The Palatinate or County Palatine of Durham consisted of the pre-1974 Co Durham (sometimes referred to as the land between the rivers Tyne and Tees or "the Bishopric"), together with an area known as North Durham (made up of Holy Island and
Islandshire, Norham and Norhamshire and Bedlington and Bedlingtonshire), which was a detached part of Co Durham until it was transferred to Northumberland in 1844, plus Crayke in North Yorkshire, which also formed a detached part of Co Durham until
1844, when it was transferred to Yorkshire. The ecclesiastical peculiars of Allerton and Allertonshire and Howden and Howdenshire in Yorkshire did not form part of the Palatinate, although they are sometimes wrongly described as such. The boundaries
of the Palatinate differed from the boundaries of the diocese of Durham and from the boundaries of the Durham bishopric estates.
A palatinate is the territory of a count palatine, that is a magnate who has certain rights of local jurisdiction which, unusually, are exclusive of the royal courts. An English palatinate was an independent franchise with judicial and
administrative systems which were modelled on the system of royal courts and government but which came under the control of the count palatine rather than of the crown (although in practice the power of the palatine courts in Durham was always
limited by the paramountcy of the royal prerogative).
Durham, where the Palatinate was held by the Bishop of Durham (or by specially appointed royal officials during vacancies in the see) is generally regarded as the most ancient of the great English exempt jurisdictions (which also included the
palatinates of Chester and Lancaster). No charter of its creation is known to exist, and the powers of its ruler seem to have been based on prescriptive rights and on the need for a powerful lord to be based in the border areas, able to exercise
justice efficiently and effectively in times of frequent wars and skirmishes and poor communications. The survival of the independence of the Durham Palatinate long after those of Chester and Lancaster had been absorbed into the national system of
government doubtless reflects not just its strategic importance as a buffer between England and Scotland and the remoteness of the region, but also the status and influence of Durham and its shrine of St Cuthbert.
The Palatinate's judicial institutions, modelled on those of the kingdom but formally independent of them, developed rapidly during the 13th century, although the term "palatinus" was not used until the late 13th century, during the episcopate of
Anthony Bek (1284-1311). As well as running their own courts and appointing their own temporal chancellor and justices of the Peace the bishops also exercised within the Palatinate such regalian privileges as exacting mineral rights, enforcing
forest jurisdiction, minting their own coins and granting charters for markets and fairs. The bishop also had the right to claim wrecks, royal fish, treasure trove, waif and stray and deodands, as well as the lands of convicted felons.
The bishops of Durham were at the height of their powers as counts palatine between 1300 and 1400, although even then certain of their claims to power were disputed by various kings. The Palatinate's independence lingered on because national
government was weakened by long-running disputes during the 15th century, but it could not withstand unscathed the centralizing forces at work from the late 15th century onwards. By an Act of 1536 the bishop of Durham effectively lost his criminal
jurisdiction and his judicial supremacy. The palatine courts remained as before, and continued to be organized separately from other courts, but they were now the king's courts, not the bishop's. Even after 1536, however, the bishop still retained
his right to nominate justices of the peace for the Crown to appoint (and the bishop's nominations were generally accepted). The bishop and his temporal chancellor were themselves justices ex officio. The bishop also still retained his supremacy
over civil jurisdiction and civil government in the Palatinate and was still automatically lord lieutenant of Durham. Until 1836 he also seems to have either himself continued to serve as custos rotulorum or else at certain periods to have appointed
representatives to carry out the duties of this office on his behalf. He still kept his chancery and admiralty jurisdictions and continued to appoint various officials, e.g. the temporal chancellor, sheriff, under-sheriff, county clerk, gaoler,
prothonotary, clerk of the peace etc.. He could still preside in some courts and was entitled to receive the fees from various judicial proceedings, as well as retaining rights over boroughs and guilds, remaining the chief feudal lord in the area
and maintaining his financial administration. In 1646, during the Civil War, the Palatinate was abolished, but in 1660, at the Restoration, the palatine rights as they had existed in 1646 were restored to Bishop Cosin, who made deliberate efforts to
revive the dignity of the Palatinate. However, the 1660 Statute of Tenures ended the bishop's rights as chief feudal lord in the Palatinate. Just before 1688 an attempt was made to abolish the Palatinate by Act of Parliament. This was strongly
opposed in Durham, where the local courts were popular, and the attempt failed. At certain periods during the 18th century there was much criticism of the administration of the Palatinate, notably by Gilbert Spearman (see Publication note), although
no particular attempt was made to abolish the system itself.
During the period of general reform in the 1830s the government suggested abolishing the Palatinate courts but this proposal met with so much local opposition that it was decided to reform them instead. By an Act of Parliament of 6 & &
William IV [1836], c.19 the Durham palatine jurisdiction was separated from the bishopric of Durham and vested in the Crown "as a franchise and royalty separate from the Crown", to be "exercised and enjoyed" by the king "as a separate franchise and
royalty". The Palatinate's County Court was abolished but, following strong local pressure, led by Lord Londonderry, the separate Durham Court of Pleas and Durham Chancery Court were retained. Both these courts were, however, now under central
rather than episcopal control, and the Crown appointed the custos rotulorum from 1836 onwards. Thus, with the loss of his civil jurisdiction and remaining regalian rights, the bishop of Durham in 1836 finally ceased to be a count palatine.
For a more detailed account of the courts see TNA's online guide and K. Emsley and C.M. Fraser,
(see Publication note).
1. The Durham County Court: this descended from the medieval shire court attended by all the free men of the Palatinate under the presidency of the sheriff of Durham. It declined from the 14th century with the rise of Sessions of the Peace. From
the 17th to the 19th centuries it continued as a court for small civil pleas under the county clerk, not the sheriff. The Palatinate County Court was abolished in 1836. No records of it are known to survive. From 1836 onwards Durham had a County
Court identical to those for other counties. These in turn were abolished by the County Courts Act of 1846 and replaced by new courts; the records of the post-1846 Durham County Court are in Durham County Record Office (DCRO).
2. The Durham courts of common law: the Durham Court of Pleas and the Assizes. These mirrored the similar royal courts. Officers of the Palatinate seem to have regarded the Court of Pleas and the Assizes as two aspects of the same court. After
the Court of Chancery the Court of Pleas was the most important Durham court. Its chief officer and custodian of its records was the prothonotary, sometimes called the clerk of the justices itinerant in the County Palatine of Durham. At first the
Durham Court of Pleas dealt mainly with civil cases, many of them relating to debt, but by the 15th century it was also dealing with criminal cases, e.g. murder, riot, thefts and horse and sheep-stealing. In 1536 the Durham criminal jurisdiction was
resumed by the Crown and thenceforth the Crown commissioned the justices of assize and gaol-delivery, whose business became predominantly criminal. The Palatinate Court of Pleas, now under the Crown, thereafter dealt mainly with civil cases, chiefly
relating to debt and the recovery of property, but also with some criminal cases left over from the Assizes. Business often proceeded slowly. From 1690 until 1873 the court was in decline, with a growing number of appeals being made against its
decisions. The Durham Court of Pleas was retained in 1836 but in 1873 was abolished as a separate court and merged in the Supreme Court. Most surviving records of the Durham Court of Pleas and Assizes are in TNA but some records of the Court of
Pleas are in this collection.
3. Durham justices of the peace and Quarter Sessions. Justices of the peace in the Palatinate of Durham were commissioned by the bishop of Durham until 1536 and thereafter by the Crown (although see also under History and administration above).
Records of the justices and of Quarter Sessions were in the custody of the clerk of the peace. They were kept separately from the main body of Palatinate records and were left in Durham in 1868 when most Palatinate Records were transferred to TNA
(see Custodial history). The bulk of them are now in DCRO.
4. The Durham Chancery Court. This originally existed as a registry or secretariat, and at first also ruled on certain specific common law matters, but its work increasingly came to concentrate on equity as opposed to common law cases; equity is
a distinct system of law, involving recourse to general principles of justice to correct or supplement the provisions of common or statute law. In the 17th and early 18th centuries numerous inclosures of common lands in the Palatinate were also
carried out by decree of the Durham Chancery. The chief officer of the Durham Court of Chancery was the temporal chancellor of Durham (different from the spiritual chancellor, who headed the diocesan administration). The temporal chancellor was
appointed by the bishop of Durham until 1836 and thereafter by the Crown. He presided in the Chancery Court and had custody of the Great Seal of the Palatinate, used for sealing all documents issuing from the Durham Chancery, as well as writs and
mandates proceeding from the Durham Exchequer and the Durham Court of Pleas. The chancellor was usually a senior lawyer in the royal courts and most of the day-to-day work of the court was carried out by the Chancery registrar (or register), who was
also appointed by the bishop until 1836. The secretarial/registry functions of the Durham Chancery were the responsibility of the clerk of the Chancery, later known as the cursitor, who was also an episcopal apointee until 1836. He ranked second to
the chancellor and was usually responsible for the care of the Chancery records. He issued most Chancery writs and his remit covered matters such as inquisitions post mortem as well as enrolments of episcopal letters patent and close, charters,
fines, recognizances, deeds etc.. His work diminished from the 17th century onwards and, although the office survived the changes of 1836, it was abolished by an Act of 1868. Until 1855 the Chancery Court sat in the bishop's exchequer in the
Exchequer Building on Palace Green, Durham (currently part of Durham University Library). In 1855 it moved to a building in Owengate, Durham, which was part of Durham University Law Department until 2012. The judge's bench from the court has been
re-erected in the Durham Heritage Centre. By the 19th century the Durham Chancery Court heard few cases but it was retained in 1836, although it thereafter came under the Crown rather than the bishop. Its procedure was reformed by the Palatinate
Court of Durham Act of 1889, which led to increased local use of the court. It survived until 1971, when it was merged with the Chancery division of the Supreme Court. The bulk of the records of the Durham Chancery, including all the medieval
material, are in TNA. Many inclosure records and some later court records are here (See Custodial history and Immediate source of acquisition for more details).
5. Admiralty jurisdiction. Matters relating to the bishop of Durham's regalian rights as count palatine in respect of wreck, royal fish, regulation of ports and river commerce and cases arising from various naval and commercial activities were
originally dealt with in the regular palatinate courts. In the mid-17th century, however, a separate Durham Vice-Admiralty court, based in Sunderland, developed. After the Restoration appeals from this court went to the royal court of Admiralty. The
work of the Sunderland court seems to have ended with the creation by an Act of 1717 of the River Wear Commissioners, who held their own court. Few records of the bishop's court survive (but see Gibson Volumes under Related material - same
The collection is arranged in four major groups as described below, where the various accession dates of each class of material are also briefly noted.
PAL 1 Durham Court of Chancery Records - Inclosure records [From 1954/1955 accession unless otherwise stated]
PAL 2 Durham Court of Chancery Records apart from Inclosure records (including some stray records from other palatine courts) [From 1954/1955 accession unless otherwise stated]
PAL 3 Durham Court of Pleas Records (including some stray records from other palatine courts and elsewhere) [From 1986/1987 accession unless otherwise stated]
PAL 4 Volumes relating to the conduct of and fees levied in the palatine courts [From 1954/1955 accession]
The first four instalments of this material were deposited with the Department of Palaeography and Diplomatic of the University of Durham.
1954/1955 accession (circumstances of receipt undocumented) consisted of inclosure records and other material left in Durham when the bulk of the non-current Palatinate Records were transferred to London in 1868, and Durham Chancery Records,
which were created in Durham after 1868.
28 October 1977 accession received from the Public Record Office.
23 March 1978 accession received from the Public Record Office.
5 & 12 December 1986 / 10 April 1987 accession transferred (with the permission of the Public Record Office) to the University of Durham via Tyne and Wear Archives Service from Gateshead Central Library, where they had been deposited in 1912
(along with a few other items not yet traced) by the Public Record Office. It had been scheduled for destruction by the Public Record Office in 1912 if no other repository had agreed to take it.
11 June 2002 accession (PAL 3/3, Misc. Acc. 2002/2003 52) deposited by the Director of Arts and Libraries, Gateshead MBC via Durham County Record Office, where the documents had been transferred on 22 February 2002.
Following the submission in 1854 of a highly critical report by T. Duffus Hardy on the arrangements for the care of records in Durham, and of a further report in 1867, most of the Palatinate of Durham Records, together with some other series,
were removed to London in 1868 and placed in the PRO, where they now remain. Some pre-1868 records, chiefly Durham Chancery Records, seem to have been left in Durham in error, and most or all of the latter probably ended up in the 1954/1955 deposit
with University of Durham.
In 1868 current records of the Durham Court of Chancery, together with most of the inclosure records, were left in Durham for ease of consultation. The court subsequently continued to create records. Some post-1868 material was included in the
1954/1955 deposit with the University of Durham. Following the merger of the Durham Court of Chancery with the Chancery Division of the Supreme Court in 1971 the remaining records of Chancery proceedings held in Durham, together with some other
inclosure awards deposited under Acts of Parliament with the Durham Chancery, were transferred by their new custodian, the Newcastle upon Tyne District Registry of the High Court, to the PRO (now The National Archives) in London. A Sessions of the
Peace roll, 1628-1629, found in PAL 2/7, which was a stray from the Durham Quarter Sessions Records, was transferred from the University of Durham to Durham County Record Office, where the main series of these records is housed, on 18 July 2000,
with the permission of the Public Record Office.
The 11 June 2002 accession (PAL 3/3, Misc. Acc. 2002/2003.52) is labelled "Phillipps MS 20285". In 2002 Tyne and Wear Archives Service had no information from Gateshead Library Records about how this manuscript had reached Gateshead.
Permission to make any published use of material from the collection must be sought in advance from the Sub-Librarian, Special Collections (e-mail and, where appropriate, from the copyright owner. The Library will assist
where possible with identifying copyright owners, but responsibility for ensuring copyright clearance rests with the user of the material
Arranged on receipt as indicated above into Court of Chancery, Court of Pleas and General series.
Bishop Wood's Charity (PAL 2/8) catalogued by Danielle McAloon 2012
Typescript and word-processed summary accession lists.
Unpublished typescript list (arranged by collection) of inclosure awards and plans in Durham University Library, with many manuscript alterations and additions.
Draft manuscript list (arranged by place) of inclosure records in Durham University Library.
MS Access database version of the praecipes and recoveries in PAL 3/1/6-7,9-35 (bundles 1-5 and 8 missing), including details of the parties and places involved in each recovery, keyed from the eight booklets compiled ca.1913-1914 which are
themselves now also part of PAL 3/1: this data has now been transferred into this catalogue, listed below.
Microfilms of some of the Palatinate Records in TNA are held here (shelfmark XM/film Palatinate): DURH 3/2-5, abstracts of Durham inquisitions post mortem, 1318-1625 (with gaps); DURH 3/12-21, Durham halmote court rolls, 1348-1522; DURH 3/29-38,
42-52, 54-134, Durham Court of Chancery rolls, 1333-1854 (with gaps); DURH 3/136-140, Evenwood court rolls, 1406-1494; and DURH 13/222-225, 227-230, plea and gaol delivery rolls, Durham Assizes and Court of Pleas, 1377-1502 (with gaps).
National Archives, London (TNA)
Palatinate of Durham Records. The bulk of the Palatinate of Durham Records are held (DURH 1 - DURH 27). TNA's online guide (
(Cambridge, 1990).
, 1840-1859 (especially report from T. Duffus Hardy to Sir Francis Palgrave on the "Durham Records" in the appendix to the 16th Report, section 4, pp.44-93, 18
November 1854.
Emsley, K. and Fraser, C.M.,
Fraser, C.M. and Emsley, K., "The clerical justices of the peace in the North-East, 1626-30",
, 5th ser., vol. 11 (1974), pp.189-199
Kitching, C.J., "The Durham Palatinate and the courts of Westminster under the Tudors" in D. Marcombe (ed.),
(Nottingham, 1987), pp.49-70.
Scammell. J., "The origins and limitations of the Liberty of Durham",
Including some stray records from other palatine courts and elsewhere.
Prothonotary's RecordsPAL 3/1 1689 - 1840
Praecipes (writs) for recoveries and draft recoveries [of land] (bundles 6-7, 9-10, 10A and 11-35), 1689-1833
(with 8 booklets compiled ca.1913-1914, after the transfer of these documents from the PRO to Gateshead Library in 1912, and containing numerical lists of the praecipes etc. in the above bundles, and in the missing bundles 1-5 and 8, together
with details of the parties and places involved in each recovery, as below).
2 packets of draft recoveries (nos.427 and 429), ca.1770-1777 and 1824-1833.
12 packets (one empty) labelled "Long writs", not yet sorted but sampling suggests the dates are ca.1714-1828.
2 files of appearance pieces (nos. 560 and 566), 1812-1815 and 1832-1840.
6.47/1,6,12,13 5 July 1689
From: John Theobalds
To: John Pilkington, John Hull
Place(s): in Darlington
4 items
6.47/2-5,7-11 16 July 1689
From: Richard Midleton esq., Robert Hilton
To: John Lamb esq.
Place(s): Castle of Hilton, manor of Hilton, Ford, Follingsby, & Great Usw[orth], Barmston, Jv. [?North] Biddicke, Mkw [?Monkwearmouth], Fulwell, Suddicke [Southwick], W.
9 items
6.47/14-22 16 July 1689
From: Sir Thomas Musgrave, Lionel Vane, William Lambton
To: Richard Croft, Richard Wharton
Place(s): Blakeston, manor of, Fulthorpe in Thorpe Thewles, parishes of Norton, Grindon, Stranton
9 items
6.47/23-31 1 August 1689
From: Francis Blakiston clerk, Mary Blakiston widow, Dorothy Blakiston spinster
To: Seth Powell gent.
Place(s): Newsham, part of the manor of
9 items
6.47/32-40 1 August 1689
From: Sir Gilbert Gerrard, Sir Sam Gerrard
To: Hon. Charles Lord Macclesfield
Place(s): Newsham, part of the manor of
9 items
6.47/41-53 4 August 1689
From: William Milman gent., Robert Yates gent.
To: Robert Maidstone gent.
Place(s): Thorpe Bulmer, Nesbitt, Preston-le-Skerne, Carr Loaning, in parishes of Hart and Great, Aycliffe
13 items
6.47/54-62 2 September 1689
From: William Mowbray gent., Richard Dodson
To: Sir James Tillie
Place(s): Darlington, Oxenfeild [Oxney Field], Cockerton, Blackwell, Newton
9 items
6.47/63-72 2 January 1690
From: Thomas Wilkinson gent.
To: Robert Bell, Robert Softley
Place(s): Consett, Birtley, manor of, parish of St Oswald
10 items
6.47/73-82 11 January 1690
From: John Morton clerk
To: William Wilson, John Rowell
Place(s): in parish of Brancepeth
10 items
6.47/83-87 1 February 1690
From: Sam Mowbray merchant
To: John Mowbray gent.
Place(s): in Hole House, parish of Wolsingham
5 items
6.47/88-97 23 February 1690
From: David Dixon gent., Robert Spearman gent.
To: George Morland esq., John Jeffreyson esq.
Place(s): Chopwell, manor of, in parish of Ryton
10 items
6.47/98-104 11 April 1690
From: John Hall, John Hutchinson
To: William Wilkinson, John Jackson
Place(s): in Langley
7 items
6.47/105-107 23 June 1690
From: Richard Smith, John Tewart
To: John Richardson gent., Christopher Fulthorpe gent.
Place(s): Newbiggin, Redworth, Sunderland, in the parishes, of Heighington and Bishopwearmouth
3 items
6.47/108-110 8 July 1690
From: Richard Forster
To: Thomas Wasse, John Forster
Place(s): in Gateshead
3 items
6.47/111-118 8 July 1690
From: John Gordon merchant, Robert Smith gent.
To: John Eldridge gent.
Place(s): in parish of Easington
8 items
6.48/119-125 7 June 1688
From: William Dobson, Joshua Middleton
To: Thomas Bowes, William Raine
Place(s): in Darlington
7 items
6.48/126-134 18 June 1689
From: Thomas Skinner, Nicholas Baker
To: Robert Gower, Robert Bird, Gerard Conyers
Place(s): Gainford, manor of, and Selaby, Langton, Alvent [Alwent], Winston, Newsham
9 items
6.49/135-137 1 August 1690
From: William Arrowsmith
To: John Wilson, Hu. Arrowsmyth
Place(s): in Fishburn, Butterwick Briggs and Sedgefield
3 items
6.49/138-146 22 August 1690
From: William Aubone esq.
To: Henry Milburne, Richard Brandling
Place(s): Claypeth, Stanley, Stockley, Tuddoe and parish of, Brancepeth
9 items
6.49/147-154 27 September 1690
From: Thomas Anderson gent., Richard Forthergyll
To: John Tong clerk, Sam Wall gent.
Place(s): Woodham and Rushyford and parishes of, Great Aycliffe and Merrington
9 items
6.49/155-163 17 January 1691
From: Henry Henderson
To: John Emerson, Nicholas Rand
Place(s): in Gateshead
9 items
6.49/164-171 18 February 1691
From: David Dixon gent.
To: Stephen Coulson, Walter Weares
Place(s): Chopwell, manor of in parish of Ryton
8 items
6.49/172-174 30 May 1691
From: David Dixon gent., Hamond Hendry gent.
To: John Mowbray gent., Godfrey Didsbury
Place(s): in parish of Brancepeth
3 items
6.49/175-176 30 May 1691
From: Thomas Swainston senior gent.
To: Henry Wilkinson gent.
Place(s): in parish of Stranton
2 items
6.49/177-182 1 July 1691
From: Mark Shaftoe esq., John Ogle gent.
To: Thomas Smelt gent., Robert Taylor gent.
Place(s): manor of Axwell and Swalwell in Swalwell, Whickham, Tanfield, Axwells and Winlaton or, Winlington in parishes of Whickham, Ryton
6 items
6.49/183 1 July 1691
From: Edward Suertyes gent.
To: John Vasey gent.
Place(s): in parish of Ryton
1 items
6.50/184-187 1 September 1691
From: Thomas Wharton esq.
To: Gabriel Swaynston, Anthony Hall
Place(s): in Geastgate [?Westgate] and Stanhope in Weardale
4 items
6.50/188-193 4 September 1691
From: Ralph Widdrington esq., William Salvin gent.
To: Edward Delavale gent.
Place(s): in parish of Lanchester
6 items
6.50/194-199 22 September 1691
From: Lancelot Allgood gent., William Greesie gent.
To: Patrick Hewitt gent., William Wall gent.
Place(s): Gateshead, Darwen Crooke, Deckhams House
6 items
6.50/200-206 22 September 1691
From: Edward Suertyes gent.
To: John Vasey gent.
Place(s): in parish of Ryton
7 items
6.50/207-214 21 October 1691
From: Anthony Stephenson
To: Abell Labourne
Place(s): in parish of Ryton
8 items
6.50/215-223 29 December 1691
From: William Hutchinson gent., Tim Hutchinson gent.
To: Richard Hilton gent.
Place(s): in Bar Cas [Barnard Castle] and parish of Gainford
9 items
6.50/224-229 8 March 1692
From: Cuthbert Bowes gent.
To: Thomas Bowes gent., David Dixon gent.
Place(s): manor of Gibside and Swalwell
6 items
6.50/230-234 11 March 1692
From: Thomas Bowes gent.
To: Francis Hanby gent.
Place(s): in parish of Heighington
5 items
6.50/235-239 16 February 1692
From: John Hilton esq.
To: Sir Sam Gerard, William Johnson esq.
Place(s): in Eppleton or Appleton, parish of Houghton-le-Spring
5 items
6.50/240-241 2 April 1692
From: John Spearman gent., Michael Mickleton gent.
To: John Cuthbert esq., Joseph Hall gent.
Place(s): in Haswell, in Haswell and Pittington, in parishes of Easington and Pittington
2 items
6.50/242-246 13 June 1692
From: Francis Mascall gent., John Doubleday merchant
To: Richard Mascall merchant, Thomas Hopper
Place(s): manor of Eppleton
5 items
6.50/247-248 13 June 1692
From: Cuthbert Wall
To: Anthony Wall
Place(s): in parish of Stanhope
2 items
6.50/249-250 13 May 1692
From: Thomas Hutton, Margaret Hutton his wife
To: Jedediah Bates
Place(s): in Gateshead
2 items
6.50/251-252 1 January 1692
From: John Garth, Elizabeth Garth his wife, John Selby, Margaret Selby
To: Francis Wycliffe gent.
Place(s): Whorlton, parish of Gainford
2 items
6.50/253 6 August 1679
From: John Sanderson, Phillis Sanderson his wife
To: John Rab.... gent.
Place(s): Hamsterley, Bradley, East Billingsy de Pontopp [?East Billingside, Pontop], Hartley House, Kyo, etc.
1 items
6.50/254-256 19 September 1691
From: John Hall esq., John Martyn clerk
To: Robert Ayton gent., Robert Leaver clerk
Place(s): Harraton or Harveston, Harraton Outside, parish of Chester-le-Street
3 items
7.51/1-8 4 July 1692
From: Andrew Oard gent.
To: John Webb
Place(s): in Beale, H.J.
8 items
7.51/9-16 30 July 1692
From: John Coatsworth gent.
To: Nathaniel Newhouse gent.
Place(s): Ryton
8 items
7.51/17-25 25 August 1692
From: Jere. Briggs
To: Thomas Rumney
Place(s): in Gd. [?Gateshead]
9 items
7.51/26-27 9 September 1692
From: Thomas Mossocke, Robert Hilton gent.
To: John Whitehouse gent.
Place(s): in Gd. [?Gateshead]
2 items
7.51/28-33 16 February 1693
From: Robert Crow, Robert Eden
To: George Ilderton, Jasper Ilderton
Place(s): Tylsmouth [?Tynemouth], manor of
6 items
7.51/34-40 17 February 1693
From: Robert Suretyes gent.
To: Thomas Davison, John Hedley
Place(s): Medomsley in the parish of Lanchester
7 items
7.51/41-49 17 February 1693
From: Sir John Swinburne, Henry Errington gent.
To: William Mins, William Kell
Place(s): Crawcrook, manor of, in the parish of Ryton
9 items
7.51/50-58 17 February 1693
From: Robert Weardale
To: John Walton, John Hall
Place(s): in Sund iux Weare [Sunderland], parish of Bishopwearmouth
9 items
7.52/59-61 6 October 1693
From: Edward Eden
To: Thomas Paxton
Place(s): Hutton Henry and Hardwick, manor of, parish of Monk Hesledon
3 items
7.52/62-64 21 October 1693
From: Christopher Fulthorpe, Hamond Hendry
To: John Mowbray, Cuthbert Hall
Place(s): in Winyard, parish of Grindon
3 items
7.52/65-67 24 October 1693
From: John Lambe, John Jennison
To: Thomas Thoresby
Place(s): Brafferton
3 items
7.52/68-70 10 November 1693
From: Ra. Paxton, William Werdon
To: John Smith, Robert Hett
Place(s): Claxton
3 items
7.53/71-78 18 January 1694
From: Edward Riddell, Edward Charleton
To: John Hebdon, Jasper Hall
Place(s): in Gd [?Gateshead]
8 items
7.53/79-86 18 January 1694
From: Edward Gleast, Richard Burke
To: George Weedon
Place(s): Chatham [?Chatterly], manor of, in Staindrop and Gainford
8 items
7.53/87-89 17 March 1764
From: John Lambe esq.
To: Francis Mascall, Robert Lambe
Place(s): 2/5th of the manor of Walworth, in Walworth, Heighington and Coniscliffe
3 items
7.53/90-98 20 June 1694
From: Sir John Lowther, Sir William Pennington, John Lowther esq., Andrew Hudleston esq.
To: John Winder esq., Charles Sanderson gent.
Place(s): Usworth, manor of, in Little Usworth, Strother Meadow, Over Shulemoore and Nether Shulemoore,
West Burdon, Bishopwearmouth, Great Lumley, Hetton-le-Hole, etc.
9 items
7.53/99-101 17 July 1694
From: John Ditchburne
To: Anthony Simpson
Place(s): Bishopwearmouth
3 items
7.53/102-104 1 August 1694
From: Cuthbert Bowes
To: David Dixon
Place(s): in parish of St Nicholas, Co Durham
3 items
7.53/105-113 1 August 1694
From: John Vasey, John Ingleby
To: Simon Ingleby, William Suerties
Place(s): Eggleston, manor of
9 items
7.53/114-119 10 August 1694
From: Thomas Fairfax junior, Joseph Hall
To: William Fairfax, John Laughton
Place(s): in Gateshead
6 items
7.53/120-126 20 September 1694
From: Thomas Trotter clerk, Joseph Hall gent.
To: Leonard Smelt, John Smelt esq.
Place(s): in Silksworth, Bishopwearmouth
7 items
7.53/127-129 19 October 1694
From: William Liddell, Michael Jopling
To: John Tempest esq.
Place(s): in Bishop Middleham
3 items
7.53/130-134 18 January 1695
From: John Marley, Anne Marley his wife
To: George Marley
Place(s): in Staindrop
5 items
7.54/135-139 2 July 1695
From: Raymond Salvin, Anthony Salvin, Nicholas Salvin
To: Jerrard Salvin esq., William Salvin
Place(s): Walworth, Heighington
5 items
7.54/140-144 2 July 1695
From: Luke Robinson esq., Roland Beresford gent.
To: Richard March merchant, William Clarke merchant
Place(s): Langley, manor of, parish of Lanchester
5 items
7.54/145-151 11 September 1695
From: George Taylor gent.
To: Thomas Blakiston gent., Joseph Hall gent.
Place(s): Egglescliffe, manor of
7 items
7.54/152-162 10 October 1695
From: Sir Phil Constable, Lord Francis Derwentwater
To: Thomas Errington, William Archbald
Place(s): Norham, manor of, Buckton, Fenwick, etc.
