal and an address by Dr Donald Coggan, archbishop of Canterbury, also reviews of R.H. Preston's essays in memory of him Theology and Change (1976).
Offprints of articles by him:
Religious Truth in an Age of Science, University of Nottingham Inaugural Lecture 22 January 1954
“The Feeding of the Five Thousand”, Interpretation A Journal, of Bible and Theology April 1955
“Gnosis and Revelation in the Bible and in Contemporary Thought”, Scottish Journal of Theology Vo. 9 No. 1, March 1956, p.31-45
“Man, the Universe and the Second Coming”, The Ampleforth Journal, p.300-306
History, Humanity, and University, p.1-21
“What is New Testament Theology”, Sonderdruck aus Studia Evangelica VI (1973), p.455-465
“Ian Ramsey of Durham An Appreciation and Review”, The Ampleforth Journal Summer 1974 Vol.LXXIX Part II, p.65-69.
Paper file
Papers of and about Individual Members
Reference: UND/DB16/G
UND/DB16/G1   23 January 2019
Talk by Canon Simon Oliver, Van Mildert Professor, on the foundation of Durham University 1832.
Paper, 1f
Reference: UND/DB16/H
UND/DB16/H1   [1986]
Opportunities for Post-Graduate Study
UND/DB16/H2   1966
Regulations in the Faculty of Divinity 1966-67, with inserted rules for the submission of work for higher degrees.
Paper booklet, 12p + 2p inserted
Reference: UND/DB16/K
UND/DB16/K1   2006 - 2013
Lecture posters:
Alan Richardson fellowship, 6 October 2006.
Alistair Ross, “Sacred Psychoanalysis” , 20 October 2011
Alan Richardson lecture: Ashley Null, 16 March 2009; Robin le Poidevin, 28 November 2012; Paul Shore, 26 November 2013.
UND/DB16/K2   2013
Posters for postgraduate research days etc
Paper file
Zoology Department
Reference: UND/DB1
Dates of creation: 1974 R.A. Baker, “The Origins and Early Development of Botany in the Durham Division of the University”, ( Vasculum, 76 No 3, 1991), p.18-20;
R.A. Baker, “The Durham connection in the history of arachnology in Britain (1850-1950)”, (Archives of Natural History, 18 (2), 1991), p.221-230.

Annual and Other General Reports
Reference: UND/DB1/A
UND/DB1/A1   1949 - 1950
Annual reports 1948/9, 1949/50.
Paper file
Reference: UND/DB1/I
Dates of creation: December 1974
UND/DB1/IA   December 1974
Photographs and newspaper cuttings recording the displays of the work of the Zoology department and its animals, live (snake) and stuffed (baboon, moose, koala), being looked at by members of the public, put on 9 - 11 December to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Dawson building.
Also including a newspaper cutting on the possibility of using warm water from power station cooling towers to culture freshwater crayfish.
3 newspaper cuttings, 12 colour prints 126 x 127mm, 27 BW prints 160 x 207mm 
Reference: UC/DB1/K
Dates of creation: [?1960]
UND/DB1/K1   [?1960]
Satirical cartoon entitled “Zoology Animal House”
1 photocopy of a print 
Institutes and Centres
Reference: UND/DC
Research Foundation - Society of Fellows
Reference: UND/DC1
Dates of creation: 1982 - 1994 The Society of Fellows was established in 1982 for co-ordinating the interests of the fellows of the Durham University Research Foundation, which was also set up in 1982 to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the university's foundation. All fellows holding fellowships endowed through the Research Foundation are automatically fellows of the society. Others who may also be included are those holding full-time research appointments in the university and those visiting Durham for significant periods to undertake advanced research. Admission is at the discretion of the president, vice-president and foundation fellows, on guidelines from Senate.
1982 Prof. G. Malcolm Brown
to 1988 Dr J.P. Barber
from 1988 Prof A.W. Wolfendale

Annual Reports
Reference: UND/DC1/A
UND/DC1/A1   1982/83 - 1987/88
Annual reports: first to sixth.
UND/DC1/A2   1989/90 - 1991/92
Director's annual reports.
UND/DC1/A3   1984/85 & 1985/86
Reports of Fellows in Residence.
Reference: UND/DC1/B
UND/DC1/B1   May - July 1989
Annual meeting minutes, agenda papers and correspondence
Director's Files
Reference: UND/DC1/E
UND/DC1/E1   March - September 1984
“Future of the Society of Fellows” paper by David Barker
UND/DC1/E2   October 1985 - March 1990
Director's correspondence - Tony Downes
UND/DC1/E3   October 1987 - July 1989
Treasurer's department correspondence re the annual budget
UND/DC1/E4   July 1990 - October 1993
Director's correspondence - Jeremy Black
Office Files
Reference: UND/DC1/F
UND/DC1/F1   October 1983 - November 1994
Posters of lectures
UND/DC1/F2   March 1984 - December 1992
Addison Wheeler Research Fellowship
UND/DC1/F3   June 1990 - March 1991
Alan Richardson research fellowship in theology.
UND/DC1/F4   February 1984 - July 1993
Arthur Prowse visiting fellowship at Van Mildert College
UND/DC1/F5   [September 1988]
Arts Research Fellowship
UND/DC1/F6   December 1983 - October 1986
Durham County Council Visiting Fellowship
UND/DC1/F7   April 1984 - November 1990
Elf Aquitaine Research Fellow in Fossil Energy Exploitation
UND/DC1/F8   June 1988 - July 1992
Hawker Siddeley engineering visiting fellowship
UND/DC1/F9   October 1986 - November 1990
Isabel Fleck fellowship
UND/DC1/F10   May 1983 - July 1993
Leonard Slater visiting fellowships at University College
UND/DC1/F11   November 1988 - September 1992
Mountjoy fellowship
UND/DC1/F12   May - November 1990
Northern Engineering Industries fellowship proposal
UND/DC1/F13   January - May 1992
Northumbrian Water fellowship at Collingwood College
UND/DC1/F14   February 1983 - July 1991
St Mary's College visiting fellowships
UND/DC1/F15   October 1984 - March 1991
Shell UK Research Fellowship
UND/DC1/F16   August 1988 - April 1989
Small Business Centre fellowships proposal
UND/DC1/F17   February - June 1989
Tioxide plc Chemistry fellowship proposal
UND/DC1/F18   November 1982 - January 1991
Trevelyan College visiting fellowships
UND/DC1/F19   January 1991 - June 1993
Vaux Breweries fellowship in geography
UND/DC1/F20   28 June 1983 & 1 July 1985
Dinner menus:
Inaugural annual dinner, Shincliffe Hall, 28 June 1983
Third annual dinner menu, St Chad's College, 1 July 1985.
2 items, each card, 2f
Reference: UND/DC1/H
UND/DC1/H1   [?1988]
Brochure describing the Research Foundation and the Society of Fellows, the research strengths and resources of Durham, with leaflets inserted about the various research resources of the university library, the availability of fellowships in the university and the contacts of the Society.
With a sheet of 10 negatives of images used in the inserts, and a BW print of Guti's caricature of Basil Bunting.
2f, with card covers, and 11f inserted 
UND/DC1/H2   27 July 1984
Newspaper cutting from THES - Peter Scott on the Society of Fellows.
UND/DC1/H3   January 1983
Research Foundation - Society of Fellows general leaflet, listing the foundation, research and visiting fellowships available.
Printed paper leaflet, 2f
UND/DC1/H4   [c.1984]
The Society of Fellows of Durham University Research Foundation, printed by Titus Wilson, Kendal, with amendments by [A.I. Doyle].
Institute of Advanced Study (IAS)
Reference: UND/DC2
Dates of creation: 2006 - 2016 The Institute was set up in 2006 “to foster the development of new knowledge at the forefront of various disciplines, significantly raising the University's international research standing, measured through increases in impact and output.” Its first executive director was Prof Ash Amin, supported by 3 other directors from each of the university's 3 faculties and by an advisory council chaired by the vice-chancellor. It provided 10 fellowships per semester and was based in Cosin's Hall on Palace Green.
Annual reports are on open access in the Local section at Palace Green Library at Per Local DUR.

