Any pre-1963 records are only held for the departments of the Durham Colleges. As a result of Newcastle becoming independent then, a number of new departments were created at Durham. From the mid-1980s, some departments began to be grouped in
schools and occasionally some centres and institutes became regarded as or even became departments or even schools. The following attempts to record the various aggregations and disaggregations and name changes of these groupings since 1939, based
on their titles published in the annual Calendars.
Applied Physics 1959/60-1984/85 (Applied Physics & Electronics 1969/70) (thence part of the School of Engineering)
Botany 1939/40-date (Biological Sciences (with Zoology) 1988/89, School of Biological & Biomedical Sciences 2001/02, Department of Biosciences 2016)
University Business School 1968/69-date (Business School 20002/03, Durham Business School 2003/04, Durham University Business School 2012/13) (became a faculty on 1 August 2019)
Computing 1975/76-1990/91 (thence part of School of Engineering), Computer Science 1994/95-2008/09 (thence part of School of Engineering until) 2017/18-date
Economics 1939/40-2001/02 (Politics & Economics 1946/47, Social Studies 1951/52, Economics 1964/65, Economics and Finance 1999/00)
Engineering Science 1964/65-date (Engineering 1982/83, School of Engineering & Applied Science 1985/86 (with Applied Physics), School of Engineering & Computer Science 1991/92, School of Engineering 1994/95 (Computer Science recreated),
School of Engineering and Computing Sciences 2009/10, just Department of Engineering 2017/18)
English Language and Literature 1939/40-date (2 Depts of English, and English Language and Medieval Literature 1963/64, reunited as English Studies 1978/79, became School of English 1986/87, then School of English and Linguistics 1992/93, then
two departments again of English Studies, and Linguistics and English Language 1993/94), latter became School of Linguistics and Language 2001/02-2003/04 (including the Language Centre))
Extra-Mural Studies 1946/47-2001/02 (Adult & Continuing Education 1979/80, Continuing Education 1996/97, Centre for Lifelong Learning 1997/98)
French Language and Literature 1939/40-date (French 1962/63) (part of School of Modern European Languages 1986/87, School of Modern Languages and Cultures 2004/05)
Geology 1939/40-date (Geological Sciences 1973/74, Earth Sciences 2003/04)
German 1939/40-date (part of School of Modern European Languages 1986/87)
Institute of Health Studies 1989/90- (Centre for Health and Advanced Nursing Studies 1995/96, Centre for Health Studies 1997/98, School for Health 2000/01, School for Medicine and Health 2008/09)
Italian 1999/00-date (previously with Spanish from 1984/85) (within School of Modern European Languages, School of Modern Languages and Cultures 2004/05)
Hebrew 1939/40-2006/07 (Hebrew & Oriental Languages 1941/42, Oriental Languages 1948/49, Oriental Studies 1951/52, School of Oriental Studies 1987/88, Dept of East Asian Studies 1989/90, (Chinese became part of School of Modern Languages and
Cultures 2007/08))
Mathematics 1939/40-date (Mathematics and Computing 1982/83, Mathematical Sciences 1984/85)
Politics 1964/65-date (within School of Government and International Affairs 2004/05)
Russian 1960/61-1996/97, 2001/02-date (part of the School of Modern European Languages 1986/87)
Social Theory and Institutions 1964/65-date (Sociology and Social Administration 1970/71, Sociology and Social Policy 1985/86, School of Applied Social Sciences 2004/05, Sociology 2019/20)
Spanish 1958/59-date (including Italian 1984/85) (Hispanic Studies 2008/09) (part of the School of Modern European Languages 1986/87, School of Modern Languages and Cultures 2004/05)
Extra-Mural Studies/Adult and Continuing Education DepartmentReference: UND/DB15Dates of creation: 1886 - 1999
The idea of extension lectures for those outside the university was first mooted at Durham in 1886, and was raised again in 1893. Following a report to Senate in March 1895, a board was set up in that year to administer this but programmes of
such lectures do not appear to have lasted after 1898. In a rather different approach, the university established a joint committee with the Workers Educational Association in 1911 to foster and supervise tutorial classes in the area. From 1926,
this work was administered by a board for extra-mural studies. After July 1964, the board was replaced by a delegacy. On 1 September 1979, the department's title was changed to that of Adult and Continuing Education, as extra-mural was no longer
felt to be meaningful and had connotations of a peripheral activity. In 1989/90, the delegacy merged with the Senate Committee on Continuing Education to produce the department for Adult and Continuing Education (DACE). The department was reinvented
as the Centre for Lifelong Learning in 1998 which ceased in 2002.
Heads of department:
[F.B. Jevons, 1895-1928]
E.G. Pace, 1916-1947 (secretary of Durham Colleges Board for Extra-Mural Studies, also director)
H.J. Boyden, 1947-1959, director
T.F. Daveney, 1960-1968, director
J.F. Dixon, 1968-1986, director
Bill Williamson, 1987-1998, director
Vivian M. Shelley, 1998-2001, director
Transferred to the University Library on the department's demise in July 2000 and March and April 2002 (Acc No Misc.2000/2001:2, 2001/2002:131 and 132).
Annual and other general reportsReference: UND/DB15/AUND/DB15/A1/1896 1895/96
Annual report, draft, in ms.
UND/DB15/A1/1897 1896/97
Annual report on University Extension Lectures of the Board for the Organization of University Teaching at Local Centres, printed by Thomas Caldcleugh of Durham. 2 copies
UND/DB15/A1/1926-1927 1925/26 - 1926/27
Annual reports of the Board for Extra-Mural Studies.
UND/DB15/A1/1944-1949 1943/44 - 1948/49
Annual reports of the Board for Extra-Mural Studies for 1943/44-1945/46, 1947/48, and 1948/49 (the last including a programme of classes and a report of the director of the department). Typescript.
UND/DB15/A1/1950-1953 1949/50 - 1952/53
Annual reports of the Board for Extra-Mural Studies, printed as submitted to Senate, with a programme of classes for 1949/50 and a list of tutors for 1952/3 inserted.
UND/DB15/A1/1954-1964 1953/54 - 1963/64
Annual reports of the Board for Extra-Mural Studies
UND/DB15/A1/1965-1979 1964/65 - 1978/79
Annual reports of the Delegacy for Extra-Mural Studies
UND/DB15/A1/1980-1990 1979/80 - 1989/90
Annual reports of the Delegacy for Adult and Continuing Education
UND/DB15/A1/1991-1993 1990/91 - 1992/93
Annual reports of the Department for Adult and Continuing Education
UND/DB15/A2/1926-1945 1925/26 - 1944/45
Universities Extra-Mural Consultative Committee annual reports of University Extension Lecture Courses. One report covers 1939/40 and 1940/41, and another draft report provides an overview of the war years 1939/40 to 1944/45. The reports include
summaries from the University of Durham for both the Durham and Newcastle divisions.
UND/DB15/A2/1947-1972 1945/46 - 1971/72
Universities Council for Adult Education annual reports. The first two cover two years each, thence they cover just one year. From 1952 the reports no longer detail the activities at each university but are rather general summaries, with tables
of figures of tutors, courses etc with details for each university, including Durham.
UND/DB15/A2/1986-1990,1992 1985/86 - 1989/90, 1991/92
Universities Council for Adult and Continuing Education annual reports
Committee minutes and other papersReference: UND/DB15/BUND/DB15/B1 June 1893 - 12 March 1895
Committee of Senate to draw up a syllabus for an examination [for non-university students] minute book, the committee being expanded to include representatives from the Colleges of Science and Medicine and the County Council, and reporting to
Senate on 12 March 1895.
UND/DB15/B2 7 May 1895 - 16 March 1897
Board for University Extension minute book.
The board was set up “to appoint lecturers and examiners under the scheme, to receive applications for lectures and generally to promote and organise University teaching at various centres throughout the Northern
district of England” . Its members were nominated by Senate, the two Newcastle colleges, the Oxford Delegacy and various county councils throughout the north.
UND/DB15/B3 12 July 1916 - 5 May 1948
Durham Colleges Joint Committee for Tutorial Classes/ Board for Extra-Mural Studies minute book
The committee had changed title for the 9 December 1926 meeting, though its membership and business was little altered.
With some agendas, statements of account and other papers inserted; also an attendance register at the back.
UND/DB15/B4 17 March 1948 - 6 October 1952
Board of Extra-Mural Studies (Durham Division) minute book, including also some joint meetings of the two boards for Durham and Newcastle, with some annual reports of both the Durham division and the joint boards, and statements of account
UND/DB15/B5 1992/3 - 2000/1
Board of Examiners minutes and papers, including external examiners' reports, and lists of those attaining certificates
9 paper files
UND/DB15/B6 May 1993 - November 1997
Course Management Committees minutes:
Humanities 8 March 1995 - 26 April 1996.
Social Studies 26 April 1996.
Environmental Science 10 November 1997.
Certificate of Social Sciences 21 May 1993 - 9 May 1997.
Paper file
AccountsReference: UND/DB15/CUND/DB15/C1 1895 - 1896
[Board for] University Extension cash book, with a receipt inserted
UND/DB15/C2 October 1896 - February 1898
Board for University Extension cash book
UND/DB15/C3 February 1916 - November 1930
Joint Committee for Tutorial Classes (1916-1925), Extension Committee (1925-1926) and Board for Extra-Mural Studies (1926-1930) account book, audited
UND/DB15/C4 November 1930 - October 1938
Board for Extra-Mural Studies cash account book, with an auditor's letter at the front
UND/DB15/C5 November 1938 - October 1945
Board of Extra-Mural Studies cash account book
UND/DB15/C6 November 1945 - October 1947
Board of Extra-Mural Studies cash account book
UND/DB15/C7 October 1947 - October 1955
Board of Extra-Mural Studies account book
UND/DB15/C8 October 1955 - February 1958
Barclays Bank paying in book (part unused) for the Board for Extra-Mural Studies No 1 and No 5 accounts.
UND/DB15/C9 23 September 1957 - 14 January 1958
Barclays Bank cheque book (all used) for No 1 and No 5 accounts.
UND/DB15/C10 April 1961 - November 1964
Board of Extra-Mural Studies cash No.1 account book
Student recordsReference: UND/DB15/DUND/DB15/D1 1960
Applications by students for a travelling scholarship to a WEA international summer school, including application forms, supporting references and essays.
Closed under DPA until 2040.
UND/DB15/D2 [?1996]
Student registration forms
Paper file
UND/DB15/D3 23 March 1998
Alphabetical list of students detailing their courses.
Paper file
UND/DB15/D4 April - December 1996
Centre for Lifelong Learning pass lists.
Paper file
Directors' FilesReference: UND/DB15/EUND/DB15/E1 February 1922 - June 1931
Correspondence, reports and memoranda of and with Rev E.G. Pace [as director of the Extra-Mural department], especially from the Council of Durham Colleges, the Workers Educational Association and the Board of Education.
UND/DB15/E2 June 1932 - October 1949
Correspondence, reports and memoranda of and with Rev E.G. Pace and H.J. Boyden as directors, including from the Association of Tutors in Adult Education, the British Institute of Adult Education and the Board of Education.
UND/DB15/E3 1960 - 1962
Correspondence and enrolment statistics of T.F. Daveney, director.
UND/DB15/E4-5 1978 - 1999
Part-time tutors application forms, including some letters and CVs, organised by subject.
2 paper files
Other Office FilesReference: UND/DB15/FUND/DB15/F1 May 1882
Copy letter from G.F. Browne to Dean [Lake] about the arrangements for Durham setting up Local Lectures in combination with Cambridge University, and a copy encouraging reply from the Dean[/Warden].
UND/DB15/F2 [February 1886]
Printed proposal of Senate for a scheme for
University Extension Lectures for October 1886 to October 1888.
Original: in Senate minutes UND/BA1/6.
UND/DB15/F3 13 January 1895
Letter from ?R.E. Sadler at Charlbury to Robertson about the latter's “new enterprise” (?Extension Lectures, as in the proposal in UND/CA4/27).
UND/DB15/F4 1895 - 1902
Durham County Council education documents:
Technical & Manual Instruction Notice of Local Examination for Certificates by J.A.L. Robson, County Secretary of Education, 1 February 1895.
Education expenditure account for years 1892, 1893, and 1894, with estimates for 1895, photocopy.
Sub-committee's report on the Education Bill, photocopy.
Minutes of the Classes and Lectures Sub-Committee 19 March 1892, photocopy.
UND/DB15/F5 27 April & 3 May 1895
2 letters from R.D. Roberts, secretary for lectures of the University of Cambridge Local Examinations and Lectures Syndicate, clarifying what happened subsequent to the 1882 correspondence, in that Durham did not set up a joint committee with
Cambridge but that the Newcastle committee sufficed.
UND/DB15/F6 1896/97 - 1897/98
Durham University Extension Lectures, describing the board, its members and courses for 1896-1897 University Extension Lectures General Information, Instructions to Centres, and Lecture List for
Session 1897-98.
Printed by Thomas Caldcleugh of Durham. 2 copies of each.
UND/DB15/F7 1928/29 - 1957/58
Lists of courses detailing course title, location, tutor, time and dates.