11 items
7.54/163-165 8 November 1695
From: Francis Baker, John Hunter
To: Richard Burton clerk, Thomas Baker clerk
Place(s): Wingate Grange, manor of, parish of Kelloe
3 items
7.54/166-173 30 May 1696
From: Mary Davison widow
To: Robert Eden, Timothy Wright
Place(s): Thorpe Thewles
8 items
7.54/174-176 15 June 1696
From: Legh Bankes esq.
To: Gilbert Machon esq.,
Place(s): in Thornley
3 items
9A.60/1-3 14 September 1701
From: George Smythe
To: John Mowbray
Place(s): Edderacres, manor of
3 items
9A.60/4-6 3 October 1701
From: Giles Raine
To: John Raine, George Raine
Place(s): Morton
3 items
9A.60/7-16 28 November 1701
From: John Spearman
To: Michael Mickleton
Place(s): Washington, manor of, Hetton-le-Hole
10 items
9A.60/17-21 29 November 1701
From: Robert Spearman
To: Christopher Fulthorpe
Place(s): Bishopton
5 items
9A.60/22-31 24 December 1701
From: Ralph Gowland, James Reed
To: Henry Nevill esq., John Hook
Place(s): Preston-le-Skerne, Easington, Horden, Little Thorpe, etc.
10 items
9A.60/32-33 14 March 1702
From: Thomas Forster, Miles Forster
To: William Fawcett, Thomas Fawcett
Place(s): Chester-le-Street
2 items
9A.61/34-40 3 November 1698
From: John Lisle clerk, Robert Roper
To: Michael Watson, Abraham Ashworth
Place(s): Coatham Mundeville, Brafferton
7 items
9A.61/41-46 14 July 1702
From: Thomas Ovington
To: Thomas Trollopp
Place(s): Bishopton
6 items
9A.61/47-52 14 July 1702
From: Robert Roper, John Walker
To: John Crosby junior, Richard Lee
Place(s): Coatham Mundeville, Brafferton
6 items
9A.61/53-62 3 August 1702
From: Thomas Simpson
To: Robert Rickarby
Place(s): Helmington, Bradbury, etc.
10 items
9A.61/63-65 18 September 1702
From: William Gill
To: George Bowes esq.
Place(s): Redworth
3 items
9A.61/66-68 6 October 1702
From: George Dixon, Robert Roper
To: Robert Spearman, Thomas Teasdaile
Place(s): Elwick
3 items
9A.61/69-71 20 October 1702
From: John Dawson
To: William Cotesworth, Robert Leighton
Place(s): in Gateshead
3 items
9A.61/72-74 28 November 1702
From: Henry Clavering, David Dixon
To: William Blackett, Robert Ellison
Place(s): Greencroft, manor of, Middleton [St] George, Iveston, Tanfield, etc.
3 items
9A.61/75-80 14 December 1702
From: John Proud, Thomas Taylerson
To: John Freke
Place(s): Barnard Castle, manor of
6 items
9A.61/81-84 14 January 1703
From: Gilbert Spearman
To: Michael Mickleton
Place(s): in Stockton-on-Tees
4 items
9A.61/85-89 8 February 1703
From: Robert Symne
To: Cuthbert Bowes
Place(s): Mensforth (Mainsforth)
5 items
9A.61/88-98 4 May 1703
From: William Gibson, John Cotesworth
To: Sir James Tillie, John Freke
Place(s): Raby Castle, Barnard Castle, Cockfield, Newbiggin-in-Teesdale
11 items
9A.61/99-101 5 May 1703
From: Nathaniel Blakiston esq.
To: Thomas Davison
Place(s): Kibblesworth, manor of, Lamesley
3 items
9A.62/102-110 21 June 1703
From: John Jeffreyson
To: John Hogg
Place(s): Elton
9 items
9A.62/111-113 5 August 1703
From: Thomas Pearson
To: Johnson Snawdon
Place(s): Brancepeth
3 items
9A.62/114-116 15 September 1703
From: Peter Burrell
To: Robert Hilton
Place(s): Headlam, parish of Gainford
3 items
9A.62/117-125 28 October 1703
From: Henry Colpes
To: Nicholas Stanley
Place(s): Gainford, Winston, Great Aycliffe
9 items
9A.62/126-134 19 November 1703
From: Anne Bates widow
To: John Richardson gent.
Place(s): Broome, Eshaw [?Ushaw], etc.
9 items
9A.62/135-137 19 November 1703
From: Valentine Bolney
To: Robert Hilton
Place(s): Barmston
3 items
9A.62/138-146 11 April 1704
From: Arthur Ingram esq.
To: James Ibbetson gent.
Place(s): Herringtons
9 items
9A.62/147-149 1 May 1704
From: ..... .....
To: William Herne, James Harrison
Place(s): Birkley
3 items
9A.62/150-152 16 May 1704
From: John Crosby junior
To: John Mowbray
Place(s): Barnard Castle
3 items
9A.62/153-159 3 July 1704
From: Samuel Forster
To: William Ogle, William Carr
Place(s): Norham
7 items
9A.63/160-162 1 January 1701
From: James Clavering esq.
To: Henry Clavering gent., James Clavering junior
Place(s): Iseton, Itheston, or Iveston, manor of
3 items
9A.63/163-165 1 February 1697
From: Mary Bowser widow
To: Thomas Wharton, Cuthbert Hall
Place(s): School Aycliffe, Denton, Monk Hesledon
3 items
9A.63/166-167 1 February 1697
From: Francis Mascall, Thomas Lewen
To: Sir Charles Ingleby, Ralph Grainge
Place(s): Henknowle, Copy Crook, Colewellsfeild
2 items
9A.63/168-171 17 June 1697
From: Edward Fawcett
To: Guido Robson
Place(s): Gateshead
4 items
9A.63/172-175 13 September 1697
From: William Lewis, John Jenkinson
To: Sir Charles Ingleby, William Norris esq.
Place(s): Hamsterley, Medomsley
4 items
9A.63/176-177 22 February 1698
From: Michael Midleton, Robert Hilton
To: Henry Blackett
Place(s): School Aycliffe, Heighington
2 items
9A.63/178-179 24 February 1698
From: John Spearman
To: Robert Spearman
Place(s): Washington, Hetton-le-Hole
2 items
9A.63/180-181 16 March 1698
From: Michael Mickleton, Robert Hilton
To: Henry Blackett
Place(s): School Aycliffe, Heighington
2 items
9A.63/182-185 10 July 1698
From: Samuel Sands gent.
To: Thomas Woodward esq.
Place(s): Norham, Holy Island
4 items
9A.63/186-187 1 August 1698
From: Robert Spearman
To: George Downes
Place(s): Hunstanworth
2 items
9A.63/188-189 4 November 1698
From: John Lysle clerk, Robert Roper gent.
To: Michael Watson, Abraham Ashworth
Place(s): Coatham Mundeville, Brafferton
2 items
9A.63/190-192 1 January 1699
From: George Smith, Thomas Taylerson
To: John Mowbray, Robert Roper
Place(s): Kelloe
3 items
9A.63/193-196 9 May 1699
From: Christopher Sibbitt
To: William Cook, Ralph Muschamp
Place(s): Cheswick
4 items
9A.63/197-200 19 January 1701
From: John Spearman
To: Michael Mickleton
Place(s): Washington, Hetton-le-Hole
4 items
9B.63/201-204 20 January 1701
From: Ralph Gowland, James Reed
To: Henry Nevill esq., John Hook
Place(s): Preston-le-Skerne, Easington, Horden, etc.
4 items
9B.63/205-208 6 February 1701
From: George Barker
To: John Watson, Ralph Watson
Place(s): Hedworth, Boldon
4 items
9B.63/209-214 6 May 1701
From: Ralph Lambton gent., John Lambton gent.
To: Henry Kayes esq., Peter Moyle esq.
Place(s): Brancepeth
6 items
9B.63/215-218 14 May 1701
From: Gabriel Swainston gent., John Hopper gent.
To: Charles Hodshon, John Mitford gent.
Place(s): Wolsingham
4 items
9B.63/219-222 23 May 1702
From: Ralph Fetherstonhalgh
To: William Ramsay esq.
Place(s): Urpeth, Kibblesworth
4 items
9B.63/223-224 1 July 1702
From: Robert Roper gent., John Walker gent.
To: John Crosby junior gent., Richard Lee gent.
Place(s): Coatham Mundeville, Brafferton
2 items
9B.63/225-226 22 July 1702
From: Thomas Ovington
To: Thomas Trollop
Place(s): Bishopton
2 items
9B.63/227-230 24 August 1702
From: Thomas Simpson
To: Robert Rickaby
Place(s): Sheraton
4 items
9B.63/231-232 15 September 1702
From: John Proud gent., Thomas Taylerson
To: John Freke esq.
Place(s): Barnard Castle
2 items
9B.63/233-236 8 June 1703
From: William Gibson gent., John Coatesworth
To: Sir James Gillie, John Freke esq.
Place(s): Raby, Barnard Castle, Gainford, Marwood, etc.
4 items
9B.63/237-240 22 June 1703
From: John Jeffreyson yeoman
To: John Hogg
Place(s): Elton
4 items
9B.63/241-245 18 November 1703
From: Henry Colpes gent.
To: Nicholas Stanley
Place(s): Gainford, Winston, etc.
5 items
9B.63/246-251 1 December 1703
From: Anne Bates widow
To: John Richardson
Place(s): Broome, Ushaw, etc.
6 items
9B.63/252-255 1 April 1704
From: Arthur Ingram esq.
To: James Ibbotson
Place(s): Berrington, Herrington, etc.
4 items
9B.63/256 20 July 1704
From: Samuel Forster
To: William Ogle esq., William Carr esq.
Place(s): Norham and Water of Tweed
1 items
9B.63/257-259 25 July 1704
From: Jeremiah Hunter
To: Benjamin Atkinson, Luke Conyers
Place(s): Gateshead
3 items
9B.63/260-262 10 October 1704
From: Mathew Robson
To: Thomas Haistings
Place(s): Upper Friarside
3 items
9B.63/263-266 8 September 1705
From: Peter Marley
To: John Thursby, Ralph Scott
Place(s): Gateshead
4 items
9B.63/267-270 7 November 1705
From: John Blackett esq., John Blackett junior
To: William Sanderson, Edward Humble
Place(s): Winlaton, Bradley, Crawcrook, parish of Ryton
4 items
9B.63/271-273 1 January 1701
From: William Dunn clerk, John Howe gent.
To: Martin Dunn gent., Robert Leighton mercator
Place(s): Whorlton, parish of Gainford
3 items
9B.63/274-277 10 January 1706
From: John Ord gent.
To: Henry Winshipp gent.
Place(s): Water of Tweed, parish of Norham
4 items
9B.63/278-281 26 June 1706
From: Sir George Savile Bart
To: Thomas Marley gent., Charles Sanderson
Place(s): Westparke, Holmparke, Brancepeth
4 items
9B.63/282-283 24 August 1706
From: Richard Robinson senior gent.
To: Richard Robinson junior gent.
Place(s): Silksworth, manor of, Bishopwearmouth
2 items
9B.63/284-285 26 September 1706
From: Ralph Robinson gent.
To: Robert Adamson gent.
Place(s): Houghton-le-Spring
2 items
9B.63/286-287 1 October 1706
From: Richard Robinson senior gent.
To: Richard Robinson junior gent.
Place(s): Silksworth, manor of, Bishopwearmouth
2 items
9B.63/288-289 14 November 1707
From: Thomas Roxby, -
To: Edward Dale
Place(s): Bishopwearmouth
2 items
9B.63/290-291 11 December 1707
From: Peter Burrell gent., Robert Hilton gent.
To: Sir Henry Lawson bart
Place(s): Whorlton, parish of Gainford
2 items
9B.63/292-293 14 June 1708
From: John Mowbray gent.
To: John Stephenson merchant
Place(s): Rogerley, manor of, parish of Stanhope
2 items
9B.63/294-297 26 April 1708
From: John Mitchell esq., Thomas Bateman gent.
To: Freville Lambton esq.
Place(s): Norton
4 items
9B.63/298-301 5 May 1708
From: Edward Gilbourne, Edward Porter
To: John Bromley esq.
Place(s): Castle Eden, manor of
4 items
9B.63/302-304 15 October 1708
From: James Clavering junior, Thomas Dawson
To: William ....., Thomas Watson
Place(s): Jarrow
3 items
9B.63/305-306 25 November 1708
From: John Mowbray gent.
To: Roger Anderson esq., Edward Fenwick
Place(s): Hoppy ...... [Hoppyland], St Andrew Auckland
2 items
9B.63/307-308 1 January 1709
From: John Rudd esq., Richard Stonhewer
To: John Cuthbert esq.
Place(s): Thornton, manor of, Hunstanworth, Norham
2 items
9B.63/309-310 1 January 1709
From: Abraham Stout
To: Rowland Stout
Place(s): parish of St Nicholas [Durham]
2 items
9B.63/311-314 1 March 1709
From: Dorothy Cradock widow
To: George Lysons esq.
Place(s): Little Eden, Easington
4 items
9B.63/315-316 30 April 1709
From: George Dixon, Thomas Burdus
To: Martin Dunn, Robert Dunn
Place(s): Middleton One Row
2 items
9B.63/317-318 19 May 1709
From: Francis Mascall
To: John Walker
Place(s): Bondgate, Darlington
2 items
9B.63/319-322 1 June 1709
From: George Temple
To: William Crook, Robert Grey
Place(s): Tweedmouth, Holy Island
4 items
9B.63/323-324 8 September 1709
From: Robert Ellison esq.
To: Henry Liddell esq.
Place(s): Newton Garths, Boldon and Whitburn
2 items
9B.63/325-330 12 September 1709
From: Nicholas Hall esq., John Comino
To: John Yorke esq., Thomas Thompson
Place(s): Sockburn
6 items
9B.63/331-334 8 December 1709
From: John Lewins
To: John Babptist
Place(s): Holy Island
4 items
9B.63/335-339 16 March 1710
From: William Roper
To: Timothy Goodwin, Richard Nicholls
Place(s): Thickley, manor of, Thickley Puncherdon, East Thickley
5 items
9B.64/340-344 23 May 1705
From: John Peirce, Francis Neale
To: John Whittle
Place(s): Haleigh [?Healey], manor of, Winston, Heighington
5 items
9B.64/345-346 24 August 1705
From: Matthew Robson
To: Thomas Simpson
Place(s): Birkley
3 items
9B.64/347-355 25 August 1705
From: Peter Marley
To: John Thursby, Ralph Scott
Place(s): Gateshead
9 items
9B.64/356-363 17 October 1705
From: John Blackett esq., John Blackett junior gent.
To: William Sanderson, Edward Humble
Place(s): Winlaton, manor of, Bradley, Crawcrook, parish of Ryton
8 items
9B.64/364-366 9 November 1705
From: Thomas Mathew
To: Christopher Burrell
Place(s): South Shields
3 items
9B.64/367-369 4 December 1705
From: William Garth gent.
To: Abraham Hilton
Place(s): Hilton, parish of Staindrop
3 items
9B.64/370-378 8 January 1706
From: John Ord gent.
To: Henry Winship gent.
Place(s): Cornhill, parish of Norham
9 items
9B.64/379-387 24 January 1706
From: Sir George Savile bart
To: Thomas Marley, George Sanderson
Place(s): West Park, Helm Park, Brancepeth
9 items
9B.64/388-391 29 January 1706
From: Thomas Bendlowes esq.
To: Seth Loftus, Edward Courthrope
Place(s): Humble Knowle, Trimdon, Sedgefield
4 items
9B.64/392-394 29 January 1706
From: Michael Knaggs, George Kirkley weaver
To: Thomas Vasey alutar, William Blackett plumber
Place(s): Claypath, Durham City
3 items
9B.64/395-397 8 February 1706
From: Thomas Davison gent.
To: Robert Hylton, Godfrey Didsbury
Place(s): St Andrew Auckland, Binchester, Newton Cap
3 items
9B.64/398-400 16 April 1706
From: Robert Hilton gent., John Crosby senior
To: William Lambton esq., Lionel Vaine
Place(s): Blakiston, manor of, Thorpe Thewles, Fultropp [?Fulthorpe], Norton, Grindon, Stranton
3 items
10.65/1-3 9 July 1706
From: N. Spearman gent.
To: J Walker gent.
Place(s): Brancepeth, St Andrew Auckland
3 items
10.65/4-12 22 August 1706
From: J. Robinson senior gent.
To: J. Robinson junior gent.
Place(s): Silksworth, Bishopwearmouth
9 items
10.65/13-15 24 September 1706
From: Christopher Todd
To: H. Burdon
Place(s): East Newbiggin, Bishopton
3 items
10.65/16-18 11 October 1706
From: Robert Hilton gent., John Mowbray gent.
To: Malcolm Chaloner esq.
Place(s): The Isle to Sedgefield
3 items
10.65/19-24 29 November 1706
From: Ralph Robinson gent.
To: Robert Adamson gent.
Place(s): Houghton-le-Spring
6 items
10.65/25-28 17 January 1707
From: Lionel Moore gent.
To: Thomas Hall, Ralph Hall
Place(s): Shield Ash, West Sleekburn, parish of Stanhope, etc.
4 items
10.65/29-31 14 February 1707
From: Peter Hutchinson
To: Robert Hilton gent.
Place(s): Humble Knowle, Trimdon, Sedgefield
3 items
10.65/32-38 14 February 1707
From: William Dunn clerk, John Howe gent.
To: Martin Dunn gent., Robert Leighton mercator
Place(s): Whorlton, Gainford
7 items
10.65/39-41 14 March 1707
From: Emmanuel Walton yeoman
To: Anthony Gates yeoman
Place(s): Wolsingham
3 items
10.65/42-44 16 April 1707
From: Isabella Johnson widow
To: Ralph Robinson gent.
Place(s): Bishopwearmouth
3 items
10.65/45-48 6 July 1707
From: William Whitaker gent.
To: John Hawford gent.
Place(s): Burdon
4 items
10.65/49-51 22 August 1707
From: Robert Hilton gent., John Mowbray gent.
To: William Dunn
Place(s): Neasham, Hurworth-on-Tees, Stranton
3 items
10.66/52-54 24 July 1707
From: Peter Burrell, Robert Hilton
To: Sir Robert Eden
Place(s): Staindrop
3 items
10.66/55-57 5 November 1707
From: John Ord gent.
To: Ralph Fetherstonhalgh gent.
Place(s): Townefield, Hunstanworth
3 items
10.66/58-64 5 November 1707
From: Peter Burrell gent., Robert Hilton gent.
To: Sir Henry Lawson
Place(s): Sledwick, Whorlton, Gainford
7 items
10.66/65-67 3 February 1708
From: William Frizell
To: Richard Lee gent.
Place(s): Brancepeth
3 items
10.66/68-76 7 April 1708
From: John Mitchell esq., Thomas Bateman gent.
To: Frevile Lambton esq.
Place(s): Norton
9 items
10.66/77-79 30 April 1708
From: George Dixon gent.
To: John Smith, Henry Robinson
Place(s): Middleton One Row
3 items
10.66/80-88 30 April 1708
From: Edward Gilburne, Edward Porter
To: John Bromley esq.
Place(s): Castle Eden
9 items
10.66/89-95 18 May 1708
From: John Mowbray gent.
To: John Stephenson much
Place(s): Rogerley, Stanhope
7 items
10.66/96-98 4 June 1708
From: Thomas Tempest, Robert Hickon
To: John Prood, Mark Haswell
Place(s): Chester-le-Street
3 items
10.66/99-101 17 June 1708
From: John Spearman esq.
To: Gilbert Spearman gent.
Place(s): Houghton-le-Spring
3 items
10.66/102-108 10 October 1707
From: Thomas Roxby
To: Edward Dale gent.
Place(s): Bishopwearmouth
7 items
10.67/1-3 8 September 1708
From: John Hedworth esq.
To: John Lambton, John Owen gent.
Place(s): Chester-le-Street
3 items
10.67/4-10 14 October 1708
From: James Clavering junior esq., Thomas Dawson gent.
To: William Carnaby, Thomas Watson
Place(s): Jarrow
7 items
10.67/12-18 29 October 1708
From: Robert Mowbray gent.
To: George Anderson esq., Edward Fenwick clerk
Place(s): Hoppyland, St Andrew Auckland
7 items
10.67/19-21 24 January 1709
From: Francis Pewterer gent.
To: Peter Potts gent.
Place(s): Collierley
3 items
10.67/22-24 7 March 1709
From: Robert Hilton gent., Robert Spearman gent.
To: Lawrence Sowerby
Place(s): Billingham
3 items
10.67/25-33 7 March 1709
From: Dorothy Cradock widow
To: George Lysons esq.
Place(s): Little Eden, Easington
9 items
10.67/34-36 11 April 1709
From: Ralph Robinson gent.
To: John Huntley gent.
Place(s): Sunderland near the Sea
3 items
10.67/37-43 11 April 1709
From: George Dixon, Thomas Burdus
To: Martin Dunn, Robert Dunn
Place(s): Over Middleton, Middleton One Row
7 items
10.67/44-50 27 April 1709
From: Francis Mascall
To: John Walker gent.
Place(s): Bondgate, Darlington
7 items
10.67/51-57 13 May 1709
From: Abraham Stout
To: Rowland Stout
Place(s): St Nicholas (Durham)
7 items
10.67/58-66 7 June 1709
From: George Temple
To: William Crook, Robert Grey
Place(s): Tweedmouth, Holy Island
9 items
10.67/67-69 22 June 1709
From: Richard Thompson
To: Stephen Church
Place(s): Gateshead
3 items
10.67/70-75 7 July 1709
From: Robert Ellison esq.
To: Henry Liddell esq.
Place(s): Newton Garths, Boldon, Whitburn
6 items
10.68/76-88 18 August 1709
From: Nicholas Hall esq., John Comins gent.
To: John Yorke esq., Thomas Thompson gent.
Place(s): Sockburn
13 items
10.68/89-91 16 September 1709
From: Sir Ralph Carr
To: Thomas Stobbert gent.
Place(s): Seaton, Seaham
3 items
10.68/92-94 11 October 1709
From: Robert Bell spicer
To: John Hobson
Place(s): Bishop Auckland
3 items
10.68/95-97 8 November 1709
From: George Gibson clerk, David Gibson yeoman
To: John Porrett gent.
Place(s): High Coniscliffe
3 items
10.68/98-100 6 December 1709
From: John Hedworth esq.
To: John Lambton esq., John Craster esq.
Place(s): Pelton, Chester-le-Street
3 items
10.68/101-109 6 December 1709
From: John Lewins
To: John Babptist
Place(s): Holy Island
9 items
10.68/110-116 23 December 1709
From: John Rudd esq., Richard Stonhewer gent.
To: John Cuthbert esq., Thomas Taylerson gent.
Place(s): Thornton, Edmondhills, Hunstonworth, Holy Island, etc..
7 items
10.68/117-119 13 January 1710
From: Cuthbert Bowes gent.
To: John Bowes STP
Place(s): Marwood, Gainford
3 items
10.68/120-125 1 February 1710
From: William Roper
To: Thomas Goodwin, Richard Nicholls
Place(s): Thickley, Puncherdon or East Thickley
6 items
10.68/126-132 4 March 1710
From: John Mowbray gent.
To: Mark Strother esq., William Carr esq.
Place(s): Newlandside, Stanhope
7 items
10.68/133-135 6 April 1710
From: George Gibson clerk
To: Pexall Padman gent.
Place(s): Great Aycliffe
3 items
10.68/136-138 23 June 1710
From: John Hall
To: Thomas Marley
Place(s): Pelton, Pelaw, Chester-le-Street
3 items
10.69/139-141 8 September 1710
From: John Rudd esq.
To: John Crosby gent., Thomas Rudd
Place(s): Burne Magna or Burnehall, parish of St Oswald
3 items
10.69/142-148 28 September 1710
From: John Mowbray gent.
To: John Briscoe esq.
Place(s): Washington, Hetton-in-le-Hole
7 items
10.69/149-159 28 September 1710
From: John Stephenson esq.
To: Edward Surtees gent.
Place(s): Lanchester, Easington
11 items
10.69/160-162 28 September 1710
From: Thomas Stephenson
To: Lionel Forster, William Richardson
Place(s): Shield Ash, Stanhope, Bedlington
3 items
10.69/163-165 10 November 1710
From: Robert Rickaby
To: Thomas Thursby gent.
Place(s): Little Stainton, Bishopton
3 items
10.69/166-172 9 March 1711
From: John Stephenson merchant
To: Ralph Fetherstonhalgh, Thomas Ord
Place(s): Frosterley, Rogerley
7 items
10.69/173-175 3 April 1711
From: William Jackson
To: John Jackson, George Rotherforth
Place(s): Whorlton, Gainford
3 items
10.69/176-178 19 April 1711
From: Thomas Lewin
To: James Perrott, Henry Perrott
Place(s): Washington
3 items
10.69/179-181 11 May 1711
From: Cuthbert Richardson
To: John Crosby
Place(s): Sedgefield
3 items
10.69/182-184 29 May 1711
From: Robert Hilton
To: Hendry Hopper
Place(s): Longnewton
3 items
10.69/185-191 18 June 1711
From: Edward Oxmard yeoman
To: John Oxmard yeoman
Place(s): Middleton-in-Teasdale
7 items
10.69/192-197 20 June 1711
From: John Fawcett esq., Nicholas Paxton gent.
To: Charles Allanson esq., James Clavering junior esq.
Place(s): Newton, St Oswald, Framwellgate, Whickham
6 items
10A/1 19 July 1664
From: Averey Robinson, John Newby
To: Chris Wardell, George Paxton
Place(s): Morton
1 items
10A/2 19 July 1664
From: Richo Bowser
To: Robert Dixon
Place(s): Bishop Auckland alias North Auckland
1 items
10A/3 21 July 1664
From: William Tonstall
To: Chris Midford, Thomas Tonstall
Place(s): Great Stainton
1 items
10A/4 21 July 1664
From: John Thompson
To: Chris Dobson, Wheatley Dobson
Place(s): North Auckland alias Bishop Auckland
1 items
10A/5 6 August 1664
From: Nicholas Be------
To: Dixon
Place(s): Bishop Auckland alias North Auckland
1 items
10A/6 6 August 1664
From: John Thompson
To: Chris Dobson, Wheatley Dobson
Place(s): North Auckland alias Bishop Auckland
1 items
10A/7 8 August 1664
From: William Tonstall
To: Chris Midford, Thomas Tonstall
Place(s): Great Stainton
1 items
10A/8 9 August 1664
From: Averey Robinson, John Newby
To: Chris Wardell, George Paxton
Place(s): Morton
1 items
10A/9 25 March 1668
From: John Hickson, Robert Suertes (?Surtees), George Suerties
To: John Richardson, John Hall
Place(s): Emldon alias Embleton, Sedgefield
1 items
10A/10 5 August 1668
From: Mark Milbanke
To: John Owen, William Maddison
Place(s): Beamish, Tanfield, Pelton
1 items
10A/11 1 November 1669
From: John Jefferson, Anthony Sadge
To: Cuthbert Henry
Place(s): Windlestone
1 items
10A/12 13 January 1669
From: Sir Thomas Liddell
To: John Smith
Place(s): Newton near Durham
1 items
10A/13 20 January 1669
From: John Taylor yeoman
To: Thomas Taylor, William Wilkinson
Place(s): 2 houses in City of Durham
1 items
10A/14 26 July 1669
From: William Killinghall esq., William Place
To: John Theobald, Robert Smyth
Place(s): Dinsdale alias Nether Dinsdale
1 items
10.65/15 31 July 1669
From: John Theobald, Robert Smith
To: William Killinghall, William Place
Place(s): Dinsdale, etc.
1 items
10A/16 2 August 1669
From: John Theobald, Robert Smith
To: William Killinghall, William Place
Place(s): Dinsdale alias Nether Dinsdale
1 items
10A/17 2 August 1669
From: William Killinghall esq., William Place
To: John Theobald, Robert Smith
Place(s): Dinsdale, Sadberge, Middleton One Row, Sockburn
1 items
10A/18-21 31 July 1669
From: John Theobald, Robert Smith
To: William Killinghall esq., William Place
Place(s): Dinsdale alias Nether Dinsdale
4 items
10A/22 4 September 1669
From: Mark Milbanke esq.
To: William Collingwood
Place(s): Dalden
1 items
10A/23 6 November 1669
From: John Jefferson, Anthony Lodge
To: Cuthbert Henry
Place(s): Windlestone
1 items
10A/24 14 January 1670
From: Thomas Wood STP
To: Nicholas Wrench STP
Place(s): Egglescliffe
1 items
10A/25 19 February 1670
From: Thomas Wood STP
To: Nicholas Wrench STP
Place(s): Egglescliffe
1 items
10A/26 30 March 1670
From: Sir Thomas Liddell Bart.
To: John Smith
Place(s): Newton near Durham
1 items
10A/27 28 June 1670
From: Robert Clavering, Thomas Crawforth
To: Sir James Clavering
Place(s): Greencroft
1 items
10A/28 28 June 1670
From: Sir James Clavering Bart.
To: Robert Clavering, Thomas Crawforth
Place(s): Greencroft, parish of Lanchester
1 items
10A/29 30 June 1670
From: Robert Clavering, Thomas Crawforth
1 items
10A/30-32 28 June 1670
From: Sir James Clavering
To: Robert Clavering, Thomas Crawforth
Place(s): Greencroft
3 items
10A/33 26 July 1670
From: Sir James Clavering
To: Robert Clavering, Thomas Crawforth
Place(s): Greencroft, parish of Lanchester
1 items
10A/34 28 July 1670
From: Robert Clavering, Thomas Crawforth
To: Sir James Clavering
Place(s): Greencroft
1 items
10A/35 9 July 1670
From: Henry Cole
To: Robert Rainshawe
Place(s): Mayland?, St Andrew Auckland
1 items
10A/36 23 July 1670
From: Sir James Clavering
To: Robert Clavering, Thomas Crawforth
Place(s): Greencroft
1 items
10A/37 9 July 1670
From: Henry Cole
To: Robert Rainshawe
Place(s): Mayland, St Andrew Auckland
1 items
10A/38 12 July 1670
From: Anthony Meaborne
To: John Harrison
Place(s): Bushblades?, parish of Lanchester, Chester-le-Street
1 items
10A/40 28 July 1670
From: Nic Salvin
To: Anthony Salvin
Place(s): Oughton and Seaton
1 items
10A/41 27 August 1670
From: Lyonell Blagdon
Place(s): Heswell alias Haswell, Easington, Pittington?