Annual Reports
Reference: UND/DC2/A
UND/DC2/A1   2007 - 2015
Annual Reports:
2006-2007 Emergence
2007-2008 Modelling
2008-2009 Being Human
2009-2010 Water
2010-2011 Futures
2011-2012 Futures II
2012-2013 Time
2013-2014 Light
2014-2015 Emergence
9 printed illustrated paper booklets
Formerly: Per Local DUR
Office Files
Reference: UND/DC2/F
UND/DC2/F1   July 2016
Quinquennial report.
Paper file
UND/DC2/F2   11 October 2006
Print outs of slides from a PowerPoint presentation on the Institute of Advanced Study
Paper file
Reference: UND/DC2/H
UND/DC2/H1   [2006]
Flyer promoting the establishment of the institute in October 2006.
Printed, coloured, paper, 1f
UND/DC2/H2   2007 - 2019
Lecture posters, including Fellows' Public Lectures, and the Annual King Hussein Memorial Lecture
UND/DC2/H3   2011
Event programmes:
Seeing Further, Bill Bryson in conversation with four contributors to his book (Philip Ball, Georgina Ferry, Richard Homes, Martin Rees) at the Gala Theatre, Durham, 19 October [2010], signed by all.
Paper booklet
UND/DC2/H4   2006 - 2020
Annual programmes of events:
2006-2007 The Legacy of Charles Darwin
2007-2008 Modelling
2008-2009 Being Human
2009-2010 Water
2010-2011 Futures with a Calendar of Events
2011-2012 Futures II
2012-2013 Time
2013-2014 Light
2014-2015 Emergence
2015-2016 Evidence
2016-2017 Scale
2017-2018 Structure
2018 Michaelmas term public events
2019 Michaelmas term public events
2020 Epiphany Term lectures
13 printed illustrated paper booklets + 1 file
Formerly: Per Local DUR
UND/DC2/H5   [2016]
Brochures about the Institute, with four inserts: About the IAS; Themes; Fellowships; Research.
2 printed colour illustrated paper booklets
UND/DC2/H6   2016
Transforming the Way We Think, ed Veronica Strang, a celebration of 10 years of the Institute, with an overview and commentaries on each on the annual themes by various authors with lists of each year's fellows.
Printed colour illustrated paper book, 148p
UND/DC2/H7   2018
Dinner menu, with seating plan (Hild Bede) 24 October 2018
Paper file
UND/DC2/H8   2009
Jane Alexander, On Being Human, ed Pep Subirós
Printed colour and BW illustrated book, 52p
Reference: UND/DC2/N
UND/DC2/N1   [c.2010]
Institute of Advanced Study mouse mat, by Brite-Mat
North-East Network for Medicine and the Arts
Reference: UND/DC3 Based at Durham University, the network's aims in 2007 were outlined “as to bring together scholars and others interested in the relationship between medicine and the arts, in order to share ideas and encourage research collaborations within and between institutions in the North-East of England”.

Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/DC3/H
UND/DC3/H1   1 May 2007 - 16 June 2008
Poster for lectures:
Prof Robin Downie, “What Can the Humanities Do for Bioethics”, 1 May 2007, St Chad's College.
Dr Penelope “Gouk, Soul Music: The Background to Ficino's Astrological Medicine”, 22 November [2007], St Chad's College.
Prof Steven Connor, “Hypochondria, Medichondria, and the Arts of Illness” , 16 June 2008, St Chad's College.
The Foundation Centre
Reference: UND/DC4 The Foundation Centre offers progression to a range of Durham University degrees.

Publications and printed ephemera
Reference: UND/DC4/H
UND/DC4/H1   2007
Poster advertising the mature student programmes taster events at Stockton.
Institute of Health Studies
Reference: UND/DC5
Dates of creation: 1990 - 1993 The Institute of Health Studies was set up in 1989 with the support of the Regional Health Authority. It aims to promote, coordinate and provide teaching and research opportunities in health studies, involving collaboration with other university departments, other educational institutions and other organisations, notably the local health authorities. The Institute established first a Centre for Nursing Studies, supported by the District Health Authorities in Durham and Cleveland, and linked with the Cleveland and County Durham Colleges of Nursing and Midwifery, New College Durham and Darlington College of Technology. In 1991 the Centre for Studies in Community Care was set up. The controlling body for the Institute is an Academic Board.
Director: Dr Jane Keithley 1989.

Reference: UND/DC5/B
UND/DC5/BA1   28 November 1990 - 19 February 1992
Institute of Health Studies Academic Board minute book
UND/DC5/BA2   21 October 1992 - 21 April 1993
Academic Board minutes, agendas and papers.
UND/DC5/BB1   22 September - 8 October 1992
Staff meeting minutes, agendas and papers.
Reference: UND/DC5/H
UND/DC5/H1   March 1998
Health Facts - Smoking - A Continuing Public Health Concern, Bulletin of the Centre for Health Studies Special Issue
Printed paper leaflet, 6f
Formerly: PamL+ 616.863 HEA
Centre/Institute for Medieval and Renaissance/Early Modern Studies (CMRS, IMRS, IMEMS)
Reference: UND/DC6
Dates of creation: 2001 - 2021 The Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies is an interdisciplinary network of scholars working in a wide variety of fields, established to connect the interests of one of England's most diverse and dynamic centres of medieval and renaissance studies. Its membership encompasses all departments with medieval and renaissance staff. The Centre became an Institute in 2010. In 2012 it drew in the Centre for Seventeenth Century Studies to become the Institute for Medieval and Early Modern Studies. in 2013, IMEMS's aims were to inform the shape of medieval and early modern studies through its researchers and their collaborative, interdisciplinary projects, through its engagement with funding councils and public policy, through its first-rate postgraduate community, and through its national and international impact.
Richard Britnell
David Cowling -2013
John O'Brien 2014-2016
Andrew Millard 2016-2017
Stephen Taylor 2017-date