UND/DB15/F8 1965 - 1993/94
Lists of courses at various centres in Co Durham.
UND/DB15/F9 1896/97
University Extension programmes for Science lectures at Wolsingham 1896 and at Jarrow [1896-1897]. Photocopies.
UND/DB15/F10 1918 - 1951
Syllabuses for classes, some printed, some typed, some ms, including some book lists.
UND/DB15/F11 1976/77 - 1977/78
Syllabuses for classes, typescript.
UND/DB15/F12 1948 - 1984
Summer School prospectuses.
UND/DB15/F13 March 1952 - May 1956
Archaeology summer schools, training excavations at Corbridge, correspondence, programmes, and bills.
UND/DB15/F14 January 1944 - April 1950
Tutors' reports on individual classes, also overall mid-session and annual reports on classes for 1943/44 to 1949/50, with analyses of student occupations 1947/48 and 1948/49.
UND/DB15/F15 April 1950 - [April] 1957
Tutors' reports on individual classes, also summer school and overall mid-session and end-of-session reports on classes for 1950/51 to 1956/57.
UND/DB15/F16 April 1920 - 1929
Letters of application from prospective tutors, with supporting curriculum vitae and references.
UND/DB15/F17 May 1930 - April 1948
Letters of application from prospective tutors, with supporting curriculum vitae and references.
UND/DB15/F18 1924 - 1957
Board/Ministry of Education reports, circulars, memoranda, and correspondence re adult education, including (specifically concerning Durham):
Report by H.M. Inspectors upon University Tutorial classes under the supervision of the Durham Joint Comittee, for the period ending 31st July, 1924
Report by H.M. Inspectors on a Survey of Adult Education Provided by Durham University (Durham Division) Held in February, 1951
Report by H.M. Inspectors on Courses in Art Provided by the Extra-Mural Department, University of Durham Inspected During the Session 1956-1957
UND/DB15/F19 1945 - 1950
Ministry of Education Adult Education course particulars (form A.E.2) outlining courses to be held, for sessions 1945/46, and 1947/48 to 1949/50.
UND/DB15/F20 1929/30
Board of Education Adult Education Rolls of Students, listing names of students on each class, certified.
UND/DB15/F21 1942/43 - 1950/51
Board/Ministry of Education Adult Education class registers recording attendance of students at each class, certified, for 1942/43-1945/46, 1947/48, 1949/50-1950/51.
UND/DB15/F22 1933 - 1953
Financial business, including Board/Ministry of Education applications for grants and statements of account, also correspondence and memoranda on extra-mural department estimates.
UND/DB15/F23 5 August 1950 - 29 July 1976
Library accessions register, recording accession number, date received, author, title, publisher, [publication] date, edition, price, vendor, classmark, and remarks (generally when recorded lost, sold or withdrawn).
UND/DB15/F24 9 August 1976 - 22 March 1999
Library accessions register, recording accession number, date received, author, title, publisher, [publication] date, edition, price, vendor, classmark, and remarks (generally when transferred to the University Library, or recorded lost, sold or
otherwise withdrawn).
UND/DB15/F25 29 July 1975 - 21 February 1996
Community and Youth Work Course library accessions register, recording date received, accession number, author, title, classmark, date published, publisher, price, source and remarks (generally when lost, withdrawn, sold or transferred to the
University Library).
UND/DB15/F26 [1921]
“Adult Education Committee - Paper No: A 23 - General Survey of the Work of the Principal Voluntary Organisations Engaged in the Provision of Adult Education. 1919-20 and 1920-21.”
Paper booklet, 28p, in paper covers
UND/DB15/F27 [?1936] - July 1948
Central Joint Advisory Committee on Tutorial Classes (established 1910) reports, memoranda, accounts and committee minutes.
UND/DB15/F28 1931 - 1945
Universities Extra-Mural Consultative Committee (established 1926 for university extra-mural officers (replaced by the Universities Council for Adult Education in 1947)) reports and memoranda.
UND/DB15/F29 1974 - 1993
Memoranda and reports on Adult Education of outside organisations (the Universities Council for Adult Education, including the 1979 discussion paper
Towards Continuing Education) and universities (Liverpool 1989). Also newspaper cuttings on Adult Education and obituaries of distinguished practitioners elsewhere including T.N. George, Frank Pickstock, F.G. Thomas
and Ross Waller. Also a photocopy of J.R. Till's article “Adult Education”.
UND/DB15/F30 1972
Letters of Masahiro Kegawa re research into the history of the nineteenth century university extension movement, with notes (some in Japanese) of information in the Senate minutes and the Grey papers.
UND/DB15/F31 1972
Lists of slides [held by the department] and a letter from Margot Johnson about procuring slides.
Paper file
UND/DB15/F32 [1995]
Module syllabuses.
Paper file
UND/DB15/F33 1995
New module proposals.
Paper file
UND/DB15/F34-44 February 1997
Module files including syllabus, course report, student register, mark sheet and student assignments, for:
34. Art and Design History.
35. The Age of Edward I 1239-1307.
36. Human Growth and Development.
37. Museums and Archaeology.
38. The Medieval North-East.
39. The Problem of Human Existence.
40. Modernism: Breaking the Silence.
41. Freedom within Reason: Applied Ethics.
42. The World of the Monks.
43. Making Sense of the Past.
44. Project Module.
11 paper files
UND/DB15/F45 February 1997
Student course evaluation questionnaires, with some course reports.
Paper file
UND/DB15/F46 September 1994
Lists of numbers of students on each course.
Paper file
UND/DB15/F47 February 1999 - February 2000
Applications by students for accreditation of prior learning.
Paper file
UND/DB15/F48 February 2000
Mark Robinson's tutor's file for The Creative Impulse module taught at Stockton, including module handbook, enrolment sheet, register, job description, instructions and handouts.
Paper file
UND/DB15/F49 [c.2000]
Regulations, instructions for examiners and procedures for conducting Boards of Examiners meetings.
Paper file
UND/DB15/F50 August 1958
Summer school programme and notes.
Paper file
Papers of and about Individual MembersReference: UND/DB15/GUND/DB15/G1 14 July 1950
“The Extra-Mural Work of the Durham Division of the University of Durham” , paper by E.G. Pace on the department's work, with amendments and with notes from a covering letter.
PublicationsReference: UND/DB15/HUND/DB15/H1 16 August 1957
Peter C.G. Isaacs,
“Roman Public-Works Engineering”, paper presented to the summer school on Roman History and Archaeology at Corbridge.
UND/DB15/H2 December 1938
Report of an Unofficial Conference between Anglicans and Evangelical Free Churchmen on Religious Education held during 1937 and 1938
UND/DB15/H3 [1944]
The Post-War Development of Adult Education in the East Midlands
UND/DB15/H4 January 1945
The Universities and Adult Education
UND/DB15/H5 1945
The Army Education Scheme The Plan for the Release Period (HMSO)
UND/DB15/H6 1970
University Adult Education in the Later Twentieth Century (Universities Council for Adult Education)
UND/DB15/H7 1971
George Hauger,
The Tutor and the WEA Class (WEA North Yorkshire District)
UND/DB15/H8 [c.1970]
[R.W. Rich]
Teaching in Adult Education (University of Hull)
UND/DB15/H9 [1999]
Centre for Lifelong Learning Opportunities for Part-Time Study prospectus
UND/DB15/H10 September 1999
Centre for Lifelong Learning Part-Time Tutors' Handbook for certificates, diplomas and degree programmes
Paper booklet
UND/DB15/H11 September 1999
Centre for Lifelong Learning Part-time Modular Programme leading to a BA in Lifelong Learning and Community Studies or a BA in Social Studies Student Handbook
Paper booklet
UND/DB15/H12 [c.1990]
Certificate of Continuing Education brochure, with illustrations of activities, individuals and buildings.
Foldout colour printed paper leaflet, 1f
UND/DB15/H13 [?1996]
Certificate of Higher Education in Information Technology at Stockton leaflet
Foldout printed paper leaflet, 1f
UND/DB15/H14 1992 & 1993
University of Durham Department of Adult and Continuing Education,
Counselling Newsletter, Autumn 1992 & Spring 1993
2 printed items
PhotographsReference: UND/DB15/IUND/DB15/IA [1995]
Extra-Mural department at 32 Old Elvet, views of classes and tutorials in progress inside, also staff at work on computers, the library, and exterior views front and back. Taken by Dorothy Hamilton, to use in publicity leaflets for a new
generation of accredited course leaflets, and for other promotional purposes.
1-3. 32 Old Elvet.
4-6. The library in the attic at 32 Old Elvet.
7-9. Students and staff in the window of Rm2 at 32 Old Elvet.
10. ?Youth and Community course.
12. Students with Sarah Banks (Youth and Community lecturer) in the Coffee Bar at 32 Old Elvet.
13. Ben Knights, Sue Temperley. Bill Williamson, Viv Shelley.
14. Departmental staff at 32 Old Elvet.
15,17. Alison Reed with Susan Mather and Maureen Oliphant.
16. Sue Temperley and Ben Knights.
18. David Bright and Sue Temperley.
19,20. Departmental staff at 32 Old Elvet.
21. Ben Knights, Sue Temperley and Bill Williamson.
22. Ben Knights, Sue Temperley, Bill Williamson and Viv Shelley.
23. Jean (secretary)
24. Susan Mather, Alison Reed, Marueen Oliphant.
25. David Bright (lecturer, Business Studies) and Susan Mather (finance secretary).
26. Maureen Oliphan (secretary).
27. ?2 students.
28. Sarah Banks and students (Youth and Community).
29. Sarah Banks.
30. ?Students in the common room at 32 Old Elvet.
31. Students in the common room at 32 Old Elvet with Sarah Banks.
32. Students in the common room at 32 Old Elvet.
35. Room in 43/44 Old Elvet.
36. Sue Childs in the library at 32 Old Elvet.
37. Garden behind the modern block at 32 Old Elvet.
38. Diana Gower, Sue Childs, Ruth Seed, Bernie Athey in the garden at 32 Old Elvet.
39. Coffee bar at 32 Old Elvet.
40. Alison Reed, Maureen Oliphant and Susan Mather in Rm2 at 32 Old Elvet.
41. Susan Temperley (secretary to Human Resources courses and Employment Law).
42. ?Jane Roscoe (Summer courses) in 43 Old Elvet.
43. Susan Childs, librarian.
44. Viven Shelley (lecturer, Sciences).
45-47. Students in the coffee bar at 32 Old Elvet.
48. Jean (departmental secretary).
49. Maureen Oliphant in the main office.
50. Susan Mather in the main office.
51. Ruth Seed (secretary).
52. Beryl (secretary).
53. Dorothy Hamilton (assistant administrative officer).
55. ? Youth and Community tutor.
56. Diana Gower (Youth and Community tutor).
57. Dennis Doran (technician).
58. Kate Singelhurst (secretary, Darlington).
59. Pat Whaley (lecturer, Community Education).
60. Bill Williamson (director).
61. Ben Knights (lecturer, Literature).
62. John Smith (lecturer, History and Local History).
63. Viv Shelley (lecturer, Sciences).
64. Susan Temperley (secretary to Human Resources and Business courses).
65. ? (secretary to Youth and Community studies).
66. Susan Mather (Finance secretary).
67. Bill Grainger (lecturer in Human Resource Management).
68. Jean (Departmental secretary).
69. Maureen Oliphant (secretary).
70. Roy Biggs (lecturer, Art and Design).
71. Tim Bond (lecturer, Counselling).
72. Sarah Banks (lecturer, Youth and Community Studies).
73. Bernie Athey (receptionist).
74. ? (lecturer, Human Resource Management).
75. Staff outside Beamish Hall on an awayday.
76. David Bright (lecturer, Employment Law).
77. Peter Smith (lecturer, Youth and Community Studies).
78. Alison Reed (administrative officer).
79. Umme Iman (lecturer, Youth and Community Studies).
UND/DB15/IB1-16 [c.1950 - 1980]
Staff, students and classes
1-2. Two ?lecturers outside the Pemberton Rooms, Durham, ?H.J. Boyden on the right.
3-4. Two groups of ?Trade Union leaders students outside the Pemberton Rooms, Durham.
5. Group of five ?students (one female) and a miner at a snowy coal mine.
6. Group of 1957/58 Co-op students round a table: Gregory, Keenan, Dixon, Huggan, Brown (all CWS), Wallave (Blaydon), Newman (Gateshead), Harding (Newcastle), also Kaim-Caudle (4th from left).
7-10. Class indoors [1952], with other university students, and walking towards the cathedral, including Joe Guy, tutor P.R. Kaim-Caudle, Bill Sinclair, John Tookes, and Tom Gettings (cf newspaper cutting in K1).
11-16. Classes of female students in classrooms [1980], including Mr H.J. Smith on left end in 12, female lecturer Diana Gower in 13-15 teaching New Opportunities for Women (NOW), and Roger Carterlige on right end and ?Dr Margaret Bradshaw in
centre of 16 in 32 Old Elvet common room.
UND/DB15/IB17-56 [c.1950s - c.1970s]
Views of the department, classes and visits away from Durham.