1 items
10A/42 26 December 1671
From: John -
To: Thomas Stevenson?
Place(s): parish St Nicholas, Durham
1 items
10A/43 28 July 1708
From: Michael Fenwick, Anne Fenwick his wife
To: John Forster
Place(s): Newton Garth in parish of Bowdon [?Boldon] and Whitburn
1 items
10A/44 2 September 1708
From: Michael Fenwick, Jane Fenwick
Place(s): Newton Garth, parish of Bowdon [?Boldon] and Whitburn
1 items
10A/45 2 September 1708
From: Michael Fenwick, Jane Fenwick
To: Robert Forster
Place(s): Newton, parish of Bowdon [?Boldon] and Whitburn
1 items
10A/46 28 July 1708
From: George Hall, Margaret Hall his wife, Thomas Hall
To: John Hedworth
Place(s): in parish of Chester-le-Street
1 items
10A/47 28 September 1708
From: George Hall, Margaret Hall his wife, Thomas Hall
To: John Hedworth
Place(s): in parish of Chester-le-Street
1 items
10A/48 28 July 1708
From: George Hutchinson, Anne Hutchinson his wife, William Cradock, Margaret Cradock his wife, Matthew Whitfield, Margaret Whitfield his wife
To: Mark Shafto, Chris Wilkinson lanis, Agnes Teasdale widow
Place(s): Witton-le-Wear
1 items
10A/50-51 19 August 1708
From: George Hutchinson, Anne Hutchinson his wife, William Cradock, Margaret Cradock his wife, Matthew Whitfield, Margaret Whitfield his wife
To: Mark Shafto, Chris Wilkinson lanis, Agnes Teasdale widow
Place(s): Witton-le-Wear, Bishop
2 items
10A/52 28 July 1708
From: Chris Jolley
To: Thomas Payne
Place(s): in Durham City
1 items
10A/53-54 1 September 1708
From: Chris Jolley
To: Thomas Payne
Place(s): in the City of Durham
2 items
10A/55 16 August 1708
From: William Loftus, Ann Bell widow
To: Edward Carleton
Place(s): North Bailey, parish of St Mary, in Durham
1 items
10A/56 8 September 1708
From: William Loftus, Grace Loftus his wife, Anne Bell widow
To: Edward Carleton
Place(s): North Bailey, parish of St Mary-le-Bow, Durham
1 items
10A/57 21 August 1708
From: Richard Sandford Bart.
To: Chris Pinckney
Place(s): Summerhouse, Morton Tinmouth, parish of Gainford
1 items
10A/58 25 August 1708
From: Chris Pinckney
To: Richard Sandford
Place(s): Summerhouse, Morton Tinmouth, Gainford, parish of Gainford
1 items
10A/59 1 September 1708
From: Richard Sandford Bart.
To: Chris Pinckney
Place(s): Summerhouse, etc..
1 items
10A/60-62 1 September 1708
From: John Wilson, Jane Wilson, Elessor Wilson, William Richardson, Mary Richardson
To: John Middleton
Place(s): Darlington and High Coniscliffe
3 items
10A/63-65 8 September 1708
From: Stephen Sofloe, Mary Sofloe, John Bradley
To: John Callin
Place(s): Gateshead
3 items
10A/66-68 14 October 1708
From: William Bonner
To: James Clavering junior, Thomas Dawson
Place(s): parish of Jarrow
3 items
10A/69-70 15 October 1708
From: John Smart, Elizabeth Smart his wife, Robert Stott, Sarah Stott his wife
To: Elizabeth Bradshaw widow, Eleanor Brasse
Place(s): parish of St Oswald, parish of St Nicholas, Durham
2 items
10A/71-72 5 November 1708
From: John Lawson, Elizabeth Lawson his wife
To: John Cooper, Anne Cooper his wife
Place(s): Gateshead
2 items
10A/73-75 23 November 1708
From: John Rymer, Michal Rymer
To: Richard Atkinson
Place(s): East Newbiggin, parish of Bishopton
3 items
10A/76-77 23 November 1708
From: Sir Nicholas Cole, Anne Cole his wife, Nicholas Cole gent.
To: Henry Belasyse
Place(s): Brancepeth
2 items
10A/78-80 6 December 1708
From: William Sober, Mary Sober his wife
To: George Allan
Place(s): parish of Darlington
3 items
10A/81-83 21 December 1708
From: Thomas Waidson, Jane Waidson his wife, Anthony Waidson
To: John Ord
Place(s): Thrimblebee [Thimbleby], parish of Stanhope
3 items
10A/84-86 21 December 1708
From: Christopher Francke, Mary Francke, Michael Francke, Eben Francke, Mary Francke, Thomas Boucher, Hannah Boucher
To: John Benton
Place(s): Preston-upon-Tees
3 items
10A/87-88 21 December 1708
From: Barnard Thompson, Anne Thompson his wife
To: Francis Smart gent., William Thompson yeoman
Place(s): West Auckland
2 items
10A/89-90 11 January 1709
From: Robert Lightfoot, Anne Lightfoot his wife
To: Susanna Forster widow
Place(s): Easington
2 items
10A/91-93 7 February 1709
From: John Eyon, Chris Eyon, John Johnson, Anne Johnson his wife, Richard Johnson, John Johnson junior, Ferd Johnson, Richard Coltman, Elizabeth Coltman his wife
To: William Garth, Joseph Johnson, Anthony Pease
Place(s): Barnard Castle,
Middleton-in-Teesdale, St Andrew Auckland, West Auckland
3 items
10A/94-96 9 February 1709
From: Nicholas Kennet esq., Mary Kennet his wife, Henry Kennet
To: John Stephenson
Place(s): manor of Coxhoe and Hunwick, parish of St Andrew Auckland
3 items
10A/97-99 9 February 1709
From: John Rowe, Hawdon Rowe
To: Anthony Salvin, John Martin
Place(s): Lanchester
3 items
10A/100-102 17 February 1709
From: George Collingwood
To: Jane Wharton widow
Place(s): Rutford or Rootford, parish of St Andrew Auckland
3 items
10A/103-104 19 February 1709
From: Anthony Sampson, Mary Sampson his wife
To: John Hedworth
Place(s): land and mines in parish of Chester-le-Street
2 items
10A/105-107 7 March 1709
From: Thomas Butler, Mary Butler his wife, W Parthericke Turner, Margaret Parthericke Turner
To: Theophilus Pickering STP, Robert Lawson
Place(s): Old Acres and Butterwick, parish of Sedgefield
3 items
10A/108-110 7 March 1709
From: Chris Thusnam, Mary Thusnam his wife, William Sinton, Margaret Sinton his wife, Chas Walker, Margaret Walker his wife
To: John Lockwood gent., William Riccaby, William Walker gent.
Place(s): Crayke
3 items
10A/111-113 9 March 1709
From: Elizabeth Jeffreyson widow, John Jeffreyson esq., James Jenkins, Margaret Jenkins his wife
To: Henry Waters
Place(s): Gateshead
3 items
10A/114-116 25 March 1709
From: Jane Gibson widow, Mary Hett spinster
To: George Scurfield, Robert Jendison
Place(s): Elwick
3 items
10A/117-118 25 March 1709
From: Thomas Paxton gent., Dorothy Paxton his wife
To: John Martin gent.
Place(s): Satley, Haswell, Fallowfield, Hutton Henry, Lanchester, Mouckharleton [?Monk Hesledon] and Easington, parish of Lanchester
2 items
10A/119-120 11 April 1709
From: Richard Huntley, Mary Huntley his wife
To: Ralph Robinson
Place(s): Sunderland
2 items
10A/121-122 11 April 1709
From: Ludowick Hall gent., Elizabeth Hall his wife
To: John Baron merchant
Place(s): Darlington
2 items
10A/123-125 27 April 1709
From: Martin Fenwick, Margaret Fenwick his wife
To: George Temple
Place(s): Tweedmouth, parish of Holy Island
3 items
10A/126-128 27 April 1709
From: Chris Jolly, Mary Jolly his wife
To: Abraham Stout
Place(s): in parish of St Nicholas (? in Durham)
3 items
10A/129-131 27 April 1709
From: Thomas Fatherly, Elizabeth Fatherly his wife, Thomas Kirton
To: James Nicholson
Place(s): Chester-le-Street
3 items
10A/132-133 27 April 1709
From: Robert Johnson, Anne Johnson his wife
To: Isabella Scorar widow
Place(s): Clayton, parish of Greatham
2 items
10A/134-136 27 April 1709
From: Anthony Grundy, Margaret Grundy his wife
To: William Todd, James Crowzet
Place(s): coal mine in parish of Lanchester
3 items
10A/137-139 3 May 1709
From: Ben Garnett, Dorothy Garnett his wife, Henry Bainbridge, Ann Bainbridge his wife, John Bainbridge
To: John Dinsdale, John Wilson
Place(s): Barnard Castle, Middleton-in-Teesdale
3 items
10A/140-141 20 May 1709
From: John Laborne gent., John Laborne junior, Mary Laborne his wife, Thomas Thompson, Dorothy Thompson his wife
To: Robert Stringer, Peter Marley
Place(s): Blackburn, parish of Lanchester
2 items
10A/142 20 June 1709
From: William Todd, James Crouzet
To: Anthony Grundy, Margaret Grundy his wife
Place(s): contents of praecipe were read in English to, Anthony Grundy and his wife
1 items
10A/143-146 7 June 1709
From: Robert Hall, Elizabeth Hall his wife
To: William Storey gent.
Place(s): Agnell Gate, Gateshead
4 items
10A/147-149 22 June 1709
From: Michael Fenwick, Jane Fenwick his wife
To: Robert Ellison esq.
Place(s): Newton Garth, parish of Boldon and Whitburn
3 items
10A/150-152 7 July 1709
From: Robert Chilton, Elizabeth Chilton his wife
To: Christopher Fulthorpe esq.
Place(s): Dalton Peircy, parish of Hart, Durham
3 items
10A/153-155 7 July 1709
From: George Minter, Cath Minter his wife, Thomas Port, Elizabeth Port his wife, John Pordage, Anne Pordage his wife
To: John Ord
Place(s): Cowingburne, parish of Stanhope
3 items
10A/156-157 7 July 1709
From: Richard Belasyse esq., Margaret Belasyse his wife
To: Thomas Smith gent.
Place(s): Kyo alias Kyo Peth, parish of Lanchester
2 items
10A/158-159 7 July 1709
From: Anthony Allinson pelliario, Elizabeth Allinson his wife, Edmund Areton pelliario and churo the car., Jane Areton his wife
To: David Dixon gent.
Place(s): 3 houses and shops in Durham City
2 items
10A/160-161 7 July 1709
From: Clement Shefft, Sara Shefft his wife, George Sheffield, John Wilkinson, Dorothy Wilkinson his wife
To: Stephen Colling
Place(s): 1 house in Framwelgate, parish of St Oswald
2 items
10A/162-164 9 July 1709
From: Lancelot Westgarth, Jane Westgarth his wife, John Ward, Ellin Ward his wife
To: Joseph Atkinson arm. of necoc alderman
Place(s): 4 houses in parish of Stanhope, Bishopwearmouth, Durham
3 items
10A/165-166 14 July 1709
From: Robert Fawell, Margaret Fawell his wife, William Turner
To: Margaret Carr spinster
Place(s): 1 house in Durham City
2 items
10A/167-169 22 June 1709
From: Joshua Peele, Mariana Peele his wife, Thomas Waistell, Sarah Waistell his wife, John Horne, Isabell Horne his wife, George Horne
To: Ralph Wilkinson, Matthew Wilson, Sara Hutchinson spinster
Place(s): Barnard Castle, parish of
3 items
11.70/1-6 10 September 1711
From: John Blenkinsopp gent.
To: James Mickleton gent.
Place(s): Washington, Co Durham
6 items
11.70/7-13 2 November 1711
From: Henry Hugill gent.
To: Thomas Rudd clerk
Place(s): Miersflatt [Myers Flat], Bankton, Hunwick, Hamsterley, Haughton, St Andrew Auckland
7 items
11.70/14-16 14 December 1711
From: Blythman Eden gent.
To: Richard Huntley gent.
Place(s): Shinkley or Shincliffe
3 items
11.70/17-23 14 December 1711
From: John Mowbray gent., Robert Burrell gent.
To: George Mowbray, John Featherston
Place(s): Winlaton, manor of, Ryton
7 items
11.70/24-29 14 December 1711
From: William Greenwell, Robert Dun
To: Silas Blackett, James Dun
Place(s): Great Chilton, Merrington
6 items
11.70/30-38 8 January 1712
From: William Halliday
To: John Sheriff, Alexander Johnston
Place(s): Bedburn, Hamsterley, St Andrew Auckland
9 items
11.70/39-45 8 January 1712
From: Robert Spearman gent., Robert Hilton gent.
To: John Eden esq.
Place(s): Sidgate [Sidegate], manor of or Civitgate, Framwellgate
7 items
11.70/46-48 19 February 1712
From: Thomas Davison esq.
To: Joseph Forster clerk, John Davison gent.
Place(s): St Oswald, Durham
3 items
11.70/49-51 19 February 1712
From: John Tempest esq.
To: Nicholas Richardson gent.
Place(s): Haswell, Easington, Lumley, Chester-le-Street
3 items
11.70/52-54 30 April 1712
From: William Currey, Thomas Taylerson
To: Lancelot Aire
Place(s): Wolsingham
3 items
11.70/55-57 30 April 1712
From: Anne Shiers spinster, Alice Shiers spinster
To: Christopher Mickleton junior
Place(s): St Nicholas, Durham
3 items
11.70/58-60 16 May 1712
From: Richard Reed
To: William Reed, Thomas Reed
Place(s): Bentknowle, Hart, Elwick
3 items
11.70/61-65 3 June 1712
From: Stephen Husband gent., Richard Holden gent.
To: Nevil Ridley gent., Benjamin Machell
Place(s): Scremerston, manor of
5 items
11.71/66-68 1 September 1712
From: William Fisher
To: John Warcopp
Place(s): Southwick, Monkwearmouth
3 items
11.71/69-71 18 September 1712
From: James Clavering esq.
To: George Liddell esq.
Place(s): Stowhouse, Hallgill, Lanchester
3 items
11.71/72-77 18 September 1712
From: Nicholas Paxton gent.
To: Edward Nelthorpe, Charles Sanderson
Place(s): Ravensworth, Ravenshelme, Lamesley
6 items
11.71/78-81 29 October 1712
From: John Wilkie gent.
To: Francis Brandling merchant, Cuthbert Collingwood gent.
Place(s): Cheswick, Tweedmouth, Spittle
4 items
11.71/82-84a 14 January 1713
From: Thomas Bridgen gent., Edward Benton gent.
To: Thomas Clendon
Place(s): Gateshead
4 items
11.71/85-91 27 January 1713
From: William Ettricke esq.
To: Anthony Isaacson esq.
Place(s): Silksworth, Bishopwearmouth
7 items
11.71/92-97 24 April 1713
From: Andrew Fenwick
To: John Aynsley gent.
Place(s): Reedheugh [Redheugh], Gateshead
6 items
11.71/98-100 15 May 1713
From: John Hedworth esq.
To: John Lambton esq., John Craster esq.
Place(s): Chester-le-Street
3 items
11.71/101-103 2 June 1713
From: Hendry Hopper gent., William Denton gent.
To: Christopher Wilkinson gent.
Place(s): Headlam, Killerby, Gainford, Piercebridge, Ingleton, Ayksliffe [?Aycliffe]
3 items
11.71/104-106 2 June 1713
From: Nicholas Paxton junior
To: Richard Stonhewer junior
Place(s): Mordon, Sedgefield
3 items
11.71/107-113 17 June 1713
From: Hendry Hopper gent., Nicholas Paxton gent.
To: Cuthbert Sedgewick, Charles Clemmett
Place(s): Staindrop
7 items
11.72/114-116 6 October 1713
From: Hendry Hopper gent.
To: John Porrett gent.
Place(s): Egglescliffe
3 items
11.72/117-123 30 October 1713
From: Hendry Hopper, Nicholas Paxton
To: Christopher Wilkinson
Place(s): Middleton St George
7 items
11.72/124-126 25 March 1714
From: Anne Moore widow
To: Cuthbert Moore lan.
Place(s): St Oswald, Durham
3 items
11.72/127-129 13 April 1714
From: Hendry Hopper gent.
To: John Eden esq.
Place(s): Middleton-in-Teasdale
3 items
11.72/130-132 1 May 1714
From: John Rudd esq.
To: Sir Robert Eden
Place(s): Gainford
3 items
11.72/133-135 9 June 1714
From: Robert Hilton gent.
To: Hendry Hopper gent.
Place(s): Dinsdale, Sudbury, Middleton One Row
3 items
11.73/136-142 29 July 1714
From: John Jackson, James Raine
To: Simon Ingleby
Place(s): Crook, Billy Row, Newton Cap
7 items
11.73/143-145 2 August 1714
From: Samuel Handcock
To: Woulston Paston, William Fletcher
Place(s): Barnard Castle, Westwick, Gainford
3 items
11.73/146-151 3 December 1714
From: Emanuel Walton
To: Thomas Hunter, Anthony Oats
Place(s): Twizell, manor of, Chester-le-Street
6 items
11.73/152-157 7 January 1715
From: Gilbert Spearman esq.
To: Robert Peirson gent.
Place(s): Tanfield, Chester-le-Street
6 items
11.73/158-164 7 January 1715
From: Thomas Taylerson
To: Ralph Harrison
Place(s): St Oswald, Durham
7 items
11.73/165-169 4 April 1715
From: Nicholas Hall esq., Francis Taylor gent.
To: William Smith gent., Nathaniel Phillips
Place(s): Barefoot or Bareford [Barford] on the Moor, manor of
5 items
11.73/170-172 26 April 1715
From: Frevill Lambton junior gent.
To: Nicholas Lambton gent.
Place(s): Cay Green, Herrington, Houghton-le-Spring
3 items
11.73/173-175 17 May 1715
From: Thomas Wilkinson esq.
To: Thomas Trollopp gent.
Place(s): Shipley Marwood, Marwood Hagg, Barnard Castle
3 items
11.73/176-178 21 June 1715
From: Thomas Allen
To: George Hall
Place(s): Pelton
3 items
11.74/179-181 2 August 1715
From: John Smurthwaite
To: William Eyre, Anne White widow
Place(s): Preston-le-Skerne, Carloning, Nesbitt, Great Aycliffe, Hart
3 items
11.74/182-190 2 August 1715
From: Edward Nealson esq., John Pigg gent.
To: James Nealson
Place(s): Fishings in Tweed, Grenehill, Pedwell, Woolford, Gards, etc.
9 items
11.74/191-197 1 January 1716
From: William Bacon esq., John Rudd esq.
To: Matthew Whitfield esq.
Place(s): West Auckland, St Helen Auckland, Redworth, Windleston, West, Brandon, Elvet
7 items
11.74/198-200 17 March 1716
From: Thomas Wilkinson esq.
To: John Wilkinson merchant
Place(s): Biddick Waterville or South Biddick, Houghton-le-Spring
3 items
11.74/201-207 2 April 1716
From: Hendry Hopper gent.
To: Thomas Nelson
Place(s): Crayke
7 items
11.74/208-210 11 May 1716
From: John Stackhouse clerk
To: William Slater merchant
Place(s): St Andrew Auckland
3 items
11.74/211-219 11 May 1716
From: Francis Thompson gent.
To: Thomas Ord gent.
Place(s): Holy Island
9 items
11.74/220-222 29 May 1716
From: Robert Shaftoe esq., William Bacon esq.
To: Sir Henry Bellasyse, John Tempest esq.
Place(s): Croxdale, manor of, Butterwick, Sedgefield, Elwick, etc.
3 items
11.74/223-228 19 June 1716
From: John Eden esq., Francis Blakiston gent.
To: Nicholas Richardson gent., William Roper gent.
Place(s): Ulnaby, manor of, or Oimby, Coniscliffe, Thornton, Denton
6 items
12.75/1-3 30 October 1716
From: Anthony Raw, Dorothy Raw his wife
To: James Fryer, Nicholas Fryer
Place(s): Gateshead
3 items
12.75/4-6 14 December 1716
From: William Marley
To: George Hunter
Place(s): Birkley, Chester-le-Street
3 items
12.75/7-12 14 December 1716
From: Martin Nicholson
To: George Payton
Place(s): Butterley [?Butterby], St Oswald
6 items
12.75/13-15 16 July 1717
From: Ralph Gowland
To: Daniel West
Place(s): St Andrew Auckland
3 items
12.75/16-18 16 July 1717
From: Ralph Gowland
To: William Cotesworth esq., John Johnson esq.
Place(s): Hedley, Chester-le-Street
3 items
12.76/19-21 21 August 1717
From: John Lamb, John Dunn
To: Christopher Mickleton junior
Place(s): Great Aycliffe, Woodham, Darlington
3 items
12.76/22-28 15 October 1717
From: Robert Spearman gent.
To: Samuel Clarke gent.
Place(s): Lanchester
7 items
12.76/29-31 5 November 1717
From: Ralph Fetherstonhalgh gent., Thomas Lewen gent.
To: Christopher Fetherstonhalgh merchant, Richard Bates
Place(s): Wingate, manor of, Tinlisden or Tursdale, or Wheatley Hill
3 items
12.76/32-39 6 November 1717
From: John Greive gent.
To: Anthony Scott gent.
Place(s): Norham
8 items
12.76/40-42 17 December 1717
From: William Staines, Edmund Bunting
To: John Ward, Henry Stevenson
Place(s): Hurworth-on-Tees
3 items
12.76/43-45 31 January 1718
From: John Crosby gent.
To: Ambrose Crosby gent.
Place(s): Winyard, manor of, Grindon
3 items
12.76/46-68 18 February 1718
From: Henry Forster
To: Robert Wheldon
Place(s): Gateshead
3 items
12.76/49-51 18 February 1718
From: Thomas Lewen gent.
To: John Woodifield, Oliver Paxton
Place(s): Sedgefield
3 items
12.76/52-54 18 February 1718
From: Thomas Wilkinson esq., Thomas Lewen gent.
To: Thomas Teasdale, John Morgan
Place(s): Hetton-le-Hole, manor of, Sheraton, Nesbitt, Monk Hesledon, etc.
3 items
12.76/55-57 18 February 1718
From: Richard Smith junior
To: George Forster gent.
Place(s): Brancepeth
3 items
12.76/58-64 8 April 1718
From: Lancelot Allgood gent.
To: David Dixon gent.
Place(s): Hummersley, Brancepeth
7 items
12.76/65-67 25 April 1718
From: Robert Spearman gent.
To: John Spearman esq.
Place(s): St Mary-le-Bow and St Oswald, Durham
3 items
12.76/68-70 2 June 1718
From: Hendry Hopper gent.
To: Ambrose Stephenson gent.
Place(s): Sedgefield, Fishburn
3 items
12.76/71-77 18 June 1718
From: John Ord gent.
To: Ralph Fetherstonhalgh, John Airey gent.
Place(s): Deckhams House, Gateshead
7 items
12.77/78-80 20 February 1718
From: Hendry Hopper gent.
To: Daniel Burton
Place(s): Staindrop
3 items
12.77/81-83 29 July 1718
From: Thomas Ovington gent.
To: John Mowbray junior gent.
Place(s): Crossgate, St Oswald, Durham
3 items
12.77/84-90 20 August 1718
From: Robert Spearman gent.
To: Samuel Clarke gent.
Place(s): Lanchester
7 items
12.77/91-98 1 January 1719
From: Isabell Bromley spinster
To: Thomas Teasedale, John Morgan
Place(s): Washington, manor of, Hetton-le-Hole
8 items
12.77/99-101 20 February 1719
From: John Rudd esq.
To: James Finney STP
Place(s): Bradwood, Biggins, Stanhope, etc.
3 items
12.77/102-104 20 February 1719
From: John Rudd esq.
To: Posthumus Smith esq.
Place(s): Sedgefield
3 items
12.77/105-111 13 March 1719
From: Thomas Taylerson gent.
To: Anthony Wilkinson gent.
Place(s): Edderacres, Stobbilee, Lanchester
7 items
12.77/112-114 5 April 1719
From: Thomas Taylerson gent.
To: Richard Wilkinson gent.
Place(s): Consett, manor of, Newlands, St Oswald
3 items
12.78/115-117 15 May 1718
From: Gawin Noble gent., Delavall Beaumont
To: James Wilson, Matthew Noble gent.
Place(s): Sunderland by the Sea
3 items
12.78/118-126 29 March 1719
From: Samuel Rodham
To: George Matthews, Robert Spearman
Place(s): Bishopton
9 items
12.78/127-131 2 June 1719
From: Sir William Loraine bart
To: William Potter gent.
Place(s): Offerton, Netherton
5 items
12.78/132-134 27 August 1719
From: William Welch gent.
To: Roger Anderson, William Potter gent.
Place(s): Whithill, manor of, Chester-le-Street
5 items
12.78/135-140 27 August 1719
From: Anthony Wilkinson gent.
To: Thomas Taylerson gent.
Place(s): Southstreet, St Oswald
6 items
12.78/141-143 6 October 1719
From: Thomas Coulson gent.
To: Anne Aisley widow
Place(s): Cowshouses, Sunnyside, Newfield, Hermitts Heugh, Rideings, Wolsingham and St Andrew Auckland
3 items
12.78/144-146 24 November 1719
From: Thomas Smith junior gent.
To: Ralph Proud gent.
Place(s): Stanhope
3 items
12.78/147-149 28 December 1719
From: John Cooper dyer
To: Peter Russell
Place(s): Penshaw, Houghton-le-Spring
3 items
12.78/150-152 12 January 1720
From: Thomas Hutchinson
To: William Hutchinson
Place(s): Darlington
3 items
12.78/153-155 5 February 1720
From: Gilbert Spearman esq.
To: George Dixon gent.
Place(s): Thornley, manor of, Redmarshall, etc.
3 items
12.78/156-158 4 April 1720
From: Francis Pewterer gent.
To: Richard Stonhewer gent.
Place(s): Preston-le-Skerne, Carr Loaning
3 items
12.78/159-161 3 June 1720
From: John Cuthbert esq.
To: William Cuthbert esq., Robert Cuthbert gent.
Place(s): Farrington [Farringdon], West Herrington, Silksworth
3 items
12.79/162-168 8 July 1720
From: William Denton
To: Thomas Denton
Place(s): Middleton One Row, Dinsdale
7 items
12.79/169-171 16 August 1720
From: Carleton Carr gent., Lancelot Carr esq., James Carr gent.
To: Ralph Gowland junior gent.
Place(s): Pelaw, or Peley, or Pelow, in Chester-le-Street
3 items
12.79/172-178 1 November 1720
From: Robert Hilton junior gent.
To: Robert Hilton senior, Lancelot Hilton gent.
Place(s): Layton, manor of, Sedgefield
7 items
12.79/179-181 6 February 1721
From: Thomas Bowlby gent.
To: Ralph Suddick
Place(s): Ryton
3 items
12.79/182-188 24 February 1721
From: Christopher Lonsdale junior gent., John Breaks junior gent.
To: Thomas Breakes merchant
Place(s): Barnard Castle, Sledwish, Whorlton, Gainford
7 items
12.79/189-191 17 March 1721
From: James Morgan gent.
To: William Colling gent.
Place(s): Windleston, manor of, St Andrew Auckland
3 items
12.79/192-194 4 April 1721
From: Nicholas Paxton gent.
To: William Pye gent.
Place(s): Knitsley, Conside
3 items
12.79/195-197 28 April 1721
From: Robert Spearman gent.
To: John Hodshon gent.
Place(s): Sunderland near the Sea
3 items
12.79/198-204 9 June 1721
From: Nicholas Richardson gent.
To: Robert Chambers gent.
Place(s): Jarrow
7 items
12.79/205-207 26 June 1721
From: Ralph Gowland junior gent.
To: Samuel West
Place(s): St Andrew Auckland
3 items
13.80/1-3 15 November 1721
From: George Rotherforth
To: William Jackson
Place(s): Gateshead
3 items
13.80/4-6 12 January 1722
From: David Dixon
To: Robert Eden
Place(s): Stanhope
3 items
13.80/7-15 12 January 1722
From: Joseph Starkin gent.
To: John Mann
Place(s): Gateshead, Daddry Sheales [Shield], Stanhope
9 items
13.80/16-18 2 February 1722
From: David Hilton esq.
To: Robert Hilton gent.
Place(s): Blakiston, manor of, Thorpe Thewles, etc.
3 items
13.80/19-22 3 April 1722
From: Joseph Stanwix
To: William Petty
Place(s): Whitworth, St Andrew Auckland
4 items
13.80/23-31 10 April 1722
From: Thomas Gibson gent., James Jacob gent.
To: William Lee gent.
Place(s): Lumley Castle, Great Lumley, Hartlepoole, etc.
9 items
13.80/32-40 27 April 1722
From: Nicholas Hall gent., Thomas Dixon gent.
To: Lord Marmaduke Langdaile, Sir Hugh Smithson bart
Place(s): Norham, manor of, Haggerston, Buckton, Ancroft, etc.
9 items
13.80/41-43 27 April 1722
From: John Rudd esq., Thomas Maynard gent.
To: Francis Loggin
Place(s): Halliwell, manor of, Brancepeth
3 items
13.80/44-48 12 May 1722
From: William Welch gent., Joseph Martin gent.