Reference: UND/DC6/B
UND/DC6/B1   26 February 2010
General meeting minutes, considering the Centre's application for Research Institute status and the proposal for a Research Laboratory within Durham's World Heritage Site.
Paper, 2f
UND/DC6/B2   March 2002 - June 2013
History of the Book Steering Group minutes, agendas , papers and correspondence
Paper file
UND/DC6/B3   December 2008 - November 2011
History of the Book Comité d'Honneur minutes, agendas, papers and correspondence
Paper file
Administrative Files
Reference: UND/DC6/C
UND/DC6/C1   22 June 2011
Celebration of the Institute's inaugural year:
Invite to a lecture by Prof Faith Wallis “Imagining Bede's Ordered Universe in Anglo-Norman England”.
Catalogue of an exhbition in the Cathedral Library: “Bede Received: Durham Cathedral Books”.
Menu for the launch dinner in Hild Bede, devised by Caroline and Kevin Yeldham.
Paper file
UND/DC6/C2   2016 - 2020
Law and Society in Early Modern England, 19 March 2016
Authority, Gender and Social Relations, Durham Early Modern Studies Conference, 23-25 July 2018
Workshop on Early Book Collections, 16 November 2018
Scientific Study of Manuscripts and Inscriptions Summer School, 2-6 September 2019
Residential Research Library Inaugural conference, 10-13 September 2019, with a dinner menu by Blackfriars Resraturant, Newcastle
Views and Vistas of Durham: Perspectives of a World Heritage Site, 1 February 2020
Paper file
UND/DC6/C3   21 January 2015
URI Plan for 2014/15.
Paper file
UND/DC6/C4   [2010]
Proposal for an Institute of Medieval and Renaissance Studies, draft
Paper file
Reference: UND/DC6/H
UND/DC6/H1   [2001] - 2019
Brochures for [2001], 2014, 2015, 2016, [2018] (flyers in a folder), [2019] (flyers in a folder).
UND/DC6/H2   June 2012 - December 2021
Newsletter: Summer 2012. Then updates from the director from November 2012, then Events and News, then Event Digest, detailing upcoming lectures, seminars and conferences etc.
Paper file
Reference: UND/DC6/K
UND/DC6/K1   2007 - 2015
Posters and calendars for public lectures and seminars.
Paper file
UND/DC6/K2   [2014] - [2020]
MA in Medieval and Early Modern Studies [2014] & [2020]
IMEMS [2018]
Paper file
UND/DC6/K3   [2015]
Card, 1f
Centre for the Study of the Ancient Mediterranean and the Near East
Reference: UND/DC7
Dates of creation: 2008 The Durham Centre for the Study of the Ancient Mediterranean and the Near East draws its membership from the Departments of Classics and Ancient History (http://www.dur.ac.uk/classics/), Archaeology (http://www.dur.ac.uk/archaeology/), Theology and Religion (http://www.dur.ac.uk/theology.religion/) and Physics (http://www.dur.ac.uk/physics/). The Centre aims to promote the study of cultural encounters and exchanges in the ancient world, from India in the East to the Iberian Peninsula in the West; and to foster diverse approaches to, and perspectives on, this area. It particularly encourages projects that straddle disciplinary and/or cultural, temporal and geographical boundaries. Most of the Centre's work focuses on the ancient world (ca. 3000BCE – 650CE), but all discussions have a strong theoretical underpinning and are based on a clear understanding of how the ancient world has been received and studied in the modern period. The Centre hosts major collaborative research projects such as the Durham Berossos Project but also maintains a broader programme of seminars, workshops and conferences. Members of the Centre are involved in teaching and research across a wide spectrum of relevant disciplines.

Reference: UND/DC7/K
UND/DC7/K1   2008
Posters for workshops
Centre for Catholic Studies
Reference: UND/DC8
Dates of creation: 2008 - 2021 The Durham Centre for Catholic Studies is the first of its kind in British higher education. It represents a creative partnership between academy and church: a centre within the pluralist, public academy for critically constructive Catholic studies of the highest academic standing. The aims of the Centre are:
to create an academic forum for the discussion and analysis of key issues in Catholic thought and practice;
to initiate internationally regarded research projects focused upon such issues, and to attract increased amounts of associated project funding;
to nurture a leading postgraduate community in Catholic theology;
to disseminate the fruits of such research through seminars, scholarly publications, and international conferences;
to maintain excellent relations with relevant bodies, regional, national, and international and, in collaboration with them, to act as a unique resource in the North East of England and beyond;
to attract scholarship funding.
It existence having been formalised in October 2007, the early evening of Thursday 8th May 2008 saw the formal opening of the Durham Centre for Catholic Studies and associated free public lecture by Prof. David F. Ford of the University of Cambridge on the theme 'The Case for Catholic Theology in a Twenty-first Century University'. This event took place in the Debating Chamber on Palace Green and marked the start of a short international conference, until lunch-time on Saturday 10th May, on the theme 'Catholic Theology and the Public Academy'. The event included celebratory dinners in St Chad's College and the Cathedral Undercroft respectively and a second public lecture, by the well known local sculptor, Fenwick Lawson, on the theological themes in his much loved work.
Since that point the CCS has known consistent significant growth. In addition to existing CCS staff at Durham, the 2007-2008 academic year saw established both a Lectureship in Catholic Studies and, in May 2008, the Bede Chair of Catholic Theology as the UK's only such endowed post in Catholic theology since the Reformation. Also established since that point have been: two Post-doctoral Fellowships in Early Modern English Catholicism, a number of doctoral and MA scholarships, a devoted CCS Administrator post, and a devoted CCS Development Executive post. Most recently the department has appointed another Catholic theologian to a Readership / Senior Associate Professorship in Medieval Theology.