17-30. Interior and exterior views of the department at 32 Old Elvet, including a class, the library, noticeboard and kitchen, with 2 sheets of contact prints, including Ogilvie Buchan (philosophy) lecturer in 26, and Ossie O'Brien (5 from left,
tutor in industrial relations) and George Patterson (right end) in 17.
31. Man examining 1960 RAF aerial photographs.
32. Man in lab coat examining a bottle of [hydrochloric] acid.
33. Students in wet weather gear examining grids on moorland and recording ?species.
34. Students examining pegged-out moorland.
35-44. ?Summer school visit to Ryedale Folk Museum, Hutton-le-Hole, including views of St Gregory's Minster (Kirkdale) (35), carved standing cross in a wall (36), [Harome Cottage] (37,38), wagons and a threshing machine (39,40), craftsmen working
in stone (41,42), stone artefacts (43,44).
45-46. Natural patterns.
47-50. [Summer school students fossil-hunting] in a quarry.
51-54. Choral [summer school] rehearsing in the Caedmon Hall at Hild-Bede College, and outside in front of the memorial [1970s].
55-56. Man and woman being rehearsed in singing duets by a pianist (Lynden) at a Welmar piano, with an accompanying critical letter from J. Murray Brown [1970s].
UND/DB15/IB57-139 1952 - 1957
Classes and outings
Lectures to students at archaeological sites, including Chesters, Housesteads, Hadrian's Wall, Aldborough, and Lindisfarne, also images of the sites and artefacts, and also of archaeological digs at Corbridge and surveying of the river crossing
of the Tyne, including:
57-59. J.P. Gillam lecturing on Hadrian's Wall.
68-70. Mr Walter Taylor lecturing at Housesteads.
73. West Hartlepool WEA atop Lumley Castle 1955.
74-75. Groups at Lindisfarne priory 1955.
76. Evening lecture outside 1952.
77-78. West Hartlepool WEA in Aldborough Museum 1957.
79-80. Learning surveying and cleaning finds at Corbridge 1957.
84. Cleaning the site at Corbridge 1955.
95-97. Baths at Chesters 1952.
102-105. Items in Chesters Museum.
106. Hexham Abbey interior.
107-135. Excavations at Corbridge.
137-139. Surveying in the river [at Corbridge].
UND/DB15/IB140 [1952]
[P.R. Kami-Caudle] lecturing to a class of 7 male students inside [in Old Elvet].
BW print
Size: 205 x 250mm
UND/DB15/IC1-16 [1930s - 1960s]
[Summer School] group photos, 1 at Durham Castle, 2-7 ?at Hatfield College, 8 outside the department, 9-16 outside St Mary's College. Most photographed by Fillinghams. Identified:
1. WEA class, Easter.
2. ?Includes John Brennan (died April 1980, former literature class student at Crook) [1931] (another copy in UND/F7/FK1).
5. Back row: 3 from right Roger Till; standing: left end D.S. Reid; 5 from left Kaim-Caudle.
6. Middle row, 4 from right Roger Till.
7. M. Welford, H. Campbell, T.E. Barker, J. Tinn, T.E. Stephenson, J.R. Till, A. Maconochie, I.C. Black, C.H. Hocking, Mrs M. Robinson, L.G. Albon, O. Tapson, J. MacFarlane, J.H. Jones, E. Dodd, R. Richardson, W.A. Clear, J.W. Jefferson, Jean
MacDonald, R. Peart, Patricia Murray, Vera Tapson, H. Shreeve, Mary Stoker, A. Tate, Marjorie Stephenson, A.R. Robertson, Joan Stoker.
8. Cummings, Rimington, Gordon, Kaim-Caudle, Ibbitson, Murray, McWilliams, Moffat, Thompson, Lee, Falcus, Hall, O'Shea, Mooney.
9. Front row, 3 from R D.S. Reid; back row, 6 from right Roger Till; 2nd row, 3 from left Og Buchan (with pipe), with Kaim-Caudle in front.
10. Back row, 2 from right Roger Till; 2nd row right end Og Buchan; 2 from right Kaim-Caudle; 3 from right Walter Taylor.
11. Middle row, Roger Till; on his left Kaim-Caudle; back row, 6 from right D.S. Reid.
12. Back row, 6 from right D.S. Reid, also Kaim-Caudle (dark glasses); centre front, H.J. Boyden (glasses).
13. Front row, 2 from left Roger Till, on his left Kaim-Caudle; centre front H.J. Boyden (dark suit), on his left Og Buchan, on his left Newcastle philosophy lecturer.
14. Front row, left end David Reid, 4 from left Peter Kaim-Caudle, 7 from left H.J. Boyden, on his right Newcastle philosopher, on his right +1 Roger Till.
15. Back row, 4 from left David Reid, 5 from left Roger Till; 2nd row right end Peter Kaim-Caudle.
16. Back row 5 from right Walter Taylor, down and to his left Roger Till; 2nd row 4 from right David Reid
UND/DB15/ID1-21 [1980s]
Views of classes
1. Formal group, indoors: 2nd row left end R.W. Grainger, centre John Dixon, on his left (dept of Economics lecturer), on his left Ann P Lewis; front row Alan (politician, trade union councillor, married to Linda).
2. Formal group, indoors: back row, 3 from left Richard Brown (Sociology); middle row 2 from left Bill Grainger, 4 from left John Dixon, to his left Economics lecturer; front row right end Mrs A.P. Lewis.
3-9. Counselling certificate class, group discussions and interviews, with camera ?1989, including (in 3) Tim ?.
10. Students with microscopes.
11. Students taking water samples in a river.
12-21. Summer school on Hadrian's Wall and the Roman Army, with views of Chesters (12-15), Temple of Mithras (16), Birdoswald (19), milecastle 48 (20) and the River Irthing (21). With a covering letter from Doreen Knipe. August 1986.
UND/DB15/IE1-5 [c.1960]
Views of Durham.
1. From the Wear riverbank, showing Brown's boathouse and boats, Elvet Bridge, the castle and cathedral.
2. Castle entrance from Palace Green.
3. Cathedral, castle and Framwelgate Bridge (with buses) from around the station.
4. Aerial view of the castle, Palace Green, cathedral and South Bailey.
5. Castle courtyard showing Great Hall and Tunstal's Gallery.
EphemeraReference: UND/DB15/KUND/DB15/K1 c.1947 - c.1955 & 1981
Newspaper cuttings about extra-mural classes, miners and steelworkers etc being educated at Durham etc.
Oriental/East Asian Studies DepartmentReference: UND/DB20Dates of creation: 1949 - 2007
From the University's foundation in 1832 the study of the languages and literature of the Middle East had formed part of the study of theology. Later, the study of Arabic developed in its own right. Within a year a Reader in Hebrew and Oriental
Languages was proposed and a Reader in Hebrew was in post from 1835. In 1841 a salary of £500 was proposed to fund a professorship of Hebrew and other oriental languages. The next development was the appointment of the distinguished British
Islamicist, Alfred Guillaume, as Professor of Oriental Languages in 1921. He introduced degree and diploma courses in Arabic which at the time were unique in Britain in that they included modern as well as classical Arabic language and literature in
their syllabuses.
School of Oriental Studies 1951
In 1948 the Scarbrough Committee, influenced by Durham's long-standing interests, recommended expansion and recasting of Oriental Studies in British universities and selected Durham as one of only five universities in which special facilities
were to be made available. As a consequence, a School of Oriental Studies was established in 1951 with special responsibilities for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies. Its director was Professor Thomas W. Thacker who had been appointed professor of
Hebrew and Oriental Languages by the university
in absentia in 1941 and who became in 1948 the newly created professor of Semitic Philology. At the same time James Craig was appointed lecturer in Arabic. Later knighted,
he became one of Britain's most respected Arabists, also serving as the British Ambassador to Saudi Arabia. The support of benefactors, especially H.N. Spalding, allowed the school to expand its academic activities in the 1950s. A library was also
built up and a museum collection was developed, established in a building given by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in 1960. The School had moved from 29 Old Elvet to Elvet Hill House in 1955.
Durham University's prominent position in Middle Eastern scholarship was recognised in the 1961 “Hayter” Committee Report on Area Studies which recommended that extensive development in Middle Eastern and Islamic
Studies, with particular emphasis on contemporary affairs, should be given especial support in the universities of Durham, London and Oxford. Durham's Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies was set up in the following year with Professor W.B.
Fisher, a geographer, as its director. Originally IMEIS had no teaching role but served to encourage, co-ordinate and support the relevant activities of departments with strong Middle Eastern interests. Its support included the establishment of a
documentation centre and the further enhancement of library provision.
Department of East Asian Studies 1989
The Department of East Asian Studies was created on 1 October 1989 out of the School of Oriental Studies, teaching Chinese, Japanese and Korean courses; the now Institute for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies became a teaching department in its
own right with responsibility for undergraduate and postgraduate degree courses in Arabic, Middle Eastern History, and Islamic Studies.
Director: Prof T.W. Thacker 1951-1977.
Director: Prof J.R. Harris 1977-1989.
Head of Dept: Prof Keith L. Pratt 1989-1997.
Head of Dept: Prof Gina L. Barnes 1997-2004.
Head of Dept: Mr Donald F. Starr 2004-2007.
Annual reportsReference: UND/DB20/AUND/DB20/A1 1948/49 - 1964/65
Annual reports
UND/DB20/A2 July 1978 - [July] 1986
Oriental Studies contributions to the Warden's annual reports, including appointments, activities, publications and statistics.
Committee minutes and other papersReference: UND/DB20/BUND/DB20/BA January [1964], October 1989 - June 2007
Board of Studies agendas, minutes and papers
1. January 1964.
2. 1989/90-1990/91.
3. 1991/92-1992/93.
4. 1993/94-1994/95.
5. 1995/96-1996/97.
6. 1997/98.
7. 1998/99.
8. 1999/2000.
9. 2000/01.
10. 2001/02.
11. 2002/03.
12. 2003/04.
13. 2004/05.
14. 2005/06.
15. 2006/07.
UND/DB20/BB October 1996 - April 2007
Teaching and Learning Committee, set up in 1996 in response to the faculty putting a similar committee in place.
1. 1996/97-1997/98.
2. 1998/99.
3. 1999/2000.
4. 2000/01.
5. 2001/02.
6. 2002/03.
7. 2003/04.
8. 2004/05.
9. 2005/06.
10. 2006/07
UND/DB20/BC May 1998 - May 2006
Strategy and Resources/Executive Committee agendas, minutes and papers.
An occasional Administration and Management Review committee was set up in 1996 to prepare the department for the retirement of Keith Pratt. Its recommendations to the Board of Studies in October 1996 led to, amongst other things, the
establishment of the Teaching and Learning Committee. A new departmental administrator encouraged the reestablishment of A&M as a Strategy and Resources Committee in May 1998 to monitor all strategy planning and resource allocation in the
department. It became the Executive Committee on 19 July 2002.
1. May-June 1998.
2. 1998/99.
3. 1999/2000.
4. 2000/01.
5. 2001/02.
6. 2002/03.
7. 2003/04.
8. 2004/05-2005/06.
UND/DB20/BD November 1989 - November 2006
Staff Student Consultative Committee agendas, minutes and papers.
1. 1989/90-1996/97.
2. 1997/98-2000/01.
3. 2001/02-2005/06.
UND/DB20/BE July 1996 - January 2005
Research Committee agendas, minutes and papers, with a brief of:
- discussing matters relating to research activities
- encouraging research and creating an environment conducive to research
- supporting research active staff
- monitoring deadlines for applications to funding bodies
- monitoring applications for research leave.
Paper file
UND/DB20/BF October 2002 - September 2005
Postgraduate Committee minutes, overseeing taught postgraduate students and research students.
UND/DB20/BG June 1999
Board of Examiners meetings for preliminaries and diploma candidates (10 June) and finals (16 June) recordings.
Director of Oriental Studies's filesReference: UND/DB20/EUND/DB20/E1-5 November 1949 - [1988]
Administration of the department, correspondence and reports re bids for further funds (including the Spalding Trust and Rockefeller Foundation), outlines of the department's past and possible future development, staffing, accommodation, and also
the running of the museum, including acquisitions for it, and the Oriental library; also a November 1965 report on excavations at Meore, Sudan.
1. 1949-1954.
2. 1955-1959.
3. 1960-1964.
4. 1965-1969.
5. 1970-1988.
UND/DB20/E6-7 November 1951 - February 1988
Buildings, correspondence, reports, timetables and plans for the 29 Old Elvet and especially Elvet Hill sites, including lecture rooms and a JCR in 1965, and especially for the work in 1988, and also for the Teikyo University development.
6. 1951-1987.
7. 1988.
UND/DB20/E8-9 October 1952 - July 1984
Chinese studies, correspondence about their development and the appointment of lecturers, including copies of
Britain-China, the newsletter of the Great Britain-China Centre for 1975-1976.
8. 1952-1969.
9. 1970-1984.
UND/DB20/E10 October 1959 - March 1984
Courses, correspondence and reports.
UND/DB20/E11-12 June 1951 - July 1979
Middle Eastern Studies, correspondence and reports about their development and especially the establishment of the Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies in 1962.
11. 1951-1964.
12. 1965-1979.