To: Michael Newton esq.
Place(s): Sadberge or Sadbury, Stainton
5 items
13.80/49-55 28 May 1722
From: David Dixon, Ralph Steel
To: Sir John Eden
Place(s): Cheswick, Kentslone, Buckton
7 items
13.80/56-62 28 May 1722
From: Francis Sanderson gent.
To: Ralph Gibson
Place(s): South Bedburn
7 items
13.80/63-69 12 June 1722
From: John Bacon gent.
To: William Bacon esq.
Place(s): Stanhope, Wolsingham
7 items
13.80/70-72 12 June 1722
From: William Aisley, Isabel Aisley his wife
To: Thomas Smith gent.
Place(s): Durham City
3 items
13.81/73-79 3 July 1722
From: Cuthbert Herson gent.
To: Robert Sutton
Place(s): Urpeth, Kibblesworth, etc.
7 items
13.81/80-82 18 July 1722
From: Hendry Hopper gent.
To: John Fawcett esq.
Place(s): Braxwood, Frosterley
3 items
13.81/83-89 16 August 1722
From: John Rudd esq.
To: Thomas Maynard
Place(s): Henknowle, manor of, Auckland St Andrew
7 items
13.81/90-96 16 August 1722
From: Robert Spearman gent.
To: James Salvin gent.
Place(s): Axwell-houses, Swalwell
7 items
13.81/97-103 2 November 1722
From: John Mowbray gent.
To: John Carrick
Place(s): Walworth, manor of, Heighington
7 items
13.81/104-114 5 February 1723
From: Hendry Hopper gent., Robert Hilton junior gent.
To: Sir Richard Manningham, Vigerus Edwards
Place(s): Elwick, Hart
11 items
13.81/115-117 15 February 1723
From: Ralph Gowland junior
To: Joseph Roper
Place(s): Howle Myers, Chester-le-Street
3 items
13.81/118-124 5 March 1723
From: John Fawcett esq., John Andrew gent.
To: Thomas Stonhewer
Place(s): Little Stainton, Great Stainton
7 items
13.81/125-127 1 April 1723
From: John Sharp
To: Thomas Huntington
Place(s): Seaton near the Sea, Seaham
3 items
13.81/128-130 1 November 1723
From: Lawrence Brockett
To: Cuthbert Apedale
Place(s): St Andrew Auckland
3 items
13.81/131-133 1 June 1723
From: John Rudd esq., David Dixon
To: Joseph Green esq., Richard Swinburne esq.
Place(s): Dudds, manor of, Greenlaw, Norham
3 items
13.82/134-139 27 June 1723
From: Ralph Gowland junior gent.
To: George Liddell esq.
Place(s): Hebburn, Jarrow, etc.
6 items
13.82/140-146 23 July 1723
From: Michael Dobinson
To: John Dobinson
Place(s): Morden [Mordon]
7 items
13.82/147-153 5 September 1723
From: Thomas Reed apothecary
To: William Blackett gent.
Place(s): Bondgate in Auckland, St Andrew Auckland
7 items
13.82/154-156 5 September 1723
From: Sir John Eden bart, John Rudd esq.
To: John Dawnay esq., William Wakefield esq.
Place(s): Whitworth, manor of, Witton-le-Wear, St Andrew Auckland
3 items
13.82/157-159 27 September 1723
From: John Fawcett esq., Hendry Hopper gent.
To: Thomas Rudd clerk
Place(s): Winyard, Grindon
3 items
13.82/160-166 27 September 1723
From: John Simpson
To: Wililam Dixon gent.
Place(s): Bradley, Crawcrook, etc.
7 items
13.82/167-169 12 November 1723
From: Cuthbert Heron gent.
To: William Hind gent.
Place(s): Helmeden, Bradbury, etc.
3 items
13.82/170-176 31 December 1723
From: Robert Hilton junior gent.
To: Francis Taylor gent.
Place(s): Goswick, Holy Island
7 items
13.82/177-183 11 February 1724
From: William Chaloner clerk
To: John Hadshon gent.
Place(s): Great Stainton
7 items
13.82/187-189 1 May 1724
From: Thomas Rudd esq.
To: John Porrett
Place(s): Wolviston
3 items
13.83/190-196 29 July 1724
From: John Markendell
To: James Raine gent.
Place(s): Hurworth, manor of, Preston-le-Skerne, etc.
7 items
13.83/197-203 21 August 1724
From: Robert Barker
To: William Welch
Place(s): Stanhope
7 items
13.83/204-206 8 September 1724
From: Nicholas Paxton
To: Oliver Paxton
Place(s): St Oswald, Durham, Easington
3 items
13.83/207-209 8 September 1724
From: Ralph Thompson
To: Thomas Vasey
Place(s): in Durham City
3 items
13.83/216-218 16 November 1724
From: Robert Wharton gent.
To: Richard Smith
Place(s): Woodhouses, St Andrew Auckland
3 items
13.83/219-221 17 November 1724
From: Hendry Hopper gent.
To: James Cooke esq.
Place(s): Preston-upon-Tees, Stockton
3 items
13.83/222-224 12 January 1725
From: William Dixon gent.
To: George Mallabar esq.
Place(s): Whickham, Co Durham
3 items
13.83/225-231 9 April 1725
From: John Paxton gent.
To: John Johnson
Place(s): Sunderland near the Sea
7 items
13.83/232-234 29 April 1725
From: Richard Harrison gent.
To: Roger Durham gent.
Place(s): Seaton, Seaham
3 items
13.83/235-237 14 May 1725
From: William Maddeson gent.
To: Thomas Corney
Place(s): Stockton-on-Tees
3 items
13.83/238-244 31 May 1725
From: Ralph Gowland junior gent.
To: Joseph Martin gent.
Place(s): Shildon, Coundon
7 items
13.83/245-251 1 May 1725
From: Hendry Hopper gent.
To: William Denton gent.
Place(s): Stranton, manor of, Seaton Carew, etc.
7 items
13.83/252-254 31 May 1725
From: William Cooper gent.
To: John Mann
Place(s): Winyard, Redmarshall
3 items
13.83/255-257 15 June 1725
From: William Maddeson gent.
To: Charles Perrott esq.
Place(s): Wolviston
3 items
13.84/258-260 17 September 1725
From: Thomas Rudd esq., John Colling gent.
To: Hendry Hopper gent.
Place(s): Stockton
3 items
13.84/261-263 2 November 1725
From: Thomas Johnson
To: Anthony Wilkinson gent.
Place(s): Stanhope
3 items
13.84/264-270 2 November 1725
From: Thomas Rudd esq.
To: Lawrence Brockett gent.
Place(s): Bishop Auckland, Redworth, etc.
7 items
13.84/271-277 11 January 1726
From: Thomas Rudd junior, Hendry Hopper
To: John Smith gent.
Place(s): Hardwick, manor of, Sedgefield, Bishop Middleham
7 items
13.84/278-284 18 March 1726
From: Thomas Rudd esq.
To: John Lodge gent.
Place(s): Cockfield
7 items
13.84/285-287 15 June 1726
From: John Rudd esq., John Lodge gent.
To: Nicholas Fenwick esq., Thomas Burnskill
Place(s): Hutton Henry, manor of, Hardwick, Stranton, Hurworth, etc.
3 items
14.85/1-7 18 July 1726
From: Lawrence Brockett, Thomas Sanderson
To: John Dale gent.
Place(s): Keverston, Raby, Staindrop
7 items
14.85/8-10 3 August 1726
From: Lancelot Allgood junior gent., William Pye gent.
To: Robert Midford junior esq., George Allgood gent.
Place(s): Ord, manor of, Unthank, Tweedmouth, Norham
3 items
14.85/11-13 1 November 1726
From: Henry Collin yeoman
To: Bartholomew Mathewson
Place(s): in Durham City, one messuage
3 items
14.85/14-20 1 December 1726
From: John Smith
To: Henry Smith
Place(s): 4 messuages in Sunderland by the Sea
7 items
14.85/21-23 3 February 1727
From: Thomas Wilkinson esq.
To: James Readshaw gent.
Place(s): St Oswald, Durham, Great Lumley, etc.
3 items
14.85/24-29 28 February 1727
From: Elizabeth Forster widow
To: John Hutton gent.
Place(s): Thorpe Bulmer, Hart
6 items
14.85/30-36 28 March 1727
From: Ralph Gowland junior gent.
To: Robert Grene
Place(s): High Stotfold, manor of, Elwick
7 items
14.85/37-39 12 April 1727
From: Robert Forster gent.
To: Ralph Gowland junior
Place(s): 3 messuages, Easington
3 items
14.85/40-42 17 May 1727
From: George Dixon gent.
To: Thomas Sisson gent.
Place(s): Egglesburn, Middleton-in-Teesdale
3 items
14.85/43-45 16 June 1727
From: John Hutton gent.
To: Robert Andrews gent.
Place(s): 1 messuage, Gateshead
3 items
14.86/46-54 11 July 1727
From: Thomas Ashhurst esq., Thomas Vawdrey
To: Edward Stanley bart, William Coope gent.
Place(s): Haughton in the Side, Raby, Denton, Elvet
9 items
14.86/55-61 31 August 1727
From: James Hawkin gent.
To: John Nelson gent.
Place(s): Skirningham, Haughton
7 items
14.86/62-64 31 August 1727
From: Robert Hilton gent.
To: Henry Fletc.her esq.
Place(s): in Stranton
3 items
14.86/65-71 10 November 1727
From: John Hutton gent.
To: Ralph Clark gent.
Place(s): 6 messuages, Sunderland by the Sea
7 items
14.86/72-78 10 November 1727
From: Thomas Rudd esq., Richard Hornsby gent.
To: James Readshaw gent.
Place(s): Killerby, Heighington
7 items
14.86/79-81 5 December 1727
From: Edward Amory yeoman
To: John Steel gent.
Place(s): 1 messuage in Gateshead
3 items
14.86/82-88 22 December 1727
From: William Hutchinson esq.
To: James Weatherby, John Walton gent.
Place(s): Eggleston, manor of, Middleton-in-Teesdale
7 items
14.86/89-91 27 February 1728
From: William Wharton gent.
To: John Stephenson
Place(s): Plawsworth, Chester-le-Street
3 items
14.86/92-98 27 February 1728
From: Thomas Wilkinson esq.
To: Francis Hutton gent.
Place(s): 3 messuages, Barnard Castle
7 items
14.86/99-105 26 April 1728
From: Anthony Wilkinson gent.
To: John Calhoun
Place(s): 3 messuages, Holy Island
7 items
14.86/106-112 26 April 1728
From: Nicholas Paxton gent.
To: John Crosby gent.
Place(s): Coundon, St Andrew Auckland
7 items
14.86/113-121 14 May 1728
From: Joseph Hall esq., Ralph Gowland gent.
To: Henry Lambton esq., William Lambton esq.
Place(s): North Wearmouth or Monkwearmouth, Fulwell, Suddick [Southwick]
9 items
14.86/122-124 31 May 1728
From: Ralph Brockett
To: Samuel Burton
Place(s): ingleton, Staindrop
3 items
14.86/125-127 15 June 1728
From: Joseph Hall esq.
To: Robert Surtees
Place(s): Lanchester
3 items
14.86/128-140 1 July 1728
From: Jaber Collier gent., John Hickes gent.
To: Samuel Gowland
Place(s): Middleton-in-Teesdale, Langley, Strickley
13 items
14.86/141-143 30 July 1728
From: John Eden gent.
To: Richard Burton esq.
Place(s): 10 messuages, Hurworth-on-Tees
3 items
14.87/144-146 14 August 1728
From: Robert Wharton alderman
To: William Loftus gent.
Place(s): Stranton, manor of, Seaton Carew, etc.
3 items
14.87/147-149 14 August 1728
From: Thomas Taylerson gent.
To: Thomas Alder gent.
Place(s): Horncliffe, Norham
3 items
14.87/150-152 29 October 1728
From: George Forster gent.
To: Richard Smith junior
Place(s): Woodhouses, St Andrew Auckland
3 items
14.87/153-155 29 October 1728
From: George Bowes esq.
To: Gilbert Dawson esq.
Place(s): Hedley, Lamesley
3 items
14.87/156-158 14 January 1729
From: Robert Smith gent.
To: William Welch gent.
Place(s): 2 messuages, Stanhope
3 items
14.87/159-161 4 March 1729
From: John Mowbray gent.
To: Arthur Walton gent.
Place(s): Hetton-on-the-Hill, Pittington
3 items
14.87/162-168 28 March 1729
From: George Johnson gent.
To: William Wharton
Place(s): St Mary in Gateshead
7 items
14.87/169-171 28 March 1729
From: George Ord esq.
To: Samuel Lascells esq.
Place(s): Longridge, manor of, Norham
3 items
14.87/172-178 28 March 1729
From: John Eden gent.
To: Thomas Rudd esq.
Place(s): Hardwick, manor of, Sedgefield, etc.
7 items
14.87/179-181 28 March 1729
From: Hendry Hopper gent.
To: Robert Dinsdale
Place(s): 2 messuages, Gainford
3 items
14.87/182-184 28 March 1729
From: Thomas Paxton
To: Robert White
Place(s): 2 messuages, Lanchester
3 items
14.87/185-187 22 April 1729
From: Francis Armorer junior gent.
To: Jonathan Soresby
Place(s): Woodlands, Chester-le-Street
3 items
14.87/188-190 20 May 1729
From: George Dale
To: Thomas Dale
Place(s): Ryhope, Bishopwearmouth
3 items
14.87/191-193 21 June 1729
From: Ralph Gowland
To: Henry Ellison gent.
Place(s): Ravensholme or Ravensworth
3 items
14.87/194-196 6 June 1729
From: George Lowthian
To: Charles Hutchinson
Place(s): Barnard Castle, Gainford
3 items
14.88/197-203 4 September 1729
From: Thomas Simpson gent.
To: Lancelot Marchell gent.
Place(s): Coniscliffe, manor of, Ulnaby
7 items
14.88/204-206 31 October 1729
From: Francis Brockett
To: Thomas Garth
Place(s): Helmington Row, Offerton, etc.
3 items
14.88/207-213 26 December 1729
From: Ralph Gowland gent.
To: George Liddell esq.
Place(s): Ravensworth, Lamesley
7 items
14.88/214-220 13 January 1730
From: Abraham Dixon gent.
To: James Fryer gent.
Place(s): Washington, manor of, Hetton-le-Hole
7 items
14.88/221-223 27 February 1730
From: William Pye gent.
To: James Readshaw gent.
Place(s): 1 messuage in Durham City
3 items
14.88/224-230 1 June 1730
From: Ralph Robinson esq., Edward Harle gent.
To: John Craster esq.
Place(s): Herrington, Lumley, Penshaw, etc.
7 items
14.89/231-239 30 June 1730
From: Gilbert Dawson esq., Francis Wells gent.
To: Edward Vawery esq., John Rudd esq.
Place(s): Haughton, Raby, Denton, New Elvet, etc.
9 items
14.89/240-246 11 December 1730
From: John Hutton gent.
To: Thomas Rudd esq.
Place(s): Stranton, manor of, Seaton Carew, etc.
7 items
14.89/247-249 8 January 1731
From: William Pye gent.
To: Richard Burton esq.
Place(s): Medomsley, Bradley
3 items
14.89/250-256 5 February 1731
From: Henry Forster gent., John Hutton gent.
To: Peniston Lamb gent.
Place(s): Thrislington, manor of, Ferryhill, Marwood
7 items
14.89/257-263 10 February 1731
From: George Dixon gent.
To: George Stephenson
Place(s): Hillgate, Gateshead
7 items
14.89/264-266 14 May 1731
From: Nicholas Paxton gent.
To: Joseph Liddell merchant
Place(s): Kibblesworth, Lamesley
3 items
15.90/1-3 27 July 1731
From: John Hulton gent.
To: Francis Blakiston gent.
Place(s): Penshaw, Ryton and Gateshead
3 items
15.90/4-6 9 September 1731
From: Thomas Rudd esq.
To: Thomas Tempest gent.
Place(s): St Nicholas and St Oswald, Durham
3 items
15.90/7-9 28 September 1731
From: John Ingleby gent.
To: Thomas Rudd esq.
Place(s): Kelloe, Harbour House
3 items
15.90/10-12 28 September 1731
From: Thomas Rudd esq.
To: John Lodge gent.
Place(s): Streatham, manor of, Gibside, Stotley, etc
3 items
15.90/13-15 15 October 1731
From: John Mills gent.
To: Thomas Boulby
Place(s): Wolviston, Billingham
3 items
15.90/16-22 15 October 1731
From: John Airey esq.
To: George Dixon, Thomas Baker gent.
Place(s): Saltwellside, Gateshead, Greenlaw, Whickham, Pittington, etc.
7 items
15.90/23-29 10 November 1731
From: Ralph Robinson esq., Ed. Harle gent.
To: Matthew Dawson gent.
Place(s): Herrington, Lumley, Penshaw, etc.
7 items
15.90/30-32 1 February 1732
From: Robert Wharton alderman
To: George Forster gent.
Place(s): Stranton, manor of
3 items
15.90/33-35 10 May 1732
From: George Forster gent.
To: John Brown gent.
Place(s): Sleekburn, Bedlington
3 items
15.90/36-38 7 June 1732
From: Thomas Baker gent.
To: Anthony Atkinson gent.
Place(s): Bradley, manor of
3 items
15.91/39-41 11 July 1732
From: William Lee gent.
To: Anthony Lee gent.
Place(s): Durham City and Hutton Henry
3 items
15.91/42-44 11 July 1732
From: Joseph Hall esq., Edmund Bunting
To: Thomas Smith gent.
Place(s): Bishopton
3 items
15.91/45-51 11 July 1732
From: Francis Brockett
To: Thomas Holmeraw
Place(s): Middleton-in-Teesdale
7 items
15.91/52-54 24 August 1732
From: John Lodge gent.
To: Nicholas Shuttleworth
Place(s): Foxton, Sedgefield and Bedlington
3 items
15.91/55-57 18 September 1732
From: John Spearman gent.
To: Ralph Gowland gent.
Place(s): Birtley, Chester-le-Street
3 items
15.91/58-60 6 October 1732
From: Hendry Hopper gent.
To: Nicholas Paxton gent.
Place(s): Fishburn, Sedgefield
3 items
15.91/61-63 6 October 1732
From: Ralph Tunstall
To: John Smith
Place(s): Sunderland
3 items
15.91/64-66 6 October 1732
From: George Forster gent.
To: Edward Harle gent., Thomas Clennell esq.
Place(s): Twizell, Norham, Tweed
3 items
15.91/67-69 6 October 1732
From: John Huntley gent.
To: John Moody gent.
Place(s): Gateshead, one messuage
3 items
15.91/70-76 7 November 1732
From: Thomas Wycliffe gent.
To: Pele? Ashby gent.
Place(s): Easington
7 items
15.91/77-79 3 February 1733
From: John Morgan gent.
To: John Mann gent.
Place(s): St Oswald, Durham
3 items
15.91/80-82 15 March 1733
From: William Dent gent.
To: Ralph Robinson
Place(s): East Herrington, Houghton-le-Spring
3 items
15.91/83-89 13 April 1733
From: John Mann gent.
To: Joseph Richmond gent.
Place(s): Ord, manor of, Holy Island, etc.
7 items
15.91/90-96 4 January 1733
From: John Mowbray gent.
To: Arthur Walton gent.
Place(s): Great Chilton, Merrington
7 items
15.92/97-99 15 January 1734
From: Richard Burton esq., William Pye esq.
To: George Dixon gent.
Place(s): Thornley, Kelloe, Sherburn
3 items
15.92/100-102 28 May 1734
From: John Mowbray gent.
To: George Johnson gent.
Place(s): 3 messuages in Monk Heselton
3 items
15.92/103-107 17 June 1734
From: William Ginger gent.
To: John Duncombe gent.
Place(s): Barns, Bishopwearmouth
5 items
15.93/108-114 17 July 1734
From: Cuthbert Burrell, William Craggs
To: Nicholas Paxton, Oliver Paxton
Place(s): Sunderland near the Bridge, Tudds, Hurworth upon the Moor, Musselbrough
7 items
15.93/115-121 1 August 1734
From: William Gorst, Oliver Paxton
To: Christopher Lonsdale
Place(s): Arlaw Banks, Whorlton, Barnard Castle
7 items
15.93/122-128 1 October 1734
From: John Richardson gent.
To: Anthony Wilkinson gent.
Place(s): Tudhoe, Woodham, Chilton
7 items
15.93/129-135 21 October 1734
From: William Denton gent.
To: Christopher Denton gent.
Place(s): Heaton, Cornchill
7 items
15.93/136-138 21 October 1734
From: George Johnson gent.
To: George Forster gent.
Place(s): 6 messuages in Gateshead
3 items
15.93/139-141 27 November 1734
From: William Hutchinson gent.
To: Mathew Grey
Place(s): 2 messuages in Gateshead
3 items
15.93/142-148 21 January 1735
From: Thomas Hornsby
To: George Taylor
Place(s): Kibblesworth, Chester-le-Street
7 items
15.93/149-151 21 January 1735
From: William Coxon
To: George Johnson gent.
Place(s): Sunderland nigh the Sea
3 items
15.93/152-158 11 February 1735
From: Robert Hilton
To: Mathew Lamb esq.
Place(s): Witton Castle, Witton-le-Wear, etc.
7 items
15.93/159-167 4 March 1735
From: Richard Whishaw gent.
To: Peter Davall esq.
Place(s): Cockfield, Pethrawe [Peth Row], Hobsons Field, etc.
9 items
15.93/168-170 7 March 1735
From: Robert Jenison esq.
To: Ralph Jenison esq., Robert Shaftoe esq.
Place(s): Cockerton, Archdeacon Newton
3 items
15.93/171-179 24 April 1735
From: Gideon Harvey merchant
To: Henry Harper gent.
Place(s): Softley, East and West, Darlington, etc.
9 items
15.93/180-182 9 May 1735
From: Cuthbert Bainbridge, William Forster
To: George Johnson gent.
Place(s): One half of 6 messuages in St Nicholas, [? Durham]
3 items
15.93/183-189 24 May 1735
From: Ra. Robinson junior gent.
To: Thomas Rudd esq.
Place(s): Kibblesworth, Chester-le-Street
7 items
15.93/190-192 24 May 1735
From: Thomas Smith gent., George Johnson gent.
To: John Hutton gent.
Place(s): Birtley, Chester-le-Street
3 items
15.93/193-204 2 June 1735
From: Samuel Simpson, William Wart
To: James Burnett gent.
Place(s): Fishings in River Tweed, Holy Island
12 items
15.94/205-207 12 December 1735
From: Henry Wilkinson gent.
To: William Radley gent.
Place(s): 2 wharfes etc. in Gateshead
3 items
15.94/208-210 3 February 1736
From: John Bedford esq.
To: George Forster
Place(s): Long Newton
3 items
15.94/211-217 24 February 1735
From: Robert Tatham gent.
To: Henry Thorpe clerk
Place(s): Bishopton
7 items
15.94/218-224 19 March 1736
From: Richard Harrison gent.
To: John Burdon gent.
Place(s): Sleekburn, Bedlington
7 items
15.94/225-227 19 March 1736
From: William Whinfield gent.
To: John Hedworth esq.
Place(s): Sunderland near the Sea
3 items
15.94/228-234 19 March 1736
From: John Fawcett esq., Ralph Gowland gent.
To: Samuel Gowland, Robert Bowson
Place(s): Willington and Rutford, the manors of, Great Haswell, Helmington, etc.
7 items
15.94/235-238 4 June 1736
From: William Dent gent.
To: Ralph Harrison gent.
Place(s): Sunderland, Co Durham
4 items
16.95/1-3 16 September 1736
From: Thomas Raisbeck
To: Robert Hilton
Place(s): 2 messuages, etc., Sedgefield
3 items
16.95/4-6 26 November 1736
From: Hendry Hopper, Edward Goddard
To: Peter Hammond
Place(s): Bishop Middleham, Kelloe, St Oswald
3 items
16.95/7-9 14 December 1736
From: John Byerly
To: William Hutchinson
Place(s): St Oswald, Brancepeth
3 items
16.95/10-16 7 November 1736
From: Robert Douglas
To: William York
Place(s): Bensham, Gateshead (and many other places)
7 items
16.95/17-19 1 March 1737
From: Thomas Turner
To: Richard Turner
Place(s): Swalwell, Whickham
3 items
16.95/20-26 19 April 1736
From: Thomas Rudd
To: Hendry Hopper
Place(s): 4 messuages, Grindon
7 items
16.95/27-33 13 May 1737
From: Thomas Rudd, Hendry Hopper
To: William Seaton
Place(s): Streatham, Cleatlam, Shipley, etc.
7 items
16.95/34-42 13 June 1737
From: Henry Clennell
To: John Crofts
Place(s): Little Usworth, Washington, etc.
9 items
16.95/43-49 13 June 1737
From: Thomas of Dunston Shafto
To: William Parker
Place(s): Swalwell, Axwell House
7 items
16.95/50-56 28 June 1737
From: Thomas Rudd
To: George Vane
Place(s): Wackerfield, Stainton
7 items
16.96/57-59 26 May 1738
From: John Dixon
To: Godfrey Didsbury
Place(s): 1 messuage, St Nicholas, Durham
3 items
16.96/60-66 26 June 1738
From: George Hutton
To: John Dunn
Place(s): Bishop Middleham, 4 messuages
7 items
16.96/67-69 26 June 1738
From: Ralph Gowland
To: Richard Shutleworth
Place(s): Swainston, Old Durham
3 items
16.97/70-72 7 August 1736
From: William Whinfield
To: Matthew Carr anchor smith
Place(s): Sunderland near the Sea
3 items
16.97/73-75 26 July 1738
From: William Whinfield
To: Thomas Davison
Place(s): St Nicholas, Durham City
3 items
16.97/76-78 7 September 1738
From: John Dixon
To: George Black
Place(s): St Mary-le-Bow, Durham City
3 items
16.97/79-87 16 November 1738
From: John Orde
To: Patrick Hepburn
Place(s): 20 messuages in Norham
9 items
16.97/88-90 9 January 1739
From: Ralph Gowland
To: John York
Place(s): Axwell, Swalwell
3 items
16.97/91-93 9 January 1739
From: Chris Wardell
To: John Shafto
Place(s): 2 messuages in Whitworth
3 items
16.97/94-96 25 January 1739
From: George Johnson
To: Edward Nash
Place(s): 2 messuages, Norham
3 items
16.97/97-103 25 January 1739
From: Salkeld Hutchinson
To: Robert Tindall
Place(s): 1 messuage, Gateshead
7 items
16.97/104-106 25 January 1739
From: Thomas Westgarth
To: George Heath junior
Place(s): St Nicholas, Durham City
3 items
16.97/107-109 25 January 1739
From: Thomas Rudd
To: Edward Shipperd
Place(s): 2 cottages, Stockton
3 items
16.97/110-112 25 January 1739
From: Thomas Rudd
To: John Shafto
Place(s): West Auckland, St Helen Auckland, etc.
3 items
16.97/113-115 9 March 1739
From: John Hutton
To: Nicholas Lambton
Place(s): Gainford, Heighington
3 items
16.97/116-122 1 May 1739
From: Henry Wilkinson
To: Henry Radley
Place(s): 2 messuages in Gateshead
7 items
16.97/123-129 21 May 1739
From: Hendrey Hopper
To: William Foulis
Place(s): 3 messuages in Stillington
7 items
16.97/130-132 20 June 1739
From: George Forster
To: Richard Cuthbert clerk
Place(s): Thornley Gore, Kelloe
3 items
16.97/133-139 13 July 1739
From: Hendry Hopper
To: Thomas Rudd
Place(s): Thrislington, Ferryhill
7 items
16.98/140-142 12 February 1739
From: William Maddeson
To: Henry Brown
Place(s): 2 messuages, Stockton
3 items
16.98/143-145 28 March 1739
From: Joseph Thompson
To: Cuthbert Barkus
Place(s): 1/2 messuage, Gateshead
3 items
16.98/146-156 15 August 1739
From: John Hutton
To: John Ward
Place(s): Westwick, Barnard Castle
11 items
16.98/157-159 2 October 1739
From: Thomas Rudd, Ralph Gowland
To: George Vane
Place(s): Greencroft, Middleton George, Iveston
3 items
16.98/160-162 16 November 1739
From: Edward Goddard
To: Henry Pecrise
Place(s): Harperley, Gainford, etc.
3 items
16.98/163-169 16 November 1739
From: James Allan
To: Ralph Harrison
Place(s): Raby, Staindrop
7 items
16.98/170-176 8 January 1740
From: Fran Brockett plumber
To: Laurence Brockett gent.
Place(s): Gainford, Winston
7 items
16.98/177-183 8 January 1740
From: Edward Goddard
To: William Wharton
Place(s): Alwent, Langley, Aicliffe, etc.