Annual and Other General Reports
Reference: UND/DC8/A
UND/DC8/A1   March 2019
Annual report
Paper file
Administrative Files
Reference: UND/DC8/C
UND/DC8/C1   2013 - 2019
Conference programmes:
“What is Early Modern English Catholicism?” , 28 June -1 July 2013 at Ushaw College, with a poster and a programme for the Capella Fede concert of recusant music, 29 June
“Treasures of Ushaw: Secular and Sacred” , 15-16 January 2014 at Ushaw College
“Early Modern Catholics in the British Isles and Europe: Integration or Separation”, 1-3 July 2015, at Ushaw College
“The Tablet 175th Anniversary Conference”, 2-4 November 2015 at Ushaw College
“Catholicism, Literature and the Arts: 1850 - Present”, 5-7 July 2017, at Ushaw, Hatfield and St Chad's Colleges
“1569 Northern Uprising 450th Anniversary Conference”, 17-19 September 2019, at Ushaw and St CHad's Colleges
Paper file
UND/DC8/C2   19 April 2018
Centre for Catholic Studies 10th Anniversary Mass of Thanksgiving service paper, Durham Cathedral
Printed papaer boklet, 8f
UND/DC8/C3   2018 - 2021
Programme of events, 2018/19, 2019/20, 2021/22.
Paper file
Reference: UND/DC8/H
UND/DC8/H1   [2010] & [2018]
Development plans
Catholic Theology in the Public Academy: Review and Development Plan, designed and edited by Marcus Pound, assistant director of the Centre, illustrated, including images of Paul D Murray (director), Marcus Pound (assistant director) and Lewis Ayres (first holder of th Bede chair), the Centre's patron Cardinal Kasper, the Centre's sponsors - the Oaklea Sisters of Mercy, Sister Barbara Stafford of the Sisters of La Retraite, Rt Rev Seamus Cunningham bishop of Hexham and Newcastle, postgraduates Patricia Kelly and Martin Browne, and the vice-chancellor Christopher Higgins [2010]
Shaping the Future of Catholic Theology in the Public Academy [2018]
2 printed paper booklets
UND/DC8/H2   2008 - 2022
Newsletters, editions 1-23, 25-26, 28, 30-37, 40-41 (3 and 4 not used, 5 bis).
Paper file
UND/DC8/H3   2013/14, 2014/15, 2017/18, 2018/19
4 printed colour illustrated paper booklets
UND/DC8/H4   2019 - 2022
News of events etc
Paper file
UND/DC8/H5   [2011]
A Vision to Pursue
Printed colour illustrated leaflet, 2f
Reference: UND/DC8/K
UND/DC8/K1   2008 - 2015
Posters for lectures and colloquia, including the Bishop Dunn Memorial Lecture 2010 and the Ushaw Lecture Series 2011-2015.
UND/DC8/K2   [2013]
A Prayer for the Centre for Catholic Studies & the Ushaw Project
Card, 1f
Centre for Seventeenth-Century Studies
Reference: UND/DC9
Dates of creation: 1984 - 2010 The Centre was set up in 1984-85 with three principal aims: to serve as a focus for scholars in Durham working on all aspects of the 17th century, encouraging interchange of ideas between colleagues; to foster research in the century within the university, especially at postgraduate level; and to establish Durham as a centre of excellence in 17th century studies. It had four principal activities: organising biennial international conferences; inviting a series of visiting lecturers each year, in collaboration with the Early Modern Group; running an interdisciplinary taught MA in 17th century studies; and publishing a learned journal The Seventeenth Century, founded by Dr Richard Maber in 1986. The centre was merged with the Institute for Medieval and Renaissance Studies in 2012 to become the Institute for Medieval and Early Modern Studies.
Directors of the Centre:
Prof Raman Selden 1984-1985;
Mr Peter Malekin 1985-1987;
Dr Christopher Brooks 1987-1989;
Prof Richard Maber 1989-2012.
Further details can be found at https://www.dur.ac.uk/c17s/.
Compiled from Durham University Library Archives and Special Collections files of A.I. Doyle and E.M. Rainey by S.M. Hingley 2 June 2008, Acc No Misc.2007/8:69.

Reference: UND/DC9/A
UND/DC9/A1   1985 - 1998
Annual reports
Present are Nos 1 (1984/85), 6-8 (1989/90-1991/92), 13 (1996/97), 14 (1997/98), and also a 5 year report for 1991-1996.
Paper file
Reference: UND/DC9/B
UND/DC9/B1   2 May 1984 - 2 October [1989]
Minutes, agendas and some papers for the ad hoc committee and then the standing committee (first met 17 October 1984).
UND/DC9/B2   27 February 1998 - 15 December 2000
Agenda and papers for a standing committee meeting 27 February 1998.
Minutes, agenda and papers for an extraordinary general meeting 15 December 2000.
Reference: UND/DC9/C
UND/DC9/C1   May 1984 - July 1989
Conference and seminar programmes, reading lists, correspondence.
UND/DC9/C2   1990 - 2003
Correspondence, external examiners' reports, leaflets and some conference programmes.
Reference: UND/DC9/H
UND/DC9/H1   [1984]
The Centre for Seventeenth-century Studies, 2 copies
Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/DC9/K
UND/DC9/K1   July 2010
Posters for lectures and symposia.
Paper, 1f
Institute of Education
Reference: UND/DC10
Other Administrative Files
Reference: UND/DC10/F
UND/DC10/F1   July 1945 - July 1947
Examination timetables:
School Certificates July 1945, December 1945
Higher Certificates July 1946, July 1947
with some annotations
Paper file
UND/DC10/F2   1924 - 1932
School Certificates:
1. School Certificate A for Rose Winifred Leddicoat, b.31 December 1907, Rutherford College Girls' School, subjects detailed, July 1924, with additions July 1925. With also certificate that she was on the Register of Parliamentary Electors 15 September 1929 and an Armstrong College MA examination receipt of 2 April 1932.
Paper file
UND/DC10/F3   1958 - 1987
PGCE pass lists
Paper file
UND/DC10/F4   May 1972
“ATO/DES Course 1972-1973 The New Fifth Year” , of the University of Newcastle Institute of Education in association with the University of Durham Institute of Education, papers for a conference including reports from 10 groups, co-ordinating director Dr J. Kitching.
Paper file
Former references: Store 42733 and O.S. JNO NEW.
UND/DC10/F5   1958 - 1973
Instruments and Articles of Government of the Colleges of Education: Sunderland Polytechnic Education Department 19 January 1973; Teesside College of Education 29 July 1969; Sunderland College of Education 11 July 1969; Middleton St George College of Education 7 March 1969; Neville's Cross College of Education November 1968; Bede College 28 November 1967; Darlington College of Education 27 January 1967; St Hild's College 27 February 1958.
Paper file
UND/DC10/F6   1965 - 1969
Department of Education and Science Report of the Study Group on The Government of Colleges of Education (1966), also the fist and second reports of the Committee on Non-Teaching Staff in Maintained Colleges of Education re administrative etc and library staff respectively, with a covering letter December 1969, and correspondence and circulars re colleges' governance January 1967 - July 1969, with a map of the home areas of certificate students in September 1965.
Paper file
UND/DC10/F7   1968 - 1978
Institute statistics, including numbers of students on various course, numbers of staff,
Paper file
Papers of Member Institutions - Wynyard Hall
Reference: UND/DC10/GA Durham County Council's women's teacher training college 1946-1961, occupying much of the Marquis of Londonderry's home at Wynyard Hall.