UND/DB20/E13-16 March 1950 - June 1987
Staff and students, correspondence, reports and curriculum vitae for the appointment of staff, students in general and individual students, especially postgraduates, concerning such as exam performances and research
13. 1950-1959.
14. 1960-1969.
15. 1970-1979.
16. 1980-1987.
Closed for 80 years under the DPA.
Departmental files for East Asian StudiesReference: UND/DB20/FUND/DB20/F1 2003 - 2004
Advice for students spending the academic years 2003/4 and 2004/5 in China.
UND/DB20/F2 November 1994 - July 2006
British Association for Chinese Studies, correspondence and reports from Durham for the BACS
UND/DB20/F3 February 2001 - January 2007
Chairman's correspondence of Don Starr.
UND/DB20/F4 January 1997 - June 2000
China Teaching Programme, correspondence and applications, including the agreement with Renmin University of China.
UND/DB20/F5-9 March 2003 - June 2004
Closure of the department
5. The case for retention prepared for University Council members by DEAS staff, including answering of the university's case, press coverage and supportive letters/emails, July 2003.
6. Correspondence re closure, including letters to the government, June-July 2003.
7. Correspondence supporting retention of DEAS, June-July 2003.
8. Correspondence re closure March-October 2003.
9. Press coverage, copy press cuttings and website printouts June 2003-June 2004.
UND/DB20/F10 July 1999 - March 2000
Contemporary Chinese Studies Centre, bid to HEFCE, including HEFCE report 99/09
Review of Chinese Studies and Invitation to Bid for Special Funding 99/35.
UND/DB20/F11 September 1999 - April 2005
Contemporary Chinese Studies Centre, correspondence re its establishment, posts and administration.
UND/DB20/F12 February - April 2005
Disaster Recovery Plan
UND/DB20/F13 June 1995 - September 1998
Durham China Group, minutes, agendas and correspondence. The group was (revised aims April 1997) “to advise the vice-chancellor on the strategy and mechanisms which the university should adopt with universities in
mainland China and to encourage and facilitate their implementation” .
UND/DB20/F14 [c.1995 - 2000]
Durham East Asia Papers Series, list and order form.
UND/DB20/F15 February 1998 - May 2000
Duties and committee memberships in the department.
UND/DB20/F16 October 2005
Easington School Book Project on conservation, in English and Chinese, correspondence and printout
UND/DB20/F17 April 1988 - August 2005
Elvet Hill House, including plans, histories of the house and watercolour paintings of it by Liu Ling.
UND/DB20/F18 May 2001 - November 2005
HEFCE-funded Reach Out to the Business Community (HEROBC) Programme, correspondence re outreach work.
UND/DB20/F19 1996 - 2005
Information on the department, including overviews of teaching in Korean, Japanese and Chinese.
Paper file
UND/DB20/F20 December 1997 - October 2003
Japan Foundation Staff Expansion Grant Programme, correspondence re the funding of Carol Hayes lecturer in Japanese.
UND/DB20/F21 December 1994 - June 2005
Job Descriptions - Academic Staff, correspondence.
UND/DB20/F22 April 1998 - October 2003
Job Descriptions - Language Instructors, correspondence.
UND/DB20/F23 December 2000 - May 2003
Job Descriptions - Support Staff, correspondence.
UND/DB20/F24 April 1996 - June 2004
Korea Research Foundation, correspondence and applications.
UND/DB20/F25 August 1998 - July 2002
Korean Embassy, correspondence.
UND/DB20/F26 May - October 1996
Louis Allen collection, lists, correspondence and obituaries.
UND/DB20/F27 September 1999
Nanjing University, correspondence re links with.
UND/DB20/F28 November 1999 - January 2005
Oriental Museum, correspondence.
UND/DB20/F29 March 1996 - October 2001
North of England Anglo-Japanese Society, members updates and notices of AGMs.
UND/DB20/F30 November 1993 - November 2004
Renmin University, correspondence re students at and from it.
UND/DB20/F31 July 2001 - March 2002
Review of the department by the university, carried out in January 2002, including correspondence about arrangements, policy documents, programme specifications and the review report.
UND/DB20/F32 April 2002 - April 2005
Review of the department by the university, correspondence and memoranda re the closing of the department.
UND/DB20/F33 January - March 2000
Samsung Electronics, correspondence re support for Korean studies.
UND/DB20/F34 April 1995 - June 2006
Seminar and occasional lecture notices.
UND/DB20/F35 June 1998 - June 1999
Teaching and Learning committee correspondence and documents.
UND/DB20/F36 August 1998 - February 2002
Teikyo University of Japan in Durham, correspondence.
UND/DB20/F37 April 1991 - May 1997
Translation work for outside organisations, corrrespondence and invoices
UND/DB20/F38 November 1995 - September 2005
Universities' China Committee in London, correspondence.
Papers of Individual MembersReference: UND/DB20/GUND/DB20/G1-10 November 1961 - March 1971
Papers of Prof T.W. Thacker as a member of the University Grants Sub-Committee on Oriental, African, Slavonic and East European Studies, of which he was a member 1961-1971. Following the Hayter Report of 1961, produced by the committee chaired by
Sir William Hayter on national interests and needs in relation to the development of Oriental, African, Slavonic and East European area Studies, this sub-committee was established to monitor progress in implementing the report's recommendations and
to consider the allocation of earmarked resources made available as a consequence of it , with Durham University being one of those receiving funding.
The papers comprise agendas, minutes and papers for the meetings in London, some correspondence, and papers, timetables and reports on visits to institutions including Cambridge University Centre of South Asian Studies 21 October 1968, Oxford
University 19 November 1968, Glasgow University 8 May 1969, Leeds University 29 May 1969, Sheffield University 30 May 1969, Sussex University 3 June 1969, University of Durham Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies 12-13 October 1969, Hull
University Centre of South-East Asian Studies 14 October 1969, London University School of Oriental and African Studies 21 October 1969, London University School of Slavonic and East European Studies 18 November 1969, and Glasgow University 1
December 1969.
1. 1961.
2. 1962.
3. 1963.
4. 1964.
5. 1965.
6. 1967.
7. 1968.
8-9. 1969.
10. 1971.
10 paper files
Given by Thacker after his retirement from the university in 1977 to the University Library's Keeper of Oriental Books, and transferred to ASC in 1998. Accession No. Misc.2004/05:1.
PublicationsReference: UND/DB20/HUND/DB20/H1 1990/91, 1994/95, 1995/96
East Asian Studies, departmental handbooks
UND/DB20/H2 1996/97 - 2006/07
Undergraduate Handbooks
(Separate undergraduate and postgraduate handbooks were implemented for Michaelmas 1996.)
UND/DB20/H3 1996/97 - 2003/04
Postgraduate Handbooks
UND/DB20/H4 2003
Writing Guide, by G.L. Barnes
UND/DB20/H5 [1982 - c.2005]
Departmental brochures on:
Chinese Studies at Durham
Japanese Studies
MA in Chinese Art and Archaeology (bis)
Degrees in East Asian Studies (bis)
Research and Taught Programmes in East Asian Studies
Degrees in Chinese or Japanese and Management Studies
UND/DB20/H6 2005/6 - 2006/7
Staff Handbook
UND/DB20/H7 1991/92 - 1996/97
Alumni newsletters, annual, with news of graduates' personal and professional developments.
UND/DB20/H8 1990 & 1992
China Expeditions:
Final report 1990
Revised prospectus
“South of the Clouds Yunnan” 1992
UND/DB20/H9 [?1962] & [?1965]
Oriental Studies Courses available in the University of Durham
2 printed paper booklets
UND/DB20/H10 2000
Carol Hayes,
A Stray Dog Howling at the Moon The Poetry of Hagiwara Sakutaro (1886-1942), Durham East Asian Papers 14 with an appendix of a translation of Tsuki ni Hoeru
[vi] + 48 + iv + 50
PhotographsReference: UND/DB20/IUND/DB20/IA1 [1998]
Graduation group photo of students in Chinese and Japanese, outside in the garden at Elvet Hill House, in suits/skirts/ties/jackets:
Caroline Purslow, Lee Howes, Stephen Pickup, Howard Gilbert, Joanne Farmer, Angharad Thomas, Toby Frankin, Paul Carver, Eleanor Connors, Sebastian Aubrey, Seung-Yun Earm, Alberto Vettoretti, Chieko Chester, Eleanor Hinds, Natasha Calladine, Emily
Moore, Katie Havicon, James Dearing.
Size: 255 x 205mm
Teaching materialsReference: UND/DB20/L
Only samples of teaching materials have been retained.
UND/DB20/L1-2 [c.2000]
Language: English & Chinese
Teaching materials - Chinese core language
UND/DB20/L3 [1997 - 1998]
Language: English & Japanese
Teaching materials - Japanese core language
UND/DB20/L4 Michaelmas 2000
Language: English & Japanese
3H written competence in Japanese supplementary teaching materials
UND/DB20/L5 Epiphany 2001
Language: English & Japanese
3H written competence in Japanese supplementary teaching materials
UND/DB20/L6 2004 - 2005
Language: English & Japanese
4H advanced Japanese supplementary teaching materials
UND/DB20/L7 2004 - 2005
Language: English & Japanese
The Alfee (Japanese pop group) performing numbers including Bridge to the Sun, Affection, Wild Bahn, I Love You, Starship, Complex Blue, Aub, Dark Side Meditation, DNA Communication Dynamite Generation, and Flower Revolution, recorded by Kazuki
UND/DB20/L8 [c.2000]
Language: Japanese
[Recordings of Japanese TV programmes]
Student workReference: UND/DB20/M
Samples only retained
UND/DB20/M1 2005 - 2006
Language: Japanese
Project essays by 4th year Japanese students
UND/DB20/M2 September 1994
Dudley C.R. Herman, “North Korea and its Effect on East Asian Security” , MA dissertation
UND/DB20/M3 [1998]
Eva Engel, “Crisis Management in Japan An Analysis of the Government's Response to the 1995 Kobe Earthquake” , MA dissertation
UND/DB20/M4 June 1998
Jonathan M. Scott-Kiddie, “The Fate of Tibetan Law” , MA dissertation
UND/DB20/M5 September 2002
[?P. Martin], “The Two Koreas: Can reunification become a reality?” , MA dissertation
UND/DB20/M6 September 2003
[?Nobuyuki Tagaua], “How has the evolution of national tourism policies in China favoured regional disparity as reflected in the indicators of supply and demand of inbound tourism?”, MA dissertation
UND/DB20/M7-14 2002
Oral exams in Chinese, Korean and Japanese
UND/DB20/M15 1984
Helen M. Gerard,
“Hsi-Hsueh Wei Yung A study of the Chinese movement to study abroad 1872-1911”, [BA] dissertation.
UND/DB20/M16 1989
Sally Brown,
“Chinese Labour in World War I Did the British Military Exacerbate or Alleviate the Problems of the Alien Workers?” BA dissertation.
UND/DB20/M17 January 1994
Benjamin Creutzfeldt,
“Baiyun Guan The White Cloud Daoist Monastery in Beijing”, BA dissertation.
UND/DB20/M18 [1999]
Sarah Hinton,
“Child-Rearing in China: a Cultural Revolution? An Analysis of Changes in Child-Rearing Practices in a Chinese City”, BA dissertation.
UND/DB20/M19 [2005]
“Painting, Calligraphy, Poetry and Tea An Investigation into how the tea drinking culture of China developed these three great Chinese artforms. The specific example of Qu Yingshao will be referred to.” [BA]
Palaeography and Diplomatic DepartmentReference: UND/DB4Dates of creation: 1938 - 1994
The Palaeography and Diplomatic department (1948-1990) had its origins before WW2 in a desire on the part of Durham dean and chapter, in cooperation with Durham university and with the assent of Durham diocese, to provide more satisfactory
accommodation for the archives of the cathedral and the diocese, with proper facilities for research. The assistance of the Pilgrim Trust led to the production of a report by W.A. Pantin, presented by Sir Maurice Powicke in 1939, which recommended
that the deanery kitchen should be used as an archives repository with adjacent premises for technical facilities and staff, to be run by a reader in Palaeography on the staff of the university, who was also to act as archivist. It was envisaged
that local collections other than those of the cathedral and diocese could be accommodated. After WW2, the scheme was put in place, with the first reader (James Conway Davies) being appointed in 1948, with the papers of the Baker Baker family of
Elemore Hall having already been accepted for the new institution. The completion of conversion work in 1951 provided, in addition to the archival storage, a search and seminar room, staff offices, and repair and photostating facilities, all with
convenient access to the invaluable reference, manuscript, and archival material of the adjacent chapter library. The cathedral's archive was now moved in along with the first instalment of the diocesan archive. These were followed by quantities of
further records, particularly notable accessions being the estate records of the Howard earls of Carlisle from Naworth Castle in 1954 (for Northumberland) and 1960 (for Cumberland), Durham palatinate records in 1954/55, papers of the Earls Grey in
1956, and the pre-1858 probate records in 1958 and post-1858 probate registers in 1962. The Church Commissioners also now disgorged records back to Durham, for the Halmote Court in 1953 and the cathedral estate in 1956.