7 items
16.98/184-185 1 February 1740
From: Cuthbert Winter, Bridget Winter his wife
To: George Smith
Place(s): St Oswald, Durham City
2 items
16.98/186-188 24 May 1740
From: John Trotter
To: Martin Richmond
Place(s): Redworth, Heighington
3 items
16.98/189-195 9 June 1740
From: Thomas Rudd
To: Thomas Clennell
Place(s): Lowlin, Holy Island
7 items
16.98/196-202 24 June 1740
From: Hendry Hopper
To: Jacob Readshaw
Place(s): 4 messuages, Hurworth upon Tees
7 items
16.98/203-209 24 June 1740
From: John Nesham
To: Thomas Rudd
Place(s): West Morton, Sedgefield
7 items
16.99/210-216 13 May 1740
From: Fran Brockett
To: William White
Place(s): ingleton, Staindrop
7 items
16.99/217-219 30 July 1740
From: Thomas Rudd
To: Peter Consett
Place(s): 4 messuages, Darlington
3 items
16.99/220-222 30 July 1740
From: Thomas Vasey senior, John Cruddace
To: George Black
Place(s): 2 messuages, 50 acres land, Kibblesworth
3 items
16.99/223-225 15 July 1740
From: William Hutchinson
To: Edward Ward
Place(s): West Auckland, St Andrew Auckland
3 items
16.99/226-232 11 September 1740
From: Thomas Westgarth
To: Thomas Rudd
Place(s): Butterby, St Oswald, Durham
7 items
16.99/233-239 7 October 1740
From: John Hutton
To: Collingwood Forster
Place(s): Cornhill, manor of, Norham
7 items
16.99/240-242 7 October 1740
From: Anthony Lee
To: William Forster
Place(s): Willington, Stockley
3 items
16.99/243-245 13 January 1741
From: Ralph Gowland
To: Hannah Thompson
Place(s): Birtley, Chester-le-Street
3 items
16.99/246-248 28 April 1740
From: William Pye
To: Thomas Davison
Place(s): Fishburn, Sedgefield
3 items
16.99/249-255 15 May 1741
From: George Johnson
To: William Wharton
Place(s): Manstead House, Esp Close etc.
7 items
17A/100.1-7 23 July 1741
From: Thomas Alcock
To: Gyles Alcock
Place(s): Sunderland, one messuage
7 items
17A/100.8-10 3 September 1741
From: Robert Wharton alderman
To: Henry Forster alderman
Place(s): St Nicholas, Durham
3 items
17A/100.11-13 3 September 1741
From: Thomas Rudd esq.
To: David Hilton esq.
Place(s): Stockton, Hurworth-on-Tees
3 items
17A/100.14-20 3 September 1741
From: Braems Wheler
To: Henry Forster
Place(s): 2 messuages, Sedgefield
7 items
17A/100.21-27 25 September 1741
From: Ralph Gowland
To: Ralph Fetherstonhalgh
Place(s): Newton, manor of, parish of St Oswald, Durham
7 items
17A/100.28-30 16 October 1741
From: John Mann
To: William Wharton esq.
Place(s): Cockerton, Archdeacon Newton
3 items
17A/100.31-33 6 November 1741
From: John Hutton
To: George Forster
Place(s): 3 messuages in Gateshead
3 items
17A/100.34-36 26 February 1742
From: John Lewen
To: Richard Hendry
Place(s): 1 messuage, Gateshead
3 items
17A/100.37-43 15 April 1742
From: Edward Shipperdson
To: Solomon Baker merchant
Place(s): Blakiston, manor of, Thorpe Thewles, etc.
7 items
17A/100.44-46 7 May 1742
From: Ralph Robson
To: Henry Thorpe clerk
Place(s): 1 garth in Haughton upon Skerne
3 items
17A/100.47-53 8 June 1742
From: George Johnson
To: David Burton gent.
Place(s): 1 half of the prebend of Chester-le-Street
7 items
17A/100.54-60 23 June 1742
From: George Johnson
To: Warton Warton
Place(s): Egscliffe [?Egglescliffe], manor of and fishings
7 items
17A/100.61-67 23 June 1742
From: George Johnson
To: David Burton
Place(s): Amerston, manor of, parish of Elwick
7 items
17A/100.68-78 27 July 1742
From: Ralph Lambton
To: Francis Loggin
Place(s): Langley, manor of, Willton Gilbert, etc.
11 items
17A/101.79-81 27 July 1742
From: John Reed, John Mann
To: Robert Hilton
Place(s): Hamsterley, Medomsley, Lanchester
3 items
17A/101.82-84 5 October 1742
From: Anthony Wilkinson
To: Richard Wilkinson
Place(s): Sheraton, Monk Hesleden
3 items
17A/101.85-87 16 October 1742
From: Cuthbert Smith
To: Benjamin Hodgson
Place(s): 3 messuages, Sunderland
3 items
17A/101.88-90 16 November 1742
From: John Hutton
To: Henry Forster
Place(s): Egglescliffe, Allerton
3 items
17A/101.91-99 11 June 1743
From: Samuel Troughton
To: Nathaniel Troughton
Place(s): Lints, Ewhurst, Chester-le-Street
9 items
17A/101.100-6 11 June 1743
From: George Johnson
To: David Burton
Place(s): Prebend of Chester-le-Street
7 items
17A/101.107-9 1 March 1743
From: Farrow Eden
To: John Mann
Place(s): Esh and Ushaw, manors of, East Herrington
3 items
17A/101.110-16 14 January 1743
From: George Johnson
To: David Burton
Place(s): Amerston, manor of, parish of Elwick
7 items
17A/101.117-19 14 January 1743
From: Hendry Hopper
To: George Vane esq.
Place(s): Cletham [?Cleatlam]
3 items
17A/102.120-6 3 October 1743
From: George Hutton
To: Abraham Taylor
Place(s): Smotterton [?Snetterton], Staindrop
7 items
17A/102.127-9 3 February 1744
From: Nicholas Shuttleworth
To: Thomas Allan
Place(s): Wingate, manor of, Haswell, Kelloe, etc.
3 items
17A/102.130-6 30 March 1743
From: Edmund Bunting
To: Andrew Perrott merchant
Place(s): 2 messuages in Stockton
7 items
17A/102.137-9 18 May 1744
From: Chris Johnson
To: Cornelius Wetherell
Place(s): Denton Chapelry
3 items
17A/102.140-6 23 May 1744
From: George Dale
To: William Surtees esq.
Place(s): North Bailey, St Mary-le-Bow
7 items
17B/103.147-50 4 July 1744
From: John Dixon
To: George Black
Place(s): Pelton, Chester-le-Street
4 items
17B/103.151-3 4 July 1744
From: John Ingleby
To: Ralph Stobbs
Place(s): Darlington, Woodhorn, Great Aycliffe
3 items
17B/103.154-6 4 July 1744
From: Thomas Atkinson
To: William Turner esq.
Place(s): Thorpe Thewles, Grindon
3 items
17B/103.157-9 14 August 1744
From: Ralph Harrison, Peter Blenkinsop
To: Christopher Lonsdale
Place(s): Whorlton, Gainford
3 items
17B/103.160-2 14 August 1744
From: John Reed
To: John Mann
Place(s): Stanley, Tanfield
3 items
17B/103.163-5 6 September 1744
From: Hendry Hopper
To: William Bacon
Place(s): Oughton, manor of, Stranton, etc.
3 items
17B/103.165-8 6 September 1744
From: Henry Walton
To: Francis Haswell
Place(s): Chapelry of Hamsterley
3 items
17B/103.169-75 30 October 1744
From: John Dixon
To: Henry Collingwood
Place(s): Beal, Holy Island
7 items
17B/103.175-82 8 January 1745
From: John Hutton
To: George Forster
Place(s): 5 messuages in Gateshead
7 items
17B/103.183-9 1 February 1745
From: John Hutton
To: Richard Sparrow
Place(s): Whickham, Seaham
7 items
17B/103.190-6 1 February 1745
From: John Dixon alderman
To: Thomas Forster
Place(s): Holy Island
7 items
17B/103.197-9 1 March 1745
From: Henry Forster alderman
To: John Hutton
Place(s): Easington, Chester-le-Street
3 items
17B/103.200-6 29 March 1745
From: John Reed
To: Henry Brown
Place(s): 2 messuages in Gateshead
7 items
17B/103.207-9 12 June 1745
From: Edmund Bunting
To: Henry Brown merchant
Place(s): 1 messuage in Church Merrington
3 items
17B/103.210-16 24 July 1745
From: John Hutton
To: Miles Robinson
Place(s): St Oswald, Durham
7 items
17B/104.216A-2 12 June 1745
From: John Dixon
To: Edward Stewart
Place(s): 2 messuages in Gateshead
7 items
17B/104.223-5 20 December 1745
From: Robert Hilton
To: Henry Fletc.her
Place(s): Long Newton
3 items
17B/104.226-8 7 February 1746
From: John Nesham
To: John Johnson
Place(s): 2 messuages, Sunderland
3 items
17B/104.229-35 7 February 1746
From: John Mann
To: John Johnson DS
Place(s): Morton Tinmouth, Killerby
7 items
17B/104.236-42 4 March 1746
From: Ralph Gowland
To: John Fawcett
Place(s): Willington, Rutford
7 items
17B/104.243-5 4 March 1746
From: John Reed
To: Edward Collingwood
Place(s): Stanhope in Weardale
3 items
17B/104.246-52 2 June 1746
From: George Johnson
To: Frederick Gascoigne
Place(s): Neasham, Hurworth
7 items
18A/105.1-3 30 June 1747
From: Mark Johnson draper
To: John Scape gent.
Place(s): Middle Cawsey, Chester-le-Street
3 items
18A/105.4-6 3 April 1747
From: William Maddeson
To: William Sutton
Place(s): 1 messuage, Stockton
3 items
18A/105.7-13 6 March 1747
From: John Hutton
To: Thomas Watson
Place(s): Woodhouses, St Andrew Auckland
7 items
18A/105.14-16 13 January 1747
From: Christopher Wardell
To: Robert Inman
Place(s): 4 messuages, Sunderland
3 items
18A/105.17-19 19 December 1746
From: David Hilton esq.
To: William Spearman
Place(s): 4 messuages in Norton
3 items
18A/105.20-22 28 November 1746
From: Christopher Wardell
To: Ralph Nelson
Place(s): Embleton, Sedgefield
3 items
18A/105.23-31 9 October 1746
From: Peter Hammond
To: Thomas Rudd esq.
Place(s): 10 messuages, Stanhope
9 items
18A/105.32-34 28 September 1746
From: Thomas Rudd esq.
To: George Surtees gent.
Place(s): Newbiggin, Heighington
3 items
18A/105.35-37 19 September 1746
From: Joseph Emmerson
To: William Bainbrigg
Place(s): Newbiggin, Middleton-in-Teesdale
3 items
18A/105.38-40 2 September 1746
From: Richard Wetherell
To: Henry Thorpe clerk
Place(s): Langton, Hilton, Gainford, Staindrop
3 items
18A/105.41-47 2 September 1746
From: George Bowes esq.
To: Edward Gilbert esq.
Place(s): Barnard Castle, Gainford
7 items
18A/48-50 30 July 1746
From: William Arther
To: John Lewen
Place(s): 1 messuage, Witton Gilbert
3 items
18A/106.51-57 6 February 1746
From: John Hutton
To: Edmund Lowson
Place(s): Bolam, Gainford
7 items
18A/106.58-64 8 February 1748
From: Ralph Gowland
To: John Mann
Place(s): Gainford and Selaby, Langton, Winston
7 items
18A/106.65-67 1 March 1748
From: Christopher Johnson
To: Abraham Stout
Place(s): Half of ten acres in Sedgefield
3 items
18A/106.68-70 22 March 1748
From: Christopher Johnson
To: John Dixon
Place(s): Thorpe Thewles, manor of, Grindon, etc.
3 items
18A/106.71-73 15 April 1748
From: William Lowes
To: John Dixon
Place(s): 4 messuages, etc., in St Andrew Auckland
3 items
18A/106.74-79 15 April 1748
From: Henry Richmond Brougham
To: John Hutton
Place(s): Haswell, Easington
6 items
18A/106.80-82 15 April 1748
From: Francis Lowson
To: Anthony Bailes
Place(s): Bolam, Gainford
3 items
18A/83-87 20 May 1748
From: Cuthbert Ellison
To: James Glover
Place(s): Skerningham, Haughton
5 items
18A/106.88-94 24 June 1748
From: Thomas Rudd esq.
To: Christopher Johnson
Place(s): Newsham, Egglescliffe
7 items
18A/106.95-101 24 June 1748
From: Edward Goddard
To: Francis Filmer
Place(s): Bradley, Langley, Houghton, Hewlandraw, etc.
7 items
18A/107.102-10 19 July 1748
From: William of Eshott Carr esq.
To: William of Etall Carr esq.
Place(s): Grindon, East Ord and Norham
9 items
18A/107.111-13 7 October 1748
From: John Hutton
To: William Sisson clerk
Place(s): Colepighill [?Colepike Hall], Lanchester, Stockton-on-Tees
3 items
18A/107.114-20 7 October 1748
From: John Dixon
To: Braems Wheler
Place(s): Lowlin, Holy Island
7 items
18A/107.121-23 28 October 1748
From: John Mann, John Reed
To: John Hutton, Edward Place clerk
Place(s): Morden [Mordon], manor of, Witton upon Wear, Hamsterley, Sedgefield
3 items
18A/107.124-30 28 October 1748
From: John Hutton
To: Joshua Douglass esq.
Place(s): Axwell and Swalwell, the manors of
7 items
18A/107.131-37 18 November 1748
From: John Hutton
To: Joseph Kitchingman, Henry Lascelles esq.
Place(s): Longridge, Old Ord, Norham
7 items
18A/107.138-44 18 November 1748
From: John Hutton, John Mann
To: Robert Davison, Henry Brown merchant
Place(s): 1 messuage, 1 acre of land and, appurtenances in Stockton-on-Tees
7 items
18A/107.145-51 18 November 1748
From: Richard Wetherell
To: William Dodd
Place(s): North and Middle Cawsey, Chester-le-Street
7 items
18B/107.152-8 18 November 1748
From: William Whinfield
To: Nicholas Coulthurst
Place(s): Washington, the manor of
7 items
18B/107.159-65 18 November 1748
From: John Dixon
To: Christopher Johnson
Place(s): Berrington, Kyloe, Holy Island
7 items
18B/107.166-8 18 November 1748
From: George Whittingham
To: Timothy Whittingham
Place(s): 2 messuages, etc., in Chester-le-Street
3 items
18B/107.169-71 16 December 1748
From: Edward Goddard
To: Rev. James Forster
Place(s): Cheswick, Ancroft
3 items
18B/107.172-82 11 April 1749
From: John Hutton
To: William Watt
Place(s): Langley, Strickley, Thornley, etc.
11 items
18B/107.183-9 11 April 1749
From: John Reed
To: Thomas Rudd
Place(s): Halliwell, manor of, Brancepeth
7 items
18B/107.190-2 11 April 1749
From: John Dixon
To: Robert Johnson
Place(s): 4 messuages, etc., Lanchester
3 items
18B/107.193-5 2 May 1749
From: Richard Wetherell
To: John Mann
Place(s): Half of 4 messuages in Lanchester
3 items
18B/107.196-8 2 May 1749
From: George Whittingham
To: William Blenkinsopp
Place(s): 8 messuages, Lanchester
3 items
18B/107.199-01 2 May 1749
From: Hendry Hopper, Robert Hilton
To: John Sutton esq.
Place(s): Duddo, manor of, 4 messuages, etc., Norham
4 items
18B/107.202-4 6 June 1749
From: George Sandford Crowe
To: James Carr esq.
Place(s): Cocken, manor of, Houghton-le-Spring
3 items
18B/108.205-11 4 July 1749
From: John Mann
To: Nicholas Coulthurst
Place(s): Barnard Castle, Gainford
7 items
18B/108.212-8 6 October 1749
From: James Allan
To: Thomas Aire
Place(s): 2 messuages in Great Aycliffe
7 items
18B/108.219-25 6 October 1749
From: Ralph Robson
To: Edward Goddard
Place(s): Fenham, manor of, Co Durham
7 items
18B/108.226-8 15 December 1749
From: John Hutton
To: Thomas Wharton esq.
Place(s): Consett, Medomsley
3 items
18B/108.229-31 12 January 1750
From: John Hutton
To: Robert Lynn
Place(s): Urpeth, Kibblesworth
3 items
18B/108.232-4 30 March 1749
From: Thomas Forster
To: Thomas Stote
Place(s): Hillgate, Gateshead
3 items
18B/108.235-40 27 April 1750
From: Nicholas Shuttleworth, John Hutton
To: Thomas Tempest
Place(s): Newton Hansard, the manor of, Popley Row
6 items
18B/108.241-4 15 May 1750
From: Cuthbert Smith
To: George Surtees esq.
Place(s): 3 messuages, etc. at Stranton
4 items
18B/109.245-51 9 August 1750
From: Francis Lowson
To: Henry Thorpe clerk
Place(s): Sadberge or Sadbury
7 items
18B/109.252-61 6 September 1750
From: George Gibson
To: Randell Andrews, David Thomson physician
Place(s): Lanchester, Esp Close, Crawcrook, etc.
10 items
18B/109.262-4 6 September 1750
From: Christopher Harrison
To: Jacob Spencely
Place(s): 3 messuages, etc., Sunderland
3 items
18B/109.265-71 2 October 1750
From: Hendry Hopper
To: John Reed
Place(s): Helmington, Brancepeth
7 items
18B/109.272-8 30 October 1750
From: Richard Wetherell
To: Langdale Sunderland
Place(s): Beal, Holy Island
7 items
18B/109.279-81 30 October 1750
From: Joseph Hays
To: John Byerly
Place(s): St Mary-le-Bow, Durham
3 items
18B/109.282-4 14 December 1750
From: John Dixon
To: Christopher Johnson
Place(s): 6 messuages in Bedlington
3 items
18B/109.285-91 1 February 1751
From: Ralph Harrison
To: Francis Parry
Place(s): Walworth, manor of, Heighington
7 items
18B/109.292-8 1 February 1750
From: Bowes Grey
To: Hedworth Lambton
Place(s): Coatham Mundervall, Brafferton
7 items
18B/109.299-07 24 February 1751
From: Nicholas Coulthurst, Matthew Coulthurst
To: James Brooke
Place(s): Tanfield, Lamesley, Kibblesworth
9 items
18B/109.308-20 22 March 1751
From: Nathaniel Cole
To: John Partridge
Place(s): Summerhouse, Gainford
13 items
18B/109.321-3 22 March 1751
From: Ralph Hodgson
To: Charles Sanderson
Place(s): ingleton, Staindrop
3 items
18B/109.324-6 24 April 1751
From: John Fawcett
To: George Surtees
Place(s): Lutherington, West Auckland
3 items
19A/110.1-5 1 June 1751
From: Ralph Robson
To: William Tufnell Joliff
Place(s): Headlam, Langton, Gainford
5 items
19A/110.6-12 27 August 1751
From: John Dixon
To: Ralph Fetherstonhalgh
Place(s): Hunstomworth, manor of, Darwent Crook
7 items
19A/110.13-15 11 October 1751
From: John Byerly
To: Nicholas Shuttleworth
Place(s): Croxdale, Butterwick and Bruntoft, the manors of
3 items
19A/110.16-24 11 October 1751
From: John Eden
To: Timothy Wright
Place(s): 1 messuage, etc., in Gainford
9 items
19A/25-31 11 October 1751
From: Ralph Hodgson
To: Martin Richmond
Place(s): Redworth, Heighington
7 items
19A/110.32-38 11 October 1751
From: John Hutton
To: George Reaveley
Place(s): Halliwell Stiele, Garford, Norham, Holy Island
7 items
19A/110.39-41 6 December 1751
From: William Lamb
To: Peter Dickinson
Place(s): Rickleton, Chester-le-Street
3 items
19A/110.42-48 14 January 1752
From: Richard Wetherell
To: Francis Blake Delavall
Place(s): Seaham, Dawdon & Hetton, the manors of
7 items
19A/110.49-51 7 February 1752
From: Christopher Johnson
To: Richardson Ferrand merchant
Place(s): Thorpe Bulmer, Hart
3 items
19A/110.52-54 28 April 1752
From: Christopher Johnson
To: George Crow merchant
Place(s): 2 messuages in Claxton
3 items
19A/110.55-61 15 May 1752
From: Joseph Roper
To: Ben Hodgkin
Place(s): Castle Eden, the manor of
7 items
19A/110.62-70 2 June 1752
From: Francis Tregagle
To: Sir Charles Vernon, Edmund Waller esq.
Place(s): Bradbury and Hilton, the manors of, Co Durham
9 items
19A/110.71-73 17 June 1752
From: Teasdale Mowbray
To: Christopher Wardell
Place(s): Embleton, Sedgefield
3 items
19A/111.74-76 3 October 1752
From: Christopher Johnson
To: Nicholas Brown
Place(s): Beal, Lowlin, Holy Island, Kyloe
3 items
19A/111.77-83 3 October 1752
From: Christopher Johnson
To: George Wood
Place(s): Monkhesledon, Hart, Stranton
7 items
19A/111.84-86 27 October 1752
From: Robert Hilton
To: Henry Featherstonhaugh clerk
Place(s): 2 messuages in Stockton-on-Tees
3 items
19A/111.87-89 27 October 1752
From: Christopher Johnson
To: Farrer Wren esq.
Place(s): Bishop Auckland, Preston-le-Skerne
3 items
19A/111.90-06 6 February 1753
From: John Dixon
To: Thomas Nesbitt clerk
Place(s): Ancroft, manor of, Holy Island
7 items
19A/111.97-103 6 February 1753
From: Christopher Johnson
To: James Nelson
Place(s): Witton-le-Wear, Hamsterley, Bishopwearmouth, Houghton-le-Spring
7 items
19A/111.104-10 6 February 1753
From: Christopher Johnson
To: John Swainston
Place(s): 1 messuage in Stockton
7 items
19A/111.111-17 6 February 1753
From: John Marsh
To: Richard Vasey
Place(s): 7 messuages in Darlington
7 items
17A/111.118-20 6 March 1753
From: John Marsh
To: Henry Hewgill
Place(s): Hilton, manor of, Staindrop
3 items
19A/111.121-7 16 May 1753
From: Robert Hilton
To: Joseph Richmond
Place(s): Ford, the manor of, Tweedmouth, Norham
7 items
19A/111.128-30 7 July 1753
From: Ralph Hodgson
To: William James
Place(s): West Auckland, St Andrew Auckland
3 items
19A/112.131-3 20 July 1753
From: John Fawcett
To: Edward Collingwood, John Simpson
Place(s): Ord, East Ord, Holy Island
3 items
19A/112.134-42 30 August 1753
From: James Todd
To: Samuel Turvin
Place(s): Tweedmouth, Spittle
9 items
19A/112.143-5 30 August 1753
From: John Byerley
To: John Lamb mercer
Place(s): 3 messuages, Wolsingham
3 items
19A/112.146-8 30 August 1753
From: Ralph Robson
To: Rev. Henry Thorpe
Place(s): 1 messuage in Darlington
3 items
19A/112.149-51 27 September 1753
From: Gascoine Finch
To: Ralph Robson
Place(s): Barnard Castle, Raby Castle
3 items
19A/112.152-4 9 November 1753
From: William Gibson
To: Percival Clennel
Place(s): Seaham, Bedlington
3 items
19A/112.155-7 9 November 1753
From: John Byerley
To: Clement Wilkinson innkeeper
Place(s): Low Wall, Lanchester
3 items
19A/112.158-60 30 November 1753
From: John Dixon
To: Sarah Beales widow
Place(s): 2 messuages, Sunderland
3 items
19A/112.161-7 15 January 1754
From: William Peverell
To: John Hodshon
Place(s): 10 messuages, etc., Great Stainton
7 items
19A/112.168-74 15 January 1754
From: Richard Wetherell
To: William Rudd esq.
Place(s): Grindon, Norham
7 items
19B/112.175-81 5 February 1754
From: Ralph Harrison
To: John Root, Alex Harrison
Place(s): Tilmouth and Harpering
7 items
19B/112.182-8 5 February 1754
From: John Dixon
To: George Smith
Place(s): Bitchburn Green, St Andrew Auckland
7 items
19B/112.189-95 5 February 1754
From: John Dixon
To: Edward Shipperdson
Place(s): Dinsdale, Middleton One Row
7 items
19B/112.196-02 29 May 1754
From: Chris Johnson
To: John Swainston merchant
Place(s): Blackwell, Darlington
7 items
19B/112.203-9 13 June 1754
From: Gen Hodgkin
To: Hylton Lawson
Place(s): Chester Deanery, Chester-le-Street
7 items
19B/112.210-16 13 June 1754
From: John Hutton
To: Pexell Forster
Place(s): Tunstall, manor of, Stranton, Hart, etc.
7 items
19B/112.217-19 13 June 1754
From: John Dixon
To: John Botteral
Place(s): Fishings in Tweed, Tweedmouth
3 items
19B/112.220-2 23 July 1754
From: Chris Johnson
To: Francis Blakiston
Place(s): 10 messuages, Sunderland
3 items
19B/113.223-9 7 August 1754
From: William Rudd esq.
To: Sir Philip Musgrave bart
Place(s): Upper Coniscliffe, Lower Coniscliffe
7 items
19B/113.230-2 3 September 1754
From: Jonathan Wharton
To: Richard Clayton esq.
Place(s): Westholm, Newsham, Winston, Gainford
3 items
19B/113.233-5 3 September 1754
From: John Richardson alderman
To: John, the younger Fawcett
Place(s): Great Chilton, Merrington
3 items
19B/113.236-42 9 October 1754
From: William Rudd esq.
To: William Salvin esq., William Carr esq.
Place(s): Norham, Haggerston, Cheswick, Goswick, Lowlin, Buckton, etc.
7 items
19B/113.243-5 1 November 1754
From: William Hutchinson
To: William Allenson
Place(s): Barnard Castle, Gainford
3 items
19B/113.246-52 24 December 1754
From: William Hutchinson
To: Henry Doubleday
Place(s): 2 messuages in Washington
7 items
19B/113.253-5 24 December 1754
From: John Wilson
To: William Blackett merchant, Thomas Pickering
Place(s): Crook, Billy Raw, Helmlandraw, Bishop Auckland
3 items
19B/113.256-62 23 February 1755
From: James Sadler glover
To: John Gargrave
Place(s): St Nicholas and St Oswald, Durham
7 items
19B/113.263-9 21 March 1755
From: John, the younger Fawcett
To: Edward Goddard
Place(s): Darwent Coat, Pontop, Lanchester, Medomsley
7 items
19B/113.270-2 21 March 1755
From: William Forster
To: George Benson
Place(s): Helmington Row, Brancepeth
3 items
19B/113.273-9 11 April 1755
From: Chris Johnson
To: John Swainston
Place(s): Seaton Carew, Stranton
7 items
17B/113.280-2 29 April 1755
From: Francis Lawson
To: John Daniel
Place(s): 4 messuages in Darlington
3 items
17B/113.283-9 29 April 1755
From: Thomas Terry
To: Isaac Bland esq.
Place(s): Dinsdale, manor of, Middleton One Row
7 items
19B/113.290-2 14 May 1755
From: John Burdon esq.
To: James Moncaster esq.
Place(s): Coxhoe, manor of, Kelloe
3 items
19B/114.293-9 15 August 1755
From: John Fawcett
To: Thomas Mills
Place(s): 4 messuages in Easington
7 items
19B/114.300-6 22 September 1755
From: Ralph Robson
To: Jonathan Hedley
Place(s): 10 messuages in Darlington
7 items
19B/114.307-9 1 October 1755
From: Francis Lowson
To: George Deenham
Place(s): 2 messuages in Hurworth-on-Tees
3 items
19B/114.310-18 31 October 1755
From: Ferrer Wrenn esq., Robert Chaloner
To: William Peverell
Place(s): Hesledon, Denton, Aicliffe, Gainford, St Andrew Auckland
9 items
19B/114.319-27 31 October 1755
From: Philip Burton
To: Peter Barefoot
Place(s): Aislaby, Bishopton
9 items
19B/328-34 31 October 1755
From: Gascoign Finch
To: Ralph Robson
Place(s): Barnard Castle, The Barony of
7 items
19B/114.335-41 3 March 1756
From: John Dixon
To: Ann Clayton spinster
Place(s): Lintes Greens Colliery, Lanchester
7 items
19B/114.342-8 25 June 1756
From: Robert Preston
To: John Swainston merchant
Place(s): 1 messuage in Stockton
7 items
19B/114.349-55 12 July 1755
From: John Wilson
To: Richard Nicholson
Place(s): 2 messuages in Sunderland near the Sea
7 items
20/115.1-7 18 August 1756
From: Richard Wetherell
To: William Rudd esq.
Place(s): Netherton, manor of, Bedlington
7 items
20/115.8-11 11 March 1757
From: Cuthbert Smith
To: Joseph Grey alderman
Place(s): Medomsley, Bradley, Friarside, etc.
4 items
20/115.12-18 11 March 1757
From: Robert Hogget
To: Rev. Abraham Smith
Place(s): 1 messuage in Bishop Auckland
7 items
20/115.19-25 13 May 1757
From: John Mann
To: Christopher Dobson
Place(s): St Giles, Durham
7 items
20/115.26-32 13 May 1757
From: Pexall Forster
To: Stephen Watson esq.
Place(s): Bedlington
7 items
20/116.33-5 20 September 1757
From: Francis Lowson
To: Lozaline Wilkinson
Place(s): 5 messuages in Hurworth upon Tees
3 items
20/116.35-8 7 October 1757
From: Thomas Rudd esq.
To: Thomas Robinson clerk
Place(s): Eppleton, manor of, Houghton-le-Spring
3 items
20/116.39-41 22 October 1757
From: Robert Hilton
To: David Hilton esq.
Place(s): 3 messuages, Hurworth upon Tees
3 items
20/116.42-8 2 December 1757
From: Christopher Johnson
To: Gascoyne Finch
Place(s): Wyserley, Wolsingham
7 items
20/116.49-57 2 December 1757
From: Lancelot Allgood esq.
To: Joseph Hays
Place(s): Redmarshall, Claxton's Porch
9 items
20/116.58-60 1 February 1758
From: John, the younger Fawcett
To: Abraham Gregory clerk
Place(s): Hedley, Lanchester
3 items
20/116.61-7 3 February 1757
From: Edward Fairless
To: Barnabas Maud
Place(s): Hawthorne, Easington
7 items
20/116.68-70 24 February 1758
From: Dan Taylerson yeoman
To: George Smith yeoman
Place(s): St Andrew Auckland
3 items
20/116.71-3 17 March 1757
From: Edward Goddard
To: John Hall Stevenson esq.