UND/DC10/GA1   [1954]
Wynyard Hall Training College Prospectus
Printed BW illustrated paper booklet, 4f + card covers
UND/DC10/GA2   1949 & 1950
Wynyard Hall Training College annual reports for 1948-1949 and 1949-1950, listing staff, activities, students, and some articles and poems.
2 printed paper booklets
UND/DC10/GA3   [early 1950s]
Photographs of the college and its members:
1-2. College exteriors front and back, 2 is a postcard, photo by Dennis Wompra.
3. Aerial view of the college and its grounds, postcard, photo by Dennis Wompra.
4-5. Interior views of the college library with students.
6. Interior of the hall with a stage, piano and painting, and students dancing.
7-8. Students performing gymnastic routines on Wolviston Green, with the school beyond.
9. Signed head and shoulders of Sophie C. Bertie, principal, in a hat with flowers and wearing a badge on a ribbon, by Fox Photos Ltd of 6 Tudor St, London, No.424189.
BW prints
UND/DC10/GA4   1950 - 1954
College group photos of staff and students, outside, with some students in college badged blazers, titled with the college badge, unidentified, by Panorgraphs Ltd of 10 Pall Mall then 63 Erskine St, of Liverpool, for 1949/50, 1951/52, and 1953/54.
3 BW prints
UND/DC10/GA5   5 December 1950
“Closing Ceremonies” service paper.
Paper leaflet, 2f
UND/DC10/GA6   1950 - 1958
Programmes for dramatic productions:
The Masque of Wynyard, November 1950
Tobias and the Angel, by James Bridie, June 1951
Prometheus Bound, by Aeschylus, translated by Rex Warner, 24-25 June 1952
The Flies, by Jean Paul Sartre, 25-26 November 1955
A Sleep of Prisoners, by Christopher Fry, 17 & 19 March 1956
Peer Gynt, by Henrik Ibsen, 23-24 November 1956
St. Joan, by Bernard Shaw, 21-23 November 1957
Murder in the Cathedral, by T.S. Eliot, 5,6,8 December 1958
8 paper leaflets
UND/DC10/GA7   18 April 1951
Letter of appointment by Durham County Council of Joan Burton as secretary at Wynyard Hall College.
Paper, 1f
UND/DC10/GA8   March 1956
Invitation to [Joan] Burton to attend the college's tenth anniversary on 17 March.
Card, 1f
Papers of Individuals
Reference: UND/DC10/GB
UND/DC10/GB1   16 August 1952
“Records of the History of Education in Durham and Northumberland 1500-1800”, by J.G.A. Pocock (Research Fellow in Education)
Paper file, vi + 86p
Reference: UND/DC10/H
UND/DC10/H1   1959
Library Catalogue
1. J3 History of Education; J4 History of Education in England and Wales; JA Principles and Philosophy of Education.
2. JH Teaching and Teachers; JI Methods of Teaching; JJ Curriculum; JK Teaching Special Subjects.
Two copies of each.
Formerly numbered: XX016.37 and PamL 016.37 DUR.
UND/DC10/H2   1973 & 1974/75
Bachelor of Education Handbook
2 printed paper booklets
UND/DC10/H3   1948/49 & 1970/71
Handbook, including Almanack, Statute, Scheme, Standing Orders, Delegacy, Academic Board, Boards of Studies, Regulations, Syllabuses, College Notes and Staff Lists.
2 printed paper booklets
UND/DC10/H4   1930 - 1938, 1947 - 1961, 1963 - 1968
Reports of External Examiners on specific subjects and papers, with the examiners named from 1950.
30 printed paper booklets
UND/DC10/H5   1932 - 1969
Printed examination papers, full sets only for 1933-1936, the rest only odd papers: 1932 (photocopy), 1933-1937, 1940, 1941, 1943, 1950, 1963, 1964, 1967, 1967 September, 1969.
Paper bundle
UND/DC10/H6   1935 - 1949
Syllabuses for the Examination for 1935, 1936, 1938, 1939, 1941, 1948, 1949.
7 printed booklets
UND/DC10/H7   1931
List of Students, under Colleges, who Passed the Examination in 1931, and are Awarded Certificates
Printed paper booklet, 20p + covers
UND/DC10/H8   1935
Examinations in Religious Knowledge May 25, 1935 from the National Society's Depository, listing: Syllabuses for May 1935; Examiners for May 1935; Examination Questions; List of Successful Candidates; Summary of Results of Examinations; Syllabuses for 1936.
Printed paper booklet, 28p
UND/DC10/H9   May 1950
Journal of the Institute of Education of Durham University, only Vol.I No.5 present.
Printed paper booklet
A fuller set is on open access in the BRL at PGL at Per Local.
Institute of Hazard and Risk Research
Reference: UND/DC11 The IHRR was established in 2007 in the department of Geography.

Reference: UND/DC11/H
UND/DC11/H1   [2009] - [2018]
Information leaflets:
Risk and Security
When the Shaking Stops
Tipping Points: Rapid Neo-glacial transitions in the North Atlantic
Printed illustrated 3-fold paper leaflets
UND/DC11/H2   Spring 2013 - 2018
Hazard Risk Resilience, magazines: vol.1 no.2 Spring 2013; special issue vol.1 no.3 Summer 2014; 2nd edition 2018
3 printed colour illustrated paper booklets
UND/DC11/H3   Spring 2013 - Autumn 2014
Institute of Hazard, Risk and Resilience
newsletters: vol.6 no.2 Spring 2013; vol.6 no.3 Summer 2013; vol.7 no.1 Winter 2013/14; vol.7 no.3 Summer/Autumn 2014
4 printed paper booklets
UND/DC11/H4   2016 - 2018
Brochures about the IHRR: December 2016, June 2017, [c.2018].
3 printed paper booklets
UND/DC11/H5   [c.2010] - 2013
Brett Cherry, “In Search of Tipping Points” [c.2010]
Tipping Points Annual Report 2012-2013
2 printed paper leaflet, 4f
Reference: UND/DC11/K
UND/DC11/K1   2008
Lecture poster:
Biran Wynne, “Hazard, Risk and Security: Sustainability Questions for Science and Society”, 8 May 2008.
Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies
Reference: UND/DC12 The Centre was constituted on 1 October 1962. A standing committee of Academic Board was responsible for its overall functioning, including respresentatives from Anthropology, Economics, Geography, History, Oriental Studies, Politics and Social Studies.

Annual Reports
Reference: UND/DC12/A
UND/DC12/A1   1962/3, 1966/7
Annual reports
Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies
Reference: UND/DC13 The Centre was formally recognised by Senate in August 1999.
Dr M.S. Dillon 1999-2003

Reference: UND/DC13/B
UND/DC13/B1   September 1999 - June 2003
Management Committee minutes, papers and correspondence.
Centre for Overseas Research and Development
Reference: UND/DC14 CORD was established in 1983 to provide a permanent home base for practical and technical overseas field research, survey and development projects, building on over 30 years' experience of externally financed development projects undertaken in 20 countries by members of especially the Geography Department. It lasted until 2003.
Dr R.W. Dutton 1983-

Reference: UND/DC14/H
UND/DC14/H1   [1985]
Brochure outlining CORD's operational experience bckground in various Middle East and North Africa countries.
Institute for the Study of Change/Durham Institute
Reference: UND/DC15 An Institute was established in 1996, to be based in the projected new college at Howlands Farm, as a centre for the advanced study of change, promoting research across the disciplines, in association with the Ibn Khaldun Centre for Graduate Studies. It was renamed The Durham Institute [in 2001].