With all these accessions, storage space rapidly became an issue. Outstores in St Helen's chapel and elsewhere in The College were taken on, with various more satisfactory solutions being explored, including an Elvet Riverside scheme. The
consequent limit on accessions was one stimulus for the establishment of a Durham County Record Office. The development of a new University Science Library provided a self-contained portion in South Road for Palaeography with strong-rooms, staff and
search rooms, facilities for photostating and repair, and for part of the department's teaching activities. Most of the collections were removed to this new South Road operation in 1966 along with 3 archivists/assistant keepers and a lecturer. The
cathedral's own archive along with 3 archivists/assistant keepers remained behind at Prior's Kitchen in a now two site operation overseen by John Fagg, reader and head of department since 1957.
The expansion of the Science Library to become the main university library in 1982 with the transfer of many of the printed collections from Palace Green, meant that the South Road Palaeography operation had to move again, back into The College
at No5 with four floors of strongrooms, and searchroom, teaching, conservation and microfilming facilities all being provided there. David Thomas, appointed reader in Papyrology, had taken over as head of department in 1979.
In the later 1980s, the future of the department came under serious review. It was merged with the University Library's Special Collections operation at Palace Green to form an Archives and Special Collections department in the library in 1990.
The subsequent history of the staff and collections really forms part of the library's development. Physical moves followed two years later with the political collections and the university's records transferring from 5 The College to Palace Green
along with one archivist, and the Prior's Kitchen operation and the records there being transferred to 5 The College, which then comprised some 3.6 archivists in 1992. Five years later, all the remaining records, except those of the cathedral and
the concomitant Church Commissioners' material, were moved to Palace Green, along with 1.4 archivists. In October 2008 this material was still at 5 The College, overseen by 0.6 archivists with a searchroom service provided there on 3 days a
Heads of department:
James Conway Davies, reader in Palaeography and Diplomatic, 1948-1956
John Fagg, reader in Palaeography and Diplomatic, 1957-1978
David Thomas, reader in Papyrology, 1979-1990
Staff members (dates and posts from the University Calendars):
James Conway Davies 1948-1956 Reader in Pal & Dip
Geoffrey V Scammell 1950-1951 Research Assistant PT, 1951-1952 Lecturer temp, 1952-1965 Lecturer
Bertram P Wolffe 1951-1952 Research Assistant
Constance M Fraser 1952-1953 Research Assistant
Gordon H H Glasgow 1952-1953 Research Assistant
David L Bickersteth 1953-1954 Research Assistant
Martin G Snape (d2010) 1953-1955 Research Assistant, 1955-1957 Assistant, 1957-1965 Assistant Keeper, 1965-1988 Senior Assistant Keeper, 1988-1999 Honorary Research Associate
Carson I A Ritchie 1954-1955 Research Associate
C Roy Hudleston 1955-1965 Lecturer PT, 1965-1970 Lecturer
David W Gooding 1955-1957 Research Assistant
Malcolm A Jack 1955-1957 Assistant
Norman M Million 1955-1958 Assistant, 1958-1962 Assistant Keeper
John E Fagg (d2008) 1957-1982 Reader, 1982-1985 Reader PT
Ronald A Doig 1958-1959 Assistant, 1959-1962 Assistant Keeper
Margaret A Sidaway/Harriss 1958-1960 Assistant temp
Joseph M Fewster 1960-1962 Assistant temp, 1962-1965 Assistant Keeper, 1965-1997 Senior Assistant Keeper
Donald I Phillips 1962-1963 Assistant temp, 1963-1967 Assistant Keeper
Pat Mussett 1963-1980 Assistant Keeper, 1980-1997 Senior Assistant Keeper
Elizabeth Peirce/Fewster 1963-1965 Assistant temp, 1965-1968 Assistant Keeper
J David Thomas 1966-1973 Lecturer, 1973-1977 Senior Lecturer, 1977-1990 Reader in Papyrology, 1990-1992 Professorial Fellow in Papyrology & Tutor in Palaeography PT
J Linda Proom/Drury 1967-1982 Assistant Keeper, 1982-2001 Assistant Keeper PT
Alan J Piper 1968-1992 Assistant Keeper (1981-1983 Assistant Librarian @ PG), 1992-2008 Assistant Keeper & Tutor in Palaeography
Margaret S McCollum 1968-2009 Assistant Keeper
Meryl R Foster 1982-1983 Assistant Keeper temp
Before 1956, there was no departmental secretary amd no filing system. Letters were sent to the Durham Colleges office at 36 North Bailey, where there was a typing pool, being returned to the department for signature. The first secretary, Miss
Chester, was appointed in 1956 and began a filing system, but much post was sent to London where the reader, Conway Davies, spent several months a year.
By 2003, the former department's files were in about four or five sequences, largely ordered simply alphabetically by correspondent, in two locations at 5 The College and Palace Green Library. They were then inventoried in situ and weeding was
carried out by Genevieve Budd in 2003/4. Some weeding of one sequence at Palace Green had already been carried out by Kath Taylor. Weeding was completed and the residual material was sorted into the present arrangement in 2008 by Michael Stansfield.
The original sequences to some extent reflected the various locations that the fragmented department had occupied over time, but there was some duplication between the often two locations, and some files of continuing correspondence were carried
over from one location to the next. The original card indexes of correspondents and subjects have been retained to provide a further way in to particularly the enquiries correspondence until such time as the material might be listed in detail. The
indexes also provide indications of the full range of the department's contacts, which included most other archive-keeping bodies in the country, the major creators of archives in the region, most medieval historians of the 20th century, and many
other individuals interested in family and property history, and all other aspects of the region's past.
For subsequent records of the former Palaeography and Diplomatic Department staff at 5 The College after 1990, see the files of the Archives and Special Collections department of the University Library at UND/EA2/11.
Annual reportsReference: UND/DB4/AUND/DB4/A1 1948/49 - 1989/90
Annual reports of the department for the university
UND/DB4/A2 1955/56 - 1994/95
Annual reports to the dean and chapter of Durham. The first report covers the period from 1948 to 1956 and includes a separate “Recommendations and Suggestions on the Preservation, Repair and Binding and Listing of the
Dean and Chapter Muniments and Manuscripts”. The 1991/92 report includes notes of a meeting with the Dean and Chapter [?the annual visitation]. The 1993/94 report includes a conservation report on the Archdeacon's Act Book (D/SJA/1).
UND/DB4/A3 1981/82 - [1986/87]
Annual entries for the
Warden's Report and (from 1983) University of Durham Gazette .
UND/DB4/A4 1985/86 - 1989/90
Annual reports of individual members of staff, including reader numbers, names and interests, groups, tours, reprographics numbers, enquiry numbers and topics, and conservation work.
Paper file
UND/DB4/A5 1990/91 - 1994/95
Annual reports of teaching undertaken by members of staff.
Paper file
Committee minutesReference: UND/DB4/B
A Board of Studies was set up in 1963, replacing an earlier Palaeography Committee, for whose records see UND/BB11.
UND/DB4/B1 21 October 1963 - 24 November 1986
Board of Studies minutes and papers.
Paper file
UND/DB4/B2 5 March 1987 - 18 June 1990
Board of Studies minutes, papers and agendas.
UND/DB4/B3 22 January 1968 - 18 June 1990
Board of Studies agendas.
UND/DB4/B4 September 1970 - June 1990
Annual lists of books bought for the departmental library and books recommended for the university library, submitted to the Board of Studies.
UND/DB4/B5 February 1963 - October 1988
Board of Studies correspondence (in chronological order) and circulars.
Head of department's filesReference: UND/DB4/EDates of creation: 1959 - 1994
UND/DB4/E1 February 1959 - February 1968
John Fagg's acquisition of copies of Sophocles, Propertius, Ovid and other classical texts for teaching purposes from libraries in Brussels, Cambridge, Florence, Hamburg, Paris, the Vatican and Wolfenbuttel,
UND/DB4/E2 October 1974 - March 1994
Personal correspondence of J.D. Thomas concerning especially his work on the Vindolanda tablets, also reviews, his orders for photographs, references for students, enquiries about courses, visiting the archives, acting as external examiner, and
attending meetings.
Departmental administrationReference: UND/DB4/FAUND/DB4/FA1 1938 - 1956
Setting up of the department:
F.M. Powicke,
“Durham as a centre of historical and palaeographical study. A Report prepared for the consideration of the Lord Bishop, the Dean and Chapter, and the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Durham”, May 1938;
W.A. Pantin,
Report on the Muniments of the Dean and Chapter of Durham, printed for private circulation 1939;
The Muniments of the Dean and Chapter of Durham a Report to the Pilgrim Trustees, 1939, printed for private circulation 1939;
“Custody of Documents in the Prior's Kitchen The College, Durham” notice;
“The Prior's Kitchen Scheme” [speech for the 1950 opening];
The Chapter Clerk's (Col Battiscombe) papers re the scheme [1950];
2 letters from Conway Davies to Claude Abbott about the opening, regulations, archives taken in and the standing committee membership, 3 November 1951
“Notes on Col Battiscombe's memorandum”;
“Durham Cathedral Proposed Document Store Notes on the Scheme shown in Drawing Ds476/1 dated 20th November 1954”.
“Position Relating to Records, Muniments and Archives Mid-November 1954”.
“The Grey of Howick Collection”, 23 May 1956
UND/DB4/FA2 January 1946 - May 1949
National Register of Archives, correspondence of Col. George Malet, registrar of NRA, re organising a meeting in Cosin's Library 12 March 1947, chaired by J.F. Duff, to establish a “County of Durham Archives
Committee” to provide for the county's archives, with an executive chaired by Lt Col C.F. Battiscombe, with minutes of its meeting 3 May 1949.
UND/DB4/FA3 1981 - 1992
Administration of 5TC, including an inventory of fittings [1981], with plans and correspondence re the building's maintenance and equipment.
UND/DB4/FA4 1956/57, 1963/64 - 2008/09
Courses in Pal and Dip, annual lists, missing 1995/96. With a [2008] distribution list.
Paper file
UND/DB4/FA5 1982
Exhibition catalogues:
“Forerunners of the University” 28 April - 1 May 1982.
Paper file
UND/DB4/FA6 1970 - 1993
Forward planning - memos, lists of objectives, discussion papers about the department's future, and the cathedral library's future, plans for archives at Palace Green.
UND/DB4/FA7 1970 - 1986
Histories of the department and guides (including
“Boldon Book” and “The Use of Seals”) by Martin Snape and Pat Mussett.
UND/DB4/FA8 May 1986 - October 1987
Institute for Historical Studies in Durham university, proposals, papers, constitution, minutes, agendas, correspondence.
UND/DB4/FA9 May 1977 - October 1987
Lecture posters
UND/DB4/FA10 1962 - 1981
Lists of handlists for sale, and distribution lists for individual handlists.
UND/DB4/FA11 1966
Move of Halmote court records [to South Road], lists of records and where they were to go.
UND/DB4/FA12 1970
Possible move from South Road to Palace Green Library, some plans, lists of material and desiderata, and memoranda.
UND/DB4/FA13 December 1977 - January 1982
Move to 5 The College including, Building Sub-Committee minutes and papers, plans, storage estimates, memoranda and correspondence.
UND/DB4/FA14 1987 & 1991
Possible move to Palace Green Library, plans, papers, drafts, feasibility study and correspondence
UND/DB4/FA15 1985 - 1990
Palaeography Committee, agendas, correspondence and reports.
Paper file
UND/DB4/FA16 October 1988 - February 1990
Palaeography Working Party, agendas, minutes, reports, papers, correspondence re the future of the department.
UND/DB4/FA17 [c.1966]
Photocopying memorandum, scale of charges, specimen order forms and letters, and how to pay accounts.
UND/DB4/FA18 1988
Planning for the 1990s.
Paper file
UND/DB4/FA19 1987 - 1988
Policy Committee visit 12 October 1987, documents prepared and the report.
Paper file
UND/DB4/FA20 1989
Projects for possible outside funding.
UND/DB4/FA21 August 1976 - April 1990
Publications of records, especially microfilming by Harvester.
UND/DB4/FA22 October - December 1986
Research Profiles of the department's members.
UND/DB4/FA23 May 1988 - February 1989
Research Selectivity Exercise report and correspondence.
UND/DB4/FA24 April 1982 - June 1992
Sabbatical/Research leave.
UND/DB4/FA25-27A June 1951 - June 1978
Searchroom registers Prior's Kitchen, detailing date, documents looked at and reader's name.
25. June 1951 - June 1960.
26. July 1960 - July 1966.
27. July 1966 - March 1976.
27A. March 1976 - May 1978, with totals of documents per reader for June 1977 - June 1978.
UND/DB4/FA28 February 1986 - November 1995
Teaching file of Pat Mussett, including classes and tours of the archives and cathedral, and Latin classes.