Place(s): Consett, manor of, Lanchester
3 items
20/116.74-80 7 April 1758
From: Richard Wetherel
To: James Hesletine
Place(s): 2 messuages, Houghton-le-Spring
7 items
20/117.81-93 18 July 1758
From: William Jeffreys
To: Ralph Robinson esq.
Place(s): Cornhill, Tiptoe, Tindale House, Norham
13 items
20/117.94-6 7 August 1758
From: John Fawcett junior
To: Collingwood Forster, Samuel Nicholson M.D.
Place(s): 4 messuages, Redmarshall
3 items
20/117.97-9 1 September 1758
From: Robert Robinson
To: John Dixon
Place(s): Crook, Billy Raw, Brancepeth
3 items
20/117.100-8 31 October 1758
From: George Bowes esq.
To: William Leaton
Place(s): Barnard Castle, Gainford
9 items
20/117.109-15 31 October 1758
From: Robert Robinson
To: William Leaton
Place(s): Barnard Castle, Gainford
7 items
20/117.116-8 21 November 1758
From: Chris Johnson
To: John Pease, John Lowson, George Ridsdale, Thomas Lowes
Place(s): 2 messuages in Darlington
3 items
20/117.119-29 31 January 1759
From: John Dixon
To: Chris Fawcett esq.
Place(s): Willington, Rutford, Lumley, Durham
11 items
20/117.130-2 14 March 1759
From: John Dixon
To: Joseph Tweddell
Place(s): Alwent, Gainford and Winston
3 items
20/117.133-9 30 March 1759
From: Chris Johnson
To: John Swainston merchant
Place(s): Blackwell, Darlington
7 items
20/117.140-6 1 June 1759
From: Chris Johnson
To: John Dixon
Place(s): 5 messuages in Gateshead
7 items
20/118.147-57 7 August 1759
From: John Dixon
To: Ralph Robinson esq.
Place(s): Twisell, Norham, Houghton-le-Spring, etc.
11 items
20/118.158-60 5 December 1759
From: Thomas Hugall
To: Robert Wardell
Place(s): Little Thorpe, Easington
3 items
20/118.161-3 6 December 1759
From: John Dixon
To: Thomas Gyll esq.
Place(s): Jarrow (advowson of Jarrow)
3 items
20/118.164-70 11 January 1760
From: Chris Johnson
To: Thomas Gyll
Place(s): Cockfield, Co Durham
7 items
20/118.171-3 26 April 1760
From: William Blackett
To: Joseph March
Place(s): 2 messuages in St Andrew Auckland
3 items
20/118.174-80 26 April 1760
From: William Dixon
To: Thomas Gilbert esq.
Place(s): Winston, manor of, Gainford, etc.
7 items
20/118.181-91 10 March 1760
From: Pexall Forster
To: Henry Wastell clerk
Place(s): Tithes, obventions, etc., of parish of Lanchester
11 items
20/118.192-8 30 May 1760
From: John Mann
To: Sir Walter Blackett, James Jurin esq.
Place(s): Bishopton and Sockburn, manors of, Blaydon, Barlow, Ryton, etc.
7 items
20/118.199-05 30 May 1760
From: William Hutchinson
To: Ralph Bradley
Place(s): 1 messuage, Middleton in Teesdale
7 items
20/118.206-8 14 June 1760
From: Robert Robinson
To: John Dixon
Place(s): 2 messuages, Whickham
3 items
20/118.209-15 30 May 1760
From: William Hutchinson
To: Ralph Bradley esq.,
Place(s): Barnard Castle, Gainford
7 items
20/119.216-22 29 July 1760
From: John Mann
To: Rogers Fortin
Place(s): Walworth, Heighington
7 items
20/119.223-5 29 July 1760
From: John Maddeson
To: Matthew Crawford
Place(s): 1 messuage, Stockton-on-Tees
3 items
20/119.226-8 15 April 1761
From: William Rudd esq.
To: Richard Stonhewer
Place(s): Eppleton, manor of, Houghton-le-Spring
3 items
20/119.229-35 4 June 1761
From: Stephen Blades junior
To: Acton Brown
Place(s): Houghton and Skirmingham
7 items
20/119.236-41 15 December 1761
From: William Newton
To: George Clavering esq.
Place(s): Lanchester, tithes in Lanchester
6 items
21/120.1-3 20 January 1761
From: John Mann
To: John Graham
Place(s): 2 messuages in Aycliffe
3 items
21/120.4-10 21 July 1761
From: Christopher Johnson
To: John Swainston
Place(s): Headlam, Killerby, Bolam, Ingleton
7 items
21/120.11-13 21 July 1761
From: Robert Robinson
To: Thomas Rudd esq., Michael Messenger esq.
Place(s): Cornsay, Cornsay Row, Lanchester
3 items
21/120.14-16 25 August 1761
From: William Rudd esq.
To: Sir John Eden bart
Place(s): Beamish, manor of, Tanfield, etc.
3 items
21/120.17-19 30 September 1761
From: Thomas Hugall
To: William Hugall
Place(s): 2 messuages in Sunderland near the Sea
3 items
21/120.20-30 30 September 1761
From: Robert Robinson
To: Thomas Maddison clerk
Place(s): Collierlee, Lanchester
11 items
21/120.31-9 21 October 1761
From: Richard Wright esq.
To: Chris Robinson
Place(s): Fishburn, Sedgefield, Ferryhill, Merrington
9 items
21/120.40-6 17 March 1762
From: John Mann
To: John Grainger
Place(s): Little Usworth, manor of, Washington, Boldon, etc.
7 items
21/120.47-53 2 April 1762
From: Cuthbert Swainston
To: William Alvey Darwin
Place(s): Whitworth and Wadley, the manors of
7 items
21/121.54-60 16 July 1762
From: Thomas Hugall
To: John Mathews, Robert Burton
Place(s): Sadberg, Haughton, Great Stainton, Long Newton
7 items
21/121.61-7 30 August 1762
From: Robert Robinson
To: John Dixon
Place(s): Tweedmouth, Holy Island
7 items
21/121.68-70 30 August 1762
From: Robert Robinson
To: Chris Fawcett esq.
Place(s): Silksworth, Bishopwearmouth
3 items
21/121.71-3 30 August 1762
From: Robert Tinker merchant
To: Ralph Harrison gent.
Place(s): 1 messuage, etc., in Gateshead
3 items
21/121.74-80 26 October 1762
From: Robert Robinson
To: Thomas Dunn alderman
Place(s): Bradbury, manor of, Sedgefield
7 items
21/121.81-3 22 December 1762
From: William Rudd esq.
To: James Shuttleworth esq.
Place(s): Penshaw, the manor of, Houghton, Dalton le Dale
3 items
21/121.84-90 28 January 1763
From: Thomas Hugall
To: Ralph Newby
Place(s): 2 messuages in Sunderland near the Sea
7 items
21/121.91-7 28 January 1763
From: John, the elder Bird, William Swalwell
To: John, the younger Bird
Place(s): 3 messuages, etc., in the parish of Brancepeth
7 items
21/121.98-108 23 March 1763
From: John Dixon gent.
To: Thomas Liddell esq.
Place(s): Shipcoat, Deckham's House, Gateshead
11 items
21/121.109-11 15 April 1763
From: Thomas Mascall
To: Thomas Rudd esq.
Place(s): Jarrow, South Shields
3 items
21/121.112-8 27 May 1763
From: John Hullock
To: William Lodge
Place(s): Marwood, Gainford
7 items
21/122.119-21 19 August 1763
From: Richard Wetherell
To: Thomas Rudd esq.
Place(s): Hutton Henry, manor of, Hardwick near the Sea
3 items
21/122.122-4 11 November 1763
From: Thomas Hugall
To: Thomas Gyll esq.
Place(s): Seaton or North Seaton, parish of Seaham
3 items
21/122.125-31 11 November 1763
From: Ralph Darling currier
To: William Hopper gent.
Place(s): Smith Gate alias Smith Street alias Silver Street, Durham
7 items
21/122.132-4 11 November 1763
From: William Hutchinson
To: George Hartley esq.
Place(s): 6 messuages in parish of Gainford
3 items
21/122.135-7 1 February 1764
From: John Mann, William Hopper
To: William Barfoot merchant
Place(s): Egglescliffe, manor of, Long Newton, Elvet, Flass, Heighington, etc.
3 items
21/122.138-40 20 March 1763
From: Christopher Johnson
To: William Sleigh esq.
Place(s): 1 messuage, etc., in Greatham
3 items
21/122.141-3 8 May 1764
From: James Donnison
To: William Rudd esq.
Place(s): Farrington [Farringdon], Silksworth, Bishop Wearmouth
3 items
21/122.144-6 29 May 1764
From: Henry Wilkinson esq.
To: Robert Shafto esq.
Place(s): West Auckland, St Helen Auckland, Preston-upon-Tees
3 items
21/122.147-9 13 June 1764
From: Gilbert Wilkinson esq.
To: William Wilkinson esq., Thomas Wilkinson esq.
Place(s): Unthank, Middlewood, Esh, Ferryhill, Brancepeth, Merrington, etc.
3 items
21/123.150-2 6 September 1764
From: George Ridsdale
To: John Charlton
Place(s): 5 messuages in Sunderland
3 items
21/123.153-9 15 October 1764
From: Richard Wetherell
To: Roger Twisden esq.
Place(s): Rents, in Bensham, Gateshead, etc.
7 items
21/123.160-6 30 October 1764
From: Christopher Johnson
To: Charles Sleigh
Place(s): 1 messuage in Stockton-on-Tees
7 items
21/123.167-73 1 February 1765
From: Peter Robinson
To: Robert Robinson
Place(s): Horncliffe, Norham
7 items
21/123.174-6 1 February 1765
From: Ralph Gray roper
To: Samuel Thompson goldsmith
Place(s): South Street, Crossgate, St Oswald, Durham
3 items
21/123.177-83 1 February 1765
From: Christopher Hawdon yeoman
To: William Hodgshon yeoman
Place(s): 1 messuage in Staindrop parish
7 items
21/123.184-92 22 February 1765
From: Richard Seymour esq.
To: John Cowslad esq.
Place(s): 10 acres etc. in Darlington
9 items
21/123.193-5 2 April 1765
From: Thomas Bowes blacksmith
To: William Parker blacksmith
Place(s): in Chappel in parish of Stanhope
3 items
21/123.196-02 19 April 1765
From: Cuthbert Swainston
To: William Dixon yeoman
Place(s): 3 messuages in Gateshead
7 items
21/123.203-5 19 April 1765
From: John Stapylton Raisbeck
To: Strickland Hill
Place(s): Darlington and Low Coniscliffe
3 items
21/123.206-7 9 May 1765
From: Mary Readhead widow
To: George Selby
Place(s): 3 messuages in parish of Holy Island
2 items
21/123.208-14 9 May 1765
From: Christopher Johnson
To: John Swainston
Place(s): 16 acres etc., in Norham
7 items
21/123.215-21 9 May 1765
From: Thomas Hugall
To: David Robinson
Place(s): Moiety of 6 acres in parish of Wolsingham
7 items
21/123.222-8 17 June 1765
From: Cuthbert Swainston
To: John Cookson esq.
Place(s): Morton in the Whinns, parish Dalton
7 items
21/123.229-31 17 June 1765
From: Smith Burke
To: John Potts surgeon
Place(s): 2 messuages etc., in Stanhope in Weardale
3 items
21/124.232-46 30 July 1765
From: Richard Wetherell
To: Newton Ogle D.D.
Place(s): Southick, Monkwearmouth
15 items
21/124.247-53 6 February 1766
From: William Hutchinson
To: William Rudd esq.
Place(s): Hawthorn, Easington
7 items
21/124.254-60 21 February 1766
From: Robert Robinson
To: William Rudd esq.
Place(s): 1 messuage etc., in parish of Wolsingham
7 items
21/124.261-3 16 May 1766
From: Robert Thornton
To: Joseph Maddeson
Place(s): 2 messuages etc., in Stockton
3 items
21/124.264-6 6 June 1766
From: John Pemberton
To: John Sprott
Place(s): 3 messuages etc., in Sunderland
3 items
22A/125.1-3 7 July 1766
From: Thomas Hugall
To: John Wall
Place(s): 6 messuages in Sunderland near the Sea
3 items
22A/125.4-6 22 September 1766
From: Christopher Johnson
To: Jona Davison esq.
Place(s): manors of Blakiston, Thorpe Thewles and Fulthorp
3 items
22A/125.7-9 24 December 1766
From: Ralph Bowser alderman and draper
To: Hendry Hopper
Place(s): manor of Stranton in parish of Stranton
3 items
22A/125.10-12 26 February 1767
From: Cuthbert Swainston
To: William Rudd esq.
Place(s): Harperly, N. Bedburn, Witton-le-Wear
3 items
22A/125.13-15 26 February 1767
From: Robert Robinson
To: Peter Robinson
Place(s): manor of East Shipley, Chatterley, Staindrop
3 items
22A/125.16-18 26 February 1767
From: Christopher Johnson
To: Robert Cookson
Place(s): 2 messuages in Elton
3 items
22A/125.19-26 24 April 1767
From: Christopher Johnson
To: Joshua Peele
Place(s): 4 messuages in Bishop Middleham
8 items
22A/125.27-33 11 June 1767
From: Martin Darnton
To: William Hugall
Place(s): 1 messuage in Gainford
7 items
22A/125.34-36 11 July 1767
From: Christopher Johnson
To: Nicholas Walton
Place(s): 2 messuages etc., in Kibblesworth
3 items
22A/126.37-43 17 October 1767
From: Christopher Johnson
To: John Pearson
Place(s): manor of Trimdon and Advowson
7 items
22A/126.44-46 12 January 1768
From: William Hall
To: John Emerson clerk
Place(s): 3 messuages in Staindrop
3 items
22A/126.47-54 30 March 1768
From: Thomas Hugall
To: Charles Ashmall
Place(s): manor of Preston upon Skerne
8 items
22A/126.55-61 15 April 1768
From: Ralph Robson
To: Nath Templeman
Place(s): manor of Westwick, parish of Gainford
7 items
22A/126.62-76 15 April 1768
From: Christopher Johnson
To: Marshall Robinson esq.
Place(s): Cornhill, Norham, Fisheries and Ferry
15 items
22A/126.77-83 25 June 1768
From: Christopher Chrishop
To: John Swainston
Place(s): 1 messuage in Stockton
7 items
22A/127.84-90 25 October 1768
From: Ralph Hodgson
To: Thomas Mayer
Place(s): Half of ten messuages, etc., in St Andrew Auckland
7 items
22A/127.91-97 15 November 1768
From: Thomas Hugall
To: Martin Richardson
Place(s): Preston-upon-Tees, Stockton
7 items
22A/127.98-100 31 January 1769
From: Martin Wilkinson
To: William Alvey Darwin
Place(s): Whitworth, Bedburn, Witton-le-Wear
3 items
22A/127.101-7 17 April 1769
From: Thomas Hugall
To: William Hugall
Place(s): 3 brewhouses etc., in Gateshead
7 items
22A/127.108-10 25 May 1769
From: Christopher Chrishop
To: Michael Hardcastle
Place(s): Fishburn, Sedgefield
3 items
22A/127.111-13 25 May 1769
From: Christopher Johnson
To: John Lowther
Place(s): Great Chilton, Merrington
3 items
22A/127.114-16 25 May 1769
From: George Pearson
To: Barnabas Brough
Place(s): 1 messuage in Gateshead
3 items
22A/127.117-19 25 May 1769
From: Thomas Hugall
To: William Hugall
Place(s): Crook, Billyrow, Helmington
3 items
22A/127.120-2 9 June 1769
From: Thomas Hugall
To: John Rudd brewer
Place(s): 4 messuages etc., in Norton
3 items
22A/127.123-5 9 June 1769
From: Thomas Hugall
To: Robert Davison
Place(s): 6 messuages in Sunderland near the Sea
3 items
22A/128.126-8 11 September 1769
From: Christopher Johnson
To: Richard Mascall
Place(s): Burdon, Brotherlee, Whesnopburn, Bishopwearmouth and Stanhope
3 items
22A/128.129-31 24 October 1769
From: Hendry Hopper
To: Ann Robinson widow
Place(s): 3 messuages in Sunderland near the Sea
3 items
22A/128.132-8 15 March 1770
From: Thomas Hugall
To: Christopher Fawcett esq.
Place(s): manor of Goswick, Holy Island
7 items
22A/128.139-47 23 April 1770
From: Thomas Hugall, Christopher Johnson
To: David Burton Fowler esq.
Place(s): Sadberge, Haughton, Long Newton, Great Aycliffe
9 items
22A/128.148-50 15 June 1770
From: George Pearson
To: John Fairles
Place(s): Plawsworth, Chester-le-Street
3 items
22B/128.151-7 15 June 1770
From: Richard Wetherell
To: George Lisle esq.
Place(s): Brafferton, Aycliffe
7 items
22B/128.158-64 15 June 1770
From: William Hall
To: John Greathead
Place(s): Barnard Castle, Gainford
7 items
22B/128.165-7 26 July 1770
From: William, the elder Hutchinson
To: Thomas Pearson
Place(s): 1/8th of 2 messuages in Barnard Castle
3 items
22B/129.168-9 26 July 1770
From: Smith Burke
To: Christopher Fawcett esq.
Place(s): Elm Park or Helm Park, Wolsingham, etc.
2 items
22B/129.170-2 13 September 1770
From: George Pearson
To: James Surtees esq.
Place(s): Crawcrook, Ryton
3 items
22B/129.173-85 4 October 1770
From: John Pemberton
To: William Lambton esq.
Place(s): the site of the late dissolved cell of North Wearmouth
11 items
22B/129.186-8 6 December 1770
From: Christopher Chrishop
To: John Swainston
Place(s): 1 messuage in Egglescliffe
3 items
22B/129.189-93 6 December 1770
From: Ralph Robson
To: Francis Holmes
Place(s): 2 messauges in High Conscliff
7 items
22B/129.194-00 6 December 1770
From: Smith Burke
To: John Simpson
Place(s): Brotherlee, Stanhope
7 items
22B/129.201-7 6 December 1770
From: Smith Burke
To: Richard Lambert
Place(s): 2 messuages in Gateshead
7 items
22B/129.209-14 6 December 1770
From: Smith Burke
To: William Charnley stationer
Place(s): Hamsterley, St Andrew Auckland, Stanhope, St Nicholas, Durham
7 items
22B/129.215-21 21 December 1770
From: Edward Fairless
To: John Pratt esq.
Place(s): manor Meadows, Crook, Billy Row, Byers Green, etc.
7 items
22B/129.222-8 7 January 1771
From: William Hutchinson
To: Edward Clough, Jonathan Hopwood
Place(s): 1/3 of the manor of Stratforth or Gratford Fields [Trafford Hill], in parish of Egglescliffe
7 items
22B/129.229-35 7 January 1771
From: Thomas Hugall
To: John Lettency
Place(s): 4 messuages in Sunderland near the Sea
7 items
22B/129.236-42 12 March 1771
From: William Hugall
To: Ralph Sparke, John Richardson
Place(s): Hutton Henry, Sheraton, Monk Hesledon
7 items
22B/129.243-7 2 April 1771
From: Edward Fairless
To: Robert Currey, John Humphries
Place(s): Toft Hill, Evenwood, St Andrew Auckland
5 items
22B/129.248-54 23 April 1771
From: Thomas Hugall
To: Francis Clapham
Place(s): 5 messuages in Sunderland near the Sea
7 items
23A/130.255-57 23 July 1771
From: Thomas Hugall
To: William Hugall
Place(s): Coundon, St Andrew Auckland
3 items
23A/130.258-64 4 September 1771
From: Christopher Chrishop
To: Timothy Dickinson clerk
Place(s): Barnard Castle, Durham, Gainford
7 items
23A/130.265-6 10 September 1771
From: Thomas Terry
To: Thomas Wilkinson tanner
Place(s): Sadberge, Co Durham
2 items
23A/130.267-73 4 January 1772
From: Thomas Hugall
To: William Charge
Place(s): Hutton Henry, Hesledon
7 items
23A/130.274-81 7 January 1772
From: William Hugall, Thomas Hugall
To: Joshua Wilson, William Wilson
Place(s): Longridge, Horncliffe, Horncliffe Loan End, Norham
8 items
23A/130.282-8 25 February 1772
From: Hendry Hopper
To: Edward Grey esq.
Place(s): Broomhouse, Holy Island
7 items
23A/130.289-91 12 March 1772
From: Martin Wilkinson
To: Robert Cummin
Place(s): Stockley, Brancepeth
3 items
23A/130.292-02 31 March 1772
From: Richard Wetherell
To: Ralph Lambton esq.
Place(s): Berrington, Kyloe
11 items
23A/130.303-13 23 June 1772
From: Thomas Hugall
To: John Rawlinson
Place(s): Sherburn, Howlin Carr
11 items
23A/131.314-16 7 September 1772
From: William Hugall, Thomas Hugall
To: Joshua Wilson esq., William Wilson esq.
Place(s): Longridge, Horncliff, Horncliff Loan End, Norham
3 items
23A/131.317-23 6 October 1772
From: Hendry Hopper
To: Christopher Fawcett
Place(s): manors of Nesbitt, Holam [?Hulam] and Sheraton
7 items
23A/131.324-6 1 November 1772
From: Ralph Hodgson
To: Richard Wright esq.
Place(s): Fishburn, Sedgefield
3 items
23A/131.327-33 3 November 1772
From: Thomas Hugall
To: William Hugall
Place(s): Morton Palms, Haughton
7 items
23A/131.334-40 3 November 1772
From: George Allan
To: Ralph Tunstall
Place(s): tithes of corn in Cockerton
7 items
23A/131.341-7 23 February 1773
From: Hendry Hopper
To: Henry Taylor, William Taylor
Place(s): Broomhouse alias Broomhouse Farms, Holy Island
7 items
23A/131.248-58 15 April 1773
From: Thomas Hugall
To: Robert Preston
Place(s): 4 messuages etc., in Norton
11 items
23A/131.359-65 24 June 1773
From: Thomas Hugall
To: William Jackson junior
Place(s): Bitchburn, Ebchester, etc.
7 items
23A/131.366-8 17 July 1773
From: Thomas Hugall
To: William Hugall
Place(s): Wolsingham, Stanhope
3 items
23A/132.369-71 7 October 1773
From: Hendry Hopper
To: Ralph Hopper esq.
Place(s): Witton Gilbert, St Oswald, Durham
3 items
23A/132.372-8 1 November 1773
From: Smith Burke
To: Thomas Byers esq.
Place(s): East Burdon, Bishop Wearmouth
7 items
23A/132.379-85 23 December 1773
From: William Hugall
To: George Brown esq.
Place(s): 1/3 of land in Great Lumley, Bitchburn, etc.
7 items
23A/132.386-92 18 January 1774
From: William Hutchinson
To: Robert Tinker merchant
Place(s): Chester-le-Street, Hutton Henry
7 items
23A/132.393-99 17 May 1774
From: Thomas Hugall
To: David Burton esq.
Place(s): Preston-upon-Tees
7 items
23A/132.400-6 2 June 1774
From: Christopher Chrishop
To: John Hays
Place(s): 2 messuages in Stockton
7 items
23A/132.407-9 9 July 1774
From: Henry Ladler
To: Thomas Hugall
Place(s): Barnard Castle, Gainford
3 items
23A/133.410-20 23 June 1774
From: William Hugall, Thomas Hugall
To: Ben Parnell
Place(s): Longridge, Horncliff, Norham
11 items
23A/133.421-7 24 August 1774
From: William Hugall
To: Edward Willoby
Place(s): Sandstell and Blakewell, fishings of, Tweedmouth
7 items
23B/133.428-36 18 October 1774
From: George Bates
To: Smith Burke
Place(s): Whesnopburn and Brotherlee, Stanhope
9 items
23B/133.437-9 8 November 1774
From: Bowes Grey
To: Ralph Hopper
Place(s): manor of Thornley, Kellow
3 items
23B/133.440-6 22 December 1774
From: Christopher Chrishop
To: John Swainston
Place(s): Headlam, Killerby, Gainford
7 items
23B/133.447-59 10 January 1775
From: Daniel Robinson
To: William Burdon
Place(s): Lumley Castle, Whickham
13 items
23B/133.460-6 4 April 1775
From: Robert Wilson
To: William Headlam ship-carpenter
Place(s): 4 messuages etc., in Gateshead
7 items
23B/133.467-77 4 April 1775
From: Thomas Hugall
To: Ralph Sparke
Place(s): Egglescliffe, Co Durham
11 items
23B/133.478-90 9 May 1775
From: Oliver Farrer
To: James Farrer
Place(s): manor of Winlaton, Tanfield, Lamesley, etc.
13 items
23B/133.491-3 21 July 1775
From: George Pearson
To: John Wardell esq.
Place(s): Foxton, Sedgefield
3 items
23B/134.494-00 3 October 1775
From: Christopher Johnson junior
To: William Williamson
Place(s): Burseblades [?Bushblades], Pontop, Kyo, Lanchester, etc.
7 items
23B/134.501-7 3 October 1775
From: Christopher Johnson junior
To: John Ward
Place(s): Plawsworth, Chester-le-Street
7 items
23B/134.508-14 21 February 1775
From: Hendry Hopper
To: Thomas Duck
Place(s): manor of Barmston, Washington
7 items
23B/134.515-27 21 November 1775
From: John Letteney
To: Christopher Fawcett
Place(s): manor of Consett, Medomsley, Lanchester
13 items
23B/134.528-34 12 December 1775
From: Smith Burke
To: John Greyson
Place(s): Low Lynn [Lowlin], Holy Island
7 items
23B/134.535-41 1 February 1776
From: George Allan
To: Jeremiah Rudd surgeon
Place(s): Brankin Moor, Darlington
7 items
23B/134.542-8 9 January 1776
From: George Allan
To: Jeremiah Rudd surgeon
Place(s): ingleton, Staindrop
7 items
23B/134.549-55 29 February 1776
From: William Hugall
To: Thomas Hugall
Place(s): 1/6th of 2 messuages, St Oswald, Durham
7 items
23B/134.556-9 26 March 1776
From: Abraham Oliver
To: William Hopper
Place(s): Wosley, Brancepeth
4 items
23B/134.560-6 23 April 1776
From: George Pearson
To: Thomas Davidson
Place(s): 7 messuages in Gateshead
7 items
23B/134.567-75 22 June 1776
From: Thomas Lloyd
To: George Hartley
Place(s): Claxton, Thorpe Thewles, Greatham, Grindon, etc.
9 items
23B/134.576-82 22 June 1776
From: Thomas Hugall
To: George Hartley
Place(s): manors of Seaham, Dawdon and Ketton
7 items
23B/134.583-87 22 June 1776
From: Hendry Hopper
To: William Rudd esq.
Place(s): manors of Swainston, Old Durham and Gilesgate
5 items
24/135.588-90 30 July 1776
From: William Hugall
To: George Dickinson
Place(s): Lintz Green, Collierly, etc.
3 items
24/135.591-99 30 August 1776
From: George Pearson
To: Joshua Peele
Place(s): 16 messuages in Cockfield
9 items
24/135.600-2 3 September 1776
From: George Pearson
To: Thomas Chipchase merchant
Place(s): Stockley, Brancepeth
3 items
24/135.603-9 1 October 1776
From: Christopher Hopper
To: Solomon Fell
Place(s): manors of Old Durham, Swainston, Winyard, etc.
7 items
24/135.610-20 1 October 1776
From: William Hutchinson senior
To: Thomas Gyll esq.
Place(s): manor of Whorlton, Gainford, Cockfield
11 items
24/135.621-23 27 February 1777
From: Joseph Sanderson
To: William Hutchinson
Place(s): 2 messuages etc., in parish of Wolsingham
3 items
24/135.624-6 13 May 1777
From: William Hutchinson
To: Joseph Sanderson
Place(s): Tudhoe, Brancepeth
3 items
24/135.627-33 13 May 1777
From: Thomas Hugall
To: Jonathan West
Place(s): Winlaton, Blaydon, Barlow, Ryton, Stanhope
7 items
24/135.634-40 13 May 1777
From: Smith Burke
To: John Blencowe
Place(s): Harraton, Chester-le-Street, St Mary, Gateshead
7 items
24/136.641-7 20 August 1777
From: Thomas Hugall
To: Christopher Fawcett
Place(s): North Hebburn, parish of Jarrow
7 items
24/136.648-54 23 September 1777
From: Smith Burke
To: John Erasmus Blackett esq.
Place(s): Ladythorn, Cheswick, Ancroft
7 items
24/136.655-61 23 September 1777
From: Thomas Hugall
To: Christopher Fawcett
Place(s): West Park, Oakenshaw, Stockley, Brancepeth
7 items
24/136.662-8 23 September 1777
From: Thomas Hugall
To: William Wilson
Place(s): Horncliffe, Norham
7 items
24/136.669-73 9 December 1777
From: George Pearson
To: George Mowbray
Place(s): 8 messuages, Sunderland near the Sea
5 items
24/136.674-9 5 February 1778
From: Christopher Chrishop
To: George Sutton
Place(s): Brafferton, Wolviston, Bishopton
6 items
24/136.680-2 27 May 1778
From: Thomas Hugall
To: John Burdon
Place(s): Morden [Mordon] and Foxton, Sedgefield
3 items
24/136.683-93 11 June 1778
From: Hendry Hopper
To: Abraham Winterbottom
Place(s): Rents in Laughton, Langley, Thickley, etc.