Reference: UND/DC15/B
UND/DC15/B1   6 April 1995 - 28 January 1997
Minutes and papers of the founding forum (6/7 April 1995), the second meeting of the university consultative committee (10 January 1997) and a workshop brainstorming session at the Education Centre, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Gateshead on 28 January 1997.
Reference: UND/DC15/H
UND/DC15/H1   [2001]
The Durham Institute
Paper leaflet, 2f + covers
Centre for Nursing Studies
Reference: UND/DC16
Dates of creation: 1989 - 1993 The Centre was part of the Institute of Health Studies. Set up in 1989, it was supported by the District Health Authorities in Durham and Cleveland. It was linked with the Cleveland and County Durham Colleges of Nursing and Midwifery in the validation of Project 2000 nurse education programmes and with New College, Durham, in the validation of Diplomas in Health Visiting and Health Studies. A part-time undergraduate degree for registered nurses was established in October 1991 and it also developed courses in areas such as information technology, quality assurance and ethical and legal issues in health care.
Head of Nursing Studies: Dr Sheila Harrisson 1989-1992.

Reference: UND/DC16/B
UND/DC16/B1   13 December 1989 - 26 January 1990
Executive Board minutes, agendas, papers and correspondence.
UND/DC16/B2   3 July - 23 November 1992
Advisory Board minutes, agendas, papers and correspondence.
UND/DC16/B3   5 July 1993
Management Board agenda, minutes and papers.
Centre for Iranian Studies
Reference: UND/DC17
Reference: UND/DC17/K
UND/DC17/K1   2009 - 2010
Posters for lectures and seminars.
Paper file
Wolfson Research Institute
Reference: UND/DC18
Reference: UND/DC18/A
UND/DC18/A1   2006
Annual report
Printed illustrated paper booklet, 84p
Reference: UND/DC18/H
UND/DC18/H1   2010, 2011
Engage The Wolfson Research Institute Newsletter: Summer Edition 2010 Issue 4, 10th Anniversary year Autumn Edition 2011 Issue 8
2 printed colour illustrated paper booklets
Reference: UND/DC18/K
UND/DC18/K1   November 2009 - November 2010
Posters for lectures:
Annual lecture, Ian Diamond, “Public services and the recession”, 12 November 2009.
Postgraduate Poster Event, 10 November 2010.
Paper, 1f
Institute of European Studies
Reference: UND/DC19 In 1969 the university made arrangements with the Institute of European Studies for students from the United States to study in Durham. The scheme had the status of an educational charity. The students registered for the academic year and their studies in Durham contributed to their requirements for graduation in the United States. The programme was based on the principle of integrating the students as far as possble in the life of the university. To this end, the Institute built accommodation at Parsons Field Court for forty students, and in return the students from the Institute lived in the different residential colleges. In 1996/97 students were first admitted to Stockton where they have followed academic programmes for one or two semesters.
The Institute was established in Chicago in 1950. Since when it provided opportunities for international education in a number of countries in Europe. Some students came to Durham from Affiliated Institutions which had a long-standing association with the Institute, but the majority were from colleges and universities spread throughout the United States. In 1997 its name was changed to the Institute for the International Education of Students. Durham ended the association with the Institute in June 2000 with the 1999/2000 intake being the last to enter the university under this arrangement. Subsequently, such students enrolled directly through the university's International Office as part of their home degree.
Prof F.C. Spooner 1969-1975
Geoffrey R. Thrush 1976-1992
Jenny Hobbs 1993-2000
The Institute's admissions register of its students is: UND/CF1/D19.
Files of the Institute's students are in: UND/CF5/B.

UND/DC19/1   October 1971 - November 1974
Sealing register (all for Parsons Field).
Paper book, blue half-leather bound, gold titles
Centre for Materials Science and Technology, then University of Durham Industrial Research Laboratories
Reference: UND/DC20 The Centre for Materials Science and Technology was established after the 150th anniversary of the university in 1982. Its name was changed to the University of Durham Industrial Research Laboratories in 1985.

Reference: UND/DC20/H
UND/DC20/H1   [1987]
University of Durham Industrial Research Laboratories brochure, with:
“Short Course Programme 1987-1988”
“Materials Research Topics”
“Bioscience Research Topics”
“Kratos Analytical Extended X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS)”
“Darchem Ltd Ion Implantation”
“Varian Associates Analysis of Solid Materials by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy”
“Infrared Spectroscopy for materials analysis”
“Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS)”
Paper booklet, 2f + card covers, with a pocket containing
Durham Energy Institute
Reference: UND/DC21
Reference: UND/DC21/H
UND/DC21/H1   [c.2008 - 2009]
Durham Energy Institute Science and Society promotional leaflet illustrating the variety of disciplines involved.
2 printed colour illustrated booklets
School Examination Board
Reference: UND/DC22 Before 1963 it was the Matriculation and School Examination Board and, in the 1940s, the School Examinations Board. The Board was based at 8 Sydenham Terrace, Newcastle.

Reference: UND/DC22/H
UND/DC22/H1   1876, 1878 - 1882
Examination of Persons not Members of the University. Regulations and Subjects of Examinations ... Class List, Examination Questions, and Examiners' Report, for junior (up to 16) and senior (up to 18) candidates, naming all successful candidates, with their residence and place of education in North Yorkshire, Co Durham and Northumberland.
6 printed paper booklets
UND/DC22/H2   [c.1880]
Exam papers for junior and senior candidates, Examination of Persons not Members of the University, in Mathematics, French, Chemistry.
Paper file
UND/DC22/H3   1940 & 1941
Regulations for the Award of School Certificates, including syllabuses
Printed paper booklet
UND/DC22/H4   1958/59 - 1962/63
Statistics and Subject Reports General Certificate of Education Examinations Winter Midsummer, detailing statistics, award of Mayfield prizes, board membership, standing committees' officers and (mostly) subject reports.
5 printed paper booklets
UND/DC22/H5   1964
General Certificate of Education Question Papers:
Ordinary Level Midsummer 1964
Advanced Level Midsummer 1964
2 printed paper books
Exam papers for School Certificate 1898–1939, and GCE 1944–1964 are held at the University of London Institute of Education Library.
International Centre for Regional Regeneration & Development Studies/Centre for the Study of Cities and Regions
Reference: UND/DC23 The International Centre for Regional Regeneration & Development Studies was inaugurated in the Wolfson Research Institute at Queen's Campus, Stockton, in February 2001. It aimed to combine innovative and original theoretical work with rigorous empirical research on regional, sub-regional and local regeneration and development. It became the Centre for the Study of Cities and Regions in 2005.
Prof Alan R. Townsend 2001-2005
Prof Joe Painter 2005-