UND/DB4/FA29 June 1985
UGC Equipment sub-committee visit papers and correspondence
UND/DB4/FA30 July - November 1985
UGC Arts Sub-Committee visit papers and correspondence
UND/DB4/FA31 1983 - 1995
Searchroom information file including:
Library opening hours 1995/96
List of collections held at 5 The College, April 1992
Closure periods
List of Co Durham places which can be studied from the collections at 5 The College, October 1986
List of places in the cathedral and bishropic archives, October 1993
Archives and Special Collections leaflet, December 1992
Archives in Durham City leaflet, June 1993
Summary of genealogical sources at 5 The College
Leaflet on probate records, November 1993
Archives and Special Collections list of publications, April 1992
Archives and Special Collections list of unpublished handlists and guides, April 1992
List of record agents, September 1994
Searchroom rules
Searchroom handling guidelines
Searchroom document order tickets
Conspectuses of diocesan records old and new box numbers, June 1985
Location guide for 5 The College strongrooms, March 1983
J. Gosden's 16th/17th century inventories glossary
Newspaper cutting on genealogical research of Maurice Handcock and Arthur Marley, 25 December 1986
Paper file
UND/DB4/FA32 [c.1970]
Location guide to South Road strongrooms.
UND/DB4/FA33-36 March 1966 - December 1971
South Road document production registers, listing date, documents and reader.
33. March 1966 - December 1969.
34. January 1970 - June 1971.
35. June - September 1971.
36. October - December 1971.
UND/DB4/FA37 1 May 1970 - 28 November 1972
South Road readers' register, detailing name, date of first visit and address or institution.
UND/DB4/FA38 June 1966 - 22 October 1997
South Road accessions register, detailing date, reference, description, dates of documents, donor/depositor, type of accession, location and remarks.
Covers collections at South Road to December 1981, and then at 5 The College, including those transferred in from Prior's Kitchen from December 1992. From 6 June 1997, it details only accessions to the DDR and AUC collections, with even these
being entered instead in the online register from 23 October 1997.
UND/DB4/FA39 October 1957 - February 1993
Prior's Kitchen accession register (photocopy), detailing date, description, quantity, dates of documents, donor/depositor, conditions, location and remarks. With some additional notes by M.S. McCollum.
Original: still in use at 5 The College where it was reopened after April 1997 for the continuing accessions of cathedral records.
UND/DB4/FA40 1983 - 1987
School groups, notes on possible sources and activities.
UND/DB4/FA41 [c.1955]
Lists of university and dean and chapter phone numbers.
Paper file, 2f
Formerly in: SC+02341
UND/DB4/FA42 1979
Photocopied draft agreement and lease between the dean and chapter, the Church Commissioners, the bishop of Durham and the university of Durham relating to 5 The College.
Paper file
UND/DB4/FA43 May 1983
Minutes of a University Archives working group.
Paper file
UND/DB4/FA44 March 1972 - August 1995
Search Room rules, correspondence with the dean and the vice-chancellor about rules, access to collections, and closures of the Search Room.
Paper file
UND/DB4/FA45 1985
University exhibition, drafts for a panel on the department as part of a university exhibition, including notes on and photos of selected documents and damaged documents and their subsequent repair by Tom Cotton, also the searchroom at 5 The
College and Alan Piper working at [Prior's Kitchen],
Paper file
UND/DB4/FA46-51 1969 - 1982, 1999
The development of 5 The College for archival storage 1978-1982:
46. Plans of Nos4 & 5 The College by Donald McIntyre in 1969 and plans by Bernard Taylor of 1978 for the proposed conversion of No.5 to archival uses, with staff comments, 1969-1978.
47. Plans for the conversion of 5 The College by Bernard Taylor, November 1978 - March 1979.
48. Correspondence and plans by Bernard Taylor for the conversion of 5 The College, including some Building Sub-Committee papers, November 1979 - December 1981.
49. Correspondence and plans re shelving the strongrooms, January 1979 - January 1982.
50. Correspondence and plans re moving archives and furniture from South Road to 5 The College, January 1979 - November 1981.
51. Correspondence re an intruder alarm system, May - August 1980.
51A. Correspondence about locks, with Bernard Taylor plans of February 1979 for the redevelopment of 5 The College, 1979-1980, and further copies marked up with room numbers 1999.
7 paper files
UND/DB4/FA52 July - October 1993
Report by R.W. Gregory and Partners, consulting engineers, on the air conditioning system at 5 The College, with correspondence.
Paper file
UND/DB4/FA53 February - March 1985
Correspondence re making proper provision for the university's archive in Old Shire Hall and the housing of material in the Oriental Library.
Paper file
UND/DB4/FA54 1972 - 1986
Correspondence, especially of Alan Piper, with departmental and university superiors re staff leave and proposed alterations consequent on searchroom opening hours changes.
Paper file
UND/DB4/FA55 1990 - 1991
Inventories of the cathedral's archive, especially the medieval section, with some correspondence, ?compiled to meet the requirement for an inventory in the Care of Cathedrals Measure.
Paper file
Administrative correspondence with other organisations and major depositorsUND/DB4/FB
Correspondence with university departments and outside organisations and individuals about the administration of the department and/or major accessions of records to or on occasion from it.
UND/DB4/FB1 [c.1950 - c.1990]
Card index of correspondents from ?all correspondence with the department.
UND/DB4/FB2 [c.1950 - c.1990]
Card index of subjects from ?all correspondence with the department with a smaller index of subjects for the cathedral's manuscripts.
UND/DB4/FB3 December 1958 - May 1991
Backhouse family, re deposits of papers 1949, 1958, 1982 [and 1995].
1. Correspondence 1958-1989.
2. Lists and notes on cataloguing 1976-1991.
UND/DB4/FB4 April 1964 - April 1994
Baker Baker family, re deposits of papers in 1947 and 1994.
UND/DB4/FB5 July 1954 - March 1988
Bodleian Library (especially re the transfer there from Durham of the Adderbury papers 1959).
UND/DB4/FB6 May 1965 - February 1990
Borthwick Institute.
UND/DB4/FB7 April 1954 - May 1980
British Museum/Library.
UND/DB4/FB8 June 1948 - May 1990
British Records Association.
UND/DB4/FB9 October 1953 - November 1992
Church Commissioners.
UND/DB4/FB10 March 1963 - July 1983
Cumberland/Cumbria Record Office, especially re the transfer of Alston BTs and Howard of Naworth documents.
UND/DB4/FB11 July 1954 - May 1989
Durham City Council.
UND/DB4/FB12 March 1956 - August 1987
Durham County Council, except record office.
UND/DB4/FB13 April 1961 - March 1989
Durham County Council, record office.
UND/DB4/FB14 September - December 1950
Durham Dean and Chapter, chapter clerk, C.F. Battiscombe.
UND/DB4/FB15 September 1955 - March 1969
Durham Dean and Chapter, chapter clerk, A.W. Laybourne.
UND/DB4/FB16 June 1969 - September 1979
Durham Dean and Chapter, chapter clerk, R.H. Walker.
UND/DB4/FB17 November 1979 - September 1987
Durham Dean and Chapter, chapter clerk, David J. Perham.
UND/DB4/FB18 September 1988 - March 1995
Durham Dean and Chapter, chapter clerk, Frank Gibbs.
UND/DB4/FB19 October 1955 - October 1974
Durham Dean and Chapter, dean, John Wild.
UND/DB4/FB20 October 1974 - May 1979
Durham Dean and Chapter, dean, Eric Heaton.
UND/DB4/FB21 October 1980 - April 1987
Durham Dean and Chapter, dean, Peter Baelz.
UND/DB4/FB22 September 1981 - February 1994
Durham Dean and Chapter, Friends.
UND/DB4/FB23 January 1963 - September 1974
Durham Dean and Chapter, librarian, canon, A.H. Couratin.
UND/DB4/FB24 January 1976 - November 1992
Durham Dean and Chapter, librarian, canon, Ronald Coppin.
UND/DB4/FB25 November 1976 - March 1994
Durham Dean and Chapter, librarian, deputy, Roger Norris.
UND/DB4/FB26 March 1957 - November 1963, October 1974
Durham Diocese: bishop.
UND/DB4/FB27 March 1973 - September 1982
Durham Diocese: office.
UND/DB4/FB28 January 1969 - March 1975
Durham Diocese: registry.
UND/DB4/FB29 April 1957 - June 1973
Durham University, chief clerk: W. Morrow.
UND/DB4/FB30 January 1986 - July 1990
Durham University, Computer Centre.
UND/DB4/FB31 August 1963 - February 1978
Durham University, Estates and Buildings, P.A. Boobyer et al.
UND/DB4/FB32 January 1980 - December 1992
Durham University, Estates and Buildings, R.J. Metcalfe.
UND/DB4/FB33 March 1950 - November 1965
Durham University, librarian: David Ramage.
UND/DB4/FB34 December 1965 - July 1987
Durham University, librarian: Nance Macaulay.
UND/DB4/FB35 February 1990 - September 1992
Durham University, librarian: John Hall.
UND/DB4/FB36 November 1963 - March 1983
Durham University, library rare books: Ian Doyle.
UND/DB4/FB37 November 1983 - April 1992
Durham University, library rare books: Beth Rainey.
UND/DB4/FB38 June 1968 - October 1990
Durham University, library general and various.
UND/DB4/FB39 January 1974 - August 1992
Durham University, Old Shire Hall, various departments especially Human Resources.
UND/DB4/FB40 October 1964 - July 1987
Durham University, procurement: S.D. Grace.
UND/DB4/FB41 January - March 1989
Durham University, pro-vice-chancellor, Graham E. Rodmell.
UND/DB4/FB42 March 1952 - July 1957
Durham University, registrar: Sydney Holgate.
UND/DB4/FB43 February 1956 - September 1984
Durham University, registrar: Ian Graham.
UND/DB4/FB44 July 1966 - November 1988
Durham University, registrar: Graham R. Thrush.
UND/DB4/FB45 March 1969 - May 1990
Durham University, registrar: Ian M. Stewart.
UND/DB4/FB46 March 1973 - January 1985
Durham University, registrar: M.E. Lavis.
UND/DB4/FB47 October 1985 - May 1989
Durham University, registrar: John C.F. Hayward.
UND/DB4/FB48 June 1977 - May 1987
Durham University, safety officer.
UND/DB4/FB49 April 1967 - December 1968
Durham University, Science Site manager: Brig R.H. Fisher.
UND/DB4/FB50 February 1953 - July 1970
Durham University, treasurer/finance officer: Col J.C.R. Fitzgerald-Lombard.
UND/DB4/FB51 October 1955 - June 1958
Durham University, treasurer/finance officer: Eric Walker.
UND/DB4/FB52 July 1959 - June 1971
Durham University, treasurer/finance officer: Bryan Cooke.
UND/DB4/FB53 March 1965 - January 1989
Durham University, treasurer/finance officer: A. McWilliam, finance officer, then Paula Lubacz, treasurer.
UND/DB4/FB54 October 1968 - July 1979
Durham University, treasurer/finance officer: S. Hunter.
UND/DB4/FB55 September 1973 - October 1982
Durham University, treasurer/finance officer: C. Christie.
UND/DB4/FB56 February 1953 - September 1960
Durham University, vice-chancellor/warden: James Duff.
UND/DB4/FB57 July 1961 - December 1978
Durham University, vice-chancellor/warden: Derman Christopherson.
UND/DB4/FB58 November 1979 - March 1987
Durham University, vice-chancellor/warden: Fred G.T. Holliday.
UND/DB4/FB77 March 1958 - July 1976
Sir William Forbes's papers, deposited by Lord Clinton in 1951, transferred to the National Library of Scotland in September 1972.
Paper file
UND/DB4/FB59 November 1955 - June 1987
Grey papers - Earl Grey, re the various deposits.
UND/DB4/FB60 March 1956 - May 1972
Grey papers - Rhodesia and Rhodes.
UND/DB4/FB61 February 1957 - July 1962
Grey papers - American material, publication of guide to.
UND/DB4/FB62 November 1954 - December 1964
Grey papers - Canadian material, copies for Canadian archives.
UND/DB4/FB63 October 1957 - March 1972
Grey papers - microfilm orders.
UND/DB4/FB64 August 1967 - August 1994
Headlam-Morley family, especially K.A.S. Headlam-Morley 1972-1972 re the inventorying and deposit of family papers.
UND/DB4/FB65 Septembrer 1955 - January 1987
Historical Manuscripts Commission, including National Register of Archives.
UND/DB4/FB66 July 1955 - June 1994
Howard of Naworth family, earls of Carlisle, mainly correspondence with the estate office (S. Walton then W.D. Cross), re deposits in 1954, 1960, 1967, 1971, 1975, 1982, [1995/96].
See also Cumberland Record Office file above.
UND/DB4/FB67 September 1955 - July 1985
Kodak (and Photostat Ltd 1955-1963) re microfilming.
UND/DB4/FB68 February 1978 - October 1981
Leeds archives, especially re the transfer of Church Commissioners Ripon bishopric records.
UND/DB4/FB69 March 1982 - September 1988
Malcom Macdonald papers, arrangements and listing working party agendas, papers and minutes, also correspondence and press release.
UND/DB4/FB70 March 1959 - July 1987
Newcastle City Archives/Tyne and Wear Archives.
UND/DB4/FB71 March 1958 - November 1988
Northumberland County Record Office, including papers re meetings of the Computers and Archives group of the Society of Archivists 1964-1966.