11 items
24/137.694-00 11 August 1778
From: Thomas Hugall
To: Jasper Harrison
Place(s): Great Lumley, Chester-le-Street
7 items
24/137.701-7 15 September 1778
From: William Hugall
To: William Wray sadler
Place(s): 2 messuages, Stockton
7 items
24/137.708-16 4 November 1778
From: William Monk
To: Henry Buckton
Place(s): manor of Barefoot, otherwise Bareford [Barford], on the Moor
9 items
24/137.717-19 26 November 1778
From: Joseph Davis
To: John Stubbs
Place(s): 2 messauges, Sunderland
3 items
24/137.720-2 12 January 1779
From: Christopher Chrishop
To: Ralph Bradley
Place(s): Dinsdale, Hurworth, Middleton St George
3 items
24/137.723-9 9 February 1779
From: Jeremiah Rudd
To: Ralph Tunstall
Place(s): 4 messuages, Darlington
7 items
24/137.730-6 2 March 1779
From: Christopher Johnson junior
To: William Williamson
Place(s): Burseblades [Bushblades], Pontop, Kyo Peth, Lanchester, etc.
7 items
24/137.737-43 2 March 1779
From: John Glover
To: Cuthbert Wright
Place(s): 20 acres of land etc., in Staindrop
7 items
24/137.744-54 13 April 1779
From: William Hugall
To: Robert Carr
Place(s): Berrington, Kyloe
11 items
24/137.755-61 1 June 1779
From: Christopher Chrishop
To: John Pickering
Place(s): Newsham, Egglescliffe
7 items
24/137.762-76 1 June 1779
From: Thomas Hugall
To: Leonard Hartley
Place(s): Lanchester, Greencroft
7 items
24/137.769-75 17 June 1779
From: Richard Pepper Arden esq., James Clayton Bolton esq.
To: The Earl of Derby, George Lloyd esq.
Place(s): 1 messuage etc., in Killerby
7 items
24/138.776-9 30 November 1779
From: Hendry Hopper
To: George Finch merchant
Place(s): Stranton, Seaton Carew
4 items
24/138.780-2 15 February 1780
From: Hendry Hopper
To: John Cuthbert
Place(s): manor or lordship of Thrislington
3 items
24/138.783-89 11 May 1779
From: Smith Burke
To: John Silvertop esq.
Place(s): manors of Norham, Haggerston, etc.
7 items
24/138.790-5 27 May 1780
From: George Pearson
To: William Wilson
Place(s): 15 acres of land in parish of Wolsingham
6 items
24/139.796-01 12 October 1780
From: Christopher Chrishop
To: Nathaniel Clayton junior
Place(s): Colt Park, Medomsley, Lanchester, Sedgefield
6 items
24/138.802-6 12 October 1780
From: George Pearson
To: John Tempest
Place(s): Holmside, Old Acres, Lanchester, Brancepeth
5 items
24/139.807-12 7 November 1780
From: Christopher Chrishop
To: John Burdon
Place(s): 2 messuages etc., in Stockton
6 items
24/139.813-18 23 February 1781
From: George Pearson
To: John Wardell
Place(s): Morton, Haughton
6 items
24/139.819-25 6 February 1780
From: Hendry Hopper
To: Simon Scroope, Miles Stapleton
Place(s): manor of Lintz, in parish of Tanfield, Co Durham
7 items
25/140.1-9 14 July 1781
From: Elborough Woodcock
To: Augustine Greenland
Place(s): Barnard Castle, Staindrop, etc.
9 items
25/140.10-15 7 August 1781
From: George Pearson
To: John Vernon
Place(s): manor of Washington, Hetton-le-Hole
6 items
25/140.16-22 3 December 1781
From: Hendry Hopper, George Pearson
To: Jasper Gibson
Place(s): manors of Esh and Ushaw, Nunstainton, etc.
7 items
25/140.23-30 11 May 1782
From: John Blake
To: Charles Millett
Place(s): Barnard Castle, Staindrop, etc.
8 items
25/141.31-37 6 July 1782
From: George Pearson
To: Joseph St, Edward Dale
Place(s): manor of Etherley, St Andrew Auckland
7 items
25/141.38-48 22 August 1782
From: William Hugall
To: Robert Carr
Place(s): Berrington, Kyloe
11 items
25/141.49-51 22 August 1782
From: Michael Hardcastle
To: Martin Wilkinson
Place(s): 1/2 of 1/4 of the tithes of Cockerton
3 items
25/141.52-58 28 September 1782
From: Martin Wilkinson
To: William Harrison clerk
Place(s): 10 messuages in Stranton
7 items
25/141.59-65 17 January 1783
From: James Downey
To: John Young
Place(s): 3 messuages in Sunderland
7 items
25/141.66-72 24 February 1783
From: George Pearson
To: William Rudd
Place(s): Holmside, Old Acres, Lanchester, Sedgefield
7 items
25/141.73-79 4 February 1783
From: Henry Sadler
To: Robert Wade junior
Place(s): Rickleton, Chester-le-Street
7 items
25/141.80-90 4 February 1783
From: Christopher Chrishop
To: William Ambler
Place(s): St Helen Auckland, St Andrew Auckland
11 items
25/142.91-101 26 July 1783
From: Hendry Hopper
To: John Madocks
Place(s): Darlington, Woodham
11 items
25/142.102-8 7 January 1784
From: Robert Clarke
To: Leonard Robinson
Place(s): Wolviston
7 items
25/142.109-15 4 February 1784
From: Martin Wilkinson
To: Robert Preston junior
Place(s): Stranton
7 items
25/142.116-22 18 March 1784
From: Robert Dunn
To: Leonard Robinson
Place(s): Mordon, alias Morden
7 items
25/142.123-9 3 January 1784
From: Richard Scruton
To: Charles Wren
Place(s): Ravensworth Castle, Lamesley, etc.
7 items
25/143.130-6 9 October 1784
From: George Pearson
To: Sir Francis Blake
Place(s): Tilsmouth, Harperrig, Cornhill, Norham
7 items
25/143.137-43 30 October 1784
From: George Pearson
To: Christopher Fawcett
Place(s): Pelton, Bedburn, Shipley, Billy Row
7 items
25/143.144-50 11 December 1784
From: George Pearson
To: Thomas Emerson Headlam
Place(s): 4 messuage etc., in Gateshead
7 items
25/143.151-9 31 December 1784
From: William Barton Borwick
To: George Simson
Place(s): 4 messuages, etc., in Long Newton
9 items
25/143.160-6 31 December 1784
From: Richard Radcliffe
To: Sir Gilfrid Lawson
Place(s): manors of Washington and Hetton-le-Hole, etc.
7 items
25/143.167-73 31 December 1784
From: John Glover
To: George Longstaff junior
Place(s): Hamsterley, St Andrew Auckland
7 items
25/143.174-80 21 January 1785
From: Francis Smales
To: Henry Hoyle Oddie
Place(s): manors of East Brandon and Burnigill
7 items
25/143.181-7 24 March 1785
From: George Pearson
To: John Lambton
Place(s): Offerton, Houghton-le-Spring
7 items
25/143.188-94 18 May 1785
From: George Pearson
To: John Exley
Place(s): Headlam, Langton, Gainford
7 items
25/144.195-7 19 July 1785
From: Robert Clarke
To: Ralph Bradley
Place(s): Elwick, Wolviston, Norton, Hart, etc.
3 items
25/144.198-00 6 September 1785
From: John Russell Rowntree
To: Robert Christopher
Place(s): 6 messuages etc., in Stockton
3 items
25/144.201-3 8 November 1785
From: Francis Smales
To: Henry Hutchinson ironmonger
Place(s): Newsham, Egglescliffe
3 items
25/144.204-6 3 January 1786
From: Robert Clarke
To: Richard Scruton
Place(s): Barnard Castle, Gainford
3 items
25/144.207-9 7 February 1786
From: Richard Scruton
To: Thomas Wharton M.D.
Place(s): Hurworth, Tudhoe, Trimdon, Kelloe
3 items
25/144.210-12 28 February 1786
From: Richard Scruton
To: George Story
Place(s): East Morton, Dalton-le-Dale
3 items
26/145.213-15 31 August 1786
From: John Glover
To: Rev. Gilpin Goret clerk
Place(s): Whorlton, Gainford
3 items
26/145.216-18 12 October 1786
From: George Pearson
To: Chipchase Grey
Place(s): manor of Silksworth
3 items
26/145.219-25 1 November 1786
From: Samuel Castle
To: Edward Willoby
Place(s): Horncliffe, Norham
7 items
26/145.226-8 20 November 1786
From: Hendry Hopper
To: Rev. John Hutton M.A.
Place(s): Old Burn Hall, parish of St Oswald, Durham
3 items
26/145.229-31 11 December 1786
From: Richard Scruton
To: Thomas Wharton M.D.
Place(s): Sunderland Bridge, Hett, Trimdon, etc.
3 items
26/145.232-8 20 March 1787
From: Richard Radcliffe
To: George Sutton esq.
Place(s): 3 messuages in Brafferton
7 items
26/145.239-41 7 April 1787
From: George Pearson
To: William Hall
Place(s): 1 messuage, Barnard Castle
3 items
26/145.242-50 26 May 1787
From: George Burley
To: John Beardsworth
Place(s): St Hilds, parish of Jarrow
9 items
26/145.251-3 29 June 1787
From: Joseph Sanderson
To: George Wood
Place(s): Hunwick, St Andrew Auckland
3 items
26/145.254-6* 20 July 1787
From: Benezer (wife Mary) Powell
To: John Greenwell
Place(s): 2 messuages in Stanhope
2 items
26/146.257-63 31 July 1787
From: George Allan
To: Thomas Lloyd
Place(s): Barony of Barnard Castle, manors of Raby, Cockfield, etc.
7 items
26/146.264-6 28 November 1787
From: Martin Wilkinson
To: Thomas Dunn
Place(s): 3 messuages in St Andrew Auckland
3 items
26/146.267-73 18 December 1787
From: Smith Burke
To: Henry Gawler
Place(s): manor of Hetton-on-the-Hill
7 items
26/146.274-82 8 January 1788
From: James Winbolt
To: James Pullein brewer
Place(s): Chester-le-Street
9 items
26/146.283-91 11 March 1788
From: George Rablah
To: Samuel Castle
Place(s): Barnard Castle, Gainford
8 items
26/147.292-8 25 September 1788
From: John Griffith
To: Thomas Chandless
Place(s): manors of Upper and Lower Coniscliffe
7 items
26/147.299-04 17 October 1788
From: George Pearson
To: William Hutchinson
Place(s): 4 messuages in Darlington
6 items
26/147.305-7 23 January 1789
From: John Russell Rowntree
To: John Barker
Place(s): Egglescliffe and Sunderland near the Sea
3 items
26/147.308-15 12 February 1789
From: James Winbolt
To: Nathaniel Clayton
Place(s): Chester-le-Street
8 items
26/147.316-21 5 March 1789
From: George Pearson
To: Christopher Fawcett
Place(s): 6 messuages in Bishopton
7 items
26/147.323-9 5 March 1789
From: George Pearson
To: George Wood
Place(s): South Bedburn, St Andrew Auckland
7 items
26/148.330-2 11 April 1789
From: Thomas Weller
To: Ralph Ord esq.
Place(s): Crook, Billy Row, Helmington, Brancepeth
3 items
26/148.334-9 4 August 1789
From: Peter Hunter
To: Stephen Thurston Adey
Place(s): manorhouse, Lanchester Deanery
6 items
26/148.340-5 29 October 1789
From: George Allan
To: John Dowse
Place(s): manors of East and West Softley
6 items
26/148.346-51 19 April 1790
From: Richard Scruton
To: Robert Christopher
Place(s): 2 messuages in Haughton
6 items
26/148.352-4 27 May 1790
From: John Griffith
To: Robert Hopper Williamson
Place(s): 5 messuages in St Andrew Auckland
3 items
26/149.355-63 11 May 1790
From: Patrick Lewis
To: James Farrer
Place(s): manor of Burntoft, Lamesley, etc.
9 items
26/149.364-70 1 October 1790
From: Samuel Castle
To: Robert Potts
Place(s): Tweedmouth, East Ord, in parish of Holy Island
7 items
26/149.371-3 30 November 1790
From: Richard Scruton
To: Robert Whitelock
Place(s): Colpighill [?Colepike Hall], in the parish of Lanchester, manor of Twizell, in the parish of, Chester-le-Street
3 items
26/149.374-6 25 January 1791
From: Joseph Sanderson
To: Richard Shuttleworth
Place(s): 2 messuages in the parish of Easington
3 items
26/149.377-9 16 February 1791
From: Martin Wilkinson
To: Christopher Fawcett esq.
Place(s): Thornley, Wolsingham
3 items
26/149.380-2 16 February 1791
From: John Griffith
To: Nathaniel Clayton esq.
Place(s): manor of Twizell, parish of Chester-le-Street
3 items
26/149.383-5 9 April 1791
From: John Russell Rowntree
To: William Kent esq.
Place(s): 20 acres of land in Sedgefield
3 items
26/149.386-8 16 July 1791
From: Richard Scruton
To: John Holliday
Place(s): St Helen Auckland, Hurworth, Heworth, etc.
3 items
26/149.389-91 16 July 1791
From: Richard Scruton
To: Johh Maling
Place(s): manor of Foxton, Sedgefield
3 items
27/150.392-8 1 June 1791
From: Richard Scruton
To: Thomas G. Shafto D.D.
Place(s): Norham, Holy Island
7 items
27/150.399-09 16 August 1791
From: John Griffith
To: Marmaduke Featherstonhaugh
Place(s): manors of Lambton, Harraton, Tribley, etc.
11 items
27/150.410-14 3 December 1791
From: Robert Burrell
To: Francis Sanderson
Place(s): Evenwood, St Helen Auckland
7 items
27/150.415-17 3 December 1791
From: Samuel Castle
To: Zachery Hubbersty
Place(s): Barnard Castle, Gainford
3 items
27/150.418-20 10 April 1792
From: Joseph Sanderson
To: Thomas Potter
Place(s): 14 messuages in Sunderland
3 items
27/150.421-3 30 April 1792
From: Richard Scruton
To: William Hutchinson
Place(s): 6 messuages in Barnard Castle
3 items
27/150.424-6 4 June 1792
From: Richard Scruton
To: John Lee
Place(s): St Helen Auckland, St Andrew Auckland
3 items
27/151.427-9 12 July 1792
From: George Pearson
To: Charles Hope
Place(s): manor of Eggleston, Ingleton, Staindrop, etc.
3 items
27/151.430-2 5 October 1792
From: George Pearson
To: George Fothergill surgeon
Place(s): 3 messuages in Houghton-le-Spring
3 items
27/151.433-41 13 November 1792
From: Thomas Lacey
To: James Farrer
Place(s): 6 islands in River Tees, Aislaby, etc.
9 items
27/151.442-8 18 December 1792
From: Richard Scruton
To: Leonard Hartley
Place(s): 6 messuages in Brafferton
7 items
27/151.449-59 7 January 1793
From: John Griffith
To: Robert H. Williamson
Place(s): St Nicholas and St Oswald, Durham
11 items
27/151.460-6 29 January 1793
From: Samuel Castle
To: Anthony Dunn
Place(s): 1/4 of 2 messuages in Darlington
7 items
27/151.467-73 11 June 1793
From: John Ward
To: Hendry Hopper
Place(s): manors of Witton and Hamsterley
7 items
27/152.474-6 28 June 1793
From: Francis Sonales
To: William Prissick
Place(s): Seaton Carew, Stranton
3 items
27/152.477-85 27 September 1793
From: Hendry Hopper
To: Francis Hutton
Place(s): High and Low Embleton, Sedgefield
9 items
27/152.486-92 9 January 1794
From: Francis Sonales
To: George Baker
Place(s): manors of Neasham and Breeston, Hurworth
7 items
27/152.493-9 19 March 1793
From: Richard Scruton
To: John Barker
Place(s): 5 messuages in Sunderland
7 items
27/152.500-2 22 April 1794
From: Joseph Sanderson
To: William Hoar esq.
Place(s): 3 messuages in Trimdon
3 items
27/152.503-5 13 May 1794
From: Joseph Sanderson
To: George Pearson
Place(s): Farrington [Farringdon], Silksworth, Bishopwearmouth
3 items
27/152.506-8 31 May 1794
From: Francis Sonales
To: Robert White
Place(s): Darlington, Great Stainton, Bishopton
3 items
27/152.509-17 31 May 1794
From: William Grey
To: Christopher Fawcett
Place(s): manor of Felling, Heworth, Jarrow
9 items
27/152.518-20 31 May 1794
From: Francis Sonales
To: James Moor
Place(s): 3 messuages in Stockton
3 items
27/153.521-3 11 September 1794
From: Samuel Castle
To: John Davidson
Place(s): manor of Consett, Medomsley, Lanchester
3 items
27/153.524-6 11 September 1794
From: Richard Scruton
To: William Hutchinson
Place(s): Evenwood, St Andrew Auckland
3 items
27/153.527-39 27 September 1794
From: Francis Gregg junior
To: John Corfield
Place(s): manors of Stanhope and Netherton
13 items
27/153.540-2 14 October 1794
From: Smith Burke
To: Ralph Ord esq.
Place(s): Helm Park, Gateshead, Wolsingham
3 items
27/153.543-8 9 December 1794
From: Richard Kirton
To: Robert H. Williamson
Place(s): manor of Greencroft, manor of Iveston
6 items
27/153.549-57 10 March 1795
From: Thomas Lowten
To: John Heaton
Place(s): Piercebridge, Gainsford, Eldon
9 items
27/153.558-60 23 April 1795
From: Richard Scruton
To: Thomas Bowes
Place(s): 3 messuages in Darlington
3 items
27/153.561-6 11 May 1795
From: Thomas Hopper
To: George Townend
Place(s): Bishop Auckland, Lee Hall, Great Aycliffe
7 items
27/153.567-70 26 June 1795
From: Richard Scruton
To: Rain Gregson surgeon
Place(s): Wooley, Brancepeth
3 items
27/154.571-3 25 September 1795
From: John Griffith
To: Nathaniel Clayton
Place(s): Twizell, The Hagg, Chester-le-Street
3 items
27/154.574-80 29 March 1796
From: William Fenwick
To: Richard Wilson
Place(s): manors of Hamsterley and Medomsley
7 items
27/154.581-3 14 April 1796
From: Thomas Maynard
To: Robert Biss
Place(s): Thinford, Cornforth
3 items
27/154.584-90 14 April 1796
From: John Griffith
To: Christopher Wilson
Place(s): 8 messuages in Sunderland
7 items
28A/155.591-01 19 July 1796
From: John Griffith
To: Charles Wren
Place(s): Eppleton, Houghton-le-Spring
11 items
28A/155.602-4 14 November 1796
From: Thomas Maynard
To: George Cooke
Place(s): manor of Carlbury, High Coniscliffe
3 items
28A/155.605-10 14 November 1796
From: Samuel Castle
To: Sarah Middleton widow
Place(s): manor of Newton Hansard, Popley Row
7 items
28A/155.611-17 2 December 1796
From: John Griffith
To: R.H. Williamson
Place(s): 1 messuage in Whickham
7 items
28A/155.618-24 31 January 1797
From: Thomas Hopper
To: Francis Witham
Place(s): 1/4 of the vicarage of Chester-le-Street
7 items
28A/155.625-31 21 February 1797
From: William Fenwick
To: George Fenwick, Marmaduke Featherstonhaugh
Place(s): 4 messuages, 1 quay, 1 wharf, etc., in Sunderland
7 items
28A/155.632-8 21 February 1797
From: Samuel Castle
To: Jonathan Backhouse
Place(s): 3 messuages in Darlington
7 items
28A/639-45 24 May 1797
From: Richard Scruton
To: William Hutchinson
Place(s): Barnard Castle, Gainford
7 items
28A/156.646-52 8 August 1797
From: George Pearson
To: Robert Smith
Place(s): East Sleekburn, Bedlington
7 items
28A/156.653-5 26 September 1797
From: John Ward
To: Martin Smith
Place(s): 3 messuages in St Oswald, Durham
3 items
28A/156.656-62 26 September 1797
From: Peter Hunter
To: Thomas Bowes
Place(s): manor of Egglescliffe, Long Newton, Elvet, etc.
7 items
28A/156.663-5a 1 November 1797
From: Thomas Maynard
To: George Pearson
Place(s): 2 messuages in Staindrop
4 items
28A/156.666-8 13 February 1798
From: Samuel Castle
To: Ralph Ord esq.
Place(s): Willington, Stockley, Brancepeth and Durham
3 items
28A/156.669-75 13 February 1798
From: George Pearson
To: Joseph Allen
Place(s): manor of Chopwell, Ryton, Lanchester
7 items
28A/676-8 6 March 1798
From: Richard Scruton
To: Sir John Eden
Place(s): manors of Whitworth, Wadley and Elton
3 items
28A/156.679-85 6 March 1798
From: Samuel Castle
To: John Aitken
Place(s): St Giles, Durham, Norham
7 items
28A/156.686-92 1 May 1798
From: Samuel Castle
To: John Trotter
Place(s): manor of Middleton St George, Dinsdale, etc.
7 items
28A/156.693-5 17 May 1798
From: Thomas Maynard
To: Sir John Eden bart
Place(s): Great Usworth, Washington
3 items
28A/156.696-9 5 June 1798
From: Thomas Hopper
To: Miles Patrick
Place(s): Scouts house, Ushaw Moor
4 items
28A/156.700-6 17 September 1798
From: Samuel Castle
To: John Trotter
Place(s): Middleton St George, Haughton, Long Newton
7 items
28A/157.707-13 9 July 1798
From: Samuel Castle
To: George Ormsby
Place(s): 3 messuages in Darlington
7 items
28A/157.714-6 5 October 1798
From: John Russell Rowntree
To: Matthew Wadeson
Place(s): 3 messuages in Stockton
3 items
28A/157.717-9a 22 October 1798
From: John Griffith
To: Samuel Castle
Place(s): 2 messuages in Redmarshall
4 items
28A/157.720-2 27 November 1798
From: Thomas Brown
To: George Cooke
Place(s): manor of Carlbury, High Coniscliffe
3 items
28A/723-9 8 January 1799
From: John Russell Rowntree
To: John Barker
Place(s): Stockton
7 items
28A/157.730-2 28 January 1799
From: John Russell Rowntree
To: John Barker
Place(s): East Newbiggin, Bishopton
3 items
28A/157.733-9 26 March 1799
From: Thomas Maynard
To: Robert Dyneley
Place(s): Crayke
7 items
28A/157.740-2 3 June 1799
From: John Griffith
To: Stephenson Ingram
Place(s): Stockton-upon-Tees
3 items
28A/158.743-6 15 August 1799
From: Hendry Hopper
To: Miles Patrick
Place(s): manor of Beamish, Penshaw, Redmarshall, etc.
4 items
28B/158.747-53 7 October 1799
From: John Griffith
To: Samuel Castle
Place(s): Redmarshall
7 items
28B/158.754-60 23 December 1799
From: Samuel Castle
To: Rowland Ramsden
Place(s): Hurworth upon Tees
7 items
28B/158.761-3 28 March 1800
From: John Russell Rowntree
To: William Taylor esq.
Place(s): manors of Mainsforth, Greystones and Nesbitt
3 items
28B/764-76 6 June 1800
From: Thomas Palmer
To: William Thomson
Place(s): Willington, Brancepeth
13 items
28B/158.777-83 1 June 1800
From: Thomas Hopper
To: Hendry Hopper
Place(s): Croxdale, Sunderland Bridge, Butterwick, etc.
7 items
28B/159.784-90 6 October 1800
From: Samuel Castle
To: William Shaftoe
Place(s): Stainton, Broomielaw
7 items
28B/159.791-7 28 October 1800
From: Peter Hunter
To: Thomas Brook
Place(s): Crayke
7 items
28B/159.798-00 9 December 1800
From: Thomas Maynard
To: John Taylor
Place(s): Pontop, Bushblades, Kyo, Collierly
3 items
28B/159.801-7 9 December 1800
From: John Griffith
To: R. H. Williamson
Place(s): Ambrose Garths, Ryton
7 items
28B/159.808-14 9 December 1800
From: Daniel Wilde
To: Cuthbert Rippon esq.
Place(s): 10 messuages in Stanhope
7 items
28B/159.815-7 10 February 1801
From: William Hoar
To: Sir Ralph Milbanke
Place(s): Wingate, Crook and Iveston
3 items
28B/159.818-28 28 April 1801
From: John Griffith
To: John Orde
Place(s): Herrington, Great Lumley, Penshaw
11 items
28B/159.829-35 13 May 1801
From: Samuel Castle
To: William Shaftoe
Place(s): Stainton, Broomielaw
7 items
28B/159.836-44 13 May 1801
From: Thomas Lacey
To: J. Farrer Steadman
Place(s): manors of Streatlam, Stainton, Cleatlam, etc.
9 items
28B/159.845-7 15 June 1801
From: Leonard Raisbeck
To: William Hoar
Place(s): manor of Pespool, Easington
3 items
28B/159.848-50 15 June 1801
From: Thomas Maynard
To: William Hutchinson
Place(s): Old Hall, Stranton, Offerton, Whitworth
3 items
28B/159.851-7 3 July 1801
From: John Griffith
To: R. H. Williamson
Place(s): The Herringtons, Great Lumley, etc.
7 items
29A/160.1-7 15 September 1801
From: Richard Kirton
To: R. H. Williamson
Place(s): Andrews House, Whickham, Jarrow, Tanfield
7 items
29A/160.8-16 15 September 1801
From: Thomas Crowther Newby
To: Rowland Burdon, John Heyliger Burt
Place(s): manor of Burnhall, parish of St Oswald, Durham
9 items
29A/160.17-23 16 December 1801
From: John Graham
To: Dickens Haslewood clerk
Place(s): 2 messuages in Haughton
7 items
29A/160.24-30 8 January 1802
From: Robert Surtees
To: John Gregson
Place(s): Sheraton, Hutton Henry
7 items
29A/160.31-37 3 February 1802
From: Richard Bowser
To: Thomas Graham
Place(s): Westholm, Newsham, Winston, Hunwick
7 items
29A/160.38-44 15 March 1802
From: John Gregson
To: Richard Buswell
Place(s): 2 messuages in Crayke
7 items
29A/160.45-51 8 June 1802
From: David Wilde
To: John Hetherington, Caleb Hetherington
Place(s): Daddry Shield, Stanhope
7 items
29A/161.52-62 24 July 1802
From: William Fenwick
To: Thomas Taylor
Place(s): Pelton, Chester-le-Street
11 items
29A/161.63-65 19 January 1803
From: Francis Smales
To: Robert Surtees esq.
Place(s): Great Chilton, Merrington
3 items
29A/161.66-74 22 February 1803
From: Thomas Maynard
To: James Farrer Steadman
Place(s): Farnacres Chantry, Lamesley, etc.
9 items
29A/161.75-81 22 February 1803
From: John Griffith
To: Robert Hopper Williamson
Place(s): 2 messuages in Norham
7 items
29A/161.82-88 13 April 1803
From: John Griffith
To: Chas Dalston Purvis
Place(s): High Fawles [?Fawnlees], Wolsingham
7 items
29A/161.89-91 13 May 1803
From: Richard Scruton
To: William Boulton
Place(s): tithes of corn, Cockerton
3 items
29A/161.92-94 13 May 1803
From: Richard Scruton
To: Thomas Robinson
Place(s): Eggleston, Middleton-in-Teesdale
3 items
29A/161.95-97 16 July 1803
From: Thomas Hopper
To: Hendry Hopper
Place(s): Tudhoe, Brancepeth
3 items
29A/162.98-100 31 August 1803
From: William Fenwick
To: Richard Wilson
Place(s): Longridge, Norham
3 items
29A/162.101-7 8 October 1803
From: John Ward junior
To: John Richard Baker
Place(s): manors of Hamsterley and Medomsley
7 items
29A/162.108-14 18 November 1803
From: William Shaftoe
To: Henry Donkin
Place(s): Broom, St Oswald, Durham
7 items
29A/162.115-23 17 January 1804
From: John Morgan
To: Nicholas Ridley
Place(s): 2 messuages in Hawthorn
9 items
29A/162.124-6 24 February 1804
From: William Shaftoe
To: Ralph Hodgshon
Place(s): manors of Rutford, Lutterington and Newbiggin
3 items
29A/162.127-9 4 April 1804
From: John Russell Rowntree
To: Samuel Smith
Place(s): Seaton Carew, Wolviston
3 items
29A/162.130-6 4 April 1804
From: Francis Smales
To: Sir Abraham Hume
Place(s): manors of Winston and Heighley
7 items
29A/163.137-45 28 June 1804
From: William Fenwick
To: John Martindale
Place(s): manor or deanery of Chester-le-Street
9 items
29B/163.146-52 24 July 1804
From: Joseph Frank
To: James Crowe
Place(s): Sheraton, Monk Hesledon, Stranton
7 items
29B/163.153-5 20 August 1804
From: Joseph Frank
To: John Russell Rowntree
Place(s): 2 messuages in Elwick
3 items
29B/163.156-9 20 August 1804
From: Joseph Frank
To: Samuel Smith
Place(s): manor of Preston-le-Skerne
4 items
29B/163.160-6 11 September 1804
From: Francis Smales
To: William Thomas Salvin, Thomas Strickland
Place(s): fishing in River Tees, Eggliscliffe, Aislaby
7 items
29B/163.167-73 11 September 1804
From: Thomas William Carr
To: Henry Ibbetson
Place(s): Brancepeth, Gateshead, Whickham, Ryton
9 items
29B/163.174-80 6 November 1804
From: John Russell Rowntree
To: Sir Ralph Milbanke
Place(s): manors of Blakiston, Thorpe Thewles and Fulthorpe
7 items
29B/163.181-7 6 November 1804
From: Richard Scruton
To: Adam Sibbit
Place(s): Ancroft, Holy Island
7 items
29B/163.188-94 28 November 1804
From: Robert Surtees
To: Ralph Reed
Place(s): Hutton Henry, Sheraton
7 items
29B/163.195-7 18 December 1804
From: Francis Smales
To: John Chilton
Place(s): Dalton Percy, Hart
3 items
29B/163.198-00 12 February 1805
From: John Griffith
To: Robert Hopper Williamson
Place(s): Bedburn, Hoppyland, Broomley Row, Hamsterley
3 items
29B/163.201-3 12 February 1805
From: Thomas Wheldon
To: John Graham
Place(s): High Coniscliffe
3 items
29B/163.204-14 14 May 1805
From: John Griffith
To: John Orde esq.