Reference: UND/DC23/A
UND/DC23/A1   2001 & 2002
Annual Report 2000-2001 & 2001-2002
2 printed BW illustrated paper booklets
North East England History Institute
Reference: UND/DC24 The genesis of NEEHI was a public one-day conference, held in Durham on 30 September 1995, attended by around 250 members of the public, university staff, representatives of county council arts, libraries and archive services, museums (especially Beamish), local associations (including the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle) and others. It aimed to bring together the five north-eastern universities of Durham, Newcastle, Northumbria, Sunderland and Teesside, in association with other partners including Beamish, to become an internationally important centre, permanently embedded in institutional and regional strategies, and dedicated to the investigation of regionalism and regional identity over a very long timespan. The four principal activities were to be core research, research facilitation, research training and dissemination of information. The project moved on to Teesside, and then to Newcastle under the directorship of Joan Allen and then to Sunderland under Pete Rushton.
Prof David Rollason (at Durham) 1995-2004
Dr Diana Newton (at Teesside) 2006-2010
Joan Allen (at Newcastle) 2010-
Peter Rushton (at Sunderland) -2020

Reference: UND/DC24/A
UND/DC24/A1   [2000]
NEEHI Corporate Plan 2000-2005, photocopy
Paper file, 25f
UND/DC24/A2   2003
NEEHI Research Report
Printed paper booklet, 12p
Centre/Institute for Medical Humanities
Reference: UND/DC25 The Centre for Medical Humanities addresses an emerging field of enquiry in which humanities and social sciences perspectives are brought to bear upon an exploration of the human side of medicine. We enjoy funding support from the Wellcome Trust as well as other funders for specific projects. These perspectives have a key role to play in analysing our expectations of medicine, and the relationship between medicine and our broader ideas of health, well-being and flourishing.

Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/DC25/K
UND/DC25/K1   26 October 2011 & 7 November 2019
Posters for lectures.
Paper file
Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning
Reference: UND/DC26 In 2007 the Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning was established with a remit to support Enterprise and Entrepreneurship across the Durham and Stockton campuses of the university. Enterprise resource centres offering drop in facilities were available at both campuses. These centres provided advice, assistance and support to all Durham University students, staff and alumni who might be interested in exploring enterprise in its broadest sense. The Centre actively engaged with several university departments both academic and support, with the colleges and also with external stakeholders. Through the development and delivery of enterprising activities, the centre provided students, staff and related stakeholders with a practical environment to grow and exploit entrepreneurial skills and ideas, enabling individuals to create and implement new ideas and new ways of doing things.

Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/DC26/K
UND/DC26/K1   March 2010
Poster for a series of workshops.
Paper, 1f
Durham Global Security Institute
Reference: UND/DC27 Set up in [2012], the Durham Global Security Institute (DGSI) brings together world-leading researchers and practitioners from across Durham University and its global network of partners to focus on the interface between defence, development and diplomacy with a view to helping to prevent conflict, stabilise violent situations and enhance preparedness for future threats. Spanning seven departments, and drawing on a remarkably diverse global network of leading scholars and practitioners, DGSI provides an inter-disciplinary framework within which to critically examine the interplay between defence, development and diplomacy in the contexts of conflict prevention, humanitarian intervention and post-conflict stabilisation and peacebuilding. DGSI's core mission is to offer a neutral and independent environment in which military personnel, diplomats, civil servants, NGO and IGO staff, academics, and stakeholders can meet and learn from each other's perspectives. Uniquely, DGSI situates itself at the intersection between war and defence, peace and diplomacy and development studies, within a framework in which critical and subaltern perspectives can interact with problem-solving and traditional approaches. To meet tomorrow's challenges, and to do so with integrity and sensitivity, we must break out of our existing paradigms and practices, and forge new ones out of the cross-fertilisation of these disparate perspectives. DGSI is pledged to play a decisive role in bringing this about.
It offers:
Study and Training •MSc programmes •Professional Development courses •Pre-deployment workshops (customised) •Specialist workshops (customised) •PhD programmes
World-leading research in: •Regional and international politics and security •Adaptive defence strategy •State, society and the politics of security and identity •Law in conflict •Stabilisation and peacebuilding in fragile states •Visiting Fellowships
Consultancy •Research-led analysis and reports •In-depth briefings (area or thematic expertise) •Specialist workshops (customised)
Public Engagement •Annual DGSI Lecture •Lecture series •Conferences and workshops
Director: Dr Jeroen Gunning

Printed Ephmera
Reference: UND/DC27/K
UND/DC27/K1   [2012]
Posters for lectures:
Richard Burge, “Diplomacy and War”, 20 November [2012]
Paper, 1f
Global Policy Institute
Reference: UND/DC28 An open meeting was held to discuss setting up the institute on 29 November 2013.

Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/DC28/K
UND/DC28/K1   2013
Posters for meetings
Paper file
Centre for Sex, Gender and Sexualities
Reference: UND/DC29 The Centre for Sex, Gender and Sexualities evolved from the Gender and Sexuality Research Network based at Durham University in c.2012. With an active network of scholars comprised of over 50 academic and postgraduate research members of Durham University, the Centre is unique in that its members span the arts, social sciences, health and sciences. It takes as its core interest the complex and diverse interrelationships between sex as well as gender and sexualities. The Centre for Sex, Gender and Sexualities is located in the School of Applied Social Sciences and is a satellite centre of the Wolfson Research Institute.

Reference: UND/DC29/H
UND/DC29/H1   [2011]
The Centre for Sex, Gender and Sexualities: Society and Policy Without Boundaries brochure
Paper colour illustrated booklet in card covers
Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/DC29/K
UND/DC29/K1   2014
Posters for events:
Literary Dolls the Female Textual Body from the Nineteenth Century to Now, St Aidan's College, 8 March 2014
Paper file
Institute of Advanced Research Computing
Reference: UND/DC30 Technological advances at a scale and rate never available before, have brought a revolution to Computing. Petascale computing is now a reality and Exascale computing is in the horizon. At the same time there has been an explosion in technologies for modelling, simulation and data generation, storage, processing and analysis at a very large scale crossing all known boundaries. This revolution in Computing can have a transformational impact in research across Science, Health, Social Science, the Arts and Humanities, introducing new opportunities but also new technological and methodological challenges:
•How can these advanced computational techniques and infrastructures be harnessed to enhance and scale up current research methods, transcend siloed perspectives and traditional disciplinary boundaries, and transform the way key research questions are approached enabling the hitherto impossible?
•Conversely, what are the design, functional, management and usability requirements for a new generation of machines and computational paradigms, techniques, approaches and methodologies necessary to address society’s most vexing challenges?
The Institute of Advanced Research Computing (iARC) aspires to provide an intellectual home for researchers across disciplines to connect and address these exciting challenges. Through its commitment to research excellence, iARC’s goal is to leverage on synergies and act as a catalyst setting up and coordinating powerful research collaborations contributing to the growth of the economy and society. These will generate technology and projects with potential impact through Industrial partnerships, knowledge transfer opportunities, strategic regional, national and international initiatives and potential spin-outs. iARC partners with other academic and industrial research organisations around the world further expanding Durham’s reputation.
The aims of iARC are:
•Pool together critical mass of researchers from different disciplines to form connected research communities around common problems or technologies
•Foster cross disciplinary collaboration and promote cutting edge transformative multi-disciplinary research projects
•Undertake long-term relationship building with external partners in academia, government and industry to accelerate innovation and identify pathways to impact Drawing upon world leading expertise across the University, iARC’s current research efforts target the following major technological themes and broad cross cutting research areas:
•Big Data
•Large Compute
•Modelling and Simulation
•Digital Humanities
•Social Computing
•Future Cities

Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/DC30/K
UND/DC30/K1   [2014]
Digital Humanities Biographies of staff.
Paper booklet, 8f
Centre for Evaluation & Monitoring at Durham University (CEM)
Reference: UND/DC31
Dates of creation: 2018 CEM is an independent research group devoted to the improvement of teaching and learning for children and young people across the world. By introducing scientific and evidence-based monitoring systems, CEM provides high quality research information to measure progress and potential. Working closely with educational stakeholders, CEM delivers assessments, monitoring systems, training and support to create positive outcomes for all pupils.
Used by education professionals for over 30 years in over 70 countries, CEM is one of the largest and longest established research groups providing learning assessment for children of all ages. CEM’s methods are research-based, evidence driven and market-tested, built on a foundation of non-commercial academic practice with the School of Education at Durham University.

Printed Ephemera
Reference: UND/DC31/K
UND/DC31/K1   2018
CEM Connect newsletter, issue 12 Spring 2018.
Printed colour illsutrated paper booklet
Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology (IPPP)
The Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology (IPPP) is a leading international centre for research in particle physics phenomenology - the bridge between theory and experiment in the study of the tiny building blocks of all matter in the universe and of the fundamental forces that operate between them. Its research addresses what happens when elementary particles are smashed into each other at very high energies and they provide the theory and analysis relevant to experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) — the world's largest particle accelerator which discovered the Higgs boson. They also work on the ambitious quest of identifying, predicting and studying physics scenarios beyond the Standard Model. This quest is closely related with the mysteries surrounding antimatter and dark matter, the possibility of supersymmetry, new fundamental forces and even the very modifications of the structure of space-time at very high energies.
The IPPP was established in 2000. It is a joint venture of Durham University and the UK Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC). Its activities are overseen by an international Steering Committee which meets every six months to review research, the workshop programme and progress against objectives. The IPPP forms part of the Ogden Centre for Fundamental Physics which was officially opened by Prime Minister Tony Blair on 18th October 2002. IPPP is also part of the Centre for Particle Theory in Durham, based jointly in the Departments of Physics and Mathematical Sciences.

Reference: UND/DC32/H
UND/DC32/H1   [2017]
Modelling the Invisible
Printed paper booklet
Centre for Visual Arts and Culture
The Centre for Visual Arts and Cultures (CVAC) was established in 2013. It brings together scholars from across and beyond Durham University in order to provide a vibrant and dynamic setting for wide-ranging interdisciplinary research and debates about visual culture. The Centre provides a focus for cutting-edge research on visual arts and cultures: it aspires to train new generations of scholars through innovative postgraduate programmes, it fosters informed debate both nationally and internationally, and it offers an engaging, open environment for researchers at all levels.
CVAC takes a generous view of what constitutes visual culture and it is broad in both geographical and chronological scope, encouraging debate about the range of approaches, methods and theories that are most generative for research on visual phenomena. Durham’s current visual culture research includes the study of word and image, art and religion, medicine and visual representation, film, the history of photography, architecture, urban culture, heritage and philosophical aesthetics. It also includes the development of pioneering visual research methods and the study of vision.
Durham’s location itself provides a rich and inspiring environment for this field of research. It is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site that also includes Durham Cathedral; its acclaimed Oriental Museum is a significant asset which houses three Designated Collections, recognised by the Arts Council as nationally and internationally pre-eminent; alongside an outstanding collection of twentieth-century and contemporary art. CVAC has many established relationships with major national and international cultural organisations, and aims to develop further its links with museums, galleries and heritage sites.

Reference: UND/DC33/K
UND/DC33/K1   [2018]
Card, 1f
UND/DC33/K2   [2018]
Flyer about the Centre
Paper, 1f
Centre for Nineteenth-Century Studies
Reference: UND/DC34 The Durham University Centre for Nineteenth-Century Studies is a locus for research in all aspects of the long nineteenth century (from 1760s to present-day neo Victorianism), drawing from the widest possible range of disciplines and interdisciplinary approaches. The Centre aims to generate new research and collaborative opportunities across the Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences and Sciences, bridging Durham University and regional, national and international research networks and organizations.

Reference: UND/DC34/K
UND/DC34/K1   2015
Conference programmes:
Romantic Orients, at Van Mildert College, 3 July 2015
Paper file
Biophysical Sciences Institute
Reference: UND/DC35 Directors: John Girkin 2012

Reference: UND/DC35/H
UND/DC35/H1   2012
Annual Report, detailing research themes, publications, funding, new international links and people.
Printed colour illustrated paper booklet
UND/DC35/H2   [c.2012]
Card, 1f
Associated Organisations
Reference: UND/DD
Durham Palestine Educational Trust
Reference: UND/DD1 This is a charity started in 1984 originally to bring students from Birzeit university to Durham for a year of their undergraduate courses. Since 2001, it has welcomed applications for scholarships from outstanding graduates of any Palestinian universities, where there is very little postgraduate education, to Durham to study for a one year Masters course.

Reference: UND/DD1/A
UND/DD1/A1   2004/05 - 2007/08
Annual reports
Paper file
Reference: UND/DD1/H
UND/DD1/H1   May 2004 - July 2009
Newsletters: May 2004, November 2004, August 2005, June 2006, June 2007, August 2007, April 2008, November 2008, July 2009.
Paper file
Reference: UND/DD1/K
UND/DD1/K1   [2009] & [2014]
“25 years aiding Palestinian development” appeal leaflet, with images of Durham Palestinian postgraduates 2002-2009.
“Helping to make a real difference to Palestine” appeal leaflet, with images of Durham Palestine postgraduates 2002-2013, with an appeal letter 31 August 2014.
2 printed paper fold-out leaflets, colour illustrated
UND/DD1/K2   2014
Posters for events:
Book sale 10-17 April 2014.
Paper file