UND/DB4/FB72 October 1955 - August 1989
Permissions to publish from records, many from the Grey papers, ordered alphabetically by correspondent, Brefhan to Webb (including M.G. Brock, March 1959 to July 1972).
UND/DB4/FB73 December 1957 - December 1973
Probate Registries, principal and district.
UND/DB4/FB74 May 1949 - July 1989
Public Record Office.
UND/DB4/FB75 December 1973 - May 1994
Small Gifts and Deposits, covering SGD 36 to 119, with gaps.
UND/DB4/FB76 December 1957 - September 1983
Yorkshire North Riding County Record Office, especially re transfers of records.
Enquiries CorrespondenceUND/DB4/FC c.1950 - c.199065 paper files
Enquiries about records held and information in them (especially the cathedral's archive, the Grey papers, probate records, marriage bonds, bishops' transcripts and the Howard of Naworth archive), reprographic orders, requests for copies of
handlists, visits (individuals and groups, with lists of documents displayed and on occasion texts of talks), accessions of records, and building and equipment maintenance and procurement, with copy responses and some drafts from James Conway Davies
(only infrequently), John Fagg, David Thomas, Jo Fewster, Margaret McCollum, Linda Proom/Drury, Martin Snape, Christopher Hudleston and Alan Piper.
Correspondence is filed alphabetically by correspondent and then chronologically. Where the correspondent is from a library, record office, museum, public authority or company, the correspondence is generally filed under the name of that
organisation; if the correspondent is an academic or an otherwise unattached individual, then it is generally filed under their name.
C.C. Abbott (1967) to L. Almond (1979), including: Addleshaw, G.W.O., 1955-1956; Agfa-Gevaert Ltd, 1976; Allen, A.R., 1956; Allen, L., 1967; Allison, K.J., 1973.
H. Amory (1965) to H. Aveling (1957), including: Angus, R., 1956; Armories (Alan Borg), 1976; Ash, M., 1965-1971; Assersohn, S., 1972; Aston, T.H., 1973; Atkinson, I., 1966, 1979.
J.M. Backhouse to BBC, including: Bailes, G. & Sons, 1971; Barnes, T.G., 1958-1960; Barstable Books, 1976; Bath, marquess of, 1976; Baynes-Cope, A.D.
P. Beal (1975) to H.J. Boyden (1952-1957), including: Beal, P., 1975; Beddard, R.A., 1965, 1977; Bedfordshire County Record Office, 1960-1964; Bent, M., 1974; Bethell, D.L., 1959-1961; Bettenson, E.M., registrar, 1959; Beveridge, Lord, 1955-1956;
Berwickshire Naturalists' Club, 1974; Berwick-upon-Tweed, Borough of, 1967-1974; Binney, M., 1966; Bishop, T.A.M., 1957-1960; Blakiston, P., 1972; Blenkinsopp, J.B., 1970-1971; Bowen-Jones, H., 1957; Boyd, A., Cambridge University Press, 1975;
Boyden, B.J., Norman Richardson's, 1970.
G.T. Bradley (1952) to W. Butterley (1981), including: Brandmuller, W., 1964; Brandon, P.F., 1965-1971; Brantingham, P., 1972; Brentano, R., 1956-1957, 1969; Bristol University, J.S. Moore, 1969; British Council, 1953; Brock, S., 1975; Brown, D.,
1955; Brown, M.A., 1974; Bruce, J.A., 1960; Bryan, M.R., 1971; Buckinghamshire County Record Office, 1953-1954; Bulman, L., 1974; Bulmer, K.J., 1968-1969; Bulmer, W., 1955; Burn, E., 1962; Burman, P.A.T., Cathedrals Advisory Committee, 1972; Burn,
J.H., 1968-1970.
E.V. Cable to R.G. Cave.
Chadwyck-Healey to Cluttons.
A. Coates to N. Curtis, including with Sir Edward Collingwood re the temporary deposit of documents for identification 1964-1968.
B.J. Dalton to C.W. Daykin, including with Darlington County Borough about examining Blackwell estate papers there 1959.
Debretts to G. Downs.
Dring's Bookshop to M.C. Dutchman-Smith.
E.J.R. Eaglesham to Eyemouth Museum.
O.F. Faber to A. Fitzpatrick.
A.C. Flagg to F. Furness.
T. Gage to R. Gazzard, including with Gateshead County Borough re the cleaning and repair of their charters 1956-1959.
E. Gemmill to Glasgow Museums and Art Galleries, including Genealogical Society of Utah/Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints re the microfilming of records 1965-1968, and W.W. Glaister re local history and much photocopying 1958-1978.
J. Godden to T. Gwynne.
H.J. Habakkuk to J.C. Hanekmap.
M.W. Harbott to R.W. Hays.
P. Heath to Royal Historical Society
J. Hoare to J.C. Holt.
A.T. Hooker to R.W. Hoyle.
F. Hudry to A. Hyde.
J.K. Ibbs to P.C.G. Isaac.
A.C. Jackson to M.I. Joyce.
R.J.P. Kain to S. Kuttner.
L. Lacey to Leys Photographic Ltd.
W.H. Liddell to D.W. Lloyd.
J. Lomas to S.G.E. Lythe.
J. McAllister to H. MacQueen.
J.R. Maddicott to R.H. Mayne.
P.M. Meadows to A.W.D. Mitton.
Modern Humanities Research Association to S. Mowat.
J. Munby to P.J. Myers.
L. Namier to S.C. Newton..
D. Nicholl to E.D. Nuttall.
A.M. Oakley to Ozalid Co Ltd.
G.G. Pace to P.I.C. Payne.
P. Peacock to Phillput Ltd.
Thomas Pickard to E.R. Poyser.
D.E.H. Pratt to R.C. Pybus.
Bernard Quaritch Ltd to R. Quirk.
Radio Durham to R.W. Rennison.
J.N. Rhodes to C.A. Rivington, including Reinmuth February 1958 to April 1978.
K. Robbins to Royal Institute of British Architects.
V. Rudd to G. Ryder and Co Ltd.
H.D. Saffrey to K. Severs.
E.W. Shafto-Hilton to Shropshire County Record Office.
Sidney Sussex College Library to L. Sleigh.
B. Smalley to SSRC Research Division.
Staffordshire County Record Office to M. Sturt.
E. Suddes to N. Sykes.
J. Tait to A.E. Teulon.
T.W. Thacker to G.C. Thursfield.
G. Tibbe to W. Toyn.
G. Trasler to F.J. Tyzack.
S. Uhler to Ushaw College Library.
J.A.C.J. van de Wouw to V. Voss Smith.
J. Wackett to P.H. Walker, including L.E.M. Walker of St Andrews University re annual visits with students for display classes.
P.J. Wallis to V.E. Watts, including with Stanley Walton July 1955 to September 1970 re the deposit of the Howard of Naworth archive and J.M. Ward February 1957 to September 1973.
Wear Valley District Council to Westmorland County Council.
L.E. Whatmore to Messrs Thomas Boyd Whyte.
A.A. Wijffels to W. Winward.
Wolsingham Parish Council to R.P. Wright.
D.E.C. Yale to P.N.R. Zutshi.
Papers of or about individualsReference: UND/DB4/GUND/DB4/G1 [12 September 1957]
Table of pontifical years of the bishops of Durham 1333-1628, with a satirical covering note on such tables and the Reader's making off with
The Handbook of British Chronology.
UND/DB4/G2-8 [1960s x 1980s]
Notes, transcripts and photocopies of documents in Durham archives about and written by the Rackett (also Raket) family from the 15th to 18th centuries, compiled by Alan Piper and Pat Mussett.
Notes on the Raket family 15th - 18th centuries, with files of notes on each family member, a timeline, and a photocopy of
“The Thomas Rackett Papers 17th to 19th Centuries” ed H.S.L. Dewar (Dorset Record Society No.3, 1965).
Entries from records (almost all from the bishop of Durham's archive, with others from the cathedral archive, but none referenced) concerning members of the Rackett family:
Richard Rackett 1422-1472.
Henry Rackett 1438-1457.
Antony Rackett 1520s-1530s.
William Rackett 1403-1470s.
William Rackett jr 1460s.
John Rackett 1470-1513x1523.
John Rackett of Coatham Mundeville 1525-1539.
Catalogue descriptions of documents written by John Raket (1.10.Pont.6-9, 2.10.Pont.1a,3-6, 4.9.Spec.33-35), and notes of others written by him.
Photocopies of Raket documents in the cathedral archive: DCD 1.5.Spec.36, 2.4.Spec.24, Reg. Parv. II f.96v-97r; Reg. Parv. III f.56v.
Notes of Raket entries in documents in the cathedral archive and some elsewhere, especially the bursars' accounts.
Notes of Raket entries in documents in the bishop's (especially receiver-generals' accounts) and palatinate (especially from the Deputy Keeper's Reports) archives.
Notes of Raket wills and other probate records, with transcripts and photocopies of:
John Rackett, 6 March 1560 (recte 1559), will, transcript and photocopy.
Maria Rackett, 1 July 1575, administration bond, photocopy.
John Raket, 28 April 1578, will, transcript and photocopy.
Elizabeth Rackett, 20 January 1584, transcript and photocopy.
Cuthbert Rackett, 10 December 1587, will and inventory, transcript.
John Rackett, 29 May 1701, will, photocopy.
Robert Rackett, 22 July 1630, will and inventory, photocopy.
Henry Rackett, 27 December 1736, will, photocopy.
UND/DB4/G9 January 1968 - April 1970
Translation of the charters of Berwick-upon-Tweed of 29 November 1417 and 16 April 1603 for the borough by Pat Mussett from Latin to English, drafts and correspondence about the work January to April 1968, with also notes about other charters and
a letter about other Berwick documents of 13 April 1970, and including 2 copies of Joseph Stevenson's report for the Commissioners [of the Public Records c.1850] on the Berwick-upon-Tweed records 1417-1840 held by the town clerk and treasurer.
Paper file
UND/DB4/G10-32 [c.1975] - 2006
Files of Alan Piper (d2012) reflecting some of his work (1968-2008) on the cathedral's archive and library manuscripts, and the University Lbrary's medieval manuscripts.
23 files
UND/DB4/G10 [c.1995]
“Durham Visitation Material”, ?draft text for a possible Surtees Society edition re records of visitations of the cathedral priory, including a list of such documents 1300-1464 (mostly from the Ponts series) and
transcripts of: 1.9.Pont.10, 2.9.Pont.4, Reg. II f.49v-50r & 50v-51r, 2.9.Pont.2, Loc.XXVII:30 & 31, Misc. Ch. 7288, Misc. Ch. 2645, Loc.XXVII:12, 2.9.Pont.6, 2.9.Pont.10, Loc.XXVII:4, 1.8.Pont.1, 2.8.Pont.5, 2.8.Pont.10a, 1.8.Pont.6,
2.8.Pont.4, 1.9.Pont.1a & b, 2.8.Pont.12, Misc. Ch. 5634, Loc.XXVII:35 & 34 & 14 & 37a-c, 1.9.Pont.3, Loc.XXVII:17, 1.8.Pont.2, Misc. Ch. 2658, Loc.XXVII:15.
Paper file, 113f
UND/DB4/G11 September 2000 - April 2006
Correspondence re the use and significance of the title “magister” and Thomas of Lund's annotations.
Paper file
UND/DB4/G12 [c.1990 - 2005]
“Corpus/Cells”, notes, correspondence, transcripts and copies of documents re book collections at the various Durham cells: Jarrow, Wearmouth, Stamford, Lytham, Coldingham, Farne, Holy Island.
Paper file
UND/DB4/G13 1988
Notes and correspondence re homiliaries, at Durham and elsewhere, especially with Prof J.E. Cross.
Paper file
UND/DB4/G14 [c.2000 - 2005]
The cathedral's manuscripts: notes on surveys of the Spendement and Cloister; incomplete printout of a catalogue of A.IV.36-B.II.2; notes on manuscripts associated with Symeon; list of non-cathedral priory manuscripts in the cathedral library;
full description of Hunter 100.
Paper file
UND/DB4/G15 [c.1990 - 2005]
Draft catalogue entries, with some correspondence and photocopies, of cathedral manuscripts A.I.2 to C.IV.18.
Paper file
UND/DB4/G16 [c.1990] - 2003
Repertoria of the cathedral's archive, including concordances of document references in the various medieval repertoria, notes on references, dates and arrangements of documents, and a paper “The Provenance of Durham
Cathedral Muniments 1400-1430” delivered to an AMARC conference in Durham 7 July 2003.
Paper file
UND/DB4/G17 [c.1975 - c.2004]
Papers and articles by or sent to AJP, most ?unpublished:
“The Origins of the Cells” [by AJP, c.1975].
“Changing Patterns of Land Use on Spennymoor in the Later Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries”, by Simon J. Harris [c.2004].
“Scaling the Ladder: the Rise and Rise of the Gray Family, c.1296-c.1415”, by Andy King [c.2002].
“Master Stefano Annibaldi and the Monks of Durham 1237-1247”, by Nicholas VIncent 1998.
“Roman and Canon Law Manuscripts at Durham Cathedral: 1140-1298”, by Robert Gibbs [c.2000].
“The Mortality of Durham Priory Monks, 1395-1529”, [AJP with David Stone and John Hatcher, draft, published in Economic History Review 2006].