Place(s): Cornhill, Twizell, Norham
11 items
29B/163.215-23 14 May 1805
From: Thomas Atkinson
To: James Farrer
Place(s): Elwick, Egleston
9 items
29B/163.224-32 31 May 1805
From: Thomas Atkinson
To: John Heaton
Place(s): Piercebridge, Gainsford
9 items
29B/164.233-9 23 September 1805
From: Samuel Castle
To: Charles Colling
Place(s): Blackwell, Darlington
7 items
29B/164.240-6 23 September 1805
From: Thomas Maynard
To: Richard Thompson
Place(s): 1 messuage in Gateshead
7 items
29B/164.247-9 14 October 1805
From: Samuel Castle
To: Joseph Sanderson
Place(s): Thornley, Wolsingham
3 items
29B/164.250-6 14 October 1805
From: John Griffith
To: John Graham
Place(s): Coundon, Bishop Auckland
7 items
29B/164.257-63 16 December 1805
From: John Graham
To: Christopher Waterton
Place(s): Harbourhouse, Framwellgate
7 items
29B/164.264-6 7 February 1806
From: Francis Smales
To: Robert Surtees
Place(s): manor of Bradbury, Fishburn, Morden [Mordon]
3 items
29B/164.267-73 11 June 1806
From: William Handcock
To: Elizabeth Lumley widow
Place(s): St Andrew Auckland, 2 messuages
7 items
30A/165.274-80 11 July 1806
From: Thomas Maynard
To: Gabriel Tahourdin
Place(s): Unthank, Stanhope
7 items
30A/165.281-7 29 August 1806
From: Thomas Maynard
To: Walter Heron
Place(s): Usworth, Washington
7 items
30A/165.288-90 23 December 1806
From: Francis Smales
To: Henry Donkin
Place(s): Medomsley, Lanchester
3 items
30A/165.291-7 13 February 1807
From: William Shaftoe
To: Henry Donkin
Place(s): manor of Stranton
7 items
30A/165.298-04 18 March 1807
From: Richard Scruton
To: Thomas Horn
Place(s): Sunderland
7 items
30A/165.305-15 18 March 1807
From: Richard Scruton
To: Francis Walker
Place(s): Herrington, Houghton-le-Spring
11 items
30A/165.316-24 7 May 1807
From: Thomas Meggison
To: Thomas Bates
Place(s): Chester-le-Street
9 items
30A/165.325-31 7 May 1807
From: John Gregson
To: William Sleigh
Place(s): Neasham, Hurworth
7 items
30A/165.332-8 11 June 1807
From: Thomas Maynard
To: Gabriel Tahourdin
Place(s): Unthank, Stanhope
7 items
30A/165.339-41 1 July 1807
From: Thomas Maynard
To: John Friend
Place(s): Barnard Castle, Gainford
3 items
30A/166.342-8 1 July 1807
From: Richard Scruton
To: Joseph Ewart
Place(s): Wester-Milkington, Cornhill
7 items
30A/166.349-51 24 October 1807
From: John Ward junior
To: Henry Donkin
Place(s): Great Lumley
3 items
30A/166.352-8 9 November 1807
From: John Griffith
To: William Ingham
Place(s): Unthank, Stanhope
7 items
30A/166.359-65 9 November 1807
From: George Dixon
To: Henry Donkin
Place(s): East Shipley, manor of, Chatterly, Staindrop
7 items
30A/166.366-72 9 November 1807
From: John Griffith
To: Robert Hopper Williamson
Place(s): Southwick, Bishop Wearmouth
7 items
30A/166.373-81 6 January 1808
From: J. Fallowfield Scott
To: Robert Hopper Williamson
Place(s): manor of Woodcroft, Stanhope
9 items
30A/166.382-4 18 March 1808
From: John Griffith
To: George Hutchinson
Place(s): Bishopton
3 items
30A/166.385-91 18 March 1808
From: Thomas Maynard
To: John Hiscox
Place(s): Unthank, Stanhope
7 items
30A/166.392-8 5 April 1808
From: Richard Scruton
To: Thomas Hull
Place(s): Sadberge, Sadbury, Great Stynton [?Stainton]
7 items
30A/166.399-05 27 May 1808
From: Samuel Castle
To: Samuel Whitbread
Place(s): manor of Ancroft, Holy Island
7 items
30A/166.406-14 14 June 1808
From: John Bowdler junior
To: Henry Gibbs
Place(s): manors of Bradbury and Hilton
9 items
30A/167.415-21 6 August 1808
From: John Griffith
To: William Peareth
Place(s): Felkington, Grievestead, Norham, Tweedmouth
7 items
30A/167.422-8 14 November 1808
From: John Gregson
To: Thomas Wheldon
Place(s): Darlington
7 items
30A/167.429-31 19 December 1808
From: John Gregson
To: Andrew William Lee
Place(s): Whitburn
3 items
30A/167.432-4 10 February 1809
From: John Graham
To: John Griffith
Place(s): Low Mill, Ragpethside, Cornsay, Butsfield
3 items
30A/167.435-41 10 February 1809
From: John Griffith
To: James Willis
Place(s): Hurworth, Darlington
7 items
30A/167.442-4 27 February 1809
From: Henry Donkin
To: John Gregson
Place(s): Hamsterley, St Andrew Auckland
3 items
30A/167.445-7 27 April 1809
From: John Griffith
To: Robert Hopper Williamson
Place(s): a certain fell called Middlehope in Weardale
3 items
30A/168.448-54 25 July 1809
From: John Griffith
To: Anthony Spedding
Place(s): manors of Esh and Ushaw, Lanchester
7 items
30A/168.455-61 4 August 1809
From: T. Freshfield Scarth
To: Thomas Lloyd esq.
Place(s): the castles of Raby and Barnard Castle
7 items
30A/168.462-8 18 December 1809
From: George Surtees
To: Stratford Robinson
Place(s): Jefferies Mines, Hunstanworth
7 items
30B/168.469-71 10 January 1810
From: Richard Kirton
To: William Hoar
Place(s): Birkley or Birtley or Burtley or Biertley
3 items
30B/168.472-80 10 January 1810
From: Nicholas Donkin
To: Thomas Purdon, John Rayne
Place(s): Gateshead
9 items
30B/168.481-7 10 January 1810
From: John Griffith
To: John Lindsay
Place(s): Beal, End [?East] Ord, Berrington, Kyloe, Tweedmouth
7 items
30B/168.488-94 15 February 1810
From: John Russell Rowntree
To: Thomas (Lord Graves) North
Place(s): St Helen Auckland, St Andrew Auckland
7 items
30B/168.495-01 18 June 1810
From: John Griffith
To: Richard Harrison
Place(s): Easington, Jarrow, St Nicholas, Durham
7 items
30B/168.502-12 1 June 1810
From: Francis Mewburn
To: John Corfield
Place(s): manor of Elwick, Holy Island, Elwick, Ross, etc.
11 items
30B/168.513-15 24 July 1810
From: John Gregson
To: William Hutchinson
Place(s): Hetton-le-Hole, Houghton-le-Spring
3 items
30B/169.516-18 20 September 1810
From: Richard Kirton
To: Francis Smales
Place(s): East Butsfield, Esp Close, Edmondbyers
3 items
30B/169.519-21 10 January 1811
From: Thomas Hopper
To: George Grainger
Place(s): Cornsay, Lanchester
3 items
30B/169.522-4 15 February 1811
From: John Griffith
To: Percival Fenwick
Place(s): manors of Sidgate [Sidegate] and Thrislington
3 items
30B/169.525-7 15 February 1811
From: John Graham
To: Percival Fenwick
Place(s): Elvet, Whickham, Hett, Fishburn, etc.
3 items
30B/169.528-30 5 March 1811
From: Richard Scruton
To: Daniel Sykes
Place(s): Darlington, Blackwall
3 items
31/170.1-7 10 August 1811
From: Richard Kirton
To: William Hoar
Place(s): Lamesley
7 items
31/170.8-10 14 November 1811
From: Francis Smales
To: Simon Thomas Scroope
Place(s): manor of Hutton Henry, Hardwick, Hurworth, etc.
3 items
31/170.11-13 3 March 1812
From: Francis Smales
To: Robert Surtees
Place(s): Bradbury, Sedgefield
3 items
31/170.14-20 20 March 1812
From: John Griffith
To: Anthony Spedding
Place(s): manors of Esh and Ushaw, Cornsay, Lanchester
7 items
31/170.21-27 8 April 1812
From: John Gregson
To: James Alderson
Place(s): Barnard Castle
7 items
31/170.28-34 28 April 1812
From: John Griffith
To: Wilson Dobing
Place(s): Coatham Conyers, Long Newton
7 items
31/170.35-37 1 June 1812
From: John Griffith
To: Robert Hopper Williamson
Place(s): Monckton, Jarrow
3 items
31/170.38-44 16 June 1812
From: Henry Douking gent.
To: William Marton Forster gent.
Place(s): Hylton, Monkwearmouth and half Hylton Ferry
7 items
31/170.45-51 16 June 1812
From: Thomas Wilkinson
To: Ben Henderson
Place(s): 1 messuage and ¼ acre in Gateshead
7 items
31/171.52-54 15 September 1812
From: John Griffith gent.
To: Robert Hopper Williamson esq.
Place(s): Gateshead
3 items
31/171.55-61 20 October 1812
From: John Griffith gent.
To: Richard Harrison gent.
Place(s): Stanhope
7 items
31/171.62-64 9 February 1813
From: Richard Scruton gent.
To: Sir Ralph Milbanke bart
Place(s): manor of Thornley
3 items
31/171.65-67 1 April 1813
From: Thomas Hopper esq.
To: George Grainger gent.
Place(s): manor of Windlestone, Brandon, Redworth, etc.
3 items
31/171.68-74 5 May 1813
From: John Griffith gent.
To: Francis Gregor esq.
Place(s): West Harburn [?Hartburn], Middleton St George
7 items
31/171.75-83 9 June 1813
From: Charles Hillyard gent.
To: John Partridge gent.
Place(s): Barford on the Moor, Winston
9 items
31/171.84-90 12 July 1813
From: Henry Donkin gent.
To: James Somerville Fownes esq.
Place(s): Newlandside, Stanhope
7 items
31/172.91-99 27 July 1813
From: Ben Currey gent.
To: Thomas Fiske gent.
Place(s): Elwick, Egglestone
9 items
31/172.100-6 14 August 1813
From: John Gregson gent.
To: Thomas Brunton gent.,
Place(s): Sunderland
7 items
31/172.107-9 7 December 1814
From: William Grey gent.
To: George Wray esq.
Place(s): manor of Stranton
3 items
31/172.110-16 29 December 1814
From: Francis Smales gent.
To: Nicholas Ruddock junior gent.
Place(s): Long Newton
6 items
31/172.117-23 15 March 1814
From: John Ward junior gent.
To: Alexander Murray gent.
Place(s): Lambton, Harraton, Tribley, Herrington, etc.
7 items
31/172.124-30 1 April 1814
From: John Griffith
To: Leonard Raisbeck
Place(s): Chester-le-Street
7 items
31/172.131-7 10 May 1814
From: John Gregson gent.
To: Thomas Wheldon gent.
Place(s): Sledwick manor, Whorlton, Gainford
7 items
31/172.138-40 27 May 1814
From: Richard Scruton gent.
To: David Hilton
Place(s): St Oswald, Durham
3 items
31/172.141-7 17 July 1814
From: Henry Donkin
To: Joseph Willis
Place(s): Gateshead
7 items
31/173.148-54 12 December 1814
From: John Griffith gent.
To: George Burley gent.
Place(s): East and West Sleekburn, Bedlington
7 items
31/173.155-61 4 February 1815
From: John Griffith gent.
To: George Kinderley gent.
Place(s): Easington
7 items
31/173.162-8 24 February 1815
From: Francis Smales gent.
To: William Chisholme gent.
Place(s): Horncliffe, Norham
7 items
31/173.169-75 5 April 1815
From: Richard Scruton
To: Anthony Harrison
Place(s): Bolam, Gainford
7 items
31/173.176-82 5 April 1815
From: John Griffith gent.
To: Thomas Atkinson gent.
Place(s): Winlaton, Bryanslope, Collierly, Ryton, etc.
7 items
31/173.183-9 21 April 1815
From: Francis Smales gent.
To: Robert Crowe esq.
Place(s): Stanhope
7 items
31/173.190-2 26 May 1815
From: Francis Smales gent.
To: George Henderson gent.
Place(s): Westholme, Newsham, Winston
3 items
31/174.193-9 28 June 1815
From: Richard Scruton
To: John Marsh
Place(s): Easington
7 items
31/174.200-6 27 October 1815
From: John Griffith gent.
To: Joseph Bainbridge
Place(s): Cambois, Blyth Nook, Bedlington
7 items
31/174.207-9 14 November 1815
From: Richard Scruton gent.
To: Thomas Horn
Place(s): Sunderland
3 items
32/175.210-16 8 November 1816
From: Henry Donkin gent.
To: William Burnup senior gent.
Place(s): 2 messuages in Gateshead
7 items
32/175.217-23 13 December 1816
From: John Graham gent.
To: Dickens Haslewood clerk
Place(s): Haughton
7 items
32/175.224-30 17 December 1816
From: John Griffith gent.
To: John Graham gent.
Place(s): manor of Whorlton, Gainford
7 items
32/175.231-3 12 May 1817
From: Joseph Frank gent.
To: William Williams esq.
Place(s): 2 wharfs etc., in Stockton
3 items
32/175.234-6 2 May 1817
From: John Griffith gent.
To: John Smith gent.
Place(s): Tanfield, Chester-le-Street
3 items
32/175.237-43 20 May 1817
From: John Griffith
To: Wilson Dobing
Place(s): Coatham Conyers, Long Newton
7 items
32/175.244-50 16 June 1817
From: Francis Smales gent.
To: Henry Percy Pulleine esq.
Place(s): manor of Thornton, Consicliffe
7 items
32/176.251-3 10 October 1817
From: John Gregson gent.
To: John Watson
Place(s): Ryhope, Bishopwearmouth
3 items
32/177.254-60 27 June 1818
From: John Griffith
To: Thomas Griffith
Place(s): Jarrow, Heworth, Follingsby
7 items
32/177.261-3 27 July 1818
From: Nicholas Corner Reed
To: William Eels
Place(s): High Barns, Bishopwearmouth
3 items
32/177.264-71 13 October 1818
From: John Gregson gent.
To: George Robinson esq.
Place(s): manor of Trimdon, Fishburn, Sedgefield
8 items
32/177.272-8 4 December 1818
From: John Dunn gent.
To: Edward Reid grocer
Place(s): 4 messuages in Gateshead
7 items
32/177.279-85 8 January 1819
From: Henry Donkin gent.
To: Joseph Willis gent.
Place(s): 2 wind corn mills etc., in Gateshead
7 items
32/177.286-92 13 April 1819
From: John Griffith
To: Nathaniel Clayton
Place(s): Shotton, Easington
7 items
32/177.293-5 30 April 1819
From: John Gregson gent.
To: Robert Waugh esq.
Place(s): Coundon, St Nicholas, St Mary-le-Bow, Durham
3 items
32/177.296-02 30 April 1819
From: John Dunn gent.
To: John Pearson
Place(s): Cockerton, Darlington
7 items
32/177.303-9 3 June 1819
From: Percival Fenwick esq.
To: Martin Morrison esq.
Place(s): Winlaton, Blaydon, Stanhope, Wolsingham
7 items
32/177.310-2 18 June 1819
From: Robert Sonart gent.
To: Michael Laws
Place(s): Thornley, Wolsingham, Witton-le-Wear
3 items
32/178.313-15 20 July 1819
From: Henry Donkin gent.
To: Charles John Brandling esq.
Place(s): Cell of North Wearmouth, Suddick [Southwick], Whitburn
3 items
32/178.316-26 9 August 1819
From: James Boxer gent.
To: J. Ilderston Burn gent.
Place(s): Cornhill, Tiptoe, Norham, Twizell
11 items
32/178.327-9 19 October 1819
From: Henry Donkin gent.
To: John George Lambton esq.
Place(s): manor of Thornley, Kelloe
3 items
32/178.330-4 19 October 1819
From: John Burrell gent.
To: William Nethersole gent.
Place(s): manor of Cambois, Bedlington
5 items
32/178.335-7 4 November 1819
From: John Bramwell gent.
To: Peter Fair
Place(s): St Andrew Auckland
3 items
32/178.338-44 30 March 1820
From: Richard Scruton
To: Wilson Dobing
Place(s): Stockton-upon-Tees
7 items
32/179.345-51 24 October 1820
From: John Gregson gent.
To: Thomas Wheldon gent.
Place(s): Gainford
7 items
32/179.352-8 10 November 1820
From: Richard Scruton
To: Joseph Anthony Benning
Place(s): ingleton, Staindrop
7 items
32/179.359-65 10 November 1820
From: Richard Kirton gent.
To: William Hoar esq.
Place(s): Ravenshelm or Ravensworth Castle
7 items
32/179.266-72 2 January 1821
From: Walter Scruton
To: Richard Scruton
Place(s): manors of Grindon, Little Chilton and Coatham Conyers
7 items
32/179.373-9 2 January 1821
From: James Jones gent.
To: John Watson gent.
Place(s): manors of Wynyard, Gilesgate, Old Durham, etc.
7 items
32/179.380-2 10 April 1821
From: Henry Donkin gent.
To: James Harrison
Place(s): Hartlepool
3 items
32/179.383-5 15 May 1821
From: Thomas Griffith gent.
To: John Griffith gent.
Place(s): Crawcrook, Ryton
3 items
32/179.386-8 15 May 1821
From: John Burrell gent.
To: Robert Surtees esq.
Place(s): Redworth
3 items
32/179.389-95 15 May 1821
From: Henry Donkin gent.
To: Gerard Blisson Wharton gent.
Place(s): Darlington, Oxney Field
7 items
32/179.396-8 18 July 1821
From: George Pattison
To: John Pattison
Place(s): Hamsterley, South Bedburn
3 items
33A/180.399-05 18 August 1821
From: Thomas Eggleston
To: Thomas Wilkinson gent.
Place(s): Stanhope
7 items
33A/180.406-12 28 December 1821
From: Thomas Griffith gent.
To: Thomas Hill gent.
Place(s): Stanhope
7 items
33A/180.413-19 1 January 1822
From: Henry Smales gent.
To: Henry Percy Pulleine esq.
Place(s): manor of Thornton, Coniscliffe
7 items
33A/180.420-6 1 February 1822
From: Walter Scruton
To: Richard Scruton
Place(s): Hetton-le-Hole, Houghton-le-Spring
7 items
33A/180.427-33 26 March 1822
From: John Griffith gent.
To: John Lindsay gent.
Place(s): Unthank, Tweedmouth, Holy Island
7 items
33A/180.434-44 30 April 1822
From: Richard Scruton gent.
To: James Lambert gent.
Place(s): Grindon Rigg, Tweedmouth, Norham, Holy Island
11 items
33A/180.445-51 17 May 1822
From: John Bramwell gent.
To: Edward Moss
Place(s): Bishop Auckland, St Andrew Auckland
7 items
33A/180.452-60 4 June 1822
From: Robert Walters gent.
To: Thomas Griffith gent.
Place(s): Stanhope
9 items
33A/180.461-7 4 June 1822
From: Thomas Griffith gent.
To: Robert Walters gent.
Place(s): Stanhope
7 items
33A/180.468-74 4 July 1822
From: John Ward gent.
To: John Gregson gent.
Place(s): manor and Grange of Hardwick, etc.
7 items
33A/181.475-81 26 December 1822
From: Thomas Wilkinson gent.
To: J. Trotter Brockett gent.
Place(s): Kyo, Lanchester
7 items
33A/181.482-8 26 December 1822
From: Henry Donkin gent.
To: James Losh esq.
Place(s): Stanhope
7 items
33A/181.489-95 25 March 1823
From: John Hobson gent.
To: Robert Surtees esq.
Place(s): Medomsley, Lanchester
7 items
33A/181.496-02 17 June 1823
From: Thomas Wilkinson
To: James Alexander Frampton
Place(s): On manors of Bensham, Whickham and Springwell
7 items
33A/182.503-9 4 July 1823
From: Peter Bowlby gent.
To: Richard Craster Askew esq.
Place(s): manor of Goswick, Holy Island
7 items
33A/182.510-16 22 August 1823
From: Henry Donkin gent.
To: Richard Blanshard esq.
Place(s): Haughton-le-Skerne
7 items
33A/182.517-23 14 October 1823
From: Thomas Griffith gent.
To: Richard Craster Askew esq.
Place(s): manor of Cornhill, Norham
7 items
33A/182.525-30 18 November 1823
From: Walter Scruton
To: Anthony Benning
Place(s): Staindrop, Gainford
7 items
33A/182.531-7 18 November 1823
From: Henry Donkin
To: Richard Birch
Place(s): Brancepeth, Houghton-le-Spring, etc.
7 items
33A/182.538-45 14 May 1824
From: Robert Smart
To: Thomas Wilkinson
Place(s): Whitburn
8 items
33A/182.546-52 5 July 1824
From: John Gregson esq.
To: Samuel Jones gent.
Place(s): manors of Netherton (Bedlington) and Stanhope, (Stanhope in Weardale)
7 items
33A/183.553-9 28 January 1825
From: Henry Donkin gent.
To: Richard Birch gent.
Place(s): Hetton, Moorsley, Houghton-le-Spring
7 items
33A/183.540-2 13 April 1825
From: William Bayley gent.
To: John Allan esq.
Place(s): Hurworth, Haughton
3 items
33B/184.536-5a 4 November 1825
From: John Gregson gent.
To: Thomas Wheldon gent.
Place(s): manor of Hutton Henry, Monk Hesledon, etc.
4 items
33B/184.566-8 28 January 1826
From: John Griffith gent.
To: James Southron gent.
Place(s): Frosterley, Stanhope
3 items
33B/184.569-71 7 April 1826
From: William Bayley gent.
To: John Ralph Fenwick esq.
Place(s): Bushblades, Pontop, Kyo, Muggleswick, etc.
3 items
33B/184.572-8 7 April 1826
From: John Ward gent.
To: Alexander Murray gent.
Place(s): manors of Lambton, Langley, Harraton, etc.
7 items
33B/184.579-85 7 April 1826
From: John Gregson gent.
To: Thomas Wheldon gent.
Place(s): Cockfield
7 items
33B/184.586-92 7 April 1826
From: John Ward gent.
To: Alexander Murray gent.
Place(s): manor of Barmpton, Haughton[-le-Skerne]
7 items
33B/184.593-01 30 May 1826
From: Thomas Griffith gent.
To: George Silvertop esq.
Place(s): manors of Stella, Stanley and Winlaton, etc.
9 items
34/185.603-10 22 July 1826
From: John Gregson gent.
To: William Empson esq.
Place(s): advowson of Hurworth
8 items
34/185.611-18 10 October 1826
From: John Griffith gent.
To: James Southron gent.
Place(s): Coxhoe, Kelloe
8 items
34/185.619-21 5 January 1827
From: John Ward gent.
To: Abraham Story
Place(s): manor of Elton
3 items
34/185.622-9 28 February 1827
From: John Ward gent.
To: Alexander Murray gent.
Place(s): Coatham Mundeville, Brafferton
8 items
34/185.630-2 10 April 1827
From: Leonard Raisbeck gent.
To: Thomas Randyll gent.
Place(s): manor of Middleton St George
3 items
34/185.633-40 25 April 1827
From: John Gregson gent.
To: Thomas Wheldon gent.
Place(s): Ryton
8 items
34/185.641-7 11 May 1827
From: Francis Smales gent.
To: Octavius Robert Wilkinson gent.
Place(s): Hamsterley, St Andrew Auckland
7 items
34/185.648-54 29 May 1827
From: Henry Smales
To: William Watson
Place(s): Barnard Castle
7 items
34/186.655-7 18 July 1827
From: Walter Scruton gent.
To: Henry Donkin gent.
Place(s): Byers Green, St Andrew Auckland
3 items
34/186.658-65 25 September 1827
From: Thomas Griffith
To: Richard Craster Askew esq.
Place(s): manor of Cornhill, Norham
8 items
34/186.666-72 18 March 1828
From: Henry Donkin gent.
To: Thomas White gent.
Place(s): Tweedmouth, Spittle
7 items
34/186.673-5 9 May 1828
From: John Wetherell Hays gent.
To: William Caley gent.
Place(s): Witton-le-Wear, Gainford, Stranton, St Andrew Auckland
3 items
34/186.676-8 13 June 1828
From: William Hall
To: George Coulthard junior
Place(s): Hamsterley
3 items
34/187.679-86 1 July 1828
From: George Appleby gent.
To: Francis Cross
Place(s): manor of Eldon, St Andrew Auckland
8 items
34/187.687-94 1 July 1828
From: Thomas Griffith gent.
To: Samuel Forster gent.
Place(s): Hurworth, manor of, Aycliffe
8 items
34/187.695-97 4 November 1828
From: John Ward gent.
To: Thomas Hopper esq.
Place(s): Helm Park, Wolsingham, etc.
3 items
34/187.698-04 10 November 1828
From: Henry Donkin gent.
To: Thomas White gent.
Place(s): Tweedmouth, Spittle
7 items
34/187.705-12 21 November 1828
From: William Williams esq.
To: Richard Wilson esq.
Place(s): manors of Cocken and Ludworth
8 items
34/187.713-20 24 December 1828
From: John Griffith gent.
To: Robert Walters gent.
Place(s): Tanfield, Chester-le-Street
8 items
34/188.721-9 15 August 1829
From: George Patrick gent.
To: James Shepherd esq.
Place(s): Crayke
9 items
34/188.730-7 27 October 1829
From: Walter Scruton esq.
To: Henry Donkin esq.
Place(s): Gainford, Whorlton, etc.
8 items
34/188.738-46 5 January 1830
From: John Ward gent.
To: Edward Dixon
Place(s): St Nicholas, Durham
9 items
34/188.747-53 19 March 1830
From: Henry Donkin gent.
To: Richard Birch Wolfe esq.
Place(s): Brancepeth, Haswell, Blakeley, Easington, Willington, Bitchburn
7 items
34/188.754-66 11 May 1830
From: John Griffith
To: Samuel Forster
Place(s): Bareforth [Barford], manor of, Winston
13 items
34/188.767-76 2 July 1830
From: Charles Smithson
To: Thomas Wood
Place(s): Sunderland
10 items
34/189.777-83 31 August 1830
From: John Watson gent.
To: George Moor gent.
Place(s): Lanchester, Gateshead
7 items
34/189.784-90 22 October 1830
From: Henry Donkin gent.
To: William Kell gent.
Place(s): Chopwell, Ryton
7 items
34/189.791-7 22 October 1830
From: Henry Anderson gent.
To: Russell Bowlby gent.
Place(s): five ropewalks, etc., Sunderland
7 items
34/189.798-00 9 November 1830
From: John Gregson gent.
To: John Watson gent.
Place(s): Follingsby, Jarrow, Boldon
3 items
34/189.801-3 26 November 1830
From: George Appleby gent.
To: Thomas Overend junior
Place(s): Barnard Castle, Gainford
3 items
34/189.804-11 31 December 1830
From: Thomas Eggleston junior gent.
To: Sir Rowland Hill bart
Place(s): Elwick, manor of, Holy Island, etc.
8 items
34/189.812-14 18 March 1831
From: Thomas Griffith
To: Henry King Collinson clerk
Place(s): manor of Castle Eden
3 items
34/189.815-17 31 March 1831
From: Robert Ingram Shafto gent.
To: James Bent Summers
Place(s): Hutton Henry, Monk Hesledon
3 items
34/189.818-20 22 April 1831
From: Charles Armstrong
To: John Griffith gent.
Place(s): Elvet, St Oswald, Durham
3 items
34/189.821-8 10 May 1831
From: Robert Ingram Shafto gent.
To: Thomas Richard Shipperdson clerk,
Place(s): St Oswald, Durham
8 items
35/190.829-35 27 December 1831
From: John Watson gent.
To: Thomas Howe gent.
Place(s): Gateshead
7 items
35/190.836-42 13 January 1832
From: Henry Donkin gent.
To: William Ainslie
Place(s): Tweedmouth, Spittal
7 items
35/190.843-49 13 January 1832
From: Henry Donkin gent.
To: John Burley gent.
Place(s): Longridge, Norham
7 items
35/190.850-6 29 February 1832
From: John Griffith gent.
To: Peregrine George Ellison gent.
Place(s): Hawthorne, Easington
7 items
35/190.857-9 11 May 1832
From: William Bayley
To: John Ralph Fenwick esq.
Place(s): Bushblades, Pontop, Kyo, Muggleswick, etc.
3 items
35/190.860-2 3 July 1832
From: John Hutchinson gent.
To: Robert Wheldon gent.
Place(s): West Edmondsley, Lanchester, etc.
3 items
35/191.863-9 21 December 1832
From: George Appleby gent.
To: William Trotter gent.
Place(s): Newgate Street, Bishop Auckland
7 items
35/191.870-2 8 February 1833
From: John Griffith
To: James Southron
Place(s): Whickham, Hett, Fishburn, Elwick, etc.
3 items
35/191.873-6 8 February 1833
From: John Bramwell gent.
To: Thomas Thornton senior
Place(s): Staindrop
4 items
35/191.877-9 3 July 1833
From: William Charles Chaytor gent.
To: Richard Harrison gent.
Place(s): castle of Lumley, manor of Great Lumley
3 items
35/192.880-2 3 December 1833
From: John Burrell gent.
To: Thomas Wheldon gent.
Place(s): Bishop Auckland, Bondgate in Auckland
3 items
Volumes relating to the conduct of and fees levied in the palatine courts