“Richard Kellawe évêque de Durham”, by AJP, proof of a [French biographical dictionary article c.2000].
“St Cuthbert and his Monks in the Twelfth Century”, [by AJP, c.1975].
“The rectors of Heighington c.1175-1253”, by AJP 2000.
“A Selection of Seals from the Muniments of the Dean and Chapter of Durham”, by AJP 1999, with a French translation.
“Contrabrevia”, by Martin Snape [c.1975].
“Morwick and Preston Charters of the Twelfth Century, Ernulf and Hugh of Morwick (d.1187): the One a Turncoat, the Other a Bastard?”, by AJP 1997, with correspondence.
“Colonization of the Wasteland in County Durham, 1100-1400”, by Helen Dunsford and Simon Harris (c.2004).
Paper file
UND/DB4/G18 [c.1990]
List of cathedral library mss, no longer in Durham, held on microfilm [XM/Film] with details of provenance and ownership identifications.
Paper file
UND/DB4/G19 2004
Liberties and Loyalties Colloquium, held in the History Dept, Durham University, 7-8 July 2004, including colloquium details and papers by Keith Stringer, Robin Frame, Beth Hartland, Matthew Holford, Cynthia Neville, Melanie Devine, Henry
Summerson, and Sandy Grant.
Paper file
UND/DB4/G20 1997 - 2004
Chronological list of documents re Spennymoor; correspondence with especially Prof A.A.M. Duncan re Duncan II's charter (Misc Ch 554) 1997-1999; note from Martin Snape re Bishop Skirlaw's licensing of priors' elections; correspondence with Sandy
Heslop 2002 re a priory seal of c.1000; list of selected seals from the cathedral's archive 1999; list of monks with more than 40 years' service; AHRB rejection of the Durham Charters Project bid 2004.
Paper file
UND/DB4/G21 [c.1985]
Draft reviews of Andrew Watson's editions of
Dated and Datable Manuscripts (1984), with notes on and lists of datable manuscripts in the British Library and Oxford, and a copy of Neil Ker's notes of July 1944 on “The
early-twelfth-cnetury English manuscript” .
Paper file
UND/DB4/G22 [c.1990s]
Western Bookhand from 800 class, copies of manuscript examples with a list
Paper file
UND/DB4/G23 [c.1990s]
[Durham cathedral priory] books in Ushaw College Library, lists and notes.
Paper file
UND/DB4/G24 [c.1990s]
Books at Durham College Oxford, notes and transcripts of documents.
Paper file
UND/DB4/G25 [c.1990s]
Lists of and notes on various aspects of the medieval cathedral archive, such as those documents with braided seal cords, documents concerning Raket or written by Stiphel or other members of the community, list of manuscripts at Durham and
elsewhere containing annotations by Thomas Swalwell.
Pack of index cards
Size: 6 x 4" & 5 x 3"
UND/DB4/G26 1988 - 2002
Notes and correspondence principally re the Medieval Manuscripts in British Library project.
Notes by A.I. Doyle and A.J. Piper of the methodology for and a draft catalogue of the medieval manuscripts of Lincoln Cathedral 1988
Correspondence between A.J. Piper and Alex Rumble re a catalogue of the medieval manuscripts in the John Rylands Library 1989-1990 with a list of such mss.
Note by A.I. Doyle on the Chambre continuation 1989.
Email from Katharine Donahue re an incunable in UCLA library 2002.
List of monks appearing in Durham Cathedral mss.
Transcription and description of Regule Compoti.
Paper file
UND/DB4/G27 1982 - 1990
Drafts of a catalogue of Durham University Library's medieval Cosin manuscripts, with occasional notes and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/DB4/G28 [c.1980s]
Photocopied printed draft catalogue of Durham University Library's medieval Cosin manuscripts, with some annotations.
Paper file
UND/DB4/G29 [c.1980s]
“Cosin Mss Work to do elsewhere” , notes, order tickets and correspondence.
Paper file
UND/DB4/G30 June 1983
Cosin Mss descriptions taken by AID[oyle] to Paris some queries & observations, including an offprint of Mahmoud Manzalaqui,
“The Secret Secretorum The Mediaeval European Version of 'Kitab Sirr-ul-Asrar”', Bulletin of the Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University (XV, 1961), p.83-107.
Paper file
UND/DB4/G31 1968 - 1982
Collection of University Library items:
Library rules with appropriate images, as displayed in the Science Library October 1968.
Paper by A.I. Doyle on present and future policy for
“Special Collections (Excluding Oriental)”, 18 November 1982.
Papers on the division of bookstock between Palace Green and South Road by E.M. Rainey, A.J. Piper, Sarah Milner, and Marilyn Hird, November 1982.
Brief List of Special and Obsolete Locations, much annotated by [A.I. Doyle] c.1975.
Various instructions for locking up, call-out, and security alarms 1979-1981.
“Cosin's Library, its founder and history”, much amended, c.1980.
Paper file
UND/DB4/G32 1981 - 1988
Personal correspondence of Alan Piper about matters in various colleges.
Paper file
Closed under DPA until 2069
PublicationsReference: UND/DB4/HUND/DB4/H1 [c.1980]
“How to Trace the History of a Property in the Records of the Estates of the Dean and Chapter of Durham”
UND/DB4/H2 June 1982
The Magnum Repertorium: A Users' Guide by Meryl Foster: Introduction, the Contents of the Magnum, the Arrangement of the Magnum, Interpreting the Entries, Using the Magnum, Summary, Appendices, Index. Inscribed:
“A.J.P. from M.R.F. 25.ix.1982” .
Typescript, card-covered, paper booklet, ii + 34p
PhotographsReference: UND/DB4/IUND/DB4/I1 [c.1980]
Prior's Kitchen searchroom, with a school group of boys and girls, examining documents, especially a long roll.
Size: 205 x 255mm
Found in a 5TC ground floor office cupboard 15 September 2008 by A.J.P. Gray.
UND/DB4/I2 c.1950s - January 1971
Lists of plates and (mostly) photostats held by the department, taken from documents/manuscripts in the department and elsewhere, especially PRO, and including those used in seminars by Mr H.C. Johnson May-June 1955, Lady Doris Stenton May 1954,
Dr N. Williams January 1956, Dr P. Chaplais, and Prof F. Wormald May 1957.
UND/DB4/I3 [c.1955]
Images from printed books of alphabets and examples of handwriting and penmanship:
1. J Beauchesne and J. Baildon,
A Booke Containing Diverse Sortes of Hands, (1571), 8 images.
2. F. Clement,
The Petie Schole (1587), 2 images.
2. E. Cocker,
Magnum in Parvo, on the Pen's Perfection (1672), 6 images.
3. G. Shelley,
Natural Writing (1709), 1 image.
3. E. Cocker,
The Guide to Penmanship (1664), 4 images.
4. J. Seddon,
The Penman's Paradise both Pleasant and Profitable (1695), 4 images.
5. C. Snell,
The Art of Writing (1712), 3 images.
Size: 85 x 85mm
UND/DB4/I4 [c.1955]
Palaeographical images from manuscripts and inscriptions.
1/1. Trajan's column 114A.
1/2. Enlargement of E from Trajan's column.
1/3 St Gall Cod.1394.
1/4. Vatican Cod. Palat. 1631.
1/5. Durham Cathedral Library A.II.17.
1/6. Cambridge University Library MS. N.n.41.
1/7. Rome Pal. Soc. I.2.136.
1/8. Graffiti from Pompeii.
2/9. Graffiti from Pompeii.
2/10. Graffiti from Pompeii.
2/11. Berlin
2/12. Florence Soc. Italiana.
2/13. Trinity College Dublin Book of Kells.
2/14. Milan C.5, Irish miniscule.
2/15. British Museum Cotton Tiberius C.V, Bede Ecclesiastical History.
3/16. Paris Archives Nationales K.2.13.
3/17. Durham Cathedral Library A.II.16.
3/18. Paris Bibliotheque Nationale MS Lat. 17655.
3/19. Naples MS.
3/20. British Museum Add 30852, Visigothic.
3/21. Durham Cathedral Library A.II.17.
3/22. Durham Cathedral Library A.II.16.
4/1. P.Ox.30, de Bell. Maced.
4/2. P.Land.90, Cic. Verr.ii.2.3-4.
4/3. Carmen Actiacum.
4/4. Tullius fragment.
4/5. Vero Augustens (Sched.Vat.) 9.i.61.
4/6. Verg. Sched Samsallenses A.i.704.
4/7. Vergil Cod.Med.G.i.178.
Size: 50 x 50mm
UND/DB4/I5 [c.1980]
Images of the searchroom at No 5 The College.
1. A shoeless female reader looking at a [tithe] map.
2. The same reader discussing with two other ladies standing, Jo Fewster reading at a desk.
Size: 100 x 150mm
UND/DB4/I6 [c.1980]
George Peart, conservator, at work in the basement conservation workshop at 5 The College.
1-2. Sewing the spine of a book on a sewing frame.
3-4. Applying gold lettering to a spine.
5-6. Document on a light box.
7. General view of the workshop, document on a light box.
8-11. Greenwood's 1822 map of Northumberland, badly fragmented.
12. Howard of Naworth 1967 deposit map of Morpeth (early 18th century).
13. Applying gold lettering to a spine.
Size: 100 x 150mm
UND/DB4/I7 [c.1980]
Durham doorways, including St Cuthbert's, St John's, 10, 11 and 27 ?Bailey. ?Taken for a calendar of Durham doorways.
Size: 150 x 100mm
UND/DB4/I8 [July 1988]
Medieval quadrapartite wooden storage box, and various groups of medieval documents, some in a modern box.
6 colour slides
Size: 35mm
UND/DB4/I9 [October 1984]
Howdenshire Church Commissioners' records, original admittance with straw for Howden manor 20 November 1802, sent to East Yorkshire Record Office at Beverley by the Dept of Pal and Dip in October 1984 to become ?DDHM/111-236733.
Colour slide
UND/DB4/I10 [1957]
Various groupings of staff and ?researchers, standing outside the Prior's Kitchen/ Refectory, with roses in flower behind, taken on Conway Davies's retirement, featuring his doctoral students (LtoR):
1. ?, ?, Geoffrey Scammell, ?, Martin Snape, Marjorie Graham (later Snape), ?, Constance Fraser, ?, ?.
2. Constance Fraser, ?.
3. ?, Marjorie Graham.
4. ?, Geoffrey Scammell, ?, Martin Snape, Marjorie Graham, ?.
5. Geoffrey Scammell, Constance Fraser, Marjoire Graham, ?, Martin Snape.
6. ?Mr Purves, Geoffrey Scammell, Marjorie Graham, Malcolm Jack, Martin Snape.
7. Constance Fraser, Geoffrey Scammell, Martin Snape.
7 BW prints
Size: 90 x 65/140
Given by Alison Snape, daughter of Martin Snape, March 2012, Acc No Misc.2011/2:50.
UND/DB4/I11 1725 - c.1950
Photocopies and photographs of the Prior's Kitchen.
1. Section drawing, photocopy of MS Top Gen b.53, 12 September 1725.
2. Plan of the roof drawing, photocopy of MS Top Eccles d.6, [c.1750].
3. Interior drawing showing kitchen fittings, photocopy, c.1780.
4. Interior engraving showing kitchen fittings, BW print, 19th century.
5. Exterior roof engraving, BW print, 19th century, presented by C.W. Gibby 1967.
6. Roof exterior from NW, BW print by Canon Walker, 1901.
7. Roof exterior from NE, BW print, [1901].
8. Interior showing kitchen fittings, copy BW print, early 20th century.
9. Interior showing kitchen range and tables, BW print, early 20th century.
10. Interior showing tables and entrance, BW print, early 20th century.
11. Interior showing tables and doorways, BW print, 1932.
12. Interior empty and clean, BW print, c.1950.
3 photocopies & 9 BW prints
UND/DB4/I12 [1985]
Images of the department and its work taken for an exhibition.
1. Part of a Misc.Ch., badly damaged by damp, before repair
2. A Misc.Ch., 3 June 1354, badly damaged by damp, repaired.
3. Misc.Ch. 554 (King Duncan charter) with the seal's reverse, with a negative.
4. Misc.Ch. 554 King Duncan's seal obverse.
5. George Peart repairing a map, on a wall board.
6. George Peart applying gold lettering to the spine of a rebound book.
7. Jo Fewster using a [?microfilm reader] and Margaret McCollum transcribing at a table with a repaired large [?CCB/MP/48b] map unrolled, at the E end of 5 The College searchroom.
8. Mobile racking in a 5 The College strongroom, containing Howard of Naworth documents.
9. Pat Mussett with a rack of [Specialia] boxes in the Prior's Kitchen.
10. Pat Mussett seated at a computer with a [?register] in the Prior's Kitchen.
10 colour prints + 1 negative
PlansReference: UND/DB4/JUND/DB4/J1-6 June 1960
Plans - floors and elevation - for an Arts Building at New Elvet incorporating Palaeography (basement muniment store), English, French, German, and Spanish, by Marshall Sisson, architect, of Godmanchester.
Size: 550 x 760mm